Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2017
Volume 62, Number 4
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2017; New Orleans, Louisiana
Invited Speakers
Adeyeye, Adekunle Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session E24.00001 A reconfigurable waveguide for energy-efficient transmission and local manipulation of information in a nanomagnetic device Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Aharoni, Hillel Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session H18.00001 Making Faces: Thin Nematic Elastomer Sheets in Theory and in Practice Room: 277 |
Aharonovich, Igor University of Technology Sydney |
Session C32.00001 TBD - Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization Room: 295 |
Ahrens, Misha HHMI Janelia Research Campus |
Session V4.00004 Probing the neural control of behavior with whole brain imaging in zebrafish Room: 263 |
Ahuja, Rajeev Uppsala University |
Session Y19.00001 Beller Lectureship: Materials for Li {\&} Na Batteries :A Computational Materials Science Point of View Room: 278-279 |
Akerman, Johan University of Gothenburg |
Session E24.00005 Long-range mutual synchronization of spin Hall nano-oscillators. Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Alamo, Rufina FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, 2525 Pottsdamer St, Tallahassee, FL 32310. USA |
Session A21.00003 Understanding Melt-Memory of Commercial Polyolefins Room: 281-282 |
Ala-Nissila, Tapio Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science |
Session K29.00003 Iso-Flux Tension Propagation Theory and It's Application to Driven Polymer Translocation Room: 292 |
Alicea, Jason Caltech |
Session P45.00001 New theory insights and experimental opportunities in Majorana wires Room: 392 |
Alkauskas, Audrius Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Lithuania |
Session X19.00003 Marshak Lectureship: Vibrational properties of isolated color centers in diamond Room: 278-279 |
Allen, Philip Stony Brook University |
Session V19.00002 Electronic properties with and without electron-phonon coupling Room: 278-279 |
Amin, Vivek NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session C24.00002 Spin transport at interfaces with spin-orbit coupling Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Analytis, James UC Berkeley |
Session A44.00002 Weyl Wiggles: exotic quantum oscillatory phenomena in Weyl and Dirac semi-metals Room: 391 |
Andrei, Natan Rutgers University |
Session L24.00001 On the solution of the Kondo Problem Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Andrew, Trisha University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session F35.00007 Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties of Organic Semiconductor Crystals with Monolayer Graphene Templates Room: 298 |
Anlage, Steven University of Maryland |
Session A24.00001 Emergent and Nonlinear Properties of Macroscopic Quantum Metamaterials Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Araujo, Carlos University of Colorado, Colorado Springs |
Session P29.00003 Physics, Materials, Devices and Chips - A Lab to Product Quest Room: 292 |
Archer, Lynden Cornell University |
Session C10.00007 Structure and Dynamics of Polymer/Polymer grafted nanoparticle composite Room: 269 |
Arenas, Alex APS |
Session F40.00004 Control of coupled oscillator networks with application to microgrid technologies Room: 387 |
Arenholz, Elke LBNL |
Session P43.00010 Heterogeneity in magnetic complex oxides Room: 390 |
Armitage, N. Peter The Johns Hopkins University |
Session P48.00005 Low energy electrodynamics of the quantum spin ice of Yb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ Room: 395 |
Arnold, Michael University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session A31.00004 Wafer-scale, massively parallel carbon nanotube arrays for realizing field effect transistors with current density exceeding silicon and gallium arsenide Room: 294 |
Arratia, Paulo University of Pennsylvania |
Session F21.00005 Flow of Polymeric Solutions: Instabilities & Microstructure Room: 281-282 |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard University |
Session E25.00001 Conditional energy transfer: Towards molecular excitonic Gates. Room: 288 |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard University |
Session A19.00003 Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Computing for Chemistry Room: 278-279 |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard University |
Session B29.00005 Machine Learning for Materials and Chemicals Discovery. Room: 292 |
Aste, Tomaso UCL |
Session V21.00005 Distortion of on-line reputation by excess reciprocity: quantification and estimation of unbiased reputation Room: 281-282 |
Aumentado, Jose National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session H51.00001 Implementing quantum optics with parametrically driven superconducting circuits Room: 398 |
Austin, Robert Princeton University |
Session S21.00002 Attacking cancer dormacy using game theory Room: 281-282 |
Ayars, Eric California State University, Chico |
Session B40.00003 A Flipped Modular Skills-Based Introductory Electronics Course Room: 387 |
Bailey, Crystal American Physical Society |
Session L40.00001 Beyond the Rose-Colored Binoculars: How to Launch a Successful Physics Career in the 21st Century Room: 387 |
Bakker, Huib J. AMOLF, Science Park 104, 1098 XG, Amsterdam |
Session E26.00001 Water at protein surfaces studied with femtosecond nonlinear spectroscopy Room: 289 |
Balsara, Nitash University of California, Berkeley |
Session C11.00001 Ohm's Law, Batteries, and the Clean Energy Landscape Room: 270 |
Banavar, Jayanth University of Maryland |
Session Y49.00001 Metabolic scaling and biodiversity of forests Room: 396 |
Banerji, Natalie University of Fribourg, Chemistry Department |
Session H11.00008 Charge generation in polymer:fullerene and oligomer:fullerene blends for organic photovoltaics Room: 270 |
Bao, Gang Rice University |
Session K29.00004 Precision Genome Editing for Treating Single-gene Disorders Room: 292 |
Barbara, Paola Department of Physics, Georgetown University |
Session F32.00001 Nanostructured materials for broadband light detection Room: 295 |
Barends, Rami Google Inc. |
Session P46.00001 Challenges ahead in implementing digital quantum algorithms Room: 393 |
Barnes, Brian US Army Research Laboratory |
Session F2.00001 Hierarchical Multiscale Simulation: Scale-Bridging for Shock Response of Energetic Materials Room: 261 |
Barnes, Edwin Virginia Tech |
Session R42.00004 Prolonging the quantum coherence of semiconductor spins Room: 389 |
Baroni, Stefano SISSA |
Session L34.00001 Car and Parrinello meet Green and Kubo: simulating atomic heat transport from equilibrium ab initio molecular dynamics Room: 297 |
Barthelemy, Ramon American Institute of Physics |
Session P40.00001 Gender discrimination in physics and astronomy: Graduate student experiences of sexism and gender microaggressions Room: 387 |
Baschnagel, Jorg Universit\'e de Strasbourg, CNRS, Institut Charles Sadron, UPR 22, 67000 Strasbourg, France |
Session R21.00001 Shear elasticity and shear relaxation in glass-forming polymer melts and films Room: 281-282 |
Bassett, Danielle University of Pennsylvania |
Session C29.00004 Evolution of network architecture in a granular material under compression Room: 292 |
Bates, Frank University of Minnesota |
Session A16.00001 Formation of Low Symmetry Ordered Phases in Block Polymer Melts Room: 275 |
Behnia, Kamran ESPCI |
Session S23.00005 Superconductivity and ferroelectricity in calcium-substituted-oxygen-reduced strontium titanate Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Behringer, Robert Duke University |
Session X18.00011 How sand grains stop a high speed intruder Room: 277 |
beidenkopf, haim Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel |
Session F44.00001 Spectroscopic Visualization of Inversion and Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking Weyl Semi-metals Room: 391 |
Belashchenko, Kirill University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session C24.00003 Theory of spin loss at metallic interfaces Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Belof, Jonathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session R2.00001 Time-dependent freezing of water under shock and ramp loading Room: 261 |
Ben-Amotz, Dor Purdue Univ |
Session B26.00003 Enhanced Tetrahedral Order in Hydrophobic Hydration-Shells Room: 289 |
Benckiser, Eva Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session R43.00006 Resonant elastic x-ray scattering studies of magnetism in nickelate heterostructures Room: 390 |
Berezovsky, Jesse Case Western Reserve University |
Session V24.00002 Coupling nitrogen-vacancy centers to a dynamic ferromagnetic vortex for fast, nanoscale spin addressability and control Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Berman, Gordon Emory University |
Session S49.00002 Predictability and hierarchy in animal behavior Room: 396 |
Bertrand, Thibault Yale University |
Session E29.00002 Simulations of Shear Jamming in Packings of Frictionless and Frictional Particles Room: 292 |
Bertschinger, Ed Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V8.00002 TBD Room: 267 |
Beschoten, Bernd 2nd Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Session F24.00004 Graphene: A membrane with steadily improving charge and spin transport properties Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Beton, Peter University of Nottingham |
Session F30.00010 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties Room: 293 |
Bevan, Michael Johns Hopkins University |
Session S53.00002 Feedback Controlled Colloidal Assembly at Fluid Interfaces Room: 287 |
Bhallamudi, Vidya Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session V24.00003 Detecting ferromagnetic dynamics using spinwave induced relaxation of NV spins in diamond Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Bhatt, Ravindra Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 |
Session X24.00004 Disorder Driven Fractional Quantum Hall To Insulator Transitions Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Bhattacharya, Anand Materials Science Division and Nanoscience and Technology Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y21.00001 Tailoring non-collinear magnetism in oxide heterostructures, a path to novel memory Room: 281-282 |
Biberger, Maximilian SDCmaterials |
Session S29.00003 Starting Up a Company in a Mature Market: Wise or Foolish ? Room: 292 |
Bienfait, Audrey CEA Saclay |
Session P52.00002 Controlling spin relaxation with a cavity Room: 399 |
Birgeneau, Robert University of California Berkeley |
Session X23.00001 Electron correlations and magnetism in iron-based superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Bjork, Bryce JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado, Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA |
Session A29.00004 A Few Atoms Too Many: Unravelling Molecular Complexities with Frequency Comb Spectroscopy Room: 292 |
Bocquillon, Erwann Institute of Physics, University of Würzburg |
Session H22.00002 Gapless Andreev bound states in a topological junction on the Quantum Spin Hall insulator HgTe Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Bodenschatz, Eberhard MPIDS |
Session H14.00001 Cilia-based transport networks Room: 273 |
Boixo, Sergio Google Inc. |
Session A19.00005 Characterizing Beyond-Classical Computation in Near-Term Devices Room: 278-279 |
Bolhuis, Peter University of Amsterdam |
Session A25.00004 Multiscale simulations of patchy particle systems combining Molecular Dynamics, Path Sampling and Green's Function Reaction Dynamics Room: 288 |
Bondos, Sarah Texas A&M Health Science Center |
Session L6.00008 Multiple structure-intrinsic disorder interactions regulate and coordinate Hox protein function. Room: 265 |
Bonn, Mischa Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Session S25.00006 Charge Transfer across Quantum Dot-Oxide Interfaces for High-Efficiency Photovoltaics Room: 288 |
Bordia, Pranjal Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Munchen, Germany |
Session E19.00005 Many-Body Localization Through the Lens of Ultracold Atoms Room: 278-279 |
Bortfeld, Thomas Massachusetts Gen Hosp |
Session S21.00003 Advancing Cancer Treatment Delivery - Role of Physics Room: 281-282 |
Bottomley, Paul Johns Hopkins University, Division of MR Research, Dept of Radiology |
Session L29.00003 Magnetic Resonance Medical Imaging (MRI)--from the inside Room: 292 |
Boudaoud, Arezki Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session R49.00002 Beller Lectureship: Stochasticity and robustness in growth and morphogenesis Room: 396 |
Bowen, Warwick Unviersity of Queensland |
Session Y24.00003 Probing the dynamics of two dimensional superfluids with cavity optomechanics. Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Bowman, Joel Emory University |
Session A26.00003 Theoretical and Computational Studies of the IR Spectra of Small Water and Protonated Water Clusters Room: 289 |
Bozovic, Ivan Brookhaven National Laboratory and Applied Physics Department, Yale University |
Session E37a.00008 What makes high-\textit{T}$_{\mathbf{c}}$\textbf{ cuprate superconductors so special?} Room: 383 |
Bradlyn, Barry Princeton Center for Theoretical Science |
Session F23.00003 Algebra, topology, and the solid state: New perspectives on insulators and semimetals Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Brant, Patrick ExxonMobil Chemical Company |
Session A21.00002 Comb Block Polyolefins Room: 281-282 |
Brennecke, Ferdinand University of Bonn |
Session R19.00003 Exploring antiferromagnetic correlations of ultracold atoms in two dimensions Room: 278-279 |
bricmont, Jean UCLouvain |
Session A40.00002 Bergson vs. Einstein: is there really a philosopher's time?. Room: 387 |
Brihuega, Ivan Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Session F24.00005 Atomic-scale control of graphene magnetism by using hydrogen atoms Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Brown, Andre Imperial College London |
Session S49.00004 Representation matters: quantitative behavioral variation in wild worm strains Room: 396 |
Brown, Robert American Institute of Physics |
Session F29.00001 Relevant and Rewarding - Strategic Research in Industrial Physics Room: 292 |
Brumer, Paul University of Toronto |
Session H25.00005 Quantum Dynamics of Incoherently Driven Systems Room: 288 |
Bruneval, Fabien Service de Recherches de Métallurgie Physique, CEA Saclay, France |
Session F7.00004 Many-body perturbation theory for excited electrons: from materials to molecules Room: 266 |
Brunton, Steven Univ of Washington |
Session X49.00004 Discovering governing equations from data by sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics Room: 396 |
Buchmann, Lukas Aarhus University |
Session L19.00005 Multimode Optomechanics with Cold Atoms Room: 278-279 |
Bud'ko, Sergey L. Ames Laboratory US DOE, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA |
Session L21.00003 Anisotropic physical properties of single phase, single-crystalline CaKFe$_4$As$_4$ Room: 281-282 |
Buechner, Bernd IFW Dresden |
Session H41.00001 TBD - Fe-based Superconductors Room: 388 |
Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry, University of North Texas |
Session R29.00002 High-throughput materials discovery and development: breakthroughs and challenges in the mapping of the materials genome Room: 292 |
Burke, Kieron Departments of Physics and of Chemistry, UC Irvine |
Session S24.00003 Density Functional Theory: A great physics success story Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Cabral, Joao Imperial College London |
Session P21.00002 Reconciliation of Cahn-Hilliard predictions for spinodal decomposition lengthscales in polymer blends Room: 281-282 |
Cael, B. B. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F12.00001 The Volume of Earth's Lakes Room: 271 |
Cahen, David Retired, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session E34.00001 Halide Perovskites: New Science or ``only'' future Energy Converters? Room: 297 |
Calderon, Christopher Ursa Analytics, Inc. |
Session A5.00001 Leveraging Time Series Analysis and Machine Learning to Quantify Intra and Inter Trajectory Heterogeneity in Particle Tracking Experiments Room: 264 |
Camley, Brian Univ of California - San Diego |
Session A49.00003 Collective gradient sensing: fundamental bounds, cluster mechanics, and cell-to-cell variability Room: 396 |
Campbell, Steve INFN Sezione di Milano \& Universita degli Studi di Milano |
Session S19.00005 Trade-off between speed and cost in shortcuts to adiabaticity Room: 278-279 |
Canales, Jimena University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A40.00001 Einstein and Time in Physics and Philosophy Room: 387 |
Canals, Benjamin Institut NEEL, CNRS, Grenoble, France |
Session S22.00004 Artificial magnets as model systems : from the fragmentation of magnetization to the 6-vertex model Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Canfield, Paul Ames Lab and Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa |
Session B22.00004 Preserved Entropy, quantum criticality and fragile magnetism Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Canfield, Paul Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa |
Session C19.00002 Synthesis as the heart of New Materials Physics Room: 278-279 |
Cao, Guang-Han Zhejiang Univ |
Session L21.00002 Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in AEuFe4As4 (A $=$ Rb and Cs). Room: 281-282 |
Car, Diana Delft University of Technology |
Session X46.00001 Synthesis of InSb Nanowire Architectures -- Building Blocks for Majorana Devices Room: 393 |
Carini, Gabriella SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session K21.00004 Fast x-ray and electron detectors at SLAC user facilities using CCD and CMOS technology. Room: 281-282 |
Carlson, Erica Purdue University |
Session A22.00005 Spatial complexity in correlated electronic systems Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Carmon, Tal Technion |
Session Y24.00004 Ripplon Laser Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Carrington, Antony University of Bristol |
Session V41.00001 Superconducting energy gap structure in KFe$_2$As$_2$ and BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$ Room: 388 |
Carter, Ashley Amherst College |
Session B40.00005 Adding Interdisciplinary Exploration to Teaching Laboratories using AFM and Biophysical Samples. Room: 387 |
Carter, Emily Princeton University |
Session B29.00004 Pushing the Envelope Beyond Standard Density Functional Theory for Simulations of Zero Emission Energy Materials Room: 292 |
Carter, Emily Princeton University |
Session P25.00003 In the Footsteps of Irving Langmuir: Physical Chemistry in Service of Society Room: 288 |
Caruthers, James Purdue University |
Session R21.00005 What We Know and Don't Know About the Thermo-mechanical Behavior of Glassy Polymers Room: 281-282 |
Casanova, Felix CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain) |
Session F24.00003 A two-dimensional spin field-effect switch Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Castro Neto, Antonio Helio Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session A32.00004 2D Materials: Science and Technology. Room: 295 |
Cepellotti, Andrea University of California - Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Switzerland |
Session L34.00008 Emergent phenomena in phonon thermal transport Room: 297 |
Chakraborty, Arup None |
Session E49.00003 How to hit HIV where it hurts Room: 396 |
Chakram, Srivatsan James Franck Institute and Department of Physics, University of Chicago |
Session F51.00001 Parametric interactions in multimode cavities Room: 398 |
Chan, Garnet California Institute of Technology |
Session V19.00005 Predictive density matrix embedding theory of correlated systems Room: 278-279 |
Chang, Cui-Zu The Penn State University & Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F23.00001 IUPAP C-10 Award Talk: From Topological Insulators to Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Chang, Darrick ICFO |
Session K19.00002 Atomic physics meets nanophotonics: creating complex quantum states of matter and light Room: 278-279 |
Chang, Zenghu University of Central Florida |
Session X26.00002 Isolated attosecond pulses in the water window Room: 289 |
Chate, Hugues CEA – Saclay, France, \& Beijing Computational Research Center, China |
Session B49.00002 The world of Vicsek-like models and related experiments Room: 396 |
Chen, Kai Univ of Arizona |
Session B47.00007 Spin transport in antiferromagnetic heterostructures Room: 394 |
Chen, Shaowen Columbia Univ |
Session B24.00001 Electron optics with ballistic graphene junctions Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Chen, Tze-Chiang (T.C) T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research Division |
Session V29.00003 George E. Pake Prize Lecture: CMOS Technology Roadmap: Is Scaling Ending? Room: 292 |
Cheng, Hui-ming Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session C31.00001 TBD - Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials. Room: 294 |
Chern, Gia-Wei University of Virginia |
Session S22.00001 Recent development of artificial spin ice: a theoretical perspective Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Cherry, Michael Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session L40.00003 Preparing for a Career at a Research University Room: 387 |
Cheung, Margaret University of Houston |
Session R4.00004 Opposing intermolecular tuning of Ca$^{2+}$ affinity for Calmodulin by its target peptides Room: 263 |
Chhowalla, Manish Rutgers University |
Session R30.00013 Phase Engineered 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Electronics Room: 293 |
Chibotaru, Liviu KU Leuven |
Session H50.00001 Strategies towards High-Temperature Lanthanide-Based Single-Molecule Magnets Room: 397 |
Chin, Alex Cavendish Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambrige, UK, CB3 0HE |
Session B25.00001 Tensor network methods for the simulation of open quantum dynamics in multichromophore systems: Application to singlet fission in novel pentacene dimers Room: 288 |
Chmaissem, Omar Northern Illinois University and Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y41.00001 Universal Properties of the C$_{4}$ Magnetic Phase in Hole Doped Ternary Superconducting Pnictides Room: 388 |
Choi, Jin-Ho Pusan National University |
Session K1.00001 Atomistic mechanisms of van der Waals epitaxy and property optimization of layered materials Room: 260 |
Christianson, A. D. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A43.00008 The Consequences of Spin-Orbit Coupling on the 5d$^{\mathrm{3}}$ Electronic Configuration Room: 390 |
Christle, David University of Chicago |
Session S42.00001 Creating and Controlling Single Spins in Silicon Carbide Room: 389 |
Chu, Steven Stanford |
Session L29.00005 How Does My Cellphone GPS Work?--The Physics of Precision Time-Keeping Room: 292 |
Chubukov, Andrey Univ of Minnesota |
Session S23.00002 Interplay between magnetism, superconductivity, and orbital order in iron-based superconductors -- parquet renormalization group study Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Ciampaglia, Giovanni Indiana University |
Session V21.00003 Comparing the diffusion of reliable and unreliable information Room: 281-282 |
Cimini, Giulio IMT Lucca |
Session V21.00002 Algorithms for reputation and quality in scientific e-communities Room: 281-282 |
Ciorga, Mariusz University of Regensburg, Germany |
Session X42.00001 Giant spin signals in two-terminal ferromagnet/2DEG/ferromagnet spin-valve devices. Room: 389 |
Citroni, Margherita LENS - European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy, and Department of Chemistry, University of Florence |
Session E2.00001 Dynamics of chemical reactions under pressure Room: 261 |
Claro, Francisco P. Universidad Católica de Chile |
Session X29.00002 The Hofstadter Butterfly and some physical consequences. Room: 292 |
Cleland, Andrew University of Chicago |
Session P0.00005 Hybrid quantum systems: Outsourcing superconducting qubits Room: Hall I-1 |
Clement, Eric PMMH-ESPCI-University Pierre et Marie Curie |
Session C29.00001 Rheology of active suspensions: from individual to collective effort Room: 292 |
Clementi, Cecilia Rice University |
Session B7.00001 Adaptive sampling strategies with high-throughput molecular dynamics Room: 266 |
Colby, Ralph Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University |
Session F21.00001 Linear Viscoelasticity of Ionic Polymers: Ionomers and Polyelectrolytes Room: 281-282 |
Coldea, Radu University of Oxford |
Session P48.00001 Phase diagram and spin dynamics of the frustrated pyrochlore magnet Yb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ in applied field Room: 395 |
Coleman, Piers Rutgers University |
Session E40.00001 Phil Anderson's Magnetic Ideas in Superconductivity Room: 387 |
Collins, Philip University of California, Irvine |
Session X21.00004 Single Molecule Enzymology via Nanoelectronic Circuits Room: 281-282 |
Colombo, Luigi Texas Instruments |
Session H29.00004 Semiconductor Characterization: from Growth to Manufacturing Room: 292 |
Composto, Russell University of Pennsylvania |
Session C6.00004 Self-Assembled Nanorods and Nanoplates in Polymer Nanocomposite Films Room: 265 |
Cooper, Valentino R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session E1.00001 Soft Functionals for Hard Matter Room: 260 |
Correa, Alfredo A. Quantum Simulations Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session H7.00004 Application of non-adiabatic electron dynamics to non-linear response and electrical conductivity of materials Room: 266 |
Corwin, Eric Univ of Oregon |
Session A14.00001 Standing on the shores of jamming: Structure and local rigidity in packings below the jamming transition. Room: 273 |
Coulais, Corentin AMOLF, Amsterdam |
Session K14.00001 Metamaterials shake up textbook mechanics. Room: 273 |
Cowern, Dianna Physics Girl, PBS Digital Studios |
Session C53.00002 Physics Girl: Where Education meets Cat Videos Room: 287 |
Crane, Brian Cornell University |
Session S4.00007 Understanding blue-light photoreceptors Room: 263 |
Creton, Costantino ESPCI Paris |
Session S9.00007 Physics and Mechanics of dual-crosslink gels Room: 268 |
Crommie, Michael U.C. Berkeley Physics Department and Materials Sciences Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S31.00001 Local Probe Characterization of Novel Electronic Phases in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: 294 |
Crooker, Scott National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos |
Session H32.00001 Electrons, holes, and excitons in monolayer semiconductors: Magneto-optical studies of polarization dynamics and dielectric screening Room: 295 |
Crooks, Gavin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S19.00001 Fluctuation theorems, optimal control, and information engines Room: 278-279 |
Crosby, Alfred Univ of Mass - Amherst |
Session K40.00004 Scaling Principles for Understanding and Exploiting Adhesion Room: 387 |
Croze, Ottavio University of Cambridge |
Session Y49.00003 Growing swimming algae for bioenergy Room: 396 |
Cs\'athy, G\'abor Purdue University |
Session H23.00001 Observation of a pressure-driven quantum phase transition from a fractional quantum Hall state to an electronic stripe state at $\nu=5/2$ Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Curro, Nicholas UC Davis |
Session B38.00002 Nematicity and Spin Fluctuations in the Iron Pnictide Superconductors Studied by NMR Room: 385 |
Curtis, Jennifer E. Georgia Tech |
Session V49.00005 Spreading and contraction in phagocytosis: The role of actin organization and curvature Room: 396 |
Dagotto, Elbio University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X23.00002 Unexpected Complexity in Iron Based Superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Dai, Pengcheng Rice University |
Session X41.00001 Uniaxial pressure dependence of the magnetic ordered moment and transition temperatures in BaFe2-xNixAs2 Room: 388 |
Dallasasse, John University of Illinois |
Session P29.00004 The Oxide-Confined Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser: From Dust to Light Room: 292 |
Damman, Pascal University of Mons |
Session B23.00001 Patterns through elastic instabilities, from thin sheets to twisted ribbons Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Dani, Keshav Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University |
Session S33.00007 Imaging the motion of electrons in 2D semiconductor heterostructures. Room: 296 |
Daniels, Bryan Arizona State University |
Session X49.00003 Automated adaptive inference of phenomenological dynamical models Room: 396 |
Darancet, Pierre Argonne Natl Lab |
Session L25.00007 Understanding Non-Equilibrium Charge Transport and Rectification at Chromophore/Metal Interfaces Room: 288 |
Darzacq, Xavier Genetics, Genomics and Development, MCB, UC Berkeley |
Session A5.00004 Single molecule transcription factor dynamics in the syncytial Drosophila embryo Room: 264 |
Degiorgi, L. Dept. of Physics, ETH Zurich |
Session B38.00001 Anisotropic optical response in the electronic nematic phase of iron-pnictides Room: 385 |
Delaire, Olivier Duke University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C34.00007 Phonon Scattering in Thermoelectrics: Thermal Transport, Strong Anharmonicity, and Emergent Quasiparticles Room: 297 |
del Alamo, Juan Carlos University of California San Diego |
Session L10.00004 Mechanical Coordination of Single-Cell and Collective-Cell Amoeboid Migration Room: 269 |
Delfyett, Peter CREOL, The College of Optics & Photonics, Univ. Central Florida |
Session A29.00002 Coherent Optical Signal Processing using Semiconductor Based Frequency Combs Room: 292 |
Del Gado, Emanuela Georgetown University |
Session H40.00004 Exploring relaxation pathways in rheology and aging of jammed soft solids Room: 387 |
Demkov, Alexander Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session R29.00001 Modeling for integrated oxide electronics and photonics Room: 292 |
Demokritov, Sergej University of Muenster |
Session E24.00002 Excitation of propagating spin waves by pure spin current Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Denbaars, Steven University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L29.00001 Energy Efficient GaN Lighting Room: 292 |
Denes, Peter Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K21.00002 You can't measure what you can't see -- detectors for microscopies Room: 281-282 |
Deng, Xiaoyu Rutgers Univ |
Session E43.00001 Transport properties of correlated metals: A dynamical mean field theory perspective Room: 390 |
de Pablo, Juan J. University of Chicago |
Session E21.00002 Emerging Insights into Directed Assembly: Taking Examples from Nature to Design Synthetic Processes Room: Hall I-1 |
de Pablo, Pedro J Universidad Autonoma De Madrid |
Session P6.00007 Atomic Force Microscopy of virus capsids uncover the interplay between mechanics, structure and function Room: 265 |
Dery, Hanan Univ of Rochester |
Session A33.00007 Theory of dynamical screening of excitons in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides Room: 296 |
de Sousa, Rog\'{e}rio Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
Session X22.00005 Electric-field control of magnetism and magnons in the room temperature multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Dever, Clark Heads Up Display |
Session F29.00003 The Reality of Virtual Reality Product Development Room: 292 |
Devoret, Michel Yale University |
Session P0.00006 Protecting quantum information in superconducting circuits Room: Hall I-1 |
De Vries, Renko Wageningen University |
Session B21.00002 Polymer brush coatings for DNA: fundamental polymer physics and nanofabrication applications Room: 281-282 |
Dhinojwala, Ali The University of Akron |
Session K40.00005 Role of Confined Water in Underwater Adhesion Room: 387 |
DiCarlo, Leo QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology and Intel Corporation |
Session P46.00002 An extensible circuit QED architecture for quantum computation Room: 393 |
Diebold, Ulrike TU Vienna, Austria |
Session S37a.00006 TBD - Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures Room: 383 |
Digman, Michelle University of California Irvine |
Session V49.00002 Frontiers in Fluctuation Spectroscopy: Measuring protein dynamics and protein spatio-temporal connectivity Room: 396 |
Dijksman, Joshua Wageningen University |
Session C29.00005 Characterizing Granular Networks Using Topological Metrics Room: 292 |
Di Ventra, Massimiliano UC San Diego |
Session K29.00001 Quantum sequencing: opportunities and challenges Room: 292 |
Di Ventra, Massimiliano University of California, San Diego |
Session R23.00005 Functional Theories of Heat and Charge Transport Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Divoux, Thibaut CNRS / MIT |
Session P18.00006 Nonlinear viscoelasticity and generalized failure criterion for polymer gels Room: 277 |
Doherty, Marcus Laser Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University |
Session X19.00005 The physics and technology of Nitrogen-vacancy centers Room: 278-279 |
Dong, Shuai Southeast University |
Session F43.00001 Ferroelectric control of magnetism in oxide heterostructures Room: 390 |
Doxastakis, Manolis Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session F9.00001 Three dimensional characterization of polymer nanostructures through an integrated scattering and modeling approach Room: 268 |
Doye, Jonathan University of Oxford |
Session F53.00004 Simulations of self-assembling DNA Room: 287 |
Draxl, Claudia Humboldt-Universit{\"a}t zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
Session L7.00001 Graphene revisited: From orbital mapping to its impact as a substrate Room: 266 |
Dreyer, Cyrus E. Rutgers University |
Session V19.00003 The role of electron-phonon coupling in carrier capture at defects Room: 278-279 |
Dreyer-Lude, Melanie Missouri State University |
Session C53.00005 Finding Your Scientific Voice - Theatre Techniques for Physicists Room: 287 |
Drichko, Natalia Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session K45.00001 Breakdown of the Kondo insulating state in SmB$_6$ by introducing Sm vacancies Room: 392 |
Dubson, Michael University of Colorado Boulder |
Session H53.00003 Interactive Engagement in the Large Lecture Environment Room: 287 |
Dun, Zhiling Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session L48.00005 From pyrochlore to the tripod kagome lattice Room: 395 |
Dunkel, Jorn MIT |
Session B49.00003 Phenomenological higher-order PDE models for active suspensions Room: 396 |
Dunker, A. Keith Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Indiana University Schools of Medicine and Informatics and Computer Science |
Session L6.00004 Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and the Origins of Multicellular Organisms Room: 265 |
Dutton, Sian University of Cambridge |
Session L48.00004 Emergent Order in the Kagome Ising Magnet Dy$_{3}$Mg$_{2}$Sb$_{3}$O$_{14}$ Room: 395 |
Dzero, Maxim Kent State University |
Session K23.00005 Unconventional electronic properties of conventional Kondo insulator Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Eblen-Zayas, Melissa Carleton College |
Session B40.00002 Redesigning an Advanced Lab Course to Promote Experimental Design Room: 387 |
Ediger, Mark Univ of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session H40.00001 Suppressed beta relaxations and reduced heat capacity in ultrastable organic glasses prepared by physical vapor deposition Room: 387 |
Eisenstein, James California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 |
Session X24.00005 Spin-dependent tunneling and particle-hole symmetry breaking in 2D electron systems in the fractional quantum Hall regime Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Eisenthal, Kenneth Columbia University |
Session S25.00001 Frontiers at Interfaces Room: 288 |
Ellison, Chris University of Minnesota |
Session S11.00001 A new approach for high performance fiber manufacturing via simultaneous fiber spinning and UV initiated polymerization Room: 270 |
Elsaesser, Thomas Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, 12489, Germany |
Session H25.00002 Phase-resolved two-dimensional terahertz spectroscopy - a probe of highly nonlinear light-matter interactions Room: 288 |
Else, Dominic University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session C22.00002 Floquet Time Crystals Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Enderling, Heiko H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute |
Session X6.00004 Local and systemic tumor immune dynamics Room: 265 |
Engel, Greg University of Chicago |
Session X21.00001 Optical multiple-dimension spectroscopy of photosynthetic systems Room: 281-282 |
Eremin, Ilya Institut für Theoretische Physik III, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Session L21.00005 Electronic structure and superconducting gap in CaKFe$_{\mathrm{4}}$As$_{\mathrm{4}}$ Room: 281-282 |
Fakhraai, Zahra University of Pennsylvania |
Session E9.00007 Measuring glassy correlation lengths in ultra-thin polymer films Room: 268 |
Falco, Charles University of Arizona |
Session C53.00003 The Art of the Motorcycle and the History of Art (and Condensed Matter Physics) Room: 287 |
Falco, Charles University of Arizona |
Session L22.00003 The Science of Optics; The History of Art Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Falco, Charles University of Arizona |
Session S28.00002 Ibn al-Haytham and His Influence on Post-Medieval Western Culture Room: 291 |
Fang, Chen Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session B44.00001 Nonsymmorphic nodal line and nodal point semimetals Room: 391 |
Fang, Zhong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China |
Session F22.00002 Topological Electronics States and Materials Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Faraon, Andrei T.J. Watson Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA |
Session R34.00010 Flat and conformal optics with dielectric metasurfaces Room: 297 |
Farhi, Eddie Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A19.00004 Quantum supremacy through the quantum approximate optimization algorithm Room: 278-279 |
Favero, Ivan Universite Paris Diderot |
Session Y24.00005 Control of nano-optomechanical resonators in liquids Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Fay, Patrick University of Notre Dame |
Session R29.00004 Novel Heterostructure Devices for Ultra-Scaled Logic Room: 292 |
Fee, Michale MIT |
Session S49.00005 Rhythmic Continuous-Time Coding in the Songbird Analog of Vocal Motor Cortex Room: 396 |
Fei, Jingyi University of Chicago |
Session A5.00007 Determination of in vivo regulation kinetics of small non-coding RNA in bacteria Room: 264 |
Feinberg, Adam Carnegie Mellon University |
Session V9.00011 Three-Dimensional Printing of Complex Structures by Freeform Reversible Embedding of Suspended Hydrogels (FRESH) Room: 268 |
Felser, Claudia Max Planck Institute Chemical Physics for Solids |
Session F23.00002 Weyl and Heusler compounds Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Ferguson, Andrew University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B29.00001 Nonlinear machine learning in soft materials engineering and design Room: 292 |
Ferlaino, Francesca University of Innsbruck |
Session X27.00001 Extended Bose-Hubbard models with ultracold magnetic atoms. Room: 290 |
Fernandes Tavares, Pedro MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University |
Session X40.00003 Status and Future Development Plans for the MAX IV Light Sources: pushing further towards high brightness and coherence. Room: 387 |
Fernandez-Pacheco, Amalio Univ of Cambridge |
Session R50.00006 3D magnetic nanostructures grown by focused electron and ion beam induced deposition Room: 397 |
Fernandez Serra, Marivi State Univ of NY- Stony Brook |
Session B29.00002 Using density functional theory to solve complex problems: from liquid water to dark matter Room: 292 |
Fiete, Gregory A. University of Texas at Austin |
Session F34.00010 Thermal transport in Weyl, double-Weyl, Dirac, and magnetically ordered systems with strong spin-orbit coupling Room: 297 |
Filippidi, Emmanouela University of California Santa Barbara |
Session H16.00004 Controlling toughness and dynamics of polymer networks via mussel-inspired dynamical bonds Room: 275 |
Fineberg, Jay The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session C16.00013 Friction is Fracture: a new paradigm for the onset of frictional motion Room: 275 |
Fisher, Ian Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University |
Session X23.00005 Elastoresistance measurements as a probe of electronic nematicity in Fe-based superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Flebus, Benedetta Utrecht University |
Session B47.00004 Novel contributions to the magnon drag thermopower in metal spintronics Room: 394 |
Flint, Rebecca Iowa State University |
Session L23.00005 Hybridization with a twist: Hidden (hastatic) order in URu$_2$Si$_2$ Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Flurin, Emmanuel Department of Physics University of California, Berkeley |
Session H52.00001 Observing Topological Invariants of Bloch Bands Using Quantum Walk in Superconducting Circuits Room: 399 |
Fornari, Marco Department of Physics, Central Michigan University |
Session B34.00009 Thermoelectric Materials and Novel Thermoelectric Phenomena Room: 297 |
Fox, Claire Cornell University |
Session C53.00001 Physics Bus: An Innovative Model for Public Engagement Room: 287 |
Fradkin, Eduardo Department of Physics and Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, University of Illinois |
Session H23.00005 Nematic Order in Two-Dimensional Electronic Fluids in magnetic Fields Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Francis, Jennifer Rutgers University |
Session H21.00005 Crazy Weather and the Arctic Meltdown: Emerging Connections Room: 281-282 |
Frank, Adam University of Rochester |
Session A40.00003 About Time. Physics, Philosophy and the Battle Between Albert Einstein and Henri Bergson Room: 387 |
Franke, Katharina J. Freie Universit\"at Berlin |
Session E23.00004 From single magnetic adatoms on superconductors to coupled spin chains Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Franklin, Allan Physics Department, University of Colorado |
Session C40.00002 Is Seeing Believing? Direct and Indirect Observation in Physics Room: 387 |
Franz, Silvio LPTMS Université Paris-Sud |
Session H40.00005 Soft modes in the perceptron model for jamming. Room: 387 |
Fratzl, Peter Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces |
Session C18.00007 Bio-inspired active materials. Room: 277 |
Fredrickson, Glenn University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A9.00001 Chasing Extreme Polymer Morphologies with Ed Room: 268 |
Fuchs, Gregory School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University |
Session E47.00013 Nanoscale magnetic imaging using picosecond thermal gradients Room: 394 |
Gaigeot, Marie-Pierre LAMBE UMR8587 Universite d'Evry val d'Essonne |
Session B26.00001 Water at silica/liquid water interfaces investigated by DFT-MD simulations Room: 289 |
Gallagher, Patrick University of California, Berkeley |
Session A30.00001 Self-assembly of environmental adsorbates on graphene and other 2D materials Room: 293 |
Gallais, Yann Université Paris Diderot |
Session R39.00007 Nematic fluctuations and resonance in iron-based superconductors Room: 386 |
Galli, Giulia Univ of Chicago |
Session S24.00005 Predicting materials for sustainable energy sources: The key role of density functional theory Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Galli, Giulia Univ of Chicago |
Session C25.00004 First principles molecular dynamics of heterogenous materials Room: 288 |
Gambardella, Pietro ETH Zurich |
Session C24.00005 Spin-Orbit Torques and Magnetoresistance in 5d and 4d Metal Systems Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Gambetta, Jay IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session B19.00001 Quantum simulations with noisy quantum computers Room: 278-279 |
Gannon, William Texas A\&M University |
Session B22.00001 Quasi-1D heavy fermion magnet Yb$_2$Pt$_2$Pb in Magnetic Field Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Gardel, Margaret University of Chicago |
Session C4.00004 Mechanics of Active Matter Constructed from Actomyosin Room: 263 |
Garlea, Ovidiu Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X48.00006 Supersolid-like magnetic states in a mixed honeycomb-triangular lattice system. Room: 395 |
Garrity, Kevin F. NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session F19.00003 Theory of hyperferroelectrics Room: 278-279 |
Gatenby, Robert Moffit Cancer Center |
Session S21.00001 The Fundamental Role of Darwinian Dynamics in Cancer Room: 281-282 |
Gates, Sylvester J. University of Maryland |
Session V8.00004 TBD Room: 267 |
Gegenwart, Philipp EP 6, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Augsburg |
Session B22.00002 Quantum criticality in geometrically frustrated heavy-fermion systems Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Gemmer, John Wake Forest University |
Session B23.00002 Isometric immersions and self-similar buckling in elastic sheets. Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Ghahari, Fereshte Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology NIST; Maryland NanoCenter UMD |
Session E36.00005 An On/Off Berry Phase Switch in Circular Graphene Resonators Room: 299 |
Ghosez, Philippe University of Li\`ege |
Session F19.00004 Polarization activated by Jahn-Teller distortions in perovskites and vice versa Room: 278-279 |
Gibert, Marta University of Geneva |
Session Y21.00005 Magnetic coupling through lanthanum nickelate in non-metallic (111) LaMnO$_{\mathrm{3}}$/LaNiO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ superlattices Room: 281-282 |
Gilbert, Dustin National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session V50.00004 Probing depth-dependent spin textures in artificial skyrmions, magneto-ionic systems and HAMR media Room: 397 |
Gilbert, Pupa University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session L22.00002 Color: Physics and Perception Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Gilkes, Daniele Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y6.00007 Hypoxia alters the physical properties of the tumor microenvironment. Room: 265 |
Ginsberg, Naomi University of California, Berkeley |
Session P34.00001 Carrier, ion, and phonon mediated phase transitions in mixed halide perovskite nanostructures via low-exposure cathodoluminescence imaging Room: 297 |
Ginsberg, Naomi University of California, Berkeley |
Session V26.00002 Resolving ultrafast exciton migration in organic solids at the nanoscale Room: 289 |
Giri, Sandeep |
Session F49.00002 What the Industry Wants. How Physics Students can Prepare to Thrive in the Private Sector. Room: 396 |
Glazman, Leonid Yale University |
Session H22.00005 Conductance of a proximitized nanowire in the Coulomb blockade regime Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Glotzer, Sharon University of Michigan |
Session C25.00007 Self-assembly and GPU MD -- invited talk Room: 288 |
Glowacki, David University of Bristol |
Session E25.00007 Atomistic absorption spectra and non-adiabatic dynamics of the LH2 complex with a GPU-accelerated \textit{ab initio} exciton model Room: 288 |
Goennenwein, Sebastian Tech Univ Dresden |
Session H47.00011 Observation of the Spin Nernst Effect in Platinum Room: 394 |
Goldberg, Bennett Northwestern University |
Session H53.00005 New pathways to physics instruction: Blending a MOOC and in-person discussion to train physics graduate students and postdocs in evidence-based teaching Room: 287 |
Gomez, Enrique Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session B9.00001 Recent instrumentation advances offer new opportunities in electron microscopy of polymers Room: 268 |
Gonze, Xavier Universite catholique de Louvain |
Session V19.00001 Electronic structure of solids, including vibrational effects : Temperature dependence and zero-point motion. Room: 278-279 |
Gore, Jeff Department of Physics, MIT |
Session H49.00005 Community assembly of the worm gut microbiome Room: 396 |
Gorshkov, Alexey Joint Quantum Institute |
Session L42.00001 Entanglement Generation and Area Law with Long-Range Interactions Room: 389 |
Gottfried, Jennifer US Army Research Laboratory |
Session H2.00001 Laser-shocked energetic materials for laboratory-scale characterization and model validation Room: 261 |
Gramlich, Michael Washington University in St. Louis |
Session V5.00001 Sharing is Caring: The Role of Actin/Myosin-V in Synaptic Vesicle Transport between Synapses in vivo Room: 264 |
Grant, Paul W2AGZ Technologies |
Session E40.00002 The Woodstock of Physics: The Hyped Future Then (1987)\textellipsis The Actual Situation Now (2017). Room: 387 |
Greene, Richard University of Maryland |
Session E40.00003 The Current Experimental Status of the High Tc Problem Room: 387 |
Grego, Laura Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session R40.00002 Strategic Missile Defense \& Nuclear Deterrence Room: 387 |
Greiner, Markus Harvard |
Session R19.00004 Site-resolved observations of antiferromagnetic correlations in the Hubbard model Room: 278-279 |
Griffiths, Ian University of Oxford |
Session S53.00005 Mathematical modelling for improved control of magnetic particle interfacial assembly Room: 287 |
Grigoryan, Gevorg Dartmouth College |
Session F53.00005 Ion transport across the biological membrane by computational protein design Room: 287 |
Grime, John The University of Chicago |
Session F53.00002 Coarse-grained models of key self-assembly processes in HIV-1 Room: 287 |
Grimm, Rudolf IQOQI Innsbrurck & Univ of Innsbruck, Austria |
Session A13.00001 Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea Room: 272 |
Grollier, Julie CNRS-Thales lab, Palaiseau, France |
Session E24.00004 Neuromorphic computing with spin-torque nano-oscillators Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Gross, Christian Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session R19.00005 Exploring quantum magnetism at the single spin and atom level Room: 278-279 |
Gross, Leo IBM Research - Zurich |
Session S26.00002 Radical Chemistry and Charge Manipulation with an Atomic Force Microscope Room: 289 |
Grutter, Alexander NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session Y21.00003 Controlling Emergent Ferromagnetism at Complex Oxide Interfaces Room: 281-282 |
Grutter, Peter McGill University |
Session H36.00001 Revealing Energy Level Structure of Individual Quantum Dots by Single-Electron Sensitive Electrostatic Force Spectroscopy Room: 299 |
Guardincerri, Elena Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S28.00004 Applications of Muon Radiography Room: 291 |
Gueye, Paul Hampton University |
Session V40.00001 Marie Curie: the Curie Institute in Senegal to Nuclear Physics Room: 387 |
H\"ofer, Thomas German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg |
Session E49.00001 Exploiting single-cell variability to infer the dynamics of immune responses Room: 396 |
Hacohen-Gourgy, Shay Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USA. |
Session F46.00001 Dynamics of simultaneously measured non-commuting observables Room: 393 |
Haegel, Nancy National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session L18.00001 The Terawatt Challenge Room: 277 |
Hafezi, Mohammad Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session Y23.00003 Quantum transport properties in topological photonics Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Halász, Gábor Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB |
Session K24.00001 Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering response of the Kitaev spin liquid Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Halbertal, Dorri Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session R23.00003 Nanoscale thermal imaging of dissipation in quantum systems and in encapsulated graphene Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Haldane, F. D. M. Princeton University |
Session P0.00001 Topological States of Quantum Condensed Matter Room: Hall I-1 |
Halpern, Paul University of the Sciences in Philadelphia |
Session L22.00004 Thinking in Pictures: John Wheeler, Richard Feynman and the Diagrammatic Approach to Problem Solving. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Hamnett, Michael P. University of Hawaii and Pacific Basin Development Council |
Session Y40.00002 Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Room: 387 |
Han, Charles IAS, Shenzhen University |
Session P21.00005 Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study in Multi-Component Polymer Systems: Spinodal Decomposition and Beyond Room: 281-282 |
Han, Myung-Joon Department of Physics, KAIST |
Session Y21.00004 Magnetism, spin-lattice-orbital coupling and exchange-correlation energy in oxide heterostructures: Nickelate, titanate, and ruthenate Room: 281-282 |
Han, Songi Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Dept of Chemical Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara |
Session B26.00002 Modulators of heterogeneous protein surface water dynamics Room: 289 |
Hansen, Anders UC Berkeley |
Session H4.00001 Temporal coding in gene regulation Room: 263 |
Hanson, Ronald QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session K22.00001 The birth of quantum networks: merging remote entanglement with local multi-qubit control Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Harris, Jack Yale University |
Session Y24.00002 Quantum optomechanics in a superfluid-filled cavity Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Hatridge, Michael U. Pittsburgh |
Session S51.00001 Circulation and Directional Amplification in the Josephson Parametric Converter Room: 398 |
Hayward, Ryan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session C49.00003 Shape morphing and motion of responsive hydrogel composites Room: 396 |
He, Jian Clemson U. Physics |
Session Y36.00001 TBD - Thermoelectric Materials and Novel Thermoelectric Phenomena Room: 299 |
Hegemann, Peter Humboldt University of Berlin |
Session X21.00005 From channel rhodopsins to optogenetics Room: 281-282 |
Heinz, Tony Stanford University |
Session A32.00001 TBD - Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization Room: 295 |
Hellman, Frances Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session H40.00002 Ideality and Tunneling Level Systems (TLS) in amorphous silicon films. Room: 387 |
Hemmerich, Andreas Universität Hamburg |
Session L19.00004 Bosons in a narrow-band optical resonator Room: 278-279 |
Hermundstad, Ann Janelia Research Campus |
Session H4.00007 The role of disorder in olfactory sensing Room: 263 |
Hersam, Mark Northwestern University |
Session E30.00007 Solution-Based Processing and Applications of Two-Dimensional Heterostructures Room: 293 |
Hickner, Michael The Pennsylvania State University |
Session F10.00007 New Polymer Structures for Anion Exchange Membranes Room: 269 |
Hilborn, Robert American Association of Physics Teachers |
Session H53.00001 Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshops: 20 Years of Workshops and 2000 Faculty Room: 287 |
Hillmyer, Marc University of Minnesota |
Session P10.00001 Functional bicontinuous nanostructures by in situ formation of block polymer modified thermosets Room: 269 |
Hirschfeld, Peter Univ of Florida - Gainesville |
Session S23.00001 High Tc in monolayers and intercalates of FeSe: role of incipient bands and orbital selectivity Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Hlinka, Jiri Institute of Physics ASCR, Czech Acad. Sci. |
Session H37a.00001 Manifestations of Bloch walls in perovskite ferroelectrics Room: 383 |
Ho, Wilson Univ of California - Irvine |
Session S26.00001 Atomic-Scale Inelastic Tunneling Probe of Molecular Potentials Room: 289 |
Hoang, Khang North Dakota State University |
Session Y19.00005 Defect physics as key to understanding complex battery electrode materials Room: 278-279 |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session F49.00005 Best Practices in Physics Program Assessment: Should APS Provide Accreditation Standards for Physics? Room: 396 |
Hofstadter, Douglas Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition, Indiana University, Bloomington |
Session X29.00001 Bumping into the Butterfly, When I Was But a Bud Room: 292 |
Hollenhorst, James Agilent Technologies |
Session H29.00002 New Measurement Technology Enables the Revolution in the Life Sciences Room: 292 |
Hosseini, Mahdi Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN |
Session S13.00001 Quantum state detection and state preparation based on cavity-enhanced nonlinear interaction of atoms with single photon Room: 272 |
Howes, Ruth Ball State Univ |
Session V40.00003 Marie Curie: Physicist and Woman Room: 387 |
Hsieh, David California Institute of Technology |
Session C23.00004 Evidence of a global inversion-symmetry-broken phase in the pseudogap region of YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_y$ Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Huang, Di-Jing National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center |
Session X40.00002 Status and Opportunities of Taiwan Photon Source Room: 387 |
Huang, Libai Purdue University |
Session V26.00001 Ultrafast Microscopy of Energy and Charge Transport Room: 289 |
Huard, Benjamin Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session F46.00006 Information and energy transfer via fluorescence in superconducting circuits Room: 393 |
Hung, Chen-Lung Purdue University |
Session K19.00001 Interfacing cold atoms with nanophotonics for many-body physics Room: 278-279 |
Huse, David Princeton University |
Session E19.00003 Quantum thermalization and many-body Anderson localization Room: 278-279 |
Huxter, Vanessa University of Arizona |
Session B25.00002 Ultrafast Nonlinear Frequency Generation in Excitonic Systems and the Dynamics of Novel Photosynthetic Pigment Analogs. Room: 288 |
Hwa, Terence Univ of California - San Diego |
Session H49.00004 Spatiotemporal microbiota dynamics from quantitative in vitro and in silico models of the gut Room: 396 |
Hwang, Harold Stanford and SLAC |
Session E32.00001 Synthesis and devices of complex oxides in the 2D limit Room: 295 |
Hybertsen, Mark Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session E7.00010 Connecting Interface Structure to Energy Level Alignment at Aqueous Semiconductor Interfaces Room: 266 |
Hyun, Woo Jin University of Minnesota |
Session C21.00005 High-Throughput Printing Process for Flexible Electronics Room: 281-282 |
Ikegami, Hiroki The Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN |
Session V23.00002 Topological aspects of superfluid $^3$He investigated by ions trapped at the surface Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Inamura, Chikara MIT Media Lab |
Session V18.00001 High Fidelity Additive Manufacturing of Optically Transparent Glass Structures Room: 277 |
Inoue, Hiroyuki Department of Physics, Princeton University |
Session A23.00002 Detecting surface-bulk connectivity in Weyl semimetal TaAs via scanning tunneling microscopy Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Irmscher, Klaus Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin |
Session F28.00001 Defect related electrical and optical properties of AlN bulk crystals grown by physical vapor transport Room: 291 |
Ismail-Beigi, Sohrab Yale University |
Session P7.00001 Implementation of highly parallel and large scale GW calculations within the OpenAtom software Room: 266 |
Ivády, Viktor Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden & Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary |
Session X19.00002 First-principles theory on dynamic spin polarization of nuclei in solids Room: 278-279 |
Iyer-Biswas, Srividya Purdue University |
Session V14.00005 Emergent simplicity in stochastic single-cell dynamics Room: 273 |
Iyo, Akira National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Session L21.00001 Structure and superconductivity in the 1144 type compounds of AeAFe$_{\mathrm{4}}$As$_{\mathrm{4}}$ (Ae $=$ Ca, Sr, A $=$ K, Rb, Cs) Room: 281-282 |
Jacques, Vincent Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Universite de Montpellier and CNRS, 34095 Montpellier, France |
Session V24.00005 Imaging complex magnetic textures with a single spin microscope Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Jalan, Bharat University of Minnesota |
Session E37a.00004 Structure, Defects and Electronic Transport in High-Mobility BaSnO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ Films and Heterostructures Room: 383 |
Janotti, Anderson University of Delaware |
Session P28.00001 Defects and Small Polarons on Oxide Surfaces Room: 291 |
Jariwala, Deep Califonia Institute of Technology |
Session C19.00003 Mixed Dimensional Van der Waals Heterostructures for Opto-Electronics. Room: 278-279 |
Jariwala, Manher Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 |
Session H53.00004 The Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning: Preparation of the Future STEM Faculty Room: 287 |
Jarzynski, Christopher Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session S19.00003 Nanothermodynamics in the strong coupling regime Room: 278-279 |
Javey, Ali UC Berkeley |
Session P23.00004 2D Semiconductor Electronics: Advances, Challenges and Opportunities Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Jayich, Ania University of California Santa Barbara |
Session V24.00004 Application of nitrogen vacancy centers for imaging superconducting vortices and spin-relaxation based magnetic resonance probes Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Jelezko, Fedor Ulm University |
Session K22.00005 Light matter quantum interface based on single colour centres in diamond Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Jena, Puru Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session Y19.00002 Rational design of nontoxic electrolytes for metal-ion batteries Room: 278-279 |
Jennings, Patricia Univ of California - San Diego |
Session X14.00004 Pierced Lasso Proteins Room: 273 |
Jeraj, Robert University of Wisconsin |
Session S21.00004 Implications of Tumor Heterogeneity for Precision Medicine Room: 281-282 |
Jia, J. F. tbd |
Session L45.00001 tbd Room: 392 |
Jia, Jinfeng Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session H22.00003 Observation of Majorana fermions in the vortex on topological insulator-superconductor heterostructure Bi$_{2}$Te$_{3}$/NbSe$_{2}$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Jia, Shuang ICQM, School of Physics, Peking University |
Session K44.00004 Magnetic field induced Weyl node annihilation in TaP Room: 391 |
Jin, Xiaoyue NIST Boulder |
Session L46.00001 Faster gate operations through strong parametric coupling of superconducting circuits Room: 393 |
Johnson, Mark Yale University |
Session E26.00002 Cold cluster snapshots of the Grotthuss proton relay mechanism in water Room: 289 |
Ju, Long Cornell University |
Session Y22.00004 Topological Valley Transport at Bilayer Graphene Domain Walls Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Jungwirth, Nicholas R Cornell University |
Session L28.00001 Single Quantum Defects in h-BN and ZnO Room: 291 |
Kakalios, James University of Minnesota |
Session Q3.00001 The Physics and Materials Science of Superheroes Room: Hall I-1 |
Kalinin, Sergei Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session V37a.00001 Ferroionic states: coupling between surface electrochemical and bulk ferroelectric functionalities on the nanoscale. Room: 383 |
Kaminski, Adam Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University |
Session F22.00005 Electronic properties of new topological quantum materials Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Kan, Daisuke Institute for Chemical Research Kyoto University |
Session X43.00008 Interface engineering of metal-oxygen bonds as a new route for exploring functional properties of transition metal oxides Room: 390 |
Kane, Charles University of Pennsylvania |
Session A23.00003 Symmetry Protected Topological Insulators and Semimetals Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Kapit, Eliot Tulane University |
Session R51.00001 Passive Error Correction and Gates for a Very Small Logical Qubit Room: 398 |
Karel, Julie Monash University |
Session P47.00004 Uncovering Berry: The Role of Topology in the Anomalous Hall Effect of Amorphous Ferromagnetic Fe-Si and Antiferromagnetic Mn$_{\mathrm{3}}$Ge Room: 394 |
Kasahara, Shigeru Kyoto University |
Session S23.00004 BCS-BEC crossover in FeSe with small Fermi energies Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Kasza, Karen Columbia University |
Session V49.00003 Force generation within tissues during development Room: 396 |
Katifori, Eleni Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania |
Session B23.00004 Gaussian curvature and confinement in thin shells Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Kaufman, Adam Harvard University |
Session E19.00001 Quantum thermalization through entanglement Room: 278-279 |
Kawabata, Shiro National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Session A24.00002 Nonlinear electromagnetic response of superconducting quantum metamaterials Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Kawasaki, Masachi Univ. Tokyo, Japan |
Session K37a.00001 TBD - Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures Room: 383 |
Keatley, Paul University of Exeter |
Session X50.00008 The magnetization dynamics of nano-contact spin-torque vortex oscillators Room: 397 |
Kee, Hae-Young Univ of Toronto |
Session A23.00004 Topological crystalline semimetal in Iridates with strong spin-orbit coupling Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Keeling, Jonathan University of St Andrews |
Session K19.00005 From weak to ultra-strong matter-light coupling with organic materials Room: 278-279 |
Kelly, Paul J. University of Twente |
Session S47.00004 Applications of the scattering theory of magnetization damping Room: 394 |
Kena-Cohen, Stephane Polytechnique Montreal |
Session L19.00001 Room-temperature polariton condensation and superfluidity in an organic microcavity Room: 278-279 |
Kent, Andrew D. Department of Physics, New York University |
Session E24.00003 Magnon Condensates in Spin-Transfer Torque Nanocontacts Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Keren, Amit Technion-Israel Institute of Technology |
Session P22.00005 Is magnetism relevant to cuprate superconductivity: lanthanides versus charge compensated 123? Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Ketterle, Wolfgang Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session X29.00005 Ultracold atoms in strong synthetic magnetic fields Room: 292 |
Kevan, Stephen Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab |
Session F23.00005 Surface states, skyrmions, and synchrotrons Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Khan, Asad Kent Displays, Inc. |
Session V29.00004 Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics: Reflective Cholesteric Liquid Crystals -- Innovations in Materials, Display Technology, and Commercialization Room: 292 |
Khanikaev, Alexander The City College of New York |
Session Y23.00002 Three-Dimensional All-Dielectric Photonic Topological Insulator Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Khodas, Maxim Hebrew University |
Session L39.00001 Interplay and competition between the magnetism, superconductivity and orbital order in iron-based superconductors Room: 386 |
Kim, Hyunsoo Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, Department of Physics, Univeristy of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA |
Session V22.00005 Beyond Triplet: Unconventional Superconductivity in a Spin-3/2 Topological Semimetal Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Kim, Keun Su Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) |
Session L49.00005 Dirac semimetal state in black phosphorus Room: 396 |
Kim, Philip Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session B24.00005 Hydrodynamic transport in graphene near the charge neutrality point Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Kimel, Alexey Radboud University |
Session X50.00004 Femtosecond control and dynamics of magnetism at the nanoscale Room: 397 |
King, Ross University of Manchester |
Session X49.00001 The Adam and Eve Robot Scientists for the Automated Discovery of Scientific Knowledge Room: 396 |
Kioupakis, Emmanouil Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan |
Session H19.00002 Extreme quantum confinement in nitrides for improved LED efficiency. Room: 278-279 |
Kis, Andras EPFL |
Session K30.00007 2D dichalcogenide electronic materials and devices Room: 293 |
Kiss, Istvan Saint Louis University |
Session F40.00005 Partially synchronized states in small networks of electrochemical oscillators: effect of heterogeneities and network topology Room: 387 |
Kitaev, Alexei Caltech |
Session L24.00005 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize: Emergent gravity from interacting Majorana modes Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Klimov, Paul The University of Chicago |
Session K22.00002 Quantum Control and Entanglement of Spins in Silicon Carbide Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Knolle, Johannes TCM group Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK |
Session K24.00002 Majorana spectroscopy of Kitaev spin-liquids Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Ko, In Pohang Univ of Sci & Tech |
Session X40.00004 New Research Opportunities with PAL-XFEL Facility Room: 387 |
Koch, Norbert Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
Session X25.00007 Frontiers of controlling energy levels at interfaces Room: 288 |
Koehl, William Institute for Molecular Engineering, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637; Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439. |
Session S42.00005 Resonant optical spectroscopy and coherent control of Cr$^{\mathrm{4+}}$ spin ensembles in SiC and GaN Room: 389 |
Koenderink, Femius Center for Nanophotonics, FOM Institute AMOLF, NL-1098XG Amsterdam |
Session X34.00004 Light-matter interaction in hybrid plasmonic-photonic resonators Room: 297 |
Kollath, Corinna University of Bonn |
Session L19.00002 Dynamic gauge fields and topological state of fermionic quantum gases in optical cavities Room: 278-279 |
Kondor, Risi University Chicago |
Session A1.00007 TBD - Computational Discovery and Design of Novel Materials Room: 260 |
kondou, kouta RIKEN |
Session P47.00008 Charge-spin conversion at interfaces with spin splitting Room: 394 |
Konstantinov, Denis Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University |
Session V23.00005 Strong coupling of an electron ensemble on the surface of liquid helium to a microwave cavity Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Koonin, Eugene NCBI, NIH |
Session C5.00001 Theory of microbial genome evolution Room: 264 |
Kopp, Robert Rutgers University |
Session Y40.00004 Challenges of projecting local sea-level changes and their uncertainties Room: 387 |
Korkusinski, Marek National Research Council of Canada |
Session Y42.00001 Hole spins as qubits in gated lateral devices – opportunities and challenges Room: 389 |
Korley, LaShanda Case Western Reserve University |
Session B21.00004 Structural Interplay - Tuning Mechanics in Peptide-Polyurea Hybrids Room: 281-282 |
Kortan, Victoria University of Iowa |
Session X19.00004 Transition-Metal Dopants in Tetrahedrally Bonded Semiconductors Room: 278-279 |
Kosmrlj, Andrej Princeton University |
Session C15.00001 Statistical mechanics of microscopically thin thermalized shells Room: 274 |
Kosterlitz, J Michael Dept Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI02912 |
Session P0.00002 Topological Defects and Phase Transitions Room: Hall I-1 |
Kotov, Nicholas University of Michigan |
Session E10.00010 Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles and Origin of Life Room: 269 |
Kouwenhoven, Leo QuTech, Delft Univ of Tech |
Session H22.00001 Experimental progress on Majoranas in semiconductors Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Kozminski, Joseph Lewis University |
Session B40.00004 AAPT Lab Recommendations: Past, Present, and Future Room: 387 |
Kreyssig, Andreas Ames Laboratory / Iowa State University |
Session X23.00003 Strong cooperative coupling of pressure-induced magnetic order and nematicity in FeSe Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Krishnaswamy, Karthik University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K8.00001 First-principles calculations of mobility Room: 267 |
Kumar, Sanat Columbia University |
Session B10.00004 Tunable Multiscale Nanoparticle Ordering by Polymer Crystallization Room: 269 |
Kümmel, Stephan Theoretical Physics IV, University of Bayreuth |
Session B11.00011 Visualizing electron dynamics in organic materials: Charge transport through molecules and angular resolved photoemission Room: 270 |
Kural, Comert The Ohio State University |
Session E4.00001 Mechanoregulation of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in isolated cells and developing tissues Room: 263 |
Kurebayashi, Hidekazu University College London |
Session R47.00004 Current-induced spin torques in inversion broken materials Room: 394 |
Kuschel, Timo University of Groningen |
Session H47.00001 Spin Seebeck, anomalous Nernst, and magnetic proximity effects in non-magnet/magnet heterostructures Room: 394 |
Kuzmenko, Alexey B. University of Geneva |
Session E22.00005 Suppressed magnetic circular dichroism and valley-polarized magnetoabsorption due to the mass anisotopy in Bi Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Laburthe-Tolra, Bruno CNRS - Université Paris 13 |
Session R19.00002 Quantum magnetism with highly magnetic atoms Room: 278-279 |
La Camera, Giancarlo Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Stony Brook University |
Session K49.00005 A model of metastable dynamics during ongoing and evoked cortical activity Room: 396 |
Landini, Manuele Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerlan |
Session L19.00003 Quantum phases from competing short- and long-range interactions in an optical lattice Room: 278-279 |
Langer, James University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session P21.00004 Softening and Hardening Mechanisms in Dislocation-Enabled Plasticity Room: 281-282 |
Laroche, Dominique QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session H45.00001 Magnetic field induced 4$\pi$ periodic Josephson effect in InAs nanowires Room: 392 |
Larson, Ronald University of Michigan |
Session F21.00004 Configurations and Dynamics of Semi-Flexible Polymers in Good and Poor Solvents Room: 281-282 |
Lau, Chun Ning Univ of California - Riverside |
Session Y22.00003 Tunable valley symmetries of quantum Hall states in few-layer graphene Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Le, Duy Department of Physics, University of Central Florida |
Session L18.00004 Two-dimensional materials for cost effective catalysts Room: 277 |
Lecocq, Florent NIST Boulder |
Session V51.00001 Experimental demonstrations of nonreciprocal microwave amplification Room: 398 |
Lee, Hu-Jong POSTECH |
Session B24.00004 Valley-symmetric quasi-1D transport in ballistic graphene Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Lee, Jun Hee Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
Session X22.00004 Giant spin-induced polarization and optical-diode effect by electromagnons in BiFeO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Lee, Menyoung Cornell University |
Session B24.00002 Ballistic miniband conduction in a graphene superlattice Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Lee, Sanghan Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology |
Session C37a.00001 Ferroelectric oxide thin films for advanced energy applications Room: 383 |
Lehnert, Konrad JILA and the Dept. of Physics, University of Colorado and NIST |
Session A42.00001 Quantum transduction with mechanical oscillators Room: 389 |
Leifer, Andrew Princeton University |
Session S49.00003 Whole-brain neural dynamics and behavior in a freely moving worm Room: 396 |
Leite, Marina Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session R38.00010 Functional imaging of photovoltaic materials Room: 385 |
Lemmens, Peter Inst. Condensed Matter Physics, TU Braunschweig, Germany and Lab. for Emerging Nanometrology (LENA), TU Braunschweig, Germany |
Session K24.00005 Fractionalized Excitations in higher dimensional Iridates Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Leone, Stephen Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session X26.00001 Attosecond electronic band gap dynamics. Room: 289 |
Lester, Jr, William University of California, Berkeley |
Session B29.00003 Quantum Monte Carlo in Materials Science: Electronic Structure Room: 292 |
Lev, Benjamin Stanford University |
Session K19.00004 A Scanning Quantum Cryogenic Atom Microscope Room: 278-279 |
Levine, Sheen S. New York Times |
Session V8.00003 TBD Room: 267 |
Levitov, Leonid Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B24.00003 Higher-Than-Ballistic Conduction in Viscous Electron Fluids Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Li, Baowen Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder |
Session L8.00001 Anomalous phonon/heat transport in low dimensional micro/nano materials Room: 267 |
Li, Bo Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Session K49.00004 The central amygdala circuits in fear regulation. Room: 396 |
Li, Huilin Van Andel Research Institute |
Session X21.00003 Cryo-EM visualization of the protein machine that replicates the chromosome Room: 281-282 |
Li, Lu University of Michigan |
Session V22.00004 Rotational Symmetry Breaking in a Trigonal superconductor Nb-doped Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Li, Qiang Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session F22.00004 Chiral Magnetic Effect in Condensed Matters Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Li, Shiyan Fudan Univ |
Session K23.00001 Bulk Fermi surface of charge-neutral excitations in SmB$_{\mathrm{6}}$ or not: A heat-transport study Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Lian, Tianquan Emory Univ |
Session V25.00006 Efficient Hot Electron Transfer by Plasmon Induced Interfacial Charge Transfer Transition Room: 288 |
Lieber, Keir Georgetown University |
Session R40.00001 The New Era of Counterforce Room: 387 |
Lim, Gloria UCLA |
Session P40.00002 Women in physics: A comparison to science, technology, engineering, and math education over four decades Room: 387 |
Lin, Hsin Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session F22.00001 Topological Materials Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Lin, Lin University of California, Berkeley |
Session C7.00004 Accelerating large scale Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculations with semi-local functionals and hybrid functionals Room: 266 |
Ling, Xinsheng Sean Southeast University (Nanjing) and Brown University |
Session K29.00002 Nanopore Kinetic Proofreading of DNA Sequences Room: 292 |
Lipomi, Darren UC San Diego |
Session C21.00004 Molecularly Stretchable Electronics for Energy and Healthcare. Room: 281-282 |
Lipson, Hod Columbia University, Mechanical Engineering |
Session X49.00002 Automated inference of biological and physical models Room: 396 |
Littlewood, Peter University of Chicago |
Session L29.00004 Batteries that Changed the World Room: 292 |
liu, feng University of Utah |
Session R45.00001 Topological Edge States in High-Temperature Superconductor FeSe/SrTiO3(001) Film Room: 392 |
Liu, Shi Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science |
Session F19.00002 Multiscale Simulations of Dynamics of Ferroelectric Domains Room: 278-279 |
Liu, Yaohua Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Y21.00002 Emergent Magnetic Phenomena at Oxide Interfaces Room: 281-282 |
Liu, Yinyu Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 |
Session E52.00001 Threshold Dynamics of a Semiconductor Single Atom Maser Room: 399 |
Lloyd, Seth MIT |
Session H42.00001 Small-scale quantum computers: current state of the art and applications Room: 389 |
Loerke, Dinah Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Denver |
Session V49.00001 Cell intercalation in morphogenesis Room: 396 |
Londero, Pablo Yale University |
Session S28.00003 Laser Ablation Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (LA-SERS) for the Characterization of Organic Colorants in Cultural Heritage Room: 291 |
Loo, Yueh-Lin Chemical \& Biological Engineering; Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA |
Session C21.00001 Small Molecules for Large-Area Applications Room: 281-282 |
Louie, Steven G. Univ of California - Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session H19.00001 Excited States and Optical Spectra Based on GW-BSE: Dimensionality and Screening Room: 278-279 |
Lu, Tao Dept. ECE, University of Victoria |
Session Y24.00001 Cavity Optical Spring Sensing Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Lucas, Andrew Stanford University |
Session S44.00001 Hydrodynamics of the Dirac fluid in graphene Room: 391 |
Luiti, Simonetta University of Virginia |
Session B53.00002 TBA Room: 287 |
Luitz, David J. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session E19.00004 Anomalous Thermalization Room: 278-279 |
Luke, Graeme McMaster University |
Session P22.00001 Muon Spin Relaxation/Rotation Studies of Novel Magnetic Systems Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Lutz, Eric University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Session K52.00001 A single atom heat engine Room: 399 |
Lyman, Edward Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware |
Session K25.00004 All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of lipid bilayers: Recent successes and current challenges Room: 288 |
Ma, Renmin Peking University |
Session S34.00004 Room Temperature Ultralow Threshold Plasmonic Nanolasers with Unusual Scaling Laws Room: 297 |
Ma, Yanming State Key Lab of Superhard Materials, Jilin University |
Session B2.00001 Computational Design of Novel Compounds and Room-temperature Superconductors at High Pressure Conditions Room: 261 |
MacDonald, Allan Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session E22.00001 Quantum Hall Electron Nematics Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Mack, Gregory American Physical Society |
Session L40.00004 Alternate Careers for Physicists: Science Policy and Government Relations Room: 387 |
MacKintosh, Fred Rice University, Houston TX |
Session S7.00002 Mechanical critical phenomena and the elastic response of fiber networks Room: 266 |
Magee-Sauer, Karen Rowan University |
Session F49.00003 Effective Practices for Training and Inspiring High School Physics Teachers Room: 396 |
Mahadevan, L. Harvard University |
Session R49.00004 Motifs in morphogenesis Room: 396 |
Mak, Kin Fai Penn State |
Session L31.00001 TBD - 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials Room: 294 |
Mak, Kin Fai Penn State University |
Session Y22.00002 Valley and spin dependent physics in two-dimensional materials Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Malissa, Hans Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah |
Session B42.00007 Spin-dependent electronic processes in organic semiconductors Room: 389 |
Malliaras, George Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne |
Session C21.00003 Interfacing with the Brain using Organic Electronics. Room: 281-282 |
Mandrus, Dave |
Session P31.00001 2D Magnets Room: 294 |
Mani, Madhav Northwestern University |
Session R49.00001 Does the lattice matter? The interplay of tissue mechanics and cell-cell signaling Room: 396 |
Mann, Michael Pennsylvania State University |
Session H21.00003 Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Planetary Wave Resonance and Extreme Weather Events Room: 281-282 |
Manning, M. Lisa Syracuse Univesrity |
Session A49.00001 How do generalized jamming transitions affect collective migration in confluent tissues? Room: 396 |
Manoharan, Vinothan N. Harvard University |
Session S53.00004 How contact-line pinning affects the dynamics of colloidal particles at fluid interfaces Room: 287 |
Mao, Zhiqiang Tulane Univ |
Session F22.00003 Relativistic Fermions Generated by Square Lattices in Layered Compounds Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Maranas, Janna Department of Chemical Engineering, Penn State |
Session Y49.00004 Cell wall science for a sustainable future Room: 396 |
Marcus, Charles Center for Quantum Devices and Station Q Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session H22.00004 Zero Modes in Single and Double Majorana Islands Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Markland, Thomas Stanford University |
Session A26.00001 Unravelling the structure and dynamics of concentrated aqueous proton defects using simulations incorporating both nuclear and electronic quantum effects. Room: 289 |
Marom, Noa Carnegie Mellon University |
Session F1.00010 Effect of Crystal Packing on the Electronic Properties of Molecular Crystals Room: 260 |
Marrows, Christopher University of Leeds |
Session F47.00001 Spin-orbit interactions in thin magnetic films: from doping and interfaces to transport and skyrmions Room: 394 |
Martin, Joseph Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, Philadelphia, PA |
Session A40.00004 What If Bergson Won? Room: 387 |
Martinez, Alberto University of Texas at Austin |
Session A40.00005 Einstein's Phobia of Philosophy Room: 387 |
Martinis, John Google and UC Santa Barbara |
Session A19.00001 Quantum Supremacy: Checking A Quantum Computer With A Classical Supercomputer Room: 278-279 |
Marzari, Nicola Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS), and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), EPFL |
Session A7.00004 Here and now: the intersection of computational science, quantum-mechanical simulations, and materials science. Room: 266 |
Marzen, Sarah MIT |
Session X49.00005 Thinking in machines, not statistics Room: 396 |
Mason, Bruce University of Oklahoma |
Session H53.00002 The AAPT/ComPADRE Digital Library: Supporting Physics Education at All Levels Room: 287 |
Mather, William Virginia Tech |
Session V14.00001 Excitable toxin-antitoxin modules coordinated through intracellular bottlenecks Room: 273 |
Matos Abiague, Alex University at Buffalo |
Session X45.00001 Manipulating Majorana Bound States with Tunable Magnetic Textures Room: 392 |
Matsika, Spiridoula Temple University |
Session H25.00003 Insights into the nonadiabatic dynamics of radical cations Room: 288 |
Mauri, Francesco Universit\`a di Roma La Sapienza and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Session F8.00001 Anharmonic phonons and second-order phase-transitions by the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation Room: 267 |
mazevet, stephane 1 LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Université Paris Diderot, PSL Research University, 5 place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon Cedex France |
Session S2.00001 Ab initio equation of states for planetary and exoplanetary modeling Room: 261 |
McCluskey, Matthew Washington State University |
Session C28.00001 Strange conductivity of strontium titanate Room: 291 |
McDermott, Robert University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session K19.00003 Hybrid Quantum Information Processing with Superconductors and Neutral Atoms Room: 278-279 |
McKay, David IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session K46.00001 Fixed-Frequency Qubits Coupled via a Tunable Bus Room: 393 |
McKinnon, Karen National Center for Atmospheric Resesarch |
Session H21.00002 The signal and the noise: forced and unforced changes in temperature distributions and the probability of extremes Room: 281-282 |
McLeod, Alexander University of California San Diego |
Session A22.00003 Nanotextured phase coexistence in the correlated insulator V$_{\mathrm{2}}$O$_{\mathrm{3}}$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
McMahon, Malcolm The University of Edinburgh |
Session P2.00001 Ultrafast studies of shock-induced melting and phase transitions at LCLS Room: 261 |
McNeil, Laurie Univ of NC - Chapel Hill |
Session F49.00001 They Won't All Grow Up to Be You: Preparing Students for Diverse Careers Room: 396 |
Medvedev, Sergey A. Max Planck |
Session B45.00001 TBD - Topological Materials: Synthesis and Characterization Room: 392 |
Mehta, Pankaj Boston University |
Session H49.00002 Statistical Physics Approaches to Microbial Ecology Room: 396 |
Mehta, Rujul The Dow Chemical Company |
Session P10.00005 Reaction Induced Phase Separation in Multi-component Epoxy Thermosets for Large Thickness Casting Room: 269 |
Meingast, Christoph Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session R39.00006 New experimental results concerning the nematic state in Fe-based superconductors Room: 386 |
Meisner, Gregory GM Research and Development (Retired) |
Session L40.00005 Preparing for a Career in Industrial Physics. Room: 387 |
Menges, Fabian IBM Research - Zurich |
Session R23.00001 Local probing of thermal energy transfer and conversion processes in VO2 nanostructures Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Mengyan, Rick (P.W.) Northern Michigan University; Texas Tech University |
Session P22.00004 Role of the Muon in Semiconductor Research Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Mensah, Felicia Teachers College, Columbia University |
Session P40.00003 Retelling the educational pathways of Black women physicists: Stories of experiencing and overcoming obstacles in life Room: 387 |
Meth, Jeffrey DuPont Co. |
Session A21.00004 Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites Room: 281-282 |
Metlitski, Max MIT |
Session R22.00001 Electric-magnetic duality of topological insulators Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Mewes, Claudia Department of Physics and Astronomy / MINT Center, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa |
Session C47.00001 Damping in Materials for Spintronic Applications Room: 394 |
Miller, Aaron Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, New Orleans, LA |
Session Y40.00001 TBA Room: 387 |
Miller, Kenneth Columbia University |
Session P5.00008 Transient amplification and short term memory in neural circuits Room: 264 |
Minor, Andrew Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley |
Session K21.00005 New modes of electron microscopy for materials science enabled by fast direct electron detectors Room: 281-282 |
Mirkin, Chad Northwestern University |
Session E21.00003 Programming the Assembly of Unnatural Materials with Nucleic Acids. Room: Hall I-1 |
Mishchenko, Artem The University of Manchester |
Session F31.00004 Tuning the chirality of Dirac electrons in van der Waals heterostructures Room: 294 |
Mitric, Roland Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg |
Session F25.00004 Light-induced nonadiabatic dynamics in molecular assemblies and nanostructures Room: 288 |
Mitzi, David Duke University |
Session A34.00001 Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites: Structural Diversity and Opportunities for Semiconductor Design Room: 297 |
Miyoshi, Toshikazu The University of Akron |
Session V11.00004 Chain Trajectory of Semicrystalline Polymers As Revealed by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy Room: 270 |
Moessner, Roderich MPI-PKS Dresden |
Session A48.00004 Magnetic Majorana Fermions Room: 395 |
Moler, Kathryn Stanford Univ |
Session P0.00003 Currents and Phases in Quantum Rings. Room: Hall I-1 |
Mong, Roger University of Pittsburgh |
Session R22.00003 Dirac composite fermions in the half-filled Landau level Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Monroe, Christopher University of Maryland, Joint Quantum Institute |
Session C22.00003 Realization of discrete time crystals in a spin chain of trapped ions Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Monserrat, Bartomeu Rutgers University |
Session R7.00007 Electron-phonon coupling from finite displacements: including electron correlation and higher order terms Room: 266 |
Mooney, David National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session L18.00003 A Transforming Electricity System: Understanding the Interactions Between Clean Energy Technologies, Markets, and Policies Room: 277 |
Moore, Joel Univ. of California, Berkeley and LBNL |
Session R44.00004 Linear and nonlinear responses in topological semimetals Room: 391 |
Morello, Andrea UNSW Australia |
Session R52.00006 Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award Talk: Experimental development of spin qubits in silicon Room: 399 |
Morenzoni, Elvezio Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI |
Session P22.00002 Nanoscale investigations of thin films, heterostructures and interfaces with low energy polarized muons. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Morpurgo, Alberto University of Geneva |
Session F31.00001 ``Designer'' spin-orbit interaction in graphene on semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides Room: 294 |
Morr, Dirk University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session E23.00002 Design of Majorana Edge States in Topological Superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Morris, Jeffrey CUNY City College of New York |
Session C29.00002 Stress correlations in the transition region of discontinuously thickening suspension flows Room: 292 |
Morrison, Greg University of Houston |
Session F6.00004 Confined wormlike chains in external fields Room: 265 |
Mortensen, N. Asger Technical University of Denmark |
Session Y34.00007 Quantum and nonlocal phenomena in plasmonic nanoparticles Room: 297 |
Moshe, Michael Post-Doctoral fellow, Harvard University |
Session B23.00003 Geometric charges in theories of elasticity and plasticity Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Motter, Adilson Northwestern University |
Session E14.00001 Symmetric States Requiring System Asymmetry in Oscillator Networks Room: 273 |
Mourigal, Martin Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session C50.00007 Continuous excitations of the triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO$_4$ Room: 397 |
Mueed, M. A. Princeton Univ |
Session H23.00002 Reorientation of the Stripe Phase of 2D Electrons by a Minute Density Modulation Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Mulvey, Patrick American Institute of Physics |
Session L40.00002 Career Paths for Physics Degree Recipients Room: 387 |
Murch, Kater Washington University in St. Louis |
Session S19.00002 Exploring quantum thermodynamics in continuous measurement of superconducting qubits Room: 278-279 |
Murdin, Ben University of Surrey |
Session S24.00002 Theory of Donor States in Silicon Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Murphy, John UTRC |
Session P29.00001 Funding Innovation from an Industry Perspective Room: 292 |
Murray, Cherry Harvard University |
Session V40.00002 Marie Curie and Mildred Dresselhaus, inspirations to women in science Room: 387 |
Murry, Stefan Applied Optoelectronics |
Session S29.00005 Applying Scientific Skills to the Business World Room: 292 |
Nadj-Perge, Stevan California Institute of Technology |
Session E23.00003 Majorana bound states in atomic structures Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Nakajima, Yasuyuki Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session K23.00004 Chiral edge transport induced by Dirac-electron-mediated ferromagnetic domain walls in topological Kondo insulator SmB$_6$ Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Nakamura, Yasunobu Univ of Tokyo, RIKEN CEMS |
Session A46.00001 Fluctuation relations and Maxwell's demon in a circuit QED setup Room: 393 |
Napolitano, Simone Universite' Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) |
Session V10.00001 How irreversible adsorption affects segmental dynamics and glass transition temperature Room: 269 |
Nauenberg, Michael University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session C40.00004 A resolution to the historians disagreement over Planck's introduction of the quantum hypothesis Room: 387 |
Navon, Nir University of Cambridge / Yale University |
Session C13.00001 Emergence of a Turbulent Cascade in a Quantum Gas Room: 272 |
Neaton, Jeffrey B. Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y19.00003 Discovery of new solar fuels photoanode materials with a combination of high-throughput theory and experiment Room: 278-279 |
Neill, Charles UCSB |
Session E19.00002 Ergodic dynamics and thermalization in an isolated quantum system Room: 278-279 |
Nelson, Celeste Princeton University |
Session R49.00005 Buckling and folding in lung development Room: 396 |
Nelson, Keith MIT |
Session P34.00008 TBD - Electron, Exciton, and Heat Transport in Nanostructures Room: 297 |
Nembach, Hans NIST and JILA, University of Colorado |
Session K50.00007 Wavevector dependent damping in nanomagnets Room: 397 |
Neuert, Gregor Vanderbilt University |
Session S5.00001 Dynamic control and model inference of signal activated gene regulation Room: 264 |
Neufeld, Zoltan University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia |
Session L9.00004 Bistable front dynamics in a contractile medium: travelling wave and cortical advection define stable zones of RhoA signaling at epithelial adherens junctions. Room: 268 |
Neugebauer, Jorg Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH |
Session R29.00003 Ab initio guided design of structural materials with superior mechanical properties Room: 292 |
Neupert, Titus University of Zurich |
Session E23.00005 Shiba lattices as novel platforms for topological superconductivity Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Nevidomskyy, Andriy Rice University |
Session L23.00004 Topological nodal superconductivity in the heavy fermion metal UPt3 Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Nica, Emilian Marius University of British Columbia and Rice University |
Session B22.00003 Global phase diagram and quantum criticality of the Ising-anisotropic Kondo lattice Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Nichol, John University of Rochester |
Session B46.00001 High-fidelity entangling gate for double-quantum-dot spin qubits Room: 393 |
Nimwegen, Erik Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland |
Session C5.00007 How do prokaryotic genomes evolve? Room: 264 |
Nishikawa, Takashi Northwestern University |
Session F40.00002 Prevalence of Asymmetry-Induced Synchronization in Oscillator Networks Room: 387 |
Niu, Qian University of Texas at Austin |
Session S24.00001 Geometric phase effects in Bloch bands Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Noad, Hilary Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Session E36.00001 Scanning superconducting quantum interference device measurements of variations in superconducting transition temperature of two-dimensionally doped SrTiO$_{3}$ Room: 299 |
Noble, Andrew GNS Healthcare, University of California Davis, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session F15.00001 Ising universality describes emergent long-range synchronization of coupled ecological oscillators Room: 274 |
Noe, Frank Freie Universität Berlin |
Session F26.00001 Variationally optimal selection of slow coordinates and reaction coordinates in macromolecular systems Room: 289 |
Noid, William Penn State University |
Session K25.00007 Thermodynamic forces in coarse-grained simulations Room: 288 |
Nowack, Katja C. Cornell University |
Session R23.00004 Imaging currents in two-dimensional quantum materials Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Nunes, Suzana King Abdullah University of Science and Technology |
Session K18.00004 Nanostructured membranes based on polysulfone homopolymers and copolymers. Room: 277 |
Nye, Mary-Jo Oregon State University |
Session C40.00001 Abraham Pais Prize Lecture: Shifting Problems and Boundaries in the History of Modern Physics Room: 387 |
O'Brien, Kevin Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USA. |
Session E51.00001 Simultaneous single-shot readout of multi-qubit circuits using a traveling-wave parametric amplifier Room: 398 |
O'Connor, Brendan North Carolina State University |
Session C21.00002 Plastic Deformation as a Means to Achieve Stretchable Polymer Semiconductors Room: 281-282 |
Oezyilmaz, Barbaros National University of Singapore |
Session V31.00004 Tuneable highly-correlated phases in two-dimensional superconductors Room: 294 |
Oh, Joosung Center for Correlated Electron Systems, Institute for Basic Science |
Session C43.00001 Magnon-phonon hybridization and enhanced anharmonicity in noncollinear magnets (Y/Lu)MnO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ Room: 390 |
Olvera De La Cruz, Monica Northwestern Univ |
Session K25.00001 Control of DNA-Functionalized Nanoparticle Assembly Room: 288 |
Olvera De La Cruz, Monica Northwestern Univ |
Session E21.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Talk Room: Hall I-1 |
Osborne, Leslie University of Chicago |
Session S49.00001 Shared Sensory Estimates for Human Motion Perception and Pursuit Eye Movements Room: 396 |
Ostling, Annette Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan |
Session Y49.00005 Inferring biodiversity maintenance mechanisms from ecological pattern Room: 396 |
Otero, Valerie University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session V8.00005 TBD Room: 267 |
Ouellette, Nicholas Stanford University |
Session C14.00001 A Materials Approach to Collective Behavior Room: 273 |
Paesani, Francesco University of California, San Diego |
Session C25.00001 Many-Body Molecular Dynamics: Chemical and Spectroscopic Accuracy from the Gas to the Condensed Phase Room: 288 |
Pagan, Darren Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source |
Session L2.00001 Combining In-Situ X-ray Imaging with Computational Modeling to Understand Granular Deformation during Dynamic Loading Room: 261 |
Paillard, Charles University of Arkansas |
Session P37a.00001 Photostriction in ferroelectric and multiferroic materials from first principles Room: 383 |
Palstra, Thomas University of Twente |
Session E34.00002 Confinement Effects in Corner-, Edge- and Face-sharing Iodine-based Hybrids Room: 297 |
Panel, Entrepreneurial FIAP |
Session V29.00001 FIAP Entrepreneurial Panel Room: 292 |
Paolucci, Giorgio SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) |
Session X40.00005 SESAME: an opportunity for science in the Middle-East Room: 387 |
Papanikolas, John University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session V26.00003 Visualization of Transport Dynamics in Nanostructures with Pump-Probe Microscopy. Room: 289 |
Papic, Zlatko University of Leeds |
Session X24.00001 Microscopic studies of geometry in the fractional quantum Hall effect Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Parameswaran, Siddharth University of California, Irvine |
Session E22.00003 Quantum Hall Valley Nematics: From Field Theories to Microscopic Models Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Park, Je-Geun IBS, CCES, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National |
Session X22.00001 Neutron Scattering Measurements on bulk BiFeO$_{\mathrm{\mathbf{3}}} Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Park, Jiwoong University of Chicago |
Session E30.00001 Paper and Circuits, only Atoms Thick Room: 293 |
Park, Moon Jeong Pohang Univ of Sci \& Tech |
Session H24.00001 Interplay of Transport and Morphology in Nanostructured Ion-Containing Polymers Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Park, Rebecca Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University |
Session A31.00001 Understanding the physics that causes hysteresis in carbon nanotube transistors, a key step toward high performance and energy-efficiency Room: 294 |
Parmigiani, Fulvio Univ of Trieste - Trieste |
Session C23.00005 A non-equilibrium approach to the optical spectroscopy of high-temperature superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Parnell, Andrew University of Sheffield |
Session B21.00005 Self-assembled structural color in nature Room: 281-282 |
Parrinello, Michele Universita' della Svizzera italiana, Lugano and ETH Zurich |
Session A25.00001 Entropy as a collective variable Room: 288 |
Parry, Brad Yale Univesity |
Session K5.00001 Heterogeneous dynamics in the bacterial cytoplasm Room: 264 |
Part 2 Panel, Entrepreneurial General |
Session V29.00002 FIAP Entrepreneurial Panel Room: 292 |
Pasupathy, Abhay Columbia University |
Session L30.00004 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers and Heterostructures Room: 293 |
Paul, Mou Dow Chemical Co. |
Session S6.00004 Polymeric water filtration membranes Room: 265 |
Paulsen, Joseph Syracuse Univ |
Session B23.00005 Sheets shaping liquids and liquids shaping sheets Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Pecora, Louis Naval Research Lab |
Session F40.00001 Using Symmetries and Equitable Partitions Together to Find All Synchronization Clusters and Their Stability Room: 387 |
Pendharker, Sameer Texas Instruments |
Session F29.00004 High Power Electronics Room: 292 |
Perdew, John P. Temple University |
Session P1.00001 Long-Range van der Waals Correction to a Semilocal Density Functional: The Tail Need Not Wag the Dog Room: 260 |
Perelson, Alan S. Theoretical Biology & Biophysics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E49.00005 Delbruck Prize Award: Insights into HIV Dynamics and Cure Room: 396 |
Perkins, Natalia University of Minnesota |
Session K24.00003 Fingerprints of quantum spin ice in Raman scattering Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Petek, Hrvoje University of Pittsburgh |
Session R25.00006 Ultrafast plasmon-enhanced hot electron process in model heterojunctions: Ag/TiO$_{\mathrm{2}}$ and Ag/graphite Room: 288 |
Peterson, Richard Bethel University, St. Paul, MN 55112 |
Session B40.00001 Advanced teaching labs in physics -- celebrating progress; challenges ahead Room: 387 |
Phelan, Daniel Argonne National Laboratory |
Session F37a.00001 The various contributions to the diffuse scattering from PMN-xPT Room: 383 |
Pinkerton, Frederick Chemical and Materials Systems Lab, General Motors Research and Development Center |
Session H29.00003 Enabling Automotive Innovation: Tales from a Physicist in Industry Room: 292 |
Pochan, Darrin University of Delaware |
Session B21.00003 2-d and 1-d Nanomaterials Construction through Peptide Computational Design and Solution Assembly Room: 281-282 |
Poddubny, Alexander ITMO University & Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Session V34.00001 Generation of entangled photon states in nonlinear nanostructures and metamaterials Room: 297 |
Podzorov, Vitaly Rutgers University |
Session B11.00007 Carrier coherence and high-resolution Hall effect measurements in organic semiconductors. Room: 270 |
Pollack, Joshua Middlebury Institute for International Studies, CNS |
Session R40.00003 Is crisis stability still achievable? Room: 387 |
Polzik, Eugene Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session X51.00002 Quantum back action free measurement of motion in a negative mass reference frame Room: 398 |
Popovic, Predrag The University of Chicago |
Session F12.00002 Arctic sea ice melt pond fractal dimension - explained Room: 271 |
Povarov, Kirill Neutron Scattering and Magnetism Group, ETH Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland |
Session A50.00004 Defects in low dimensional quantum magnets Room: 397 |
Presse, Steve Arizona State University |
Session S5.00011 Inference for single molecules Room: 264 |
Prezhdo, Oleg Univ of Southern California |
Session K7.00004 Excited state dynamics in nanoscale materials: time-domain ab initio studies Room: 266 |
Prokofiev, Nikolay University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session Y13.00001 Numerical Methods for Cold Atoms Room: 272 |
Prozorov, Ruslan Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University |
Session P41.00001 Using controlled disorder to study superconductors gap structure Room: 388 |
Puretzky, Alex Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session L18.00002 Revealing Energy Transfer Pathways in Emerging Two-Dimensional Materials with Laser Spectroscopy Room: 277 |
Puri, Shruti Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session B51.00001 Quantum annealing with parametrically driven nonlinear oscillators Room: 398 |
Qiu, Diana University of California, Berkeley |
Session R33.00007 Many-Body Effects on the Electronic and Optical Properties of Quasi-2D Semiconductors Room: 296 |
Qiu, Z. Q. University of California at Berkeley |
Session A47.00001 Direct detection of the spin precession of a pure AC spin current using synchrotron x-rays Room: 394 |
Quinlan, Franklyn National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session A29.00005 Optical Frequency Division for Low Noise RF to W Band Signal Generation Room: 292 |
Rachel, Stephan Techische Universitaet Dresden |
Session E23.00001 Transport signatures of chiral Majorana edge modes Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Raghu, Srinivas Stanford University |
Session S23.00003 Metallic quantum critical points with finite BCS couplings Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Ralph, Dan Cornell University |
Session C24.00001 Origin of spin-orbit torques in thin film heterostructures Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Ramola, Kabir Brandeis University |
Session E29.00003 Stress Transmission in Granular Packings: Localization and Cooperative Response Room: 292 |
Ramshaw, Brad Cornell University |
Session X44.00004 Phase transition in the quantum limit of the Weyl semimetal TaAs Room: 391 |
Rappe, Andrew University of Pennsylvania |
Session K34.00001 Theory and modeling of correlated ionic motions in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites Room: 297 |
Ratcliff, Erin Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Arizona |
Session E11.00004 Mechanisms of transport and electron transfer at conductive polymer/liquid interfaces Room: 270 |
Rau, Jeffrey University of Waterloo |
Session E48.00007 Ba$_3$Yb$_2$Zn$_5$O$_{11}$: A model system for anisotropic exchange on the breathing pyrochlore lattice Room: 395 |
Session L23.00001 The spin resonance of CeCoIn$_{\mathrm{5}}$: A dynamical precursor of the Q-Phase Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Rechtsman, Mikael Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University |
Session Y23.00004 Experimental observation of optical Weyl points and Fermi arcs Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Reddy, Pramod University of Michigan Ann Arbor |
Session R23.00002 Charge and Heat Transport in Nanoscale Junctions Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Reed, Mark Yale University |
Session E5.00001 Bioelectronic Sensors and Devices Room: 264 |
Rees, David National Chiao Tung University |
Session V23.00003 Stick-Slip Motion of the Wigner Solid on the Surface of Liquid Helium Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Register, Richard Princeton University |
Session C9.00001 Orientation and Order in Shear-Aligned Thin Films of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers. Room: 268 |
Reifsnyder, Daniel U.S. Department of State |
Session Y40.00003 Reflections on the IPCC and Its Projections Room: 387 |
Reis, Pedro Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session E17.00001 Shaping through buckling in elastic gridshells: from camping tents to architectural roofs Room: 276 |
Reiter, G\"{u}nter Physikalisches Institut, Universit\"{a}t Freiburg, Germany |
Session R11.00001 Correlating Polymer Crystals via Self-Induced Nucleation Room: 270 |
Ren, Hechen Harvard University |
Session A45.00001 Unconventional Electron Pairing and Topological Superconductivity in Proximitized HgTe Quantum Wells Room: 392 |
Rericha, Erin Vanderbilt Univ |
Session A4.00004 Building a Leading Edge: Influence of Gradients on Mobility and Rheology of Actin Networks Room: 263 |
Resta, Raffaele Physics Dept, Univ. of Trieste |
Session F19.00001 The theory of polarization: From its origins to the modern day Room: 278-279 |
Rey, Ana Maria Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session B19.00005 Quantum magnetism in different AMO systems. Room: 278-279 |
Ribbeck, Katharina MIT |
Session H49.00001 Probing Microbial Interactions with the Mucus Barrier Room: 396 |
Richerme, Phil Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session B19.00004 Interacting Many-Body Spin Systems that Fail to Quantum Thermalize Room: 278-279 |
Rickert, Scott Pen Inc |
Session S29.00004 Keys to Taking Your Nanotech Inventions to the Market Room: 292 |
Riel, Heike IBM Research |
Session C19.00005 David Adler Lectureship Award Talk: III-V Semiconductor Nanowires on Silicon for Future Devices. Room: 278-279 |
Rivera, Nicholas MIT |
Session C12.00001 Making the forbidden allowed: new approaches to light emission Room: 271 |
Roch, Nicolas Institut Néel, CNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes, F-38042 Grenoble, France |
Session B19.00002 Quantum simulation of the spin-boson model: monitoring the bath Room: 278-279 |
ROJAS-SANCHEZ, J-Carlos IJL-CNRS/U. Lorraine, F-54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France |
Session C24.00004 Spin-to-charge conversion at interfaces: spin pumping, Rashba coupling, and topological insulators. Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Rondinelli, James Northwestern Univ |
Session X37a.00003 Tunable inversion symmetry in heterostructures of layered oxides Room: 383 |
Room, Toomas National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Akadeemia tee 23, Tallinn 12618, Estonia |
Session X22.00003 Unidirectional THz radiation propagation in BiFeO3. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Rosa, Priscila Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B22.00005 Emergent Phases in Heavy Fermions: a Magnetic Substitution Study Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Rose, Volker Argonne Natl Lab |
Session L22.00005 Microscopy and the Mystery of Pablo Picasso's Paints Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Rosen, Yaniv Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session K51.00001 Random-Defect Laser: Manipulating Lossy Two-Level Systems to Produce a Circuit with Coherent Gain Room: 398 |
Ross, Caroline Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B6.00004 Block copolymer films: Hierarchical meshes and bottlebrush morphologies Room: 265 |
Ross, Kate Colorado State University |
Session C19.00001 George E. Valley, Jr. Prize Talk: Quantum Frustrated Magnetism and its Expression in the Ground State Selection of Pyrochlore Magnets Room: 278-279 |
Rotenberg, Eli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F23.00004 The Art of Photoelectron Spectroscopy, from Micro to Nano Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Rottler, Joerg University of British Columbia |
Session R21.00004 Deformation and Recovery of Polymer Glasses: Insights from Molecular Simulations Room: 281-282 |
Roushan, Pedram Google Inc. |
Session Y23.00001 Chiral ground-state currents of interacting photons in a synthetic magnetic field Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Rousochatzakis, Ioannis School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota |
Session F48.00001 Z2 vortex crystals in triangular antiferromagnets with strong spin orbit coupling Room: 395 |
Roy, Rajarshi IPST, University of Maryland College Park |
Session E14.00007 Experimental Network Dynamics: Symmetries and Synchronization Patterns Room: 273 |
Royer, John The University of Edinburgh |
Session E29.00004 Precisely cyclic sand: self-organization of periodically sheared frictional grains Room: 292 |
Rubinstein, Michael University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session A9.00002 Multi-Scale Structure of Coacervates formed by Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes Room: 268 |
Ruina, Andy Cornell University |
Session X12.00013 Passive dynamics is a good basis for robot design and control, not! Room: 271 |
Rumble, John R\&R Data Services |
Session P29.00002 From Physics to Big Data Room: 292 |
Rumbles, Garry NREL |
Session L25.00004 Sensitizing charge carrier generation in a conjugated polymer using a C70-encapsulated covalent organic polyhedron Room: 288 |
Rupp, Matthias Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Session C1.00004 Many-Body Tensor Representation for Machine Learning of Materials Room: 260 |
Russ, Maximilian Department of Physics, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany |
Session V52.00001 Coupling of three-spin qubits to microwave cavities Room: 399 |
Russo, Saverio University of Exeter |
Session R36.00004 An integrated and multi-purpose microscope for the characterization of atomically thin optoelectronic devices Room: 299 |
Saito, Shiro NTT Basic Research Laboratories, NTT Corporation |
Session A24.00004 Collective coupling in hybrid superconducting circuits Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Saitoh, Eiji Tohoku University |
Session H47.00010 Spinon and Phonon Seebeck Effects Room: 394 |
Sandilands, Luke IBS CCES and Seoul National University |
Session K24.00004 Scattering continuum and possible fractionalized excitations in RuCl$_{\mathrm{3}}$ Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Sandy, Alec Argonne National Laboratory |
Session K21.00001 Observing Fast Fluctuations in Condensed Matter: X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) Performed with the Fast CCD (FCCD) Room: 281-282 |
Santangelo, Christian University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session E17.00002 The bifurcations of nearly flat origami Room: 276 |
Santos, Elton School of Mathematics and Physics, BT7 1NN, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, BT9 5AL, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom |
Session C30.00013 Atomistic Control of the Dynamical Electronic Properties of 2D Materials and Beyond Room: 293 |
Saric, Andela University College London |
Session F53.00001 Amyloid fibrils: formation, replication, and physics behind them Room: 287 |
Satija, Indubala George Mason University |
Session X29.00004 Pure and Poetic: Butterfly in the Quantum World Room: 292 |
Savin, Daniel University of Florida |
Session F11.00004 Self-Assembly and Responsiveness of Polypeptide-Based Star and Triblock Copolymers Room: 270 |
Sawatzky, George Stuart Blosson Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia |
Session L37b.00006 The electronic structure and properties of negative charge transfer gap and mixed valent Oxides Room: 384 |
Saykally, Richard University of California - Berkeley |
Session V25.00012 Broadband Deep UV Spectra of Interfacial Aqueous Iodide Room: 288 |
Scalapino, Douglas University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E40.00004 Why did it take over 40 years from the experimental discovery of superconductivity to the BCS theory and will it take this long to understand the high Tc superconductors? Room: 387 |
Schaetz, Tobias University Freiburg |
Session B19.00003 Time-resolved observation of thermalization in an isolated quantum system Room: 278-279 |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, DE |
Session S24.00004 DFT, Its Impact on Condensed Matter and on ``Materials-Genome'' Research Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Schibli, Thomas R. University of Colorado, Department of Physics, Boulder, CO 80309-0390 |
Session A29.00003 Ultra-low noise combs in the palm of your hand Room: 292 |
Schiessel, Helmut Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, Leiden |
Session L4.00001 How to read and write mechanical information in DNA molecules Room: 263 |
Schiff, Steven Penn State University |
Session F40.00003 Observability and Controllability of Networks: Symmetry in Representations of Brains and Controllers for Epidemics Room: 387 |
Schlau-Cohen, Gabriela Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F25.00001 Dynamics of photosynthetic light harvesting: from conformational changes to excitation energy transfer Room: 288 |
Schmidgall, Emma University of Washington |
Session F42.00004 On-demand generation of entangled multiphoton states from a confined spin in a semiconductor quantum dot Room: 389 |
Schoelkopf, Robert Yale University |
Session V46.00001 Extending the lifetime of a qubit with quantum error correction Room: 393 |
Schoop, Leslie Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session A23.00005 Realization of non-symmorphic Dirac cones in PbFCl materials Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Schroeder, Charles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session F21.00003 Single polymer dynamics in semi-dilute unentangled and entangled solutions: from molecular conformation to normal stress Room: 281-282 |
Schulman, Rebecca Johns Hopkins University |
Session F17.00004 Active control of complex, multicomponent self-assembly processes Room: 276 |
Schwab, David Northwestern University |
Session Y14.00005 TBD Room: 273 |
Schwartz, Victor The Jed Foundation |
Session B53.00004 Stress and Strain: Mental Health and Graduate School Room: 287 |
Schweizer, Kenneth University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session K9.00013 Theory of Spatially Heterogeneous Activated Relaxation, Vitrification and Elasticity in Confined Polymer and Molecular Liquids Room: 268 |
Sebastian, Suchitra University of Cambridge |
Session K23.00002 Unconventional Fermi surface associated with novel quasiparticles in the Kondo insulator SmB$_{\mathrm{6}}$ Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Segalman, Rachel UC Santa Barbara |
Session K40.00002 Role of Monomer Sequence, Hydrogen Bonding and Mesoscale Architecture in Marine Antifouling Coatings Room: 387 |
Segev, Mordechai Technion |
Session Y23.00005 Topological Insulator Laser and New ideas in Topological Photonics Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Seiberg, Nathan Inst for Advanced Study |
Session R22.00005 A Duality Web in 2 $+$ 1 Dimensions and the Unity of Physics \newline Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Selinger, Robin Kent State University |
Session C14.00005 Snakes on a plane: modeling flexible active nematics Room: 273 |
Sellmyer, David NE Ctr for Matls & Nanosci, Univ. of Nebraska |
Session E50.00001 Spin correlations in nanostructured high-anisotropy magnetic materials. Room: 397 |
Seo, Hosung The University of Chicago |
Session X19.00001 Simulations of defect spin qubits in piezoelectric semiconductors Room: 278-279 |
Shagam, Yuval Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session P25.00002 Cold chemistry with cold molecules Room: 288 |
Shan, Jie Penn State University |
Session P30.00001 Optical and magneto-optical properties of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides Room: 293 |
Shankar, Shyam Yale University |
Session E46.00001 Robust, modular entanglement of two remote superconducting qubits Room: 393 |
Shapeev, Alexander Skolkovo Institite of Science and Technology (Skoltech), Moscow, Russia |
Session S32.00006 Making machine learning interatomic potentials accurate, efficient, and reliable Room: 295 |
Shapiro, David Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K21.00003 Ultra-high Resolution Coherent X-ray Imaging of Nano-Materials Room: 281-282 |
Sharifzadeh, Sahar Boston University |
Session H19.00003 Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Understanding Optical Excitations in Organic Molecules and Solids Room: 278-279 |
Sharon, Eran The Hebrew University |
Session R49.00003 A growing Leaf as a Sheet of an Active Solid Room: 396 |
Shattuck, Mark The City College of New York |
Session E29.00005 Jammed packings of deformable and rigid 2D spherocylinders and spheropolygons Room: 292 |
Shaw, Justin NIST |
Session V47.00001 Ultra-low magnetic damping in metallic and half-metallic systems. Room: 394 |
Shayegan, Mansour Princeton University |
Session R22.00004 Measurements of Composite Fermion Geometric Resonance Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Sheiko, Sergei S. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session P9.00004 Elastomer genome: Reverse tissue engineering. Room: 268 |
Shen, Kyle Cornell University |
Session B37a.00001 Controlling Electronic Band Structure and Correlations by Dimensional Confinement and Epitaxial Strain in Complex Oxide Thin Films Room: 383 |
Sherson, Jacob University of Aarhus |
Session V27.00001 Gamifying quantum research: harnessing human intuition Room: 290 |
Shevtsov, Oleksii Northwestern Univ |
Session V23.00001 Electron Bubbles in Chiral Superfluid $^3$He-A: Weyl Fermions and Anomalous Hall Effect Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Shi, Jing University of California - Riverside |
Session K47.00006 Magnon-mediated current drag across a magnetic insulator Room: 394 |
Shi, Qianhui University of Minnesota |
Session H23.00004 Orientation of quantum Hall stripes under in-plane magnetic fields Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Shi, Xiaqing Center for soft condensed matter physics and interdisciplinary research, Soochow University |
Session B49.00001 From MIPS to Vicsek: A comprehensive phase diagram for self-propelled rods Room: 396 |
Shields, Charles Duke University |
Session V17.00007 Sonocrystallization---application of radiation forces from acoustic standing waves for configurable assembly Room: 276 |
Shull, Kenneth Northwestern University |
Session K40.00001 Surface Modification by the Reversible, Electrochemical Deposition of Polyelectrolyte Complex Films Room: 387 |
Shum, Anderson Ho Cheung The University of Hong Kong |
Session S53.00003 Electro-coalescence of particle-coated droplets Room: 287 |
Sibille, Romain Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session S48.00007 Quantum spin liquid and spin ice states in new pyrochlores. Room: 395 |
Silvera, Isaac F. Harvard University |
Session E40.00005 Pressing Hydrogen into an Atomic Metallic Phase: Implications for Superconductivity: Room: 387 |
Simak, Sergei Linkoping University |
Session C2.00001 Novel approaches to ab-initio studies of materials at extreme conditions of high pressure and high temperature Room: 261 |
Simmons, Michelle UNSW, Sydney Australia |
Session K22.00003 Realising a 2 Qubit Gate in Silicon with Donor Electron Spins Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Simmons, Stephanie Simon Fraser University |
Session A28.00001 A photonic link for donor spin qubits in silicon Room: 291 |
Simon, Sindee Texas Tech University |
Session R21.00002 Tg and Structural Recovery of Single Ultrathin Films Room: 281-282 |
Singh, Simranjeet The Ohio State University |
Session F24.00002 Magnetic proximity control of spin currents and giant spin accumulation in graphene Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Sjakste, Jelena Laboratoire des Solides Irradies, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS UMR 7642, CEA-DRF-IRAMIS, Paris-Saclay University, 91128 Palaiseau, France. |
Session V19.00004 Dynamics of highly excited electrons photoinjected into GaAs: formation and decay of hot-electron ensembles. Room: 278-279 |
Skinner, James University of Wisconsin |
Session S16.00001 Supercooled water: three-body interactions, IR spectra in no man's land, and the liquid-liquid critical point Room: 275 |
Sknepnek, Rastko University of Dundee |
Session V16.00011 Active matter and Curvature Room: 275 |
Smet, Jurgen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session H23.00003 The observation of negative permittivity in stripe and bubble phases Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Smith, Kevin E. Department of Physics, Boston University |
Session A22.00004 New Insight into the Metal-to-Insulator Transition in Vanadium Dioxide. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Sobel, Adam Columbia University |
Session H21.00004 Human influence on tropical cyclone intensity Room: 281-282 |
Socolar, Joshua Duke University |
Session K15.00003 Formation of ordered, nonperiodic structures: Icosahedral quasicrystals, hexagonal limit-periodic systems, and confined hard spheres Room: 274 |
Sokolov, Alexei University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A26.00002 Dielectric Spectroscopy of Water: From Collective Relaxation to Quantum Effects Room: 289 |
Solla, Sara A Northwestern University |
Session P5.00001 Linear and nonlinear manifolds for neural dynamics Room: 264 |
Son, Dam University of Chicago |
Session R22.00002 Particle-hole symmetry and the Dirac composite fermion Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Sonnenschein, Mark The Dow Chemical Co. |
Session K40.00003 Chimeric Plastics : a new class of thermoplastic Room: 387 |
Soumyanarayanan, Anjan Nanyang Technological University |
Session F50.00001 Tunable Room Temperature Skyrmions in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt Multilayers Room: 397 |
Souslov, Anton Leiden University |
Session A15.00001 Topological sound in active-liquid metamaterials Room: 274 |
Spakowitz, Andrew Stanford University |
Session B21.00001 Multi-scale Modeling of Chromosomal DNA in Living Cells Room: 281-282 |
Stafford, Christopher NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session K10.00001 Structure and Transport in Ion-containing Polymers under Confinement: Nafion Thin Films Room: 269 |
Staley, Richard Univ of Cambridge |
Session C40.00003 The metamorphoses of relativity Room: 387 |
Stanescu, Tudor University of West Virginia |
Session S45.00002 tbd Room: 392 |
Stanley, Eugene Boston University |
Session V21.00001 The spreading of misinformation on-line Room: 281-282 |
Starr, Francis Wesleyan Univ |
Session R21.00003 Confinement and Interfacial Effects on the Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites and Ultra-Thin Films Room: 281-282 |
Stebe, Kathleen University of Pennsylvania |
Session S53.00001 Curvature Capillary Repulsion Room: 287 |
Steffen, Matthias IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session F29.00002 Quantum Computing Room: 292 |
Stevens, Charles The Salk Institute |
Session K49.00001 How the brain assigns a neural tag to arbitrary points in a high-dimensional space Room: 396 |
Stier, Andreas National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session C33.00003 Measuring the Influence of Dielectric Environment on 2D Excitons in Monolayer Semiconductors: Insight from High Magnetic Fields$^{\mathrm{1}}$ Room: 296 |
Stock, Chris Univ of Edinburgh |
Session L23.00002 Spin excitations in superconducting CeCoIn5 and antiferromagnetic CeRhIn5 -- From doublet spin resonance to quasiparticle breakdown Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Stolow, Albert University of Ottawa \& National Research Council |
Session P25.00004 Earle K. Plyler Prize Lecture: The Three Pillars of Ultrafast Molecular Science - Time, Phase, Intensity Room: 288 |
Streubel, Robert Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B50.00013 Magnetism in curved geometries Room: 397 |
Strubbe, David Department of Physics, University of California, Merced |
Session H19.00004 Finding order in disorder: Raman spectroscopy of amorphous silicon, from ab initio to multiscale modeling Room: 278-279 |
Stuewer, Roger H. Univ of Minn - Minneapolis |
Session C40.00005 From the Old to the New World of Nuclear Physics Room: 387 |
Stupp, Samuel Northwestern Univ |
Session E21.00005 Integration of Covalent and Supramolecular Polymers Room: Hall I-1 |
Stuver, Amber LIGO Livingston Observatory |
Session C53.00004 Effectively Using Social Media for Research: A LIGO Detection Case Study Room: 287 |
Style, Robert ETH Zurich |
Session C49.00005 The Unusual Mechanics of Gel-Liquid Composites Room: 396 |
Su, Zhaoen University of Pittsburgh |
Session F45.00001 Kitaev model with quantum dot chains I: Andreev transport Room: 392 |
Succi, Sauro Istituto Applicazioni del Calcolo, National Research Council of Italy |
Session L24.00004 Rahman Prize Lecture: Lattice Boltzmann simulation of complex states of flowing matter Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Suderow, Hermann Univ Autonoma de Madrid |
Session L21.00004 Visualizing the vortex lattice in stoichiometric high Tc CaKFe4As4 superconductor Room: 281-282 |
Sugiyama, Jun Toyota Central Research \& Development Laboratories, Inc. |
Session P22.00003 Muon spin rotation and relaxation study for energy materials Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Sundaresan, Neereja Princeton University |
Session R46.00001 Many-body quantum optics with superconducting circuits Room: 393 |
Suo, Zhigang Harvard University |
Session C49.00001 Mechanical behavior of hydrogels Room: 396 |
Svinarich, Kathryn Kettering University |
Session F49.00004 Physics Department Accreditation: Preparing our physics students to enter the workforce. Room: 396 |
Svore, Krysta Microsoft Corp |
Session A19.00002 Designing, programming, and optimizing a (small) quantum computer Room: 278-279 |
Tailleur, Julien CNRS-Universite Paris Diderot |
Session B49.00004 Mechanical Pressure of self-propelled particles Room: 396 |
Takada, Shoji Kyoto University |
Session A25.00007 Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations for giant protein-DNA complexes. Room: 288 |
Takita, Maika IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session Y37b.00001 Implementing small quantum codes with superconducting qubits Room: 384 |
Tang, Cha-Mei Creatv MicroTech Inc |
Session S29.00002 From Theoretical Physics to Cancer Diagnostics Room: 292 |
Tanner, Kandice NCI/NIH |
Session A49.00005 Real-time visualization of early metastasis events in Danio rerio Room: 396 |
Tautz, Frank Stefan Forschungszentrum Jülich |
Session S26.00003 Scanning probe microscopy with single-molecule sensors and transducers: New ways to visualize molecules and their properties Room: 289 |
Tessone, Claudio J. URPP Social Networks - University of Zurich |
Session V21.00004 Physics of Blockchain Systems Room: 281-282 |
Tezcan, Faik University of California, San Diego |
Session F53.00003 Chemically-controlled Assembly of Functional Protein Architectures Room: 287 |
Thompson, Damien Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland |
Session Y49.00002 Conversion of biomass to biofuels by bacterial cellulosomes$^{\mathrm{1}}$ Room: 396 |
Thompson, J. D. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 |
Session L23.00003 Magnetism, Criticality and Superconductivity in Heavy-Fermion Compounds Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Ticknor, Christopher Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session K2.00001 Transport properties of an asymmetric mixtures in the dense plasma regime Room: 261 |
Tierno, Pietro University of Barcelona |
Session S22.00002 Engineering of frustration in colloidal artificial ices realized on microfeatured grooved lattices Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Tirrell, Matthew University of Chicago |
Session F21.00002 Rheology of polyelectrolyte complex materials Room: 281-282 |
Tisdale, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V25.00001 Interfacial Exciton Dynamics in Atomically Thin Semiconductors Room: 288 |
Tiwald, Thomas J. A. Woollam Co. |
Session H29.00005 Look but don't touch: Spectroscopic ellipsometry advances materials research and process monitoring Room: 292 |
Tokunaga, Masashi The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session X22.00002 Magnetic and electric control of multiferroic properties in monodomain crystals of BiFeO$_{3}$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Tolle, John ASM |
Session P29.00005 Materials to Products” Room: 292 |
Toner, John University of Oregon |
Session B49.00005 Birds, magnets, soap, and sandblasting: surprising connections in the theory of incompressible flocks Room: 396 |
Transtrum, Mark Brigham Young University |
Session Y14.00001 Bridging Mechanism and Phenomenology in Models of Complex Systems Room: 273 |
Tremblay, A.-M.S. Universit\'e de Sherbrooke |
Session C23.00003 Strongly correlated superconductivity and quantum criticality Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Trepat, Xavier Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia |
Session A49.00002 Mechanical guidance of collective cell migration and invasion Room: 396 |
Tromp, Rudolf IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session V29.00005 So you have a degree in physics. Now what? Room: 292 |
Tsang, Mankei National University of Singapore |
Session X51.00001 Quantum Theory of Superresolution for Incoherent Optical Imaging Room: 398 |
Tsironis, George University of Crete |
Session A24.00005 Qubit lattice coherence induced by electromagnetic pulses in superconducting metamaterials Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Tuteja, Anish University of Michigan |
Session H10.00010 Designing Durable Icephobic Surfaces Room: 269 |
Tutuc, Emanuel The University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y22.00005 Magnetotransport of High Mobility Holes in Monolayer and Bilayer WSe$_{\mathrm{2}}$ Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Tykot, Robert University of South Florida |
Session S28.00005 Analysis of Thousands of Prehistoric Mediterranean Obsidian Artifacts Using a Nondestructive Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer Room: 291 |
Uemura, Yasutomo Columbia University |
Session A22.00002 Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Ungar, Goran University of Sheffield |
Session P21.00003 Liquid Quasicrystals Room: 281-282 |
Urbani, Pierfrancesco Institut de physique th\'eorique, Universit\'e Paris Saclay, CNRS, CEA, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette |
Session H40.00003 Breakdown of elasticity in low temperature amorphous solids Room: 387 |
Ustinov, Alexey Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Russian Quantum Center, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia |
Session A24.00003 Coherent Response of Superconducting Qubit Arrays Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Vahala, Kerry Cal Tech |
Session A29.00001 Microresonator based Frequency Combs Room: 292 |
Vahey, Michael University of California, Berkeley |
Session P6.00004 Measuring phenotypic variability and plasticity in influenza A virus using multispectral viral strains Room: 265 |
Valentine, Megan University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session V49.00004 Vascular retraction driven by matrix softening Room: 396 |
van den Brink, Jeroen IFW Dresden |
Session A43.00004 Iridates and RuCl$_3$ - from Heisenberg antiferromagnets to potential Kitaev spin-liquids Room: 390 |
Vanden-Eijnden, Eric Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU |
Session H21.00001 Extreme events, tail statistics, and large deviation theory in geophysical flows Room: 281-282 |
Van der Giessen, Erik University of Groningen, Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials, the Netherlands |
Session S7.00001 How much can we learn from athermal models of the mechanical response of biopolymer networks? Room: 266 |
van der Sar, Toeno Harvard University |
Session V24.00001 Probing spin waves using single electron spins Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Vandewal, Koen Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) and Institute for Applied Physics, Technische Universität Dresden |
Session H11.00004 Charge transfer states for organic opto-electronics Room: 270 |
Van Harlingen, Dale Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session P0.00004 Phase-sensitive measurements of exotic superconducting quantum materials and hybrid superconductor devices Room: Hall I-1 |
van wees, bart Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials University of Groningen |
Session F24.00001 Advances in graphene spintronics Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Vardeny, Zeev Valy University of Utah |
Session A11.00007 Spin-pumping into organic semiconductors with tunable spin-orbit coupling Room: 270 |
Varma, Chandra Univ of California - Riverside |
Session C23.00002 Theory of Strange Metals and high Temperature superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Vedmedenko, Elena University of Hamburg |
Session S22.00003 Dynamics of Bound Monopoles in Artificial Spin Ice: How to store energy in Dirac Strings. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Venderbos, Jorn Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V22.00001 Odd-parity nematic and chiral superconductivity in spin-orbit coupled materials Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Venkatesan, T. Venky National University of Singapore |
Session S29.00001 Different Roads to Academic Entrepreneurship Room: 292 |
Verduzco, Rafael Rice Univ |
Session P11.00004 Simultaneously Ion- and Electron-Conducting Block Copolymer Binders for Battery Electrodes Room: 270 |
Visco, Steve Polyplus Corporation |
Session L18.00005 Li battery development and commercialization. Room: 277 |
Vlassopoulos, Dimitris FORTH, IESL and University of Crete |
Session S40.00001 Rheology modification with ring polymers Room: 387 |
Vojta, Matthias TU Dresden, Germany |
Session K23.00003 Modelling SmB$_6$: Distinct topological crystalline phases, surface states, and surface reconstruction Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Vollmayr-Lee, Katharina Bucknell University |
Session H25.00001 Universal Scaling of Dynamic Heterogeneities in Aging SiO2 Room: 288 |
von Keyserlingk, Curt Princeton University |
Session C22.00001 Floquet MBL phases in theory and experiment Room: New Orleans Theater A |
von Lilienfeld, Anatole Institute of Physical Chemistry and National Center for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), University of Basel |
Session B1.00001 Quantum Machine Learning Room: 260 |
Voter, Arthur Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session F26.00004 Increasing the power of accelerated molecular dynamics methods and plans to exploit the coming exascale Room: 289 |
Wagner, Norman Univ. Delaware |
Session A21.00001 Engineering Field-Responsive Soft Materials for Protecting First Responders, Athletes and Astronauts Room: 281-282 |
Wahl, Peter University of St Andrews |
Session C39.00007 Real space imaging of magnetic order and excitations in iron-based superconductors Room: 386 |
Walczak, Aleksandra CNRS and ENS |
Session E49.00002 Diversity of immune systems. Room: 396 |
Walker, Richard Technical Director, Diamond Light Source |
Session X40.00001 Overview of New Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser Light Sources Room: 387 |
Walton, Marc Northwestern U |
Session L22.00001 Form, Color, and Function: Understanding the Appearance of Art through Computational Imaging and Materials Analysis Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Wang, Dong Duke University |
Session E29.00001 Shear jamming: where does it come from and how is it affected by particle properties? Room: 292 |
Wang, Gang CNRS-Toulouse University |
Session C48.00004 Control of Exciton Valley Coherence in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers Room: 395 |
Wang, Hailong Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University |
Session K48.00006 Spin-charge conversion at magnetic insulator/topological insulator interfaces Room: 395 |
Wang, Jin Stony Brook University |
Session K49.00003 Non-equilibrium physics of neural networks for leaning, memory and decision making: landscape and flux perspectives. Room: 396 |
Wang, Lin-Wang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H19.00005 Electronic structures and optical properties of colloidal quantum dots Room: 278-279 |
Wang, Ning Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session Y22.00001 Transport anomalies of high-mobility Q-valley electrons in few-layer WS2 and MoS2 Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Wang, Qifeng Northwestern University |
Session P4.00007 Bulk & Interfacial Contributions to the Adhesion of Acrylic Emulsion-Based Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Room: 263 |
Wang, Xinran Nanjing University |
Session B32.00001 Electron transport and device physics in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides Room: 295 |
Wang, Yayu Tsinghua University |
Session A22.00001 Electronic structure and electronic order in lightly doped cuprates studied by STM Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Wanunu, Meni Northeastern University |
Session K29.00005 Influence of pore charge, pressure, and electric field on protein transport through nanopores Room: 292 |
Warren, James National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session P21.00001 The Legacy of John W. Cahn Room: 281-282 |
Weber, Justin Intel Corporation |
Session R29.00005 Electronic structure calculations for industrial technology development Room: 292 |
Weinberger, Leor Gladstone Institute, UC San Francisco |
Session E49.00004 Harnessing transcriptional fluctuations for cell-fate control and therapy Room: 396 |
Weitenberg, Christof University of Hamburg |
Session F13.00001 Observation of a dynamical phase transition in the non-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold quantum gases in driven optical lattices Room: 272 |
Welsh, Andrea Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B53.00001 Dealing with Depression and Anxiety as a Graduate Student and the benefits of Reaching Out Room: 287 |
Wen, Xiao-Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L24.00002 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize: Quantum-topological phases of matter Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Weston, Leigh University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E28.00001 The interaction of dopants and native point defects in functional complex oxides Room: 291 |
Whittington, Stu University of Toronto |
Session K17.00001 The inevitability of knotting: Polymers, filaments and surfaces Room: 276 |
Wickramaratne, Darshana Materials Department, UC Santa Barbara |
Session P26.00001 Identification of nonradiative recombination centers in GaN Room: 289 |
Wiegmann, Paul The University of Chicago |
Session L24.00003 Hydrodynamics of Onsager’s vortex flow and fractional quantum Hall effect Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Wiegmann, Paul University of Chicago |
Session X29.00003 Bethe-Ansatz Solution of the Hofstdter Problem Room: 292 |
Wiescher, Michael Freimann Professor of Nuclear Physics, University of Notre Dame, IN |
Session S28.00001 Age and Provenance-Physics Methods in Cultural Heritage Studies Room: 291 |
Wiesner, Ulrich Cornell University |
Session A21.00005 Block copolymer self-assembly derived ultrafiltration membranes: From science to start-up. Room: 281-282 |
Wiggins, Paul University of Washington |
Session F4.00001 Escherichia coli chromosomal loci segregate from midcell with universal dynamics Room: 263 |
Wilfley, Brian Triple Ring Technologies, Inc. |
Session F29.00005 A Physicists Journey Through Silicon Valley Room: 292 |
Willard, Adam MIT |
Session E25.00004 Interfacial disorder drives charge separation in molecular semiconductors Room: 288 |
Williams, Carl NIST |
Session H29.00001 With Great Measurements Come Great Results Room: 292 |
Wilson, Neil University of Warwick |
Session L32.00001 TBD - Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization Room: 295 |
Wilson, Stephen University of California - Santa Barbara |
Session K43.00004 Competing electronic instabilities in the bilayer spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr$_{\mathrm{3}}$Ir$_{\mathrm{2}}$O$_{\mathrm{7}}$ Room: 390 |
Wingreen, Ned Princeton University |
Session H49.00003 Dynamic processes of the microbiota - from metagenomics to biofilms Room: 396 |
Winter, Andreas Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona |
Session S52.00001 Reflections on Quantum Data Hiding Room: 399 |
Wiseman, Howard Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University |
Session S46.00001 Quantum State Smoothing: what did an open quantum system do when you weren't watching? Room: 393 |
Wolf, Martin Fritz Haber Institut of the Max Planck Society |
Session R25.00001 Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy at Interfaces Room: 288 |
Wolpert, David Santa Fe Institute |
Session S19.00004 Extending Landauer’s bound from bit erasure to arbitrary computation Room: 278-279 |
Wolverton, Chris Northwestern University |
Session H1.00001 Computational Design of Nanostructured Thermoelectrics Room: 260 |
Wörner, Hans Jakob ETH Zürich |
Session X26.00003 Attosecond electron dynamics in molecules and liquids Room: 289 |
Wrachtrup, Joerg Institute for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology, IQST, University of Stuttgart |
Session K22.00004 Coherent control of rare earth ions in solids. Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Wu, David Depts. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 |
Session R9.00004 Self-Consistent Field Theories for the Role of Large Length-Scale Architecture in Polymers Room: 268 |
Wu, Liang Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session C19.00004 Quantized Faraday and Kerr rotation and axion electrodynamics of a 3D topological insulator Room: 278-279 |
Wu, MIngming Cornell University |
Session A49.00004 Biophysical force regulation in 3D tumor cell invasion Room: 396 |
Wu, Mingzhong Department of Physics, Colorado State University |
Session L47.00004 Spin-Orbit Torque-Assisted Switching in Magnetic Insulator Thin Films with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Room: 394 |
Wu, Xifan Physics Department, Temple University |
Session F19.00005 Control of octahedral rotations for the design of largely enhanced ferroelectricity and related functionalities in perovskites Room: 278-279 |
Wu, Yilin The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Session A6.00010 Weak synchronization and large-scale collective oscillation in dense bacterial suspensions Room: 265 |
Wynne, James IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session L29.00002 Laser Refractive Surgery Room: 292 |
Xi, Xiaoxing Temple Univ |
Session A37a.00004 Carrier Density at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces: Evidence of Electronic Reconstruction. Room: 383 |
Xiao, Di Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session H30.00001 Symmetry controlled optical and magnetic properties in 2D antiferromagnets Room: 293 |
Xiao, Zhi-Li Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S22.00005 Creation and applications of reconfigurable artificial magnetic charge ices Room: New Orleans Theater A |
xu, xiaodong University of Wasington |
Session L49.00001 2D Ferromagnetic Semiconductor and Heterostructure Room: 396 |
Xu, Jing University of California, Merced |
Session V5.00005 Microtubule defects influence kinesin-based transport in vitro. Room: 264 |
Xu, Suyang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L44.00001 Observation of Weyl fermions, Fermi arcs and chirality in Weyl semimetals Room: 391 |
Xu, Ting Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session E21.00004 Does Prescribed Randomness Hold the Key to Interface Synthetic and Natural Systems? Room: Hall I-1 |
Xue , Qi-Kun Tsinghua |
Session E32.00004 TBD - 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials Room: 295 |
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session V45.00001 Inducing Superconducting Correlation in Quantum Hall Edge States Room: 392 |
Yakobson, Boris Rice University |
Session S30.00010 Predictive modeling of 2D materials, from synthesis to properties Room: 293 |
Yale, Christopher G. Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session P52.00001 Controlling geometric phase optically in a single spin in diamond Room: 399 |
Yan, Binghai Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany |
Session C44.00003 Topological Weyl Semimetal Materials: Charge and Spin Transport in the Bulk Room: 391 |
Yan, Yanfa Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606 |
Session K28.00001 Defect physics in halide perovskites, double perovskites and perovskite alternatives Room: 291 |
Yan, Zong-Chao Univ of New Brunswick/WIPM |
Session V2.00001 Determinations of physical constants and nuclear properties via few-body atomic systems Room: 261 |
Yang, Ge University of Chicago |
Session V23.00004 Hybrid Circuit QED with Electrons on Helium Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Yang, Kun Florida State University |
Session X24.00003 Interplay of Topology and Geometry in Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids Room: New Orleans Theater C |
Yang, Shu University of Pennsylvania |
Session C49.00004 Hygroscopic Metamorphic 4D Pleats Room: 396 |
Yang, Xiaojing University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session S4.00004 Direct observation of light-induced structural changes in photoreceptors by dynamic crystallography Room: 263 |
Yang, Yurong Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville |
Session R37a.00001 Tuning optical responses with strain in multiferroelectrics and ferroelectrics Room: 383 |
Yao, Hong Tsinghua University |
Session Y45.00001 Edge quantum criticality and emergent supersymmetry in topological phases. Room: 392 |
Yao, Norman UC Berkeley |
Session C22.00004 Rigidity and Criticality in Discrete Time Crystals Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton Universtiy |
Session E22.00002 Visualizing Landau Orbits and a Nematic Quantum Hall Liquid with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Ye, Peide Purdue University |
Session B30.00001 Black Phosphorus/Phosphorene and Beyond Room: 293 |
Ye, Ziliang Stanford University |
Session B33.00001 Optical manipulation of valley pseduospin in 2D semiconductors Room: 296 |
Ye, Zuo-Guang Simon Fraser University |
Session L37a.00001 Multiferroic phase boundaries and properties of BiFeO$_{\mathrm{3}}$-based solid solutions Room: 383 |
Yeats, Andrew L. Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session E45.00001 Local optical control of ferromagnetism and chemical potential in a topological insulator Room: 392 |
Yennello, Sherry Texas A&M University |
Session V40.00004 The growth of nuclear daughters Room: 387 |
Yonezawa, Shingo Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan |
Session V22.00003 Nematic superconductivity in Cu$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ revealed by field-angle-resolved calorimetry Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Yoo, Choong-Shik Washington State University |
Session B2.00007 Barochemistry: Predictive Solid State Chemistry Room: 261 |
Yoshida, Hiroaki LPS, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris |
Session H25.00004 Labyrinthine flows across multilayer graphene-based membranes Room: 288 |
You, Yizhi University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session X24.00002 Theory of Nematic Fractional Quantum Hall State Room: New Orleans Theater C |
zador, anthony Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Session K49.00002 Brain Connectivity as a DNA Sequencing Problem Room: 396 |
Zaliznyak, Igor Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session P50.00009 Fractional and hidden magnetic excitations in f-electron metal Yb2Pt2Pb Room: 397 |
Zalucha, Angela SETI |
Session B53.00003 Stress and Strain: Mental Health and Graduate School Room: 287 |
Zang, Jiadong University of New Hampshire |
Session L50.00007 Topological Spin Textures in Confined Geometries Room: 397 |
Zanni, Martin Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session X25.00001 Energy transfer in solar cells made from semiconducting carbon nanotubes studied using 2D White-Light Spectroscopy Room: 288 |
Zeng, Changgan University of Science and Technology of China |
Session P35.00008 Synthesis of 2D and 1D graphene structures and their magnetic and plasmonic properties Room: 298 |
Zettl, Alex Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, and Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L1.00001 Dabbling in the rich color palette of van der Waals bonded layered materials Room: 260 |
Zhang, Hepeng Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session A6.00001 Topological defects and collective dynamics in colonies of filamentous bacteria Room: 265 |
Zhang, Shixiong Indiana University, Bloomington |
Session K43.00005 Magnetism and transport in defected and doped pyrochlore iridates Room: 390 |
Zhang, Wenqing Shanghai University |
Session H8.00004 Thermal Transport in Thermoelectric Materials with Chemical Bond Hierarchy Room: 267 |
Zhang, Yi Cornell University |
Session A23.00001 Quantum oscillations from surface Fermi arcs and bulk chiral modes in Weyl semimetals Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Zhang, Yuanbo Dept. of Physics, Fudan University |
Session K32.00001 Electronic properties of two-dimensional materials beyond graphene Room: 295 |
Zhao, Jun Department of Physics, Fudan University |
Session X23.00004 Magnetic correlations in FeSe-based superconductors Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Zhao, Xuanhe Soft Active Materials Laboratory, MIT |
Session V9.00010 Tough Hydrogel Robots: High-Speed, High-Force and Opto-sonically Invisible in Water Room: 268 |
Zhao, Xuanhe Soft Active Materials Laboratory, MIT |
Session C49.00002 Multi-scale Multi-mechanism Toughening of Hydrogels Room: 396 |
Zheng, Guo-qing Okayama University |
Session V22.00002 Spin-rotation symmetry breaking and triplet superconducting state in doped topological insulator CuxBi2Se3 Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Zheng, Ming NIST |
Session B31.00001 Differentiating Left- and Right-handed Carbon Nanotubes by DNA Room: 294 |
Zhou, Brian Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session H48.00004 Accelerating quantum control of spins in semiconductors with superadiabatic dynamics Room: 395 |
Zhou, Huan-Xiang Department of Physics and Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 |
Session K6.00004 Rate Constants and Mechanisms of Protein-Ligand Binding Room: 265 |
Zhou, Joel University of California-San Diego |
Session L25.00001 Molecular aggregates in cavities: topological phases and novel chemical reactivities. Room: 288 |
Zhou, Ruhong IBM Research and Columbia University |
Session F5.00001 Large Scale Molecular Simulation of Nanoparticle-Biomolecule Interactions and their Implications in Nanomedicine Room: 264 |
Zhou, Xingjiang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session C23.00001 Quantitative Determination of the Pairing Interactions for High Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates Room: New Orleans Theater B |
Zhu, Zengwei Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Session E22.00004 Valleytronics and Nematicity in bulk bismuth Room: New Orleans Theater A |
Zhu, Zhen Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Y19.00004 Intercalating layered materials for energy storage Room: 278-279 |
Zidovska, Alexandra Center for Soft Matter Research, Department of Physics, New York University |
Session F4.00007 The "self-stirred" genome: Bulk and surface dynamics of the~chromatin globule Room: 263 |
Zolotavin, Pavlo Rice University |
Session H34.00004 Greatly Enhanced Photothermoelectric Voltage in Plasmonic Au Nanowires and Nanogaps Room: 297 |
Zou, Xiaoqin University of Missouri - Columbia |
Session X21.00002 New strategy for protein interactions and application to structure-based drug design Room: 281-282 |
Zurek, Eva SUNY - Buffalo |
Session K33.00001 Computational Discovery of New Materials Under Pressure Room: 296 |
Zuriguel, Iker University of Navarra |
Session C29.00003 Clogging arches in grains, colloids, and pedestrians flowing through constrictions Room: 292 |
Zwierlein, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R19.00001 Spatial Charge and Spin Correlations in the Fermi-Hubbard Model Room: 278-279 |
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