APS March Meeting 2015
Volume 60, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2015;
San Antonio, Texas
Session W51: Invited Session: Recent Advances in Spin Transport: Spin Pumping and the Spin Hall Effect
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Room: Grand Ballroom C1
Chair: Thomas Silva, NIST-Boulder
Abstract ID: BAPS.2015.MAR.W51.5
Abstract: W51.00005 : The essential role of spin-memory loss at 3d/5d metallic interfaces in spin pumping
4:54 PM–5:30 PM
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Henri Jaffres
(Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales)
I will present a review of experiments and theory of spin-pumping in
Co/(Cu)/Pt 3d/5d metallic systems in the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR)
regime of spin injection [1]. By combining i) FMR analyses of the resonance
linewidth of the Co spectra in contact with the Pt (or Cu/Pt) reservoir and
ii) detection of the inverse spin-hall effect signal vs. Pt thickness, we
were able to evidence two different lengthscales for the spin-current
profile generated or absorbed at the interfaces [2]. The first lenghscale,
extracted from FMR analyses and of the order of 2 nm, represents a typical
interface length characteristic of a spin memory loss at the Co/Pt and
Co/Cu/Pt interfaces. This represent a typical region of spin-current
dissipation by which almost 60-70 {\%} of the total current generated is
lost before conversion in bulk Pt. The second lengthscale, roughly equal to
3.4 nm, like determined by Inverse Spin Hall Effect (ISHE) transverse
voltage measurement, is more characteristic of the spin-diffusion length of
the bulk Pt that governs a part of the spin-to-charge conversion efficiency
by ISHE. After careful analyses, we determined a spin-hall angle of 5.6 {\%}
for Pt and an intrinsic spin hall conductivity of 3200
(Ohm.cm)$^{-1}$ for our
corresponding Pt resistivity [2].
In the end, I will focus on the physical description of our experiments
within a derived Valet-Fert model describing the spin transport/relaxation
in a diffusive approach and using relevant boundary conditions for
spin-pumping (constant spin accumulation in the ferromagnet). The origin of
the spin-memory loss and spin-current discontinuity, also proposed in a very
recent work [3], will be explained in terms of atomic intermixing at
interfaces or possible Rashba-split states at Co/Pt interfaces.\\[4pt]
[1] Y. Tserkovnyak et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 1375 (2005) and references
[2] J. C. Rojas-Sanchez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 106602 (2014)\\[0pt]
[3] Liu Yi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 207202 (2014)
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