Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2015
Volume 60, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2015; San Antonio, Texas
Invited Speakers
Abanin, Dmitry Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session L52.00003 Entanglement and universal dynamics in many-body localized systems Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Aczel, Adam Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A29.00007 Exotic magnetism on the quasi-FCC lattices of the d$^{3}$ double perovskites La$_{2}$NaB'O$_{6}$ (B' $=$ Ru, Os) Room: 206A |
Adami, Chris Michigan State University |
Session F51.00002 The Evolutionary Path Towards Sentient Robots Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Adur, Rohan The Ohio State University |
Session G53.00002 Spatially-resolved measurement of spin transport across nanoscale interfaces Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Ahn, Charles Yale University |
Session J6.00004 Engineering orbital polarization in three-component nickelate heterostructures Room: 006A |
Akerlof, Carl University of Michigan |
Session M20.00001 Reichert Award Talk: Preparing Physics Students in an Era of Virtual Reality Room: Ballroom B |
Akerman, Johan University of Gothenburg |
Session A28.00001 Magnetic droplets and dynamical skyrmions Room: 205 |
Alagic, Gorjan University of Copenhagen |
Session F38.00012 Two results in topology, motivated by quantum computation Room: 212B |
Alizadeh, Azar GE Global Research |
Session L19.00005 Manufacturing of Wearable Sensors for Human Health and Performance Monitoring Room: Mission Room 103B |
Alkauskas, Audrius University of California Santa Barbara |
Session J18.00002 Radiative and nonradiative recombination at defects in semiconductors Room: Mission Room 103A |
Allen, Heather Ohio State University |
Session T27.00001 Solvation and Organization of Ions at the Air-Water Interface Room: 204B |
Allen, Robert IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session L19.00002 Advances in Manufacturing Room: Mission Room 103B |
Altman, Ehud The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session L52.00001 Renormalization group studies of many-body localization Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Amir, Ariel Harvard University |
Session T46.00001 Cell size control in microorganisms Room: 217A |
Analytis, James University of California, Berkeley |
Session T7.00004 Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the harmonic honeycomb iridates Room: 006B |
Andersen, Brian M. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session W5.00004 Emergent Defect States as a Source of Resistivity Anisotropy in the Nematic Phase of Iron pnictides Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Andersen, Hans Department of Chemistry, Stanford University |
Session J51.00001 Dynamical coarse grained models with realistic time dependence Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Andrieu, St\'ephane Institut Jean Lamour - Universite de Lorraine |
Session D29.00004 Co1.5Fe1.5Ge and Co2MnSi Half-Metal Magnetic behavior tested by spin-resolved photoemission and ferromagnetic resonance Room: 206A |
Arias, Tomas Cornell University |
Session D36.00003 Ab initio joint density-functional theory of solvated electrodes, with model and explicit solvation Room: 211 |
Armentrout, Peter University of Utah |
Session L27.00001 Comprehensive thermochemistry for the hydration of copper ions Room: 204B |
Armitage, N. Peter Johns Hopkins University |
Session J7.00004 Low energy electrodynamics of topological insulator thin films Room: 006B |
Arnold, Michael University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session W22.00001 Assembly, physics, and application of highly electronic-type purified semiconducting carbon nanotubes in aligned array field effect transistors and photovoltaics Room: 202A |
Aronson, Meigan Stony Brook University/Brookhaven National Lab |
Session B52.00001 Yb$_{2}$Pt$_{2}$Pb: Emergent Criticality on the Frustrated Shastry-Sutherland Lattice Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Ashfold, Michael School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., BS8 1TS |
Session M27.00002 Herbert P. Broida Prize Talk: Molecular photofragmentation dynamics in the gas and condensed phase: similarities and differences Room: 204B |
Asmis, Knut R. Wilhelm-Ostwald-Institut f\"ur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Universit\"at Leipzig, Germany |
Session S27.00002 Ion Microsolvation Probed by Cryogenic Ion Trap Vibrational Spectroscopy Room: 204B |
Aspnes, D.E. North Carolina State University |
Session J14.00001 Shallow acceptor complexes in p-type ZnO Room: 008A |
Atkins, Leslie California State University, Chico |
Session B19.00004 Composing Science Room: Mission Room 103B |
Atwater, Harry California Institute of Technology |
Session B53.00003 Tunable plasmonic emission of radiation in graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Auerbach, Assa Physics Department, Technion, Haifa |
Session D15.00001 Dynamical Conductivity near the Superconductor to Insulator Critical Point Room: 008B |
Austin, Robert Princeton Univ |
Session W46.00002 Minimization of Thermodynamic Costs in Cancer Cell Invasion Room: 217A |
Awschalom, David D. Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session D52.00004 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Talk: Quantum spintronics: abandoning perfection for new technologies Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Ayon, Arturo The University of Texas at San Antonio |
Session B3.00004 Influence of Quantum Dots and Surface Nanotexturization on Solar-Cell Performance Room: 002AB |
Baboux, Florent Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures, LPN/CNRS |
Session A52.00003 Hydrodynamics and coherence properties of polaritons in lattices Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Backhaus, Scott Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T3.00002 Designing Resilient Electrical Distribution Grids---R{\&}D Challenges Room: 002AB |
Balazs, Anna University of Pittsburgh |
Session Q39.00010 Harnessing Biomimetic Catch Bonds to Create Mechanically Robust Nanoparticle Networks Room: 213AB |
Balsara, Nitash UC Berkeley |
Session A20.00003 Segmental Interactions between Polymers and Small Molecules in Batteries and Biofuel Purification Room: Ballroom B |
Baltensperger, Urs Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session D27.00001 From Clusters to Atmospheric Aerosol Particles: Nucleation in the CLOUD Experiment at CERN Room: 204B |
Banavar, Guruduth IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session M3.00002 Cognitive Computing: From Breakthroughs in the Lab to Applications in the Field Room: 002AB |
Barboza-Flores, Marcelino Universidad de Sonora |
Session B3.00003 Development of Micro and Nano Crystalline CVD Diamond TL/OSL Radiation Detectors for Clinical Applications Room: 002AB |
Bardarson, Jens H. Max Planck Institute for the physics of complex systems, Dresden |
Session L52.00005 Entanglement in the many-body localized phase and transition Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Barends, Rami Google, Santa Barbara |
Session B18.00002 Optimizing control for implementing error correction in superconducting quantum circuits Room: Mission Room 103A |
Barends, Rami Google, Santa Barbara |
Session J39.00001 Implementing fault tolerance in a superconducting quantum circuit Room: 213AB |
Bartels, David Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory |
Session L27.00004 How big is the hydrated electron? Thermodynamics of electron solvation and its partial molar volume Room: 204B |
Barthelemy, Agn`es Unit\'e Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session Q13.00001 Combining Mott insulators and ferroelectrics Room: 007D |
Bates, Frank S. University of Minnesota |
Session A20.00001 Order and Disorder in Short Block Polymers Room: Ballroom B |
Beach, Geoffrey MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
Session F29.00004 Magneto-ionic Control of Interfacial Magnetism Room: 206A |
Beaman, Joseph University of Texas at Austin |
Session L19.00003 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing, and Solid Freeform Fabrication: The Technologies of the Past, Present and Future Room: Mission Room 103B |
Becca, Federico Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) |
Session S28.00008 Gapless and gapped spin liquids in frustrated spin-1/2 models Room: 205 |
Bechhoefer, John Simon Fraser University |
Session Z3.00002 High-Precision Test of Landauer's Principle in a Feedback Trap Room: 002AB |
Behnia, Kamran ESPCI |
Session W53.00001 Multiband superconductivity in n-doped SrTiO$_{3}$ Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Behringer, Robert Duke University |
Session J44.00001 Self-assembly and the Formation of Structure in Granular Materials Room: 214D |
Beichner, Robert North Carolina State University |
Session G3.00005 The SCALE-UP Project Room: 002AB |
Bell, James Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education |
Session J4.00005 Developing Broader Impacts Activities through Informal STEM Education Collaborations and Strategies Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Bellisario, Darin Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry |
Session G46.00001 Deterministic Modelling of Carbon Nanotube Near-Infrared Solar Cells Room: 217A |
Berg, Erez Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session L51.00001 Time reversal invariant topological superconductors in one dimension: how to realize them and what can they do for you Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Berthier, Ludovic CNRS \& University Montpellier 2 |
Session L53.00001 Thermodynamic glass transitions in three dimensional glasses Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Bertoldi, Katia SEAS, Harvard University |
Session D44.00004 Performance through Deformation and Instability Room: 214D |
Bertrand, Thibault Yale University |
Session Y44.00004 Shear Jamming in Granular Media Room: 214D |
Session M23.00001 DAG Software Architectures for Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Problems at Petascale and Beyond Room: 202B |
Bi, Dapeng Syracuse University |
Session Z46.00005 Glass transition originating from a rigidity transition in confluent biological tissues Room: 217A |
Biercuk, Michael University of Sydney |
Session B18.00004 Quantum Control Engineering with Trapped Ions Room: Mission Room 103A |
Bleszynski Jayich, Ania UC Santa Barbara |
Session S46.00002 Strain-mediated mechanical coupling to diamond spins Room: 217A |
Bloomfield, Louis University of Virginia |
Session B19.00005 How Things Work: Teaching Physics in the Context of Everyday Objects Room: Mission Room 103B |
Blume, D. Washington State University |
Session B23.00001 Applications of the explicitly correlated Gaussian approach to cold few-atom systems Room: 202B |
Blundell, Stephen University of Oxford |
Session M5.00001 High transition temperatures in molecular intercalates of FeSe Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Bobroff, Julien LPS, Universit\'e Paris Sud |
Session J4.00002 Quantum physics reimagined for the general public Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Boering, Kristie University of California, Berkeley |
Session A26.00003 Non-adiabatic dynamics of reactions of O($^{1}$D) with Xe, CO, NO$_{2}$, and CO$_{2}$ from crossed atomic and molecular beam experiments Room: 204A |
Bollinger, John NIST, Boulder CO 80305 |
Session L20.00003 Probing Quantum Magnetism in 2D with an Array of Hundreds of Trapped Ions Room: Ballroom B |
Booth, George Department of Chemistry University of Cambridge |
Session W19.00005 Stochastic Quantum Chemistry for extended systems Room: Mission Room 103B |
Borhan, Babak Michigan State University |
Session G48.00008 Stereoelectronic Determinants of Color Vision: Engineering Protein Mimics of Pigmented Rhodopsins and Designing New Protein Fusion Tags Room: 217C |
Borisevich, Albina Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A32.00004 Role of electrochemical phenomena at magnetic oxide interfaces Room: 207B |
Bowles, Richard Dept. Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan |
Session G27.00004 Simulation studies of glassy nanoclusters Room: 204B |
Bradforth, Stephen Univ of Southern California |
Session G26.00001 The Non-Adiabatic dynamics of Singlet Fission in Polyacenes Room: 204A |
Bredas, Jean-Luc GaTech |
Session J18.00004 Electron-phonon coupling in organic semiconductors Room: Mission Room 103A |
Brenner, Michael Harvard University |
Session F51.00001 Self-Replication of Colloidal Clusters Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Brochard-Wyart, Francoise Institut Curie |
Session G51.00001 Entangled active matter: from ants to living cells Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Broido, David Boston College |
Session Z18.00005 Predicting lattice thermal conductivity with help from \textit{ab initio} methods Room: Mission Room 103A |
Brown, Eric Yale University |
Session Z19.00001 Dynamics of Discontinuous Shear Thickening suspensions Room: Mission Room 103B |
Bruinsma, Robijn Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A46.00002 Hydrodynamics Room: 217A |
Brun, Christophe Sorbonne Universit\'es, UPMC Univ Paris 06 et CNRS, UMR 7588, Institut des Nanosciences de Paris, F-75005, Paris, France |
Session Q20.00001 Remarkable effects of disorder on superconductivity of single atomic layers of lead on silicon Room: Ballroom B |
Buhler, Oliver Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University |
Session G20.00001 Big science with little data: separating random waves from vortices in atmosphere and ocean fluid dynamics Room: Ballroom B |
Bulovic, Vladimir M.I.T. |
Session F15.00001 Exciton Transport in Nanostructured Solids Room: 008B |
Bunde, Armin Institute of Theoretical Physics, Giessen University |
Session L44.00001 Extremes in systems with linear and nonlinear memory by the return-interval approach Room: 214D |
Bundschuh, Ralf Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session A46.00001 Dynamics of the Competition Between Nucleosome Unwrapping and DNA Binding Proteins Room: 217A |
Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco Univ of North Texas |
Session B16.00004 Novel tools for accelerated materials discovery in the AFLOWLIB.ORG repository: breakthroughs and challenges in the mapping of the materials genome Room: 101AB |
Burgers, Alex University of Michigan |
Session D37.00001 Coherent Optical Control of Quantum Dots: Spin Qubits and Flying Qubits Room: 212A |
Burgoyne, John Oxford Instruments Omicron NanoScience |
Session EE2.00004 Beating liquid helium: the technologies of cryogen-free superconducting magnets Room: 205 |
Butz, Benjamin Center for Nanoanalysis and Electron Microscopy (CENEM), University Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Session D1.00010 Basal-plane dislocations in bilayer graphene - Peculiarities in a quasi-2D material Room: 001A |
Byers, Jeff M. Materials and Sensors Branch, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC |
Session M46.00005 The Physics of Data: Can your degree in condensed matter theory get you a job at Google? Room: 217A |
Cabana, Jordi University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session J21.00001 Multi-faceted characterization of battery reactions: the case of spinel hosts for Mg-ion batteries Room: 201 |
Camacho, Angela Universidad do Los Andes |
Session Q3.00004 Condensed Matter Physics in Colombia is in its forties Room: 002AB |
Camacho, Rodolfo Intel Corporation |
Session J3.00004 Integrated Ge laser for silicon photonics platform Room: 002AB |
Campagne-Ibarcq, Philippe Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, Paris |
Session G18.00004 Unravelling quantum jumps by watching the fluorescence of a qubit Room: Mission Room 103A |
Campos, Manuel Microbial Sciences Institute / Yale Unibersity |
Session T46.00003 How do bacteria couple growth to division? Room: 217A |
Capasso, Federico Harvard University |
Session F6.00001 Achromatic metasurface optical components by dispersive phase compensation Room: 006A |
Capelle, Klaus Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), S\~ao Paulo |
Session M18.00001 From ground-state densities to entangled wave functions: an exploration for the Hubbard model Room: Mission Room 103A |
Capogrosso-Sansone, Barbara Homer L. Dodge Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma |
Session J24.00001 Quantum phases of dipolar bosons in multi-layered optical lattice geometries Room: 203AB |
Capone, Massimo International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and CNR-IOM, Trieste |
Session M47.00004 Mott Multiferroics and Ferroelectric Metals from Dynamical Mean-Field Theory combined with Density-Functional Theory Room: 217B |
Car, Roberto Princeton University |
Session A19.00001 Recent advances in Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Room: Mission Room 103B |
Carbogno, Christian Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG |
Session Z53.00003 Accurate Thermal Conductivities from First Principles Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Carbone, Paola The University of Manchester |
Session Y41.00001 Multiscale modelling of polymers at soft-bio interface Room: 214A |
Cardoso Barato, Andre Universitaet Stuttgart |
Session Z3.00001 Stochastic thermodynamics of information processing Room: 002AB |
Carlson, Jean Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Y45.00004 Fragmentation, Acoustic Effects, and Flash Heating in Sheared Granular Materials: Implications of Geophysical Processes and Physical Constraints for Dynamic Friction Room: 216AB |
Carroll, Sean Caltech |
Session M38.00005 Many Worlds, the Born Rule, and Self-Locating Uncertainty Room: 212B |
Carusotto, Iacopo INO-CNR BEC Center |
Session A52.00001 Quantum features in the hydrodynamic flow of a superfluid of light Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Caruthers, James Purdue University |
Session B20.00003 The Significance of Incorporating Nanoscale Fluctuations in a Constitutive Description of Glassy Polymers Room: Ballroom B |
Casanova, Felix CIC nanoGUNE, 20018 San Sebastian (Basque Country, Spain) |
Session Y20.00003 3-terminal Hanle measuements in metals: spin accumulation or novel magnetoresistance effect? Room: Ballroom B |
Castellana, Michele Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States |
Session L46.00001 Enzyme clustering can induce metabolic channeling Room: 217A |
Cavalleri, Andrea Max-Planck Research Group for Structural Dynamics, Univ. Hamburg |
Session J6.00001 Nonlinear phononics and ultrafast control at complex interfaces Room: 006A |
Centrone, Andrea NIST |
Session A21.00007 Absorption Spectroscopy and Imaging from the Visible through Mid-IR with 20 nm Resolution Using AFM probes Room: 201 |
Chaikin, Paul New York University |
Session F51.00004 Self-Replication, Exponential Growth, Selection and Competition in Artificial Systems Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Chakhalian, Jak University of Arkansas |
Session T13.00001 Geometry and heterointerface engineered phases of nickelates Room: 007D |
Chakraborty, Bulbul Brandeis Univ |
Session J44.00002 Emergent Behavior in the Macro World: Rigidity of Granular Solids Room: 214D |
Chambers, Scott Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session A13.00001 Thermal and photoconductivity at the La$_{\mathrm{1-x}}$Sr$_{\mathrm{x}}$CrO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$(001) interface Room: 007D |
Chandler, David Sandia National Laboraotry |
Session A3.00005 MHz Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy Room: 002AB |
Chandler, David University of California, Berkeley |
Session J51.00002 Competing dynamics of vitrification and crystal coarsening Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Chang, Cui-Zu Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A7.00001 Realization of high-precision and more robust quantum anomalous Hall state in a hard ferromagnetic topological insulator Room: 006B |
Charlaix, Elisabeth Universit\'e Joseph Fourier Grenoble France |
Session Z43.00004 Effect of surface elasticity on the rheology of nanometric and micrometric liquids Room: 214C |
Chen, Daniel Department of Physics Brandeis University |
Session D49.00001 Rheology of Active Gels Room: 217D |
Chen, Hua University of Texas at Austin |
Session M51.00003 Theory of Topological Superconductivity in Ferromagnetic Metal Chains on Superconducting Substrates Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Chen, Yulin Oxford University |
Session S7.00007 Visualizing the Electronic Structure of Topological Dirac Semimetals Room: 006B |
Chergui, Majed Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session M27.00003 Earle K. Plyler Award: X-Ray and UV Studies of Molecular and Nano-Systems at the Atomic-Scale Resolutions of Time and Space Room: 204B |
Chernikov, Alexey Columbia University |
Session A53.00005 Many-body interactions in atomically thin 2D materials Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Chiang, Tai C. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D52.00001 Davisson-Germer Prize Talk: Atomically Uniform Thin Films as Quantum Wells and Device Components Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Chibotaru, Liviu KU Leuven |
Session B31.00004 Single-Molecule Toroics in Ising-type lanthanide molecular clusters Room: 207A |
Cho, Gil Young University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y52.00001 Geometry of Fractional Quantum Hall Fluids Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Choi, Joshua University of Virginia |
Session D46.00004 Impact of Atomic Structure on Absolute Energy Levels of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Room: 217A |
Christodoulides, Demetrios CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida |
Session S6.00004 PT symmetry in optics Room: 006A |
Chu, C.W. TCSUH and Department of Physics, University of Houston |
Session F16.00001 Why are the T$_{\mathrm{c}}$s so high in rare-earth doped CaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ single crystals and ultrathin FeSe epi-films? Room: 101AB |
Chubukov, Andrey Univ of Minnesota |
Session Y51.00002 Who is in charge of the nematic order in iron-based superconductors? Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Chudnovsky, Eugene CUNY-Lehman College |
Session Y29.00004 Random Fields, Topology, and Glassy States of Matter Room: 206A |
Cicerone, Marcus National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F20.00003 Broadband Coherent Raman Scattering for Rapid Spectroscopic Imaging Room: Ballroom B |
Cieplak, Marek Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland |
Session F36.00004 Aqueous amino acids and proteins near solid surfaces: ZnO, ZnS, Au, and mica Room: 211 |
Ciliberto, Sergio ENSL-CNRS |
Session Z3.00005 Information and thermodynamics: Experimental verification of Landauer's erasure principle Room: 002AB |
Cima, Michael Massachussets Institute of Technology |
Session S19.00001 Historical Overview of 3-D Printing: Do inventors know what they are doing? Room: Mission Room 103B |
Claessen, Ralph Physikalisches Institut and R\"ontgen Center for Complex Material Systems (RCCM), Universit\"at W\"urzburg, Germany |
Session L13.00004 High-energy photoemission studies of oxide interfaces Room: 007D |
Clancy, James University of Toronto |
Session M53.00002 Magnetic and Orbital Excitations in $\alpha $-A$_{2}$IrO$_{3}$ (A $=$ Li, Na) Probed by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Clancy, Patrick University of Toronto |
Session B14.00005 Controlling Magnetism in Spin-Orbit-Driven Oxides with Epitaxial Strain Room: 008A |
Clarke, Nigel University of Sheffield |
Session S45.00001 Dynamics in Polymer Nanocomposites Room: 216AB |
Coey, Michael School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin. |
Session F53.00005 Beller Lectureship: Magnetism at the edge; Anhysteretic, athermal magnetic response at oxide surfaces and interfaces Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Cohen, Guy Columbia Univ |
Session Y18.00001 Bold-line Monte Carlo and the nonequilibrium physics of strongly correlated many-body systems Room: Mission Room 103A |
Cohen, Itai Cornell University |
Session Z19.00002 Disentangling the role of hydrodynamic and frictional forces in a shear-thickening suspension Room: Mission Room 103B |
Colby, Ralph H. Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University |
Session L45.00010 Dynamics of Polymerized Ionic Liquids and their Monomers Room: 216AB |
Coldea, Radu University of Oxford |
Session S52.00005 Unconventional magnetic order stabilized by Kitaev interactions in the three-dimensional honeycomb polytypes of Li2IrO3 Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Colwell, Lucy Cambridge University |
Session F46.00002 Using evolutionary sequence variation to make inferences about protein structure and function Room: 217A |
Comin, Riccardo University of British Columbia |
Session Y53.00001 The microscopic structure of charge order in cuprates Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Cooper, Nigel T.C.M. Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
Session D18.00003 Effects of Berry Curvature in Ultracold Atomic Gases Room: Mission Room 103A |
Copp, Stacy University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session T51.00002 DNA templates silver clusters with magic sizes and colors for multi-cluster fluorescent assemblies Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Corwin, Eric Univ of Oregon |
Session L53.00003 Revealing the critical behavior of jamming: high precision simulations of large,exactly isostatic packings Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Cory, David University of Waterloo |
Session T20.00004 Cavity Cooling for Ensemble Spin Systems Room: Ballroom B |
C\^ot\' e, Michel Universit\'e de Montr\'eal |
Session J18.00001 Many-body effects on the zero-point phonon renormalization of the diamond band structure Room: Mission Room 103A |
Crease, Robert Stony Brook University |
Session L24.00005 The Social Appropriation of Quantum Language and Imagery Room: 203AB |
Cremer, Paul Penn State University |
Session T27.00004 Exploring Specific Ion Effects on Ion Hydration at Aqueous Interfaces Room: 204B |
Cronin, Stephen University of Southern California |
Session Y22.00004 Optoelectronic Properties and Electromechanical Resonance Behavior in Individual Suspended Carbon Nanotube pn-Junctions and Devices Room: 202A |
Crooker, Scott National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session W53.00003 Optically-Induced Persistent Magnetization in Oxygen Deficient Strontium Titanate Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Cros, Vincent Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session D53.00002 Simulations of skyrmion manipulation in confined geometries Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Cross, Timothy National High Magnetic field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fl |
Session J46.00003 integrating Solid State NMR and Computations in Membrane Protein Science Room: 217A |
Crowell, Paul University of Minnesota |
Session Y20.00001 Spin Accumulation and its Detection in Ferromagnet/III-V Semiconductor Devices Room: Ballroom B |
Cui, Tian State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, College of Physics, Jilin University |
Session D52.00006 High $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ phase of (H$_{2}$S)$_{2}$H$_{2}$ at high pressures Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Curro, Nicholas University of California, Davis |
Session T5.00007 NMR Investigations of Inhomogeneous glassy spin fluctuations in Doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$2 Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Cybart, Shane UC San Diego |
Session G14.00001 Nano Josephson Superconducting Tunnel Junctions Direct-patterned in Y-Ba-Cu-O with a Focused Helium Ion Beam Room: 008A |
Dahlberg, E. Dan University of Minnesota |
Session J4.00001 The Physics Force presents The Physics Circus Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Dai, Lei |
Session J47.00001 DBIO Thesis Prize Talk Room: 217B |
Dai, Pengcheng Rice Univ |
Session B0.00001 Nematic spin correlations in the tetragonal state of uniaixial-strained BaFe$_{2-x}$Ni$_x$As$_2$ Room: Ballroom A |
Dai, Siyuan Univ of California - San Diego |
Session B53.00005 Hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Datta, Suman Penn State University |
Session J19.00001 Prospects of III-V Tunnel FETs for Logic Applications Room: Mission Room 103B |
Davis, John University of Alberta |
Session EE2.00002 Building a Cryogen Efficient Low Temperature Lab Room: 205 |
Davis, L. C. Retired |
Session F19.00006 Physics of Traffic Flow Room: Mission Room 103B |
Dawes, Richard Missouri University of Science and Technology |
Session Q26.00005 Electronic Structure and Potential Fitting Methods Suitable For Multistate Reactive Surfaces Room: 204A |
Dean, Cory Columbia University |
Session T16.00005 Hofstadter's Butterfly in the strongly interacting regime Room: 101AB |
De Angelis, Filippo Computational Laboratory for Hybrid/Organic Photovoltaics, CNR-ISTM, Perugia |
Session D46.00002 Modeling organohalide perovskites for photovoltaic applications: From materials to interfaces Room: 217A |
de Bivort, Benjamin Harvard University |
Session D47.00001 The neurobiology of individuality Room: 217B |
Deffner, Sebastian Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session Z3.00003 Information Processing and the Second Law of Thermodynamics: An Inclusive Hamiltonian Approach. Room: 002AB |
de Heer, Walt Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session W1.00007 Ballistic nanostructures for epitaxial graphene nanoelectronics Room: 001A |
del Campo, Adolfo University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session G38.00009 Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Quantum Many-Body Systems Room: 212B |
del Gado, Emanuela Georgetown University |
Session J43.00010 Heterogeneous Glasses and Sustainable Cement Room: 214C |
DeMarco, Brian University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L52.00002 Evidence for Many-Body Localization in an Ultracold Fermi-Hubbard Gas Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Demler, Eugene Harvard Univ |
Session L20.00001 Interferometric probes of many-body localization Room: Ballroom B |
Denef, Frederik Columbia University |
Session L53.00004 Glass and the Universe Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Deniz, Ashok The Scripps Research Institute |
Session A48.00008 Modulation of Allostery by protein intrinsic Disorder Room: 217C |
de Pablo, Juan Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session F20.00002 Nanoparticles in liquid crystals, and liquid crystals in nanoparticles Room: Ballroom B |
Dery, Hanan University of Rochester |
Session Y20.00004 New interpretation for recent spin injection experiments Room: Ballroom B |
Desbuquois, R\'emi ETH - Zurich |
Session D18.00004 Realization of the topological Haldane model Room: Mission Room 103A |
Dickey, Michael NC State University |
Session T49.00007 Reconfiguring and Actuating Liquid Metals, Gels, and Polymers Room: 217D |
Diehl, Sebastian TU Dresden |
Session W52.00004 Topology by Dissipation in Atomic Fermion Systems Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Ding, Hao Tsinghua University |
Session Z51.00002 Interface-induced high-temperature superconductivity in FeSe/TiO$_2$(001) heterostructure Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Dinner, Aaron The University of Chicago |
Session T46.00002 Determinants of Bacterial Cell Shape Room: 217A |
Dionne, Jennifer Stanford University |
Session A6.00001 In-situ, nanometer-scale visualization of nanoparticle phase transitions and light-matter interactions in 2- and 3-D Room: 006A |
DiStasio Jr., Robert A. Princeton University |
Session L16.00007 Many-Body Dispersion Interactions in Molecular Materials Room: 101AB |
Doering, Charles R. University of Michigan |
Session G20.00002 Convection, Stability, and Turbulence Room: Ballroom B |
Donath, Markus Muenster University, Germany |
Session T18.00003 Putting a new spin on unoccupied electronic states Room: Mission Room 103A |
Donner, Tobias Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Z\"urich |
Session W52.00005 Real-time observation of fluctuations in a driven-dissipative quantum many-body system undergoing a phase transition Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Dorgan, John Colorado School of Mines |
Session L42.00001 Ecobionanocomposites: Hierarchical supramolecular materials incorporating stereocomplexation Room: 214B |
Doufas, Antonios Exxonmobil Chemical Research and Development |
Session Q19.00005 Rheology and Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polyolefins Room: Mission Room 103B |
Drewsen, Michael Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University |
Session W18.00001 Quantum state preparation of polar molecular ions: Towards quantum logic and spectroscopy Room: Mission Room 103A |
Drozdov, Ilya Princeton University |
Session F3.00004 One-dimensional topological edge states of bismuth bilayers Room: 002AB |
Du, Rui-Rui Rice Univ |
Session F3.00001 Quantized Edge Transport in InAs/GaSb quantum Spin Hall Insulator Room: 002AB |
Dudko, Olga University of California, San Diego |
Session B48.00011 Force spectroscopy of biomolecular folding and binding: theory meets experiment Room: 217C |
Dunkel, Jorn MIT |
Session Y46.00003 Quantifying and controlling microbial swimming Room: 217A |
Dzurak, Andrew UNSW - Australia |
Session J53.00005 One- and two-qubit logic using silicon-MOS quantum dots Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Eaton, William Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, NIH, Bethesda, MD |
Session J46.00001 Protein Folding Transition Paths: Single Molecule Experiments, Theory and Simulations Room: 217A |
Ediger, Mark Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706 |
Session F20.00001 Polymer Prize Lecture: A molecular perspective on the deformation of polymer glasses Room: Ballroom B |
Elabd, Yossef Texas A\&M University |
Session L42.00011 Water in Renewable Polymers: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics Room: 214B |
Elsesser, Mark Office of Public Affairs, American Physical Society |
Session EE2.00001 The Federal Helium supply: How we got here and where we might be going Room: 205 |
Emanuel, Kerry MIT |
Session B33.00004 Thermodynamics of Hurricanes Room: 208 |
Emberly, Eldon Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC |
Session Z47.00011 Extracting free energies of interaction from chromosome conformation capture data Room: 217B |
Enders, Axel Univ of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session M8.00001 Towards two-dimensional ferroelectrics and co-crystals Room: 006C |
Engelbrecht, Kurt Technical University of Denmark |
Session G19.00003 Modeling and design aspects of active caloric regenerators Room: Mission Room 103B |
Eremets, M. University of Mainz, Germany |
Session D52.00005 Experimental observation of high-temperature superconductivity in H$_x$S at P$\sim$150 GPa Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Evans, Arthur University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session A44.00004 Multi-stability in folded shells: non-Euclidean origami Room: 214D |
F\"ohlisch, Alexander Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin f\"ur Materialien und Energy, Potsdam University |
Session B27.00004 The orbital-based view on reaction dynamics: ligand exchange of Fe(CO)$_{5}$ in solution Room: 204B |
Faber, Carina Neel Institute, CNRS, Grenoble |
Session J18.00003 GW Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Electron-Phonon Coupling Calculations Room: Mission Room 103A |
Fabrizio, Michele SISSA |
Session Y18.00002 The time-dependent Gutzwiller approximation Room: Mission Room 103A |
Fadley, Charles Dept. of Physics, UC Davis and Mat. Sci. Div., LBNL |
Session S13.00004 Depth- and momentum- resolved electronic structure at buried oxide interfaces from standing-wave angle-resolved photoemission Room: 007D |
Fakhraai, Zahra University of Pennsylvania |
Session F20.00005 Surface Mediated Self-Assembly of Amyloid Peptides Room: Ballroom B |
Falko, Vladimir Lancaster University |
Session S16.00003 Graphene superlattices in van der Waals heterostructures Room: 101AB |
Fallani, Leonardo LENS / Florence |
Session L20.00005 SU(N) orbital magnetism and synthetic dimensions with two-electron fermions Room: Ballroom B |
Fallenstein, Benja Machine Intelligence Research Institute |
Session M3.00004 Beneficial Smarter-than-human Intelligence: the Challenges and the Path Forward Room: 002AB |
Fan, Yabin University of California, Los Angeles |
Session G52.00002 Magnetization switching through giant spin-orbit torque in the magnetically doped topological insulators Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Fang-Yen, Christopher University of Pennsylvania |
Session G50.00010 How Worms Eat Room: 218 |
Farnik, Michal J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, ASCR, Dolejskova 3, 18223 Prague 8, Czech Republic |
Session D27.00004 Investigations of ice nanoparticles and aerosols in molecular beams Room: 204B |
Fazzio, Adalberto University of S\~ao Paulo |
Session B3.00002 Brazilian Nanotechnology Initiative Room: 002AB |
Feldmann, Jochen Photonics and Optoelectronics Group, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU), Munich, Germany |
Session M15.00001 Photocatalytic Solar Fuel Generation on Semiconductor Nanocrystals Room: 008B |
Feng, Yiping SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session M21.00001 Measurement and Instrumentation Challenges at X-ray Free Electron Lasers Room: 201 |
Fenter, Paul Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Z4.00001 In-situ Studies of Structures and Processes at Model Battery Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Fernandez-Serra, Marivi Physics & Astronomy department, Stony Brook University. Stony Brook, NY |
Session D36.00004 Link between photocatalytic water splitting efficiency and surface acidity in GaN and SrTiO3 Room: 211 |
Fiebig, Manfred Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 4, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland |
Session F32.00001 Domain walls in improper ferroelectrics as functional oxide interfaces Room: 207B |
Fielding, Suzanne Durham University |
Session Z20.00001 Shear banding in time dependent flows of polymers and wormlike micelles Room: Ballroom B |
Finck, Aaron University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L51.00004 Phase coherent transport in hybrid superconductor-topological insulator devices Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Fink, Thomas London Institute for Mathematical Sciences / CNRS |
Session S18.00004 Easily repairable networks Room: Mission Room 103A |
Finkelstein, Gleb Duke University |
Session T51.00003 Plasmonic Enhancement of Raman Signal using Complex Metallic Nanostructures based on DNA Origami Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Fisher, Matthew UC Santa Barbara |
Session J52.00004 Buckley Prize Talk: Theory of Quantum Phase Transitions: A 25 year purview Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Flensberg, Karsten Center for Quantum Devices, The Niels Bohr Institute, Univ of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Session L51.00003 Local Adiabatic Mixing of Kramers Pairs of Majorana Bound States Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Fornari, Marco Department of Physics and Science of Advanced Materials Program, Central Michigan University |
Session Z18.00001 Structuring intuition with theory: The high-throughput way Room: Mission Room 103A |
Forrest, James University of Waterloo |
Session F20.00004 What have we learned after 20 years of measuring glass transitions in thin polymer films? Room: Ballroom B |
Foss-Feig, Michael Joint Quantum Institute, NIST, and the University of Maryland |
Session Z36.00001 Locality in quenched systems with long-range interactions Room: 211 |
Fotso, Herbert F. Ames Laboratory |
Session Y18.00003 Thermalization and long-time behavior of nonequilibrium correlated quantum systems Room: Mission Room 103A |
Fowler, Austin |
Session D51.00001 The surface code: processing experimental data Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Francois, Paul McGill University |
Session W48.00008 Decision theory for immune ligand recognition Room: 217C |
Fredberg, Jeffrey Harvard School of Public health |
Session W46.00001 Unjamming phase transition in the asthmatic airway epithelium Room: 217A |
Frey, Erwin Univ Muenchen |
Session S33.00013 Reptation Theory and Many Body Effects in Semiflexible Polymer Dynamics Room: 208 |
Friedl, Peter Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
Session W46.00004 ECM Organization and Cell-Cell Cooperation Room: 217A |
Friesen, Mark University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session W37.00001 Theory of the Quantum Dot Hybrid Qubit Room: 212A |
Fritsch, Katharina Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin f\"ur Materialien und Energie |
Session F28.00005 Frozen Spin Ice Ground States in the Pyrochlore Magnet Tb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ Room: 205 |
Frydman, Aviad Bar Ilan University |
Session D15.00005 The Higgs Mode in Disordered Superconductors Close to a Quantum Phase Transition Room: 008B |
Fuchs, Gregory Cornell University |
Session S46.00001 Coherent control over diamond nitrogen-vacancy center spins with a mechanical resonator Room: 217A |
Fuhrer, Michael School of Physics, Monash University, 3800 Victoria, Australia and CNAM, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20472-4111 USA |
Session W2.00004 Control and characterization of the metallic surface state of bulk insulating Bi$_2$Se$_3$ Room: 001B |
Fuhrman, Wesley Johns Hopkins University |
Session D14.00003 Interaction-driven sub-gap resonance in the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 Room: 008A |
Fuseya, Yuki University of Electro-Communications |
Session T52.00001 Spin Hall effect and Landau spectrum of Dirac electrons in bismuth Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Gaffney, Kelly Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource and PULSE Institute at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University |
Session B27.00001 Tracking the charge and spin dynamics of electronic excited states in inorganic complexes Room: 204B |
Gaigeot, Marie-Pierre Universite d'Evry val d'Essonne-Paris, LAMBE UMR8587 |
Session S27.00003 Solvation of ions investigated by DFT-MD simulations: from gas phase to oxide/liquid water interfaces Room: 204B |
Gaitan, Frank University of Maryland |
Session M18.00005 Density Functional Theory and Quantum Computation Room: Mission Room 103A |
Gallais, Yann Universit\'e Paris Diderot |
Session Y51.00003 Nematic charge fluctuations in iron-based superconductors by Raman scattering Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Ganesan, Venkat University of Texas at Austin |
Session D42.00004 Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolymers on Modified and Patterned Surfaces Room: 214B |
Garrahan, Juan P. School of Physics \& Astronomy, University of Nottingham |
Session D20.00001 The structure of glass as revealed by dynamical large deviation methods Room: Ballroom B |
Garrett-Roe, Sean University of Pittsburgh |
Session T27.00006 Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy (2D-IR) of anions in ionic liquids Room: 204B |
Gegenwart, Philipp Experimentalphysik VI, Augsburg University, Germany |
Session M53.00005 Magnetic properties of hexagonal iridates Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Geim, Andre University of Manchester |
Session S51.00001 Detecting Topological Currents in Gapped Graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Georges, Antoine Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS |
Session Z32.00006 Nonlinear phononics for coherent light-control of transition metal oxides Room: 207B |
Gerland, Ulrich Physik Department, Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Munich, Germany |
Session A46.00003 A physical analysis of nucleosome positioning Room: 217A |
Gersappe, Dilip Stony Brook University |
Session Q19.00004 Modifying polymer rheology by using nanofillers: applications in additive manufacturing Room: Mission Room 103B |
Gervais, Guillaume McGill University |
Session S53.00005 One-dimensional Quantum Fluids Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Ginsberg, Naomi Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session A27.00003 Mapping the nanoscale energetic landscape in conductive polymer films with spatially super-resolved exciton dynamics Room: 204B |
Glasbrenner, James NRC/NRL |
Session S31.00004 Theory of the Novel Mn-doped II-II-V Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors Room: 207A |
Glaser, Steffen Munich University of Technology |
Session B18.00001 Optimal control of spin dynamics Room: Mission Room 103A |
Glazman, Leonid Departments of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA |
Session M51.00001 Topological Superconductivity with Magnetic Atoms Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Glembo, Tyler APS |
Session G4.00001 Communicating Science in the Capitol: The Graduate Student Voice Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Glotzer, Sharon Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session B20.00001 Glass-formers vs. Assemblers Room: Ballroom B |
Goldhaber-Gordon, David Stanford Univ |
Session Q4.00002 Composite Fermions and Broken Symmetries in Graphene Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Goldman, Alan I. Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University |
Session B52.00003 Fragile antiferromagnetism in the heavy-fermion compound YbBiPt Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Goldman, Allen Univ of Minnesota - Minneapolis |
Session J52.00001 Buckley Prize Talk: Electrostatic Control of the Superconductor-Insulator Transition Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Golestanian, Ramin Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford |
Session A49.00007 Active self-assembly and collective chemotaxis of catalytic colloids Room: 217D |
Gomez, Enrique The Pennsylvania State University |
Session D41.00001 Fully conjugated block copolymers for organic photovoltaics Room: 214A |
Gonsalves, Allison McGill University |
Session F33.00003 ``We're all unisex anyway'': The persistent discourse of gender neutrality in physics Room: 208 |
Goodson, Kenneth Stanford University |
Session Z53.00001 Interfacial Heat Conduction in Modern Semiconductor Nanostructures Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Goodwin, Bruce Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session S19.00004 Additive Manufacturing and High-Performance Computing: a Disruptive Latent Technology Room: Mission Room 103B |
Goriely, Alain Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford |
Session G44.00004 Morphoelastic Rods and Birods: Theory and Applications Room: 214D |
Gorshkov, Alexey Joint Quantum Institute |
Session W18.00003 Abelian and non-abelian topological phases with dipoles Room: Mission Room 103A |
Gorshkov, Alexey Joint Quantum Institute |
Session D38.00001 Optimal spectrum estimation of density operators with alkaline-earth atoms Room: 212B |
Grezes, Cecile CEA Saclay |
Session M39.00001 Towards hybrid quantum devices combining superconducting qubits to a spin-ensemble multi-qubit register Room: 213AB |
Grover, Tarun Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session M52.00003 Entanglement and Stability of Quantum Matter: from Spin-liquids to Many Body Localization Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Grychtol, Patrick JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA |
Session B27.00009 Ultrafast high harmonics for probing the fastest spin and charge dynamics in magnetic materials Room: 204B |
Gstrein, Florian Intel Corporation |
Session M19.00004 Novel Patterning Approaches for Continued Device Scaling Room: Mission Room 103B |
Gu, Gong University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session G1.00001 An In-Plane Epitaxial Heterostructure of Two-Dimensional Crystals Room: 001A |
Guan, Xiaoxu Louisiana State University |
Session M23.00005 Numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation for atoms and molecules in intense laser fields Room: 202B |
Guasto, Jeffrey Tufts University |
Session Y46.00001 Bacterial transport: From flagellar mechanics to unmixing Room: 217A |
Guenza, Marina University of Oregon |
Session W42.00004 Thermodynamically Consistent Coarse-Graining of Polymers Room: 214B |
Guerreschi, Gian Giacomo Harvard University |
Session A18.00003 Boson Sampling for Molecular Vibronic Spectra Room: Mission Room 103A |
Guha, Supratik IBM |
Session T19.00001 Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics: Materials science, microelectronics scaling, and beyond the silicon transistor Room: Mission Room 103B |
Guinea, Francisco CSIC |
Session W17.00007 Stacking defects and transport in bilayer graphene Room: 102AB |
Gundlach, David NIST |
Session J41.00008 Combining and Correlating DC, Modulated, and Transient Measurement Techniques to Disentangle and Quantify Key Physical Properties for Organic Semiconductor Devices Room: 214A |
Gundogdu, Kenan North Carolina State University |
Session S51.00005 Electron dynamics and valley relaxation in 2D semiconductors Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Guyot-Sionnest, Philippe University of Chicago |
Session J26.00004 Infrared detection with colloidal quantum dots based on interband and intraband transitions Room: 204A |
Gyure, Mark HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session G37.00001 An Exchange-Only Qubit in Isotopically Enriched $^{28}$Si Room: 212A |
Haddon, Robert University of California at Riverside |
Session Z22.00001 Atomtronics: The Application of Organometallic Bis-Hexahapto Bonding to the Electrical Interconnection and Electronic Conjugation of the Graphitic Surfaces of Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Room: 202A |
Hafezi, Mohammad Joint Quantum Institute |
Session M37.00004 Photons in synthetic gauge fields Room: 212A |
Hafezi, Mohammad Joint Quantum Institute |
Session W52.00001 Preparation and measurement of strongly interacting states of photons Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Haglund, Richard Vanderbilt University |
Session J15.00001 Electron and hole dynamics in the electronic and structural phase transitions of VO$_{2}$ Room: 008B |
Haley, Richard Lancaster University |
Session S53.00004 Probing the A-B interface of superfluid helium-3 Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Hamann, Hendrik IBM T J Watson Research Center |
Session F19.00001 Physical Analytics: An emerging field with real-world applications and impact Room: Mission Room 103B |
Hamm, Eugenio Universidad de Santiago de Chile |
Session L49.00007 Dynamics and geometry of interacting fractures in torn elastic sheets: convergent, divergent, and multiple swirling cracks Room: 217D |
Hammond, Paula Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session G45.00001 Electrostatic Assembly of Nanomaterials for Hybrid Electrodes and Supercapacitors Room: 216AB |
Han, Shu-Jen IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |
Session B17.00001 Carbon nanotube high-performance logic technology -- challenges and current progress Room: 102AB |
Haney, Paul National Institute for Standards and Technology |
Session F53.00002 Spin-orbit torques in magnetic bilayers Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Harmon, Nicholas University of Iowa |
Session L31.00004 Spin Relaxation in Materials Lacking Coherent Charge Transport Room: 207A |
Hart, Sean Harvard University |
Session L51.00002 Induced superconductivity in the quantum spin Hall edge Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Harutyunyan, Avetik Honda Research Institute, USA |
Session A17.00004 Carbon Nanotubes: On the Origin of Helicity Room: 102AB |
Hautier, Geoffroy Universite catholique de Louvain |
Session G9.00004 High-throughput computational search for new high mobility transparent (semi)conducting oxides Room: 006D |
H. da Jornada, Felipe University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D23.00005 Recent Progress in GW-based Methods for Excited-State Calculations of Reduced Dimensional Systems Room: 202B |
He, Rui Department of Physics, University of Northern Iowa |
Session Z1.00001 Layer breathing vibrations in AB-stacking few layer graphene and twisted bilayer graphene Room: 001A |
He, Rui-Hua Boston College |
Session Y53.00002 Searching for spectroscopic signatures of density wave correlations in cuprates Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
He, Yuping University of California, Davis |
Session Z53.00004 Modeling and Ab initio Calculations of Thermal Transport in Si-Based Clathrates and Solar Perovskites Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Hebard, Arthur University of Florida |
Session J52.00002 Buckley Prize Talk: Bosons on the Boundaries: The magnetic field driven superconductor-insulator quantum phase transition Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Heilshorn, Sarah Stanford University |
Session W20.00004 Protein-engineered block-copolymers as stem cell delivery vehicles Room: Ballroom B |
Heisenberg, Carl-Philipp IST Austria |
Session Z46.00004 Surface cell expansion drives radial cell intercalations in zebrafish gastrulation Room: 217A |
Hekstra, Doeke Green Center for Systems Biology, UT Southwestern Medical Center |
Session F46.00003 Dynamics of living matter: can we ``see'' collective motions in proteins? Room: 217A |
Held, Karsten Vienna University of Technology |
Session M47.00005 Electric field effects in transition metal oxides, their surfaces and heterostructures Room: 217B |
Hell, Stefan Max Planck Institute |
Session Q0.00001 The Optical Microscopy Revolution Room: Ballroom A |
Heller, Eric Harvard University |
Session Q8.00004 Luukko Scars - a New Mechanism for Wavefunction Scar Formation Room: 006C |
Hellman, Frances UC Berkeley Physics and Materials Sciences and Engineering Departments, and Materials Sciences Division, LBNL |
Session F53.00003 Anomalous net magnetization in collinear antiferromagnets with uncompensated surfaces Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Heremans, F. Joseph Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session F31.00004 Quantum control of orbital and spin dynamics in diamond using ultrafast optical pulses Room: 207A |
Heron, Paula University of Washington |
Session G3.00002 The Impact of NSF-funded Physics Education Research at the University of Washington Room: 002AB |
Herranz, Gervasi Institute for Materials Science of Barcelona ICMAB-CSIC |
Session G11.00004 Engineering LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ quantum wells by selective orbital occupancy Room: 007B |
Herrera, Felipe Harvard University |
Session W18.00005 Universal Matchgate Quantum Computing With Cold Polar Molecules Room: Mission Room 103A |
Hess, Harald Janelia Research Campus |
Session Q0.00003 Developing Photo Activated Localization Microscopy Room: Ballroom A |
Heussinger, Claus Institute for theoretical Physics, University of Goettingen |
Session Z19.00004 Role of frictional particle interactions for the jamming of dense suspensions Room: Mission Room 103B |
Hilgenkamp, Hans MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands |
Session G32.00004 Critical thickness for ferromagnetism in LaMnO3 films Room: 207B |
Hill, Stephen Florida State University and NHMFL, Tallahassee, FL32310 |
Session A31.00004 Controlled Under Pressure: Understanding Spin Orbit Coupling and Exchange Anisotropy in Organic Magnets Room: 207A |
Hillenbrand, Rainer CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain |
Session B53.00001 Nanoimaging and manipulation of plasmons in graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Hirschfeld, Peter University of Florida |
Session Y51.00004 Unusual disorder-limited transport in Fe-based superconducting materials Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session W3.00001 Physics Majors in the US: Trends and Implications Room: 002AB |
Hoff, Wouter Oklahoma State University |
Session Q48.00010 How can we understand an entire (super)family of proteins? Room: 217C |
Hoffman, Jason Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J32.00001 Oscillatory Non-collinear Magnetism Induced by Interfacial Charge Transfer in Metallic Oxide Superlattices Room: 207B |
Hoffman, Jennifer Harvard University |
Session Y53.00005 Local Dimensionality of the Charge Density Wave in the Superconducting Cuprate Bi2201 Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Hong, Jiawang Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session T32.00002 Large phonon entropy drives the metallization of vanadium dioxide (VO2) Room: 207B |
Hong, Seokmin School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University |
Session G52.00001 Spin Circuit Model for Spin Orbit Torques in 2D Channels Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Hore, Peter University of Oxford |
Session M46.00004 A molecular compass for bird navigation Room: 217A |
Horowitz, Jordan University of Massachusetts at Boston |
Session F45.00001 Thermodynamics with information flow: Applications to Maxwell demons and biochemical sensing Room: 216AB |
Hosoi, Anette Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B51.00003 Arboreal solutions: diodes, pumps, and diggers inspired by trees Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Hosono, Hideo Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session T53.00001 James C. McGroddy Prize Lecutre: Iron-Based Superconductors: Discovery and Progress Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Howard, Jonathon Yale University |
Session L33.00008 What Physics do Biophysicists Need to Know? Room: 208 |
Hsieh, Timothy Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session W7.00004 Topological Crystalline Insulators Room: 006B |
Huang, Libai Notre-Dame University |
Session S26.00002 TBD Room: 204A |
Hughes, Taylor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session F7.00004 Interplay between geometry and topology in topological crystalline phases Room: 006B |
Hulet, Randall Rice University |
Session F18.00001 Observation of Antiferromagnetic Correlations in the Hubbard Model with Ultracold Atoms Room: Mission Room 103A |
Hunt, Bruce University of Texas |
Session L24.00004 To Rule the Waves: Cable Telegraphy and the Making of ``Maxwell's Equations'' Room: 203AB |
Huse, David Princeton University |
Session T20.00002 Quantum thermalization and the dynamics of entanglement Room: Ballroom B |
Hutson, M. Shane Vanderbilt University |
Session Z46.00003 Cell mechanics and non-genetic developmental defects Room: 217A |
Hybertsen, Mark Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session D36.00005 First-Principles Approach to Energy Level Alignment at Aqueous Semiconductor Interfaces Room: 211 |
Hyde, Stephen Australian National University |
Session A50.00001 Multiple networks in soft materials: polycontinuity Room: 218 |
Ihn, Thomas ETH Zurich |
Session F3.00003 Magnetotransport in the topological insulator candidate InAs/GaSb Room: 002AB |
Iniguez, Jorge ICMAB-CSIC |
Session G6.00001 Revealing and understanding the behavior of structural domain walls from first principles Room: 006A |
Inoue, Hiroyuki Braun Center for Submicron Research, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Q4.00004 Proliferation of Neutral Modes in Fractional Quantum Hall Regimes Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Ismail-Beigi, Sohrab Yale University |
Session G13.00001 Interrelation of polarity, screening, structure, and electronic states at nickelate interfaces Room: 007D |
Jackson, David Dickinson College |
Session M20.00002 A hands-on introduction to quantum mechanics Room: Ballroom B |
Jacobs, Karin Experimental Physics, Saarland University, Saarbr\"ucken, Germany |
Session Q16.00001 Beller Lectureship: Van der Waals interactions in adhesion, adsorption and friction experiments Room: 101AB |
Jacobsen, Bob UC Berkeley Physics |
Session B19.00003 Teaching Physics to Future Presidents Room: Mission Room 103B |
Jacobsen, Chris Northwestern University and Advanced Photon Source, ANL |
Session Y19.00001 The unity of mathematics, and the diversity of imaging: optimization methods and information Room: Mission Room 103B |
Jaffres, Henri Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales |
Session W51.00005 The essential role of spin-memory loss at 3d/5d metallic interfaces in spin pumping Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Jamer, Michelle E. Physics, Northeastern University |
Session D31.00001 GMAG Dissertation Award Talk: Zero-moment Half-Metallic Ferrimagnetic Semiconductors Room: 207A |
Jamet, Matthieu CEA and University Grenoble Alpes |
Session Y20.00005 Crossover from Spin Accumulation into Interface States to Spin Injection in the Germanium Conduction Band Room: Ballroom B |
Janmey, Paul University of Pennsylvania |
Session W33.00004 Effects of Uniaxial Strain on Shear Moduli of Semiflexible Polymer Networks Room: 208 |
Janotti, Anderson Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5050 |
Session T14.00001 Structural and electronic defects in SrTiO$_{3}$ and TiO$_{2}$ Room: 008A |
Jansen, Ron National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan |
Session Y20.00002 Spin transport across ferromagnetic tunnel contacts to semiconductors $-$ questions and answers Room: Ballroom B |
Jarzynski, Christopher Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session B46.00001 Quantifying the Flow of Information Between Interacting Systems Room: 217A |
Jasper, Ahren Sandia National Laboratory |
Session B26.00001 Multistate trajectory and statistical theories of spin-forbidden kinetics Room: 204A |
Jayaraman, Arthi University of Delaware |
Session A20.00004 Using multi-scale molecular simulations to guide experimental design of biomaterials for drug and DNA delivery Room: Ballroom B |
Jeffrey, Evan Google Inc. |
Session W39.00009 Adjustable Josephson Coupler for Transmon Qubit Measurement Room: 213AB |
Ji, Chuanyi ECE, Georgia Tech |
Session T3.00004 Resilience of Large-Scale Power Distribution: Modeling and Real Data Room: 002AB |
Jia, Jinfeng Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session S25.00001 Superconductivity in single-layer films of FeSe with a transition temperature above 100 K Room: 203B |
Jiang, Wanjun Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D53.00003 Electrical Creation and Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmion Bubbles Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Joannopoulos, John Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y23.00001 Aneesur Rahman Prize Talk: Working at the Speed of Light Room: 202B |
John Saunders, Andrew Casey and Royal Holloway University of London |
Session EE2.00003 Extending cryogen-free experimental platforms into the microkelvin regime Room: 205 |
Johnson, Roger University of Oxford |
Session M6.00007 Magneto-orbital helices as a route to coupling magnetism and ferroelectricity in multiferroic CaMn7O12 Room: 006A |
Johnston, Steven University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session Q20.00005 Forward scattering from phonons as a pathway to increasing Tc in quasi-two-dimensional unconventional superconductors Room: Ballroom B |
Jonas, David University of Colorado |
Session F27.00001 Anti-correlated vibrations drive fast non-adiabatic light harvesting Room: 204B |
Jonker, Berend Naval Research Laboratory |
Session W51.00002 Electrical detection of current-induced spin polarization due to spin-momentum locking in the topological insulator Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$ Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Jordan, Andrew University of Rochester |
Session G18.00001 Stochastic action principle approach to continuous quantum measurement Room: Mission Room 103A |
Jordan, Stephen NIST |
Session A18.00002 Quantum algorithms for quantum field theories Room: Mission Room 103A |
Julicher, Frank Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session Z46.00001 Tissue mechanics and dynamics during development Room: 217A |
K\"orzd\"orfer, Thomas University of Potsdam, Germany |
Session W19.00003 Range-separated Hybrid Functionals for Molecules and Interfaces Room: Mission Room 103B |
Kapaklis, Vassilios Uppsala University |
Session G28.00003 Ordering, thermal excitations and phase transitions in dipolar coupled mono-domain magnet arrays Room: 205 |
Kapit, Eliot The Graduate Center, City University of New York |
Session W52.00003 Blueprint for an analog quantum code fabric Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Kapitulnik, Aharon Stanford University |
Session J52.00003 Buckley Prize Talk: The Suprerconductor-(Metal)-Insulator Transition Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Kasza, Karen Sloan Kettering Institute |
Session Z46.00002 Spatiotemporal control of the forces that drive cell rearrangements within multicellular tissues Room: 217A |
Kathmann, Shawn Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session D27.00007 Vapor and Condensed Phase Clusters Room: 204B |
Kato, Yuichiro K. The University of Tokyo |
Session A53.00004 Single carbon-nanotube photonics and optoelectronics Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Katzgraber, Helmut G. Texas A\&M University |
Session L53.00005 Seeking Quantum Speedup Through Spin Glasses: Evidence of Tunneling? Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Kawakami, Erika Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft |
Session J53.00003 Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Kaxiras, Efthimios Harvard University |
Session A19.00002 Combining Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory Room: Mission Room 103B |
Keicher, David M. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S19.00002 Functional Structures for System Integrity and Security Room: Mission Room 103B |
Kemei, Moureen Caltech |
Session T53.00004 Magnetostructural coupling in spinel oxides Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Kent, Paul Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session G23.00001 Challenges for large scale ab initio Quantum Monte Carlo Room: 202B |
Ketterle, Wolfgang MIT, Cambridge |
Session B36.00001 Ultracold atoms in strong synthetic magnetic fields Room: 211 |
Khajetoorians, Alexander Radboud University, Institute for Molecules and Materials |
Session T18.00005 Spin sensing and magnetic design at the single atom level Room: Mission Room 103A |
Kim, Dohun University of Wisconsin |
Session J53.00002 Silicon based quantum dot hybrid qubits Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Kim, Jun Sung Department of Physics, POSTECH |
Session T52.00004 Valley-Polarized Interlayer Conduction of Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in SrMnBi$_{2}$ Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Kim, Na Young Stanford University |
Session A52.00005 Vortex-lattice phase order in a microcavity exciton-polariton lattice system Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Kim, Young-June University of Toronto |
Session A12.00001 X-ray scattering and spectroscopy studies of strongly correlated iridates Room: 007C |
Kimura, Tsuyoshi Osaka University |
Session L32.00007 Giant spin-driven ferroelectric polarization and magnetoelectric effect in perovskite rare-earth maganites under high pressure Room: 207B |
King, Phil School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, UK |
Session M2.00004 Direct observation of spin-valley-layer locking in centrosymmetric bulk WSe$_2$ by spin- and angle-resolved photoemission Room: 001B |
Kis, Andras EPFL |
Session B53.00004 Van der Waals heterostructures for photodetection and light harvesting Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Klein, Michael Temple University |
Session D19.00005 Multiscale Simulations of Membranes Room: Mission Room 103B |
Klein, Olivier SPINTEC, UMR CEA/CNRS/UJF-Grenoble 1/Grenoble-INP, INAC, 38054 Grenoble, France |
Session G53.00004 Full control of the spin-wave damping in a magnetic insulator using spin orbit torque Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Klich, Israel University of Virginia |
Session M52.00001 Entanglement Hamiltonians in Fermion Systems and the Riemann-Hilbert problem Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Klimov, Paul University of California, Santa Barbara and University of Chicago |
Session M14.00005 Spin Technologies in Silicon Carbide Room: 008A |
Klinovaja, Jelena Department of Physics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland |
Session M51.00005 Fermionic and Majorana Bound States in Hybrid Nanowires With Rashba and Synthetic Spin-Orbit Interactions Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Knolle, Johannes TCM Cavendish Lab, University of Cambridge |
Session Q28.00001 Dynamical structure factor and Raman scattering of Kitaev spin liquids -- signatures of fractionalization Room: 205 |
Koch, Christiane Universit\"at Kassel |
Session B18.00003 Controlling open quantum systems: Tools, achievements, limitations Room: Mission Room 103A |
Koenig, Robert Technical University Munich |
Session A38.00001 Protected gates for topological quantum field theories Room: 212B |
Kolmogorov, Aleksey Binghamton University, SUNY |
Session A16.00001 Theory-guided discovery of new superconducting materials Room: 101AB |
Kopp, Sacha SUNY Stony Brook |
Session W3.00005 How to double the number of undergraduate physics majors Room: 002AB |
Koppens, Frank ICFO, the Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session A53.00001 Electrical control and detection of nanoscale optical fields with 2d materials Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Korolev, Kirill Boston University |
Session T48.00010 Diffusion limited mutualism Room: 217C |
Kotov, Nicholas University of Michigan |
Session T51.00004 DNA-bridged Chiroplasmonic Assemblies of Nanoparticles Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Kou, Angela Yale University |
Session F52.00004 Electron-hole asymmetry in the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect in bilayer graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Kouwenhoven, Leo Delft Univ of Tech |
Session M51.00004 Experimental progress on Majoranas in semiconductors Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Krim, Jacqueline North Carolina State University |
Session T53.00002 David Adler Lectureship Award Talk: Friction and energy dissipation mechanisms in adsorbed molecules and molecularly thin films Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Kumar, Sanat Columbia University |
Session A20.00002 Nanocomposites with Crystalline Polymers Room: Ballroom B |
Kunc, Vlastimil ORNL |
Session M19.00001 Advances in Additive Manufacturing Room: Mission Room 103B |
Kuroki, Kazuhiko Dept. of Physics, Osaka University |
Session S5.00004 Enhanced spin fluctuations and $s\pm$ pairing by diagonal electron hopping in Fe-based superconductors Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Lai, Keji University of Texas at Austin |
Session T53.00003 Nanoscale Impedance Imaging of Novel Quantum Materials Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Lai, Luhua Peking University |
Session J46.00005 Discovering novel ligands for understanding molecular mechanism of bacteria chemotaxis Room: 217A |
Lan, Ganhui George Washington University |
Session W48.00004 An optimal energy dissipation strategy of the MinCDE oscillator in regulating symmetric bacterial cell division Room: 217C |
Landman, Uzi School of Physics, Georgia Institute of technology |
Session A19.00005 Small is Different: Nanoscale Computational Microscopy Room: Mission Room 103B |
Lanzara, Alessandra University California, Berkeley and Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session T18.00002 Mapping the spin texture of topological insulators with spin, energy, momentum and time resolution Room: Mission Room 103A |
Larsen, Delmar University of California, Davis |
Session G48.00004 Novel Photodynamics in Phytochrome {\&} Cyanobacteriochrome Photosensory Proteins Room: 217C |
Larson, Ronald University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |
Session T42.00004 Mesoscopic Simulation Methods for Polymer Dynamics Room: 214B |
Laskin, Julia Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session Q27.00001 Stability of Phosphine-Ligated Gold Cluster Ions toward Dissociation: Effect of Ligand and Cluster Size Room: 204B |
Lau, Chun Ning (Jeanie) University of California, Riverside |
Session J1.00008 Quantum Transport in Few-Layer Graphene and Phosphorene Devices Room: 001A |
Lavrentovich, Oleg Kent State Univ - Kent, Ohio |
Session Y43.00004 Dynamics of Colloids in Nematic Liquid Crystals Room: 214C |
Law, Kam Tuen Hong Kong Univ of Sci \& Tech |
Session L51.00005 Selective Equal Spin Andreev Reflections induced by Majorana Fermions Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Leal, Cecilia University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q36.00001 Topologically Active Soft Materials for Cellular Delivery Room: 211 |
Lebegue, Sebastien CRM2 Laboratory, Jean Barriol Institute, Nancy |
Session F17.00001 New two dimensional compounds: beyond graphene Room: 102AB |
Lee, Jun-Sik SSRL, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session W53.00005 Spectroscopic findings in SrTiO$_{3}$ applications: LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ and La$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$MnO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ heterostructures Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Lee, Keith CQIQC |
Session G38.00010 Quantum algorithms, quantum field theory, and computational complexity Room: 212B |
Lee, Patrick Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session Y53.00003 Amperean (2k\textunderscore F) pairing and the pseudo-gap phase in HiTc Cuprates Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Lee, Wei-Cheng Binghamton University - SUNY |
Session L5.00001 Experimental Signatures of Orbital Fluctuations in Iron Based Superconductors Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Lee, Yi-Hsien National Tsing Hua University |
Session M1.00007 Synthesis and Characterizations of Two-Dimensional Atomic Layers and Their Heterostructures Room: 001A |
Leghtas, Zaki Yale University |
Session W52.00002 Confining the state of light to a quantum manifold by engineered two-photon loss Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Leibler, Stanislas Rockefeller University and Institute for Advanced Study |
Session F46.00001 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics Award Lecture Room: 217A |
Leighton, Chris University of Minnesota |
Session F53.00001 Kondo Physics at Interfaces in Metallic Non-Local Spin Transport Devices Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Lester, Marsha I. Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session A3.00001 Laser driven hydrogen transfer reactions in atmospheric chemistry Room: 002AB |
Leung, Kevin Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B34.00001 Modeling the Voltage Dependence of Electrochemical Reactions at Solid-Solid and Solid-Liquid Interfaces in Batteries Room: 210A |
Levitov, Leonid Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session S51.00002 Persistent valley currents and topological transport in gapped graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Levy, Pablo CNEA +CONICET |
Session B3.00001 An overview of Experimental Condensed Matter Physics in Argentina by 2014, and Oxides for Non Volatile Memory Devices: The MeMOSat Project Room: 002AB |
Lewandowski, Heather University of Colorado |
Session M20.00003 Preparing students for experimental research through instructional labs Room: Ballroom B |
Lewenstein, Maciej ICFO - Institut de Ci\`encies Fot\`oniques and ICREA - Instituci\'o Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avan\c{c}ats |
Session D18.00002 Novel ways of creating and detecting topological order with cold atoms and ions Room: Mission Room 103A |
Lherbier, Aurelien Universite catholique de Louvain, Institute of condensed matter and nanosciences, chemin des etoiles 8, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium |
Session W16.00011 Electronic transport in graphene structure: from weak to strong localization regimes Room: 101AB |
Li, An-Ping Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session Y1.00004 Formation and electronic properties of coherent in-plane 2D heterostructures Room: 001A |
Li, Christopher Drexel University |
Session S20.00003 Morphology control in solid polymer electrolytes Room: Ballroom B |
Li, Chuan-Feng University of Science and Tech of China |
Session T20.00005 Experimental investigation of Demon-like Algorithmic Quantum Cooling and its Applications Room: Ballroom B |
Li, Jia University of California, Berkeley |
Session G30.00007 Tailoring the topology of an artificial magnetic skyrmion Room: 206B |
Li, Ju Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Z2.00004 Structural design of 2D materials for electronic and optoelectronic applications Room: 001B |
Li, Lian University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
Session Z31.00001 Tuning Dirac states at grain boundaries in the topological insulator Bi2Se3 Room: 207A |
Li, Lu University of Michigan |
Session D14.00001 Quantum Oscillations in Kondo Insulator SmB$_6$ Room: 008A |
Lim, Wendell University of California, San Francisco |
Session R47.00002 Trends in Biological Physics: Synthetic Biology Room: 217B |
Lim, Wendell University of California, San Francisco |
Session L46.00003 Signaling Mechanisms of Proteins and Protein Complexes Room: 217A |
Lin, Eric NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session L19.00001 Additive Manufacturing at NIST Room: Mission Room 103B |
Lindenberg, Aaron Stanford University |
Session G46.00003 Ultrafast response of phase-change memory materials Room: 217A |
Lindenberg, Katja Univ of California - San Diego |
Session J51.00003 Brownian motion, old and new, and Irwin's role in my academic life Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Lindner, Netanel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session A51.00003 Interactions and dissipation in Floquet-Bloch systems Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Lipson, Jane Dartmouth College |
Session D20.00002 Approaching the Glass Transition from Various Directions Room: Ballroom B |
Lischka, Hans Texas Tech University |
Session Q26.00001 Multi-reference vs. single-reference quantum chemical methods in surface hopping dynamics Room: 204A |
Liu, Chaoxing The Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University |
Session G7.00004 Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Semiconductors Room: 006B |
Liu, Chen-Ching Washington State University |
Session T3.00003 Resiliency of Distribution Systems: State-of-the-Art and the Future Room: 002AB |
Liu, Kai University of California - Davis |
Session B30.00004 (001) Oriented $L1_{0}$ FeCuPt for Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording Room: 206B |
Liu, Luqiao IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session J28.00007 Spin polarized tunneling study on spin Hall effect metals and topological insulators Room: 205 |
Liu, Yinyu Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 |
Session Q37.00001 Semiconductor double quantum dot micromaser Room: 212A |
Loncar, Marco Harvard |
Session S46.00005 Diamond Nanomechanics Room: 217A |
Lopez, Benjamin Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session B48.00004 Dissecting EB1-microtubule interactions from every direction: using single-molecule visualization and static and dynamic binding measurements Room: 217C |
Lopez-Acevedo, Olga Aalto University |
Session T51.00001 DNA base pairing by noble metal cations: Structure and electronic properties from Density Functional Theory Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Losert, Wolfgang University of Maryland |
Session G47.00010 Wave-Based Mechanisms for Contact Guidance and Collective Cell Migration Room: 217B |
Loth, Sebastian Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany |
Session F21.00007 Time-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy for studies of nanoscale magnetization dynamics Room: 201 |
Louie, Steven G. Univ of California - Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session T2.00004 Interaction and Correlation Effects in Quasi Two-dimensional Materials Room: 001B |
Lu, Donghui SSRL SLAC - Stanford |
Session Z5.00001 Competing phases in iron-based superconductors Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Lu, Zhong-Yi Department of Physics, Renmin University of China |
Session Z51.00004 First-principles study of the electron/spin-phonon interaction in compressed FeSe crystal and FeSe/STO system Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Luo, Jianlin Institute of Physics, Chinese academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China |
Session T25.00001 Superconductivity in the vicinity of antiferromagnetic order in CrAs and related materials Room: 203B |
Luo, Yongkang Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B52.00005 Kondo effect and quantum criticality in Ce-based pnictides Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Luscombe, Christine University of Washington, Seattle |
Session F41.00005 Manipulating the backbone structure of semiconducting polymers Room: 214A |
Lutkenhaus, Jodie Texas A\&M University |
Session S20.00001 Thermal and pH Transitions in Polyelectrolyte Complexes and Multilayers Room: Ballroom B |
Ma, Jianpeng Baylor College of Medicine |
Session J46.00004 Integrating Incomplete X-ray Crystallographic Data and MD Simulations Room: 217A |
Ma, Qiong Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A53.00002 Hot Carriers and Photoresponse in Graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Ma, Xucun Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session D0.00007 Interface enhanced superconductivity in one unit-cell FeSe films grown on SrTiO3 Room: Ballroom A |
Maass, Corinna Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, G\"ottingen |
Session Z49.00008 Active droplets as biomimetic model swimmers Room: 217D |
Maciejko, Joseph University of Alberta |
Session Y52.00002 Theory of the quantum Hall nematic transition Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Madsen, Georg Ruhr Univ Bochum |
Session Z18.00004 High-throughput evaluation of descriptors for thermoelectric materials Room: Mission Room 103A |
Mahadevan, L. Harvard University |
Session G43.00007 Physics and (patho)physiology in confined flows: from colloidal patterns to cytoplasmic rheology and sickle cell anemia Room: 214C |
Session L12.00008 Bulk oxides: asymmetry between p-and n-type transport properties Room: 007C |
Mak, Kin Fai Penn State University |
Session G2.00004 Probing the valley Hall effect in MoS2 transistors Room: 001B |
Manning, M. Lisa Syracuse University |
Session B51.00002 A theoretical framework for jamming in confluent biological tissues Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Manoharan, Vinothan N. Harvard University |
Session T51.00005 DNA-mediated self-assembly of polyhedral plasmonic clusters Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Mantese, Joseph United Technologies Research Center |
Session L19.00004 Additive Manufacturing Enabled Ubiquitous Sensing in Aerospace and Integrated Building Systems Room: Mission Room 103B |
Mao, Xiaoming University of Michigan |
Session B51.00004 Mechanical Instabilities at Finite Temperature Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Maranas, Janna K. Departments of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University |
Session A20.00005 Ion Containing Polymers for Battery Technology Room: Ballroom B |
Marder, Michael Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session W3.00003 Losing and Saving and Losing Physics in Texas Room: 002AB |
Marianetti, Chris Columbia Univ |
Session M13.00001 Emergent Phenomena in Oxide Superlattices from DFT+DMFT Room: 007D |
Marie, Xavier Universite de Toulouse, INSA-CNRS-UPS, LPCNO |
Session F2.00004 Excitons and Valley Dynamics in MoS$_{2}$, MoSe$_{2}$ and WSe$_{2}$ monolayers Room: 001B |
Martin, James Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Q18.00001 Complex magnetic fields breathe life into fluids Room: Mission Room 103A |
Martinez, Alberto University of Texas at Austin |
Session B19.00002 Bruno, Galileo, Einstein: The Value of Myths in Physics Room: Mission Room 103B |
Martinis, John UC Santa Barbara and Google Inc. |
Session D51.00002 Bit-flip error correction with superconducting Xmon qubits Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Marzari, Nicola Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Session Z53.00002 Phonon hydrodynamics in two-dimensional materials Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Mattsson, Ann Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM |
Session M18.00004 What Density Functional Theory could do for Quantum Information Room: Mission Room 103A |
Mazin, Igor Naval Research Lab |
Session J16.00004 Magnetic, structural and superconducting phase diagram in bulk Fe chalcogenides: role of nematic fluctuations and biquadratic exchange Room: 101AB |
McBride, Duncan National Science Foundation (Retired) |
Session G3.00001 NSF Support for Physics at the Undergraduate Level: A View from Inside Room: 002AB |
McClean, Jarrod Harvard University |
Session L38.00011 Variational Quantum Eigensolver: How to Use Any Quantum Device in Your Lab to Perform Quantum Simulation Room: 212B |
McCoy, Anne Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University |
Session S27.00001 Spectral signatures of large amplitude vibrations in solvated ions. What do the intensities tell us about structure, bonding and dynamics? Room: 204B |
McMahon, Peter Stanford Univ - Ginzton Lab |
Session T37.00004 Explorations with a new qubit system: Exchange Interactions between Quantum Dot Spin Qubits and Quantum Well Excitons Room: 212A |
McQueen, Tyrel Johns Hopkins University |
Session S52.00001 Emergent Separation of Valence Bond Regimes in LiZn$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$ Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Medford, James Harvard University |
Session J53.00001 Control and Measurement of an Exchange-Only Spin Qubit Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Meingast, Christoph Institute for Solid State Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Session A0.00007 Nematicity without magnetism in FeSe - evidence for orbital ordering? Room: Ballroom A |
Meisel, Mark W. Department of Physics and NHMFL, University of Florida |
Session A31.00001 Photocontrol of Magnetism above 77~K in Nanoscaled Heterostructures of Cyanometallate Coordination Networks: Mechanism and Limits Room: 207A |
Meisner, Gregory P. General Motors Research and Development |
Session F12.00004 Automotive Thermoelectric Waste Heat Recovery Room: 007C |
Mellado, Paula Adolfo Iba\~nez University |
Session M28.00006 Projective symmetry of partons in Kitaev's honeycomb model Room: 205 |
Mellnik, Alex Cornell Univ |
Session G52.00003 Spin-transfer torque generated by a topological insulator Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Meth, Jeffrey CR\&D, DuPont Co. |
Session L18.00002 Thermal Imaging Processes of Polymer Nanocomposite Coatings Room: Mission Room 103A |
Meyer, David University of California/San Diego |
Session A18.00001 Nonlinear (quantum) search Room: Mission Room 103A |
Meza, Lucas California Institute of Technology |
Session W25.00004 Mechanical properties of 3D ceramic nanolattices Room: 203B |
Mezzenga, Raffaele ETH Zurich |
Session W20.00003 Self-assembly of Amyloid Fibrils in One, Two and Three Dimensions Room: Ballroom B |
Miller, David Stanford University |
Session S6.00001 Self-Configuring Universal Linear Optics Room: 006A |
Milliron, Delia The University of Texas at Austin |
Session F26.00001 Tunable and responsive plasmonic properties of metal oxide nanocrystals Room: 204A |
Millis, Andrew Columbia University |
Session Z51.00005 Density Functional Plus Dynamical Mean Field Theory of Correlated Oxides Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Milner, Scott Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q42.00007 Flow-Induced Crystallization and Nucleation in Isotactic Polypropylenes Room: 214B |
Min, Byung Il POSTECH |
Session D14.00005 Temperature dependence, termination dependence, and the spin chirality of the electronic structure of a mixed-valent topological insulator: SmB6 Room: 008A |
Miskin, Marc Cornell University |
Session J44.00003 Designing Jammed Materials from the Particle Up Room: 214D |
Mitra, Samindranath American Physical Society APS |
Session S3.00002 Validity, not Dissemination Room: 002AB |
Mobilia, Mauro University of Leeds |
Session S48.00010 Spiraling patterns in evolutionary models inspired by bacterial games with cyclic dominance Room: 217C |
Mody, Cyrus Rice University |
Session L24.00002 Burnt by the Sun: Jack Kilby and the `70s Solar Boom Room: 203AB |
Moerner, W.E. Stanford University |
Session Q0.00002 Light and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, Imaging, and Photocontrol: Foundations for Super-Resolution Microscopy Room: Ballroom A |
Moessner, Roderich MPI-PKS Dresden |
Session S52.00004 Doping and disorder in spin liquids Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Mohanty, Udayan Department of Chemistry, Boston College |
Session J51.00004 Ion Atmosphere Near Nucleic Acids Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Monroe, Charles University of Michigan |
Session S20.00002 Multicomponent transport in membranes for redox flow batteries Room: Ballroom B |
Moore, Robert SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session Z51.00001 Significant Tc enhancement in FeSe films on SrTiO3 due to interfacial mode coupling Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Moran, Andrew University of North Carolina |
Session F27.00003 Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy by Six-Wave Mixing Room: 204B |
Morelli, Donald Michigan State University |
Session B12.00004 Some Interesting Physics in Tetrahedrite-Based Thermoelectrics Room: 007C |
Morozov, Alexandre Rutgers University, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session Z47.00007 Statistical mechanics of nucleosome assembly and chromatin packaging Room: 217B |
Morpurgo, Alberto University of Geneva |
Session F52.00003 Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect in multi-terminal suspended bilayer graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Morris, Jeffrey Levich Institute, City College of New York |
Session Z19.00003 Discontinuous Shear Thickening and Dilatancy: Frictional Effects in Viscous Suspensions Room: Mission Room 103B |
Motter, Adilson Northwestern University |
Session D44.00003 Mechanical Metamaterials with Negative Compressibility Transitions Room: 214D |
Moussa, Jonathan Sandia National Laboratories |
Session L14.00004 Designing shallow donors in diamond Room: 008A |
Moutafis, Christoforos Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session D53.00005 Dynamics of Skyrmionic Spin Structures Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Mueller, Thomas Vienna University of Technology |
Session A53.00003 Optoelectronics with 2D semiconductors Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Mukhopadhyay, Shomeek Yale University |
Session D50.00010 Dynamic jamming under impact in shear thickening suspensions Room: 218 |
Mullin, Amy University of Maryland |
Session A3.00003 Dynamics of Molecular Gyroscopes Created by Strong Optical Fields Room: 002AB |
Munsky, Brian Colorado State University |
Session L47.00001 Integrating discrete stochastic models and single-cell experiments to infer predictive models of MAPK-induced transcription dynamics Room: 217B |
Murch, Kater Physics Department, Washington University, St. Louis |
Session T39.00002 Quantum Measurement in Superconducting Circuits Room: 213AB |
Murch, Kater Physics Department, Washington University, St. Louis |
Session G18.00005 Prediction, Retrodiction, and Smoothing for a Continuously Monitored Superconducting qubit Room: Mission Room 103A |
Murnane, Margaret University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Q0.00005 The Light Science of Coherent X-rays: How Quantum Dynamics Solved a 50 Year Challenge Room: Ballroom A |
Murugan, Arvind Harvard |
Session B46.00003 A synthetic playground for non-equilibrium error correction and information processing Room: 217A |
Nadiga, Balu LANL |
Session G20.00003 A look at two disparate limits of the climate system: oceanic sub-mesoscales and global energy balance Room: Ballroom B |
Nadj-Perge, Stevan Princeton University, USA |
Session M51.00002 Observation of Majorana fermions in ferromagnetic atomic chains on a superconductor Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Nagel, Sidney R. The University of Chicago |
Session B51.00001 Exploiting disorder for global response: Independence of bond-level response and selected-bond removal networks Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Nakajima, Takashi RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science |
Session L37.00001 Addressable single-spin control in multiple quantum dots coupled in series Room: 212A |
Nakamura, Shuji University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Q0.00004 History and Future Developments of Blue/Green/White LEDs and Laser Diodes Room: Ballroom A |
Nakano, Masami Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University |
Session Q18.00005 MR effect enhancement of bidisperse MR fluids containing micron- and nano-sized iron particles Room: Mission Room 103A |
Nakatani, Alan The Dow Chemical Company |
Session L18.00001 Structure-Property Relationships of Architectural Coatings by Neutron Methods Room: Mission Room 103A |
Nakatsuji, Satoru ISSP, University of Tokyo |
Session B52.00004 Strange metal without magnetic instability in $\beta-$YbAlB$_4$ Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Nakhmanson, Serge University of Connecticut - Storrs |
Session J13.00001 Complex-oxide multilayers by design: a treasure trove of unusual ferroic functionalities Room: 007D |
Nandkishore, Rahul Princeton University |
Session L52.00004 Localization protected quantum order Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Nashed, Youssef Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y19.00002 Every factor helps: Rapid Ptychographic Reconstruction Room: Mission Room 103B |
Nasu, Joji Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session L28.00013 A liquid-gas transition in a 3D Kitaev model Room: 205 |
Natterer, Fabian Donat NIST, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology |
Session L21.00007 Chiral Enhanced Phonon Excitations in Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy of Graphene Room: 201 |
Nelson, David Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session G51.00002 Free-standing thermalized graphene: a hard/soft hybrid Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Nelson, Shane University of Vermont |
Session L48.00010 Glycosylases utilize ``stop and go'' motion to locate DNA damage Room: 217C |
Nesbitt, David JILA, University of Colorado |
Session S26.00003 Multiphoton Photoemission/Velocity Map Imaging Studies of Single Particle Plasmonics: A New Ultrafast Laser Microscopy Tool for Nanomaterials Room: 204A |
Newman, David Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks |
Session S18.00002 Complex Dynamics of the Power Transmission Grid (and other Critical Infrastructures) Room: Mission Room 103A |
Ngan, Alfonso University of Hong Kong |
Session J25.00008 Strength and Dislocation Structure Evolution of Small Metals under Vibrations Room: 203B |
Niimi, Yasuhiro Univ of Tokyo-Kashiwanoha |
Session T28.00001 Spin Hall Effect in Spin Glass Systems Room: 205 |
Nishikawa, Takashi Northwestern University |
Session S18.00001 Realistic modeling and analysis of synchronization dynamics in power-grid networks Room: Mission Room 103A |
Niss, Kristine DNRF Center ``Glass and Time,'' IMFUFA, NSM, Roskilde University |
Session D20.00003 Simple aging in molecular glasses Room: Ballroom B |
Niu, Qian The University of Texas at Austin |
Session W51.00003 Spin pumping and spin-transfer torques in antiferromagnet Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Nogues, Josep ICREA and ICN2 - Institut Catala de Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia, Barcelona, Spain |
Session W30.00001 Antiferromagnetic coupling in ferrimagnetic hard-soft core/shell nanoparticles Room: 206B |
Norskov, Jens Stanford University |
Session M27.00004 Irving Langmuir Prize Lecture - A predictive theory of transition metal surface catalysis Room: 204B |
Nourafkan, Reza D{\'e}partement de Physique and RQMP, Universit{\'e} de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada |
Session M47.00003 Electric polarization of Sr$_{0.5}$Ba$_{0.5}$MnO$_{3}$: a multiferroic Mott insulator Room: 217B |
Nussinov, Ruth National Cancer Institute |
Session A48.00004 Principles of allosteric mechanisms in cell signaling Room: 217C |
Oberthaler, Markus Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, 69120 Heidelberg/Germany |
Session L20.00004 Quantum atom optics with BEC: Fisher information for entangled non-Gaussian many particle states Room: Ballroom B |
Obi, Bernard The Dow Chemical Company |
Session J3.00003 Control of crystal morphology and orientation in nano-confined semi-crystalline polymer films to obtain superior barrier performance Room: 002AB |
Odom, Brian Northwestern University |
Session W18.00004 Getting trapped molecules into the quantum toolkit Room: Mission Room 103A |
Oh, Yoon Seok Department of Physics, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) |
Session B6.00004 Experimental Demonstration of Hybrid Improper Ferroelectric in the Layered Ruddlesden-Popper Compounds Room: 006A |
Ohldag, Hendrik SLAC, Stanford University |
Session G53.00005 X-ray Imaging of Spin Wave Dynamics at the Nanoscale Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Okamoto, Satoshi Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session B13.00001 Topological properties and correlation effects in oxide heterostructures Room: 007D |
Olvera De La Cruz, Monica Northwestern Univ |
Session W20.00001 Electrostatic self-assembly of biomolecules Room: Ballroom B |
Ong, N. Phuan Dept of Physics, Princeton University |
Session T52.00003 Ultrahigh mobility and giant magnetoresistance in the Dirac Semimetals Cd$_{3}$As$_{2}$ and Na$_{3}$Bi Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Onuchic, Jose Rice University |
Session F48.00004 Redox-controlled proton gating in bovine cytochrome $c$ oxidase Room: 217C |
Orr-Ewing, Andrew University of Bristol |
Session B26.00005 Ultrafast dynamics in DNA base pairs following ultraviolet excitation. Room: 204A |
Osborn, Raymond Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y51.00001 A New Magnetic Phase in Hole-Doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$: Implications for the Origin of Nematicity Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Osuji, Chinedum Yale University |
Session J20.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Lecture: Magnetic Field Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers and Surfactant Mesophases Room: Ballroom B |
Otani, Minoru National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
Session Y4.00001 First-principles molecular dynamics simulations of electrochemical reaction s using the ESM method Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Otte, Sander Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session G53.00001 Atomic spin chains as testing ground for quantum magnetism Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Ouellette, Jennifer Science Writer |
Session G4.00002 TBA Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Papic, Zlatko Perimeter Institute |
Session F52.00002 Topological phases in the zeroth Landau level of bilayer graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Pappas, David NIST - Boulder |
Session S39.00001 The Roles of Materials, Processing, and Design in Quantum Information Circuits Room: 213AB |
Paredes, Bel\'en Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC |
Session D18.00001 Constructing and Deconstructing Non-Abelian Anyons Room: Mission Room 103A |
Parish, Meera Univ Coll London |
Session F18.00004 Pairing phenomena in quasi-2D Fermi gases Room: Mission Room 103A |
Park, Moon Jeong Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) |
Session S20.00004 Morphology and Ionic Conductivity of Block Copolymer Electrolytes Containing Ionic Liquids Room: Ballroom B |
Parker, Colin University of Chicago |
Session T36.00004 Engineering Ferromagnetism with Shaken Optical Lattices Room: 210B |
Parpia, Jeevak Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853 |
Session S53.00003 Observation of the Polar Phase of $^{3}$He Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Parrinello, Michele ETH Zurich and Universit\`a della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland |
Session D19.00001 A Variational Approach to Enhanced Sampling and Free Energy Calculations Room: Mission Room 103B |
Parsegian, Adrian Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session F9.00007 Repulsive van der Waals forces and other delights from the Lifshitz approach Room: 006D |
Pastawski, Horacio M. Instituto de Fisica Enrique Gaviola, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba |
Session Q3.00001 Spin dynamics with Solid State NMR and GPU calculations: Loschmidt Echoes, Intrinsic Decoherence and Quantum Dynamical Phase Transitions Room: 002AB |
Pasupathy, Abhay Columbia University |
Session Y51.00005 Electronic nematicity in Iron Pnictide superconductors probed via STM Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Pecharsky, Vitalij Ames Laboratory and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University |
Session G19.00001 Magnetocaloric cooling: the phenomenon and materials Room: Mission Room 103B |
Pecora, Louis Naval Research Laboratory |
Session M45.00001 Symmetries, Cluster Synchronization, and Isolated Desynchronization in Complex Networks Room: 216AB |
Peng, Rui State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Department of Physics, Fudan University |
Session Z51.00003 Tuning the superconductivity in single-layer FeSe/oxides by interface engineering Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Pennycook, Stephen National University of Singapore |
Session B32.00001 Probing functional perovskites through scanning transmission electron microscopy and first-principles theory Room: 207B |
Pennypacker, Carlton Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and UC Berkeley |
Session J4.00003 Developing a Global Science and Math Education System Based on Real Astronomy Data Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Perkins, Natalia Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
Session M53.00001 Importance of anisotropic exchange interactions in honeycomb iridates. New phenomena due to Kitaev interactions. Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Peter, Christine University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany |
Session D19.00002 Bridging scales: from atoms to coarse-grained models for soft matter systems Room: Mission Room 103B |
Pham, Tuan Anh Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session D36.00001 Electronic properties of semiconductor-water interfaces: Predictions from \textit{ab-initio} molecular dynamics and many-body perturbation theory Room: 211 |
Pignedoli, Carlo Antonio Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, 8600 D\"ubendorf, Switzerland |
Session T17.00013 Electronic and Optical Properties of Atomically Precise Graphene Nanoribbons and Heterojunctions Room: 102AB |
Pikulin, Dmitry Department of Physics and Astronomy and Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
Session F3.00005 Quantum spin Hall effect in InAs/GaSb bilayers subject to exciton condensation and magnetic field Room: 002AB |
Pixley, Jedediah Condensed Matter Theory Center, Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session B52.00002 Magnetic Frustration in the Shastry-Sutherland Kondo lattice and the Global Phase Diagram of Heavy Fermion Metals Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Plaza, Antonio Escuela Politécnica de Cáceres |
Session Y19.00003 Rapid insights from remote sensing in the geosciences Room: Mission Room 103B |
Plumb, Kemp Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y29.00011 Giant anisotropic interactions in frustrated quantum magnet BiCu2PO6 Room: 206A |
Polini, Marco NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy) and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs, Genova (Italy) |
Session B53.00002 Loss mechanisms in graphene plasmonics Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Ponomarenko, Leonid Lancaster University |
Session Q1.00013 Cloning of Dirac fermions and hierarchy of Hofstadter states in graphene superlattices Room: 001A |
Pop, Ioan M. Department of Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session Z39.00003 Coherent Suppression of Quasiparticle Dissipation in Superconducting Artificial Atom Room: 213AB |
Potvin, Geoff Department of Physics, and STEM Transformation Institute, Florida International University |
Session F33.00001 Are you a ``physics person''? Understanding students' experiences, identities, and beliefs Room: 208 |
Powers, Thomas Brown University |
Session Q49.00004 Mechanics of swimming at the small scale in complex fluids Room: 217D |
Prather, Kristala Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L46.00005 Metabolite Valves: Dynamic Control of Metabolic Flux for Pathway Engineering Room: 217A |
Pratt, Gill Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Sciences |
Session M3.00003 Cognitive Computing and Robotics: Implications for Future Defense Systems Room: 002AB |
Pribiag, Vlad Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session F37.00001 Superconducting Edge-Mode Transport in InAs/GaSb Double Quantum Wells Room: 212A |
Procaccia, Itamar The Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session J51.00005 The Typical Lengthscale Characterizing the Glass Transition at Lower Temperatures Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Pusey, Matthew Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session M38.00001 Contextuality: a benchmark for ``quantumness'' in theory and experiment Room: 212B |
Qian, Hong University of Washington, Department of Applied Mathematics |
Session B46.00002 Phosphorylation Hypothesis: A Fourth Sink of ATP for Cellular Information Processing? Room: 217A |
Qin, Jian University of Chicago |
Session Z20.00005 Polymer twists: entanglement and packing ansatz Room: Ballroom B |
Qu\'er\'e, David ESPCI, Paris |
Session G51.00003 Liquids Gone With the Wind Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Quevedo-Lopez, Manuel University of Texas at Dallas |
Session Q3.00003 Large area radiation detectors based on II VI thin films Room: 002AB |
Rabl, Peter Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics, Vienna University of Technology |
Session S46.00004 Phonon cooling and lasing with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond Room: 217A |
Raizen, Mark University of Texas at Austin |
Session A3.00004 An Alternative to Laser Cooling Room: 002AB |
Ralph, Daniel Cornell Univ |
Session W51.00001 Spin Hall effect and spin-transfer torque generated by a topological insulator Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Ralph, Daniel C. Cornell University |
Session J19.00003 Spin-Torque Switching with the Giant Spin Hall Effect Room: Mission Room 103B |
Ramakrishnan, Raghu University of Basel |
Session D16.00004 Machine Learning Methods for the Sampling of Chemical Space From First Principles Room: 101AB |
Rand, Barry Princeton University |
Session Q41.00004 Pushing structural limits to reveal fundamental mechanisms of organic solar cell operation Room: 214A |
Rao, Satish Institute of Mechanical Engineering, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session J25.00004 Large Scale 3-D Dislocation Dynamics and Atomistic Simulations of Flow and Strain-Hardening Behavior of Metallic Micropillars Room: 203B |
Rappoport, Tatiana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Session W29.00001 Extrinsic spin Hall effect in graphene Room: 206A |
Raschke, Markus University of Colorado |
Session A27.00006 Seeing with the nano-eye: accessing structure, function, and dynamics of matter on its natural length and time scales Room: 204B |
Rau, Jeffrey G. University of Waterloo |
Session M53.00004 Generic spin model for the honeycomb iridates with trigonal distortion Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Raychaudhuri, Pratap Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai |
Session D15.00004 Emergence of nanoscale inhomogeneity and finite frequency superfluid response in disordered superconductors Room: 008B |
Raymer, Michael University of Oregon |
Session F27.00005 Ultrafast 2D Fluorescence Spectroscopy using Spectrally Entangled Photon Pairs Room: 204B |
Read, Daniel The University of Leeds |
Session Z20.00003 From molecules to non-linear rheology of highly branched, entangled polymers: getting your priorities right Room: Ballroom B |
Read, Nicholas Yale University |
Session Y52.00003 Hall viscosity Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Reboredo, Fernando Materials Science & Technology Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session W19.00004 New Developments in Diffusion QMC for materials Room: Mission Room 103B |
Rechtsman, Mikael The Pennsylvania State University |
Session A51.00001 Aspects of photonic topological insulators Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Redish, Edward University of Maryland |
Session G3.00003 The Maryland PERG: Two decades of learning how students learn Room: 002AB |
Reed, Matthew Yale University; currently at HRL Laboratories |
Session T53.00005 Entanglement and Quantum Error Correction with Superconducting Qubits Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Reeves, Mark George Washington University |
Session L33.00004 Hands-on-Entropy, Energy Balance with Biological Relevance Room: 208 |
Regan, Lynne Yale University |
Session F48.00010 Hard-Sphere Models for Predicting Side Chain Conformations of Proteins Room: 217C |
Reichhardt, Charles Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q25.00004 Reversible Avalanches and Criticality in Amorphous Solids Room: 203B |
Reis, Pedro Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session G51.00005 The Extreme Mechanics of Soft Structures Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Rericha, Erin Vanderbilt University |
Session W49.00007 "Please choose a title, something about migration on subtrates" Room: 217D |
Rezayi, Edward Cal State Univ- Los Angeles |
Session M52.00005 Quantum Entanglement and the Topological Order of Fractional Hall States Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Rhone, Trevor David NTT and ERATO-JST |
Session Q4.00005 NMR probing of quantum electron solids in high magnetic fields Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Richert, Ranko Arizona State University |
Session A43.00007 Dielectric Relaxation of Materials that Form Ultra-Stable Glasses Room: 214C |
Ringeisen, Bradley Naval Research Laboratory |
Session M19.00002 3D Printing of Human Tissue Mimics via Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polymer/Hydrogel Biopapers Room: Mission Room 103B |
Rinke, Patrick Aalto University, School of Science, 00076 Aalto, Finland |
Session W19.00002 Towards a unified description of ground and excited state properties: \textit{GW} vs RPA and beyond Room: Mission Room 103B |
Rist\`e, Diego QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session D51.00005 Detecting bit-flip errors in a logical qubit using stabilizer measurements Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Rivoire, Olivier CNRS \& Universit\'e Grenoble Alpes |
Session F46.00004 Heredity in Evolution \& Evolution of Heredity Room: 217A |
Robinson, Jeremy Naval Research Lab |
Session J1.00001 Hybridized Graphene Materials Room: 001A |
Roch, Nicolas CNRS and Universite? Grenoble Alpes, Institut Ne?el, 38042 Grenoble, France |
Session T39.00001 Continuous measurement of two spatially separated superconducting qubits: quantum trajectories and statistics Room: 213AB |
Rockward, Willie S. Morehouse College |
Session W3.00004 Morehouse Physics {\&} Dual Degree Engineering Program: We $C.A.R.E.$ Approach Room: 002AB |
Rogers, John University of Illinois |
Session M46.00001 Soft Electronics for the Human Body Room: 217A |
Rondinelli, James Northwestern University |
Session S32.00004 Electrostatic Chemical Strain: An Approach to Electronic Structure Engineering in Layered Oxides Room: 207B |
Ropers, Claus University of Goettingen |
Session A27.00004 Ultrafast electron microscopy and diffraction with laser-driven field emitters Room: 204B |
Roque da Silva, Antonio Jos\'e Laborat\'orio Nacional de Luz S\'incrotron - LNLS |
Session Q3.00002 An Upgrade for the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source: Are you Sirius? Room: 002AB |
Rose, Volker Argonne National Laboratory |
Session M46.00003 Picasso at the Nanoscale: The Art of Using Cutting-Edge Science to Understand Cultural Heritage Room: 217A |
Rosenthal, Ethan Columbia University |
Session G16.00004 Visualization of electronic nematicity in the iron pnictides Room: 101AB |
Ross, Kate Colorado State University |
Session S52.00002 Low energy XY spin clusters in a pyrochlore antiferromagnet with weak disorder Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Roth, Connie B. Dept. of Physics, Emory University |
Session S43.00007 Perturbation of Glassy Dynamics in Thin Polymer Films due to Interfaces Room: 214C |
Roushan, Pedram Google Inc., Santa Barbara, CA |
Session A51.00005 Observation of topological transitions in interacting quantum circuits Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Rousseau, Valery Louisiana State University |
Session J24.00005 Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of bosons with complex interactions Room: 203AB |
Roy, Sujoy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F30.00004 Unraveling skyrmion spin texture using resonant soft x-ray scattering Room: 206B |
Rubinstein, Michael University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session D48.00004 Self-Healing of Polymer Networks with Reversible Bonds Room: 217C |
Ruchti, Randal C. University of Notre Dame |
Session J4.00004 The Role of Outreach in NSF Proposals Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Rudner, Mark Copenhagen University |
Session A51.00004 Topology in Floquet-Bloch systems: physics beyond the topological insulators Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Rudolph, Terence Imperial College London |
Session T20.00001 Quantum Quantum-Thermodynamics Room: Ballroom B |
Ruiz, Ricardo HGST, a Western Digital Company |
Session J3.00001 Nanofabrication in the Magnetic Recording Industry: Past, Present and Future Room: 002AB |
Runt, James Pennsylvania State University |
Session S20.00005 Ionomer Dynamics: Insights from Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy* Room: Ballroom B |
Russell, David Texas A\&M University |
Session L27.00006 Solute-Solvent Structural Changes that Accompany Ion Dehydration in Electrospray Ionization (ESI) as Revealed by Cryogenic (80 K) Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry (IM-MS) Room: 204B |
Russell, Stuart Professor of Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley |
Session M3.00001 The Future of (Artificial) Intelligence Room: 002AB |
Ruta, Beatrice ESRF-The European Synchrotron, Grenoble. |
Session B20.00004 Atomic motion and physical aging in structural glasses revealed by coherent X-rays Room: Ballroom B |
Rzayev, Javid University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Session D43.00007 Aqueous Self-Assembly of Non-Ionic Bottlebrush Block Copolymer Surfactants with Tunable Molecular Shapes Room: 214C |
Sachrajda, Andrew National Research Council of Canada |
Session J53.00004 Control of Spin States in Triple Quantum Dots Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Sagawa, Takahiro The University of Tokyo |
Session Z3.00004 Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems with Feedback Control Room: 002AB |
Sakai, Tetsuo AIST Japan |
Session G46.00004 Metal Hydride Batteries for Energy Storage Room: 217A |
Salahuddin, Sayeef EECS, UC Berkeley |
Session A30.00007 Controlling Magnetization using Spin Orbit Torque Room: 206B |
Salfi, Joe Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, University of New South Wales |
Session M14.00004 Quantum interference and correlations in single dopants and exchange-coupled dopants in silicon Room: 008A |
Salmeron, Miquel Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F34.00001 Electronic Spectroscopy at the Solid-Liquid Interface: A Window to Electrochemistry and Solvation Phenomena Room: 210A |
Salmeron, Miquel Materials Science Division of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D52.00002 Davisson-Germer Prize Talk: Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces in Vacuum and Under Ambient Gas Pressures Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Samarth, Nitin Penn State University |
Session L2.00004 Topological Spintronics: Materials, Phenomena and Devices Room: 001B |
Sammler, Robert The Dow Chemical Company |
Session Q19.00002 New insights on cellulosic ether hydrogels Room: Mission Room 103B |
Sanchez, Ana M. Department of Physics. University of Warwick |
Session Y2.00007 Monolayer MoSe$_{2}$/WSe$_{2}$ heterojunctions at the atomic level Room: 001B |
Sano, Masaki University of Tokyo |
Session B46.00004 Experimental Demonstration of Information-to-Energy Conversion in Small Fluctuating Systems Room: 217A |
Santangelo, Christian University of Massachusetts |
Session D44.00001 From form to feel: using origami design principles to shape mechanics Room: 214D |
Santha, Miklos CNRS, Universit\'e Paris Diderot and CQT, National University of Singapore |
Session A18.00005 Hidden subgroups and hidden polynomials Room: Mission Room 103A |
Santore, Maria University of Massachusetts |
Session S49.00004 Mimicking the Interfacial Dynamics of Flowing White Blood Cells Room: 217D |
Sanvito, Stefano School of Physics, AMBER and CRANN Institute, Trinity College Dublin |
Session Z18.00002 The magnetic genome project Room: Mission Room 103A |
Sarkar, Sumantra Brandeis University |
Session W44.00007 A Unified Framework to Understand Shear Induced Rigidity in Athermal Materials Room: 214D |
Sarrao, John Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session R6.00001 Community input and update from Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee's Directing Matter and Energy Subcommittee Room: 006A |
Sauls, James Northwestern Univ |
Session S53.00002 Signatures of Majorana and Weyl Fermions in confined phases of superfluid $^3$He Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Saunders, John Royal Holloway University of London |
Session S53.00001 Evidence for intertwined superfluid and density wave order in two dimensional $^{4}$He Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Saven, Jeffery University of Pennsylvania |
Session W20.00002 Theory and Computational Design of Protein Materials Room: Ballroom B |
Savvidis, Pavlos Nanophotonics Centre, Cavendish Lab, University of Cambridge, UK FORTH-IESL and Dept. of Materials S |
Session A52.00004 Pattern formation in interacting exciton-polariton condensates Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Sawtelle, Vashti Michigan State University |
Session L33.00001 Rethinking Physics for Biologists: A design-based research approach Room: 208 |
Sawtelle, Vashti Michigan State University |
Session F33.00002 Understanding Women's Success in Physics through Self-Efficacy Room: 208 |
Scala, Antonio CNR |
Session S18.00003 Self Healing Percolation Room: Mission Room 103A |
Schaibley, John University of Washington |
Session S2.00004 Optoelectronics of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers and Heterostructures Room: 001B |
Schattenmann, Florian The Dow Chemical Company |
Session Q19.00001 Polymer Physics as a Key to Advanced Manufacturing at Dow Room: Mission Room 103B |
Schiffer, Peter Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B29.00001 Thermalization, Charge Ordering, and other Recent Developments in Artificial Spin Ice Room: 206A |
Schmid, Andreas Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session T18.00004 Imaging chiral spin textures with spin-polarized low energy electron microscopy Room: Mission Room 103A |
Schneider, Ulrich LMU \& MPQ Munich |
Session D18.00005 An Aharonov-Bohom interferometer for determining Bloch band topology Room: Mission Room 103A |
Schoelkopf, Robert Yale University |
Session D51.00004 Tracking a Quantum Error Syndrome in Real Time: Quantum Jumps of Photon Parity Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Schoetz Collins, Eva-Maria University of California, San Diego |
Session A47.00013 Nociception and escape behavior in planarians Room: 217B |
Schollwoeck, Ulrich Dept of Physics University of Munich |
Session Y18.00004 New Perspectives for Time-Evolution with DMRG Room: Mission Room 103A |
Schroeder, Charles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W20.00005 New frontiers in single polymer dynamics Room: Ballroom B |
Schuch, Norbert RWTH Aachen University |
Session M18.00003 The computational complexity of many-electron problems and Density Functional Theory Room: Mission Room 103A |
Schulz, Philip National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session D46.00003 Interface Energetics in Organo-Metallic Halide Perovskite-based Photovoltaic Cells Room: 217A |
Schwartz, Brian Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York |
Session B19.00001 The Use of Theater and the Performing Arts in Science Education and the Teaching of History Room: Mission Room 103B |
Scully, Marlan Baylor, Princeton, Texas A\&M Universities |
Session A3.00002 Remote Detection via Quantum Coherence Room: 002AB |
Sebastian, Suchitra University of Cambridge |
Session Y53.00004 Charge ordered normal ground state and its interplay with superconductivity in the underdoped cuprates Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Sedrakyan, Tigran Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota and Physics Frontier Center, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland |
Session M28.00011 Chiral spin liquid in the frustrated XY model on the honeycomb lattice Room: 205 |
Seffen, Keith Cambridge University, UK |
Session F44.00004 TBD Room: 214D |
Segalman, Rachel University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B42.00002 Polypeptoids: A model system for exploring sequence and shape effects on block copolymer self-assembly Room: 214B |
Sengupta, Anirvan Rutgers University |
Session A46.00005 Polymer Models of Looping in Genome Room: 217A |
Senko, Crystal Harvard University, Department of Physics |
Session J37.00005 Quantum dynamics of interacting spins mediated by phonons and photons Room: 212A |
Sension, Roseanne Departments of Chemistry and Physics, Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session A26.00004 Light, Molecules, Action: Broadband UV-visible transient absorption studies of excited state dynamics in photoactive molecules Room: 204A |
Seradjeh, Babak Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session A51.00002 Proposed Realization and Signatures of Floquet Topological Superconductors and Insulators Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Shan, Jie Penn State University |
Session J31.00001 Tightly bound excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides Room: 207A |
Sharma, Ravi Cabot Corporation |
Session Q19.00003 Particle laden interfaces and dispersions: Enabling high performance and multifunctional materials Room: Mission Room 103B |
Sharpee, Tatyana Salk Institute for Biological Studies |
Session J33.00010 Coordinated encoding between cell types in the retina: insights from the theory of phase transitions Room: 208 |
Shattuck, Mark Benjamin Levich Institute, City College of New York |
Session J44.00004 Self-assembly of granular crystals Room: 214D |
Shayegan, Mansour Princeton University |
Session Q4.00001 Interacting Flatland Electrons Never Stop Surprising Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Shelley, Michael Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, NYU |
Session Y46.00005 XXXX Room: 217A |
Shen, Kyle Cornell University |
Session B14.00001 Atomic Scale Control of Competing Electronic Phases in Ultrathin Correlated Oxides Room: 008A |
Shi, Ming Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session D14.00002 Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission on the first topological Kondo Insulator: SmB$_{6}$ Room: 008A |
Shih, Chih-Kang The University of Texas at Austin |
Session S1.00007 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Quasiparticle Gap, Critical Point Energies and Heterojunction Band Offsets Room: 001A |
Shiomi, Junichiro The University of Tokyo |
Session D12.00004 Effect of phonon-blocking at sintered interfaces Room: 007C |
Sih, Vanessa University of Michigan |
Session G52.00005 Current-induced spin polarization in anisotropic spin-orbit fields Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Silva, Thomas NIST - Boulder |
Session G53.00003 Mode- and Size-Dependent Landau-Lifshitz Damping in Magnetic Nanostructures Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Silver, Pamela Harvard Medical School |
Session L46.00002 Programming Biology for Health and Sustainability Room: 217A |
Silverberg, Jesse Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering |
Session S47.00010 Geometry, Mechanics, and Microstructure: Relating Structure to Function in Articlar Cartilage Room: 217B |
Simmons, David The University of Akron |
Session B20.00002 Tuning polymer glass formation with additives and ions Room: Ballroom B |
Simmons, Stephanie CQC2T, Electrical Engineering Department, UNSW, Australia |
Session A37.00001 Entanglement of an Electron-Nuclear Spin Pair in $^{28}$Si Room: 212A |
Simon, Marcia Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, School of Dental Medicine, Stony Brook |
Session M19.00003 3-D Constructs--Molded vs. Printed: The differences from a cell based perspective Room: Mission Room 103B |
Simon, Sindee Texas Tech University |
Session Q43.00004 Structural Recovery of Glass-Forming Materials Room: 214C |
Singer, Kilian University of Mainz |
Session T20.00003 Single ion heat engine Room: Ballroom B |
Singh, David Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Z53.00005 The Importance of Complex Electronic Structures in Thermoelectric Materials Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Singh, Prabjhot GE Global Research |
Session S19.00003 Industrialization of Additive Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities Room: Mission Room 103B |
Sinnott, Susan University of Florida |
Session A19.00003 Material Discovery and Design with Dynamic Charge Reactive Potentials Room: Mission Room 103B |
Slaughter, Aimee Los Alamos Historical Society |
Session L24.00003 Optimistic Dangers: Views of Radium Therapy During the American Radium Craze Room: 203AB |
Slipchenko, Lyudmila Purdue University |
Session G26.00003 Vibronic interactions in multi-chromophores Room: 204A |
Smet, Jurgen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session Q4.00003 Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in ZnO Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Smith, Timothy IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK |
Session S3.00003 Peer-review: An IOP Publishing Perspective Room: 002AB |
Snoke, David University of Pittsburgh |
Session A52.00002 Half-quantum flow of a polariton spinor condensate in a ring geometry Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Snyder, G. Jeffrey California Institute of Technology |
Session J12.00004 The Role of Minority Carriers in Thermoelectrics: Why Half Heusler ZrNiSn is a good n-type but poor p-type Thermoelectric Room: 007C |
Snyder, G. Jeffrey Northwestern University MSE |
Session G19.00005 Effective Mass of Thermoelectric Materials with Non-Parabolic Kane Bands Room: Mission Room 103B |
Sochnikov, Ilya Stanford University |
Session G28.00011 Real time imaging of magnetic excitations in the spin ice Ho$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ Room: 205 |
Soderstrom, Tomas NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session F19.00002 Physical Data Infrastructure for Tomorrow's Industry Room: Mission Room 103B |
Sokolov, Andrey Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y46.00002 Swimming dynamics of flagellated bacteria in liquid crystal Room: 217A |
Solla, Sara Northwestern Unviersity |
Session R47.00001 Trends in Biological Physics: Neuroscience Room: 217B |
Solomon, Paul IBM |
Session J19.00004 A Piezo-Electronic Solid-state Switch Capable of High Speed and Low Power Room: Mission Room 103B |
Somma, Rolando Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L38.00008 Simulating Hamiltonian Dynamics with a Truncated Taylor Series Room: 212B |
Sommerfeldt, Scott Brigham Young University |
Session W3.00002 Strengthening the Physics Program at Brigham Young University -- What Have We Learned? Room: 002AB |
Son, Dam University of Chicago |
Session Y52.00004 Spacetime symmetries, Newton-Cartan geometry and the quantum Hall effect Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Spagnolie, Saverio University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session Y46.00004 Entrapment, escape, and diffusion of swimming bodies in complex environments Room: 217A |
Spakowitz, Andrew Stanford Unversity |
Session L41.00004 Percolation, tie-lines, and the microstructural determinants of charge transport in semicrystalline conjugated polymers Room: 214A |
Spanton, Eric Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences |
Session F3.00002 Imaging current in quantum spin Hall insulator InAs/GaSb Room: 002AB |
Squires, Todd UCSB Chemical Engineering |
Session B51.00005 Soft interfaces: complex, dynamic, reacting and evolving Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
S. Sefat, Athena Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Q5.00004 Novel Materials {\&} Multi-scale Analysis of the Superconducting State in Iron Based Superconductors Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Staar, Peter IBM Research Zurich |
Session G23.00005 Simulations of high-Tc superconductors using the DCA$^+$ algorithm Room: 202B |
Stanley, H. Eugene Boston University Center for Polymer Studies |
Session F19.00003 Physics of Financial Markets: Can we Understand the Unpredictable Phenomenon of Flash Crashes Room: Mission Room 103B |
Starr, Francis Wesleyan University |
Session T43.00001 Cooperative Motion as a Unifying Principle to Understand Confinement Effects on Glass Formation Room: 214C |
Starykh, Oleg University of Utah |
Session G31.00004 Quasi-one-dimensional spin nematic states and their excitations Room: 207A |
Stebe, Kathleen University of Pennsylvania |
Session G51.00004 Directed assembly in soft matter by energy stored in inclusions Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Stechmann, Samuel University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session G20.00004 Stochastic models for tropical convection and extreme rainfall events Room: Ballroom B |
Steele, Ryan University of Utah |
Session S27.00004 Anomalous Vibrational Signatures of Ions and Solvation Room: 204B |
Steffen, Matthias IBM |
Session D51.00003 Detecting arbitrary quantum errors via stabilizer measurements Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Stehlik, Jiri Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA |
Session W31.00001 Extreme Harmonic Generation in Electrically Driven Spin Resonance Room: 207A |
Steinke, Lucia Brookhaven National Laboratory, 11973 Upton, NY |
Session T52.00002 Thermodynamic evidence for a valley-dependent density of states in bulk bismuth Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Stemmer, Susanne University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F53.00004 Interface-induced magnetism and strong correlation in oxide heterostructures Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Stemmer, Susanne University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W53.00002 Doping and Hall effect in SrTiO$_{3}$ Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Stetzer, MacKenzie University of Maine |
Session M20.00005 Investigating student learning in upper-division laboratory courses on analog electronics Room: Ballroom B |
Stingelin, Natalie Imperial College London |
Session B41.00007 Novel solar energy harvesting options based on solution-processable inorganic/organic hybrid materials Room: 214A |
Story, Tomasz Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Session M7.00001 Electron and spin properties of topological crystalline insulator (Pb,Sn)Se Room: 006B |
Strano, Michael Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session J26.00001 Corona Phase Molecular Recognition (CoPhMoRe) to Enable New Nanosensor Interfaces Room: 204A |
Suel, Gurol UCSD |
Session L46.00004 Synthetic networks in microbial communities Room: 217A |
Sukhishvili, Svetlana Department of Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Biomedical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken 07030 |
Session L18.00003 Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Chains within Layer-by-Layer Assemblies Room: Mission Room 103A |
Sum, Tze-Chien Nanyang Technological University |
Session Q14.00001 The Photophysics of Perovskite Solar Cells Room: 008A |
Suzuki, Yuri Stanford University |
Session W13.00001 Emergent Magnetic Phenomena at Manganite Interfaces Room: 007D |
Svensson, Bengt G. University of Oslo, Physics Department, Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway |
Session J14.00005 Intrinsic point defects and their interaction with impurities in mono-crystalline zinc oxide Room: 008A |
Swartz, Adrian Stanford University |
Session Q31.00001 Spin-dependent transport across SrTiO$_{3}$-based heterostructures Room: 207A |
Swingle, Brian Stanford |
Session M52.00004 Einstein's Equations From Entanglement Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Szleifer, Igal Northwestern Univ |
Session Y41.00011 Binding and protonation of polypeptides and proteins in pH responsive gels Room: 214A |
Tabei, Ali University of Northern Iowa |
Session J48.00010 Heterogeneity in motor driven transport Room: 217C |
Takeuchi, Ichiro University of Maryland and Maryland Energy and Sensor Technologies |
Session G19.00002 Elastocaloric cooling materials and systems Room: Mission Room 103B |
Takeuchi, Tsunehiro Toyota Technological Inst |
Session S12.00004 Development of thermal rectifier using unusual electron thermal conductivity of icosahedral quasicrystals Room: 007C |
Tanaka, Hidekazu Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
Session Q32.00004 Dual field effects in spinel ferrite field effect devices: electrostatic carrier doping and redox reactions Room: 207B |
Tang, Xinfeng Wuhan University of Technology |
Session B12.00008 Novel Thermoelectric Materials Synthesis and Thermodynamics Room: 007C |
Tao, Rongjia Temple University |
Session Q18.00002 Suppressing turbulence and enhancing the liquid suspension flows in pipelines with electrorheology Room: Mission Room 103A |
Tarantini, Chiara National High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Florida State University |
Session J11.00007 Development of strong vortex pinning and very high $J_{c}$ in iron based superconductors Room: 007B |
Taroni, Andrea Nature Physics |
Session S3.00004 Inside Nature Room: 002AB |
Tarucha, Seigo Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session S51.00003 Valley current generation by electrically induced Berry curvature in double gated bilayer graphene Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Taylor, P. Craig Colorado School of Mines |
Session G46.00002 Exotic Forms of Silicon for Energy Applications Room: 217A |
Teissier, Jean University of Basel |
Session S46.00003 Dynamics of a strain-coupled, hybrid spin-oscillator system Room: 217A |
Tempel, David Harvard University |
Session M18.00002 Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory for Universal Quantum Computation Room: Mission Room 103A |
Tennant, Alan Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session M21.00002 TBD Room: 201 |
Terhal, Barbara RWTH - Aachen |
Session Q38.00001 The Space-Time Circuit-to-Hamiltonian Construction and Its Applications Room: 212B |
Terletska, Hanna Louisiana State University. Ames lab. |
Session W23.00001 Anderson localization for chemically realistic systems Room: 202B |
Theis, Thomas IBM Research |
Session T19.00002 George E. Pake Prize Lecture: Physical Sciences Research at IBM: Still at the Cutting Edge Room: Mission Room 103B |
Thomas, Katherine Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society |
Session G4.00003 Science publishing: A day in the life of an APS editor Room: Mayor Cockrell Room 004 |
Thygesen, Kristian Center for Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD), Technical University of Denmark |
Session J9.00004 RPA and beyond-RPA total energy methods for strongly and weakly bonded materials Room: 006D |
Thywissen, Joseph University of Toronto |
Session F18.00002 Spin Transport in a Unitary Fermi Gas Room: Mission Room 103A |
Timmermans, Mary-Louise Yale University |
Session D33.00004 Polar Oceanography, Arctic Sea Ice and Climate Room: 208 |
Tirrell, Matthew University of Chicago |
Session Z41.00001 Chirality-selected phase behavior in ionic polypeptide complexes Room: 214A |
Tisdale, William Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session L26.00001 Exciton Dynamics in Quantum Dot Films and Interfaces Room: 204A |
Toher, Cormac Duke Univ |
Session Z18.00003 Distributed databases for materials study of thermo-kinetic properties Room: Mission Room 103A |
Ton, Dan U.S. Department of Energy |
Session T3.00001 Electric Distribution Grid Resilience R{\&}D by the U.S. DOE Room: 002AB |
Trebst, Simon University of Cologne |
Session Y9.00004 Majorana metals in spin-orbit entangled quantum matter Room: 006D |
Trivedi, Nandini The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43220 |
Session D15.00003 Evolution of the electronic spectral function and dynamical conductivity across the disorder-tuned superconductor-insulator transition Room: 008B |
Truskett, Thomas The University of Texas at Austin |
Session D20.00005 Fluids with short-range attractions and longer-range repulsions Room: Ballroom B |
Tsekouras, Konstantinos IUPUI |
Session L47.00007 Inference of protein diffusion probed via fluorescence correlation spectroscopy Room: 217B |
Tsige, Mesfin The University of Akron |
Session D19.00003 Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces Room: Mission Room 103B |
Tuomisto, Filip Aalto University |
Session F14.00003 Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation: experiment and theory Room: 008A |
Turlier, Herve European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
Session T46.00005 The physics of cytokinesis in animal cells Room: 217A |
Turner, John National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session G46.00005 Frontiers, Opportunities and Challenges for a Hydrogen Economy Room: 217A |
Tutuc, Emanuel The University of Texas at Austin |
Session F52.00005 Chemical potential and tunneling in bilayer graphene using double bilayer graphene heterostructures Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Uchida, Ken-ichi Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Session W28.00001 Spin-current phenomena at high magnetic fields and high temperatures Room: 205 |
Ucko, Daniel Department of Philosophy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY |
Session S3.00001 There is no ``I'' in referee: Why referees should be anonymous Room: 002AB |
Unguris, John Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 |
Session T18.00001 Spin-Polarized Electron Probes of Nanomagnetism Room: Mission Room 103A |
Unno, Masashi Saga University |
Session J46.00002 Exploring the active site structure of photoreceptor proteins by Raman optical activity Room: 217A |
Vajda, Stefan Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q27.00005 Cluster size matters: Size-driven performance of subnanometer clusters in catalysis, electrocatalysis and Li-air batteries Room: 204B |
Van Baak, D.A. TeachSpin, Inc. |
Session M20.00004 Autonomy Room: Ballroom B |
Vandenberghe, William University of Texas at Dallas |
Session J19.00005 Topological-insulator based field-effect transistors Room: Mission Room 103B |
van den Brink, Jeroen IFW Dresden |
Session M47.00002 The quantum nature of skyrmions and half-skyrmions in Cu2OSeO3 Room: 217B |
Vanderbilt, David Rutgers University |
Session M47.00001 Computing the properties of ferroelectrics and magnetoelectrics in applied electric fields Room: 217B |
van der Meer, Devaraj University of Twente |
Session Z19.00005 Settling of an object in a dense suspension Room: Mission Room 103B |
Van der Ven, Anton Materials Department, University of California Santa Barbara |
Session Y34.00003 Connecting the dynamic response of electrodes to their electronic structure Room: 210A |
Van Duyne, Richard Departments of Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, and The Applied Physics Program, Northwestern University |
Session A27.00001 Recent Progress in the Study of Single Molecule Chemistry at the Nanometer Length Scale and Picosecond Time Scale Room: 204B |
van Hecke, Martin Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Lab, Leiden University, the Netherlands, and FOM-Institute Amolf, Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Session D44.00005 Programmable and Frustrated Mechanical Metamaterials Room: 214D |
van Schilfgaarde, Mark King's College London |
Session D46.00005 Electronic structure of hybrid halide perovskite photovoltaic absorbers Room: 217A |
Vashishta, Priya Collaboratory for Advanced Computing \& Simulations, University of Southern California |
Session A19.00004 Massively Parallel Reactive and Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations Room: Mission Room 103B |
Veit, Michael Univ of Minn - Minneapolis |
Session J52.00005 Leroy Apker Award Talk: Transport measurements of a model cuprate superconductor Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Venkataraman, Latha Columbia Univ |
Session A41.00004 Conductance and Thermopower in Thiophene and Oxidized Thiophene Single-Molecule Junctions Room: 214A |
Venkatesan, Thirumalai NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Sinagpore |
Session Y32.00001 Novel Magnetic Phenomena in Oxide Thin Films, Interfaces and Heterostructures Room: 207B |
Verduzco, Rafael William Marsh Rice University |
Session B42.00001 Morphology of Conjugated Block Copolymer Films: Self-Assembly, Crystallization, and Phase Separation Room: 214B |
Vespignani, Alessandro Northeastern Univ |
Session F19.00004 Modeling Dynamical Processes in Complex Socio-technical Systems Room: Mission Room 103B |
Viola, Lorenza Dartmouth College |
Session B18.00005 A general transfer-function approach to noise filtering in open-loop quantum control Room: Mission Room 103A |
Vitelli, Vincenzo Leiden University |
Session B44.00004 Topological mechanics: from metamaterials to active matter Room: 214D |
Vlassopoulos, Dimitris FORTH-IESL and University of Crete |
Session Z20.00004 Entangled linear, branched and hyperbranched polymers in shear flow Room: Ballroom B |
Vologodskii, Alexander New York University |
Session A46.00004 DNA-protein recognition and sequence-dependent variations of DNA conformational properties Room: 217A |
von Bergmann, Kirsten Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany |
Session D53.00001 Manipulation of magnetic skyrmions with spin-polarized STM Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
von Hauff, Elizabeth VU Amsterdam |
Session G41.00004 Tuning the opto-electronic properties of donor-acceptor polymers with molecular doping Room: 214A |
von Issendorff, Bernd Physikalisches Institut, Universit\"at Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg |
Session G27.00001 Low temperature thermodynamics of water clusters studied by nanocalorimetry Room: 204B |
Vorvolakos, Katherine Food and Drug Administration |
Session S19.00005 Additive Manufacturing and Medical Devices: Case studies, Technical Concerns and Research Room: Mission Room 103B |
Voth, Gregory University of Chicago |
Session D19.00004 Systematic Coarse-graining of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Room: Mission Room 103B |
Wagner, Christian Saarland University |
Session F49.00001 Wet sand flows better than dry sand Room: 217D |
Wagner, Norman University of Delaware / STF Technologies LLC |
Session L18.00004 Field responsive shear thickening fluids for personal protective equipment and MMOD shielding for spacecraft and astronauts Room: Mission Room 103A |
Walker, Lynn Carnegie Mellon University |
Session L18.00005 Nanostructured Block Copolymer Solutions and Composites: Mechanical and Structural Properties Room: Mission Room 103A |
Wang, Shi-Qing University of Akron |
Session Z20.00002 How polymer entanglement responds to fast large deformation: are we there yet? Room: Ballroom B |
Wang, Weigang Univ of Arizona |
Session L29.00001 Voltage controlled magnetism in 3d transitional metals Room: 206A |
Wang, Xiang Rong Hong Kong Univ of Sci \& Tech |
Session D30.00010 Thermodynamic theory for thermally driven domain wall motion in magnetic nanostructures Room: 206B |
Wang, Xue-Bin Pacific Northwest National Lab |
Session J27.00005 Cluster Study of Anion Specificity in Solutions: From Molecular-Like Species to Nano-Sized Droplets Room: 204B |
Wang, Yihua Stanford University |
Session G52.00004 Observation of chiral currents at the magnetic domain boundary of a topological insulator Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Wang, YuHuang University of Maryland |
Session L26.00005 Defect Chemistry of Nanocarbon Room: 204A |
Weart, Spencer American Institute of Physics |
Session L24.00001 Abraham Pais Prize Lecture: Understanding the Impacts of Global Warming: a History Room: 203AB |
Weber, J. Mathias JILA and Department of Chemistry \& Biochemistry, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session J27.00001 Solvation Effects on Structure and Charge Distribution in Anionic Clusters Room: 204B |
Weber, Monika Yale University |
Session J3.00002 From silicon nanowire sensors to making living safer Room: 002AB |
Weber, Steven UC Berkeley |
Session G18.00002 Ensembles of quantum trajectories-- a window into qubit measurement dynamics Room: Mission Room 103A |
Weeks, Eric R. Emory University |
Session D20.00004 Colloidal liquids and glasses: Insights from microscopy Room: Ballroom B |
Wegener, Martin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session D44.00002 Mechanical metamaterials for cloaking Room: 214D |
Wegner, Franz Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg |
Session D52.00003 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: Flow Equations for Hamiltonians Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Wehner, Stephanie TU Delft |
Session B38.00001 Understanding Nature from Experimental Observations: A Theory Independent Test for Gravitational Decoherence Room: 212B |
Weidenkaff, Anke University of Stuttgart |
Session L12.00004 Perovskite- and Heusler based materials for thermoelectric converters Room: 007C |
Weiler, Mathias National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session T28.00005 Phase-Sensitive Detection Of The AC Inverse Spin Hall Effect Room: 205 |
Weisman, R. Bruce Rice University |
Session S26.00001 Variance Spectroscopy: A New Bridge between Ensemble and Single-Particle Studies Room: 204A |
Weiss, David Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session L20.00002 Quantum distillation and confinement of vacancies in a doublon sea Room: Ballroom B |
Weiss, Jeffrey University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G20.00005 Climate Variability and Nonequilibrium Steady-States Room: Ballroom B |
Weitz, David Harvard University |
Session M46.00002 The Physics of Food Room: 217A |
Wen, Weijia The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session Q18.00003 ER fluid in microfluid Systems Room: Mission Room 103A |
Wereley, Norman University of Maryland |
Session Q18.00004 Magnetorheological fluids in occupant protection systems Room: Mission Room 103A |
Werner, Philipp University of Fribourg |
Session Y18.00005 Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean Field Theory for Inhomogeneous and Photo-Excited Systems Room: Mission Room 103A |
West, Geoffrey Santa Fe Institute |
Session F19.00005 The Surprising Math of Cities and Corporations Room: Mission Room 103B |
Whang, Dongmok Sungkyunkwan University |
Session Z16.00004 CVD growth of single-crystal monolayer graphene on H-terminated germanium surface Room: 101AB |
Whetten, Robert L. University of Texas, San Antonio |
Session F26.00003 Protected Noble-Metal Clusters at the Transition from Molecules to Materials Room: 204A |
White, Alexander Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California San Diego |
Session M27.00005 Electron Transport, Energy Transfer, and Optical Response in Single Molecule Junctions Room: 204B |
White, Gary AAPT and The George Washington University |
Session G3.00004 An NSF rotator's perspective: view from inside the hamster wheel Room: 002AB |
Whitelam, Steve Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F51.00005 Self-assembly of multicomponent structures near and far from equilibrium Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Wilson, Andrew National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder CO 80305 |
Session J37.00001 Quantum Information Experiments with Trapped Ions at NIST Room: 212A |
Wirth, Steffen MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids Dresden, Germany |
Session D14.00004 Surface structure of SmB$_6$ investigated by STM and HAXPES Room: 008A |
Wiseman, Howard Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University |
Session G18.00003 Quantum State Smoothing Room: Mission Room 103A |
Witczak-Krempa, William Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session D15.00002 Quantum critical dynamics without quasiparticles Room: 008B |
Wolynes, Peter Rice University |
Session L43.00007 Ultrastable Glasses and the Random First Order Transition Theory of Glasses Room: 214C |
Wong, Pak Kin University of Arizona |
Session W46.00003 A Nanoengineered Framework for Probing Collective Cell Migration Room: 217A |
Wood, Brandon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session D36.00002 First-principles simulations of charge storage at electrochemical interfaces in supercapacitors Room: 211 |
Woods, Damien California Institute of Technology |
Session F51.00003 Simple self-replicators: growth via self-assembly and fissioning via bursting bubbles Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Wu, Maw-Kuen National Donghwa University and Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica |
Session Y5.00006 Order/disorder of Fe-vacancy and superconductivity in Fe-chalcogenide superconductors Room: Juan Gorman Room 005 |
Wu, Ming-Wei University of Science and Technology of China |
Session Q2.00007 Spin Dynamics in Bilayer Graphene and Mono- and Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: 001B |
Wu, Weida Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, USA |
Session D6.00004 Direct visualization of magnetoelectric domains in hexagonal manganites Room: 006A |
Wynne, James IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session T19.00003 Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics: Illuminating My Career – From Flash Gordon to Laser Surgery Room: Mission Room 103B |
Xantheas, Sotiris Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session G27.00006 The correspondence between the infrared vibrational spectra and the underlying hydrogen bonding network in aqueous clusters: caveats and tactics Room: 204B |
Xavier, Joao Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |
Session W46.00005 Swarming in the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa Room: 217A |
Xiao, John Q. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware |
Session Y28.00010 Quantifying Spin Hall and Rashba effect contributions to spin-orbit toque in magnetic bilayers Room: 205 |
Yamashita, Minoru ISSP, The University of Tokyo |
Session S52.00003 Longitudinal and transverse heat transports of quantum spin liquids Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Yang, Fengyuan The Ohio State University |
Session W51.00004 Pure Spin Current in a broad range of materials generated by YIG-based spin pumping Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Yang, Kun Florida State University |
Session M52.00002 Entanglement Scaling Laws and Eigenstate Thermalization in Many-Particle Systems Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Yang, Weitao Duke Univ |
Session W19.00001 Exchange-Correlation and Electronic Excitation Energies from Pairing Matrix Fluctuations and the Particle-Particle Random Phase Approximation Room: Mission Room 103B |
Yang, Yang University of California, Los Angeles |
Session D46.00001 Achieving High Performance Perovskite Solar Cells Room: 217A |
Yao, Wang The University of Hong Kong |
Session S51.00004 Valley and spin currents in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides Room: Grand Ballroom C1 |
Yarkony, David Johns Hopkins University |
Session A26.00001 Representing Adiabatic Potential Energy Surfaces Coupled by Conical Intersections in their Full Dimensionality Using Coupled Quasi-Diabatic States Room: 204A |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session B7.00004 Topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions in chains of magnetic atoms on the surface of a superconductor Room: 006B |
Ye, Jun JILA, NIST and University of Colorado |
Session W18.00002 Quantum matter based on ultracold molecules Room: Mission Room 103A |
Ye, Kaiming SUNY Binghamton |
Session M43.00013 3D Printing of Personalized Organs and Tissues. Room: 214C |
Ye, Peide Purdue University |
Session L1.00007 Phosphorene as a new 2D material for nanoelectronic and optoelectronic applications Room: 001A |
Yelin, Susanne University of Connecticut |
Session J38.00007 Entanglement and coherence in many-body dipolar systems Room: 212B |
Yin, Xiaobo Univ. Colorado, Boulder |
Session F6.00007 Metasurfaces and 2D Materials Room: 006A |
Yin, Zhiping Rutgers University |
Session J18.00005 Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon coupling Room: Mission Room 103A |
Yost, Shane Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D23.00001 Modeling of Singlet Fission Kinetics for a Wide Range of Molecules Room: 202B |
Young, Andrea University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F52.00001 Direct capacitive probe of valley order in a bilayer graphene quantum Hall ferromagnet Room: Grand Ballroom C2 |
Yu, Hai-Bin Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 |
Session Q25.00008 Beta relaxations and their correlations to plasticity in metallic glasses and soft disordered systems Room: 203B |
Yu, Lian University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session L43.00011 Surface Diffusion of Molecular Glasses and Its Role in Crystal Growth and Glass Engineering Room: 214C |
Zamponi, Francesco LPTENS and CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris |
Session L53.00002 Exact computation of the critical exponents of the jamming transition Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Zang, Jiadong Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session D53.00004 Creation and Dynamics of Individual Skyrmions in Helimagnets Room: Grand Ballroom C3 |
Zanolli, Zeila Forschungszentrum J\"{u}lich |
Session Q32.00008 Magnetoelectic multiferroic superlattices and interfaces: Designing spintronic materials from first principles Room: 207B |
Zapf, Vivien National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, MPA-CMMS, Los Alamos National Lab |
Session T6.00004 Spin-orbit coupling, magnetic anisotropy and hard magnetism in Sr$_{3}$NiIrO$_{6}$ Room: 006A |
Zeravcic, Zorana Rockefeller University |
Session F46.00005 Associative memory through self-assembly Room: 217A |
Zhang, Chuanwei Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas, 75080 |
Session F18.00003 Fulde-Ferrell Superfluids in Degenerate Fermi Gases with Synthetic Gauge Fields Room: Mission Room 103A |
Zhang, Hongbin Rutgers University |
Session T6.00007 Metal-insulator transitions in effective J=1/2 insulating iridates Room: 006A |
Zhang, Jingsong Department of Chemistry and Air Pollution Research Center University of California, Riverside |
Session G26.00004 Non-Adiabatic Dynamics in the UV Photodissociation of Alkyl Radicals Room: 204A |
Zhang, Katherine Boston University |
Session T47.00010 Arterial mechanobiology: The interrelation of elastin, collagen, and GAGs Room: 217B |
Zhang, Wenqng Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 200444, China |
Session Q12.00004 Part-crystalline part-liquid state and electrical/thermal transport in materials with chemical-bond hierarchy Room: 007C |
Zhang, Yuanbo Dept. of Physics, Fudan University |
Session J2.00004 Gate-tunable phase transitions in thin flakes of 1T-TaS$_{2}$ Room: 001B |
Zhao, Hui University of Kansas |
Session D2.00004 Ultrafast laser spectroscopy of two-dimensional materials and their heterostructures Room: 001B |
Zheludev, Andrey Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Session M31.00004 Temporal correlations in tunable Luttinger spin liquids Room: 207A |
Zhu, Jimmy Carnegie Mellon University |
Session J19.00002 mLogic: All Spin Logic Device and Circuits for Future Electronics Room: Mission Room 103B |
Zhu, Yimei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J30.00004 Imaging Magnetic Vortices Dynamics Using Lorentz Electron Microscopy with GHz Excitations Room: 206B |
Zorn, Reiner JCNS-1, Forschungszentrum Juelich, D-52425 Juelich, Germany |
Session B20.00005 Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of the Dynamics of Glass-Forming Materials in Confinement Room: Ballroom B |
Zurek, Eva University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Session B8.00013 Bonding at the Metal-Organic Interface Room: 006C |
Zwierlein, Martin MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, Research Laboratory of Electronics, and Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA |
Session F18.00005 Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms and Molecules Room: Mission Room 103A |
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