APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session H8: Opportunities for Research and Employment in Transporation Science
8:00 AM–10:24 AM,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Room: Portland Ballroom 255
Chair: Brian Schwartz, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.H8.2
Abstract: H8.00002 : The Physics of Traffic Congestion and Road Pricing in Transportation Planning
8:36 AM–9:12 AM
Preview Abstract
David Levinson
(University of Minnesota)
This presentation develops congestion theory and congestion
pricing theory from
its micro- foundations, the interaction of two or more vehicles.
Using game theory,
with a two- player game it is shown that the emergence of
congestion depends on
the players' relative valuations of early arrival, late arrival,
and journey delay.
Congestion pricing can be used as a cooperation mechanism to
minimize total costs
(if returned to the players). The analysis is then extended to
the case of the three-
player game, which illustrates congestion as a negative
externality imposed on
players who do not themselves contribute to it. A multi-agent
model of travelers
competing to utilize a roadway in time and space is presented. To
realize the
spillover effect among travelers, N-player games are constructed
in which the
strategy set includes N+1 strategies. We solve the N-player game
(for N = 7) and
find Nash equilibria if they exist. This model is compared to the
bottleneck model.
The results of numerical simulation show that the two models
yield identical results
in terms of lowest total costs and marginal costs when a social
optimum exists.
Moving from temporal dynamics to spatial complexity, using
consistent agent-
based techniques, we model the decision-making processes of users
infrastructure owner/operators to explore the welfare consequence
of price
competition, capacity choice, and product differentiation on
transportation networks. Component models include: (1) An
agent-based travel
demand model wherein each traveler has learning capabilities and
characteristics (e.g. value of time); (2) Econometric facility
provision cost models;
and (3) Representations of road authorities making pricing and
capacity decisions.
Different from small-network equilibrium models in prior
literature, this agent-
based model is applicable to pricing and investment analyses on
large complex
networks. The subsequent economic analysis focuses on the source,
measurement, and impact of product differentiation with
heterogeneous users on a
mixed ownership network (with tolled and untolled roads). Two
types of product
differentiation in the presence of toll roads, path
differentiation and space
differentiation, are defined and measured for a base case and
several variants with
different types of price and capacity competition and with
various degrees of user
heterogeneity. The findings favor a fixed-rate road pricing
policy compared to
complete pricing freedom on toll roads. It is also shown that the
between net social benefit and user heterogeneity is not
monotonic on a complex
network with toll roads.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.H8.2