Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session M46: Silicon Qubits II - Donor Qubits in Silicon
8:00 AM–10:24 AM,
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Room: 200AB
Chair: Arne Laucht, 1) University of New South Wales, 2) Diraq Pty. Ltd.
Abstract: M46.00004 : Andrea MorelloIntroduction to quantum information in higher dimensions: high-spin nuclei in silicon and their analogy to other qudits*
8:36 AM–9:12 AM
Andrea Morello
(University of New South Wales)
Andrea Morello
(University of New South Wales)
Here I will present a new qudit platform, the spin 7/2 nucleus of an antimony atom in silicon [1]. Its 8-dimensional Hilbert space affords enough complexity to embody an error correctable logical qubit, hosted in a single atomic-scale platform. Together with the donor-bound spin 1/2 electron, it can form a 16-dimensional Hilbert space which can be controlled with both magnetic and electric fields [2]. Experiments are underway to demonstrate nonclassical states of the spin, such as Schroedinger cat states [3], as well as logical qubit encodings that exploit the symmetry and natural interactions in the physical Hamiltonian of the large nuclear spin [4].
This introductory talk will present a unified picture of the physics and quantum information aspects of qudits across different physical platforms, highlighting the universality of high-dimensional quantum information processing. I expect that the prospect of encoding a logical qubit in a single atomic-scale object, hosted in a silicon nanoelectronic device, will give further impetus to this broad line of research.
[1] S Asaad, V Mourik et al., Nature 579, 205 (2020)
[2] I Fernandez de Fuentes et al., arXiv:2306.07453 (2023)
[3] P Gupta et al. arXiv:2304.13813 (2023)
[4] J. Gross, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 010504 (2021)
*The research was funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery Project (grant no. DP210103769), the US Army Research Office (contract no. W911NF-17-1-0200), and the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (grant no. AUSMURI000002).
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