APS March Meeting 2015
Volume 60, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2015;
San Antonio, Texas
Session W25: Focus Session: Cooperative Phenomena in Plasticity III
2:30 PM–5:18 PM,
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Room: 203B
Chair: Robert Maass, University of Gottingen
Abstract ID: BAPS.2015.MAR.W25.4
Abstract: W25.00004 : Mechanical properties of 3D ceramic nanolattices
3:06 PM–3:42 PM
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Lucas Meza
(California Institute of Technology)
Developments in advanced nanoscale fabrication techniques have allowed for
the creation of 3-dimensional hierarchical structural meta-materials that
can be designed with arbitrary geometry. These structures can be made on
length scales spanning multiple orders of magnitude, from tens of nanometers
to hundreds of microns. The smallest features are controllable on length
scales where materials have been shown to exhibit size effects in their
mechanical properties. Combining novel nanoscale mechanical properties with
a 3-dimensional architecture enables the creation of new classes of
materials with tunable and unprecedented mechanical properties.
We present the fabrication and mechanical deformation of hollow tube alumina
nanolattices that were fabricated using two-photon lithography direct laser
writing (DLW), atomic layer deposition (ALD), and oxygen plasma etching.
Nanolattices were designed in a number of different geometries including
octet-truss, octahedron, and 3D Kagome. Additionally, a number of structural
parameters were varied including tube wall thickness ($t)$, tube major axis
($a)$, and unit cell size ($L)$. The resulting nanolattices had a range of
densities from $\rho =$ 4 to 250 mg/cm$^{3}$.
Uniaxial compression and cyclic loading tests were performed on the
nanolattices to obtain the yield strength and modulus. In these tests, a
marked change in the deformation response was observed when the wall
thickness was reduced below 20nm; thick-walled nanolattices ($t$\textgreater
20nm) underwent catastrophic, brittle failure, which transitioned to a
gradual, ductile-like deformation as wall thickness was reduced.
Thick-walled nanolattices also exhibited no recovery after compression,
while thin-walled structures demonstrated notable recovery, with some
recovering by 98{\%} after compression to 50{\%} strain and by 80{\%} when
compressed to 90{\%} strain.
Across all geometries, unit cell sizes, and wall thicknesses, we found a
consistent power law relation between strength and modulus with relative
density of $E \propto \rho^{\, 1.6}$ and $\sigma_{y} \propto \rho
^{\, 1.75}$. This scaling marks an improvement over other lightweight and
ultralight materials, which normally scale as $E \propto \rho^{\, 2}$ or
$E \propto \rho^{\, 3}$, but does not meet the analytic upper bound of a
linear scaling with relative density that is predicted for stretching
dominated geometries like the octet-truss.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.MAR.W25.4