APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session H5: Facing the Challenge of the LED Droop
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Room: Portland Ballroom 256
Chair: Jim Speck, University of California, Santa Barbara
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.H5.4
Abstract: H5.00004 : The contribution of carrier localisation to efficiency droop in GaN LEDs*
9:48 AM–10:24 AM
Preview Abstract
Colin Humphreys
(University of Cambridge)
One of the most significant problems preventing the widespread
adoption of
Solid State Lighting is the reduction in efficiency at high drive
so called ``efficiency droop''. A number of mechanisms have been
for explaining this phenomenon for example Auger recombination.
However, the
reason InGaN LEDs work, even though the dislocation density is
high, is
widely believed to due to carrier localisation. We propose that
of carrier localisation may also control the droop. In this paper
we discuss
three localisation mechanisms which may be relevant to efficiency
droop. In
an InGaN/GaN QW the active region is strained and is also a
random alloy. We
have shown theoretically that random alloy fluctuations localise
the holes
on a 1-2 nm length scale (localisation mechanism 1). In addition,
and bilayer steps on the upper InGaN/GaN QW interface localise
the electrons
on a 5-10 nm lateral length scale (mechanism 2). In addition,
some InGaN QWs
(depending on the growth conditions) exhibit a QW network
structure with
gross thickness fluctuations. These localise electrons and holes
at room
temperature on a typically 100 nm lateral length scale (mechanism
3). There
are two related reasons carrier localisation may contribute to
droop. First, localised carriers are in local potential minima.
As the
current density increases, carriers may fill these dot like
regions and
became delocalised, enabling them to diffuse to dislocations,
reducing the
light emission and resulting in efficiency droop. Second, in
polar and
semi-polar materials, as the current density increases, the
electric field
across the QW decreases, which reduces the size of the confining
potential wells, allowing the carriers to become delocalised.
we have found that the efficiency droop is significantly
different in QWs
with localisation mechanisms 1 plus 2 operating relative to those
in which
all three mechanisms operate.
*EPSRC is thanked for their financial support.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.H5.4