APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session L22: Focus Session: Carbon Nanotubes Alignment and Sorting: Device Applications
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Room: Portland Ballroom 252
Chair: Mathias Steiner, IBM
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.L22.1
Abstract: L22.00001 : Functional Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Solar Energy Conversion
2:30 PM–3:06 PM
Preview Abstract
Jeffrey Blackburn
(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
In this presentation, we discuss our progress in producing high surface area
electrodes from single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and the utilization
of these electrodes in solar energy conversion devices. SWNTs have several
fundamental properties that make them attractive for functional electrodes,
including high electron and hole mobilities, a tunable work function with an
energy range relevant to many photovoltaic devices, and optical transitions
in the visible and near infrared that may be useful for solar driven
photochemical reactions. Additionally, they possess numerous properties
amenable to practical, scalable, and economic electrode deposition including
abundant source material, a natural disposition for solution processing, and
high surface area and flexibility. All of these features make them extremely
attractive for replacing conventional electrodes, such as tin-doped indium
oxide (ITO), which suffer from questionable world supply, high
temperature/low pressure deposition requirements, and brittleness. We will
present our development of a versatile and scalable ultrasonic spray process
for producing SWNT electrodes with high transparency, high conductivity, and
very low surface roughness. This method can be adapted for aqueous and
organic solvents, allowing SWNT electrodes to be sprayed on a variety of
different substrates, including directly on photovoltaic devices. The
performance of PV devices incorporating our electrodes is nearly equivalent
to devices incorporating traditional transparent conducting oxides. Finally,
we demonstrate that this method can be extended to the production of a
variety of different functional SWNT electrodes, including bio-hybrid
electrodes for the production of hydrogen fuel. These electrodes achieve
electrolytic current densities close to that of platinum at a fraction of
the cost. We will discuss devices incorporating bulk SWNTs as well as SWNTs
enriched in specific electronic structures.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.L22.1