APS March Meeting 2017
Volume 62, Number 4
Monday–Friday, March 13–17, 2017;
New Orleans, Louisiana
Session K49: Physics of Neural Network Dynamics in the Brain
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Room: 396
Chair: Jin Wang, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Abstract ID: BAPS.2017.MAR.K49.1
Abstract: K49.00001 : How the brain assigns a neural tag to arbitrary points in a high-dimensional space*
8:00 AM–8:36 AM
Preview Abstract
Charles Stevens
(The Salk Institute)
Brains in almost all organisms need to deal with very complex stimuli. For
example, most mammals are very good at face recognition, and faces are very
complex objects indeed. For example, modern face recognition software
represents a face as a point in a 10,000 dimensional space. Every human must
be able to learn to recognize any of the 7 billion faces in the world, and
can recognize familiar faces after a display of the face is viewed for only
a few hundred milliseconds.
Because we do not understand how faces are assigned locations in a
high-dimensional space by the brain, attacking the problem of how face
recognition is accomplished is very difficult. But a much easier problem of
the same sort can be studied for odor recognition. For the mouse, each odor
is assigned a point in a 1000 dimensional space, and the fruit fly assigns
any odor a location in only a 50 dimensional space.
A fly has about 50 distinct types of odorant receptor neurons (ORNs), each
of which produce nerve impulses at a specific rate for each different odor.
This pattern of firing produced across 50 ORNs is called `a combinatorial
odor code', and this code assigns every odor a point in a 50 dimensional
space that is used to identify the odor.
In order to learn the odor, the brain must alter the strength of synapses.
The combinatorial code cannot itself by used to change synaptic strength
because all odors use same neurons to form the code, and so all synapses
would be changed for any odor and the odors could not be distinguished. In
order to learn an odor, the brain must assign a set of neurons --- the odor
tag --- that have the property that these neurons (1) should make use of all
of the information available about the odor, and (2) insure that any two
tags overlap as little as possible (so one odor does not modify synapses
used by other odors).
In the talk, I will explain how the olfactory system of both the fruit fly
and the mouse produce a tag for each odor that has these two properties.
*Supported by NSF
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2017.MAR.K49.1