Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2014
Volume 59, Number 5
Saturday–Tuesday, April 5–8, 2014; Savannah, Georgia
Invited Speakers
Abazajian, Kevork Univ of California - Irvine |
Session K3.00003 Cosmological and Astrophysical Implications of Sterile neutrinos Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Abbott, Brad University of Oklahoma |
Session M2.00002 Latest Results on Experimental Heavy Flavor Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Ahlers, Markus UW-Madison |
Session C4.00001 Theoretical Implications of IceCube Neutrinos Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Allain, Rhett Southeastern Louisiana University |
Session B17.00001 The Hyperloop as a Source of Interesting Estimation Questions Room: 105-106 |
Altshuler, Boris P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Session E13.00001 Sakharov Prize Talk: Creativity of Physicists in the Struggle for Human Rights Room: 101 |
Aprile, Elena Columbia University |
Session U2.00001 Noble Liquid Detectors for Dark Matter Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Ashtekar, Abhay IGC and Physics Department, The Pennsylvania State University |
Session S11.00002 Dynamics near Space-like Singularities and Quantum Bounces Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Avagyan, Harut Jefferson Lab |
Session M3.00002 Studies of Transverse Momentum Distributions of Partons Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Banerjee, Projjwal University of California, Berkeley |
Session S3.00001 Neutrino Driven Nucleosynthesis in the Early Galaxy Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Barklow, Timothy SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session Y2.00003 Higgs Studies at Future Facilities Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Bauer, Wolfgang Michigan State University |
Session C10.00003 Riding the MOOC Tsunami Room: 204 |
Bawa, Harinder California State University Fresno |
Session S2.00001 Exotics (non-SUSY) physics searches at the LHC Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Bechtol, Keith KICP / University of Chicago |
Session S4.00001 DAP Young Star: Intensity and Origin of the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Bergmann, Uwe SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session J10.00001 LCLS -- The Upgrade Path Room: 204 |
Berk, Herb University of Texas at Austin |
Session E13.00002 Free Omid Kokabee; Science Interrupted Room: 101 |
Bern, Zvi UCLA |
Session C2.00003 J. J. Sakurai Prize: Harmony of Scattering Amplitudes: From Gauge Theory to Supergravity Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Bhatia, Aatish Princeton University |
Session B17.00003 Can we build a more efficient airplane? Using applied questions to teach physics Room: 105-106 |
Bleem, Lindsey Argonne National Labs |
Session R4.00002 CMB Lensing Cross Correlations Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Blessing, Susan Florida State Univ |
Session C11.00002 The Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Bock, Jamie California Institute of Technology |
Session J4.00001 Detection of Degree-Scale CMB B-Mode Polarization with BICEP2 Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Bogdanov, Slavko Columbia University |
Session B4.00001 Measurement of Neutron Star Radii with X-ray Binaries and Recycled Pulsars Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Bojowald, Martin Pennsylvania State University |
Session K16.00007 An Effective Framework for Quantum Cosmology Room: 104 |
Bordry, Frederick Director of Accelerators and Technology CERN |
Session K10.00002 CERN Roadmap: Exploitation of the Full Potential of the LHC and post-LHC Accelerator Studies Room: 204 |
Bornheim, Adolf Caltech |
Session H2.00002 Higgs Results from CMS Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Braaten, Eric Ohio State University |
Session K2.00003 Theoretical Interpretations of the XYZ States Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Brandenberger, John R. Department of Physics |
Session X10.00002 Physics as a Platform for Teaching Innovation Room: 204 |
Bruning, Oliver CERN |
Session M17.00002 Electron-Ion Colliders Worldwide Room: 105-106 |
Burka, Michael Thermo Fisher Scientific |
Session H11.00003 Developing Technology Products - A Physicist's Perspective Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Burkert, Volker D. Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia |
Session E10.00002 What Nucleons Resonances Teach Us About the Nucleon Structure Room: 204 |
Cabrera, Blas Stanford University |
Session E2.00001 Direct Detection Searches for WIMPs Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Cadonati, Laura University of Massachusetts, Amherst and Cardiff University |
Session U11.00003 Gravitational Wave Observations Expected from the Transient Gravitational Wave Sky Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Campbell, Christopher Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R3.00003 Inelastic proton scattering of Sn isotopes studied with GRETINA Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Carlsmith, Duncan University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session X10.00001 Open Innovation Labs for Physics Undergraduate Independent Research Room: 204 |
Carlson, Carl College of William and Mary |
Session B3.00003 Connecting the muon g-2 and proton size anomalies to hadron polarizabilities Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Cassidy, David C. Hofstra University |
Session C17.00001 Abraham Pais Prize : Physics, History, and Biography Room: 105-106 |
Chen, Mu-Chun University of California, Irvine |
Session H4.00003 Leptogenesis Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Clampitt, Joseph University of Pennsylvania |
Session X4.00003 Weak Lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Clark, M.A. NVIDIA |
Session X11.00001 Porting Legacy LQCD Applicatons to GPUs Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Cloet, Ian Argonne National Laboratory |
Session E10.00001 Nucleon and Delta structure in continuum QCD Room: 204 |
Connolly, Amy The Ohio State University |
Session C4.00002 Searching for the neutrino flux from cosmic GZK interactions Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Conrad, Jan Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University |
Session E2.00002 Indirect detection of Particle Dark Matter with gamma rays - status and perspectives Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Cooke, Ryan University of California at Santa Cruz |
Session R11.00001 Primordial deuterium at the per cent level Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Crouch, Catherine Swarthmore College |
Session H10.00002 Optimizing Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences: Placing Physics in Biological Context Room: 204 |
Dalal, Neal University of Illinois |
Session R4.00003 CMB-discovered high-z lenses and ALMA as probes of dark matter substructure Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Dawson, Sally BNL |
Session Y2.00002 What can we learn from Higgs coupling measurments? Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Delayen, Jean Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session S17.00004 The Making of the U.S. Particle Accelerator School Room: 105-106 |
Di Matteo, Tiziana Carnegie Mellon University |
Session H17.00003 Petascale Cosmology: Simulations of Structure Formation Room: 105-106 |
Dittrich, Bianca Perimeter Institute |
Session B11.00002 Quantum Space Time Engineering Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Dixon, Lance SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session C2.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize: Scattering Amplitudes - the Story of Loops and Legs Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Dong, Xin LBNL |
Session E3.00002 New Insights into when/how a QGP forms from RHIC Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Duez, Matthew Washington State University |
Session X3.00001 Merging ``real'' neutron stars for gravitational waves and electromagnetic counterparts Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Dwyer, Daniel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B2.00003 Henry Primakoff Award: The Mixed-Up Neutrino: Precision Measurement of Oscillation at Daya Bay Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Essig, Rouven Stony Brook University |
Session J2.00003 Exploring the Dark Sector Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Everett, Lisa University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session R2.00003 Neutrino Physics: Theory Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Fields, Brian University of Illinois |
Session R11.00002 A Bitter Pill: The Cosmic Lithium Problem Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Fields, Laura Northwestern University |
Session R2.00001 Neutrino Cross Sections Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Fisch, Nathaniel Princeton University |
Session U17.00003 Energy Generation through Nuclear Fusion Room: 105-106 |
Fisher, Wade Michigan State University |
Session Y2.00001 Higgs Boson Studies at the Tevatron Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Fossum, Eric R. Dartmouth College |
Session U17.00001 Transfer of the CMOS Image Sensor Technology from NASA/JPL to Your Cell Phone Room: 105-106 |
Freitas, Ayres University of Pittsburgh |
Session H2.00003 Precision calculations for Higgs Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Fujii, Toshihiro KICP, Chicago |
Session U4.00003 New Results on the Highest Energy Particles Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Furniss, Amy Stanford University |
Session S4.00002 Using Very High Energy Photons from Blazars for Cosmological Insight Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Gade, Alexandra NSCL and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 |
Session R3.00001 Quadrupole Collectivity in Neutron Deficient Sn Isotopes Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Gao, Haiyan Duke University and Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |
Session C3.00003 Studies of Few-Nucleon Systems and Nucleon Structure with Gamma-ray Beams Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Garbesi, Karina Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session E17.00002 Driving Extreme Efficiency to Market Room: 105-106 |
Garfinkle, David Oakland University |
Session S11.00003 Numerical Investigations of Singularities in General Relativity Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Garwin, Richard IBM |
Session R17.00002 Leo Szilard In Physics and Information Room: 105-106 |
Garwin, Richard IBM Fellow Emeritus |
Session Y10.00002 The First CERN Muon g-2 Experiment Room: 204 |
Geesaman, Donald Argonne National Laboratory |
Session M17.00001 Tools for the Future of Nuclear Physics Room: 105-106 |
Gezerlis, Alexandros Univ of Guelph |
Session B4.00002 Determining the equation of state via microscopic simulations Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Gillessen, Stefan The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics |
Session G20.00001 Fireworks at the Galactic Center black hole? Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Glasmacher, Thomas FRIB |
Session M17.00003 Rare Isotope Beams worldwide Room: 105-106 |
Glasmacher, Thomas Thomas Glasmacher, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, 640 South Shaw Lane, Michigan State University |
Session K10.00003 The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Project Room: 204 |
Granade, Stephen Dynetics |
Session B17.00002 Hyperloops, Nuclear Spacecraft, and the New York City Subway Room: 105-106 |
Green, Daniel Stanford |
Session H4.00001 Reaching the Planck Scale with CMB Polarization Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Haggard, Daryl Northwestern University/CIERA |
Session M4.00001 Hot News from the Milky Way's Central Black Hole Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Hare, Daryl Fermilab |
Session S2.00002 SUSY Results from the LHC Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Haxton, Wick UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
Session W1.00002 The Nuclear and Particle Physics of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Hayes, Anna Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K3.00001 Systematic Uncertainty in the Analysis of the Reactor Neutrino Anomaly Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Hestenes, David Arizona State Univ |
Session J11.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award: Modeling Theory for Physics Instruction Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Holbling, Christian |
Session J3.00001 TBD Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Holder, Gilbert McGill University |
Session R4.00001 CMB Lensing and the Hunt for Primordial B Modes Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Horiuchi, Shunsaku UC Irvine |
Session J2.00002 keV-mass dark matter candidates and constraints Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Hornidge, D. Department of Physics, Mount Allison University |
Session B3.00001 Hadron polarizabilities: what do they tell us about hadron structure? Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Hornschemeier, Ann NASA GSFC |
Session H8.00001 High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology from Space Room: 202 |
Hou, Zhen University of California, Davis |
Session C4.00003 Cosmological constraints on number of neutrinos and neutrino masses Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Huentemeyer, Petra Michigan Technological University |
Session M4.00003 Hot News from the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Incandela, Joe CERN |
Session A1.00001 The Discovery and Characterization of a Higgs Boson Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Isenberg, James University of Oregon |
Session S11.00001 On the Nature of Singularities in Cosmological Solutions of Einstein's Equations Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Ishikawa, Tetsuya RIKEN SPring-8 Center |
Session J10.00003 SPring-8 and SACLA Plans for the Future Room: 204 |
Jackson, Jane retired |
Session J11.00002 Excellence in Physics Education Award: Graduate Programs for Professional Development of Physics Teachers Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Jakel, Oliver German Cancer Research Center and Heidelberg University |
Session H3.00003 Hadron Cancer Therapy - relative merits of X-ray, proton and carbon beams Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Kaarsberg, Tina Department of Energy |
Session E17.00003 Extreme Energy Efficiency: In the city, in the country, and beyond Room: 105-106 |
Kasen, Daniel LBL |
Session X3.00003 Electromagnetic signatures of Neutron Star Mergers Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Kim, Kwang Je Argonne Natl Lab |
Session S17.00002 Robert R. Wilson Prize: The Quest for Bright, Coherent X-Rays: A Personal Story Room: 105-106 |
Kinoshita, Toichiro Cornell University |
Session Y10.00001 Study of Electron G-2 From 1947 To Present Room: 204 |
Kissel, Jeffrey California Institute of Technology |
Session M11.00001 The Status of Advanced LIGO: Light at the End of the Tunnels! Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Kortemeyer, Gerd Michigan State Univ |
Session K17.00002 Walking In The Footsteps of Einstein: Why History of Physics Aids Physics Education Room: 105-106 |
Kosower, David IPhT, CEA-Saclay |
Session C2.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize: Precision Quantum Chromodynamics at the LHC Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Kr\"ucken, Reiner TRIUMF |
Session R3.00002 Shape Co-existence at N=60: Single Particle Structure of $^{95}$Sr Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Kratz, Karl-Ludwig MPI fuer Chemie (Otto-Hahn-Institut) and Univ. Mainz, FB 09, Mainz, Germany |
Session Y3.00003 Hans A. Bethe Prize: Astrophysical, observational and nuclear-physics aspects of r-process nucleosynthesis Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Kurahashi Neilson, Naoko University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session Q1.00001 Cosmic Neutrinos in the IceCube Detector Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Laguna, Pablo Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session U11.00001 Overview of the Transient Gravitational Wave Sky Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Lambert, Steven American Physical Society |
Session E4.00001 Physics and Hard Disk Drives--A Career in Industry Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Lang, Rafael Purdue University |
Session A1.00003 The Quest for Dark Matter Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Lanouette, William Author |
Session R17.00001 The Many Worlds of Leo Szilard: Physicist, Peacemaker, Provocateur Room: 105-106 |
Lapi, Suzanne Washington University in St. Louis |
Session H3.00002 Accelerator Production of Isotopes for Medical Use Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Len, L.K. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science |
Session R10.00001 Office of Science Accelerator R\&D Programs Room: 204 |
Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra Trivalent Productions |
Session Y17.00002 Stealth Physics: Sneaking in Science Where People Least Expect It Room: 105-106 |
Lie, Ki Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session X2.00001 Top Physics Results from the Tevatron and the LHC Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Lindley, David Science Writer/Editor/Consultant |
Session Y17.00001 Explaining Today's Physics Through History and Biography Room: 105-106 |
Lisanti, Mariangela Princeton University |
Session S2.00003 New Physics – Where do we go from here Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Liu, Chen-Yu Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter, Indiana University |
Session S3.00002 Neutron Trapping using a Magneto-Gravitational Trap Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Liu, Ted Fermilab |
Session U2.00002 New Trigger Architectures Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Lovelace, Geoffrey California State University, Fullerton |
Session E11.00001 Numerical simulations of merging black holes for gravitational-wave astronomy Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Loverde, Marilena University of Chicago |
Session H4.00002 Primordial Non-Gaussianity and High Energy Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Luk, Kam-Biu University of California, Berkeley |
Session B2.00001 W. K. H. Panofsky Prize: The Road to Neutrino Mixing Angle $\theta_{13}$ Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
March, Marisa University of Pennsylvania |
Session X4.00001 Supernovae Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Markoff, Sera API, University of Amsterdam |
Session K4.00001 Observationally constraining the jet power extracted from spinning black holes Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Marsiske, H. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science |
Session R10.00003 Office of Science Detector R\&D Programs Room: 204 |
Matchev, Konstantin University of Florida |
Session X2.00003 Event Generators for Particle Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
May, Michael Stanford University |
Session J17.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award: Some Nuclear Weapons Dilemmas Room: 105-106 |
McIver, Jessica University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session M11.00002 Preparing to analyze Advanced LIGO data: from detectors to first observations Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
McNeil, Laurie Univ of NC - Chapel Hill |
Session M10.00001 It starts with one: Leading change and forming partnerships for teacher preparation and pedagogical change Room: 204 |
Megowan-Romanowicz, Colleen American Modeling Teachers Association |
Session J11.00003 Modeling Instruction: The Next Generation ¬ building and sustaining a community of practice Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Meissner, Ulf-G. University of Bonn and Forschungszentrum Juelich |
Session R11.00003 Quark mass variations of nuclear forces, BBN, and all that Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Meltzer, David E. Arizona State University |
Session M10.00003 Research on U.S. physics teacher education Room: 204 |
Meselson, Matthew Harvard University |
Session R17.00003 Leo Szilard: Biologist and Peace-Maker Room: 105-106 |
Metzger, Brian Columbia University |
Session Y3.00001 Kilonovae: Electromagnetic Counterparts of Neutron Star Mergers Powered by the Radioactive Decay of R-Process Nuclei Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Miller, Gerald A. Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195 |
Session U3.00003 The Proton Radius Puzzle- A problem for all of us Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Miskimen, Rory University of Massachusetts |
Session B3.00002 Measuring the polarizabilities of the proton and pion with photon and hadron beams Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Molodtsov, S.L. European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany |
Session J10.00002 European XFEL: Status and Overview of Research Instrumentation Room: 204 |
Moore, Gregory Rutgers University |
Session B2.00004 Dannie Heineman Prize: Some remarks on Physical Mathematics Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Morningstar, Colin Carnegie Mellon University |
Session H17.00001 Unearthing the excited hadron resonances in lattice QCD using NSF XSEDE resources Room: 105-106 |
Murase, Kohta Inst for Advanced Study |
Session S4.00003 Cascade gamma rays as a probe of the high-energy universe: general constraints, hints, and implications Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Naviliat-Cuncic, Oscar National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy - Michigan State University |
Session S3.00003 The beta-decay of $^{6}$He: a sensitive window to search for physics beyond the standard model Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Negele, John Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session U3.00001 Herman Feshbach Prize: the Quest for a Fundamental Understanding of the Structure of Nuclei and Nucleons Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Nelson, William Princeton Consultants |
Session H11.00002 From Cosmology to Consulting Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Niccolai, Silvia IPN Orsay |
Session M3.00003 Experimental studies of Generalized Parton Distributions Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Ott, Christian D. TAPIR, Caltech |
Session H17.00002 Petascale Simulations of Core-Collapse Supernovae Room: 105-106 |
Padamsee, Hasan Cornell University |
Session U17.00002 Superconducting RF: Joining different fields for breakthroughs Room: 105-106 |
Palamara, Ornella Yale University, New Haven (CT) - Laboratory Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy) |
Session R2.00002 Experimental Anomalies in Neutrino Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Palmieri, Paolo University of Pittsburgh |
Session K17.00001 Galileo as an intellectual heretic and why that matters Room: 105-106 |
Pasquini, Barbara University of Pavia |
Session M3.00001 Theory of \#-D partonic distributions Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Paz, Gil Wayne State University |
Session M2.00003 Theory of Inclusive B Decays Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Pellegrino, Antonio Nikhef, The National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam (NL) |
Session M2.00001 Recent Results on B$^{0}_{(S)} \to \mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ and Other Rare B Meson Decays Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Perez-Felkner, Lara Florida State University |
Session C11.00001 Sociological Perspectives on College Women's Pathways to Persistence in Physics Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Perna, Rosalba Stony Brook University |
Session U11.00002 Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Gravitational Wave Era Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Pietralla, Norbert Tech Univ Darmstadt |
Session C3.00001 The ``light-est'' of all Projectiles: Nuclear Structure Studies Using Photonuclear Reactions Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Pope, Adrian Argonne National Laboratory |
Session X11.00002 HACCing the Universe Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Pritchard, David E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C10.00002 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Physics - and for You? Room: 204 |
Rajaraman, Ramamurti Emeritus Professor of Physics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Co-Chair, International Panel on Fissile Materials |
Session J17.00002 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award: Fissile Materials: A Global Threat Room: 105-106 |
Ramana, M.V. Princeton University |
Session J17.00003 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award: Arguing from the Periphery Room: 105-106 |
Ransom, Scott National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
Session K4.00003 Tests of GR Using Neutron Star - White Dwarf Binaries Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Ray, Heather University of Florida |
Session K3.00002 MiniBooNE Results and the future of Sterile Neutrino Searches Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Read, Jocelyn CSU Fullerton |
Session B4.00003 Extracting the neutron star equation of state from gravitational wave data Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Redish, Edward Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session H10.00003 Coordinating an IPLS class with a biology curriculum: NEXUS/Physics Room: 204 |
Reed, Cameron Alma College |
Session K17.00003 Using the History of Physics to Enrich Your Teaching. Room: 105-106 |
Reeves, Mark George Washington University |
Session H10.00001 From Random Walks to Brownian Motion, from Diffusion to Entropy: Statistical Principles in Introductory Physics Room: 204 |
Rehm, Ernst Argonne National Laboratory |
Session C3.00002 Nuclear Astrophysics with Gamma-ray Beams Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Robertson, J. David University of Missouri-Columbia |
Session H3.00001 New Methods for Targeted Alpha Radiotherapy Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Robertson, R.G. Hamish Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, University of Washington |
Session W1.00001 Beta Decay: A Physics Garden of Earthly Delights Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Roland, Gunther MIT |
Session E3.00001 New Insights into how a QGP forms and evolves from the LHC Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Rott, Carsten Sungkyunkwan University |
Session E2.00003 Indirect Detection Searches for WIMPs with Neutrinos Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Rozo, Eduardo SLAC |
Session X4.00002 Early Results on Galaxy Clusters from the Dark Energy Survey Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Sadrozinski, Hartmut SCIPP, Univ. of California Santa Cruz |
Session U2.00003 Silicon Detectors Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Savage, Martin University of Washington |
Session J3.00002 Nuclear Forces from Lattice QCD Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Schatz, Hendrik Michigan State University |
Session Y3.00002 Rare Isotopes Heating and Cooling the Crust of Accreting Neutron Stars Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Schatz, Michael School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 |
Session C10.00001 A MOOC for Introductory Physics Room: 204 |
Scherr, Rachel Seattle Pacific University |
Session M10.00002 Sustained programs in physics teacher education Room: 204 |
Schnetter, Erik Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session X11.00003 Chemora: A Scalable PDE Solving Framework for Modern HPC Architectures Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Schriber, Stan Michigan State University |
Session S17.00003 The ``Big-Bang'' Process for the Division of Physics of Beams Room: 105-106 |
Schwartz, Brian Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York |
Session C17.00003 An Insider's History of Some of the Significant Changes In the APS from the 1960s to Today Room: 105-106 |
Sciolla, Gabriella Brandeis University |
Session H2.00001 Higgs results from ATLAS Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Selen, Mats Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session Y17.00003 Everyone Loves Science Room: 105-106 |
Semertzidis, Yannis Brookhaven National Laboratory/KAIST |
Session Y10.00003 The BNL Muon G-2 Experiment And Beyond Room: 204 |
Shepherd, Matthew Indiana University |
Session K2.00001 Charging up the $XYZ$ spectrum: recent experimental developments in charmonium spectroscopy Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Siegel, Daniel University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session C17.00002 Toward a Rethinking of the Relativity Revolution Room: 105-106 |
Singh, Parampreet Louisiana State University |
Session B11.00003 Singularity Resolution in Quantum Gravity Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Skokov, Vladimir Western Michigan University |
Session E3.00003 QGP or not QGP? Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Slatyer, Tracy MIT |
Session J2.00001 Dark Matter Theory Beyond WIMPs in Light of Astroparticle and Collider Constraints Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Smith, Kenneth Applied Technical Systems, Inc. |
Session H11.00001 Numerical Relativity as preparation for Industrial Data Science, a personal perspective Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Spiropulu, Maria Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session A1.00002 The Future of the Higgs Boson Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Staggs, Suzanne Princeton University |
Session Q1.00003 Probing the First Instants and the Rest of the Universe with Polarized Signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Steiner, Andrew Institute for Nuclear Theory/Univ of Washington |
Session X3.00002 Neutron Star Structure, Neutron-rich Matter, and Gravitational Waves Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Stone, Sheldon Syracuse University |
Session W1.00003 Weak Decays as a Window to New Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Surman, Rebecca Union College |
Session J6.00001 The sensitivity of $r$-process nucleosynthesis to individual nuclear properties Room: 200 |
Tagg, Randall University of Colorado Denver |
Session X10.00003 The Innovation Hyperlab: a Physical and Curriculum Framework for Fostering Innovation From Grade School to Grad School Room: 204 |
Tan, Ping University of Iowa |
Session X2.00002 Recent Results on W and Z Physics at the LHC and Tevatron Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Tandy, Peter Kent State University |
Session J3.00003 QCD Modeling of Hadron Physics Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Tchekhovskoy, Alexander Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K4.00002 GRMHD simulations of black hole accretion and jets Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Thomas, Christopher University of Cambridge |
Session K2.00002 Lattice Results for Heavy Quarkonia Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Tiglio, Manuel University of Maryland and California Institute of Technology |
Session E11.00002 Reduced Order Modeling in General Relativity Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Tyson, Neil deGrasse American Museum of Natural History |
Session Q1.00002 Tales from the Twitterverse Room: Chatham Ballroom A/B |
Van Buskirk, Robert Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session E17.00001 Using a Clean Energy Version of Moore's Law to Plan for the Extreme Efficiency of the Future Room: 105-106 |
Vaulin, Ruslan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session M11.00003 Multi-messenger Observations of Gravitational-Wave Sources in the Advanced Detectors Era Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Walton, Dominic Caltech |
Session M4.00002 Hot News from NuSTAR about black hole spin Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Wang, Yifang Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS |
Session B2.00002 Panofsky Prize Talk II Room: Chatham Ballroom A |
Weiss, Christian Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session E10.00003 Nucleon Structure on the Light-Front Room: 204 |
Whitehorn, Nathan Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session U4.00002 DAP Young Star: What PeV neutrinos teach us about Cosmic Rays Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Yeck, James European Spallation Source |
Session K10.00001 European Spallation Source and Neutron Science Room: 204 |
Yunes, Nicolas Montana State University |
Session E11.00003 Three-Hair Relations, Orbital Motion and Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Binaries Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Zajc, William Columbia University |
Session U3.00002 Bonner Prize Talk: PHENIX, Serendipity and Interferometry Room: Chatham Ballroom B |
Zisman, Michael U.S. Department of Energy |
Session R10.00002 DOE Office of Science Accelerator Stewardship Program Room: 204 |
Zuccon, Paolo Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session U4.00001 Latest Results from the AMS Experiment Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
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