Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010; Portland, Oregon
Invited Speakers
\"Ozyilmaz, Barbaros NanoCore and Physics Department, National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Session Y21.00004 Charge transport in graphene field effect transistors with ferroelectric gating Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Abarbanel, Henry University of California |
Session X6.00004 Estimating Network Properties of the Adult Song Production Pathway Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Abate, Adam Harvard University |
Session W2.00001 Emulsion-based microfluidics for high-throughput biology Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Adams, Allan MIT |
Session P6.00002 ADS/CFT: String Theory to Cold Atoms Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Advincula, Rigoberto University of Houston |
Session L29.00002 Nanostructured Ultrathin Carbazole Polymer Layers for Improved Hole-Transport and Injection Properties on ITO Room: C123 |
Ager III, Joel W. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D25.00001 Electrical properties of point and extended defects in indium nitride Room: D135 |
Ahn, Channing Caltech |
Session L30.00001 Suppressing the formation of stable intermediates in hydride destabilization reactions Room: D139 |
Ahrenholz, Benjamin TU Braunschweig |
Session P5.00004 Massively parallel simulations of multiphase flows using Lattice Boltzmann methods Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Aizenman, Michael Princeton Univ |
Session L4.00003 Dannie Heineman Prize Talk Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Akimitsu, Jun Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama-Gakuin University, Fuchinobe, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8558, Japan |
Session Q1.00003 Struggle to find higher-Tc superconductors-No night without dawn Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Alam, Muhammad Purdue University |
Session T10.00004 On the Geometry of Diffusion and the Limits of Biosensing Room: A106 |
Alexandrov, Alexandre Loughborough University, United Kingdom |
Session A40.00001 Strong-coupling theory of high-temperature superconductivity beyond BCS Room: F151 |
Al-Hassanieh, Khaled Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session X1.00003 Time-dependent DMRG studies of strongly correlated systems out of equilibrium Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Allen, Andrew NIST |
Session V5.00002 Neutron Scattering Studies of Cement Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Alloul, Henri Lab. Phys. des Solides, CNRS -UMR 8502, Paris Sud University, 91405 Orsay (France) |
Session D36.00001 Impact of Na ordering on the electronic properties of the Co planes in Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ Room: E146 |
Amano, Hiroshi Meijo University |
Session J25.00002 Atomic layer epitaxy of GaInN and AlGaN by high pressure MOVPE Room: D135 |
Ambrosch-Draxl, Claudia University of Leoben |
Session L29.00003 Theoretical Challenges Towards a Quantitative Description of Organic Thin Film Growth and Organic/(In)organic Interfaces Room: C123 |
Anastasiadis, Spiros H. Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas and University of Crete |
Session D6.00003 Development of Biomimetic and Functionally Responsive Surfaces Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Anderson, Philip Princeton University |
Session X8.00001 Superconductivity with very repulsive interactions: He^3, Pierre Morel, and me Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Ando, Yoichi Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
Session D2.00002 Quantum oscillations in a topological insulator Bi-Sb Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Andrews, Lester University of Virginia |
Session J23.00001 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy Talk: Laser Ablated Metal Atom Reactions to Form Novel Molecules Room: C125-C126 |
Angell, C.A. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University |
Session Y8.00002 Independent tuning of acidity and ionicity in protic ionic liquids and their polymers. Comparing Li$^{+}$ to H$^{+}$ transport Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Ashhab, Sahel The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi, Japan |
Session W6.00004 Quantum measurement in superconducting qubits Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Ashoori, Raymond Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y2.00005 Anomalous structure in the single particle spectrum of the fractional quantum Hall effect Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Atwater, Harry California Institute of Technology |
Session Z4.00001 Plasmonics for Photovoltaics Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Autumn, Kellar Lewis \& Clark |
Session V4.00005 Mechanisms Underlying the Emergent Properties of Gecko-like Nanostructures Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Avouris, Phaedon IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session X21.00004 Graphene Electronics and Optoelectronics Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Awschalom, David University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session U45.00002 Spintronics Room: Portland Hilton Pavillion Ballroom |
B\"uchler, Hans Peter University of Stuttgart |
Session B6.00002 Dissipation with Rydberg atoms Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Back, Christian University Regensburg |
Session W35.00004 Induced ferromagnetic order in (Ga;Mn)As in epitaxial Fe/(GaMn)As heterostructures Room: E145 |
Bagnato, Vanderlei S. IFSC/Univeristy of Sao Paulo |
Session Y6.00004 Exciting Bose-Condensate using oscillatory fields: Observation of turbulence and fragmentation Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Bailleul, Matthieu IPCMS, CNRS-Universite de Strasbourg |
Session Q8.00005 Current-induced spin wave Doppler shift Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Balsara, Nitash University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q16.00001 Water Retention and Proton Conductivity of Block Copolymers in Contact with Humid Air Room: B115 |
Bao, Wei Department of Physics, Renmin University of China |
Session P1.00004 Structure, magnetic order and excitations of the Fe(Se,Te) superconductor system Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo Northeastern University/Harvard Medical School |
Session B13.00007 Complex Networks: Beyond Topology Room: B112 |
Bar-Ad, Shimshon Tel Aviv University |
Session Z3.00002 Femtosecond response of exchange biased bilayers Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Baranger, Harold U. Duke University |
Session H14.00001 Transport Through Single-Molecule Junctions: Interference, Thermopower, and the Role of Self-Interaction Effects Room: B113 |
Barbara, Paul The University of Texas at Austin |
Session P4.00004 Single Molecule Studies of Conjugated Polymers Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Barbosa, Marcia UFRGS |
Session B3.00001 Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach Talk: Attracting girls to physics: the itinerant science project Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Barkley, Dwight University of Warwick |
Session V8.00001 Turbulent-Laminar Patterns in Pipes and Channels Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Barth\'el\'emy, Agn\`es Unit\'e Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session H3.00001 Multiferroic spintronics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Baschnagel, Jorg Institut Charles Sadron |
Session Q17.00004 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Glass-forming Polymer Films Room: B116 |
Bass, Robert Oregon Institute of Technology, Portland |
Session W5.00002 Evolution of a New Engineering Degree Program: the Bachelors of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Basting, Dirk Lambda Physik Founder |
Session B5.00005 The Excimer Laser: Its Impact on Science and Industry Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Beach, Geoffrey MIT Dept of Materials Science and Engineering |
Session W4.00001 Detection of electromotive force induced by domain wall motion Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Beaujour, Jean-Marc Department of Physics, New York University |
Session A33.00008 Ferromagnetic resonance linewidth and damping in perpendicular-anisotropy magnetic multilayers thin films Room: E143 |
Beaulac, Remi University of Washington |
Session Z35.00001 Photophysical Properties of Colloidal Mn(II)-Doped CdSe Nanoparticles: Exchange Fields, Exciton Storage, and Light-Induced Spontaneous Magnetization Room: E145 |
Beck, Johannes University of Stuttgart |
Session A9.00005 Defects in diamond: Quantum computing and atomic magnetometry Room: A105 |
Bederson, Benjamin New York University |
Session D5.00004 Sam Goudsmit--His Physics and His Statesmanship Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Behnia, Kamran ESPCI |
Session J29.00004 Nernst effect in bismuth and graphite across the quantum limit Room: C123 |
Ben-Jacob, Eshel Tel Aviv University |
Session V10.00007 Chips of Hope: Neuro-Electronic Hybrids for Brain Repair Room: A106 |
Ben-Zion, Yehuda University of Southern California |
Session T7.00002 Physics of Earthquakes and Faults Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Bergfield, Justin University of Arizona |
Session X1.00004 Many-body theory of electric and thermal transport in single-molecule heterojunctions Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Bergquist, James NIST |
Session T4.00002 Toward Robust, Stable, and Accurate Single Atom Optical Clocks Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Betzig, Eric Janelia Farm, HHMI |
Session Q4.00004 Pushing the Envelope in Biological Imaging Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Bhattacharya, Santanu |
Session P8.00003 Managing Inflections in Life and Career: Tale from a Physicist Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Bialczak, Radoslaw C. University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W6.00001 Superconducting Phase Qubits: Two-Qubit Tomography and Adjustable Coupling Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Bialek, William Princeton Univ |
Session L7.00004 TBA Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Bibette, Jerome ESPCI / CNRS UMR 7612 |
Session W2.00003 Breaking of an Emulsion under an ac Electric Field Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Biermann, Silke CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique |
Session P37.00004 Materials Design using Correlated Materials -- Where do we stand? Room: E147-E148 |
Bigot, Jean-Yves CNRS-IPCMS |
Session Z3.00004 Coherent ultrafast magnetism Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Blackburn, Jeffrey National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session L22.00001 Functional Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Solar Energy Conversion Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Boettcher, Shannon California Institute of Technology |
Session A29.00007 Si Wire-Array Solar Cells Room: C123 |
Boixo, Sergio Caltech |
Session B6.00005 Quantum state preparation by phase randomization Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Bonderson, Parsa Microsoft Station Q |
Session J26.00001 Topological Quantum Computation and Measurement Room: D136 |
Borodin, Oleg University of Utah, Wasatch Molecular Inc. |
Session Y8.00005 Ion Transport and Structural Properties of Polymeric Electrolytes and Ionic Liquids from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Bounassisi, Tonio MIT |
Session D29.00004 Exploring beneficial properties of defects in Earth-abundant solar cell materials Room: C123 |
Bousquet, E. University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Q24.00009 Competition between structural instabilities in strained ABO3 nanostructures Room: D133-D134 |
Bowers, John UC Santa Barbara |
Session W29.00004 Investigation of ErAs and ErSb doped semiconductors for enhanced thermoelectric Room: C123 |
Bowick, Mark Syracuse University |
Session T3.00001 Structure and Stability of Defect Arrays on Curved Interfaces Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Bozovic, Ivan Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L41.00004 Atomic-Layer Engineering of Oxide Superconductors Room: F152 |
Bracker, Allan Naval Research Laboratory |
Session Z1.00004 Tunable spin interactions in self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot molecules Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Brahms, Nathaniel University of California, Berkeley |
Session A8.00004 Tunable cavity optomechanics with ultracold neutral atoms Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Brataas, Arne Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Session Y4.00003 Scattering Theory of Mesoscopic Gilbert Damping Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Bratschitsch, Rudolf University of Konstanz and Center for Applied Photonics |
Session J14.00004 Ultrafast quantum optics with solid-state nanosystems Room: B113 |
Brennen, Gavin Macquarie University |
Session H6.00005 Creation, Manipulation, and Detection of Abelian and Non-Abelian Anyons in Optical Lattices Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Bridges, Frank UCSC |
Session A36.00007 Intrinsic Local Distortions and charge carrier behavior in CMR manganites and cobaltites Room: E146 |
Brockmann, Dirk Northwestern University |
Session A4.00001 Communities, boundaries and symmetries - Hidden structures in multi-scale human mobilty networks Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Brujic, Jasna |
Session Q2.00003 Random close packing of polydisperse jammed emulsions Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Brujic, Jasna NYU |
Session A7.00001 Molecular architecture governs the kinetics of single molecule unfolding under force Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Bud'ko, Sergey Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University |
Session B40.00007 Phase diagrams and physical properties of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$TM$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ (TM = Co, Ni, Cu, Rh, Pd) Room: F151 |
Budakian, Raffi University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session L2.00003 Observation of Fractional Fluxoid States in Mesoscopic Rings of Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ by Ultrasensitive Cantilever Magnetometry Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Bug, Amy Swarthmore College |
Session J5.00002 The Physics Classroom: Does Faculty Gender Matter? Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Buhmann, Hartmut Physikalisches Institut, University Wuerzburg |
Session D35.00011 Dissipationless transport in the quantum spin Hall insulator Room: E145 |
Bulgac, Aurel University of Washington |
Session P6.00004 What do we know about the unitary Fermi gas? Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Bunning, Timothy Materials and Manufacturing Directorate/Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session J19.00004 Hierarchically Ordered Polymer/Block Copolymer/Nanoparticle Systems Enabled via Holographic Photopolymerization Room: B118-B119 |
Burke, John Boston University |
Session V8.00003 Homoclinic Snaking in Simple PDE Systems Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Burke, Michael |
Session P7.00003 Science Is Art Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Butler, Robert University of Portland |
Session B3.00005 Teachers on the Leading Edge: A Place-Based Professional Development Program for K-12 Earth Science Teachers Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Buyanova, Irina Linkoping University |
Session A25.00001 Magnetic Resonance Studies of Oxygen and Zinc-Vacancy Native Defects in Bulk ZnO Crystals Room: D135 |
Byer, Robert L. Stanford University |
Session B5.00001 Lasers at 50: Meeting the Grand Challenges for the 21st Century Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Cadden-Zimansky, Paul Columbia University/NHMFL |
Session H1.00004 Cooper Pair Mediated Coherence Between Normal Metals Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Cain, John Principal Advisor, Carbon Management, Chevron Corporation |
Session U10.00002 Advanced biofuels and Chevron's energy supply strategy Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Campbell, David K. Boston University |
Session T1.00003 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Talk: The Fermi Pasta Ulam (FPU) Problem and The Birth of Nonlinear Science Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Campelo, Felix Universitat de Barcelona |
Session D27.00004 Sculpting membranes: a mechanism of curvature generation by proteins Room: D137 |
Carley, Kathleen Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B8.00003 Network Science for Deterrence: Sheathing the Sword of the Terrorism/Nuclear Horseman Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Carlsson, Anders Washington University in St Louis |
Session X7.00005 Dendritic Actin Nucleation Causes Traveling Waves and Patches Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Carroll, Malcolm Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B26.00001 Silicon enhancement mode nanostructures for quantum computing Room: D136 |
Carter, Emily Princeton University |
Session P28.00001 Advances in Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory: Physics and Algorithms Room: C124 |
Cava, Robert Princeton University |
Session P1.00002 Structure, Chemistry and Property Correlations in FeSe and 122 Pnictides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Cebe, Peggy Tufts University |
Session D18.00012 Forty years of confinement! When will RAF be released? Room: B117 |
Cecchi, Guillermo IBM Research |
Session H7.00001 Balanced excitation and inhibition lead to statistical and dynamical criticality Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Chaikin, Paul New York University |
Session X19.00007 Self-Replication Without Life (yet) Room: B118-B119 |
Chambers, Ann London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada |
Session Y7.00002 Complexity and Dynamic Heterogeneity of the Process of Cancer Metastasis Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Chang, Zenghu Kansas State University and University of Central Florida |
Session W27.00007 Double Optical Gating: an easy method for generating isolated attosecond pulses Room: D137 |
Chantrell, R.W. Department of Physics, The University of York, York, UK |
Session Q8.00002 Magnetic excitations and ultrafast magnetisation reversal Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Chaudhury, Rajit TCSUH and Department of Physics, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5002, USA |
Session Y36.00003 GMAG Student Award Talk: Effects of high pressure, magnetic fields and substitutions on multiferroic systems Room: E146 |
Chelikowsky, James University of Texas at Austin |
Session H25.00004 Defects at the Nanoscale: The Role of Quantum Confinement and Dimensionality Room: D135 |
Chen, Ching-Tzu IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session A1.00003 Integer and half-integer flux-quantum transitions in a niobium/iron-pnictide loop Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Chen, Xianhui University of Science and Technology of China |
Session V1.00001 Phase diagram and isotopic effect in high-Tc pnictide superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Chen, Yulin SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session B2.00001 Experimental Realization of a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Cheng, Joy IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session L18.00002 Directed Self-assembly for Lithography Applications Room: B117 |
Cheong, Sang-Wook Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials |
Session W3.00002 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: What is new in multiferroicity?: Mott ferroelectrics! Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Chernyshev, Sasha University of California, Irvine |
Session V34.00007 Lifetime of spin excitations in non-collinear quantum antiferromagnets Room: E144 |
Chiang, T.-C. Department of Physics and Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session P2.00001 One-Dimensional Shell Effects in Thin Metal Films Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Chin, Cheng University of Chicago |
Session Q31.00001 In Situ Observation of Quantum Phase Transition and Quantum Dynamics in Optical Lattices Room: E141 |
Chiu, Wah Baylor College of Medicine |
Session X5.00002 Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Viruses Infecting Bacterium Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Christopher, Soles NIST |
Session V19.00001 The Effects of Thin Films and Confinement on Nanopattering Room: B118-B119 |
Chu, C.W. University of Houston and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W41.00001 A Possible Path from BCS through HTS to VHTS Room: F152 |
Chung, Suk Bum Stanford University |
Session L2.00002 Half-quantum vortices in $p_{x}$\textit{+ ip}$_{y}$ superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Chung, Sung-Yoon Inha University / Nalphates LLC |
Session W1.00003 Nanocrystal Formation and Cation Ordering in Li-Intercalation Metal Phosphate. Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Cipelletti, Luca University Montpellier 2 and CNRS |
Session V2.00002 Dynamic Heterogeneity and Relaxation Time Very Close to Dynamic Arrest Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Clark, Susan Stanford University |
Session Z1.00002 Ultrafast optical spin echo for electron spins in semiconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Clarke, Simon University of Oxford |
Session Y27.00001 Chemical control of the structures and properties of layered oxide chalcogenides and oxide pnictides Room: D137 |
Cobden, David University of Washington |
Session Y5.00004 New aspects of the metal-insulator transition in vanadium dioxide nanobeams Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Coddington, Ian NIST Boulder |
Session Q27.00007 Molecular Spectroscopy with Frequency Combs Room: D137 |
Colby, Ralph H. Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University |
Session H4.00002 Designing Ion-Containing Polymers for Facile Ion Transport Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Coleman, Piers Rutgers University |
Session T2.00001 Mapping the effect of frustration on the Kondo Lattice Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Colizza, Vittoria ISI Foundation |
Session Q13.00004 Human mobility and epidemic invasion Room: B112 |
Conboy, John University of Utah |
Session Q4.00003 Exploring the Underlying Biophysics of Eukaryotic Plasma Membrane Asymmetry by Sum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Cooper, Nigel University of Cambridge |
Session H6.00003 Correlated Phases in Bose-Hubbard Models with Simulated Magnetic Fields Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Crabtree, George Argonne National Laboratory |
Session U10.00001 Introduction Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Cronin, Stephen University of Southern California |
Session L1.00005 Electron-Phonon and Electron-Electron Interactions in Individual Suspended Carbon Nanotubes Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Croquette, Vincent Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session H2.00003 Single molecule experiments using magnetic tweezers Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Crosby, Alfred University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session L19.00005 Order Through Instability: Patterning with Polymers and Nanoparticles Room: B118-B119 |
Cui, Yi Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session B2.00002 Topological Insulator Nanoribbons and Nanocrystals Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Curro, Nicholas J. University of California, Davis |
Session B1.00005 Spin Dynamics and Local Inhomogeneity in Doped AFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ (A = Ca, Ba) Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Cywinski, Lukasz Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland and Condensed Matter Theory Center, University of Maryland, USA |
Session A35.00008 Electron spin dephasing by hyperfine interaction with nuclei in quantum dots Room: E145 |
Dadmun, Mark University of Tennessee |
Session D6.00001 Polymer Loop Formation on a Functionalized Hard Surface: Quantitative Insight by Comparison of Experimental and Monte Carlo Simulation Results Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Dahmen, Karin A. Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session T7.00001 Avalanches and universality in condensed matter Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Damascelli, Andrea UBC, Vancouver, Canada |
Session A3.00003 Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects on the Fermi Surface of Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Damjanovic, Dragan Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - EPFL |
Session L24.00007 Lead-free piezoelectrics and mechanisms of high electro-mechanical coupling Room: D133-D134 |
Dani, Keshav M. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B14.00004 Subpicosecond optical switching with a negative index metamaterial Room: B113 |
Davis, J.C. S\'eamus Cornell University, University of St. Andrews, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session T39.00001 Comparison of Nematic Electronic Structure in the ``Parent States'' of Ca(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x})_{2}$As$_{2}$ and of Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8+\delta }$ Room: F150 |
Debenedetti, Pablo Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University |
Session A28.00007 Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Confined Water: a Computational Perspective Room: C124 |
Dediu, Valentin Spintronic Devices Group, Institute of Nanostructured Materials ISMN-CNR, Italy |
Session H3.00005 Spin Routes in Organic Semiconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
del Alamo, Juan C. University of California, San Diego |
Session L6.00005 Anisotropic viscoelastic properties and cytoskeletal structure of endothelial cells subject to shear flow Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Delayen, Jean Old Dominion University |
Session L8.00005 RF Superconductivity -- An Essential Technology for 4$^{th}$ Generation Light Sources Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Dellar, Paul University of Oxford |
Session P5.00003 Lattice Boltzmann approaches to magnetohydrodynamics and electromagnetism Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Deniz, Ashok The Scripps Research Institute |
Session D10.00005 Probing Protein Fluctuations, Folding and Misfolding at Single-molecule Resolution Room: A106 |
Deutsch, Miriam University of Oregon |
Session J8.00005 Optical Science Discovery Program: Pre-College Outreach and So Much More Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Devereaux, Thomas SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford Univ. |
Session B1.00001 Examination of the Role of Electronic Correlations in the Pnictides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Dian, Brian C. Purdue University |
Session P27.00006 Expansion of Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy into the Microwave: Implementation and Applications Room: D137 |
DiCarlo, Leonardo Department of Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session W6.00003 Realization of Simple Quantum Algorithms with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Dick, Kimberly Lund University |
Session A32.00005 Epitaxial growth and design of semiconductor nanowires Room: E142 |
Discher, Dennis University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q7.00003 Matrix elasticity directs stem cell lineage specification Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Dmitriev, Ivan Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session J2.00005 Photogalvanic effects originating from the violation of the Einstein relation in a 2D electron gas in high Landau levels Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Donnelly, Russell J. Department of Physics, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403 |
Session Y6.00005 The Discovery of the Two Fluid Theory and Second Sound in Helium II Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Doughty, Chris K1Tek |
Session P8.00004 A blind squirrel finds a nut: tales from at an entrepreneurial adventure Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Doyle, John Harvard University |
Session H24.00001 Cold, Trapped Molecules via Cryogenic Buffer Gas Methods Room: D133-D134 |
Du, Rui-Rui Rice University |
Session J2.00004 Microwave-Induced Nonlinear Transport in Spatially Modulated 2D Electron Systems Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Du, Xu Stony Brook University |
Session D21.00004 Magnetically induced correlated states in suspended graphene Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Duenweg, Burkhard Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz |
Session B4.00002 Simulating the dynamics of a single polymer chain in solution: Lattice Boltzmann vs Brownian dynamics Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Eagle, Nathan The Santa Fe Institute |
Session A4.00004 Big Data, Global Development, and Complex Social Systems Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Eaton, William Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD |
Session D10.00001 Photon-by-photon trajectories of single protein molecules folding and unfolding Room: A106 |
Session L37.00001 Temporal Coherence of MgO Based Magnetic Tunnel Junction Spin Torque Oscillators Room: E147-E148 |
Economou, Sophia Naval Research Lab |
Session Y35.00004 Optically controlled spins in semiconductor quantum dots Room: E145 |
Ehrlich, Daniel Boston University |
Session P8.00005 Revise Inc. - Getting Bought Out Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Ehrlich, Robert George Mason University |
Session W5.00004 Renewable Energy at George Mason University and Around the Nation: Lessons Learned by One Faculty Member New to the Field Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Emonet, Thierry Yale University, MCDB \& Physics |
Session W7.00003 Molecular noise, cellular behavior and navigation strategies Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Engels, Peter Washington State University |
Session Y6.00001 Matter-wave Interference in Bose-Einstein Condensates: a dispersive hydrodynamics perspective Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Engheta, Nader University of Pennsylvania |
Session Z4.00003 Plasmonics for Nanowaveguides, Nanoantennas, and Imaging Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Eschrig, Matthias University of Konstanz, Fachbereich Physik, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany |
Session H1.00002 Crossed Cooper Pair Transmission and Pure Spin Supercurrents through Strongly Spin-polarized Ferromagnets Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Esslinger, Tilman ETH Zurich |
Session X2.00002 Synthetic quantum many-body systems with local and global interactions Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Everaers, Ralf University of Lyon |
Session J4.00004 From Structure to Dynamics of Polymer Melts Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Fair, Richard Duke University |
Session W2.00004 Electrowetting Control of Droplets for Biomedical Applications on Chips Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Falco, Charles University of Arizona |
Session Q3.00003 Imaging in the Infrared Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Faller, James JILA-University of Colorado |
Session B5.00003 Laser Ranging to the Moon: How Evolving Technology Enables New Science Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Fecher, Gerhard H. Johannes Gutenberg - University, Mainz |
Session L3.00002 Exotic magnetism in the alkali sesquioxides Rb$_4$O$_6$ and Cs$_4$O$_6$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Feist, Johannes ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA and Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU Vienna, Austria |
Session V6.00005 Ab initio calculations of correlated electron dynamics in ultrashort pulses Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Fennell, Tom Institut Laue Langevin |
Session W36.00001 Coulomb Phases in the spin ices Ho$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ and Dy$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ Room: E146 |
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session L5.00004 Opportunities in Neutron Science Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Ferrell, James Stanford University |
Session W7.00001 Sources of non-linearity in the mitotic trigger Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Fert, Albert CNRS/Thales Laboratory |
Session D8.00001 Recipes for lateral spin transport between magnetic contacts, advantage of carbon-based materials. Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
F\`eve, Gwendal Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, laboratoire Pierre Aigrain |
Session Y3.00004 Electron quantum optics: current and noise of a single electron emitter Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Fiebig, Manfred University of Bonn |
Session Z3.00001 Domains in multiferroics with magnetically induced ferroelectricity Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Fischer, Peter CXRO/LBNL |
Session T5.00002 Soft X-Ray Microscopy: Imaging Magnetism at Small Sizes Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Fisher, Daniel S. Stanford University |
Session B7.00002 Rates of evolution with and without sex Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Fisk, Zachary UC Irvine |
Session Q1.00002 Superconductivity, Magnetism and High T$_{c}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Folk, Joshua University of British Columbia |
Session A21.00004 Spin-Resolved Quantum Interference in Graphene Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Ford, Christopher University of Cambridge |
Session L1.00001 Direct observation of spin-charge separation and interaction effects in GaAs quantum wires by momentum-conserved tunneling Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Foster, Mark The University of Akron |
Session D6.00002 Surface Dynamics of ``Dry'' Homopolymer Brushes Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Fraden, Seth Brandeis University |
Session W2.00002 The PhaseChip: Manipulating Phase Diagrams with Microfluidics Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Francois, Paul The Rockefeller University |
Session H7.00003 In silico evolution of biochemical networks Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Freericks, James Georgetown University |
Session X1.00002 Describing nonequilibrium behavior in strongly correlated materials via dynamical mean-field theory Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Freire, Ernesto Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q5.00005 Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions and Signaling by Small Molecules Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Frey, Erwin Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen |
Session B4.00004 Dynamics of Semiflexible Polymers in Solution Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Freysoldt, Christoph Max-Planck-Institut fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf, Germany |
Session J6.00004 Charged defects in the supercell approach Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Friedan, Daniel Rutgers the State University of New Jersey |
Session L4.00001 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: 1+1d conformal field theories as natural languages for asymptotically large-scale quantum computing Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Fritz, David SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session D15.00001 The X-ray Pump-Probe Instrument at LCLS Room: B114 |
Frosch, Robert Harvard Kennedy School \& WHOI |
Session W3.00005 George E. Pake Prize Talk: Leading Applied R{\&}D: Seeking Serendipity Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Fujimoto, James G. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B5.00004 Medical imaging with optical coherence tomography Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
G\"unter, Kenneth Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS Paris |
Session H6.00002 A practical scheme for a light-induced gauge field in an atomic Bose gas Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Gabor, Nathaniel Cornell University Physics |
Session J22.00011 Extremely Efficient Multiple Electron-hole Pair Generation in Carbon Nanotube Photodiodes Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Galayda, John SLAC |
Session L8.00002 LCLS - Status and Performance Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Galli, Giulia University of California, Davis |
Session H27.00001 Water confined at the nanoscale: insight from first principles calculations Room: D137 |
Galvez, Enrique Colgate University |
Session X33.00001 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution Talk: Quantum Interference and Imaging with Correlated Photons Room: E143 |
Gambardella, Pietro ICREA and Centre d'Investigacions en Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain |
Session X37.00001 Magnetic Properties of Ultrathin Metal-Organic Layers on Metal Surfaces: Supramolecules and Macrocycles Room: E147-E148 |
Gamelin, Daniel University of Washington |
Session Y37.00001 Charge-controlled magnetism in colloidal doped semiconductor nanocrystals Room: E147-E148 |
Garcia, Angel E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session L27.00001 Dynamics of ubiquitin in the confining environment of a reverse micelle Room: D137 |
Garde, Shekhar RPI |
Session H27.00007 Water and hydrophobic effects at interfaces and in confinement Room: D137 |
Geballe, Theodore Stanford University |
Session Q1.00001 Enhanced Superconductivity in Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{(4-x)}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Geim, Andre University of Manchester |
Session J21.00004 Graphene Update Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Germann, Timothy C. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session V6.00003 Petascale Frontiers of Atomistic Materials Simulations Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Gershoni, David Physics Dept. Technion, 32000, Haifa, Israel |
Session W14.00007 Radiative Cascades in Charged and Neutral Semiconductor Quantum Dots Room: B113 |
Giblin, Sean ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, U.K. |
Session X3.00002 Measurement of the charge and current of magnetic monopoles in spin ice Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Ginley, David National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session D3.00002 Interfacial Modification for Enhanced Performance of OPV Devices Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Glazman, Leonid Yale University |
Session L1.00002 Theory of Nonlinear Luttinger Liquids Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Gleckman, Philip eSolar, Inc. |
Session W5.00003 Modernizing the Physics Curriculum by Being Less Modern Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Gleibe, John Portland State University |
Session H8.00001 The Science of Transportation Analysis and Simulation Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Goldenfeld, Nigel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D7.00001 Scaling Laws, Fluctuations and Pattern Formation in Ecosystems Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Goldenfeld, Nigel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session T6.00003 Physics at the Frontier: The Importance of Interdisciplinary Training For Graduate Students in Physics Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Gong, Jian Ping Hokkaido University |
Session X18.00004 Toughening Mechanism of Double Network Hydrogels Room: B117 |
Gonzalez, Marta MIT |
Session A4.00003 Modelling large scale human activity in San Francisco Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Goodson, Theodore University of Michigan |
Session P4.00003 Entangled Photon Spectroscopy with Organic Materials Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gore, Jeff Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B7.00001 Games microbes play: The game theory behind cooperative sucrose metabolism in yeast Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Gotsmann, Bernd IBM Research - Zurich |
Session P32.00008 Fundamental deformation processes controlling nanoscale friction and wear Room: E142 |
Goudsmit, Esther Oakland University, Rochester MI |
Session D5.00002 Samuel Goudsmit - Early Influences Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Granick, Steve University of Illinois |
Session P4.00001 Transport dynamics -- one particle at a time Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Gray, Jennifer University of Pittsburg |
Session A32.00001 SiGe self-assembled quantum dots and quantum dot molecules patterned using a focused ion beam Room: E142 |
Greenberg, Kathryn Mount Holyoke College |
Session D1.00003 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: High Resolution Thermoreflectance Imaging of Thermal Coupling in Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Arrays Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Gregg, Marty Queen's University Belfast |
Session P24.00007 Domains in Ferroelectric Nanostructures Room: D133-D134 |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session X2.00003 Quantum Gas Microscope -- A Next Generation Quantum Simulator Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Grest, Gary S. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J4.00002 Interdiffusion and Self-Healing of Entangled Polymer Melts Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Grigera, Santiago Conicet |
Session X3.00003 Dirac Strings and Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice Dy2Ti2O7 Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Gross, Leo IBM Research - Zurich |
Session W8.00005 Charge Measurement of Atoms and Atomic Resolution of Molecules with Noncontact AFM Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Gruner, Sol M. Cornell University |
Session L27.00008 High Pressure Cryocooling of Protein Crystals: The Enigma of Water Room: D137 |
Gueye, Paul Hampton University |
Session J8.00002 Riding light in the minority communities and how K-12 students can shine in physics Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Gumbsch, Peter Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session P32.00004 Making and Breaking of Atomic Bonds in Carbon Tribocontacts Room: E142 |
Gundlach, Jens H. University of Washington |
Session A7.00002 DNA Sequencing Using an Engineered Protein Nanopore Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Gurevich, Alex National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32310 |
Session J1.00004 Ferropnictides at high magnetic fields: the role of pairing symmetry and impurity scattering Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Gurney, Bruce Hitachi Global Storage Technologies |
Session T5.00004 Nanoscale Magnetic Field Sensors For Magnetic Recording Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
H\"ubner, Jens Institute for Solid State Physics, Leibniz University of Hannover, Appelstr. 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany |
Session X35.00004 Spin noise spectroscopy from acoustic to GHz frequencies Room: E145 |
Hackermueller, Lucia University of Nottingham |
Session V31.00001 Metallic and Insulating Phases of Interacting Fermions in a 3D Optical Lattice Room: E141 |
Hader, Jorg Nonlinear Control Strategies Inc., 3542 N. Geronimo Ave., Tucson, AZ 85705 and Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 |
Session H5.00005 On the importance of radiative and Auger losses in GaN-based quantum wells Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Hahnloser, Richard University of Zurich / ETH Zurich |
Session X6.00002 How the songbird brain listens to its own songs Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Halas, Naomi Rice University |
Session Z4.00004 Biomedical Plasmonics Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Hammerer, Klemens University of Innsbruck |
Session A8.00002 Interfacing Opto-mechanics with Atoms Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Haran, Gilad Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Z2.00003 The nano-gap and the emitting molecule: Control of polarization and spectral shape Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Harris, Jack Yale University |
Session A8.00001 Strong quadratic and quartic optomechanical couplings for QND measurements Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Harrison, Neil Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y1.00003 Separation of charge-order and magnetic QCPs in heavy fermions and high $T_{\rm c}$ cuprates Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Harrow, Aram University of Bristol, UK |
Session D4.00002 A quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Hart, Gus L. W. Brigham Young University |
Session H30.00008 Generating and utilizing derivative structures Room: D139 |
Hartmann, Alexander University of Oldenburg, Germany |
Session A6.00005 Negative-weight percolation Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Harutyunyan, Avetik Honda Research Institute USA Inc., 1381 Kinnear Road, Columbus OH 43212, USA |
Session A30.00002 On the Preferential Growth of Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Thin Films Room: D139 |
Haule, Kristjan Rutgers University |
Session T2.00004 Hidden order in URu2Si2 Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Havlin, Shlomo Bar-Ilan University |
Session T1.00004 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Talk: Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networks Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Head-Gordon, Martin Department of Chemistry, University of California, and Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Lab |
Session J28.00001 Semi-empirical density functionals Room: C124 |
Head-Gordon, Teresa University of California, Berkeley |
Session J27.00001 Molecular Studies of Bulk Water and Hydration Water at Interfaces Room: D137 |
Heeger, Alan J. University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D3.00004 Organic Photovoltaics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Heindl, Ranko NIST |
Session J37.00008 Magnetodynamics of spin torque switching in nanometer sized magnetic devices Room: E147-E148 |
Heinz, Tony Columbia Univ |
Session X20.00004 Ultrafast measurement of electron phonon coupling in CNTs (optical, ultrafast) Room: C120-C122 |
Henderson, Stuart Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session L8.00001 Spallation Neutron Source Operating Experience and Outlook for Upgrades Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Hennig, Richard Cornell University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
Session J6.00003 Quantum Monte Carlo calculations for point defects in semiconductors Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Heussinger, Claus LPMCN, Universite Lyon 1 |
Session Q2.00002 Jamming transition as probed by quasi-static shear simulations Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Hexemer, Alexander LBNL |
Session T3.00005 Experimental Studies of Defects in (Co)polymer Nanosystems Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Hicks, Clifford University of St Andrews |
Session A1.00004 Scanning SQUID microscopy studies of the penetration depth and pairing symmetry in Fe-pnictide superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Higgins, Simon University of Liverpool |
Session A14.00005 Medium Effects in Single Molecule Electronics Room: B113 |
Hillmyer, Marc University of Minnesota |
Session B19.00001 Multifunctional Block Polymer Thin Films for Templating and Separations Room: B118-B119 |
Hirschfeld, P.J. Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA |
Session J1.00001 Spin fluctuation pairing in Fe-based superconductors and its consequences Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Ho, Tin-Lun The Ohio State University |
Session X2.00001 The Roads to Quantum Simulation: Ultra-low Temperatures Regime and ``Quantum Many Body Precision Measurement" Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Ho, Wilson University of California, Irvine |
Session L14.00001 Imaging Photoinduced Charge Transport in Single Molecules Room: B113 |
Hobson, Art University of Arkansas |
Session Q6.00005 Physics Literacy for All Students Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Hoegele, Alexander LMU Munich, Department of Physics and Center for NanoScience, Munich, Germany |
Session Q14.00001 Locking of the quantum dot electron-nuclear spin system to a resonant laser Room: B113 |
Hoffman, Jennifer Harvard University |
Session W8.00003 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Iron-Based Superconductors Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Hoffman, Robert Consultant in Cytometry and Biophotonics |
Session Q10.00004 Flow Cytometry- Current Detection Limits and Future Prospects Room: A106 |
Hollberg, Leo AOSense |
Session T4.00005 Modern Laser-Atomic Physics and Stable Oscillators for Real World Applications Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Holmes, Brian W. Physics Department, San Jose State University |
Session P7.00004 Understanding Musical Instruments: Composing ``Updike's Science'' Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Holmes, Russell University of Minnesota |
Session B16.00004 Architectures for enhanced exciton collection in organic photovoltaic cells Room: B115 |
Hone, James Columbia University |
Session V21.00004 Graphene Mechanics and NEMS Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Horton, Linda Department of Energy |
Session J3.00001 Basic Science for a Secure Energy Future Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Horton, Linda Director, Materials Science and Engineering Division, Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Dept. of Energy |
Session U10.00004 Basic Research Needs and Opportunities Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Hoy, Robert Yale University |
Session W13.00004 Minimal Energy Polymer Packings Room: B112 |
Hsieh, David Princeton University |
Session D2.00001 Tunable topological insulators with a single spin-polarized surface Dirac cone Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Huang, K.C. Stanford University |
Session Q7.00001 Elastic Deformations During Bacterial Cell Growth Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Huang, Young Northwestern University |
Session L22.00005 Synthesis and application of CNT arrays Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Hubbard, Camden R. Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session V5.00003 Residual Stress Analysis for Industry Using Neutron Scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Hughes, Taylor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D2.00004 Fermi Surface Topological Invariants for Time Reversal Invariant Superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Hulet, Randall Dept. of Physics and Astronomy and Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University |
Session X2.00004 Spin-Imbalance in a One-Dimensional Fermi Gas Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Humphreys, Colin University of Cambridge |
Session H5.00004 The contribution of carrier localisation to efficiency droop in GaN LEDs Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Hussey, Nigel University of Bristol |
Session Y1.00002 Dichotomy in the $T$-linear resistivity in hole-doped cuprates - extended criticality and quasiparticle decoherence Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Hutson, M. Shane Vanderbilt University |
Session Q11.00004 Epithelial self-organization in fruit fly embryogenesis Room: A107-A109 |
Huvonen, Dan National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics |
Session V3.00005 Magnetic excitations and optical transitions in the multiferroic spin-$\frac{1} {2}$ system LiCu$_2$O$_2$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Hwang, Euyheon Univ. of Maryland |
Session Q21.00004 Screening and transport of bilayer graphene Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Imai, Takashi McMaster University and CIFAR |
Session P1.00005 NMR investigation of iron-based superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Irani, Sandy University of California, Irvine |
Session D4.00004 The Quantum and Classical Complexity of Translationally Invariant Tiling and Hamiltonian Problems Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Irvine, William Center for Soft Matter Research, NYU |
Session T3.00003 Topological defects in colloidal Wigner crystals on curved surfaces Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Israeloff, Nathan Northeastern University |
Session H17.00002 Nanoscale fluctuations and responses in equilibrium and nonequilibrium glassy polymers Room: B116 |
Itoh, Kohei Keio University |
Session A35.00001 Magnetic spin resonance of hydrogenic phosphorus donors in silicon Room: E145 |
Ivanov, Eugene The University of Western Australia |
Session T4.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Talk: Precision Noise Measurements at Microwave and Optical Frequencies Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Ivie, Rachel American Institute of Physics |
Session J5.00001 Lessons Learned from Data on Women's Careers in Physics Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Izgorodina, Ekaterina I. School of Chemistry, Monash University |
Session Y8.00004 Components of Dielectric Constants of Ionic Liquids Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Jacobs, Karin Saarland University |
Session X4.00004 Flow dynamics of thin polymer films: Influence of the solid/liquid interface Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Jacobs, Stephen University of Rochester |
Session J8.00004 Feedback from Over 10 Years of Youth Outreach with the Optics Suitcase Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Jaeger, Heinrich Department of Physics and The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago |
Session G1.00001 Physics with a Bang! Room: C120-C122 |
Jansen, Ron University of Twente, The Netherlands |
Session H3.00002 Electrical creation of spin polarization in silicon at room temperature Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Jaubert, Ludovic MPI-PkS, Dresden, Germany |
Session X3.00004 Monopole and Dirac string Dynamics in Spin Ice Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Jiang, Liang California Institute of Technology |
Session H3.00004 Quantum science with spin impurities in diamond Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Jin, Deborah University of Colorado/JILA |
Session T28.00003 Ultracold polar molecules Room: C124 |
Jin, Dezhe Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 |
Session X6.00005 The neural dynamics of song syntax in songbirds Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Johannes, Michelle Naval Research Laboratory |
Session B1.00002 Localized vs. Itinerant Magnetism in Fe-based Superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Johnson, Anthony M. Center for Advanced Studies in Photonics Research, University of Maryland Baltimore County |
Session L5.00002 Photonics, Diversity and Mentoring -- 30 Years of Experiences and Strategies of an African-American Physicist Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Johrendt, Dirk LMU Muenchen |
Session A39.00001 Crystal chemical aspects of superconductivity in BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ and related compounds Room: F150 |
Jones, Barbara IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session T2.00005 Analysis of the antiferromagnetic phase transitions of the 2D Kondo lattice Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Jones, David UBC |
Session J23.00006 Multi-frequency THz Heterodyne Spectroscopy using Electro-Optic Sampling Room: C125-C126 |
Jones, Ronald NIST |
Session W19.00001 Characterizing 3-D Assembly of Block Copolymer Films using Rotational Small Angle Neutron Scattering Room: B118-B119 |
Julienne, Paul S. Joint Quantum Institute, NIST and the University of Maryland |
Session T28.00005 Simple models for ultracold molecular collisions Room: C124 |
Kalinin, Sergei Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B15.00001 Probing bias-strain coupling on the nanoscale by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy: from ferroelectric and multiferroics to energy storage materials Room: B114 |
Kalisky, Beena Stanford University |
Session V1.00004 Sheets of enhanced diamagnetic susceptibility in pnictide superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Kallin, Catherine McMaster University |
Session A3.00004 Spontaneous Supercurrents in a Chiral p-Wave Superconductor Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Kamenev, Alex University of Minnesota |
Session D7.00002 Extinction in Predator-Prey Systems Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Kamrin, Kenneth Harvard University |
Session L4.00004 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics Talk: Elasto-Plastic Modeling of Steady Granular Flow Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Kane, Charles University of Pennsylvania |
Session A2.00001 Majorana Fermions and Topological Insulators Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Kas, Josef A. Division of Soft Matter Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics I, University of Leipzig |
Session X7.00001 Soft Brains, Signal Amplification through Noise, and Taking the Brain by its Horns Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Katz, Jonathan Washington University |
Session B8.00004 Global Response to Global Warming: Geoengineering with Stratospheric Aerosols Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Katzgraber, Helmut G. Department of Physics, Texas A\&M University \& ETH Zurich |
Session A6.00003 New insights from one-dimensional spin glasses Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Kawakami, Roland University of California, Riverside |
Session H3.00003 Spin transport in graphene: Injection, relaxation, and electron-hole asymmetries Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Kelly, Paul University of Twente |
Session Y4.00002 Ab-initio study of the resistivity, Gilbert damping and spin-flip diffusion in transition metal alloys Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Kennedy, Anthony University of Edinburgh |
Session V6.00004 Lattice QCD from algorithms to hardware Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Kennedy, Cheryl National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session W5.00001 NREL's Education Program in Action in the Concentrating Solar Power Program Advanced Materials Task Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Kida, Noriaki ERATO multiferroics |
Session V3.00004 Electromagnons in multiferroics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Kim, Moo Sung Stony Brook University |
Session T2.00002 Heavy Fermions and Geometric Frustration on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Kim, Seung-Woo KAIST |
Session Z2.00005 High harmonic generation by surface plasmon resonance: Design of plasmonic devices and their applications Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Kimber, Simon Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin |
Session V1.00002 Structural Distortions under pressure and doping in superconducting BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
King, Hubert ExxonMobil Research and Eng. Co. |
Session V5.00005 Why Particle Dispersions Matter: Product Discovery and Problem Solving in the Hydrocarbon Industry Through Neutron Scattering Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Kioupakis, Emmanouil University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session H5.00002 Auger recombination and free-carrier absorption in nitrides from first principles Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Kirchner, Stefan Max Planck Society |
Session T2.00003 Kondo breakdown and Berry phase effect in local-moment systems Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Kirshenbaum, Sheril Duke University |
Session Q6.00002 How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Kirtley, John Stanford University |
Session T5.00001 Prospects for Imaging Magnetic Nanoparticles Using a Scanning Squid Microscope Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Kishony, Roy Harvard Medical School |
Session B7.00003 Laboratory explorations of evolution Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Klafter, Joseph Tel Aviv University |
Session A4.00005 Beller Lectureship Talk: Levy Flights and Walks in Nature Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Kleemann, Wolfgang Angewandte Physik, Universit\"at Duisburg-Essen, D-47048 Duisburg, Germany |
Session Z3.00005 Electrical control of exchange coupling in disordered multiferroics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Kloster, Tom Oregon Metro |
Session H8.00003 The Changing Science of Urban Transportation Planning Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Knezevic, Irena University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session L20.00004 Design of Nanostructured Materials for Electronic, Thermoelectric, and Optoelectronic Applications Room: C120-122 |
Knobloch, Edgar University of California at Berkeley |
Session V8.00004 Localized states in convective systems Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Koleske, Daniel D. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B25.00006 InGaN Growth Morphology and Its Relationship to Luminescence for Solid State Lighting Room: D135 |
Kondo, Takeshi |
Session Q40.00001 Dramatic variation of electronic structure with doping in iron arsenic superconductors revealed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy Room: F151 |
Koralek, Jake Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session J35.00007 Emergence of the persistent spin helix in semiconductor quantum wells Room: E145 |
Kornyshev, Alexei Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London |
Session Y8.00001 Nonlinear polarization of ionic liquids: theory, simulations, experiments Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Kourkoutis, L. Fitting Cornell University |
Session T37.00007 Atomic-Scale Chemical Imaging of Composition and Bonding at Perovskite Oxide Interfaces Room: E147-E148 |
Kramer, Edward J. UCSB |
Session D19.00001 Packing Frustration and its Effects on Phase Transitions in Block Copolymer Films Room: B118-B119 |
Krames, Michael Soraa, Inc. |
Session H5.00001 Auger Recombination in Indium Gallium Nitride: Experimental Evidence Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Kremer, Kurt Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Session J4.00001 Making coarse grained polymer simulations quantitatively predictive for statics and dynamics Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Krems, Roman University of British Columbia |
Session T28.00001 Collision dynamics of molecules and rotational excitons in an ultracold gas confined by an optical lattice Room: C124 |
Kresin, Vladimir Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
Session T41.00007 Superconducting state of metallic clusters: Potential for room temperature superconductivity, nano-based tunneling networks Room: F152 |
Krishnamoorthy, Ashok V. Sun Microsystems |
Session A5.00005 Compacting high-end computing systems with silicon photonic interconnects Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Kronik, Leeor Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
Session X16.00001 Theoretical spectroscopy of organic semiconductors: challenges and progress Room: B115 |
Krylov, Anna |
Session Q28.00001 Predictive Electronic Structure Methods for Model Charge Transfer Systems Room: C124 |
Kubetzka, Andre Hamburg University |
Session W8.00002 Scanning Tunneling Microsocpy of Complex Magnetic Order Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Kumacheva, Eugenia University of Toronto |
Session H4.00004 A block copolymer approach to the pre-programmed organization of inorganic nanostructures Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Kwo, J. Raynien President, the Physical Society of Taiwan |
Session T8.00001 Progress and Prospect of Physics Research and Education in Taiwan Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Lagally, Max G. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session W28.00001 Charge Transport in Silicon Nanomembranes Room: C124 |
Lagoute, J\'er\^ome Universit\'e Paris Diderot - CNRS |
Session H20.00007 Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of single wall carbon nanotubes Room: C120-C122 |
Lake, Bella Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy |
Session D36.00006 Spin and Orbital Ordering in Vanadates Room: E146 |
Lambrecht, Walter Case Western Reserve University |
Session J6.00005 Applications of LSDA+U to defects in semiconductors and calculation of magnetic exchange interactions Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Lany, Stephan National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session L3.00004 Localization, lattice distortion, charge transition levels, and magnetism of small-polaronic hole- and electron-states in wide-gap semiconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Lanzara, Alessandra University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D1.00001 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award Talk: Dirac fermions in epitaxial and free standing graphene Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Larson, Ronald G. University of Michigan |
Session J4.00005 Rheology of Entangled Polymer Melts: Recent Results from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Lau, Chun Ning University of California, Riverside |
Session W21.00004 Supercurrent and Interference in Carbon Nanotube Josephson Transistors Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Laue, Tom University of New Hampshire |
Session Q5.00002 Protein associations and analytical ultracentrifugation Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Lauga, Eric UCSD |
Session V11.00004 The nonlinear hydrodynamics of swimming cells Room: A107-A109 |
Lee, David Cornell University \& Texas A\&M University |
Session X8.00004 Early Days of Superfluid $^{3}$He: An Experimenter's View Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Lee, Kyung-Jin Dept. of Mater. Sci. \& Eng., Korea Univ. |
Session L37.00008 Self-consistent calculations of transport and magnetization dynamics Room: E147-E148 |
Lee, Sungbae Physics Dept., The University of Houston |
Session X1.00005 Electric field driven transition in magnetite Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Lee, Taehun City College of City University of New York |
Session P5.00005 Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Multi-phase Interfacial Flows Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Leggett, Anthony University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X8.00005 Superfluid 3-He:understanding the experiments Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Leibler, Ludwik ESPCI, Mati\`ere Molle et Chimie, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris |
Session H4.00005 Carbon nanotubes soldering for high performance composites Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Leone, Stephen University of California/LBNL/Berkeley |
Session W27.00003 Ultrafast/Attosecond Transient Absorption with High Order Harmonics Room: D137 |
Lettner, Matthias Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Hans Kopfermann Str.1, D-85748 Garching |
Session B6.00003 Strong Dissipation Inhibits Losses and Induces Correlations in Cold Molecular Gases Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Leuthold, Jueerg University of Karlsruhe |
Session A5.00002 Silicon Organic Hybrid: A platform for future high-speed silicon photonics Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Levine, Alex UCLA |
Session L6.00001 Cell Quakes: Mechanics and Microrheology of Living Cells and Active Gels Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Levine, Dov Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology |
Session T1.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Prize Talk: Exotic Order in Solids Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Levine, Gregory Department of Physics and Astronomy, Hofstra University |
Session V31.00004 Computations of the Entanglement Entropy Area Law and Strongly Correlated Systems Room: E141 |
Levine, Herbert UCSD |
Session W7.00004 Spatially-Extended Cellular Signals - The Case of Chemotaxis Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Levinson, David University of Minnesota |
Session H8.00002 The Physics of Traffic Congestion and Road Pricing in Transportation Planning Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Levy, Peter M. New York University |
Session D5.00005 Electron spin from Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck to Spintronics Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Lieber, Charles Harvard University |
Session V28.00001 Nanoelectronics and quantum transport based on semiconductor nanowires Room: C124 |
Lilley, David The University of Dundee |
Session L10.00005 Single-molecule FRET studies of RNA folding and catalysis Room: A106 |
Lin, Eric Polymers Division, NIST |
Session V5.00001 Application of Neutron Measurements to Advance Semiconductor Manufacturing: Next-Generation Lithography and Nanoporous Thin Films Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Lin, Yu-Ju Joint Quantum Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and University of Maryland |
Session H6.00001 Optically synthesized electric and magnetic fields for ultracold neutral atoms Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Lindsay, Stuart Arizona State University |
Session Y7.00001 Mapping Epigenetic Changes One Molecule at a Time Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Logan, Jonothan EPG Research Foundation, New York |
Session D5.00003 A Keen Eye for Clues Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Lomask, Jodi Capacitor Dance Company |
Session P7.00002 Art, Science, and the Choreography of Creative Process Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Long, Michael NYU School of Medicine |
Session X6.00003 The Origin of Time in the Songbird Motor Pathway Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Long, Stephen Deputy Director, Energy Biosciences Institute and Professor of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois |
Session U10.00003 Sustainable biofuels from perennial crops without conflict with food production Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Loo, Yueh-Lin Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University |
Session L17.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Talk: Solvent Annealing of Water-Dispersible Polyaniline Yields Highly Conductive Functional Components for Organic Electronics Room: B116 |
Lord, Susan University of San Diego |
Session J5.00003 Success in Undergraduate Engineering Programs: A Comparative Analysis by Race and Gender Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Loth, Sebastian IBM Research, Almaden |
Session W8.00001 Quantized spin-momentum transfer in atom-sized magnetic systems Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Louie, Steven G. University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X28.00006 Theory of charge transport in nanostructures: graphene and molecular junctions Room: C124 |
Lowen, Hartmut Heinrich-Heine-University of Dusseldorf, Germany |
Session P3.00001 Colloidal dispersions in external fields: from equilibrium to non-equilibrium Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Lu, Jia Grace University of Southern California |
Session W28.00005 Conduction Mechanisms in Zinc Oxide Nanowires Room: C124 |
Luke, Graeme McMaster University and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
Session P40.00001 Muon Spin Relaxation Studies of RFeAsO and MFe$_2$As$_2$ Based Compounds Room: F151 |
Luo, Li-Shi Old Dominion University |
Session P5.00001 Lattice Boltzmann modeling of microchannel flow in slip flow regime Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Lupton, John University of Utah |
Session D8.00004 Coherent spin dynamics in organic electronic devices Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Lynn, Jeffrey NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 |
Session W39.00001 Recent Neutron Studies of the Iron-based Magnetic Superconductors Room: F150 |
M\"oller, Gunnar University of Cambridge |
Session Y2.00004 Paired Composite Fermions Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
M\"uller-Plathe, Florian Eduard-Zintl-Institut f\"{u}r Anorganische und Physikalische Chemie, Technische Universit\"{a}t Darmstadt |
Session A18.00008 Structure and Transport in Soft Materials Studied by Multiscale Simulation Room: B117 |
Machta, Jon University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session A6.00002 Strengths and Weaknesses of Parallel Tempering Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Mack, Kelly National Science Foundation |
Session J5.00005 That None Shall Perish Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Mackenzie, Andrew SUPA, University of St Andrews |
Session A3.00001 Entropy and Fermi surface considerations in the nematic phase of Sr$_{3}$Ru$_{2}$O$_{7}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Macosko, Chris CEMS U Minnesota |
Session P19.00007 Graphene/Polymer Nanocomposites Room: B118-B119 |
Maeno, Yoshiteru Kyoto University |
Session A3.00005 Recent Developments in the Studies of Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$: Suppression of the Upper Critical Field and the Interference between the Even-Parity Superconductivity and the Superconductivity of Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Mahadevan, L. Harvard University |
Session Q7.00004 Shape and dynamics of tip growing cells Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Mahan, Gerald Penn State University |
Session B29.00004 Nanostructured Thermoelectrics Room: C123 |
Majewski, Jaroslaw Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session W19.00010 Neutron and X-ray Scattering From Single Supported Lipid Bilayers: Reflectometry, Grazing Incidence In-Plane Diffraction and Off-Specular Scattering Room: B118-B119 |
Manalis, Scott MIT |
Session Y7.00004 Coordination of cell growth and division in normal and cancer cells Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Mandal, Sudhansu Indian Association for the Cultivation of science, Kolkata 700032, India |
Session Y2.00002 Collective Excitations of Composite Fermions Across Multiple $\Lambda$ Levels Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Mannella, Norman Univeristy of Tennessee - Knoxville |
Session Y40.00004 Electron itinerancy, orbital symmetry and itinerant spin fluctuations in Fe-based superconductors as revealed by soft x-ray spectroscopies Room: F151 |
Manoharan, Vinothan Harvard University |
Session V13.00004 Thermodynamics of Sphere Packings at Small N: Experiments and Theory Room: B112 |
Mao, Xiaoming University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q2.00005 Elasticity and response in nearly isostatic periodic lattices Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Mao, Zhiqiang Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 |
Session P1.00003 Phase diagram of Fe$_{1+y}$(Te$_{1-x}$Se$_{x}$): evolution from antiferromagnetism to superconductivity Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Marangos, Jonathan Imperial College |
Session W27.00001 Revealing molecular structure and dynamics through high harmonic generation driven by mid-IR fields Room: D137 |
Marchiori, Chiara IBM Research-Zurich |
Session Q33.00001 Interface chemistry between complex oxides and semiconductors: where chemistry and physics meet Room: E143 |
Marcus, Andrew University of Oregon |
Session Q4.00002 Fourier Imaging Correlation Spectroscopy for Studies of Sub-Cellular Dynamics and Biomolecular Conformation Transition Pathways Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Marder, Eve Brandeis University |
Session W7.00005 Beyond Optimality to Understanding Neuronal Circuits Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Margoliash, Daniel University of Chicago |
Session X6.00001 Sleep and Learning Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Marie, Xavier Universite de Toulouse - CNRS |
Session B35.00001 Hole - Nuclear Spin Interaction in Semiconductor Quantum Dots Room: E145 |
Markovic, Nina Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y5.00002 Spin and charge transport in a carbon nanotube spin diode Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Marquardt, Florian Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen |
Session U45.00001 Optomechanical Devices Room: Portland Hilton Pavillion Ballroom |
Marti, Antonio Instituto de Energia Solar - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Session H29.00004 Intermediate band solar cells Room: C123 |
Martin, James Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P3.00002 Dynamics of particle suspensions subjected to biaxial and triaxial magnetic fields: vortex mixing and isothermal magnetic advection Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L1.00003 Superconducting tunneling spectroscopy in carbon nanotubes Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Massey, Walter Morehouse Coll |
Session L5.00001 TBD Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Matsuda, Yuji Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan |
Session J1.00002 Non-Fermi liquid behavior and non-universal superconducting gap structure in Fe-pnictides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Mattsson, Thomas R. HEDP Theory, Sandia National Laboratories, USA. |
Session W30.00004 Properties of Shocked Polymers: Mbar experiments on Z and multi-scale simulations Room: D139 |
Mazin, Igor Naval Research Laboratory |
Session H39.00001 Experimental and computational evidence for the $s_{\pm}$ pairing symmetry in Fe-based superconductors Room: F150 |
Mazziotti, David University of Chicago |
Session J28.00007 Two-electron Reduced-Density-Matrix Mechanics: With Application to Many-electron Atoms and Molecules Room: C124 |
McCarty, Owen Oregon Health \& Science University |
Session Y7.00005 Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs): Emerging Technologies for Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
McCormmach, Russell |
Session D5.00001 Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics Talk: Henry Cavendish, John Michell, Weighing the Stars Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
McGehee, Michael Stanford University |
Session D3.00003 The Physics of Organic Solar Cells Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
McKenna, Gregory Texas Tech University |
Session X4.00005 Dynamics in ultrathin films Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
McMahan Norris, Margaret Black Hills State University |
Session B3.00002 Introducing Deep Underground Science to Middle Schoolers: Challenges and Rewards Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
McQueeney, Robert Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory, USDOE , Ames, Iowa 50011 USA |
Session W39.00005 Systematic evolution of magnetism with doping in AFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ superconductors Room: F150 |
Meerson, Baruch Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session D7.00003 WKB theory of stochastic epidemics in well-mixed populations Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Meijer, Gerard Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
Session H24.00005 Taming molecular beams; towards a molecular laboratory on a chip Room: D133-D134 |
Merkt, Frederic Laboratorium f\"ur Physikalische Chemie, ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Session H24.00003 Stark and Zeeman deceleration of atoms and molecules Room: D133-D134 |
Metcalf, Harold Stony Brook University |
Session J8.00003 The Laser Teaching Center at Stony Brook Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Meyer, Jannik University of Ulm |
Session Q20.00004 Graphene: Two-dimensional carbon at atomic resolution Room: C120-122 |
Middleton, A. Alan Syracuse University |
Session A6.00001 Dynamics of glassy systems using new algorithms for exact sampling on multiple scales Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Miguel, M. Carmen Universitat de Barcelona |
Session T7.00004 Avalanches in the Plastic Deformation of Crystalline Solids Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Mihailovic, Dragan Jozef Stefan Institute |
Session Q41.00010 Ultra-fast pump-probe determination of electron-phonon coupling in cuprate superconductors Room: F152 |
Mihajlovic, Goran Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session H33.00008 Pure spin transport in metallic nanostructures Room: E143 |
Miller, David Stanford University |
Session A5.00001 Physical Requirements and Opportunities for Dense Optical Interconnects to Chips Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Miller, Jon Michigan State University |
Session Q6.00001 The Development of Civic Scientific Literacy in the United States Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Minko, Sergiy Clarkson University |
Session Z19.00001 Design and applications of functionalized polymer brushes Room: B118-B119 |
Minton, Allen National Institutes of Health |
Session Q5.00003 Quantitative Characterization of Protein Associations in Highly Concentrated Solution Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Mirlin, Alexander Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session L1.00004 Non-equilibrium Luttinger liquids: bosonization and tunneling spectroscopy Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Miron, Ioan Mihai Centre d'Investigacions en Nanociencia i Nanotecnologia (ICN-CSIC), UAB Campus, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain |
Session H36.00007 Enhanced spin-torque efficiency in ferromagnetic metal systems characterized by Rashba-type structural inversion asymmetry Room: E146 |
Mizukami, Shigemi Tohoku University |
Session Y4.00004 Gilbert Damping Mechanisms in Half-metallic Heusler Alloys Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Moeller, Jens ETH Zurich |
Session J7.00001 Catch bonds enable bacterial and cell adhesion under flow Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Moessner, Roderich MPI-PKS Dresden |
Session X3.00001 Signatures of magnetic monopoles in spin ice Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Moffitt, Jeffrey University of California Berkeley |
Session L7.00005 Viral DNA Packaging at Base Pair Resolution Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Mofrad, Mohammad UC Berkeley |
Session L6.00002 Intracellular Fluid Dynamics. Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Mogilner, Alex U of California Davis |
Session Q7.00005 Shape determination in motile cells Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Monroe, Christopher JQI, University of Maryland Dept. of Physics and NIST |
Session X2.00005 Quantum Simulation of Frustrated Ising Spins with Trapped Ions Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Mook, Herbert Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B1.00004 Magnetism in Fe Pnictides and Chalcogenides Probed by Neutron Scattering Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Moore, Joel University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A2.00002 Topological insulators in applied fields: magnetoelectric effects and exciton condensation Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Mora, Thierry Princeton University |
Session V7.00004 Steps, shot noise and diffusion in the bacterial flagellar motor Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Morelli, Donald Michigan State University |
Session J3.00003 Impacting Energy Utilization: the Role of Thermoelectrics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Morris, David Jonathan Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy |
Session W36.00005 Dirac Strings and Magnetic Monopoles in the Spin Ice, Dy$_{2}$Ti$_{2}$O$_{7}$ Room: E146 |
Mosendz, Oleksandr Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session W4.00004 Quantifying Spin Hall Effects from Spin Pumping Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Muenzenberg, Markus I. Phys. Institute, Goettingen University |
Session Q8.00001 Photo-magnonics: excitation of magnonic materials by femtosecond laser pulses Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Mullins, Dyche UCSF |
Session V7.00005 Bacterial chromosomal segregation by ParM polymerization Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Murnane, Margaret JILA and Departments of Physics and ECE, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session V27.00006 Ultrafast molecular and materials dynamics probed by attosecond coherent x-rays Room: D137 |
Murray, Cherry Harvard University |
Session T6.00002 Graduate Education in Physics in the 21st Century Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
N'Diaye, Alpha T. Uni K\"oln / Lawrence Berkerley National Lab |
Session T32.00005 Regular metal cluster arrays on graphene/Ir(111) Room: E142 |
Nagao, Michihiro National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session B4.00001 Dynamics in Multicomponent Polyelectrolyte Solutions Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Nagaosa, Naoto Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session D2.00003 Correlation effects in topological insulators Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Nagel, Sidney University of Chicago |
Session Q2.00001 Rigidity and Excitations in Jammed Solids Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Nair, Rahul R. School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester |
Session B22.00004 Exotic properties of graphene - based membranes Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Nam Hai, Pham The University of Tokyo |
Session L36.00010 Electromotive force and huge magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions with zinc-blende MnAs nano-magnets Room: E146 |
Nathan, Alan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q3.00005 The Flight of a Baseball Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Nealey, Paul University of Wisconsin |
Session T32.00001 Directed assembly of diblock copolymers as a means of achieving functional structures Room: E142 |
Neder, Izhar Harvard University |
Session Y3.00002 Interference between two indistinguishable electrons - observation of two-particle Aharonov-Bohm interference Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Neher, Richard University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B7.00005 Alleles versus genotypes: Genetic interactions and the dynamics of selection in sexual populations Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Nelson, Jenny Imperial College London |
Session T16.00001 Multiscale modelling of charge transport in organic electronic materials Room: B115 |
Nelson, Philip University of Pennsylvania |
Session L7.00002 Keeping the Physics in Biophysics and Vice Versa Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Nemenman, Ilya Emory University |
Session V10.00011 Exploring neural code in natural environments Room: A106 |
Newman, Mark University of Michigan |
Session B8.00001 Failure and robustness in networks Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Nguyen, Tho Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 |
Session L33.00006 Isotope Effect in Organic Magneto-Transport; the Role of Hyperfine Interaction Room: E143 |
Nilsson, Johan University of Gothenburg |
Session T21.00004 Spectroscopic and Transport Properties of Bilayer Graphene Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Noh, Tae Won Seoul National University |
Session T24.00005 Nonlinear dynamics of domain wall propagation in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films Room: D133-D134 |
Noo, Frederic University of Utah |
Session X5.00003 X-ray cone-beam computed tomography: principles, applications, challenges and solutions Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Nordlander, Peter Rice University |
Session Z2.00002 Quantum description of plasmons in strongly coupled metallic nanostructures Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Nori, Franco Physics Department, University of Michigan |
Session W6.00002 Atomic physics and quantum optics using circuits: An overview of recent results on superconducting qubits Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Norman, Michael R. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session U45.00003 Iron-Age Superconductors Room: Portland Hilton Pavillion Ballroom |
Nugent, Keith The University of Melbourne |
Session X5.00005 Structure recovery by new convergent beam techniques Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
O'Brien, Liam Imperial College London |
Session J36.00001 Near-field interaction between domain walls in adjacent permalloy nanowires Room: E146 |
Oates, Chris NIST |
Session T4.00003 Optical Lattice Clocks Based on Neutral Yb Atoms Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Oktel, Mehmet Bilkent University |
Session H6.00004 Single particle to many-body physics in rotating optical lattices Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Olmsted, Peter University of Leeds |
Session B4.00005 Shear Banding and Flow Instabilities in Entangled Polymer Solutions Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Ono, Teruo Kyoto University |
Session Q8.00004 Modification of Spin Wave Propagation by Current Injection Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Onuchic, Jose University of California, San Diego |
Session L7.00001 Education at the Interface -- Experiences and Perspectives Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Orbach, Ray U. Texas |
Session Q3.00001 Show stoppers for energy production Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Orimo, Shin-ichi IMR, Tohoku University |
Session D30.00001 High-Density Hydrogen Storage and Lithium Super-Ionic Conduction in Metal Borohydrides Room: D139 |
Orozco, Luis A. JQI Physics, University of Maryland and NIST |
Session B6.00004 Control in cavity QED with many atoms Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Orzel, Chad Union College |
Session J8.00001 Lasers in the Undergraduate Laboratory: Precision Measurement for the Masses Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Osborne, Leslie Department of Neurobiology, University of Chicago |
Session H7.00002 Optimal Performance in Sensorimotor Behavior Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Otero, Valerie University of Colorado Boulder |
Session A42.00001 Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics: Findings and Recommendations Room: D138 |
Oulton, Rupert University of California, Berkeley |
Session Z4.00002 Active plasmonics and nano-scale laser light sources Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Ourmazd, Abbas University of Wisconsin Milwaukee |
Session X5.00001 Tomography of faint spinning objects: From molecules to viruses Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Ozolins, Vidvuds Dept. of Materials Science \& Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session H30.00004 First-principles calculations of free energies of solids Room: D139 |
Palmer, Stephanie Princeton University |
Session H7.00005 Predictive information in the retina Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Panel of Students, APS/COM APS COM Scholarship Recipients |
Session L5.00005 TBD Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Panyukov, Sergey P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 117924, Russia |
Session H4.00003 Why Brownian yet Anomalous? The Importance of Pausing Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Papadimitrakopoulos, Fotis UConn |
Session A20.00004 High Quantum efficiency SWNTs Room: C120-122 |
Pardo, Victor Departamento de Fisica Aplicada, Universidade Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, E-15782 Spain |
Session A37.00001 Maximally anisotropic point Fermi surface system: VO$_2$ films embedded in TiO$_2$ Room: E147-E148 |
Parker, David Naval Research Laboratory |
Session A1.00001 Possible suggestions for order parameter phase-sensitive experiments in the superconducting iron pnictides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Paruch, Patrycja University of Geneva |
Session T24.00001 Advanced atomic force microscopy studies of ferroelectric domains and domain walls Room: D133-D134 |
Pasquarello, Alfredo Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session J6.00001 Defects levels and band alignments at semiconductor-oxide interfaces through the use of hybrid functionals Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Pate, Brooks University of Virginia |
Session P27.00001 Coherent Broadband Microwave Spectroscopy Room: D137 |
Peiris, Suhithi Defense Threat Reduction Agency |
Session L5.00003 Opportunities in the Department of Defense Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Pemmaraju, Chaitanya Das Trinity College Dublin |
Session L3.00005 Prediction of d$^0$ magnetism in self-interaction corrected density functional theory Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Pepin, Catherine Institut de Physique Théorique CEA-Saclay |
Session Y1.00005 Linking Kondo physics in heavy fermions to Mott physics in cuprates and its relation to quantum criticality Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Perahia, Dvora Clemon University |
Session B4.00003 Dynamics on Multiple Time and Length Scales in Complex Fluids Formed by Conjugated Polymers Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Perdew, John P. Department of Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 |
Session H28.00007 Meta-generalized gradient approximations: What they can and cannot do for you Room: C124 |
Peres, Nuno University of Minho |
Session L21.00004 The transport properties of graphene: an overview Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Perkins, Thomas JILA |
Session T11.00001 Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy using Optical Traps and AFMs Room: A107-A108 |
Peshkin, Murray Argonne National Laboatory |
Session Q6.00003 Addressing the Public About Science and Religion Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Petricka, Jessie Gustavus Adolphus College |
Session P6.00001 Exploring perfect fluidity in universal atomic gases Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Pfeiffer, Loren Princeton University |
Session L2.00005 The role of MBE in observing coherence in a quantum Hall interferometer Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Phillips, J.C. Rutgers University |
Session H40.00001 Percolative Theories of Strongly Disordered Ceramic High Temperature Superconductors Room: F151 |
Phillips, Julia Sandia National Laboratories |
Session T6.00004 What can national laboratories contribute to graduate education? Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Phillips, Rob California Institute of Technology |
Session B10.00001 Using Transcription to Measure DNA Mechanics One Molecule at a Time Room: A106 |
Phillips, Rob California Institute of Technology |
Session L7.00003 Hands-On Education at the Interface Between Physics and Biology Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Picqu\'e, Nathalie Universite Paris-Sud |
Session Q27.00004 Beller Lectureship Talk: Real-time broadband spectroscopy with laser frequency combs Room: D137 |
Pierce, Flint Department of Chemistry, Clemson University |
Session D6.00004 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Responsive Semi-Fluorinated Interfaces Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Pimenov, Andrei University of Wuerzburg |
Session V3.00001 Magnetic and magnetoelectric excitations in multiferroic manganites Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Pioro-Ladriere, Michel Quantum Spin Information Project, ICORP, JST, Atsugi-shi, Kanagawa, 243-0198, Japan |
Session T35.00004 Electrically driven single spin resonance in double quantum dots Room: E145 |
Plummer, Ward Louisiana State University |
Session W28.00007 Emerging Functionality in Complex Oxides Driven by Spatial Confinement Room: C124 |
Pokhodnya, Konstantin CNSE North Dakota State University |
Session J33.00007 Bonding and Magnetic Exchange in Metal-[TCNE] Magnets Room: E143 |
Ponson, Laurent California Institute of Technology |
Session H32.00007 Failure of disordered materials as a depinning transition Room: E142 |
Postol, Ted MIT |
Session Q3.00002 The new misile defense system Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Prassides, Kosmas Durham University |
Session T41.00004 Non-BCS superconductivity in fulleride superconductors Room: F152 |
Prezhdo, Oleg University of Washington |
Session H29.00008 Time-domain ab initio studies of photoinduced electron dynamics in nanoscale semiconductors Room: C123 |
Prozorov, Ruslan Ames Lab and Iowa State University |
Session J1.00003 Anisotropic London Penetration Depth in Iron-based Pnictide Superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Puglisi, Jody Stanford University School of Medicine |
Session L10.00001 Single Molecule Dynamics of the ribosome during translation Room: A106 |
Qi, Xiaoliang Microsoft Station Q |
Session X3.00005 Induce a magenetic monopole on the surface of topological insualtor Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Rabin, Yitzhak Bar-Ilan University |
Session A7.00003 Electrostatic Focusing of DNA into Nanoscale Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Raghu, Srinivas Stanford University |
Session A3.00002 Nematic order in Sr$_3$Ru$_2$O$_7$ and triplet superconductivity in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Raman, Karthik V. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D8.00005 Spin polarized tunneling and injection in organic semiconductors Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Ramesh, R. University of California, Berkeley |
Session W3.00003 James C. McGroddy Prize Talk: Controlling and Manipulating Ferromagnetism with an Electric Field Using Multiferroic Oxide Heterostructures Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Ran, Ying University of California Berkeley |
Session D2.00005 Dislocations as ideal metallic quantum wires in topological insulators Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Rand, Barry P. IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven Belgium |
Session B16.00008 Increased exciton harvesting in organic thin film solar cells Room: B115 |
Rao, Apparao M. Clemson University |
Session B20.00001 Modifying inter-tube bonding, and doping, in carbon nanotubes Room: C120-C122 |
Rasaiah, Jayendran University of Maine |
Session L27.00005 Water in the Protein Interior Room: D137 |
Rasing, Theo Radboud University Nijmegen |
Session A33.00004 Femtosecond magnetization dynamics using the inverse Faraday effect Room: E143 |
Redner, Sidney Boston University |
Session D7.00004 Dynamics of Voting Models Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Refael, Gil California Institute of Technology |
Session Y5.00003 Sagnac Interference in Carbon Nanotube Loops Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Register, Richard Princeton University |
Session B18.00010 Crystallization of Unbranched Polyethylene Confined within Block Copolymer Mesophases Room: B117 |
Reich, Daniel Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q10.00008 Resolving sub-cellular force dynamics using arrays of magnetic microposts Room: A106 |
Reich, Eugenie Samuel MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellow and freelance journalist |
Session Q3.00004 The Schoen Affair Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Reichardt, Ben University of Waterloo |
Session D4.00003 Span programs and optimal quantum query algorithms Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Reichman, David Columbia University |
Session V2.00001 Irreversible reorganization in a supercooled liquid originates from localized soft modes Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Reid, Jean-Philippe University of Sherbrooke |
Session J1.00005 Gap structure of iron-pnictide superconductors from low-temperature heat transport Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Reinhart-King, Cynthia Cornell University |
Session Y7.00003 Traction Stresses Exerted by Adherent Cells: From Angiogenesis to Metastasis Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Reiter, Guenter Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg, Germany |
Session X4.00001 Consequences of Residual Stresses in Thin Polymer Films Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Reznik, Dmitry Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe; Colorado University-Boulder |
Session B1.00003 Interplay between phonons and magnetism in 122 ferropnictides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Rhone, Trevor David Columbia University |
Session Y2.00003 Traversing the States of the Second Landau Level - loss of spin polarization away from $\nu$=3 Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Richard, Pierre WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University |
Session Z39.00004 ARPES studies of FeAs-based compounds Room: F150 |
Richter, Dieter Juelich Centre for Neutron Science and Institute for Solid State Research, Research Center Juelich, D-52425 Juelich, Germany |
Session J4.00003 On the dynamics of polymers in nanocomposites and under confinement Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Richter, Reinhard Universität Bayreuth |
Session P3.00003 Emergent phenomena in ferrofluids: Solitary spikes and self-propelled streams Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Riggleman, Robert University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A17.00001 Molecular simulations of polymer glasses under active deformation Room: B116 |
Rinke, Patrick University of California at Santa Barbara |
Session J6.00002 Defect Physics without the Band-Gap Problem: Combining DFT and \textit{GW} Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Ritchie, David Universiy of Cambridge |
Session Y3.00003 Electron pumping at gigahertz frequencies Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Robertson, John Cambridge University |
Session A30.00003 Chirality selection during Catalytic Nucleation of Carbon Nanotubes Room: D139 |
Robertson-Anderson, Rae University of San Diego |
Session W17.00004 Single-Molecule Studies of DNA Dynamics and Intermolecular Forces Room: B116 |
Rongish, Brenda Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center |
Session Q11.00008 Tissue Motion and Assembly During Early Cardiovascular Morphogenesis Room: A107-A109 |
Roy, Rahul Oxford University |
Session A2.00003 Topological superfluids and insulators with time reversal symmetry Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Royall, Paddy University of Bristol |
Session V2.00004 Locally Favoured Structures and Dynamic Arrest Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Rubinstein, Michael University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session H4.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Talk: Our Love Story with Polymers or ``Is This Really Physics?'' Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Ruegg, Christian University College London |
Session H34.00004 Spin excitations and magnon fractionalization in a quantum spin ladder Room: E144 |
Rumbles, Garry National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session D16.00010 Transient Microwave Studies of Organic Photovoltaics Room: B115 |
Ryu, William University of Toronto |
Session P10.00004 Thermal impulse response and the temperature preference of \textit{Escherichia coli} Room: A106 |
Saitoh, Eiji Tohoku University |
Session W4.00003 Electric detection ofmagnetization dynamics through inverse spin Hall effects Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Salleo, Alberto Stanford University |
Session W16.00001 Microstructural Effects on Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductors Room: B115 |
Saltzberg, David UCLA Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session P7.00001 Physics and the Making of ``The Big Bang'' TV Comedy Series Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Samuelsson, Peter Lund University |
Session Y3.00001 Entanglement in a fermionic two-particle interferometer Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Sankaran, R. Mohan Case Western Reserve University |
Session A30.00001 The role of composition-dependent catalyst structure on chirality distributions of as-grown SWCNTs Room: D139 |
Santangelo, Christian Department of Physics, UMass Amherst |
Session H11.00001 Buckling thin films with inhomogeneous swelling Room: A107-A109 |
Santucci, Stephane Laboratoire de Physique - Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon |
Session T7.00003 Avalanche dynamics of imbibition fronts Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Sanvito, Stefano School of Physics and CRANN, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland |
Session D8.00003 Molecular Spintronics Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Sarma, D. D. Indian Institute of Science |
Session Y27.00003 Dielectric oxides: How to enhance their beneficial properties Room: D137 |
Sato, Kazunori Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University |
Session H35.00004 Materials design of dilute magnetic semiconductors based on the control of spinodal decomposition Room: E145 |
Sawicki, Maciej Institute of Physics |
Session P35.00010 Experimental probing of the emergence of magnetic order at the insulator-to-metal transition in (Ga,Mn)As Room: E145 |
Scalapino, Douglas UCSB |
Session D39.00001 A common thread linking the heavy-fermion, cuprate and iron superconductors Room: F150 |
Schaefer, Thomas North Carolina State University |
Session P6.00003 Quark Gluon Plasma and Fermions at Unitarity Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Schafer, Kenneth Department of Physics \& Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session V27.00004 Attosecond interferometry in strong field physics Room: D137 |
Schatz, Michael Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V8.00002 Laboratory measurements of Exact Coherent Structures in 2D and 3D Turbulence Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin, Germany |
Session H28.00001 DFT and beyond: A discussion of exact exchange plus local- and nonlocal-density approximations to the correlation functional Room: C124 |
Scherer, Axel California Institute of Technology |
Session P8.00002 Using Lithography to Integrate Optoelectronic and Optofluidic Nanodevices into Systems - and Commercial Products Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Schmidt-Rohr, Klaus Iowa State University |
Session T19.00010 NMR Studies of Polymer-Nanoparticle Interfaces in Biological and Synthetic Nanocomposites Room: B118-B119 |
Schmittmann, Beate Virginia Tech |
Session D7.00005 Consensus formation in social networks Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Schneider, Tobias M. Harvard University, SEAS |
Session V8.00005 Localization and homoclinic snaking in plane Couette flow Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Schneider, Wolf-Dieter Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Session P2.00003 Quantum-size effects in ultrathin Pb-islands on Si(111): From quantum well states to the reduction of the superconducting gap Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Schnetter, Erik Louisiana State University |
Session V6.00002 Unraveling the Supernova - Gamma-Ray Burst Mystery Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Scholz, Ferdinand Institute of Optoelectronics, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany |
Session B25.00001 GaInN-based LED structures on selectively grown semi-polar crystal facets Room: D135 |
Schubert, Fred RPI |
Session J25.00001 Promises and challenges in solid-state lighting Room: D135 |
Schubert, Martin Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session H5.00003 Carrier transport, polarization matching, and efficiency droop in GaN-based visible LEDs Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Schwab, Keith Cal Inst of Tech (Caltech) |
Session A8.00005 Demonstration of an ultracold micro-optomechanical oscillator in a cryogenic cavity Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Schwegler, Eric Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session J30.00004 Equation of state research for ignition on NIF Room: D139 |
Schweizer, Kenneth University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign |
Session T17.00007 Localization and elasticity in entangled polymer liquids as a mesoscopic glass transition Room: B116 |
Scotchmoor, Judith University of California Museum of Paleontology |
Session Q6.00004 Increasing our understanding of how science really works Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Scuseria, Gustavo Rice University |
Session P28.00006 New models for mixing wavefunctions with density functional theory Room: C124 |
Seeman, Nadrian C. New York University |
Session Q18.00010 DNA: Not Merely the Secret of Life Room: B117 |
Sefat, Athena Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B39.00001 Synthesis and Doping of LaFeAsO, BaFe2As2, and FeTe Compounds Room: F150 |
Seidel, Jan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W37.00001 Electrical conduction at domain walls in multiferroic BiFeO3 Room: E147-E148 |
Senthil, T. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y1.00001 Unconventional quantum criticality in insulators and metals Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Serene, Joseph |
Session X8.00003 Historically related puzzles in $^{3}$He: spin fluctuations, the specific heat, and the superfluid phase diagram Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Serga, Alexander A. TU Kaiserslautern |
Session Q8.00003 Magnon gases and condensates Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Sessler, Andrew Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X8.00002 Early Thoughts on the Superfluidity of He$^{3}$ Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Sethna, James Cornell University |
Session T7.00005 Barkhausen avalanches in thin films Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Shank, C. V. LBL and UCB Emeritus; Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI |
Session B5.00002 From Femtoseconds to Neurons in 35 Short Years Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Sheetz, Michael Columbia Univ. |
Session X7.00002 Shaping Cells by Force and Rigidity through Protein Stretching Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Shen, Y. Ron University of California at Berkeley |
Session Q4.00001 Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy as a Unique Probe for Surfaces of Liquids, Polymers and Solids Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Shen, Zhi-Xun Stanford University |
Session T8.00003 TBD Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Shen, Z.X. Stanford University |
Session Y39.00001 ARPES studies of LaFePO based compounds Room: F150 |
Shenker, Stephen Stanford University |
Session L4.00002 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: String Theory and Statistical Physics Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Shibata, Naokazu Dept. of Physics, Tohoku Univ. |
Session A2.00005 Entanglement entropy of quantum Hall systems in torus and spherical geometry Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Shigekawa, Hidemi University of Tsukuba |
Session J15.00001 Laser-combined STM and probing ultrafast transient dynamics Room: B114 |
Shih, Chih-Kang University of Texas at Austin |
Session P2.00002 Superconductivity at the Two-dimensional Limit Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Shlomovitz, Roie Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session X7.00004 Guided by curvature: the membrane shape coupled to cytoskeleton Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Shluger, Alexander Department of Physics and Astronomy and the London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, UK and WPI-AIMR Tohoku University, Japan |
Session L3.00003 Polarons and excitons in insulators: insight from computer simulations Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Shtengel, Kirill University of California, Riverside |
Session L2.00001 Interferometric schemes for the detection of non-abelian statistics Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Shull, Kenneth Northwestern University |
Session W18.00007 Strain hardening, fracture and toughening mechanisms in self-assembling gels Room: B117 |
Siepmann, J. Ilja University of Minnesota |
Session A18.00004 Structure, Self-assembly, Solvation, and Phase Equilibria in Hydrogen-bonding Fluids Room: B117 |
Silberzan, Pascal Institut Curie |
Session J7.00005 Collective behavior of biological cells Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Singh Bhalla, Guneeta Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab and University of California, Berkeley, CA |
Session X1.00001 Probing colossal magnetoresistance in manganites at the nanoscale Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Sloutskin, Eli Bar-Ilan University |
Session W1.00001 Nucleation of Hard Sphere Colloidal Crystals Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Smet, Jurgen Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research |
Session Y2.00001 Collective mode dispersions of fractional quantum Hall states Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Smirnova, Olga Max Born Institute |
Session V27.00001 Attosecond dynamics of multi-electron re-arrangement during strong-field ionization Room: D137 |
Smith, George E. |
Session U1.00001 The Invention and Early History of the CCD Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Smith, Graeme IBM Research |
Session D4.00001 Surprises in the theory of quantum communications Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Snezhko, Alexey Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P3.00004 Far-from-equilibrium magnetic granular layers: dynamic patterns, magnetic order and self-assembled swimmers Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Sokolov, Alexei University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session P4.00005 Light Scattering Studies of Dynamics of Soft Materials Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Solomon, Glenn NIST |
Session A9.00001 Entangled photons via dressed states Room: A105 |
Some, Daniel Wyatt Technology Corp. |
Session Q5.00004 Composition-Gradient Static Light Scattering and the Quantification of Biomolecular Interactions in Therapeutic Proteins Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Sommerdijk, Nico Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session W1.00002 The initial stages of template-controlled CaCO3 formation revealed by Cryo-TEM Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Song, Young Jae CNST/NIST, Gaithersburg MD, NanoCenter/UMD, College Park, MD |
Session Q15.00001 Scanning Probe Microscopy at mK Temperatures * Room: B114 |
Sooryakumar, R. The Ohio State University |
Session H2.00001 Mobile magnetic traps for cell manipulation Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Spaldin, Nicola Materials Department, UC Santa Barbara |
Session W3.00001 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: A theorist's-eye view of multiferroics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Spekkens, Robert Perimeter Institute |
Session X33.00002 Noncontextuality Inequalities Room: E143 |
Splettstoesser, Janine Institute for Theoretical Physics A, RWTH Aachen |
Session Y3.00005 Two-Particle Nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm Effect from Two Single-Particle Emitters Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Springer, Carl DKS Associates |
Session H8.00004 Trends in Transportation Sciences and How to Get a Job in the Industry Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Spudich, James Stanford University |
Session V7.00001 In vitro motility assays and single molecule analyses reveal functional structural transitions in the molecular motor myosin Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Srikanth, Hariharan University of South Florida |
Session A36.00001 Magnetism in complex oxides probed by transverse susceptibility and magnetocaloric effect Room: E146 |
Stampfer, Christoph JARA-FIT and II. Institute of Physics, RWTH Aachen, Germany |
Session H21.00003 Transport in Graphene Nanostructures Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Stanley, H. Eugene Boston University |
Session A28.00001 Liquid Water, the ``Most Complex'' Liquid: New Results in Bulk, Nanoconfined, and Biological Environments Room: C124 |
Stanley, H. Eugene Boston University |
Session B8.00005 Economic Fluctuations and Statistical Physics: Quantifying Extremely Rare Events with Applications to the Present Worldwide Crisis Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt University |
Session T6.00005 Enhancing Diversity in Physics: The Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge Program Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Stavenga, Doekele University of Groningen |
Session V4.00001 Butterfly wing coloration studied with a novel imaging scatterometer Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Steel, Duncan Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session Z1.00001 Isakson Prize Lecture Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Steen, Paul Cornell University |
Session V4.00002 Beetle-inspired Capillarity-based Switchable Adhesion Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Steffen, Matthias IBM |
Session V26.00001 Design improvements for superconducting qubits Room: D136 |
Steglich, Frank Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany |
Session Y1.00004 Interplay between antiferromagnetic and Kondo-breakdown quantum critical points in pure and doped YbRh$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Steinberg, Peter Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session P6.00005 Study of the Perfect Liquid at RHIC Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Steiner, Mathias Nanometer Scale Science \& Technology, IBM Research Division, T J Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 |
Session J22.00004 Semiconducting carbon nanotubes in optoelectronic and nanophotonic devices Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Steinhardt, Paul Princeton University |
Session T1.00002 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Talk: Once upon a time in Kamchatka: The Search for Natural Quasicrystals Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Stellacci, Francesco Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T3.00004 Self-assembly on curved surfaces: the formation of divalent nanoparticles through topological constraints Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Stern, Ady Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session L2.00004 Transport and thermodynamic signatures of non-abelian quantum Hall states Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Stiles, Mark D. Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6202 |
Session Y4.00001 Intrinsic spin-orbit contribution to precessional damping in transition metals Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Stocker, Roman Massachussetts Institute of Technology |
Session J7.00003 Swimming in Turbulent Waters: a New Mechanism for Phytoplankton Patchiness in the Ocean Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Stocks, G. Malcolm Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session J3.00004 Defect Physics of Structural Materials under Extreme Conditions Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Stolbov, Sergey University of Central Florida |
Session T20.00001 First principles studies of stability and reactivity of electro-catalysts for low-temperature fuel cells Room: C120-122 |
Stuver, Amber LIGO Livingston Observatory |
Session B3.00004 Immersing Southeastern Louisiana Middle School Students in Physics at the LIGO Livingston Science Education Center Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Summers, Christopher J. School of Material Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V4.00003 Bioinspired Structures and Devices for Nanophotonics Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Sun, Jonathan IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |
Session J37.00004 A Three terminal spin-torque driven magnetic switch Room: E147-E148 |
Sun, Kai University of Maryland |
Session A2.00004 Topological Insulators and Nematic Phases from Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in 2D Fermi Systems with Quadratic Band Crossings Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Sun, Sean Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q7.00002 Mechanical influences in bacterial morphogenesis and cell division Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Tachibana, Makoto National Institute for Materials Science |
Session X27.00004 Chemical control of the properties of perovskite oxides Room: D137 |
Tadmor, Ellad University of Minnesota |
Session T22.00001 Non-Uniqueness in Energy Minimization of Atomistic and Multiscale Problems: A Branch-Following and Bifurcation Investigation Room: Portland Ballroom 252 |
Takano, Yasu University of Florida |
Session P34.00001 Magnetization plateaus in the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Cs$_{2}$CuBr$_{4}$ Room: E144 |
Takeuchi, Ichiro University of Maryland |
Session Y27.00006 Discovery of a universal morphotropic phase boundary behavior in rare-earth substituted BiFeO$_{3}$ using thin film composition spreads Room: D137 |
Talbayev, Diyar Department of Chemistry, Yale University |
Session V3.00002 Dynamical investigations of multiferroics: hexagonal manganites and a hexaferrite. Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Talyansky, Vitaly Stardust Materials, LLC |
Session P8.00001 Reincarnation of Stardust Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Tamor, Michael Ford Motor Company |
Session J3.00005 Physics for Sustainable Personal Transportation Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Tanaka, Yukio Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University, Japan |
Session A1.00005 Andreev spectra of multiband superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Tanatar, Makariy Ames Laboratory |
Session V1.00003 Direct imaging of structural domains in iron pnictides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Tans, Sander AMOLF institute |
Session B7.00004 Evolutionary adaptation of phenotypic plasticity in a synthetic microbial system Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Tao, Jing Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H37.00010 Direct Imaging of Nanoscale Phase Separation in La$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$MnO$_{3}$ and Its Relation with Colossal Magnetoresistance Room: E147-E148 |
Tao, N.J. Arizona State University |
Session V15.00001 New impedance and electrochemical image techniques for biological applications Room: B114 |
Tate, Janet Oregon State University |
Session T6.00001 The 2008 APS/AAPT Conference on Graduate Education in Physics Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Taubner, Thomas RWTH Aachen |
Session T9.00004 Novel concepts in infrared imaging at nanoscale resolution Room: A105 |
Taylor, Edward The Ohio State University |
Session Y6.00002 Two-fluid hydrodynamics in strongly interacting Fermi gases Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Taylor, Jacob Joint Quantum Institute/National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session J31.00001 Hybrid systems: from atoms on squids to diamond on wires Room: E141 |
Thibault, Pierre Technical University of Munich |
Session X5.00004 High-resolution imaging with coherent X-rays Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Thiel, Patricia Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University |
Session W3.00004 David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics Talk: Surfaces of Quasicrystals Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Thomas, Edwin L. MIT |
Session H19.00005 Periodic Polymers for Control of PhoXons, where X = t + n Room: B118-B119 |
Thompson, Patrick Arizona State University |
Session H42.00001 School mathematics is largely useless for learning physics. But it needn't be. Room: D138 |
Thylen, Lars Royal Inst of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden; HP Laboratories, Palo Alto, US |
Session A5.00004 Photonic Integrated Circuits Based on Plasmonics and Quantum Dot Materials: Properties, Compensation of Optical Losses and Applications Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Tjeng, Liu Hao Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany |
Session P36.00001 Spin state transitions in cobaltites: spectroscopic perspective Room: E146 |
Tkachenko, Alexei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session P18.00004 Nanoparticles with DNA-mediated interactions: from Mess to Order and Complexity Room: B117 |
Tobar, Michael University of Western Australia |
Session T4.00004 Tests of Lorenz and Local Position Invariance using Microwave Oscillators and Interferometers Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Tokunaga, Yusuke ERATO-JST |
Session Q36.00001 Ferroelectricity with Ferromagnetic Moment in Orthoferrites Room: E146 |
Tokura, Yoshinori Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session Z3.00003 Electric field modulation of magnetism in multiferroics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Tollin, Gordon University of Arizona |
Session Q5.00001 Plasmon Spectroscopy Applied to Biomolecular Interactions in Membranes Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Tondra, Mark Diagnostic Biosensors, LLC |
Session T5.00005 Magnetoresistive Sensors in Biological Assays Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Torkelson, John Northwestern University |
Session X4.00002 Distributions of Glass Transition Temperatures and Physical Aging and Diffusion Behaviors in Confined Polymer Films and Nanocomposites Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Tosatti, Erio SISSA, ICTP, CNR-Democritos, Trieste, Italy |
Session L32.00004 Simulated sliding of surface deposited islands and nanoclusters: from static pinning to high speed ballistic friction Room: E142 |
Toyli, David Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session V35.00001 Gigahertz dynamics of a strongly-driven single spin in diamond Room: E145 |
Treutlein, Philipp LMU and MPQ Munich |
Session A8.00003 Interfacing ultracold atoms and mechanical oscillators on an atom chip Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Tritt, Terry M. Clemson University |
Session P29.00004 Recent Advances in Thermoelectric Nanocomposite Materials Room: C123 |
Troyer, Matthias ETH Zurich |
Session V6.00001 Challenges for Large Scale Simulations Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Truskett, Thomas University of Texas at Austin |
Session W1.00005 Computer simulation of structure and dynamics of liquids Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Tsai, Din Ping National Taiwan University |
Session Z4.00005 Plasmonics for data storage and photo-catalytic chemical reactor Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Tsukazaki, Atsushi Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Session D37.00001 Observation of fractional quantum Hall effect in MgZnO/ZnO based heterostructures Room: E147-E148 |
Tsybeskov, Leonid New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Session A5.00003 Silicon-Germanium Nanostructures for Light Emitters and On-Chip Optical Interconnects Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Tsymbal, Evgeny Y. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session V37.00001 Perspectives of Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions Room: E147-E148 |
Tu, Yuhai IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |
Session D11.00005 Tug of war: The dynamics of flagellar motor with multiple stators Room: A107-A109 |
Uchoa, Bruno University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B21.00004 Magnetism in Graphene Room: Portland Ballroom 251 |
Ueda, Yutaka Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session X36.00001 Hollandites: a novel class of oxides with unusual properties Room: E146 |
Upadhyay, Sarvagya University of Waterloo |
Session A26.00001 QIP = PSPACE Room: D136 |
Valeev, Edward Virginia Tech |
Session Q28.00007 Explicitly-Correlated Electronic-Structure Methods for Single-Reference and Multi-Reference Systems Room: C124 |
Valenti, Roser Institute of Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt University |
Session Q34.00004 Frustration in antiferromagnets and spin liquids Room: E144 |
van der Straten, Peter University Utrecht |
Session Y6.00003 Second sound in a collisionally hydrodynamic Bose gas Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
van der Zant, Herre Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands |
Session J20.00001 Carbon nanotube mechanical resonators Room: C120-C122 |
van de Walle, Axel California Institute of Technology |
Session D20.00001 Ab initio construction of structure-property relationships in crystals Room: C120-122 |
Van de Walle, Chris University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session T30.00001 Role of point defects and additives in kinetics of hydrogen storage materials Room: D139 |
Vandiver, Raymond Oregon Museum of Science and Industry |
Session B3.00003 Creating Engaging Science Learning Experiences for Middle School Students Through Museum Exhibits Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Van Harlingen, Dale J. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session H1.00001 Non-sinusoidal current-phase relations in SFS pi-Josephson junctions Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
van Noort, John Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands |
Session H2.00002 Unraveling chromatin structure using magnetic tweezers Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
van Oijen, Antoine Harvard Medical School |
Session A10.00001 Single-molecule studies of multi-protein machines Room: A106 |
van Ruitenbeek, Jan Leiden University |
Session A14.00001 Metallic conductance in single-molecule junctions Room: B113 |
Van Voorhis, Troy MIT |
Session P14.00001 Electron dynamics and the approach to steady state in molecular junctions Room: B113 |
van wees, Bart university of groningen |
Session D8.00002 Electronic spin transport, spin precession and spin relaxation in graphene field effect transistors Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Varnik, Fathollah ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum |
Session X4.00003 Substrate effects on the relaxation dynamics of nano-confined polymers: Insight from MD simulations Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Vavassori, Paolo CIC nanoGUNE Consolider |
Session Z37.00004 Magnetic nano-structures for the manipulation of individual nano-scale particles in bio-compatible environments Room: E147-E148 |
Vavilov, Maxim University of Wisconsin |
Session J2.00002 Non-linear transport in a two-dimensional electron gas in magnetic fields Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Vaziri, Ashkan Northeastern University |
Session L11.00004 Mechanics of Highly-Deformed Elastic Shells Room: A107-A109 |
Vekilov, Peter University of Houston |
Session W1.00004 A Fast Response Mechanism for Insulin Storage in Crystals May Involve a Novel Mode of Kink Generation Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Venkataraman, Dhandapani University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session J16.00001 Directing the Assembly of Semiconductors for PV Applications Room: B115 |
Vermant, Jan dept. Chemical Engineering, K.U. Leuven, |
Session J7.00002 Bacterial Swarming: social behaviour or hydrodynamics? Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Verstraete, Frank University of Vienna |
Session B6.00001 Quantum phases through dissipation Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Vespignani, Alessandro Indiana University |
Session A4.00002 Multiscale mobility networks and the large scale spreading of infectious diseases Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Vespignani, Alessandro Indiana University |
Session B8.00002 Forecasting techno-social systems: how physics and computing help to fight off global pandemics Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Vishveshwara, Smitha Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y5.00001 Field-effects and fractionalization in nanotubes and nanorings Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Vitkalov, Sergey Physics Depatment, City College of the City University of New York, 10031 USA |
Session J2.00003 Nonlinear Transport of 2D Electrons in Crossed Electric and Quantizing Magnetic Fields Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Vlamakis, Hera Harvard Medical School |
Session J7.00004 Bacterial Biofilms as Complex Communities Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Vlassopoulos, Dimitris FORTH and Univ. of Crete |
Session Y19.00001 Multiarm Star Polymers as Model Soft Colloids Room: B118-B119 |
Vogt, Bryan Arizona State University |
Session P17.00001 Mechanics of Polymer Thin Films: What Can We Learn from the Glass Transition? Room: B116 |
Walczak, Aleksandra Princeton University |
Session H7.00004 Information processing in small gene regulatory networks and cascades Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Walukiewicz, Wladek Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA |
Session D3.00001 Physics of Multijunction and Multiband Solar Cells Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Wang, Bing University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China |
Session X28.00001 Controlling Electronic States and Transport Properties at the Level of Single Molecules Room: C124 |
Wang, Chen Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 |
Session W4.00005 Quantitative measurement of spin transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions by spin-transfer-driven ferromagnetic resonance Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Wang, Enge Chinese Academy of Sciences and Peking University |
Session T8.00002 Physics in China: the Past and Next Decade Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Wang, Feng |
Session D1.00002 IUPAP Young Scientist Award Talk: Bilayer graphene: tunable bandgap and electron-phonon Fano resonances Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Wang, Jin SUNY at Stony Brook |
Session W7.00002 Landscape and Flux Framework for Networks Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Wang, Lian-Ping University of Delaware |
Session P5.00002 Particle-Resolved Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Suspension Flow Using the Lattice Boltzmann Equation Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Wang, Lin-Wang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D29.00008 Inorganic Alloys and Nanostructures for Photovoltaics Room: C123 |
Wang, Xiangrong The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session H33.00004 Field-driven domain wall propagation in magnetic nanowires Room: E143 |
Wang, Xiaorong Bridgestone Americas, Center for Research \& Technology, 1200 Firestone Parkway, Akron, OH 44317 |
Session Q19.00013 New Mechanism Responsible for the Tg-broadening and Nonlinear Response of Nanoparticle-Reinforced Elastomers Room: B118-B119 |
Weber, Frank Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T36.00001 Signature of charge-order fluctuations in the phonon spectra of a polaronic metallic manganite Room: E146 |
Weeks, Eric R. Emory University |
Session V2.00003 Dynamic Heterogeneity and the Colloidal Glass Transition in Confinement Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Wegener, Martin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Session Q4.00005 3D Photonic Metamaterials Made by Direct Laser Writing Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Wegewijs, Maarten Institut f\"ur Festk\"orperforschung, Forschungszentrum J\"ulich, Germany; Institut f\"ur theoretische Physik A, RWTH-Aachen, Germany |
Session D14.00001 Understanding Nonequilibrium and Correlated Electron Behavior in Molecular Junctions Room: B113 |
Wehner, Stephanie Caltech |
Session D4.00005 Unconditional security from noisy quantum storage Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Wei, Jian Northwestern University |
Session H1.00005 Tunable non-local entanglement of electrons probed by noise cross-correlation measurement Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Wei, Su-Huai National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session T20.00005 First Principles Design of Functional Materials for Energy Applications Room: C120-122 |
Weigl, Bernhard H PATH |
Session T10.00008 Molecular diagnostics for low resource settings Room: A106 |
Weitering, Hanno The University of Tennessee |
Session P2.00005 Tuning the Quantum Stability and Superconductivity of Ultrathin Metal Alloys Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Weitz, David Physics, Harvard |
Session T3.00002 Scars on Spherical Colloidosomes Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Wenderoth, Martin IV. Physikalisches Institut, University of G\"ottingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 G\"ottingen, Germany |
Session W8.00004 Kondo effect of bulk impurities studied with electron focusing Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
White Brahmia, Suzanne Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey |
Session J5.00004 Ethnic and Gender Equity in Engineering: How Can Physics Help? Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Wiebe, Christopher Florida State University/University of Winnipeg |
Session X27.00001 Chemical control of geometrically frustrated magnets Room: D137 |
Willeke, Ferdinand Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session L8.00003 NSLS-II - Progress and Outlook Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Williams, Mark Northeastern University |
Session A7.00004 Single molecule DNA interaction kinetics of retroviral nucleic acid chaperone proteins Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Winey, Karen I. University of Pennsylvania |
Session Y8.00003 Hierarchical Structures in Ion-Containing Polymers Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Wirtz, Dennis Johns Hopkins University |
Session L6.00004 Intracellular Fluid Dynamics. Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Woltersdorf, Georg Department of Physics, University of Regensburg |
Session Y4.00005 Magnetic relaxation due to earth impurities in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Woods, Lilia University of South Florida |
Session Q29.00004 Thermoelectric Properties and the Benefits of Nanostructuring and Electronic Structure Modifications Room: C123 |
Wu, David California Institute of Technology |
Session A7.00005 How Bacteriophage Genomes Get Inside Cells Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Wu, Maw-Kuen Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica |
Session P1.00001 Structural Stability and Superconductivity in the Iron Chalcogenides Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Wurth, Wilfried Department Physics and Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science, University of Hamburg |
Session L8.00004 FLASH, the Free-Electron Laser at DESY: Machine Performance and Recent Highlights from User Experiments Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Wynne, Kenneth VCU Chamical and Life Science Engineering |
Session D6.00005 Physical Properties and Responsive Behavior of Semi-fluorinated Polymer Interfaces Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Xiao, Xudong The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Session P2.00004 Pseudogap Mediated by Quantum-Size Effects in Pb Islands Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Xiong, Peng Department of Physics and Integrative NanoScience Institute (INSI), Florida State University |
Session T5.00003 Detecting Biomolecular Interactions with Semiconductor Hall Sensors Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Xu, Hongxing Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China |
Session Z2.00001 Emission and propagation properties of surface plasmons on metal nanowires Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Xu, Xiaodong H. M. Randall Laboratory, The University of Michigan |
Session Z1.00003 Increasing the electron spin coherence time by coherent optical control of the nuclear spin fluctuations Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Xu, Xiaoshan University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session V3.00003 Optical spectroscopic study of multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ and LuFe$_2$O$_4$ Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Xue, Qi-Kun Tsinghua University |
Session B2.00003 Molecular beam epitaxy growth and novel properties of topological insulator films of Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3 Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Yamanaka, Shoji Hiroshima University |
Session Q1.00004 Intercalation and superconductivity in ternary layer structured metal nitride halides ($M$N$X$: $M$ = Ti, Zr, Hf; $X$ = Cl, Br, I ) Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Yang, Fengyuan The Ohio State University |
Session X27.00007 Realizing Half Metallicity in Sr$_{2}$FeMoO$_{6}$ Epitaxial Films: Roadblocks and Successes Room: D137 |
Yang, Jihui GM R\&D Center |
Session V5.00004 Neutron Scattering Studies of Thermoelectric Materials for Automotive Applications Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Yang, Yang Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session L29.00001 Very High Performance Polymer Solar Cells -- A step closer to reality Room: C123 |
Yang, Yang Duke University |
Session T8.00004 Students: made in China, contribute to the world Room: Portland Ballroom 255 |
Yao, Hong |
Session B2.00005 Spin liquid phases in exactly solvable models: proof of principle Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session B2.00004 Visualizing Topological Surface States using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Ye, Jun JILA |
Session Q27.00001 Coherent frequency combs and spectroscopy Room: D137 |
Yethiraj, Anand Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Session P3.00005 Novel forms of colloidal self-organization in temporally and spatially varying external fields: from low-density network-forming fluids to spincoated crystals Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
Yildiz, Ahmet University of California Berkeley |
Session V7.00003 Molecular approach to intracellular cargo transport Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Yoshioka, Shinya Osaka University |
Session V4.00004 Mechanism of the tunable structural color of neon tetra Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Yu, Clare University of California, Irvine |
Session V7.00002 Modeling of Single Molecule Cytoplasmic Dynein Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Yuan, Junhua Harvard University |
Session D11.00004 Behavior of the Flagellar Rotary Motor Near Zero Load Room: A107-A109 |
Zaman, Muhammad H. Boston University |
Session L6.00003 Making the right choice: Biomechanical design making in tumor invasion Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Zanni, Martin University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session P4.00002 Mid-infrared pulse shaping permits the pathway of amyloid aggregation to be determined with rapid-scan 2D IR spectroscopy Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Zdeborova, Lenka Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A6.00004 Glassy phases: a possible origin of computational hardness Room: Portland Ballroom 253 |
Zeravcic, Zorana University of Leiden |
Session Q2.00004 Jamming of Ellipsoids: Abundance of Zero-Frequency Modes and What to Do With Them Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Zhang, Shufeng University of Arizona |
Session W4.00002 Conduction electrons and the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation Room: Oregon Ballroom 204 |
Zhang, Xiaohang Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session A1.00002 Josephson effect studies of pairing symmetry in Fe-based superconductors Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Zhang, Zexin University of Pennsylvania |
Session V2.00005 Experimental studies on the local structure, dynamics, and dynamic heterogeneity in colloidal glasses Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Zhao, Erhai George Mason University |
Session H1.00003 Spin-transport and spin-transfer torque in SF nanostructures Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Zhao, Jun Department of Physics and Astronomy, the University of Tennessee |
Session X39.00007 Spin excitations in iron arsenide superconductors Room: F150 |
Zhao, Ke University of Tennessee |
Session Z2.00004 Accurate tuning of the electronic coupling and emergent magnetic properties of metal nanoparticle dimers from the linear to nonlinear dielectric-response regime Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Zheng, Ming National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Y5.00005 DNA Sequence Motifs for Structure-Specific Recognition and Separation of Carbon Nanotubes Room: Portland Ballroom 256 |
Zhuang, Bilin Wellesley College / Data Storage Institute |
Session D1.00004 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Small-Model Approximations to Ising Models of Two-Dimensional Geometrically Frustrated Systems Room: Oregon Ballroom 201 |
Zimmermann, Juliane |
Session X7.00003 Protrusion phenotypes driven by actin-membrane interaction Room: Portland Ballroom 254 |
Zudov, Michael University of Minnesota |
Session J2.00001 Magneto-resistance oscillations in very high Landau levels of two-dimensional electron systems Room: Oregon Ballroom 202 |
Zunger, Alex National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session J3.00002 Condensed Matter Physics Issues in Inorganic Photovoltaics Room: Oregon Ballroom 203 |
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