APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session P24: Focus Session: Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Oxides -- Nanostructures
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Room: D133-D134
Chair: Tae Won Noh, Seoul National University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.P24.7
Abstract: P24.00007 : Domains in Ferroelectric Nanostructures*
9:12 AM–9:48 AM
Preview Abstract
Marty Gregg
(Queen's University Belfast)
Ferroelectric materials have great potential in influencing the
future of
small scale electronics. At a basic level, this is because
surfaces are charged, and so interact strongly with
charge-carrying metals
and semiconductors - the building blocks for all electronic
systems. Since
the electrical polarity of the ferroelectric can be reversed,
surfaces can
both attract and repel charges in nearby materials, and can
thereby exert
complete control over both charge distribution and movement. It
should be no
surprise, therefore, that microelectronics industries have
already looked
very seriously at harnessing ferroelectric materials in a variety of
applications, from solid state memory chips (FeRAMs) to field effect
transistors (FeFETs). In all such applications, switching the
direction of
the polarity of the ferroelectric is a key aspect of functional
The mechanism for switching involves the field-induced nucleation
and growth
of domains. Domain coarsening, through domain wall propagation,
causes the entire ferroelectric to switch its polar direction. It
is thus
the existence and behavior of domains that determine the
switching response,
and ultimately the performance of the ferroelectric device.
A major issue, associated with the integration of ferroelectrics
microelectronic devices, has been that the fundamental properties
with ferroelectrics, when in bulk form, appear to change quite
and unpredictably when at the nanoscale: new modes of behaviour, and
different functional characteristics from those seen in bulk
appear. For
domains, in particular, the proximity of surfaces and boundaries
have a
dramatic effect: surface tension and depolarizing fields both
serve to
increase the equilibrium density of domains, such that minor
changes in
scale or morphology can have major ramifications for domain
Given the importance of domains in dictating the overall switching
characteristics of a device, the need to fully understand how
size and
morphology affect domain behaviour in small scale ferroelectrics
is obvious.
In this talk, observations from a programme of study examining
domains in
meso and nano-scale BaTiO$_{3}$ shapes, that have been cut
directly from
bulk single crystal using focused ion beam milling, will be
presented. In
general, the equilibrium static domain configurations that occur
appear to
be the result of a simultaneous desire to minimize both the
strain and depolarizing fields developed on cooling through the
Temperature. While such governing factors might be obvious, the
patterns that result as a function of morphology are often
and a series of images of domains in nanodots, rods and wires
will be
presented and rationalised. In addition, the nature in which
factors influence domain dynamics during switching will be
discussed, with
particular focus on axial switching in nanowires, and the manner
in which
local surface perturbations (such as notches and antinotches)
affect domain
wall propagation. In collaboration with Alina Schilling, Li-Wu
Chang, Mark McMillen, Raymond McQuaid, and Leo McGilly, Queen's
University Belfast; Gustau Catalan, Universitat Autonoma de
Barcelona; and James Scott, University of Cambridge.
*The authors acknowledge financial support from the EPSRC.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.P24.7