APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session Y2: Composite Fermions: Recent Advances in States and Excitations
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Room: Oregon Ballroom 202
Chair: Vito Scarola, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.Y2.3
Abstract: Y2.00003 : Traversing the States of the Second Landau Level - loss of spin polarization away from $\nu$=3*
9:12 AM–9:48 AM
Preview Abstract
Trevor David Rhone
(Columbia University)
The presence of competing liquid and solid ground states as well
as intriguing quantum Hall fluids such as that at filling
$\nu$=5/2 create great current interest in the partially filled
N=1 Landau level. We probe the low-lying collective excitations
in quantum phases of the second Landau level by resonant
inelastic light scattering. Our work demonstrates that
measurements of spin excitations reveal key insights on states of
spin, indicating that full spin polarization is lost in the
partially populated N=1 Landau level. The long wavelength spin
wave mode is seen at the bare Zeeman energy in the fully spin
polarized quantum Hall state at $\nu$=3. At filling factors
slightly lower ($\nu$=2.97), the intensity of the spin wave mode
attenuates and a broad continuum of low-lying excitations
emerges. Under these conditions, sharp and broad modes coexist.
While the coexistence of spectral features has not been
explained, the observation could manifest the presence of mixed
quantum phases and some loss of spin polarization. Further below
$\nu$=3, near the odd-denominator quantum Hall state at
$\nu$=8/3, the continuum dominates at low temperature. A spin
wave at the Zeeman energy is not recovered, suggesting loss of
spin polarization. In contrast, a well defined spin wave at the
Zeeman energy occurs in the analog quantum Hall state at
$\nu$=2/3 of the N=0 Landau level [1]. Near the even-denominator
state at $\nu$=5/2 light scattering spectra display similar
continua of low-lying excitations. At high temperatures
(T$\geq$2K) a sharp spin wave is recovered while the broad
continuum persists. The absence of a well defined spin wave band
at the bare Zeeman energy seems to manifest tendencies towards
loss of full spin polarization in the partially populated N=1
Landau level. These findings indicate that spin degrees of
freedom have significant impact on the physics of competing
phases with filling factors that are in the range
3$\geq\nu\geq$2. This work is in collaboration with A.
Pinczuk, J. Yan, Y. Gallais, L.N. Pfeifer and K.W. West.
[1] Y. Gallais et al., Physical Review Letters \textbf(100)
046804 (2008)
*Work supported by NSF under grants DMR-0352738, DMR-0803691, CHE0641523, DOE DE-AIO2-04ER46133 and NYSTAR.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.Y2.3