Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session D20: Matter at Extreme Conditions: Planetary Science and Warm Dense Matter
3:00 PM–5:36 PM,
Monday, March 4, 2024
Room: M101ABC
Chair: Alison Altman, Texas A&M University
Abstract: D20.00001 : Dynamic compression of iron oxides to multi-megabar pressures
3:00 PM–3:36 PM
Ian K Ocampo
(Princeton University)
Ian K Ocampo
(Princeton University)
Donghoon Kim
(Carnegie Institution for Science)
Raymond F Smith
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Federica Coppari
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
J. Ryan Rygg
(University of Rochester)
Marius Millot
Jon H Eggert
Thomas S Duffy
(Princeton University)
In this seminar, I will present results from two such studies where in situ x-ray diffraction is used to diagnose the phase stability and crystal structures of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 dynamically compressed to ~700 GPa. Iron oxides have recently been shown to act as important analogs of Mg-silicates (i.e., MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4), and as the most abundant multivalent element in rocky composition planets, important markers of mantle redox. On the nanosecond time scales of our experiments, we observe that hematite-type Fe2O3 transforms to the theta-Fe2O3 phase, predicted to be metastable under static loading conditions. Above ~350 GPa, no sample diffraction peaks are observed suggestive of pressure-induced amorphization. In contrast, we observe diffraction consistent with the crystalline Th3P4-type Fe3O4 above ~250 GPa and up to the highest achieved pressure. Our results provide important insights into exoplanet mineralogy and, when combined with previous works on Fe and FeO, are used to develop a compositional model for the Earth’s solid inner core.
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