APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session J37: Focus Session: Novel Magnetic Devices - Spin Torque I
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Room: E147-E148
Chair: Ursula Ebels, Spintec/CEA
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.J37.8
Abstract: J37.00008 : Magnetodynamics of spin torque switching in nanometer sized magnetic devices
1:03 PM–1:39 PM
Preview Abstract
Ranko Heindl
Since the theoretical predictions of by Berger and Slonczewski in 1996,
spin-transfer dynamics in spin valves and tunnel junctions have been of
great interest for the development of magnetic RAM, spin-torque
nano-oscillators, and spin diodes. Spin transfer devices use spin polarized
currents flowing through a nanoscale magnetic structure to induce torques on
the local moments, causing a change in the direction of magnetization of the
film. The magnetization can be switched more efficiently using spin transfer
than through the use of magnetic fields and unique dynamical magnetization
states can be stabilized.
In order to understand the magnetization dynamics and the switching
behaviors in nanoscale magnetic devices, it is important to characterize
their normal modes of oscillation, thermal fluctuations, and the statistical
switching current distributions. In conventional field switching, the
switching event evolves from a normal mode whose frequency is driven to
zero. Spin torque switching, in contrast, evolves from a mode whose
linewidth is driven to zero. Nanoscale devices have many active
magnetization modes each with different spatial distributions, frequencies,
and effective activation volumes. Depending of the device shape and the
profile of the excitation pulse different modes can contribute to the
switching process.
In this talk we describe our measurements of spin torque induced
magnetization dynamics and switching in nanometer scale magnetic spin valves
and MgO tunnel junctions. Switching probabilities were measured for pulses
with durations from 0.1 ns up to 1 s and correlated with device level
ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). Thermal and spin torque FMR data show complex
spectra and evolution of the modes with applied fields and currents. The
nanoscale FMR spectra can highlight device-to-device variations, be used to
identify the modes important in the switching process, and measure the mode
damping that determines the critical currents for switching.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.J37.8