Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Invited Speakers
., Priyanka Department of Physics & Center for Soft Matter and Biological Physics, Virginia Tech |
Session D24.00001 Understanding the control process for non-equilibrium systems using scaling theory Room: 401 |
Aarts, Jan Leiden University |
Session X66.00004 Controlling supercurrents and their spatial distribution in ferromagnets Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Ackerman, Nicole Physics and Astronomy, Agnes Scott College |
Session U21.00003 Advanced Labs in the Small Liberal Arts College Environment Room: 302 |
Adams, Wendy Physics, Colorado School of Mines |
Session A18.00003 Getting the Facts Out About the STEM Teaching Profession Room: 205 |
Agoritsas, Elisabeth Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session U18.00001 Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of particle systems in infinite dimension Room: 205 |
Agterberg, Daniel University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Session U55.00001 Superconductivity without time-reversal or inversion symmetries Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B |
Ahart, Muhtar Department of Physics, Univ of Illinois - Chicago |
Session B36.00002 Road to Hot Hydride Superconductors Room: 601/603 |
Aidala, Katherine Mt Holyoke Coll |
Session B38.00002 A common tool for uncommon measurements: Adventures in atomic force microscopy Room: 607 |
Akgun, Bulent Bogazici University |
Session U32.00011 Effect of Chain Architecture on the Structure, Diffusion, and Swelling in Thin Polymer Films Room: 504 |
Akinwande, Deji University of Texas at Austin |
Session G57.00007 2D Memory Physics and Applications Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Albash, Tameem University of New Mexico |
Session L16.00006 Beyond Standard Quantum Annealing Room: 201 |
Alem, Nasim Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University |
Session U53.00001 Atomic resolution characterization of 2D materials with scanning transmission electron microscopy. Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Allan, Milan Leiden University |
Session F61.00001 A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Allen, Heather Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session A04.00001 Electric Fields, Reorientation, and Water at the Air-water Interface of Iron and other Salt Solutions Room: 109 |
Allen, Patricia Appalachian State University |
Session U21.00004 Preparing Physics Majors for the Future through Intermediate and Advanced Laboratories Room: 302 |
Alp, Esen Argonne Natl Lab |
Session M19.00003 SESAME project in the Middle East: Synchrotron radiation for sciences Room: 207 |
Altman, Ehud University of California, Berkeley |
Session J18.00002 Universal operator growth and emergent hydrodynamics in quantum systems Room: 205 |
Alvarado, José University of Texas at Austin |
Session S29.00005 Uncovering the dynamic precursors to motor-driven contraction of active gels Room: 501 |
Alvarez, Nicolas Drexel Univ |
Session G19.00001 Self-Healing Recovery and Dynamics of Associating Polymers under Uniaxial Extension Room: 207 |
Amstad, Esther EPFL |
Session M22.00008 Drops: A bio-inspired tool to structure materials Room: 303 |
Analytis, James University of California, Berkeley |
Session S59.00003 Interplay of magnetic frustration and topology in complex metals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Andrei, Eva Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session J67.00001 Correlated electronic states and Fermi surface topology in flat-band graphene layers Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Aoki, Dai Tohoku Univ |
Session G66.00002 Field- and pressure-induced phenomena in novel spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Armato, Sam Department or Radiology, University of Chicago |
Session D28.00003 Quantitative Imaging Applications for Radiography and Computed Tomography Room: 405-407 |
Aronson, Igor Biomedical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University |
Session D29.00001 Spatial-temporal organization of bacterial suspensions under confinement Room: 501 |
Attane, Jean-Phillippe Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, IRIG, 38000 Grenoble (France) |
Session R19.00004 Spin to charge conversion in the topological insulator HgTe and in STO-based two-dimensional electron gas Room: 207 |
Atwater, Harry Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology |
Session A62.00001 Flying Micro-Lightsails: Optical Levitation and Propulsion of Nanostructured Ultralight Macroscopic Objects Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Auerbach, Assa Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session U66.00003 What determines the Hall and Thermal Hall coefficients of metals, magnets and superconductors? Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Austin, Robert Princeton University |
Session W22.00001 Collective Robot Sex on Dynamic Resource Landscapes Room: 303 |
Avraham, Nurit Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session F19.00003 Fermi-arc diversity on surface terminations of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 Room: 207 |
Aykol, Muratahan Toyota Research Institute |
Session M39.00001 Materials discovery through artificial intelligence Room: 703 |
Bachtold, Adrian ICFO – The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) |
Session X28.00005 Nanotube Electro-Mechanical Resonators Room: 405-407 |
Bakr, Waseem Princeton |
Session M01.00001 Probing quench dynamics across a quantum phase transition into a 2D Ising antiferromagnet Room: 103 |
Balandin, Alexander University of California, Riverside |
Session A57.00006 Monitoring and Controlling Charge-Density-Waves in 2D Materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Balazs, Anna Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session A68.00002 Polymers Science in Modeling Mushy, Squishy Systems Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Balazsi, Gabor State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session G36.00002 Physical principles from evolutionary synthetic biology Room: 601/603 |
Balents, Leon University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D19.00001 Physics of domains and domain walls in topological magnets Room: 207 |
Balsara, Nitash University of California, Berkeley |
Session R35.00001 How to Define Electric Potential in a Polarized Polymer Electrolyte Why is it Important? Room: 507 |
Banerjee, Somaditya Austin Peay State University |
Session W37.00001 The Making of Modern Physics in Colonial India Room: 605 |
Bardin, Joseph AI Quantum, Google LLC |
Session A36.00001 Control of Transmon Qubits using a Cryogenic CMOS Integrated Circuit Room: 601/603 |
Bar Lev, Yevgeny Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
Session X37.00002 Emergent locality in systems with power-law interactions Room: 605 |
Barnes, Edwin Virginia Tech |
Session S38.00009 A geometric approach to dynamically corrected gates Room: 607 |
Baroni, Stefano SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste |
Session D43.00001 Gauge invariance of heat and charge transport coefficients Room: 702 |
Bar-Sinai, Yohai Google Research |
Session M34.00001 Learning the onset of frictional motion Room: 506 |
Barthel, Etienne ESPCI Paris |
Session D31.00001 From dewetting to adhesion rupture - moving lines in dissipative, heterogeneous systems Room: 503 |
Bartok, Albert Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling, School of Engineering, University of Warwick |
Session F36.00003 Embedding physics in machine learning potentials Room: 601/603 |
Basov, Dmitri Physics, Columbia University |
Session G67.00002 Polaritons in Moire Superlattices of Graphene and Boron Nitride Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Bassett, Lee University of Pennsylvania |
Session L18.00004 Defect spins in two-dimensional materials for quantum sensing and nanophotonics Room: 205 |
Bates, Christopher University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L70.00007 Catalyst and Architecture Effects in Polyester Dynamic Covalent Materials Room: 208 |
Batista, Cristian University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session J47.00009 Vison crystals in an extended Kitaev model on the Honeycomb latttice Room: 710/712 |
Beckham, Gregg NREL |
Session L35.00011 Performance-advantaged bioproducts from biomass Room: 507 |
Beidenkopf, Haim Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session X67.00005 Resolving the topological classification of bismuth using topological defects Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Beik Mohammadi, Jamileh Loyola University New Orleans |
Session B47.00004 Reduced exchange interactions in thin perpendicularly magnetized magnetic tunnel junction free layers and spin-transfer reversal mechanisms Room: 710/712 |
Belak, James Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session D40.00001 Preparing for exascale: additive manufacturing process modeling at the fidelity of the microstructure Room: 705 |
Benfatto, Lara Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Session A66.00005 Spectroscopies of superconducting collective modes: new advances and open questions Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Bennett, Matthew Rice Univ |
Session U26.00001 Spatiotemporal dynamics in synthetic microbial consortia Room: 403 |
Benton, Owen Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session M66.00004 Rank-2 Coulomb Spin Liquids from Classical Spins Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Berciu, Mona Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia |
Session R18.00002 Light bipolarons from strong Peierls electron-phonon coupling Room: 205 |
Berggren, Karl Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session X66.00003 Superconducting-nanowire-based memories Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Bergmann, Kristin Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session J22.00003 Formation temperature of biomaterials through geologic time Room: 303 |
Bernardi, Marco Caltech |
Session S36.00003 Toward Precise Ab Initio Simulations of the Ultrafast Dynamics of Electrons and Phonons Room: 601/603 |
Bernholc, Jerry North Carolina State University |
Session F40.00001 Towards Exascale Electronic Structure and Quantum Transport Calculations Room: 705 |
Berthier, Ludovic University of Montpellier |
Session R32.00004 Physical properties of ultrastable computer-generated glasses Room: 504 |
Bertschinger, Edmund Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L38.00003 TEAM-UP’s Recommendations on Systemic Change Room: 607 |
Betterton, Meredith University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session B26.00001 Force generation and self-organization in mitosis Room: 403 |
Bhatia, Surita State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session S68.00001 Sandwich Layering in Binary Colloidal Films During Evpaorative Drying Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Bhattacharjee, Tapomoy Princeton University |
Session X19.00005 Cells in microgels: 3D printed microtissues and three-dimensional cell migration Room: 207 |
Binder, Kurt Johannes-Gutenberg Univ |
Session F68.00001 Statistical Mechaincs and Phase Transitions of Semiflexible Polymers Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Biroli, Giulio LPENS, Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session U18.00002 Beyond mean-field theories of glassy dynamics Room: 205 |
Blackstone, Patrick Indiana University - Bloomington |
Session L37.00004 Interrogating Entangled Matter with Entangled Probes Room: 605 |
Blum, Volker Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University |
Session D63.00010 Tunable Electronic Structure of 2D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites from a First Principles Approach Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Blumoff, Jacob HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session R38.00001 Quantifying high-fidelity state preparation and measurement in triple-quantum-dot qubits Room: 607 |
Boebinger, Gregory Scott National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session U66.00005 Scale-invariant magnetoresistance in a cuprate superconductor Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Boeri, Lilia Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session M40.00001 Room-Temperature Superconductivity in High-Pressure Hydrides: An electronic structure perspective Room: 705 |
Bøggild, Peter DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark |
Session W53.00004 Lithographic bandgap engineering of graphene on the 10 nm scale: the role of edges Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Bohrdt, Annabelle Tech Univ Muenchen |
Session L39.00001 Classifying Snapshots of the Doped Hubbard Model with Machine Learning Room: 703 |
Bois, Justin Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, Caltech |
Session B18.00005 Essential data science instruction for biophysicists Room: 205 |
Böker, Alexander Fraunhofer-Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP |
Session W34.00010 Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Multi-Patch Functional Colloids Room: 506 |
Bonev, Stanimir Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session J40.00001 Using liquid informed searches to predict high pressure and finite temperature phase transitions Room: 705 |
Borgani, Riccardo KTH Royal Inst of Tech |
Session L66.00004 Resolving fast dynamics through measurement in the frequency domain Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Borrero-Echeverry, Daniel Willamette University |
Session L36.00004 Modern Computer Applications in the Advanced Laboratory Room: 601/603 |
Boss, Michael American College of Radiology |
Session D28.00005 Better Medicine through Measurement: Developments and Applications of Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Room: 405-407 |
Boué, François Laboratory Léon Brillouin CNRS-CEA-UPSay |
Session L33.00013 Polymer – nanocomposites at rest and under deformation: structure of the nanofillers, conformation of the chains, and related mechanical reinforcement. Room: 505 |
Bouma, Brett Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F06.00002 Understanding coronary plaque biomechanical properties with intravascular imaging Room: 113 |
Bourassa, Alexandre University of Chicago |
Session S19.00001 Quantum Spin Systems in Classical Electronic Devices Room: 207 |
Bowerman, Samuel University of Colorado Boulder |
Session S26.00005 The Dynamic Archaeal Chromatin “Slinky” Room: 403 |
Bowlan, Pamela Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A03.00001 Time resolving the loss of crystallinity during detonation in a secondary solid explosive Room: 107 |
Boya, Radha Univ of Manchester |
Session F04.00006 One atom thick angstrom-scale capillaries: Water flow Room: 109 |
Boyd, Robert Physics, University of Ottawa and University of Rochester |
Session M67.00004 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids: Composite Materials and Metamaterials for Nonlinear Optics Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Boydston, Andrew University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session J70.00005 Chemical Approaches to Diversifying the 3D Printing Ecosystem Room: 208 |
Braden, Markus II. Physics Institute, University of Cologne |
Session S67.00004 Magnetic excitations and their possible role in the superconducting pairing in Sr2RuO4 Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Bradley, Laura Univ of Mass - Amherst |
Session D68.00003 Polymer Processing at Liquid Crystal-Air Interfaces Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Braje, Danielle MIT Lincoln Lab |
Session G16.00003 Efficient readout for ensembles of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond Room: 201 |
Brandão, Fernando Caltech |
Session U38.00001 Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing talk Room: 607 |
Brataas, Arne Norwegian Univ Tech (NTNU) |
Session F42.00004 Current Control of Magnetism in Two-Dimensional Fe3GeTe2 Room: 709/711 |
Bray, James General Electric Research |
Session U28.00003 Pake Prize: A Physics Career in Industry Room: 405-407 |
Brener, Igal Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B62.00001 Nonlinear Optical Metasurfaces Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Briggs, Richard Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session L03.00001 Probing liquid-liquid phase transitions under dynamic compression: an X-ray diffraction and ab initio MD study of selenium Room: 107 |
Brinson, Catherine Duke University |
Session B33.00005 Polymer NanoComposites, Interfaces and Data Room: 505 |
Brochard-Wyart, Francoise PhysicoChimie Laboratory, Institut Curie |
Session A68.00005 Application of Polymer Physics to tissue viscoelasticity: Entangled active matter Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Brown, Kenneth Duke University |
Session A02.00004 Constructing Trapped Ion Quantum Computers Room: 105 |
Brown, Stuart University of California, Los Angeles |
Session S67.00001 Unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 probed under stressed conditions Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Bryner, Jeanna Live Science |
Session J38.00002 Science Communication - For the Geek in Everyone Room: 607 |
Buchhold, Michael Caltech |
Session G37.00004 Nodal points of Weyl semimetals survive the presence of moderate disorder Room: 605 |
Buehler-Paschen, Silke Vienna Univ of Technology |
Session S66.00001 The Weyl-Kondo semimetal Ce3Bi4Pd3 and its field-tuned phase diagram Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Buisson, Olivier Neel Institute, University Grenoble Alpes, CNRS |
Session R08.00010 Fast high fidelity quantum non-demolition superconducting qubit readout Room: 104 |
Burch, Kenneth Boston College |
Session R59.00005 Unique Optical Responses of Weyl Semimetals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Burgers, Alex Princeton University |
Session A19.00004 Quantum Science with Ytterbium Rydberg Atoms in Optical Tweezer Arrays Room: 207 |
Burkov, Anton University of Waterloo |
Session B67.00001 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Weyl Semimetals Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Butch, Nicholas National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F66.00001 Unconventional superconductivity in UTe2 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Butcher, Jonathan Cornell University |
Session X23.00004 Mechanoregulation of Valvular Morphogenesis Room: 304 |
Buzdin, Alexandre LOMA UMR-CNRS 5798, University of Bordeaux, France |
Session X66.00005 Electromagnetic long ranged proximity effect in superconductor-ferromagnet structures Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Cahill, David University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L34.00004 Low, high, and switchable thermal conductivity in soft materials Room: 506 |
Callan, Curtis Princeton University |
Session B06.00001 A statistical ensemble approach to understanding adaptive immunity: using sequence data to quantify the extraordinary diversity, in both sequence and protective specifictiy, of the T- and B-cells cells that make up an individual human's immune system. Room: 113 |
Camp, Charles Henry National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session B04.00005 Broadband Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (BCARS) MicroSpectroscopy Room: 109 |
Cano, Jennifer Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University |
Session X60.00001 Topological semimetals: from classification to material realization Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Cao, Chao Department of Physics, Hangzhou Normal University |
Session S66.00003 From Trivial Kondo Insulator Ce3Pt3Bi4 to Topological Nodal-line Semimetal Ce3Pd3Bi4 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Cao, Yuan Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F67.00002 Competing Orders, Nematicity and Novel Josephson Effects in Magic-Angle Graphene Superlattices Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Carleo, Giuseppe Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session X68.00002 About that useful little corner of Hilbert space and its neural network representations Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Carter, Emily Office of the Chancellor, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A39.00001 Plasmon-induced excited-state catalysis understood via embedded correlated wavefunction theory Room: 703 |
Castelnovo, Claudio Univ of Cambridge |
Session W19.00002 Slow dynamics in classical and quantum spin ice systems Room: 207 |
Cavalleri, Andrea Max Planck Inst Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session S36.00004 Recent advances in light induced superconductivity Room: 601/603 |
Cepellotti, Andrea School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session L44.00001 Beyond Fourier’s law: viscous heat equations Room: 704 |
Chakram, Srivatsan University of Chicago |
Session J36.00004 Quantum information processing using multimode cavities Room: 601/603 |
Chan, Julia Chemistry, University of Texas at Dallas |
Session A59.00008 Layered Rare-Earth Intergrowth Compounds: A Platform for Correlated and Topological Properties Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Chan, Yang-hao Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session G57.00008 Excitonic effects in optical-field-driven quasi 2D materials from time-dependent GW approach Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Chandran, Anushya Boston Univ |
Session W66.00002 Quantum many-body scars: connections to integrability and stability Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Chang, Guoqing Princeton University |
Session B60.00001 Theoretical and Experimental Discovery of Topological Chiral Crystals Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Changlani, Hitesh Physics, Florida State University |
Session S46.00008 Search for simplex solid and spin liquid phases in highly frustrated S=1 antiferromagnets Room: 708 |
Charbonneau, Patrick Duke University |
Session G25.00009 Toward a microscopic understanding of the dynamics of simple glass-forming liquids Room: 402 |
Chasteen, Stephanie University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session A18.00005 A Research-Based Rubric for Driving Improvement in Physics Teacher Preparation. Room: 205 |
Chatterjee, Anasua Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session F17.00001 Readout of small-scale semiconductor spin-qubit arrays Room: 203 |
Chatterjee, Animesh Leeds Trinity University |
Session W37.00003 “The free side of the meter”: Trustworthiness, theft and class identity in reading the domestic electric meter in early twentieth-century Calcutta Room: 605 |
Chatterjee, Anushree University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session U26.00006 FAST, Smart Therapeutics Room: 403 |
Chauvin, Camille Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives |
Session R02.00001 Experimental and numerical studies on phase change under dynamic loadings: application to Tin. Room: 105 |
Chen, Hua Department of Physics, Colorado State University |
Session D19.00005 New aspects of magnetoelectric responses in chiral antiferromagnets Room: 207 |
Chen, Huiyao Cornell University |
Session S19.00004 Quantum acoustic control of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers Room: 207 |
Chen, Kun Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session G43.00001 The variational and diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo approach to the many-electron problem Room: 702 |
Cheney, Janica Lockheed Martin Space Systems |
Session U28.00005 Rocket Science is Just Cool Room: 405-407 |
Cheng, Jinguang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session F46.00004 High pressure synthesis and characterization of R2Pt2O7 pyrochlores Room: 708 |
Cheng, Shengfeng Virginia Tech |
Session S68.00003 Drying Process in Films of Nanoparticle Suspensions and Polymer Solutions Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Chergui, Majed Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne |
Session U58.00003 Ultrafast spin cross-over dynamics in heme proteins Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Chernyshev, Alexander University of California, Irvine |
Session R46.00004 Anisotropic-exchange magnets: triangular lattice and all Room: 708 |
Choo, Kenny Jing Univ of Zurich |
Session R39.00001 Frustrated magnets and fermions with Neural Network Quantum States Room: 703 |
Chung, Jae-Ho Korea Univ |
Session W47.00004 Spin wave excitations in van der Waals honeycomb ferromagnets Room: 710/712 |
Cicerone, Marcus Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session G04.00005 Spectroscopic Fourier-Transform Coherent Raman Microscopy Room: 109 |
Cieplak, Marek Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Session P23.00005 Dynamics of the intrinsically disordered proteins and neurodegeneration Room: 304 |
Clark, Aurora Washington State Univ |
Session J25.00001 Using Algebraic and Geometric Topology to Characterize Hierarchical Organization in Complex Solutions and Their Interfaces Room: 402 |
Clark, Bryan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session R39.00005 Variational optimization in the AI era Room: 703 |
Clarke, Laura Physics, North Carolina State University |
Session D68.00004 Driving and manipulating polymer degradation in nanocomposites via photothermal heating of the particle Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Cleland, Andrew University of Chicago |
Session X28.00001 Acoustic Phonon Fock States and Phonon-mediated Quantum Entanglement Room: 405-407 |
Cleveland, Jason SomaLogic |
Session A06.00002 Proteomic Assay to Predict Health, Wellness, and Disease Room: 113 |
Clisby, Nathan Swinburne Univ of Tech |
Session R45.00001 Efficient Simulation of Self-Avoiding Walks Room: 706 |
Close, Eleanor W Texas State University |
Session A18.00004 Departmental support for future physics teachers: Creating community, nurturing identity Room: 205 |
Cobden, David University of Washington |
Session S60.00003 Nature of the insulating and superconducting states of monolayer WTe2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Colby, Ralph Pennsylvania State University |
Session X36.00001 Structure and Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Solutions and Coacervates Room: 601/603 |
Collings, Brandon Lumentum |
Session G28.00004 Photonics for Mobile Handset through Automotive 3D Sensing Consumer Applications Room: 405-407 |
Collins, Eva-Maria Swarthmore College |
Session D26.00004 Symmetry breaking and axis formation in Hydra Room: 403 |
Collins, James Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session G36.00001 Synthetic Biology: Physical Biology by Design Room: 601/603 |
Corde, Sebastien Ecole Polytechnique |
Session B37.00004 Plasma-based accelerators driven by particle beams Room: 605 |
Costeux, Stephane Safety & Construction, DuPont |
Session R28.00002 Polymer Foams for Building Insulation (STYROFOAM and beyond) Room: 405-407 |
Coulais, Corentin Univ of Amsterdam |
Session U30.00002 Multifunctional Combinatorial Metamaterials Room: 502 |
Crease, Robert State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session D38.00005 History of Materials Science Institutions Room: 607 |
Crespi, Vincent Pennsylvania State University |
Session S43.00001 Computational Discovery at the Interface of Chemistry and Materials: 1D Carbon Nanothreads and 2D Polar Metals Room: 702 |
Crommie, Michael F University of California, Berkeley |
Session D53.00001 Imaging spinons in a 2D gapless quantum spin liquid Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Cummings, Linda New Jersey Inst of Tech |
Session A31.00001 Wetting and dewetting of nanoscale films of nematic liquid crystal Room: 503 |
Cvitanovic, Predrag Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session D37.00002 Is space time? A spatiotemporal tiling of turbulence Room: 605 |
Dagon, Katherine National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Session R37.00003 Quantifying uncertainty in climate predictability using perturbed physics ensembles and climate model emulation Room: 605 |
Dagotto, Elbio University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F66.00005 Pairing Tendencies, Orbital Selective Mott Phases, and Magnetic Block States in Multiorbital Models for Iron-Based Ladders and Chains Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Dahlberg, Maria Lund The Board on Higher Education and Workforce, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |
Session G38.00001 Towards Effective, Inclusive Mentorship Room: 607 |
Danas, Kostas CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique |
Session B25.00006 The realm of magnetorheological elastomers: experiments, theory and instabilities Room: 402 |
Daniels, Karen North Carolina State University |
Session D18.00005 Nonlocal rheology of granular materials Room: 205 |
Darve, Christine European Spallation Source |
Session M19.00004 Fundamental physics and accelerator science in developing countries Room: 207 |
Das, Moumita Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session J20.00002 Time varying mechanical response of cytoskeletal networks Room: 301 |
Dasgupta, Deepanwita The University of Texas at El Paso |
Session W37.00004 Scientific Creativity in Peripheral Locations: The Madras Triple Helix Model of G.N. Ramachandran Room: 605 |
Das Sarma, Sankar University of Maryland, College Park |
Session X67.00003 Higher-Order Topology in Fe-based Superconductors and Related Materials Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Datta, Animesh Univ of Warwick |
Session S17.00001 Credibility of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers Room: 203 |
Davis, J.C. Seamus Physics, University of Oxford / University College Cork / Cornell University |
Session R66.00003 Atomic-scale Interplay of the Charge Density Wave, Pair Density Wave and Nematic States of Cuprates. Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Davis, John Physics, University of Alberta |
Session L18.00005 What would you do with a quantum-limited torque magnetometer? Room: 205 |
Davis, Scott Vescent Photonics |
Session U28.00001 From Innovation to the Marketplace: The Role of a Physicist Room: 405-407 |
Deffner, Sebastian Univ of Maryland-Baltimore County |
Session D09.00004 What is Quantum Thermodynamics? Room: 106 |
DeGiuli, Eric Ryerson Univ |
Session F37.00004 Irwin Oppenheim Award talk: What is the simplest model of an amorphous solid? Room: 605 |
Delaire, Olivier Duke University |
Session R44.00001 Phonon anharmonicity and structural transitions – neutron scattering and first-principles simulations Room: 704 |
Del Ben, Mauro Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B40.00001 Accelerating Large-Scale GW Calculations on Hybrid GPU-CPU Systems Room: 705 |
De Leon, Nathalie Princeton University |
Session G16.00002 Correlating Surface Spectroscopy with Qubit Measurements to Systematically Eliminate Sources of Noise Room: 201 |
Del Maestro, Adrian Physics, University of Vermont |
Session J66.00003 Theory of the pair-breaking quantum phase transition in superconducting nanowires Room: Four Seasons 1 |
DeLongchamp, Dean National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F33.00002 Polymer Morphology Measurement by Polarized Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering Room: 505 |
Del Vecchio, Domitilla Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session G36.00004 Context dependence of biological circuits: Predictive models and engineering solutions Room: 601/603 |
Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, Rafal Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw |
Session R07.00013 Quantum Metrology in the Era of Quantum Information Room: 102 |
Deng, Hui Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session A05.00003 Controlling Coherent Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductors Room: 111 |
De Pablo, Juan University of Chicago |
Session G34.00001 Machine Learning and Data in Polymer Physics Research - Interpretation of Experiments, Model Development, and Enhanced Sampling Room: 506 |
Dera, Przemyslaw Univ of Hawaii |
Session G40.00008 Impact-induced chemistry and physics through high-energy ball milling Room: 705 |
Deshmukh, Sanket Virginia Tech |
Session B68.00002 Molecular Simulations Integrated Machine Learning Study of Bottlebrush Polymers Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Devereaux, Thomas Stanford Univ |
Session W67.00005 Strange metallicity in the doped Hubbard model Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Dijkstra, Marjolein Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University |
Session P43.00001 Inverse Design of Soft Materials: Crystals, Quasi Crystals, Liquid Crystals Room: 702 |
Ding, Hong Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session P60.00001 Recent progress of Majorana zero mode in iron-based superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Dion, Genevieve Drexel University |
Session M25.00011 tbd Room: 402 |
Di Sabatino, Stefano Université Toulouse - Paul Sabatier |
Session B39.00001 Many-body effective energy theory: photoemission at strong correlation Room: 703 |
Distasio, Robert Cornell University |
Session A44.00001 Exploiting Orbital Locality in Real Space to Enable Large-Scale Condensed-Phase Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics with Hybrid Density Functional Theory Room: 704 |
Di Stasio, Francesco Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Session S37.00005 Connecting the (Quantum) Dots: Road to ERC Funding Room: 605 |
Doan-Nguyen, Vicky Ohio State University |
Session D21.00001 Stanford R. Ovshinsky Sustainable Energy Fellowship award talk: Structural Evolution of Nickel Thiophosphate Electrode Materials Room: 302 |
Dogic, Zvonimir University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J30.00004 Microtubule based composite active matter Room: 502 |
Domingo, Neus Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2) |
Session F10.00001 Direct and converse flexoelectricity: the effect of strain and electric field gradients on nanoscale electromechanical responses Room: 108 |
Dong, Hao Kuang Yaming Honors School, Nanjing University |
Session D22.00001 Principles governing catalytic activity of self-assembled short peptides Room: 303 |
Dorgan, Kelly Dauphin Island Sea Lab |
Session R30.00004 Worms in Jell-O: Using photoelastic stress analysis to measure burrowing forces Room: 502 |
Dosch, Helmut DESY |
Session B37.00001 Mission (Im-)possible: The Decoding of Matter Room: 605 |
Draxl, Claudia Physics Department, Humboldt University Berlin |
Session R67.00004 Opto-electronic excitations of 2D materials: Unraveling similarities through fingerprints(*) Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Dresselhaus-Cooper, Leora Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session R63.00001 Dynamic Dark-Field X-ray Microscopy to Probe Mesoscale Defects and their Dynamics Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Dryer, Theodora AI Now Institute |
Session A38.00001 AI and its Computing Landscapes: Water Data, Climate Control, and Agricultural Technology Room: 607 |
D'Souza, Raissa University of California, Davis |
Session X18.00002 Complex networks with complex nodes Room: 205 |
Du, Chunhui University of California, San Diego |
Session D36.00005 Nanoscale quantum sensing of quantum materials through a single spin magnetometer Room: 601/603 |
Du, Lingjie School of Physics, Nanjing University |
Session D66.00004 New unconventional plasmons in the N=1 Landau level Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Duc Anh, Le Univ of Tokyo |
Session R19.00001 Efficient bias-driven magnetization control by orbital selection at a La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 interface Room: 207 |
Dudko, Olga Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session S26.00001 On the Border of Order: Chromosomal Organization in Space and Time Room: 403 |
Dunjko, Vedran Leiden |
Session W17.00001 Advances in Quantum Reinforcement Learning Room: 203 |
Dunn, Alison C University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session U33.00004 How osmotic pressure governs sliding and surface structures of swollen crosslinked hydrogels Room: 505 |
Durian, Douglas University of Pennsylvania |
Session S33.00005 Experimental Test of the Border-Crossing Model of Diffusive Coarsening in Wet Foams Room: 505 |
Dutcher, Cari University of Minnesota |
Session U35.00001 Polyelectrolyte solutions in complex macro- and micro-scale flows Room: 507 |
Economou, Sophia Virginia Tech |
Session M17.00001 Long-distance entangling gates between quantum dot spins mediated by a superconducting resonator Room: 203 |
Edwards, Jonathan BAE Systems |
Session M28.00004 The Role of Physics in Overhead Imaging Room: 405-407 |
Efetov, Dmitri ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session F67.00001 Superconductors, Orbital Magnets, and Correlated States in Magic Angle Bilayer Graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Eisenberg, Marisa Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session U68.00004 Identifiability, uncertainty, and parameter reduction in mathematical biology Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Eisenstein, James physics, Caltech |
Session D66.00001 Precursors to Exciton Condensation in Quantum Hall Bilayers Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Eisfeld, Alex Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session G05.00005 Superradiance of two-dimensional molecular aggregates Room: 111 |
Elabd, Yossef Texas A&M Univ |
Session B34.00004 Hydroxide conducting block copolymers Room: 506 |
Elliott, Peter Max Born Inst |
Session B66.00003 Ultrafast spin-dynamics: TDDFT's killer app. Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Elliott, Peter Max Born Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
Session R58.00001 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics with TDDFT Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Else, Dominic Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session X37.00004 Some Aspects of Quantum Dynamics in Many-Body Systems with Power-Law Interactions Room: 605 |
Endres, Manuel Caltech |
Session A19.00005 Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays Room: 207 |
Eng, Lukas TU Dresden |
Session B10.00005 Time-Resolved Scanning Probe Techniques – Inspecting the Dynamical Properties of Nanoscale Solids in Real Space and Real Time Room: 108 |
Enss, Christian Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University |
Session W28.00001 Precision experiments at ultralow temperatures enabled by quantum technology and superconducting electronics Room: 405-407 |
Ensslin, Klaus ETH Zurich |
Session G67.00004 The electron thickness of graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Eom, Chang-Beom University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session J19.00001 David Adler Lectureship Award Talk: Epitaxial Oxides: From Basic Science to Application Room: 207 |
Eremets, Mikhail Carnegie Inst of Washington |
Session J19.00002 James C. McGroddy Prize Talk: Progress in high-temperature conventional superconductivity Room: 207 |
Eremets, Mikhail Max Planck Institute for Chemistry |
Session B36.00003 Progress in high-temperature conventional superconductivity Room: 601/603 |
Eremin, Ilya Ruhr Univ Bochum |
Session A66.00004 Collective modes in pumped unconventional superconductors with competing ground states: Bardasis-Schrieffer mode and time-reversal symmetry broken states Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Erez, Amir Princeton University |
Session P26.00001 Universality of biochemical feedback and its application to immune cells Room: 403 |
Espinosa-Marzal, Rosa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W18.00002 Hydrogel Mineralization via Amorphous Precursors Room: 205 |
Esposito, Massimiliano University of Luxembourg |
Session A25.00001 Thermodynamics of Open Chemical Reaction Networks: Theory and Applications Room: 402 |
Fakhri, Nikta Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session J30.00010 Irreversibility in biological active matter Room: 502 |
Fan, Xin Physics and Astronomy, Univ of Denver |
Session S42.00007 Anomalous spin-orbit torques in a ferromagnetic metal Room: 709/711 |
Fan, Yabin Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session R42.00001 Manipulation of magnetic coupling and magnon transport in magnetic insulator-ferromagnetic metal hybrid structures Room: 709/711 |
Fausti, Daniele Università di Trieste e Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste |
Session L19.00004 Femtosecond Covariance Spectroscopy to Control Multimode Quantum Correlations Room: 207 |
Felser, Claudia Solid State Chemistry, Max Planck Institute Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session S59.00007 Magnetic Weyl Semimetals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Feng, Liang University of Pennsylvania |
Session R01.00001 Non-Hermitian topological photonics and light steering Room: 103 |
Feng, Min School of Physics and Technology and Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-Structures of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University |
Session P52.00004 Realizing nearly-free-electron like conduction band in a molecular film through mediating intermolecular van der Waals interactions Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Ferlaino, Francesca Univ of Innsbruck |
Session J37.00004 Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as solid and superfluid at the same time Room: 605 |
Ferrero, Michel Ecole Polytechnique |
Session R40.00002 Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for the Hubbard Model: Recent developments Room: 705 |
Finkelstein, Gleb Duke University |
Session R60.00001 Interference effects in quanum Hall - superconductor hybrid devices Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Fisher, Ian Department of Applied Physics and Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University |
Session R66.00004 Strain-tuning nematic order and signatures of nematic quantum criticality Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Flatow, Ira Science Friday |
Session M37.00005 The art of interviewing scientists Room: 605 |
Flatté, Michael Univ of Iowa |
Session L18.00003 Hybrid sensing approaches for quantum spin sensors Room: 205 |
Flenner, Elijah Colorado State University |
Session U18.00003 Stability Dependence of the Vibrational Properties of Glasses Room: 205 |
Floudas, George Dept. of Physics, University of Ioannina & MPIP |
Session R35.00011 Ionic and Local Electric Polarization Effects in Polymers Room: 507 |
Fogler, Michael M University of California, San Diego |
Session U67.00002 Collective modes of twisted van der Waals materials Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Fossum, Jon Otto Norwegian Univ Tech (NTNU) |
Session W29.00003 Particle assembly using confined electro-hydrodynamics: Driven versus active assembly Room: 501 |
Foster, Mark Dept. of Polymer Science, University of Akron |
Session U32.00007 Effect of Branches and Cycles on Polymer Melt Surface Dynamics Room: 504 |
Fotso, Herbert University at Albany |
Session W36.00003 Multiscale approaches to strongly correlated systems in and out of equilibrium Room: 601/603 |
Fraden, Seth Brandeis Univ |
Session F30.00003 Programmable self-assembly of DNA origami capsids based on the principles of virus structure. Room: 502 |
Fradkin, Eduardo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D66.00003 Duality in Quantum Hall Compressible States Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Frandsen, Benjamin Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University |
Session J61.00001 A local structure perspective on iron pnictides and chalcogenides: Insights gained from pair distribution function analysis Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Frank, Adam Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester |
Session M37.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award talk: Physics, Truth and the Crisis of Science Denial Room: 605 |
Freedman, Danna Northwestern University |
Session J46.00005 Chemical Approaches to Quantum Information Science Room: 708 |
Freeman, Krista University of Pittsburgh |
Session A37.00001 Panel Discussion Room: 605 |
Freeman, Peter Georgia institute of Technology |
Session F38.00001 Physics in the History of Computing: A Case Study from NSF Room: 607 |
Freeman, Walter Syracuse University |
Session L36.00003 Title:Upper-Division Computational Physics at Syracuse and its Lasting Impact on Students Room: 601/603 |
Frenkel, Daan Univ of Cambridge |
Session J31.00002 Non-equilibrium behaviour of colloidal systems. Room: 503 |
Freyberg, Zachary Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session M68.00002 Opening a new window into the cell with super-resolution imaging and in situ cryo-electron tomography Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Frisbie, C. Daniel University of Minnesota |
Session W68.00004 Electrolyte-Gated Transistors for Fundamental Physics and For Applications Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Fuhrer, Michael Monash University |
Session G60.00001 Ultrathin epitaxial Na3Bi films for topological electronics Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Fulara, Himanshu Physics, University of Gothenburg, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden |
Session W42.00001 Strong voltage-induced tunability of threshold current and frequency in spin Hall nano-oscillators Room: 709/711 |
Full, Robert Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley |
Session U22.00013 Bioinspired Embodied Control of Locomotion in Complex Environments Room: 303 |
Gabor, Nathaniel University of California, Riverside |
Session A53.00001 Electron-hole liquid in a van der Waals heterostructure photocell at room temperature Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Gadway, Bryce University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session G01.00001 Observation of the Topological Anderson Insulator in Disordered Atomic Wires Room: 103 |
Galvez, Enrique Colgate University |
Session U21.00001 From Cool Research to Cool Teaching Labs Room: 302 |
Ganesan, Venkatraghavan University of Texas at Austin |
Session A34.00010 Mechanisms of Ion Transport in Polymeric Ionic Liquids Room: 506 |
Gao, Bin Rice Univ |
Session G46.00008 Experimental signatures of a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid in effective spin-1/2 Ce2Zr2O7 pyrochlore Room: 708 |
Gao, Hongjun Institute of Physics and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Science |
Session M62.00001 The Observation of Majorana Zero Mode and Conductance Plateau in an Iron-based Superconductor Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Gao, Yvonne Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session P16.00007 Entangling Bosonic Modes via an Engineered Exchange Interaction Room: 201 |
Garcia, Christina John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session R59.00006 Weyl Semimetals in Nanophotonics and Quantum Optoelectronics Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Garmon, Savannah Osaka Prefecture Univ |
Session G38.00004 Physics abroad, physics at home: a trans perspective on building supportive physics communities Room: 607 |
Gates, Sylvester James Brown University |
Session L38.00004 Observations From A Physics Career Apropos The TEAM-UP Report Room: 607 |
Gati, Elena Iowa State University, Ames Laboratory |
Session D61.00001 Effect of pressure on the competing phases in FeSe and BaFe2As2: Insights from specific heat measurements and beyond Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Gatlin, Jay Molecular Biology, University of Wyoming |
Session L20.00009 Controlling ‘cell’ size and shape to elucidate the mechanics of microtubule aster positioning Room: 301 |
Gatti, Matteo LSI, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique |
Session J39.00007 Fingerprints of dynamical correlation in electron spectroscopies Room: 703 |
Gaudet, Jonathan Johns Hopkins University |
Session D19.00004 Anti-chiral order and damped spin waves in the topological semi-metal Mn3Ge Room: 207 |
Gaulin, Bruce D. McMaster Univ |
Session U47.00001 The Case for Octupolar Order in Cubic 5d2 Double Perovskites Room: 710/712 |
Gedik, Nuh Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session L19.00001 Light induced phase transitions in charge density waves Room: 207 |
Georges, Antoine Collège de France, Paris and Flatiron Institute, New York |
Session J43.00001 T-linear resistivity and spectroscopy of hot metals and cold atoms: DMFT, SYK and beyond Room: 702 |
Georges, Antoine Collège de France, Paris and Flatiron Institute, New York |
Session M67.00002 What have we learned from Dynamical Mean Field Theory and what lies ahead ? Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Geresdi, Attila Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, Chalmers University of Technology |
Session A16.00002 On-chip microwave spectroscopy of Andreev and Majorana bound states in semiconductor nanowires Room: 201 |
Gessner, Julia MPI of Quantum Optics |
Session L41.00001 Attosecond Spintronics Room: 707 |
Ghil, Michael Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris and University of California, Los Angeles |
Session R37.00002 Climate Change and Climate Variability: A Unified Framework Room: 605 |
Ghiringhelli, Luca Fritz-Haber Institute |
Session U45.00001 Clusters and Surfaces in Reactive Atmospheres at Realistic Conditions: Beyond the Static, Monostructure Description Room: 706 |
Giacomini, Flaminia Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session P09.00004 Quantum mechanics and the covariance of physical laws in quantum reference frames Room: 106 |
Giazotto, Francesco CNR Scuola Normale Superiore |
Session R62.00001 Advanced Josephson junctions circuits and nanoscale devices: The phase-coherence in heat transport Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Gibertini, Marco Department of Quantum Matter Physics, University of Geneva |
Session R67.00002 Novel two-dimensional materials from high-throughput computational exfoliation Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Gicking, Allison Pennsylvania State University |
Session U20.00007 Tracking Down the Fast and Superprocessive KIF1A with Gold Scattering Microscopy Room: 301 |
Gili, Tommaso Networks Unit, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca |
Session X18.00005 A Networks View on Functional Brain Dynamics: timeseries, behavior and beyond Room: 205 |
Giraldo-Gallo, Paula University of the Andes |
Session U66.00001 Electronic nematic softening in cuprate superconductors probed by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Girvan, Michelle University of Maryland, College Park |
Session P00.00003 Opening the black box: Improving knowledge-free machine learning with knowledge-based models Room: Bellco Theatre |
Girvin, Steven Yale Quantum Institute, Yale University |
Session J37.00001 Circuit QED theory and experiment: Encoding quantum information in harmonic oscillators Room: 605 |
Giustino, Feliciano Physics, University of Texas at Austin |
Session D39.00001 Polarons from first principles Room: 703 |
Glass, Leon McGill Univ |
Session G36.00005 Universality in Cardiac Dynamics Room: 601/603 |
Goldenfeld, Nigel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D37.00001 What do we learn from the finite lifetime of turbulence? Room: 605 |
Goldenfeld, Nigel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session F37.00005 Something from (almost) nothing: complex lessons from simplicity Room: 605 |
Goldhaber-Gordon, David Stanford Univ |
Session J67.00002 Magnetism and topology in graphene-based flat minibands Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Goldman, Nir Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session F03.00001 Elucidating Long Timescale Chemical Events in Reactive Materials Room: 107 |
Gomez, Alessandro Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yale University |
Session U29.00003 Using Multiplexed Electrosprays to Manipulate Fluids and (Soft) Materials Room: 501 |
Gong, Zhexuan Colorado School of Mines |
Session X37.00005 Signaling and scrambling for strongly long-range interacting quantum systems Room: 605 |
Gonzalez-Silveira, Marta Physics Department, Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Session P32.00001 Evidence for heterogeneous bulk melting dominating the transition of organic stable glasses Room: 504 |
Gonzalez-Zalba, M Fernando Cambridge-Hitachi |
Session R38.00005 Time-domain Multiplexing and Optimization of Gate-based Sensing for Silicon-based Quantum Devices Room: 607 |
Good, Benjamin Stanford Univ |
Session L68.00003 Evolutionary dynamics in large microbial communities Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Goodson, Holly University of Notre Dame |
Session L20.00002 Stutter: a Transient Microtubule Dynamic Instability Phase that is Strongly Associated with Catastrophe Room: 301 |
Gooth, Johannes Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany |
Session F19.00001 Three-dimensional correlated topological semimetals Room: 207 |
Gorbachev, Roman University of Manchester |
Session L57.00008 Controlling optoelectronic properties of 2D semiconductors: band engineering and moiré superlattices. Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Gordiichuk, Pavlo Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F44.00006 Experimental determination of van der Waals forces between two-dimensional materials in air and water Room: 704 |
Gordon, Deborah Biology, Stanford University |
Session L68.00001 The ecology and evolution of collective behavior Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Gorkhover, Tais SLAC National Laboratory, Stanford PULSE Insitute |
Session S58.00005 Enhancement of X-ray image brightness through transient ionic resonances Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Goto, Hayato Toshiba Corp |
Session J16.00007 Quantum computation using Kerr-nonlinear parametric oscillators Room: 201 |
Gould, Tim Queensland Micro- and Nano-technology Centre, Griffith University |
Session F58.00001 Long-Range Correlations in Density Functional Theory Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Graham, Michael University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session D37.00003 Deep learning to discover the dimension of an inertial manifold and predict dynamics on it Room: 605 |
Graham, Samuel Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session S44.00001 Characterization of Thermal Effects in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices Room: 704 |
Graves, William Arizona State University |
Session B37.00003 The ASU Compact XFEL Project Room: 605 |
Greene, Richard University of Maryland, College Park |
Session U66.00002 Strange Metal Transport in Electron-doped La2-xCexCuO4 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Grenier, Beatrice Univ. Grenoble Alpes & CEA-Grenoble |
Session W46.00001 Remarkable magnetic field effects in quasi-one dimensional Ising-like antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8 studied by neutron scattering Room: 708 |
Grest, Gary Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM |
Session A68.00004 Computer Simulations of Entangled Polymer Melts: From Segmental Dynamics to Viscoelastic Response Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Grimes, Alisa University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M38.00002 STEPUP: A cultural change to inspire Girls in Physics Room: 607 |
Grimm, Alexander Yale University |
Session J36.00001 The Kerr-Cat Qubit: Stabilization, Readout, and Gates. Room: 601/603 |
Grissonnanche, Gael Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session A67.00003 Giant thermal Hall conductivity in the pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Grochala, Wojciech Center of New Technologies, University of Warsaw |
Session P40.00006 Tuning Magnetic and Electronic Properties in Exotic Silver(II) Fluorides Using Pressure Room: 705 |
Grockowiak, Audrey Florida State Univ |
Session M40.00008 Fermiology Study of YBCO Room: 705 |
Groenhof, Gerrit Department of Chemistry and NanoScience Center, University of Jyvaskyla |
Session J05.00007 Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polaritonic Chemistry Room: 111 |
Gross, Eberhard K Fritz Haber Center, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session S36.00005 Time-dependent potential energy surfaces from the exact factorization: A predictive first-principles approach to ultra-fast non-adiabatic dynamics Room: 601/603 |
Groß, Christian Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session B01.00001 Many-body delocalization of ultracold bosons in lattices Room: 103 |
Grotjahn, Danielle Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute |
Session M68.00004 Visualizing mitochondrial division machinery in situ Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Grüning, Myrta Atomistic Simulation Centre, Queen's University Belfast |
Session F39.00001 Nonlinear optics from first-principles real-time approaches Room: 703 |
Gu, Xiaodan Univ of Southern Mississippi |
Session S32.00004 Effect of Confinement on Modulus and Fracture of Thin Conjugated Polymer Films For Organic Electronics Room: 504 |
Gubernatis, James Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session M19.00002 The voice of physics in Africa Room: 207 |
Gueguen, Marie University of Pittsburgh |
Session F38.00004 Cosmology in Silico Room: 607 |
Gueron, Sophie Laboratoire de Physique des Solides Orsay, U. Paris Sud, U. Paris Saclay, CNRS, France |
Session X67.00002 Probing the topological properties of Bismuth, a second order topological insulator Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Guillaud, Jeremie Quantic, Inria Paris |
Session J36.00002 Fault-tolerant quantum computation with repetition cat-qubits. Room: 601/603 |
Gull, Emanuel Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session W36.00005 Cluster dynamical mean field studies of two-particle response functions in the Hubbard model Room: 601/603 |
Gunapala, Sarath NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session G28.00002 Antimonides T2SLS Infrared Focal Plane Arrays for Space Remote Sensing Applications Room: 405-407 |
Guo, Er-Jia Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Physics |
Session B47.00008 Strain Control of Magnetism in LaCoO3 Room: 710/712 |
Guo, Ming Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D35.00011 Utilizing nonlinearity of biopolymer matrix in both intracellular and extracellular spaces Room: 507 |
Guo, Yudan Stanford Univ |
Session U19.00004 Quantum Optical Neural Network with Multimode Cavity QED Room: 207 |
Guo, Yunlong Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session L32.00001 Measuring dynamic mechanical properties of thin polymer films Room: 504 |
Gurarie, Victor Department of Physics and Center for Theory of Quantum Matter, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session B43.00001 Quantum Phase Transitions Go Dynamical Room: 702 |
Gütig, Robert Mathematical modeling of neuronal learning, Charite Medical School Berlin |
Session L23.00006 Margin learning in spiking neural networks Room: 304 |
Gyenis, Andras Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University |
Session J36.00005 Experimental Demonstration of a Superconducting 0-π Qubit Room: 601/603 |
Gyuk, Imre Department of Energy |
Session L28.00005 Visualizing the Future of Energy Storage Room: 405-407 |
Haley, Richard Physics, Lancaster University |
Session W28.00004 Innovation at the cold frontier for current and future quantum devices and sensors Room: 405-407 |
Hall, Lisa Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session G33.00013 Relating Entanglements and Toughness in Model Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles Room: 505 |
Hall, Melissa |
Session A38.00002 The role of tech companies in governing and designing ethical systems Room: 607 |
Hall, Timothy University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session D28.00001 Introduction to quantitative imaging Room: 405-407 |
Hallas, Alannah University of British Columbia |
Session S61.00004 Metallic and non-metallic duality in the 4d pyrochlore Lu2Rh2O7 Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Hallatschek, Oskar University of California, Berkeley |
Session J68.00004 Jamming and dynamic arrest in sheltered microbial communities Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Hamann, Hendrik IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session J28.00002 Modeling complex physical systems with big data and machine-learning Room: 405-407 |
Hammer, Philip W American Institute of Physics |
Session L38.00001 The Time is Now to Double the Number of Physics Degrees Earned by African Americans Room: 607 |
Hammes-Schiffer, Sharon Yale University |
Session P39.00001 Heterogeneous proton-coupled electron transfer at nanoparticle and electrode interfaces Room: 703 |
Han, Jung Hoon Physics, Sungkyunkwan University |
Session A67.00004 Thermal Hall effect in quantum paramagnets and cuprates Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Hanage, William Epidemiology, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health |
Session L68.00002 Attack of the clones: what causes population structure in bacteria and how can we use it? Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Harmon, Nicholas Univ of Evansville |
Session S19.00003 Magnetoresistance Measurements as an Alternative to Magnetic Resonance Methods for Studying Paramagnetic Defects Room: 207 |
Harper, Robin Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, School of Physics, University of Sydney |
Session M16.00007 Efficient learning of quantum noise Room: 201 |
Hasty, Jeff Univ. California San Diego |
Session G36.00003 Synthetic Biology: Building to learn so that we might learn to build Room: 601/603 |
Heilshorn, Sarah Stanford Univ |
Session F32.00005 Enzyme-Responsive Materials for Regenerative Medicine Room: 504 |
Heinz, Tony Applied Physics and Photon Science, Stanford University |
Session P57.00001 Vallytronics and excitonics in 2D materials. Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Henann, David Brown University |
Session D18.00003 Continuum modeling of flow and size-segregation in dense granular materials Room: 205 |
Hess, Christian IFW - Dresden |
Session A67.00002 Thermal Hall effect of α-RuCl3 Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Hessenbruch, Arne Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D38.00001 Overview of History of Materials Research Room: 607 |
Hidalgo, Carlos European Physical Society |
Higo, Tomoya ISSP, University of Tokyo |
Session D19.00002 Large magneto-optical Kerr effect in the non-collinear antiferromagnetic metal Mn3Sn Room: 207 |
Hiroi, Zenji Univ of Tokyo |
Session D67.00002 Odd-parity multipolar orders in the spin–orbit-coupled metal Cd2Re2O7 Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Ho, Wen Wei Harvard University |
Session W66.00004 Phenomenology and mechanisms of Quantum many-body scarring Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Hoehn, Stephanie Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge |
Session A23.00001 Mechanics and Elasticity of dynamic cellular monolayers - How Volvox embryos turn inside-out Room: 304 |
Hof, Bjoern Physics, IST Austria |
Session D37.00004 The onset of turbulence: from invariant solutions to a directed percolation phase transition Room: 605 |
Holehouse, Alex S Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Washington University School of Medicine |
Session W23.00001 Valence and Patterning of Aromatic Residues Determine the Phase Behavior of Disordered Prion-Like Domains Room: 304 |
Holland, Maria University of Notre Dame |
Session X23.00001 The role of physical forces in cortical morphogenesis Room: 304 |
Hollen, Shawna Univ of New Hampshire |
Session J66.00001 Collapse of the Cooper pair phase coherence length at a superconductor-to-insulator transition Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Hong, Elizabeth J Division of Biology & Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Session L23.00001 A structured representation of odors in the fly mushroom body Room: 304 |
Horbach, Juergen Institute for Theoretical Physics: Soft Matter, University of Duesseldorf, Germany |
Session S30.00006 Yielding and mechanical failure in (amorphous) solids Room: 502 |
Hore, Michael Case Western Reserve University |
Session A33.00001 Nanoparticle Structure and Dynamics in Polymer Nanocomposites Room: 505 |
Hormozi, Sarah Ohio University |
Session B28.00004 Suspensions of non-Brownian particles in complex fluids: Rheology, microstructure and fluid mechanics Room: 405-407 |
Hou, Dazhi Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale (HFNL), University of Science and Technology, China |
Session G47.00007 Spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators: progress and challenges Room: 710/712 |
Hovden, Robert Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan |
Session S28.00001 Defining Theoretical Limits of Aberration-Corrected Electron Tomography: New Bounds for Resolution, Object Size, and Dose Room: 405-407 |
Howard, Michael P Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin |
Session S68.00005 The role of hydrodynamic interactions in models and simulations of drying Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Hrubiak, Rostislav Argonne Natl Lab |
Session M03.00004 Experimental observations on microstructure of iron and other metals at high pressures and temperatures Room: 107 |
Hu, Suxing Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session L40.00001 Understanding Matter Under Warm and Extremely Dense Conditions Room: 705 |
Hu, Yongjie University of California, Los Angeles |
Session S62.00006 Energy Transport in Extreme Thermal Materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Huang, Yen-Lin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S64.00004 An ultralow power magnetoelectric nonvolatile memory Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Huber, Greg Chan Zuckerberg Biohub |
Session R36.00001 Is the endoplasmic reticulum an obstacle to intracellular diffusion? Room: 601/603 |
Huber, Sebastian ETH Zurich |
Session B67.00005 Acoustics, Weyl, and chiral transport Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Huebener, Hannes Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session S36.00002 Observables of real-time lattice dynamics in time-dependent density functional theory Room: 601/603 |
Hughes, Jeramy FieldLine Inc. |
Session F28.00003 From the Study of Physics to Entrepreneurship Room: 405-407 |
Hunt, Benjamin Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session F57.00006 Proximity-induced superconducting gap in the quantum spin Hall edge state of monolayer WTe2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Hurley, Ryan Johns Hopkins University |
Session M24.00001 Mechanics of Deformation in 3D Granular Materials Using X-ray Measurements Room: 401 |
Hurowitz, Michael Orbital Micro Systems Inc |
Session M28.00005 The Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) CubeSat Microwave Radiometer Constellation for Weather and Climate Intelligence Room: 405-407 |
Hussein, Mahmoud I. University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session L44.00004 Heat transport in resonant condensed systems: Thermal conductivity reduction by coherent mechanisms Room: 704 |
Hussey, Nigel High Field Magnet Laboratory and Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
Session M61.00006 Resistivity, magnetotransport and superconductivity across the nematic quantum critical point in the iron chalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Hwang, Harold Stanford University |
Session R18.00005 Electron-Phonon Coupling and Dilute Superconductivity in SrTiO3 Room: 205 |
Hyatt, Katharine Simons Foundation |
Session R40.00001 DMRG Approach to Optimizing Two-Dimensional Tensor Networks Room: 705 |
Iadecola, Thomas Iowa State University |
Session W66.00003 Weak Ergodicity Breaking and Quantum Many-Body Scars in Spin-1 XY Magnets Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Idrobo, Juan Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session D36.00001 Honey, I Shrunk the Synchrotron: Electron Microscopy in Condensed Matter Physics Room: 601/603 |
Ihn, Thomas ETH Zurich |
Session L17.00001 Strong photon coupling to the quadrupole moment of an electron in a triple quantum dot Room: 203 |
Ilan, Roni Tel Aviv University |
Session B67.00004 Pseudo-electromagnetic fields in topological semimetals Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Inack, Estelle Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session S39.00001 Self-learning projective quantum Monte Carlo simulations guided by restricted Boltzmann machines Room: 703 |
Ioffe, Lev University of Wisconsin |
Session D16.00007 Novel Qubit Designs Room: 201 |
Ishida, Kenji Kyoto Univ |
Session S67.00002 Re-measurement of Knight-shift on Superconducting Sr2RuO4 Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Iyer-Biswas, Srividya Purdue Univ |
Session J68.00003 Stochastic intergenerational cell size homeostasis: Precision measurements, exact kinematics and emergent simplicities Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Jackeli, George Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session U47.00005 From multipolar to spin-lattice disordered states in Mott insulators Room: 710/712 |
Jaeger, Heinrich M. University of Chicago |
Session D18.00001 Shear Jamming in Dense Suspensions Room: 205 |
Jafarpour, Farshid University of Pennsylvania |
Session X20.00001 Statistical Physics of Noninteracting Bacterial Populations Room: 301 |
Jahn, Alexander Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems, Free University of Berlin |
Session L07.00013 Majorana dimer models of holographic quantum error correction Room: 102 |
Jain, Jainendra Pennsylvania State University |
Session D66.00002 Parton theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect: New developments Room: Four Seasons 1 |
James, Mary B Reed College |
Session L38.00002 The TEAM-UP Report: Major Findings and Recommendations Room: 607 |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D67.00004 Nematicity in normal and superconducting states of twisted bilayer graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M67.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize talk Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Jawerth, Louise for the Physics of Complex Systems, Max Planck Institute |
Session S23.00001 Protein condensates as aging Maxwell fluids Room: 304 |
Jelezko, Fedor Ulm University |
Session W61.00011 Photoelectrical imaging and coherent spin-state readout of single nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Jenekhe, Samson University of Washington |
Session S34.00001 Advances in Non-Fullerene Organic Photovoltaics Room: 506 |
Jeschke, Harald Okayama University |
Session X46.00001 Frustrated Magnetism in Mott Insulating V2O3 Room: 708 |
Jiang, Ying Peking Univ |
Session D04.00005 Probing interfacial water by H-sensitive and non-invasive scanning probe microscopy Room: 109 |
Jin, Weiwei Yale University |
Session J24.00001 Nucleation in Granular Media Undergoing Cyclic Shear Room: 401 |
Jitomirskaya, Svetlana University of California, Irvine |
Session B38.00001 The Hofstadter's butterfly: from playing with numbers to studying quantum materials (Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics talk) Room: 607 |
Joester, Derk Northwestern University |
Session W18.00001 Compositional and structural gradients in dental enamel: from nano- to microscale Room: 205 |
Joglekar, Yogesh Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis |
Session L36.00005 Normalizing computation through continuous student engagement in the undergraduate physics curriculum Room: 601/603 |
Johnson, Jeremiah Chemistry, MIT |
Session B32.00004 Chemical tools for investigating the topology of polymer networks Room: 504 |
Johnson, Patrick Georgetown University |
Session U36.00002 Physics of Star Wars Room: 601/603 |
Johnson, Peter Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J61.00002 Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking in the FeTe1-xSex family of high Tc superconductors. Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Johnson, Steven Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich |
Session B66.00002 Atomic-scale dynamics of strongly correlated materials: driving and seeing coherence with light at THz to x-ray frequencies Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Jordan, Kenneth Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session G44.00001 The Role of Correlation Effects in Non-Valence Anions Room: 704 |
Jose, Jorge Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session P23.00001 A Quantitative Kinematic Movement Biomarker Characterizing Neurodevelopmental Disorders Room: 304 |
Ju, Long Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session J57.00008 Discovery of tunable excitons, giant valley orbital magnetic moment, and unconventional optical selection rules in bilayer graphene Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Julicher, Frank Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany |
Session S31.00001 Dynamics and self-organization of active surfaces Room: 503 |
Jun, Suckjoon University of California, San Diego |
Session X20.00008 New homeostatic principles in biology - how cells go back to their normal size without feedback Room: 301 |
Jungjohann, Katherine Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S28.00005 The Intersection of Cryo, Laser Ablation, and Nanoscale Electron Imaging for Intact Battery Characterization Room: 405-407 |
Kagan, Cherie University of Pennsylvania |
Session G05.00003 Correlating Structure and Function in Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites Room: 111 |
Kakalios, James University of Minnesota |
Session U36.00001 Using Superheroes to Engage the Public Room: 601/603 |
Kalita, Patricia Sandia National Laboratories |
Session L03.00005 Hurry up or take your time: kinetics of shock-driven phase transitions and dynamic x-ray diffraction. Room: 107 |
Kalow, Julia Chemistry, Northwestern University |
Session A32.00004 Reactivity-property relationships in photocontrolled polymer networks Room: 504 |
Kaminski, Adam Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University |
Session L53.00002 Electronic properties of magnetically ordered topological semimetals. Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Kanazawa, Kiyoshi Univ of Tsukuba |
Session M33.00002 Kinetic theory for financial Brownian motion: a microscopic model based on forex data analysis and its mean-field theory Room: 505 |
Kaplar, Robert Sandia National Laboratories |
Session F21.00002 Vertical GaN Power Electronics – Opportunities and Challenges Room: 302 |
Kapteyn, Henry JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session S58.00007 Ultrafast Dynamics and Imaging at the Nanoscale using Tabletop Coherent X-ray Sources Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Kasevich, Mark Stanford University |
Session G16.00005 Precision atom interferometry with squeezed atomic states Room: 201 |
Katifori, Eleni University of Pennsylvania |
Session M30.00001 The topography of tuning Room: 502 |
Kaufman, Adam Physics, JILA/CU/NIST |
Session A19.00002 Atom arrays of ultracold strontium: new tools for many-body physics and metrology Room: 207 |
Kayyalha, Morteza Pennsylvania State University |
Session A60.00001 Exploring topological superconductivity in topological insulator – superconductor hybrid devices Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Keim, Nathan Physics, Pennsylvania State University |
Session M18.00001 Global Memory From Local Hysteresis and Disorder in a Jammed Solid Room: 205 |
Kerelsky, Alexander Physics Department, Columbia University |
Session L67.00002 Flat Bands and Electronic Correlations in Graphene with and without a Twist Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Kevrekidis, Yannis Johns Hopkins University |
Session U68.00005 Manifold Learning for Parameter Reduction Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Khain, Tali Physics, University of Michigan, University of Chicago |
Session F37.00003 Dynamics of the Outer Solar System: from Neptune to Planet Nine Room: 605 |
Khalaf, Eslam Harvard University |
Session J67.00005 Theory of flat bands, correlated insulators and superconductivity in graphene Moire heterostructures Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Kherani, Nazir P University of Toronto |
Session P28.00001 Semiconductor and Nanostructured Materials and Devices Room: 405-407 |
Kiefer, Arnold Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session G28.00003 Low-cost infrared imaging technology development at the Air Force Research Laboratory Room: 405-407 |
Kim, Bumjoon KAIST |
Session S34.00008 Influence of Acceptor Type and Polymer Molecular Weight on the Mechanical and Photovoltaic Properties of Polymer Solar Cells Room: 506 |
Kim, Bumjoon Physics, Pohang University of Science and Technology |
Session D41.00001 Z2xZ2 magnetic domains and magnetic moment disproportionation in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 Room: 707 |
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell University |
Session P00.00004 Machine Learning Quantum Emergence Room: Bellco Theatre |
Kim, Matt QuantTera |
Session P28.00004 Startups: The Place to Be! Room: 405-407 |
Kim, Se Kwon Univ of Missouri - Columbia |
Session B42.00004 Theory for the unconventional dynamics of ferrimagnets Room: 709/711 |
Kiryukhin, Valery Rutgers University |
Session X47.00007 Spin-liquid-like state in ferroelectric TbInO3 with a nearly triangular lattice Room: 710/712 |
Kisailus, David University of California |
Session D68.00005 Biological Blueprints Towards Next Generation Multiscale Composites Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Kiselev, Nikolai S. Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH |
Session R41.00001 Magnetic textures with particle properties beyond skyrmions: chiral bobbers, globules, and hopfions Room: 707 |
Kivelson, Steven Stanford Univ |
Session R18.00001 Reconsidering the electron-phonon problem and bounds on Tc Room: 205 |
Klaeui, Mathias Johannes-Gutenberg Univ |
Session M47.00006 Skyrmions Diffusion enabling stochastic computing Room: 710/712 |
Klauss, Hans-Henning Faculty of Physics, TU Dresden, Germany |
Session F66.00002 Manipulation of time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 by uniaxial strain Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Klein, Avraham University of Minnesota |
Session A66.00003 Mirage and hidden collective modes in two dimensional Fermi liquids Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Klein, Jacob Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session F68.00002 Cartilage-inspired superlubricious hydrogels Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Klein, Julian Walter Schottky Institute of Munich Technical University |
Session A57.00007 Impact of intrinsic and extrinsic imperfections on the electronic and optical properties of MoS2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Koch, Jens Northwestern University |
Session W28.00003 Superconducting Quantum Circuits for Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulation Room: 405-407 |
Kodio, Ousmane Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S25.00001 TBD Room: 402 |
Koga, Tad Stony Brook University |
Session A35.00013 New insight into self-assembly of block copolymers at the solid-polymer melt interface Room: 507 |
Kollar, Alicia University of Maryland, College Park |
Session U19.00001 Hyperbolic Lattices in Circuit QED Room: 207 |
Kollmer, Jonathan Experimental Astrophysics, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Session R30.00008 Experimental Studies on Slow Impacts and Interaction with Regolith Covered Surfaces in Low Gravity Room: 502 |
Koningstein, Ross Research, Climate and Energy, Google |
Session L28.00003 Perspectives on the Future of Energy Production Room: 405-407 |
Kono, Junichiro Rice Univ |
Session L62.00001 Ultrafast and Cooperative Light-Matter Coupling Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Koonce, William Dow Chemical |
Session R28.00003 Polyurethane Application Innovation: Translating Chemistry to Materials to Solve Real-World Problems Room: 405-407 |
Koppens, Frank ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session U67.00001 Nanoscale optics of 2D material superlattices Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Korendovych, Ivan Syracuse University |
Session D22.00011 Short peptides assemble to produce enzyme-like catalysts. Room: 303 |
Korley, LaShanda Univ of Delaware |
Session D32.00001 Silk-inspiration: hierarchy, assembly, and mechanics in polyurea-polypeptide hybrids Room: 504 |
Kornfield, Julia A Caltech |
Session R28.00001 Following a Theoretical Roadmap to Low Nucleation Barriers for CO2 Nucleation in Polyol Room: 405-407 |
Koskella, Britt University of California, Berkeley |
Session L68.00004 Microbial interactions across time and space Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Koslover, Elena University of California, San Diego |
Session U20.00003 Spreading through the cell via non-canonical modes of transport Room: 301 |
Kosmrlj, Andrej Princeton University |
Session D26.00002 Mechanical Instabilities in Growing Biological Systems: Wrinkling and Branching Room: 403 |
Kotliar, Gabriel Condensed Matter Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session M67.00003 Towards a Theory of Strongly Correlated Materials the Dynamical Mean Field Theory Road Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Kotov, Nicholas Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session D68.00002 Biomimetic Nanocomposites Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Kotula, Anthony National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session G19.00003 Evidence of Flow-Induced Crystallization in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Room: 207 |
Kou, Angela Microsoft Corp |
Session A16.00003 Magnetic-field-compatible hybrid superconducting circuits Room: 201 |
Kozii, Vladyslav Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session D67.00003 Nematic Superconductivity Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Kramer-Bottiglio, Rebecca Yale University |
Session S22.00001 Adaptive robot morphology and behavioral control policy through responsive composite materials Room: 303 |
Krasnov, Vladimir Department of Physics, Stockholm Univ |
Session X66.00002 Superconducting vortex-based memory cells Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Kremer, Kurt Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Session P45.00001 Using Topological Constraints to Modify Polymer Materials Room: 706 |
Krishnamurthy, Hulikal Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science |
Session W36.00001 Impurity models and the development of quantum cluster approaches to lattice models of quantum condensed matter Room: 601/603 |
Krivanek, Ondrej R&D, Nion Co. |
Session S28.00002 Vibrational spectroscopy in the electron microscope Room: 405-407 |
Krylov, Anna Univ of Southern California |
Session M58.00004 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics talk: Quantum Chemistry in the Continuum Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Kubarych, Kevin Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session F05.00006 Exploring Vibrational Polariton Dynamics with Ultrafast Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy Room: 111 |
Kudrolli, Arshad Clark University |
Session D18.00002 Investigating viscous to inertial transitions in granular suspensions with internal imaging Room: 205 |
Kuipers, Kobus Quantum Nanoscience, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft |
Session D62.00001 Topological structures of and for light Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Kukreja, Roopali University of California, Davis |
Session G41.00004 Ionically-controlled phase separation in cobaltite heterostructures Room: 707 |
Kumar, Revati Chemistry, Louisiana State University |
Session F04.00001 Investigating graphene oxide-aqueous interfaces Room: 109 |
Kung, Hsiang-Hsi University of British Columbia |
Session B38.00003 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Talk: Probing Hidden Symmetries with Raman Scattering Room: 607 |
Kurian, Philip Howard University |
Session G18.00002 New horizons in quantum biology: Plasmon, exciton, and phonon correlations in complex biomolecular systems Room: 205 |
Kurlyandskaya, Galina Electricity and Electronics, University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU |
Session X42.00007 Functional ferrogels: from magnetic biosensors to regenerative medicine Room: 709/711 |
Laaser, Jennifer Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh |
Session X36.00002 Phase Behavior and Viscoelasticity of Polyelectrolyte Coacervates at High Salt Concentrations Room: 601/603 |
Lahini, Yoav Tel Aviv University |
Session M18.00004 Memory Effects in Amorphous Mechanical Systems Room: 205 |
Lanzara, Alessandra University of California, Berkeley |
Session L19.00003 Local Symmetry Breaking and Spin Momentum Locking in Cuprates Superconductors Room: 207 |
LANZILLOTTI KIMURA, Daniel Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, CNRS |
Session M44.00004 Acoustic Phonon Engineering Using Nanostructures Room: 704 |
Larentzos, James P. Weapons and Materials Reserach Directorate, US Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory |
Session D03.00001 Understanding the Role of Microstructure in Energetic Materials Using a Predictive Hierarchical Multiscale Simulation Approach Room: 107 |
Laumann, Christopher Boston Univ |
Session W19.00005 Spectroscopy of spinons in quantum spin ice: threshold enhancement and Cerenkov radiation Room: 207 |
Lavrentovich, Oleg D Department of Physics, Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, and Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University |
Session F18.00001 Bioinspired liquid crystal patterns to command living matter Room: 205 |
Lawrie, Benjamin J Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session L37.00005 Toward practical quantum-enhanced microscopies Room: 605 |
LeBoeuf, Adria C Department of Biology, University of Fribourg |
Session D20.00011 The Superorganism’s Circulatory System: Collective control of development through a socially exchanged fluid Room: 301 |
Lederer, Samuel Cornell University |
Session R66.00001 Strain sensitivity and other experimental consequences of nematic-mediated superconductivity Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Lee, Daeyeon University of Pennsylvania |
Session D68.00001 Infiltration of polymers into nanoparticle packings to produce highly loaded nanocomposites Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Lee, Kyung-Jin Korea Univ |
Session M42.00010 Magnetization dynamics and spin transport in compensated ferrimagnets Room: 709/711 |
Lee, Sang-Hyuk Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session J26.00008 Multimodal microscopy through optimal integration of wide-field and focused-beam laser illumination Room: 403 |
Lee, SungBin Korea Adv Inst of Sci & Tech |
Session P46.00011 Magnetic field effect and superconductivity in multipolar order Room: 708 |
Lee, Sungyon University of Minnesota |
Session B28.00002 Fingering in dense suspensions Room: 405-407 |
Lee, Yoonseok University of Florida |
Session W28.00005 Research in quantum fluids, where are we? Room: 405-407 |
Lee, Young-Hee IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics, Institute for Basic Science, Sungkyunkwan University |
Session G53.00001 Towards room-temperature v magnetic semiconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Legros, Anaelle Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session W67.00002 T-linear resistivity and Planckian dissipation in cuprates Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
LeGuennic, Boris Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, University of Rennes 1 |
Session W46.00005 Lanthanide-based single molecule magnets through the prism of ab-initio calculations Room: 708 |
Lehnert, Konrad JILA and Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G16.00001 Quantum metrology methods for dark matter searches Room: 201 |
Lenahan, Patrick Pennsylvania State University |
Session S19.00002 Spin Dependent Recombination and Variable Range Hopping in the Absence of an Oscillating Magnetic Field in Inorganic Materials and Devices Room: 207 |
Leone, Stephen R. University of California, Berkeley |
Session U58.00001 Ultrafast X-ray Molecular Dynamics Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Lesanovsky, Igor Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tuebingen |
Session J18.00005 Kinetically constrained dynamics and electron-phonon interactions in Rydberg quantum simulators Room: 205 |
Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra Trivalent Productions |
Session U36.00005 The Physics of NASCAR: How March Meeting Physicists Have Unique Opportunities to Share Physics with the Public Room: 601/603 |
Levine, Zachary Department of Pathology, Yale University |
Session A20.00005 Disordered Protein Folding and Solubility as a Determinant of Human Disease Room: 301 |
Levitov, Leonid Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A66.00001 Long-Lived Excitations, Directional Memory and Hydrodynamic Transport in Two-Dimensional Electron Fluids Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Levy, Mel Chemistry and Quantum Theory, Tulane University |
Session B58.00001 On the Constrained Search-Coordinate Scaling Formulations in DFT Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Li, An-Ping Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session L37.00002 Revealing topological quantum states with STM-based spectroscopy Room: 605 |
Li, Jia Brown University |
Session J62.00001 Novel exciton transport in double-layer graphene structures Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Li, Jiali Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville |
Session W26.00007 Protein Aggregation Characterization by Nanopore technology Room: 403 |
Li, Jianyu McGill Univ |
Session G32.00007 Tough, Responsive and Soft Biomaterials for Tissue Repair and Regeneration Room: 504 |
Li, Jing Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G67.00001 Topological valleytronics using kink states in bilayer graphene: a valley valve and beam splitter Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Li, Lain-Jong TSMC |
Session D57.00007 Integration of 2D materials for Device applications Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Li, Liangbin University of Science and Technology of China |
Session X33.00004 Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymers during Multi-Axial Deformation Room: 505 |
Li, Peng Auburn University |
Session S47.00001 Topological Insulator/Magnetic Insulating Oxide: A Platform for Efficient Spin Current Transport Room: 710/712 |
Li, Qiang Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session W60.00011 The chiral qubit: quantum computing with chiral anomaly Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Li, Wei Tsinghua University |
Session D60.00001 Evidence of anisotropic Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Li, Yi Argonne Natl Lab |
Session F47.00001 Strongly coupled magnon hybrid systems with permalloy thin films1 Room: 710/712 |
Li, Yi Johns Hopkins University |
Session U57.00007 Monopole Superconductivity and Density-Wave Order in Weyl Semi-metals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Lian, Biao Princeton University |
Session L67.00005 Spectroscopy and Correlation Effect at Magic Angle Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Lindenberg, Aaron Stanford Univ |
Session S36.00001 Terahertz frequency switching in topological Weyl semimetals Room: 601/603 |
Lindhoud, Saskia Nanobiophysics, University of Twente |
Session S35.00010 Concentration and separation of proteins using polyion condensates Room: 507 |
Lindsay, Stuart Arizona State Univ |
Session B20.00001 The Incredible Secret Electronic Life of Proteins Room: 301 |
Linke, Heiner NanoLund and Solid State Physics, Lund University |
Session P62.00001 A Quantum Dot Heat Engine Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Litchinitser, Natalia Duke University |
Session D62.00004 Optically tunable topological photonic structures Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Liu, Fang Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session W43.00001 New tools for detecting strong correlation in automated transition metal complex screening Room: 702 |
Liu, J University of Texas at Arlington |
Session X45.00004 Low-Dimensional Hard Magnetic Materials Room: 706 |
Liu, JinGuo Institute of Physics |
Session W39.00001 Differentiable programming tensor networks and quantum circuits Room: 703 |
Liu, Kai Georgetown University |
Session D42.00001 Magneto-Ionic Control of Heterostructures and Interfaces Room: 709/711 |
Liu, Xiaomeng Harvard University |
Session D67.00005 Spin-polarized correlated insulator and superconductor in twisted double bilayer graphene. Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Liu, Xubo Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Soft Matter Science |
Session X42.00011 Ferromagnetic Liquid Droplets Room: 709/711 |
Lock, Robynne Physics & Astronomy, Texas A&M University-Commerce |
Session M38.00001 Physics Together: Engaging Young Women in Physics with STEP UP Room: 607 |
Lodge, Timothy University of Minnesota |
Session A68.00001 Equilibration and Dynamics in Block Copolymer Micelles Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Loh, Hyun-Chae MIT |
Session W18.00004 Nacre toughening due to cooperative plastic deformation of co-oriented aragonite columns Room: 205 |
Lopez, Carlos Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University |
Session X36.00003 Fantastic Entanglements between Polyelectrolytes in Solutions Room: 601/603 |
Lopez del Puerto, Marie University of St. Thomas |
Session L36.00001 Integrating computation using materials from the PICUP collection in Introductory Physics Room: 601/603 |
Lorenz, Virginia O University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L18.00002 Photonic quantum states for quantum applications Room: 205 |
Loth, Sebastian Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies, University of Stuttgart |
Session L66.00005 Synchronizing Atomic-scale Spin and Charge Excitations to Ultrafast Currents Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Lu, Nanshu University of Texas at Austin |
Session J37.00003 Mechanics and applications of bio-conformable electronics Room: 605 |
Lu, Qingyou University of Science and Technology of China |
Session B19.00001 Harsh condition scanning probe microcopy vs. imaging detection of new magnetic structures and their topological protection Room: 207 |
Lucas, Andrew University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session X37.00001 Finite speed of quantum scrambling with long range interactions Room: 605 |
Lukac, Matjaz Complex Matter, Institute Jozef Stefan |
Session F06.00001 Novel biomedical applications of lasers: dermatology, gynecology, and stomatology Room: 113 |
Luo, Zhaochu Paul Scherrer Institute - ETHZ |
Session G42.00010 Chirally coupled nanomagnets Room: 709/711 |
Lutchyn, Roman Microsoft Corp |
Session S60.00001 Topological superconductivity in superconductor–semiconductor heterostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Lutkenhaus, Jodie Texas A&M Univ |
Session W35.00010 Water's effect on the glass transition and dynamic mechanical properties of polyelectrolyte complexes Room: 507 |
Lutz, Christopher IBM Research – Almaden |
Session A10.00007 Single-Atom Spin Resonance for Quantum Sensing in an STM Room: 108 |
Ma, Jie Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session B46.00001 Quantum effect in the antiferromagnetic layered-perovskite materials with the triangular-lattice Room: 708 |
Ma, Ruichao Purdue University |
Session S01.00001 Exploring synthetic quantum matter in superconducting circuits Room: 103 |
Ma, Xiaoguang University of Pennsylvania |
Session P58.00003 Diffusion, plasticity, and excess entropy in complex colloidal fluids Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Ma, Yanming Jilin Univ |
Session B36.00001 Clathrate Superhydrides Under High Pressure: A Class of Extraordinarily Hot Conventional Superconductors Room: 601/603 |
Ma, Yanwei Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session G61.00001 Transport properties and flux pinning analysis of high-performance FeAs122 superconducting wires Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Madhavan, Vidya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B61.00001 Signature of Dispersing 1D Majorana Channels in an Iron-based Superconductor Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Mahanthappa, Mahesh University of Minnesota |
Session P34.00010 Processing Path-Dependent Complex Micelle Packings of Hydrated Diblock Polymer Amphiphiles Room: 506 |
Maier, Thomas Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session W36.00002 Quantum Cluster Theory of Unconventional Superconductivity Room: 601/603 |
Maiti, Amitesh Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session W34.00007 3D-printed polymeric foam under constant compressive strain: constitutive and multiscale models of long-term property changes Room: 506 |
Maiti, Saurabh Concordia Univ |
Session F43.00001 Particle transmutations in flat-band lattices: bosons to fermions, fermions to composite fermions Room: 702 |
Mak, Kin Fai Cornell University |
Session M57.00007 Quantum simulation of the Hubbard model in a moiré superlattice Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Maksymovych, Petro Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session J10.00009 Learning hidden structure of nanoscale spectroscopies with metric analysis Room: 108 |
Manchon, Aurelien Physics Department, Aix-Marseille University |
Session R42.00008 Modeling Spin-Orbit Phenomena at Magnetic Interfaces Room: 709/711 |
Manning, M. Lisa Syracuse University |
Session U18.00005 Rigidity and glass transitions in collections of cells and fiber networks Room: 205 |
Manson, Jamie Eastern Washington University |
Session R47.00001 Chemical control of magnetism in S = 1 quantum materials: new twists on a seemingly old theme Room: 710/712 |
Manucharyan, Vladimir University of Maryland |
Session B16.00005 High Coherence Fluxonium Qubits Room: 201 |
Mao, Jinhai University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session L67.00003 Charge order and broken rotational symmetry in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Marchetti, M Cristina University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session M33.00001 Kinetic theory of defect dynamics in active nematics Room: 505 |
Marciel, Amanda Rice Univ |
Session X36.00004 Structure and rheology of polyelectrolyte complex coacervates Room: 601/603 |
Marcus, Charles Microsoft Corp |
Session J37.00002 Phase-Controlled Topological Superconductivity Room: 605 |
Marguerite, Arthur Laboratoire de Physique Statistique |
Session G37.00003 Imaging the work, dissipation and topological protection in the quantum Hall state Room: 605 |
Marquardt, Florian Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light |
Session D01.00001 Discovering feedback strategies for open quantum systems via deep reinforcement learning Room: 103 |
Marras, Alexander E. Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session A28.00004 Rapid Reconfiguration and Tunable Control of DNA-based Mechanisms Room: 405-407 |
Martiniani, Stefano Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota |
Session J31.00003 Squeezing order out of disorder Room: 503 |
Marx, Christopher Biological Sciences, University of Idaho |
Session L68.00005 Phenotypic heterogeneity between genetically identical cells permits growth with lethal levels of formaldehyde stress Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J19.00003 Edward A. Bouchet Award Talk: Controlling Dissipation in Superconductors: the Oxymoron that Leads to New Superconducting Phases and Transitions Room: 207 |
Masuda, Takatsugu Institute for Solid State Physics, Univ of Tokyo |
Session B46.00008 Novel Excitations near Quantum Criticality in Geometrically Frustrated Antiferromagnet CsFeCl3 Room: 708 |
May, Steven Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University |
Session B64.00003 Effect of interfaces on band hybridization, orbital polarization, and helical magnetism in SrFeO3/CaFeO3 heterostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Mayer, Andreas Princeton University |
Session U27.00001 Immune repertoire dynamics out of steady state Room: 404 |
McBride, Emma HEDS, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session G40.00001 On the Dynamic Compression of Elements: Phase Transition Lowering in Dynamically-Compressed Silicon Room: 705 |
McCann, James Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session M25.00001 What Can Knitting Machines Make? Room: 402 |
McCarter, Margaret University of California, Berkeley |
Session R64.00001 Electric-field control of emergent chirality in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
McCormick, Colin Georgetown University |
Session M28.00002 How Self-Driving Cars Find Their Way Room: 405-407 |
McGaughey, Alan Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session J44.00001 Quantifying Uncertainty in First-Principles Predictions of Phonon Properties and Thermal Conductivity Room: 704 |
McNealy, Jasmine University of Florida |
Session A38.00003 An Ecological Approach to Data Governance Room: 607 |
McNeil, Laurie Univ of NC - Chapel Hill |
Session B18.00002 Transform and Thrive: Large-Scale Change in Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences Room: 205 |
Mehta, Pankaj Physics, Boston Univ |
Session P22.00001 What can and can't Machine Learning do for Physics? Room: 303 |
Mei, Zhe Yale University |
Session R24.00006 Understanding the native fluctuations of protein cores Room: 401 |
Melko, Roger University of Waterloo |
Session P00.00002 Machine Learning and the Complexity of Quantum Simulation Room: Bellco Theatre |
Melko, Roger University of Waterloo |
Session X68.00001 Machine learning quantum states in the NISQ era Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Méndez-Morales, Trinidad Laboratoire PHENIX, Sorbonne Université |
Session U40.00001 Ion-ion correlations across and between micropores in carbon electrodes Room: 705 |
Menendez, Jose Arizona State Univ |
Session G28.00001 Mid-IR GeSn alloys with narrow band gaps beyond 8 μm Room: 405-407 |
Merchant, Ann Office of the Chief Communications Officer, National Academy of Sciences |
Session M37.00004 The National Academy of Sciences Goes to Hollywood: Employing Creative Engagement Strategies to Connect with Broad Audiences Room: 605 |
Meroz, Yasmine Tel Aviv University |
Session D20.00001 Collective Behavior in Growth-Driven Systems Room: 301 |
Metz, Tristin Center for Quantum Materials, University of Maryland |
Session G66.00003 Point Node Gap Structure of Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Mi, Xiao |
Session B38.00005 Hybridizing Spin, Charge and Photon on a Quantum Chip Room: 607 |
Miao, Feng Nanjing Univ |
Session D57.00010 2D Materials and Heterostructures: from Electronic Transport to Emergent Memory, Neuromorphic and Optoelectronic Applications Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Miao, Maosheng Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Northridge |
Session P40.00001 Matter in Extreme Environments: Novel Chemistry under Pressure Room: 705 |
Michaelides, Angelos Univ Coll London |
Session D04.00001 Interfacial water: from atmospheric ice nucleation to nano-confinement Room: 109 |
Mikkelsen, Maiken Duke University |
Session U67.00003 New quantum materials: Sculpting electromagnetic fields on the atomic scale Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Miller, Donald Northrop Grumman - Mission Systems |
Session X66.00001 Demonstration of JMRAM arrays Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Millis, Andrew Physics/CCQ, Columbia University and Flatiron Institute |
Session B66.00001 Transient trapping into metastable states in systems with competing orders Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Milner, Scott Pennsylvania State University |
Session A68.00003 Progress in understanding entangled polymer dynamics Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Min, Xu Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session M68.00003 Automatic analysis of cryo-electron tomography using computer vision and machine learning Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Misra, Shashank Sandia National Laboratories |
Session L37.00003 Atomic precision advanced manufacturing for electronic devices Room: 605 |
Mitchell, John Argonne Natl Lab |
Session P46.00001 Collective Spin and Charge Behavior in Ni1+-Rich Layered Nickelates Room: 708 |
Mitchell, Morgan W ICFO |
Session G16.00004 Quantum Limits to the Energy Resolution of Field Sensors Room: 201 |
Miwa, Shinji The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session U42.00001 Time-resolved ultrafast oscillation of octupole polarization in a chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Sn Room: 709/711 |
Mo, Mianzhen SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session P03.00001 Visualization of ultrafast melting with femtosecond electron diffraction Room: 107 |
Mohseni, Masoud Google Inc. |
Session A17.00001 Challenges and opportunities for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning and optimization Room: 203 |
Moir, Camilla CRIEPI |
Session A61.00001 Specific Heat and Critical Behavior in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Monson, Todd Sandia National Laboratories |
Session F21.00003 Advancements in soft magnetic materials for future energy needs Room: 302 |
Montaigne, Francois Universite de Lorraine |
Session W19.00001 Tuning dipolar interactions in artificial spin ices - From Ising to Potts spins Room: 207 |
Montoya, Eric Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine |
Session D47.00007 Magnetization reversal driven by low dimensional chaos in a nanoscale ferromagnet Room: 710/712 |
Mora, Thierry Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session R23.00001 Evolutionary dynamics of immune repertoires Room: 304 |
Morello, Andrea Univ of New South Wales |
Session P17.00001 Demonstration and benchmarking of electron and nuclear 2-qubit logic gates with implanted donors in silicon Room: 203 |
Morris, Jeffrey F The City College of New York |
Session B28.00005 Force networks in shear thickening suspension Room: 405-407 |
Morris, Joe Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session M28.00001 Subterranean Visualization Through Multi-Sensor Fusion Room: 405-407 |
Moudgalya, Sanjay Physics, Princeton University |
Session W66.00005 Integrability, Thermalization, and Quantum Scars in a Constrained Hamiltonian Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Mukamel, Shaul Chemistry, University of California Irvine |
Session L05.00001 Manipulating nonadiabatic conical intersection dynamics by optical cavities Room: 111 |
Mukherji, Shankar Washington University, St. Louis |
Session R36.00003 Fundamental limits to organelle biogenesis control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Room: 601/603 |
Murnane, Margaret University of Colorado |
Session D36.00002 Ultrafast Electron Calorimetry: Uncovering New Light-Induced Phases in Magnetic and 2D Materials Room: 601/603 |
Murray, Conal IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session P28.00002 The Taming of the Superconducting Qubit: A Tale of Loss Room: 405-407 |
Murrell, Michael Yale University |
Session L22.00001 Filament Nucleation Tunes Mechanical Memory in Active Polymer Networks Room: 303 |
Myers, Corinne Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico |
Session F22.00007 Applications of molecular taphonomy to the invertebrate fossil record Room: 303 |
Naaman, Ron Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session G18.00003 The electron's spin and chirality, the source for quantum effects in biology Room: 205 |
Nadj-Perge, Stevan Caltech |
Session L67.00001 Electronic Correlations and Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene near Magic Angle Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Nakatsuji, Satoru Department of Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session M59.00002 Multipole control of large electric and magnetic responses in Weyl antiferromagnets Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Nanni, Emilio SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session B37.00005 High Gradient Accelerators at THz Frequencies Room: 605 |
Narayan, Awadhesh Indian Institute of Science |
Session P64.00010 Multiferroic Quantum Criticality Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Nassar, Hussein Univ of Missouri - Columbia |
Session G29.00001 Transmisison hysteresis and edge modes in bounded space-time composites Room: 501 |
Natterer, Fabian Department of Physics, University of Zurich |
Session L66.00002 A Poor Person’s Approach to STM based Pump-Probe and Pulsed-ESR Methods Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Navarro-Moratalla, Efren Univ de Valencia |
Session S37.00001 Atomically thin van der Waals magnets: a career in flatland Room: 605 |
Nelson, Keith Chemistry, MIT |
Session J06.00001 Terahertz through X-ray Control and Measurement of Quantum Material Dynamics Room: 113 |
Nembach, Hans NIST and University of Colorado |
Session J42.00013 A deeper understanding of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in magnetic multilayers Room: 709/711 |
Nemoto, Kae National Institute of Informatics |
Session R17.00001 Multiplexing quantum modules in computational and communication systems. Room: 203 |
Neupane, Madhab Univ of Central Florida |
Session U64.00008 Distinct multiple fermionic states in a single topological metal Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Neupert, Titus Univ of Zurich |
Session X67.00001 Higher order topology in superconducting and interacting electronic systems Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Neville, Simon National Research Council of Canada |
Session U58.00004 Ultrafast X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy as a Probe of Conical Intersection-Mediated Dynamics: Theoretical Tools and Studies Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Newman, Mark Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session X18.00004 Structure, phase transitions, and message passing in sparse networks Room: 205 |
Ni, GuangXin Columbia Univ |
Session U67.00005 Nano-polaritonics in twisted van der Waals heterostructures Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Ni, Kang-Kuen Harvard University |
Session A19.00001 Building Single Molecules in Optical Tweezers Room: 207 |
Nichol, John University of Rochester |
Session D17.00001 Conditional teleportation of quantum dot spin states Room: 203 |
Niemela, Joseph ICTP |
Session M19.00001 Actions and schemes of support towards developing countries Room: 207 |
Noad, Hilary Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session L64.00001 Probing inhomogeneous superconductivity and magnetism in complex oxide heterostructures with scanning SQUID Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Novelli, Fabio Department of Physical Chemistry II, Ruhr University Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany |
Session J04.00006 Transient Anisotropy of Liquid Water Room: 109 |
Noviello, Thomas Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Session A18.00002 Preparing Physics Teachers by Building Bridges Between High Schools and Colleges Room: 205 |
Obuchowski, Nancy Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic Foundation |
Session D28.00002 Importance of Statistical Metrology Framework for Quantitative Imaging Applications Room: 405-407 |
O'Connor, Thomas Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G19.00004 How the Microscopic Dynamics of Different Polymer Architectures Drive Nonlinear Extensional Flows Room: 207 |
O'Dowd, Matthew J Lehman College |
Session J38.00001 The PBS Space Time Experiment: Suprising Insights on Public Science Engagement Room: 607 |
Offenbacher, Adam East Carolina University |
Session G18.00004 Proton and electron tunneling effects in enzymes Room: 205 |
Ogilvie, Jennifer Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session D05.00005 Vibronic Structure and Coherence in the Bacterial Reaction Center Room: 111 |
Oliver, Rachel Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge |
Session J63.00001 Multi-modal microscopy and spectroscopy of wide band gap semiconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Oliver, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A16.00001 Coherent control of a hybrid superconducting circuit made with van der Waals heterostructures Room: 201 |
Olmsted, Peter Georgetown University |
Session G19.00005 Polymer Scission in Contraction Flows Room: 207 |
Ong, N. Phuan Physics, Princeton University |
Session A67.00001 Thermal Hall conductivity of spin liquids at low temperatures Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Ordejon, Pablo Theory and Simulation, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
Session F45.00001 Addressing electrified water-metal interfaces with Non-Equilibrium Green's Functions Room: 706 |
O'Reilly, Rachel Chemistry, University of Birmingham |
Session R34.00007 Precision polymer nanoparticles Room: 506 |
Orenstein, Joseph University of California, Berkeley and LBL |
Session B67.00002 Nonlinear dynamic conductivity in structrurally chiral Weyl semimetals Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Ostby, Eric |
Session U28.00002 Google Quantum Computing’s Many Paths Room: 405-407 |
Otani, Yoshichika ISSP, Univ of Tokyo |
Session D19.00003 Magnetic Spin Hall Effect of a Topological Chiral Antiferromagnet Mn3Sn Room: 207 |
Otrokov, Mikhail Materials Physics Center (MPC) |
Session F59.00002 Computational study and discovery of antiferromagnetic topological insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Overbye, Dennis New York Times |
Session M37.00003 The role of news journalism Room: 605 |
Overvelde, Johannes AMOLF |
Session B25.00001 Decentralized reinforced learning of emergent behavior in robotic matter Room: 402 |
Owens, Róisín Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge |
Session W68.00005 Adapting organic electronics to biology (and not vice versa!) Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Owrutsky, Jeffrey United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session F05.00001 Dynamics of Vibration-Cavity Polaritons Room: 111 |
Oyler-Yaniv, Jennifer California State University, Los Angeles |
Session P26.00011 To die or not to die: Cell decision-making in the face of viral threat Room: 403 |
Ozcan, Aydogan University of California, Los Angeles |
Session R20.00001 Deep Learning-enabled Computational Microscopy and Sensing Room: 301 |
Paglione, Johnpierre University of Maryland, College Park |
Session R66.00002 Sixfold enhancement of superconductivity in a tunable electronic nematic system Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Palmer, Stephanie University of Chicago |
Session P23.00009 How behavioral and evolutionary constraints sculpt early visual processing Room: 304 |
Papic, Zlatko Univ of Leeds |
Session W66.00001 Quantum many-body scars: a new form of weak ergodicity breaking in constrained quantum systems Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Paranthaman, Mariappan Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session P28.00003 Addtive Manufacturing of Magnetic Materials for Clean Energy Applications Room: 405-407 |
Parekh, Sapun University of Texas at Austin |
Session G04.00002 Visualizing molecular structure and function in soft matter using coherent Raman imaging Room: 109 |
Parigi, Valentina Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université |
Session U19.00005 Complex Networks in Multimode Continuous Variable Quantum Optics Room: 207 |
Park, Je-Guen Seoul Natl Univ |
Session M53.00001 Strongly correlated physics and magnetic properties in low-dimensional materials of TMPS3 Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Park, Jiwoong University of Chicago |
Session S53.00001 Atomically Thin Wafers and Superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Park, Kyu Hyung Department of Chemistry, Princeton University |
Session B05.00002 Communication between polaritonic and excitonic manifolds in an electronically strong coupled system Room: 111 |
Parkin, Stuart Max Planck Inst Microstructure |
Session F19.00005 Chiral spin textures: anti-skyrmions, elliptical skyrmions and Néel skyrmions Room: 207 |
Pashine, Nidhi University of Chicago |
Session M18.00005 Directed aging: Training elastic responses in disordered systems Room: 205 |
Patel, Aavishkar Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session W67.00001 Theories of Planckian dissipation in strongly correlated systems Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Patteson, Alison Physics, Syracuse University |
Session F26.00001 Vimentin intermediate filament biomechanics in 3D cell motility Room: 403 |
Pedersen, Kasper Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark |
Session W46.00009 Tailoring Non-Innocence in a Family of 2D Coordination Solids Room: 708 |
Pegoraro, Adrian Univ of Ottawa |
Session B04.00007 Geophotonics: Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy in Geology Room: 109 |
Penfold, Tom Newcastle University |
Session U58.00006 Simulating Time-resolved X-ray Spectroscopy: Progress and Challenges Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Pentcheva, Rossitza Department of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen |
Session J64.00001 Tuning the electronic and thermoelectric response of oxide superlattices by confinement, strain and interface polarity Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Perdew, John P. Depts. of Physics and Chemistry, Temple University |
Session A58.00001 The Predictive Power of Exact Constraints and Appropriate Norms in Density Functional Theory Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Perkins, Natalia University of Minnesota |
Session P61.00010 Effect of disorder in Kitaev materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Peruani, Fernando University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis |
Session B29.00001 The Physics of Cold Active Matter: on how time-independent disorder affects the motion of self-propelled particles Room: 501 |
Peterson, Shelly Lockheed Martin |
Session M28.00003 Augmented Reality in Aerospace Room: 405-407 |
Petersson, Karl Microsoft Quantum Lab Copenhagen and Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark |
Session A16.00005 Coherent Semiconductor-Based Superconducting Quantum Circuits Room: 201 |
Petrash, Stanislas Henkel Corporation |
Session B70.00013 In-Situ/Operando X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Studies of Polymer Dynamics During 3D-Printing of Dual-Cure Polymer Epoxy Room: 208 |
Petta, Jason Princeton University |
Session B17.00001 Strong-coupling physics with semiconductor spin qubits Room: 203 |
Phaneuf, Raymond University of Maryland, College Park |
Session P28.00005 Application of Atomic Layer Deposited Films to Cultural Heritage Objects Room: 405-407 |
Phillips, Philip University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W67.00003 Strange Metals and Anomalous Dimensions for Conserved Currents Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Piazza, Roberto Politecnico di Milano Univ |
Session J31.00001 Hot topics and lukewarm opportunities for soft matter science up in the sky Room: 503 |
Pincus, Philip University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F68.00003 Some Thoughts On Polyelectrolyte Persistence Length Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Pixley, Jed Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session G37.00002 Disordered Weyl Semimetals: From Lattice Models to the Continuum Room: 605 |
Plenio, Martin Institute of Theoretical Physic and Center for QuantumBioSciences, Ulm University |
Session G18.00001 Quantum Biology: From Theoretical Principles to Methods of Verification Room: 205 |
Plumb, Nicholas Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session R18.00004 New Perspectives from Spectroscopy on the Bismuth Oxide Superconductors Room: 205 |
Poirier, Michael Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session R26.00001 Strategies transcription factors use to gain access to nucleosomal DNA Room: 403 |
Pollmann, Frank Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich |
Session M66.00005 Ergodicity-breaking arising from Hilbert space fragmentation in dipole-conserving Hamiltonians Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Polsin, Danae University of Rochester |
Session G40.00004 Crystal Structure and Reflectivity of Laser Ramp-Compressed Sodium Room: 705 |
Poon, Wilson University of Edinburgh |
Session B28.00003 The rheology of chocolate making Room: 405-407 |
Porter, Anne Marie American Institute of Physics |
Session G38.00002 Challenges Facing Women in Physics Room: 607 |
Porter, Susannah Earth Science, University of California at Santa Barbara |
Session F22.00005 Evolutionary patterns in skeletal biomineralization Room: 303 |
Potma, Eric University of California, Irvine |
Session B04.00001 Coherent Nonlinear Optical Microscopy with Mid-infrared Radiation Room: 109 |
Powers, Nathan D Brigham Young Univ - Provo |
Session U21.00005 Creating authentic learning experiences in the laboratory Room: 302 |
Prasad, Ashok Colorado State University |
Session B26.00006 Cell shape as a window into cell state Room: 403 |
Prem, Abhinav Princeton University |
Session M66.00002 Non-Abelian Fracton Order: a TQFT perspective Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session P00.00005 Quantum computing: Current status and future prospects Room: Bellco Theatre |
Pretko, Michael University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M66.00003 Fractons: The Road to Reality Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Pribiag, Vlad University of Minnesota |
Session R19.00002 Spin-orbit coupling and local magnetism at a complex oxide interface Room: 207 |
Priestley, Rodney Princeton University |
Session J34.00001 Structured Polymer Colloids by Flash NanoPrecipitation Room: 506 |
Proctor, Timothy Sandia National Laboratories |
Session U16.00007 Demonstrating Scalable Benchmarking of Quantum Computers Room: 201 |
Prost, Jacques Curie Institute Paris and MechanoBiology Singapore, CNRS/NUS |
Session X19.00001 Elementary contractile unit and collective motor behavior Room: 207 |
Psaroudaki, Christina Physics, California Institute of Technology |
Session B19.00005 Nonequilibrium Skyrmion Dynamics under Oscillating Magnetic Fields Room: 207 |
Pyper, Brian Brigham Young University - Idaho |
Session A18.00001 Addressing the Critical Physics Teacher Shortage Through Advocacy Room: 205 |
Qin, Wei University of Science and Technology of China |
Session L60.00001 Towards Material realizations of 2D Topological Superconductivities in Pb1-xBix Systems Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Queiroz, Raquel Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session X67.00004 Partial Lattice Defects in Higher-Order Topological Insulators Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Quinn, Katherine The Graduate Center, City University of New York |
Session U68.00002 Finding and explaining structural hierarchies in models of complex systems Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Rabani, Eran University of California, Berkeley |
Session L43.00001 Transition to metallization in warm dense helium-hydrogen mixtures using stochastic density functional theory Room: 702 |
Radicchi, Filippo Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session X18.00003 Percolation in real interdependent networks Room: 205 |
Radja, Asja Harvard University |
Session U23.00001 Pollen cell walls form from modulated phases Room: 304 |
radovic, milan Photon Science Division, Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session D64.00007 Creating Emergent Phases in Transition Metal Oxides Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Radzihovsky, Leo Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M66.00001 Fracton topological order via quantum elasticity duality Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Rahman, Talat Department of Physics, University of Central Florida |
Session M45.00001 The Self Learning Kinetic Monte Carlo (SLKMC) method augmented with data analytics for adatom-island diffusion on surfaces Room: 706 |
Raja, Archana Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B57.00001 Manipulating the potential landscape of 2D materials through external dielectric screening Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Rajak, Pankaj LCF, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J45.00001 Generative and Reinforcement Learning assisted Material Design Room: 706 |
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy University of California, Berkeley |
Session B19.00004 Observation of room temperature polar skyrmions Room: 207 |
Ramirez, Anissa Science Underground |
Session U36.00004 Bringing Science to the Public Using Popular Culture Room: 601/603 |
Ramirez, Arthur University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session S66.00004 Evidence for Undoped Weyl Semimetal Charge Transport in a bad Weyl Semi-Metal: Y2Ir2O7 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Ramos, Kyle Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D03.00005 Developing and validating thermomechanics models for explosives with experiments on commensurate scales Room: 107 |
Ramunno, Lora Univ of Ottawa |
Session B04.00003 Image Formation in Coherent Nonlinear Optical Microscopy Room: 109 |
Ran, Sheng University of Maryland, College Park |
Session G66.00001 Spin-triplet superconducting state in the nearly ferromagnetic compound UTe2 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Randeria, Mallika Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D67.00001 Interacting multi-channel topological boundary modes in a quantum Hall valley system Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Rangan, Sylvie Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session G52.00002 2D organic layers on surfaces: self-assembly and electronic structure Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Rankin, Patricia University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M38.00005 Physics – We Have a Problem Room: 607 |
Rao, Akshay University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory |
Session L04.00009 Ultrafast Vibronic Dynamics of Singlet Fission: From Molecular Movies to Wavefunction Projection Room: 109 |
Raschke, Markus B. University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session L37.00001 Tip-enhanced Strong Coupling: Broadband Room Temperature Nano-cavity QED with Single Emitters Room: 605 |
Ratcliff, Erin Univ of Arizona |
Session W68.00002 Visualizing charge transfer across length scales in printable, conductive polymer electrodes Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Rechtsman, Mikael Pennsylvania State University |
Session G67.00003 Topological photonics: slow light and solitons Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Refael, Gil Caltech |
Session M60.00011 Floquet higher-order topological insulators: principles and path towards realizations Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Refaely-Abramson, Sivan Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session G58.00001 Structural effects on excitonic interactions in functional materials from first principles Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Regal, Cindy University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session F01.00001 Sensing and transduction with high-Q micromechanical membranes Room: 103 |
Regnault, Nicolas Physics department, Princeton University |
Session F19.00002 A catalogue of non-magnetic and magnetic topological materials Room: 207 |
Reich, Daniel Johns Hopkins University |
Session X19.00003 Dissecting fat-tailed fluctuations in the cytoskeleton with active micropost arrays Room: 207 |
Reichhardt, Cynthia Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session A29.00001 Clogging and Depinning of Active Matter Systems in Disordered Media Room: 501 |
Reining, Lucia LSI, CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau |
Session D58.00001 The Connector Theory Approach: Principles and Development of New Density Functionals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Renou, Marc-Olivier ICFO Barcelona |
Session L09.00004 Triangle Nonlocality : genuine quantum nonlocality and quantum Finner inequality Room: 106 |
Repp, Jascha Department of Physics, University of Regensburg, Germany |
Session L66.00001 Actuating and probing a single-molecule switch at femtosecond timescales Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Restrepo, Juan Mathematics, Oregon State University |
Session R37.00001 Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification in the Geosciences Room: 605 |
Reyes, Kristofer State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session B68.00005 Closed-loop, sequential learning for polymer systems Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Rhone, Trevor David Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session M36.00003 A beginner's guide to using data science for physicists Room: 601/603 |
Richard, David Univ of Amsterdam |
Session A45.00001 Predicting failure in disordered solids from structural metrics Room: 706 |
Riede, Moritz Department of Physics, University of Oxford |
Session U34.00011 Controlling energy levels and Fermi level en route to fully tailored energetics in organic semiconductors Room: 506 |
Rigol, Marcos Pennsylvania State University |
Session J18.00001 Entanglement entropy of highly excited eigenstates of many-body lattice Hamiltonians Room: 205 |
Riley, Patrick F Google Accelerated Science, Google |
Session J28.00003 Machine learning for seeing and hearing more Room: 405-407 |
Riley, Patrick F Google Accelerated Science, Google, LLC |
Session P00.00001 Vignettes of machine learning in the natural sciences Room: Bellco Theatre |
Ringel, Steven Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session G63.00001 Defect Spectroscopy of Ga2O3 Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Rish, Irina Computer Science and Operations Research (Département d’informatique et recherche opérationnelle), Université de Montréal / Mila - Quebec AI Institute |
Session S18.00001 Beyond Backprop: Different Approaches to Credit Assignment in Neural Nets Room: 205 |
Ritz, Thorsten University of California, Irvine |
Session G18.00005 Quantum-Based magnetic sensing: How can birds detect 10 nT magnetic fields? Room: 205 |
Rivnay, Jonathan Northwestern University |
Session W68.00001 Designing polymeric mixed ionic/electronic conductors for organic electrochemical transistors Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Roberts, Sean University of Texas at Austin |
Session L04.00001 Semiconductor Junctions for Photon Up and Downconversion: From Nanocrystals to Bulk Solids Room: 109 |
Robertson, Katherine Univ of Birmingham |
Session F38.00002 On the status of Landauer's principle Room: 607 |
Robles, Francisco Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session G04.00004 Stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopic optical coherence tomography Room: 109 |
Rockett, Angus Colorado Sch of Mines |
Session P63.00001 Defects in Chalcogenide Compound Semiconductors for Photovoltaics Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Rocklin, Zeb Georgia Tech |
Session L30.00001 Conformal elasticity of two-dimensional dilational maximally auxetic materials Room: 502 |
Rogachev, Andrey University of Utah |
Session J66.00002 Experimentally observed magnetic-field driven quantum phase transition in superconducting nanowires and its striking agreement with critical theory. Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Rogers, William Brandeis Univ |
Session F18.00005 Programming dynamic pathways to colloidal self-assembly using DNA nanotechnology Room: 205 |
Roman, Maren Department of Sustainable Biomaterials, Virginia Tech |
Session L35.00004 Carbohydrate-Based Polymers and Nanomaterials for Advanced Technologies Room: 507 |
Rømer, Astrid Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session F66.00003 Knight Shift and Leading Superconducting Instability From Spin Fluctuations in Sr2RuO4 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Romhanyi, Judit University of California, Irvine |
Session U46.00011 Hall Responses in Larger Spin Quantum Magnets Room: 708 |
Roos, Kelly Bradley University |
Session L36.00002 Enhancement of Student Experience and Content Coverage in Physics Courses Through Integration of Computation Room: 601/603 |
Rosei, Federico INRS - Energie et Materiaux |
Session M19.00005 Multifunctional Materials for Emerging Technologies Room: 207 |
Rosenberg, Danna Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F16.00007 3D Integration to Enable High Coherence and Connectivity for Superconducting Qubits Room: 201 |
Ross, Kate Colorado State University |
Session R47.00005 A Novel Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Dimer Magnet: Yb2Si2O7 Room: 710/712 |
Rossi, Riccardo Simons Foundation |
Session G43.00002 Modern diagrammatic many body techniques. Room: 702 |
Rotenberg, Eli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D36.00004 Capturing In Operando Electronic Structure of Microscopic 2D Materials Room: 601/603 |
Roth, Bradley Oakland University |
Session B18.00004 The Purpose of Homework Problems is Insight, Not Numbers: Crafting Exercises for an Intermediate Biological Physics Class Room: 205 |
Roushan, Pedram Google Inc - Santa Barbara |
Session R68.00012 Quantum Supremacy: computational complexity and applications Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Routh, Alexander Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge |
Session S68.00004 Stratification in Drying Colloidal Films: A competition between diffusion, evaporation and diffusiophoresis Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Rouxel, Jeremy University of California, Irvine |
Session S58.00001 Theory and implementation of nonlinear X-ray spectroscopies: application to time-resolved diffraction, X-ray chirality and transient grating experiments Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Rouzée, Arnaud Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Specroscopy |
Session P58.00002 Laser-based imaging of gas phase molecules Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Rowberg, Andrew Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session R43.00005 First-principles design of solid-state hydrogen electrolytes Room: 702 |
Royall, Paddy Physics, University of Bristol |
Session U18.00004 Gelation in Soft Matter: from Colloids to Decorated Protein Networks Room: 205 |
Rubio, Angel Max Planck Inst Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session J05.00001 Quantum cavities and Floquet materials engineering from first principles QEDFT Room: 111 |
Ruhman, Jonathan Physics, Bar Ilan University |
Session R18.00003 Superconductivity in Ultra-Low Density Dirac Materials Driven by a Ferroelectric Quantum Critical Point Room: 205 |
Rury, Aaron Wayne State Univ |
Session A05.00001 Assessing Polariton Amended Excited State Photophysics and Structure of Metalloporphyrins using Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy Room: 111 |
Russell, Alan Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session D35.00007 Transforming protein-polymer conjugate purification by tuning protein solubility Room: 507 |
Russell, Thomas Univ of Mass - Amherst |
Session B35.00009 Morphological Evolution of Poly(solketal methacrylate)-block-polystyrene in Thin Films Room: 507 |
Rutledge, Gregory Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session W33.00004 Flow Induced Crystallization: Insights from Molecular Simulation Room: 505 |
Rzchowski, Mark University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session A64.00001 Complex Oxide Heterointerfaces - New Materials, Terminations, and Orientations Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Sacanna, Stefano New York Univ NYU |
Session L31.00001 Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research talk Room: 503 |
Sacepe, Benjamin Institut Neel, CNRS Grenoble |
Session J66.00004 Low-temperature anomaly in disordered superconductors near Bc2 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard University |
Session J37.00005 Strange Metals and Black Holes Room: 605 |
Safeer, CK CIC NanoGUNE, San sebastian, Spain |
Session L42.00007 Spin-to-charge interconversion in van der Waals heterostructures Room: 709/711 |
Saffman, Mark Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session A19.00003 Rydberg mediated entanglement in a two-dimensional neutral atom qubit array Room: 207 |
Salman, Hanna Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session X20.00004 Effect of non-genetic inheritance dynamics on the variation in cellular traits Room: 301 |
Samarakoon, Anjana Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session U46.00001 Application of machine learning to frustrated magnets Room: 708 |
Sandick, Pearl University of Utah |
Session M38.00003 Outcome of the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: 607 |
SARACCO, Fabio Networks Unit, IMT School For Advanced Studies Lucca |
Session X18.00001 The statistical physics of real-world networks: standing on Jaynes’ shoulders Room: 205 |
Sarachik, Myriam Physics, City College of New York, CUNY |
Session J19.00004 APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research: The Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Interacting Electron Systems in Two Dimensions Room: 207 |
Sarkar, Anwesha Univ of Leeds |
Session U33.00008 Tribology of soft colloidal microgels: An oral perspective Room: 505 |
Sarkar, Tarapada University of Maryland, College Park |
Session S67.00005 Ferromagnetic order beyond the superconducting dome in a cuprate superconductor Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Sarrao, John Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session F28.00004 Navigating a National Lab Career Room: 405-407 |
Sastry, Srikanth Jawaharlal Nehru Ctr Adv Sci |
Session M18.00002 Memory formation in cyclically deformed glasses Room: 205 |
Sato, Masatoshi Kyoto Univ |
Session M60.00001 Majorana multipole response of topological superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Sato, Shunsuke Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan |
Session B44.00001 Real space and real time electron dynamics simulations for attosecond physics in solids Room: 704 |
Satzinger, Kevin Google Inc - Santa Barbara |
Session G68.00001 Quantum Supremacy: Benchmarking the Sycamore Processor Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Saunders, John Department of Physics, Royal Holloway University of London |
Session W28.00002 Topological Superfluid 3He under mesoscopic confinement Room: 405-407 |
Savoie, Brett Purdue Univ |
Session B68.00003 A Transfer Learning Framework for Improving Property Prediction, Interpretability, and Chemical Discovery from Scarce Datasets Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Sbierski, Bjoern University of California, Berkeley |
Session G37.00005 Spectrum-wide quantum criticality at the surface of class AIII topological phases: An "energy stack" of integer quantum Hall plateau transitions Room: 605 |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society |
Session R67.00001 Topological Regions in a 'Map of Materials Properties' of Two-dimensional Materials(*) Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Scheurer, Mathias Harvard University |
Session A67.00005 Thermal Hall effect in square-lattice spin liquids: an application to cuprates Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Schlau-Cohen, Gabriela Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D05.00009 Carotenoid-mediated light harvesting in plants Minjung Son, Gabriela Schlau-Cohen Room: 111 |
Schlenoff, Joseph Florida State Univ |
Session X36.00005 Fantastic Saloplastic Room: 601/603 |
Schlom, Darrell Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University |
Session G64.00002 Breaking Symmetries to Create a Robust Room-Temperature Ferrimagnetic Ferroelectric in LuFeO3/CoFe2O4 Superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Schmalian, Joerg Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session A66.00002 Levy flights and non-local transport in Dirac and Weyl systems Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Schmid, Friederike Johannes-Gutenberg Univ |
Session F68.00005 Phase transitions in single grafted molecules Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Schnack, Juergen Univ Bielefeld |
Session J46.00001 The power of typicality applied to magnetic molecules and low-dimensional quantum spin systems Room: 708 |
Schneeloch, John Univ of Virginia |
Session W59.00011 Sliding-layer structural phase transitions in the topological semimetal MoTe2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Schneider, Tapio Caltech |
Session R37.00004 Earth System Modeling 2.0: Toward Data-Informed Climate Models With Quantified Uncertainties Room: 605 |
Schneider, Tobias Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session D37.00005 Nonlinear invariant solutions underlying spatio-temporal patterns in thermally driven shear flows Room: 605 |
Schoelkopf, Robert Yale University |
Session X28.00002 Quantum acoustics: creation and control of multi-phonon Fock states Room: 405-407 |
Schoenenberger, Thomas Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session A42.00004 Melting the skyrmion lattice - from solid to liquid via a hexatic phase Room: 709/711 |
Schönhoff, Monika University of Muenster |
Session S40.00001 Direct measurement of ion mobility by electrophoretic NMR and implications for correlated migration in liquid electrolytes Room: 705 |
Schöppler, Vanessa B CUBE, TU Dresden |
Session J22.00006 The role of residual stresses in biomineral morphogenesis revealed by 3D dark-field x-ray microscopy Room: 303 |
Schröter, Niels Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session F19.00004 Chiral and magnetic topological semimetals Room: 207 |
Schuler, Bruno Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X57.00007 Visualizing Electrically Driven Photon Emission from Individual Defects in WS2 with Atomic Resolution Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Sellmyer, David Department of Physics and Astronomy and Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience, University of Nebraska |
Session R43.00001 Creating Novel Magnetic Compounds with Complementary Experimental and Computational Methods Room: 702 |
Selloni, Annabella Princeton University |
Session A04.00006 Free Energy of Water Dissociation at the Water - TiO2 Interface from Ab Initio Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics Room: 109 |
Semenok, Dmitrii Material Science, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Session B36.00005 Superconductivity in Yttrium and Thorium Polyhydrides: a Route to Industrial Applications Room: 601/603 |
Semenov, Alexander University of Pennsylvania |
Session P58.00001 Electron transfer in confined electromagnetic fields Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Sengupta, Surajit Hyderabad campus, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) |
Session S30.00001 A statistical mechanical theory for the origin of rigidity in crystalline solids Room: 502 |
Sens, Pierre Insitut Curie / CNRS |
Session R36.00005 Modelling membrane-bound cellular organelles with non-equilibrium dynamics Room: 601/603 |
Senses, Erkan Koc University |
Session A70.00007 Nanoparticle effect on multiscale polymer dynamics in nanocomposites: insights from neutron and x-ray spectroscopy Room: 208 |
Seppala, Jon National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F34.00008 3D Printing of Polymers and Soft Materials Room: 506 |
Serra, Francesca Johns Hopkins University |
Session R29.00006 Cells as liquid crystals, and what happens when they can't align Room: 501 |
Shaevitz, Joshua Princeton University |
Session J68.00002 Self-driven phase transitions in living matter Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Shahmoradi, Amir University of Texas at Arlington |
Session M36.00004 Deep Learning Data Science Competencies to Promote Workplace Readiness Room: 601/603 |
Shalaev, Vladimir Purdue Univ |
Session M67.00005 Plasmonic Metamaterials Meet Quantum Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Shan, Jie School of Applied and Engineering Physics and Department of Physics, Cornell University |
Session M53.00002 Probing and controlling magnetic states in 2D layered magnetic materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Shankar, Suraj Physics, Harvard University |
Session A24.00001 Geometry and Topology in Motion Room: 401 |
Shapeev, Alexander Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Session F36.00005 Machine-learning interatomic potentials: a story about how a Big Data approach compensates for our incomplete understanding of interatomic interaction Room: 601/603 |
Sharifzadeh, Sahar Boston University |
Session U34.00004 First-Principles Theory for Understanding Excitons in Stacked Organic Assemblies Room: 506 |
Sharma, Prerna Indian Institute of Science - Dept of Physics |
Session R33.00008 Folding of chiral colloidal membranes Room: 505 |
Shatruk, Michael Florida State Univ |
Session L46.00001 σ-Dimerization of organic radicals as mechanism for strongly hysteretic magneto-strutural phase transitions Room: 708 |
Shaub Madox, Amy Univ of NC - Chapel Hill |
Session W20.00001 Harmonic oscillation frequencies of cellular contractility support a wave shape model Room: 301 |
Shayegan, Mansour Princeton University |
Session D66.00005 Composite Fermions near Half-filled Landau Levels: Precise Experimental Tests of Luttinger Theorem, Particle-Hole Symmetry, and Fermi Sea Anisotropy Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Shegai, Timur Physics, Chalmers University of Technology |
Session L05.00007 Modified excited states dynamics in the nanoparticle plasmon – molecular exciton hybrids under strong coupling regime Room: 111 |
Shenoy, Vivek University of Pennsylvania |
Session F26.00005 Regulation of nuclear architecture, mechanics, and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of epigenetic factors by cell geometric constraints Room: 403 |
Shibauchi, Takasada Univ of Tokyo-Kashiwanoha |
Session R66.00005 Divergent nematic susceptibility near the pseudogap critical point in Bi-cuprate superconductors Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Shou, Wenying Basic Sciences, Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center |
Session G23.00001 The price of a shortcut Room: 304 |
Shuai, Zhigang Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University |
Session L34.00008 Abnormal Seebeck effect in doped polymer and two-band transport model Room: 506 |
Si, Qimiao Rice Univ |
Session S66.00002 Weyl-Kondo Semimetal in non-Symmorphic Systems Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Siddiqi, Irfan University of California, Berkeley |
Session W38.00009 Implementation of a canonical phase measurement with quantum feedback Room: 607 |
Sikorski, Yuri Excelitas Technologies Corp. |
Session F28.00001 Life as a PhD/MBA in the Optics and Photonics Industry Room: 405-407 |
Silva, Carlos Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session J05.00004 Polaronic effects on exciton-polaritons in two-dimensional metal-halide perovskite microcavities Room: 111 |
Silva, Indianara Graduate Program in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching, Federal University of Bahia |
Session W37.00002 Women and Physical Sciences in India: Bimla Buti and efforts to flourish a physical plasma community in her home country Room: 605 |
Silvia, Devin Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Michigan State Univ |
Session M36.00001 Designing curricula for data science based on fundamental skills and competencies informed by expert interviews Room: 601/603 |
Simmel, Friedrich TU Munich |
Session A28.00001 Electrical actuation of DNA-based nanorobotic structures Room: 405-407 |
Simpson, Robert Singapore University of Technology and Design |
Session M63.00001 Phase change material programmable visible photonics Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Singh, Arunima Department of Physics, Arizona State University |
Session F21.00004 Data-Driven Discovery of Materials for Photocatalytic Energy Conversion Room: 302 |
Sipahigil, Alp Caltech |
Session J36.00003 Detection of optical photons from a superconducting qubit Room: 601/603 |
Sirica, Nicholas Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session U59.00001 Probing the Ultrafast Nonlinear Response in the Transition Metal Monopnictide Family of Weyl Semimetals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Siwick, Bradley Department of Physics, McGill University |
Session B66.00004 Unraveling Momentum-Dependent Electron-Phonon Coupling and its Role in the Origin of Charge Density Wave Phases Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Skinner, Brian Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session B67.00003 Universal plateau in the thermoelectric Hall conductivity of Dirac/Weyl semimetals Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Skoropata, Elizabeth Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session R19.00003 Interfacial control of chiral magnetic interactions and Hall effect in Iridate-manganite superlattices Room: 207 |
Skotheim, Jan Stanford University |
Session J68.00005 How cell growth triggers cell division Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Slakey, Francis American Physical Society |
Session J38.00003 Outreach to Policymakers Room: 607 |
Smith, Anne Systems Engineering, Siemens Healthineers |
Session D28.00004 PET/CT and PET/MR quantitative imaging applications Room: 405-407 |
Smith, Michelle Cornell University |
Session B18.00001 What do 21st century biology students need to know and be able to do? The view from biology education research Room: 205 |
Sokolov, Alexei University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session B33.00001 Designing Polymer Nanocomposites: Critical Role of the Interfacial Layer Room: 505 |
Soltanieh-Ha, Mohammad Boston Univ |
Session M36.00005 Data Science Tools in the Classroom Room: 601/603 |
Song, Justin Nanyang Tech Univ |
Session U67.00004 Collective mode spontaneous symmetry breaking: out-of-equilibrium plasmonic magnetism Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Sonier, Jeff Simon Fraser Univ |
Session G66.00005 Coexistence of ferromagnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in the actinide superconductor UTe2 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Sood, Aditya Stanford University |
Session U44.00001 Phonons in van der Waals materials and heterostructures: New probes & novel applications Room: 704 |
Sooryakumar, Ratnasingham Department of Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session A28.00002 Real-time magnetic actuation of DNA nanodevices Room: 405-407 |
Sottos, Nancy Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session F18.00002 Reaction-Diffusion Driven Pattern Formation in Soft Materials Room: 205 |
Spano, Frank Chemistry, Temple University |
Session G05.00001 Excitons and Polarons in Organic Materials Room: 111 |
Speck, Andrew Schlumberger |
Session L28.00002 Doing More with Less – Advanced Sensing enabling uROV, a Next Generation Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Platform for Subsea Assets Room: 405-407 |
Spero, E. F. Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D38.00003 From Hidden Utility to Heroic Machines Room: 607 |
Sprakel, Joris Wageningen University |
Session S68.00002 Illuminating the dynamics of drying suspensions in droplets and films Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Spurlin, James Princeton University |
Session U31.00012 The branched architecture of the airway is physically shaped by the extracellular matrix and contractile airway smooth muscle during lung development Room: 503 |
Srinivasarao, Mohan Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session R33.00001 Spontaneous Appearance of Chiral Structures from Lyotropic Liquid Crystals in Confinement Room: 505 |
Srivastava, Ishan Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P24.00001 Flow-Arrest Transition in Granular Materials Room: 401 |
Srolovitz, David Materials Science and Engineering, City Univ of Hong Kong |
Session W57.00007 Shape - Composition - Defect Interplay in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Starykh, Oleg University of Utah |
Session D46.00001 Collective excitations of a magnetized U(1) spin liquid. Room: 708 |
Stavrinidou, Eleni Linkoping University |
Session W68.00003 Monitoring plant physiology with organic electrochemical transistors Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Steele, Gary Quantum Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session A16.00004 A ballistic graphene superconducting microwave circuit Room: 201 |
Stefanucci, Gianluca Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Session J58.00001 Steady-State Density Functional Theory for quantum transport and spectral functions Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Steglich, Frank Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session F66.00004 Interplay of heavy fermion quantum criticality and unconventional superconductivity Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Stephanopoulos, Nicholas Arizona State Univ |
Session A28.00003 Rapid photoactuation of a DNA nanostructure using an internal photocaged trigger strand Room: 405-407 |
Stern, Ady Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session S60.00002 Josephson controlled topological superconductivity Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Stirling, Spencer Activision |
Session J28.00001 Data science and video games Room: 405-407 |
Stoddard, Mary Caswell Princeton University |
Session F22.00001 The avian eggshell: evolution and engineering of a tough, lightweight biological material Room: 303 |
Stone, Sarah University of Washington |
Session M36.00002 A university-wide approach to integrative data science education and career paths Room: 601/603 |
Stoudenmire, Edwin CCQ, Flatiron Institute |
Session X68.00004 Machine Learning with Tensor Networks Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Strodel, Birgit Forschungszentrum Julich |
Session P58.00004 Markov state models of peptide aggregation Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Stroscio, Joseph National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session D36.00003 Combining STM, AFM, and Magnetotransport Measurements for In-Operando Studies of Quantum Materials* Room: 601/603 |
Strubbe, David Physics, University of California, Merced |
Session J39.00001 Ground and excited states of open-shell system from a spin-flip Bethe-Salpeter approach Room: 703 |
Sullivan, Kyle Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session B03.00001 Safety and performance characteristics of thermite systems: from powders to 3D printed lattices Room: 107 |
Sumpter, Bobby Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F20.00001 Information extraction, analysis and feedback for directing matter by design Room: 301 |
Sun, Bo Oregon State Univ |
Session A26.00001 The nematic feedback between cancer cells and the extracellular matrix Room: 403 |
Sun, Jian Nanjing University |
Session W02.00012 Phase transitions and new states under extreme conditions from first-principles Room: 105 |
Sundararaman, Ravishankar Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session G45.00001 First-principles electrochemistry with grand-canonical DFT and continuum-solvation methods Room: 706 |
Sunko, Veronika Max Planck Institute For Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session B38.00004 Delafossite oxides: natural, ultra-pure metal-insulator heterostructures Room: 607 |
Susi, Toma Univ of Vienna |
Session S37.00003 Obtaining an ERC Starting Grant Room: 605 |
Sweeney, Alison Department of Physics, Yale University |
Session B18.00003 Pre-health students may not know what physics is. Room: 205 |
Swulius, Matthew Pennsylvania State University |
Session M68.00001 Three-dimensional imaging of force-generating molecular networks inside of cells using cryo-electron tomography Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Syzranov, Sergey University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session G37.00001 High-dimensional disorder-driven phenomena in nodal semimetals and systems with long-range hopping Room: 605 |
Tagg, Randall University of Colorado, Denver |
Session U21.00002 The “Compleat Physicist” seen through the lens of experiments Room: 302 |
Takamura, Yayoi University of California, Davis |
Session D42.00004 Engineering Magnetic Interactions in Complex Oxide Heterostructures Room: 709/711 |
Takayama, Tomohiro Max Planck Inst |
Session P61.00007 Spin-orbital-entangled quantum magnet on a honeycomb lattice Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Takenaka, Mikihito Kyoto Univ |
Session P33.00007 Scattering Studies on Hierarchically Self-Organized Filler Particles in Polymers Room: 505 |
Tamai, Anna Departement of Quantum Matter Physics, University of Geneva |
Session S67.00003 A laser-sharp view of electron correlations in Sr2RuO4 Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Tamblyn, Isaac National Research Council of Canada |
Session M39.00002 Working without data: overcoming gaps in deep learning and physics-based extrapolation Room: 703 |
Taminiau, Tim Hugo Delft University of Technology |
Session P07.00013 Atomic-scale imaging of large nuclear-spin clusters using a quantum sensor Room: 102 |
Tanaka, Keiji Kyushu Univ |
Session J32.00002 Mobility Gradient of Polymer Chains near a Solid Interface Room: 504 |
Tanguy, Anne LaMCoS, INSA Lyon |
Session B45.00001 Sound Scattering and Plasticity n Amorphous materials Room: 706 |
Tanner, Kandice National Institutes of Health - NIH |
Session A26.00006 The role of tissue biophysics in organ selectivity in metastasis Room: 403 |
Tennant, David Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session W19.00003 Machine learning assisted analysis of neutron scattering: new insights into spin ice Room: 207 |
Terao, Ken Macromolecular Science, Osaka University |
Session W32.00001 Molecular conformation of rigid cyclic and branched polymers in solution Room: 504 |
Terletska, Hanna Middle Tennessee State Univ |
Session W36.00004 Quantum cluster typical medium methods for the study of localization in strongly disordered electronic systems. Room: 601/603 |
Thais, Savannah Princeton University |
Session A38.00004 Physicists' Involvement in AI and AI Ethics Room: 607 |
Theriot, Julie University of Washington |
Session X19.00002 Cooperation, competition, and conviction in decision-making for motile cells Room: 207 |
Thibaudeau, Pascal CEA DAM Le Ripault |
Session S45.00001 Progress in stochastic coupled Molecular Dynamics and Spin Dynamics Room: 706 |
Thomas, Edwin Materials Science, Rice Univ |
Session J33.00011 The pliable morphology of block copolymer crystals Room: 505 |
Thomas, Jessica American Physical Society |
Session F28.00002 When your protagonist is a Hamiltonian: A career in physics writing and editing Room: 405-407 |
Thompson, Jayne Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session U09.00003 Asymmetry in cause and effect in a quantum world Room: 106 |
Thompson, Jeff Princeton University |
Session U07.00013 Optical quantum nondemolition measurement of a solid-state spin without a cycling transition Room: 102 |
Thompson, Matthew BAE Systems |
Session F28.00005 Trailblazing an Industrial Physics Career: Three Case Studies on Getting Hired Outside Your Subfield Room: 405-407 |
Thompson, Michael Innovation, ViewRay |
Session A06.00001 The Physics of System Integration: Merging Radiotherapy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Improve Patient Outcomes Room: 113 |
Thompson, Russell B University of Waterloo |
Session R28.00004 Modeling Nucleation in Polymeric Foams using Self-Consistent Field Theory Room: 405-407 |
Tikhonov, Mikhail Washington University, St. Louis |
Session J23.00013 History-dependent tradeoffs in changing environments Room: 304 |
Tirrell, Matthew University of Chicago |
Session P35.00004 Polyelectrolyte micellar complexes Room: 507 |
Tjeng, Liu Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany |
Session M64.00007 Direct Imaging of Orbitals in Quantum Materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Tkatchenko, Alexandre University of Luxembourg |
Session F44.00001 Quantum-mechanical van der Waals Interactions from Atoms to Asteroids Room: 704 |
Todorova, Mira Computational Materials Design, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung |
Session F45.00005 Stability and reactivity at solid/liquid interfaces studied by ab initio calculations Room: 706 |
Todorovic, Milica Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University |
Session F36.00001 Smart Sampling for Chemical Property Landscapes with BOSS Room: 601/603 |
Toner, John Univ of Oregon |
Session F37.00002 Title: Birth, Death, and Flight: the hydrodynamics of Malthusian flocks Room: 605 |
Toney, Michael SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session F21.00005 Mixed Cation Water-in-salt electrolytes: Concentration study of Ion solvation, local order and nano-heterogeneity Room: 302 |
Torlai, Giacomo Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session U39.00001 Nicholas Metropolis Award Talk: Enhancing Quantum Simulators with Neural Networks Room: 703 |
Torma, Paivi Aalto University |
Session L05.00004 Bose-Einstein Condensation and stimulated thermalization of polaritons in plasmonic lattices Room: 111 |
Tran, Minh Cong University of Maryland, College Park |
Session X37.00003 Locality and Digital Quantum Simulation of Power-Law Interactions Room: 605 |
Transtrum, Mark Physics & Astronomy, Brigham Young University |
Session U68.00001 Using Information Geometry to find simple models of complex processes Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Treado, John Yale University |
Session R24.00001 The key differences in protein x-ray crystal and solution NMR structures Room: 401 |
Trigo, Mariano SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session L19.00005 The order-disorder phase transition in VO2 revealed by an x-ray free electron laser Room: 207 |
Tu, Yuhai IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session S18.00005 Self-tuned annealing in deep learning: How neural networks find generalizable solutions Room: 205 |
Tu, Yuhai IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session F37.00001 The flocking theory: The early developments and a new perspective Room: 605 |
Udagawa, Masafumi Department of Physics, Gakushuin University |
Session W19.00004 Dimensional transmutation of quantum monopole dynaimcs Room: 207 |
Ueda, Kentaro Univ of Tokyo |
Session U61.00001 Emergent transport properties on the verge of metal-insulator transitions in pyrochlore 5d/4d oxides Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Upadhyaya, Arpita University of Maryland, College Park |
Session X19.00004 How immune cells respond to physical cues – the role of cytoskeletal dynamics Room: 207 |
Ushizima, Daniela CAMERA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session G34.00008 Data Science and Machine Learning for polymer films and beyond Room: 506 |
Uwatoko, Yoshiya Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session M40.00005 Effect of pressure on the noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet CeNiC2 Room: 705 |
Vafek, Oskar Florida State Univ |
Session F67.00004 Strong coupling phases of partially filled twisted bilayer graphene narrow bands. Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Vaikuntanathan, Suriyanarayanan University of Chicago |
Session J29.00001 Rectification of energy and motion in non-equilibrium parity violating metamaterials Room: 501 |
Valles, James Brown University |
Session J66.00005 Quasiparticle screening near a bosonic superconductor-insulator transition revealed by magnetic impurity doping Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Vandermause, Jonathan Harvard University |
Session F36.00004 Automated training of machine learned potentials with Bayesian active learning Room: 601/603 |
VanderWerf, Kyle Yale University |
Session L24.00001 Pressure-dependent shear response of jammed packings of frictionless, spherical particles Room: 401 |
van Leeuwen, Peter Jan Colorado State University |
Session R37.00005 Bayesian Inference for Climate prediction Room: 605 |
Van Meter, Rodney Keio Univ |
Session G17.00001 RuleSet-based Operation of the Quantum Internet Room: 203 |
van Ruymbeke, Evelyn Bio and Soft Matter, IMCN, Univeriste catholique de Louvain |
Session G19.00002 Decoding the viscoelastic response of monodisperse and bidisperse linear polymers under uniaxial extension Room: 207 |
van Setten, Michiel IMEC |
Session G39.00001 Reproducibility, precision and accuracy in GW calculations Room: 703 |
Vasudevan, Rama Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session J28.00004 Machine Learning in Scanning probe microscopy: accelerating imaging, enhancing resolution and Bayesian methodologies for theory-experiment matching Room: 405-407 |
Veliadis, Victor PowerAmerica, North Carolina State University |
Session L28.00004 Accelerating Commercialization of Energy Efficient SiC Power Electronics Room: 405-407 |
Vella, Dominic University of Oxford |
Session B31.00001 Viscous flows with thin, compliant boundaries Room: 503 |
Venkatesan, Thirumalai Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session U28.00004 Academia to Entrepreneurship- Who is this for? Room: 405-407 |
Vermant, Jan Materials, ETH Zürich |
Session D70.00010 Thinning and break up of freestanding polymer solutions Room: 208 |
Viana, Matheus Allen Institute for Cell Science |
Session R36.00004 Decoding the variance in intracellular organization of the undifferentiated hiPS cell Room: 601/603 |
Vignale, Giovanni Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ of Missouri - Columbia |
Session S19.00005 Nonlinear planar Hall effect Room: 207 |
Vignolini, Silvia University of Cambridge |
Session F18.00003 Colour with a Twist: Engineering Optical Appearance with Chiral Noematic Architectures Room: 205 |
Vijay, R Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai |
Session S16.00007 Multiplexed Readout of Four Qubits in 3D cQED Architecture Using Broadband JPA Room: 201 |
Vinet, Maud CEA Grenoble |
Session J17.00001 Si based quantum computer architecture and associated engineering challenges Room: 203 |
Vinokour, Valerii Argonne Natl Lab |
Session U66.00004 Sign reversal of the flux flow Hall effect Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Voiry, Damien University of Montpellier |
Session S37.00002 Electrocatalysis from two-dimensional materials: an ERC project Room: 605 |
Vojta, Matthias Physics, Technische Universitaet Dresden |
Session R61.00001 Heisenberg-Kitaev physics in magnetic fields Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Vriend, Nathalie Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Univ of Cambridge |
Session D18.00004 Bedform dynamics: interaction, attraction and repulsion of dunes Room: 205 |
Vuckovic, Jelena Stanford Univ |
Session U19.00002 Optically networked color centers Room: 207 |
Vuletic, Vladan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J18.00003 Rydberg Mediated Interactions Atom-by-Atom and Photon-by-Photon Room: 205 |
Waite, J Herbert University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J22.00001 Building with melanin: Low complexity Glycera jaw protein is master of multitasking Room: 303 |
Wales, David University of Cambridge |
Session L25.00001 Energy landscapes: from molecules and nanodevices to glasses and machine learning Room: 402 |
Walsh, Aron National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session F63.00011 Breaking the Defect Bottleneck in Halide Perovskite Semiconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Walsh, James Univ of Mass - Amherst |
Session J03.00001 Novel experimental approaches toward metastable materials discovery under pressure Room: 107 |
Wan, Xiangang Nanjing Univ |
Session U43.00001 Towards ideal topological materials: Comprehensive database searches using symmetry indicators Room: 702 |
Wang, Feng University of California, Berkeley and MSD, LBNL |
Session F67.00003 Engineering Correlation and Topology in Two-Dimensional Moire Superlattices Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Wang, Jigang Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University & Ames Laboratory |
Session L19.00002 Quantum Beats by Lightwave Acceleration of Broken-Symmetry Supercurrents Room: 207 |
Wang, Kang L. University of California at Los Angeles |
Session B19.00002 Skyrmions in Oxide Materials and Heterostructures Room: 207 |
Wang, Lee-Ping University of California, Davis |
Session J04.00001 Systematic optimization of atomistic water models for molecular simulation using liquid/vapor surface tension data Room: 109 |
Wang, Ning Physics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session U60.00001 Valley Hall transport and superconductivity signatures in twisted transition metal dichalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Wang, Shenshen Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session U27.00005 Evolving generalists in optimal cycling environments Room: 404 |
Wang, Wenbo University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F60.00001 Topological phenomena in magnetic topological insulator thin films Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Wang, Yuanxi Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University |
Session R57.00007 Defect-enabled high crystallinity in 2D semiconductors and heterostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Wang, Zefang Cornell University |
Session P57.00002 High-temperature exciton condensation in two-dimensional atomic double layers Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Wang, Zhen-Gang Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Session S33.00001 Bubble Nucleation in Polymer-CO2 Mixtures Room: 505 |
Wang, Zhenyu UIUC |
Session U64.00001 Signature of Dispersing 1D Majorana Channels in an Iron-based superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Warren, Emily National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session F21.00001 Three Terminal Tandem Solar Cells Room: 302 |
Warren, Warren Duke University |
Session G04.00001 Nonlinear Pump-Probe Microscopy Improves Early Detection of Metastatic Melanoma Room: 109 |
Watanabe, Masayoshi Yokohama Natl Univ |
Session D34.00007 Polymer Electrolytes Containing Solvate Ionic Liquid and Beyond Room: 506 |
Watanabe, Satoshi The University of Tokyo |
Session F36.00002 Construction and simulation proofs of reliable high-dimensional neural network atomic potentials Room: 601/603 |
Weeks, Eric Emory University |
Session B28.00001 Flow of concentrated and highly polydisperse emulsions Room: 405-407 |
Wegener, Martin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session D25.00001 Recent Progress on 3D Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials Room: 402 |
Wei, Suhuai Beijing Computational Science Research Center |
Session L63.00001 First principles study of defect properties of II-VI photovoltaic materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Weiss, Jeffrey B. University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session F24.00001 Climate variability: a manifestation of fluctuations in a nonequilibrium steady state Room: 401 |
Weiss, Matthias Experimental Physics I, University of Bayreuth |
Session R36.00002 Dynamics of and on the endoplasmic reticulum Room: 601/603 |
Weitz, David A Harvard University |
Session U36.00003 Science and Cooking: Making Physics Fun (and Tasty!) Room: 601/603 |
Welsh, Andrea Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session G38.00003 Mental health challenges for early career physicists Room: 607 |
Westmoreland, Michael Denison University |
Session P09.00007 Probability arises from entropy in axiomatic information thermodynamics Room: 106 |
Whittaker-Brooks, Luisa University of Utah |
Session B63.00011 Investigating the Optical and Electrical Properties of Two-dimensional Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Multiple Quantum Wells via Electroabsorption Spectroscopy Studies Room: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Whittingham, M Stanley Binghamton University |
Session V02.00001 The Origins and Future Trends of Lithium Batteries Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Wicks, Gary W University of Rochester |
Session G28.00005 Mid-Wave Infrared Resonant Cavity Detectors Room: 405-407 |
Wiggins, Paul Physics, Bioengineering and Microbiology, University of Washington |
Session R22.00001 The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: The two faces of singular models. Room: 303 |
Williams, James University of Maryland, College Park |
Session J60.00001 Josephson Junctions Using Weak-Links of Topological Crystalline Insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Williamson, Dominic Stanford Univ |
Session A07.00012 Fun with fractons Room: 102 |
Winey, Karen University of Pennsylvania |
Session D33.00004 Combining Advanced Experimental Methods to Characterization of Polymer Nanocomposites Room: 505 |
Winsberg, Eric Univ of South Florida |
Session F38.00003 Simulation Model Skill in Cosmology. Room: 607 |
Wirth, Steffen Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session S66.00005 STM studies of candidate topological Kondo insulator SmB6 Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Wirtz, Ludger Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg |
Session P44.00001 Theoretical Spectroscopy of 2D Materials: Exciton-phonon coupling in resonant Raman and luminescence spectroscopy Room: 704 |
Woehl, Taylor Department of Chemical and Biomolecular, University of Maryland |
Session S28.00003 Visualizing heterogeneous nucleation with liquid cell transmission electron microscopy Room: 405-407 |
Woerner, Hans Jakob ETH Zurich |
Session S58.00003 Attosecond soft-X-ray spectroscopy in the gas and liquid phases Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Womersley, John ESS |
Session B37.00002 THE EUROPEAN SPALLATION SOURCE Room: 605 |
Wood, Mitchell Sandia National Laboratories |
Session A40.00001 A Path to the Exascale for Atomistic Simulations with Improved Accuracy, Length and Time Scales Room: 705 |
Woolley, Andrew Chemistry, University of Toronto |
Session A20.00001 Lessons from Designing Optogenetic Tools Room: 301 |
Wray, L. Andrew New York Univ NYU |
Session G66.00004 Electronic band structure of triplet superconductor UTe2 from angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Wu, Liang Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania |
Session U59.00002 Giant nonlinear optical response in topological semimetals Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Wu, Meng Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J57.00007 Spin-orbit coupling, exchange, and magnetism in exciton physics of 2D semiconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Wu, Shiwei Fudan Univ |
Session L53.00001 Stacking dependent 2D magnetism Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Wu, Stephen M University of Rochester |
Session S57.00007 Strain-based room-temperature non-volatile MoTe2 ferroelectric phase change transistor Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Xi, Xiaoxing Temple Univ |
Session M37.00002 Andrei Sakharov Award talk: Scientific espionage, open exchange, and American competitiveness Room: 605 |
Xie, Aihua Oklahoma State University-Stillwater |
Session B20.00002 Time-resolved Infrared Structural Biology of Proteins: Bringing New Light to Protein Structural Dynamics and Function Room: 301 |
Xie, Ming University of Texas at Austin |
Session F67.00005 Correlated insulating states and broken symmetries in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Xie, Yonglong Harvard University |
Session L67.00004 Spectroscopic signatures of many-body correlations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
XIE, MAOHAI Physics Department, The University of Hong Kong |
Session R67.00005 Epitaxial tellurene, phosphorene and MoTe2 derivatives: from theoretical prediction to experimental observations Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Xu, Yong Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session D53.00002 Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators: MnBi2Te4 and beyond Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session L18.00001 New experimental approaches for exploring condensed matter physics Room: 205 |
Yager, Kevin Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session B68.00001 Autonomous X-ray Scattering Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Yaida, Sho |
Session S18.00002 Renormalization-group flow in neural-network priors Room: 205 |
Yan, Binghai Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session X59.00010 Insights from magnetic Weyl semimetals: the Berry phase and beyond Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Yang, Fengyuan Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session B19.00003 Spin-Hall topological Hall effect in highly tunable Pt/ferrimagnetic-insulator bilayers Room: 207 |
Yang, Haw Princeton University |
Session J26.00001 Development and Application of Three-Dimensional Multi-Resolution Imaging Room: 403 |
Yang, Kai IBM Research - Almaden |
Session L66.00003 Single-atom qubits on a surface: pulsed electron spin resonance in a scanning tunneling microscope Room: Four Seasons 1 |
Yang, Weitao Duke University |
Session L58.00001 Quasiparticle Energies and Excitation Energies from Ground State DFT Calculations Room: Mile High Ballroom 3B |
Yao, Lining Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session A30.00001 Robotic Morphing Matter as Materialized AI Room: 502 |
Yao, Norman University of California, Berkeley |
Session L01.00001 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Talk: Prethermal phases of matter in long-range interacting and classical many-body systems Room: 103 |
Ye, Peide (Peter) Purdue Univ |
Session L57.00007 2D NC-FET, FE-FET and FeS-FET Room: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Yethiraj, Arun University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session F68.00004 Conformational properties and phase behavior of polymers in ionic liquids Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Yi, Ming Rice University |
Session L61.00001 Electronic Nematicity in FeSe Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Yin, Xiaobo University of Colorado Boulder |
Session A62.00004 Optical and Thermal Metamaterials for Scalable Applications Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Yingling, Yaroslava Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University |
Session B68.00004 Optimization of organic molecules and macromolecules using machine learning Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Yoder, Theodore IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session M09.00004 Qubit surface codes from rotation systems acting on Majorana fermions Room: 106 |
Yoneda, Jun CEMS, RIKEN |
Session R38.00003 Quantum non-demolition measurement of an electron spin qubit Room: 607 |
Yoo, Hyobin Harvard University, Sogang University |
Session G67.00005 Atomic and electronic reconstruction at van der Waals interface in twisted 2-D materials Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Young, Andrea University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J19.00005 IUPAP Award Talk Room: 207 |
Young, Andrea University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J67.00003 Orbital magnetism and topology in moiré heterostructure Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Yu, Haiming BeiHang University |
Session A47.00009 Current-manipulated propagation of spin waves in antiparallel coupled stripe domains of La 0.67 Sr 0.33 MnO 3 thin films Room: 710/712 |
Zaccone, Alessio Physics, University of Milan |
Session D45.00001 Understanding the boson peak in glasses and glassy polymers Room: 706 |
Zaikina, Julia Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University |
Session M43.00001 Computationally driven discovery of new borides in the ternary Li-Ni-B system Room: 702 |
Zandi, Roya University of California, Riverside |
Session D30.00006 Theoretical principles of viral shell assembly and self-organization Room: 502 |
Zapf, Vivien National High Magnetic Field Lab, Los Alamos National Lab |
Session J65.00001 Magnetoelectric behavior in metal-organic complexes including spin crossovers compounds Room: Mile High Ballroom 4F |
Zasadzinski, Joseph University of Minnesota |
Session M32.00001 Interfacial Rheology and Breathing Room: 504 |
Zeldov, Eli Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel |
Session J67.00004 Mapping the twist-angle disorder and unconventional Landau levels in magic angle graphene Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Zenit, Roberto School of Engineering, Brown University |
Session R28.00005 Fluid dynamics of bubbly drinks Room: 405-407 |
Zeravcic, Zorana ESPCI Paris |
Session M18.00003 Memories in a jar Room: 205 |
Zhai, Xiaofang Hefei National Lab for Physical Sciences at Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China |
Session R19.00005 Symmetry Control of Emergent Magnetism in 2D Oxides and Oxide Heterostructures Room: 207 |
Zhang, Linfeng Princeton University |
Session L45.00001 Deep Learning for molecular simulation and spectra calculation Room: 706 |
Zhang, Pengfei Caltech |
Session X68.00003 Machine Learning and Quantum Room: Four Seasons 4 |
Zhang, Rui University of Chicago |
Session P29.00002 Design of active nematic systems with controllable defect dynamics and flows Room: 501 |
Zhang, Shengbai Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session R67.00003 Traditional & Exotic Semiconductors in the Two-Dimensional Limit Room: Four Seasons 2-3 |
Zhang, Shiwei Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ), Flatiron Institute |
Session A43.00001 Ab initio finite-temperature and excited state computations by auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo Room: 702 |
Zhang, Shixiong Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session S62.00001 Thermoelectric Transport in Topological Crystalline Insulator and Topological Semimetal Nanowires Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Zhang, Shu Physics, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session G46.00001 Dynamics of a pyrochlore quantum spin liquid NaCaNi2F7 Room: 708 |
Zhang, Zheshen Univ of Arizona |
Session U19.00003 Entangled Radiofrequency-Photonic Sensor Network Room: 207 |
Zhao, Jimin Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session M61.00001 Ultrafast dynamics in single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3, (Li0.84Fe0.16)OHFe0.98Se, and Sr3Ir2O7: revealing coupling between different degrees of freedom Room: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
zheng, guoji QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session S08.00010 Rapid gate-based read-out of spins in silicon using an on-chip resonator Room: 104 |
Zheng, Haimei Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session S28.00004 In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging of Nanocrystal Transformations Room: 405-407 |
Zhou, Brian Boston College |
Session U41.00001 Spatiotemporal mapping of photocurrent in 2D materials using diamond quantum sensors Room: 707 |
Zhou, Jin-Jian Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology |
Session F64.00001 Advances in computing charge carrier dynamics in oxides from first principles Room: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Zhou, Ruhong IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session J28.00005 Immunotherapy Modeling: Molecular Interaction and Recognition of MHC/peptide/TCR Complexes Room: 405-407 |
Zigmantas, Donatas Lund Univ/Lund Inst of Tech |
Session D05.00003 Exploring electronic-vibrational coupling in chlorophylls and photosynthetic complexes by polarization-controlled 2D electronic spectroscopy Room: 111 |
Zorko, Andrej Jozef Stefan Institute |
Session S46.00001 Kondo effect in a spinon metal Room: 708 |
Zurek, Eva State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session B36.00004 Electronic Structure and Superconductivity in Binary and Ternary Hydrides Under Pressure Room: 601/603 |
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