APS March Meeting 2015
Volume 60, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2015;
San Antonio, Texas
Session J25: Focus Session: Cooperative Phenomena in Plasticity I
2:30 PM–5:18 PM,
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Room: 203B
Chair: Peter Ispanovity, Eotvos University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2015.MAR.J25.8
Abstract: J25.00008 : Strength and Dislocation Structure Evolution of Small Metals under Vibrations
4:18 PM–4:54 PM
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Alfonso Ngan
(University of Hong Kong)
It is well-known that ultrasonic vibration can soften metals, and this
phenomenon has been widely exploited in industrial applications concerning
metal forming and bonding. In this work, we explore the effects of a
superimposed small oscillatory load on metal plasticity, from the nano- to
macro-size range, and from audible to ultrasonic frequency ranges.
Macroscopic and nano-indentation were performed on aluminum, copper and
molybdenum, and the results show that the simultaneous application of
oscillatory stresses can lower the hardness of these samples. More
interestingly, EBSD and TEM observations show that subgrain formation and
reduction in dislocation density generally occurred when stress oscillations
were applied. These findings point to an important knowledge gap in metal
plasticity -- the existing understanding of ultrasound softening in terms of
the vibrations either imposing additional stress waves to augment the
quasi-static applied load, or heating up the metal, whereas the metal's
intrinsic deformation resistance or dislocation interactive processes are
assumed unaltered by the ultrasound, is proven wrong by the present results.
Furthermore, in the case of nanoindentation, the Continuous Stiffness
Measurement technique for contact stiffness measurement assumes that the
imposed signal-carrier oscillations do not intrinsically alter the material
properties of the specimen, and again, the present results prove that this
can be wrong.
To understand the enhanced subgrain formation and dislocation annihilation,
Discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DDD) simulations were carried out and these
show that when an oscillatory stress is superimposed on a quasi-static
applied stress, reversals of motion of dislocations may occur, and these
allow the dislocations to revisit repeatedly suitable configurations for
annihilation. DDD, however, was unable to predict the observed subgrain
formation presumably because the number of dislocations that can be handled
is not large enough. Subgrain formation was directly predicted by a new
simulation method of dislocation plasticity based on the dynamics of
dislocation density functions.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.MAR.J25.8