Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2019
Volume 64, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2019; Boston, Massachusetts
Invited Speakers
Abarzhi, Snezhana Univ of Western Australia |
Session Y62.00002 Interface dynamics: New mechanisms of stabilization and destabilization and structure of flow fields Room: BCEC 258C |
Abbamonte, Peter University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C43.00002 Density fluctuations in strange metals Room: BCEC 210B |
Abercrombie, Rachel E Department of Earth & Environment, Boston University |
Session L36.00004 Physics of Earthquakes: The Real Earthshaking Science Room: BCEC 205C |
Adams, Wendy Physics, Colorado Sch of Mines |
Session B69.00002 Get the Facts Out: Changing the conversation around physics teacher recruitment Room: BCEC 052A |
Adler, Joan Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session F22.00005 Developing the educational value of visualizations in physics Room: BCEC 157C |
Affleck, Ian University of British Columbia |
Session Y44.00005 The Majorana-Hubbard Model Room: BCEC 210C |
Agarwal, Kartiek McGill University |
Session K43.00001 Spatio-temporal quenches for fast preparation of ground states of critical models Room: BCEC 210B |
Ahmed, Adam Ohio State University |
Session P46.00001 Observation of Nanoscale Skyrmions in SrIrO3/SrRuO3 Bilayers and SrRuO3 Single Layers in Two Distinct Regimes Room: BCEC 212 |
Akbari-Sharbaf, Arash Institut Quantique and Département de Physique, Université de Sherbrooke |
Session E37.00004 Interplay of charge and spin degrees of freedom in Mo3O13 cluster Mott insulators Room: BCEC 206A |
Akcora, Pinar Stevens Institute of Technology |
Session P52.00001 Chemical and Dynamic Heterogeneities in Interfaces for Adaptive Polymer Nanocomposites Room: BCEC 253B |
Alamo, Rufina Florida State University |
Session K36.00005 Crystallization of Precision Polyethylenes Room: BCEC 205C |
Alba-Simionesco, Christiane European Neutron Scattering Association |
Session S60.00003 European Spallation Source: neutron scattering and technology of the XXI century Room: BCEC 258A |
Albe, Karsten FB Material- und Geowissenschaften, TU Darmstadt |
Session B11.00001 First-principles calculations on dislocation-point defect interactions in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell absorbers Room: BCEC 152 |
Alert, Ricard Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University |
Session P66.00001 Active wetting of epithelial tissues Room: BCEC 261 |
Alexe, Marin University of Warwick |
Session B02.00005 Bulk- and Flexo-Photovoltaic effects Room: BCEC 107A |
Alfe, Dario University College London |
Session H17.00001 Chemical equilibrium in the Earth's core Room: BCEC 156A |
Alicea, Jason Caltech |
Session Y44.00002 Approximating the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model with Majorana wires Room: BCEC 210C |
Allen, Philip B. Stony Brook University |
Session P22.00001 Electrons modified by phonons: Adiabatic versus non-adiabatic, and the persistence of electron quasiparticles Room: BCEC 157C |
Allison, Thomas Departments of Chemistry and Physics, Stony Brook University |
Session H69.00002 Widely tunable cavity-enhanced ultrafast spectroscopy and the dynamics of hydrogen bond networks. Room: BCEC 052A |
Alp, Esen Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S60.00004 SESAME scientific program: opportunities and challenges Room: BCEC 258A |
Alu, Andrea Photonics Initiative, Advanced Science Research Center at CUNY GC |
Session H02.00001 Topological Metamaterials Room: BCEC 107A |
Alvarez, Xavier Physics Department, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona |
Session F44.00005 Hydrodynamic heat transport in semiconductors at the nanoscale Room: BCEC 210C |
Amon, Axelle University of Rennes 1 |
Session B53.00001 Experimental study of failure in a granular material Room: BCEC 253C |
Andersen, Brian Niels Bohr Institute |
Session E44.00003 Lessons from modeling of tunneling spectroscopy on FeSe Room: BCEC 210C |
Angelini, Thomas University of Florida |
Session H49.00005 Leveraging Jammed Microgels to Shape Complex Fluids: One Method for 3D Printing with Cells, Gels, Elastomers, and Colloids Room: BCEC 252A |
Araujo, Nuno University of Lisbon |
Session A21.00003 Insights into the world connectivity from aviation and tourism data Room: BCEC 157B |
Archer, Lynden Cornell University |
Session E49.00005 Microscopic origins of caging and hyperdiffusive relaxations in hairy nanoparticle fluids Room: BCEC 252A |
Arenholz, Elke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C34.00001 Making the invisible visible: Spins probed with soft x-rays Room: BCEC 205A |
Ares, Natalia Materials, University of Oxford |
Session X34.00005 Efficiently measuring and tuning quantum devices using machine learning Room: BCEC 205A |
Arion, Douglas Carthage College |
Session R34.00001 Physicists as Master Innovators: Why Innovation and Entrepreneurship should be highlighted in physics education Room: BCEC 205A |
Armitage, Peter Johns Hopkins University |
Session C43.00001 Locating the missing superconducting electrons in overdoped cuprates Room: BCEC 210B |
Ashkar, Rana Virginia Tech |
Session B51.00004 Interfacial structure and dynamics in nanoparticle-polymer composites Room: BCEC 253A |
Aspect, Alain Laboratoire Charles Fabry |
Session A69.00004 Embarking on a PhD to test Bell’s inequalities in 1974: the most exciting subject I had ever encountered Room: BCEC 052A |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan University of Toronto |
Session A31.00001 TBD Room: BCEC 203 |
Assaf, Badih Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure and University of Notre Dame |
Session X43.00004 Observation of tunable Dirac interface states in topological crystalline insulator superlattice Room: BCEC 210B |
Atature, Mete University of Cambridge |
Session S29.00004 Solid-state quantum interfaces of spins and photons Room: BCEC 162A |
Auriemma, Finizia University of Naples Federico II |
Session V55.00007 The effect of multi-block structure on the crystallization and properties of ethylene/1-octene copolymers from chain shuttiling technology. Room: BCEC 254B |
Awschalom, David University of Chicago |
Session R29.00001 Quantum control of spins in silicon carbide with photons and phonons Room: BCEC 162A |
Aycock, Lauren AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, Department of Energy |
Session L69.00001 Sexual Harassment Reported by Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: BCEC 052A |
Baildon, Michelle Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F69.00002 Capture Communication of Physicists Through the Archive Room: BCEC 052A |
Bailey, Crystal American Physical Society |
Session R34.00002 Live Long and Prosper as Physicist, Innovator, and Entrepreneur Room: BCEC 205A |
Balaban, Nathalie Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session A63.00001 The role of tolerance in the evolution of antibiotic resistance: from mathematical analysis to observations in the clinic Room: BCEC 259A |
Balicas, Luis National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session H04.00004 Fermi Surfaces and Topological Character of Dirac and Weyl Type-II Semimetals as Revealed by the de Haas-van Alphen Effect Room: BCEC 107C |
Balz, Christian Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session S44.00002 Field dependent magnetic excitations and possible topological transitions in α-RuCl3 Room: BCEC 210C |
Banavar, Jayanth University of Oregon |
Session S30.00003 Scaling and phase transitions – from proteins to ecology Room: BCEC 162B |
Barabasi, Albert Northeastern University |
Session S53.00001 Twenty Years of Network Science: From Structure to Control Room: BCEC 253C |
Barkeshli, Maissam Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B28.00003 Universal logical gate sets on encoded qubits using constant depth unitary circuits Room: BCEC 161 |
Barone, Vincenzo Scuola Normale Superiore |
Session C32.00001 Theory meets experiment in gas-phase spectroscopy: the VMS bridge Room: BCEC 204A |
Barrett, Sean Physics Dept., Yale Univ. |
Session R43.00003 Observation of Discrete-Time-Crystal Signatures in an Ordered Dipolar Many-Body System Room: BCEC 210B |
Barthelemy, Ramon S EAB |
Session L69.00005 Gender Research in PER: A Binary Past and Complex Future Room: BCEC 052A |
Bartolo, Denis Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session Y53.00003 Putting stubborn flocks to work Room: BCEC 253C |
Baskaran, Aparna Brandeis University |
Session X63.00001 Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research talk: Structure and dynamics of an active nematic fluid : Microscopic and hydrodynamic considerations Room: BCEC 259A |
Batzill, Matthias University of South Florida |
Session P38.00001 Properties of Monolayer Vanadium Dichalcogenides grown by molecular beam epitaxy Room: BCEC 206B |
Becca, Federico National Research Council |
Session B37.00007 Dynamical spin structure factor from a variational Monte Carlo perspective Room: BCEC 206A |
Becker, Christoph University of Hamburg |
Session A36.00002 Combined feedback and sympathetic cooling of a mechanical oscillator coupled to ultracold atoms Room: BCEC 205C |
Behler, Jörg Chemistry, Göttingen University |
Session K21.00002 High-Dimensional Neural Network Potentials for Complex Systems Room: BCEC 157B |
Behnia, Kamran ESPCI ParisTech |
Session F44.00004 Thermal conductivity of strontium titanate: signatures of phonon hydrodynamics Room: BCEC 210C |
Beller, Daniel Department of Physics, University of California, Merced |
Session E61.00001 Defect loops in 3D active nematics Room: BCEC 258B |
Benedek, Nicole Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University |
Session L46.00001 Shedding light on materials out of equilibrium: Ultrafast control of magnetism in complex oxide thin-films Room: BCEC 212 |
Beratan, David Duke University |
Session L51.00005 From Tunneling Pathways to Essential Biological Function Room: BCEC 253A |
Bereau, Tristan Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Session R21.00001 Drug-membrane permeabilities across chemical space Room: BCEC 157B |
Berg, Erez Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute |
Session K19.00001 Monte Carlo Studies of Quantum Critical Metals Room: BCEC 156C |
Berman, Gordon Emory University |
Session R51.00005 Measuring the hidden dynamics of animal behavior Room: BCEC 253A |
Bernevig, Andrei B Princeton University |
Session B60.00001 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: FA Catalogue of Topological Materials Using Topological Quantum Chemistry Room: BCEC 258A |
Bernevig, B Andrei Princeton University |
Session B43.00005 Fragile Topological Bands With Stable Index at Half-Filling inTwisted Bilayer Graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Bernheim-Groswasser, Anne Chemical Engineering and Ilse Kats Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Session P61.00001 Spontaneous buckling of contractile poroelastic actomyosin sheets Room: BCEC 258B |
Bernstein, Noam Naval Research Laboratory |
Session K18.00001 Machine learning interatomic potentials with and without (much) human labor Room: BCEC 156B |
Berthier, Estelle Physics, North Carolina State University |
Session B53.00005 Mechanical failure of disordered networks derived from frictional packings Room: BCEC 253C |
Bertoldi, Katia Harvard University |
Session H53.00001 Soft Robots: Functionality via Instabilities Room: BCEC 253C |
Best, Robert Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health |
Session H32.00003 Inferring properties of intrinsically disordered proteins from single-molecule FRET and small-angle X-ray scattering data Room: BCEC 204A |
Bhattacharya, Anand Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session E46.00008 Meeting a strange metal in heterostructures and thin films of LaNiO3 Room: BCEC 212 |
Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi Ashoka University, Sonepat, India 131029 |
Session H34.00003 Roll and Stumble: A robust mechanism for efficient self-organization of granular matter Room: BCEC 205A |
Bhaya, Devaki Carnegie Institution for Science |
Session C36.00002 Diversity, dynamics and defense in microbial communities Room: BCEC 205C |
Bianconi, Ginestra School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London |
Session S53.00002 Multilayer Networks: Structure and Dynamics Room: BCEC 253C |
Bibes, Manuel CNRS/Thales |
Session P46.00007 Imaging, controlling and harnessing non-collinear magnetism in perovskite oxides Room: BCEC 212 |
Bifano, Larissa DLA Piper |
Session L60.00001 Launching a Successful Legal Career as a Physicist? Room: BCEC 258A |
Bigoni, Davide University of Trento, Italy |
Session H53.00002 Fluttering and dancing elastic rods: the dynamics of the elastica subject to follower and configurational forces Room: BCEC 253C |
Bijeljic, Branko Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London |
Session Y58.00001 Imaging and Modeling Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport in Disordered Porous Media: Spatio-Temporal Complexities Room: BCEC 257A |
Bischofberger, Irmgard Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R53.00001 On flow, fracture and getting jammed – Failure modes in dense suspensions Room: BCEC 253C |
Bishop, Lev IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session X35.00001 Software and hardware for improved quantum volume of transmon processors Room: BCEC 205B |
Biswal, Sibani Rice University |
Session L53.00001 Symmetric and Asymmetric Time-Varying Magnetic Fields to Control and Drive Paramagnetic Colloidal Assemblies Room: BCEC 253C |
Blair, Daniel Physics and Institute for Soft Matter, Georgetown University |
Session K59.00006 Looking into the rheology active microtubule suspensions Room: BCEC 257B |
Bodenschatz, Eberhard Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session E36.00005 What can we learn from self-organization for the understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the cytoskeleton Room: BCEC 205C |
Boixo, Sergio Google Inc. |
Session X26.00003 Applications of machine learning and related techniques to quantum control problems Room: BCEC 160B |
Bolvin, Hélène Université Toulouse 3, LCPQ-IRSAMC |
Session E31.00003 Magnetic properties of actinide complexes from first principle calculations. Room: BCEC 203 |
Borisov, Vladislav Institute of Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. |
Session V10.00001 Band structure of pnictides: effects of crystal symmetry and pressure Room: BCEC 151B |
Bowick, Mark Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session X53.00001 Curvature-driven topological protection Room: BCEC 253C |
Bozovic, Ivan Brookhaven National Laboratory and Yale University |
Session H44.00002 What Makes Cuprate Superconductors so Exceptional? Room: BCEC 210C |
Bradlyn, Barry Department of Physics and Institute for Condensed Matter Theory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X43.00005 Wilson Loops, Wyckoff Positions, and Wannier Functions: New Developments in Stable and Fragile Topology Room: BCEC 210B |
Branford, Will Physics, Imperial College London |
Session E39.00001 Topological Magnetic Writing: Controlling the magnetic state of nanostructures Room: BCEC 207 |
Brangwynne, Cliff Princeton University |
Session P00.00005 Intracellular Liquid Condensates: New approaches to understand and control biomolecular phase transitions in living cells Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Brillson, Leonard Ohio State University |
Session K11.00003 Probing the Nanoscale Interplay of Native Defects and Doping in Oxide Semiconductors Room: BCEC 152 |
Brodsky, Emily University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session A53.00005 Naturalistic Granular Flows: Using Experiments to Apply Granular Physics to Geophysical Shear Systems Room: BCEC 253C |
Broedersz, Chase Physics, LMU Munich |
Session B53.00002 Mechanics of cells in disordered environments Room: BCEC 253C |
Browaeys, Antoine Institut d’Optique |
Session A27.00010 Realizing quantum Ising models in tunable two-dimensional arrays of single Rydberg atoms Room: BCEC 160C |
Brujic, Jasna New York University |
Session V58.00001 Hyperuniformity and optimal tessellations: structure, formation and properties Room: BCEC 257A |
Brukner, Caslav Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information |
Session V27.00001 Wigner’s friend as a rational agent Room: BCEC 160C |
Brunelli, Nicholas Ohio State University |
Session B31.00005 Regioselective Epoxide Ring Opening with Alcohols Using Heterogeneous Lewis Acidic Nano-Zeolites Room: BCEC 203 |
Buck, Manfred School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews |
Session B34.00004 Molecular Self-Assemblies as Templates for Electrochemically Deposited Nanostructures Room: BCEC 205A |
Bucknall, David G Hariot-Watt University |
Session B51.00002 Packaging Plastics - Structure-Property Relationships Room: BCEC 253A |
Buehler, Markus Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C65.00001 Hierarchical biological materials – structure, design and synthesis Room: BCEC 260 |
Bulyk, Martha Harvard Medical School |
Session E65.00001 Complexity in transcription factor – DNA recognition Room: BCEC 260 |
Burris, David Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware |
Session H54.00008 Mechanisms of Ultra-Low Wear Polymeric Solid Lubricants Room: BCEC 254A |
Cabral, Joao Imperial College London |
Session S51.00002 Salt-induced polyelectrolyte capsule formation in microfluidics Room: BCEC 253A |
Callegari, Francesca DESY |
Session F31.00002 Probing electronic processes in large molecules Room: BCEC 203 |
Callori, Sara Department of Physics, California State University, San Bernardino |
Session H60.00003 Designing (and re-designing) realistic research practices for undergraduate Advanced Labs Room: BCEC 258A |
Calogero, Francesco Physics & Sezione di Roma 1, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" & Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare |
Session E53.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics Talk: Solvable systems of nonlinear ODEs: old and new results Room: BCEC 253C |
Cammarota, Chiara Mathematics, King's College London, UK |
Session C44.00002 On the trap model description of glassy dynamics Room: BCEC 210C |
Cao, Gang Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session K40.00001 Control of Quantum States in 4d/5d Transition Metal Oxides* Room: BCEC 208 |
Cao, Tian Yu Boston University |
Session E69.00005 Physics and Politics Intertwined -- The manipulative moves in the 2016 supercollider controversy in China Room: BCEC 052A |
Cao, Ting Physics Department at UC Berkeley and Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials at Stanford University |
Session H12.00001 Theory of 2D Materials: Excitons, Valley-Spin Physics, and Magnetism. Room: BCEC 153A |
Cao, Yuan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A43.00001 Twisted Graphene Superlattices: Superconductivity, Electron Correlations and Beyond Room: BCEC 210B |
Cappellaro, Paola Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K43.00002 Localization and Thermalization in Nuclear Spin Chains Room: BCEC 210B |
Car, Roberto Princeton University |
Session A57.00001 Ab initio molecular dynamics, machine learning and complex liquids Room: BCEC 256 |
Cardinaels, Ruth Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session S51.00004 How structural modifications of pectin affect its gelling and complexation behavior Room: BCEC 253A |
Carlson, Jean University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B53.00003 Towards a virtual bone lab: multiscale interplay between architecture, complexity, and dynamics Room: BCEC 253C |
Carr, Rachel Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y60.00004 Can Neutrino Detectors Strengthen the Nonproliferation Regime? Room: BCEC 258A |
Carrasquilla, Juan Vector Institute |
Session E18.00001 Learning quantum states with generative models Room: BCEC 156B |
Carrington, Tucker Queen's University |
Session K32.00001 Collocation Methods for Computing Vibrational Spectra Room: BCEC 204A |
Carroll, Sean Caltech |
Session E60.00003 Adventures in Podcasting Room: BCEC 258A |
Carroll, Sean Caltech |
Session C69.00002 Does This Ontological Commitment Make Me Look Fat? A Defense of Many-Worlds Room: BCEC 052A |
Casparis, Lucas Niels Bohr Institute |
Session H62.00003 Superconducting Gatemon Qubit based on a Proximitized Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Room: BCEC 258C |
Castro Neto, Antonio Helio Centre for Advanced 2D Materials, National University of Singapore |
Session J81.00001 2D Materials: Science and Technology Room: Westin Grand Ballroom A |
Castro Neto, Antonio Helio National University of Singapore |
Session S42.00003 Millie Dresselhaus and 2D Materials Room: BCEC 210A |
Cerfontaine, Pascal JARA-FIT Institute for Quantum Information, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH and RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany |
Session X34.00003 Automated Tuning of Tunnel Couplings and Gate Operations for Semiconductor Spin Qubits Room: BCEC 205A |
Cha, Judy Yale University |
Session X15.00010 Synthesis of large-scale transition metal dichalcogenide films and their applications in hydrogen production Room: BCEC 154 |
Chan, Che-Ting Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session H02.00011 Topological Photonics Room: BCEC 107A |
Chan, Hue Sun Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto |
Session V54.00001 Theoretical Perspectives on Cellular Compartmentalization by Phase Separation Room: BCEC 254A |
Chan, Maria Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P20.00006 Understanding battery and catalytic reactions via core-level spectroscopies Room: BCEC 157A |
Chang, Cui-Zu Pennsylvania State University |
Session F43.00002 Magnetic Topological Insulator Heterostructures: From Axion Physics to the Topological Hall Effect Room: BCEC 210B |
Chang, Tay-Rong Physics, National Cheng Kung University |
Session C04.00001 Electronic structure of topological nodal semimetals Room: BCEC 107C |
Chelikowsky, James University of Texas at Austin |
Session H36.00001 Real-space numerical grid methods: The next generation of electronic structure codes Room: BCEC 205C |
Chen, Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S42.00005 Millie Dresselhaus’ Legacy and Recent Advances in Thermoelectrics Room: BCEC 210A |
Chen, Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F44.00003 Phonon Hydrodynamics in Graphene and Graphite Room: BCEC 210C |
Chen, Irene Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSB |
Session L51.00004 Fitness Landscapes of Ribozymes Room: BCEC 253A |
Chen, Yuning Chemistry, Stony Brook University |
Session F60.00006 Cavity-Enhanced Ultrafast Spectroscopy Room: BCEC 258A |
Cheng, Xiang Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota |
Session K59.00001 Symmetric shear bands and collective swarming of bacterial suspensions Room: BCEC 257B |
Chetty, Nithaya Department of Physics, University of Pretoria |
Session F22.00004 Probing quantum mechanical energy on a local scale Room: BCEC 157C |
Chiang, Tai-Chang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A04.00011 Realization of an Elemental Topological Dirac Semimetal: α-Sn on InSb(111) Room: BCEC 107C |
Chilcote, Michael Ohio State University |
Session S43.00001 Spin-wave excitations, confinement, and coupling in high-quality organic-based magnetic structures Room: BCEC 210B |
Chilkoti, Ashutosh Duke University |
Session P54.00007 Genetically encoded biomaterials that self-assemble across multiple length scales Room: BCEC 254A |
Chilton, Nicholas University of Manchester |
Session S36.00005 Magnetic relaxation dynamics in dysprosium complexes Room: BCEC 205C |
Choi, Jae-yoon Physics, KAIST |
Session V36.00002 Exploring the many-body localization transition in two dimensions Room: BCEC 205C |
Choi, Soonwon University of California, Berkeley |
Session V36.00005 Discrete time-crystalline order in black diamond: realization and probe of quantum many-body dynamics Room: BCEC 205C |
Christensen, Morten Holm University of Minnesota |
Session E62.00005 Impact of spin-orbit coupling on the magnetic phase diagram of the iron pnictides Room: BCEC 258C |
Christianson, Andy Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B46.00001 Exchange Interactions in Double Perovskite and Related Transition Metal Oxides Room: BCEC 212 |
Christou, George Department of Chemistry, University of Florida |
Session E31.00001 The power of molecular chemistry in nanoscale materials research: from quantum physics properties to water oxidation catalysis Room: BCEC 203 |
Ciccarelli, Chiara University of Cambridge |
Session K39.00001 Enhanced spin pumping into superconductors provides evidence for superconducting pure spin currents Room: BCEC 207 |
Ciccotti, Matteo Soft Matter Science and Engineering Laboratory (SIMM), ESPCI Paris |
Session K53.00005 Towards a Unified Model of Soft Adhesives Room: BCEC 253C |
Ciomaga Hatnean, Monica Department of Physics, The University of Warwick |
Session F37.00001 Search for quantum phases in the rare earth zirconate and hafnate pyrochlore frustrated magnets Room: BCEC 206A |
Clark, Abe Naval Postgraduate School |
Session A53.00004 Yielding in granular materials: from riverbeds to renormalization group Room: BCEC 253C |
Clark, Damon Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology, Yale University |
Session K51.00005 Neural processing and computation in the visual system Room: BCEC 253A |
Clarke, Jim Intel Corporation |
Session B35.00001 Spin Qubits at Intel Room: BCEC 205B |
Clementi, Cecilia Department of Chemistry, Rice University |
Session B21.00001 Incorporating experimental data into long timescale simulations of macromolecules Room: BCEC 157B |
Clerk, Aashish IME, University of Chicago |
Session A36.00001 Perfect bosonic quantum state transfer using imperfect transducers and interference Room: BCEC 205C |
Cohen, Itai Cornell University |
Session B59.00004 Using orthogonal shear and acoustic excitation to tune thickening and jamming in suspensions Room: BCEC 257B |
Colizza, Vittoria INSERM |
Session S53.00004 Epidemic threshold on temporal networks Room: BCEC 253C |
Collins, Brian Washington State University |
Session F49.00004 Advanced characterization of molecular nanostructures and interfaces with resonant X-ray scattering Room: BCEC 252A |
Collins, Gilbert Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Mechanical Engineering, and Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester |
Session K62.00005 Laser Focus on Planets Room: BCEC 258C |
Collins, Harry Cardiff University |
Session F69.00003 Why do scientists burn jet fuel when they could email, skype or telephone? Room: BCEC 052A |
Collins, James Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A64.00001 Synthetic Biology: Physical Biology by Design Room: BCEC 259B |
Comin, Riccardo Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S40.00001 Emergent electronic phases in Ruddlesden-Popper chromium oxide perovskites Room: BCEC 208 |
Conrad, Jacinta University of Houston |
Session Y59.00001 Dynamics of interacting nanoparticles in complex polymeric solutions Room: BCEC 257B |
Cooper, Eric Pomona College/ Stanford University |
Session F35.00003 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: The Aerodynamics of Ballistic Seed Dispersal in the Plant Family Acanthaceae Room: BCEC 205B |
Cordero, Otto X Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C36.00004 Cooperative growth and cell-cell aggregation in marine bacteria Room: BCEC 205C |
Crabtree, George Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) |
Session A60.00005 Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Room: BCEC 258A |
Cren, Tristan Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, CNRS-Sorbonne University |
Session X43.00001 Two-dimensional topological superconductivity in Pb/Co/Si(111) Room: BCEC 210B |
Creton, Costantino Laboratoire SIMM, ESPCI Paris |
Session A54.00007 Detection of Molecular Fracture in Elastomers with Mechanophores Room: BCEC 254A |
Crouch, Catherine Swarthmore College |
Session C60.00005 Introductory Physics for Life Sciences: Design Principles, Resources, and Community Room: BCEC 258A |
Csathy, Gabor Purdue University |
Session V43.00001 The role of electron-electron interactions in the paired-to-nematic transition Room: BCEC 210B |
Cundiff, Steven Department of Physics, University of Michigan |
Session H69.00001 Tri-comb Spectroscopy Room: BCEC 052A |
Dabo, Ismaila Pennsylvania State University |
Session P20.00001 Charge separation and band alignment at photo-electrochemical interfaces Room: BCEC 157A |
Dadmun, Mark University of Tennessee |
Session B51.00003 Correlating Thermodynamic Assembly to Functional and Structural Performance of Polymeric Systems by Comprehensive Analysis of Neutron Scattering Room: BCEC 253A |
Dahl, Kris Carnegie Mellon University |
Session S55.00004 Chromatin Rheology Tells a Story: From DNA Damage Loci to Cellular Monolayers Room: BCEC 254B |
Dai, Pengcheng Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University |
Session S62.00001 Local orthorhombic lattice distortions in the paramagnetic tetragonal phase of superconducting NaFe$_{1−x}$Ni$_x$As Room: BCEC 258C |
Dai, Xi Physics, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology |
Session B60.00003 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: Chiral zero sound and quantum oscillations in the thermal conductivity of Weyl semimetals Room: BCEC 258A |
Da Jornada, Felipe UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session B20.00001 Correlated multi-particle excitations: Green’s function formalism for trions and biexcitons Room: BCEC 157A |
Dames, Chris University of California, Berkeley |
Session R47.00004 Nanoscale thermal metrology using SEM, TEM, and confocal microscopy Room: BCEC 213 |
Danieli, Carlo Center for Theoretical Physics for Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science |
Session H55.00001 The subtle road to equilibrium - or not? Room: BCEC 254B |
Danielsson, Mats Department of Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Session E34.00003 Detector Technology for Photon Counting CT Room: BCEC 205A |
Datta, Sujit Princeton University |
Session R53.00003 Stressing gels out: exploiting gradients in shrinkable packings Room: BCEC 253C |
Datta, Supriyo Purdue University |
Session P34.00004 p-Bits for Probabilistic Spin Logic Room: BCEC 205A |
Dattelbaum, Dana Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S49.00001 Capturing shock-driven dissociation of polymers and foams Room: BCEC 252A |
Davids, Paul Sandia National Laboratories |
Session A60.00004 Power generation from direct conversion of infrared radiation from a thermal source. Room: BCEC 258A |
Day, Joseph Research, Bridgewater Associates |
Session L60.00005 The Value of Curiosity Room: BCEC 258A |
Dean, Cory Columbia University |
Session V43.00002 Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall states in bilayer graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Deemyad, Shanti University of Utah |
Session K17.00001 Physics of Ultra-light Materials Under Pressure: Quantum and isotope effects in lithium metal Room: BCEC 156A |
De Franceschi, Silvano Univ. Grenoble Alpes & CEA |
Session B44.00004 Quantum electronics with holes in Si/Ge Room: BCEC 210C |
de Graf, Coen ICREA |
Session H31.00001 TBD Room: BCEC 203 |
de Lara-Castells, Maria Pilar Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas |
Session L32.00008 Quantum Confinement of Helium, Molecular Nitrogen and Molecular Deuterium Clusters in Carbon Nanotubes Room: BCEC 204A |
Del Gado, Emanuela Georgetown University |
Session S51.00005 Network connectivity, viscoelasticity and failure in gel networks: microscopic insights into soft complexity. Room: BCEC 253A |
del Rio, Lidia ETH Zurich |
Session Y27.00001 Reconstructing quantum space-time from agents' subjective experiences Room: BCEC 160C |
Demkov, Alexander University of Texas at Austin |
Session K46.00001 Two dimensional t2g electron gas at the oxide interface Room: BCEC 212 |
Dessau, Daniel University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session H44.00001 Starfish-shaped Cooper pairs with ultrashort antinodal length scales across all doping levels in cuprate superconductors. Room: BCEC 210C |
Devauchelle, Olivier Institut de physique du globe de Paris |
Session H56.00002 Laboratory rivers Room: BCEC 255 |
Diao, Ying Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session P50.00007 Printing Conjugated Polymers to Order via Non-Equilibrium Assembly Room: BCEC 252B |
Didier, Nicolas Rigetti Computing |
Session B42.00010 High-fidelity parametric entangling gates at AC flux sweet spots Room: BCEC 210A |
Diebold, Ulrike Institute of Applied Physics, TU Wien |
Session B34.00003 Transition-metal-oxide/liquid interfaces Room: BCEC 205A |
Di Leonardo, Roberto Università di Roma |
Session K64.00002 Invariance properties of bacterial random walks inside domains with variable geometry and structural disorder Room: BCEC 259B |
Dill, Ken Stony Brook University |
Session L51.00001 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics Talk: The Physics of Cellular Proteostasis Room: BCEC 253A |
di Talia, Stefano Cell Biology, Duke University Medical Center |
Session R66.00001 Mitotic traveling waves in the Drosophila embryo Room: BCEC 261 |
Di Ventra, Massimiliano University of California, San Diego |
Session Y34.00003 MemComputing: leveraging memory and physics to compute efficiently Room: BCEC 205A |
Dixon, David University of Alabama |
Session A32.00002 Computational studies of the properties and reactions of metal oxide clusters Room: BCEC 204A |
Dlott, Dana University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X17.00001 Watching extreme materials through the ultrafast shock compression microscope Room: BCEC 156A |
Dogterom, Marileen Bionanoscience, TU Delft |
Session H64.00002 Reconstitution of basic mitotic spindles in cell-like confinement Room: BCEC 259B |
Dorfman, Kevin Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota |
Session X54.00004 Diffusion of DNA in confinement: From nanochannels to cells Room: BCEC 254A |
Dreyer, Cyrus Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA; and Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute, New York, NY, USA |
Session B02.00001 Clamped-ion flexoelectricity from first principles Room: BCEC 107A |
Drichko, Natalia Johns Hopkins University |
Session S43.00002 Signatures of quantum dipole liquid in an organic Mott insulator κ-(BEDT-TTF)Hg(SCN)2Br Room: BCEC 210B |
Dubrovinskaia, Natalia University of Bayreuth |
Session E17.00001 Matter in Extreme Environments: Materials synthesis and crystallography at extreme pressure - revealing some remarkable materials properties Room: BCEC 156A |
Duclos, Guillaume Martin A. Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University |
Session C61.00001 Bend instability and topological defects in 3D active nematics Room: BCEC 258B |
Duffy, Thomas Princeton University |
Session K62.00004 Phase Transitions Beyond Post-Perovskite in Neighborite (NaMgF3) to 1.6 Mbars Room: BCEC 258C |
Dufresne, Eric Materials, ETH Zurich |
Session V53.00003 Mechanical stresses control the size, shape, and location of phase-separated liquid droplets in polymer networks Room: BCEC 253C |
Dunkel, Jorn Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V61.00005 Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in active fluids Room: BCEC 258B |
Dura, Joseph National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session S60.00001 Opportunities for Doing Science at the NIST Center for Neutron Research Room: BCEC 258A |
Durham, Ian Saint Anselm College |
Session H27.00004 Ontological models for relativistic quantum information Room: BCEC 160C |
Du Roure, Olivia PMMH UMR 7636, CNRS ESPCI Paris |
Session E36.00004 Dynamics and mechanics of actin cytoskeleton networks in vitro and in cellulo Room: BCEC 205C |
Dutkiewicz, Stephanie EAPS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B62.00005 Detecting changes in marine ecosystems and ocean colour Room: BCEC 258C |
Dzakpasu, Rhonda Georgetown University |
Session C60.00001 Physics, biology and chemistry: teaching at the interface between the natural sciences Room: BCEC 258A |
Dzsaber, Sami Institute of Solid State Physics, , Wiedner Hauptstr. 8 -10, 1040 Vienna, Austria, Vienna University of Technology |
Session R44.00002 Kondo-Weyl semimetal behavior in Ce3Bi4Pd3 Room: BCEC 210C |
E, Weinan Princeton University |
Session P21.00001 Deep Learning for Multi-Scale Molecular Modelling Room: BCEC 157B |
Eck, Allison NOVA |
Session E60.00002 Science News Online: Finding the Signal in the Noise Room: BCEC 258A |
Ediger, Mark University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session P00.00003 The Design And Growth Of Ultra-Stable Glasses Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Efros, Alexander United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session C11.00001 Bright triplet excitons in cesium lead halide perovskites Room: BCEC 152 |
Elbanna, Ahmed University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B53.00004 A quasi-cotinuum appoach for modeling fracture in disordered networked materials: Can small world architectures save the day? Room: BCEC 253C |
Elbaum-Garfinkle, Shana Advanced Science Research Center at GC/CUNY |
Session Y63.00001 Protein phase separation and emergent material properties Room: BCEC 259A |
Emanuel, Kerry Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L36.00002 The Physics of Climate and Climate Change Room: BCEC 205C |
Erb, Randy Northeastern University |
Session L53.00002 Driving and assembling magnetic particles with incoherent fields Room: BCEC 253C |
Erten, Onur Department of Physics, Arizona State University |
Session R44.00005 Topological Kondo insulators and semimetals Room: BCEC 210C |
Eschenlohr, Andrea Faculty of Physics, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
Session C41.00001 Competing spin transfer and dissipation at Co/Cu(001) interfaces on femtosecond timescales Room: BCEC 209 |
Evans, Donald M. Materials Science and Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU |
Session X04.00004 Towards adaptable nano-circuitry - functional domain walls and disorder engineering in improper ferroelectrics Room: BCEC 107C |
Even, Jacky Institut foton, insa |
Session X20.00005 Optoelectronic properties of layered and 3D hybrid perovskites: recent results Room: BCEC 157A |
Exarhos, Annemarie L Lafayette College |
Session L39.00002 Optically-Addressable Spins in Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Creation, Identification, and Characterization Room: BCEC 207 |
Fakhraai, Zahra Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania |
Session H42.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Talk: Probing Glass Physics Through Measurements of Polymer Dynamics in Thin films and in Strongly Confined Systems Room: BCEC 210A |
Fallah Tafti, Fazel Boston College |
Session C13.00004 Design and discovery of van der Waals magnets toward room temperature devices Room: BCEC 153B |
Falson, Joseph Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session V43.00003 Competing correlated phases in orbitally mixed half-filled Landau levels Room: BCEC 210B |
Fan, John Kopin Corporation |
Session S34.00004 Start a Company, Go Public, Operate, and Reinvent Room: BCEC 205A |
Fan, Shanhui Stanford University |
Session L62.00002 Nontrivial topology from simple photonic structures Room: BCEC 258C |
Fan, Wei University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session P31.00005 Unexpected Long Walks in Hierarchical Porous Materials with Combined Surface and Configurational Diffusion Room: BCEC 203 |
Fang, Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session X43.00003 New invariants, complete classification and fast diagnosis for topological crystalline insulators Room: BCEC 210B |
Faraon, Andrei Applied Physics, Kavli Nanoscience Institute, Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology |
Session Y43.00004 Quantum nano-photonics with rare-earth-doped materials Room: BCEC 210B |
Fawzi, Nick Brown University |
Session V51.00003 Atomic details of protein/RNA liquid-liquid phase separation by experiment and simulation Room: BCEC 253A |
Feenstra, Randall Carnegie Mellon University |
Session L44.00004 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics Talk: Studies of Two-dimensional Materials using Tunneling Electrons Room: BCEC 210C |
Felser, Claudia Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session B60.00002 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: Topological Materials Science Room: BCEC 258A |
Felser, Claudia Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session P00.00001 The Heusler System And How You Can Use It As A Lego Box To Build The States You Are Interested In Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Feng, Donglai Fudan University |
Session R05.00001 Topological superconductivity revealed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy Room: BCEC 108 |
Feng, Liang University of Pennsylvania |
Session K02.00001 Exceptional Nanophotonics Room: BCEC 107A |
Ferguson, Andrew L Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session A51.00005 Data-driven learning of collective variables to understand and accelerate biomolecular folding Room: BCEC 253A |
Ferrell, James Stanford University |
Session Y51.00001 Trigger waves in cell signaling Room: BCEC 253A |
Ferry, Vivian Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota |
Session A60.00001 Stanford R. Ovshinsky Sustainable Energy Fellowship Talk: Photonic structures for solar concentrators and photovoltaic modules Room: BCEC 258A |
Fetter, Steve University of Maryland, College Park |
Session V60.00001 Nuclear Modernization, ICBMs, and Launch On Warning Room: BCEC 258A |
Fiebig, Manfred Department of Materials, ETH Zurich |
Session C02.00001 Multiferroics: hidden functionalities beyond magnetoelectric coupling Room: BCEC 107A |
Fielding, Suzanne Physics, Durham University |
Session E51.00003 Edge fracture in polymeric fluids Room: BCEC 253A |
Fiete, Gregory Department of Physics, Northeastern University |
Session V44.00001 Topological magnon bands in ultra-thin film pyrochlore iridates and iron jarosites Room: BCEC 210C |
Fineberg, Jay Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session K53.00001 The Topology and Mechanics of the Formation of Fracture Surface Patterns Room: BCEC 253C |
Folk, Joshua University of British Columbia |
Session C14.00007 Superconductivity in WTe2 Room: BCEC 153C |
Fortenberry, Ryan Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Mississippi |
Session K32.00002 On a New Path to Computing the Vibrational Spectra of PAHs Room: BCEC 204A |
Franck, Christian Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session B54.00004 Inertial Microcavitation in Soft Matter Room: BCEC 254A |
Franz, Marcel University of British Columbia |
Session Y44.00001 Solid state realizations of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models Room: BCEC 210C |
Fredrickson, Glenn University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E51.00004 Statistical Field Theory of Inhomogeneous Polarizable Soft Matter Room: BCEC 253A |
Friedman, Jonathan Department of Physics and Astronomy, Amherst College |
Session S36.00001 Forbidden Transitions in Molecular Nanomagnets Room: BCEC 205C |
Fu, Kai-Mei University of Washington |
Session F11.00008 Spin coherence properties of shallow donor-bound electrons in ZnO Room: BCEC 152 |
Fu, Liang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L05.00001 Designing topological superconductors Room: BCEC 108 |
Fuchs, Gregory Cornell University |
Session Y43.00002 Spin and Orbital Resonance Driven by a Mechanical Resonator Room: BCEC 210B |
Fukami, Shunsuke Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University |
Session P34.00002 Spintronic Devices for Neural Networks Room: BCEC 205A |
Fukuma, Takeshi Kanazawa University |
Session B23.00002 Three-dimensional AFM imaging of hydration and flexible surface structures at solid-liquid interfaces Room: BCEC 158 |
Furukawa, Tetsuya Department of Applied Physics, Tokyo University of Science |
Session A62.00002 Quasi-Continuous Mott Transition from a Spin Liquid to a Fermi Liquid at Low Temperatures Room: BCEC 258C |
Fusco, Diana University of Cambridge |
Session B63.00001 Infect, replicate, and diffuse on: how bacteriophage grows and evolves during a spatial range expansion Room: BCEC 259A |
Gaigeot, Marie-Pierre Physics, LAMBE UMR8587, Universite d'Evry val d'Essonne, Universite Paris-Saclay |
Session A32.00004 Recent advances in THz/far-IR vibrational spectroscopy, synergy DFT-MD simulations and experiments Room: BCEC 204A |
Gaigeot, Marie-Pierre Physics, LAMBE UMR8587, Universite d'Evry val d'Essonne, Universite Paris-Saclay |
Session P32.00001 Finite temperature anharmonic gas phase vibrational spectroscopy with DFT-based MD simulations Room: BCEC 204A |
Gali, Adam Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Session Y43.00005 Theory of electrical readout of deep defect qubits in solids Room: BCEC 210B |
Galli, Giulia University of Chicago |
Session C31.00008 A finite-field approach to performing GW calculations and solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation Room: BCEC 203 |
Galli, Giulia University of Chicago |
Session B60.00004 David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics Talk: Sorting through messy semiconductors with first principles calculations Room: BCEC 258A |
Gambetta, Jay IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session Y34.00004 Benchmarking NISQ-era quantum processors Room: BCEC 205A |
Ganesh Jaya, Sreejith Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research - Pune |
Session R43.00005 Temporal Order in Periodically Driven Spins in small NMR spin Clusters Room: BCEC 210B |
Gao, Xuan Case Western Reserve University |
Session S16.00001 Electron transport in III-VI and IV-VI mono-chalcogenide nanostructures Room: BCEC 155 |
Garand, Etienne University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session P32.00004 A cluster approach to solvation effects in flexible peptides Room: BCEC 204A |
Garcia, Ricardo CSIC, Madrid |
Session K23.00001 Fast nanomechanical spectroscopy: From ions to living cells Room: BCEC 158 |
Gardel, Margaret University of Chicago |
Session E36.00001 Controlling Epithelial Cell Shape Room: BCEC 205C |
Garwin, Richard L. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session V60.00003 Current Nuclear Weapons Issues, and Sid Drell's Contributions to Arms Control and Strategic Stability Room: BCEC 258A |
Gather, Malte School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews |
Session A44.00002 Room temperature polariton condensate using a biologically produced fluorescent protein Room: BCEC 210C |
Geilhufe, Richard Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Session S43.00003 The Organic Materials Database - OMDB: a novel framework for functional materials prediction Room: BCEC 210B |
Gekelman, Walter Dept. of Physics, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Y62.00004 Spiky Electric and Magnetic Field Structures in Flux Rope Experiments Room: BCEC 258C |
Germann, Natalie Technical University of Munich |
Session C51.00005 Shear banding in semidilute polymeric solutions: Experiments and modeling Room: BCEC 253A |
Gervais, Guillaume McGill University |
Session V43.00004 Competing charge density waves probed by non-linear transport and noise in the second and third Landau levels Room: BCEC 210B |
Gibert, Marta Physik Institut, University of Zurich |
Session X46.00009 Electronic properties of nickelate-based heterostructures Room: BCEC 212 |
Gilson, Michael University of California San Diego |
Session Y64.00001 The physical basis of computer-aided drug design: assessing and advancing the accuracy of binding affinity calculations Room: BCEC 259B |
Gingrich, Todd Chemistry, Northwestern University |
Session E53.00002 Irwin Oppenheim Award Talk: The Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation: Theoretical Introduction Room: BCEC 253C |
Ginsberg, Naomi University of California, Berkeley |
Session C16.00001 Three-dimensional imaging of material functionality through nanoscale tracking of energy flow Room: BCEC 155 |
Giomi, Luca Leiden University |
Session X53.00002 Defect ordering and geometrical control in passive and active nematic liquid crystals Room: BCEC 253C |
Girvan, Michelle University of Maryland, College Park |
Session R51.00004 Hybrid Forecasting of Complex Systems: Combing Machine Learning with Knowledge-based Models Room: BCEC 253A |
Glaser, Alexander Princeton University |
Session Y60.00003 Verification of Denuclearization Room: BCEC 258A |
Gleason, Karen Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B49.00003 Vapor Deposited Polymers: from Fundamentals to Commercialization Room: BCEC 252A |
Glotzer, Sharon University of Michigan |
Session P00.00004 Colloidal Crystals, Quasicrystals and the Entropic Bond Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Glotzer, Sharon University of Michigan |
Session H43.00004 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Talk: Digital Alchemy, Machine Learning and Inverse Design for Self Assembly Room: BCEC 210B |
Glotzer, Sharon University of Michigan |
Session H51.00002 Multistep Crystallization Pathways for Protein Crystals and Colloidal Assemblies Room: BCEC 253A |
Goddard, Paul Department of Physics, University of Warwick |
Session C38.00004 Spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic chiral chains: the sine-Gordon model and beyond. Room: BCEC 206B |
Goddard, William chemistry, materials science, applied phyics, california institute of technology |
Session Y62.00001 First Principles Based Multiscale Atomistic Methods for Non-Equilibrium Transport Across Interfaces Room: BCEC 258C |
Goel, Anita Nanobiosym |
Session S34.00001 Harnessing the Nanoscale Physics of Living Systems to Transform the Delivery of Healthcare Room: BCEC 205A |
Goentoro, Lea Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Session B66.00001 Self-repairing symmetry in jellyfish Room: BCEC 261 |
Gohlke, Matthias Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, 01187 Dresden, Germany |
Session A37.00005 Dynamical and Topological Signatures of the Kitaev-Model in a [111] Magnetic Field Room: BCEC 206A |
Goldenfeld, Nigel David University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J81.00002 Previews of Modern Physics Room: Westin Grand Ballroom A |
Golestanian, Ramin Department of Living Matter Physics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session X61.00004 Enhanced Diffusion and Chemotaxis of Catalytically Active Enzymes Room: BCEC 258B |
Golze, Dorothea Aalto University |
Session A20.00001 Accurate Core-Level Spectra from GW Room: BCEC 157A |
Gonze, Xavier IMCN, Université catholique de Louvain |
Session F16.00005 First-principle study of phosphors for white-LED applications : Stokes shift, emission linewidth and thermal quenching. Room: BCEC 155 |
Goodpaster, Jason University of Minnesota |
Session C31.00001 Projection-based quantum embedding for periodic systems Room: BCEC 203 |
Gordon, Michael IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session K34.00004 The Career of a Nuclear Physicist at IBM Room: BCEC 205A |
Goryca, Mateusz Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K38.00004 Thermodynamic "valley noise" in monolayer semiconductors: access to intrinsic valley relaxation timescales Room: BCEC 206B |
Goulthorpe, Mark Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F34.00001 A New Carbon Ontology: Hydrocarbons as Benign Material Resource for Civilizational-Scale Building Room: BCEC 205A |
Gower, Laurie Materials Science & Engineering, University of Florida |
Session R65.00001 Biomimetic Mineralization via Polymer-Induced Liquid Precursors Room: BCEC 260 |
Goyal, Sidhartha University of Toronto |
Session C36.00005 How adaptive immunity constrains the composition and fate of large bacterial populations Room: BCEC 205C |
Graves, Amy Swarthmore College |
Session F22.00003 Hitting the ground running: Computational physics education that prepares students for research Room: BCEC 157C |
Gray, Alexander Temple University |
Session X46.00001 Probing Ultrathin Functional Layers and Buried Interfaces with Advanced X-ray Spectroscopic Techniques Room: BCEC 212 |
Green, Matthew Arizona State University |
Session X51.00005 Segmented Ionenes: Precision within disperse structures yields interesting microstructures and stimuli-responsive behavior Room: BCEC 253A |
Grefe, Sarah Department of Physics and Astronomy and Rice Center for Quantum Materials, Rice University |
Session R44.00001 Weyl-Kondo semimetals: Symmetries, signatures and nearby quantum phases Room: BCEC 210C |
Greulich, Philip University of Southampton |
Session Y51.00002 Stem cell identity and lineage: insights from network theory and dynamical systems Room: BCEC 253A |
Grollier, Julie CNRS/Thales lab |
Session Y34.00002 The physics and challenges of neuromorphic computing with spintronic nanooscillators Room: BCEC 205A |
Gronlund, Lisbeth Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session V60.00002 US Plans for New Nuclear Weapons Room: BCEC 258A |
Grosberg, Alexander New York University |
Session F55.00013 Advancing Polymer and Biopolymer Physics through Simulations and Theory: a few examples Room: BCEC 254B |
Grueneis, Andreas Institut fuer Theoretische Physik Technische Universitaet Wien |
Session S31.00001 The lord of the rings and ladders applied to solids and surfaces Room: BCEC 203 |
Grunder, Yvonne University of Liverpool |
Session B34.00001 Probing the charge distribution at the electrochemical interface Room: BCEC 205A |
Grutter, Peter McGill University |
Session H26.00001 What limits time resolution in AFM? Room: BCEC 160B |
Guidi, Tatiana ISIS, STFC, ISIS facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Session F38.00007 Entanglement in a molecular magnet dimer Room: BCEC 206B |
Guinea, Francisco Imdea Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain and School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK |
Session E43.00003 Superconductivity in twisted graphene layers: electronic structure and interactions. Room: BCEC 210B |
Gumeniuk, Roman Institute for Experimental Physics, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology |
Session X36.00001 Overview of Experimental Results on Filled Skutterudites with Pt-Ge framework Room: BCEC 205C |
Guo, Chunyu Zhejiang University |
Session R44.00003 Evidence for Weyl fermions in a heavy fermion semimetal YbPtBi Room: BCEC 210C |
Guo, Hong Physics, McGill University |
Session H36.00005 Computational Materials Discovery by RESCU - a KS-DFT method for solving thousands of atoms Room: BCEC 205C |
Hackl, Rudolf Walther Meissner Institute, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
Session S62.00003 Orbital selective magnetism, nematicity, and fluctuations in FeSe Room: BCEC 258C |
Hadfield, Stuart USRA / NASA Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory |
Session F42.00004 Quantum gate-model approaches to exact and approximate optimization Room: BCEC 210A |
Haener, Thomas ETH Zurich |
Session F27.00001 The quantum computing stack: From quantum algorithms to optimized resource estimates Room: BCEC 160C |
Hafezi, Mohammad University of Maryland, College Park |
Session A36.00003 A Topological Source of Quantum Light Room: BCEC 205C |
Halasz, Gabor Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session S44.00001 Vison crystals in an extended Kitaev honeycomb model Room: BCEC 210C |
Hallberg, Karen Condensed Matter Theory, Centro Atómico Bariloche and Instituto Balseiro, CNEA, CONICET |
Session H19.00001 Precision spectral densities in correlated systems Room: BCEC 156C |
Halperin, Bertrand I. Harvard University |
Session L43.00002 Fractional Quantized Hall States with Even Denominator Room: BCEC 210B |
Halperin, Bertrand I. Harvard University |
Session H43.00003 APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research: Topology and Other Tools in Condensed Matter Physics Room: BCEC 210B |
Hamilton, Alex R Univ of New South Wales |
Session B44.00002 Hole spins in quantum wires and quantum dots Room: BCEC 210C |
Hansen, Stephanie Sandia National Laboratories |
Session V17.00001 Modeling Materials at Extreme Conditions for High Energy-Density Science Room: BCEC 156A |
Hanson, Ronald Delft University of Technology |
Session Y43.00001 Multi-node quantum networks based on spins and photons Room: BCEC 210B |
Harris, Jack Yale Univ |
Session A36.00005 Optical and mechanical properties of superfluid helium drops levitated in vacuum Room: BCEC 205C |
Harris, Richard D-Wave Systems Incorporated |
Session L42.00007 Quantum magnetism on a chip Room: BCEC 210A |
Harvey-Collard, Patrick Sandia National Laboratories |
Session E35.00001 Spin qubits made of quantum dots and donors in silicon Room: BCEC 205B |
Hasan, Zahid Princeton University |
Session B04.00003 Discovery of Topological Magnets via Spectroscopy: 2D and 3D Novel Weyl-Dirac materials - Theory and Experiments Room: BCEC 107C |
Hatridge, Michael University of Pittsburgh |
Session R35.00004 Quantum measurement in superconducting qubits Room: BCEC 205B |
Hautier, Geoffroy Universite catholique de Louvain |
Session S19.00005 Building and browsing ab initio computational databases in quest of materials with exceptional opto-electronic properties Room: BCEC 156C |
Hayward, Ryan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session E30.00002 Soft ionic diodes formed at the interface of ionic liquid networks Room: BCEC 162B |
He, Sheng-Gui Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session A32.00001 Catalytic CO oxidation by gas phase atomic clusters Room: BCEC 204A |
Head-Gordon, Martin University of California, Berkeley |
Session H20.00001 Non-orthogonal configuration interaction for molecular excited states: Valence and core excitations and strong correlations Room: BCEC 157A |
Head-Gordon, Teresa University of California, Berkeley |
Session P16.00001 The Role of Interfaces for Chemical Transformations and Transport under Confinement Room: BCEC 155 |
Heiblum, Moty Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session L43.00001 Observation of half-integer thermal Hall conductance Room: BCEC 210B |
Held, Karsten Institute for Solid State Physics, TU Wien |
Session R46.00001 Magnetism and topology in SrRuO3- and SrVO3-based heterostructures: from DFT via DMFT to DΓA Room: BCEC 212 |
Hellman, Frances University of California, Berkeley |
Session J81.00003 Interface-induced phenomena in magnetism: writing a review article in an important topical subject with 27 leading scientists as co-authors Room: Westin Grand Ballroom A |
Helsen, Jonas Delft University of Technology |
Session P35.00001 A new class of randomized benchmarking protocols: theory and expiriment Room: BCEC 205B |
Hemley, Russell School of Engineering and Applied Science, The George Washington University |
Session B17.00001 Near room temperature superconductivity in superhydrides at megabar pressures Room: BCEC 156A |
Heremans, Joseph Argonne National Laboratory |
Session L39.00001 Understanding quantum materials using strain-sensitive x-ray diffraction imaging Room: BCEC 207 |
Herhold, Amy ExxonMobil |
Session H34.00001 Physics at ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research: Today and Tomorrow Room: BCEC 205A |
Hermann, Andreas University of Edinburgh |
Session L17.00011 First-principles modelling of hydrogen-rich planetary materials Room: BCEC 156A |
Hersam, Mark Northwestern University |
Session H13.00004 Controlling and Exploiting Defects in Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials Room: BCEC 153B |
Herve, Marie Physikalisches Institut, karlsruhe institute of technology |
Session X41.00001 Stabilizing spin spirals and isolated skyrmions at low magnetic field exploiting vanishing magnetic anisotropy Room: BCEC 209 |
Herz, Laura Department of Physics, University of Oxford |
Session S20.00001 Fundamental Light-Conversion Mechanisms in Metal Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaics Room: BCEC 157A |
Herzig, Eva M. Dynamics and Structure Formation - Herzig Group, Universität Bayreuth |
Session B51.00001 Exploiting the process of thin film printing for structure manipulation tracked by grazing incidence scattering Room: BCEC 253A |
Hess, Paul Middlebury College |
Session V36.00001 Generating many-body localization in a trapped ion quantum simulator Room: BCEC 205C |
Heyderman, Laura ETH Zurich - Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session K60.00001 Artificial Ferroic Systems: Magnetic Monopoles, Chirality and Bloch Point Singularities Room: BCEC 258A |
Hickey, Ciarán University of Cologne |
Session A37.00001 Gapless Visons and Emergent U(1) Spin Liquid in Kitaev's Honeycomb Model Room: BCEC 206A |
Hicks, Jason Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame |
Session P31.00003 Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of Hierarchical Materials Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks Room: BCEC 203 |
Hirschfeld, Peter University of Florida |
Session H10.00001 Pairing mechanisms in iron-based superconductors: variations on the s+/- theme Room: BCEC 151B |
Hlubina, Richard Comenius University in Bratislava |
Session H44.00005 Dynes superconductivity and the cuprates Room: BCEC 210C |
Ho, Alan Google Inc., Santa Barbara |
Session V34.00002 Next Generation Technology from Google AI Quantum Room: BCEC 205A |
Ho, Rong-Ming Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
Session A50.00013 Universal Effects of Chirality on the Self-Assembly of Chiral Block Copolymers and Polymers Room: BCEC 252B |
Hoffman, Jennifer Harvard University |
Session H44.00003 Density wave as a probe of the full cuprate phase diagram Room: BCEC 210C |
Holdren, John Harvard University |
Session X60.00001 Speaking Science to Power: Providing S&T Advice to Governments Room: BCEC 258A |
Holme, Petter Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session S53.00003 Temporal networks Room: BCEC 253C |
Holten-Andersen, Niels Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V53.00001 Do bio-inspired metal-coordination crosslink dynamics offer anything new for engineers of hydrogel mechanics? Room: BCEC 253C |
Home, Jonathan ETH Zurich |
Session S27.00001 Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing talk: Repeated parity measurement and feedback in a mixed-species trapped ion register Room: BCEC 160C |
Home, Jonathan ETH Zurich |
Session F62.00005 Encoding and controlling a GKP logical qubit in a trapped-ion oscillator Room: BCEC 258C |
Hone, James Columbia University |
Session B15.00010 Quantum Transport in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers and Twisted Bilayers Room: BCEC 154 |
Horowitz, Jordan Biophysics, University of Michigan |
Session E53.00003 Irwin Oppenheim Award Talk: The Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation: Applications And Extensions Room: BCEC 253C |
Hough, Loren Department of Physics and BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session E36.00002 Posttranslational modification of microtubule mechanics Room: BCEC 205C |
Hoyt, Chad Honeywell |
Session H60.00002 Open-ended projects in undergraduate lasers and optics courses Room: BCEC 258A |
Hsieh, David Physics, California Institute of Technology |
Session E40.00001 Optical signatures of a 3D electronic liquid crystal in Cd2Re2O7 Room: BCEC 208 |
Hu, Danian History, The City College of The City University of New York |
Session E69.00001 Creating A Center of Theoretical Physics at Christian Yenching University in Peking: British physicist William Band's endeavor in the 1930s Room: BCEC 052A |
Hu, Ming Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina |
Session H22.00004 New Thermal Transport Regime for Partial-Crystalline Partial-Liquid Materials Room: BCEC 157C |
Hu, Yuan-Chao Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Yale University |
Session Y56.00008 Bulk metallic glass design: What properties determine the glass-forming ability of multi-component alloys? Room: BCEC 255 |
Huang, Qian Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark |
Session C51.00002 Rheological behavior of entangled polymer melts and solutions in fast extensional flow Room: BCEC 253A |
Huang, Yu UCLA |
Session L54.00011 Transport measurements on 2D material devices Room: BCEC 254A |
Hudspeth, Jim Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Rockefeller University |
Session K51.00001 Making an effort to listen: mechanical amplification by ion channels and myosin molecules in hair cells of the inner ear Room: BCEC 253A |
Hughes, Taylor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y24.00001 Higher Order Topological Phases: Quadrupoles, Meta-materials, and Beyond Room: BCEC 159 |
Hui, Chung Yuen Cornell University |
Session K53.00003 Fracture mechanics of self-healing hydrogels Room: BCEC 253C |
Hur, Su-Mi Chonnam National University |
Session S52.00007 Simulation studies reflecting the importance of kinetics on block copolymer self-assembly Room: BCEC 253B |
Hussain, Zahid Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C34.00005 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Talk: Science Driven Instrumentation and Applications with Soft X-rays Room: BCEC 205A |
Iavarone, Maria Physics, Temple University |
Session K34.00002 Imaging Quantum Materials Room: BCEC 205A |
Ichihashi, Masahiko Cluster Research Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute |
Session B32.00002 From Clusters To Cluster Complexes Room: BCEC 204A |
Ikeda, Matthias Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University |
Session B10.00001 Elastoresistive and elastocaloric anomalies in iron pnictides Room: BCEC 151B |
Irvine, William T. M. University of Chicago |
Session X53.00004 The odd free surface flows of a colloidal chiral fluid Room: BCEC 253C |
Isaacs, Eric Northwestern University |
Session S19.00001 Data-driven design of electronic band structure for materials Room: BCEC 156C |
Jarzynski, Christopher University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L44.00001 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: Scaling down the laws of thermodynamics Room: BCEC 210C |
Jaubert, Ludovic CNRS / LOMA, University of Bordeaux |
Session B36.00005 Neutron scattering signatures of pyrochlore spin liquids and nematic phases Room: BCEC 205C |
Jayaraman, Arthi University of Delaware |
Session X51.00001 Using PRISM theory and molecular simulations to understand the complex interplay of copolymer sequence and architecture on assembly in polymer solutions Room: BCEC 253A |
Jayawardhana, Ray Cornell University |
Session E60.00005 Tough crowd: Reaching beyond the usual science-interested audiences Room: BCEC 258A |
Jeraj, Robert University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session E34.00005 Targeted Radionuclide Therapy Room: BCEC 205A |
Jesse, Stephen Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A23.00001 Single Atom Scale Manipulation of Matter by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Room: BCEC 158 |
Jiang, Liang Yale Univ |
Session V28.00001 Achieving the Heisenberg limit in quantum metrology using quantum error correction Room: BCEC 161 |
Jiang, Yuhang Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA |
Session E43.00002 Strain-induced Pseudo-Magnetic Fields and flat band in Graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Jiang, Zhigang Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session L02.00001 Magneto-infrared Spectroscopy of Topological Materials Room: BCEC 107A |
Jin, Chenyu Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session Y53.00004 Manipulating the dynamics of active emulsions Room: BCEC 253C |
Jin, Rongying Louisiana State University |
Session C46.00001 Electrical and Magnetic Properties of PdSb2 and PtBi2 with Multiple Band Degeneracy Room: BCEC 212 |
Jinnai, Hiroshi Tohoku University |
Session A52.00009 Recent developments of morphological characterization in nano-composite materials by electron microscopy Room: BCEC 253B |
Jochym-O'Connor, Tomas Caltech |
Session L27.00004 Disjointness in quantum error correction: Imposing limitations on logical gates Room: BCEC 160C |
Johnson, Angela St. Mary's College of Maryland |
Session L69.00004 Creating environments where women of color can thrive Room: BCEC 052A |
Johnson, Mark Yale Univ |
Session P32.00002 Deconstructing the curious behavior of carboxylate at the air-water interface with cluster ion spectroscopy Room: BCEC 204A |
Johnson, Paul Earth and Environmental Sciences, Los Alamos |
Session A53.00001 Geophysical applications of granular flows: probing earthquakes applying machine learning Room: BCEC 253C |
Jones, Ivy Marquette University |
Session K69.00001 TBD Room: BCEC 052A |
Juanes, Ruben Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R53.00002 Multiphase flow in porous media: wetting, disorder, and pattern formation Room: BCEC 253C |
Julien, Marc-Henri CNRS Grenoble, Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses (LNCMI) |
Session C43.00004 NMR study of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on charge-density waves and superconductivity in YBa2Cu3Oy Room: BCEC 210B |
Junquera, Javier University of Cantabria |
Session A02.00001 Complex polarization textures and exotic properties in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices Room: BCEC 107A |
Jurchescu, Oana Department of Physics and Center for Functional Materials, Wake Forest University |
Session S50.00004 Contacts in Organic Field-Effect Transistors Room: BCEC 252B |
Kadish, Steven Harvard Kennedy School |
Session L34.00001 Findings of the Commission on the Future of Transportation in Massachusetts Room: BCEC 205A |
Kaiser, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A69.00001 How the Hippies Saved Physics: Adventures with Bell's Theorem, Then and Now Room: BCEC 052A |
Kakalios, James University of Minnesota |
Session Q53.00001 The Physics and Materials Science of Superheroes Room: BCEC 253C |
Kalinin, Sergei Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C62.00002 Electron Microscopy of Quantum Materials: From Learning Physics to Atomic Manipulation Room: BCEC 258C |
Kamrin, Ken Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session A59.00001 Toward General Rheological Models of Dry and Fluid-Saturated Granular Media Room: BCEC 257B |
Kandala, Abhinav IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session C42.00001 Error-mitigated quantum computation with noisy superconducting qubits Room: BCEC 210A |
Kane, Charles Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania |
Session X43.00002 Fractional Excitonic Insulator Room: BCEC 210B |
Kang, Jian Florida State University |
Session S10.00001 Interplay between nematicity and superconductivity in iron-based superconductors Room: BCEC 151B |
Kang, Kibum Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
Session F13.00004 Wafer-scale Growth and Assembly of 2D Semiconductors Room: BCEC 153B |
Kapit, Eliot Physics, Colorado School of Mines |
Session H62.00002 Entanglement and complexity of interacting transmon qubits subject to asymmetric noise Room: BCEC 258C |
Kaplan, Marc VeriQloud |
Session R28.00007 Quantum Internet Applications Room: BCEC 161 |
Kapnick, Sarah Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA |
Session L36.00003 Mixed signals in future climate extremes: understanding counterintuitive results Room: BCEC 205C |
Kasahara, Yuichi Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session R36.00003 Half-integer thermal quantum Hall effect in a Kitaev spin liquid: A signature of Majorana edge modes and non-Abelian excitations Room: BCEC 205C |
Kats, Mikhail A. Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session C65.00010 Optical characterization of nacre using hyperspectral imaging Room: BCEC 260 |
Katsaros, Georgios Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Session B44.00003 A Ge heavy hole spin qubit Room: BCEC 210C |
Katz, Alexander Chem and Biomol Eng, UC Berkeley |
Session P31.00002 Characterization of silanol defect sites on amorphous versus crystalline 2-D silicate surfaces Room: BCEC 203 |
Kaufman, Laura Columbia University |
Session H32.00001 Revisiting Glassy Behavior in Polystyrene with Single Molecule Approaches Room: BCEC 204A |
Kawasugi, Yoshitaka RIKEN |
Session A62.00005 Electron-Hole Doping Asymmetry of Superconductivity in a Strain-Tuned Organic Mott Transistor Room: BCEC 258C |
Kee, Hae-Young University of Toronto |
Session C37.00001 Kitaev spin liquids in spin-orbit coupled correlated materials Room: BCEC 206A |
Kemp, R Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y60.00002 Iran, North Korea, and the Renewed Challenge of Proliferation Room: BCEC 258A |
Kena-Cohen, Stephane Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal |
Session A44.00003 Room-temperature superfluidity of exciton-polaritons Room: BCEC 210C |
Keppel, Cynthia Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session K34.00005 Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics Talk: Career Opportunities from Fundamental Physics to Patient Treatments Room: BCEC 205A |
Kesselring, Markus FU Berlin |
Session R27.00001 The boundaries and topological defects of the color code Room: BCEC 160C |
Keten, Sinan Northwestern University |
Session R54.00004 Materials by Design for Stiff and Tough Nanoparticle Assemblies with Polymeric Hairs Room: BCEC 254A |
Khanikaev, Alexander City College of CUNY |
Session K60.00004 Experimental realization of higher order topological states in classical systems Room: BCEC 258A |
Khemani, Vedika Harvard University |
Session R43.00004 What NMR detection of DTC signatures may be telling us. Room: BCEC 210B |
Khomami, Bamin University of Tennessee |
Session C51.00001 Molecular Rheology of Entangled Polymeric Fluids: New Discoveries and Remaining Challenges Room: BCEC 253A |
Khomskii, Daniel University of Cologne |
Session F46.00001 “Molecules” in solids against magnetism in 4d and 5d compounds Room: BCEC 212 |
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell University |
Session C62.00001 Learning Quantum Emergence with AI. Room: BCEC 258C |
Kim, Jun Sung Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology |
Session C10.00001 Phase diagram of a hetero-structured iron-based superconductor Sr2VO3FeAs Room: BCEC 151B |
Kim, Philip Harvard University |
Session P00.00002 Stacking atomic layers one by one: quest for new materials and physics Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Kim, Philip Harvard University |
Session X14.00007 Characterization of atomic scale lattice reconstruction in twisted van der Waals interfaces of layered material Room: BCEC 153C |
Kim, Timur Diamond Light Source |
Session R10.00001 ARPES of iron-based superconductors: how nematic order sets the stage for magnetic and superconducting ground states in NaFeAs and FeSe Room: BCEC 151B |
King, Gavin Physics and Astro., Joint w/ Biochemistry, University of Missouri-Columbia |
Session R63.00001 Single molecule measurements provide insight into general secretory system activity Room: BCEC 259A |
Kinney, Justin Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Session S65.00001 Measuring the energetics of transcriptional regulation in living cells using allelic manifolds Room: BCEC 260 |
Kioupakis, Emmanouil University of Michigan |
Session K22.00001 Predictive calculations of phonon-assisted quantum processes Room: BCEC 157C |
Kippenberg, Tobias Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne |
Session H69.00004 Soliton microresonator frequency combs Room: BCEC 052A |
Kirby, Brian National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F39.00001 Localization of Curie Temperature in Compositionally Graded Ferromagnetic Films Room: BCEC 207 |
Kis, Andras EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session F15.00010 Exciton Manipulation in 2D TMDC Heterostructures Room: BCEC 154 |
Klein, Allon Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School |
Session X65.00002 Lineage and state dynamics in stem cell differentiation Room: BCEC 260 |
Klimov, Paul Google AI Quantum |
Session V35.00013 Operating a Quantum Processor with Material Defects Room: BCEC 205B |
Klotsa, Daphne University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session L53.00003 A touch of non-linearity in fluid fields: where spheres “think” collectively and swim together Room: BCEC 253C |
Kloxin, Christopher University of Delaware |
Session P30.00004 Externally Triggered Healing in Covalent Adaptable Networks Room: BCEC 162B |
Knappe, Svenja Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado |
Session F36.00003 Magnetoencephalography using optically-pumped magnetometers Room: BCEC 205C |
Knolle, Johannes Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London |
Session R44.00004 Excitons in topological Kondo insulators: Theory of thermodynamic and transport anomalies in SmB6 Room: BCEC 210C |
Koenderink, Gijsje AMOLF |
Session P59.00008 The paradoxical material properties of living matter Room: BCEC 257B |
Koerner, Hilmar Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session A49.00004 Feedstock development and in-operando experiments for 3D printing of polymer matrix composites for demanding defense applications Room: BCEC 252A |
Kogar, Anshul Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X44.00002 Evidence for Topological Defects in a Photoinduced Charge Density Wave Transition Room: BCEC 210C |
Kolb, Evelyne ESPCI, PMMH |
Session S56.00001 Interactions of slender elastic structures with complex media like granular materials Room: BCEC 255 |
Kong, Jing Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S42.00004 Passing on Millie's Legacy Room: BCEC 210A |
Kong, Lingyuan Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session K05.00001 Majorana bound state observed in Fe-based superconductors Room: BCEC 108 |
Koohpayeh, Seyed Johns Hopkins University |
Session L40.00001 Titanate pyrochlores: Growth of stoichiometric crystals below their melting points Room: BCEC 208 |
Koski, Jason Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S54.00010 Using advanced field-based approaches to predict macroscale polymer nanocomposite phase behavior Room: BCEC 254A |
Koski, Kristie University of California, Davis |
Session R15.00009 Chemically Tunable 2D Layered Materials: Acoustic Phonons, Charge Density Waves, & Phase Transitions Room: BCEC 154 |
Kotiuga, Michele Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session E11.00001 Electronic states in electron-doped rare-earth nickelates from first principles Room: BCEC 152 |
Kotliar, Gabriel Rutgers University and Brookhaven National Laboratories |
Session X36.00002 Dynamical Mean Field Theory and the Iron Pnictides and Chalcogenides Room: BCEC 205C |
Kozinsky, Boris Harvard University |
Session R22.00004 From electron-phonon transport properties to computational discovery of new materials for energy conversion. Room: BCEC 157C |
Kozminski, Joseph Department of Physics, Lewis University |
Session H60.00004 Advancing the Advanced Lab: Opportunities and Challenges post-BFYIII Room: BCEC 258A |
Krishnamoorthy, Aravind University of Southern California |
Session K18.00002 Machine Learning for Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Room: BCEC 156B |
Krogel, Jaron Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F19.00002 Understanding the metal-insulator transition in VO2 from quantum Monte Carlo, DMFT, and experiment Room: BCEC 156C |
Kronik, Leeor Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session C20.00001 Electronic and optical excitations from screened range-separated hybrid density functional theory Room: BCEC 157A |
Kruse, Karsten Biochemistry and Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva |
Session H61.00001 Dynamic instabilities of contractile acto-myosin rings Room: BCEC 258B |
Kuhl, Ellen Stanford University |
Session A66.00001 The life cycle of the human brain: From morphogenesis to aging Room: BCEC 261 |
Kumaki, Jiro Yamagata University |
Session K36.00004 In Situ Real-Time Observation of Polymer Folded-Chain Crystallization by Atomic Force Microscopy at the Molecular Level Room: BCEC 205C |
Kumar, Jayant University of Massachusetts, Lowell |
Session R60.00004 Advances in molecular and polymeric photovoltaic devices and the challenges to their commercialization Room: BCEC 258A |
Kumar, Sanat Chemical Engineering, Columbia University |
Session B31.00004 Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Membranes with Unprecedented Gas-Separation Performance Room: BCEC 203 |
Kurchan, Jorge Ecole Normal Superieure Paris |
Session C44.00001 Connections between classical mean field models with glassy dynamics and quantum SYK models Room: BCEC 210C |
Kusne, A. Gilad Materials Measurement & Science Division, National Institute of Standards & Technology |
Session C62.00004 Autonomous Quantum Materials Research: Phase Mapping Room: BCEC 258C |
Lado, Jose ETH Zurich |
Session E43.00005 Electrically tunable frustrated lattices and magnetism in twisted bilayer graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Lai, Keji University of Texas at Austin |
Session X04.00005 Probing Microwave Dynamics of Ferroelectric Domain Walls Room: BCEC 107C |
Lake, Bella Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin |
Session B36.00004 Magnetic moment fragmentation and dynamical spin ice features in Neodymuim pyrochlores Room: BCEC 205C |
Landau, Rubin Oregon State University |
Session F22.00002 Computational Problems for Physics Courses Throughout the Curriculum Room: BCEC 157C |
Landee, Christopher Clark University |
Session B38.00001 Criticality in Two-Dimensional Quantum Antiferromagnets (2D QAF) Room: BCEC 206B |
Lannert, Courtney Smith College |
Session L69.00003 Inclusion, Equity, and Program Improvement with the APS/AAPT Guide to Effective Practices in Physics Programs (EP3) Room: BCEC 052A |
Larson, Ronald Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan |
Session E51.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Talk: Getting the kinks out: extensional flow in polymer solutions, melts, and glasses Room: BCEC 253A |
Larson, Ronald Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan |
Session C52.00010 Phase behavior and transport in solutions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes Room: BCEC 253B |
Lau, Chun Ning Ohio State University |
Session S42.00002 Quantum Transport in 2D Materials and Heterostructures Room: BCEC 210A |
Lee, Chia-Ying Columbia University |
Session B62.00004 The climate change signal in hurricanes Room: BCEC 258C |
Lee, Chiu Fan Imperial College London |
Session Y63.00005 Physics of non-equilibrium phase separation: Implications for stress granule formation in the cell cytoplasm Room: BCEC 259A |
Lee, Jun-Sik SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session X44.00004 Exploring ideal charge-density-wave in superconducting YBCO via innovative uses of X-ray FEL and the pulsed magnet Room: BCEC 210C |
Lee, Patrick Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R36.00001 1T-TaS2 as a 45 year old spin liquid. Room: BCEC 205C |
Lee, Patrick Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H43.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize talk: Elihu Abrahams: pioneer in the physics of disordered electronic systems Room: BCEC 210B |
Leek, Peter University of Oxford |
Session S35.00001 Multilayer coaxial superconducting circuits with integrated 3D wiring Room: BCEC 205B |
Leghtas, Zaki Mines ParisTech / ENS Paris |
Session H62.00004 Quantum computing with driven-dissipative Josephson circuits Room: BCEC 258C |
Legrand, William Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, 91767 Palaiseau, France |
Session L41.00001 Hybrid chiral domain walls and skyrmions in magnetic multilayers Room: BCEC 209 |
Leite, Marina University of Maryland, College Park |
Session R60.00001 Perovskites for Energy Harvesting Room: BCEC 258A |
LeRoy, Brian University of Arizona |
Session A43.00004 Topologically Protected Helical States in Minimally Twisted Bilayer Graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Leshansky, Alexander Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session S61.00001 Role of shape and symmetry in externally driven micromotors Room: BCEC 258B |
Lester, Marsha University of Pennsylvania |
Session F60.00001 Herbert P. Broida Prize Talk: Spectroscopic and dynamical probes of atmospheric reaction pathways Room: BCEC 258A |
Le Tacon, Matthieu Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session C43.00005 Uniaxial Pressure Control of Competing Orders in a High Temperature Superconductor Room: BCEC 210B |
Lev, Benjamin Stanford University |
Session K43.00004 Exploring Quantum Thermalization Near Integrability in a Dipolar Quantum Newton’s Cradle Room: BCEC 210B |
Levy, Jeremy University of Pittsburgh |
Session A16.00001 Pascal-liquid phases in ballistic one-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 channels Room: BCEC 155 |
Lewandowski, Heather University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session H60.00005 Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction Talk: Engaging Students in Authentic Scientific Practices in Physics Lab Courses Room: BCEC 258A |
Lhotel, Elsa Institut Néel, CNRS |
Session V37.00001 Dynamic kagome ice state Room: BCEC 206A |
Li, Christopher Dept. Materials Sci & Engin, Drexel University |
Session K36.00002 Shape-Symmetry Incommensurate Polymer Crystals Room: BCEC 205C |
Li, Lu University of Michigan |
Session K44.00001 Quantum Oscillations in Kondo Insulators Room: BCEC 210C |
Li, Xiaoqin (Elaine) University of Texas-Austin |
Session X12.00001 Interlayer Excitons in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Heterostructures Room: BCEC 153A |
Li, Yuan Internationan Center for Quantum Materials, Peking University |
Session V44.00002 Topological spin excitations in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet Room: BCEC 210C |
Liddle, James National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session R60.00003 Nanomanufacturing: An enabler for environmental technologies Room: BCEC 258A |
Lieber, Charles Harvard University |
Session S42.00001 Nanoelectronic Tools for Brain Science Room: BCEC 210A |
Lin, Hai-Qing Beijing Computational Science Research Center |
Session S43.00004 Superconductivity in potassium-doped organic materials Room: BCEC 210B |
Lin, Hsin Academia Sinica |
Session X02.00005 Topological Materials Room: BCEC 107A |
Linn, Rodman Ray Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L36.00001 Fire/atmosphere Feedbacks that Control Wildland Fire Room: BCEC 205C |
Lipovsky, Brad Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University |
Session L36.00005 The mechanics of hydraulic fractures in glaciers, volcanoes, and reservoirs Room: BCEC 205C |
Lisdat, Christian Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Session Y36.00002 Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock Room: BCEC 205C |
Liu, Andrea University of Pennsylvania |
Session A51.00001 Machined-learned softness as a structural order parameter for understanding glassy systems Room: BCEC 253A |
Liu, Chaoxing Pennsylvania State University |
Session L04.00006 The effect of interaction and gauge field in topological semimetals Room: BCEC 107C |
Liu, Jian University of Tennessee |
Session H40.00001 Controllable emergent 2D quantum antiferromagnetism realized in iridate-based heterostructures Room: BCEC 208 |
Liu, Jinyan Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session E69.00004 Chinese Physicists' Construction of Straton (or Mao-particle) in the 1960s: the Chinese search for the structure of Hadrons under the guidance of Maoist philosophy Room: BCEC 052A |
Liu, Yuanyue University of Texas at Austin |
Session A13.00003 The Intrinsic Carrier Mobility in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors Room: BCEC 153B |
Liu, Zheng-Xin Department of Physics, Renmin University of China |
Session P37.00001 Quantum Spin Liquid phases in extended Kitaev models on the Honeycomb Lattice Room: BCEC 206A |
Lloyd, Seth Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C69.00001 The Universe as a Quantum Computer Room: BCEC 052A |
Lodahl, Peter University of Copenhagen |
Session A39.00001 Spin–photon interface and spin-controlled photon switching in a nanobeam waveguide Room: BCEC 207 |
Loewen, Hartmut Institute of Theoretical Physics II, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf |
Session H53.00004 Interplay between elasticity and activity: from vibrated elastic particles to penetration of active particles through elastic membranes Room: BCEC 253C |
Long, Rong University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session H59.00001 Viscoelasticity of gels with dynamic bonds: molecular kinetics and macroscopic mechanics Room: BCEC 257B |
Longobardi, Maria University of Geneva |
Session K60.00005 Self-assembled 1D nanostructures on semiconductor surfaces Room: BCEC 258A |
Loo, Lynn Princeton University |
Session F34.00005 Quantifying tie-chain fraction and its impact on charge transport in model conjugated polymers Room: BCEC 205A |
Lorenz, Thomas Institute of Physics II, University of Cologne, Germany |
Session L38.00001 Magnetic-field induced quantum phase transitions in spin-1/2 XXZ chain materials Room: BCEC 206B |
Losert, Wolfgang University of Maryland, College Park |
Session F64.00001 Physical Guidance of Cytoskeletal Dynamics Room: BCEC 259B |
Lotz, Bernard Institut Charles Sadron |
Session K36.00001 Reaching the structural intimacy of polymer crystals and spherulites. Room: BCEC 205C |
Louge, Michel Merck Sharp & Dohme |
Session Y61.00001 Moisture and density measurements in powders: from geophysics to pharmacy Room: BCEC 258B |
Louie, Steven G. University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session K13.00004 Topological Effects in 1D and 2D Materials: Topological Band Engineering, Optical Selection Rules, and Excitonic Shift Currents Room: BCEC 153B |
Lu, Deyu Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L16.00001 Unraveling correlation effects in water from microscopic response functions Room: BCEC 155 |
Lu, Donghui SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University |
Session S62.00004 ARPES probe of the electronic structure in the detwinned FeSe Room: BCEC 258C |
Lu, Yuan-Ming Ohio State University |
Session V44.00003 Topology of magnons: classification and application to honeycomb Kitaev magnets Room: BCEC 210C |
LU, Li Synergetic Extreme condition User Facility |
Session S60.00005 New user facilities for condensed matter and material science in China Room: BCEC 258A |
Luber, Erik University of Alberta |
Session B55.00007 Effectively Exploring Parameter Space: Design of Experiments and Machine Learning-assisted Organic Solar Cell Efficiency Optimization Room: BCEC 254B |
Ludington, Will Carnegie Institution for Science |
Session P63.00001 Combinatorial ecology in the simple fruit fly gut microbiome Room: BCEC 259A |
Ludlow, Andrew National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session Y36.00004 Atomic clock performance beyond the geodetic limit Room: BCEC 205C |
Luijten, Erik Northwestern University |
Session B61.00009 Self-assembly, aggregation, and phase behavior of driven and active colloids Room: BCEC 258B |
Luis, Fernando Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) |
Session S36.00002 Coherent manipulation of three spin qubits in a GdW30 single-ion magnet Room: BCEC 205C |
Lukin, Mikhail Harvard University |
Session R43.00001 DTC signatures in NV Centers: Initial Discovery and Late-breaking Results Room: BCEC 210B |
Luo, Yunqiu (Kelly) Ohio State University |
Session K38.00008 Electrical gate control of photon-spin and photon-charge conversions in van der Waals heterostructures Room: BCEC 206B |
Lutz, Jean-Francois Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS |
Session X51.00004 Sequence-controlled polymers: bridging the gap between biotic and abiotic macromolecules Room: BCEC 253A |
Lv, Yang Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota |
Session E41.00001 Unidirectional spin-Hall and Rashba−Edelstein magnetoresistance in topological insulator-ferromagnet layer heterostructures Room: BCEC 209 |
Ma, Qiong Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B43.00004 Nonlinear transport and optical responses in atomically thin WTe2 Room: BCEC 210B |
Maass, Corinna Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session K61.00001 Pushers, pullers, splitters: molecular processes governing the dynamics of active emulsions. Room: BCEC 258B |
MacDonald, Allan University of Texas at Austin |
Session F43.00001 Topological Insulator Surface States for Spintronics Room: BCEC 210B |
Machida, Yo Department of Physics, Gakushuin University |
Session F44.00002 Observation of the Poiseuille flow of phonons in black phosphorus Room: BCEC 210C |
Machta, Benjamin Dept. of Physics and Systems Biology Institute, Yale University |
Session F66.00001 Bounding Information flow in E. Coli chemotaxis Room: BCEC 261 |
Machta, Jonathan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session H21.00001 Population Annealing for Equilibrium Sampling in Statistical Physics Room: BCEC 157B |
Mackin, Charles IBM Research--Almaden |
Session Y34.00005 Accelerating Deep Neural Networks with Analog Memory Devices Room: BCEC 205A |
MacKintosh, Fred C. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University |
Session E36.00003 Active Stresses and Stress Relaxation in Cytoskeletal Networks Room: BCEC 205C |
MacNeill, David Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B14.00007 Probing magnetism in atomically thin van der Waals insulators using electron tunneling Room: BCEC 153C |
Magee-Sauer, Karen Rowan University |
Session B69.00004 A thriving physics teacher preparation program at Rowan University Room: BCEC 052A |
Magnussen, Olaf Experimental and Applied Physics, Kiel University |
Session B34.00002 Monitoring electrochemical and electrocatalytic interface processes on the atomic and nanometer scale by operando surface X-ray scattering Room: BCEC 205A |
Mahadevan, L Harvard University |
Session H53.00005 Patterning via differential activity Room: BCEC 253C |
Maher, Nicola Ocean in the Earth System, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology |
Session B62.00002 ENSO Change in Climate Projections: Forced Response or Internal Variability? Room: BCEC 258C |
Mahmood, Fahad Johns Hopkins University |
Session K37.00001 Hierarchy of Exchange Interactions in the Triangular-Lattice Spin Liquid YbMgGaO4 Room: BCEC 206A |
Majer, Johannes Atominstitut, TU Wien |
Session V29.00004 Superradiant emission from colour centres in diamond Room: BCEC 162A |
Majewski, Alexander John United Technologies Research Center |
Session V34.00005 Physics For Tomorrow: Optical Imaging and Sensing Systems Room: BCEC 205A |
Maletinsky, Richard University of Basel |
Session B23.00001 Nanoscale magnetometry using scanning single spin quantum sensors Room: BCEC 158 |
Måløy, Knut PoreLab, The Njord Center, University of Oslo |
Session R53.00005 Pattern formation of frictional fingers in a gravitational potential Room: BCEC 253C |
Maranas, Janna Pennsylvania State University |
Session B51.00005 Polymer electrolytes for battery technology Room: BCEC 253A |
Marchetti, M Cristina University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L44.00003 Leo P. Kadanoff Prize Talk: Complex flows and topology in active matter Room: BCEC 210C |
Marder, Eve Volen Center and Biology Department, Brandeis University |
Session K51.00002 Differential Resilience to Perturbation of Circuits with Similar Performance Room: BCEC 253A |
Marder, Michael University of Texas at Austin |
Session B69.00001 The national landscape for STEM teacher education Room: BCEC 052A |
Markov, Igor University of Michigan |
Session K42.00010 Faster classical sampling from distributions defined by quantum circuits Room: BCEC 210A |
Marom, Noa Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B20.00006 Computational discovery of new materials for intermolecular singlet fission in the solid state Room: BCEC 157A |
Martin, Adam Biology, MIT |
Session X65.00001 The mechanics of epithelial folding Room: BCEC 260 |
Martin, Lane Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley |
Session F02.00005 Pyroelectric Energy Conversion with Relaxor Ferroelectric Thin Films Room: BCEC 107A |
Martin-Fabiani, Ignacio Loughborough University |
Session B50.00001 Drying Blends of Polymer Colloids: How to Harness Physics to Control Film Formation Room: BCEC 252B |
Martini, Ashlie Mechanical Engineering, University of California Merced |
Session P49.00001 Shear-driven polymerization: critical roles of chemisorption and molecular deformation Room: BCEC 252A |
Marzari, Nicola Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne |
Session F44.00001 Novel Vistas in Thermal Transport: Relaxons, Frictions, Viscosities, and Coherences Room: BCEC 210C |
Marzen, Sarah Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R51.00003 The difference between memory and prediction in recurrent networks Room: BCEC 253A |
Maslov, Dmitri IBM |
Session F27.00005 Less than a million CNOTs should be enough to solve a classically intractable instance of a scientific problem with a quantum circuit Room: BCEC 160C |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session K69.00005 TBD Room: BCEC 052A |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session V02.00009 Surface State Transport in 3D Topological Insulators Room: BCEC 107A |
Matsumoto, Elisabetta Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session K63.00001 Twisted topological tangles: or the knot theory of knitting Room: BCEC 259A |
McCamey,, Dane University of New South Wales |
Session X10.00001 Quintet multiexciton dynamics in singlet fission Room: BCEC 151B |
McClean, Jarrod AI Quantum, Google LLC |
Session R62.00002 Advances in quantum simulation on the path towards post-supremacy, pre-fault-tolerant applications Room: BCEC 258C |
McCray, Patrick University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A69.00003 Groovy Physics Room: BCEC 052A |
McKenna, Gregory Texas Tech University |
Session E51.00002 Accessing the Unexplored Regions of the Glassy State to Test Paradigms of the Glass Transition Room: BCEC 253A |
McKinley, Gareth Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X52.00007 Plant-Sourced Polysaccharides for Turbulent Drag Reduction Room: BCEC 253B |
McKittrick, Joanna University of California, San Diego |
Session H51.00005 Engineering materials inspired by nature Room: BCEC 253A |
McNeil, Laurie University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session L60.00004 What do physics students need for career success? Findings from the Phys21 report Room: BCEC 258A |
McQueen, Tyrel Johns Hopkins University |
Session K44.00003 A Physical-Chemical Understanding of Samarium Hexaboride Room: BCEC 210C |
Meenehan, Seán M HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session X34.00004 Strategies for Automated Tune-up of Quantum Dot Arrays Room: BCEC 205A |
Mehta, Pankaj Boston University |
Session R51.00001 Machine Learning, Statistical Physics, and Ecological Dynamics Room: BCEC 253A |
Meingast, Christoph Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session S62.00005 Intertwined and vestigial electronic phases in hole-doped Sr1-xNaxFe2As2 Room: BCEC 258C |
Merkt, Frederic ETH Zurich |
Session L24.00001 Precision spectroscopy in few-electron molecules Room: BCEC 159 |
Merzbacher, Celia Independent consultant |
Session X60.00002 Federal Policy Making: Perspectives from Inside and Outside Government Room: BCEC 258A |
Messersmith, Phillip University of California, Berkeley |
Session F65.00001 Molecular Mechanics of Mussel InspirCopyed Polymers and Coatings Room: BCEC 260 |
Meunier, Tristan CNRS Institut Néel |
Session P29.00003 Coherent control of individual electron spins in a two-dimensional array of tunnel coupled quantum dots Room: BCEC 162A |
Meyer, Tim IBM |
Session L34.00003 State of the art for drone technology Room: BCEC 205A |
Mian, Zia Princeton University |
Session Y60.00001 2019 Szilard Lectureship Award recipient - Scientists and Today’s Struggles Against Nuclear Weapons: What Would Szilard Do? Room: BCEC 258A |
Militzer, Burkhard University of California, Berkeley |
Session P17.00001 Equation of State Calculations With First-Principles Computer Simulations of Matter at Extreme Conditions Room: BCEC 156A |
Minev, Zlatko Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session E28.00007 To catch and reverse a quantum jump mid-flight Room: BCEC 161 |
Minoshima, Kaoru The University of Electro-Communications, JST ERATO-IOS |
Session H69.00003 Multi-comb coherent control for material studies Room: BCEC 052A |
Mintova, Svetlana CNRS, ENSICAEN, Normandy University, Laboratory of Catalysis and Spectrochemistry |
Session P31.00001 Nanosized zeolites: targets and challenges Room: BCEC 203 |
Mintova, Svetlana University of Caen, France |
Session V31.00001 TBD Room: BCEC 203 |
Mirny, Leonid Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C55.00001 Chromosome organization by loop extrusion and phase separation Room: BCEC 254B |
Mitrano, Matteo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X44.00003 Ultrafast time-resolved x-ray scattering reveals diffusive charge order dynamics in La2-xBaxCuO4 Room: BCEC 210C |
Mittal, Jeetain Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University |
Session V51.00002 Identifying sequence-determinants of protein liquid-liquid phase separation using molecular simulations Room: BCEC 253A |
Mizuno, Daisuke Kyushu University |
Session V61.00010 Non-Gaussian limit fluctuations in active swimmer suspensions Room: BCEC 258B |
Modic, Kimberly Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session S44.00004 The scale-invariant magnetic anisotropy of RuCl3 Room: BCEC 210C |
Moessner, Roderich MPI-PKS Dresden |
Session V44.00005 The surprising usefulness of magnons at intermediate and high energies: from frustration to topology Room: BCEC 210C |
Molina-Sanchez, Alejandro Institute of Materials Science, University of Valencia |
Session K20.00001 Ab initio time-dependent optical spectroscopy applied to spin and valley dynamics in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides Room: BCEC 157A |
Monserrat, Bartomeu Physics, University of Cambridge |
Session E62.00004 The role of temperature in spin-orbit materials Room: BCEC 258C |
Moore, Joel University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B43.00001 Origins of strong and/or quantized nonlinear optical responses in Weyl semimetals Room: BCEC 210B |
Moore, Nick Florida State University |
Session R53.00004 Granular erosion in Stokes flow Room: BCEC 253C |
Moradian-Oldak, Janet Biomedical Sciences School of Dentistry, University of Southern California |
Session H51.00004 The Growth Mechanisms and Biomimetics of Tooth Enamel Room: BCEC 253A |
Morales, Miguel Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session P17.00010 Matter in Extreme Environments: Theoretical Studies of Light Elements Under Pressure Room: BCEC 156A |
Mori, Takao International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA) and Center for Functional Sensor & Actuator (CFSN), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) |
Session S47.00007 Utilizing Magnetism and Nanostructures to Enhance Performance of Thermoelectric Materials Room: BCEC 213 |
Morone, Flaviano City College of New York |
Session A21.00001 Big data in physics, biology and social science Room: BCEC 157B |
Morr, Dirk University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session Y44.00004 Quantum Engineering of Majorana Fermions Room: BCEC 210C |
Morrison, Ariel Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder |
Session C23.00001 Arctic cloud and sea ice feedbacks from satellite observations and a global climate model Room: BCEC 158 |
Motta, Mario Caltech |
Session R31.00001 Auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo calculations for periodic solids with Brillouin zone sampling Room: BCEC 203 |
Motter, Adilson Department of Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University |
Session S53.00005 Converse Symmetry Breaking Room: BCEC 253C |
Moule, Adam University of California, Davis |
Session X50.00001 Rapid and non-destructive optical patterning of conjugated polymers for device applications Room: BCEC 252B |
Moulton, Derek University of Oxford |
Session K63.00006 Stable elastic knots with no self-contact Room: BCEC 259A |
Mourou, Gerard Ecole Polytechnique |
Session W70.00002 Passion Extreme Light Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Mross, David Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session L43.00003 Theory of disorder-induced half-integer thermal Hall conductance Room: BCEC 210B |
Müller, Alejandro J. POLYMAT and University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain |
Session R55.00001 Isodimorphic biodegradable copolyesters: Structure and crystallization behavior Room: BCEC 254B |
Müller, Klaus-Robert Technical University of Berlin |
Session L21.00002 TBD Room: BCEC 157B |
Mundy, Julia Harvard University |
Session B60.00005 George E. Valley, Jr. Prize Talk: Picoscale Engineering of Oxide Quantum Materials Room: BCEC 258A |
Murch, Kater Physics, Washington University in St. Louis |
Session K28.00001 Quantum metrology in the presence of dissipation with superconducting qubits. Room: BCEC 161 |
Murray, Andrew Harvard University |
Session L51.00003 Using evolutionary repair to learn about biological functions Room: BCEC 253A |
Murthy, Venkatesh Molecular & Cellular Biology, Harvard University |
Session K51.00003 Algorithms and neural circuits in olfaction Room: BCEC 253A |
Muschik, Christine Institute for Quantum Computing |
Session B24.00001 Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions Room: BCEC 159 |
Muthukumar, Murugappan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session S51.00003 Topological Effects on Movements of Charged Macromolecules in Crowds Room: BCEC 253A |
Nagaosa, Naoto Department of Applied Physics, Universtiy of Tokyo |
Session B36.00002 Novel Photogalvanic Effects in Weyl Semimetals Room: BCEC 205C |
Nagarkar, Vivek R&D, Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. |
Session E34.00002 New Scintillators for Medical Imaging Room: BCEC 205A |
Nair, Sankar Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B31.00003 2D Materials and Membranes for Biorefining and Hydrocarbon Separations Room: BCEC 203 |
Nakano, Aiichiro University of Southern California |
Session A17.00001 Scalable Atomistic Simulations of Energetic Materials Room: BCEC 156A |
Nan, Tianxiang University of Wisconsin Madison |
Session A46.00001 Anisotropic spin-orbit torque generation in epitaxial SrIrO3by symmetry design Room: BCEC 212 |
Nandkishore, Rahul University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session K43.00003 Many body localization with long range interactions Room: BCEC 210B |
Napolitano, Simone Polymer and Soft Matter Dynamics, Universite libre de Bruxelles (ULB) |
Session K54.00004 Irreversible adsorption: new insights on molecular mobility, thermodynamics and interfacial interactions Room: BCEC 254A |
Narang, Prineha Harvard University |
Session P11.00001 Correlated Light-Matter Interactions and Excited-State Dynamics for Quantum Information Room: BCEC 152 |
Natan, Amir Physical Electronics, Tel-Aviv University |
Session H36.00004 Efficient Computation of Hybrid and Screened Hybrid Functionals in Real-Space with Projection Operators Room: BCEC 205C |
Naumova, Anastasia Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Session F17.00001 Hydrocarbons under pressure: phase diagrams and surprising new compounds in the C-H system Room: BCEC 156A |
Nayak, Chetan Microsoft |
Session R43.00002 Can Prethermal Regimes explain the lastest observations of DTC signatures in driven spin systems? Room: BCEC 210B |
Neher, Richard Biozentrum, University of Basel |
Session V66.00001 RNA virus evolution and the predictability of next year's flu Room: BCEC 261 |
Neill, Charles Google AI Quantum |
Session A42.00001 A blueprint for demonstrating quantum supremacy with superconducting qubits Room: BCEC 210A |
Nelson, Christopher Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A02.00005 Making and manipulating ferroelectric vortices, a TEM perspective of nanoscale flux closure in dielectrically confined PbTiO3 films Room: BCEC 107A |
Nelson, Philip C Physics/Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania |
Session C60.00004 From Probability, Dynamics, and Modeling to Biology, Physics, and Instrumentation: Constructing an Upper-Division Course That Majors and Nonmajors Actually Take Room: BCEC 258A |
Nemsak, Slavomir Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P39.00004 Element- and momentum-resolved electronic structure of the dilute magnetic semiconductor manganese doped gallium arsenide Room: BCEC 207 |
Nepf, Heidi Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B48.00001 Wave interaction with flexible vegetation: connecting individual blade dynamics to meadow scale wave decay Room: BCEC 251 |
Nepomnyashchy, Alexander Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session Y62.00005 Subdiffusive and superdiffusive transport in plane steady viscous flows Room: BCEC 258C |
Nguyen, Duc Northwestern University |
Session H32.00005 Imaging excited states of nanomaterials Room: BCEC 204A |
Nguyen, Thao Johns Hopkins University |
Session F30.00007 The Thermoviscoelastic Behavior of a Main-Chain Liquid Crystal Elastomer Room: BCEC 162B |
Niedner-Schatteburg, Gereon Chemistry and Research Center OPTIMAS, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (TUK) |
Session B32.00003 Solved and Unsolved Cases of Transition Metal Cluster Surface Morphologies and Activities Room: BCEC 204A |
Nielsch, Kornelius Institute of Metallic Materials, Leibniz IFW - Dresden |
Session V47.00010 Integrated Device gets a Little Cooler based on Quantum Materials Room: BCEC 213 |
Nikolic, Branislav University of Delaware |
Session E62.00001 Spin-orbit-proximitized ferromagnetic metals in spintronic phenomena: A first-principles Green’s function approach Room: BCEC 258C |
Nirody, Jasmine Center for Studies in Physics and Biology, Rockefeller University |
Session K64.00001 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics Talk: Mechanics and energetics of the bacterial flagellar motor Room: BCEC 259B |
Nisoli, Cristiano Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K34.00001 Emergence by design in artificial spin ice Room: BCEC 205A |
Nitzan, Abraham University of Pennsylvania and Tel Aviv University |
Session F60.00003 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics Talk: Energy transfer and conversion in molecular junctions Room: BCEC 258A |
Noginov, Mikhail Norfolk State University |
Session V21.00001 Control of Emission and Energy Transfer with Metamaterials, Plasmonic Structures and Cavities Room: BCEC 157B |
Noh, Tae Won Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University |
Session H46.00001 Unconventional spin-phonon coupling in 4d and 5d transition metal oxides Room: BCEC 212 |
Northup, Tracy Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck |
Session L28.00001 Linking trapped-ion quantum nodes Room: BCEC 161 |
Nourmohammad, Armita Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization |
Session C36.00003 Coevolutionary dynamics in the immune system Room: BCEC 205C |
Nummenmaa, Aapo Harvard Medical School |
Session F36.00001 Magnetic functional neuroimaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation Room: BCEC 205C |
Obermeyer, Allie Columbia University |
Session V54.00008 Engineering protein and polyelectrolyte complexation for cellular applications Room: BCEC 254A |
O'Connor, Daniel Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
Session K51.00004 Information Processing in the Somatosensory System Room: BCEC 253A |
Oden, Patrick DLP(R) Products Division, Texas Instruments Inc. |
Session V34.00001 Innovations from Texas Instruments Inc. DLP® Products Division: M7 – MEMS Mirrors Moving in Many Modes for a Multitude of Markets Room: BCEC 205A |
Oliveira, Luiz Sao Carlos Institute of Physics at the University of Sao Paulo |
Session H19.00002 Approximation to an exchange-correlation functional on the basis of renormalizatio-group theory Room: BCEC 156C |
Olivetti, Elsa Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A51.00004 Text and Data Mining for Material Synthesis Room: BCEC 253A |
Olvera de la Cruz, Monica Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University |
Session H51.00003 Design of Functional Protein Membranes Room: BCEC 253A |
O'Neill, Kate M University of Maryland, College Park |
Session H65.00001 Controlling the intracellular dynamics of neuronal model systems Room: BCEC 260 |
Onuchic, Jose Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University |
Session L51.00002 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics Talk: Exploring the Energy Landscape for Protein Folding and Function: Integrating Structural Models and Sequence Coevolution Information. Room: BCEC 253A |
Orzel, Chad Union College |
Session E60.00001 Science Blogs and Talking Dogs: Reflections on 17 Years in Social Media Room: BCEC 258A |
Oshiyama, Atsushi Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability, Nagoya University |
Session H36.00002 Large-scale density-functional calculations in real space and its application to bilayer graphene and semiconductor epitaxial growth Room: BCEC 205C |
Osowieki, Aaron Science, Boston Latin School |
Session L60.00003 Why I Teach: High School Physics Teaching as a Career Room: BCEC 258A |
Osterhoudt, Gavin B Boston College |
Session B43.00002 Colossal Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in a Weyl Semimetal Room: BCEC 210B |
Ostraat, Michele Advanced Materials, Aramco Services Company |
Session B31.00002 Hierarchical Zeolites: Synthesis and Applications Room: BCEC 203 |
Otero, Valerie University of Colorado Boulder |
Session B69.00003 Improving undergraduate physics instruction and physics teacher preparation through the use of Learning Assistants Room: BCEC 052A |
Ouellette, Nicholas Stanford University |
Session A53.00002 Incipient Motion in Granular Beds Driven by Shear Flows Room: BCEC 253C |
Ozfidan, Isil D-Wave Systems |
Session S38.00004 Observation of topological phenomena induced by frustration and quantum fluctuations in a programmable lattice of 1,800 qubits Room: BCEC 206B |
Pablo-Navarro, Javier Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas (LMA), Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón (INA), Universidad de Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain |
Session E39.00005 Three-Dimensional Magnetic Nanostructures Grown by Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition (FEBID) Room: BCEC 207 |
Paddison, Joseph University of Cambridge |
Session K60.00003 Geometrical Frustration Beyond Magnets Room: BCEC 258A |
Pagano, Guido University of Maryland |
Session V36.00003 Engineering Trapped-Ion Systems for Large Scale Quantum Simulation Room: BCEC 205C |
Pahl, Elke CTCP, INMS, Massey University, Auckland |
Session C17.00001 Melting Under Extreme Conditions: Ab Initio Monte Carlo Simulations Room: BCEC 156A |
Pando, Jesus DePaul University |
Session K69.00003 TBD Room: BCEC 052A |
Paramekanti, Arun University of Toronto |
Session C40.00005 Magnetism in spin-orbit coupled oxides Room: BCEC 208 |
Park, Hongkun Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Dept. of Physics, Harvard University |
Session V13.00001 Toward Quantum Optoelectronics and Optomechanics in Flatland Room: BCEC 153B |
Park, Kyungwha Virginia Tech |
Session A31.00005 Molecular Magnets for Information and Sensing Applications: Response to Fields and Nuclear Spins Room: BCEC 203 |
Parker, David Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A60.00002 Ultralow Thermal Conductivity Materials for Thermoelectric Device Applications Room: BCEC 258A |
Parthasarathy, Raghuveer University of Oregon |
Session F63.00001 Observing the interplay between bacterial behaviors and the physical landscape inside the zebrafish gut Room: BCEC 259A |
Pascut, Gheorghe Lucian Rutgers University, NJ, USA & “Stefan Cel Mare” University (USV), Suceava, Romania |
Session X36.00004 Predictive powers of the DFT+DMFT method for electronic and structural properties Room: BCEC 205C |
Pask, John Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session H36.00003 Discontinuous projection method for large, accurate electronic structure calculations in real space Room: BCEC 205C |
Pasquali, Matteo Rice University |
Session F34.00004 A better future for fossil hydrocarbons and carbon nanomaterials Room: BCEC 205A |
Pasupathy, Abhay Columbia University |
Session E44.00002 Pairing gap symmetry in optimally doped NaFeAs Room: BCEC 210C |
Paulose, Jayson Physics, University of Oregon |
Session K60.00002 Topological soft matter: from metamaterials to polymers Room: BCEC 258A |
Paulsen, Joseph D Syracuse University |
Session K57.00001 The Extreme Mechanics of Balloons: From Interfacial Films to Inflated Membranes and Back Room: BCEC 256 |
Pedroza, Luana Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil |
Session P16.00002 Water/mineral interfaces: Structure and Dynamics from Nonlinear Vibrational Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Room: BCEC 155 |
Pelc, Damjan University of Minnesota |
Session C43.00003 Universal superconducting precursor in perovskite-based oxides Room: BCEC 210B |
Peleg, Orit University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session B65.00001 Collective mechanical adaptation of honeybee swarms Room: BCEC 260 |
Peng, Yang California Institute of Technology |
Session Y44.00003 Majorana Multiplexing Room: BCEC 210C |
Pentzer, Emily Case Western Reserve University |
Session C54.00013 Smart and responsive flexible foams via 3D printing of polymer composites Room: BCEC 254A |
Peralta, Juan Department of Physics, Central Michigan University |
Session H31.00002 Improving the prediction of magnetic interactions from DFT methods: Non-collinear magnetization and self-interaction Room: BCEC 203 |
Perdomo, Alejandro Rigetti Computing |
Session E27.00004 Opportunities and Challenges in Quantum-Assisted Machine Learning Room: BCEC 160C |
Perez, Danny Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E21.00001 Parallel approaches to long-time atomistic simulations: decomposition, replication, and speculation Room: BCEC 157B |
Perkins, Joanna Intel Corporation |
Session L69.00002 An honest look at why women are underrepresented in competitive technical leader roles; strategies to create inclusive environments to bridge the gap Room: BCEC 052A |
Perkins, Thomas JILA, NIST & University of Colorado Boulder |
Session X64.00001 Probing the dynamics of indiividual biomolecules with 1-μs resolution Room: BCEC 259B |
Perry, Sarah Department of Chemical Engineering and Institute for Applied Life Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session X51.00003 Molecular Engineering Complex Coacervate Materials Using Sequence Room: BCEC 253A |
Peterson, Andrew School of Engineering, Brown University |
Session R19.00001 Computational design of (electro-)catalysts Room: BCEC 156C |
Petkoski, Spase Aix-Marseille University |
Session E64.00003 Patient-Specific Large-Scale Brain Networks in Diseases Room: BCEC 259B |
Petrov, Dmitri Biology, Stanford University |
Session V66.00002 Single nucleotide mapping of locally accessible trait space in evolving yeast Room: BCEC 261 |
Pharr, Matt Texas A&M University |
Session A30.00001 ‘Sideways’ and stable crack propagation in a silicone elastomer Room: BCEC 162B |
Phelan, Daniel Argonne National Laboratory |
Session F02.00001 Diffuse scattering and the local structure of relaxors Room: BCEC 107A |
Phillips, Nathan Earth and Environment, Boston University |
Session X60.00004 Science Legislative Fellow Advisors for State Legislatures Room: BCEC 258A |
Pickard, Chris University of Cambridge |
Session R17.00001 New directions for random search Room: BCEC 156A |
Pillote, Cynthia Snell & Wilmer |
Session R34.00003 Understanding the Value of Intellectual Property in Entrepreneurship: Finding Your Path Down the Yellow Brick Road Room: BCEC 205A |
Ping, Yuan Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session V17.00010 Thermal conductivity and equation-of-state measurements in warm dense matter Room: BCEC 156A |
Pinna, Daniele Johannes Gutenberg University |
Session V41.00001 Reservoir Computing with Random Skyrmion Fabrics Room: BCEC 209 |
Plumb, Kemp Brown University |
Session B36.00001 Excitation Continuum in a Pyrochlore S=1 Heisenberg Magnet Room: BCEC 205C |
Po, Hoi Chun Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session P02.00009 Symmetry Indicators of Band Topology Room: BCEC 107A |
Podjaski, Filip Nanochemistry department, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research |
Session A60.00003 Recent Advances towards the Development of an Aqueous Direct Solar Battery Room: BCEC 258A |
Podolskiy, Viktor University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Session X21.00001 Controlling emission and nonlinearity with plasmonic metamaterials Room: BCEC 157B |
Politi, Yael Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces |
Session H51.00001 Sea Urchin Biomineralization – Formation of Intricate Single Calcite Crystals via Amorphous Precursors Room: BCEC 253A |
Pop, Eric Stanford University |
Session E16.00013 Electron, phonon, and interfacial transport in 2D materials and heterostructures Room: BCEC 155 |
Porter, Alexandra Materials, Imperial College London |
Session C49.00007 Probing chemical pathways in polyamide reverse osmosis membranes Room: BCEC 252A |
Powell, Annie Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session F31.00003 Designing Ligands to Control Molecular Nanomagnets: Strategies for 3d vs 4f Room: BCEC 203 |
Prager, Stewart Princeton University |
Session V60.00004 Engaging the Physics Community in Nuclear Threat Reduction Room: BCEC 258A |
Prendergast, David Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L20.00001 Getting to the core of valence excitations from first principles Room: BCEC 157A |
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda University of New Hampshire |
Session F69.00001 Whisper Networks in Astrophysics Room: BCEC 052A |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session D51.00005 Opportunities at the entanglement frontier Room: BCEC 253A |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session R62.00001 Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond Room: BCEC 258C |
Price, Edward California State University, San Marcos |
Session B69.00005 Next Gen PET: An effective, NGSS-aligned curriculum for future elementary teachers Room: BCEC 052A |
Priestley, Rodney Princeton University |
Session B49.00007 Morphology and Thermal Properties of Semi-Crystalline Polymer Films by Slow Deposition Room: BCEC 252A |
Proistosescu, Cristian JISAO, University of Washington |
Session B62.00003 From months to Milankovitch: how timescale-dependent interactions in the coupled Earth system determine the spectrum of climate variability and response. Room: BCEC 258C |
Proix, Timothée University of Geneva |
Session E64.00001 Oscillation onset and wave propagation in neocortex Room: BCEC 259B |
Prosen, Tomasz University of Ljubljana |
Session K43.00005 Many body quantum chaos Room: BCEC 210B |
Puri, Shruti Yale Univ |
Session F62.00002 New prospects for fault-tolerant quantum error correction with biased-noise cat-qubits Room: BCEC 258C |
Pustogow, Andrej 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart |
Session A62.00003 Coherent Spin Excitations and Correlated Fermi Liquid in Genuine Mott Systems Room: BCEC 258C |
Puzzarini, Cristina Dpet. Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician", University of Bologna |
Session P32.00003 Accurate spectroscopic characterization of molecular complexes as a first step toward the understanding of intermolecular interactions Room: BCEC 204A |
Qing, Quan Arizona State University |
Session H65.00002 Precisely regulate ERK signaling pathway with local electric fields Room: BCEC 260 |
Quader, Khandker F. Kent State University |
Session X36.00003 Comprehensive Study of Electronic Structure of Rare-Earth (R) Filled Skuttterudites, RPt4Ge12 Room: BCEC 205C |
Quaia, Emilio Department of Radiology, University of Padova (Italy) |
Session L30.00001 The potential of stationary digital tomosynthesis Room: BCEC 162B |
Querlioz, Damien Univ Paris-Sud |
Session P34.00005 Bioinspired Computing Leveraging the Physics of Magnetic Nano-Oscillators Room: BCEC 205A |
Rabl, Peter Atominstitut, TU Wien |
Session A36.00004 Phonon networks with SiV centers in diamond waveguides Room: BCEC 205C |
Radaelli, Paolo G. Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford |
Session F41.00001 Observation of magnetic vortex pairs at room temperature in a planar α-Fe2O3/Co heterostructure Room: BCEC 209 |
Ralph, Daniel Cornell University |
Session B13.00004 Spin-orbit-torque magnetic manipulation with 2D materials Room: BCEC 153B |
Ramos, Laurence CNRS/University Montpellier, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb |
Session F59.00001 Failure precursors in colloidal and biopolymer gels Room: BCEC 257B |
Ramprasad, Ramamurthy Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V19.00001 Polymer Genome: An Informatics Platform for Rational Polymer Dielectrics Design and Beyond Room: BCEC 156C |
Ramshaw, Brad Cornell University |
Session K04.00013 Quantum limit properties of Weyl semimetals Room: BCEC 107C |
Randeria, Mohit Ohio State University |
Session V40.00001 Intertwined orbital and magnetic order in 5d1 and 5d2 Double Perovskite Mott Insulators Room: BCEC 208 |
Rappe, Andrew University of Pennsylvania |
Session F02.00009 New approaches to understanding the ferroic properties of perovskite oxide solid solutions Room: BCEC 107A |
Rasing, Theo Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands |
Session P34.00003 Supervised learning of an artificial opto-magnetic neural network with picosecond laser pulses Room: BCEC 205A |
Ratcliff, Laura Department of Materials, Imperial College London |
Session A22.00007 Towards Paradigm Shifts in Electronic Structure Calculation for Large Systems: Wavelets, Fragments and Advanced Treatments of Excited States Room: BCEC 157C |
Raviv, Uri Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Raymond, Sean Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, CNRS |
Session P62.00002 Setting the stage: dynamics of planet formation and water delivery Room: BCEC 258C |
Read, Daniel University of Leeds |
Session F34.00002 Tools for polymer design: predicting rheology from molecular weight distribution and branching topology Room: BCEC 205A |
Reed, Evan Stanford University |
Session L13.00004 Revealing the Full Spectrum Layered Materials with Super-Human Predictive Abilities Room: BCEC 153B |
Rega, Nadia Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Napoli Federico II |
Session E32.00002 Anharmonicity and vibrational coupling from ab-initio molecular dynamics Room: BCEC 204A |
Reichardt, Ben University of Southern California |
Session F62.00001 Fault-tolerant quantum computation with few qubits Room: BCEC 258C |
Reichman, David Columbia University |
Session C44.00005 New computational approaches to dynamics in complex landscapes Room: BCEC 210C |
Reiher, Markus ETH Zurich |
Session K32.00003 Ab initio methods targeting strong electron- and nuclear-correlation in spectroscopy Room: BCEC 204A |
Renner, Renato ETH Zurich |
Session X27.00001 Quantum theory cannot consistently describe the use of itself Room: BCEC 160C |
Rey, Ana Maria JILA, NIST and University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session A19.00001 Enhanced metrology using quantum-correlated matter Room: BCEC 156C |
Rickhaus, Peter Physics, ETH Zürich |
Session E43.00004 Transport in Twisted Bilayer Graphene at Extreme Angles Room: BCEC 210B |
Riel, Heike Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM |
Session V34.00004 Future Computing for AI Room: BCEC 205A |
Rinehart, Jeffrey Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego |
Session E31.00002 Controlling Anisotropy in the Presence of Magnetic Coupling in Molecular Magnets Room: BCEC 203 |
Ringbauer, Martin University of Innsbruck |
Session R62.00005 Scaling Ion-trap Quantum Computing Room: BCEC 258C |
Robertson-Anderson, Rae Physics and Biophysics, University of San Diego |
Session H64.00001 Nonlinear microscale mechanics and macromolecular mobility of tunable cytoskeleton composites Room: BCEC 259B |
Rocha, Alexandre Instituto de Fisica Teorica, State University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Session K16.00001 Non-equilibrium efects at solvated interfaces under an applied external bias Room: BCEC 155 |
Rockward, Willie Morgan State University |
Session K69.00004 TBD Room: BCEC 052A |
Rogers, John Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University |
Session R30.00001 Mechanically Guided Assembly of Bio-Inspired 3D Mesoscale Frameworks Room: BCEC 162B |
Rogge, Sven Univ of New South Wales |
Session A35.00003 Quantum computation and simulation with dopants in silicon Room: BCEC 205B |
Ronellenfitsch, Henrik Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y53.00005 Designing active topological networks Room: BCEC 253C |
Ropers, Claus University of Göttingen |
Session X44.00001 Ultrafast electron imaging and diffraction of non-equilibrium structural dynamics in the charge-density wave system 1T-TaS2 Room: BCEC 210C |
Ros, Valentina Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, École Normale Supérieure |
Session C44.00003 Statistical properties of barriers and activated dynamics in mean-field models of glasses Room: BCEC 210C |
Rosei, Federico INRS-EMT |
Session R60.00002 John Wheatley Award Talk: Multifunctional Materials for Emerging Technologies Room: BCEC 258A |
Rosen, Matthew Radiology, A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging |
Session F36.00005 Ultra-low field and unconventional MRI. Room: BCEC 205C |
Ross, Jennifer University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session F61.00001 Self-Organizing Microtubule Spindles Room: BCEC 258B |
Roth, Connie Physics Dept, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia USA |
Session F54.00004 Surprising Impact of Chain Connectivity in Altering Local Glass Transition Temperature Near Interfaces Room: BCEC 254A |
Rotter, Stefan Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) |
Session L62.00003 Exceptional points, coherent perfect absorption and disorder scattering in non-Hermitian media Room: BCEC 258C |
Rovelli, Carlo Aix-Marseille University |
Session C69.00003 The Relational Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Room: BCEC 052A |
Session H62.00005 A programmable superconducting quantum processor with three all-to-all coupled qubits Room: BCEC 258C |
Ruan, Wei University of California, Berkeley |
Session R36.00002 Evidence for a quantum spin liquid in single-layer 1T-TaSe2 Room: BCEC 205C |
Rube, Hans Columbia University |
Session E65.00002 Quantifying sequence readout by transcription factors through principled analysis of high-throughput SELEX data Room: BCEC 260 |
Rubenstein, Brenda Department of Chemistry, Brown University |
Session R31.00005 Ab Initio Finite Temperature Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo for Solids Room: BCEC 203 |
Rubinstein, Michael Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry, Duke University |
Session B52.00007 Structure and Dynamics of Coacervates Formed by Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes Room: BCEC 253B |
Ruiz, Eliseo Universitat de Barcelona |
Session L31.00001 Room-Temperature Magnetoresistance in Single-Molecule Devices Room: BCEC 203 |
Rulands, Steffen Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session Y51.00004 Setting the epigenetic stage for differentiation: a collective phenomenon Room: BCEC 253A |
Rumble, John R&R Data Services |
Session V34.00003 The Economic Impact of Industrial Physics on the U.S. Economy: What value we physicists bring to economic activity Room: BCEC 205A |
Ruud, Kenneth Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences, Department of Chemistry, UiT The Arctic University of Norway |
Session E32.00001 Towards the calculation of multidimensional vibrational spectra Room: BCEC 204A |
Ryan, Chris TrialSpark |
Session L60.00002 Transitioning from Physical Science to Data Science Room: BCEC 258A |
Saalwaechter, Kay University of Halle-Wittenberg |
Session R52.00007 Interphases in polymer nanocomposites - recent insights from NMR studies Room: BCEC 253B |
Safronova, Marianna University of Delaware |
Session Y36.00005 Two clock transitions in neutral Yb for the highest sensitivity to variations of the fine-structure constant Room: BCEC 205C |
Sahu, Preeti Syracuse University |
Session S63.00001 Modeling the Solid-Fluid Transition in Ordered Biological Tissues Room: BCEC 259A |
Salev, Pavel Department of Physics, University of California San Diego |
Session A40.00004 Giant nonvolatile resistive switching in V2O3/PMN-PT heterostructures Room: BCEC 208 |
Salis, Gian IBM Research - Zurich |
Session H39.00004 Universal nuclear focusing of confined electron spins Room: BCEC 207 |
Salvatella, Xavier Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, ICREA and Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology |
Session V51.00004 Features and consequences for transcriptional activity of transcription factor condensation Room: BCEC 253A |
Sangoro, Joshua Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Tennessee |
Session V50.00004 Mesoscale Organization and Dynamics in Ionic Liquids Room: BCEC 252B |
Santangelo, Christian University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session Y53.00002 Bifurcations in mechanical structures: from smart folding to folding smarts Room: BCEC 253C |
Sanz, Maria Eugenia Chemistry, King's College London |
Session C32.00002 Broadband Rotational Spectroscopy of Odorants and their Complexes: Experiment and Theory in Concert Room: BCEC 204A |
Sanz, Mikel University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain |
Session Y34.00001 Digital-Analog Quantum Computing Room: BCEC 205A |
Sapochak, Linda National Science Foundation |
Session D51.00004 Enabling Quantum Leap Room: BCEC 253A |
Sauer, Joachim Humboldt University of Berlin |
Session B31.00001 Structure and reactivity of two-dimensional silica and zeolites Room: BCEC 203 |
Savic, Ivana Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland |
Session L22.00001 Electron-phonon coupling and electronic transport in n-type PbTe: Insights from first principles calculations Room: BCEC 157C |
Sawatzky, George Albert University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4, Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute |
Session L10.00002 Replica bands in FeSe monolayers on STO Room: BCEC 151B |
SCALLIET, Camille Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Universite de Montpellier |
Session F53.00003 Marginally stable phases in structural glasses Room: BCEC 253C |
Scarlino, Pasquale ETH Zurich |
Session C35.00001 Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with superconductor-semiconductor hybrid systems Room: BCEC 205B |
Schack, Ruediger Royal Holloway, University of London |
Session X27.00002 Why QBism is immune to no-go theorems Room: BCEC 160C |
Schawinski, Kevin Modulos AG |
Session A21.00002 AI Astrophysics Room: BCEC 157B |
Scheibner, Colin University of Chicago |
Session X53.00003 Odd Elasticity in Active Metamaterials Room: BCEC 253C |
Scheie, Allen Johns Hopkins University |
Session R37.00001 Refined spin Hamiltonian for Yb2Ti2O7 and its two competing low field states Room: BCEC 206A |
Schiff, Steven J. Pennsylvania State University |
Session E64.00002 A Unification Framework for State Based Control of Seizures and Migraines Room: BCEC 259B |
Schiffman, Jessica University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session R60.00005 Electrospun Nanofibers Enhance the Flux and Fouling Resistance of Ultrafiltration Membranes Room: BCEC 258A |
Schine, Nathan University of Chicago |
Session E24.00001 Measuring Electromagnetic and Gravitational Responses of Photonic Landau Levels Room: BCEC 159 |
Schleier-Smith, Monika Stanford University |
Session A28.00013 Controlling Quantum Spin States and Dynamics with Light Room: BCEC 161 |
Schleife, Andre University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C22.00007 First-principles simulations of electronic excitations and real-time dynamics on high-performance super computers Room: BCEC 157C |
Schlossman, Mark University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session Y62.00003 Nanoscale view of assisted ion transport through the liquid-liquid interface Room: BCEC 258C |
Schnauss, Joerg Leipzig University |
Session X59.00001 Glassy Dynamics in Composite Biopolymer Networks Room: BCEC 257B |
Schneider, Evan E. Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University |
Session F35.00002 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics Talk: Astrophysical Simulations in the Era of Massively-Parallel Computation Room: BCEC 205B |
Schneider, Ulrich Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
Session K25.00002 Many-body localization and the localization transition in quasiperiodic potentials Room: BCEC 160A |
Schoenhals, Andreas Department 6.6, Federal Insitute of Materials Research and Testing |
Session A55.00001 Broadband dielectric spectroscopy on miscible polymer blends in the bulk and in nanometer thick films - Comparison of the different confinement situations Room: BCEC 254B |
Scholz, Monika Princeton University |
Session A65.00001 Reading the mind of the worm: Brain-wide neural dynamics predict behavior in C. elegans Room: BCEC 260 |
Schoop, Leslie Chemistry, Princeton University |
Session E04.00005 Chemical Principles of Topological Semimetals Room: BCEC 107C |
Schroeder, Charles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C50.00004 Optically active self-assembled pi-conjugated peptides Room: BCEC 252B |
Schroeder-Turk, Gerd School of Engineering and IT, Murdoch University |
Session F50.00001 Emergence of large-scale chirality in photonic crystals in insects and butterflies Room: BCEC 252B |
Schulman, Rebecca Johns Hopkins University |
Session V53.00004 DNA-directed hydrogel deformation Room: BCEC 253C |
Schultheiss, Katrin Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session X39.00004 How to generate whispering gallery magnons Room: BCEC 207 |
Schuster, David University of Chicago |
Session H62.00001 Beyond the transmon: A new generation of superconducting qubits Room: BCEC 258C |
Schwarz, Helmut Chemistry, Technische Universität Berlin |
Session B32.00001 Mass Spectrometry and Theoretical Chemistry in Service of Catalysis Research: A Ménage-à-Trois at Its Best Room: BCEC 204A |
Schwarz, J. M. Physics, Syracuse University |
Session H53.00003 From the onset of creasing as a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition to "buckling without bending" in morphogenesis Room: BCEC 253C |
Schweizer, Kenneth University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C51.00003 Forced-Based Microscopic Theories of the Equilibrium Dynamics and Nonlinear Rheology of Entangled Rod and Chain Polymer Liquids Room: BCEC 253A |
Sciortino, Francesco Sapienza University of Rome |
Session B57.00001 Colloidal physics with DNA particles Room: BCEC 256 |
Seager, Sara Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K62.00001 Exoplanets: from Discovery to Characterization and Beyond Room: BCEC 258C |
Sebastian, Suchitra University of Cambridge |
Session K44.00002 Fermi surfaces in Kondo insulators Room: BCEC 210C |
Segalman, Rachel University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session H30.00004 Mechanics and Ion Transport in Dynamic Polymer Networks based on Metal-Ligand Coordination in Polymeric Ionic Liquids Room: BCEC 162B |
Segal-Peretz, Tamar Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session V52.00001 Sequential Infiltration Synthesis – Mechanism and Applications of Metal Oxide Growth within Block Copolymers Room: BCEC 253B |
Segev, Mordechai Technion-IIT |
Session L62.00005 Photonic Topological Insulators in Synthetic Dimensions Room: BCEC 258C |
Sen, Ayusman Pennsylvania State University |
Session X61.00008 Directing Self-Propelled Enzymes and Enzyme-Coated Vesicles Using Chemical Signals Room: BCEC 258B |
Serrano, M. Angeles ICREA - Universitat de Barcelona |
Session A56.00001 Geometric renormalization of complex networks Room: BCEC 255 |
Sessoli, Roberta Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy |
Session A38.00004 Electric field modulation of magnetic exchange in molecular helices detected by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Room: BCEC 206B |
Setty, Chandan Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A62.00001 Inequivalence of the zero-momentum Limits of Transverse and Longitudinal Dielectric Response in the Cuprates Room: BCEC 258C |
Shaevitz, Joshua Princeton University |
Session C60.00002 ISC: An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences at Princeton University Room: BCEC 258A |
Shanbhag, Sachin Florida State University |
Session E51.00005 Fast but Inaccurate or Slow but Accurate: The Dilemma of Tubes and Slip Links Room: BCEC 253A |
Shannon, Nicholas Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology |
Session P46.00005 Living on the edge: multiple phase competition and topological order in pyrochlore oxides Room: BCEC 212 |
Shattuck, Mark The City College of New York |
Session A53.00003 Shear jamming in packings of frictional disks Room: BCEC 253C |
Shen, Huitao Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K44.00005 Quantum Oscillation from in-gap states in Kondo insulators Room: BCEC 210C |
Shen, Zhixun Stanford University |
Session C34.00003 TBD Room: BCEC 205A |
Sheng, Donna California State University, Northridge |
Session R36.00004 Numerical Studies of Quantum Spin Liquids in Kitaev and Heisenberg Models Room: BCEC 205C |
Sheng, Ping The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session H34.00004 Optimal Sound Absorption Metastructures: Practical Solutions from Fundamental Physics Room: BCEC 205A |
Shepard, Robert Cornell University |
Session R59.00001 Actuation in soft matter Room: BCEC 257B |
Sherman, Nicholas Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session F35.00001 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Anyons in a Dynamical Toric Code Model Room: BCEC 205B |
Shi, Hao Simons Foundation |
Session C19.00001 Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases in Two Dimensions: BCS-BEC Crossover, Spin-orbit Coupling, and Dynamical Response Functions Room: BCEC 156C |
Shi, Jing University of California, Riverside |
Session F43.00003 Dirac-Surface-State Modulated Spin Dynamics in a Ferrimagnetic Insulator at Room Temperature Room: BCEC 210B |
Shi, Li University of Texas at Austin |
Session R16.00006 Electronic Thermal Transport in h-BN/Graphene/h-BN heterostructures Room: BCEC 155 |
Shih, Chih-Kang University of Texas at Austin |
Session K12.00001 Probing and Tuning Interlayer Interactions to Control Electronic and Photonic Properties of 2D Heterostructures Room: BCEC 153A |
Shih, Hong-Yan Department of Physics and Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L44.00002 Dissertation Award in Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Talk: The emergence of collective modes, ecological collapse and directed percolation at the laminar-turbulent transition Room: BCEC 210C |
Shklovskii, Boris University of Minnesota |
Session H43.00002 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Talk: Coulomb gap here, there, and everywhere Room: BCEC 210B |
Shmueli, Karin Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, University College London |
Session F36.00002 MRI Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping In Vivo Room: BCEC 205C |
Shubeita, George Physics, New York University Abu Dhabi |
Session R64.00002 Macromolecular crowding regulates the velocity of intracellular transport by kinesin-1 motors Room: BCEC 259B |
Shvets, Gennady Cornell University |
Session K02.00011 Topological Metamaterials Room: BCEC 107A |
Sie, Edbert Jarvis Stanford University |
Session F35.00004 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Talk: Coherent Light-Matter Interactions in 2D Materials Room: BCEC 205B |
Siepmann, J. Ilja University of Minnesota |
Session P31.00004 Simulating Adsorption and Transport in Hierarchical Zeolites Room: BCEC 203 |
Siewerdsen, Jeffrey Johns Hopkins University |
Session E34.00001 Modeling of Detector Performance Room: BCEC 205A |
Simmons, David Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, University of South Florida |
Session K55.00007 New Insights into the Glass Transition from Computational Prediction and Evolutionary Design Room: BCEC 254B |
Simon, Jonathan University of Chicago |
Session C24.00001 Making Matter from Light: Photon Mott Insulators and Topological Fluids Room: BCEC 159 |
Simons, Benjamin Physics, University of Cambridge |
Session C36.00001 A unifying theory of branching morphogenesis Room: BCEC 205C |
Singh, Vijay Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA |
Session P67.00001 What the odor is not: Estimation by elimination Room: BCEC 050 |
Slakey, Francis American Physical Society |
Session D51.00003 Physics community input to federal QIS legislation Room: BCEC 253A |
Smet, Jurgen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session L43.00004 Even denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in higher order Landau levels of graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Smidt, Tess Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H52.00001 A case study in neural networks for scientific data: generating atomic structures Room: BCEC 253B |
Snezhko, Alexey Argonne National Laboratory |
Session L53.00005 Emergent dynamics and self-assembly of colloids in time-dependent magnetic fields Room: BCEC 253C |
Snoke, David University of Pittsburgh |
Session A44.00001 Polaritons, a growing field of condensate studies Room: BCEC 210C |
Sohier, Thibault Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, |
Session X22.00001 Computational quest for high-mobility 2D materials Room: BCEC 157C |
Soljacic, Marin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L62.00001 Topological Photonics Room: BCEC 258C |
Sommer, Jens-Uwe Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research & TU Dresden |
Session K36.00003 The Role of Entanglements for Polymer Crystallization Room: BCEC 205C |
Sommer, Michael Institute of Chemistry, Chemnitz University of Technology |
Session K50.00010 Defective conjugated polymers for organic electronics Room: BCEC 252B |
Son, Dam Thanh University of Chicago |
Session L43.00005 The Dirac Composite Fermion of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Room: BCEC 210B |
Song, Cheng Tsinghua University |
Session A41.00001 Spin Torque Switching of Antiferromagnet Room: BCEC 209 |
Spakowitz, Andrew Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session X51.00002 Impact of Structural Correlation and Monomer Heterogeneity in the Phase Behavior of Soft Materials and Chromosomal DNA Room: BCEC 253A |
Spaldin, Nicola ETH Zurich |
Session E46.00004 Dynamical Multiferroicity Room: BCEC 212 |
Spanton, Eric University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session V14.00007 Fractional Chern insulators in graphene heterostructures Room: BCEC 153C |
Speck, Thomas Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Session F21.00001 Sampling large deviations of mobility and its application to glassy dynamics Room: BCEC 157B |
Speed, Joe IoT Soutions & Technology, ADLINK Technology |
Session L34.00002 Crowdsourcing inclusive, accessible last-mile transportation with self-driving #AccessibleOlli Room: BCEC 205A |
Spencer, Richard G Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Section, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Section, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health |
Session H23.00001 Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry and Macromolecular Mapping: An Inverse Problem Framework, with Applications to Alzheimer's Disease and Osteoarthritis Room: BCEC 158 |
Stanev, Valentin University of Maryland, College Park |
Session C62.00005 Machine learning modeling of superconducting critical temperature Room: BCEC 258C |
Stanley, H Boston University |
Session E57.00001 Can Statistical Physics Concepts Shed Some Light on the 73 Anomalies of Liquid Water? Room: BCEC 256 |
Stebe, Kathleen University of Pennsylvania |
Session L53.00004 Deck the walls with tunable energy fields for colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystals Room: BCEC 253C |
Steinhardt, William Harvard University |
Session A30.00005 The Rules of Roughness: Understanding the Dynamic Generation of 3D Complexity in Fractures Room: BCEC 162B |
Stephens, Greg Physics, Vrije Universiteit & OIST Graduate University |
Session R51.00002 Principles and Possibilities in the Phase Space of Animal Behavior Room: BCEC 253A |
Sterbinsky, George Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P40.00006 Emergent Spin State Ordering Driven Ferromagnetism in Strained LaCoO3 Room: BCEC 208 |
Stevenson, David Caltech |
Session P62.00001 What Juno and Cassini have told us about Giant Planet interiors Room: BCEC 258C |
Storchak, Vyacheslav NRC "Kurchatov Institute" |
Session R38.00007 2D Ferromagnetism in Silicene Materials Room: BCEC 206B |
Storey, James Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington |
Session H44.00004 Insights from specific heat of overdoped cuprates Room: BCEC 210C |
Stoyanov, Simeon Wageninger University |
Session Y61.00010 TBD Room: BCEC 258B |
Strauf, Stefan Stevens Institute of Technology |
Session A11.00006 Integrating quantum emitters in low-dimensional materials with nanocavities Room: BCEC 152 |
Streichan, Sebastian Physics, University of California Santa Barbara |
Session P65.00001 Tissue flow genetics: mapping the forces that shape complex organs Room: BCEC 260 |
Strickland, Donna University of Waterloo |
Session W70.00001 From Nonlinear Optics to High-Intensity Laser Physics Room: BCEC Ballroom East/West |
Strobel, Timothy Carnegie Institution for Science |
Session E17.00011 Carbon-based clathrates Room: BCEC 156A |
Sun, Dong Peking University |
Session B43.00003 Berry Curvature Enhanced Nonlinear Photogalvanic Response of Type-II Weyl Cone Room: BCEC 210B |
Sun, Jonathan IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session P34.00001 Recent progress in reducing the current and time for magnetization switching in magnetic tunnel devices for memory applications Room: BCEC 205A |
Sun, Lie Department of History of Science and Technology in Modern China, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session E69.00002 From Binoculars to Cinetheodolite: The Development of Applied Optics and the Optical Industry in China Room: BCEC 052A |
Sun, Luyan Tsinghua University |
Session F62.00003 Experimental quantum error correction with binomial bosonic codes Room: BCEC 258C |
Sun, Qiming Tencent America LLC |
Session S31.00005 The treatment of vacuum in semi-periodic post-HF methods Room: BCEC 203 |
Sun, Yang Ames Laboratory |
Session L21.00001 Overcoming the Time Limitation in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Crystal Nucleation: A Persistent-Embryo Approach Room: BCEC 157B |
Sunko, Veronika Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session X40.00001 Probing spin correlations using angle resolved photoemission in the coupled metallic/Mott insulator system PdCrO2 Room: BCEC 208 |
Suo, Zhigang Harvard University |
Session K53.00002 Topological adhesion Room: BCEC 253C |
Suzuki, Yuri Stanford University |
Session S46.00009 Emergent Phenomena at Mott Insulator/ Band Insulator Interfaces Room: BCEC 212 |
Svore, Krysta M Microsoft |
Session D51.00002 Developing our Quantum Future Room: BCEC 253A |
Swan, James MIT |
Session H59.00007 Rheology of Gels Room: BCEC 257B |
Szamel, Grzegorz Colorado State Univ |
Session C44.00004 Glassy dynamics: mean-field theory and beyond Room: BCEC 210C |
Szymanska, Marzena Hanna Physics and Astronomy, University College London |
Session A44.00004 Equilibrium and Superfluidity in Polariton Condensates Room: BCEC 210C |
Tackley, Paul J Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zurich |
Session P62.00005 Numerical Simulations of Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics in the Earth and Planets: From Magma Oceans to Present Day Room: BCEC 258C |
Takagi, Hidenori Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session S44.00003 A spin–orbital-entangled quantum liquid on a honeycomb lattice Room: BCEC 210C |
Takamoto, Masao RIKEN |
Session Y36.00003 Geopotential measurements with synchronously linked optical lattice clocks Room: BCEC 205C |
Tan, Weihong University of Florida |
Session P59.00006 Driving, Actuating, and Triggering Activity in Biopolymer Networks Room: BCEC 257B |
Tang, Nan ISSP, University of Tokyo |
Session B36.00003 Metamagnetism, Criticality and Dynamics in the Quantum Spin Ice Pr2Zr2O7 Room: BCEC 205C |
Tang, Shujie SIMES, Stanford University |
Session E05.00001 Quantum spin Hall state in monolayer 1T’-TMDCs Room: BCEC 108 |
Taylor, Jacob NIST |
Session D51.00001 Expanding American Leadership in Quantum Information Science Room: BCEC 253A |
Teitsworth, Stephen Duke University |
Session P57.00001 Noise-induced dynamics in far-from-equilibrium electronic transport systems Room: BCEC 256 |
Temme, Kristan IBM Research |
Session R62.00003 Simple tricks to squeeze more out of your noisy quantum device Room: BCEC 258C |
Tenne, Reshef Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session C46.00005 Synthesis and properties of nanotubes from “misfit” compounds Room: BCEC 212 |
Terhal, Barbara Delft University of Technology |
Session F62.00004 Scalable quantum error correction with the bosonic GKP code Room: BCEC 258C |
Thirumalai, Dave University of Texas at Austin |
Session F60.00002 Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics Talk: Interphase Human Chromosome Exhibits Glassy Dynamics Room: BCEC 258A |
Thomas, Jessica American Physical Society |
Session K34.00003 Science Communication as a Career Room: BCEC 205A |
Thompson, Aidan Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P21.00002 Predictive Atomistic Simulations of Materials using SNAP Data-Driven Potentials Room: BCEC 157B |
Thurn-Albrecht, Thomas Institute of Physics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg |
Session P55.00001 Microscopic Observation of Interface-Induced Crystallization via Prefreezing from Polymers Melts Room: BCEC 254B |
Tian, Xiaojun Arizona State University |
Session Y51.00005 Intracellular noise level determines ratio control strategy confined by speed-accuracy tradeoff Room: BCEC 253A |
Tiedje, T University of Victoria |
Session H34.00002 How Scientific Research at ExxonMobil in the 1980's showed the way for solar electricity 35 years later Room: BCEC 205A |
Tillotson, Brian Boeing |
Session L34.00005 The Future of Flight Room: BCEC 205A |
Timmel, Christiane Chemistry, University of Oxford |
Session K31.00001 Quantum Biochemical Compasses Room: BCEC 203 |
Tito, Nicholas Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session V53.00005 How to toughen polymer gels with entropy-mediated reversible crosslinking Room: BCEC 253C |
Tiwary, Pratyush University of Maryland, College Park |
Session C21.00004 Three birds with one stone: reaction coordinate, thermodynamics and kinetics from all-atom molecular simulations Room: BCEC 157B |
Todadri, Senthil Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K44.00004 Mixed valence insulators with neutral Fermi surfaces Room: BCEC 210C |
Torlai, Giacomo Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session H18.00001 Hybrid neural network - quantum simulator Room: BCEC 156B |
Torquato, Salvatore Princeton University |
Session V58.00002 Disordered Hyperuniform Many-Particle Systems via Tessellations Room: BCEC 257A |
Tournus, Florent Institut Lumière Matière, Université Lyon 1-CNRS |
Session P38.00005 Organization and magnetic properties of mass-selected FePt nanoparticles deposited on epitaxially grown graphene on Ir(111) Room: BCEC 206B |
Trastoy, Juan Department of Physics and Center for Advanced Nanoscience, University of California, San Diego |
Session B40.00001 Evidence of antiferromagnetism as the driver of the metal-insulator transition in vanadium sesquioxide (V2O3) Room: BCEC 208 |
Tremblay, Andre-Marie Institut quantique, RQMP, Université de Sherbrooke |
Session A62.00004 A unified perspective on cuprates and layered organic superconductors Room: BCEC 258C |
Trepat, Xavier ICREA at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia |
Session K53.00004 Active superelasticity in three-dimensional epithelia of controlled shape Room: BCEC 253C |
Trivedi, Nandini Ohio State University |
Session B19.00001 Spatial Charge and Spin Correlations in the 2D Fermi-Hubbard Model: Comparison between quantum Monte Carlo simulations and optical lattice emulators Room: BCEC 156C |
Tromp, Jeroen Geosciences, Princeton University |
Session P62.00003 Imaging the Earth's Interior based on Seismic Full Waveform Inversion Room: BCEC 258C |
Tropini, Carolina School of Biomedical Engineering, Microbiology & Immunology, University of British Columbia |
Session E63.00001 Dynamics of microbiota communities during physical perturbation. Room: BCEC 259A |
Tsai, Philbert Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session C60.00003 Quantitative biology and the "hacker lab" : An interdisciplinary graduate program at UCSD Room: BCEC 258A |
Tsirlin, Alexander University of Augsburg |
Session L37.00004 Kitaev iridates in 3D: magnetic and structural instabilities Room: BCEC 206A |
Tureci, Hakan Princeton University |
Session E26.00010 Quantum Electrodynamic Modeling of Superconducting Circuits Room: BCEC 160B |
Tutuc, Emanuel University of Texas at Austin |
Session E43.00001 Rotationally Controlled Atomic Layer Heterostructures Room: BCEC 210B |
Uchida, Ken-ichi National Institute for Materials Science |
Session P41.00001 Controlling heat by spin caloritronics Room: BCEC 209 |
Ueda, Masahito University of Tokyo |
Session H28.00001 Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and many-body dynamics in open quantum systems Room: BCEC 161 |
Ullal, Chaitanya Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session H50.00002 Imaging and Writing 3D Polymer Nanostructures with Visible Light Room: BCEC 252B |
Ullrich, Carsten University of Missouri |
Session E20.00001 Time-dependent density-functional approaches for excitons: the pros and cons of long-range corrected exchange-correlation kernels Room: BCEC 157A |
Umemoto, Koichiro Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session K62.00002 Phase transitions in mantle silicates and the internal structure of terrestrial exoplanets Room: BCEC 258C |
Urban, Alexander Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University |
Session R20.00001 Ionic Transport in Materials with Substitutional Disorder Room: BCEC 157A |
Urbani, Pierfrancesco Institut de physique théorique, Université Paris Saclay, CNRS, CEA, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette |
Session F53.00002 Jamming of particles and machine learning models Room: BCEC 253C |
Utsumi, Yasuhiro Physics Engineering, Mie University |
Session C27.00007 Quantum of information and its fluctuations in a conductor heat current Room: BCEC 160C |
Vaccaro, Patrick H. Department of Chemistry, Yale University |
Session F31.00001 Intrinsic Chiroptical Response: Can We Predict the Right Answer for the Right Reasons? Room: BCEC 203 |
Valencia, Diana University of Toronto |
Session L17.00001 Material Properties of Super-Earths and mini-Neptunes Room: BCEC 156A |
Valentine, Megan T. University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session V53.00002 Flex your mussels: Harnessing nature's designs to build next-generation materials Room: BCEC 253C |
Vamivakas, Nick University of Rochester |
Session V13.00004 Quantum optics with atomically thin materials Room: BCEC 153B |
Van den Berg, Arie Utrecht University |
Session K62.00003 Mass-dependent Dynamics of Terrestrial Exoplanets Using ab initio Mineral Properties Room: BCEC 258C |
Vandersypen, Lieven QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session X34.00002 Computer-assisted quantum dot tuning for quantum computation and simulation Room: BCEC 205A |
Van de Walle, Chris University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L46.00005 Defects and transport in oxide heterostructures Room: BCEC 212 |
Van Dommelen, Hans Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session F34.00003 Micromechanics of oriented semi-crystalline polymers: from structure to properties Room: BCEC 205A |
Van Hecke, Martin Leiden University & AMOLF |
Session V57.00001 Sequential Metamaterials Room: BCEC 256 |
Van Houcke, Kris Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session F19.00001 High-precision data for the unitary Fermi gas from diagrammatic series with zero convergence radius Room: BCEC 156C |
Vardeny, Zeev University of Utah |
Session S43.00005 Giant Rashba-splitting in 2D organic-inorganic halide perovskites measured by optical modulation spectroscopies Room: BCEC 210B |
Vargas, Nicolas Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session Y10.00001 Magnetism of ultra-short one dimensional atomic chains Room: BCEC 151B |
Vashishta, Priya Collaboratory for Advanced Computing and Simulations, University of Southern California |
Session K21.00001 Reactive molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning Room: BCEC 157B |
Vast, Nathalie Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés, CEA-DRF-IRAMIS, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS UMR 7642 |
Session F20.00001 Time-dependent density functional perturbation theory (TDDFPT) with Liouville-Lanczos recursion chains for large system-sizes: dispersion of the conventional and acoustic surface plasmons of high Miller-index vicinal surfaces of gold. Effect of spin-orbit coupling and of the surface geometry. Room: BCEC 157A |
Vekilov, Peter University of Houston |
Session F65.00011 Cancer, p53, and non-classical self-assembly of amyloids and their first order phase transitions Room: BCEC 260 |
Veldhorst, Menno QuTech, Delft University of Technology |
Session B44.00001 High-fidelity single and two-qubit gates in germanium Room: BCEC 210C |
Venderley, Jordan Cornell University |
Session A18.00001 Unsupervised machine learning of single crystal x-ray diffraction data Room: BCEC 156B |
Venkatesan, Thirumalai National University of Singapore |
Session R34.00005 Academia to Entrepreneurship- A Multi-pronged Journey Room: BCEC 205A |
Verburg, Joost MGH |
Session E34.00004 Range Verification of Proton Therapy Beams Room: BCEC 205A |
Verghese, Simon Waymo |
Session L34.00004 Self-Driving Cars and Lidar Room: BCEC 205A |
Vergniory, Maia Donostia International Physics Center |
Session R02.00009 Discovery and Categorization of Topological Materials Room: BCEC 107A |
Vershinin, Michael University of Utah |
Session R64.00001 The complexity of microtubule-based motility Room: BCEC 259B |
Vijay, Sagar Physics, Harvard University |
Session B28.00006 Quantum Error-Correction for Fermionic Qubits Room: BCEC 161 |
Virot, Emmanuel EPFL - Harvard University |
Session X55.00001 Non-destructive prediction of the buckling load of soda cans and space rockets Room: BCEC 254B |
Vishwanath, Ashvin Harvard University |
Session A43.00003 Topology and Correlations in Magic Angle Bilayer Graphene Room: BCEC 210B |
Viswanathan, Koushik Indian Institute of Science |
Session V49.00001 Plastic instabilities, mechanochemistry, and a bag of (metal) chips Room: BCEC 252A |
Voigt, Chris MIT |
Session A64.00002 Designing Physical Synthetic Biology Room: BCEC 259B |
von Hippel, Frank Princeton University |
Session Y60.00005 Strengthening the Nonproliferation Regime Room: BCEC 258A |
Von WindHam, Jesko Duke University |
Session S34.00003 Physics and Entrepreneurship – Changing the World with your Brain Room: BCEC 205A |
Vool, Uri Harvard University |
Session F35.00005 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics: Engineering Synthetic Quantum Operations Room: BCEC 205B |
Vuletic, Tomislav Institut za fiziku, Zagreb |
Session X59.00010 Polyelectrolyte composite: hyaluronic acid mixture with DNA Room: BCEC 257B |
Wadley, Peter School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham |
Session F40.00001 Current polarity-dependent manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains Room: BCEC 208 |
Wagner, Christian Saarland University |
Session V25.00001 Rouleaux formation: polymer induced Red Blood Cells aggregates Room: BCEC 160A |
Wagner, Lucas University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C62.00003 Bridging simulations and theories of correlated electron materials using ideas from machine learning Room: BCEC 258C |
Wahl, Thorsten University of Oxford |
Session V36.00004 Signatures of the Many-Body Localized Regime in Two Dimensions Room: BCEC 205C |
Waks, Edo University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L11.00004 Scalable quantum photonics using quantum dots Room: BCEC 152 |
Walker, Lynn Carnegie Mellon University |
Session R49.00010 Flow behavior and impact of shear fields on structural transitions in diblock and triblock copolymer aqueous solutions Room: BCEC 252A |
Walmsley, Ian A Physics, Imperial College London |
Session R62.00004 Photonic quantum networks Room: BCEC 258C |
Wang, Han Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California |
Session S15.00010 Properties and Device Prospects of Emerging Two-Dimensional Materials Room: BCEC 154 |
Wang, Jianping University of Minnesota |
Session F43.00004 Discovery of quantum confinement effect in sputtered topological insultor films and observation of room-temperature high spin–orbit torque Room: BCEC 210B |
Wang, Jin Stony Brook University |
Session Y51.00003 Waddington landscape and pathways for stem cell differentiation, reprograming and transdifferentiation Room: BCEC 253A |
Wang, Yangyang Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C51.00004 Fingerprinting Molecular Relaxation in Deformed Polymers Room: BCEC 253A |
Wang, Ying Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Session V51.00005 Observation of LLPS in Protein and Peptide solutions: Serendipitous or Ubiquitous? Room: BCEC 253A |
Wang, Zuoyue California State Polytechnic University |
Session E69.00003 Entangled Worldlines: Four Physicists Whose Transnational Trajectories Reshaped Physics in China and the United States Room: BCEC 052A |
Watanabe, Hiroshi Kyoto University |
Session S51.00001 Nonlinear Elongational Rheology of Unentangled Polystyrene and Poly(p-tert-butyl styrene) Melts Room: BCEC 253A |
Waxman, Eleanor National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session H69.00005 Dual Comb Spectroscopy for Emissions Measurements Room: BCEC 052A |
Weck, Gunnar DIF, CEA |
Session C17.00009 Melting Line and Structure of Hot dense Fluids probed by X-ray diffraction Room: BCEC 156A |
Wei, Peng University of California, Riverside |
Session S05.00001 Surface superconductivity in gold – a material platform for Majorana bound states Room: BCEC 108 |
Weitenberg, Christof University of Hamburg |
Session B18.00001 Identifying quantum phase transitions using artificial neural networks on experimental data Room: BCEC 156B |
Weitz, Dave Harvard University |
Session H34.00005 Pore-scale study of multiphase flow in porous media Room: BCEC 205A |
Wen, Hai-Hu Nanjing University |
Session E44.00001 Determination of the superconducting gap sign by the phase referenced method: successful practice in cuprate and several iron based superconductors Room: BCEC 210C |
Wen, Jinsheng Nanjing University |
Session V44.00004 Discovery of coexisting Dirac and triply degenerate magnons in a three-dimensional antiferromagnet Room: BCEC 210C |
Wentzcovitch, Renata Columbia University |
Session P62.00004 Spin crossover in iron in lower mantle minerals Room: BCEC 258C |
Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang PHI-INT, KIT |
Session S36.00004 Operating quantum states in single magnetic molecules Room: BCEC 205C |
Westfahl, Harry Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron |
Session S60.00002 Sirius, the new Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source Room: BCEC 258A |
Whiteley, Samuel University of Chicago |
Session Y43.00003 Probing spin-phonon interactions in semiconductors with x-rays and Gaussian acoustics Room: BCEC 210B |
Whiting, Emily Boston University |
Session P56.00004 Mechanics-Based Design for Computational Fabrication Room: BCEC 255 |
Whitmer, Jonathan University of Notre Dame |
Session A51.00003 Exploring Free Energy Landscapes with Neural Networks Room: BCEC 253A |
Widom, Michael Carnegie Mellon University |
Session X36.00005 Soft-modes and electronic topological transitions in p- and d-electron materials Room: BCEC 205C |
Wiehe, Ben Science Festival Alliance, MIT Museum |
Session E60.00004 Science Festivals, Live Events, and the Importance of Face-to-Face Interaction Room: BCEC 258A |
Wielicki, Bruce Science Directorate, NASA Langley Research Center |
Session B62.00001 Insights Regarding Observational Requirements For Climate Change Signal Detection Room: BCEC 258C |
Wiktor, Julia EPFL |
Session E62.00002 Comprehensive modeling of band gaps and absorption spectra of complex semiconductors for solar applications Room: BCEC 258C |
Williams, Mark Northeastern University |
Session X64.00002 Destabilization of nucleosomes by HMGB proteins and FACT complexes Room: BCEC 259B |
Williams, Quinton L Howard University |
Session K69.00002 TBD Room: BCEC 052A |
Wilson, Stephen University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session C40.00001 Spin density wave order and its influence on the unconventional metallic states in carrier-doped Srn+1IrnO3n+1 systems Room: BCEC 208 |
Wingreen, Ned Princeton University |
Session H63.00001 Modeling the influence of metabolic trade-offs on microbiota diversity Room: BCEC 259A |
Winkler, Roland Northern Illinois University |
Session C39.00001 Asymmetric g Tensor in Low-Symmetry Two-Dimensional Hole Systems Room: BCEC 207 |
Witten, Thomas A James Franck Institute, University of Chicago |
Session R61.00001 Chiral electrophoresis: a new steering wheel Room: BCEC 258B |
Wolfowicz, Gary University of Chicago |
Session F11.00001 High frequency electrometry and imaging with defects in silicon carbide Room: BCEC 152 |
Wolfram, Stephen Wolfram Research |
Session F22.00001 The Practical and Theoretical Future of Computation in Physics Room: BCEC 157C |
Wolynes, Peter Rice University |
Session F53.00001 Aging, Jamming and the Mechanisms of Marginal Stability in Amorphous Solids Room: BCEC 253C |
Wood, Rob J Harvard University |
Session V64.00001 Microrobots as robophysical models for the study of biomechanics and control of small animals Room: BCEC 259B |
Wootters, William Williams College |
Session A69.00002 John Wheeler's Course, Theory of Measurement, 1977--1978 Room: BCEC 052A |
Wossnig, Leonard Computer Science, University College London |
Session K27.00007 Quantum machine learning: Challenges and Opportunities Room: BCEC 160C |
Wu, Fengcheng University of Maryland |
Session A43.00005 Quantum Simulation and Many-Body Physics in Moiré Bilayers Room: BCEC 210B |
Wu, Mingzhong Colorado State Univ |
Session F43.00005 Exploring Non-Trivial Nature of Topological Surface States in SmB6 Room: BCEC 210B |
Wu, Weida Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session H11.00004 Spontaneous defect formation on the polar surface of giant Rashba semiconductors BiTeX Room: BCEC 152 |
Wu, Wenzhuo Purdue University |
Session V15.00010 Scalably-nanomanufactured atomically-thin piezoelectric semiconductor for ubiquitous electronics and smart sensors Room: BCEC 154 |
Wu, Xifan Temple University |
Session H32.00004 Accurate modeling of liquid water and proton transfer in water Room: BCEC 204A |
Wurzel, Sam None |
Session R34.00004 Making the Shift from Research to Revenue: Skills that Physicists Need to be Successful in Business Room: BCEC 205A |
Wyart, Matthieu Physics, EPFL |
Session F53.00004 A jamming transition controls the landscape in deep learning Room: BCEC 253C |
Wyslouzil, Barbara Ohio State University |
Session H32.00002 Nucleation of the short-chain n-alkanes from the vapor phase: Experiments and Monte Carlo simulations Room: BCEC 204A |
Xia, Fengnian Yale Univ |
Session E12.00001 Graphene and Black Phosphorus Infrared Photodetectors Room: BCEC 153A |
Xiong, Qihua Nanyang Technological University |
Session A44.00005 Room Temperature Long-Range Coherent Exciton Polariton Condensate Propagation in Lead Halide Perovskites Microwire Cavity Room: BCEC 210C |
Xiu, Faxian Fudan University |
Session P04.00009 Chiral Landau levels in Weyl semimetal NbAs with multiple topological carriers Room: BCEC 107C |
Xu, Cenke University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session C05.00007 Topological Superconductivity on Moire Superlattices Room: BCEC 108 |
Xu, Qin ETH Zurich |
Session R58.00010 Direct observations of dewetting relaxation at the interface of soft gels Room: BCEC 257A |
Xu, Suyang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F04.00008 Observation of the nonlinear Hall effect in bilayer WTe2 Room: BCEC 107C |
Xu, Xiaodong University of Washington |
Session B14.00001 Magnetism in two dimensions Room: BCEC 153C |
Xu, Yunjie University of Alberta |
Session C32.00003 Exploring conformational landscapes of chiral molecules in their solvation and self-aggregation clusters Room: BCEC 204A |
Yaida, Sho Facebook AI Research, Facebook Inc. |
Session F53.00005 Marginal stability in finite dimensions Room: BCEC 253C |
Yang, Hongxin Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session B41.00001 Anatomy of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction at interfaces: from Fert-Levy type DMI at Co/Pt to Rashba effect induced DMI at Co/graphene Room: BCEC 209 |
Yang, Qiong Biophysics and Physics, University of Michigan Ann Arbor |
Session R66.00002 Tuning the Xenopus mitotic oscillator in artificial cells Room: BCEC 261 |
Yang, See-Hun IBM Research - Almaden |
Session K41.00001 Rise of Chiral Spintronics Room: BCEC 209 |
Yang, Wanli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C34.00002 Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering of Energy Materials: from Fundamental Understandings to Practical Developments Room: BCEC 205A |
Yankowitz, Matthew Columbia University |
Session A43.00002 Tuning flat bands in twisted bilayer graphene with pressure Room: BCEC 210B |
Yao, Norman University of California, Berkeley |
Session E25.00001 Discrete time crystals in long-range interacting systems Room: BCEC 160A |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session A05.00001 Majorana in Chains and Hinges Room: BCEC 108 |
Ye, Jun National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session Y36.00001 Engineering Quantum States of Matter for Atomic Clocks Room: BCEC 205C |
Ye, Mengxing University of Minnesota |
Session S44.00005 Quantization of the thermal Hall conductivity at small Hall angles Room: BCEC 210C |
Yeomans, Julia University of Oxford |
Session X53.00005 Topological defects in cell layers Room: BCEC 253C |
Yi, Ming Rice University |
Session A10.00001 Orbital-selectivity in iron chalcogenide superconductors Room: BCEC 151B |
Yildiz, Bilge Departments of Nuclear Sci. and Eng., and Materials Sci. and Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y04.00003 Oxygen exchange kinetics in perovskite oxides: Effects of elastic strain, dislocations, and surfaces Room: BCEC 107C |
Yoo, Choong-Shik Washington State University |
Session K17.00011 High Pressure Behaviors of Dense Planetary Mixtures Room: BCEC 156A |
Yoo, Heun Mo Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V43.00005 Energy, Momentum, and Spin-resolved tunneling spectra of quantum Hall systems Room: BCEC 210B |
You, Yizhuang Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session F18.00001 Machine Learning Physics: From Quantum Mechanics to Holographic Geometry Room: BCEC 156B |
Yu, Xiuzhen CEMS, RIKEN |
Session H41.00001 Various topological spin textures and their dynamics in helimagnets Room: BCEC 209 |
Yuan, Jiayin Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm university |
Session R50.00013 Poly(ionic liquid)s: marriage of ionic liquids and polymers for better materials Room: BCEC 252B |
Yue, Di Department of Physics, Fudan University |
Session B39.00001 Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Bi Films and Bi/Ag Bilayers Room: BCEC 207 |
Zabow, Gary Applied Physics, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
Session F36.00004 Smart magnetic probes for in-vivo metrology Room: BCEC 205C |
Zadrozny, Joseph Chemistry, Colorado State Univ |
Session S36.00003 Multifrequency and Chemical Tuning Studies of V(IV) Quantum Spins Room: BCEC 205C |
Zahr, Omar Tandem Launch |
Session S34.00002 Physicists who lead: You don't need your own invention to found a deep-tech startup Room: BCEC 205A |
Zeljkovic, Ilija Boston College |
Session X09.00005 Nanoscale Synthesis and Characterization of Topological Materials Room: BCEC 151A |
Zhang, Chuanwei University of Texas at Dallas |
Session S24.00001 Topological triply-degenerate points in ultracold atoms and photonic hyperbolic metamaterials Room: BCEC 159 |
Zhang, Ding State Key Laboratory of Low-Dimensional Quantum Physics, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session H05.00001 Emergent two-dimensional superconductivity in few-layer stanene Room: BCEC 108 |
Zhang, Dong-Bo College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University |
Session R17.00009 Thermodynamics and Thermal Conduction at Extreme Conditions Based on Phonon Quasiparticles Room: BCEC 156A |
Zhang, Fan Department of Physics, University of Texas at Dallas |
Session L12.00001 Transport, Interactions, and Flavortronics in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: BCEC 153A |
Zhang, Wenqing Department of Physics, Souther University of Science and Technology |
Session X47.00010 Thermal Transport of Part-crystalline Part-liquid Materials Room: BCEC 213 |
Zhang, Xie University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E62.00003 Carrier recombination in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling Room: BCEC 258C |
Zhang, Yi Department of Physics, Cornell University |
Session C18.00001 Quantum Loop Topography for Machine Learning Transport Room: BCEC 156B |
Zhang, Yuanbo Dept. of Physics, Fudan University |
Session F12.00001 Electronic properties of correlated two-dimensional materials Room: BCEC 153A |
Zhao, Xuanhe MIT |
Session Y53.00001 Soft Active Metamaterials by Programing Ferromagnetic Domains Room: BCEC 253C |
Zhen, Bo University of Pennsylvania |
Session L62.00004 Topological photonics in open systems Room: BCEC 258C |
Zhou, Huan-Xiang Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session V51.00001 Physical Basis of Protein Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Room: BCEC 253A |
Zhou, Xiaoqing University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session F05.00001 Observation of Topological Surface State in High Temperature Superconductor MgB2 Room: BCEC 108 |
Zhou, Xingjiang Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session C34.00004 Laser ARPES on High Temperature Superconductors and Quantum Materials Room: BCEC 205A |
Zhu, Jian-Xin Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S62.00002 Orbital-selective correlations and superconductivity in the nematic FeSe Room: BCEC 258C |
Zhu, Lijun Cornell University |
Session S41.00004 Strong Spin-Orbit Torques, Tunable DMI, and Variable Interfacial Spin-Orbit Coupling in Pt-based Spin Hall Metal/Ferromagnet Systems Room: BCEC 209 |
Zhu, Xiaoyang Columbia University |
Session Y20.00007 Lead halide perovskites are polaronic materials Room: BCEC 157A |
Zhu, Xuetao Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session K10.00002 Collective excitations and the superconductivity enhancement of FeSe/SrTiO3 Room: BCEC 151B |
Ziatdinov, Maxim Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B22.00007 Deep Machine Learning for Atomically-Resolved Imaging Experiments: Physics Extraction and Feedback Room: BCEC 157C |
Zou, Xiaoqin Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, Department of Biochemistry, and Informatics Institute, University of Missouri - Columbia |
Session Y64.00002 New strategies to predict protein-peptide interactions Room: BCEC 259B |
Zubarev, Dmitry IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session A51.00002 Accelerated Discovery in Polymer Materials Domain: Knowledge Extraction and Representation Room: BCEC 253A |
Zurek, Wojciech Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session C69.00004 Quantum theory of the classical: quantum jumps, Born's Rule and objective classical reality via quantum Darwinism Room: BCEC 052A |
Zwanenburg, Floris University of Twente |
Session B44.00005 Hole quantum dots in planar silicon and in GeSi nanowires Room: BCEC 210C |
Zwicker, Andrew Princeton University and NJ State Legislature |
Session X60.00003 Advice from a Scientist-Policy Maker on Giving Advice to a Policy Maker Room: BCEC 258A |
Zwickl, Benjamin Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session H60.00001 Laboratory courses and the professional preparation of physics majors Room: BCEC 258A |
Zwierlein, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session E19.00001 Quantum Transport in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases Room: BCEC 156C |
Zwolak, Justyna University of Maryland, College Park |
Session X34.00001 True machine learning for quantum dot tune-up Room: BCEC 205A |
Zych, Magdalena The School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland |
Session H27.00008 Composite quantum systems at the interface with general relativity Room: BCEC 160C |
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