APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session T11: Focus Session: Single Molecule Biophysics and Chemical Physics V
2:30 PM–4:54 PM,
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Room: A107-A108
Chair: David Nesbitt, JILA/University of Colorado
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.T11.1
Abstract: T11.00001 : Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy using Optical Traps and AFMs
2:30 PM–3:06 PM
Preview Abstract
Thomas Perkins
Force spectroscopy is an important single-molecule technique to study the
energetics and dynamics of biological systems. Both optical traps and atomic
force microscopes (AFMs) can measure the dynamics of individual molecules.
My talk will focus on two intellectually distinct ways to improve these
experiments: passive force clamps and an optically stabilized AFM.
To increase measurement precision, feedback is used to maintain a constant
force on a molecule -- often called a force clamp. Precise yet rapid active
feedback is limited by Brownian motion. This limited bandwidth leads to
significant fluctuations in force that are particularly pronounced for the
rapid, large changes in extension seen in nucleic acid structures (e.g. DNA
hairpins, ribozymes, riboswitches). Here, we show that the dynamics
determined in active force clamps are five-to-seven fold different than in a
passive force clamp, which has a $\sim $30-fold faster control of force.
Thus, the dynamics of biological molecules can be significantly altered by
the mechanism of force feedback.
In AFM-based force spectroscopy experiments, force versus extension curves
are generated by retracting the tip using a PZT stage while measuring force
via cantilever deflection. Extension is inferred, not measured, and
therefore convolved with drift in the AFM assembly ($\sim $10 nm/min). We
developed an ultrastable AFM by scattering a laser off the apex of a
commercial AFM tip to measure and thereby stabilize the tip in 3D. A second
laser stabilized the sample, leading to a 100-fold improvement in tip-sample
stability compared to the previous state-of-the-art at ambient conditions
(in air at room temperature). We next demonstrated simultaneous and
independent measurement of extension and force in liquid. Preliminary
studies of bacteriorhodopsin, a model membrane protein, highlight this
instrument's unique force- and position-clamp modes.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.T11.1