Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Invited Speakers
., Izhar University of Pennsylvania |
Session N30.00004 Periodically Poled Aluminum Scandium Nitride Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators for Communications in the 6G Era Room: 102AB |
Aaronson, Scott University of Texas at Austin |
Session W43.00001 Quantum Algorithms 30 Years After Shor Room: Auditorium 1 |
Abbas, Amira M University of Amsterdam |
Session T51.00001 On quantum backpropagation, information reuse, and cheating measurement collapse Room: 200IJ |
Abel, Frank M National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session K18.00004 Ultra-Sensitive Embedded AC Magnetic Tracers Through Nano-Scale Ordering Room: M100I |
Abrams, Daniel M Northwestern University |
Session T56.00002 What's the point of this conference? Modeling the physics of team formation at meetings Room: 205AB |
Acharya, Amit Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Z34.00005 Elasticity and topological defects: a common thread between soft and hard materials Room: 102F |
Acosta, Victor M University of New Mexico |
Session S52.00007 Precision measurement and spectroscopy with diamond NV centers Room: 201AB |
Adolph, Alden St. Olaf College |
Session F30.00005 Introducing an Engineering Studies Concentration in a Liberal Arts Physics Program Room: 102AB |
Aeppli, Gabriel ETH Zurich |
Session Z42.00001 Flat bands and non-Fermi liquid behaviour in a Weyl ferromagnet Room: Ballroom B |
Agoritsas, Elisabeth University of Geneva |
Session Y44.00002 Regaining physical intuition on the infinite-dimensional limit of driven amorphous materials Room: Auditorium 2 |
Agterberg, Daniel University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Session M41.00003 Nematic Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces from magnetic toroidal order: application to FeSe1-x Sx Room: Ballroom A |
Ahadi, Kaveh The Ohio State University |
Session G41.00005 Strong violation of the Pauli limit for the upper critical field of the KTaO3(111) interfaces Room: Ballroom A |
Aiello, Clarice University of California, Los Angeles |
Session G44.00002 Quantum Biology: How nature harnesses quantum processes to function optimally, and how might we control such quantum processes to therapeutic and tech advantage Room: Auditorium 2 |
Akrap, Ana University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
Session B42.00001 Landau level spectroscopy as a window into topological semimetals Room: Ballroom B |
Aktary, Mahbuba King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals |
Session F01.00001 Beyond Lead: Diving into Mechanical Stability, Electronic, Optical and Photocatalytic Properties of CsBX3 (B=Sn, Ge;and X = Cl, Br, I) ) by DFT Investigation for Next-Gen Optoelectronics Room: L100A |
Alavi, Ali MPI, Stuttgart, Germany and Cambridge University, UK |
Session T43.00005 Towards a practical transcorrelated quantum chemistry for ground and excited states.Ali Alavi Room: Auditorium 1 |
Alberi, Kirstin M National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session G23.00001 Disorder in Topological Systems: Friend or Foe? Room: 101C |
Alert, Ricard Max Planck Institute for the Physics of |
Session B55.00001 Durotaxis and Frictiotaxis Room: 204AB |
Alexeev, Alexander Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session M06.00003 Emergent collective behavior of platelets in blood clotting: lessons for designing active polymeric networks Room: L100FG |
Allen, Heather C The Ohio State University |
Session D35.00001 Behavior of Al(3+) and Fe(3+) Electrolytes Across the Solution to the Air-Water Interface Room: 103A |
Allesina, Stefano University of Chicago |
Session A06.00001 Phylogeny structures species' interactions in experimental ecological communities Room: L100FG |
Altieri, Ada Université Paris Cité |
Session Y44.00005 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory: from glassy systems to large ecological communities with asymmetric interactions Room: Auditorium 2 |
Altman, Alison Texas A&M University |
Session M20.00001 Using high-pressure conditions to access novel structures and engender magnetic control in lanthanide materials Room: M101ABC |
Alvertis, Antonios M Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and NASA Ames Research Center |
Session S59.00001 First-principles modeling of excited states at finite temperatures: phonon-induced localization, dissociation and screening Room: 206AB |
A Madsen, Louis A Virginia Tech |
Session Q06.00004 Understanding Nanoconfinement and Atom-Specific Correlations to Manipulate Molecular and Ion Transport Room: L100FG |
An, Dong University of Maryland |
Session B52.00006 Linear Combination of Hamiltonian Simulation for Nonunitary Dynamics Room: 201AB |
Anderson, Eric University of Washington at Seattle |
Session N42.00002 Optical Probes of Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Twisted MoTe2 Room: Ballroom B |
Anderson, Laurel E University of Washington |
Session W06.00003 Toward realization of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model in graphene Room: L100FG |
Andrade, Jose E Caltech |
Session N31.00001 Adaptive Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems Room: 102C |
Androsch, René Martin Luther University |
Session D26.00001 Polymer crystallization at high melt-supercooling Room: 101G |
Anzelc, Meghan S Three Arc Advisory |
Session Y43.00004 AI and Data Innovation: Innovating in Constrained Environments Room: Auditorium 1 |
Ardekani, Arezoo M Purdue University |
Session Y29.00006 Arezoo Ardekani Room: 101J |
Ares, Natalia University of Oxford |
Session Y28.00001 Electrons, Spins, and Mechanics for Quantum Engines Room: 101I |
Arkhipov, Anton Allen Institute |
Session A37.00001 Bio-realistic multiscale modeling of cortical circuits Room: 103C |
Armani, Andrea M Univ of Southern California |
Session K30.00003 Non-linear organic fluorophores for detecting transmembrane protein aggregation Room: 102AB |
Arnold, Georg IST Austria |
Session G53.00001 All-Optical Single Shot Readout of a Superconducting Qubit Room: 202AB |
Arunachalam, Srinivasan IBM Quantum |
Session Z49.00001 Overview of algorithms in quantum machine learning Room: 200G |
Arvidsson-Shukur, David R Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory |
Session M51.00001 Good and Bad News for Noisy Variational Quantum Algorithms – Part I Room: 200IJ |
Arya, Gaurav Duke University |
Session D18.00004 Machine learning assisted design of effective potentials, surface ligand patterns, and annealing protocols for colloidal self-assembly Room: M100I |
Arzash, Sadjad Syracuse University |
Session G06.00002 Biological tissues can fluidize by tuning their internal degrees of freedom Room: L100FG |
Assamagan, Kétévi A Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session M43.00002 Building International partnership for Africa Room: Auditorium 1 |
Asthana, Ayush University of North Dakota |
Session N49.00001 Towards simulating molecular excited states on quantum computers Room: 200G |
Audus, Debra J NIST |
Session B26.00001 From Micro to Macro: Predicting Polymer Blend Toughness Room: 101G |
Augenbraun, Benjamin Williams College |
Session G25.00002 Laser-Coolable Molecules Built from Coinage Metal and Carbon-Group Atoms Room: 101F |
Austin, Robert H Princeton University |
Session F38.00001 In Search of Emergent Problem Solving in Intelligent Active Matter Room: 103D |
Babbush, Ryan |
Session T45.00001 Dispatches from Google's hunt for super-quadratic quantum advantage in new applications Room: Auditorium 3 |
Baconnier, Paul AMOLF |
Session Q28.00010 Trainable and Resettable Nitinol-composites Metamaterials Room: 101I |
Bae, Chulsung Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session Z30.00002 Molecular Engineering of Ion-Conducting Polymer Membranes: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Room: 102AB |
Bae, Youn Jue (Eunice) Cornell University |
Session T24.00001 Coherent magnon-exciton coupling in magnetic semiconductors Room: 101DE |
Bae, Yujeong Institute for Basic Science |
Session Z12.00001 Quantum Control of Artificially Built Spin Structures on Surfaces Room: M100C |
Baeumer, Christoph University of Twente |
Session Z57.00001 Complex oxide electrocatalyst surfaces and interfaces – how physical and magnetic properties dictate electrochemical performance Room: 205C |
Bagger, Jonathan A American Physical Society |
Session 10E.00001 Opening Remarks- Jonathan A. Bagger CEO American Physical Society Room: Main Auditorium |
Baldini, Edoardo The University of Texas at Austin |
Session N23.00001 Giant dynamical magnetoelectric coupling in a van der Waals multiferroic Room: 101C |
Balsara, Nitash P University of California, Berkeley |
Session F43.00005 Solvation Time Scales in Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries Room: Auditorium 1 |
Banerjee, Shiladitya Carnegie Mellon University |
Session D27.00001 Early Career Award for Biological Physics Research: Shaping living matter through mechanochemical feedback Room: 101H |
Banuelos, Jose L University of Texas at El Paso |
Session Z30.00005 Network forming liquids create tunable nanostructures for efficient small molecule transport and intermolecular interactions Room: 102AB |
Barbastathis, George MIT |
Session W56.00001 On the use of physics in machine learning for imaging and quantifying complex processes Room: 205AB |
Barnes, Edwin Virginia Tech |
Session T45.00002 Simulating strongly correlated condensed matter systems on a quantum computer Room: Auditorium 3 |
Bartlett, Rod J University of Florida |
Session A39.00006 Correlated Orbital Theory: An alternative and complement to Kohn-Sham DFT Room: 103E |
Bartolo, Denis Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session X01.00002 Kavli Talk: Active matter/soft condensed matterThe physics of waiting: emergent collective oscillations in ultra-dense crowds. Room: Main Auditorium |
Barton, John P University of Pittsburgh |
Session K37.00001 Physical insights into the evolutionary dynamics of viruses Room: 103C |
Bascones, Elena CSIC - Madrid |
Session D41.00005 Moire Materials Beyond The Hubbard ModelHeavy quasiparticles and cascades without symmetry breaking in twisted bilayer graphene Room: Ballroom A |
Bates, Frank S University of Minnesota |
Session F43.00002 Invited Talk: Frank Bates Structure and dynamics of tetrahedrally coordinated block copolymer particles Room: Auditorium 1 |
Bäumer, Elisa IBM Quantum, IBM Research Zurich |
Session Y45.00004 Efficient Long-Range Entanglement using Dynamic Circuits Room: Auditorium 3 |
Baylor, Martha-Elizabeth Carleton College |
Session B61.00003 Opportunities and Challenges of Building Physics Educators’ Capacity for Engaging in Critical ConversationsMartha-Elizabeth Baylor Room: 208AB |
Beale, Stefanie J University of Waterloo |
Session B50.00007 Enabling efficient characterization of measurement noise with measurement randomized compiling Room: 200H |
Beane, Wendy S Western Michigan University |
Session W55.00001 Quantum Biology: Magnetic Fields, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Stem Cells Room: 204AB |
Beard, Matthew C National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session G23.00005 Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity and Spintronics in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors Room: 101C |
Beaucage, Peter National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session D30.00004 The NIST Autonomous Formulation Laboratory: Solving Industrial Problems with X-Ray and Neutron Scattering and AI Room: 102AB |
Bechhoefer, John Simon Fraser University |
Session S35.00001 Three ways to control dynamical systems robustly Room: 103A |
Becker, Kaitlyn MIT |
Session T34.00009 Actively entangling filaments for passive adaption in soft robotic grippers Room: 102F |
Bediako, Daniel K University of California, Berkeley |
Session T24.00003 Superlattice and disorder effects in magnetic intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides Room: 101DE |
Behnia, Kamran ESPCI Paris-Tech |
Session F42.00001 The phonon thermal Hall angle in black phosphorus Room: Ballroom B |
Bellon, Ludovic ENS Lyon |
Session A28.00001 Fast is hot: energetics of information erasure and the overhead to Landauer's bound at low dissipation Room: 101I |
Bennett, Steven P United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session N23.00007 Altermagnetism: The Hunt for Experimental Verification of Spin Polarization in Antiferromagnets Room: 101C |
Beran, Gregory University of California, Riverside |
Session A56.00001 Towards in silico design of organic photomechanical materials Room: 205AB |
Berg, Erez Weizmann |
Session Z01.00001 Inhomogeneity-Induced Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Cuprate Twist-Junctions Room: L100A |
Bergeal, Nicolas Laboratoire de Physique et d'Etude des Matériaux, ESPCI Paris, PSL University, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France |
Session G41.00003 Superfluid stiffness and superconducting gap of KTaO3-based 2D gas. Room: Ballroom A |
Bergholtz, Emil J Stockholm University |
Session K41.00004 Recent Developments in Fractional Chern Insulators. Room: Ballroom A |
Bergin, Ted University of Michigan |
Session M39.00001 The "inherited" organic inventory of (exo)planets Room: 103E |
Berkovits, Nathan J Univ Estadual Paulista-UNESP |
Session M43.00003 Training South-American future scientists Room: Auditorium 1 |
Bernholc, Jerzy University of North Carolina |
Session N62.00001 Exascale Electronic Structure and Quantum Transport Calculations Room: 208CD |
Berry, Tanya Princeton University |
Session F06.00005 Prize Talk: Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Room: L100FG |
Best, Robert B Univ of Cambridge |
Session B59.00001 Incorporating local secondary structure information into coarse-grained simulations of IDPs Room: 206AB |
Bettencourt, Luis |
Session T56.00004 Scaling properties of cities Room: 205AB |
Betterton, Meredith D University of Colorado Boulder |
Session G36.00001 Action at a distance along the microtubule couples kinesin motorsMeredith D Betterton Room: 103B |
Bevan, Michael A Johns Hopkins University |
Session F18.00001 Controlling Colloidal Assembly & Reconfiguration Room: M100I |
Bharadwaj, Sachin Satish New York University (NYU) |
Session M44.00003 Simulating Fluid Flows with Quantum Computing Room: Auditorium 2 |
Bhardwaj, Sachin New York University |
Session A30.00004 Invited Talk: Sachin Bhardwaj Room: 102AB |
BHATTACHARYA, ANAND Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G41.00001 Tunable superconductivity and its origin at KTO interfaces Room: Ballroom A |
Bhave, Sunil A Purdue University |
Session N30.00003 Micromachined YIG Resonators Room: 102AB |
Bi, Dapeng Northeastern University |
Session B44.00003 Nonlinear elasticity and rheological response in epithelial tissues Room: Auditorium 2 |
Bi, Wenli University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Session B45.00004 High-pressure studies of quantum magnets via synchrotron x-rays Room: Auditorium 3 |
Bian, Mengying Beijing University of Technology |
Session A24.00003 Dative epitaxy of covalent 2D magnets Room: 101DE |
Bianconi, Ginestra Queen Mary University London |
Session F28.00001 Ginestra BianconiLearning the topology of complex systems from their dynamics Room: 101I |
Biasin, Elisa PNNL |
Session B40.00003 Tracking photoinduced electron and proton transfer and the coupled solvent reorganization with femtosecond X-rays Room: 103F |
Bieg, Carling Yale University |
Session A06.00005 Multi-stressor responses across the ecological hierarchy - from equilibrium to non-equilibrium dynamics Room: L100FG |
Binder, Felix C Trinity College Dublin |
Session M56.00003 Simulating complex, stochastic processes with quantum physics Room: 205AB |
Birol, Turan University of Minnesota |
Session B60.00001 Decomposition of Response Tensors for Materials Design Room: 207AB |
Bizyaeva, Anastasia University of Washington |
Session G31.00001 Nonlinear dynamics of belief formation over social networks Room: 102C |
Blatt, Sebastian Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session B53.00001 Neutral-atom Quantum Computing in the Munich Quantum Valley Room: 202AB |
Bloch, Immanuel Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Session Y30.00005 Hole Pairing, Density Structure Formation and Pseudogap in the Doped 2D Fermi Hubbard Model Room: 102AB |
Blumberg, Girsh E Rutgers University |
Session B42.00003 Electronic Raman scattering in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling Room: Ballroom B |
Blundell, Jamie University of Cambridge |
Session Z44.00002 Quantifying the somatic evolution occurring in healthy and pre-malignant human tissues Room: Auditorium 2 |
Bluvstein, Dolev Harvard University |
Session N51.00001 Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays Room: 200IJ |
Böckmann, Hannes Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences and 4th Physical Institute, Solids and Nanostructures, University of Göttingen |
Session T04.00001 Optical surface texture control of coexisting electronic phases Room: L100D |
Bodony, Daniel J University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session T58.00001 Direct Simulations of Turbulent, Multiphysics Hypersonic Flows at Extreme Scale Room: 205D |
Boedicker, James Q USC |
Session B37.00001 Dynamics of the CRISPR array Room: 103C |
Boeri, Lilia Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session F20.00001 Pressure-Induced High-Tc Conventional Superconductivity Room: M101ABC |
Boese, Adrian Daniel University of Graz |
Session A56.00005 Multimer Embedding Methods: Molecular Crystals and Beyond Room: 205AB |
Bogojeski, Mihail TU Berlin |
Session T60.00001 Exploring equivariant models for electronic properties Room: 207AB |
Bonell, Frédéric Spintec, France |
Session BB01.00001 Magnetism and spin-charge conversion in epitaxial van der Waals heterostructures Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Boogert, Adwin University of Hawaii |
Session M39.00003 Interstellar Ice and the Organic Inventory of Protoplanetary Disks Room: 103E |
Borsoi, Francesco Delft University of Technology |
Session S46.00004 Scalability of of semiconductor quantum dot architectures: shared control, qubit addressability, and connectivity Room: 200AB |
Bose, Arnab Johannes Gutenberg Universität of Mainz, Germany |
Session Y24.00003 Tilted spin current generated in ruthenium dioxide Room: 101DE |
Bosworth, Bryan National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session N30.00002 Electro-Optic Millimeter-Wave Sources and Receivers for THz Electronics Room: 102AB |
Boudouris, Bryan W Purdue University |
Session M26.00001 Reflections on Enabling Early Career Polymer Physicists and Session Motivation Room: 101G |
Bouklas, Nikolaos Cornell University |
Session Z31.00003 Molecular-Level Constitutive Modeling of Nonlinear Deformations, Damage, and Fracture in Polymers Room: 102C |
Boulle, Olivier SPINTEC |
Session A23.00001 Skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnets and their fast current induced dynamics without skyrmion Hall effect Room: 101C |
Boydston, AJ University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session B24.00005 Heating at a Patterned Photothermal Interface Room: 101DE |
Bozzola, Gabriele University of Arizona |
Session M57.00005 Prize Talk: Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics: Numerical relativity, gravitational waves, and fundamental physics with charged black holes Room: 205C |
Brady, Anthony J University of Arizona |
Session Q52.00007 Quantum Sensors for Fundamental Physics and Beyond Room: 201AB |
Brandenburg, Jan Head of Digital Chemistry, Group Science & Technology Office, Meck/EMD |
Session A56.00004 Digital Chemistry in Action: Insights on Controlling Polymorphism at EMD Room: 205AB |
Brantut, Jean-Philippe EPFL |
Session W06.00004 Cold Fermions with long-range, all-to-all interactions Room: L100FG |
Brettmann, Blair Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session S06.00004 Informatics-Driven Design of Solvent Systems and Depolymerizable Polymer Materials for Improved Plastics Recycling Room: L100FG |
Bridger, Sarah Cal Poly |
Session Q56.00003 The American Physical Society and Cold War Political Activism Room: 205AB |
Brittian, Tremaine American Physical Society (APS) |
Session B61.00006 Innovation Strategies to Fund Social Change in Physics Room: 208AB |
Brown, Bennett QuSTEAM |
Session Q61.00001 Accelerating Undergraduate QISE Education and Research by Economy of Scale: QuSTEAM Nonprofit Room: 208AB |
Brown, Keith A. Boston University |
Session D30.00002 Unravelling the Extreme Mechanics of Hierarchical Polymers using Self-Driving Labs Room: 102AB |
Brown, Kenneth R Duke University |
Session G56.00003 Quantum Control and Quantum Error Correction in Trapped Ion Quantum Computers Room: 205AB |
Brückner, David B Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Session K06.00005 Self-organization in multicellular systems: from collective motion to stem cell patterning Room: L100FG |
Brumboiu, Iulia Emilia Nicolaus Copernicus University |
Session N39.00005 Core–hole delocalization for modeling x-ray spectroscopies: A cautionary tale Room: 103E |
Brun, Pierre-Thomas Princeton University |
Session A34.00001 Omnipotent rods Room: 102F |
Brydges, David C University of British Columbia |
Session Q09.00001 Prize Talk: Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical PhysicsTitle: The Lace expansion and Random Walk Representation in Statistical Mechanics Room: L100J |
Burdick, Nathaniel Q Quantinuum |
Session G30.00003 Full-Stack Compilation and Optimization with the Quantinuum H-series Quantum Computers Room: 102AB |
Burkard, Guido University of Konstanz |
Session G42.00001 Theory of spin and valley lifetimes in bilayer graphene quantum dots Room: Ballroom B |
Burkholder, Eric W Auburn University |
Session D43.00003 Physics stands out when it comes to driving women out of the discipline and out of STEM entirely Room: Auditorium 1 |
Cabana, Jordi Argonne national Laboratory |
Session B06.00001 What’s in a redox couple? The case of Li-rich oxides in the context of battery cathodes Room: L100FG |
Cai, Danfeng Johns Hopkins University |
Session N38.00002 Imaging transcription condensates in three dimensional genomes Room: 103D |
Cai, Jiaqi University of Washington |
Session K41.00005 Observation of fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect Room: Ballroom A |
Cai, Liheng University of Virginia |
Session B24.00002 Bottlebrush polymers, networks, and devices Room: 101DE |
Cai, Zhenyu University of Oxford |
Session K51.00001 Recent Progress in Quantum Error Mitigation Room: 200IJ |
Calandra, Matteo University of Trento |
Session M58.00006 Light induced phase transitions in GeTe and SnSe monochalcogenides. Room: 205D |
Calder, Stuart Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A21.00001 Low dimensional quantum behavior in magnetic metal-organic frameworks Room: 101A |
Campbell, Earl Riverlane |
Session M49.00001 A real-time, scalable, fast and highly resource efficient decoder for a quantum computer Room: 200G |
Campbell, Wes UCLA |
Session G25.00001 Wes Campbell Optical cycling of aromatic molecules for quantum state detection Room: 101F |
Can, Tankut U Institute for Advanced Study |
Session T28.00005 Statistical Mechanics of Semantic Compression Room: 101I |
Candela, Donald University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session D44.00004 Waveform memory in random grain packs Room: Auditorium 2 |
Cangi, Attila Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session B18.00010 Predicting the electronic structure of matter at scale with machine learning Room: M100I |
Cao, ChunJun (Charles) Caltech |
Session F45.00003 Quantum Lego: building quantum error correcting codes from tensor networks Room: Auditorium 3 |
Car, Roberto Princeton University |
Session G62.00004 Simulating the ferroelectric phase transition with machine learning models Room: 208CD |
Carbone, Matthew R Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Z56.00004 Towards a new paradigm for machine learning-driven analysis and surrogate modeling for X-ray absorption spectroscopy Room: 205AB |
Carlson, Erica W Dept of Physics, Purdue University |
Session T41.00003 Universal Features of Emergent Electronic Fractals in Quantum Materials Room: Ballroom A |
Caruso, Fabio Christian-Albrechts-Universität |
Session F59.00001 Ultrafast phonon dynamics in two-dimensional and layered materials. Room: 206AB |
Castelnovo, Claudio Univ of Cambridge |
Session T41.00002 Dynamic Fractals in Spin Ice Room: Ballroom A |
Cava, Robert J Princeton University |
Session K03.00001 Robert CavaMaterials for potential quantum applications. Room: L100C |
Cavallo, Dario Università degli studi di Genova |
Session B24.00001 Some factors affecting inter-layer weld strength in material extrusion 3D-printed amorphous and semicrystalline polymers Room: 101DE |
Caviglia, Andrea Université de Genève |
Session N42.00005 Engineering Quantum Geometry at Oxide Interfaces Room: Ballroom B |
Cerezo, Marco Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session M44.00005 Challenges and opportunities in quantum machine learning Room: Auditorium 2 |
Ceriotti, Michele Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session Q60.00001 Machine-learning for electronic structure Room: 207AB |
Cham, Thow Min Jerald Cornell University |
Session N22.00001 Spin dynamics and exchange interactions from a van der Waals antiferromagnet Room: 101B |
Champagne, Aurelie Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q59.00001 Carrier concentration-dependent excitons in van der Waals heterostructures from ab initio many-body perturbation theory Room: 206AB |
Chan, Yang-hao Academia Sinica |
Session G59.00001 Exciton optical linewidth and ultrafast exciton dynamics via exciton-phonon interactions from first-principles calculations Room: 206AB |
Chang, Donald C Hong Kong University of Science and Tech |
Session S43.00001 The physical basis of using MRI for detecting cancer and pre-cancer cells Room: Auditorium 1 |
Chaudhary, Swati The university of Texas at Austin |
Session Z06.00001 Giant effective magnetic moments of chiral phonons Room: L100FG |
Checkelsky, Joseph G Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session Z04.00003 Flat Bands and Correlated States in Frustrated Lattice Metals Room: L100D |
Chemla, Yann R University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W38.00001 Prof. Yann Chemla (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Room: 103D |
Chen, Angela Rigetti Computing |
Session Z48.00004 A modular superconducting qubit architecture using multi-chip tunable couplers Room: 200E |
Chen, Chelsea Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session W45.00001 The Effect of Morphology on Ion Transport and Electrochemical Performance in Polymer-Based Composite Electrolytes Room: Auditorium 3 |
Chen, Gang The University of Hong Kong |
Session Y22.00001 Quantum Spin Supersolid as a precursory Dirac Spin Liquid in a Triangular Lattice Cobaltate Room: 101B |
Chen, Hsiao-Yi RIKEN |
Session M58.00001 Ab initio approach for exciton-phonon interactions and exciton dynamics Room: 205D |
Chen, Lei Rice University |
Session K42.00002 Weyl-Kondo semimetal: from heavy fermions to flat band systems Room: Ballroom B |
Chen, Lu Université de Sherbrooke |
Session F42.00002 Phonon Thermal Hall Effect in Magnetic Insulators Room: Ballroom B |
Chen, Shi-Jie University of Missouri |
Session T44.00004 Graph deep learning locates magnesium ions in RNA Room: Auditorium 2 |
Chen, Xie Caltech |
Session G44.00003 Quantum Error Correction Codes as Exotic Quantum Matter Room: Auditorium 2 |
Chen, Yanzhu Virginia Tech |
Session D51.00001 Recent developments in adaptive variational quantum algorithms Room: 200IJ |
Cheng, Bingqing IST Austria |
Session N39.00002 Computing chemical potentials made easy Room: 103E |
Cheng, Miranda University of Amsterdam |
Session B02.00004 Physics and Number Theory Room: L100B |
Cheng, Ruihua Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis |
Session D59.00001 Can we construct a molecular multiferroic electronic device? Room: 206AB |
Cheng, Shengfeng Virginia Tech |
Session S30.00004 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Drying and Self-assembly Room: 102AB |
Cheng, Shiwang Michigan State University |
Session D32.00001 Invited: Glass transition of polymers under ultrafine nanoconfinement: interfacial dynamics and the spatial gradients Room: 102D |
Cheng, Xiang University of Minnesota |
Session Q27.00001 Locomotion of flagellated bacteria: the influence of complex fluids and the role of multiflagellarit Room: 101H |
Cheng, Yang University of California, Los Angeles |
Session N05.00001 Unidirectional Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Antiferromagnetic Heterostructures Room: L100E |
Cheung, Margaret S Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session M45.00002 Organizing communities in a crowd: from protein folding in vitro to hierarchical assembly in vivo Room: Auditorium 3 |
Cheung, Patrick University of Texas at Dallas |
Session A45.00004 Intelligent Infrared Sensing Enabled by Moiré Quantum Geometry: Experiment and Theory Room: Auditorium 3 |
Chiaverini, John MIT Lincoln Lab |
Session G56.00001 Trap-integrated technologies for scalable trapped-ion quantum information processing Room: 205AB |
Chien, Chia-Ling Johns Hopkins University |
Session F24.00005 Observation of spin swapping effect in non-collinear antiferromagnets Room: 101DE |
Chiofalo, Marilu Univ. Pisa |
Session M45.00001 (Re)writing Authority and Intelligence in ScienceMarilu Chiofalo Room: Auditorium 3 |
Chklovskii, Dmitri Faltiron Institute |
Session S44.00002 What does a neuron do? A new model for Neuroscience and AI Room: Auditorium 2 |
Choi, Gyung-Min Sungkyunkwan University |
Session Z24.00001 Optical observation of the orbital Hall effect in a light metal Ti, Mn, and Cu Room: 101DE |
Chowdhury, Debanjan Cornell University |
Session W03.00003 Strong-coupling approaches to moiré superconductivity and competing orders Room: L100C |
Chrzan, Daryl C University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y06.00001 Skateboarding – A Physics and Materials Science Story Room: L100FG |
Chudnovsky, Eugene M CUNY Lehman College |
Session Q44.00005 Prize Talk: Andrei Sakharov Prize: When Scientists Are Victimized by Their Governments Room: Auditorium 2 |
Churchill, Hugh O University of Arkansas |
Session G42.00003 Gate-defined accumulation-mode quantum dots in monolayer and bilayer WSe2 Room: Ballroom B |
Ciccarelli, Chiara Univ of Cambridge |
Session Y21.00003 Extracting spin from an antiferromagnet at picosecond timescales Room: 101A |
Cid, Ximena C California State University, Dominguez Hills |
Session Q45.00003 Physics Education Research: The Known and Unknown Room: Auditorium 3 |
Cimatu, Katherine Ohio University, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Session T29.00001 Probing the reversible self-assembly of pH-responsive switchable surfactants using SFG spectroscopy Room: 101J |
Cincio, Lukasz Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B56.00001 Solving Materials Science Problems with Quantum Computers Room: 205AB |
Ciocanel, Veronica Duke University |
Session W36.00001 Modeling microtubule turnover dynamics in neurons Room: 103B |
Cirac, Juan I Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session W43.00002 Thirty Years of Ion-Trap Computing TooJ. Ignacio Cirac Room: Auditorium 1 |
Cirstoiu, Cristina Quantinuum |
Session Q51.00001 Quantum algorithms on noisy devices and the edge of classical simulations Room: 200IJ |
Clancy, Paulette The Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q43.00003 Self-assembly of electronic materials and the power of machine learning Room: Auditorium 1 |
Clerk, Aashish A University of Chicago |
Session D45.00002 Hidden time-reversal symmetry and exact solutions of driven-dissipative spin models Room: Auditorium 3 |
Cochran, Geraldine L The Ohio State University |
Session Q45.00001 Invited Talk: Geraldine Cochran Room: Auditorium 3 |
Cohen, Itai Cornell University |
Session B44.00005 Mechanical Phase Transitions in Articular Cartilage Room: Auditorium 2 |
Comes, Ryan B Auburn University |
Session S57.00001 Charge Transfer and Electronic Transport in SrIrO3 Heterostructures Grown by Metalorganic MBE Room: 205C |
Constan, Zachary Michigan State University |
Session N43.00003 When art & science collide: how dance met nuclear science in "Of Equal Place: Isotopes in Motion" Room: Auditorium 1 |
Contag, Christopher Michigan State University |
Session K30.00002 Visualuzing and actuating biology with living magnetic contrast Room: 102AB |
Conway, Lewis J University of Cambridge |
Session F20.00008 Accelerating the Prediction of Superconducting Hydrides Using Data-Derived Potentials Room: M101ABC |
Cooper, Nigel R University of Cambridge |
Session K42.00001 Quantum oscillations in small-gap insulators Room: Ballroom B |
Corbo, Joel C University of Colorado Boulder |
Session B61.00005 Supporting Physics Departments for Planning and Implementing Transformational Change Room: 208AB |
Corboz, Philippe R University of Amsterdam |
Session BB04.00001 Tensor network studies of SrCu2(BO3)2 under pressure and in a magnetic field Room: Virtual Room 04 |
Córdova Carrizales, Denisse Harvard University |
Session T40.00001 Transparent superconductivity in lithiated indium tin oxide thin films Room: 103F |
Corson, Francis Ecole Normale Supérieure |
Session F44.00002 Mechanics of embryonic self-organization Room: Auditorium 2 |
Cortinas, Rodrigo G Yale University |
Session D48.00004 The Kerr-cat qubit: the Delta variant Room: 200E |
Coulais, Corentin Pennsylvania State University |
Session F57.00001 Prize Talk: Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research Room: 205C |
Countryman, Colleen Ithaca College |
Session G43.00003 Navigating the Path to Success: Insights from an Assistant Professor at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution Room: Auditorium 1 |
Crépel, Valentin Flatiron Institute (CCQ) |
Session D41.00004 Topological superconductivity in doped magnetic moiré semiconductors Room: Ballroom A |
Cui, Yi Stanford University |
Session Q12.00001 Yi Cui Room: M100C |
Cuk, Tanja University of Colorado |
Session D40.00001 Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of thermodynamics & kinetics of reaction steps at an electrode surface Room: 103F |
Curtis, Jennifer E Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session K27.00001 Coordinating Adhesion with Repulsion: How Cells Leverage Hyaluronan Glycocalyx Room: 101H |
Cusentino, Mary Alice Sandia National Laboratories |
Session F56.00005 Large-scale quantum-accurate atomistic simulation of plasma-facing materials for fusion energy Room: 205AB |
Cyran, Jenee Boise State |
Session Q25.00001 Understanding the Behavior of Perfluorocarboxylic Acids at Aqueous InterfacesJenée D. Cyran Room: 101F |
Dabiri, John O Caltech |
Session D38.00001 Electromechanical Enhancement of Live Jellyfish for Ocean Exploration Room: 103D |
Dabo, Ismaila Penn State |
Session K59.00001 Extensive benchmarking of DFT + ab initio U calculations for predicting band gaps and optical properties Room: 206AB |
Daghofer, Maria University of Stuttgart |
Session W04.00001 Maria Daghofer Room: L100D |
Dahmen, Karin A University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D44.00005 Simple models for memory in disordered materials Room: Auditorium 2 |
da Jornada, Felipe H Stanford University |
Session T43.00004 Capturing exciton interactions, dephasing, and Floquet-like physics from first principles Room: Auditorium 1 |
Dalnoki-Veress, Kari McMaster Univ |
Session G35.00006 Soft Materials at surfaces and interfaces: Elastocapillarity Room: 103A |
Dani, Keshav M Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology |
Session B43.00002 Division of Laser Science Invited Symposium: New Development in Understanding and Controlling Excited States in Quantum MaterialsKeshav DaniExcitons in Momentum Space Room: Auditorium 1 |
Darkwah Oppong, Nelson JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder and NIST |
Session Q54.00001 Alkaline-earth atom arrays: from quantum-enhanced optical clocks to programmable Hubbard systems Room: 203AB |
Darve, Christine European Spallation Source |
Session T06.00003 Why Physics Matters Room: L100FG |
Das, Mini University of Houston |
Session K30.00001 Photon Counting Detection and Phase Imaging For Multi-Contrast Deep Bioimaging Room: 102AB |
Das, Tamal Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad |
Session D24.00001 Understanding the mechanobiology of cell competition during cancer initiation Room: 101DE |
Dasbiswas, Kinjal University of California Merced |
Session A36.00006 Active deformation and self-organization in elastic fiber networks Room: 103B |
Da Silva Neto, Eduardo H Yale University |
Session B05.00001 Superconductivity Mediated by Nematic Fluctuations in Tetragonal FeSe1-xSx. Room: L100E |
Datta, Sujit S Princeton University |
Session A43.00002 Invited Talk: Getting in shape—unraveling the morphodynamics of microbial collectives Room: Auditorium 1 |
Davidson, Emily C Princeton University |
Session B24.00004 Directed self-assembly of thermoplastic elastomers via 3D printing for mechanically tailored soft architectures Room: 101DE |
Davydova, Margarita Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B41.00004 Universal Josephson and normal-superconductor diodes Room: Ballroom A |
Deblais, Antoine University of Amsterdam |
Session T34.00001 From entangled living polymerlike worms to soft robotic chains Room: 102F |
Decelle, Aurélien Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Session W56.00004 The Restricted Boltzmann Machine: from the statistical physics of disordered systems to a practical and interpretative generative machine learning. Room: 205AB |
Defay, Emmanuel Luxembourg Inst of Science and Technology |
Session M30.00004 Electrocaloric regenerators Room: 102AB |
Demler, Eugene ETH Zurich |
Session Y30.00004 High Temperature Kinetic Magnetism in Triangular Lattices Room: 102AB |
Dennis, Robert C University of Pennsylvania and Syracuse University |
Session W44.00004 Role of a Structural Channel on Avalanche Dynamics Under Quasistatic Shear Room: Auditorium 2 |
De Pablo, Juan J University of Chicago |
Session G29.00001 Juan de Pablo Room: 101J |
Devakul, Trithep Stanford University |
Session K41.00002 Magic-angle helical trilayer graphene. Room: Ballroom A |
De Vico Fallani, Fabrizio Paris Brain Spine Institute |
Session B28.00001 Topological duality in complex networks Room: 101I |
Dias, Juliana NOAA |
Session A64.00005 Understanding long-term variability of the Madden-Julian Oscillation leveraging in-situ observations Room: 211AB |
Dinner, Aaron R University of Chicago |
Session T44.00001 Learning mechanisms of rare events from short-trajectory data Room: Auditorium 2 |
Disa, Ankit S Cornell University |
Session Y04.00001 Dynamically engineering ferroic order using THz light Room: L100D |
DiSanti, Mike NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session S39.00002 Deuterated Water in Comets: Importance, Current Status, and Future Directions Room: 103E |
DiVincenzo, David P Forschungszentrum Jülich & RWTH Aachen University |
Session W43.00003 Quantum Computing: Technology AND Science Room: Auditorium 1 |
Dodge, J. Steven Simon Fraser University |
Session N41.00001 How nonlinearity distorts the evidence for photoinduced superconductivity Room: Ballroom A |
Dong, Shuai Southeast University |
Session A02.00008 Alterferroicity Room: L100B |
dos Anjos Cunha, Leonardo Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, Flatiron Institute |
Session K39.00006 Prize Talk: Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award Finalists: Developing a Quantum Chemical Toolbox for Accurate Modeling of K-edges and Beyond Room: 103E |
Dowben, Peter A University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session A59.00001 The significant role of interfaces in potential low energy nonvolatile voltage controlled multiferroic spintronic transistors Room: 206AB |
Dral, Pavlo Xiamen University |
Session D60.00005 AI-enhanced chemical physics simulations Room: 207AB |
Draxl, Claudia Humboldt Universität zu Berlin |
Session T43.00003 Tackling the interplay between competing interactions in complex materials Room: Auditorium 1 |
Dreau, Anais CNRS & University of Montpellier |
Session Q46.00004 Rotation of the center-of-mass of single fluorescent defects in silicon Room: 200AB |
Drichko, Natalia Johns Hopkins University |
Session A42.00002 Observation of a Quantum Dipole Liquid State in Organic Mott Insulators Room: Ballroom B |
Dshemuchadse, Julia Cornell University |
Session W18.00001 Simulating structural phase transitions with simple models Room: M100I |
Du, Haifeng High Magnetic Field Laboratory, HFIPS, Anhui, Chinese Academ |
Session S23.00001 Experimental observation of one-dimensional motion of skyrmion in chiral magnet Room: 101C |
Du, Kai Rutgers University |
Session M23.00001 Entangled Topological Spin-lattice Textures in Chiral Layered Materials Room: 101C |
Duine, Rembert A Univ of Utrecht |
Session N44.00004 Quantum Magnonics with Synthetic Antiferromagnets Room: Auditorium 2 |
Dumitrascu, Bianca Columbia University |
Session K38.00001 Statistical machine learning for learning representations of embryonic development Room: 103D |
Durian, Douglas J University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q34.00001 The Statistical Mechanics of Clogging Room: 102F |
Dutta, Nikita S National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session W24.00003 Developing Metrics to Assess Justice and Equity Impacts of Early-Stage Research Room: 101DE |
Eaton, Alexander G University of Cambridge |
Session F41.00002 The Fermi surface of UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Economou, Sophia E Virginia Tech |
Session W43.00005 Panel Discussion: Moderated by Sophia Economou Room: Auditorium 1 |
Edwards, Emily University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
Session K44.00003 Engaging the public of all ages in quantum physics Room: Auditorium 2 |
Ehman, Richard L Mayo Clinic |
Session S43.00002 Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Combining Magnetic Resonance and Acoustics Room: Auditorium 1 |
Elsesser, Mark American Physical Society |
Session A30.00005 APS Advocacy -- Ensuring the U.S. Remains a Destination of Choice for International Students and Scholars Room: 102AB |
Engheta, Nader University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q11.00001 Metamaterials with higher dimensions: space, time, and more Room: M100B |
English, Lars Q Dickinson College |
Session S61.00001 Prize Talk: Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution"Building electronic lattices and networks to explore the interplay between geometry and nonlinearity" Room: 208AB |
Eom, Chang-Beom University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session B01.00001 Invited: Synthesis of Electronic-Grade Quantum Heterostructures by Hybrid PLD Room: L100A |
Erath-Dulitz, Katrin Universität Innsbruck |
Session N39.00001 Study and control of reactive collisions in the quantum regime Room: 103E |
Erukhimova, Tatiana Texas A&M University |
Session K44.00002 Making Physics Viral Room: Auditorium 2 |
Fahler, Sebastian Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session M30.00001 From ferroic cooling to ferroic energy harvesting Room: 102AB |
Fairhall, Adrienne |
Session S44.00005 Signatures of abstraction learning in primates Room: Auditorium 2 |
Fakhri, Nikta Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X01.00003 Kavli Talk: Broken symmetries in living matter Room: Main Auditorium |
Fang, Yuan Rice University |
Session D03.00001 Dirac Semimetals with Hinge States Room: L100C |
Faria Junior, Paulo E University of Regensburg |
Session D23.00001 Unveiling elusive physical phenomena in 2D van der Waals systems via the valley Zeeman effect Room: 101C |
Feeney, Mary K Arizona State University |
Session A30.00001 Invited Talk: Mary Feeney Room: 102AB |
Fefferman, Nina H University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session T56.00005 Mathematical Frontiers in Social Behavior and Epidemics Room: 205AB |
Felser, Claudia Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physic |
Session S60.00007 Topological quantum chemistry Room: 207AB |
Feng, Zhenxing Oregon State University |
Session T29.00004 Interfacial Reactions in Electrochemical Energy Systems: In-Situ Studies Using Synchrotron X-ray Techniques Room: 101J |
Fernandes, Rafael M University of Minnesota |
Session M42.00004 Electronic nematicity in disordered crystals: the impact of random strain Room: Ballroom B |
Fernandez-Ballester, Lucia University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session Y32.00001 Two-step, stratified crystallization in conjugated polymer thin films: the role of interfacial effects. Room: 102D |
Fernandez-Rico, Carla ETH Zurich |
Session N24.00001 Exotic liquids crystals from colloidal banana self-assembly Room: 101DE |
Ferrari, Francesco Goethe University Frankfurt |
Session M22.00005 Fractional (and conventional) excitations on the kagome lattice Room: 101B |
F. Hagh, Varda University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
Session W44.00003 Permutation symmetry breaking and partial restoration in jammed systems Room: Auditorium 2 |
Fiete, Ila Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K28.00001 The Physics and Mathematics of the Brain's Memory and Spatial Navigation Circuits Room: 101I |
Figueroa Morales, Nuris University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session N35.00001 Anisotropic fluids determine bacterial navigation. Room: 103A |
Finco, Aurore Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, CNRS, Université de Montpellier |
Session T24.00005 Probing nanoscale magnetism with quantum sensors: from antiferromagnets to 2D materials Room: 101DE |
Finkelstein, Gleb Duke University |
Session W01.00001 Loss and decoherence of the Chiral Andreev edge states in the quantum Hall regime Room: L100A |
Fischetti, Massimo V University of Texas at Dallas |
Session S56.00002 An ab initio approach to closing the "10-100 eV gap" for charge-carrier thermalization in semiconductors Room: 205AB |
Fitzsimons, Joseph Horizon Quantum Computing |
Session G30.00005 Abstracting quantum computation Room: 102AB |
Flamholz, Abraham Caltech |
Session Q37.00001 Avi Flamholz Room: 103C |
Flavian Blasco, Daniel ETH Zurich |
Session A42.00001 Dielectric Relaxation by Quantum Critical Magnons Room: Ballroom B |
Flebus, Benedetta Boston College |
Session N21.00006 Magnon-magnon interactions induced by spin pumping-driven symmetry breaking Room: 101A |
Fleischhauer, Michael University of Kaiserslautern-Landau |
Session D45.00003 Collective Radiative Interactions and the Discrete Truncated Wigner Approximation to Dissipative Spin Systems Room: Auditorium 3 |
Floyd, Carlos S University of Chicago |
Session A36.00001 Trainable control of active nematic defect dynamics using imperfect feedback and artificial intelligence Room: 103B |
Fölling, Simon Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session T59.00002 Quantum gas in-situ state measurements of orbital and SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard Models with ytterbium Room: 206AB |
Fortune, Nathanael A Smith College |
Session S12.00001 Wide Range Ceramic Metal-Alloy Thin Film Thermometers for High Magnetic Fields Room: M100C |
Foster, Matthew S Rice University |
Session M42.00003 Anomalous successes and a surprising failure: The Dirac equation and topological materials Room: Ballroom B |
Frachet, Mehdi Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session LL02.00001 Mehdi Frachet Room: Virtual Room 02 |
Franchini, Cesare University of Vienna |
Session N04.00001 Multipolar Order and Spin-Orbital Bipolarons in 5d Correlated Oxides Room: L100D |
Franco, Elisa UCLA |
Session B29.00001 Controlling the dynamics of artificial nucleic acid condensates Room: 101J |
Frandsen, Benjamin A Brigham Young University |
Session S22.00001 Probing short-range magnetism in candidate quantum spin liquids and related materials with a "both-and" approach to diffuse neutron scattering data Room: 101B |
Frank, Corey E National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session F41.00001 Uranium Ditelluride and the Limits of Superconductivity in Extreme Magnetic Fields Room: Ballroom A |
Fredrickson, Glenn H University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F43.00003 From Polymers to Bosons: Can AMO Physics Benefit from Polymer Field Theory? Room: Auditorium 1 |
Freedman, Danna MIT |
Session G25.00004 Molecular Color Centers Room: 101F |
Frey, Erwin A Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Session Y35.00001 Design principles for fast and efficient self-assembly processes Room: 103A |
Friedman, Jonathan R Amherst College |
Session D06.00003 Clock transitions and Dynamical Decoupling in Molecular Nanomagnets and Glass Defects Room: L100FG |
Frischknecht, Amalie L Sandia National Laboratories |
Session W45.00003 Molecular Simulations of Polymer Nanocomposites Room: Auditorium 3 |
Frisk Kockum, Anton Chalmers University of Technology |
Session B47.00001 Designing quantum gates for superconducting qubits with tunable couplers Room: 200CD |
Fu, Liang MIT |
Session N42.00001 Theory of integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall states in twisted semiconductor bilayers Room: Ballroom B |
Fugallo, Giorgia CNRS - University of Nantes |
Session D58.00001 Emergent Phenomena in the thermal-radiative response of vdW materials Room: 205D |
Fujita, Asaya AIST |
Session M30.00005 Tailoring of Fe-based magnetic refrigerants based on magnetic characteristics in active regenerative actions Room: 102AB |
Fujita, Takahiro C The University of Tokyo |
Session D21.00001 Proximity effect of emergent field from spin ice in epitaxial pyrochlore heterostructures Room: 101A |
Fusco, Diana Univ of Cambridge |
Session Q41.00004 The art of being sloppy: stochasticity as an evolutionary trait in phage populations Room: Ballroom A |
Session Z41.00002 Characterizing Anomalous High-Harmonic Generation in Solids Room: Ballroom A |
Gabel, Judith Ludwig-Maximilians-University München |
Session T57.00001 Understanding and Controlling Electronic Structures in Transition Metal Oxides: Insights from Photoemission Spectroscopy on SrVO3 and LaTiO3 Films Room: 205C |
Gabrielse, Gerald Northwestern University |
Session G45.00003 Particle Traps and Opportunities for Fundamental Physics Room: Auditorium 3 |
Gagliardi, Laura University of Minnesota |
Session F39.00007 Multiconfiguration Pair-Density Functional Theory for Strongly Correlated Systems Room: 103E |
Galeski, Andrzej Center for Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Lodz, Poland |
Session D34.00001 Andrzej GaleskiPlasticity of crystalline plastics. Room: 102F |
Galli, Giulia University of Chicago |
Session D06.00005 Invited Talk: Giulia GalliElectronic structure and coherent states of spin defects in solids and molecules Room: L100FG |
Gallo, Paola University of Rome |
Session T39.00004 Molecular dynamics simulations study of supercooled aqueous solutions of sodium perchlorate: the effect of Martian solutes on thermodynamics and structure of water Room: 103E |
Gambardella, Pietro ETH Zurich |
Session Z24.00004 Giant Orbital Hall Effect and Orbital-to-Spin Conversion in 3d, 5d and 4f Metallic Heterostructures Room: 101DE |
Gamble, Sara J US Army Research Office |
Session T30.00002 U.S. Government Career Opportunities for Physicists Room: 102AB |
Ganesan, Venkatraghavan University of Texas at Austin |
Session Q06.00001 Engineering ion selectivity in polymer membranes Room: L100FG |
Ganose, Alex Imperial College Ldonon |
Session S56.00001 High-throughput screening of electron-phonon interactions and charge transport Room: 205AB |
Ganser, Richard University of Applied Sciences Munich |
Session D56.00005 Understanding Ferroelectricity in Hafnia Through Modeling and Simulations Room: 205AB |
Garate, Ion Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session B42.00002 Influence of electronic band topology on Raman spectroscopy Room: Ballroom B |
Garcia, Hernan G University of California, Berkeley |
Session B38.00001 Bistable Cellular Fate Commitment in Developmen Room: 103D |
Garcia Vergniory, Maia Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden |
Session D42.00002 Topological band structure in superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45 : band structure and modeling Room: Ballroom B |
Gardel, Margaret L University of Chicago |
Session G06.00001 Using machine learning to extract models from observations of biological tissues Room: L100FG |
Garratt, Samuel J University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y45.00002 Probing post-measurement states without post-selection Room: Auditorium 3 |
Garst, Markus Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session S24.00004 Dynamics of skyrmion strings Room: 101DE |
Garwood, Michael |
Session S43.00003 The Endless Capabilities of Magnetic Resonance, from Zero to High Fields Room: Auditorium 1 |
Gavini, Vikram University of Michigan |
Session B62.00001 Towards Large-scale Quantum Accuracy Materials Simulations Room: 208CD |
Gedik, Nuh Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B43.00004 Terahertz field induced metastable magnetization in a van der Waals antiferromagnet Room: Auditorium 1 |
Geilhufe, R. Matthias Chalmers University |
Session Z06.00004 Chiral phono-magnetism and spin-rotation coupling Room: L100FG |
Germann, Timothy C Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session G62.00005 Predictive Scale-Bridging Simulations through Active LearningTimothy C. Germann, Los Alamos National Laboratory Room: 208CD |
Getz, Gad Broad Institute |
Session Z44.00005 Finding Mechanisms of Resistance In Cancer Room: Auditorium 2 |
Ghahari, Fereshte George Mason University |
Session G43.00004 Topology and correlations in graphene systems Room: Auditorium 1 |
Gharibian, Sevag University of Paderborn |
Session A50.00001 The optimal depth of variational quantum algorithms is hard to compute, even approximately Room: 200H |
Gharib Nezhad, Ehsan NASA Ames Research Center |
Session CC02.00001 Unlocking Insights from Telescope Data: Advancements and Challenges in Characterizing Extrasolar Atmospheres Room: Virtual Room 02 |
Ghimire, Nirmal J George Mason University |
Session Y24.00004 Topological antiferromagnets and altermagnets Room: 101DE |
Ghimire, Shambhu SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session Z41.00003 High-harmonic spectroscopy of quantum materials Room: Ballroom A |
Ghiotto, Augusto Columbia University |
Session F06.00004 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Winner: Augusto Ghiotto Room: L100FG |
Gibert, Marta TU Wien |
Session W57.00001 Magnetic RE2NiMnO6 double-perovskites: thin films and superlattices Room: 205C |
Gidney, Craig M |
Session S51.00001 New circuits and an open source decoder for the color code Room: 200IJ |
Gilyén, András Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics |
Session T45.00005 Quantum Thermal State Preparation Room: Auditorium 3 |
Gingras, Michel J University of Waterloo |
Session A22.00006 A Higher-Form Spin Liquid in the Spin Vorticity Model Room: 101B |
Gittens-Jackson, Antoine AVR Music Stat |
Session N43.00005 Bridging advanced physics to a wider audience using rap music! Room: Auditorium 1 |
Giustino, Feliciano University of Texas |
Session S56.00003 State-of-the-art in first-principles calculations of carrier transport properties in semiconductors: Methods, software, and applications to 3D and 2D materials Room: 205AB |
Gligorovski, Vojislav Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session A57.00001 Continuous evolution of dynamic, multi-state, and computational protein functionalities Room: 205C |
Go, Dongwook Jülich Research Centre |
Session Z24.00002 On the reciprocal relation between the direct and inverse orbital Hall effects Room: 101DE |
Golding, Ido University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q41.00002 Illuminating cellular individuality through bacteriophage infection Room: Ballroom A |
Gomez-Bombarelli, Rafael MIT |
Session K60.00007 ML Gradients in Molecular Simulations Room: 207AB |
Gonzalez, Marta UC Berkeley |
Session B28.00003 Statistical physics of urban mobility Room: 101I |
Gorbachev, Roman University of Manchester |
Session F04.00001 Ultraclean Layer Transfer and Atomic Reconstruction in Twisted TMD Lattices Room: L100D |
Gordon, Vernita University of Texas at Austin |
Session B44.00004 I have many questions about how the mechanics and microstructure of biofilm infections impact interactions with the immune system. Room: Auditorium 2 |
Gormley, Adam Rutgers University |
Session D30.00003 Automation and Active Learning for the Autonomous Design of Polymer Biomaterials Room: 102AB |
Gorni, Tommaso CINECA |
Session N56.00005 Spin-Orbit induced linear magnon-phonon coupling in 2D van der Waals magnets Room: 205AB |
Gottschalk, Rachel A University of Pittsburgh |
Session S36.00001 Predicting gene level sensitivity to JAK-STAT signaling perturbation using a mechanistic-to-machine learning framework Room: 103B |
Gou, Jian Zhejiang University |
Session OD01.00076 Observation of single-element ferroelectricity in a two-dimensional bismuth layer |
Govind, Niranjan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session A40.00003 Theoretical Explorations in X-ray Spectroscopies and Ultrafast Dynamics Room: 103F |
Govoni, Marco Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T03.00002 First principles studies of quantum point defects Room: L100C |
Gowda, Karna The Ohio State University |
Session A06.00004 Global patterns in gene content of soil microbiomes emerge from microbial interactions Room: L100FG |
Gralka, Matti VU Amsterdam |
Session A06.00003 Fundamental metabolic strategies of heterotrophic bacteria Room: L100FG |
Grasinger, Matthew J Air Force Research Lab - WPAFB |
Session Z31.00006 Bridging polymer network scales: crosslinks as fundamental structural units, and emergent multiphysics phenomena Room: 102C |
Green, Jason R University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session W18.00005 Thermodynamic speed limits as a design principle for dissipative materials Room: M100I |
Greer, Samuel M Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D06.00002 TBD Room: L100FG |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session Y30.00001 Extending the Hubbard model - Fractional Quantum Hall Physics, Dipolar Quantum Solids and Frustrated Quantum Magnets Room: 102AB |
Griffin, Sinead M Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session M43.00004 Ubuntu Science: Building International Collaborations with Africa Room: Auditorium 1 |
Grilli, Jacopo ICTP Trieste |
Session G37.00001 Microbial community dynamics in-silico, in-vitro, and in-vivo Room: 103C |
Gromov, Andrey University of Maryland, College Park |
Session S28.00001 Grokking and emergent capabilities in deep learning Room: 101I |
Gross, Axel Ulm University |
Session T10.00001 Challenges in the first-principles description of electrochemical interfaces Room: M100A |
Groszkowski, Peter Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A47.00001 Simulating superconducting circuits with scqubits... and the impact of open-source software on quantum-science related research Room: 200CD |
Grover, Piyush University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session G18.00002 Exploiting invariant manifolds for optimal control in active hydrodynamic systems Room: M100I |
Gruebele, Martin D University of Illinois |
Session W27.00001 In vivo protein dynamics Room: 101H |
Gruner, Sol M Cornell University |
Session N06.00002 Invited Talk: Sol M. GrunerAbstract Title: EMPAD, an integrating scanning transmission electron microscope pixel array detector Room: L100FG |
Guan, Xiwen Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Sci. & Tech. |
Session W30.00001 New results in 1D repulsive Hubbard model: Quantum liquid, criticality and transport Room: 102AB |
Guellati-Khélifa, Saïda LKB |
Session M54.00001 Atom Interferometer Driven by a Picosecond Frequency Comb Room: 203AB |
Guerci, Daniele Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session Q05.00001 Meron and Chiral Kondo lattices in topological insulators and heterostructures Room: L100E |
Guha, Suchismita University of Missouri |
Session G01.00009 Chemical Vapor Deposited 3D and 2D Hybrid Halide Perovskite Films: Insights into Phase Stability and Exciton Dynamics Room: L100A |
Gull, Emanuel C University of Michigan |
Session N58.00005 Design Decisions in the Creation of Parameter Free Embedding Theories Room: 205D |
Gundogdu, Kenan North Carolina State University |
Session F13.00006 Mechanism for Macroscopic Quantum Coherence in Perovskite Superfluorescence Room: M100D |
Guo, Haoyu Cornell University |
Session F42.00004 Phonon thermal Hall effect from scattering off two-level systems Room: Ballroom B |
Guo, Jiasen University of Missouri, Columbia |
Session B21.00001 NiSi: A New Venue for Antiferromagnetic Spintronics Room: 101A |
Guo, Peijun Yale University |
Session G43.00002 My experiences as an early career faculty and how do I handle challenges. Room: Auditorium 1 |
Gupta, Riddhi Swaroop IBM Quantum |
Session G47.00001 Probabilistic error cancellation for dynamic quantum circuits Room: 200CD |
Gupte, Neelima M Indian Institute of Technology, Madras |
Session CC01.00001 Synchronization on Simplicial Complexes Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Gursoy, Doga Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T12.00012 Dark-field x-ray microscopy with structured illumination Room: M100C |
Guzmán, Marcelo University of Pennsylvania |
Session K43.00002 Identifying Traces of Learning in Physical Systems Room: Auditorium 1 |
Gyenis, András CU Boulder |
Session N48.00004 Geometrical approach for designing novel superconducting qubits Room: 200E |
Hadzibabic, Zoran Univ of Cambridge |
Session T59.00001 Universal equation of state for wave turbulence in a quantum gas Room: 206AB |
Halas, Naomi J Rice University |
Session Q44.00004 Prize Talk: Mildred Dresselhaus Prize in Nanoscience or NanomaterialsNanomaterials and Light for Sustainability and Societal Impact Room: Auditorium 2 |
Hameed, Sajna Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session S42.00001 Enhanced superconductivity and ferroelectric quantum criticality in plastically deformed strontium titanate Room: Ballroom B |
Hamer, Daniel A University of Pennsylvania |
Session Y56.00003 TBD Room: 205AB |
Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon Princeton University |
Session M25.00001 Impact of Hydrogen Bonding on Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Room: 101F |
Hancock, William O Pennsylvania State University |
Session W36.00006 Understanding kinesin and dynein mechanochemistry underlying bidirectional transport Room: 103B |
Hao, Yiqing Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B22.00001 Stacking orders and magnetic ground state in the Kitaev antiferromagnet α-RuCl3 Room: 101B |
Haravifard, Sara Duke University |
Session T42.00004 Realization of Dirac Quantum Spin Liquid State in New Triangular Lattice CompoundYbZn2GaO5 Room: Ballroom B |
Harcombe, William University of Minnesota |
Session A06.00002 Species Interactions Alter the Impact of Mutations in Predictable Ways Across Communities. Room: L100FG |
Harper, Robin University of Sydney |
Session D50.00007 Characterizing noise in QEC circuits Room: 200H |
Harrowell, Peter University of Sydney |
Session B32.00001 The Structural Change Associated with Amorphous Solidification: A General Order Parameter Description Room: 102D |
Härtel, Andreas University of Freiburg |
Session CC04.00001 Anomalous Underscreening in Electrolytes and Ionic Liquids Room: Virtual Room 04 |
Hashim, Akel University of California, Berkeley |
Session F50.00007 Mid-circuit Measurements for Superconducting Qubits Room: 200H |
Hashimoto, Kenichiro U. Tokyo |
Session M41.00004 Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces in the superconducting state of tetragonal FeSe1-xSx Room: Ballroom A |
Hassinger, Elena TU Dresden University of Technology |
Session Y01.00001 Controlling two-phase superconductivity with pressure in CeRh2As2 Room: L100A |
Hauke, Philipp University of Trento |
Session W06.00002 A cavity quantum electrodynamics implementation of the Sachdev--Ye--Kitaev model Room: L100FG |
Hautier, Geoffroy Dartmouth College |
Session S56.00005 Using first principles computations to understand and search for new transparent conducting materials Room: 205AB |
Haverkort, Maurits W Heidelberg University |
Session Z56.00005 Modeling multiplet effects in X-ray spectroscopies Room: 205AB |
Hayes, David Quantinuum |
Session T50.00007 Chasing Quantum Advantage in the H-series Processors Room: 200H |
Hayes, Ian M University of Maryland |
Session A41.00002 Universal nodal behavior in the thermal conductivity of superconducting UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Hayward, Ryan University of Colorado Boulder |
Session Y34.00001 Design and characterization of single ion conducting elastomeric networks Room: 102F |
Hazard, Thomas M MIT Lincoln Lab |
Session T48.00004 Superconducting through-silicon vias as capacitive elements in quantum circuits Room: 200E |
Heckler, Andrew F Ohio State University |
Session D43.00002 More than the final grade: Analyzing multiple channels and levels of student data Room: Auditorium 1 |
Heisenberg, Carl-Philipp Institute of Science and Technology, Austria |
Session B44.00001 Invited Speaker: Carl-Phillipp HeisenbergFriction forces determine cytoplasmic reorganization and shape changes of ascidian oocytes upon fertilization Room: Auditorium 2 |
Hellman, Frances University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q56.00004 A brief history of women in APS Room: 205AB |
Helm, Toni Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD-EMFL), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) |
Session F41.00005 Field-induced compensation of magnetic exchange as the origin of high-field superconductivity in UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Helms, Brett Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session T26.00001 Brett Helms Room: 101G |
Hemley, Russell J University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session B45.00002 Toward Ambient Superconductivity Room: Auditorium 3 |
Hendrickson, Kelli L Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M45.00003 Invited Talk: Kelli Hendrickson: "Women in Fluids: Stories of How We Persevere, Survive, and Thrive" Room: Auditorium 3 |
Hernandez, Felix G University of Sao Paulo |
Session Z06.00002 Connecting Phonon Chirality with Electronic Band Topology Room: L100FG |
Herrera, Felipe F Universidad de Santiago de Chile |
Session N39.00003 Combining Chemical Physics with Quantum Optics for Solving the Open Quantum System Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Oscillators Room: 103E |
Hersam, Mark C Northwestern University |
Session Y03.00009 Moiré Synaptic Transistor with Room-Temperature Neuromorphic Functionality Room: L100C |
Hicks, Clifford W University of Birmingham |
Session S42.00002 The stress-strain relationship of Sr2RuO4 across a Lifshitz transition. Room: Ballroom B |
Higo, Tomoya The University of Tokyo |
Session F24.00004 Electrical manipulation and detection of non-collinear spin textures in the chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Sn Room: 101DE |
Hillmyer, Marc A University of Minnesota |
Session S06.00003 Aliphatic polyester block polymers as compostable tough plastics and resilient elastomers Room: L100FG |
Ho, Wilson University of California, Irvine |
Session G45.00005 Invited Symposium Selection: Ruby Anniversary Symposium to Celebrate 40 Years of GIMSInvited Speaker Selection: Wilson HoOral: Spatial Control in Atomic-Scale Excitations and the Quantum Superposition Microscope Room: Auditorium 3 |
Hobbs, Jonathan |
Session B02.00005 Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations Enabling Uncertainty Quantification for Climate Science Room: L100B |
Hoch, Michael CERN |
Session N43.00004 Cultural Collisions – an interdisciplinary science and art engagement and networking methodology Room: Auditorium 1 |
Hoffman, Ian Quantinuum |
Session G56.00002 Design, fabrication, and validation of junction ion traps Room: 205AB |
Hofheinz, Max Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session G61.00004 Quantum-limited amplification based on Josephon photonics Room: 208AB |
Holland, Stephen E Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session G45.00004 Invited Talk: Stephen HollandTitle: The Revolution in Astronomy Enabled by Charge-Coupled Devices Room: Auditorium 3 |
Home, Jonathan ETH Zurich |
Session F45.00002 Autonomous quantum error correction of a grid state qubit Room: Auditorium 3 |
Hong, Sabrina S Google LLC |
Session B56.00004 Calibrating Superconducting Qubits: From NISQ to Fault Tolerance Room: 205AB |
Hood, Jonathan Purdue |
Session F25.00001 Assembling LiCs in an Optical Tweezer Room: 101F |
Hooshanginejad, Alireza Brown University |
Session N24.00002 Interactions and Pattern Formation in a Macroscopic Magnetocapillary SALR System Room: 101DE |
Horvat, Agnes Northwestern University |
Session T56.00001 Science on the Web: How networks bias academic communication online Room: 205AB |
Hoy, Robert S University of South Florida |
Session S30.00003 High-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations Room: 102AB |
Hoyos, Jose A Instituto de Física de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, C.P. 369, 13560-970 São Carlos, SP, Brazil |
Session M42.00001 From disorder to order and back again Room: Ballroom B |
Hsieh, Timothy Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session Y45.00003 Mixed-state long-range entanglement from adaptive circuits Room: Auditorium 3 |
Htoon, Han Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session A24.00004 Proximity Induced Chiral Quantum Light Generation in Strain-Engineered WSe2/NiPS3 Heterostructures Room: 101DE |
Hu, Xiao Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Q02.00001 Coupling of magnetism and Dirac fermions in layered topological semimetals Room: L100B |
Huang, Hsin-Yuan Google Quantum AI |
Session A45.00001 Certifying highly-entangled states from few single-qubit measurements Room: Auditorium 3 |
Huang, Jane Columbia University |
Session M39.00002 An Astronomer's View of Molecules in Protoplanetary Disks Room: 103E |
Huang, Libai Purdue University |
Session T64.00001 Imaging ExcitonTransport with Ultrafast Microscopy in the Quantum Regime Room: 211AB |
Huang, Pinshane Y University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session N06.00004 Pushing atomic-scale detection limits with 4D STEM and ptychography Room: L100FG |
Huang, Xiaoli Jilin University |
Session G20.00001 Novel Hydride Superconductors Under High Pressure Room: M101ABC |
Huber, Rupert University of Regensburg |
Session B43.00005 Lightwave electronics in quantum materials – from Floquet band engineering to attoclocking Room: Auditorium 1 |
Hudson, Steven D National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F35.00001 Two-species rheology model for living polymer solutions Room: 103A |
Hunger, Johannes Max-Planck-Institute for Polymers |
Session S25.00006 Sub-picosecond hydrogen-bond anticorrelations of water Room: 101F |
Hwang, Harold Stanford University |
Session F06.00001 Prize Talk: James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials: Progress towards "Materials by Design" in Complex Oxides Room: L100FG |
Iaizzi, Adam A Booz Allen Hamilton |
Session T30.00003 An unexpected journey: a physicist's path to consulting Room: 102AB |
Ideue, Toshiya The University of Tokyo |
Session B41.00005 Nonreciprocal superconducting transport in non-centrosymmetric low-dimensional materials Room: Ballroom A |
Iguchi, Yusuke Stanford university |
Session M41.00005 Superconducting vortices carrying a temperature-dependent fraction of the flux quantum Room: Ballroom A |
Ikeda, Harukuni Department of Physics, Gakushuin University |
Session W44.00002 Fluctuation near jamming Room: Auditorium 2 |
Imamoglu, Atac ETH Zurich |
Session Z42.00003 Kinetic magnetism in semiconductor moire materials Room: Ballroom B |
Iñiguez, Jorge Luxembourg Inst of Science and Technology |
Session D56.00002 Theoretical discussion of the exotic intrinsic properties of hafnia ferroelectrics Room: 205AB |
Insana, Michael |
Session W56.00003 Data-driven medical image formation without a priori models Room: 205AB |
Iqbal, Yasir Indian Institute of Technology Madras |
Session D22.00001 Functional Renormalization Group approaches for Quantum Spin Liquids Room: 101B |
Irvine, William The University of Chicago |
Session N29.00004 Chiral matters Room: 101J |
Isborn, Christine University of California Merced |
Session M60.00009 Using Machine Learning to Establish the Importance of High-Level Electronic Structure: Elucidating the Role of Hydrogen Bonding in the Optical Spectroscopy of the Solvated Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophore Room: 207AB |
Islam, Md F Central Michigan University |
Session G22.00003 Electric control of spin states in frustrated triangular single molecule magnets Room: 101B |
Ivory, Megan Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G43.00005 Increasing diversity in Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) by expanding accessibility Room: Auditorium 1 |
Jackson, Koblar Central Michigan University |
Session B39.00006 How does the Fermi-Löwdin Orbital Self-interaction Correction work? The view from 10-10 feet Room: 103E |
Jackson, Michael New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology |
Session F30.00001 Invited: The EP3 Initiative and its role in advancing departmental change efforts Room: 102AB |
Jackson, Roderick National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session W24.00001 Decarbonizing the Built Environment through Equitable Thermal and Building Science Room: 101DE |
Jacobs, William M Princeton University |
Session K35.00001 Rational design of multicomponent condensates Room: 103A |
Jaffres, Henri Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session Z24.00003 Orbital Rashba effects and light-induced Orbital Current in Teraherz Emission Experiments. Room: 101DE |
Jaime, Marcelo Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session F41.00004 Sudden adiabaticity signals reentrant bulk superconductivity in UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Jain, Rakshit Cornell University |
Session T24.00004 Spin physics from topological insulators and spin split antiferromagnets Room: 101DE |
Jaksch, Dieter University of Oxford |
Session W58.00001 Variational Quantum Algorithms for Computational Fluid Dynamics Room: 205D |
Jalaal, Maziyar University of Amsterdam |
Session Z36.00001 Chloroplasts' Choreography: On Mechanisms of Light Adaptation in Plant Cells Room: 103B |
Janoschek, Marc Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session S24.00002 Topological magnon band structure of emergent Landau levels in a skyrmion lattice Room: 101DE |
Jaramillo, Thomas Stanford University |
Session A44.00001 TBD Room: Auditorium 2 |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session A42.00004 Unconventional Ferroelectricity in Moiré Heterostructures Room: Ballroom B |
Javey, Ali University of California, Berkeley |
Session N01.00001 2D Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Advances, Challenges and Opportunities Room: L100A |
Jayaraman, Arthi University of Delaware |
Session A60.00007 Machine learning based computational methods to analyze structural characterization in soft materials Room: 207AB |
Jensen, Katharine E Williams College |
Session G35.00001 Elastocapillary Adhesion of Soft Gel Microspheres Room: 103A |
Jerolmack, Douglas Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania |
Session K34.00001 Name: Douglas J. JerolmackTitle: The Fragile Earth Room: 102F |
Jezouin, Sebastien ALICE & BOB |
Session Q47.00001 Dissipative cat qubits for quantum computing Room: 200CD |
Jiang, Xi Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W45.00002 Morphology of Polymers and Ions on the Atomic-Scale Revealed by Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy Room: Auditorium 3 |
Jiang, Yi Argonne National Lab |
Session N06.00003 Optimizing Parameters for High-resolution and Low-dose Ptychography Room: L100FG |
Jin, Yu University of Chicago |
Session N59.00007 Exploration of the Optical Properties of Point Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators using Time-dependent Density Functional Theory Room: 206AB |
Jo, Gyu-Boong Hong Kong University of Science and Tech |
Session S54.00001 Engineering and understand atomic topological matter with non-Hermiticity Room: 203AB |
Johnson, Blake R IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session A48.00003 Engineering of superconducting quantum computers at utility-scale Room: 200E |
Johnson, Roger D University College London |
Session F02.00006 Polar vs chiral magneto-structural coupling in cubic quadruple perovskites Room: L100B |
Johri, Sonika Coherent Computing Inc |
Session Y50.00007 Machine Learning with Near-Term Quantum Computers Room: 200H |
JOYNT, ROBERT J University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session K61.00001 Education in Quantum Science at the Master's Degree Level Room: 208AB |
Ju, Long Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y41.00003 Orbital multiferroicity and coexistence of two strongly correlated regimes in rhombohedral graphene pentalayer Room: Ballroom A |
Jun, Suckjoon University of California, San Diego |
Session K06.00002 Precision control by protein counting (not concentration sensing) Room: L100FG |
Jung, Gerhard Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), CNRS Montpellier |
Session W44.00005 Predicting dynamic heterogeneity at the glass transition temperature using machine learning Room: Auditorium 2 |
Juraschek, Dominik M Tel Aviv University |
Session N56.00001 Chiral phononics: Controlling magnetic order with phonon angular momentum Room: 205AB |
Kahng, Byung nam Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH) |
Session B28.00005 Unified framework for hybrid percolation transitions based on microscopic dynamics Room: 101I |
Kaiser, Stefan Technische Universität Dresden |
Session N41.00005 Phase-resolved Higgs-Spectroscopy in Superconducting Cuprates using non-linear THz spectroscopies Room: Ballroom A |
Kamp, Leon Harvard university |
Session K43.00001 Multistability towards reprogrammable mechanical devices Room: Auditorium 1 |
Kanai, Yosuke University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session D59.00005 First-Principles Studies of Two-dimensional Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Perovskites: Successes and Challenges Room: 206AB |
Kandala, Abhinav IBM |
Session F51.00001 Evidence for the utility of quantum computing before fault tolerance Room: 200IJ |
Kanigel, Amit Technion - Israel Institute of Technolog |
Session D42.00005 Evidence for time reversal symmetry breaking in a van der Waals Superconductor Room: Ballroom B |
Kanoda, Kazushi Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart and Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8561, Japan |
Session T42.00001 Experimental status of an organic quantum-spin-liquid candidate and its doped version Room: Ballroom B |
Kanso, Eva University of Southern California |
Session B44.00002 Cilia in Focus Room: Auditorium 2 |
Kaplan, Aaron D LBL |
Session G39.00001 Density functionals for high-throughput materials discovery Room: 103E |
Karube, Kosuke RIKEN |
Session A23.00006 Antiskyrmions and anisotropic magnetic domain structures in S4 symmetry magnets Room: 101C |
Karunadasa, Hemamala Stanford Univ |
Session K01.00001 Mixing Chalcogenides into Halide Perovskites Room: L100A |
Kasza, Karen E Columbia Univ |
Session D24.00004 Stress management: dissecting how epithelial tissues flow and fold inside developing embryos Room: 101DE |
Katzgraber, Helmut G Microsoft Corp |
Session Y49.00001 Searching for applications of quantum computing in industry Room: 200G |
Kaufman, Laura Columbia Univ |
Session T27.00007 Controlling cell position in heterotypic spheroids: an experimental and computational demonstration Room: 101H |
Kawamura, Minoru RIKEN CEMS |
Session N42.00004 Laughlin charge pumping in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator Room: Ballroom B |
Kaxiras, Efthimios Harvard University |
Session M04.00004 Twisted bi-layer graphene: magic range behavior and implications, a first-principles perspective Room: L100D |
Keivani, Azadeh NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital |
Session Q30.00001 Prize Talk: FIAP Career Lectureship AwardTransforming Your Physics Knowledge and Skills into Solutions for Real-World Challenges Room: 102AB |
Kempton, Eliza University of Maryland |
Session Q39.00007 Molecules in Exoplanet Atmospheres Room: 103E |
Kent, Paul Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session F56.00001 The State of Exascale Quantum Monte Carlo Room: 205AB |
Khalil, Mo BU |
Session DD02.00001 TBD Room: Virtual Room 02 |
Khalil, Munira University of Washington |
Session B40.00001 Multipulse Femtosecond X-ray Spectroscopy in Solution Room: 103F |
Khatri, Sumeet Freie Universität Berlin |
Session K49.00001 Algorithms for quantum computing, communication networks, and metrology: a near-term perspective Room: 200G |
Kim, Chaebin Seoul National University |
Session S22.00006 Bond-dependent anisotropy and magnon decay in cobalt-based Kitaev triangular antiferromagnet Room: 101B |
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell University |
Session A45.00002 Attention to Quantum Complexity Room: Auditorium 3 |
Kim, Jason Z Cornell University |
Session S35.00002 Controlling the nonlinear configuration space of mechanical and dynamical systems Room: 103A |
Kim, Je-Hyung UNIST |
Session F49.00001 Interfacing solid-state quantum emitters into real-world photonic platforms Room: 200G |
Kim, Kyoung-Whan KIST |
Session Y21.00001 Orbital angular momentum dynamics in nonequilibrium condensed matters(Speaker: Kyoung-Whan Kim) Room: 101A |
Kim, Kyung-Su Stanford University |
Session Z42.00002 Dynamical defects in two-dimensional Wigner crystal: Self-doping and kinetic magnetism Room: Ballroom B |
Kim, Philip Harvard University |
Session W41.00001 Topological Domain Anti-ferroelectricity in Twisted Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: Ballroom A |
Kim, Young-Kee APS President 2024, University of Chicago |
Session 10E.00002 Opening Remarks- Young-Kee Kim, American Physical Society President 2024 Room: Main Auditorium |
Kimchi, Ofer Princeton University |
Session Q41.00001 Phage and bacteria: Competition and coexistence Room: Ballroom A |
Kimura, Kenta Osaka Metropolitan University |
Session DD05.00004 Optical diode effect: exploration of large effects and application to antiferromagnetic domain imaging Room: Virtual Room 05 |
Kirkland, Agnus |
Session N06.00005 TBD Room: L100FG |
Kirschbaum, Diana M Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) |
Session K42.00003 Interplay of Weyl-Kondo physics and quantum criticality in the Kondo semimetal CeRu4Sn6 Room: Ballroom B |
Klein, Avraham Ariel University |
Session A42.00005 Criticality in Quantum Ferroelectric Metals Room: Ballroom B |
Klein, Mason Univ of Miami |
Session F37.00007 Internal States vs. External Cues in Crawling Insect Larvae Room: 103C |
Klimov, Paul Google AI, Quantum |
Session G30.00002 Controlling large superconducting quantum processors Room: 102AB |
Klinovaja, Jelena University of Basel |
Session N44.00001 Topological Magnons for Quantum Information Room: Auditorium 2 |
Klumpp, Stefan University of Göttingen |
Session B27.00002 Cycle kinetic of molecular motors Room: 101H |
Klymko, Katherine Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q49.00001 Real-Time Dynamics for Computing Hamiltonian Properties Room: 200G |
Knaub, Alexis V American Association of Physics Teachers |
Session B61.00002 Incorporating Data Science in the Undergraduate Physics Curriculum Room: 208AB |
Knaub, Alexis V American Association of Physics Teachers |
Session D43.00004 Opportunities and Potential Pitfalls: Considerations when measuring student outcomes in physics learning environments Room: Auditorium 1 |
Knaut, Can M Harvard University |
Session S45.00004 Entanglement of Nanophotonic Quantum Memory Nodes in a Telecommunication Network Room: Auditorium 3 |
Koditschek, Daniel E University of Pennsylvania |
Session G38.00001 Affordances of Animals and Machines Room: 103D |
Kohler, Bern Ohio State |
Session T25.00005 Revealing couplings among chromophores in melanin through femtosecond laser spectroscopy Room: 101F |
Kohram, Maryam Princeton University |
Session F27.00006 Dietary conditions affect the invasion and mechanics of engineered tumors Room: 101H |
Kojaku, Sadamori |
Session B28.00002 Neural embeddings unveil simplicity in complex systems Room: 101I |
Kollar, Alicia J University of Maryland, College Park |
Session M24.00003 Quantum Simulation with Coplanar-Waveguide Lattices Room: 101DE |
Kono, Junichiro Rice University |
Session F13.00004 Dicke Phenomena in Condensed Matter Room: M100D |
Kono, Shingo Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session F47.00001 Mechanically induced correlated errors on superconducting qubits with relaxation times exceeding 0.4 milliseconds Room: 200CD |
Kosen, Sandoko Chalmers University of Technology |
Session D49.00001 Building superconducting quantum processors in flip-chip architecture Room: 200G |
Kou, Angela University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y46.00004 Investigating the loss mechanisms of driven fluxonium circuits Room: 200AB |
Kouwenhoven, Leo P Delft University of Technology |
Session Y02.00001 Realization of a minimal Kitaev chain using quantum dotsLeo Kouwenhoven, Delft Room: L100B |
Kovach, Tyler University of Wisconsin |
Session T46.00004 Methods for automating quantum dot gate-voltage tuning from a cold start Room: 200AB |
Kovrizhin, Dmitry CY Cergy Paris University |
Session Q03.00001 Topological Electrostatics Room: L100C |
Kowalewska, Łucja Warsaw University |
Session Q57.00006 Łucja Kowalewska (Gyroid focus session)Gyroid- and Diamond-Type Membrane Configurations of Plants – Where Geometry Defines the Biological Function Room: 205C |
Kozik, Evgeny King's College London |
Session Z59.00001 Combinatorial summation of Feynman diagrams Room: 206AB |
Kozinsky, Boris Harvard University |
Session S18.00001 Combining data, physics and machine learning for accelerating materials computations Room: M100I |
Kozminski, Joseph F Lewis University |
Session F30.00002 Strategies for Physics Department Growth at Lewis University Room: 102AB |
Kreisel, Andreas Niels Bohr Insititute, U. Copenhagen |
Session M41.00001 Superconductivity in multiorbital systems: Role of Fermi surface geometry and repulsive interactions in Hund's pairing Room: Ballroom A |
Krieger, Elena PSE Healthy Energy |
Session W24.00002 Phasing Out Natural Gas in the Residential Sector: Climate and Equity Considerations Room: 101DE |
Krioukov, Dmitri Northeastern University |
Session B28.00004 Unlabeled Network Science Room: 101I |
Krishnaswamy, Smita Yale University |
Session B38.00006 Smita Krishnaswamy Room: 103D |
Krogstad, Matthew J Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y42.00001 Real Space Structural Correlations in Quantum Materials Room: Ballroom B |
Kronik, Leeor Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session B39.00001 Accurate prediction of solid-state electronic and optical excitations from density functional theory Room: 103E |
Krook-Magnuson, Esther University of Minnesota |
Session N18.00004 Detangling neuronal networks in epilepsy for better interventions Room: M100I |
Kroonblawd, Matthew P Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session T32.00005 Molecular Dynamics as a Lens into Condensed Matter Mechanochemistry Room: 102D |
Krutianskii, Viktor University of Innsbruck |
Session S45.00005 Quantum networking with trapped ions in optical cavities Room: Auditorium 3 |
Kubica, Aleksander M AWS Center for Quantum Computing |
Session B56.00005 Reducing the overhead of quantum error correction Room: 205AB |
Kudrolli, Arshad Clark University |
Session M34.00002 Active matter transport in porous mediums Room: 102F |
Kuenstler, Alexa S University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session B25.00007 Using Catalytic Control of Dynamic Bond Exchange to Understand Flow and Self-Assembly in Model Networks Room: 101F |
Kulik, Heather MIT |
Session K60.00001 Overcoming the limits of approximate electronic structure models in machine learning accelerated materials discovery Room: 207AB |
Kumar, Sanat K Columbia University |
Session S06.00001 Origins of Secondary Nanoplastics from Semicrystalline Polymers Room: L100FG |
Kundu, Santanu Mississippi State University |
Session Q06.00003 Harnessing Structure-Dependent Separation Behavior of Thin Film Membranes Room: L100FG |
Kundu, Sohang Columbia University |
Session K39.00007 Prize Talk: Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award (Finalists). Talk Title: Exciton-Vibration Dynamics Using Real-Time Path Integrals Room: 103E |
Kunes, Jan Vienna Univ of Technology |
Session Y24.00005 X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Altermagnetic α-MnTe Room: 101DE |
Kuo, Eric University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session D43.00005 Assessing the integration of mathematical and physical conceptual reasoning in introductory physics problem solving Room: Auditorium 1 |
LaBorde, Margarite Naval Surface Warfare Center - Panama City Division |
Session T49.00001 Applications of Symmetry Testing in Quantum Algorithms Room: 200G |
Lado, Jose Aalto University |
Session W42.00002 Moire-Enabled Topological Superconductivity Room: Ballroom B |
Lai, Luhua Peking University |
Session T44.00002 Target structural based de novo drug generation Room: Auditorium 2 |
Laman Trip, Diederik Delft University of Technology |
Session D27.00005 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics: Fundamental limits to cell replication in extreme heat and cold Room: 101H |
Landau, Itamar |
Session S44.00003 A Statistical Theory of Inferring Population Geometry from Large-Scale Neural Recordings Room: Auditorium 2 |
Lau, Chun Ning Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session Y41.00005 Interaction-induced gap and gate-tunable magnetism in rhombohedral graphene Room: Ballroom A |
Lau, Chun Ning Ohio State University |
Session M45.00005 Flat Bands in Flatlands: Correlated Phenomena in 2D Materials Room: Auditorium 3 |
Läuchli, Andreas M Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session G24.00001 Complete field-induced spectral response of the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsYbSe2 Room: 101DE |
Laucht, Arne 1) University of New South Wales, 2) Diraq Pty. Ltd. |
Session A46.00004 Global control of spin qubits in SiMOS quantum dots Room: 200AB |
Le Bars, Michael CNRS |
Session B64.00003 Fluid Dynamics of Jupiter in the Lab: Deep Jets and Floating Vortices Room: 211AB |
LeBlanc, James P Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Session Y59.00001 Diagrammatic methods for dynamic observables - Planckian scaling in the 2D Hubbard model Room: 206AB |
Ledwith, Patrick Harvard university |
Session K41.00001 Vortexable Chern Bands and Fractional Chern Insulators in Moire Graphene and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: Ballroom A |
Lee, Hyun-Woo Pohang Univ of Sci & Tech |
Session S21.00001 Orbitronics: Electron orbital angular momentum dynamics in solids Room: 101A |
Lee, Jun Hee Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
Session D56.00003 Origin of Zero-Energy-Cost Domain Walls beyond the Flat Phonon Bands Room: 205AB |
Lee, Patrick A Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T42.00002 Quantum spin liquid in proximity to the Mott insulator. Room: Ballroom B |
Leggett, Susan University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session M27.00007 Deciphering Tumor Heterogeneity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: The Crucial Role of Dynamic Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions Room: 101H |
Leibscher, Monika Freie Universitat Berlin |
Session DD03.00001 A graph-theoretical approach to analyze controllability and its application to qubit systemsMonika Leibscher Room: Virtual Room 03 |
Lemière, Joël UCSF |
Session T37.00013 Osmotic Regulation of Nuclear Size in Yeast Room: 103C |
Lesanovsky, Igor Universitat Tübingen |
Session M56.00002 Thermodynamics of quantum trajectories and its implementation on a quantum computer Room: 205AB |
Lesko, Daniel M Friedrich Alexander Universität |
Session Z41.00005 Lightwave-driven currents in graphene Room: Ballroom A |
Letchworth-Weaver, Kendra L James Madison University |
Session W10.00001 Combining First Principles Theory and Experimental Characterization to Investigate Model Catalyst Surfaces Room: M100A |
Levi, Gianluca Science Institute, University of Iceland |
Session T43.00001 Challenging electronic excitations calculated by converging on saddle points of the electronic energy surface Room: Auditorium 1 |
Levine, Harry AWS Center for Quantum Computing |
Session F45.00004 Demonstration of a long-coherence dual-rail erasure qubit using tunable transmons Room: Auditorium 3 |
Levy, Jeremy University of Pittsburgh |
Session G21.00005 Sketched Nanoscale KTaO3-Based Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Room: 101A |
Lew, Matthew D Washington University in St. Louis |
Session K30.00004 6D Single-Molecule Orientation-Localization Microscopy: Fundamental Limits for Visualizing the Dynamic Organization of Biomolecule Room: 102AB |
L'Huillier, Anne Lund Univ/Lund Inst of Tech |
Session 10E.00004 Presentation from Anne L'Huillier Room: Main Auditorium |
Li, Chao-Kai University of Hong Kong |
Session Q22.00002 Quantum spin liquid on the surface of 1T-TaS2 and its detection scheme Room: 101B |
Li, Jia Brown University |
Session B41.00001 Superconducting diode effect and spontaneous symmetry breaking in multi-layer graphen Room: Ballroom A |
Li, Jiarui Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session T41.00005 Fractal Magnetic Textures in Rare Earth Nickelates Room: Ballroom A |
Li, Lu University of Michigan |
Session T42.00003 Unconventional Magnetic Oscillations in a Kagome Mott Insulator Room: Ballroom B |
Li, Shaowei University of California, San Diego |
Session G43.00001 Development and Implementation of Hyperdimensional Microscopy: Opportunities and Challenges Room: Auditorium 1 |
Li, Tingxin Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session W03.00001 Integer and fractional quantum anomalous Hall effects in 2D semiconductor moiré superlattices Room: L100C |
Li, Xiaosong University of Washington |
Session A40.00002 Attosecond Water Radiolysis Dynamics: Modeling the X-ray Pump/X-ray Probe Experiment Room: 103F |
Li, Ying University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session A26.00006 Machine Learning-accelerated Molecular Design of Innovative Polymers: Advanced manufacturing, extreme conditions, and sustainable energy solutions Room: 101G |
Li, Zhenglu University of Southern California |
Session G58.00001 Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon interaction in oxide superconductors from GW perturbation theory Room: 205D |
Liddle, James A TBD |
Session Y43.00002 Tradeoffs and Tensions in R&D: From Facilities to Programs Room: Auditorium 1 |
Lilin, Paul Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session N24.00005 Different Modes of Stress Release in Drying Drops of Colloidal Suspensions Room: 101DE |
Lim, Shuang F North Carolina State University |
Session F13.00002 Superfluorescence and Cooperative EmissionShuang Fang LimDepartment of Physics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 Room: M100D |
Lindeman, Chloe W University of Chicago |
Session D44.00003 Memory and rheology: disordered flow in jammed systems Room: Auditorium 2 |
Lindhoud, Saskia University of Twente |
Session W33.00001 Separation by polyelectrolyte complexation Room: 102E |
Li-Oakey, Katie D University of Wyoming |
Session N32.00001 Predicting Covalent Organic Framework (COF) Membrane Performance by Mapping Molecular Interactions in Mixed Solvents via Atomistic Modeling Room: 102D |
Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer A HHMI Janelia Research Campus) |
Session F44.00004 Imaging protein translation from micron to atomic scales Room: Auditorium 2 |
Lischner, Johannes C Imperial College London |
Session F59.00003 Nanoplasmonic hot carriers: from excitation to catalysis Room: 206AB |
Liu, Fang Emory University |
Session K39.00002 2023 JCP-DCP Future of Chemical Physics Lecture. Talk Title: Towards a big-data ecosystem for quantum chemistry research of solvated molecular systems Room: 103E |
Liu, Jun North Carolina State University |
Session Z06.00005 Chiral-phonon-activated spin Seebeck effect Room: L100FG |
Liu, Junyu University of Chicago |
Session W51.00001 Junyu Liu Room: 200IJ |
Liu, Kai Georgetown University |
Session Y06.00003 Physics of Face Masks Room: L100FG |
Liu, Lee R JILA |
Session G25.00003 Emergence, symmetry, and ergodicity breaking in C60 fullerenesLee Liu Room: 101F |
Liu, Nana Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session B51.00001 Nana Liu: Analog quantum simulation of partial differential equations Room: 200IJ |
Liu, Shixin The Rockefeller University |
Session B27.00004 Machines on Genes: A Single-Molecule Perspective Room: 101H |
Liu, Tianhan University of California, Los Angeles |
Session G22.00001 Control of Chirality, Spin, and Orbitals in Semiconductor-Based Chiral Molecular Devices Room: 101B |
Liu, Wenyao Boston college |
Session D42.00001 Observation of long-range co-tunnling from Chiral Hinge Modes in the Magnetic Topological Superconductor Fe(Te, Se) Room: Ballroom B |
Liu, Yu National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder |
Session F25.00002 State control and vibrational spectroscopy of a single molecular ion Room: 101F |
Liu, Yuan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B56.00002 Opportunities and challenges of bosonic oscillators for quantum computation and information processing Room: 205AB |
Lledó, Cristóbal Université de Sherbrooke |
Session F48.00001 Qubit cloaking and readout Room: 200E |
Lo, Hoi-Kwong Univ of Toronto and Quantum Bridge |
Session S45.00002 Cyber Risk Mitigation in the Era of Quantum Computing Room: Auditorium 3 |
Lodge, Timothy P University of Minnesota |
Session G33.00005 Interaction of amphiphilic block copolymers with abiotic lipid membranes and with cells Room: 102E |
Lofland, Samuel E Rowan University |
Session Q30.00005 In situ Monitoring of Polymers via Low-frequency Raman Spectroscopy: Samuel Lofland Room: 102AB |
Lokken-Toyli, David IBM Quantum |
Session G30.00001 Heron Processors on the Utility Frontier Room: 102AB |
Long, Tim Arizona State University |
Session B24.00003 Designing Advanced Macromolecules for Advanced Manufacturing: Balancing Reactivity, Rheology, and Resolution Room: 101DE |
Lopata, Kenneth Louisiana State University |
Session D39.00001 Simulating Attochemistry using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Room: 103E |
Louie, Steven G UC-Berkeley |
Session B43.00001 Novel Excited States in 2D van der Waals Structures and Moiré Superlattices Room: Auditorium 1 |
Lovas, Izabella Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB |
Session B31.00001 Quantum Coding Transitions in the Presence of Boundary Dissipation Room: 102C |
Low, Guang Hao Microsoft |
Session G51.00001 Guang Hao Low Room: 200IJ |
Lozano, Paulo C Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session S29.00001 Plastic Rockets: Stability and optimal design of resilient ion electrospray thrusters Room: 101J |
Lu, Chih-Yuan Macronix Intl |
Session Q30.00002 Prize Talk: George E. Pake PrizeA vision for the next 75 years -- from a transistor to AI enabler Room: 102AB |
Lu, Peter Y University of Chicago |
Session S28.00006 Training Machine Learning Emulators to Preserve Invariant Measures of Chaotic Attractors Room: 101I |
Lu, Yao Fermi Lab |
Session S47.00001 High-fidelity parametric beamsplitting with a parity-protected converter Room: 200CD |
Luican-Mayer, Adina A University of Ottawa |
Session W41.00002 Ferroelectric switching at symmetry-broken interfaces by local control of dislocation networks Room: Ballroom A |
Lukin, Mikhail D Harvard University |
Session X01.00001 Far from equilibrium dynamics and quantum computing frontier Room: Main Auditorium |
Luksza, Marta Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai |
Session Z44.00003 Predicting cancer evolution: quantifying immune selection and other selective pressures Room: Auditorium 2 |
Luo, Yimin Yale University |
Session K06.00001 Data-Driven Model Construction for Anisotropic Dynamics of Active Matter Room: L100FG |
Luo, Yunqiu (Kelly) University of Southern California, Cornell University |
Session T24.00002 Spin-orbit torque in magnetic heterostructures: exchange interactions and ultrasensitive Sagnac optical interferometry Room: 101DE |
Lushi, Enkeleida New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Session G27.00001 Early Career Award for Biological Physics Research: Microswimmer behavior in complex confinement Room: 101H |
Lykken, Joseph D Fermilab |
Session W06.00005 Traversable wormhole dynamics on a quantum processor Room: L100FG |
Ma, Jie Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session F22.00001 The Intermediate Disordered Phase of Na2Co2TeO6 Room: 101B |
Machida, Yo Gakushuin University |
Session F42.00003 Phonon thermal Hall effect in a metallic spin ice Room: Ballroom B |
Mai, Danielle J Stanford University |
Session K33.00012 Decoding repetitive proteins to program ion-responsive biopolymers Room: 102E |
Maiti, Saurabh Concordia University |
Session B42.00004 Spectroscopic signatures of collective excitations in spin-orbit coupled systems Room: Ballroom B |
Maitra, Neepa T Rutgers University - Newark |
Session T43.00002 Non-perturbative dynamics with TDDFT: How to make best use of the adiabatic approximation - and go beyond Room: Auditorium 1 |
Mallayya, Krishnanand M Cornell University |
Session Y42.00002 Interpretable, unsupervised machine learning for voluminous scattering data Room: Ballroom B |
Mallory, Stewart A Penn State University |
Session K31.00001 Phase behavior and directed transport of active Brownian particles under extreme confinement Room: 102C |
Malmi Kakkada, Abdul N Augusta University |
Session K27.00004 Collective cell migration driven by mechanical coupling Room: 101H |
Malu, Raïssa |
Session T06.00002 Science as a common language for building bridges Room: L100FG |
Malz, Daniel University of Copenhagen |
Session D45.00005 Dicke superradiance and many-body decay in generic baths Room: Auditorium 3 |
Mambuca, Andrea Marcello Citi; King's College London |
Session Q09.00003 Prize Talk: Irwin Oppenheim Award IIIDynamical systems on large networks with predator-prey interactions are stable and exhibit oscillations Room: L100J |
Mandrus, David University of Tennessee |
Session B03.00001 Progress in Understanding the Charge Density Wave in ScV6Sn6 Room: L100C |
Manfra, Michael J Purdue University |
Session G44.00005 Anyons in the fractional quantum Hall effect Room: Auditorium 2 |
Maniscalco, Sabrina Algorithmiq |
Session G30.00004 Entering the Quantum Utility Era: Challenges and Breakthroughs Room: 102AB |
Mannix, Andrew J Stanford University |
Session Q62.00006 Opportunities for high-throughput discovery in the synthesis and characterization of 2D monolayers, moiré materials, and synthetic van der Waals solids Room: 208CD |
Manogue, Corinne A Oregon State University |
Session F30.00004 Paradigms in Physics 2.0: How to Structure a Flexible, Organic Physics Major Room: 102AB |
Marder, Seth University of Colorado Boulder |
Session D33.00001 The Role of Redox Doping in Organic Electronics and Opto-electronics Room: 102E |
Marko, John F Northwestern University |
Session F44.00005 Loop extrusion, chromatin crosslinking, and the geometry, topology and mechanics of chromosomes and nuclei Room: Auditorium 2 |
Markovic, Danijela CNRS/Thales, Université Paris-Saclay |
Session K43.00004 Physics for Neuromorphic Computing Room: Auditorium 1 |
Marom, Noa Carnegie Mellon University |
Session A56.00003 Structure Prediction and Discovery of Molecular Crystals with Enhanced Electronic Properties Room: 205AB |
Martens, Kirsten University of Grenoble |
Session K24.00002 Yielding is an absorbing phase transition with vanishing critical fluctuations Room: 101DE |
Martin, Joseph D Durham University |
Session Q56.00001 The APS: Origins and Adolescence Room: 205AB |
Martins, Murillo University of Tennessee - Knoxville |
Session Z30.00004 Unreacted amine groups: indispensable keys to unlock imine bonds in dynamic networks Room: 102AB |
Marvian, Iman Duke University |
Session Q50.00007 New methods for quantum control and circuit synthesis with symmetry-respecting interactions Room: 200H |
Marzari, Nicola Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session S56.00006 Addressing the electronic structure and mobility of materials with Koopmans spectral functionals and automated Wannier functions. Room: 205AB |
Maslov, Dmitrii University of Florida |
Session B42.00005 Optical absorption in Dirac metals Room: Ballroom B |
Mathijssen, Arnold J University of Pennsylvania |
Session A43.00005 Collective functionalities emerging in active matter Room: Auditorium 1 |
Matos-Abiague, Alex Wayne State University |
Session Q21.00001 Topological Superconductivity and Diode Effects in Semiconductor-Based Josephson Junctions Room: 101A |
Matthews, Manyalibo |
Session Q30.00003 Laser-Material Interactions in Metal Additive Manufacturing Room: 102AB |
Mauri, Francesco Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session N56.00003 Intrinsic vibrational angular momentum as nonadiabatic effects in noncollinear magnetic molecules Room: 205AB |
Maxwell, Karen University of Toronto |
Session Q41.00003 Prophages exploit bacterial communication to modulate antiviral defence Room: Ballroom A |
May-Mann, Julian University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session S41.00003 Phenomenology of Spin-Triplet Pair-Density Waves, and Applications to UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Mazin, Igor I George Mason University |
Session Q23.00003 Altermagnetism in 3- and 2-D: simple symmetry constraints and functionalizationIgor MazinGeorge Mason University, Fairfax, VA Room: 101C |
Mazza, Alessandro R Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K21.00001 Designing Magnetism in High Entropy Oxides Room: 101A |
McCluskey, Matthew D Washington State University |
Session Y06.00002 Physics of Crystal Colors Room: L100FG |
McGorty, Ryan J University of San Diego |
Session M35.00001 Dynamics and rheology of active biomaterials and gels quantified with optical microscopy tools Room: 103A |
McMillan, Benjamin University of Cambridge |
Session N24.00004 Photoelastic precursors to clogging events Room: 101DE |
McNeill, Christopher Monash University |
Session K25.00008 Resonant Tender X-ray Scattering of Semiconducting Polymers Room: 101F |
McQueen, Tyrel M Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q22.00001 New Directions in Spin-Liquid Materials Room: 101B |
Medvedev, Grigori A Purdue University |
Session D32.00006 A random walk description of mobility in glasses Room: 102D |
Mellnik, Alex Meta |
Session B30.00001 Enabling analytics at scale Room: 102AB |
Mendoza, Gabriel |
Session Q24.00004 Path to large-scale photonic quantum computing Room: 101DE |
Menicucci, Nicolas RMIT University, Melbourne |
Session D53.00001 Nicolas Menicucci Room: 202AB |
Minev, Zlatko K IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session M24.00005 Uncovering Local Integrability in Quantum Many-Body Dynamics Room: 101DE |
Mingarelli, Chiara Yale University |
Session X01.00004 Kavli Talk: Pulsar Timing Arrays: The Next Window on the Gravitational-Wave Universe Room: Main Auditorium |
Minguzzi, Anna CNRS Grenoble |
Session W30.00002 Strongly interacting 1D quantum gases Room: 102AB |
Mirhosseini, Mohammad Caltech |
Session A52.00007 Electrostatic actuation and sensing of mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime Room: 201AB |
Mistry, Devesh University of Leeds |
Session A33.00001 Decoupling how structure and processing affects the properties of Liquid Crystal Elastomers. Room: 102E |
Mitchel, Jennifer Wesleyan University |
Session D24.00005 Cellular Sumo Wrestling: Emergent Dynamics following Heterotypic Monolayer Collisions Room: 101DE |
Mitrano, Matteo Harvard University |
Session F06.00003 Prize Talk: IUPAP Prize Winner: An X-ray view of light-driven quantum materials Room: L100FG |
Mitrovic, Vesna F Brown University |
Session N04.00005 NMR Studies of Multipolar Osmates Room: L100D |
Mittal, Jeetain Texas A&M University |
Session Y56.00005 Revealing the Molecular Language of Protein Phase Separation Using Physics-Based Computational Approaches Room: 205AB |
Montarnal, Damien University of Lyon |
Session B25.00006 Challenges & recent progress in the processing of vitrimers Room: 101F |
Monti, Joseph M Sandia National Laboratories |
Session N31.00004 Packing characteristics of jammed spheres with broad, power-law dispersity Room: 102C |
Montoya-Castillo, Andres University of Colorado |
Session T25.00001 Symmetry-breaking fluctuations split the porphyrin Q bands Room: 101F |
Moodera, Jagadeesh S Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session B41.00003 Ubiquitous superconducting diode effect in superconductor thin films Room: Ballroom A |
Moore, Joel E University of California, Berkeley |
Session G24.00002 Phase diagrams and neutron scattering spectra of triangular lattice antiferromagnets from theory and matrix product state computations Room: 101DE |
Morais Smith, Cristiane University of Utrecht |
Session T41.00001 Quantum Fractals: from meta- to real-materials Room: Ballroom A |
Morales-Durán, Nicolás University of Texas at Austin |
Session D41.00002 The Landau level approach to twisted homobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides Room: Ballroom A |
Moran, Sarah E University of Arizona |
Session Q39.00006 Clouds and Hazes in Exoplanet Atmospheres Room: 103E |
Morello, Andrea University of New South Wales |
Session M46.00004 Andrea MorelloIntroduction to quantum information in higher dimensions: high-spin nuclei in silicon and their analogy to other qudits Room: 200AB |
Morr, Dirk K University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session W42.00004 Quantum Engineering Topological Superconductivity and Quantum Algorithms in Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems Room: Ballroom B |
Morris, Jeffrey F City College of New York city |
Session F35.00011 Lubricated to frictional shear thickening in suspensions: a three-component multiphase flow Room: 103A |
Morse, Peter K Princeton University |
Session Y44.00003 Searching for solutions to the dynamical mean-field theory of glasses by simulating minimally structured glass formers Room: Auditorium 2 |
Movilla Miangolarra, Olga University of California, Irvine |
Session Y31.00001 Partially observed Schrödinger flows: an application to stochastic thermodynamics Room: 102C |
Moya, Xavier Univ of Cambridge |
Session M30.00002 Barocaloric materials for sustainable heating and cooling Room: 102AB |
Mueller, Jochen Johns Hopkins University |
Session F29.00001 Recent Advances in the Additive Manufacturing of Soft, Morphing Matter Room: 101J |
Mullavey, Adam CALTECH |
Session G45.00002 The Technology of LIGO: Putting the Observe in Observatory Room: Auditorium 3 |
Muller, David A Cornell University |
Session N06.00001 Prize Talk: Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Room: L100FG |
Mundy, Julia A Harvard University |
Session S42.00004 Strain engineering of layered square-planar nickelate thin films Room: Ballroom B |
Murakami, Yuta Riken, CEMS |
Session Z41.00004 High-harmonic generation in strongly correlated systems Room: Ballroom A |
Muralidharan, Bhaskaran Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Session Q21.00006 Advancing quantum transport theory for 2D-topological electronics: from quantum matter to emerging devices Room: 101A |
Murugan, Arvind University of Chicago |
Session K43.00003 Neural computation without neurons Room: Auditorium 1 |
Musa, Luciano |
Session T06.00005 CERN 70th anniversary and beyond… Room: L100FG |
Musfeldt, Janice L University of Tennessee |
Session D06.00001 High field polarization and magnetoelectric coupling in chiral [Cu(pym)(H2O)4]SiF6H2O Room: L100FG |
Mutus, Josh Y Rigetti Computing, Inc. |
Session W48.00004 Projecting requirements for superconducting qubit systems at utility scale applications Room: 200E |
Myong, Sua Johns Hopkins University |
Session W38.00006 Prof. Sua Myong (Johns Hopkins University) Room: 103D |
Naaman, Ofer Google LLC |
Session Z46.00003 Microwave Engineering of Parametric Interactions in Superconducting Circuits Room: 200AB |
Nadj-Perge, Stevan Caltech |
Session Y41.00002 Superconductivity in Bernal Bilayer Graphene Enhanced by Spin-Orbit Coupling Room: Ballroom A |
Nagendra Prakash, Vivek University of Miami |
Session A43.00004 Invited Talk: Squeeze confinement-induced changes in flow fields of ciliated marine larvae Room: Auditorium 1 |
Nakajima, Ken Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo |
Session F33.00002 AFM Nanomechanics for Polymer Physics Room: 102E |
Nakamura, Yasunobu Univ of Tokyo |
Session N44.00002 Quantum sensing of magnon excitations with a superconducting qubit Room: Auditorium 2 |
Nakata, Ayako Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) |
Session F56.00003 Large-scale DFT calculations for nanoarchitectonics Room: 205AB |
Nangia, Shikha Syracuse University |
Session Y56.00004 Quantifying hydropathy of self-assembling biomaterials Room: 205AB |
Nath, Saurabh Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session N24.00003 What's (Not) Popping? The Long Life and Quick Death of a Marangoni Bubble Room: 101DE |
Navarro Gastiasoro, Maria Donostia International Physics Center |
Session G41.00002 Nature of the electron-phonon coupling in KTaO3 Room: Ballroom A |
Naxerova, Kamila Harvard University |
Session Z44.00001 Quantifying metastasis heterogeneity in colorectal cancer Room: Auditorium 2 |
Nellist, Clara |
Session T06.00004 Quark, Camera, Action! Bringing Science Communication to Social Media Room: L100FG |
Nemiroff, Robert Michigan Technological University |
Session K44.00005 Astronomy Picture of the Day and other Physics Outreach Efforts Room: Auditorium 2 |
Nemoto, Kae OIST |
Session S45.00003 What can 10 qubits do to solve classification problems? Room: Auditorium 3 |
Neri, Izaak King's College London |
Session Q09.00002 Prize Talk: Irwin Oppenheim Award: Spectra of Large Networks: Theory and Applications Room: L100J |
Neubauer, Mark S University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W56.00002 Energy Frontier Exploration using Particle Physics and AI Room: 205AB |
Neufeld, Ofer Max Planck Institute for the Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session Z41.00001 Strong-field physics and HHG in solids: topology, magnetism, Floquet Room: Ballroom A |
Neupert, Titus Univ of Zurich |
Session W42.00003 Two-dimensional Shiba lattices as a platform for crystalline topological superconductivity Room: Ballroom B |
Newman, Mark University of Michigan |
Session M57.00002 Prize Talk: Leo P. Kadanoff PrizeThe Statistical Physics of Networks Room: 205C |
Neyens, Samuel Intel Corporation |
Session B46.00004 High volume characterization techniques for industry manufactured Si/SiGe spin qubit devices Room: 200AB |
Nguyen, Ngoc University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session M33.00006 Unlocking the Dynamics of a Novel Natural Polymer-Based Material for Multiple Applications Room: 102E |
Ni, Kang-Kuen Harvard University |
Session T03.00001 Molecular qubits of individually trapped gas-phase molecules in optical tweezers Room: L100C |
Nikolic, Branislav K University of Delaware |
Session M21.00001 Quantum-classical description of spin and charge pumping by dynamical noncolliner magnetic textures and the ensuing electromagnetic radiation in THz spintronics Room: 101A |
Nilsson, Anders R Stockholm University |
Session K39.00005 Prize Talk: Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics. Talk Title: X-ray laser probing of ultrafast surface catalysis and the anomalous properties of water Room: 103E |
Niu, Murphy Yuezhen University of Maryland, College Park |
Session N50.00007 Title:Invited: Quantum Control Optimization for Near-Term Quantum Simulation and Variational Algorithms Room: 200H |
Noh, Kyungjoo AWS Center for Quantum Computing |
Session B02.00003 Methods for simulating quantum hardware Room: L100B |
Nosov, Pavel Stanford University |
Session M42.00002 Interplay of disorder and superconductivity at quantum critical points Room: Ballroom B |
Nourmohammad, Armita University of Washington |
Session Q36.00001 Learning the shape of the immune and protein universe Room: 103B |
Ocampo, Ian K Princeton University |
Session D20.00001 Dynamic compression of iron oxides to multi-megabar pressures Room: M101ABC |
Odde, David University of Minnesota |
Session Y36.00006 Biophysical modeling identifies an optimal hybrid amoeboid-mesenchymal phenotype for maximal T cell migration speeds Room: 103B |
Odelius, Michael Stockholm University |
Session B40.00002 Characterizing Transient Species after Photodissociation of Ironpentacarbonyl in Solution Room: 103F |
Oezyilmaz, Barbaros Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session MM04.00001 Signatures of ferromagnetic order and spin-triplet pairing state in two-dimensional niobium diselenide Room: Virtual Room 04 |
Ollitrault, Pauline J QC Ware |
Session S49.00001 Enhancing initial state overlap through orbital optimization Room: 200G |
Olsen, Bradley D Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session W32.00001 Sequence Effects on Thermodynamic Interactions in Protein Polymers Room: 102D |
Olvera De La Cruz, Monica Northwestern University |
Session M06.00001 Responsive biomimicking materials Room: L100FG |
Ondrechen, Mary Jo Northeastern University |
Session Q43.00005 Mary Jo Ondrechen Room: Auditorium 1 |
Ong, Mia TERC |
Session Q45.00002 Invited Talk: Mia Ong Room: Auditorium 3 |
Onuchic, Jose N Rice University |
Session Q38.00001 The three-dimensional architecture of the human genome: understanding the physical mechanisms controlling gene expression Room: 103D |
Opitz, Alexander University of Minnesota |
Session F37.00001 Using electric fields to control brain activity Room: 103C |
Oppenheimer, Naomi Tel Aviv University |
Session S31.00001 Hydrodynamic Hamiltonians and Structural States of Active Systems Room: 102C |
Orloff, Nathan D National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session N30.00005 Emergent tunability in polar vortices Room: 102AB |
Orzel, Chad R Union College Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session K44.00004 A Brief History of Brief Histories: Narrative as a Tool for Engaging the Public Room: Auditorium 2 |
Otrokov, Mikhail M Centro de Fisica de Materiales |
Session OD01.00075 Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulators of the MnBi2Te4 Family: Current Status |
Otte, Sander Delft University of Technology |
Session Z12.00002 Tracing coherent dynamics of electron and nuclear spins using pump-probe spectroscopy Room: M100C |
Ozawa, Misaki Université Grenoble Alpes |
Ozerov, Mykhaylo National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session G22.00004 Accurate determination of zero-field splitting using far-infrared magneto-spectroscopy Room: 101B |
Paddison, Joseph Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session S24.00005 Understanding Spin Textures in Frustrated Magnets Room: 101DE |
Paglione, Johnpierre University of Maryland, College Park |
Session Z02.00001 The Superconductivity of UTe2 Room: L100B |
Pahlavan, Amir Yale |
Session T31.00001 Biofilm formation in confined environments Room: 102C |
Pak, Arthur E Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session B45.00005 Target gain >1 from inertial confinement fusion implosions at the National Ignition Facility Room: Auditorium 3 |
Palmer, Stephanie E University of Chicago |
Session N28.00001 Connecting relevant information to coarse-graining in biological systems Room: 101I |
Palmstrom, Johanna C Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S12.00002 High Field Measurements of Quantum Materials with In-Situ Tunable Strains Room: M100C |
Palyi, Andras Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Session G42.00005 Theory of coherent control of spin-valley qubits Room: Ballroom B |
Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Princeton University |
Session Q43.00001 Ab initio-driven machine-learning models for aqueous systems, interfaces, and molten salts Room: Auditorium 1 |
Panagiotou, Eleni Arizona State University |
Session S34.00004 Topological entanglement in polymers Room: 102F |
Pandolfi, Ronald Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D30.00005 Tsuchinoko: a GUI for Autonomous Experiments Room: 102AB |
Papoian, Garegin University of Maryland |
Session G36.00007 Entropy Production and Cytoskeletal Avalanches in Cytoskeletal Networks Room: 103B |
Paradiso, Nicola University of Regensburg |
Session B41.00002 Nonreciprocal effects in Josephson junction arrays Room: Ballroom A |
Pareek, Vivek Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology |
Session A04.00001 Time resolved ARPES study of excitons in 2D semiconductors Room: L100D |
Parigi, Valentina Sorbonne University |
Session K45.00004 Spectral and time multiplexed continuous variable quantum information Room: Auditorium 3 |
Park, Kyungwha Virginia Tech |
Session A59.00005 Ab-initio studies of molecular magnets for quantum information science applications Room: 206AB |
Park, Moon Postech - South Korea |
Session Y26.00001 Exploration of complex nanostructures in block copolymer Room: 101G |
Parkes, Linden Rutgers University |
Session M28.00001 Shaping dynamical neural computations using spatiotemporal constraints Room: 101I |
Parkin, Stuart S Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session T23.00001 Chiral spin textures on the racetrack Room: 101C |
Parkin, Stuart S Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session Q09.00004 Prize talk: APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in ResearchSpintronics! Room: L100J |
Parsa, Shima RIT |
Session M34.00001 Cooperative transport of emulsions in porous media Room: 102F |
Parthenios, Nikolaos Max Planck Institute |
Session Z04.00006 Quantum phase transitions in 2D moiré Dirac materials Room: L100D |
Pastor-Satorras, Romualdo Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
Session G28.00001 Romualdo Pastor-SatorrasOpinion depolarization transtions in interdependent topics on heterogeneous social networks Room: 101I |
Patrickios, Costas S University of Cyprus |
Session M06.00004 Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks: Experiment and Theory Room: L100FG |
Patterson, David University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F25.00003 A General Method for Single Molecule Spectroscopy Room: 101F |
Pelc, Damjan University of Zagreb |
Session Y42.00004 Local Inversion-Symmetry Breaking in a Bismuthate High-Tc Superconductor Room: Ballroom B |
Pendergrass, Angeline Cornell University |
Session D64.00001 Extreme precipitation in a changing climate Room: 211AB |
Peng, Pai Princeton |
Session K45.00003 High-fidelity gates with mid-circuit erasure conversion in a metastable neutral atom qubit Room: Auditorium 3 |
Perahia, Dvora Clemson University |
Session Y34.00006 Dynamics of Complex Fluids Formed by Ionizable Polymers: From Reciprocal Space to Real Space and Back Room: 102F |
Perdew, John P. P Tulane |
Session A39.00001 Unconventional Error Cancellation Explains the Success of Hartree-Fock Density Functional Theory for Barrier Heights Room: 103E |
Perez, Danny Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B02.00002 Invited Talk: Danny PerezTitle: Automated data-driven upscaling of transport properties in materials: the results of a multidisciplinary collaboration between physics and mathematics Room: L100B |
Perez, Danny Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session F56.00002 Title: The prospect for molecular dynamics at the exascale Room: 205AB |
Perfetto, Enrico University of Roma |
Session W60.00006 Coherent-to-incoherent crossover in the ultrafast dynamics of electrons and phonons in photoexcited 2D materials Room: 207AB |
Perron, Justin California State University, San Marcos |
Session B61.00004 Bringing Quantum Information Science to Diverse Populations Room: 208AB |
Perry, Sarah L University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session F43.00004 Decoupling the Effects of Charge Density and Hydrophobicity on the Phase Behavior and Viscoelasticity of Complex Coacervates Room: Auditorium 1 |
Petridou, Nicoletta European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
Session G06.00005 A structural basis of cell fate precision Room: L100FG |
Petruccione, Francesco National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences and Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch |
Session M43.00005 Education across continents: the NITheCS way Room: Auditorium 1 |
Petta, Jason R Princeton University |
Session Q24.00002 Semiconductor spin qubits: Playing the long game Room: 101DE |
Pham, Huy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session Q62.00001 Understanding Materials Responses under Dynamic Compression from Molecular Dynamics Simulation Room: 208CD |
Pich, Andrij DWI Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials and RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Session M06.00002 Chemical Design of Stimuli Responsive Microgels: Recent Developments and Trends Room: L100FG |
Picozzi, Silvia Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-SPIN |
Session AA05.00004 Multiferroicity in the Flatland Room: Virtual Room 05 |
Pierrehumbert, Raymond University of Oxford |
Session B64.00001 Diversity of Planetary Climates: New revelations in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope Room: 211AB |
Pistoia, Marco JP Morgan Chase |
Session M44.00002 Revolutionizing the Financial Industry with Quantum Technology Room: Auditorium 2 |
Pita-Vidal, Marta TU Delft |
Session D46.00004 Superconducting spin qubits: coherence, coupling and perspective Room: 200AB |
Pixley, Jed Rutgers University |
Session D41.00001 A Chiral Kondo Lattice in Doped Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Heterobilayers Room: Ballroom A |
Plumb, Kemp Brown University |
Session Q04.00005 Momentum independent collective excitations in H3Li2OrO6: evidence for proximity to a bond-disordered Kitaev spin liquid Room: L100D |
Podila, Ramakrishna Clemson University |
Session T55.00001 Spectroscopic insights into the nano-bio interface Room: 204AB |
Pogue, Brian University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session M18.00001 Brian Pogue Room: M100I |
Pontecorvo, Ludovico CERN |
Session G45.00001 Invited Talk: Ludovico PontevorvoParticle detectors enabling high energy physics discoveries:The ATLAS muon spectrometer and electromagnetic calorimeter Room: Auditorium 3 |
Ponttopidan, Klaus STSCI |
Session S39.00001 Water in protoplanetary disks: from Spitzer to JWST Room: 103E |
Popovic, Dragana Florida State University |
Session M42.00005 Nonequilibrium transport and thermalization in strongly disordered 2D electron systems Room: Ballroom B |
Potoyan, Davit Iowa State University |
Session W37.00005 Molecular mechanisms of thermal sensing by TRP ion channels Room: 103C |
Potts, Patrick P Basel University |
Session W31.00001 Fluctuation theorems for arbitrary measurement and feedback schemes Room: 102C |
Prendergast, David Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Z56.00002 Many-body corrections in self-consistent field approaches to X-ray spectroscopy simulations Room: 205AB |
Preskill, John P California Institute of Technology |
Session W43.00004 How Peter Shor Changed Physics Room: Auditorium 1 |
Pribram-Jones, Aurora University of CA, Merced |
Session D39.00008 Adiabatic connections for exact and approximate thermal density functional theory Room: 103E |
Proite, Nick 3M |
Session T30.00004 Life as an early career physicist: from startup to Fortune 500 Room: 102AB |
Prost, Jacques R UMR 168, CNRS/Curie Institute |
Session M57.00003 Prize Talk: Lars Onsager PrizeSymmetries, broken symmetries and tissue dynamics Room: 205C |
Puebla, Jorge RIKEN |
Session K23.00007 Acoustically Driven Magnon-Phonon Coupling in a Layered Antiferromagnet Room: 101C |
Puri, Shruti Yale University |
Session K45.00001 Title: Taming Quantum Noise in Qubits and Codes Room: Auditorium 3 |
Qiu, Weihong Oregon State University |
Session N27.00001 Dissect the motility mechanism and regulation of the C-terminal kinesin KlpA using single-molecule fluorescence microscopy Room: 101H |
Queiroz, Raquel Columbia University |
Session K41.00003 Origin of flat bands and topology in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides homobilayers. Room: Ballroom A |
Quek, Su Ying Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session M59.00001 Non-linear Optics and Exciton Condensation in Low-dimensional Materials Room: 206AB |
Quek, Yihui Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y51.00001 Noise vs quantum algorithms Room: 200IJ |
Radovic, Milan Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session S57.00002 Tuning Electronic states and Phases of Transition Metal Oxides Room: 205C |
Rahman, Talat S University of Central Florida |
Session M43.00001 Strengthening Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Science Teachers in Pakistan Room: Auditorium 1 |
Rahman, Talat S University of Central Florida |
Session B62.00006 The quest for spin crossover molecules for low-power nonvolatile memory applications Room: 208CD |
Rahman, Talat S University of Central Florida |
Session F30.00003 The restructuring of a Physics Department with a little help from APS Bridge and PhysTEC Programs Room: 102AB |
Ramanathan, Sharad Harvard University |
Session F44.00003 Modulating signals to pattern complex tissues Room: Auditorium 2 |
Ramaswamy, Meera Princeton University |
Session W29.00006 Universality and Tunability in Shear Thickening Suspensions Room: 101J |
Rampp, Markus Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF), Garching bei München, Germany |
Session F56.00004 The reach of exascale architectures across the physical sciences Room: 205AB |
Ran, Sheng Washington University in St. Louis |
Session F41.00003 Revealing a 3D Fermi Surface and Electron-Hole Tunneling in UTe2 with Quantum Oscillations Room: Ballroom A |
Randall, Michelle QNS |
Session N43.00001 Small Budget, Big ImpactDeveloping Successful Science Outreach on a Shoestring Room: Auditorium 1 |
Rao, Akshay AC |
Session B04.00001 Akshay Rao Room: L100D |
Rappe, Andrew M University of Pennsylvania |
Session D56.00001 Multi-order parameter coupling and phase identification in hafnia Room: 205AB |
Rappoport, Tatiana G Physics Center of Minho and Porto Universities |
Session Z24.00005 Orbital Hall effect in two-dimensional materials Room: 101DE |
Ratsch, Christian University of California, Los Angeles |
Session B02.00001 Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Collaborations at the Mathematical Science Institutes Room: L100B |
Rauscher, Phillip M University of Chicago |
Session T30.00005 Invited Talk: Phillip Rauscher Room: 102AB |
Read, Alexander P Yale University |
Session K47.00001 The dielectric dipper: experimental comparisons of common dielectric substrates in isolation Room: 200CD |
Reeg, Christopher Voloridge Investment Management |
Session B30.00004 Applying a physics education to a career as a hedge fund data scientist Room: 102AB |
Refaely-Abramson, Sivan Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session G04.00001 Many-body effects on exciton dynamics in layered heterostructures Room: L100D |
Reichlova, Helena Technische Universität Dresden |
Session Y24.00002 Anomalous Hall effect in altermagnets Room: 101DE |
Reinhart, Wesley F Penn State |
Session G18.00001 Representation learning for data-driven analysis of soft matter simulations Room: M100I |
Reiss, Pascal Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session S01.00001 Unconventional Signatures of a Quantum Griffiths Phase in the Vicinity of a Quenched Nematic Quantum Critical Point Room: L100A |
Reiter, Sam Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology |
Session M36.00001 Cephalopod skin patterns as windows into brain dynamics Room: 103B |
Ren, Shang Rutgers University |
Session N56.00004 Adiabatic dynamics of coupled spins and phonons in magnetic insulators Room: 205AB |
Ren, Yafei Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware |
Session N56.00002 Phonon-induced magnetization and its reciprocity: effects of geometrical phase and nonlinearity Room: 205AB |
Ren, Zheng Rice University |
Session T02.00001 Probing the temperature dependence of the electronic structure of kagome magnet FeSn thin film Room: L100B |
Richert, Ranko Arizona State University |
Session A32.00001 Anatomy of a vapor deposited glass Room: 102D |
Rish, Irina MILA |
Session T28.00001 Scaling Laws and Emergent Behaviors in Foundation Models Room: 101I |
Robert, Daniel University of Bristol |
Session Q29.00001 Bees, Flowers and Tribo-bio-electricity Room: 101J |
Rohs, Remo University of Southern California |
Session T44.00005 Deep learning Methods Reveal Mechanisms of Protein-DNA Binding Room: Auditorium 2 |
Roitberg, Adrian E University of Florida |
Session Q43.00002 Machine learning for molecular and materials science Room: Auditorium 1 |
Roman, Benoit Physique et Mecanique des Milieux Heterogenes |
Session QQ04.00001 Benoit Roman Room: Virtual Room 04 |
Romanczuk, Pawel Humboldt University of Berlin |
Session D36.00001 Self-organization, Criticality and Collective Information Processing in Animal Groups Room: 103B |
Rosenblum, Serge Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session T47.00001 A superconducting cavity qubit with tens of milliseconds single-photon coherence time Room: 200CD |
Rothman, Daniel H Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A64.00001 Aging and Slow Dynamics in Earth's Carbon Cycle Room: 211AB |
Rotskoff, Grant M Stanford Univ |
Session F18.00004 Grant Rotskoff Room: M100I |
Rottler, Joerg University of British Columbia |
Session K24.00003 Mechanical versus thermal activation in driven amorphous solids Room: 101DE |
Roushan, Pedram Google LLC |
Session M24.00001 Discovering novel quantum dynamics with superconducting qubits Room: 101DE |
Roy, Bitan Lehigh University |
Session T41.00004 Topological phases on fractal Lattices: Constructions and bulk-boundary correspondence Room: Ballroom A |
Rozenberg, Marcelo Université Paris Saclay |
Session OD01.00161 Numerical simulations of neuromorphic behavior in Mott memristive devices |
Rozpedek, Filip D University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session M53.00001 All-photonic Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill–qubit repeater using analog-information-assisted multiplexed entanglement ranking Room: 202AB |
Ruiz-Garcia, Miguel Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Session D44.00002 Collective Phenomena and Memory Formation in Fluidic Systems with Soft Valves Room: Auditorium 2 |
Ruiz Gomez, Sandra Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session PP05.00001 Towards the geometrical control of the energy landscape of domain walls in Complex 3D nanostructures Room: Virtual Room 05 |
Ryan, Philip J Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S42.00003 Combining In-situ Uniaxial Strain and Single Crystal X-ray Scattering to Study Condensed Matter Challenges from Nematicity to Bicritical Behavior. Room: Ballroom B |
Sacepe, Benjamin Institut Neel |
Session W02.00001 Chiral supercurrent in quantum Hall Josephson junctions Room: L100B |
Sadati, Monirosadat (Sanaz) University of South Carolina |
Session Y56.00001 3D Printing-guided Chiral Self-assembly in Cellulose-based Constructs Room: 205AB |
Saffman, Mark University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session Q24.00003 Gate model quantum computing with atom arrays Room: 101DE |
Samarth, Nitin Pennsylvania State University |
Session F06.00002 Prize Talk: David Adler Lectureship Award in Materials Physics Epitaxially engineered semiconductor heterostructures for spintronics Room: L100FG |
Samarth, Nitin Pennsylvania State University |
Session A24.00002 ZrTe2/CrTe2: an epitaxial van der Waals platform for spintronics Room: 101DE |
Sandoz-Rosado, Emil DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory |
Session S33.00001 Pulling water out of thin air: the remarkable adsorption capacity and water transport of continuous films of covalent organic frameworks Room: 102E |
Sandvik, Anders W Boston University |
Session T42.00005 The Shastry-Sutherland model and its realization in SrCu2(BO3)2: spin liquid phase and deconfined quantum criticality. Room: Ballroom B |
Sanoja, Gabriel E The University of Texas at Austin |
Session Q26.00001 Understanding the role of crosslink density and linear viscoelasticity on the shear failure of PSAs Room: 101G |
Santangelo, Christian Syracuse University |
Session D44.00001 Gating and reversing mechanical signals Room: Auditorium 2 |
Sarfati, Raphael Cornell University |
Session F36.00001 Strange states of "thinking matter" Room: 103B |
Sarkis, Colin Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session B22.00009 Magnetization Density in a-RuCl3 Room: 101B |
Sarupria, Sapna University of Minnesota |
Session T18.00001 Walking the surfaces with AI-powered MD simulations Room: M100I |
Sauret, Alban UC Santa Barbara |
Session Q31.00003 Capillary Flows of Suspensions Room: 102C |
Scalliet, Camille CNRS, ENS Paris |
Session W44.00001 From micro to mesoscale models of viscous liquid dynamics Room: Auditorium 2 |
Scanlon, David O University College of London |
Session G60.00001 Employing Chemical Heuristics in Computational Materials Design of Functional Materials Room: 207AB |
Schaefer, Jennifer L University of Notre Dame |
Session Z30.00001 Thermotropic Side-Chain Polymer and Small-Molecule Ionic Liquid Crystals with Ion Transport in Nanoscale Domains Room: 102AB |
Schaller, Richard D Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G01.00001 Time-Resolved Lattice Dynamics of Metal Halide Perovskite Nanomaterials Room: L100A |
Schauss, Peter Virginia |
Session M24.00004 Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms Room: 101DE |
Scheibner, Colin R The University of Chicago |
Session M57.00001 Prize Talk: Dissertation Award in Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Spiking at the Edge Room: 205C |
Scheie, Allen O Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G24.00003 Experiments exploring the dynamics of KYbSe2 and NaYbSe2 in field near their magnetization plateaux. Room: 101DE |
Schleich, Philipp |
Session M44.00004 Exploring the Role of Quantum Computing in Physical and Chemical Simulations Room: Auditorium 2 |
Schleier-Smith, Monika H Stanford |
Session D45.00004 Atoms Interlinked by Light: Programmable Interactions and Entanglement Room: Auditorium 3 |
Schlenoff, Joseph Florida State University |
Session Z30.00003 Emergent Viscoelasticity in Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates: Relaxation, from Monomer to Entangled Polymer Chains Room: 102AB |
Schoelkopf, Robert J Yale University |
Session K45.00002 Superconducting dual rail cavity qubits and error correction Room: Auditorium 3 |
Schoop, Leslie M Princeton University |
Session G03.00004 Interplay between magnetism and charge density waves in toplogical semimetals Room: L100C |
Schreiber, Lars R RWTH Aachen |
Session F46.00004 Benefits and perspective of conveyor-mode single electron shuttling in Si/SiGe Room: 200AB |
Schuler, Bruno EMPA |
Session PP04.00001 Probing Single Dopant Atoms in 2D Semiconductors via Scanning Probe Microscopy Room: Virtual Room 04 |
SCHULLER, IVAN K University of California, San Diego |
Session Q42.00001 Outlook for Full Hardware Implementation of Neuromorphic Architectures Using Quantum Materials Room: Ballroom B |
Scott, Adam Bayer AG |
Session B30.00003 Tough Decisions Room: 102AB |
Scuseria, Gustavo E Rice University |
Session M57.00004 Prize Talk: Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics. Dualities for Strong Electron Correlation Room: 205C |
Sears, Jennifer Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Y42.00005 Studying structural heterogeneities in quantum materials with x-ray diffuse scattering: Stacking faults in RuCl3, and charge density waves in La2-xBaxCuO4 Room: Ballroom B |
Secchi, Eleonora ETH Zurich |
Session A43.00003 Flow-driven biofilm assembly and dynamics in fluids Room: Auditorium 1 |
Segalman, Rachel A University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Q06.00002 Bridging insights between ion transport in battery electrolytes and membranes Room: L100FG |
Seiler, Anna M University of Goettingen |
Session Y41.00004 Cascade of correlated phases in the vicinity of tuneable van Hove singularities in Bernal bilayer graphene Room: Ballroom A |
Seki, Shinichiro University of Tokyo |
Session S24.00003 Topological spin textures in centrosymmetric/van der Waals magnets Room: 101DE |
Seleznev, Daniel Rutgers University |
Session S05.00007 Theory of Surface Orbital Magnetization Room: L100E |
Selinger, Robin L Kent State |
Session N43.00002 The Beauty of Topological Defects in Materials Science, Art, and Design Room: Auditorium 1 |
Seminara, Agnese University of Genoa |
Session A43.00001 Invited Talk: Agnese SeminaraPhysics-informed reinforcement learning for animal navigation: strategies to navigate turbulence Room: Auditorium 1 |
Senko, Crystal UWaterloo |
Session Q24.00005 tbd Room: 101DE |
Sercel, Peter C Center for Hybrid Organic Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy |
Session F01.00008 Mechanism of circular dichroism in chiral 2D halide perovskites Room: L100A |
Serniak, Kyle MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Session M48.00004 Decoherence metrology and mitigation for novel superconducting qubits Room: 200E |
Serra, Francesca University of Southern Denmark (also Johns Hopkins Univ) |
Session W34.00001 Topological defects in cell monolayers controlled by topography Room: 102F |
Serra, Mattia UCSD |
Session K38.00007 Mechanical and molecular self-organization principles in chick gastrulation Room: 103D |
Serwane, Friedhelm Faculty of Physics and Center for NanoScience (CeNS), LMU, Munich |
Session D24.00002 Mechanical characterization of neural organoids using ferrofluid droplets Room: 101DE |
Sethna, Zachary Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center |
Session Z44.00004 Characterizing the T cell response to a personalized cancer vaccine Room: Auditorium 2 |
Setty, Chandan Rice University |
Session M41.00002 Microscopic origins of ultranodal states in spin-1/2 systems Room: Ballroom A |
Shabani, Javad New York University (NYU) |
Session M44.00001 Current state of play in superconducting circuits with a twist Room: Auditorium 2 |
Shackleton, Henry J Harvard University |
Session W06.00001 Conductance and thermopower fluctuations in interacting quantum dots Room: L100FG |
Shao, Yu-Tsun University of Southern California |
Session A24.00001 Room Temperature Topological Spin Textures in a van der Waals Ferromagnet Revealed by Multi-modal Lorentz Electron Microscopy Room: 101DE |
Sharoni, Amos Bar Ilan University |
Session Q42.00002 Non-Volatile Memory Effects in Transition Metal Oxides Room: Ballroom B |
Sharpee, Tatyana O Salk Inst |
Session S44.00004 Hyperbolic geometry and information acquisition in biological systems Room: Auditorium 2 |
Shatruk, Michael Florida State University |
Session D06.00004 Clock Transitions in Molecular Spin Qubits Room: L100FG |
Sheiko, Sergei University of North Carolina at Chapel H |
Session W25.00001 Bottlebrush elastomers as pressure sensitive adhesives Room: 101F |
Shi, Yunfeng RPI |
Session S30.00001 In-silico material synthesis for advanced materials Room: 102AB |
Shibley, Nicole C Princeton University |
Session B64.00002 Ice-ocean interactions in the Solar System Room: 211AB |
Shimano, Ryo University of Tokyo |
Session N41.00004 Light-induced superconductivity emergent from charge order in La2-x-yNdySrxCuO4 Room: Ballroom A |
Shimizu, Thomas AMOLF |
Session Y37.00001 Traveling-wave strategy for plant-mycorrhizal trade Room: 103C |
Shvartsman, Stanislav Y Princeton University |
Session G06.00004 A single-cell model for oxygen distribution system Room: L100FG |
Siddiqi, Irfan University of California, Berkeley |
Session M56.00001 Quantum Characterization and Control Using Continuous Weak Measurements Room: 205AB |
Siepmann, J. Ilja University of Minnesota |
Session S18.00009 Machine Learning for Adsorption Processes Room: M100I |
Siggia, Eric D Rockefeller University |
Session F44.00001 Prize Talk: Max Delbruck Prize in Biological PhysicsGeometry and Genetics Room: Auditorium 2 |
Simon, Steven H University of Oxford |
Session G44.00004 Kekule Spirals in Twisted Graphene Multilayers Room: Auditorium 2 |
Sing, Charles E University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session K26.00001 John H. Dillon Medal (2024): Developing Straightforward Models to Address Complex (Coacervate) Problems in Sequence-Defined Polyelectrolytes Room: Main Auditorium |
Singh, Abhinendra Case Western Reserve University |
Session W29.00001 Cooperative Motion of Particles Drives Discontinuous Shear Thickening Room: 101J |
Singh, Arunima K Arizona State University |
Session W05.00001 GW-BSE Workflows for High-Throughput Study of Ultra-Wide Band Gap Materials Room: L100E |
Singh, Bahadur Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Session D03.00007 Designing topological materials with tunable nontrivial states and large Berry curvature effects Room: L100C |
Singh, Nirala University of Michigan |
Session N39.00004 Explaining the structure sensitivity of Pt and Rh for aqueous-phase hydrogenation of phenol Room: 103E |
Singh, Sukriti Technical University of Vienna |
Session Z07.00001 Topological semimetals across the correlation spectrum Room: L100H |
Sinno, Talid University of Pennsylvania |
Session A18.00004 Using Data to Enhance Mechanistic Modeling of Microstructure Evolution in Silicon Room: M100I |
Sinnott, Susan B Pennsylvania State University |
Session A60.00001 High-Entropy Oxides: Multifunctionality Enabled through Chemical Disorder Room: 207AB |
Sipahigil, Alp University of California, Berkeley |
Session G46.00005 Alp Sipahigil Room: 200AB |
Sirk, Timothy US Army Research Lab Aberdeen |
Session W45.00004 Understanding the character of photoresponse in glassy polymeric materials with molecular modeling Room: Auditorium 3 |
Sknepnek, Rastko University of Dundee |
Session D24.00003 Cell-level modelling of active forces in early-stage development Room: 101DE |
Slawinska, Jagoda L University of Groningen |
Session S21.00007 Chirality and spin selectivity in Te and other crystals Room: 101A |
Slichter, Daniel H NIST (Boulder) |
Session G56.00004 Trap-integrated qubit control and readout elements for scaling trapped ion quantum computers Room: 205AB |
Slyman, Katherine Brown University |
Session D64.00004 An investigation of tipping mechanisms in a carbon cycle model Room: 211AB |
Šmejkal, Libor Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
Session Y24.00001 The theory of altermagnetism Room: 101DE |
Smidt, Tess E MIT |
Session W28.00001 Symmetry-equivariant Neural Networks for Understanding and Designing Physical Systems: Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities Room: 101I |
Smith, Evan M McMaster University |
Session K22.00005 The Dipole-Octupole Quantum Spin Ice Candidate Ce2Zr2O7 Room: 101B |
Smith, Kevin C Yale University |
Session Z50.00007 Constant-depth preparation of matrix product states with adaptive quantum circuits Room: 200H |
Smith, Robert S Francis Marion University |
Session T61.00001 Prize Talk: Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert AwardUpgrading and Enhancing Advanced Undergraduate Physics Laboratories Room: 208AB |
Smith, Wilson National Renewable Energy laboratory |
Session A44.00002 TBD Room: Auditorium 2 |
Snead, Wilton Duke University |
Session S38.00001 Cellular surfaces as regulators of biomolecular condensation Room: 103D |
Sneppen, Kim Copenhagen University |
Session K06.00003 Synthetic biology of Vector-Borne disease Room: L100FG |
Snoke, David W University of Pittsburgh |
Session D41.00003 The Possibility of Novel Superconductity with High-Order Excitonic Complexes Room: Ballroom A |
Socolar, Joshua E Duke University |
Session HH01.00006 Quasicrystalline structure of the hat and spectre monotile tilings Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Sommers, Grace M Princeton University |
Session OD01.00106 Statistical Mechanics of Quantum Codes |
Song, Cheng Tsinghua University |
Session F24.00003 Detection and 180° Electrical Switching of Néel Vector in Altermagnets Room: 101DE |
Song, Justin Nanyang Technological University |
Session W41.00003 Out-of-equilibrium layer electric phases in van der Waals multilayers Room: Ballroom A |
Sotomayor Torres, Clivia INL |
Session D04.00001 Prof. Clivia Sotomayor Torres Room: L100D |
Soumyanarayanan, Anjan National University of Singapore |
Session S23.00006 All-Electrical Control of Chiral Spin Textures Room: 101C |
Spakowitz, Andrew Stanford University |
Session A29.00001 Effect of localized active fluctuations in conformation and dynamics of chromosomal DNA Room: 101J |
Spencer, Richard G National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health |
Session S43.00005 Quantitative MRI and the Aging Brain Room: Auditorium 1 |
Stacey, Alastair School of Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia |
Session T05.00001 Diamond electronics: Surface chemical control and characterization Room: L100E |
Stampfer, Christoph RWTH Aachen |
Session G42.00002 Symmetry protected spin-valley blockade in graphene quantum dots Room: Ballroom B |
Statt, Antonia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A18.00001 Predicting aggregate morphology of sequence-defined macromolecules with recurrent neural networks Room: M100I |
Stefanucci, Gianluca University of Roma |
Session B58.00001 In- and out-of-equilibrium ab initio theory of electrons and phonons Room: 205D |
Steiner, Mathias B IBM Research |
Session S30.00005 Computational Materials Discovery for Carbon Dioxide Capture Applications Room: 102AB |
Stemmer, Susanne University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D01.00004 Two-dimensional Topological States in Thin Films of Cadmium Arsenide Room: L100A |
Stephens, Greg J OIST and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Session N36.00001 Greg Stephens, University of Amsterdam Room: 103B |
Sterbentz, Dane M Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session N20.00001 Scaling Law for the Onset of Solidification under Quasi-Isentropic Compression Room: M101ABC |
Stern, Menachem University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q28.00001 The physical effects of learning Room: 101I |
Stewart, Heather NAFSA: Association of International Educators |
Session A30.00003 Viewing Immigration Policy Through an Election Year Lens Room: 102AB |
Stewart, John C West Virginia University |
Session D43.00001 Exploring Factors Influencing the Retention of Physics Majors Room: Auditorium 1 |
Stille, Dale University of Iowa |
Session K44.00001 Considerations for a Successful and Long Running Outreach Program Room: Auditorium 2 |
Stingelin, Natalie Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B33.00001 Can we correlate the nature of electronic disorder to structural dynamics in polymer semicondcutors? Room: 102E |
Streichan, Sebastian University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session G06.00003 Design principles of fate, form, forces, and function: from embryogenesis to synthetic morphogenesis Room: L100FG |
Strom, Amy Princeton University |
Session N38.00001 Condensates in Chromatin Organization and Cancer Room: 103D |
Sudbø, Asle Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Session W42.00005 Topological superconductivity induced by quantum spin fluctuations Room: Ballroom B |
Suetsugu, Shota Kyoto University |
Session A41.00005 Fully gapped pairing state in spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Sun, Dali North Carolina State University |
Session M21.00003 Hybrid Magnonics in Hybrid Perovskite Antiferromagnets Room: 101A |
Sun, Xiao-Qi Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session F42.00005 On thermal transport puzzles of strongly correlated quantum materials Room: Ballroom B |
Sundararaman, Ravishankar Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session S56.00004 Nanoscale interconnects for future semiconductors from first principles Room: 205AB |
Sutherland, R. Tyler T Quantinuum |
Session S53.00001 Indirect cooling of trapped ions through phonon rapid adiabatic passage Room: 202AB |
Sweeney, Alison M Yale University |
Session G44.00001 Physically Optimal Solar Resource Efficiency in Giant Clams Room: Auditorium 2 |
Tabler, Jacqueline MPI-CBG |
Session A38.00001 Collagen organisation regulates morphogenesis and cell fate in mesenchymal cell collectives in vivo Room: 103D |
Takada, Shoji Kyoto University |
Session T44.00003 Bayesian Hi-C metainference of chromatin structure via molecular dynamics simulations Room: Auditorium 2 |
TAKAGI, HIDENORI Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session S42.00005 Crystallization of heavy fermions via epitaxial strain in spinel LiV2O4 thin film+ Room: Ballroom B |
Takeuchi, Ichiro University of Maryland |
Session M30.00003 Compression-based elastocaloric cooling: advances in materials and systems Room: 102AB |
Takita, Maika IBM Quantum |
Session B56.00003 Leveraging dynamic circuits Room: 205AB |
Takou, Evangelia Virginia Tech |
Session K46.00004 Precise entanglement generation in spin registers coupled to defects Room: 200AB |
Tang, Evelyn Rice University |
Session M29.00004 Non-reciprocity permits novel dynamics in living and active topological systems Room: 101J |
Tang, Fujie Temple University |
Session Z56.00001 Many-body effects in the X-ray absorption spectra of liquid water Room: 205AB |
Tang, Nan Universität Augsburg |
Session K22.00001 Spin–orbital liquid state and liquid–gas metamagnetic transition on a pyrochlore lattice Room: 101B |
Tannenbaum, Benn Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Y43.00003 The Missing Middle: The Role of the DOE National Laboratories in Connecting Academia to Industry, Maturing Technology, and Promoting National Security Room: Auditorium 1 |
Tchernyshyov, Oleg Johns Hopkins University |
Session F24.00001 Piezomagnetic switching of the anomalous Hall conductivity in an antiferromagnet at room temperature Room: 101DE |
Tesei, Giulio University of Copenhagen |
Session B59.00005 Conformational ensembles of the human intrinsically disordered proteome Room: 206AB |
Theuss, Florian Cornell University |
Session A41.00001 Single-Component Superconductivity in UTe2 at Ambient Pressure Room: Ballroom A |
Thomas, Edwin L Texas A & M University |
Session N57.00003 Gyroid Materials: triply periodic minimal surfaces, skeletal graphs, mesoatoms and crystallographic defects Room: 205C |
Thomas, Sean M Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A41.00003 Time-reversal symmetry breaking in UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Thornton, Katsuyo University of Michigan |
Session S60.00001 Understanding the Effects of Microstructures on Solid-State Synthesis via Phase-Field Simulations Room: 207AB |
Tian, Wei Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F21.00001 Probing emergent phenomena in molecular multiferroic (NH4)2FeCl5· H2O Room: 101A |
Tighe, Brian P Delft University of Technology |
Session F34.00001 Pre-stressed networks as a model for nearly floppy soft matter Room: 102F |
Tikhonov, Mikhail Washington University, St. Louis |
Session D37.00003 Emergent simplicity in microbial ecosystems Room: 103C |
Tongay, Sefaattin FIAP |
Session M01.00001 The synthesis and engineering of two-dimensional Janus quantum layers Room: L100A |
Travesset, Alex Ames Lab |
Session D18.00001 Free Energy, Conformationa Dynamics and Simulations of Nanocrystals with Explicit Ligands Room: M100I |
Trenor, Scott R Association of Plastics Recyclers |
Session S06.00005 Mechanical Recycling of Packaging Feedstocks: Input and Outpu Room: L100FG |
Tresset, Guillaume Université Paris-Saclay |
Session S55.00001 Glass-like relaxation dynamics during the disorder-order transition of viral nucleocapsids Room: 204AB |
Trickey, Samuel B University of Florida |
Session F21.00002 Predictive, High-throughput Computation of Spin-Crossover Room: 101A |
Trivedi, Rahul University of Washington |
Session F54.00001 Quantum Simulation of many-body physics with accuracy guarantees Room: 203AB |
Truhlar, Donald G University of Minnesota |
Session F39.00001 Multiconfiguration Nonclassical-Energy Functional Theory Room: 103E |
Tsapatsis, Michael Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q06.00005 Processing and Separation Performance Principles of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Membranes Room: L100FG |
Tsvelik, Alexei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session K42.00004 Kondo effect and topology in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene Room: Ballroom B |
Tsymbal, Evgeny Y University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session D56.00004 Polarization of Ferroelectric Hafnia: Up or Down? Room: 205AB |
Tu, Yuhai IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |
Session S44.00001 Dynamics of representational learning in brain and artificial neural networks Room: Auditorium 2 |
Tubman, Norm M NASA Ames |
Session F52.00006 Exploring Quantum State Preparation using Tensor Networks and Sparse Wavefunction Simulations Room: 201AB |
Tuckerman, Mark E New York Univ NYU |
Session A56.00002 Topology, Molecular Simulation, and Machine Learning as Routes to Predicting Structure and Phase Behavior in Molecular Crystals Room: 205AB |
Tuckmantel, Phillipe Caterpillar |
Session B30.00002 Analytics at Caterpillar Room: 102AB |
Tung, Vincent Tokyo University |
Session Q01.00001 Orientated Lateral Growth of Two-Dimensional Materials on C-plane Sapphire Room: L100A |
Tuomisto, Filip University of Helsinki |
Session G05.00001 Positron studies of compensating defects in n-type ultra wide band gap III-nitrides and III-oxides Room: L100E |
Turner, Paul Yale University |
Session Q41.00005 Biophysics of phage-bacteria evolutionary interactions in context of patient therapy Room: Ballroom A |
Tzitrin, Ilan Canada |
Session K45.00005 Linear-optical quantum computing with high-probability state generation and arbitrary connectivity Room: Auditorium 3 |
Udina, Mattia Sapienza University of Rome |
Session N41.00003 Two-plasmon excitations with THz light pulses in superconducting cuprates Room: Ballroom A |
Ullrich, Carsten A University of Missouri |
Session N59.00001 Towards real-time TDDFT for excitons in solids Room: 206AB |
Urbach, Jeffrey S Georgetown University |
Session Y29.00001 Dense suspension rheology beyond flow curves Room: 101J |
Urbani, Pierfrancesco CNRS, Institute of theoretical physics, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay |
Session Y44.00004 Dynamical mean field theory of learning Room: Auditorium 2 |
Vaia, Richard A Air Force Research Lab - WPAFB |
Session W45.00005 Polymers, Composites, and Aerospace in 2030: Inventing the Stuff That Makes the Future Room: Auditorium 3 |
Valenti, Agnes ETH Zurich |
Session Z42.00004 Nematic metal in a multi-valley 2D electron gas: a variational Monte Carlo study Room: Ballroom B |
Vandembroucq, Damien PMMH, CNRS - ESPCI Paris PSL - Sorbonne Université - Université Paris cité |
Session K24.00001 Memory effects in mesoscopic elasto-plastic models of amorphou solids Room: 101DE |
Vandersypen, Lieven M Delft University of Technology |
Session M24.00002 Simulating Fermi-Hubbard Physics with Quantum Dot Arrays Room: 101DE |
Van Meter, Rodney Keio Univ |
Session N53.00001 Data Center Quantum Networks: From Experiment to System Room: 202AB |
Vashishta, Priya University of Southern California |
Session G62.00001 Structure and Dynamics of TMDC Moire Heterostructures: Quantum Dynamics and Machine Learning Simulations Room: 208CD |
Veatch, Sarah University of Michigan |
Session B36.00004 Biological tuning of the membrane phase transition facilitates plasma membrane organization and function. Room: 103B |
Venturelli, Ophelia University of Wisconsin |
Session M37.00001 Deciphering multi-scale interaction networks driving microbial community dynamics and functions Room: 103C |
Verduzco, Rafael Rice University |
Session S32.00001 Properties and Applications of Reversible Bottlebrush Polymers with a Dithiolane Backbone Room: 102D |
Verjauw, Jeroen IQM quantum computers |
Session S03.00001 Jeroen Verjauw Room: L100C |
Vernerey, Franck J University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M06.00005 Emergent Mechanics of Dynamic Polymer Network: Viscoelasticity, Damage, and Remodeling. Room: L100FG |
Verresen, Ruben Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y45.00001 Sculpting Long-Range Entanglement with Adaptive Circuits: From Theory to Realizing Non-Abelian Anyons and Nishimori Transitions Room: Auditorium 3 |
Verstraete, Matthieu J nanomat/QMAT/CESAM and Department of Physics, University of Liege |
Session F58.00004 First-principles transport including magnetic and spin-orbit effects Room: 205D |
Vijay, Sagar UCSB |
Session Y45.00005 Dissipation and Long-Range-Entanglement in Mixed Quantum Matter Room: Auditorium 3 |
Villard, Catherine CNRS Director of Research / University of Paris |
Session T36.00001 Helical Fungi Under Physical Constraints Room: 103B |
Vinson, John National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session Z56.00003 Practical, reliable, and large-scale calculations of x-ray spectra using the Bethe-Salpeter equation method Room: 205AB |
Viola, Lorenza Dartmouth College |
Session S50.00007 Perspectives on Quantum Characterization and Control in Correlated Noise Environments Room: 200H |
Virgo, Wilton L Department of Defense |
Session Y43.00005 Pentagon Physics Room: Auditorium 1 |
Vishveshwara, Smitha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session M45.00004 Navigating and Celebrating Strongly Correlated, Disordered Landscapes Room: Auditorium 3 |
Vishwanath, Ashvin Harvard University |
Session Q44.00002 Prize Talk: Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize II: The unreasonable effectiveness of topology in the science of quantum materials Room: Auditorium 2 |
Volkening, Alexandria Purdue University |
Session T56.00003 Forecasting U.S. elections using compartmental models of infection Room: 205AB |
Volkov, Pavel A University of Connecticut |
Session A42.00003 Correlated Electrons in Polar Metals Room: Ballroom B |
Von Lilienfeld, O. University of Toronto, Vector Institute, Technical University of Berlin |
Session D60.00001 Quantum Machine Learning Room: 207AB |
Vu, Tan Van RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing |
Session M56.00005 Thermodynamic unification of optimal transport Room: 205AB |
Wagner, Jeremy L University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y06.00004 Physics of Music: A Brief Tour of Physical Solutions to Creative Problems in New Music. Room: L100FG |
Wagner, Lucas K University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A58.00005 A route to systematically improveable effective Hamiltonians in condensed matter Room: 205D |
Wagner, Norman J University of Delaware |
Session Z26.00001 A novel shear and dilatational interfacial rheometer for the study of complex interfaces applied to polymers at the air-water interface. Room: 101G |
Wahl, Misty A Unitary Fund |
Session M52.00007 Zero noise extrapolation on logical qubits by scaling the error correction code distance Room: 201AB |
Walker, Frederick J Yale University |
Session G21.00001 Superconductivity in infinite layer nickelate films using aluminium and in-situ synthesis Room: 101A |
Wallraff, Andreas ETH Zurich |
Session Q24.00001 Enhancing the Capabilities of Superconducting Quantum Processors with Microwave Quantum Networks* Room: 101DE |
Wan, Kianna Stanford |
Session W50.00013 The fast multipole method on a quantum computer Room: 200H |
Wang, Feng University of California, Berkeley |
Session W64.00001 Designing Artificial Quantum Materials in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Moire Heterostructures Room: 211AB |
Wang, Feng University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q44.00003 Prize Talk: Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in SolidsHydrodynamic Electrodynamics and Energy Wave of Dirac Liquid in Graphene Room: Auditorium 2 |
Wang, Jian Peking University |
Session S41.00005 Pair density wave state in a monolayer high-Tc iron-based superconductor Room: Ballroom A |
Wang, Jian-Ping University of Minnesota |
Session K18.00001 Micromagnetic Neural Stimulation and Spintronic Neural Sensing Room: M100I |
Wang, Kang-Lung UCLA |
Session N42.00003 Manipulating topological quantum states in intrinsic magnetic topological insulators Room: Ballroom B |
Wang, Michael Argonne National Laboratory |
Session W24.00004 Equity Considerations in Modeling Decarbonized Energy Systems Room: 101DE |
Wang, Nan-Lin Peking University |
Session OD01.00067 Photo-induced nonequilibrium response in underdoped cuprates probed by time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy |
Wang, Shuqiu University of Bristol, University of Oxford, Cornell University |
Session S41.00001 Evidence for a Spin-Triplet Pair Density Wave State in UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Wang, Weiting Tsinghua University |
Session OD01.00122 Experimental Quantum Error Correction of Binomial Bosonic Codes |
Wang, Xiaoguang The Ohio State University |
Session Y56.00002 Controlling Chain Conformation in Amorphous Polymers through Liquid Crystal Confinement Room: 205AB |
Wang, Xin Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) |
Session Z51.00001 Power and Limitations of Parameterized Quantum Circuits Room: 200IJ |
Wang, Xirui Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y03.00003 Interfacial ferroelectricity in stacking-engineered van der Waals materials Room: L100C |
Wang, Xue-Bin Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session S25.00001 Probing the Primary Solvation Shell of Hydroxide and Observing Spin-Orbit Excited Dipole-Bound Resonances Using Cryogenic Photoelectron Spectroscopy Xue-Bin Wang Room: 101F |
Wang, Zhen-Gang Caltech |
Session F43.00001 Prize Talk: Polymer Physics PrizeOrigin of the Entropic Driving Force in Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervation Room: Auditorium 1 |
Wanjura, Clara Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light |
Session K50.00006 Non-Hermitian topology and directional amplification Room: 200H |
Webb, Michael A Princeton University |
Session A26.00001 Data-driven Strategies to Navigate Sequence, Composition, and Architectural Complexity in Polymer Physics Room: 101G |
Weber, Bent Nanyang Technological University |
Session G42.00004 Towards spin-valley qubits based on in-gap quantum dots in the transition metal dichalcogenides Room: Ballroom B |
Weber, Kate |
Session Y43.00001 The quantum computing industry and protecting national security: what tools will work? Room: Auditorium 1 |
Weber, Sophie F ETH Zurich |
Session B21.00006 Surface Magnetization in Antiferromagnets: Classification, example materials, and relation to magnetoelectric responsesSophie F. Weber Room: 101A |
Wee, Andrew T National University of Singapore |
Session DD05.00001 The emergence of vdW synthetic ferroelectrics: fundamentals and applications Room: Virtual Room 05 |
Wehner, Stephanie Delft University of Technology |
Session S45.00001 Running applications on a quantum network Room: Auditorium 3 |
Weiss, David S. Pennsylvania State University |
Session W30.00003 Out-of-equilibrium 1D Bose gases and generalized hydrodynamics Room: 102AB |
Weitz, David A Harvard University |
Session X01.00005 A Taste of Chocolate: Have your non-equilibrium physics and eat it too! Room: Main Auditorium |
Welch, Jill Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration |
Session A30.00002 Invited Talk: Jill Welch, senior policy advisor, Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration and senior consultant, U.S. for Success Coalition Room: 102AB |
Welsch, Carsten P UK |
Session T06.00001 The Physics of Star Wars Room: L100FG |
Wentzcovitch, Renata Maria M Columbia University |
Session B61.00001 The U.S.-Africa Initiative in Electronic Structure Room: 208AB |
Whaley, Birgitta University of California, Berkeley |
Session T45.00004 Non-orthogonality in quantum algorithms for molecular states enables quantum advantage Room: Auditorium 3 |
White, Steven R University of California, Irvine |
Session W59.00001 Do the single band Hubbard models describe superconductivity in the cuprates? Room: 206AB |
Whitelam, Stephen Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K31.00007 Learning protocols for fast and efficient state-to-state transformations in active matter Room: 102C |
Whitlow, Jacob H Duke University |
Session A51.00001 Quantum simulation of conical intersections using trapped ions. Room: 200IJ |
Widom, Michael Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Z60.00001 Information-theoretic approaches to calculating thermodynamic entropy Room: 207AB |
Wiesendanger, Roland M University of Hamburg |
Session W42.00001 Atom-by-Atom Fabricated Magnet-Superconductor Hybrid Systems as Ideal Platforms for Realizing Topological Superconductivity and Associated Majorana Zero Modes Room: Ballroom B |
Wilken, Sam University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K35.00007 Spatial Organization of DNA Liquids Room: 103A |
Willomitzer, Florian |
Session K30.00005 Computational Imaging through Scatter using Synthetic Waves Room: 102AB |
Wilson, Stephen D University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Y42.00003 X-ray studies of unconventional charge correlations in kagome metals Room: Ballroom B |
Winey, Karen I University of Pennsylvania |
Session S06.00002 Polymer-to-polymer chemical transformations to produce specialty plastics from waste polyolefins Room: L100FG |
Wingreen, Ned S Princeton University |
Session A27.00001 Sticky enzymes: increasing metabolic efficiency via substrate-dependent enzyme clustering Room: 101H |
Witzel, Wayne M Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G49.00001 Tin as a nuclear spin qubit in silicon Room: 200G |
Wood, Mitchell A Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B45.00003 Prize Talk: Neil Ashcroft Early Career Award for Studies of Matter at Extreme High Pressure Conditions: Progress and Prospects of Computational Methods for High Pressure Physics Room: Auditorium 3 |
Wright, Logan G Cornell University |
Session K43.00005 Physical neural networks trained with a physics-aware backpropagation algorithm Room: Auditorium 1 |
Wright, Vashan Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego |
Session K34.00006 Findings and lessons learned while translating statistical physics to Soft Earth materials Room: 102F |
Wu, Yilin The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Session K36.00001 Learning the emergent order of living matter from bacteria Room: 103B |
Wu, Yi-Ming Stanford University |
Session S41.00004 Mechanisms of Pair Density Wave Order from Electron Repulsion Room: Ballroom A |
Wu, Yingying University of Florida |
Session A24.00005 2D Spintronics: Skyrmions and beyond Room: 101DE |
Xia, Jing University of California, Irvine |
Session D42.00003 Intertwined Topological and Time-reversal-symmetry-breaking States on the Surface of Fe-Chalcogenide Superconductors Room: Ballroom B |
Xiang, Hongjun Fudan Univ |
Session AA05.00001 Property analysis and simulation package for materials (PASP) and its applications to 2D ferroic materials Room: Virtual Room 05 |
Xiao, Hongyi University of Michigan |
Session K24.00005 Understanding the ductile-to-brittle transition in disordered solids using structuro-elastoplaisc models Room: 101DE |
Xu, Haichao Fudan Univ |
Session G41.00004 Role of optical phonons for normal and superconducting state properties of KTO Room: Ballroom A |
Xu, Jie Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D30.00001 Self-driving Lab (Polybot) for electronic polymer discovery Room: 102AB |
Xu, Ruijuan NC State University |
Session Y57.00001 Emerging phase transitions in lead-free antiferroelectric thin films Room: 205C |
Xu, Suyang Harvard University |
Session M05.00001 Quantum metric nonlinear Hall effect in a topological antiferromagnetic heterostructure Room: L100E |
Xu, Yunjie Univ of Alberta |
Session Q25.00006 Chiral Molecular Interactions: Insights from the Gas-Phase Rotational and Condensed-Phase Chiroptical Spectroscopies Room: 101F |
Xue, Qikun Tsinghua University |
Session Q44.00001 Prize Talk: Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize I Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and Beyond Room: Auditorium 2 |
Yale, Christopher G Sandia National Laboratories |
Session M50.00007 Noise-Aware Circuit Compilations for a Continuously Parameterized Two-Qubit Gateset Room: 200H |
Yan, Han The University of Tokyo |
Session A22.00001 Classification of classical spin liquids in the Large-N Limit Room: 101B |
Yan, Zoe Z University of Chicago |
Session Y30.00003 Observation of Magnetic Polarons in a Triangular Hubbard Model with Kinetic Frustration Room: 102AB |
Yanase, Youichi Kyoto Univ |
Session D05.00001 Superconductivity in FeSe enhanced and modulated by quantum geometetry Room: L100E |
Yang, Fengyuan Ohio State University |
Session N21.00001 Strong on-Chip Microwave Photon−Magnon Coupling Using Ultralow-Damping Epitaxial Y3Fe5O12 Films at 2 K Room: 101A |
Yang, Kangning |
Session W30.00004 TBD Room: 102AB |
Yang, Kesong University of California, San Diego |
Session F60.00001 Exploring Magnetic Anisotropy in Heusler Alloys through High-Throughput Interface Engineering Room: 207AB |
Yang, Lan Washington University, St. Louis |
Session T11.00001 Explore exceptional points in optical microresonators: fundamentals and applications Room: M100B |
Yang, Luyi Tsinghua University |
Session S05.00001 Ultrafast magnetization and magnon dynamics in a two-dimensional topological antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4 Room: L100E |
Yang, See-Hun IBM Research - Almaden |
Session W21.00001 Local and global energy barriers for chiral domain walls in lateral magnetic junctions Room: 101A |
Yang, Yang Wisconsin |
Session M25.00006 Constrained nuclear-electronic orbital (CNEO) framework for accurate and efficient simulations of hydrogen bonded systems Room: 101F |
Yankowitz, Matthew University of Washington |
Session G04.00006 Moiré modification of graphitic thin films Room: L100D |
Yao, Xiaohan Boston College |
Session B03.00005 Tuning the electron-phonon coupling in MX2 system Room: L100C |
Yasuda, Kenji Cornell University |
Session G02.00005 Designing unconventional ferroelectrics in van der Waals heterostructures Room: L100B |
Yasuda, Kento Kyoto University |
Session K06.00004 Odd elastohydrodynamics: non-reciprocal living material in a viscous fluid Room: L100FG |
Yavitt, Benjamin University of Cincinnati |
Session A25.00001 Advances in the spatial & temporal characterization of structure development during extrusion 3D printing Room: 101F |
Yazawa, Keisuke |
Session N30.00001 Unique Polarization Switching of Wurtzite Ferroelectrics Room: 102AB |
Ye, Jun CU Boulder |
Session D45.00001 Observation of mHz-level cooperative Lamb shifts in an optical atomic clock Room: Auditorium 3 |
Ye, Mengxing University of Utah |
Session D55.00001 Ultrafast dynamics in quantum magnets Room: 204AB |
Yildiz, Bilge Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session Q62.00005 Uncovering Fast Solid-Acid Proton Conductors Based on Dynamics of Polyanion Groups and Proton Bonding Strength Room: 208CD |
Yin, Weiguo Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S30.00002 Bridging Materials, Models, and Spectra with First-Principles Downfolding and Machine Learning Room: 102AB |
Ying, Lexing Stanford |
Session T45.00003 Robust phase estimation and Heisenberg-limited Hamiltonian learning Room: Auditorium 3 |
Yoder, Ted IBM |
Session F45.00001 High-threshold and low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum memory Room: Auditorium 3 |
Yoshioka, Nobuyuki University of Tokyo |
Session D52.00007 What is optimal way to mitigate/suppress quantum errors? Room: 201AB |
Yost, Donna-Ruth W MIT - Lincoln Laboratory |
Session Y48.00004 3D Integration for Extensible Quantum Processors Room: 200E |
You, Jianqiang Zhejiang University |
Session N44.00005 Cavity quantum electrodynamics with magnons Room: Auditorium 2 |
Young, Andrea F University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Y41.00001 Magnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral graphene multilayers: triplet superconductivity, intervalley coherence, and spin orbit coupling Room: Ballroom A |
Yu, Cecile X QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft |
Session N46.00004 Semiconductor qubits on the move Room: 200AB |
Yu, Guo Princeton University |
Session Z03.00003 Two-dimensional anisotropic Luttinger Liquids in a moiré superlattice Room: L100C |
Yu, Jiabin Princeton University |
Session F03.00004 Quantum Geometry and Band Topology in Interacting Systems Room: L100C |
Yu, Josephine Stanford University |
Session A41.00004 Theory of the low- and high-field superconducting phases of UTe2 Room: Ballroom A |
Yu, Weiqiang Department of Physics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China |
Session F23.00001 Deconfined Quantum Criticality in a Shastry-Sutherland Compound SrCu2(BO3)2 Room: 101C |
Yuan, Bo Univ of Toronto |
Session Q04.00001 Molecular orbital magnet with strong spin orbit coupling Room: L100D |
Zaccone, Alessio University of Milan |
Session W39.00004 Title: "Towards a "standard model" of liquid state physics"Focus Session: Physics of LiquidsInvited Speaker: Alessio Zaccone Room: 103E |
Zambrini, Roberta Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos |
Session M56.00004 Time-series quantum reservoir computing with quantum measurements Room: 205AB |
Zamponi, Francesco |
Session Y44.00001 On the memory of the initial state during gradient descent dynamics in random energy landscapes Room: Auditorium 2 |
Zang, Chongzhi University of Virginia |
Session T38.00001 Computational approaches to dissect the multi-scale chromatin landscape and gene regulation Room: 103D |
Zangwill, Andrew Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Q56.00002 That's Not Physics Room: 205AB |
Zaporski, Leon Cambridge |
Session B49.00001 Paradigm shift in the field of optically active quantum dots: improved qubit and the nuclear interface Room: 200G |
Zayats, Anatoly King's College London |
Session W11.00001 Ultrafast light dynamics in plasmonic metastructures Room: M100B |
Zelezny, Jakub Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences |
Session F24.00002 Unconventional Spin-Transfer Torque in Noncollinear Antiferromagnetic Junctions Room: 101DE |
Zeng, Bei The Hong Kong University of Science and |
Session A45.00003 Applying machine learning insights to quantum information challenges Room: Auditorium 3 |
Zhang, Hantao UC Riverside |
Session B23.00001 Unconventional magnetoresistance and its implications in spin-torque characterization Room: 101C |
Zhang, Hao Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S24.00001 Topological multipolar spin textures Room: 101DE |
Zhang, Kai-Xuan Soul National University |
Session K23.00001 Current controlled spin states of van-der-Waals topological Fe3GeTe2 Room: 101C |
Zhang, Ruiqi Tulane Univeristy |
Session G39.00007 Explorations and discoveries of complex materials with novel properties using advanced density functional theory Room: 103E |
Zhang, Ruixing University of Tennessee |
Session D42.00004 Trapping Majorana Quasiparticles with Superconducting Vortices Room: Ballroom B |
Zhang, Shang-Shun University of Minnesota |
Session G24.00005 Dynamics of New and Old Triangular Antiferromagnets Room: 101DE |
Zhang, Shengbai Rensselaer Polytechnique Institute |
Session N03.00001 Revisiting the Formulation of Charged Defects in Solids Room: L100C |
Zhang, Shenli University of Chicago |
Session Q42.00004 First-principles calculations of the structural and electronic properties of cobaltites for neuromorphic applications Room: Ballroom B |
Zhang, Shilei ShanghaiTech University |
Session AA03.00001 Speaker: Shilei ZhangTitle: Structural Variations of the Three-Dimensional Skyrmion Strings Room: Virtual Room 03 |
Zhang, Wei University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
Session N44.00003 Magnon engineering in YIG-based heterostructures - from strong coupling to short wavelength modes Room: Auditorium 2 |
Zhang, Xiao-Xiao University of Florida |
Session T23.00005 Resonant optical detection of 2D spin textures Room: 101C |
Zhang, Yang University of Tennessee |
Session F03.00001 Machine learning large-scale simulation and band-mixing fractional quantum anomalous Hall effect in twisted MoTe2 Room: L100C |
Zhang, Yi Peking Univ |
Session A45.00005 tbd Room: Auditorium 3 |
Zhang, Zhen Columbia University |
Session RR05.00001 PBE-GGA predicts the B8↔B2 phase boundary of FeO at Earth's core conditions Room: Virtual Room 05 |
Zhao, He Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S41.00002 Smectic Pair Density Wave in a magnetic iron based superconductor. Room: Ballroom A |
Zhao, Jin University of Science and Technology of China |
Session W60.00001 Ab Initio Investigations on the Quantum Dynamics of Excited Carriers in Condensed Matter Systems Room: 207AB |
Zheludev, Andrey ETH Zurich |
Session G24.00004 The curse of Midas: when touching triangular and kagome 2d magnets turn them into 1d spin ladders and tubes. Room: 101DE |
Zheng, Zhiren Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session W41.00004 Electronic ratchet effect in a moiré system Room: Ballroom A |
Zhou, Haidong University of Tennessee |
Session D21.00004 The electronic detection of quantum spin fluctuations in pyrochlore heterostructures Room: 101A |
Zhou, Hengyun Harvard University |
Session F45.00005 Constant-Overhead Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Reconfigurable Atom Arrays Room: Auditorium 3 |
Zhou, Shuyun Tsinghua University |
Session S04.00001 Shuyon Zhou Room: L100D |
Zhou, Shuyun Tsinghua University |
Session B43.00003 Controlling quantum materials with time-periodic drive Room: Auditorium 1 |
Zhu, Ante GE Healthcare |
Session S43.00004 Time reveals length scale: human tissue microstructure characterization by time-dependent diffusion MR Room: Auditorium 1 |
Zhu, Haiming Zhejiang University |
Session K39.00001 2022 JCP-DCP Future of Chemical Physics Lecture. Talk Title: Dynamic Exciton Polaron in Two-Dimensional Lead Halides Room: 103E |
Session Z06.00003 Spin dynamics via chiral phonons Room: L100FG |
Zhuang, Houlong Arizona State University |
Session Q43.00004 Exploration of New High-Entropy Materials Enabled by Quantum Computing Room: Auditorium 1 |
Zimboras, Zoltan Wigner Research Center for Physics |
Session G52.00007 Efficient quantum gate decomposition via adaptive circuit compression Room: 201AB |
Zimmers, Alexandre ESPCI PSL-Sorbonne University |
Session Q42.00003 Imaging Metal-Insulator Patterns in VO2 for Neuromorphic Computing Room: Ballroom B |
Zinner, Nikolaj T Aarhus University |
Session W30.00005 TBD Room: 102AB |
Zuerch, Michael University of California, Berkeley |
Session D40.00002 Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Charge Density Waves in 1T-TiSe2: Unraveling the Interplay of Dimensionality, Excitonic Correlations, Electron-Phonon Couplings, and Topological Defects Room: 103F |
Zumbuhl, Dominik M University of Basel |
Session Q30.00004 Building Spin-Orbit Qubits with Holes in Silicon and Germanium Room: 102AB |
Zwierlein, Martin MIT |
Session Y30.00002 Fermion Pairs and Loners in the Attractive Hubbard Gas Room: 102AB |
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