Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS March Meeting
Monday–Friday, March 4–8, 2024; Minneapolis & Virtual
Session M53: Quantum Communication
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Room: 202AB
Chair: Shraddha Singh, Yale University
Abstract: M53.00001 : All-photonic Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill–qubit repeater using analog-information-assisted multiplexed entanglement ranking*
8:00 AM–8:36 AM
Filip D Rozpedek
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Filip D Rozpedek
(University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Kaushik P Seshadreesan
(University of Pittsburgh)
Paul A Polakos
(CISCO Systems)
Liang Jiang
(University of Chicago)
Saikat Guha
(University of Arizona)
In this talk I will present our proposal for using the bosonic Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code in a two-way repeater architecture with multiplexing. The crucial feature of the GKP code that we make use of is the fact that GKP qubits easily admit deterministic two-qubit gates, hence allowing for multiplexing without the need for generating large cluster states as required in previous all-photonic architectures based on discrete-variable codes. Moreover, alleviating the need for such clique clusters entails that we are no longer limited to extraction of at most one end-to-end entangled pair from a single protocol run. In fact, thanks to the availability of the analog information generated during the measurements of the GKP qubits, we can design better entanglement swapping procedures in which we connect links based on their estimated quality.
I will discuss how our architecture allows for high-rate end-to-end entanglement generation and is resilient to imperfections arising from finite squeezing in the GKP state preparation and homodyne detection inefficiency. In particular, I will show that long-distance quantum communication over more than 1000 km is possible even with less than 13 dB of GKP squeezing. I will also quantify the number of GKP qubits needed for the implementation of our scheme where we find that for good hardware parameters, we require around 10^3−10^4 GKP qubits per repeater per protocol run.
*We acknowledge support from the ARO (Grant No. W911NF-23-1-0077), ARO MURI (Grant No. W911NF- 21-1-0325), AFOSR MURI (Grants No. FA9550-19-1-0399, No. FA9550-21-1-0209), AFRL (Grant No. FA8649-21-P- 0781), DoE Q-NEXT, NSF (Grants No. OMA-1936118, No. ERC-1941583, No. OMA-2137642, No. CCF-2204985), ONR (Grant No. N00014-19-1-2189), NTT Research, and the Packard Foundation (2020-71479). We are also grateful for the support of the University of Chicago Research Computing Center for assistance with the numerical simulations carried out in this work.
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