APS March Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2010;
Portland, Oregon
Session D6: Dynamics of Polymers on Multi-Length Scales: Interfaces
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Room: Portland Ballroom 253
Chair: Sushil Satija, National Institutes of Standards and Technology
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.D6.5
Abstract: D6.00005 : Physical Properties and Responsive Behavior of Semi-fluorinated Polymer Interfaces*
4:54 PM–5:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Kenneth Wynne
(VCU Chamical and Life Science Engineering)
The macromolecular platform for this research is a polyoxetane,
which has a
{\-}C{\-}C-C-O- main chain, specifically
If side chain \textbf{A} = \textbf{B}, the polyoxetane is
If \textbf{A} $\ne $ \textbf{B}, the copolyoxetane is an
amorphous low
$T_{g}$ telechelic used as a soft block. Dynamic interfacial
behavior is
described for (\textbf{\textit{1}}) \textbf{A} = \textbf{B} =
CF$_{3}$CH$_{2}$OCH$_{2}$-, P(B-3FOx), and (\textbf{\textit{2}})
a soft
block where \textbf{A} = 3FOx and \textbf{B} = C12, a
CH$_{3}$(CH$_{2})_{11}$N$^{+}$(CH$_{3})_{2}$-(CH$_{2})_{4}$O- side
chain used for introducing surface quaternary charge as a
\textit{polymer surface modifier} (PSM).
For P(B-3FOx) (21kDa), differences in cooling rates from the melt
substantial effects on crystal phase, percent crystallinity, surface
topography, and wetting behavior. DSC and WAXD reveal that slow
cooling from
the melt ($\le $ 5 \r{ }C /min) gives $\alpha $-P(B-3FOx) while
from the melt results in $\beta $-P(B-3FOx), which forms an ordered
mesophase. TM-AFM and SEM for $\alpha $-P(B-3FOx) shows cold
(25 \r{ }C) brings about sharp asperities and lath-shaped
crystals. A 30\r{
} increase in water contact angle is associated with the change
from a
relatively smooth surface (Wenzel) to an asperity-rich surface
yielding a
discontinuous three-phase contact line (composite of Wenzel and
Prior research established P[\textbf{AB}]-copolyoxetane
polyurethanes having
soft blocks \textbf{\textit{2}} with\textbf{ A} = 3FOx and
\textbf{B} =
dodecylammonium-butoxy (C12) are effective \textit{contact}
antimicrobial PSMs, but
accessible quaternary charge density was unknown. Streaming
potential (SP)
measurements in microfluidic capillaries have been employed for
surface accessible charge. Inner capillary walls were coated with
a base
polyurethane modified by 1 wt{\%}
\textbf{\textit{2}}\textbf{-PU}, that is,
[HMDI{\-}BD(30){\-}P[(3FOx)(C12){\-}87:13-(5100)]. The neat PSM
has a
constant SP, but SPs for 1 wt{\%} PSM coatings decreased with
time. TM-AFM
showed that the dynamic behavior of modified surfaces was
correlated with
PSM phase separation. The results are important in providing a
facile method
for screening candidate coatings prior to time consuming
*Support from the NSF (DMR) and ONR is gratefully acknowledged
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.D6.5