APS March Meeting 2017
Volume 62, Number 4
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2017;
New Orleans, Louisiana
Session B11: Organic Electronics - Fundamentals of Electronic Transport
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Monday, March 13, 2017
Room: 270
Chair: Erin Ratcliff, University of Arizona
Abstract ID: BAPS.2017.MAR.B11.7
Abstract: B11.00007 : Carrier coherence and high-resolution Hall effect measurements in organic semiconductors.*
12:27 PM–1:03 PM
Preview Abstract
Vitaly Podzorov
(Rutgers University)
Charge conduction in organic semiconductors frequently occurs in a regime at
the borderline between a band-like coherent motion of delocalazied carriers
in extended states and an incoherent hopping through localized states. Many
intrinsic factors are competing for defining the dominant transport
mechanism, including the strength of intermolecular interactions represented
by the transfer integrals, carrier self-localization due to formation of
polarons, electron-phonon coupling, scattering and off-diagonal thermal
disorder (see, e.g., [1]). Depending on the interplay between these
processes, either band-like or hopping charge transport realizes. Besides
these intrinsic factors, a significant role in practical devices is played
by the static disorder (chemical impurities and structural defects) that
leads to carrier trapping at various energies and time scales. In most of
these cases, the charge carrier mobility in OFETs is rather small (0.1 - 20
\cite{}, and in order to carefully and accurately
characterize it, Hall effect measurements are necessary. Conventional Hall
measurements are extremely challenging in systems with such low mobilities.
Here, we present a novel Hall measurement technique that can be carried out
in low magnetic fields with an amazing sensitivity, much greater than that
attained in conventional Hall measurements [2]. We apply this method to
mobility measurements in a variety of OFETs with mobility as low as
\textasciitilde 0.3 cm$^{\mathrm{2}}$V$^{\mathrm{-1}}$s$^{\mathrm{-1}}$ [2]
and reveal various peculiarities of Hall effect in low-mobility systems. By
taking advantage of this powerful new experimental capability, we have
understood several ``mysteries'' of Hall effect observed by various groups
in OFETs over the last decade [3].
[1]. V. Podzorov, ``Organic single crystals - addressing the fundamentals of
organic electronics''. \textit{MRS Bulletin} \textbf{38}, 15-24 (2013).
[2]. Y. Chen, H. T. Yi and V. Podzorov, ``High-Resolution ac Measurements of
the Hall Effect in Organic Field-Effect Transistors'', \textit{Phys. Rev. Applied} \textbf{5}, 034008
[3]. H. T. Yi, Y. N. Gartstein and V. Podzorov, ``Charge carrier coherence
and Hall effect in organic semiconductors'', \textit{Sci. Reports}, srep23650 (2016).
*The work was financially supported by NSF DMR-1506609, and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of NUST «MISiS» (No. K3-2016-004), decree dated 16th of March 2013, N 211.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2017.MAR.B11.7