APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session H6: Artificial Electromagnetism and other Gauge Fields in Cold Atomic Gases
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Room: Portland Ballroom 253
Chair: Lindsay LeBlanc, University of Toronto
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.H6.2
Abstract: H6.00002 : A practical scheme for a light-induced gauge field in an atomic Bose gas
8:36 AM–9:12 AM
Preview Abstract
Kenneth G\"unter
(Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, ENS Paris)
Cold atoms can be used to simulate a wide range of pending
problems known from condensed matter systems. This should give
important insight into phenomena such as high-temperature
superconductivity or the fractional quantum Hall effect. Since
there the main actors are electrons coupling to electromagnetic
fields, it is highly desirable to implement orbital
electromagnetism also for neutral alkali atoms.
A promising approach is to prepare the atoms in a
position-dependent internal state. If the atoms follow this state
adiabatically, a geometric (Berry) phase is acquired,
corresponding to a gauge field. We will first give a
semi-classical interpretation of the emerging Lorentz force and
the scalar potential in terms of the quantum-optical radiative
forces. We will then discuss a practical scheme to generate a
light-induced gauge, which has been designed to minimise losses
due to spontaneous emission. We will present
results of simulations of the many-body dynamics at the mean
field level that validate the adiabatic approximation. In
particular we will show that it is possible to attain the Lowest
Landau Level regime, and compare the promises of this system with
those of a rotating gas.
[1] M.~Cheneau, S.~P.~Rath, T.~Yefsah, K.~J.~G\"unter,
G.~Juzeli\=unas, and J.~Dalibard, \emph{Geometric potentials in
quantum optics: A semi-classical interpretation},
Eur.~Phys.~Lett.~\textbf{83}, 60001 (2008).
[2] K.~J.~G\"unter, M.~Cheneau, T.~Yefsah, S.~P.~Rath, and
J.~Dalibard, \emph{Practical scheme for a light-induced gauge
field in an atomic Bose gas}, Phys.~Rev.~A \textbf{79}, 011604
[3] G.~Juzeli\=unas, J.~Ruseckas, P.~\"Ohberg, and
M.~Fleischhauer, \emph{Light-induced effective magnetic fields
for ultracold atoms in planar geometries}, Phys.~Rev.~A
\textbf{73}, 025602 (2006).
[4] I.~B.~Spielman, \emph{Raman processes and effective gauge
potentials}, Phys.~Rev.~A \textbf{79}, 063613 (2009).
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.H6.2