Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2022
Volume 67, Number 3
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2022; Chicago
Invited Speakers
Abarzhi, Snezhana I Snezhana I. Abarzhi, University of Western Australia |
Session B29.00001 Interface dynamics in ideal and realistic fluids Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Abbamonte, Peter University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session W67.00006 Observation of Pines' Demon in Sr2RuO4 with Momentum-Resolved EELS Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Adams, Corey Argonne National Lab |
Session W47.00002 Calculation of nuclear ground states up to A=6 using Artificial Neural Networks. Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Ado, Ivan Utrecht University; Radboud University |
Session G54.00012 Noncollinear magnetic textures from quartic asymmetric exchange Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Afanasiev, Dmytro University of Regensburg |
Session F70.00001 Ultrafast control of magnetic interactions by light driven phonons Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Agarwal, Amit IIT Kanpur, India |
Session Z44.00004 Quantum anomalies and quantum geometry induced linear and non-linear transport in Weyl semimetals Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Aidelsburger, Monika Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich) |
Session A33.00007 Non-ergodicity and emergent Hilbert-space fragmentation in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Akcora, Pinar Stevens Inst of Tech |
Session F42.00004 Dynamics and Solvation of Ionic Liquids with Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Alabi, Christopher Cornell Univeristy |
Session D17.00004 Sustainably sourced discrete macromolecule design in materials science Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Aleiner, Igor L Columbia Univ |
Session Q45.00007 Onsager Prize (2022): TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Alexander, Symone L Auburn University |
Session N05.00004 Microgels from food waste as a tool to understand microbe interactions with hierarchical fiber networks Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Alexander-Katz, Alfredo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session A16.00003 Structure and dynamics of complex random heteropolymers Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Allain, Rhett Southeastern Louisiana University |
Session F13.00002 Science Communication with MacGyver and MythBusters Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Allen, Rosalind J Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena |
Session N14.00004 Esther Hoffman Beller Lectureship (2022): Growth-rate dependent action of cell-wall targeting antibiotics Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Allison, Thomas K State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session D02.00002 Direct Time- and Momentum-Resolved Imaging of Exciton Dynamics in Monolayer WS2 Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Alon, Uri Weizmann |
Session S03.00010 The Mirror Game Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Althammer, Matthias K Walther-Meissner-Institut |
Session A29.00003 Observation of magnon pseudospin dynamics and the Hanle effect in antiferromagnetic insulators Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Altman, Ehud University of California, Berkeley |
Session W44.00002 Entanglement transitions in monitored quantum states Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Altshuler, Boris Columbia University |
Session Q45.00006 Onsager Prize (2022): TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Amir, Ariel Harvard University |
Session S14.00003 Non-genetic variability in microbes: Benefits and detriments Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Amy, Matthew Dalhousie University |
Session N36.00004 Formal methods of quantum program analysis Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Andersen, Ulrik L Technical University of Denmark |
Session D28.00004 Continuous Variables Measurement-based Photonic Quantum Computing Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Andrews, Reed HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session W39.00001 Away from voltages: Generating and using abstractions to operate arrays of quantum dots Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Anfinrud, Philip National Institutes of Health |
Session D26.00009 The abundance of speech-generated droplets and the role of masks in curbing airborne transmission of disease Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Arenal, Raul Universidad de Zaragoza |
Session S13.00005 From the Atomic Structure to the Optoelectronic Properties Studies of 1D and 2D Complex Nanostructures via TEM Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Arends, Joni Executive Director, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, P. O. Box 31147, Santa Fe, NM 87594-1147 |
Session Z13.00004 Nuclear Waste Problems at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Ares, Natalia University of Oxford |
Session M42.00003 Accessing thermodynamic quantities at the nanoscale Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Armitage, Peter N Johns Hopkins University |
Session W29.00001 Recent results on Kitaev interactions in Co based magnets. Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Arnold, Polly UC Berkeley |
Session D01.00001 Control of electronic structure and spin in molecular f-block complexes and qubit candidates Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Artacho, Emilio Univ of Cambridge |
Session G43.00003 Electronic response to high-velocity nuclei through matter from first principles Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Asfaw, Abraham Princeton University |
Session Q42.00002 QUANTUM COMPUTATIONS Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Ashida, Yuto University of Tokyo |
Session Q14.00001 Hermitian and non-Hermitian topological phenomena in active matter Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Aspelmeyer, Markus University of Vienna |
Session D13.00001 Gravitational coupling between millimetre-sized masses: prospects for a quantum Cavendish experiment Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard University |
Session B32.00003 New AI models for understanding and predicting quantum phenomena. Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Assefa, Solomon Vice President of IBM Research, Africa & Vice President, Climate & Impact Science |
Session T15.00004 Advancing Scientific Discovery for Global Sustainable Development Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Atature, Mete Univ of Cambridge |
Session Y39.00001 Quantum control of SnV spin qubits in diamond Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Atkinson, Del Durham University |
Session S54.00008 Spin transport and proximity induced magnetism in thin film structures Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Audus, Debra J National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session S42.00004 Improving prediction and understanding with theory aware machine learning Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Auffeves, Alexia Neel Institute Grenoble |
Session Y38.00004 Quantum Technologies need a Quantum Energy Initiative. Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Avci, Can Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona |
Session A29.00001 Nonlocal detection of out-of-plane magnetization in a magnetic insulator by thermal spin drag Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Averitt, Richard D University of California, San Diego |
Session D15.00003 Terahertzspectroscopy as a reporter of nonequilibrium order parameter dynamics in quantum materials Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Awschalom, David D University of Chicago |
Session G02.00001 Creating and controlling spin qubits through molecular engineering Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Backholm, Matilda Aalto University |
Session A26.00004 Friction of sparkling water drops on superhydrophobic surfaces Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Bae, Seokjin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session S45.00001 Anomalous normal fluid response in a chiral superconductor UTe2 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Bagger, Jonathan A APS CEO |
Session D31.00002 Response to the Crisis in Ukraine Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Bahrami, Faranak Boston College |
Session G51.00001 Realization of a New Spin-Orbital Quantum State in the 4d Honeycomb System Ag3LiRh2O6 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Bai, Xiaojian Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A53.00001 Field-tunable toroidal moment in the chiral-lattice magnet BaCoSiO4 Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Bajcsy, Peter NIST |
Session F32.00005 Supporting Trusted Reuse of AI Models Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Baker, Robert Ohio State University |
Session D02.00007 Visualizing Electron Motion at Photochemical Interfaces Using Ultrafast XUV Spectroscopy Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Balke, Nina North Carolina State University |
Session Y68.00002 2D ferroelectrics and their unique properties enabled by the vdW gap Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Banerjee, Arnab Purdue University |
Session W29.00003 Neutron scattering evidence for a field induced spin liquid and Majorana fermions in α-RuCl 3 Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Banerjee, Naya University of Delaware |
Session Y47.00001 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Barman, Anjan S N Bose National Center for Basic Science |
Session M54.00010 Magnonics in Artificial Spin Ice Structures Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Barone, Matthew R Cornell University |
Session T13.00002 The first Ruddlesden-Popper with out-of-plane ferroelectricity, a candidate millimeter-wave tunable dielectric Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Barsukov, Igor University of California, Riverside |
Session F54.00001 Interplay of Spin-Torque and Nonlinearity: Disentangling and Controlling Magnon Processes in Nanomagnets Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Barthelemy, Ramon University of Utah |
Session M29.00002 Graduate Program Reform in One U.S Department of Physics and Astronomy: From Tragedy to Policy Reform Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Bartolo, Denis Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session G26.00001 Hydrodynamics of polarized crowds Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Basini, Martina Stockholm University |
Session G70.00004 THz electric field-driven dynamical multiferroicity in paraelectric SrTiO3 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Basov, Dimitri N Columbia University |
Session M31.00001 Infrared Optics for Quantum Nanostructures and Metamaterials Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Bassett, Danielle S University of Pennsylvania |
Session G09.00003 How humans build models of the world Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Bassis, Jeremy N University of Michigan |
Session F10.00003 Instabilities, thresholds and tipping points in the ice sheet system: from the marine ice sheet to the marine ice cliff instability Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Bassman, Lindsay Lawrence Berkeley Lab |
Session Q46.00005 Simulating materials with quantum computers Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Batzner, Simon L Harvard University |
Session Q15.00003 Equivariant Interatomic Potentials Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Baum, Yuval Q-Ctrl |
Session T28.00001 Improving quantum computer performance with machine learning Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Bayliss, Sam L University of Chicago, University of Glasgow |
Session W36.00004 Enhancing spin coherence in optically addressable molecular qubits through host-matrix engineering Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Baylor, Martha-Elizabeth Carleton College |
Session N29.00002 Is Physics colorblind? Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Bea, Helene Spintec |
Session B54.00004 Gate-Controlled Skyrmion Chirality Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Becca, Federico Univ of Trieste - Trieste |
Session G49.00001 Variational wave functions for spin models with phonons and anisotropic-exchange couplings Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Beck, Sophie Simons Foundation |
Session D71.00002 A DFT+DMFT perspective on correlated oxide interfaces Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Bediako, Daniel K University of California, Berkeley |
Session Z72.00001 Measuring strain fields in moiré superlattices Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Beenakker, Carlo W Leiden University |
Session X01.00001 Majorana edge modes in topological superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Behnia, Kamran ESPCI Paris |
Session B15.00003 Phonon thermal Hall effect in undoped and doped strontium titanate Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Behrman, Joanna F American Institute of Physics |
Session Q28.00001 The Historical Importance of Women's Colleges Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Beller, Daniel A Johns Hopkins University |
Session M20.00001 Do active nematic self-mixing dynamics offer evolutionary benefits to growing bacterial colonies? Room: McCormick Place W-185BC |
Benicewicz, Brian C University of South Carolina |
Session F42.00005 Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles for Materials Design Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Benito, Monica German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
Session F39.00001 Coupling semiconductor electron and hole spin qubits to superconducting resonators Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Berezney, John P Brandeis Univ |
Session G07.00001 Active viscoelastic composites generate self-regulating asters with programmable lifetimes Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Bergin, Shane University College Dublin |
Session F13.00001 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Bergmann, Florian NIST |
Session T13.00003 Polar vortices in microwave electronics Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Berman, Gordon J Emory University |
Session N03.00001 Inferring long timescale dynamics in animal behavior Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Bhattacharya, Anand Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G71.00001 Two-dimensional superconductivity and anisotropic transport at KTaO3 (111) interfaces Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Bi, Dapeng Northeastern University |
Session Z14.00001 Shear-driven solidification and nonlinear elasticity in epithelial tissues Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Biais, Nicolas CUNY |
Session B05.00010 Mechanophysiology of Bacterial Microcolonies Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Birol, Turan University of Minnesota |
Session T13.00001 First Principles Design of Electronic Materials Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Bisogni, Valentina Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Z29.00002 A journey across excitations in functional quantum materials using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Biswal, Sibani Rice University |
Session S17.00001 Engineering polymer brush nanoparticles to disrupt asphaltene aggregation Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Blatt, Rainer Innsbruck |
Session G28.00003 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Bloch, Immanuel Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Session W28.00004 From Polaronic Metals to Hole Pairing - Exploring Fermi-Hubbard Systems using Quantum Gas Microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Blum, Volker Duke University |
Session D43.00001 Chirality transfer, inversion symmetry breaking and spin-splitting in layered perovskites Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Blumreiter, Julie ClearFlame Engine Technologies |
Session A15.00001 Fuel agnostic heavy duty engines for a decarbonized future Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Bockrath, Marc Ohio State University |
Session K44.00005 Strange metal behavior of the Hall angle in twisted bilayer graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Bohrdt, Annabelle ITAMP |
Session W28.00003 Spectroscopic probes for doped quantum magnets -- new directions Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Bollt, Erik Clarkson University |
Session M09.00005 On Explaining the Surprising Success of Reservoir Computing Forecaster of Chaos? The Universal Machine Learning Dynamical System with Contrasts to VAR and DMD Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Boltasseva, Alexandra Purdue University |
Session Y15.00001 Advancing Nano- and Quantum Photonics with Machine Learning Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Bordelon, Mitchell University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K51.00004 Magnetic Frustration and Quantum Disorder in Jeff = 1/2 Lanthanide-Based ALnX2 Materials Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Borunda, Mario F Oklahoma State University-Stillwater |
Session N29.00003 Communicating the importance of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Physics Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Boykin II, Tommy O National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session M29.00001 Best Practices for Overcoming the Challenges of Graduate Education as a Marginalized Student Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Bradlyn, Barry University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session M70.00001 A new spin on topological material modeling from topological quantum chemistry Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Brady, Lucas T National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F38.00004 Optimal Protocols in Quantum Annealing and Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Problems Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Brandenbourger, Martin Aix-Marseille University |
Session G20.00012 Active and robotic materials: from self-amplified waves to self-sustained deformations Room: McCormick Place W-185BC |
Brar, Victor W University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session N32.00004 Imaging quasiparticle flow around electrostatic barriers in graphene using scanning tunneling potentiometry and Kelvin probe force microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Bravyi, Sergey IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session T40.00004 Quantum error mitigation for physical and logical qubits Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Breuckmann, Nikolas P University College London |
Session A28.00002 Recent developments in LDPC quantum codes Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Broadway, David A University of Basel |
Session N28.00003 Quantum sensing and imaging of two-dimensional magnets Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Broholm, Collin L Johns Hopkins University |
Session D29.00001 Helical magnetism in Weyl materials Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Brooks, Caelan Kutztown University |
Session A34.00001 Apker Award (2021): Coherent Dynamics and Quantum States of Ultracold Atoms in Lattices with Ring Topology Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Brouns, Thomas Environmental Management Sector Manager, Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 3200 Innovation Blvd, Richland WA 99354 |
Session Z13.00002 Cleaning up the Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production: Progress and Challenges at the Hanford Site Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Browaeys, Antoine Institut d'Optique, CNRS |
Session Y13.00001 Quantum simulation of 2D antiferromagnets with hundreds of Rydberg atoms Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Brown, Charles University of California Berkeley |
Session F13.00004 Invited Talk: Charles Brown Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Brown, Kenneth R Duke University |
Session F37.00006 Modular architectures for quantum computers Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Brown, Natalie C Honeywell ACS/IS |
Session A28.00001 Co-designing Quantum Error Correction and Near-Term Hardware Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Brunner, Dan Commonwealth Fusion Systems |
Session A15.00003 The high magnetic field path to fusion energy Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Brunton, Bing University of Washington |
Session T14.00001 Learning dominant physical processes with data-driven balance models Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Bruun, Georg Aarhus |
Session W28.00005 Magnetic polarons in- and out-of equilibrium in strongly interacting antiferromagnets Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Bruus, Henrik Technical University of Denmark |
Session D14.00004 Optimizing acoustophoresis through particle asymmetry Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Buchler, Hans Peter University of Stuttgart |
Session G28.00002 Topological phases with Rydberg atoms Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Budakian, Raffi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session M15.00005 Angstrom-Scale Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diffraction: A Route to Atomic Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Buehler, Markus MIT |
Session Q46.00001 Bio-inspired machine learning towards mechanistic insights, generative design, and discovery from the bottom up Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Buettner, Felix Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany |
Session G29.00002 Skyrmion device integration – deterministic and ultrafast creation, annihilation, and propagation Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Bulchandani, Vir B Princeton University |
Session T45.00003 Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality from soft modes in spin chains Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Bultinck, Nick University of California, Berkeley |
Session F44.00003 Kekulé spiral order at all nonzero integer fillings in twisted bilayer graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Burkov, Anton University of Waterloo |
Session K68.00001 Anomalies in topological semimetals Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Burton, Justin C Emory University |
Session F29.00001 Icy dissolution and patterns in the cryosphere Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Bylander, Jonas Chalmers Univ of Tech |
Session Q41.00004 Two-level system loss and noise, and development of superconducting integrated quantum processors Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Caldarelli, Guido University Ca'Foscari Venice |
Session K42.00003 The Statistical Physics of Financial Networks Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Campbell, David K Boston University |
Session 6E.00008 Part 2: The Physics of Complex Systems Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Campisi, Michele NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore |
Session T42.00001 Quantum thermodynamics for quantum computers (and vice-versa) Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Canfield, Paul C Iowa State University |
Session G09.00005 Tuning fragile moment transitions to quantum phase transitions. Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Cangialosi, Daniele Donostia International Physics Center, San Sebastian, Spain |
Session Z42.00001 Accessing low energies in glasses with large free interface Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Cao, Ting University of Washington |
Session Y48.00001 First-principles calculations of excitons in 2D: photoemission spectra, relaxation dynamics, and magnetic effects Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Cao, Yuan MIT |
Session F15.00004 Greene Dissertation Award (2022): Tunable strongly coupled superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Cao, Yuansheng University of California, San Diego |
Session S14.00001 The cost-performance tradeoffs in biochemical clocks Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Cappellaro, Paola Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session S28.00002 Quantum sensing with solid state spins Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Car, Roberto Princeton University |
Session Z43.00003 Large Scale Simulations with the Deep Potential Method Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Caram, Justin R California State University, Los Angeles |
Session D01.00003 AMO physics in a beaker: Liquid quantum cells as analogs to atomic vapor cells Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Cardinaels, Ruth KU Leuven |
Session T18.00012 Linear viscoelastic behavior of supramolecular polymer networks from non-telechelic associative block copolymers Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Carroll, Thomas L United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session N09.00001 Choosing Optimal Reservoir Computers Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Cava, Robert J Princeton University |
Session Q70.00001 Synthesis of bulk topological materials Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Cetina, Marko University of Maryland |
Session K28.00001 Scaling up Quantum Computing with Ion Chains Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Chacko, Rahul N University of Pennsylvania |
Session W14.00001 Dynamic Facilitation and Nucleation in Supercooled Liquids Below TMCT Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Chaikin, Paul M New York Univ NYU |
Session T43.00002 Hyperuniform Structures Formed by Shearing Colloidal Suspensions Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Chakraborty, Arup K MIT |
Session S15.00005 Viruses, vaccines, immunity and pandemics Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Chan, Garnet Cal Tech |
Session G02.00005 Is there exponential quantum advantage in quantum chemistry? Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Chan, Paddy K. L The University of Hong Kong |
Session T71.00004 Charge transport in monolayer and few-layer organic semiconductor field-effect transistors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Chandran, Anushya Boston University |
Session Z15.00001 A constructive theory of the numerically and experimentally accessible many-body localized phase Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Chang, Tay-Rong Natl Cheng Kung Univ |
Session W68.00012 Electronic structures of magnetic topological insulator Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Chatterjee, Rupak Stevens Institute of Technology |
Session G13.00001 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Chaudhuri, Ovijit Stanford |
Session W07.00004 Extracellular matrix viscoelasticity and its impact on cells Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Chen, Bingqing Institute of Science and Technology |
Session B24.00011 Predicting the phase behaviors of high-pressure materials Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Chen, Jianhao Peking University |
Session N32.00003 Electrically Switchable van der Waals Magnon Valves Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Chen, Jing Virginia Tech |
Session B14.00004 Signaling and mechanics in mitotic spindle assembly Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Chen, Ming Purdue U |
Session F46.00001 Stochastic Density Functional Theory: Real- and Energy-Space Fragmentation for Noise Reduction Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Chen, Qian University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session N18.00004 Molecular Electron Videography of Heterogeneous Polymer Networks and Protein Transformation Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Chen, Xi Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session Q19.00003 Polymer-ceramic composite electrolyte for high energy lithium batteries Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
Chen, Xianhui University of Science and Technology of China |
Session D45.00004 Topology and correlation driven exotic electronic phases in a kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Chen, Zhigang Nankai University, China |
Session D44.00004 Flatband photonic lattices: from light localization to topological physics Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Cheng, Hai-Ping University of Florida |
Session W53.00001 Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials: Connecting DFT calculations to experiments Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Cheng, Ran University of California, Riverside |
Session A29.00002 Isospin of magnons and birefringence-like spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Cheng, Xiang University of Minnesota |
Session M07.00001 Locomotion of flagellated bacteria: From the swimming of single bacteria to the collective motion of bacterial swarm Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Chiaramonte, Fran NASA |
Session K14.00001 NASA's Complex Fluids/Soft Matter Program Overview Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Chin, Cheng University of Chicago |
Session Q34.00001 Transition from an Atomic to a Molecular Bose–Einstein condensate Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Chiu, Christie S Princeton University |
Session W28.00001 String Patterns in the Doped Hubbard Model Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Chou, Mei-Yin Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Session W46.00001 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Lattice Thermal Conductivity with Machine-Learning Anharmonic Interaction Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Chu, Yiwen ETH Zurich |
Session B34.00008 Circuit QAD and quantum optomechanics with bulk acoustic wave resonators Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Chubukov, Andrey V University of Minnesota |
Session W45.00001 Superconductivity out of a Non-Fermi Liquid Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Ciavarella, Luigi RWE Renewables |
Session A15.00004 Decarbonization of the electricity generation mix - An introduction Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Cicak, Katarina National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session B41.00004 Integrating superconducting quantum technology from the bottom up Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Cincio, Lukasz Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A40.00007 Machine Learning of Noise-Resilient Quantum Circuits Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Cirac, Juan I Max Planck Garching |
Session Y13.00005 Generation of photonic matrix product states with Rydberg atomic arrays Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Cleland, Andrew N University of Chicago |
Session N45.00003 Phonons as transporters of quantum information Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Clementi, Cecilia Free University of Berlin |
Session Q15.00005 Designing molecular models by machine learning and experimental data Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Coimbatore Balram, Ajit Institute of Mathematical Sciences |
Session G45.00004 Parton description of non-Abelian paired states Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Coleman, Piers Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session M45.00001 Kondo Insulators: Iconic forerunners of emergent quantum materials Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Colglazier, E. W Editor in Chief: AAAS Science & Diplomacy |
Session T15.00005 Science, Technology, and Innovation Roadmaps for the Sustainable Development Goals Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Collins, William Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A10.00001 The Path to the next IPCC Assessment: Known Knowns and Known Unknowns Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Collins, William Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session 6E.00006 A Survey of the IPCC Consensus Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Composto, Russell J University of Pennsylvania |
Session B18.00001 Novel Polymer Nanocomposite Structures Created by Nanoparticle Jamming and Polymer Infiltration Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Conrad, Jacinta C University of Houston |
Session S25.00001 Filamentous Viruses as Probes of Polymer Solution Structure and Dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-187A |
Conticello, Vincent Emory University |
Session D42.00002 Self-assembly of Helical Peptide Filaments and Tubes Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Copenhagen, Katherine Princeton University |
Session A07.00001 Active nematics and topological defects in colonies of gliding bacteria Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Cornell, Eric A University of Colorado and NIST |
Session G02.00004 Beyond one and zero: multiple-internal-state read-out for enhanced signal and suppression of systematic errors in experiments with molecules Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Correa-Baena, Juan Pablo Georgia Tech |
Session B69.00001 Carrier transfer across interfaces in metal halide perovskite Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Costa, Antonio Carlos Ecole Normale Superieure Paris |
Session T14.00003 DBIO Dissertation Award (2021): Physics of Behavior Across Scales Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Costeux, Stephane DuPont, Inc. |
Session Y42.00004 Polymer Foams for Building Insulation (STYROFOAM and beyond) Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Courrech du Pont, Sylvain University of Paris |
Session F29.00002 Rain-driven dissolution Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Covey, Jacob University of Illinois |
Session D34.00001 Programmable quantum circuits with an array of nuclear spins Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Crepel, Valentin MIT |
Session B44.00004 New mechanism for unconventional superconductivity from repulsive interaction Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Crooker, Scott A Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session Y45.00004 Magnetization Noise and Demonstration of a Field-Induced Magnetic Monopole Plasma in Artificial Spin Ice Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Crosson, Elizabeth University of New Mexico |
Session N43.00003 Entanglement Structure in Stoquastic Frustration Free Ground States Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Crowley, Philip MIT |
Session W15.00002 Energy pumping, quantum state boosting, and new topological phases of matter with multi-tone driving Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Cubuk, Ekin D Google LLC |
Session S46.00006 Structural optimization using learned optimizers and graph neural networks Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Cugliandolo, Leticia Sorbonne University |
Session 6E.00012 Panel Speaker: Leticia Cugliandolo Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Cull, Thomas ViewRay |
Session M13.00004 Invited Talk: Thomas Cull Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Curtarolo, Stefano Duke University |
Session D32.00001 Data, Disorder and Ceramics Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Dabo, Ismaila Pennsylvania State University |
Session K47.00009 Data-driven materials discovery for the solar production of hydrogen Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Dani, Keshav M Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology |
Session D15.00004 Tracing the dynamics of excitons using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Danieli, Carlo MPI PKS, Dresden, Germany |
Session D44.00002 Finetuning localization in interacting flatband networks Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Das, Mini University of Houston |
Session D10.00003 Phase Imaging Across Length and Depth Scales for Biophysics and Medical Applications Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Das, Moumita Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session K26.00001 Mechanics and fracture properties of soft disordered networks in cartilage and cartilage inspired materials Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Davis, Caitlin Yale |
Session B06.00001 Quinary structure modulates protein sequence stability in vivo Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Davis, Chelsea S Purdue University |
Session Z17.00001 An Introduction to Mechanophores: Utilizing Mechano-Responsive Molecules for Stress Visualization Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Davis, Emily J University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q39.00001 Towards spin-squeezing in two-dimensional ensembles of solid-state defects Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Davis, JC S University of Oxford |
Session B44.00002 Discovery of a Cooper-Pair Density Wave State in a Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Davis, John P Univ of Alberta |
Session D13.00002 Prototype SuperfluidGravitational WaveDetector Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Dawid, Anna University of Warsaw & ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session S47.00001 Towards interpretable and reliable machines learning physics Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Day, Thomas C Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Z04.00002 Dynamics, stability, and robustness of minimal-change trajectories to increased multicellular size Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Dean, Cory R Columbia Univ |
Session M44.00003 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Deatsch, Alison University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session Q29.00001 The use of deep learning with neuroimaging for diagnosing and monitoring disease Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
De Beer, Sissi University of Twente |
Session D19.00001 Fundamentals and Applications of Polymer Brushes in Air Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
De Brito Cruz, Carlos H Elsevier, UK, and University of Campinas, Brazil |
Session T15.00003 Esther Hoffman Beller Lectureship (2022): Sustainable Development and Scientific Capacity-Building: using research analytics to assess progress Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Deffner, Sebastian University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Session N45.00004 Fluctuation theorems for nonequilibrium quantum systems Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Degen, Christian L ETH Zurich |
Session M15.00004 From Nanomechanics to Spins Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Del Campo, Adolfo Donostia International Physics Center |
Session G38.00004 Topological defects in a quantum annealer: Kibble-Zurek mechanism and beyond Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Dellaferrera, Giorgia Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital |
Session K02.00002 Error-driven Input Modulation: Solving the Credit Assignment Problem without a Backward Pass Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Demarquette, Nicole ETS Montreal |
Session W42.00005 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
De Pablo, Juan University of Chicago |
Session Z18.00010 “Polymer design in the era of machine learning” Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
de Riedmatten, Hugues ICFO |
Session B28.00005 Entangling remote quantum repeater nodes Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Deringer, Volker U. Oxford |
Session M47.00006 Structural transitions in amorphous silicon from machine learning Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Desai, Michael Harvard |
Session W05.00001 Sequence-affinity landscapes and the evolution of broadly neutralizing anti-influenza antibodies Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Devakul, Trithep MIT |
Session W70.00001 Tunable topological states with and without flat bands in semiconductor heterostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Devarakonda, Aravind Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session B44.00001 Signatures of unconventional 2D superconductivity in a bulk van der Waals superlattice Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
de Vega, Ines IQM |
Session T28.00003 Perspectives on application-specific quantum computers Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Dial, Oliver E IBM, TJ Watson Research Center |
Session Q13.00002 Moving the Needle on Scale Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
DiFelice, Rosa Univ of Southern California |
Session B01.00006 Applications of quantum annealers in chemistry and materials science Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Dignon, Gregory Stony Brook University (SUNY) |
Session S06.00001 A Molecular View of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Disordered Proteins Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Dill, Ken A State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session A14.00005 Life originated when physical chemistry ``discovered'' Survival of the Fittest dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Dillavou, Sam J University of Pennsylvania |
Session G14.00005 Decentralized, Physics-Driven Learning Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Disa, Ankit S Max Planck - NYC Center for Non-equilibrium Quantum Phenomena |
Session M43.00006 Panel Speaker:Ankit Disa Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Disseler, Steven M MIT Lincoln Lab |
Session K38.00004 Implementation of a 25-Qubit System for Analog Quantum Computing Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Distasio, Robert A Cornell University |
Session B48.00001 Towards a Realistic Description of H3O+ and OH- Transport through Confined Environments using Machine Learning and an Order-N Framework for Condensed-Phase Hybrid Density Functional Theory Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Do, Seunghwan Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session K53.00001 Longitudinal magnon decay in the quasi-two dimensional antiferromagnet Ba2FeSi2O7 Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Docktor, Jennifer University of Wisconsin La Crosse |
Session Q28.00003 Building a community of physics majors Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Donadio, Davide University of California Davis |
Session N48.00001 Thermal transport in complex materials: from glasses to van der Waals heterostructures Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Dove, Addie UCF |
Session K14.00004 granular/particle simulation Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Dow, Liam P University of California Santa Barbara |
Session Z14.00005 Collective Mechanical Signaling Through Cell-Cell Contacts Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Drautz, Ralf ICAMS |
Session Z43.00001 Automated parameterization of the atomic cluster expansion for predicting phase stability and mechanical properties Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Drautz, Ralf University of Bochum |
Session Q15.00001 Atomic cluster expansion as a platform for constructing atomic scale models Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Dressel, Martin University of Stuttgart |
Session T29.00002 Gapped magnetic ground state in quantum-spin-liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3 Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Dreyer, Cyrus E State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session A43.00003 Computational spectroscopy for point defects Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Drichko, Natalia Johns Hopkins University |
Session W51.00001 Impact of the lattice on magnetic properties in the S=1 triangular antiferromagnet NiGa2S4 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
DrinkInWater, Kathy American Indian Science and Engineering Society |
Session Q42.00004 OUTREACH Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Drinkwater, Bruce Bristol |
Session D14.00001 Manipulation of matter with acoustic radiation force devices Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Driscoll, Judith L Univ of Cambridge |
Session D60.00001 self-assembled multiferroic mesostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Du, Chrisy Xiyu Harvard University |
Session M43.00004 Panel Speaker:Chrisy Xiyu Du Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Duan, Chunruo Rice Univ |
Session S45.00004 Resonance from antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations for spin-triplet superconductivity in UTe2 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
DUBAIL, JEROME Universite de Lorraine |
Session K49.00001 Quantum fluctuations of the out-of-equilibrium one-dimensional Bose gas described by Generalized Hydrodynamics Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Duffield, Denise Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles |
Session Z13.00005 Leaking wastes from nuclear weapons activities: Scientific and regulatory challenges from a community perspective Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Duine, Rembert A Univ of Utrecht |
Session A29.00004 Non-local magnon and phonon spin transport Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Dumitrescu, Philipp Simons Foundation |
Session W15.00003 Dynamical phases in quasi-periodically driven quantum many-body systems Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Dunjko, Vedran Leiden University |
Session Z32.00001 The interplay between quantum computing and reinforcement learning Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Dupé, Bertrand University of Liège |
Session Y70.00001 Exploring non-collinear magnetic textures in multiferroics Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Durian, Douglas J University of Pennsylvania |
Session W18.00001 The coarsening of very wet foams in two and three dimensions Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Duwal, Sakun Sandia National Laboratories |
Session N15.00001 Structural evolution of f-electron systems under dynamic compression Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Economou, Sophia Virginia Tech |
Session A01.00004 Towards discovery in chemistry with quantum computers Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Eda, Goki National University of Singapore |
Session Y68.00001 Electrical control of magnetism in 2D magnetic semiconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Edwards, Emily University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
Session Q42.00003 The Quantum Atlas: A light-hearted, multimedia glossary for introducing quantum physics Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Elfring, Gwynn J University of British Columbia |
Session Q26.00001 Passive and active particle dynamics in microhydrodynamic flows of complex fluids Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Elhanati, Yuval Sloan Kettering Institute |
Session T04.00001 Statistical fingerprints of immune selection of tumor cells Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Elias Arriaga, Ana Laura Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Binghamton University |
Session F71.00001 Controlled Generation and Understanding of Defects in 2D Materials Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Ellison, Christopher J University of Minnesota |
Session A42.00001 Multiblock Copolymers for Compatibilizing and Recycling PET and PE Mixed Waste Streams Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Emonet, Thierry Yale University |
Session F14.00001 Odor motion detection by an olfactory system aids navigation of complex odor plumes. Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Emori, Satoru Virginia Tech |
Session W50.00001 Damping in Iron Thin Films: Recent Experimental Insights Room: McCormick Place W-474A |
Endres, Manuel Caltech |
Session S28.00001 Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Englund, Dirk MIT |
Session Z28.00002 Quantum Networks with Artificial Atoms: Learning from Large Datasets for Improved Architectures Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Eo, Yun Suk University of Maryland, College Park |
Session S45.00002 Anomalous c-axis Transport Response of UTe2 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Erez, Amir Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session G05.00004 Irvin Oppenheim Award (2022): Microbial diversity and competition for resources in a model seasonal ecosystem Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Esterlis, Ilya Harvard University |
Session W45.00002 Cooper pairing without quasiparticles Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Evans, William UC Irvine |
Session G02.00003 A Synthetic, Rare-Earth-Metal Chemist's Encounter with Quantum Information Science Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Faeth, Brendan D Cornell University |
Session N71.00001 Pseudogap Behavior and Interfacial Electron-Phonon Coupling in Single-Layer FeSe/SrTiO3 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Fakhraai, Zahra University of Pennsylvania |
Session G16.00001 Biopolymer self-assembly and aggregation at interfaces Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Fakhri, Nikta Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session B20.00001 Soft Matter Award (2022): Topics on the emergent mechanics of active, robotic, and living materials. Room: McCormick Place W-185BC |
Fara, Patricia University of Cambridge |
Session W43.00004 Pais Prize (2022): Tomorrow began yesterday: Why history matters Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Faraon, Andrei Caltech |
Session A37.00007 Rare earth ions in crystals for quantum memories and transducers Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Fasano, Yanina Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro |
Session T43.00003 Hyperuniform vortex patterns at the surface of type-II superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Fazio, Rosario ICTP |
Session M42.00002 Collective effects and enhanced performances of quantum heat engines Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Feigelman, Mikhail V Landau ITP - Moscow |
Session A45.00003 Theory of superconductivity due to quadratic coupling to near-critical transverse phonons. Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Fernandes, Rafael M University of Minnesota |
Session Z45.00004 Weyl points in iron pnictides and iron chalcogenides Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Fernandez-Nieves, Alberto Univ de Barcelona |
Session M26.00001 Crystallization and glass formation of soft compressible colloids Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Feve, Gwendal Sorbonne Université Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, Paris |
Session B45.00002 Fractional statistics in anyon collisions Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Fidler, Ashley P Princeton University |
Session K43.00004 Nonlinear Spectroscopy in the Extreme Ultraviolet: Probing Ultrafast Dynamics with Attosecond Pulses Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Fiebig, Manfred ETH Zurich |
Session Q45.00003 Isakson Prize (2022): Seeing is believing: nonliner optics on ferroic materials Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Fiebig, Manfred ETH Zurich |
Session A65.00001 Magnetoelectric correlations in multiferroics at the nanoscale Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park C |
Fielding, Suzanne M Durham University |
Session A49.00001 Yielding and shear banding of amorphous materials Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Fitzpatrick, Nathan Cambridge Quantum Computing |
Session F02.00005 Dynamical Quantum Algorithms For Chemistry and Materials Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Flach, Sergej Institute for Basic Science |
Session D44.00001 Many-body flatband localization Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Flebus, Benedetta Boston College |
Session B15.00004 Charged defects and phonon Hall effects in ionic crystals Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Flensberg, Karsten Univ of Copenhagen |
Session B65.00001 Topological superconductivity in semiconductor-superconductor hybrid structures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park C |
Forde, Nancy Simon Fraser Univ |
Session B14.00002 The lawnmower: an artificial protein-based burnt-bridge molecular motor Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Forterre, Yoel CNRS - Aix Marseille Univ |
Session Z08.00001 Rapid Actuation in Plants: Hydraulics or Mechanics? Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Franco, Elisa UCLA |
Session D42.00003 Controlling liquid-liquid phase separation of nucleic acid motifs via programmable biochemical reactions Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Frank, Mike Sandia National Laboratory |
Session T42.00002 Exploring Fundamental Limits of Reversible Computing Technologies from Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Franz, Marcel University of British Columbia |
Session M44.00005 High-temperature topological superconductivity in twisted double-layer copper oxides Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Fredrickson, Glenn H University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A31.00001 Complexation of Charged Polymers: From Coacervates to Polymeric Ionic Liquids and Plastic Waste Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Freedman, Danna Northwestern University |
Session S72.00001 Molecular Color Centers Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Freericks, James K Georgetown University |
Session T27.00002 Pivoting the undergraduate quantum mechanics class to support training in quantum sensing Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Freitas, Nahuel University of Luxembourg |
Session T42.00005 Stochastic computing around kT Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Frischknecht, Amalie L Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G42.00001 Morphology and Ion Dynamics in Neat and Hydrated Sulfonated Polymers Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Fruchart, Michel University of Chicago |
Session M14.00002 Non-reciprocal phase transitions Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Fu, Hailong Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q52.00004 Probing the Goldstone spin wave excitations of an easy-plane canted-antiferromagnet Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Fu, Jianping University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Session D05.00001 Bottom-up synthetic embryology for understanding early human development Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Fu, Liang Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session A44.00005 Moire physics in transition metal dichalcogenides Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Fujishiro, Yukako RIKEN |
Session K54.00007 Skyrmions, emergent magnetic monopoles, and their electromagnetic responses in cubic chiral magnets Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Fukami, Shunsuke Tohoku University |
Session D29.00004 Chiral-spin rotation in non-collinear antiferromagneticMn3Sn deiven by spin-orbit torque Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Fulara, Himanshu Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India |
Session F54.00005 Prospects of voltage-controlled spin Hall nano-oscillators for neuromorphic computing Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Furst, Eric M University of Delaware |
Session K14.00003 Phase separation and emergent dynamics of paramagnetic suspensions in toggled magnetic fields Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Furusawa, Akira Univ of Tokyo |
Session D28.00005 Invited Talk: Akira Furusawa Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Fusco, Diana Univ of Cambridge |
Session T05.00001 Overcoming physical obstacles: a collective microbial solution to a shared problem Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Gadway, Bryce University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session B33.00005 Localization and topology in disordered and quasiperiodic synthetic lattices Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Gali, Adam Wigner Research Center for Physics |
Session A43.00005 Theoretical magneto-optical spectroscopy of solid state defect quantum bits Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Galland, Christophe Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Session S34.00007 Photon-phonon entanglement and frequency upconversion with molecular oscillators Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Galli, Giulia University of Chicago |
Session G43.00001 Rahman Prize (2022): The universal language of quantum simulations Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Galvin, Cooper UT Austin |
Session K27.00003 Yearlong curiosity-based applied physics projects in a low-income high school setting with graduate student mentorship boosts student engagement and STEM college participation. Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar Iowa State University |
Session S42.00005 Data driven approaches to quantifying charge transport in semiconducting systems Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Ganesh Jaya, Sreejith IISER Pune |
Session B45.00003 An exactly solvable model of strongly interacting fermions in a magnetic field Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Gangotra, Ankita Georgetown University |
Session S27.00007 Upgrading Low-Carbon Pathways for Cement Production in the United States Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Ganguli, Surya Stanford |
Session A03.00001 A mathematical analysis of learning in both biological and artificial neural networks Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Gao, Hong-Jun APS |
Session Z45.00002 Observation of Majorana Zero Modes in Iron-based Superconductors* Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Gao, Yvonne Y Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session M37.00006 Programmable operations between bosonic quantum elements Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Garratt, Samuel J Oxford University |
Session Z15.00002 Many-body delocalization as symmetry-breaking Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Garten, Lauren M Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Z70.00001 Ferroelectricity in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Gates, Sylvester J Brown University |
Session K15.00001 Welcome and Willie Hobbs Moore Reflections Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Gattinoni, Chiara ETH Zurich |
Session K71.00001 Interface and surface stabilization of the polarization in ferroelectric thin films Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Gauthier, Daniel J Ohio State University |
Session Q09.00001 Next-generation reservoir computing Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Gavrilchenko, Tatyana Flatiron Institute |
Session S14.00004 Transport in insect respiratory systems Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Geballe, Zachary Carnegie Inst of Washington |
Session G24.00001 High-pressure melting of Pt, Fe, and H2O using microsecond Joule-heating calorimetry in diamond anvil cells Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Gelbart, William University of California, Los Angeles |
Session S15.00003 Making virus-like vaccine particles in vitro Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Gennerich, Arne Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Session B14.00003 Single-molecule studies of KIF1A motion and force generation Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
George, Jason Rice University |
Session N04.00001 Decoding the specificity of the T cell repertoire: From random energy models to coarse-grained structure-based prediction Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Ghanem, Mohamed University of Washington |
Session D14.00003 Remote acoustic manipulation of objects in vivo Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Ghosh, Avik W University of Virginia |
Session G29.00001 Computing with Magnetic Skyrmions Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Gimeno-Segovia, Mercedes PsiQuantum |
Session Y40.00007 Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing with Silicon Photonics Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Ginger, David S University of Washington |
Session F43.00001 Structural Origins of Heterogeneity in Halide Perovskite Photophysics Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Ginsberg, Naomi S University of California, Berkeley |
Session N68.00001 Having it all: Discerning charge and heat in energy transduction and nanoscale transport Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Giomi, Luca Leiden University |
Session B05.00004 Confinement-induced self-organization in growing bacterial colonies Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Giustino, Feliciano University of Texas at Austin |
Session F48.00001 Progress in ab initio calculations of polarons: reduced dimensionality and many-body effects Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Glade, Rachel University of Rochester |
Session F10.00006 Arctic Soil Patterns as Large, Exceedingly Slow Fluid Instabilities Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Glen, Elena O University of Chicago |
Session Q71.00002 Five-second coherence of a single spin with single-shot readout in silicon carbide Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Glick, Jennifer R IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session S37.00007 Covariant quantum kernels for data with group structure Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Gold, Alysson Rigetti |
Session G41.00004 A Modular Superconducting Qubit Processor via Inter-chip Entanglement Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Goldschmidt, Elizabeth A University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session T72.00004 Emerging rare-earth doped materials for quantum information Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Gomes, Carla P Cornell |
Session Y15.00003 Combining AI Reasoning and Machine Learning for Accelerating Materials Discovery Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Gordon, Jacob A Univ of Toronto |
Session W29.00002 Characterizing Extended Kitaev Models Under a Magnetic Field Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Gorni, Tommaso Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI), Paris, France |
Session M69.00001 Accurate modeling of iron-based superconductors with screened Fock exchange and Hund metal correlations Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Gould, Tim Griffith University |
Session Q01.00001 Long-range correlations in density functional theory Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Govoni, Marco Argonne National Laboratory |
Session A43.00002 First principles simulation of neutral excitations in materials Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Grason, Gregory M University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session D42.00005 Towards programmable assembly via geometric frustration Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Grassellino, Anna Fermilab |
Session K29.00002 Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems (SQMS) – a new DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Center Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Gray, J. M. N. T Univ of Manchester |
Session Y43.00002 Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Greenbaum, Benjamin Memorial Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospit |
Session A13.00001 Immune driven evolution of SARS-CoV-2 within and across hosts Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Greene, Richard L University of Maryland, College Park |
Session W45.00005 Strange metal transport and violation of the conjectured Planckian scattering rate limit in electron-doped cuprates Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Grefe, Sarah E Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K68.00008 Weyl-Kondo semimetal: Extreme topological tunability and nonlinear optical exploration Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session W28.00002 Coupling a Mobile Hole to an Antiferromagnetic Spin Background Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Grinstein, Fernando F Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session B29.00003 Impact of Numerical Hydrodynamics in Coarse Grained Simulations of Turbulent Material Mixing Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Grissonnanche, Gael Cornell University |
Session B15.00001 Chiral phonons in cuprate superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Gröblacher, Simon Delft University of Technology |
Session B28.00002 Quantum information processing at telecom wavelengths using mechanical resonators Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Grollier, Julie CNRS/Thales |
Session G14.00002 Physics for neuromorphic computing Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Grushin, Adolfo G CNRS - Sorbonne University |
Session Z44.00002 Thermal transport and gravitational anomalies in Weyl semimetals. Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Grutter, Alexander National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session G72.00001 Proximity-Induced Magnetism and Interface Coupling in Topological Heterostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Grutter, Peter H McGill Univ |
Session M15.00003 Invited Talk: Peter Grutter Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Guery-Odelin, David Paul Sabatier University |
Session T42.00004 Shortcuts to adiabaticity in quantum and stochastic thermodynamics Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Guguchia, Zurab Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland |
Session D45.00005 Time-reversal symmetry breaking charge order in a kagome superconductor Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Guimera, Roger University Rovira I Virgili |
Session K42.00004 Network inference and the detectability of closed-form mathematical models from data Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Gupta, Arunava University of Alabama |
Session Y54.00001 Ultralow Damping Spinel Ferrite Films Grown on Isostructural Substrates Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Gupta, Jay The Ohio State University |
Session G29.00003 Atomic-scale visualization and manipulation of topological spin textures in the chiral magnet, MnGe Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Guryanova, Yelena Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna |
Session Y35.00001 Ideal Projective Measurements Have Infinite Resource Costs Room: McCormick Place W-193B |
Gusu Beyene, Abraham Janelia Research Campus |
Session M13.00002 Eavesdropping on Neuronal Chemical Chatter Using SWIR emissive Optical Nanosensors Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Gutierrez, Christopher University of California, Los Angeles |
Session S60.00001 Ubiquitous defect-induced density wave instability in monolayer graphene Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Gwanmesia, Gabriel D Delaware State University |
Session D24.00001 Synthesis of high-pressure phases of minerals Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Haah, Jeongwan Microsoft |
Session Q40.00007 Hamiltonian Algorithms Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Hachtel, Jordan Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session S13.00004 Nanoscale Analysis of Phonons, Polaritons, and Molecular Vibrations in Complex Materials Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Hacohen-Gourgy, Shay Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session Z41.00004 Canonical phase measurement enabled by quantum feedback control Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Hadzibabic, Zoran Univ of Cambridge |
Session F49.00001 Sounds and turbulence in a 2D Bose gas Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Halas, N J Rice University |
Session X01.00005 Nanomaterials and Light: Addressing 21st Century Challenges Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Halloran, Thomas J Johns Hopkins University |
Session W29.00004 Neutron Scattering Study of the Kitaev Spin-Liquid Candidate Material BaCo2(AsO4)2 Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Halperin, Bertrand I Harvard University |
Session G45.00001 Pairing in bilayer quantum Hall systems Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon Yale University |
Session M02.00001 Integrating Electronic and Nuclear Quantum Effects via the Nuclear-Electronic Orbital Approach Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Han, Jiahao MIT |
Session D53.00001 Harnessing magnetic switching and dynamics using electron and magnon spin currents Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Hanaguri, Tetsuo RIKEN |
Session Y65.00001 STM studies of iron-based topological superconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park C |
Hancock, Don Director of Nuclear Waste Program, Southwest Research and Information Center, PO Box 4524, Albuquerque, NM 87196-4524 |
Session Z13.00003 WIPP: The Only TRU Waste Repository? Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Hangleiter, Dominik University of Maryland |
Session N43.00001 Overcoming the quantum sign problem Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Hanson, Ronald Delft University of Technology |
Session Y39.00005 Towards a Quantum Internet: Status, Challenges and Progress Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Harter, John W University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W60.00001 Elucidating the structure of the charge density wave in the topological kagome metal CsV3Sb5 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Haskel, Daniel Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B70.00001 Tuning magnetism with pressure in honeycomb and square lattice Iridates Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Hastings, Jeffrey T University of Kentucky |
Session Y45.00001 Artificial Spin Ices: Magnetization Dynamics and X-ray Orbital Angular Momentum Generation Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Hawkins, Taviare L St. Catherine University |
Session Q28.00004 From program chair to division: Building the next generation of physics program Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Hawkins, Taviare L St. Catherine University |
Session Y07.00004 How rigid is a microtubule? Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Hayashida, Shohei ETH Zurich |
Session F51.00007 Breakthrough in the study of frustrated ferro-antiferromagnets: Rb2Cu2Mo3O12 and Cs2Cu2Mo3O12 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Hazzard, Kaden R Rice Univ |
Session Q33.00007 Exact results for nonequilibrium ultracold matter Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
He, Rui Texas Tech Univ |
Session N28.00001 Raman spectroscopy of phonons and their coupling to excitons and layered magnetism in 2D magnet CrI3 Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Head-Marsden, Kade Harvard University |
Session W72.00001 Quantum algorithms for non-unitary time evolution of quantum systems Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Hecksher, Tina Roskilde University |
Session Z16.00010 Single-parameter aging in molecular glasses Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Heiblum, Mordehai (Moty) Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session G45.00005 A novel method distinguishing between topological orders Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Heighway, Patrick G University of Oxford |
Session K24.00001 Plasticity-induced temperature and texture evolution under dynamic uniaxial compression Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Heinze, Leonie Tech Univ Braunschweig |
Session A51.00007 Exotic high-field state in the quantum sawtooth chain material atacamite, Cu2Cl(OH)3 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Helgeson, Matthew E University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W16.00004 High-throughput microrheology of polymer solutions and gels Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Hellman, Frances APS President |
Session D31.00001 Welcome and Introduction Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Hellman, Frances APS President |
Session K45.00001 Opening Remarks-APS PresidentFrances Hellman and DCMP Past Chair Eva Andrei Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Hellman, Frances University of California, Berkeley |
Session 6E.00003 Greeting and Introduction Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Hen, Itay University of Southern California |
Session N43.00005 The sign problem, non-stoquasticity and everything in between Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Hennessy, Matthew University of Bristol |
Session D16.00001 Dynamic phase transitions in polyelectrolyte gels Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Henry, Asegun MIT |
Session Y19.00008 Phonon Catalysis Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
Henstridge, Meredith Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session G70.00001 Nonlocal Nonlinear Phononics Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Heremans, Joseph P C Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session Z44.00001 Thermal chiral anomaly in the magnetic-field induced ideal Weyl phase of Bi1-xSbx topological insulators Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Hermans, Sophie Delft University of Technology |
Session A35.00001 Distributed entanglement and teleportation on a multi-node quantum network Room: McCormick Place W-193B |
Hernandez Charpak, Jorge Nicolas American Physical Society |
Session B13.00004 Advocacy at the federal level: from APS member to APS Government Affairs Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Herrmann, Marcus Arizona State University |
Session B29.00004 A dual scale LES model for interface dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Hess, Christian IFW-Dresden |
Session B15.00002 Thermal Hall effect of Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate materials Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Hexemer, Alexander Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S42.00003 MLExchange, bringing machine learning to the beamline Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Hickner, Michael Pennsylvania State University |
Session G19.00001 Transport in Ionic Polymer Membranes for Large-Scale Energy Conversion and Storage Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
Higgs, Paul McMaster University |
Session A14.00003 Computer Simulations of Non-Enzymatic Template-Directed RNA Synthesis Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Hill, John P Brookhaven National Laboratories |
Session K29.00005 Science enabled by NSLS-II and possible upgrade paths beyond MBAs Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Hillhouse, Hugh W University of Washington |
Session Y15.00002 Chemical Stability of Perovskite Semiconductors: Kinetics of Degradation and Machine Learning Models of Device Lifetime Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Hirschberger, Max RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science |
Session K54.00011 Topological Hall and Nernst effects in spin-chiral magnets Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session Q27.00003 Panel Speaker: Dr. Theodore Hodapp Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Hoff, Wouter D Oklahoma State University-Stillwater |
Session K06.00001 Conservative interactions in protein evolution Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Hoffman, Jenny E Harvard |
Session A44.00001 Simulating twistronics in acoustic metamaterials Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Hoffmann, Axel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session F15.00001 Adler Lectureship Award (2022): The Joy of Magnetism Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Hoffmann, Markus FZ Jülich |
Session N54.00011 Optimizing skyrmion properties for technological applications: an atomistic perspective Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Holland, Maria University of Notre Dame |
Session Z03.00001 Patterns of growth and thickness in the cerebral cortex Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
HOLMES, ZOE Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T37.00007 Barren plateaus preclude learning scramblers Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Home, Jonathan P ETH Zurich |
Session W34.00001 Error correction of a logical grid state qubit by dissipative pumping Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Hong, Xia University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session G60.00001 Emergent Phenomena in Ferroelectric/van der Waals Heterostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Horowitz, Alexandra Barnard College of Columbia University |
Session M03.00003 Inside the Canine Mind Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Hossain, Md. Shafayat Princeton University |
Session B45.00004 Composite fermion liquid at Landau level filling factor 1/2: Bloch ferromagnetism, Luttinger theorem, and particle-hole symmetry Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Houle, Frances A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B13.00002 What the APS Ethics Committee Does Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Houshang, Afshin University of Gothenburg |
Session A54.00007 A spin Hall Ising machine. Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Hoyer, Stephan Google LLC |
Session G32.00001 Learned numerical methods for solving partial differential equations Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Hsieh, M. Ani University of Pennsylvania |
Session T14.00002 Using Knowledge-based Neural Ordinary Differential Equations to Learn Complex Dynamics and Chaos Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Hsu, Yi-Ting University of Notre Dame |
Session Z65.00001 Majorana corner modes in transition metal dichalcogenides Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park C |
Hu, Jiangping Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session D45.00003 Time-reversal symmetry breaking and flux phases in Kagome Superconductor AV3Sb5 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Huang, Edwin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W45.00003 Exact theory for superconductivity in a doped Mott insulator Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Huang, Hsin-Yuan Caltech |
Session Y37.00004 Making predictions in a quantum world Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Huang, Jiaxing Northwestern University |
Session D26.00004 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Huang, Jinzi M NYU Shanghai |
Session F29.00004 Morphological attractors in natural convective dissolution Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Huang, Libai Purdue University |
Session T71.00001 Exciton Transport in Singlet Fission Materials: a New Hare and Tortoise Story Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Huang, Pinshane Y University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session S13.00001 Probing atomic reconstruction at 2D interfaces via scanning transmission electron microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Huard, Benjamin ENS Lyon |
Session M42.00004 Energetics of the driving field during a single qubit gate Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Huff, Margaret F Lab for Laser Energetics |
Session B24.00001 Sound Speed in Shock-Compressed Iron up to 3 TPa Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Hung, Chih-Chiao University of Maryland, College Park |
Session M41.00004 Probing hundreds of individual quantum defects in polycrystalline and amorphous alumina Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Huse, David A Princeton University |
Session Z15.00003 Resonances and avalanches in many-body localized systems Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Huse, David A Princeton University |
Session Q45.00005 Onsager Prize (2022): Many-body localization Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Hwa, Terence T UCSD |
Session N14.00001 Delbruck Prize (2022): Resource Allocation for Bacteria Growth: Laws and Mechanisms Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Iaizzi, Adam A Natl Taiwan Univ |
Session M43.00005 Panel Speaker:Adam Iaizzi Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Ideue, Toshiya University of Tokyo |
Session T44.00001 Enhanced photovoltaic effect in symmetry-engineered van der Waals nanostructures Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Imamoglu, Atac ETH |
Session K45.00002 Optical detection of charge order in a Wigner crystal Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Inack, Estelle M Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada |
Session N32.00002 Variational Neural Annealing Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Inal, Sahika King Abdullah Univ of Sci & Tech (KAUST) |
Session M16.00001 Mixed Charge Transport in Conjugated Polymers and its Impact on Biosensor Performance Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Incorvia, Jean A University of Texas at Austin |
Session G29.00005 Skyrmion Lattices as Context-Aware Artificial Neurons Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Inglis, R. Fredrik University of Missouri at St. Louis |
Session Z04.00001 Phase Transitions in Bacterial Populations Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Isaeva, Anna Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Session T52.00001 Growth and Magnetism of Van der Waals Magnetic Topological Insulators Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Ishihara, Kota Univ of Tokyo |
Session S45.00003 Chiral superconductivity in UTe2 probed by anisotropic low-energy excitations Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Ismail-Beigi, Sohrab Yale University |
Session G46.00001 Massively parallel cubic-scaling GW calculations with the OpenAtom software Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Ivlev, Alexei Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics |
Session M14.00005 Non-reciprocity in quasi-two-dimensional complex plasmas Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Iwasa, Yoshihiro Univ of Tokyo |
Session Q44.00002 Gate-controlled BCS-BEC crossover in a two-dimensional superconductor Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Jackson, Michael Millersville University |
Session Y28.00001 Tips and strategies on using the EP3 Guide for improving physics departments Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Jadrich, Ryan B Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G27.00001 Accelerating reactive Monte Carlo simulation by machine learning Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Jalan, Bharat University of Minnesota |
Session G53.00009 Novel Solid-Source Metal-Organic MBE for "Stubborn" Metal Oxides Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Jamali, Safa Northeastern University |
Session N42.00004 Network Physics and emergence of elasticity in colloidal gels: mechanical perspectiv Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Jani, Hariom K Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session T54.00012 Antiferromagnetic Skyrmionics: generating and controlling topological textures Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Janmey, Paul University of Pennsylvania |
Session S07.00004 Vimentin intermediate filament networks are required for compression stiffening of cells and protection of nuclei from compressive stress. Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Janssen, Liesbeth M TU Eindhoven |
Session A49.00010 Dear or alive: Distinguishing active from passive particles using supervised learning Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Jarrold, Caroline Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session A02.00003 Velocity Map Imaging of Weakly- or Quasi-bound Autodetached Electrons in Transient Complex Anions Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Jayaraman, Arthi University of Delaware |
Session A18.00007 Coarse-grained simulation studies linking physical and chemical heterogeneity in nanorods to the morphology in polymer nanocomposites Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Jayich, Ania C University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session S28.00003 Spectral engineering of the environment Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Je, Soong-Geun Chonnam National University |
Session N54.00001 Direct Demonstration of Topological Stability of Magnetic SkyrmionsviaTopology Manipulation Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Jeevanjee, Nadir Princeton University |
Session F10.00001 An Analytical Model for CO2 Radiative Forcing Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Jensen, Katharine E Williams College |
Session W14.00004 Local shear transformations in hard-sphere colloidal glasses Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Jeon, Kun-Rok Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany |
Session A29.00005 Quasiparticle spin-to-charge conversion in superconductors detected by nonlocal magnon spin transport Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Jeschke, Harald O Okayama Univ |
Session S51.00004 First principles generation of magnetic Hamiltonians and phase diagrams of frustrated magnets Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Jhalaria, Mayank Dow Chemical Co |
Session Z42.00004 Exchange lifetimes of the bound polymer layer on silica nanoparticles Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Ji, Zhurun University of Pennsylvania |
Session T44.00005 Nonlocal optoelectronics in topological semimetals Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Jiang, Liang University of Chicago |
Session Z28.00005 Protocols for fast and resource efficient quantum repeaters Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Jiang, Liang University of Chicago |
Session K28.00004 Landauer-Bennett Award (2022): Bosonic Quantum Error Correction Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Jiang, Shengwei Cornell University |
Session F60.00001 Quantum anomalous Hall and magnetic insulating states in semiconductor moiré material Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Jiang, Yuxiao Princeton University |
Session D45.00002 Chiral charge order in kagome superconductor AV3Sb5 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Jiang, Zhang Google LLC |
Session S43.00001 Practical quantum simulation with Floquet calibration Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Jimenez, Jose University of Colorado |
Session A13.00002 The modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses: What we know now, and how to protect ourselves Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Jin, Hui-Ke TU Munich |
Session Y29.00003 Unveiling the S=3/2 Kitaev Honeycomb Spin Liquids Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Jin, Kui Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session M69.00004 Scaling of the strange-metal scattering in unconventional superconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Jin, Rongying University of South Carolina |
Session F53.00006 Emergent spin-glass behavior created by chemical doping and self-assembly in transition-metal oxides Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Johnson, Blake R IBM |
Session T28.00002 Qiskit runtime, a quantum-classical execution platform for cloud-accessible quantum computers Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Johnson, Peter D Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Z45.00001 Topology, Superconductivity and Magnetism in the FeTe1−xSex superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Johnson, Roger D University College London |
Session F53.00001 Emergent helical texture of electric dipoles Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Jones, Barbara A IBM Research - Almaden |
Session A43.00001 Current state of Embedding techniques for Quantum Computing Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Jones, Gerceida New York Univ NYU |
Session K15.00004 STEM Community Education & Engagement Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Jordan, David W University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center |
Session G10.00006 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cancer Turns 45: How It Works, How We Use It Today, and Future Outlook Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Jordi, Marta Institut Menorquí d'Estudis |
Session W43.00002 Breaking the glass ceiling: Maria Lluïsa Canut between Spanish and American Physics Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Jorio de Vasconcelos, Ado UFMG |
Session T67.00008 Electrons and Phonons in Low-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Julicher, Frank Max Planck Institut for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
Session Z14.00002 Active T1 Transitions in Dynamic Tissues Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Julien, Marc-Henri LNCMI, Grenoble |
Session Y44.00003 Hidden magnetism at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Kabanov, Alexander V Professor of Eshelman School of Pharmacy. University of North Carolina ,Chapel Hill.125 Mason Farm Road, Marsico Hall, Campus Box 7362, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7362 |
Session S29.00005 Unity of Scientists in the Divisive World: For Truth, Peace & Human Rights Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Kahanamoku-Meyer, Gregory D University of California, Berkeley |
Session K36.00004 Classical verification of quantum computational advantage Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Kaindl, Robert A Arizona State University |
Session D15.00005 Ultrafast perspectives of quantum materials: from THz to X-rays Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Kais, Sabre Purdue University |
Session B01.00001 Quantum Machine-Learning algorithm for Complex Chemical Systems Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Kalia, Rajiv K Univ of Southern California |
Session S46.00001 AI-driven modeling of quantum materials architectures Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Kalinin, Sergei V Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session Y15.00004 Automated experiment in microscopy towards discovering new physics and new materials Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Kalow, Julia A Northwestern University |
Session A42.00003 Molecular engineering in four dimensions: a mechanistic approach to reprocessable elastomers Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Kamal, Archana University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Session W41.00004 PIQUE: a new framework for quantum systems engineering Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Kamalakar, M. Venkata Uppsala University |
Session Y52.00001 New developments in two-dimensional spintronics using large-scale graphene Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Kamat, Prashant University of Notre Dame |
Session F43.00002 Halide Ion Migration in Halide Perovskites and Its Impact on the Photovoltaic Stability Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Kanazawa, Naoya Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session W54.00011 Emergence of spin-orbit coupled ferromagnetic surface state derived from Zak phase in a nonmagnetic insulator FeSi Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Kandala, Abhinav IBM Research |
Session S40.00007 Recent progress in error mitigation with fixed-frequency superconducting quantum processors Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Kanigel, Amit Technion, Israel |
Session Q44.00004 BCS-BEC crossover and the topological band structure of Fe(Se,Te) Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Kanso, Eva University of Southern California |
Session M07.00005 Cilia Coordination Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Kaplan, C. Nadir Virginia Tech |
Session Q07.00008 A multiscale theory for opposing durotactic regimes in mesenchymal cell migration Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Karel, Julie Monash University |
Session M50.00004 Spin Current Generation Using Amorphous Materials Room: McCormick Place W-474A |
Karim, Alamgir University of Houston |
Session W19.00008 Entropic partitioning and entropy-enthalpy compensation (EEC) effect in relaxation of nanopatterned polymer blend and nanocomposite films Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
Karniadakis, George E Brown University |
Session S49.00001 Parallel Physics-Informed Neural Networks Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Kasahara, Yuichi Kyoto Univ |
Session F45.00005 Quantized thermal Hall effect and topological phase transition in the Kitaev spin liquid candidate α-RuCl3 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Katagiri, Kento Osaka University |
Session T24.00001 In situ X-ray Diffraction of Shock-Compressed Nanopolycrystalline Diamond Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
KATAN, Claudine Univ Rennes, ENSCR, INSA Rennes, CNRS, ISCR |
Session D43.00003 Recent results on metal halide perovskites and their interfaces Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Katoch, Jyoti Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session W67.00001 Investigating momentum and spatially resolved view of two-dimensional material-based systems utilizing focused angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Katsoudas, John Influit Energy |
Session K13.00004 Pitfalls and shortcuts on the journey from academic science into hard tech entrepreneurship: A personal story. Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Kaufman, Adam M JILA |
Session Y13.00003 New frontiers in atom arrays using alkaline-earth atoms Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Kaushik, Sahal NORDITA |
Session A68.00004 Magneto-optical response of chiral fermions. Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Kee, Hae-Young Univ of Toronto |
Session N28.00005 Magnetic Anisotropy in higher-spin with heavy ligand in honeycomb Mott Insulators: Application to CrI3 Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Keeling, Jonathan Univ of St Andrews |
Session S43.00004 Matrix-product-state methods for non-Markovian models Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Kelley, Kyle ornl |
Session W13.00003 Dynamic Manipulation of Ferroelectric Structures via Automated Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Kent, Paul Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session Z48.00001 Excited states of solids and nanomaterials using quantum Monte Carlo methods Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Khalili, Pedram NWU |
Session K52.00001 Spin-orbit torque switching of metallic antiferromagnets and ferrimagnets Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Khan, Saad North Carolina State University |
Session W42.00001 Probing Dynamics of Photo-Gelation in Polymeric Systems Using Rheology Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Khemani, Vedika Stanford University |
Session W44.00005 Quantum Interactive Dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Kilic, Zeliha St Jude's Childrens |
Session A06.00001 Bayesian nonparametrics in multi-particle superresolved tracking Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Kim, BJ Department of Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang 37673, South Korea |
Session G15.00004 Direct observation of excitonic instability in Ta2NiSe5 Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Kim, Matt QuantTera |
Session Q13.00004 A Start-Up: Adventures in Bandgap Engineering Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Kim, Philip Harvard University |
Session A44.00003 Emergent Interfacial Superconductivity between Twisted Cuprate Superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Kim, Yong-Jae Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session N15.00002 Shock compression of statically precompressed low-Z materials Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
King, Andrew D D-Wave Systems Inc |
Session Y45.00002 Qubit spin ice Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Kinney, Adam U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science |
Session B13.00005 From the Bench to the Beltway: One Chemist's Journey into Science Policy Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Kioussis, Nicholas California State University, Northridge |
Session Q50.00001 Computational Guiding Rules for the Design of Ultra-low Energy Spintronic Devices: Opportunities and Challenges Room: McCormick Place W-474A |
Kis, Andras Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session Y72.00001 Exciton manipulation and transport in 2D semiconductor heterostructure devices Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Kitsopoulos, Theofanis Max Planck Inst. |
Session A02.00002 Probing the Kinetics and Dynamics at Surfaces using Ion Imaging methods Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Klie, Robert F University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session Q31.00001 New Approaches to Atomic-Resolution Structural Analysis by Analytical Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Klinovaja, Jelena University of Basel |
Session N32.00001 Majorana bound states in topological insulators without a vortex Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Klotz, Alexander R California State University, Long Beach |
Session Y21.00003 Kinetoplast Room: McCormick Place W-185D |
Knafo, William LNCMI-Toulouse / CNRS |
Session S45.00005 Low-dimensional antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the superconductor UTe2 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Knauer, Katrina NREL |
Session A42.00004 Plastics Recycling, Upcycling, and Redesign in the BOTTLE Consortium Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Koay, Sue Ann Janelia Research Campus |
Session G03.00001 Sequential and efficient neural-population coding of complex task information Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Kobayashi, Takashi J-PARC Center, Japan |
Session K29.00004 Science at J-PARC Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Koch, Christiane Freie Universität Berlin |
Session Y41.00004 Optimal control of open quantum systems Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Koch, Henrik Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Session M02.00005 Invited Talk: Henrik Koch Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Koga, Tad Stony Brook University |
Session Z42.00003 Multifaceted role of bound chains in reinforcement of polymer nanocomposites - structural and dynamical analysis Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Kollar, Alicia University of Maryland, College Park |
Session K28.00003 Band Engineering and Graph-Theoretic Connections in Circuit QED Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Kolle, Mathias MIT |
Session Q20.00001 Manipulating light and color with soft and structured matter Room: McCormick Place W-185BC |
Kolmogorov, Aleksey Binghamton U. |
Session F47.00005 Ab initio structure prediction accelerated with machine learning interatomic potentials Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Kondic, Lou New Jersey Inst of Tech |
Session N42.00002 Mathematical analysis of force networks in granular and suspension flow Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Kondou, Kouta RIKEN |
Session D29.00005 Giant field-like torque by the out-of-plane magnetic spin Hall effect in a topological antiferromagnet Mn3Sn Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Kong, Lingyuan California Institute of Technology |
Session Q69.00001 Iron-based superconducting vortex: a nature-gifting platform for Majoranas Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Kono, Junichiro Rice Univ |
Session D15.00001 Cavity Quantum Electrodynamic Control of Quantum Materials Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Kononov, Alina Sandia National Laboratories |
Session A43.00004 Unconventional defect configurations in aluminum oxide Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Kononov, Alina Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G43.00002 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics (2022): Surface processes in ion-irradiated materials from first principles Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Konstantinov, Denis OIST Japan |
Session K45.00005 Nonlinear transport of Wigner crystal on liquid helium in microchannel devices Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Koos, Erin C KU Leuven |
Session S08.00001 Effects of particle roughness on the rheology and structure of capillary suspensions Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Korber, Bette Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T08.00010 COVID Variants Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Kornfield, Julie A Caltech |
Session Y42.00001 Finding the homogenous-nucleation "needle" in the polymer-foam "haystack" using theory as our guide Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Koslover, Elena F University of California, San Diego |
Session K07.00001 Transport and Maturation of Interacting Organelles in Axons Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Kovacs, David P University of Cambridge |
Session Q15.00004 Atomic Cluster Expansion Force Fields for Molecules Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Kozii, Vladyslav Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A45.00005 Superconductivity in low-density Dirac materials Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Kozinsky, Boris Harvard University |
Session T49.00001 Multiscale learning of physical models for reactive simulations Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Kretzschmar, Ilona City College of New York |
Session K08.00001 Active Janus and Patchy Particles Near Boundaries Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Krishnamoorthy, Aravind Univ of Southern California |
Session G47.00004 Permittivity of Water Determined from Neural Network Quantum Molecular Dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Krishnan, Kannan M University of Washington |
Session Y45.00003 Artificial Spin Ice in Exchange-biased Systems Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Kroonblawd, Matthew P Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session G27.00011 Explosive mechanochemistry: Foundations for strength-aware chemical kinetics Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Kuemmel, Stephan University of Bayreuth |
Session F46.00004 The Power of TDDFT in Real-Time and Real-Space: From Light Harvesting to Photoemission Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Kuhlmann, Andreas V University of Basel |
Session T36.00004 Hole spin qubits in silicon fin field-effect transistors Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Kumar, Sanat K Columbia Univ |
Session F42.00001 Polymer Physics Prize (2022): Controlling Nanoparticle Ordering by Directional Polymer Crystallization Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Kupiainen, Antti Univ of Helsinki |
Session D08.00008 Heineman Prize (2022):Antti Kupiainen Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Kurchin, Rachel Carnegie Mellon |
Session M67.00006 Design of Defect-Tolerant Materials for Photovoltaic Applications Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Kurizki, Gershon Weizmann Institute |
Session M42.00001 Can thermodynamics and quantum mechanics be bridged in heat machines? Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Kwiat, Paul G University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Z28.00001 Quantum Communication Takes Off: Distributing entanglement from moving platforms Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Lago-Rivera, Dario ICFO Barcelona |
Session D35.00001 Telecom-heralded entanglement distribution between remote, multimode, solid-state quantum memories Room: McCormick Place W-193B |
Lagos, Maureen McMaster University |
Session S13.00003 Electron Spectroscopy of Infrared Excitations at the Nanoscale Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Lai, Ching-Yao Princeton University |
Session S27.00001 How does ice flow and crack in a warmingclimate? Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Lambiotte, Renaud University of Namur |
Session Z09.00001 Consensus dynamics and opinion formation on hypergraphs Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Lance, Cameo Rhea Space Activity |
Session K13.00003 To a Start-up, the Space Force, and Beyond! A path to being a physicist with 'only' a bachelor Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Landi, Gabriel Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo |
Session Z35.00001 Robert E. Marshak Lectureship (2022): Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects Room: McCormick Place W-193B |
Landry, Markita P University of California Berkeley |
Session G18.00001 Assessing Protein Corona Formation on Hard and Polymeric Nanoparticles – Towards Understanding Biocompatibility, Biodistribution, and Efficacy Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Lany, Stephan National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session B67.00001 Computational Approaches to Defects and Doping in Non-Ideal Semiconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
La Riviere, Patrick University of Chicago |
Session D10.00002 3D and 4D computational imaging of molecular orientation with multiview polarized fluorescence microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Laschi, Cecilia National University of Singapore |
Session K03.00001 The Physics of Interactions in Soft Robotics Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Laubscher, Katharina University of Basel |
Session W65.00001 From Majorana to parafermion corner states in second-order topological superconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park C |
Laucht, Arne University of New South Wales |
Session S36.00004 Operation of quantum dot spin qubits at elevated temperatures Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Lazicki, Amy E Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session M24.00001 50 TPa Hugoniot measurements using laser-driven Mach waves Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Lease, Nicholas Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B27.00001 Tuning Physical and Chemicalproperties of explosives through Synthetic Modifications Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Lee, Daeyeon University of Pennsylvania |
Session W26.00007 Bicontinuous Biphasic Liquid Emulsions from Ternary Fluid Mixtures Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Lee, Howon Seoul National University |
Session T26.00002 Architected Soft Matter and the 4th Dimension Room: McCormick Place W-187B |
Lee, Inhee Ohio State University |
Session N28.00002 Identifying Fundamental Spin Interactions in CrI3, CrBr3, and CrCl3 through Ferromagnetic Resonance Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Lee, Joonho Google AI and Columbia |
Session N40.00007 Unbiasing Fermionic Quantum Monte Carlo with a Quantum Computer Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Lee, Jun Hee Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea |
Session D70.00009 Flat-band ferroelectricity first discovered in HfO2 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Lee, Kayla IBM |
Session M29.00004 IBM-HBCU Quantum Centers Supporting Marginalized Students Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Lee, Kyusup Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session B50.00007 Superluminal propagation of antiferromagnetic magnons in nanometer-scale NiO Room: McCormick Place W-474A |
Lee, Young S Stanford Univ |
Session Z29.00001 Spin excitations in quantum spin liquid materials Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Lee, Zonghoon UNIST |
Session S71.00001 Advances in 2D Materials Research with Atomic Resolution TEM/STEM Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Leghtas, Zaki Mines ParisTech |
Session A28.00004 Macroscopic bit-flip times in a superconducting cat-qubit Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Lehnert, Konrad JILA |
Session S39.00001 Accelerating the search for dark matter with squeezed and entangled microwave fields Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Lei, Chan U Yale University |
Session Q37.00006 Investigate material losses in superconducting circuits with multi-mode resonators. Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Lennon, Dominic T University of Oxford |
Session Q43.00001 Machine Learning for tuning, controlling, and optimizing semiconductor spin qubits Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Leonard, Joshua N Northwestern University |
Session A04.00006 Advancing the frontiers of design-driven medicine: engineering programmable cell-based therapies and diagnostics Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Leonhardt, Ulf Weizmann |
Session X01.00004 Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Lerman, Zafra President, Malta Conferences Foundation. 1911 Grant Street, Evanston, IL 60201 |
Session S29.00002 From Fighting for Human Rights to Using Science as a Bridge to Peace Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Lerner, Edan University of Amsterdam |
Session W14.00002 Does mesoscopic elasticity control viscous slowing down in glassforming liquids? Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Lev, Benjamin L Stanford University |
Session K34.00004 An optical lattice with sound Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Levy, Mel North Carolina A&T State University |
Session G01.00001 Spin-Free Formalism of Spin-Density Functional Theory Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Lewis, Greyson R University of California, San Francisco |
Session A13.00005 Modeling rapidly-evolving viral infections within hosts generates lifelike infection classes Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Lhotel, Elsa CNRS - Sorbonne University |
Session T51.00007 Spin Dynamics and Unconventional Coulomb Phase in Nd2Zr2O7 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Li, Baowen University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session S48.00004 Froehlich condensate of Phonons and heat control Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Li, Bo University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session W50.00002 Magnon Landau Levels and Spin Responses in Antiferromagnets Room: McCormick Place W-474A |
Li, Chen Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q03.00001 Principled understanding of dynamic multi-legged locomotion in complex terrain Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Li, Deyu Vanderbilt University |
Session Q68.00002 Dimensionality transition and divergent thermal conductivity observed in thin NbSe3 nanowires Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Li, Gene-Wei MIT |
Session N14.00003 Precision in protein production: requirements and mechanism Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Li, Gushu UCSB |
Session Q36.00004 Enabling Deeper Quantum Compiler Optimizations at High Level Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Li, Haokun University of California, Berkeley |
Session N45.00005 Phonon heat transfer across a vacuum through quantum fluctuations Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Li, Jia Brown University |
Session F44.00005 Tuning electron correlation in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene using Coulomb screening Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Li, Lu University of Michigan |
Session M45.00002 Unusual Quantum Oscillations in the insulating and metallic states of Kondo Insulator YbB12 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Li, Shaowei ucsd |
Session K45.00003 Microscopic Visualization of Correlated Electrons: from Moiré Flat Band to Generalized Wigner Crystal Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Li, Yi Johns Hopkins University |
Session G44.00004 Monopole charge density wave states in Weyl semimetals Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Liao, Bolin University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Q68.00001 Thermal transport in topological electronic and phononic materials Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Lietor-Santos, Juan-Jose American Physical Society |
Session K13.00001 Being an editor: A fun thing to do with your Ph.D Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Liew, Tim Nanyang Technological University |
Session T42.00003 Nonlinear topological lattices and networks in exciton-polariton systems Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Liljeroth, Peter Aalto University |
Session N44.00002 Topological superconductivity in a van der Waals heterostructure Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Lim, Melody X University of Chicago |
Session K14.00005 Acoustically Levitated Granular Matter Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Limmer, David T University of California, Berkeley |
Session W09.00001 Stochastic logic in thermodynamically consistent circuit models Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Lindsey, Rebecca K Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session Z43.00004 ChIMES: Toward a Machine-Learned Solution for Simulations of Condensed Phase Chemistry Under Extreme Conditions Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Lipson, Jane E Department of Chemistry, Dartmouth College |
Session Z42.00005 How fundamental material properties influence interfacial effects on polymer dynamics. Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Liu, Chia-Chuan University of Montreal |
Session K44.00003 Local quantum criticality in an SU(4) spin-orbital coupled Kondo system Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Liu, Huimei Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session B51.00001 Kitaev Spin Liquid in 3d Transition Metal Compounds Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Liu, Jinyan Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session W43.00001 Chien-Shiung Wu and her contributions to experimental physics Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Liu, Kai Georgetown University |
Session S54.00001 3D Metallic Nanowire Networks Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Liu, Mengkun State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session Z29.00003 Near-field optical studies to untangle electronic ordering in complex oxides Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Liu, Yihan Dow, Inc. |
Session Y42.00003 What Is in That Film? Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Liu, Zhehong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session A24.00001 High-pressure synthesis and magnetic and electrical properties of A- and B-site ordered quadruple perovskites Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Lloyd, Seth MIT |
Session Q43.00002 Machine learning with the quantum earthmover's distance Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Loh, Huanqian Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session K28.00002 Scaling up atom arrays Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Loncar, Marko Harvard |
Session M52.00001 Coherent Coupling of Mechanics to a Single Nuclear Spin Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Long, Charnell University of Wisconsin |
Session Q28.00002 Physics in Post-War World II Black Colleges (1945-1955) Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Long, Christian NIST |
Session T13.00004 A Large Amplitude Fourier Synthesizer Derived from the Optical Frequency Comb Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Loos, Sarah ICTP Triest |
Session M14.00003 Irreversibility, heat and information flows induced by non-reciprocal interactions Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Losert, Wolfgang University of Maryland, College Park |
Session Y43.00004 Memory in three-dimensional cyclically driven granular material Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Loss, Daniel University of Basel |
Session N44.00004 Majorana Bound States Induced by Antiferromagnetic Skyrmion Textures Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Love, Peter J Tufts University |
Session G40.00007 Quantum simulation of quantum field theory in the light-front formulation Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Lucas, Andrew University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session N33.00008 Valley Prize (2022): TBD Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Lucas, David University of Oxford |
Session S28.00004 Quantum computing and networking with trapped ions; or - Two things to do with two qubits two metres apart Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Lueptow, Richard M Northwestern University |
Session A09.00001 Predicting size and density segregation in granular flows Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Lui, Chun Hung University of California, Riverside |
Session Y72.00002 Optical spectroscopy of novel correlated states in semiconducting moiré superlattices Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Luican-Mayer, Adina A University of Ottawa |
Session A60.00001 Charge density waves in 1T-TaS2 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Luisier, Mathieu ETH Zurich |
Session B32.00005 2-D Materials Modelling: from Transistors to Majorana Fermions Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Lukin, Vyacheslav (Slava) S National Science Foundation |
Session B13.00001 How I became a Program Director at the National Science Foundation Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Luksza, Marta Mount Sinai |
Session T04.00004 Predicting clonal evolution in cancer under immune selection Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Luo, Yunqiu (Kelly) Cornell University |
Session G52.00001 Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Lux, Fabian R University of Mainz |
Session Y29.00004 Antisymmetric versus anisotropic exchange: shaping topological excitation spectra and transport properties of Heisenberg-Kitaev magnets Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Ma, Jie Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session B51.00008 Magnetic Field Induced Disorder State in 3d Honeycomb Oxide Na2Co2TeO6 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Ma, Lijun UCSF |
Session N10.00001 Hypofractionated Brain Radiosurgery Utilizing Quasi Dynamic Dose Painting Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Ma, Ruichao Purdue University |
Session S43.00003 Many-body physics in driven-dissipative superconducting quantum circuits Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Ma, Xiuliang Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Science |
Session K71.00009 Polar meron lattice in strained oxide ferroelectrics Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Maass, Corinna C University of Twente |
Session K12.00001 Autochemotactic droplet swimmers shape their environment Room: McCormick Place W-181C |
Machta, Benjamin B Yale University |
Session W04.00001 Sensitive thermometry through criticality in voltage-coupled TRP channels Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
MacKintosh, Frederick C Rice Univ |
Session N42.00001 Nonlinear elasticity of polymer networks and hydrogels with inclusions Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Madsen, Louis A Virginia Tech |
Session G42.00003 Ion Conduction, Morphology, and Network Formation in a Double-Helix Ionic Polymer Composite Electrolyte Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Madzik, Mateusz T University of New South Wales |
Session B37.00007 Precision tomography of a three-qubit electron-nuclear quantum processor in silicon Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Magana-Loaiza, Omar Louisiana State University |
Session W37.00006 Smart Superresolving Quantum Cameras Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Maitra, Neepa T Rutgers University - Newark |
Session T46.00001 Exact-factorization-based methods for coupled electrons, ions, and photons. Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Makse, Hernan A The City College of New York |
Session N42.00005 K-core analysis of jamming and shear thickening transitions Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Malnou, Maxime National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session S38.00004 Toward the near-quantum-limited multiplexed readout of hundreds of resonators with a KI-TWPA Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Mamin, Harry J IBM Research - Almaden |
Session M15.00002 Keithley Award (2022): Pushing the Limits of Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance: Nuclear Spin Detection and Imaging Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Mamin, Harry J IBM Research - Almaden |
Session D41.00004 The Merged Element Transmon Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Mandadapu, Kranthi K University of California, Berkeley |
Session W14.00003 Structure and dynamics in supercooled liquids: A theory of localized excitations Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Manneville, Sebastien Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session N42.00003 Attractive, confined, and stirred: patterns and cracks in particulate networks Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Manoharan, Vinothan N Harvard University |
Session S15.00001 Watching viruses form, one virus at a time Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Manson, Jamie L Eastern Washington University |
Session S53.00001 Bespoke S = 1 quantum magnets based on planar, staggered or chiral architectures Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Mansouri Tehrani, Aria ETH Zurich |
Session D70.00003 Untangling the structural, magnetic dipole, and charge multipolar orders in Ba2MgReO6 and Cs2TaCl6 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Marconnet, Amy Purdue University |
Session M68.00001 Engineering nanostructures to control phonon transport Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Margine, Elena R Binghamton University |
Session G48.00001 Modeling superconducting properties with the Eliashberg formalism Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Marini, Andrea CNR-ISM and FLASHit |
Session N46.00001 Photo-induced phase-transitions and coherent phenomena in realistic materials: an ab-initio Many-Body approach. Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Marquardt, Florian Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Session G14.00001 How a time-reversal-invariant physical system can be turned into a self-learning machine Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Martin, Andreas UC Berkeley |
Session N06.00001 Global conformational changes and their allosteric control by ubiquitin regulate protein degradation of the 26S proteasome molecular machine Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Martinez, Micaela Emory |
Session F05.00001 Ecological Dynamics in Health and Infection Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Martin Fernandez, Ana University of the Basque Country |
Session S43.00002 Digital-Analog Quantum Computation and Simulation Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Marzari, Nicola Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session B32.00002 Charting the electronic structure of inorganic materials. Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Maslov, Sergei University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A14.00002 How informational sequences emerge from random templated ligation Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q27.00001 Panel Speaker: Nadya Mason Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session K15.00005 The Emergence of Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous Systems Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Masuda, Naoki State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session A08.00001 System-state dynamics and recurrence of temporal networks Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Mathur, Neil D Univ of Cambridge |
Session N69.00001 Large electrocaloric effects in PST multilayer capacitors over a wide range of temperatures including room temperature Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Matsuda, Yuji Kyoto Univ |
Session Q44.00001 BCS-BEC crossover in FeSe-based superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Maulik, Romit Argonne National Laboratory |
Session A32.00001 Emulating nonlinear dynamical systems from data using scientific machine learning Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Mauri, Francesco Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session G43.00004 Phase diagram, metallization, black and shiny reflections of Hydrogen in the 3-7 Mbar range by quantum Monte-Carlo with anharmonic zero-point fluctuations Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
May, Elebeoba University of Houston |
Session N04.00005 Modeling the Proinflammatory Microenvironment and Immune Response Dynamics During Infection Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Mayer, Andreas Princeton University |
Session F14.00002 Quantifying structure in immune receptor epitope maps Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
McBride, Emma SLAC |
Session N15.00003 Developing direct measurements of temperature and transport properties at hard X-ray FELs Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
McBride, Patricia L Fermi National Laboratory and CERN |
Session T15.00002 APS as a welcoming global hub for physicists Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
McCall, Patrick M Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics & Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session T06.00001 Label-free composition determination for biomolecular condensates with an arbitrary number of components Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
McCluskey, Matthew D Washington State University |
Session F67.00001 Defects in – and on – Gallium Oxide Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
McEuen, Paul L Cornell University |
Session W03.00001 Smart Microscopic Robots Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
McLeod, Alexander S Columbia Univ |
Session F15.00003 IUPAP C10 Young ScientistPrize Winner: Unveiling the realm of quantum materials with nano-optics Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
McMillan, Stephen R University of Konstanz |
Session M52.00003 Image of Dynamic Local Exchange Interactions in the dc Magnetoresistance of Spin-Polarized Current through a Dopant Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
McQueen, Tyrel M Johns Hopkins University |
Session D70.00001 Discovery of Honeycomb and Kagomé Quantum Magnets Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Mencia, Ray A University of Maryland, College Park |
Session S41.00004 Blochnium: A flux-insensitive qubit with flux-tunable interactions Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Mendels, Philippe Université Paris-Saclay |
Session T29.00004 17-O NMR site-selective study of the quantum kagome antiferromagnet ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2 : a gapless ground state. Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Menicucci, Nicolas RMIT University, Melbourne |
Session S28.00005 Quantum computing with continuous variable optical states Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Mercier de Lepinay, Laure Aalto University |
Session T39.00001 Multimode optomechanics to reach and evade displacement sensitivity limits Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Metelmann, Anja Freie Universität Berlin |
Session B28.00003 Nonreciprocity beyond quantum information processing Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Meunier, Tristan Institute Neel |
Session Z39.00001 Charge and spin coherent control in semiconductor quantum dot arrays Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Miao, Hu Oak Ridge National Labs |
Session F45.00003 Majorana-phonon coupling in Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate α -RuCl3 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Michel, Manon Université Clemont – Auvergne |
Session W48.00001 Accelerated Monte Carlo sampling through non-reversibility and factorisation Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Migler, Kalman B National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session B16.00001 Cascading Crystallization in Mixed Polyolefins Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Mignacco, Francesca Institute of Theoretical Physics, CEA Saclay |
Session B42.00001 Statistical physics insights on learning in high dimensions Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Miguez, Hernan Institute of Materials Science of Seville |
Session F43.00005 to be defined Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Milic, Jovana Adolf Merkle Institute |
Session A69.00001 Stabilizing Hybrid Perovskite Materials through Supramolecular Templating in Photovoltaics Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Millan, Ana Paula Amsterdam UMC, Vrije University |
Session Z09.00005 Geometry, topology and simplicial synchronization Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Miller, Jami V US Patent & Trademark Office |
Session K15.00003 Observation and Detection of African American Women in Physics Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Mills, Daniel Cambridge Quantum Computing |
Session M38.00004 Application-Motivated, Holistic Benchmarking of a Full Quantum Computing Stack Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Minor, Adriana El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Históricos |
Session W43.00003 Jane Dewey:A woman in the ‘lucky generation’ of physicists in the United States (1925-1933) Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Mirhosseini, Mohammad Caltech |
Session B28.00004 Quantum transduction: connecting transmons to photons Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Mirrahimi, Mazyar Inria Paris |
Session Z40.00006 Progress with stabilized cat qubits towards hardware-efficient fault-tolerance Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Miwa, Shinji Univ of Tokyo |
Session D29.00003 Electrical manipulation and ultrafast dynamics of cluster magnetic octupole in the chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Sn Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Mizoguchi, Teruyasu University of Tokyo |
Session S32.00001 Prediction of materials properties from core-loss spectrum using neural network Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Modeste Knowles, Arlene American Institute of Physics |
Session B13.00003 AIP TEAM-UP: A National Initiative to Increase African Americans in Physics & Astronomy Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Modi, Kavan Monash University |
Session W40.00007 Linking many-body physics to many-time physics: Characterising micro and macro features of non-Markovian quantum processes Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Mogi, Masataka Department of Physics, MIT |
Session G72.00007 Current-induced switching of ferromagnetic surface states of topological insulators proximitized by 2D ferromagnets Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Moore, David C Yale University |
Session D13.00003 Searches for Dark Matter with Optically Levitated Sensors Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Moore, Robert G Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session A71.00001 Templated synthesis of low dimensional films and heterostructures on freestanding graphene membranes Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Morais Smith, Cristiane Univ of Utrecht |
Session X01.00003 Atom-by-atom engineering of novel states of matter Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Morawska, Lidia Queensland University of Technology |
Session A13.00004 Physics of respiratory infections: do we understand it? Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Morello, Andrea University of New South Wales |
Session G39.00001 Multi-qubit quantum logic operations with ion-implanted donor spins in silicon Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Morong, William N University of Maryland, College Park |
Session S43.00005 Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal: a nonequilibrium phase of matter on a quantum simulator Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Morr, Dirk K University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session N44.00005 Engineering of Topological Superconductivity in Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Structures Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Motta, Mario IBM Research - Almaden |
Session A01.00007 Emerging hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for quantum chemistry Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Motter, Adilson E Northwestern University |
Session K42.00002 Complex Contagion: Unfolding and Control Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Moule, Adam UC Davis |
Session N16.00001 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Mouradian, Sara University of Washington |
Session Z28.00003 Individual Addressing of Trapped Ions Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Muechler, Lukas F Simons Foundation |
Session Q14.00002 Towards a topological classification of molecules and chemical reactions Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Mugler, Andrew University of Pittsburgh |
Session D08.00009 Irwin Oppenheim Award (2022): Physical limits to biological sensing Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Mukherjee, Kunal Stanford University |
Session A67.00001 Understanding recombination-enhanced dislocation motion for reliable III-V on Si lasers Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Muller, David A Cornell University |
Session Q60.00001 Picometer-scale characterization of structure, strain and defects in 2D materials using 4D-STEM Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Müller, Alejandro J J Univ del Pais Vasco |
Session A19.00001 Crystallization and multi-crystalline morphology in PE-b-PEO-b-PCL-b-PLLA tetrablock quarterpolymers and their respective precursors Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
Munday, Jeremy N UC Davis |
Session B10.00001 Materials, Optics, and Thermodynamics of Ultra-high Temperature Thermophotovoltaic Device Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Mundet, Bernat Univ of Geneva |
Session D71.00008 Electronic coupling in nickelate-based superlattices Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Mundy, Julia A Harvard University |
Session Q67.00003 Designing Quantum Materials at the Atomic-Scale Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Murnane, Margaret M JILA |
Session D02.00001 Uncovering new materials behaviors using novel X-ray and electron computational imaging Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Murthy, Akshay A Fermilab |
Session M43.00003 Panel Speaker:Akshay Murthy Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Murugan, Arvind University of Chicago |
Session G14.00003 Materials that learn from examples Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Muthukumar, Murugappan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session F42.00003 Entropic Freezing of Diffusion of Macromolecules at Intermediate Confinements Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Nadj-Perge, Stevan Caltech |
Session B72.00001 Graphene-Based Moire Superconductors: Platform for New Discoveries and Applications Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Nadj-Perge, Stevan s.nadj-perge@caltech.edu |
Session S44.00004 Interaction-driven band flattening and correlated phases in magic-angle graphene superlattices Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Nagendra Prakash, Vivek University of Miami |
Session Z14.00004 Simple animals stretch our physical understanding of cilia, sticky cells and tissue rheology Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Nair-Bedouelle, Shamila Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO |
Session T15.00001 The race against time for smarter development Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Nakamura, James R Purdue University |
Session B45.00001 Direct observation of anyonic braiding statistics at theν=1/3 fractional quantum Hall state Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Nakamura, Yasunobu Univ of Tokyo |
Session B28.00001 Quantum sensing of magnons with a superconducting qubit Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Nakano, Masaki The University of Tokyo |
Session G60.00002 Spin-orbit-mediated proximity coupling at a magnetic van der Waals interface Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Napolitano, Simone Universite libre de Bruxelles |
Session Y16.00001 Fast equilibration mechanisms in disordered materials mediated by slow liquid dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Narang, Prineha Harvard University |
Session G09.00001 Shining New Light on Quantum Matter Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Nasu, Joji Tohoku University |
Session Y29.00002 Low-energy and thermodynamic properties of spin-S Kitaev models Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Navarro Gastiasoro, Maria ISC-CNR and La Sapienza |
Session A45.00001 Theory of superconductivity mediated by soft polar modes in incipient ferroelectrics Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Neil, Charles |
Session B40.00007 Accurately computing the electronic properties of a quantum ring Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Nelson-Jean, Nicole U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management |
Session Z13.00001 Status of Environmental Cleanup Conducted by the Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Neupane, Madhab University of Central Florida |
Session S67.00001 Electronic structure evolution in magnetic topological materials Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Neupert, Titus Univ of Zurich |
Session G44.00001 Unconventional charge order and superconductivity in kagome materials AV3Sb5 Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Newman, Michael |
Session A28.00005 Estimating overheads for quantum fault-tolerance in the honeycomb code Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Newman, William I University of California, Los Angeles |
Session 6E.00004 Part 1: The Physics of Changing Climate Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Nguyen, Vinh Q Virginia Tech |
Session M06.00003 Impact of Water-Protein Interactions on Protein Dynamics(Nguyen Q. Vinh, Department of Physics and Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061) Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Ni, Kang-Kuen Harvard University |
Session D01.00007 tbd Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Ni, Ni University of California, Los Angeles |
Session B68.00001 Tuning the interplay of magnetism and band topology in magnetic topological materials Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Ni, Ran Nanyang Technological University |
Session T43.00005 Non-Equilibrium Strongly Hyperuniform Fluids with Large Local Density Fluctuations - Towards Perfect Photonic Fluids Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Nichol, John University of Rochester |
Session M39.00001 Quantum state transfer in quantum-dot spin chains Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Nickerson, Naomi PsiQuantum |
Session G37.00007 Full-stack architectures for fault tolerant quantum computing with photons Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Nirody, Jasmine A Rockefeller University |
Session B14.00005 Adaptation and evolution in flagellar motors Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Noack, Marcus Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W13.00001 Domain-Aware Gaussian Processes and High-Performance Mathematical Optimization for Optimal Autonomous Data Acquisition Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Noe, Frank Freie Univ Berlin |
Session Q47.00001 Highly accurate potential energy surfaces with deep quantum Monte Carlo Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Noel, Crystal Duke University |
Session D40.00007 Observing measurement-induced quantum phases in a trapped-ion quantum computer Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Noh, Kyungjoo AWS |
Session N37.00007 Fault-tolerant quantum computing with bosonic qubits Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Nomura, Yusuke RIKEN |
Session Q47.00002 Artificial neural networks for quantum many-body problems Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Norman, Michael R Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T29.00001 Disorder, Quantum Spin Liquids, and Valence Bond Crystals Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Norton, Michael M Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session G07.00006 Optimal control and design of cytoskeleton-based dynamic biomaterials Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Nourmohammad, Armita University of Washington |
Session F14.00003 2022 Early Career Award for Biological Physics: Organization and encoding of memory in evolving environments Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Nuckolls, Kevin P Princeton University |
Session S44.00003 Spectroscopic Evidence for Correlated Chern Insulators and Unconventional Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Nunnenkamp, Andreas University of Vienna |
Session S33.00008 Non-hermitian topology and directional amplification Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Nurdin, Hendra University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia |
Session Q38.00004 Systematically Realizing Unconventional Coherent Filters for High Precision Sensing Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Ogbunu, Brandon Yale University |
Session M05.00001 A new evolutionary perspective on drug(g)ability Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Ogilvie, Jennifer P University of Michigan |
Session M02.00003 Invited Talk: Jennifer Ogilvie Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Ok, Jong Mok Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session M53.00007 Correlated Oxide Dirac Semimetal in the Qantum Limit Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Olsen, Bradley D Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session S42.00002 New Informatics Tools to Help Make Polymer Data Bigger Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Olson, Lindsay University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
Session Q42.00005 "Accelerating Connections: Art and Physics" or your title Art and Science Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
O'Neill, Morgan E Stanford Univ |
Session 6E.00007 The Physics of Hurricanes and Other Extreme Phenomena Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Ong, N. Phuan Princeton University |
Session F45.00001 Oscillations of the thermal conductivity in the proximate Kitaev system α-RuCl3 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Opremcak, Alexander M University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session T38.00004 High-Fidelity Measurement of a Superconducting Qubit Using an On-Chip Microwave Photon Counter Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Orski, Sara National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session A42.00002 Characterization of Degraded and Model Post-Consumer Resins to Support Emerging Metrology Needs in Materials Sustainability and End of Life Concerns Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Ortiz Jimenez, Valery University of South Florida |
Session A52.00001 Light –controlled magnetism in 2D vanadium dichalchogenides and related semiconductors Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Otero-de-la-Roza, Alberto University of Oviedo |
Session D24.00010 Stability of CO2 and carbonate materials under extreme conditions Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Ouldridge, Thomas E Imperial College London |
Session Y09.00001 Entropy generation during computation - is it really avoidable, even in principle? Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Oza, Anand U New Jersey Inst of Tech |
Session K14.00002 Phase-field modeling of colloid-polymer mixtures in microgravity Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Pacheco, Belinda University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session N24.00001 Observing Hot Spots in a Model Plastic-Bonded Explosive with Shock Compression Microscopy Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Paik, Hanhee IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session M28.00003 Challenges and Directions of Quantum Computing with Superconducting Qubits Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Palmer, Jeremy C University of Houston |
Session W42.00004 Dynamics of semi-dilute polymer-particle solutions Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Palmigiano, Agostina Columbia |
Session D03.00005 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Parcollet, Olivier P Simons Foundation |
Session K49.00006 High order perturbative methods for out of equilibrium quantum many-body systems. Quantum quasi-Monte Carlo and beyond. Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Parga, Clemente J Zap Energy Inc. |
Session A15.00002 Expediting Fusion Energy Development via Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z-Pinches and Liquid Metal Walls Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Parisi, Giorgio Sapienza Universita di Roma |
Session 6E.00009 The Interplay of Disorder and Fluctuations in Physical Systems from Atomic to Planetary Scales Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Park, Hongkun Harvard University |
Session K45.00004 Bilayer Wigner Crystals on an Atomically Thin Canvas Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Park, Jeong Min Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M44.00002 Magic-Angle Twisted Graphene Family Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Park, Moon Pohang Univ of Sci & Tech |
Session G42.00005 Charged Polymers with Various Ionic Additives: Phase Behavior, Ion Clustering, and Ion Transport Properties Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Park, Pyeongjae Seoul National University |
Session M51.00010 Spin texture induced by nonmagnetic doping and spin dynamics in 2D triangular lattice antiferromagnet h-Y(Mn,Al)O3 Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Parker, David H Radboud University |
Session A02.00001 Velocity Map Imaging at molecular ice surfaces Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Pascarelli, Sakura European XFEL |
Session K29.00003 The European XFEL: new scientific opportunities and first results Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Pashine, Nidhi Yale University |
Session G14.00004 Multifunctional networks using local training rules Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Pavanello, Michele Rutgers University, Newark |
Session T01.00001 What does it take to run orbital-free (TD)DFT and embedding simulations? And what do we get from them? Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Peano, Vittorio Max Planck Inst for Sci Light |
Session T33.00010 Multimode Open Quantum Systems Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Pegler, Sam Univ of Leeds |
Session F29.00005 Shaping of dissolving and melting bodies under natural convection Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Perahia, Dvora Clemson University |
Session G42.00002 Viscoelastic Response of Ionizable Polymers Melts and Dense Suspensions: Role of Ionic Assemblies Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Perdew, John P Departments of Physics and Chemistry, Temple U., Philadelphia, PA 19122 |
Session F01.00001 Density-Corrected SCAN Meta-GGA* Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Perelson, Alan S Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session M04.00006 Modeling within-host SARS-CoV-2 dynamics and the relationship between viral load and a person's infectiousness Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Perry, Sarah L University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session D42.00001 The Effect of Chemistry, Sequence, and Architecture on Complex Coacervation Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Persson, Kristin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session G13.00002 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Petridou, Nicoletta EMBL |
Session Z14.00003 Rigidity phase transitions in embryo development: from identification to function Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Pfau, Heike The Pennsylvania State University |
Session Y69.00001 Quasiparticle coherence in nematic state studied with strain-dependent ARPES Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Pham, Anh Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session G43.00005 First-Principles Simulations of Heterogeneous Interfaces for the Water-Energy Nexus Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Philbin, John P Harvard University |
Session T72.00001 Active Space Wavefunction Methods for Defects in Solids Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Picozzi, Silvia CNR Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems |
Session W71.00001 From Rashba Ferroelectrics to exotic spin textures: the role of spin-orbit coupling in cross-coupling phenomena Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Pierce, Andrew T Harvard |
Session S44.00001 Local thermodynamic measurements of topological states in magic angle graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Pierrehumbert, Raymond University of Chicago |
Session 6E.00005 Honoring the Pioneering Accomplishments of Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Piskulich, Zeke A Boston University |
Session K43.00003 Invited Talk: Ezekel Piskulich Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Pixley, Jed Rutgers University |
Session A44.00004 Magic angles and current-induced topology in twisted nodal superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Pla, Jarryd J School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia |
Session N32.00005 Spins, microwaves and quantum technologies Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Plisch, Monica J American Physical Society |
Session Y28.00005 The Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Pollanen, Johannes Michigan State University |
Session D33.00010 Hybrid systems based on electrons floating on superfluid helium Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Polshyn, Hryhoriy University of California at Santa Barbara |
Session S44.00005 Orbital Chern insulators at integer and half-integer fillings of a moiré superlattice Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Poorman, Megan Hyperfine |
Session M13.00003 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain at the Bedside Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Pop, Ioan-Mihai Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session A41.00004 Granular Aluminum: a superconducting material with amenable nonlinearity for quantum circuits Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Popovic, Marko Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session W14.00005 Thermally activated flow in models of amorphous solids Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Porter, Lauren National Institutes of Health - NIH |
Session K06.00004 Many sequence-diverse protein domains switch between α-helix and β-sheet folds Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Potasz, Pawel Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun |
Session S44.00002 Exact Diagonalization for Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Pouliquen, Olivier CNRS |
Session Y43.00001 Rheology of Cohesive Granular Media Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Prabhu, Vivek M National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session M18.00001 Structure formation in polyelectrolyte coacervates Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Prati, Enrico Instito di Fotonica e Nanotechnologie |
Session W13.00002 Quantum compiling by deep reinforcement learning Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Price, Hannah University of Birmingham |
Session W15.00001 Bloch Oscillations Along a Synthetic Dimension of Atomic Trap States Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Price, John C University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M13.00005 Benchtop permanent-magnet NMR at 3 T for biomedical and hyphenated applications Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Prokofiev, Nikolay U. Massachusetts |
Session N43.00004 Fermionic sign problem: an exaggerated myth Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Prosen, Tomasz University of Ljublijana |
Session T45.00004 Superuniversality of superdifusion in integrable many-body systems with nonabelian symmetries Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Pross, Addy Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Session A14.00001 Dynamic kinetic stability: Toward the physicalization of biology Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Qin, Jian Stanford University |
Session K17.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Award (2022): Toward quantitative modeling of polyelectrolyte complexation Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Qin, Shengshan Kavli Institute of Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing |
Session Q69.00005 Topological Superconductivity in an Extended s-wave Superconductor and Its Implication to Iron-based Superconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Qu, Xiaobo Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University |
Session S32.00002 Review and Prospect: Deep Learning in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Queiroz, Raquel Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session T70.00010 Impurity states in crystalline topological materials Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Rachel, Stephan University of Melbourne |
Session N44.00003 New perspectives for Majorana zero modes in one-dimensional topological superconductors Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Radjai, Franck University of Montpellier |
Session A09.00005 Rheology of inertial viscohesive granular flows: insights from numerical simulations Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Rahi, Sahand Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session S14.00005 The optimal checkpoint strategy predicts experimental checkpoint override times Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Rahman, Talat S University of Central Florida |
Session Q27.00002 Panel Speaker: Talat Rahman Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy University of California, Berkeley |
Session B60.00001 Electric Field Control of Magnetism Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Ramos, Rona Yale University |
Session N29.00004 Myth of meritocracy in Physics Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Randeria, Mohit Ohio State University |
Session Q44.00003 Are there bounds on the superconducting transition temperature? Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Rangamani, Padmini University of California, San Diego |
Session T07.00004 Formation of buds, pearls, and tubes in membranes Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Rappe, Andrew M University of Pennsylvania |
Session T44.00002 Shift and Ballistic Currents from First Principles Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Rashba, Emmanuel I Harvard University |
Session Q45.00001 Buckley Prize (2022): Spin-orbit coupling, spintronics, and topology Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Ratcliff, William National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session Y28.00003 APS Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance (IDEA): Transforming the Culture of Physics Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Ravasio, Alessandra Laboratoire d'Utilisation de Lasers Intenses, Ecole Polytechnique |
Session N15.00005 Exploring metallic and superionic ammonia in ice giant interiors Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Rechtsman, Mikael C Pennsylvania State University |
Session W15.00005 Solitons and quantization in nonlinear topological systems Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Reed, Matthew D HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session B39.00001 Exchange-only CNOT using the SLEDGE quantum dot architecture Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Refaely-Abramson, Sivan Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session N01.00001 Exciton diffusion from first principles: role of crystal packing and composition Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Regal, Cindy A University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G09.00002 Quantum tomography of motion in time of flight Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Reig-i-Plessis, Dalmau University of British Columbia |
Session K44.00004 Quantum criticality and dynamical scaling in a Mn-based kagome metal Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Reilly, David Univ of Sydney |
Session A39.00001 Cryogenic Floating Gate CMOS Circuits for Quantum Control Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Reining, Lucia CNRS/Institut Polytechnique de Paris |
Session M01.00001 The Connector Theory Approach: Principles and Development of new Density Functionals Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Rempe, Gerhard Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Munich, Germany |
Session D37.00007 Photon-nondestructive quantum networks Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Ren, Jie Merck & Co. |
Session G32.00007 Digital health: data science in practice Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Reyren, Nicolas Unité Mixte de Physique, CNRS, Thales, Univ. Paris-Saclay |
Session G29.00004 Non-collinear three-dimensional textures in magnetic multilayers: Hatching of skyrmionic cocoons Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Rheinstadter, Maikel C McMaster |
Session N07.00004 Functional and functionalized membranes Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Rica, Raul Universidad Granada |
Session S09.00001 Noise-driven phenomena on the dynamics of levitated nanoparticles Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Richerme, Philip Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session F34.00001 2D Ion Qubit Arrays for Quantum Information Processing Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Riggleman, Robert University of Pennsylvania |
Session B49.00001 A microscopic view of the response of disordered polymer solids to deformation Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Ringel, Zohar The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session N43.00002 Intrinsic sign problems in topological quantum field theories Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Rish, Irina University of Montreal, Mila - Quebec AI Institute |
Session B42.00004 Towards General and Robust Deep Learning at Scale Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Ritsch-Marte, Monika Medical University of Innsbruck |
Session D14.00002 Optical and acoustic forces for biomedical applications Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Robertson, Patrick University of Oxford |
Session B02.00001 Covariance-map imaging: a new dimension for chemical dynamics studies Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Robinson, Sean P Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session K27.00001 Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award (2022): Challenges and opportunities in physics advanced laboratory instruction Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Rocks, Jason W Boston University |
Session F03.00001 Memorizing without overfitting: Over-parameterization in machine learning, physics and biology Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Rockward, Willie S Morgan State University |
Session N29.00005 Being antiracist in Physics Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Roesner, Malte Radboud University |
Session G15.00003 Ab-initio theory of the symmetry-breaking transitions in Ta2NiS5 and Ta2NiSe5 Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Rogers, Simon A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W42.00002 New insights from transient nonlinear recovery rheology Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Roichman, Yael Tel Aviv University |
Session M08.00001 Statistical physics of feedback-based driven colloidal suspensions Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Rojas-Sanchez, Juan-Carlos University of Lorraine, France |
Session T68.00012 Giant Self-Production of Spin Current and Self-Torque on Single GdFeCo Magnetic Layers Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Rolles, Daniel Kansas State University |
Session B02.00003 Three-dimensional electron and ion momentum imaging with a double-sided coincidence VMI Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Rosa, Priscila Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session M45.00004 Kondo insulators in high magnetic fields Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Rosen, Matthew S Massachusetts General Hospital |
Session G10.00001 Life at the Bottom: NMR and MRI at 6.5 mT Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Ross, Aaron M Politecnico di Milano |
Session M43.00002 Panel Speaker: Aaron Ross Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Ross, Jennifer L Syracuse University |
Session G06.00001 Molecular Cutting Machine: Katanin Microtubule Severing Enzyme Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Rousochatzakis, Ioannis Loughborough University |
Session Y29.00001 Quantum spin liquid in the semiclassical regime Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Rovelli, Carlo Aix Marseille University |
Session T35.00001 Relational Quantum Mechanics Room: McCormick Place W-193B |
Rubenstein, Brenda M Brown University |
Session F32.00003 Extending the Reach of Quantum Monte Carlo Methods via Machine Learning Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Rubin, Nicholas C Google LLC |
Session A01.00001 The real cost of chemical simulation on quantum computers Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Rubio Verdú, Carmen Columbia University |
Session M60.00001 Atomic-scale structure and electronic properties of twisted double bilayer graphene: topological edge states and nematic order Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Rudolph, Terry PsiQuantum |
Session D28.00001 Fusion based photonic quantum computing Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Rugar, Alison E Stanford Univ |
Session F35.00001 Quantum Photonics with the Tin-Vacancy Center in Diamond Room: McCormick Place W-193B |
Rugar, Daniel IBM Research - Almaden |
Session M15.00001 Keithley Award (2022): Pushing the Limits of Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance: From Magnetic Force Microscopy to Single Electron Spin Detection Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Rumble, John R&R Data Services |
Session Q13.00003 Physics Challenges in Industry: An Eclectic View Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Rurali, Riccardo Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barc |
Session Q48.00007 Towards a fully electromagnetic control of the heat flux Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Saalwaechter, Kay University of Halle-Wittenberg |
Session B19.00001 New (Macro)molecular Facets of an Old Problem: What Controls the Morphology of Semicrystalline Polymer Room: McCormick Place W-185A |
Saboungi, Marie-Louise IMPMC, CNRS - Sorbonne University |
Session S68.00013 Charge-density-wave phase and magnetoresitance in Ag2-δTe Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Sabouri, Pooneh Florida International University |
Session Y28.00002 STEP UP: National Movement to Change the Culture of High school Physics Teaching-Learning and inspiring Young Women to Pursue Physics Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Saleh, Omar A University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A25.00001 An active DNA liquid Room: McCormick Place W-187A |
Salfi, Joseph University of British Columbia |
Session K37.00007 Acceptor-based hole spin qubits in silicon Room: McCormick Place W-194B |
Salvatelli, Valentina Microsoft - Research & Frontier Development Lab |
Session G32.00004 Learning from data: a journey from understanding the universe to predicting human diseases Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Samajdar, Rhine Harvard University |
Session Y13.00004 Emergent Z2 gauge theories and topologically ordered phases in Rydberg atom arrays Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Sanbonmatsu, Karissa Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session M04.00001 Using molecular simulation to interpret weak cryo-EM density for the Spike protein post-fusion complex Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Sanchez, Joshua J University of Washington / MIT |
Session S69.00001 Probing nematicity and magnetism with combined tunable strain and x-ray scattering/fluorescence techniques Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Sankaranarayanan, Subramanian University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B43.00005 Reinforcement Learning for Inverse Materials Design Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Sardiu, Mihaela University of Kansas Medical Center |
Session Q14.00005 Looking at Protein Interactions from the "Top" Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Sato, Yuki RIKEN CEMS |
Session M45.00003 Unconventional thermal metallic state of charge-neutral fermions in Kondo insulators Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Satzinger, Kevin J Google LLC |
Session M28.00001 Progress in superconducting quantum computing at Google Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Sau, Jay D University of Maryland, College Park |
Session D65.00001 Disorder and topological superconductivity Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Grant Park C |
Saunders, Alison Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session K24.00008 Experimental Observations of Laser-Driven Tin Ejecta Microjet Interactions Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Savoie, Brett M Purdue University |
Session M16.00006 To Pattern or Not to Pattern? Selecting Side-Chains for Mixed Conducting Polymers Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Sawtelle, Vashti Michigan State University |
Session K27.00002 Crafting Diverse Classroom Experiences: What is Missing and How Can we Fix it? Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Scarlett, Carol Florida A&M University |
Session Q27.00004 Panel Speaker: Dr. Carol Scarlett Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Scatena, Rebecca Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom |
Session S53.00006 Magnetic superexchange mechanism and pressure-induced orbital reordering by unconventional degrees of freedom in the homoleptic hybrid perovskite [(CH3)2NH2]Cu(HCOO)3. Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz-Haber Institute |
Session M46.00001 Electron-Vibrational Coupling in and beyond The Phonon Picture: Concepts and Applications to Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Scheie, Allen O Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session W44.00004 Witnessing entanglement in quantum magnets using neutron scattering Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Schelhas, Laura NREL |
Session F43.00003 A Matter of Mixing: Nanoscale Heterogeneity and Stability in Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Schenning, Albert University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session F21.00001 Bioinspired light-driven soft robots based on liquid crystal polymers Room: McCormick Place W-185D |
Schill, William Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session F24.00001 Multiscale modeling of amorphous glasses Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Schleier-Smith, Monika H Stanford University |
Session W44.00003 Atoms Interlinked by Light: Programming Interactions and Probing Entanglement Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Schober, Helmut European Spallation Source |
Session K29.00001 Meeting high expectations: How ESS will provide unprecedented opportunities for materials research Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Schoelkopf, Robert J Yale University |
Session F40.00007 Efficient Multiphoton Sampling of Molecular Vibronic Spectra on a Superconducting Bosonic Processor Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Schoop, Leslie M Princeton University |
Session G44.00003 Band Engineering of Dirac Semimetals Using Charge Density Waves Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Schrier, Joshua Fordham U. |
Session B47.00001 ML to accelerate experimental discovery Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Schröder, Tim Humboldt-University Berlin |
Session Q71.00001 TBD; tentatively: "spin and optical coherence of defect centers and quantum control" Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Schultz, Kelly M Lehigh University |
Session W42.00003 Dynamic microenvironments created by human mesenchymal stem cells Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Schwab, David J The Graduate Center, CUNY |
Session B42.00003 Information bottleneck approaches to representation learning Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Schwarz, Kathleen NIST |
Session W49.00001 Electrodes in aqueous electrolyte: modeling challenges and surprises Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Searles, Thomas A University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session M29.00003 Building a Supportive Research and Education Environment for Black Women in Quantum Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Searles, Thomas A University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session T27.00001 IBM-HBCU Quantum Center: An industry-academic model for partnerships in quantum-aware workforce development Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Sedrakyan, Tigran A University of Massachusetts |
Session D44.00003 Many-body chaos and topological order in flat-band optical lattices Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Segalman, Rachel A University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F42.00002 Design of Polymer Electrolytes with Superionic Ion Transport Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Sels, Dries NYU |
Session Z15.00004 From avalanches to the Golden rule: numerical constraints on many-body localization Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Semeghini, Giulia Harvard University |
Session M49.00007 Probingtopologicalspinliquids on a programmable quantum simulator Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Sension, Roseanne J University of Michigan |
Session D02.00006 Using X-rays to probe excited state structural and electronic dynamics: Cobalamins as a case study Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Serrano, M. Angeles Univ de Barcelona |
Session K42.00001 Towards multiscale network science Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Shapeev, Alexander Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Session Q15.00002 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Sharma, Vivek University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session S18.00001 Polymer Dynamics, Rheology & Processing: Flexibility, Extensibility, and Charge Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Sharp, Nicole S University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Q42.00001 SciComm Is For Everyone Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Sharpee, Tatyana O Salk Inst |
Session F14.00004 Hyperbolic geometry in biological networks Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Shechtman, Yoav Technion, Israel Institute of Technology |
Session W17.00001 Computational optical microscopy by PSF engineering - or – how and why to ruin a perfectly good microscope Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Shen, Yao Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Z29.00005 Charge and spin stripe formation and dynamics in nickelates Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Shen, Zhi-Xun Stanford University |
Session Y44.00002 Incoherent strange metal sharply bounded by a critical doping in Bi2212 Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Sheng, Donna California State University, Northridge |
Session D44.00005 Orbital Chern Insulator and Spontaneous Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking of Electron Systems with Partially Filled Energy Bands Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Sheshadri, Aditi Stanford |
Session A10.00004 Atmospheric dynamics across scales: Jet streams and gravity waves Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Shi, Qianhui Columbia Univ |
Session G45.00002 Odd- and even-denominator fractional quantum Hall states in monolayer WSe2 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Shimojima, Takahiro RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science |
Session Y69.00004 Visualizing the electronic nematic state by laser-photoemission electron microscopy Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Shivaram, Bellave S University of Virginia |
Session F45.00002 Anisotropic Nonlinear Magnetic Susceptibility in Quantum Spin Systems Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Shraiman, Boris I University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session N14.00005 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Sidky, Emil University of Chicago |
Session B43.00002 X-ray tomography with sparse data: physics, mathematics, and application Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Siggia, Eric D Cornell University |
Session B04.00001 Geometry and Genetics Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Silberhorn, Christine Paderborn |
Session D28.00002 Scaling photonic systems for quantum information processing Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Silbert, Leo Central New Mexico Community College |
Session Y43.00003 Flow and Packing of Dense Granular Materials Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Sillanpaa, Mika Aalto University |
Session K33.00008 Quantum back-action and entanglement in microwave optomechanics Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Simmons, David S University of South Florida |
Session B17.00001 Insights into the physics of glass formation from simulations of thin film dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Simmons, Michelle Y University of New South Wales |
Session M28.00002 Esther Hoffman Beller Lectureship (2022): Manufacturing qubits in silicon with atomic precision Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Simon, Jon University of Chicago |
Session G28.00004 Quantum Simullation with Rydberg Polaritons Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Sing, Charles E University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y18.00013 The role of hydrodynamics in flowing semidilute solutions of ring/linear polymer blends Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Singh, Simranjeet Carnegie Mellon University |
Session N28.00004 Quantum materials with low crystalline symmetry for field-free magnetization manipulation Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Singh, Swati University of Delaware |
Session D13.00004 Probing the dark sector with mechanical systems Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Sirin, Sarah abbvie |
Session F32.00004 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Sivak, David A Simon Fraser University |
Session Q04.00002 Performance bounds, trade-offs, and scaling for collective motor-driven transport Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Slot, Marlou R National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session T67.00001 High-resolution Landau level spectroscopy in small-angle twisted double bilayer graphene Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Smidt, Tess E Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Z43.00002 Symmetry Considerations for Machine Learning Algorithms Operating on 3D Geometry and Physical Data Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Smith, Eric Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session K04.00001 Combinatorics in evolution: from rule-based systems to the thermodynamics of selectivities Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Smith, Leigh M University Of Cincinnati |
Session F68.00001 Raman and Transient Reflectance Spectroscopy in the Type II Weyl Semimetal NbIrTe4 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Sneppen, Kim Niels Bohr Institute |
Session S14.00002 Optimization of lysogeny frequency for temperate phages Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Sodemann, Inti A Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session T44.00004 Novel in-gap bulk current rectification mechanisms Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Sokolov, Igor Y Tufts University |
Session Q07.00004 Multidimensional mechano-tomography of biological cells: novel modes and machine learning data analysis Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Soles, Christopher National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session G42.00004 Insights into the transport mechanisms of water through polymer membranes from quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Sompolinsky, Haim I Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session F09.00001 Toward Statistical Mechanics of Deep Learning Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Son, Dam T University of Chicago |
Session B45.00005 Raman scattering and excitations in fractional quantum Hall systems Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Sordi, Giovanni Royal Holloway University of London |
Session W44.00001 Information theoretic measures of the pseudogap and of superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Sourjik, Victor Max-Planck-Institute of Terrestrial Microbiology |
Session A20.00001 Collective behaviors of motile bacteria Room: McCormick Place W-185BC |
Spaldin, Nicola A ETH Zurich |
Session G53.00004 Hidden magnetoelectric multipoles in complex oxides Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Spencer, Richard G National Institutes of Health - NIH |
Session B43.00001 Introduction to Inverse Problems with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry and Myelin Mapping in the Brain Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Spielman, Ian University of Maryland, College Park |
Session W33.00004 Floquet engineering topological Dirac bands Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Sreenivasan, K. R Department, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Tandon School of Engineering,New York University. 726 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 |
Session S29.00003 Human Rights of Scientists in Sakharov's Time and Now Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Sreenivasan, K. R New York University |
Session B29.00002 Kadanoff Prize (2022): TBD Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Srimath Kandada, Ajay Ram Wake Forrest University |
Session D69.00001 Exciton polarons in Ruddlesden Popper metal halides - lessons from coherent spectroscopy Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Srivastava, Samanvaya University of California, Los Angeles |
Session B31.00001 Robust and Tough Wet Adhesives based on Polyelectrolyte Complex Hydrogels Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Stach, Eric University of Pennsylvania |
Session S13.00002 Exploiting automatic image processing and in-situ transmission electron microscopy to understand the stability of supported nanoparticles Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Stan, Claudiu A Rutgers University-Newark |
Session W24.00001 Shock trains in liquid jets and their effect on protein crystals and protein molecular structure Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Stanev, Valentin G University of Maryland, College Park |
Session F32.00002 Data Science for Biopharmaceutical Development Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Stanzione, Joe Rowan University |
Stapelfeldt, Henrik Aarhus University |
Session B02.00006 The primary steps of ion solvation Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Statt, Antonia Materials Science and Engineering, Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA |
Session T16.00010 Unsupervised learning of sequence-specific aggregation behavior for model copolymers Room: McCormick Place W-184A |
Stavropoulos, Panagiotis Peter University of Toronto |
Session D51.00001 Microscopic Mechanism for a Higher-Spin Kitaev Model Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Stefanucci, Gianluca University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Session W01.00001 Steady-State Density Functional Theory for Correlated Quantum Transport and Spectral Functions Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Stein, Daniel L New York Univ NYU |
Session 6E.00010 Panel Speaker: Daneil Stein Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Steinberg, Julia A Princeton University |
Session K02.00001 Associative Memory of Knowledge Structures and Sequences Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Steinhardt, Paul J Princeton University |
Session T43.00004 Hyperuniform solids with bond orientiational order Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Stelson, Angela C NIST |
Session M13.00001 Microwave Microfluidic Spectroscopy for Biomolecular Measurements in Solution Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Stemmer, Susanne University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A45.00002 Polar Order and Superconductivity in SrTiO3 Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Stephanopoulos, Nicholas Arizona State University |
Session D42.00004 Integrating protein and peptide self-assembly with DNA nanotechnology Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Stephens, Greg J Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Session T03.00001 Theory, reimagined: lessons from the low-dimensional dynamics of animal behavior Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Stoica, Vladimir A Pennsylvania State University |
Session K70.00001 Light-induced topological phases in oxide superlattices Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Stutz, Russell Honeywell Intl |
Session M28.00005 Trapped Ion Quantum Computing at Quantinuum Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Suits, Arthur G University of Missouri |
Session K43.00001 Plyler Prize (2022): DC Slice Velocity Map Imaging and My Dalliances with Ozone and Formaldehyde Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Sun, Xiao-Qi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B15.00005 Two mechanisms for enhanced thermal Hall effect: ferroelectric fluctuations & resonant scattering Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Suri, Dhavala Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ( |
Session A72.00001 Signature of interfacial nontrivial spin texture in topological insulator/ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Sushkov, Alexander Boston University |
Session W15.00004 Exploring 2D synthetic quantum Hall physics with a quasi-periodically driven qubit Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Suwa, Hidemaro The University of Tokyo |
Session A53.00005 Exciton condensation in bilayer spin-orbit insulator Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Svore, Krysta M Microsoft Corp |
Session T28.00005 Programming for scale with Azure Quantum Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Swain, Daniel University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A10.00008 Understanding extremes in a warming climate: On acknowledging uncertainty, embracing complexity, and asking societally relevant questions Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Sweeney, Alison Yale |
Session W02.00001 What is the correct physical picture of reflectin protein self-assembly? Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Sweeney, Christine Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session M48.00001 High-Performance Single-Particle Imaging Reconstruction on Pre-Exascale Computing Platforms Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Swift, Michael W US Naval Research Laboratory |
Session F69.00001 Excitons and the Rashba effect in 2D perovskites Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Szalay, Alex S Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q49.00001 From Turbulence Simulations to Petascale Interactive Numerical Laboratories Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Szlufarska, Izabela A University of Wisconsin |
Session N67.00001 Radiation Induced Damage in Semiconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Szymczak, Piotr University of Warsaw |
Session F29.00003 The beauty of dissolution shapes: from cylindrical shafts to fractal trees Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Taillefer, Louis Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session Y44.00001 Fermi surface transformation at the pseudogap critical point of a cuprate superconductor Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Takahash, Youtarou University of Tokyo |
Session T60.00001 Nonreciprocal optical responses of multiferroics Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Takeuchi, Ichiro University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B32.00001 Machine learning for combinatorial exploration of quantum materials Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Takeuchi, Kazumasa A University of Tokyo |
Session T45.00002 Initial condition dependence of KPZ universality: from soft matter experiments to quantum spin chains Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Takita, Maika IBM Quantum |
Session A28.00003 Quantum error correction on a superconducting system with heavy hexagon topology Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas Max Planck Institute for the Structure & |
Session F46.00007 Magnons from real-space real-time time-dependent density functional theory Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Tang, Evelyn Rice University |
Session Q14.00003 Protected edge currents in stochastic and biological systems Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Tao, Shuxia TU Eindhoven |
Session D43.00005 Segregation and stabilization of lead halide perovskites Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Taupin, Mathieu Institute of Solid State Physics |
Session K44.00001 Extreme strange metal behavior and unconventional superconductivity in YbRh2Si2 Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Tavernelli, Ivano IBM Research - Zurich |
Session F32.00001 Quantum computing and its applications in natural sciences Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Temme, Kristan IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session M40.00006 Error mitigation and the prospect of near term applications Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Tennant, David A Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session T45.00001 Detection of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang hydrodynamics in a quantum Heisenberg spin chain Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Tesileanu, Tiberiu Flatiron Institute |
Session B03.00001 Neural circuits for dynamics-based segmentation of time series Room: McCormick Place W-176A |
Teusink, Bas Systems Bioinformatics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Session N14.00002 Optimality and Microbial Growth Strategies Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Tewari, Sumanta Clemson University |
Session Z44.00003 Fundamental relations for anomalous thermoelectric transport coefficients for Weyl semimetals in the non-linear regime Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Thomas, Paul St Jude Children's Research Hospital |
Session F14.00005 Conventional and unconventional T cell receptor recognition Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Thompson, Jeff D Princeton University |
Session Y13.00002 Towards quantum computing with 171Yb arrays Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Thompson, Rebecca Fermilab |
Session K13.00005 Exciting the Masses; Careers in Public Engagement Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Thompson, Russell B University of Waterloo |
Session Y42.00002 Retrograde vitrification equation of state for polymeric foaming Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Thoss, Michael University of Freiburg |
Session M02.00002 Quantum dynamics in molecular systems: Theory and applications to intramolecular singlet fission Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Tian, Xiaojun Arizona State University |
Session A04.00003 Building synthetic circuits to achieve cascading cell fate transitions Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Tighe, Brian P Delft University of Technology |
Session B09.00004 Stickiness in granular and related soft solids Room: McCormick Place W-180 |
Tikhomirov, Grigory University of California Berkeley |
Session S05.00004 Self-Assembly of Nanoscale Architectures with DNA Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Timofeeva, Elena Influit Energy |
Session A15.00005 Nanotech-Enabled New Energy Storage Paradigm: High Energy Density Pumpable Liquid Battery Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Todadri, Senthil Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F44.00004 Correlated topological phases in moire graphene systems Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Tomamichel, Marco P National University of Singapore |
Session B32.00004 Multi-armed quantum bandits: Exploration versus exploitation when learning properties of quantum states Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Tongay, Sefaattin Arizona State University |
Session A71.00002 Synthesis of 2D Materials. Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Torquato, Salvatore Princeton University |
Session T43.00001 Diffusion spreadability as a dynamic-based probe of hyperuniform and nonhyperuniform media across length scales Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Townsend, Dave Heriot-Watt University |
Session A02.00004 Artifical Neural Networks for Processing Velocity Map Images Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Toyabe, Shoichi Tohoku University |
Session B14.00001 Experiments on single-molecular energetics of biological molecular motor Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Tranquada, John M Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session A45.00004 Tuning from ferroelectric topological insulator to superconductor in (Pb,Sn,In)Te Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Trebst, Simon University of Cologne |
Session Y34.00001 Scalable Neural Decoder for Topological Surface Codes Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Tremblay, A.-M. S Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session Y44.00005 Fermi arcs vs hole pockets Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Tretiak, Sergei Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session Z43.00005 Machine Learning for Molecular Properties: Going Beyond Interatomic Potentials Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Tsirlin, Alexander University of Augsburg |
Session Q51.00009 Second generation of triangular spin-liquid candidates Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Tsui, Ophelia Hong Kong University of Science and Tech |
Session A17.00001 Dynamics of Glassy Polymers Under Nanoscale Confinement Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Tsuneya, Yoshida University of Tsukuba |
Session Q14.00004 Topological band theory of thermal diffusion and rock-paper-scissors games Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Tu, Yuhai IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session B42.00005 Dynamics of Deep Learning: Landscape-dependent Noise, Inverse Einstein Relation, and Flat Minima Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Turnage, Scott US Army Research Lab Aberdeen |
Session Q24.00001 Extraordinary performance of the stable, nanocrystalline Cu-Ta system under extreme dynamic mechanical load Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Turner, Paul Yale University |
Session A05.00001 Leveraging evolutionary trade-offs and phage selection pressure to alter bacterial infections Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Tzitrin, Ilan Xanadu |
Session D28.00003 Blueprint for a Scalable Photonic Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Ukleev, Victor Paul Scherrer Institute, Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging, Switzerland |
Session Q54.00004 Interplay between magnetic frustration, magnetocrystalline anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in chiral Co-Zn-Mn alloys Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Ulbricht, Hendrik Univ of Southampton |
Session D13.00005 Probing into the gravity of quantum systems by levitated mechanics Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Ulissi, Zachary Carnegie Mellon University |
Session M48.00002 Scaling graph models for large computational catalysis datasets to thousands of GPUs on Perlmutter Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
Upadhyaya, Arpita University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B07.00001 How immune cells respond to physical cues – the role of cytoskeletal dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Uykur, Ece Stuttgart University |
Session G68.00001 Optical fingerprints of unconventional carriers in kagome metals Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Vahala, Kerry J Caltech |
Session Z33.00006 Measuring the Earth's rotation using a chip-scale Brillouin laser gyroscope Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Vaia, Richard A Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session D18.00008 Mechanical Dissipation in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies Room: McCormick Place W-184D |
Vanderbilt, David Rutgers University |
Session D29.00002 Interplay of magnetic order and Weyl nodal structure in NdAlSi Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Van Harlingen, Dale J University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session T10.00001 S-TI-S (Superconductor-Topological Insulator-Superconductor) Josephson junction networks: a platform for exploring and exploiting Majorana fermions for quantum information processing Room: McCormick Place W-181A |
Van Riggelen, Floor Delft University of Technology |
Session K39.00001 Phase correction code on spin qubits Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
VanSaders, Bryan University of Chicago |
Session D14.00005 Acoustic Probes of Soft Condensed Matter Systems Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Vardoyan, Gayane Delft and UMass Amherst |
Session Z28.00004 On the Performance Evaluation of Two Distributed Quantum Architectures Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Varnava, Nicodemos Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session Q72.00001 Quantum point junction on the surface of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Vasudevan, Rama K Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B43.00004 Materials physics from microscopy: statistical and machine learning methods for tackling inverse problems Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Vattulainen, Ilpo University of Helsinki, Finland |
Session Z06.00011 Simulating the molecular processes of living matter - what is missing from current models Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Veis, Libor J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Republic |
Session F02.00009 DMRG-based methods for large-scale applications in strongly correlated quantum chemistry Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Velázquez, Jesús University of California, Davis |
Session F43.00004 Design of Multidimensional Molybdenum Sulfide Electrocatalysts to Drive CO2 and CO Conversion to Alcohols Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Vennettilli, Michael P AMOLF |
Session A13.00003 Irvin Oppenheim Award (2022): Investigating the Functional Benefits of Criticality in Cell Sensing Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Verma, Rashi CNN |
Session K13.00002 Transitioning from Physics into the Data World Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Vernerey, Franck J University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M17.00001 Rate-Dependent Damage and Fracture of Dynamic Networks Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Verresen, Ruben Harvard University |
Session F33.00007 Topological and fracton order in Rydberg atom arrays Room: McCormick Place W-192C |
Vespignani, Alessandro Northeastern University |
Session K42.00005 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Victa Trevisan, Thais Ames Lab |
Session Q70.00006 Exotic weak topological state in RhBi2 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Vidmar, Lev Ljubljana |
Session Z15.00005 Phenomenology of spectral functions in disordered spin chains Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Vines, Lasse University of Oslo |
Session G67.00001 Impurity-related Charge-state Transition Levels in β-Ga2O3 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Vinet, Maud CEA-Leti |
Session D39.00001 Material and integration challenges for large-scale silicon quantum computing Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Vinutha, H. A Georgetown University |
Session M43.00007 Panel Speaker:Vinutha H.A Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Vishveshwara, Saraswathi Indian Institute of Science |
Session D06.00006 From quantum connectivity to biological networks: A window into proteins Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Vishwanath, Ashvin Harvard University |
Session M44.00001 From strong coupling superconductivity to fractionalization in Moiré materials Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Vitelli, Vincenzo University of Chicago |
Session T14.00004 Machine learning approaches to biomechanics Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Volz, Sebastian CNRS and University of Tokyo |
Session T48.00001 How Coherence of Thermal Phonons impacts Heat Transport Room: McCormick Place W-471A |
von Arx, Karin University of Zurich, Chalmers University of Technology |
Session A70.00001 Low-energy orbital texture of Ca2RuO4 and Ca3Ru2O7 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
von Hippel, Frank N Professor Emeritus, Public & International Affairs. Program on Science & Global Security. Princeton. 209 221 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ 08542 |
Session S29.00004 Sakharov's efforts to save humanity from the nuclear weapons he helped create Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Von Klitzing, Klaus Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics |
Session X01.00002 The New International System of Units: A vision of Max Planck comes true Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Vorobieff, Peter University of New Mexico |
Session B29.00005 Beyond Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Vrakking, Marc Max Born Institute, Berlin |
Session B02.00005 tbd Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Vuletic, Vladan Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session N39.00001 Entangled optical-transition atomic clock Room: McCormick Place W-196A |
Wagner, Norman J University of Delaware |
Session T25.00001 How nanoscale surface physics affects emergent material properties in colloidal suspensions Room: McCormick Place W-187A |
Walczak, Aleksandra M Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session S15.00004 How personalised is our immune repertoire? Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Walker, Sara Arizona State University |
Session A14.00004 Towards a Statistical Mechanics of Biochemistry Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Walker, Travis W South Dakota Sch Mines & Tech |
Session S17.00006 Macromolecular Engineering of Degradable Photocurable Resins Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Walton, Donnell Corning Inc |
Session K15.00002 Welcome and Willie Hobbs Moore Reflections Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
wang, feng University of California, Berkeley |
Session M44.00004 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Wang, Chen University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session N34.00001 Protecting a bosonic qubit with autonomous quantum error correction Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Wang, Jiaming McMaster Univ |
Session T29.00005 Emergence of spin singlets with inhomogeneous gaps in the kagome lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnets ZnCu3(OD)6FBr and ZnCu3(OD)6Cl2 Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Wang, Kang-Lung University of California, Los Angeles |
Session K60.00001 Skyrmions and Spin-Orbit-Torques in 2D Magnetic Heterostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Wang, Lan RMIT University |
Session K60.00002 Protonic gate tuned magnetic properties in van der Waals materials and heterostructures Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Wang, Lei Institute of Physics |
Session W47.00001 m* of electron gases: a neural canonical transformation study Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Wang, Nan-Lin Peking University |
Session G15.00001 Photoinduced multistage phase transitions in Ta2NiSe5 Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Wang, Qiming USC |
Session Y17.00004 Constructive adaptation of synthetic polymers in response to typically destructive environmental stressors Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Wang, Xiao Simons Foundation |
Session K46.00001 Absorption Spectra of Solids from Periodic Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Theory Room: McCormick Place W-470A |
Wang, Ying University of Wisconsin |
Session M71.00001 Phase transition in two dimensional materials and their optical applications Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Wang, Yiping Boston College |
Session T53.00001 Axial Higgs Mode Detected by Raman Scattering in RTe3 Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Wang, Yuxuan University of Florida |
Session W45.00004 Solvable strong-coupling models for pairing and charge-4e superconductivity in non-Fermi liquids Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Wang, Zhen-Gang Caltech |
Session Y42.00005 Bubble Nucleation in Polymer–CO2 Mixtures Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Wang, Ziqiang Boston College |
Session Z45.00003 Quantum anomalous vortex and Majorana zero mode induced by magnetic impurities in Fe-based superconductors. Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Wei, David Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session T45.00005 Observation of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion in a Heisenberg quantum magnet Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Weiss, David S. S Pennsylvania State University |
Session G28.00001 Experimental tests of generalized hydrodynamics Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Weiss, Leah R University of Chicago |
Session Y53.00001 Linking Intermolecular Geometry and Spin Coupling of Excitons in Organic Semiconductors Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Weitzner, Stephen llnl |
Session Y49.00001 Quantum–continuum simulation of underpotential deposition at electrified metal–solution interfaces Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Weld, David M University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Z34.00006 Localization and delocalization in kicked quantum matter Room: McCormick Place W-193A |
Wen, Haidan Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D15.00002 Terahertz-field driven collective dynamics in polar nanostructures Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Wentzcovitch, Renata M Columbia Univ |
Session N49.00001 Modeling Earth's interior from atomic to global scale Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Werner, Félix Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session M49.00001 High-order diagrammatic expansion around BCS: Polarized superfluid phase of the attractive Hubbard model Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Wester, Roland Univ of Innsbruck |
Session D01.00002 Quantum state-resolved collisions of cold trapped negative ions Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Weymouth, Gabriel D Univ of Southampton |
Session A32.00002 TBA Room: McCormick Place W-192B |
Whaley, Birgitta University of California, Berkeley |
Session F02.00001 Exploiting non-orthogonality in quantum algorithms for calculations of molecular electronic states Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Wickramaratne, Darshana United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session D67.00001 First-principles calculations of point defects and impurities in nitride semiconductors Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Widera, Artur Technische Universität Kaiserslautern |
Session M42.00005 A single-atom quantum heat engine driven by atomic collisions Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Wieder, Benjamin J Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session G44.00002 Axionic Band Topology and Beyond in Weyl-Charge-Density Waves: Theory and Material Realization in (TaSe4)2I Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Wiesendanger, Roland M University of Hamburg |
Session N44.00001 Emergent Majorana States in Defect-Free Bottom-Up Constructed Atomic-Scale Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Wiesner, Uli B Cornell University |
Session T17.00001 "Ultra-bright, Small and Photostable Nanoprobes for Optical Super-Resolution Microscopy Imaging of Nanostructured Soft Materials" Room: McCormick Place W-184BC |
Wiktor, Julia Chalmers University of Technology |
Session D43.00004 Carrier localization in halide perovskites Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Wilen, Chris D University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session N41.00004 Correlated charge noise and relaxation errors in superconducting qubits Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Wilson, Justin H Caltech |
Session A44.00002 A moire superlattice on the surface of a topological insulator Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Wilson, Stephen D University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D45.00001 A new class of topological kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A=K, Cs, Rb) with intertwined charge density wave order and superconductivity Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Wingreen, Ned S Princeton University |
Session Q06.00001 Chromatin constrains the formation, diffusion, and coarsening of phase-separated condensates Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Winkelmann, Clemens Neel Institute |
Session N45.00002 "Heat transport in a single quantum dot junction" Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Winter, Stephen Wake Forest University |
Session T29.00003 Contrasting Scenarios for Organic Spin Liquids Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Wisby, Ilana Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC) |
Session T28.00004 A full-stack software environment for superconducting qubits Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Wu, Jianda Tsung-Dao Lee Institute |
Session Z53.00001 From the transverse-field Ising chain to the quantum E8 integrable model: Theoretical progress and experimental realization Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Wu, Kaifeng Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (DICP) |
Session K43.00005 Future of Chemical Physics Lectureship Recepient: Kaifeng Wu Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Wu, Liang University of Pennsylvania |
Session A68.00001 Linear and nonlinear optical responses of multifold fermions Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park B |
Wu, Sanfeng Princeton University |
Session N60.00001 Strongly correlated quantum phases in monolayer and twisted bilayer WTe2 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -DuSable C |
Wyart, Matthieu Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session Y43.00005 Nucleation and propagation of fracture at a fricitonal interface Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Wyatt, Philip J Wyatt Technology Corporation |
Session Q13.00001 Pake Prize (2022): The scattering of neutrons, the structure of bacteria, and the creation of a world class company Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Xie, Yonglong Harvard University |
Session F44.00002 Fractional Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Xiong, Wei University of California, San Diego |
Session M02.00004 Ultrafast Vibrational Dynamics for Molecular Polariton Chemistry Room: McCormick Place W-375E |
Xu, Changsong University of Arkansas |
Session Y29.00005 New Types of Kitaev Magnets with 3d Metal and Heavy Ligands Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Xu, Jie Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S42.00001 Autonomous robotic platform (PolyBot) for conjugated polymer processing Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Xu, Kejun Stanford University |
Session M45.00005 Materials and Instrument advances in the study of emergent phenomena in Kondo insulators Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Xu, Suyang Harvard University |
Session T44.00003 Nonlinear quantum geometric responses in topological materials Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Xue, Xiao TU Delft |
Session N38.00004 Quantum logic with spin qubits crossing the surface code threshold Room: McCormick Place W-195 |
Yaida, Sho Facebook AI Research |
Session B42.00002 Effective Theory of Deep Neural Networks Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Yan, Binghai Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session G44.00005 Charge density waves and electronic properties of superconducting kagome metals Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Yan, Jiaqiang Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session K72.00001 Magnetic defects in MnBi2Te4: friend or foe? Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Yang, Hung-Yu Boston College |
Session S70.00004 Weyl-node-driven domain wall motion and collective magnetism in double-symmetry-breaking Weyl semimetals Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park B |
Yang, Junyi University of Tennessee |
Session B53.00001 Exotic Magnetic Properties In Strain-Modulated Slater-Mott Crossover Regime Room: McCormick Place W-475B |
Yang, Kun Florida State University |
Session G45.00003 Graviton Chirality and Topological Order in the Half-filled Landau Level Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Yang, Nan University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session K43.00002 Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award Finalist: Watching the Water Dance: A New Way to Monitor Slow Reaction Kinetics on the Molecular Level with Temperature-controlled Water Clusters Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Yang, Shu University of Pennsylvania |
Session A21.00001 Embodied Intelligence in Liquid Crystal Elastomer Composites: From Shape Morphing to Soft Robotics Room: McCormick Place W-185D |
Yang, Tiangang Southern University of Science and Techn |
Session G02.00002 Developing Tools for Studying Cold and Controlled Chemical Reaction Dynamics Room: McCormick Place W-175C |
Yang, Yang University of Wisconsin |
Session W01.00005 Incorporating Nuclear Quantum Effects in Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Multicomponent Density Functional Theory Room: McCormick Place W-175A |
Yankelevich, Tatiana Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University. 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 |
Session S29.00001 Andrei Sakharov's legacy in his centenary year Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Yao, Norman Y University of California, Berkeley |
Session G09.00004 What is a Time Crystal? Room: McCormick Place W-192A |
Ye, Jun University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G28.00005 Quantum Simulation with Molecules Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Ye, Linda Stanford Univ |
Session K44.00002 Ni3In: a flat band-induced correlated kagome metal Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Ye, Mai Rutgers University |
Session G15.00002 Critical excitonic mode interacting with phonons in excitonic insulator Ta2Ni(Se1−xSx)5 Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Ye, Mengxing University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F45.00004 Phonon dynamics in the Kitaev spin liquid Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Ye, Yufeng Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
Session F41.00004 Ultrafast superconducting qubit readout and gates with a quarton coupler Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Yellapu, Nandakumar University of Kansas Medical Center |
Session F04.00007 Identification of pathological nodes in the protein-protein interaction network maps of triple negative breast cancer Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Yenice, Kamil M University of Chicago |
Session B43.00003 Inverse problems in radiation cancer therapy Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Yildiz, Ahmet University of California, Berkeley |
Session D07.00001 Mechanics of Cytoplasmic Dynein Room: McCormick Place W-179A |
Yoder, Theodore J IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session K28.00005 Codes and calibrated decoders for experimental quantum error-correction Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
You, Zhihong University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session M14.00004 Nonreciprocity as a generic route to traveling and oscillatory states Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Young, Andrea University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F44.00001 TBD Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Young, Nicholas T Michigan State University |
Session F13.00005 Making your science understandable Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Young, Peter A University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session 6E.00011 Panel Speaker: Peter Young Room: Marriott Marquis- Great Lakes BC |
Yu, Rose University of California San Diego |
Session T14.00005 Physics-informed machine learning: climate modeling and COVID-19 forecasting Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Yu, Yikuo National Institutes of Health - NIH |
Session D04.00003 Mechanism-based disease similarity: with random walks starting from a set of disease genes, traveling through the protein-protein interaction network, and then back. Room: McCormick Place W-176C |
Yurkewicz, Kathleen Fermilab |
Session F13.00003 Creating Engaging, Memorable, Powerful Physics Communications Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Zafar, Sufi IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session Q13.00005 Distinguished Lectureship Award (2021): Miniaturized Biosensors for Healthcare Room: McCormick Place W-183A |
Zaliznyak, Igor A Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session N21.00001 Magnetic, superconducting, and topological surface states on FeTeSe Room: McCormick Place W-185D |
Zandi, Roya University of California, Riverside |
Session S15.00002 Virus symmetry-breaking, elasticity and self-assembly Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
Zang, Jiadong Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire |
Session W54.00004 Topological Spin Textures in Three Dimensions Room: McCormick Place W-476 |
Zapf, Vivien Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session Z29.00004 Dynamics of frustrated antiferromagnets studied using pulsed magnetic fields and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy Room: McCormick Place W-190B |
Zarand, Gergely Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Session K45.00006 One dimensional quantum Wigner crystals and SU(4) magnetism Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Zarzar, Lauren Penn State |
Session M14.00001 Predator–prey interactions between droplets driven by non-reciprocal oil exchange Room: McCormick Place W-183B |
Zecevic, Milovan Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session N24.00009 Finite element models for the high-rate deformation of explosives Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Zeldov, Eli Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session N45.00001 Long-range dissipation and nontopological edge currents in charge-neutral graphene Room: McCormick Place W-375D |
Zeng, Bei Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session K40.00007 NISQ: Error Correction, Mitigation, and Noise Simulation Room: McCormick Place W-196B |
Zeng, Changgan University of Science and Technology of China |
Session B71.00011 Moiré engineering and novel electronic transport at oxide interfaces Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park C |
Zevalkink, Alexandra Michigan State University |
Session M67.00001 Thermal and electronic properties of layered EuM1-xPn compounds with tunable vacancy concentrations from x = 0-0.5 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Hyde Park |
Zhang, Bin Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session W06.00001 Chromatin network retards droplet coalescence Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Zhang, Helin University of Chicago |
Session T41.00004 Fast control of low-frequency fluxonium qubits Room: McCormick Place W-196C |
Zhang, Lei Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics |
Session B27.00011 Quantum mechanics studies on the stability mechanism and detonation performance of high-energy-density materials Room: McCormick Place W-187C |
Zhang, Ruixing University of Tennessee |
Session D72.00001 Tunable Higher-Order Topology in MnBi2nTe3n+1 Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Zhang, Shang-Shun University of Minnesota |
Session N51.00007 Quantum phase transitions of extended Kitaev Model Room: McCormick Place W-474B |
Zhang, Xiao-Xiao University of Florida |
Session F52.00001 Magnetic Dynamics in van der Waals Magnets Probed by Time-Resolved Magneto-Optics Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Zhang, Xie Beijing Computational Science Res Ctr |
Session D43.00002 Sources of nonradiative recombination in halide perovskites Room: McCormick Place W-375B |
Zhang, Yahui Harvard University |
Session Y44.00004 A theory of the pseudogap metal in the hole doped cuprate Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Zhang, Yuanzhao Santa Fe Inst |
Session D08.00001 Collective dynamics on networks: Synchrony, disorder, and chimeras Room: McCormick Place W-179B |
Zhao, Yifan Pennsylvania State University |
Session M72.00001 High Chern Number Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Topological Insulator Multilayers Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Zheng, Hao Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session B44.00003 Discovery of segmented Fermi surface induced by Cooper pair momentum Room: McCormick Place W-375C |
Zhong, Dongping Ohio State University |
Session D06.00001 Revealing the origin of multiphasic dynamic behaviors in cyanobacteriochrome Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Zhou, Huan-Xiang University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session F06.00001 Sequence-Dependent Backbone Dynamics and Membrane Association of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Room: McCormick Place W-178B |
Zhou, Sisi University of Chicago |
Session G36.00004 Quantum error correction in quantum metrology Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Zhou, Tong State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session N52.00001 Robust Topological Spintronics with Spin-Valley-Momentum Locking Room: McCormick Place W-475A |
Zhou, Xuan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q24.00011 Shockcompression of metal-organic frameworks Room: McCormick Place W-186C |
Zhou, Yan Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Session F72.00012 Magnetic skyrmions Hall effect Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park D |
Zierenberg, Johannes Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session Z49.00001 Parallel flat-histogram method for equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
zietz, otto k Intel |
Session M28.00004 High Throughput Cryogenic Characterization of Industry Fabricated Silicon Based Qubit Devices Room: McCormick Place W-190A |
Zorlutuna, Pinar University of Notre Dame |
Session Y05.00004 Effect of extracellular matrix age on disease progression Room: McCormick Place W-178A |
Zou, Ke University of British Columbia |
Session W69.00001 Criteria for achieving superconducting monolayer FeSe films Room: Hyatt Regency Hotel -Jackson Park A |
Zuo, Biao Zhejiang Sci-Tech University |
Session Z42.00002 Revealing the nature of long-range interfacial effect on polymer dynamics under confinement Room: McCormick Place W-375A |
Zwerver, Anne-Marije J Delft University of Technology |
Session Y36.00004 Qubits made by advanced semiconductor manufacturing Room: McCormick Place W-194A |
Zwierlein, Martin W MIT |
Session D49.00001 Quantum Register of Fermion Pairs and Crystallization of Quantum Hall states Room: McCormick Place W-471B |
Zwolak, Justyna P National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session T47.00001 Tuning quantum dot arrays with rays Room: McCormick Place W-470B |
Zylstra, Alex B Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session N15.00004 Megajoule fusion yield produced from inertial fusion implosions at the National Ignition Facility Room: McCormick Place W-183C |
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