APS March Meeting 2015
Volume 60, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2015;
San Antonio, Texas
Session S53: Invited Session: Symposium on Novel Phenomena in Helium in Reduced Dimensions and Confinement
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Room: Grand Ballroom C3
Chair: Yoonseok Lee, University of Florida
Abstract ID: BAPS.2015.MAR.S53.5
Abstract: S53.00005 : One-dimensional Quantum Fluids
10:24 AM–11:00 AM
Preview Abstract
Guillaume Gervais
(McGill University)
Fifty year ago, Joachim Mazdak Luttinger generalized the Tomonaga theory of
interactions in a one-dimensional metal and show that the prior restrictions
imposed by Tomonaga were not necessary. This model is now known as the
Tomonaga- Luttinger liquid model (TLL) and most remarkably it does have
mathematically exact solutions. In the case of electrons, it predicts that
the spin and charge sector should separate, with each of them propagating
with their own velocities. While there has been many attempts (some with
great success) to observe TLL behaviour in clean quantum wires designed on
an ultra-clean semiconductor platform, overall the Luttinger physics is
experimentally still in its infancy. For instance, little is known regarding
the 1D physics in a strongly-interacting neutral system, whether from the
point-of-view of TLL theory or even localization physics. Helium-4, the
paradigm superfluid, and Helium-3, the paradigm Fermi liquid, should \textit{in principle }both
become Luttinger liquids if taken to the one-dimensional limit. In the
bosonic case, this is supported by large-scale Quantum Monte Carlo
simulations [1] which found that a lengthscale of $\sim $ 2 nm is sufficient
for the system to crossover to the 1D regime and display universal Luttinger
scaling [2].
At McGill University, an experiment has been constructed to measure the
liquid helium mass flow through a \textit{single nanopore}. The technique consists of drilling a
single nanopore in a SiN membrane using a TEM, and then applying a pressure
gradient across the membrane. Previously published data in 45nm diameter
hole determined the superfluid critical velocity to be close to the limit
set by the Feynman vortex rings model [3]. More recent work performed on
nanopores with radii as small as 3 nm (and a length of 30nm) show the
critical exponent for superfluid velocity to significantly deviate from its
bulk value, 2/3. This is an important hint for the crossing over to the
one-dimensional state in a strongly-correlated bosonic liquid.
References\textunderscore [1] Del Maestro A, Boninsegni M, Affleck I.
$^{\mathrm{4}}$He Luttinger Liquid in Nanopores. \textit{PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 106}:
105303, 2011.
[2] Kulchytskyy B, Gervais G, Del Maestro A. Local superfluidity at the
nanoscale. \textit{PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88}: 064512, 2013.
[3] Savard M, Dauphinais G, Gervais G. Hydrodynamics of Superfluid Helium in
a Single Nanohole. \textit{PHYSICAL RE- VIEW LETTERS 107}: 254501, 2011.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.MAR.S53.5