Aczel, Adam Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session F54.00007
Iridium on the fcc lattice: new design principles for realizing Jeff = ½ moments and significant Kitaev interactions
Adam, Shaffique Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session Y58.00001
Theory for viscous electron transport in two-dimensional electron systems
Agoritsas, Elisabeth Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session P62.00001
Mean-field dynamics of infinite-dimensional particle systems: global shear versus random local forcing
Agterberg, Daniel University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Session A49.00005
Topology and superconductivity in UTe2: a microscopic perspective
Aharoni, Hillel Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session E16.00001
Smectic Description of Wrinkle Patterns
Aidala, Kathy Mt Holyoke College |
Session X15.00009
Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution (2020)
Akgun, Bulent Bogazici University |
Session L02.00011
Tuning Adsorption using Entropy to Alter Structure, Diffusion, and Swelling in Thin Polymer Films
Akinwande, Deji University of Texas at Austin |
Session E57.00002
STM Observation of Atomistic Memory Effect in MoS2 Monolayers
Albash, Tameem University of New Mexico |
Session A34.00001
Catalyst Hamiltonians in Quantum Adiabatic Optimization: How much can they help?
Alben, Silas University of Michigan |
Session R14.00001
Efficient sliding locomotion for two- and three-link bodies
Alberi, Kirstin National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session Y53.00001
Manipulating Impurities and Defects During Semiconductor Epitaxy with Light
Albert, Victor NIST / QUICS @ UMD College Park |
Session V10.00002
Autonomous error correction with pair-cat codes
Albrecht, Manfred Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg |
Session C40.00001
Ferrimagnetic thin film systems for spintronic THz emitters
Aldridge, Bree Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Tufts University |
Session R13.00008
Development of phenotypic heterogeneity in different environmental niches in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Alem, Nasim Penn State University |
Session X56.00005
Atomic resolution characterization of 2D materials with scanning transmission electron microscopy
Alert, Ricard Princeton University |
Session M13.00001
From topological defects to fruiting bodies in bacterial colonies
Alexander, Gareth Univ of Warwick |
Session M09.00004
Dynamics of Active Defect Loops
Alim, Karen Physics Department, Technical University of Munich |
Session R01.00001
Processing information by flow: the smart slime mold Physarum
Room: 01 |
Alkauskas, Audrius Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Vilnius, Lithuania |
Session P18.00001
Optical properties of quantum defects from first-principles calculations
Allan, Milan Leiden University |
Session V50.00004
Direct evidence for Cooper pairing without a spectral gap in a disordered superconductor above Tc
Allen, Philip State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session S20.00001
Thermal susceptibility -- the nonlocal temperature response to local heat input
Alp, Esen Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B62.00004
A bright light and a promise delivered: SESAME Light Source in the Middle East
Alvarez, Nicolas Drexel Univ |
Session P64.00004
Self-Healing Recovery and Dynamics of Associating Polymers under Uniaxial Extension
Amadei, Bernard Univ of Colorado |
Session M10.00005
Engineering for Peace and Diplomacy
Amstad, Esther Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session A13.00001
Drops: A bio-inspired tool to fabricate granular materials
Analytis, James University of California, Berkeley |
Session L50.00004
Freezing of charge degrees of freedom across a critical point in CeCoIn5
Andersen, Ken Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X60.00001
Emerging capabilities for neutron scattering science at ORNL
Andrade, Marcos Princeton University |
Session L18.00002
Expanding the time- and length-scale of ab initio molecular dynamics with deep neural network potentials
Andrei, Eva Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ |
Session V49.00003
Flat Bands and Correlated Electronic States in Two Dimensional Atomic Crystals
Anzelc, Meghan Spencer Stuart |
Session R58.00001
Data Science in Leadership Consulting and People Analytics
Aoki, Dai Tohoku Univ |
Session F50.00004
Multiple superconducting phases and field-induced phenomena in spin-triplet superconductor UTe2
Apalkov, Vadym Georgia State University |
Session Y49.00004
Topological materials in ultrafast and strong laser fields
Arbe, Arantxa Centro de Física de Materiales-MPC (CSIC-UPV/EHU) |
Session L64.00001
From Single-Chain Nano-Particles to All-Polymer Nano-Composites
Ardavan, Arzhang Department of Physics, University of Oxford |
Session L53.00004
Electric field control of spins in piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, molecules, and on surfaces
Ardekani, Arezoo Purdue University |
Session M18.00005
Motile microorganisms in complex fluids
Ariando, Ariando Department of Physics, National University of Singapore |
Session J49.00004
Doping dependence of superconductivity in infinite layer nickelates
Armato, Sam University of Chicago |
Session J58.00003
Quantitative Imaging Applications for Radiography and Computed Tomography
Aronson, Meigan Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia |
Session L50.00005
Metallic Spin Chains: the Effects of Electronic Correlations
Arratia, Paulo University of Pennsylvania |
Session M05.00001
Life in Complex Fluids
Room: 05 |
Artrith, Nongnuch Columbia Center for Computational Electrochemistry, Columbia University |
Session C22.00010
Modeling the Dynamics of Complex Energy Materials with Machine Learning
Assaad, Fakher University of Wurzburg |
Session R49.00002
The role of electron-electron interactions in two-dimensional Dirac fermions: from realistic to toy models.
Atkinson, Daria University of Pennsylvania |
Session C17.00008
Let me spin you a yarn: fiber geometry and the elasticity of twisted filaments
Attane, Jean-Phillippe Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRS, Grenoble INP, INAC, SPINTEC, F-38000 Grenoble, France, Spintec |
Session E35.00005
Spin to charge conversion in the topological insulator HgTe and in STO-based two-dimensional electron gas
Attfield, Paul Univ of Edinburgh |
Session X50.00001
Orbital molecules in oxides
Atwater, Harry Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology |
Session S55.00004
Flying Micro-Lightsails: Optical Levitation and Propulsion of Nanostructured Ultralight Macroscopic Objects
Avraham, Nurit Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session R50.00002
Multiple topological facets of Bismuth
Awschalom, David University of Chicago |
Session S09.00005
Keithly Award: Challenges and opportunities for sensing with quantum states in semiconductors
Awschalom, David University of Chicago |
Session F53.00009
Scaling quantum systems with silicon carbide and molecules
Aykol, Muratahan Toyota Research Institute |
Session L21.00001
Closed-loop discovery of optimal materials using artificial intelligence
Bachtold, Adrian ICFO - The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology |
Session J55.00001
Nanotube mechanical resonators – tiny electron forces and few quanta of vibrations
Balazs, Anna University of Pittsburgh |
Session A01.00005
Polymers Science in Modeling Mushy, Squishy Systems
Balents, Leon University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B35.00003
Physics of domains and domain walls in topological magnets
Ballato, John Clemson University |
Session P58.00002
Materials for Advanced Optical and Optoelectronic Fibers
Balsara, Nitash University of California, Berkeley |
Session V63.00003
How to Define Electric Potential in a Polarized Polymer Electrolyte Why is it Important?
Banavar, Samhita Bioengineering, Stanford University |
Session J11.00001
Physical aspects of cell and tissue elongation
Banwell, Alison Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session S15.00004
Impacts of surface melt and hydrology on Antarctic ice-shelf dynamics and break-up
Bao, Zhenan Stanford Univ |
Session E01.00005
Skin-inspired Organic Electronics
Baragiola, Ben Physics, RMIT University |
Session V31.00006
Bosonic codes for continuous-variable quantum computing
Barnes, Edwin Virginia Tech |
Session J33.00008
Geometric framework for noise-resistant quantum control
Barnett Dreyfuss, Bree STEP UP Program, AAPT |
Session M62.00001
STEPUP: A cultural change to inspire Girls in Physics
Barone, Vincenzo Scuola Normale Superiore |
Session E25.00007
The Virtual Multifrequency Spectrometer: status and perspectives of an ongoing project.
Baroni, Stefano Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste |
Session M20.00001
Gauge invariance of heat and charge transport coefficients
Bar-Sinai, Yohai Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Tel Aviv University |
Session X05.00001
Calculating the entropy of physical systems with Machine Learning
Room: 05 |
Barthel, Etienne ESPCI Paris |
Session L06.00001
From dewetting to adhesion rupture - moving lines in dissipative, heterogeneous systems
Room: 06 |
Barton, Linda Physics, Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session J01.00002
Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction Talk (2021): Starting From Scratch - Development of an upper level physics laboratory sequence
Baskaran, Aparna Brandeis Univ |
Session M09.00002
Flows in 3D active nematic systems
Bassett, Lee University of Pennsylvania |
Session M53.00009
Defects for quantum engineering
Bassi, Angelo Physics, University of Trieste |
Session S10.00003
The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics... and a possible solution
Bates, Frank University of Minnesota |
Session A01.00001
Block Polymers: Extraordinary Consequences of a Few Covalent Bonds
Batista, Cristian Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee |
Session R35.00002
Skyrmion crystal from RKKY interaction mediated by 2D electron gas
Bauer, Dieter University of Rostock |
Session Y49.00002
Topological effects in high-harmonic generation from finite and bulk solids
Baum, Buzz MRC-LMB |
Session Y10.00005
The evolution of cell division: from archaea to eukaryotes
Baumbach, Ryan National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session C49.00001
Tuning the electronic state in uranium based strongly correlated electron materials
Bausch, Andreas TU Munich |
Session V09.00001
The role of the Nonlinear plastic response of fibrous networks for organoid growth
Baylor, Martha-Elizabeth Carleton College |
Session R62.00001
The Practicing Professionalism Framework: Redefining "Physicist" To Reflect Inclusivity Within The Physics Community
Bazant, Martin Chemical Engineering and Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y25.00002
Some surprises in confined electrolytes:
Electroneutrality breakdown and extreme cryotolerance
Bechhoefer, John Simon Fraser Univ |
Session F18.00002
Exponentially faster cooling and heating in a colloidal system
Beidenkopf, Haim Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session J51.00007
Belak, James Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session V19.00001
Preparing for exascale: additive manufacturing process modeling at the fidelity of the microstructure
Beljonne, David University of Mons |
Session L25.00007
Manipulating spin and electrostatic effects in organic semiconductors
Belopolski, Ilya Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN |
Session C51.00001
Discovery of topological magnetic Weyl loops by spectroscopy and transport
Belopolski, Ilya Princeton University |
Session V64.00003
Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics: Discovery of magnetic Weyl semimetals and topological chiral crystals
Ben-David, Shalev University of Waterloo |
Session R34.00011
Symmetries, Graph Properties, and Quantum Speedups
Benedek, Nicole Cornell University |
Session E63.00001
Ultrafast optical control of complex oxide functional properties: New insights from theory and first-principles calculations
Benfatto, Lara Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session S49.00002
THz driving of superconducting collective modes: new advances and open questions
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne |
Session F35.00003
INVITED TALK Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent
Berciu, Mona University of British Columbia |
Session J49.00003
Critical nature of the Ni spin state in doped NdNiO2
Berkovits, Nathan ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP |
Session M10.00001
John Wheatley Award: ICTP-SAIFR (2021): A South American Center for Theoretical Physics
Bernardi, Marco Caltech |
Session S18.00002
Ultrafast dynamics of coupled electrons, phonons and excitons from first principles
Berry, Joseph J National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session C35.00005
Harnessing chirality in hybrid semiconductors
Berthier, Ludovic University of Montpellier |
Session R02.00001
Physical properties of ultrastable computer-generated glasses.
Bertoldi, Katia Harvard University |
Session X06.00001
Programming Sequences in Multistable Mechanical Metamaterials
Room: 06 |
Bester, Cacey Physics and Astronomy, Swarthmore College |
Session Y07.00005
Mud as a soft matter system: Stability of aggregates under time-periodic flow
Bhamla, Saad Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session F14.00009
Collective transport in an entangled robotic worm blob
Bhatia, Surita State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session S01.00004
Sandwich Layering in Binary Colloidal Films During Evaporative Drying
Bhattacharjee, Tapomoy Princeton University |
Session Y11.00001
Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics (2019): studying cellular behavior in jammed microgel growth media
Biegert, Jens ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session S18.00003
Energy conversion pathways in graphite from attosecond X-ray spectroscopy
Bielejec, Edward Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S51.00001
Deterministic Positioning of Defect Based Qubits using Ion Beam Implantation for Nanofabrication and Modification
Birol, Turan University of Minnesota |
Session P39.00003
Spin-Lattice Coupling in the Spin-1 Kagome Compound Na2Ti3Cl8
Biroli, Giulio Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session P62.00005
Towards a cluster dynamical mean-field theory of the glass transition
Bischofberger, Irmgard Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session B09.00002
Pattern Formation from Instabilities in Liquid Crystals
Blumberg, Girsh Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session S50.00005
Nematicity-induced changes in the Raman response in FeSe
Blumoff, Jacob HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session V35.00003
High-performance exchange-only qubits in the SLEDGE architecture
Bocquet, Lyderic Laboratory of Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure and CNRS |
Session Y25.00001
Scale Oddity in nanofluidic transport
Boeri, Lilia Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome |
Session E18.00001
Ab-initio design of new high-Tc room-pressure conventional superconductors
Bolhuis, Peter Univ of Amsterdam |
Session P25.00001
Incorporating rate constants as kinetic constraints in molecular dynamics simulations
Bonev, Stanimir Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session P19.00006
Using liquid informed searches to predict high pressure and finite temperature phase transitions
Borisenko, Sergey IFW-Dresden |
Session S50.00003
Interplay of nematic order and spin-orbit interaction in iron-based superconductors from ARPES
Borrero, Daniel Willamette University |
Session J01.00005
Advanced Laboratory Instruction for a 21st Century Workforce
Borys, Nicholas Physics, Montana State University |
Session C55.00001
Exciton localization and multiexciton enhancement in single-layer WSe2
Boss, Michael American College of Radiology |
Session J58.00004
Better Medicine through Measurement: Developments and Applications of Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Botana, Antia Arizona State University |
Session J49.00005
Low-valence layered nickelates: a cuprate analog for high-temperature superconductivity?
Botvinick, Elliot University of California, Irvine |
Session V09.00005
Cells utilize strain hardening and crosslinking to establish their extracellular niche in fibrous tissue
Bouchet, Freddy CNRS |
Session R15.00001
Large deviation theory, extreme events and abrupt changes in the climate system
Boudouris, Bryan Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University |
Session J63.00001
John H. Dillon Medal (2021): Radicalizing Organic Electronics with Polymer Physics
Boudouris, Bryan Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University |
Session X04.00004
Controlling Block Polymer Interfaces for Next-Generation Membrane Separations
Boué, François Lab Léon Brillouin-UPSaclay-CEA-CNRS-UMR12 |
Session L03.00001
Polymer – nanocomposites at rest and under deformation: structure of the nanofillers, conformation of the chains, and related mechanical reinforcement.
Bowlan, Pamela Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A23.00009
Time resolving the loss of crystallinity during detonation in a secondary solid explosive
Boyd, Robert University of Ottawa and University of Rochester |
Session M49.00002
Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids (2020): Composite Materials and Metamaterials for Nonlinear Optics
Boydston, Andrew University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session C08.00011
Chemical and Engineering Approaches for Soft Material Additive Manufacturing
Bozin, Emil Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X50.00003
Local Orbital Degeneracy Lifting as a Precursor to Orbital-Selective Peierls Transitions
Bozovic, Ivan Brookhaven National Laboratory and Yale University |
Session L35.00002
James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2021): A sixteen-barrel atomic launcher — homing in on new materials and novel physics
Bradbury, Forrest Amsterdam Univ College |
Session J01.00004
Constraints in Physics Lab Courses: the Good, the Bad, and the Pandemic
Bradley, Laura University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session V03.00002
Polymer Processing at Liquid Crystal-Air Interfaces
Brandao, Fernando Caltech/Amazon |
Session B34.00012
Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing (2020): Realizations with Superconducting Qubits
Brangwynne, Cliff Princeton University |
Session A18.00004
Mechanics of Phase Separation in, on, and around the Genome
Bredas, Jean-Luc Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Arizona |
Session E01.00002
High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells Based on Polymer Donors: The Impact of Non-Fullerene Acceptors
Brener, Igal Sandia National Laboratories |
Session V55.00009
Nonlinear Optical Metasurfaces
Brenner, Michael Harvard University |
Session P61.00003
Machine Learning for Partial Differential Equations
Bretscher, Hope Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
Session M50.00003
Spatial mapping of collective modes and time-resolved tracking of excitonic order melting in Ta2NiSe5 at room temperature
Brito, Carolina Phyics, UFRGS |
Session E09.00001
Jamming with Tunable Roughness
Brochard-Wyart, Francoise PhysicoChimieCurie, Institut Curie |
Session A01.00003
Application of Polymer Physics to tissue viscoelasticity: Entangled active matter
Brody, Jed Emory University |
Session J01.00003
Testing Bell inequalities and calculating spin correlations with IBM quantum processors
Broedersz, Chase VU university Amsterdam and LMU Munich |
Session P08.00001
Unraveling the non-equilibrium dynamics of soft living matter
Brown, Benjamin Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, School of Physics, University of Sydney |
Session A31.00006
Conservation laws and quantum error correction
Brown, Stuart University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A49.00003
Even parity superconducting state of the strongly correlated Fermi Liquid Sr2RuO4
Brun, Pierre-Thomas Princeton University |
Session C07.00009
All-in-One Design of Soft Machines
Room: 07 |
Brunton, Steven University of Washington |
Session P61.00001
Deep Learning for Dynamical Systems
Bryner, Jeanna LiveScience |
Session Y15.00002
For the Geek in Everyone
Bub, Jeffrey University of Maryland, College Park |
Session E62.00004
Bananaworld: quantum mechanics for primates
Buehler-Paschen, Silke Vienna Univ of Technology |
Session E49.00001
Extreme topological response in a nonmagnetic Weyl-Kondo semimetal
Buisson, Olivier Institut Néel, CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes |
Session R32.00007
Fast high fidelity quantum non-demolition superconducting qubit readout
Bukov, Marin Faculty of Physics, Sofia University |
Session B21.00004
Reinforcement Learning for Many-Body Ground State Preparation based on Counter-Diabatic Driving
Burch, Kenneth Boston College |
Session E10.00003
The surprising role for phonons in Topological Semimetals
Burton, Justin Emory University |
Session V02.00003
Relaxation and Recovery in Hydrogel Friction on Smooth Surfaces
Butch, Nicholas National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session C49.00005
The spin-triplet topological superconductor UTe2
Caffrey, Nuala School of Physics, University College Dublin |
Session R56.00001
Predicting Effective Solvents for Graphene Stabilization in Nonaqueous Dispersions
Camley, Brian Johns Hopkins University |
Session S11.00003
Cytoskeletal heavy tails
Campagne-Ibarcq, Phillipe Quantic team, Inria Paris |
Session L30.00004
Quantum error correction of a qubit encoded in grid states of an oscillator
Cano, Jennifer Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University |
Session P51.00001
New insights into topological semimetals
Cao, Chao Department of Physics, Hangzhou Normal University |
Session E49.00005
From Trivial Kondo Insulator Ce3Pt3Bi4 to Topological Nodal-line Semimetal Ce3Pd3Bi4
Caretta, Lucas Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley |
Session E40.00001
Manipulating Chiral Spin Textures in Compensated Ferrimagnets
Carleo, Giuseppe EPFL |
Session Y09.00004
Classical simulation of quantum circuits with neural-network states
Carr, Stephen Brown Theoretical Physics Center and Department of Physics, Brown University |
Session J50.00003
Building crystals from moiré interfaces
Casaburi, Alessandro James Watt School of Engineering, Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering Division, University of Glasgow |
Session S10.00004
Control and readout architecture for integrated quantum circuits
Casanova, Felix CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain) |
Session C35.00001
Spin-orbit proximity effects in graphene-based heterostructures
Casiraghi, Cinzia Univ of Manchester |
Session V56.00004
Defect-free and water based 2D material inks for printed electronics
Cassidy, David Hofstra University |
Session C62.00001
The Drama of Farm Hall
Caswell, Thomas Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L61.00005
Matplotlib and Scientific Visualization
Cating-Subramanian, Emma JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session V36.00001
Coherent Diffraction Imaging of magnetic nanostructures using table-top and facility scale EUV/X-ray sources
Cava, Robert Princeton University |
Session L35.00001
David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics
Cava, Robert Princeton University |
Session F39.00004
Design and Synthesis of Quantum Spin Liquid Candidates
Cavagna, Andrea Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
Session L01.00002
Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics (2021): Equilibrium to off-equilibrium crossover in homogeneous active matter near its ordering transition
Room: 01 |
Cavalleri, Andrea Max Planck Inst Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session S18.00001
Recent advances in light induced superconductivity
Ceder, Gerbrand University of California, Berkeley |
Session R10.00004
Fundamental insights into the transport of lithium for the design of novel cathode materials and solid state conductors.
Cepellotti, Andrea Harvard University |
Session A20.00004
Bridging the difference between Fourier's law and Navier-Stokes equations
Chakraborty, Bulbul Brandeis Univ |
Session E09.00003
Emergence of elasticity In amorphous solids: a gauge theory
Chakram, Srivatsan Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session F09.00005
Multimode photon blockade
Chan, Maria Argonne National Laboratory |
Session E60.00001
Capturing and Leveraging Computational and Experimental Data in Materials Physics
Chan, Yang-hao Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Y57.00009
Excitonic effects in optical-field-driven quasi 2D materials from time-dependent GW approach
Chang, Cui-Zu Pennsylvania State University |
Session X58.00005
Absence of Evidence for Chiral Majorana Modes in Quantum Anomalous Hall-Superconductor Devices
Chang, Guoqing Nanyang Technological University |
Session L51.00001
Topological Chiral Semimetal: Theory and Experiments
Chang, Hasok Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge |
Session R18.00002
Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics (2021)
Chang, Yi-Wei University of Pennsylvania |
Session V01.00003
In-cell structural dissection of the type IVa pilus machine by cryo-electron tomography
Room: 01 |
Chang, Zenghu University of Central Florida |
Session A50.00002
High harmonic generation driven by mid-infrared lasers
Charbonneau, Patrick Duke University |
Session S17.00001
Toward a microscopic understanding of the dynamics of simple glass-forming liquids
Chau, Polo Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session L61.00001
Towards Secure and Interpretable AI: Scalable Methods, Interactive Visualizations, and Practical Tools
Checkelsky, Joseph Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M51.00010
Transport and Magnetism in Topological Materials
Cheeseman, James Gaussian, Inc |
Session E25.00001
How Chiroptical Spectroscopy can determine molecular structure
Chemla, Yann University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session S13.00008
Molecular switch control of nucleic-acid processing machines
Chen, Gong Georgetown University |
Session M40.00007
Chemisorption-Induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions
Chen, Guorui Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session F62.00004
Tunable correlated and topological physics in ABC-trilayer graphene on hBN moiré superlattices
Chen, Hua Colorado State University |
Session B35.00002
New aspects of magnetoelectric responses in chiral antiferromagnets
Chen, Irene Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UCLA |
Session Y10.00001
Lessons from molecular evolution: from origin of life to phage-based nanomaterials
Chen, Kun Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session M21.00001
The variational and diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo approach to the many-electron problem
Chen, Sudi Stanford Univ |
Session B50.00004
Incoherent strange metal sharply bounded by the pseudogap critical doping in Bi2212
Chen, Wei Northwestern University |
Session B01.00002
Chen, Yong Purdue University and Aarhus University |
Session S35.00005
Van der Waals magnets based heterostructures
Cheney, Janica L Lockheed Martin Space Systems |
Session V58.00003
Rocket Science is Just Cool
Cheng, Monica Amazon |
Session E58.00005
Connecting the dots - from physics to online advertising
Cheng, Shengfeng Virginia Tech |
Session S01.00001
Stratification in Drying Colloidal and Polymer Films
Cheng, Shiwang Michigan State University |
Session F01.00003
Interfacial dynamics and mechanics of polymer nanocomposites through broadband dielectric spectroscopy and rheology
Chernyshev, Alexander University of California, Irvine |
Session X39.00001
Anisotropic-exchange magnets: triangular and other cases
Cheung, Margaret University of Houston |
Session C11.00011
The dual role of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase II in transducing calcium signals and reorganizing actomyosin networks
Chien, Chia-Ling Johns Hopkins University |
Session E38.00007
Spin-Orbit Torque Switching of Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets
Chiriaco, Giuliano The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
Session B54.00004
Understanding the non equilibrium phase transition in Ca2RuO4: heating and Peltier effects
Choi, Gyung-Min Sungkyunkwan Univ |
Session V38.00009
Optical spin-orbit torque and its application for spin-wave excitation
Chopdekar, Rajesh Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R37.00004
Spatially resolving spin texture control and manipulation in ferroic heterostructures
Christianson, Andy Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session P39.00011
Quantum Magnetism in the Honeycomb Lattice Material YbCl3
Christou, George Univ of Florida |
Session S39.00009
Molecular approaches to next-generation magnetic materials at the nanoscale
Chu, Jiun-Haw University of Washington |
Session Y50.00004
Nematic Fluctuations in an orbital-selective superconductor Fe1+yTe1-xSex
Chuang, Isaac MIT |
Session F34.00009
Nomination for invited speaker for DQI: Isaac Chuang
Chung, Jae-Ho Department of Physics, Korea University |
Session R36.00009
Spin wave excitations in van der Waals honeycomb ferromagnets
Churchman, L. Stirling Harvard University |
Session F10.00002
The dynamics of gene expression, from the nucleus to mitochondria
Cisse, Ibrahim Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F10.00005
Super-resolution imaging of transcription in living cells
Claassen, Martin Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania |
Session M03.00006
Non-thermal pathways to non-equilibrium control of correlated quantum materials
Clark, Aurora Washington State Univ |
Session V17.00008
The Shape of Data in Chemistry – Insights Gleaned from Complex Solutions and Their Interfaces
Clark, Bryan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session E21.00006
Variational optimization in the AI era
Clarke, Laura Physics, NC State University |
Session V03.00003
Driving and manipulating polymer degradation in nanocomposites via photothermal heating of the particle
Clementi, Cecilia Physics, Freie Universität Berlin |
Session C04.00002
Learning molecular models from simulation and experimental data
Clisby, Nathan Swinburne Univ of Tech |
Session V22.00001
Efficient Simulation of Self-Avoiding Walks
Coasne, Benoit Grenoble Alpes University |
Session B25.00006
Fluid Adsorption and Transport in Nanoporous Materials
Cobden, David University of Washington |
Session C52.00001
Insulating and superconducting states of monolayer WTe2
Cohen, Itai Physics, Cornell University |
Session Y06.00007
New strategies for memory formation and disruption in non-equilibrium materials
Room: 06 |
Colby, Ralph Pennsylvania State University |
Session L15.00001
Structure and Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Solutions and Coacervates
Coles, Patrick Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y09.00001
Trainability of Quantum Neural Networks: Barren Plateaus and Scalability
Collazo, Ramon North Carolina State University |
Session S53.00001
Point Defect Management in III-Nitrides: A Systematic Approach
Collings, Brandon Lumentum |
Session F58.00002
Depth Sensing Photonics for Mobile Handset, Automotive and other Consumer Applications
Colwell, Lucy Univ of Cambridge |
Session C04.00009
Prospective experimental validation of machine learning for biological sequence design
Connolly, Steve Bioengineering, and Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley |
Session B15.00010
Magnetism in Medicine: Magnetic Particle Imaging and Beyond
Cooke, Michele Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session Y07.00001
What can the deformation of colloids tell us about earthquake hazards?
Corni, Stefano Dept. of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy |
Session M03.00001
Insights on Photochemical Processes in the Strong Coupling Regime by Atomistic Simulations
Coulais, Corentin Univ of Amsterdam |
Session A07.00012
How to program the mechanics of frustrated and floppy metamaterials
Room: 07 |
Crabtree, Kyle University of California, Davis |
Session V26.00001
Vacuum Ultraviolet Phototodissociation of CS and C2
Crease, Robert State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session F35.00001
History of Materials Science Institutions
Crocker, John University of Pennsylvania |
Session R07.00010
Polymorphism and transformations of DNA-grafted colloids yield a panoply of crystal structures
Room: 07 |
Crommie, Michael F UC Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Kavli Energy Nanosciences Institute |
Session J08.00003
Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics: Exploring the Atomic and Electronic Landscape of Low-Dimensional Materials
Cros, Vincent Unité Mixte de Physique, CNRS, Thales, Univ. Paris-Saclay |
Session R35.00005
Stabilization and observation of zero-field skyrmions in ferromagnetic and synthetic antiferromagnetic systems
Crosby, Alfred University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session J06.00001
Materials Physics for Latch-Mediated Spring Actuation (LaMSA)
Room: 06 |
Csanyi, Gabor Univ of Cambridge |
Session L18.00001
Machine learned force fields: status and challenges
Cuffaro, Michael Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich) |
Session E62.00003
Interpreting quantum mechanics
Cummings, Molly University of Texas at Austin |
Session C14.00008
Social cognition— shaped by Social Complexity or Coercion? A test with socially complex fish
Dagotto, Elbio University of Tennessee and ORNL |
Session L54.00001
Orbital-selective Mottness in ladder iron chalcogenides
Dahn, Ryan American Institute of Physics |
Session C62.00002
The Use and Abuse of Nuclear History: Farm Hall in Historical Memory
Dai, Pengcheng Rice Univ |
Session Y50.00002
Orbital selective superconductivity in iron-based superconductors
Dai, Xi Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session P51.00006
The nature of the Zeeman effect and field-induced topological semimetals
Dai, Zhehao Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session V50.00005
Cooper pair as a preexisting quasiparticle, from the perspective of fluctuating pair density wave
Da Jornada, Felipe Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session B57.00010
First-principles spectroscopy of multiparticle excitations in low-dimensional materials
Damascelli, Andrea Quantum Matter Institute, University of British Columbia |
Session J50.00001
Room temperature strain-induced Landau levels in graphene on a wafer-scale platform
Daniels, Karen North Carolina State University |
Session J18.00004
Nonlocal rheology of granular materials
Darancet, Pierre Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session A22.00001
Understanding electron-mediated photon-phonon interactions from first principles
Das, Sambeeta Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware |
Session A17.00009
Strategies for Steering Self-Propelled Active Particles
Das Sarma, Sankar University of Maryland |
Session C31.00006
Majorana qubits
Datta, Sujit Princeton University |
Session S24.00001
Patchy elastic turbulence generates anomalous flow resistance in porous media
Davis, Scott Vescent Photonics |
Session V58.00004
From Innovation to the Marketplace: The Role of a Physicist
Dean, Mark Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session A54.00004
Emergence of novel magnetic quasiparticles and spin liquid physics in iridates
Deemyad, Shanti University of Utah |
Session E18.00002
Physics of Light Dense Matter: Quantum and Classical Effects
De Juan, Fernando Donostia International Physics Center |
Session R51.00001
Quantized circular photocurrents in chiral topological semimetals
Delaire, Olivier Duke University |
Session F20.00010
Phonon anharmonicity and structural transitions – neutron scattering and first-principles simulations
Delanoe-Ayari, Helene Univ de Lyon |
Session C13.00001
Mechanical behavior of a migrating cell monolayer.
Del Barco, Enrique University of Central Florida |
Session C40.00005
Coherent Sub-Terahertz Spin Pumping from an Insulating Antiferromagnet
Del Ben, Mauro Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S19.00001
Accelerating Large-Scale Excited-State GW Calculations on Leadership Class HPC Systems
De Leon, Nathalie Princeton University |
Session Y30.00003
Discovering new platforms for high coherence qubits using direct materials characterization
Del Gado, Emanuela Georgetown University |
Session X09.00003
The physics of cement cohesion: from soft colloidal gels to hardened cement hydrates
DeLongchamp, Dean National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session C03.00009
Polymer morphology measurement by Polarized Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering
DeMarco, Brian UIUC |
Session R27.00001
Disordered fermions in optical lattices
Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, Rafal Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw |
Session B32.00009
Quantum Metrology in the Era of Quantum Information
Deng, Yujun Dept. of Physics, Fudan University |
Session A57.00012
Quantum transport in magnetic two-dimensional materials
De Pablo, Juan University of Chicago |
Session B01.00001
Recent Advances on AI for Polymer Design
Dera, Przemyslaw University of Hawaii |
Session P19.00004
Impact-induced chemistry and physics through high-energy ball milling
Deshmukh, Sanket Virginia Tech |
Session B01.00004
Molecular Simulations Integrated Machine Learning Study of Bottlebrush Polymers
Devereaux, Thomas Stanford Univ |
Session B50.00005
Investigation of strange metallicity from numerical simulations of the doped Hubbard model
Devoret, Michel Yale University |
Session V10.00004
Error correction of logical quantum bits encoded in a superconducting cavity
DeYonker, Nathan University of Memphis |
Session X26.00001
Rovibrational Quartic Force Fields of Metal Dicarbides and Tricarbides
Dias, Ranga P University of Rochester |
Session S23.00010
New Frontiers in Superconductivity: Superhydrides at High Pressures
Dionne, Jennifer Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session F53.00005
The light years: Atomic-scale quantum photonics with combined optical and electron microscopy
Distasio, Robert Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University |
Session F19.00001
Towards an Accurate and Efficient Order-N Framework for Real-Space Condensed-Phase Hybrid Density Functional Theory
Di Stasio, Francesco Photonic Nanomaterials, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Session S10.00002
Colloidal Perovskite Nanocrystals for Optoelectronics
Dobbins, Tabbetha A Rowan University |
Session L62.00003
A Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Closures on Black Students in Physics
Dobrovitski, Viatcheslav QuTech, Delft University of Technology |
Session F36.00005
Spin relaxation in a silicon-based quantum dot qubit
Dogic, Zvonimir University of California, Santa Barbara, Harvard University, Brandeis University |
Session A05.00003
Phase diagram of microtubule and end-directed motor proteins
Room: 05 |
Domingo, Neus Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ICN2 |
Session R60.00001
Direct and converse flexoelectricity: the effect of strain and electric field gradients on nanoscale electromechanical responses
Douglas, Jack National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session L64.00006
Influence of Polymer Topology on Glass-Formation
Draxl, Claudia Physics Department and IRIS Adlershof, Humboldt University of Berlin |
Session E56.00003
New Horizons for Materials Research
Dryer, Theodora New York University |
Session L09.00001
Theodora Dryer's Invited Talk
D'Souza, Raissa University of California, Davis |
Session V18.00001
Complex networks with complex nodes
Du, Chrisy Xiyu School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session S07.00001
Magnetic Handshake Materials: an Integrative Programmable Assembly Platform
Room: 07 |
Du, Chunhui University of California, San Diego |
Session C09.00004
Harnessing Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond for Next-Generation Quantum Science and Technology
Du, Chunhui University of California, San Diego |
Session B53.00006
Nanoscale quantum sensing of quantum materials through a single spin magnetometer
Du, Lingjie Nanjing University & Columbia University |
Session E50.00001
New unconventional plasmons in the N=1 Landau level
Duc Anh, Le Univ of Tokyo |
Session E35.00001
New functionalities at oxide interfaces: Ultralow-power magnetization switching by orbital selection and high-mobility two-dimensional hole/electron transport
Duclos, Guillaume Physics, Brandeis University |
Session M09.00005
Topological structure and dynamics of three-dimensional active nematics
Dudko, Olga Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session V14.00011
On the Border of Order: Chromosomal Organization in Space and Time
Dunn, Alison University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session V02.00005
How osmotic pressure governs surface structures and sliding friction on swollen crosslinked hydrogels
Durantez, Miriam Gonzalez Inspring Girls, USA |
Session M62.00004
Breaking Down Barriers for the Next Generation
Dutcher, Cari University of Minnesota |
Session V04.00012
Polyelectrolyte solutions in complex macro- and micro-scale flows
DYATKIN, BORIS Science and Technology Associates, Inc. |
Session S03.00001
Neutron Scattering Derives Insights into Dynamics of Functional Materials
Eckstein, James Department of Physics and Materials Research Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L35.00004
James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2021): Proximity induced superconductivity in topological surface states on bulk insulating topological insulators.
Eckstein, Martin Friederich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg |
Session A50.00001
High harmonic generation in Mott Insulators: Insights from dynamical mean field theory
Edwards, Jonathan BAE Systems |
Session M58.00002
The Role of Physics in Overhead Imaging
Efetov, Dmitri K. ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session B49.00001
Magic Angle Bilayer Graphene - Superconductors, Orbital Magnets, Correlated States and beyond
Egger, David Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich |
Session X54.00001
Electron-lattice relaxation phenomena in halide perovskites
Eisenstein, James Caltech |
Session E50.00005
Precursors to Exciton Condensation in Quantum Hall Bilayers
Elabd, Yossef Texas A&M University |
Session P63.00013
Hydroxide conducting block copolymers
Eng, Lukas TU Dresden |
Session R60.00002
Time-Resolved Scanning Probe Techniques
England, Jeremy GKS |
Session J14.00008
Self-Organization of Lifelike Behaviors
Eom, Chang-Beom University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session J35.00005
David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics (2020): Epitaxial Oxides: From Basic Science to Application
Epps, Thomas University of Delaware |
Session A08.00008
From Biomass Waste to Performance-Advantaged Materials: Structure-Property Relationships in Lignin-Based Polymers
Eremets, Mikhail Max-Planck-Institut fur Chemie, Hahn-Meitner Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany |
Session J35.00001
James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2020): Progress in high-temperature conventional superconductivity
Eremin, Ilya Ruhr Univ Bochum |
Session S49.00004
Collective modes in pumped unconventional superconductors with competing ground states
Erez, Amir Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session V13.00001
A coarse-grained view of biochemical feedback and cell-to-cell communication
Eriksson, Mark University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session C29.00010
Controlling and measuring quantum dot qubits in Si/SiGe heterostructures
Ertekin, Elif University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J53.00001
Defect Chemistry and Dopability of Telluride Diamond-Like Semiconductors and Ordered Vacancy Compounds for Thermoelectric Applications
Espinosa-Marzal, Rosa University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X09.00001
Hydrogel Mineralization via Amorphous Precursors
Esposito, Massimiliano Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg Limpertsberg |
Session E17.00001
Thermodynamics of computation with chemical and electronic architectures
Fahim, Farah Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session M30.00011
Challenges and methodology of assembing Edgeless Four Side Tileable ROICs for a Wafer Scale, Deadzone-less Camera utilizing high density interconnects.
Falko, Vladimir National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester |
Session B55.00001
Twistronic structures and moire superlattices in homo- & heterobilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
Fallarino, Lorenzo CIC nanoGUNE BRTA, E-20018 Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain |
Session S40.00001
Materials for nanoscale spatial control of ferromagnetic phase transitions
Fauseweh, Benedikt Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A50.00005
High harmonic generation in heavy fermion systems
Fausti, Daniele Università di Trieste e Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste |
Session X62.00002
Femtosecond Covariance Spectroscopy to Control Multimode Quantum Correlations
Fefferman, Bill University of Chicago |
Session F32.00009
The power of noisy random quantum circuits
feinerman, ofer Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A14.00009
De Gennes's "Ant is A Labyrinth" problem confronted by real ants
Felser, Claudia Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session R50.00001
Magnetic Weyl semimetals and nodal line materials
Feng, Min School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University |
Session S56.00008
Realizing nearly-free-electron like conduction band in a molecular film through mediating intermolecular van der Waals interactions
Min Feng
School of Physics and Technology and Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano-Structures of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Fenton, Flavio Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session P01.00002
Experiments and simulations to quantify the arrhythmic effects of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZM) in the treatment of COVID19.
Room: 01 |
Ferguson, Andrew University of Chicago |
Session B26.00002
Molecular Latent Space Simulators
Ferlaino, Francesca Univ of Innsbruck |
Session J62.00003
Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as solid and superfluid at the same time
Fernandez, Marivi State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session L18.00003
Machine learned exchange and correlation functionals in density functional theory: progress and applications
Fernandez-Cull, Christy Lyft |
Session M58.00004
Invited Talk for Christy Fernandez-Cull- How Self-Driving Cars See, Perceive, and Navigate
Ferrero, Michel Ecole Polytechnique |
Session R21.00001
Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for the Hubbard Model
Ficheux, Quentin University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L28.00001
High-fidelity gates on fluxonium qubits
Filip, Marina Department of Physics, University of Oxford |
Session M61.00013
Phonon screening of electron-hole interactions in lead-halide perovskite semiconductors and beyond
Finkelstein, Gleb Duke University |
Session C52.00006
Quanum Hall - superconductor hybrid devices
Fishman, Randy Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session L53.00006
Competing Exchange Interactions and Multiferroic Behavior of a Molecule-Based Magnet
Flatow, Ira Science Friday |
Session F08.00003
Panel Discussion- Ira Flatow, Ann Merchant & Dennis Overbye
Flatté, Michael Physics and Astronomy, Univ of Iowa |
Session P18.00004
Spin Dynamics of Single Quantum Defects
Flenner, Elijah Colorado State University |
Session P62.00003
Stability Dependence of the Vibrational Properties of Glasses in Two and Three Dimensions
Floudas, George Univ of Ioannina & MPIP, Mainz |
Session F01.00002
How macromolecules penetrate narrow pores
Flühmann, Christa Yale University |
Session F33.00007
Tomography and characterization of harmonic oscillator systems
Fogler, Michael University of California, San Diego |
Session C50.00001
Collective modes of twisted van der Waals materials
Fossum, Jon Otto Norwegian Univ Tech (NTNU) |
Session L07.00009
Advanced material science of clay minerals: from capture of carbon dioxide to non-iridescent structural coloration.
Room: 07 |
Foster, Peter Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F11.00013
Actomyosin-driven mechanics of starfish oocytes
Fotso, Herbert University at Albany SUNY |
Session X18.00005
Multiscale approaches to strongly correlated systems in and out of equilibrium
Fowlie, Jennifer Univ of Geneva |
Session M55.00001
Thickness-dependent perovskite octahedral distortions at heterointerfaces
Foxen, Brooks Google - Santa Barbara |
Session S30.00004
Advances in gates with tunable qubits and tunable couplers
Fradkin, Eduardo University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session E50.00003
Duality in Quantum Hall Compressible States
Frandsen, Benjamin Brigham Young University |
Session J54.00013
A local structure perspective on iron pnictides and chalcogenides: Insights gained from pair distribution function analysis
Franz, Silvio Université Paris-Sud, Centre Scientifique d'Orsay |
Session E09.00002
Critical jammed phase of linear soft spheres
Freeman, Krista University of Pittsburgh |
Session A58.00002
The Post-Doc Experience at a Large Research University
Frenkel, Anatoly Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook University |
Session Y61.00001
Paraphrasing Francis Crick: If you want to understand structure, study spectrum
Frey, Erwin Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich) |
Session C18.00002
Topological Phase Transitions in Population Dynamics
Freyberg, Zachary University of Pittsburgh |
Session V01.00002
Opening a new window into the cell with super-resolution imaging and in situ cryo-electron tomography
Room: 01 |
Frisbie, C. Daniel University of Minnesota |
Session X01.00002
Electrolyte-Gated Transistors for Fundamental Physics and for Applications
Fritz-Laylin, Lillian University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session Y10.00002
Our evolving view of cell motility
Frontiera, Renee University of Minnesota |
Session J26.00002
JCP-DCP Future of Chemical Physics Lectureship: Spectroscopic probes of plasmon-molecule dynamics
Fu, Kai-Mei University of Washington |
Session X49.00001
Control of NV Center Kinetics and Coherence
Fuchs, Gregory Cornell University |
Session X49.00002
Optical properties of quantum emitters hosted by van der Waals materials
Full, Robert Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley |
Session S14.00011
Bioinspired Embodied Control of Locomotion in Complex Environments
Gallais, Yann MPQ, Université de Paris |
Session S50.00001
Lattice-Shifted Nematic Quantum Critical Point in FeSe1-xSx
Galli, Giulia University of Chicago |
Session P18.00005
Electronic structure and coherence properties of spin defects in two-and three-dimensional semiconductors from first principles
Galvez, Enrique Physics and Astronomy, Colgate University |
Session J01.00001
Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction (2020): Labs to teach quantum physics: In-person and remote
Gambardella, Pietro Department of Materials, ETH Zurich |
Session E38.00001
Magnetic tunnel junctions and magnetic logic circuits driven by spin-orbit torques
Ganesan, Venkatraghavan University of Texas at Austin |
Session A03.00011
Mechanisms of Ion Transport in Polymeric Ionic Liquids
Gao, Bin Rice Univ |
Session L39.00005
Experimental signatures of a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid in effective spin-1/2 Ce2Zr2O7 pyrochlore
Garcia Vergniory, Maia Donostia International Physics Center, Spain |
Session R50.00003
Chern numbers and nodal points in topological semi metals.
Gati, Elena Ames Lab/Iowa State |
Session M54.00002
Effect of hydrostatic pressure and uniaxial stress on the competing phases in iron-based superconductors
Gaudet, Jonathan Johns Hopkins University |
Session B35.00004
Anti-chiral spin order, its soft modes, and their hybridization with phonons in the topological semimetal Mn3Ge.
Gedik, Nuh Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M50.00005
The spontaneous symmetry breaking in Ta2NiSe5 is structural in nature
Gegenwart, Philipp Augsburg University |
Session B39.00006
Thermodynamic perspective on the field-induced behavior of \alpha-RuCl3
Geim, Andre Univ of Manchester |
Session S25.00003
Liquids Confined in Atomic-Scale 2D Channels
Geisel, Theo Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Göttingen |
Session E14.00011
Psychophysics of Musical Rhythms and the Riddle of Swing
Genix, Anne-Caroline University of Montpellier |
Session A02.00009
Structure and dynamics of polymer nanocomposites with different interactions
George, Jino Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali |
Session M03.00004
Co-operative Vibrational Strong Coupling: A New Route to Control Chemical Reactions
Georges, Antoine Collège de France, Paris and Flatiron Institute, New York |
Session V21.00001
Bad Metals and Planckian Metals: DMFT, SYK and physical realisations
Georges, Antoine Collège de France, Paris and Flatiron Institute, New York |
Session J09.00001
Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics (2020): What have we learned from Dynamical Mean Field Theory and what lies ahead?
Georgescu, Alexandru Bogdan McCormick School of Engineering, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Northwestern University |
Session L55.00001
Mechanism of the Metal-Insulator Transition And Its Length Scales in Complex Oxides: Theory, Experiment and Machine Learning
Geresdi, Attila Chalmers Univ of Tech |
Session A10.00001
On-chip microwave spectroscopy of Andreev and Majorana bound states in semiconductor nanowires
Gerhardt, Nils Photonics and Terahertz Technology, Ruhr-University Bochum |
Session S36.00002
Ultrafast Spin-Lasers
Germann, Timothy C Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session P17.00009
Large-scale agent-based epidemiological modeling
Ghiasi, Talieh Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen |
Session M36.00001
Spin-polarized conductivity and spin-dependent Seebeck effect in magnetized graphene
Ghimire, Shambhu SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session Y49.00005
High-order harmonic generation from topological insulators
Ghiringhelli, Luca NOMAD Laboratory, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin |
Session X22.00001
Clusters and Surfaces in Reactive Atmospheres at Realistic Conditions: Beyond the Static, Monostructure Description
Giacomini, Flaminia Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session V33.00002
Einstein's Equivalence principle for superpositions of gravitational fields
Giardina, Irene Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session L01.00001
Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics (2021): From individual motion to group behavior: what regulates collective dynamics in natural swarms of insects
Room: 01 |
Giazotto, Francesco NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & Scuola Normale |
Session F55.00006
Phase-controlled Thermal Transport in Mesoscopic Superconducting Structures and Nanoscale Devices
Gili, Tommaso IMT Alti Studi Lucca |
Session V18.00002
Construction, Filtration and Dynamics of Functional Brain Networks
Gilpin, William Harvard University |
Session A11.00010
Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics (2020): Vortex arrays and chaotic mixing by swimming invertebrate larvae
Giomi, Luca Leiden University |
Session L01.00003
Hydrodynamics of collective cell migration: the good, the bad and the chiral
Room: 01 |
Session F49.00002
Scale-invariant magnetoresistance in a cuprate superconductor
Girvan, Michelle University of Maryland, College Park |
Session D01.00003
Opening the black box: Improving knowledge-free machine learning with knowledge-based models
Girvin, Steven Yale University |
Session J62.00001
Circuit QED: Encoding quantum information in harmonic oscillators
Goldenfeld, Nigel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C18.00001
Something from (almost) nothing: complex lessons from simplicity
Goldman, Nir Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session F23.00004
Elucidating Long Timescale Chemical Events in Reactive Materials
Gomez, Sandro Yale University |
Session J07.00002
Using Multiplexed Electrosprays To Manipulate Fluids and (soft) Materials
Room: 07 |
Gonzalez, Marta University of California, Berkeley |
Session P61.00005
Macroscopic Dynamics of Traffic to Plan Urban Systems
Gonzalez-Silveira, Marta Autonomous University of Barcelona |
Session X02.00001
How does a glass become a supercooled liquid? Extreme conditions yield new perspectives
Good, Benjamin Stanford Univ |
Session B10.00002
Evolutionary dynamics in large microbial communities
Goodrich, Carl Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Session E09.00005
Criticality and Scaling around the Jamming Transition
Gopalan, Venkatraman Pennsylvania State University |
Session Y55.00005
Optical creation of a supercrystal with nanoscale periodicity
Gopinathan, Ajay University of California, Merced |
Session X11.00001
Frustration and compromise in collectively moving cell clusters
Gordiichuk, Pavlo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session B19.00011
The measurement of van der Waals forces between two-dimensional materials and multilayer stacks in air and water
Gordon, Deborah Stanford Univ |
Session B10.00005
The ecology and evolution of collective behaior
Gorham, Caroline Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session S04.00008
Topological-Order Beyond 2D U(1) Systems: A Novel Perspective on Solidification and Curvature in Crystals and Glassy Solids
Gorman, Samuel Univ of New South Wales |
Session L29.00001
A two-qubit gate between phosphorus donor electrons in silicon
Gosset, David University of Waterloo |
Session J32.00006
Classical algorithms for quantum mean values
Gotlieb, Kenneth Triple Ring Technologies, Inc. |
Session E58.00004
Industry R&D: Using Physics to Prototype New Medical Devices and Other Emerging Technologies
Goto, Hayato Toshiba Corp |
Session E34.00001
Combinatorial optimization using quantum or classical driven systems
Graham, Samuel Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session E20.00010
Characterization of Thermal Effects in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices
Gray, Denise LG Chem Michigan Inc. Tech Center |
Session L58.00005
Electric Vehicle Battery Systems - The Path Forward
Gregor, Thomas Physics, Genomics, and Stem Cell Biology, Princeton University and Institut Pasteur |
Session F10.00004
Action at a distance in transcriptional regulation
Greplova, Eliska Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session E21.00001
Learning Algorithms for Control and Characterization of Quantum Matter
Grest, Gary Sandia National Laboratories |
Session A01.00002
Computer Simulations of Entangled Polymer Melts: From Segmental Dynamics to Viscoelastic Response
Griffin, Sinead Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Y55.00008
Topological Order Parameters in Oxides
Grigas, Alex Yale University |
Session C16.00001
Atomistic Go Model to Predict the Structure of Protein Cores
Grill, Maximilian Institute for Computational Mechanics, Technical University of Munich |
Session V09.00002
Finite-element Brownian dynamics simulations of biopolymer filament bundles and networks
Grimm, Alexander Yale University, Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session F09.00004
Stabilization and operation of a Kerr-cat qubit.
Grimme, Stefan Univ Bonn |
Session A19.00001
A low-cost composite variant of the r2SCAN density functional approximation
Grimsmo, Arne Univ of Sydney |
Session R30.00004
Symmetries of bosonic codes
Grochala, Wojciech Center of New Technologies, Univ. of Warsaw |
Session L19.00003
Tuning magnetic and electronic properties in exotic silver(II) fluorides using external pressure and eitaxial strain
Grockowiak, Audrey NHMFL, Florida State University |
Session L19.00006
Hot Hydride Superconductivity above 550 K
Groenenboom, Gerrit Radboud Univ Nijmegen |
Session P26.00001
Nonadiabatic dynamics of NO colliding with atoms and molecules.
Grosberg, Ana University of California, Irvine |
Session A18.00005
Effect of Cyclic Strain on Cardiomyocytes and Fibroblasts and Its Relation to Heart Disease
Gross, Eberhard K Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session S18.00004
Time-dependent potential energy surfaces from the exact factorization: A predictive first-principles approach to ultra-fast non-adiabatic dynamics
Grotjahn, Danielle Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, Scripps Research |
Session V01.00004
Visualizing mitochondrial division machinery in situ
Room: 01 |
Gu, Yi Washington State University |
Session F57.00011
Van der Waals In2Se3: from phase transitions and phase-defined heterostructures to ferroelectrics
Guillaud, Jeremie Alice&Bob |
Session F09.00001
Hardware efficient quantum computing using repetition cat qubits.
Guinea, Francisco Imdea Nanoscience, Donostia International Physics Center |
Session R49.00003
Phase diagram of twisted graphene bilayers near a magic angle
Gull, Emanuel University of Michigan |
Session X18.00004
Cluster dynamical mean field studies of two-particle response functions in the Hubbard model
Guo, Yunlong Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session P04.00003
Alteration of mechanical properties in polymer films under nanoconfinement
Gupta, Riddhi Swaroop IBM Research - Australia |
Session P33.00008
Integration of spectator qubits into quantum computing architectures for adaptive hardware tune-up and noise characterization
Gurarie, Victor University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session S21.00011
Quantum Phase Transitions Go Dynamical
Gutmann, Brianne Texas State University |
Session R62.00004
Community-driven financial support for students during a pandemic: the Access Network Emergency Fund
Gyenis, Andras Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University |
Session F09.00002
Experimental realization of the soft 0-π qubit
Haack, Geraldine Univ. of Geneva |
Session J34.00001
Autonomous entanglement engines
Hall, Lisa M. Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session F03.00001
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Monolayers
Hall, Melissa Facebook |
Session L09.00003
The Role of Tech Companies in Overseeing and Designing Ethical Systems
Hall, Timothy University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session J58.00001
Introduction to Quantitative Imaging
Hamilton, Alex University of New South Wales |
Session Y58.00005
Geometric control of universal hydrodynamic flow in a two dimensional electron fluid
Hammer, Philip W University of Chicago |
Session L62.00001
The Time is Now to Double the Number of Physics Degrees Earned by African Americans
Hammond, Paula Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session E01.00004
Programmable Biologic Drug Delivery using Electrostatic Polymer Assembly
Hanage, William Harvard University |
Session B10.00003
Attack of the Clones: What Causes Population Structure in Bacteria and How Can We Use It?
Harmon, Nicholas Univ of Evansville |
Session C35.00003
Theory of oblique-field magnetoresistance from spin centers in three-terminal spintronic devices
Hart, Yuval Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session E14.00001
Early warning signals in motion inference
Hastings, Matthew Microsoft Corp |
Session P34.00001
The Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computation with No Sign Problem
Hayes, Ian University of Maryland, College Park |
Session A49.00002
Multi-component superconducting order parameter in UTe2
He, Pan Institute for Nanoelectronic devices and Quantum computing, Fudan University |
Session J36.00005
Nonlinear spintronics with inversion symmetry breaking
He, Yu Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session V50.00001
Persistent fluctuating superconductivity in metallic cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d
Heiblum, Mordehai (Moty) Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session M49.00001
Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize (2021)
Heilshorn, Sarah Stanford Univ |
Session C02.00002
Adaptable hydrogels for organoid culture
Heim, Bettina Microsoft |
Session M34.00009
Universal Quantum Intermediate Representation
Heinrich, Frank Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University |
Session E02.00006
Information Content and Experimental Design in Neutron Reflectometry
Heinz, Tony Stanford University |
Session Y57.00001
Vallytronics and excitonics in 2D materials
Hellmich, Christian Civil and Environmental Engineering, TU Wien - Vienna University of Technology |
Session X09.00004
A quantitative approach to biomineralization and cement hydration, guided by (micro-)structural mechanics
Henann, David Brown University |
Session J18.00002
Continuum modeling of flow and size-segregation in dense granular materials
Henderson, Leah Theoretical Philosophy, University of Groningen |
Session E62.00001
Pragmatism: a natural home for information-theoretic interpretations of quantum theory?
Hengartner, Nick Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session R17.00008
Estimating the epidemic growth rate and the reproductive number R0 of SARS-CoV-2
Henkes, Silke School of Mathematics, University of Bristol |
Session V62.00001
Teaching computation for large student class sizes
Henkes, Silke School of Mathematics, University of Bristol |
Session L01.00004
Flow, fluctuate and freeze: Epithelial cell sheets as soft active matter
Room: 01 |
Hessenbruch, Arne Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F35.00002
Heyl, Markus Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems |
Session A21.00001
Dynamics in correlated quantum matter with neural networks
Hibat-Allah, Mohamed Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence |
Session A21.00005
Variational Neural Annealing
Hickey, Robert Pennsylvania State University |
Session R63.00009
Tuning Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties in Polymer Materials via Reaction-Induced Phase Transitions
Higo, Tomoya University of Tokyo |
Session B35.00001
Large magneto-optical effects in the topological chiral antiferromagnet Mn3Sn
Hill, Alison John's Hopkins University |
Session C58.00005
The role of transmission network structure in COVID-19 spread and control
Hillebrands, Burkard Department of Physics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern |
Session R38.00003
Magnon supercurrent transport and interference effects
Hobbs, Jennifer IntelinAir |
Session R58.00002
Machine Learning enables a new view in the Agriculture industry
Hobbs, Lynn W Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F35.00005
Hoffmann, Dieter MPI for the History of Science, Berlin |
Session C62.00004
Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker and Farm Hall
Holmes, Natasha Cornell University |
Session R62.00002
Equity and Inclusion in inquiry-based labs
Hone, James Columbia Univ |
Session Y58.00004
Bilayer graphene as a model hydrodynamic conductor
Hong, Seung Sae University of California, Davis |
Session M37.00001
Extreme tensile strain states in magnetic oxide membranes
Horbach, Juergen University of Dusseldorf |
Session P07.00010
Yielding and mechanical failure in (amorphous) solids
Room: 07 |
Hore, Michael Case Western Reserve University |
Session A02.00004
Nanoparticle Structure and Dynamics in Polymer Nanocomposites
Hormozi, Sarah Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University |
Session A09.00005
Suspensions of non-Brownian particles in complex fluids: Rheology, microstructure and fluid mechanics
Houck, Andrew Princeton University |
Session Y54.00001
New material platform for superconducting transmon qubits with coherence times exceeding 0.3 milliseconds
Hovden, Robert University of Michigan |
Session S58.00003
Theoretical Limits of Atomic Resolution Electron Tomography: New Bounds for Resolution, Object Size, and Dose
Howard, Michael Department of Chemical Engineering, Auburn University |
Session S01.00003
The role of hydrodynamic interactions in models and simulations of drying
Hratchian, Hrant University of California, Merced |
Session L25.00004
Modeling electron detachment with efficient electronic structure methods
Hrubiak, Rostislav Argonne National Laboratory |
Session V23.00009
Experimental observations on microstructure of iron and other metals at high pressures and temperatures
Hsiao, Lilian North Carolina State University |
Session X07.00001
Imaging the spatiotemporal heterogeneities of gelling nanoemulsions
Room: 07 |
Hsieh, David Physics, California Institute of Technology |
Session A50.00004
Anomalous symmetry breaking in an insulating cuprate
Hu, Haoyu Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University |
Session L50.00003
From Dynamical Charge Scaling to Quantum Entanglement at a Kondo Destruction Quantum Critical Point
Hu, Suxing Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session M19.00001
Understanding Matter at Superdense and Warm Conditions*
Huang, Qian Technical University of Denmark |
Session P64.00001
Threading-Unthreading Transition of Linear-Ring Polymer Blends in Extensional Flow
Huber, Sebastian ETH Zurich |
Session E10.00005
Weyl fermions and fragile topology in acoustic meta-materials
Hudson, Eric Penn State University |
Session J50.00005
Strain Modulated Superlattices in Graphene
Huebener, Hannes Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session S18.00005
Observables of real-time lattice dynamics in time-dependent density functional theory
Huhman, Brett US Naval Research Laboratory |
Session C58.00001
Disinfection Efficacy of Ultraviolet Light Sources on SARS-CoV-2*
Hui, Fei Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session V56.00011
Nano-synaptic response in graphene oxide by scanning probe microscopy
Hurley, Ryan Johns Hopkins University |
Session V16.00001
Quantifying Local Rearrangements in Granular Media Using X-ray Tomography, Diffraction, and Machine Learning
Hurowitz, Michael A Orbital Micro Systems Inc |
Session M58.00003
The Global Environmental Monitoring System (GEMS) CubeSat Microwave Radiometer Constellation for Weather and Climate Intelligence
Hussey, Nigel Univ of Bristol |
Session F49.00004
Evidence for two charge sectors in the strange metal phase of overdoped cuprates
Hutson, Shane Vanderbilt Univ |
Session R11.00001
Patterned morphogenesis of epithelial wound detection and healing
Hwang, Harold Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session J49.00001
Synthesis and Superconductivity of Infinite-Layer Nickelate Films
Hyatt, Katharine Simons Foundations |
Session F21.00009
DMRG Approach to Optimizing Two-Dimensional Tensor Networks
Idrobo, Juan Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session C09.00005
Honey, I Shrunk the Synchrotron: Electron Microscopy in Condensed Matter Physics
Ilan, Roni Tel Aviv University |
Session R50.00005
Emergent pseudo-electromagnetic fields in topological semimetals
Ilani, Shahal Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session R49.00001
Visualizing the Quantum Phases of Magic Angle Graphene
Imai, Takashi Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University |
Session X35.00002
Novel probe of the spatial distribution of the low-energy spin excitations in spin liquid candidate materials with disorder: inverse Laplace transform (ILT) T1 analysis of the NMR spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1
Inack, Estelle Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session B21.00009
Self-learning projective quantum Monte Carlo simulations guided by restricted Boltzmann machines
Ishihara, Sumio Tohoku University |
Session A50.00003
Sumio Ishihara Invited Talk
Ishikawa, Hajime University of Tokyo |
Session X50.00004
Hajime Ishikawa Invited Talk
Iyer-Biswas, Srividya Purdue University |
Session M01.00003
From frozen to flowing time, and back
Jackeli, George Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session X37.00002
Spin-orbital entangled states in correlated molybdenum oxides
Jackson, Rebecca Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Session S15.00007
Melting and mixing at the ocean-glacier interface
Jacobs, William Princeton University |
Session Y12.00001
Programmable phase behavior in biopolymer solutions
Jaeger, Heinrich University of Chicago |
Session J18.00001
Shear Jamming in Dense Suspensions*
Jain, Jainendra Pennsylvania State University |
Session E50.00004
New developments in parton theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect
Janas, Michael University of Minnesota |
Session E62.00002
Elliptopes and polyhedra: quantum correlations and their classical simulations
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M49.00003
Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize Talk (2020)
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session V49.00002
Moiré Magic 3.0
Jarrold, Caroline Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session L25.00001
Electronic and molecular structural dependence of metal oxide cluster reactions with water
Jawerth, Louise Physics, Leiden University |
Session B12.00001
Aging of Protein Condensates
Jenekhe, Samson University of Washington |
Session E01.00003
Polymer Physics Prize (2021): Polymer-Based Photovoltaics
Jensen, Jorgen Earth Observing Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Session C58.00002
The physics of evaporating human-exhaled drops and possible implications for virus viability
Jeraj, Robert Department of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session C58.00003
What can imaging tell us about SARS-Cov-2 infection
Jiang, Nan Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session F26.00003
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Chemical Analysis with Nanoscale to Angstrom Scale Resolution
Jin, Chenhao Physics, UC Santa Barbara |
Session F62.00003
Probing moiré superlattices with optical spectroscopy
Jin, Weiwei Yale University |
Session M16.00001
Homogeneous Crystallization in Cyclically Sheared Frictionless Grains
Jitomirskaya, Svetlana University of California, Irvine |
Session R18.00003
Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics (2020): The Hofstadter's butterfly: from playing with numbers to studying quantum materials
Joester, Derk Northwestern University |
Session X09.00002
Compositional and structural gradients in dental enamel: from nano- to microscale
Johnson, Justin National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session F26.00005
Tailoring interchromophore interactions for triplet pair production and separation in molecular assemblies
Johnson, Margaret Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y12.00008
Active and stochastic triggering of protein self-assembly in cells
Johnson, Patrick Georgetown University |
Session S62.00001
Physics of Star Wars
Jones-Albertus, Becca US Department of Energy |
Session L58.00002
The Future of Solar Energy
Jordan, Kenneth University of Pittsburgh |
Session B19.00001
Polarizability and Image Potential States of Large Graphene Nanoflakes
Jose-Yacaman, Miguel APMS, Northern Arizona University |
Session P01.00003
Bringing Materials Science to Bear the Covid-19 Needs
Room: 01 |
Joyez, Philippe Quantronics group, SPEC, CEA-Saclay |
Session L49.00004
Absence of a Dissipative Quantum Phase Transition in Josephson Junctions
Jungwirth, Nicholas Cornell University |
Session X49.00005
Optical Polarization of Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Kagan, Cherie R University of Pennsylvania |
Session J15.00012
Hot Exciton Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites
Kakalios, James School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota |
Session S62.00003
Using Superheroes to Engage the Public
Kalinin, Sergei Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session S61.00001
Can (Almost) Unsupervised Artificial Intelligence Learn Chemistry and Physics from Microscopic Observations?
Kalita, Patricia Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P23.00009
Hurry up or take your time: kinetics of shock-driven phase transitions and dynamic x-ray diffraction
Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree The Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital |
Session F15.00005
The Predictive Value of Deep Learning and Radiomics in Medical Imaging
Kampfrath, Tobias Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin |
Session L38.00010
Ultrafast spintronics with terahertz radiation
Kanatzidis, Mercouri Chemistry, Northwestern University |
Session J60.00007
CsPbBr3 perovskite: A room temperature hard radiation detector
Kanazawa, Kiyoshi University of Tsukuba |
Session E06.00002
Kinetic theory for financial Brownian motion: a microscopic model based on forex data analysis and its mean-field theory
Room: 06 |
Kapit, Eliot Physics, Colorado School of Mines |
Session V10.00003
Engineered Dissipation as a Resource in Superconducting Circuits
Kapitulnik, Aharon Stanford Univ |
Session F49.00005
Thermal diffusivity above the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit
Kaplar, Robert Sandia National Laboratories |
Session R10.00001
Vertical GaN Power Electronics - Opportunities and Challenges
Kargarian, Mehdi Sharif University of Technology |
Session A51.00001
Nonlinear Optical Control of Chiral Charge Pumping in a Topological Weyl Semimetal
Kasahara, Shigeru Kyoto Univ |
Session R54.00012
Evidence for FFLO superconducting states in the BCS-BEC crossover superconductor FeSe
Kasevich, Mark Stanford Univ |
Session S09.00003
Keithly Award: Tests of quantum mechanics and gravitation with atom interferometry
Katifori, Eleni University of Pennsylvania |
Session R09.00001
Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research (2021): How a functional distribution network builds itself
Katsaros, Georgios Institute of Science and Technology, Austria |
Session X58.00002
Flux-tunable Andreev bound states in hybrid full-shell nanowires
Kaupp, Martin Technical University of Berlin |
Session R25.00008
New Density Functional Methods to Compute Molecular Spectra:
Local Hybrid Functionals, Magnetic Resonance, and more
Ke, Xianglin Michigan State University |
Session E37.00001
Propagating spinons and magnons in coupled quantum spin chains
Keith, Daniel Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, University of New South Wales |
Session F29.00001
Microsecond single-spin readout in semiconductors in the “strong-response” regime
Keller, Bettina Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin |
Session Y26.00005
Path probability ratios for Langevin dynamics – exact and approximate
Kendrick, Brian Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session L26.00007
Non-adiabatic quantum dynamics of cold and ultracold chemical reactions
Keppel, Cynthia E Jefferson Lab |
Session V58.00002
Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics (2019): Nuclear Science: from Fundamental Physics to Medical Technology
Keselman, Anna University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session R39.00004
Spectral signatures of magnon interactions in antiferromagnets in high fields
Keten, Sinan Mechanical Eng., Civil & Env. Eng., Northwestern University |
Session V03.00004
Ideas for Creating Impact Resistant Polymeric Materials by Tuning Molecular Topology
Khain, Tali University of Chicago |
Session B18.00001
LeRoy Apker Award (2019): Dynamics of the Outer Solar System, from Neptune to Planet Nine
Khalaf, Eslam Harvard University |
Session V49.00001
Correlated insulators and skyrmion superconductivity in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene
Khemani, Vedika Stanford Univ |
Session B27.00001
2021 Valley Prize Talk: Many-Body Physics in the NISQ Era
Khozein, Todd SecondMuse, Inc |
Session M10.00003
SecondMuse - Entrepreneurship and Building Economies of the Future
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell University |
Session D01.00004
Machine Learning Quantum Emergence
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell University |
Session P49.00003
Mismatched INterface Theory (MINT) and its integration into open-access database
Kim, Jungsang Duke University and IonQ, Inc. |
Session M31.00011
Commercial Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions
Kim, Se Kwon KAIST |
Session C38.00012
Unconventional dynamics of ferrimagnets in the vicinity of compensation points
Kim, Young-June Univ of Toronto |
Session A54.00001
Ferromagnetic Kitaev interactions and magnetic anisotropy in alpha-RuCl3
Kioupakis, Emmanouil University of Michigan |
Session J56.00001
Computational discovery of ultra-wide-band-gap semiconductors
Kiselev, Nikolai S. Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Gemany |
Session F40.00005
Magnetic textures with particle properties beyond skyrmions: chiral bobbers, globules, and hopfions
Klein, Avraham Ariel University |
Session S49.00003
Hidden and mirage collective modes in two dimensional Fermi liquids
Klein, Jacob Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session J26.00001
Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics (2021): Confining water: from biolubrication to nano-cavitation
Klippenstein, Stephen Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S26.00001
Marshaling the Resources of First Principles Theory and High Performance Computing to Predict the Chemistry of Combustion
Koch, Henrik Faculty of Science, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy |
Session M03.00002
Coupled cluster theory for molecular polaritons
Koch, Jens Northwestern University |
Session J30.00002
Modeling spectra and coherence properties of superconducting qubits with scQubits
Komijani, Yashar Physics, University of Cincinnati |
Session L50.00002
Critical charge fluctuations at the Kondo breakdown of heavy-fermions
Koningstein, Ross Research, Climate and Energy, Google |
Session L58.00004
Let's Be An Awesome Future's Past
Koppens, Frank ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session C56.00001
Ultrasmall polaritonic cavities with graphene and 2D material heterostructures
Koskella, Britt University of California, Berkeley |
Session B10.00004
Microbial interactions across time and space
Koskelo, Elise Physics, University of Cambridge |
Session B18.00002
LeRoy Apker Award (2020): Stochastic resonance enhancement of the resolution of charge coupled device based thermoreflectance imaging
Kosmrlj, Andrej Princeton University |
Session M12.00001
Designing the Morphology of Separated Phases in Multicomponent Liquid Mixtures
Kotiuga, Michele Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session A53.00007
Unconventional ferroelectricity from competing states in perovskites
Kotliar, Gabriel Rutgers University and Brookhaven National Laboratories |
Session J09.00002
Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics (2020): Towards a Theory of Strongly Correlated Materials
Kotochigova, Svetlana Temple University |
Session M26.00007
Real-time scattering of ultracold bi-alkali molecules: trap loss studies
Svetlana Kotochigova
Department of Physics of Temple University
Kotov, Nicholas University of Michigan |
Session V03.00001
Design of Complex Biomimetic Nanocomposites: Graph Theory
Kotula, Anthony National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session P64.00005
Evidence of Flow-Induced Crystallization in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
Kou, Angela University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A10.00004
Magnetic-field-compatible hybrid superconducting circuits
Kouwenhoven, Leo Quantum Labs Delft, Microsoft |
Session P10.00004
Majorana Qubits
Kozinsky, Boris Harvard University |
Session F60.00006
Active learning of Bayesian force fields at quantum accuracy for fast molecular dynamics simulations of rare events.
Kramer-Bottiglio, Rebecca Yale University |
Session Y14.00008
From Particles to Parts: Building Artificial Life from Soft Multifunctional Materials
Kreisel, Andreas Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Leipzig |
Session M54.00001
Effects of correlations on the electronic structure and pairing in Fe-chalcogenides
Krishna, Sanjay Ohio State University |
Session F58.00004
Impact Ionization Engineering in Antimonide Heterostructures for Avalanche Photodiodes
Krishnamurthy, Hulikal Indian Institute of Science Bangalore |
Session X18.00001
Impurity models and the development of quantum cluster approaches to lattice models of quantum condensed matter
Krivanek, Ondrej R&D, Nion Co. |
Session S58.00004
Vibrational spectroscopy in the electron microscope
Krylov, Anna Univ of Southern California |
Session A26.00001
Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics (2020): New Developments in Many-Body Electronic Structure Inspired by Advances in Experimental Light Science
Ku, Jaseung Syracuse University |
Session B30.00003
Combining CSFQ and transmon qubits to suppress unwanted ZZ interaction
Kucukbenli, Emine Harvard University |
Session C21.00001
Neural networks for atomistic modelling - are we there yet?
Kudrolli, Arshad Clark University |
Session J18.00005
Active intruder dynamics in granular suspensions
Kuemmeth, Ferdinand Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session B29.00007
Multi-qubit and multi-dot reflectometry measurements in arrays of semiconductor quantum dots
Kuhl, Ellen Stanford University |
Session F15.00001
Integrating machine learning and multiscale modeling: perspectives, challenges, and opportunities in the biological, biomedical, and behavioral sciences
Kuipers, Kobus Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft |
Session R55.00001
Topological structures of and for light
Kulik, Heather Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S25.00001
Understanding confinement effects on ion permeability with computation: from first-principles to data-driven models
Kumar, Sanat Columbia Univ |
Session S02.00011
Understanding Gas Transport in Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies
Kung, Harriet Department of Energy - US |
Session R10.00005
Science for Energy
Kung, Hsiang-Hsi University of British Columbia |
Session V64.00002
Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics (2020): Probing Chiral Excitations with Raman Scattering
Küpper, Jochen Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY and Universität Hamburg |
Session F26.00001
Unraveling the structure and dynamics of molecules at work
Kusne, Aaron National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session F60.00001
Autonomous Materials Research and Discovery at the Beamline
Laaser, Jennifer Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh |
Session L15.00002
Phase Behavior and Viscoelasticity of Polyelectrolyte Coacervates Above the Binodal
Lahaye, Thierry CNRS, Institut d'Optique, Univ. Paris-Saclay |
Session L27.00001
Realizing artificial topological matter in arrays of Rybderg atoms
Lanman, Douglas Facebook Reality Labs |
Session M58.00005
AR/VR Display Systems
Lanzara, Alessandra University of California, Berkeley |
Session X62.00004
Local Symmetry Breaking and Spin Momentum Locking in Cuprates Superconductors
Larentzos, James US Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory |
Session C23.00013
Understanding the Role of Microstructure in Energetic Materials Using a Predictive Hierarchical Multiscale Simulation Approach
Lasanta Becerra, Antonio Álgebra, Universidad de Granada |
Session F18.00004
The Mpemba effect as a far from equilibrium phenomenon
Lauga, Eric DAMTP, University of Cambridge |
Session M18.00001
Hydrodynamic interactions in active suspensions
Lavrentovich, O Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University |
Session B09.00001
Liquid crystal patterns to command living matter
Lawrie, Benjamin Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session B58.00004
Toward practical quantum-enhanced microscopies
Layfield, Richard Univ of Sussex |
Session M39.00001
Lanthanide Organometallic Compounds as Single-Molecule Magnets
Lebowitz, Joel Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session R18.00001
Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics (2021): Microscopic Origin of Macroscopic Behavior
Lee, Daeyeon University of Pennsylvania |
Session V03.00005
Infiltration of polymers into nanoparticle packings to produce highly loaded nanocomposites
Lee, Jaekwang Pusan Natl Univ |
Session E55.00010
Cooperative evolution of polar distortion and nonpolar rotation of oxygen octahedra in oxide heterostructures
Lee, Kwan-Woo Division of Display and Semiconductor Physics, Korea Univ (Sejong Campus) |
Session J49.00002
Accessing Experimentally Inaccessible States in Infinite Layer Nickelate
Lee, Kyung-Jin KAIST |
Session M40.00001
Magnetization dynamics and spin transport in compensated ferrimagnets
Lee, Sungyon University of Minnesota |
Session A09.00002
Fingering instabilities in confined suspensions
Legros, Anaelle Johns Hopkins University |
Session B50.00001
T-linear resistivity and Planckian dissipation in cuprates
Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra Trivalent Productions |
Session S62.00004
The Physics of NASCAR: Using Motorsports to Introduce Materials Physics and Physicists
Lesnicki, Dominika Sorbonne University |
Session Y19.00007
Field-dependent ionic conductivities from nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
Leung, Tsz-Him University of California, Berkeley |
Session J10.00003
Interaction-Enhanced Group Velocity of Bosons in the Flat Band of an Optical Kagome Lattice
Levitov, Leonid Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session S49.00005
Collective modes in narrow electron bands: over-the-band plasmon excitations and unconventional superconductivity in moire graphene
Li, An-Ping Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session B58.00002
Revealing topological surface states with STM-based spectroscopy
Li, Haoxiang Physics, University of Colorado Boulder |
Session V50.00002
ARPES as a Self-Energy Spectroscopy – Power Law Liquids, Planckian Scattering, Conversion of Correlations across Tc, and Positive Feedback Loops
Li, Jianyu McGill Univ |
Session J03.00004
Controlled tough responsive tissue adhesion
Li, Liangbin University of Science and Technology of China |
Session R03.00002
Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymers during Multi-Axial Deformation
Li, Mingda Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session L21.00005
Machine learning augmented neutron and x-ray scattering for quantum materials
Li, Qian University of Science and Technology of China |
Session V37.00004
Coherent ac spin current transmission across an antiferromagnetic CoO insulator
Li, Wei Tsinghua University |
Session E51.00002
Exploration of topological states in magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 and transition metal dichalcogenide superconductor WS2
Li, Xiaoqin (Elaine) University of Texas at Austin |
Session L56.00009
Twist angle control of excited states in transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers
Li, Ying Xi'an Jiaotong University |
Session X35.00005
First principles calculations on chemically intercalated honeycomb Kitaev materials
Li, Zhenglu Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California at Berkeley |
Session J09.00005
Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics (2021): Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon interactions in oxide superconductors from linear-response GW perturbation theory
Liarte, Danilo Cornell University |
Session E09.00004
Elasticity of disordered elastic networks: Jamming, rigidity percolation and beyond
Lin, Zhou University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session V26.00006
A Brief Story of H5+: Spectroscopy and Dynamics from Theory
Lindenberg, Aaron Stanford Univ |
Session E63.00003
Dynamic control of topological and ferroelectric properties in 2D materials
Lindhoud, Saskia Molecular Nanofabrication, University of Twente |
Session F02.00005
Concentration and separation of proteins using polyion condensates
Ling, Alexander Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore |
Session R31.00012
Challenges in building the quantum internet from space.
Linke, Heiner Physics and NanoLund, Lund University |
Session B55.00010
From Quantum Dot Heat Engines to Hot-Carrier Photovoltaics
Lipson, Michal Columbia Univ |
Session P09.00002
Michal Lipson's Invited Talk
Lischner, Johannes Imperial College London |
Session R49.00004
Critical role of device geometry for the phase diagram of twisted bilayer graphene
Litchinitser, Natalia Duke University |
Session R55.00008
Optically tunable topological photonic structures
Liu, Andrea University of Pennsylvania |
Session S22.00001
Doing “Statistical Mechanics” with Big Data: Understanding Protein Allostery
Liu, Fang Stanford Univ |
Session F62.00001
Facile Production and Light Induced Dynamics of Macroscopic Single Crystal Monolayers and Heterostructures of 2D van der Waals Materials
Liu, Jian University of Tennessee |
Session C54.00006
Capturing and controlling antiferromagnetic fluctuations of pseudospin-half square lattice in artificial layered iridate.
Liu, Luqiao Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session V38.00006
Interactions between spin wave and magnetic domain structures
Liu, Yu Harvard University |
Session J26.00003
Probing and controlling chemical reactions at sub-microkelvin temperatures
Liu, Zhi-Pan Fudan Univ |
Session L18.00005
Global Neural Network Potential for Material Simulation and Catalysis
Lloyd, Seth Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y09.00003
Applications and experimental realizations of quantum generative adversarial networks
Lock, Robynne Texas A&M University–Commerce |
Session M62.00005
Physics Together: Engaging Young Women in Physics with STEP UP
Lo Conte, Roberto Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany |
Session A40.00001
Non-collinear magnetism and zero-field skyrmions in all-light-metal multilayers
Lodge, Timothy University of Minnesota |
Session B02.00006
Equilibration and Dynamics in Block Copolymer Micelles
Lopez, Carlos RWTH Aachen University |
Session L15.00003
Entanglements between Polyelectrolytes in Solutions
Lopez del Puerto, Marie University of St. Thomas, Minnesota |
Session V62.00005
PICUP resources for integrating computation in the online and in-person classroom
Louie, Steven G University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X57.00008
Multiparticle Excitations, Spin-orbit Coupling, and Magnetism in the Photophysics of Quasi 2D Semiconductors
Lu, Chao-Yang University of Science and Technology of China |
Session C10.00010
Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award in Quantum Computing (2021): Toward Quantum Computational Advantage using Photons
Lu, Nanshu University of Texas at Austin |
Session J62.00002
Mechanics and applications of bio-conformable electronics
Lubensky, David University of Michigan |
Session M11.00001
Scaling mechanical response and proliferation rate with cell size using apical stress fibers
Luo, Le Sun Yat-sen University |
Session A35.00004
Le Luo's Invited Talk
Lutchyn, Roman Microsoft Corp |
Session A52.00001
Topological superconductivity in superconductor–semiconductor heterostructures
Lutkenhaus, Jodie L Texas A&M Univ |
Session Y03.00005
Temperature, water, and ion-pairing effects in polyelectrolyte complexes and multilayers
Lutz, Christopher IBM Research – Almaden, San Jose, California |
Session S60.00001
Magnetic sensing and control using single-atom spin resonance in an STM
Lynch, Mike Arizona State University |
Session Y10.00004
Drift, Mutation, and the Origin of Cellular Features
MacDonald, Allan University of Texas at Austin |
Session V49.00004
Moiré Magic
Madhavan, Vidya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session R50.00004
Chiral topological superconductivity in the heavy fermion superconductor UTe2
Mahadevan, Lakshminarayanan Harvard University |
Session A14.00008
Collective problem solving by social insects
Mahanthappa, Mahesh University of Minnesota |
Session P02.00011
Processing Path-Dependent Complex Micelle Packings of Hydrated Small Molecule Amphiphiles
Maier, Thomas Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session X18.00002
Quantum Cluster Theory of Unconventional Superconductivity
Maiti, Saurabh Physics, Concordia University |
Session P21.00001
Particle transmutations in flat-band lattices: bosons to fermions, fermions to composite fermions.
Majumdar, Satya Univ de Paris |
Session C18.00004
Extreme value statistics: An overview and perspectives
Mak, Kin Fai Cornell University |
Session C53.00001
Equilibrium exciton insulator and exciton quasi-condensation in semiconductor atomic double layers
Maksimovic, Nikola University of California, Berkeley |
Session F49.00001
Strange metal Magnetoresistance and Hall effect in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2
Maksymovych, Petro Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session V60.00006
Navigating atomic-scale disorder with correlative tunneling microscopy and defect manipulation
Malinowski, Paul University of Washington |
Session P54.00002
Suppression of superconductivity by anisotropic strain near a nematic quantum critical point
Manghi, Paolo Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy |
Session X61.00004
The OpenAIRE Research Graph: Science as a public good
Maniv, Eran University of California, Berkeley |
Session B38.00004
Electrical Switching of Antiferromagnetic FexNbS2 driven by the collective dynamics of a coexisting spin glass
Manley, Suliana Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session V11.00011
Beller Lectureship (2021): Organizing Principles of Mitochondria, from Fission to RNA Granules
Mann, Michael Pennsylvania State University |
Session Y15.00001
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet
Manning, M Lisa Dept of Physics and BioInspired Institute, Syracuse University |
Session P62.00004
Rigidity and glass transitions in biological tissues
Mannix, Andrew Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session F62.00005
Atom-Scale Engineering of Synthetic Layered Materials
Mansbach, R Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session V11.00001
Unified free energy landscapes of non-disulfide-bonded μ conotoxins differ in population depending on folding pathway
Mansikkamäki, Akseli NMR Research Unit, University of Oulu |
Session M39.00004
Symmetries, pseudo-symmetries and single-molecule magnets
Manucharyan, Vladimir University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L49.00005
Quantum electrodynamics of superconductor-insulator transitions in Josephson junction chains.
Mao, Jinhai School of physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session J50.00002
Evidence of flat bands and correlated states in buckled graphene superlattices
Mao, Xiaoming Physics, University of Michigan |
Session V09.00004
Mechanical criticality, nonlinearity, fracturing, and topological edge modes in fiber networks
Marchetti, M Cristina University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E06.00001
Kinetic theory of topological defects in active nematics
Room: 06 |
Marciel, Amanda Rice Univ |
Session L15.00004
Structure and rheology of polyelectrolyte complex coacervates
Marcus, Charles M Microsoft Corp |
Session J62.00005
Hybrid Epitaxial Materials at the Heart of the Quantum Computing Revolution
Marinari, Enzo Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session F18.00005
The Mpemba effect in spin glasses: a persistent memory effect.
Marko, John Northwestern University |
Session B16.00009
Loop extrusion, chromatin crosslinking, epigenetics, and the geometry, topology and mechanics of chromosomes and nuclei
Marshman, Emily Comm Coll of Allegheny County |
Session R62.00003
Using a belonging and intelligence mindset intervention to promote inclusivity in undergraduate physics courses
Martinis, John University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session P10.00001
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
Martonosi, Margaret Princeton University |
Session F30.00008
The Role of Computer Architecture in Advancing QC (and the Role of QC in Advancing Computer Architecture!)
Marx, Christopher Biological Sciences, University of Idaho |
Session B10.00001
A purely Lamarckian ‘evolution’ permits survival of a bacterium to a lethal stressor
Mashhadi, Soudabeh Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science, Caltech |
Session P49.00005
Proximity induced charge transfer and anomalous temperature dependency in G/α-RuCl3
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J35.00002
Edward A. Bouchet Award: Following Bouchet: Service, Mentoring, and Surface State Transport in 3D Topological Insulators
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session V57.00001
Magnetotransport in a strain superlattice of graphene
Matsko, Andrey NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session P58.00003
Low Noise Radiofrequency Oscillators Based on Optical Microcavities
May, Andrew Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session S35.00004
Manipulating the magnetism in Fe5GeTe2 by cobalt substitution
May, Steven Drexel Univ |
Session E55.00004
Effect of interfaces on band hybridization, orbital polarization, and helical magnetism in SrFeO3/CaFeO3 heterostructures
McClarty, Paul Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session A39.00001
Bond dependent spin-orbital exchange and quantum order-by-disorder in CoTiO3
McCreary, Amber National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session R57.00001
Tracking magnons, spin flips, and spin canting with magneto-Raman spectroscopy in atomically thin CrI3
McGaughey, Alan Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session P20.00001
Quantifying Uncertainty in First-Principles Predictions of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Phonon Properties, and Thermal Conductivity
McGuire, Brett MIT |
Session E26.00004
New Frontiers in Cosmic Carbon
McIver, James Max Planck Inst Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session Y49.00003
Light-field induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene
McNamara, Harold M Harvard University |
Session V12.00005
Synthetic Electrophysiology: Manipulating and measuring bioelectric pattern formation with light
McNealy, Jasmine University of Florida |
Session L09.00002
An Ecological Approach to Data Governance
McNeill, Christopher Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University |
Session F04.00008
Resonant Tender X-ray Diffraction for Disclosing the Molecular Packing of Paracrystalline Conjugated Polymer Films
Mei, Zhe Yale University |
Session C16.00006
Molecular dynamics simulations of folded proteins: determining the properties of protein cores
Melancon, David Harvard University |
Session L17.00001
Multistable inflatable origami structures at themeter-scale
Melko, Roger G University of Waterloo |
Session D01.00002
Machine Learning and the Complexity of Quantum Simulation
Menendez, Jose Physics, Arizona State University |
Session F58.00001
GeSn alloys with mid-IR direct band gaps
Menon, Narayanan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session A17.00004
Settling of shaped solids
Menon, Vinod The City College of New York |
Session X49.00003
Control of quantum emitters in van der Waals materials via strain and photonic structures
Merchant, Ann National Academy of Sciences |
Session F08.00001
The National Academy of Sciences Goes to Hollywood
Merz, Kenneth Michigan State University |
Session A26.00006
Metabolite Structure Assignment Using in silico NMR and Collision Cross Section (CCS) Techniques
Metz, Tristin Quantum Materials Center, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session F50.00003
Point Node Gap Structure of Spin-Triplet Superconductor UTe2
Mi, Xiao Google Inc - Santa Barbara |
Session V64.00001
Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics (2020): Beyond-Classical Quantum Computation at Google-AI Quantum
Miao, Kevin Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session M29.00010
Universal coherence protection and electrical control of spins in silicon carbide
Miao, Maosheng California State University, Northridge |
Session J19.00001
Chemistry under high pressure
Michel, Jonathan Rochester Insititute of Technology |
Session P11.00001
Correlated Dilution of Filamentous Networks Leads to Reentrant Rigidity Percolation
Michelin, Sebastien LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique |
Session R24.00001
Individual and collective dynamics of chemically-active droplets
Mikkelsen, Maiken Duke University |
Session C50.00003
Nanogap Plasmonics for Tailored Properties of 2D Materials
Millis, Andrew Columbia Univ |
Session E63.00002
Post Quench Dynanics of Couled Electronic Orders:
Milne, Zachary Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S58.00002
Combined-Extreme In-Situ Experiments by Redesign of a Transmission Electron Microscope Pole-Piece Gap
Milner, Scott Pennsylvania State University |
Session A01.00004
Progress in understanding entangled polymer dynamics
Min, Xu Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session V01.00005
Automatic Analysis of Cryo-Electron Tomography Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Room: 01 |
Minev, Zlatko IBM Quantum |
Session X30.00004
Superconducting Qubits: Circuit Theory, Hamiltonian Analysis and Design Tools
Miodownik, Mark University College London |
Session Y15.00004
Stuff Matters
Mirny, Leonid Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A18.00003
Chromosome folding by loop extrusion on busy genome
Misra, Shashank Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B58.00003
From Atoms to Transistors
Mitchell, John Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P37.00010
Emergent Behavior in Ni1+-Rich Layered Nickelates
Mittal, Rajat Johns Hopkins University |
Session P01.00004
The (Un)known (Un)knowns of COVID-19 Transmission - A Fluid Dynamics Perspective
Room: 01 |
Mo, Mianzhen SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session Y23.00008
Ultrafast-electron-diffraction studies of matter in extreme conditions: from ultrafast melting to dynamic compression
Mohseni, Masoud Google Quantum AI |
Session S32.00007
Tensor-Flow Quantum: An open source software framework for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning
Moir, Camilla Physics, University of California San Diego |
Session P54.00001
Specific Heat and Critical Behavior in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2
Monroe, Christopher IonQ, Inc. |
Session P10.00002
IonQ Quantum Computers: Clear to Scale
Montalvan, Danai Harvard University |
Session A58.00004
The Post-Doc Experience at a Research University in a Large Lab
Monz, Thomas Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck |
Session L31.00004
Towards quantum error correction with ions: qubit loss correction and code stitching
Moreo, Adriana University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session Y50.00001
Orbital-selective correlations and block magnetism in low-dimensional iron-based superconductors
Morozov, Alexander N Univ of Edinburgh |
Session M24.00001
Exact coherent structures in purely elastic turbulence
Morris, Jeffrey Levich Institute and Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York |
Session A09.00003
Force networks in shear thickening suspensions
Morris, Joe Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session M58.00001
Subterranean Visualization Through Multi-Sensor Fusion*
Morrow, Darien Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J26.00004
Developing new, multidimensional pump-probe spectroscopies for investigating semiconductors
Mueller, Marcus Intitute for Theoretical Physics, University of Goettingen, Germany |
Session P02.00005
Process-directed self-assembly of copolymer materials
Mukai, Hiroto Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Science |
Session A30.00009
Micro-architecture of quantum information processor using planer packaging
Mukherjee, Nandini Chemistry, Stanford University |
Session M26.00004
Quantum Control of Molecular Collisions Near 1 K
Murch, Kater Washington University, St. Louis |
Session A35.00002
Quantum dynamics of complex energies: non-Hermitian quantum evolution of a single dissipative qubit
Murnane, Margaret STROBE, JILA and Physics, University of Colorado |
Session C09.00003
Ultrafast Electron Calorimetry: Uncovering New Light-Induced Phases in Magnetic and 2D Materials
Myers, Corinne University of New Mexico |
Session F13.00002
Applications of molecular taphonomy to the invertebrate fossil record
Nakatsuji, Satoru Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo |
Session X51.00011
Electrical manipulation of a Weyl semimetallic state
Narasimhan, Shobhana Theoretical Sciences Unit and School of Advanced Materials, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research |
Session E56.00007
Marshak Lectureship (2021): Tuning the morphology, charge and activity of nanocatalysts by support doping
Narayan, Abhay Physics, Columbia University |
Session L57.00008
Imaging Electronic States in Two-Dimensional Materials
Narevicius, Ed Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session P26.00009
Full quantum state-to-state mapping of molecular ion collisions via electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy
Nassar, Hussein University of Missouri |
Session R06.00009
Coarse-grained kinematics of origami tessellations
Room: 06 |
Natelson, Douglas Physics and Astronomy, Rice University |
Session V50.00003
Shot noise in cuprate tunnel junctions: evidence for pairing in the pseudogap
Nelson, Jenny Imperial College London |
Session B62.00002
Solar photovoltaic microgrids for energy access and emissions mitigation
Nembach, Hans Quantum Electromagnetics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session L38.00003
The impact of morphology and hybridization on the Dzyaloshinskii-Moryia Interaction
Nevidomskyy, Andriy Physics and Astronomy, Rice University |
Session A49.00004
Nonunitary Triplet Pairing on the Border of Magnetism and Upper Critical Field in UTe2
Nevo, Iftach Condensed Matter Physics, Tel Aviv University |
Session F26.00002
Evidence for laser-induced homogeneous oriented ice nucleation revealed via pulsed x-ray diffraction
Newman, Mark University of Michigan |
Session V18.00003
Structure, phase transitions, and message passing in sparse networks
Ni, GuangXin Physics, Florida State University |
Session C50.00004
Nano-polaritonics in twisted van der Waals heterostructures
Ni, Kang-Kuen Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session L26.00008
Precision Test of Statistical Phase Space theory in ultracold KRb bimolecular reactions
Niedzielski, Bethany MIT Lincoln Lab |
Session E30.00009
Fabrication Control of Superconducting Qubit Devices
Niemela, Joseph The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) |
Session B62.00003
Actions and schemes of support towards developing countries
Nishi, Kengo Duke University |
Session S11.00011
Non-equilibrium fluctuations in cells report on driving forces and organelle mechanics
Niss, Kristine Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University |
Session F01.00001
Density scaling and isochronal superposition in liquids -- combining neutrons and dielectric spectroscopy
Noe, Frank Freie Univ Berlin |
Session B26.00001
News Approaches for Boltzmann Generators: Sampling Equilibrium States of Many-Body Systems
Nomura, Ken-ichi Univ of Southern California |
Session B22.00001
Neural Network Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics (NNAIMD) for Water and Covalent Glasses
Nordstrom, Kerstin Mt Holyoke College |
Session M62.00006
Recruiting and Retaining Undergraduate Women in Physics
Noy, Aleksandr Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session M25.00010
Ion transport in sub-1-nm carbon nanotube porins.
Nussinov, Ruth NIH |
Session E12.00007
O'Brien, Jeremy PsiQuantum |
Session P10.00005
Silicon Photonic Quantum Computing
Obuchowski, Nancy Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic Foundation |
Session J58.00002
Importance of Statistical Metrology Framework for Quantitative Imaging Applications
O'Connor, Thomas Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P64.00002
Simulating the Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics and Elongational Rheology of Architecturally Diverse Polymer Melts
O'Dowd, Matthew J CUNY-Lehman College |
Session Y15.00003
Invited Talk Matthew O'Dowd
Oganov, Artem Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Session S23.00003
Discovering high-temperature superconductors with the USPEX code
Oliver, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A10.00005
Coherent control of a hybrid superconducting circuit made with van der Waals heterostructures
Olmsted, Peter Georgetown University |
Session P64.00003
Polymer Scission in Contraction Flows
Olvera De La Cruz, Monica Northwestern University |
Session E08.00009
Controlling the Properties of Ion Containing Polymers, Hydrogels and Membranes
O'Neill, Morgan Stanford Univ |
Session R15.00009
Feedbacks between the worst storms on Earth and lower stratospheric water vapor
Ordejon, Pablo Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - ICN2 |
Session X19.00001
Addressing electrified metal-electrolyte interfaces with Non-Equilibrium Green's Functions
Orenstein, Joseph UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session E10.00001
Photocurrent generation probes bulk and surface responses chiral Weyl semimetals
Osterwalder, Andreas Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session L26.00004
Sub-Kelvin Stereodynamics in merged neutral beams
Osuji, Chinedum Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania |
Session E04.00011
Relaxation and transport of polymer chains on surfaces during electrospray deposition
Otani, Yoshichika Univ of Tokyo-Kashiwanoha |
Session B35.00005
The Functionality of a Topological Chiral Antiferromagnet Mn3X (X=Sn, Ge)
Otrokov, Mikhail IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao (Spain) and Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM-MPC), San Sebastián (Spain) |
Session E51.00001
Theoretical prediction and discovery of antiferromagnetic topological insulators
Overbye, Dennis New York Times |
Session F08.00002
Owens, Róisín M Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge |
Session X01.00003
Adapting organic electronics to biology (and not vice versa!)
Oyler-Yaniv, Jennifer Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School |
Session L11.00001
To die or not to die: Cell decision-making in the face of viral threat
Paddison, Joseph Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session X50.00005
Scattering Signatures of Bond-Dependent Magnetic Interactions
Pallecchi, Emiliano Lille University of Science and Technology |
Session F56.00007
Non-volatile switches based on 2D materials for 5G/6G applications.
Palyi, Andras Department of Theoretical Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Session V35.00001
Charge noise and overdrive effects in dispersive readout of charge and spin qubits
Papadakis, Christine TU Munich |
Session E02.00001
Solvent vapor annealing of diblock copolymer thin films with a solvent mixture
Papaj, Michal Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session E52.00003
Segmented Fermi surfaces: discovery and applications
Paramekanti, Arun Univ of Toronto |
Session S37.00001
Multipolar orders in d-orbital systems
Park, Je-Geun Seoul Natl Univ |
Session X55.00001
Coherent many-body exciton in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3
Park, Jiwoong University of Chicago |
Session J57.00001
Atomically Thin Wafers and Superlattices
Parkin, Stuart Max Planck Inst Microstructure |
Session L40.00009
Strong influence of magneto-dipole interactions on size and form of antiskyrmions and skyrmions
Parmigiani, Fulvio Univ of Trieste - Trieste |
Session F08.00004
Beller Lecture (2021): The Future Grand Challenges for Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Light sources
Parthasarathy, Raghuveer University of Oregon |
Session J13.00001
Watching Gut Microbes Swim, Stick, and Survive
Patel, Aavishkar Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session B50.00002
Theories of Planckian dissipation in strange metals
Patel, Calvin J Morgan Stanley |
Session E58.00003
Careers in Finance for Physicists: Why, How, and What.
Peeters, Francois Physics, Univ of Antwerp |
Session J50.00004
Band flattening in periodically buckled monolayer graphene
Peleg, Orit University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session M01.00001
The physics of firefly communications: Principles and predictions
Peng, Rui Advanced Materials Laboratory, Fudan University |
Session L54.00008
Superconductivity enhancement of FeSe films on substrates with and without Ti-O bonds
Pentcheva, Rossitza University of Duisburg-Essen |
Session M55.00008
Tuning the electronic and thermoelectric response of oxide superlattices by confinement, strain and interface polarity
Perkins, Natalia University of Minnesota |
Session X35.00004
Disorder effects in the Kitaev spin liquid
Persat, Alexandre Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session B13.00007
Biofilms deform soft surfaces
Petersson, Karl Microsoft Quantum Lab Copenhagen and Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark |
Session A10.00002
Coherent Semiconductor-Based Superconducting Quantum Circuits
Petta, Jason Princeton University |
Session X29.00001
Quantum Computing with Spins in Silicon
Phillips, Philip Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B50.00003
Anomalous Dimensions for Conserved Currents in Strange Metals
Pine, David New York Univ NYU |
Session X03.00007
Self-Assembly of Colloidal Diamond
Ping, Yuan University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session P18.00002
Quantum Defects and Recombination in Two Dimensions
Pitaevskii, Lev Center for Bose Einstein Condensation (Italy) |
Session J08.00004
Lars Onsager Prize (2021): Bose-Einstein condensate – a classical limit of matter waves
Plourde, Britton Syracuse University |
Session X31.00006
Implementation of Protected Qubits with π-periodic Josephson Elements
Plumb, Kemp Brown University |
Session X35.00001
Molecular Orbitals from Chemical Pressure in Ag3LiIr2O6
Po, Hoi Chun Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F51.00001
Symmetry indicators for topological superconductors
Poirier, Michael Ohio State University |
Session S13.00001
Strategies transcription factors use to gain access to nucleosomal DNA
Pollard, Julianne University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Session M62.00002
Critical Mass for Gender Equity in Physics: A lesson from Medical Physics
Polsin, Danae University of Rochester |
Session J19.00006
Crystal Structure and Reflectivity of Laser Ramp-Compressed Sodium
Poniatowski, Nicholas Maryland Quantum Materials Center, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B18.00003
LeRoy Apker Award (2020): The strange, but not-so-bad, metallic state of the electron-doped cuprates
Pookpanratana, Sujitra Nanoscale Device and Characterization Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session L60.00001
Lab-based Photoemission Electron Microscopy: Current Capabilities and Future Directions
Poon, Wilson University of Edinburgh |
Session A09.00004
Conching chocolate as a protoypical example of poweder incorporation
Popov, Ivan Chemical Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA |
Session S03.00011
Ionic relaxation in ‘Solvent-in-Salt’ electrolytes
Popovic, Dragana National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University |
Session L37.00004
Unveiling the Normal State of Cuprates with Charge and Spin Orders
Porter, Susannah Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F13.00001
Patterns in skeletal biomineralization
Potter, Andrew C University of Texas at Austin |
Session L35.00005
C10 Young Scientist Award for 2021 Invited Talk: Realizing dynamical quantum phases with trapped ions
Prada, Elsa CSIC - Madrid |
Session X58.00004
From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires
Preskill, John P Caltech |
Session D01.00005
Quantum computing: Current status and future prospects
Prezhdo, Oleg Univ of Southern California |
Session C20.00001
Ab Initio Quantum Dynamics in Nanoscale Materials
Pribiag, Vlad University of Minnesota |
Session E35.00002
Spin-orbit coupling, local magnetism and Kondo scattering at a complex oxide interface
Price, Elon Fiske Vanderbilt Bridge Program |
Session L62.00004
Evolving Physics and Astronomy Department Culture: Student Perspectives
Priestley, Rodney Princeton University |
Session C01.00001
John H. Dillon Medal (2020): Thermorheological Complexity at Polymer Surfaces
Pritchett, Emily IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session C33.00011
Reducing spectator errors in cross resonance gates
Priyanka, Priyanka Virginia Tech |
Session A16.00010
Control of the surface roughness during a growth process described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
Prochaska, Lukas Vienna Univ of Technology |
Session L50.00001
Singular charge fluctuations at a magnetic quantum critical point
Psaroudaki, Christina Department of Physics, California Institute of Technology |
Session X40.00003
Spin-wave emission in skyrmion-antiskyrmion bilayers
Pupillo, Guido "European Center for Quantum Sciences - CESQ", University of Strasbourg |
Session M03.00005
Theory of collective cavity dynamics for cold chemistry and materials science
Puri, Shruti Yale University |
Session L33.00009
Practical Quantum Error Correction with Surface-Cats
Pyrpassopoulos, Serapion University of Pennsylvania |
Session E11.00004
Modulation of Kinesin’s Load-Bearing Capacity by Force Geometry and the Microtubule Track
Qiu, Diana Yale University |
Session R22.00011
Subspace Embedding and Downfolding Techniques for Solving the Bethe Salpeter Equation: Interplay of Localized and Continuum Excitons in Complex Systems
Quevedo, Fernando University of Cambridge |
Session M10.00004
John Wheatley Award: Advancement of physics and science in developing countries
Rabadan, Raul Columbia University |
Session C58.00004
A Topological Data Analysis perspective on coronavirus evolution
Radicchi, Filippo Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session V18.00004
Percolation in real interdependent networks
Radu, Iuliana IMEC |
Session F56.00003
Enabling transistor scaling with 2D materials
Rahman, Talat Physics, University of Central Florida |
Session P22.00001
The Self Learning Kinetic Monte Carlo (SLKMC) method augmented with data analytics for adatom-island diffusion on surfaces
Rajak, Pankaj Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J22.00001
Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Material Design
Ramirez, Ainissa Stanford |
Session S62.00005
Bringing Science to the Public Using Popular Culture
Ramirez, Arthur University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session E49.00003
Transport in the Magnetic Weyl Semimetal Y2Ir2O7
Ramirez-San Juan, Guillermina Physics, Brandeis University |
Session A11.00001
Cilia driven flows: Linking micro- with macroscopic dynamics
Ramos, Kyle Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session B23.00010
Developing and validating thermomechanics models for explosives with experiments on commensurate
Ramprasad, Rampi Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B01.00005
Polymer Informatics: Current Status & Critical Next Steps
Ramshaw, Brad Cornell University |
Session C49.00002
Identifying multi-component superconductivity with resonant ultrasound spectroscopyIdentifying multi-component superconductivity with resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
Ran, Sheng Physics Department, Washington University in St. Louis |
Session F50.00005
Spin-triplet superconducting state in the nearly ferromagnetic compound UTe2
Randeria, Mallika Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session V64.00004
Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics: Imaging electronic wavefunctions and interactions on the surface of bismuth
Rangan, Sylvie Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session B56.00002
2D organic layers on surfaces: self-assembly and electronic structure
Ranganathan, Rama University of Chicago |
Session R01.00004
Evolutionary principles of protein structure and function
Room: 01 |
Raschke, Markus University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session B58.00001
Tip-enhanced Strong Coupling: Broadband Room Temperature Pico-cavity QED with Single Emitters
Ratcliff, Erin University of Arizona |
Session X01.00005
Organic Electrochemical Transistors as Wearable, Human-Biochemistry Monitoring Technologies
Raz, Oren Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session F18.00001
The Markovian Mpemba effect in large many-body systems, and its applications in optimal protocols.
Redner, Sidney Santa Fe Institute |
Session C18.00003
Leo P. Kadanoff Prize (2021): Application of First-Passage Ideas to Diverse Phenomena
Rehr, John University of Washington |
Session Y22.00001
Cumulant Green’s function methods for excited state properties of functional materials
Reichhardt, Cynthia Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session F05.00001
Clogging Dynamics of Active and Passive Disks in Complex Environments
Room: 05 |
Reichlova, Helena IFMP, TU Dresden |
Session F38.00008
Spontaneous Hall and Nernst effects in antiferromagnets
Remington, Bruce Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session L23.00008
Studies of materials at extreme states of pressure and density on the NIF and Omega lasers
Restrepo, Juan Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session R15.00004
Data assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification in the Geosciences
Rhodes, Luke Univ of St Andrews |
Session S50.00002
Understanding the nematic electronic structure of FeSe and its impact on the superconducting state.
Rhone, Trevor Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session C60.00009
Predicting outcomes of catalytic reactions using machine learning
Richard, David Univ of Amsterdam |
Session Y20.00007
Comparison of computational methods for predicting plastic activity in amorphous materials
Richert, Ranko Arizona State University |
Session F01.00004
Applications of Linear and Nonlinear Dielectric Spectroscopy
Richmond, Geraldine University of Oregon |
Session B62.00001
COACh: Challenges for Women Scientists in the Developing World
Riel, Heike IBM Research - Zurich |
Session P58.00001
Invited Talk Heike Riel
Rijo-Ferreira, Filipa University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Session M01.00004
The rhythmic day of malaria parasites
Riley, Patrick Francis Google Accelerated Science, Google, LLC |
Session D01.00001
Vignettes of machine learning in the natural sciences
Rivnay, Jonathan Northwestern University |
Session X01.00001
Designing polymeric mixed ionic/electronic conductors for organic electrochemical transistors
Rizzo, Daniel Joseph Physics, Columbia University |
Session P49.00004
Charge-Transfer Plasmon Polaritons at Graphene/α-RuCl3 Interfaces
Rogers, William Brandeis Univ |
Session B09.00005
Programming dynamic pathways to colloidal self-assembly using DNA nanotechnology
Romhanyi, Judit University of California, Irvine |
Session J39.00004
Band topology of magnetic excitations in anisotropic quantum magnets
Ronning, Filip Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session C49.00003
Topology and Correlations in Actinide Materials
Ropers, Claus University of Göttingen and Max Planck Institute for biophysical Chemistry |
Session P09.00001
Coherent vibrational control of a surface structural phase transition
Rosch, Achim Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne |
Session R35.00004
Quantum skyrmions in frustrated ferromagnets
Rosen, Michael University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Session F10.00001
A Model For Chromatin Organization Through Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
Rossi, Riccardo CCQ, Flatiron Institute |
Session F21.00010
High-Order Renormalized Perturbative Approach for Strongly-Correlated Fermions
Rotenberg, Eli LBNL |
Session C09.00002
Capturing In Operando Electronic Structure of Microscopic 2D Materials*
Rothman, Daniel Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S15.00001
Characteristic Excitations of Earth's Carbon Cycle
Routh, Alexander Univ of Cambridge |
Session S01.00002
Stratification in Drying Colloidal Films: A competition between diffusion, evaporation and diffusiophoresis
Royall, Paddy Physics, University of Bristol |
Session P62.00002
Towards a Unification of Theories of the Glass Transition?
Rubin, Nicholas Google |
Session A33.00008
Error mitigating NISQ chemistry computations
Rubinstein, Michael Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry and Physics, Duke University |
Session S04.00003
Nonlinear Dynamics of Nonconcatenated Entangled Ring Polymers
Rubio, Angel Max Plank Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter; Center for Computational Quantum Physics Flatiron Institute |
Session Y49.00001
Light induced topological phases in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures
Ruggenthaler, Michael Theory Department, Max-Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany |
Session M03.00003
Towards a detailed understanding of strong light-matter coupling effects
Ruisard, Kiersten Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session A58.00001
Terp in the Secret City - being a post-doc at a national laboratory
Ruiz, Alejandro University of California, San Diego |
Session X60.00002
High-resolution RIXS with in-situ magnetic field as a probe of magon-spinon dichotomy in β-Li2IrO3
Rust, Michael University of Chicago |
Session M01.00005
The Circadian Clock in Cyanobacteria Ensures Successful DNA Replication
Rutledge, Gregory Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y04.00002
Flow Induced Crystallization: Insights from Molecular Simulation
Rycroft, Christopher Harvard University |
Session B17.00001
Mechanics-based simulation of textiles
Rzchowski, Mark S University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session A55.00010
Epitaxial Antiperovskite/Perovskite Heterostructures for Materials Design
Sacanna, Stefano New York Univ NYU |
Session B07.00010
Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research (2020): Molecular Mimetic Colloids: synthesis and assembly.
Room: 07 |
Sacepe, Benjamin Institut Neel |
Session L49.00003
The fate of the superfluid density near the SIT in amorphous superconductors
Sachdev, Subir Harvard University |
Session J62.00004
A simple model of entangled qubits: how it describes superconductors and black holes
Safran, Samuel Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A18.00002
Non-linear dynamics and long-time phase correlations of beating cardiomyocytes
Safranski, Christopher IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session A58.00003
Dynamic Characterization of Spintronic Devices: MTJ high-bias write errors, and spin-orbit torque from the planar Hall effect
Saintillan, David University of California, San Diego |
Session M18.00004
Viscous dynamics of elastic filaments: from buckling instabilities to rheology
Saito, Yu University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B49.00004
Isospin analog of the Pomeranchuk effect in twisted bilayer graphene
Sakar, Mahmut Selman Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session B11.00008
Engineering biological machines from living tissues
Sandick, Pearl University of Utah |
Session M62.00003
Outcome of the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics
Sandvik, Anders Boston University |
Session J09.00003
Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics (2021): Lattice models of deconfined quantum criticality and related phenomena
SARACCO, Fabio Networks Unit, IMT School For Advanced Studies Lucca |
Session V18.00005
Statistical Physics of Twitter users' interactions
Sarachik, Myriam Physics, City College of New York, CUNY |
Session J35.00003
APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research (2020): The Metal-Insulator Transition in Strongly Interacting Electron Systems in Two Dimensions*
Sarkar, Sumantra Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session J12.00008
Irwin Oppenheim Award (2021): Design of conditions for self-replication
Sarkar, Tarapada University of Maryland, College Park |
Session F49.00003
Strange metal transport in electron-doped La2-xCexCuO4
Sarupria, Sapna Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Clemson University |
Session B26.00007
Phase Transitions, Molecular Simulations and Machine Learning
Sato, Masatoshi Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University |
Session F52.00001
Multipole theory of Majorana fermions in topological superconductors
Sato, Shunsuke Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba |
Session E19.00001
Real space and real time electron dynamics simulations for attosecond physics in solids
Scappucci, Giordano QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft |
Session R29.00001
The germanium quantum information route
Schaibley, John University of Arizona |
Session B57.00001
Optical and plasmonic spectroscopy of 2D semiconductor heterostructures
Schenter, Gregory Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session Y26.00001
Rare Event Kinetics of Ion Pairing in Solution
Schiffer, Peter Department of Applied Physics and Department of Physics, Yale University |
Session C39.00005
Complex Collective Effects in Vertex Frustrated Artificial Spin Ice
Schleier-Smith, Monika Stanford Univ |
Session F27.00010
Optically Programmable Interactions for Cold Atoms
Schleife, Andre University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L22.00001
Electron and ion dynamics in materials after particle radiation and optical excitation
Schlenoff, Joseph Florida State University |
Session L15.00005
Fantastic Viscoelastic Saloplastic
Schlom, Darrell Cornell University |
Session L35.00003
James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2021): Breaking the Rules to Unleash Novel Phenomena in Oxides
Schmalian, Joerg Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session S49.00001
Anomalous diffusion in phase space of electron and electron-phonon fluids
Schmidt, Annette Univ Cologne |
Session A04.00013
Toward understandig the (scale-depending) dynamics in non-covalent polymer networks
Schoenhals, Andreas Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung |
Session F01.00005
Molecular Dynamics of Janus Polynorbornenes: Glass transitions and Nanophase separation
Schönhoff, Monika Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Muenster |
Session S02.00002
Li+ Ion Migration in Polymer Electrolytes: How Coordination Effects Control Li+ Transport Mechanisms
Schröter, Niels Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session A51.00009
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of chiral topological semimetals
Schuld, Maria Xanadu |
Session Y09.00002
Which classes of functions can quantum machine learning models actually learn?
Schwartz, Ira United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session R58.00004
Fluctuations, control and suppression of viral outbreaks
Schwartz, Mollie MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Session C30.00003
3D integration for superconducting qubits
Schwarz, J. M. Syracuse University |
Session S06.00010
Decoding mechanics by just looking (and not deforming)
Room: 06 |
Searles, Thomas A Howard University |
Session L62.00002
TEAM-UP Next Steps: Lessons from the First TEAM-UP Implementation Workshop
Selinger, Jonathan Kent State University |
Session M09.00003
Geometry and mechanics of disclination lines in 3D nematic liquid crystals
Seljak, Uros University of California, Berkeley |
Session V62.00004
Teaching data science and Bayesian statistics for physical sciences
Sengupta, Surajit TCIS, Hyderabad, India |
Session P07.00001
A statistical mechanical theory for the origin of rigidity in crystalline solids
Room: 07 |
Seppala, Jonathan E National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session C08.00006
Material physics and metrology of material extrusion additive manufacturing
Serra, Francesca Johns Hopkins University |
Session C05.00008
Topological defects patterns in monolayers of cells
Room: 05 |
Seshadri, Ram Materials Department and Materials Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A59.00009
Lone Pairs in the Halide Perovskites, Hidden or Otherwise
Severing, Andrea Institute of Physics II, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany |
Session C49.00004
The dual nature of f electrons in the UM2Si2 family with M=Fe, Pd, Ru, and Ni studied with x-ray spectroscopy
Sevriuk, Vasilii IQM Quantum Computers |
Session V10.00001
Photon-assisted electron tunnelling for environment engineering superconducting circuits
Shabani, Javad New York Univ NYU |
Session X58.00001
Missing Shapiro steps in topologically trivial Josephson Junction on InAs quantum well
Shaevitz, Joshua Princeton University |
Session M01.00002
Where and when microtubules are nucleated in the cell
Shahmoradi, Amir University of Texas at Arlington |
Session V62.00003
Data science competencies for physics education
Shan, Jie Cornell University |
Session V49.00005
Correlated insulating states in semiconductor moiré superlattices
Shaqfeh, Eric S Stanford Univ |
Session P24.00001
Swimming in Elastic Liquids: Faster or Slower than their Newtonian Counterparts?
Sharifzadeh, Sahar Boston University |
Session F04.00001
First-Principles Theory for Understanding Excitons in Stacked Organic Assemblies
Shayegan, Mansour Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University |
Session E50.00002
Probing composite fermions and other exotic states in dilute 2D systems
Sheldon, Sarah IBM Quantum |
Session B33.00011
Characterizing and mitigating errors in large quantum system
Shelley, Michael Flatiron Institute, Center for Computational Biology, Simons Foundation |
Session M18.00003
Active matter flows and self-organization inside of cells
Shen, Kyle Cornell University |
Session B54.00009
Controlling electronic and magnetic properties in ruthenate and iridate thin films and heterostructures.
Shi, Jing University of California, Riverside |
Session P38.00012
Electrically detected spin currents generated by sub-terahertz microwaves
Shi, Ming Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session M51.00001
Spin fluctuation induced Weyl semimetal state in the paramagnetic phase of EuCd2As2
Shibauchi, Takasada Univ of Tokyo-Kashiwanoha |
Session F51.00002
Field-angle dependent Majorana gap in a Kitaev spin liquid state of α-RuCl3
Shin, Hyeon Suk UNIST |
Session Y56.00011
Ultralow-dielectric-constant amorphous boron nitride
Shingledecker, Chris Physics and Astronomy, Benedictine College |
Session C26.00001
New Methods for Simulating Astrophysical Ices in the JWST-Era
Si, Qimiao Rice Univ |
Session E49.00002
Weyl-Kondo Semimetal -- How Strong Correlations Intersect with Electronic Topology
Siddiqi, Irfan University of California, Berkeley |
Session S09.00002
Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science (2021): Quantum Metrology Using Superconducting Parametric Amplifiers
silberzan, pascal Institut Curie |
Session A18.00001
Active Cell Nematics: Architectures and flows
Silver, Richard National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session E29.00009
Atom-Based Silicon Devices for Quantum Computing and Analog Quantum Simulation
Simmons, Stephanie Physics, Simon Fraser University |
Session V51.00001
Silicon Colour Centres
Simon, Steven University of Oxford |
Session Y58.00003
Transport in bilayer and multilayer graphene
Simpson, Michael University of Tennessee |
Session X13.00007
Footprints in the noise: understanding gene circuit structure and function using noise spectroscopy
Sipahigil, Alp Caltech |
Session F09.00003
Optical photon generation from a superconducting qubit
Siwy, Zuzanna University of California, Irvine |
Session M25.00007
Single nanopores as a model system to probe interfaces in aqueous and organic media
Skinner, Brian Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session E10.00002
The magnetothermoelectric properties of three-dimensional Dirac/Weyl semimetals
Skoropata, Elizabeth Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session E35.00004
Interfacial tuning of chiral magnetic interactions for large topological Hall effects in LaMnO3/SrIrO3 heterostructures
Skrbic, Tatjana University of Oregon |
Session P12.00001
Building blocks of protein structure – physics meets biology
Slaybaugh, Rachel University of California, Berkeley |
Session L58.00003
How Can Nuclear Energy Support a Clean Future?
Slayton, Rachel U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Session P01.00005
Epidemiological Science and How Physicists Can Contribute: The Science of Modeling Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Room: 01 |
Slepukhin, Valentin University of California, Los Angeles |
Session V09.00003
Quenched and topological disorder in filament networks and kinked bundles
Smit, Dirk J Shell Intl Explor & Prod B.V. |
Session P58.00004
Invited Talk Dirk Smit
Smith, Anne SIEMENS |
Session J58.00005
PET/CT and PET/MR quantitative imaging applications
Smith, Graeme University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session A29.00001
Creating an Introductory-Level Interdiscplinary Course in Quantum Information
Smith, Zachary Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session B04.00006
A top-down and bottom-up strategy to generate free volume for membrane-based gas separations
Sokolov, Alexei University of Tennessee |
Session B03.00006
The Critical Role of the Interfacial Layer in Polymer Nanocomposites
Soltanieh-Ha, Mohammad Boston University |
Session V62.00002
An Introduction to Cloud-Based Data Science Tools
Son, Minjung Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J26.00006
Justin Jankunas Dissertation Award in Chemical Physics: Carotenoid-Mediated Light Harvesting in Plants Uncovered with Ultrabroadband Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy
Song, Justin Nanyang Technological University |
Session C50.00002
Spontaneous out-of-equilibrium plasmonic magnetism in van der Waals materials
Song, Xueyang Harvard University |
Session J39.00001
Theory of Competing Orders in Two Dimensional Quantum Magnets
Song, Zhida Princeton University |
Session B51.00008
Symmetry, Topology, Exact Many-Body Ground States, and Exact Many-body Excitations in Twisted Bilayer Graphene.
Sood, Aditya SLAC, Stanford University |
Session B20.00012
Probing non-equilibrium structural dynamics in low-dimensional and correlated materials using ultrafast diffraction
Sottos, Nancy University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B09.00003
Reaction-Diffusion Driven Pattern Formation in Soft Materials
Spagnolie, Saverio University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session M18.00002
Bizarre swimming in complex fluids and the role of confinement
Speck, Andrew Schlumberger-Doll Res Ctr |
Session L58.00001
Doing More with Less - Advanced Sensing Enabling Next Generation Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair Platforms for Offshore Energy Assets
Spero, E. F. Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F35.00004
Srivastava, Ajit Emory University |
Session C55.00008
Dipole Interactions Between Localized Interlayer Excitons
Srivastava, Ishan Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L16.00003
Generalized Constitutive Modeling of Granular Materials near the Flow-Arrest Transition
Srolovitz, David City Univ of Hong Kong |
Session A56.00001
Programming Shape, Composition Patterns and Dynamics of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Alloys
Stadler, Bethanie Joyce Hills University of Minnesota |
Session R40.00001
Reversal mechanisms in cylindrical magnetic nanowires
Starykh, Oleg University of Utah |
Session F39.00008
Collective modes of magnetized spin liquids.
Stavola, Michael Lehigh Univ |
Session P53.00001
Hydrogen-related defects in Ga2O3
Stavrinidou, Eleni Linkoping University |
Session X01.00004
Monitoring plant physiology with organic electrochemical transistors
Steele, Gary Quantum Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session A10.00003
A ballistic graphene superconducting microwave circuit
Stern, Ady Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session B52.00002
Topology, braiding, and disorder in planar Josephson junctions
Stern, Menachem University of Pennsylvania |
Session R01.00002
Learning in Physical Networks:
From Machine Learning to Learning Machines
Room: 01 |
Stevanovic, Vladan Colorado School of Mines |
Session P56.00001
Toward Rational Discovery and Design of Metastable Materials
Stewart, C. Neal University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture |
Session X13.00010
Synthetic Biology to Endow Novel Sensing and Reporting Functions in Plants
Stoddard, Mary Princeton University |
Session A13.00009
Evolution and engineering of avian eggs
Stoudenmire, Edwin Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session Y09.00005
Progress in Machine Learning with Tensor Networks
Strachan, Alejandro Purdue University |
Session E04.00002
Shock-induced chemistry and chain relaxation dynamics via molecular dynamics
Strano, Michael Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B25.00009
Phase Behavior and Filling Dynamics of Water inside Isolated Carbon Nanotubes
Streltsov, Sergey Institute of Metal Physics |
Session X50.00002
Interplay between Jahn-Teller effect and spin-orbit coupling
Stroscio, Joseph National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session C09.00001
Combining STM, AFM, and Magnetotransport Measurements for In-Operando Studies of Quantum Materials
Studart, Andre Complex Materials, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich |
Session X09.00005
Hierarchical porous materials: when 3D printing meets self-assembly
Sukharev, Maxim Arizona State University |
Session F26.00004
Plasmon enhanced second harmonic generation by plasmonic arrays strongly coupled to quantum emitters
Sullivan, Kyle Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session E23.00009
Safety and performance characteristics of thermite systems: from powders to 3D printed lattices
Sun, Jian School of Physics, Nanjing University |
Session R23.00005
New states under high pressure and high temperature from first-principles
Sun, Jianwei Tulane Univ |
Session R25.00002
DFT error origins in open-shell d- and f-electron compounds revealed from SCAN’s performance: self-interaction error, strong correlation, or both?
Sun, Wenhao Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P56.00006
Predicting the Synthesis and Synthesizability of Novel Computationally-Designed Materials
Sun, Zhigang Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics |
Session P26.00008
Recent development of state-to-state quantum reactive scattering theory
Sundararaman, Ravishankar Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session X19.00004
First-principles electrochemistry with grand-canonical DFT and continuum-solvation methods
Sunko, Veronika Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session V64.00005
Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics (2020): Delafossite Oxides: natural, ultra-pure metal-insulator heterostructures
Suram, Santosh Toyota Research Institute |
Session Y61.00008
AI assisted analysis of x-ray spectra
Susi, Toma Univ of Vienna |
Session S10.00001
Obtaining an ERC Starting Grant
Sussman, Daniel Emory University |
Session V06.00007
Shapes on a plane: mechanical properties of geometric models of tissue
Room: 06 |
Swager, Timothy Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session E01.00001
Magneto-optical Materials and Polymers: Determining Structure Property Relationships
Swulius, Matthew Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Penn State College of Medicine |
Session V01.00001
Three-dimensional imaging of force-generating molecular networks inside of cells using cryo-electron tomography
Room: 01 |
Syzranov, Sergey University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session J51.00001
Hydrodynamics and internodal tunnelling in Weyl semimetals in magnetic fields
Szathmáry, Eörs Centre for Ecological Research, Hungary |
Session R01.00005
How ecosystems and gene regulatory networks can learn?
Room: 01 |
Tafti, Fazel Boston College |
Session X35.00003
Intercalated Kitaev magnets in the clean and disordered limits
Taie, Shintaro Kyoto Univ |
Session J10.00002
Ultracold atoms in Lieb lattices
Takagi, Hidenori Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session M50.00001
Almost zero-gap gap semiconductor/semimetal to insulator transition in layered chalcogenide Ta2NiSe5
Takahashi, Kei RIKEN |
Session M37.00011
Quantum transport of spin polarized electrons in EuTiO3 films grown by gas source MBE
Takahashi, Yoshiro Kyoto Univ |
Session A35.00003
Dissipative quantum many-body system using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice with controlled one-body and two-body loss
Takatori, Sho C Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E13.00001
Motility-induced buckling and glassy dynamics regulate 3D transitions in bacterial colonies
Takita, Maika IBM Quantum |
Session E58.00001
My career as a quantum computing researcher
Taminiau, Tim Hugo Delft University of Technology |
Session A32.00006
Imaging and controlling large spin systems with a single-spin quantum sensor
Tanaka, Keiji Kyushu Univ |
Session J02.00011
Mobility Gradient of Polymer Chains in an Interfacial Region with a Solid
Tang, Yanhao Cornell University |
Session M56.00001
Electronic correlation and excitons in 2D moiré superlattices
Tanguy, Anne Mechanicale Engineering, INSA Lyon |
Session R20.00001
Acoustic probes for plasticity in amorphous materials
Tanner, Kandice National Institutes of Health - NIH |
Session F12.00008
Mechanical adaptation of metastatic cancer cells during organ colonization in vivo
Terao, Ken Macromolecular Science, Osaka University |
Session L02.00001
Rigid cyclic chains in solution: cyclic amylose carbamate derivatives
Terhal, Barbara Delft University of Technology |
Session Y29.00001
Quantum Error Correction: How To Get Below Threshold
Terletska, Hanna Middle Tennessee State University |
Session X18.00003
Quantum cluster theories for disordered electron systems.
Thais, Savannah Princeton University |
Session P01.00001
Science Responds and CIV: Big Data and Open Science to Combat the Pandemic
Room: 01 |
Thattai, Mukund National Center for Biological Sciences |
Session Y10.00003
The role of large-scale gene duplication in the evolution of the eukaryotic membrane traffic system
Thomas, Edwin Materials Science and Engineering, Texas A & M University |
Session Y02.00004
Novel Deformation Behaviors in Nanoscale Polymer Systems Via Supersonic Micro-Projectile Impact
Thomas, Sean Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session F50.00002
Intermediate valence UTe2 under pressure
Thomases, Becca Mathematics, University of California, Davis |
Session P24.00002
Microorganism locomotion in viscoelastic fluids
Thompson, Jayne Horizon Quantum Computing |
Session V33.00009
Engineering superpositions over all possible futures through quantum stochastic simulation
Tian, Zhiting Cornell University |
Session F55.00003
Nanoscale Thermal Transport in Hybrid Materials and across Interfaces
Timmerman, Kate Chicago Quantum Exchange, University of Chicago |
Session A29.00002
Redesigning quantum information science education and training: The Chicago Quantum Exchange approach
Ting, David Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session F58.00003
Advances in III-V Semiconductor Unipolar Barrier Infrared Photodetectors
Tirrell, Matthew University of Chicago |
Session F02.00003
Charge density and solvent effects on polyelectrolyte complexation
Tiwary, Pratyush University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B60.00002
Can artificial intelligence learn and predict molecular dynamics?
Tkatchenko, Alexandre University of Luxembourg Limpertsberg |
Session L18.00004
Towards Mainstream Machine Learning Force Fields
Tokura, Yoshinori RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science and Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo |
Session R35.00001
Skyrmions and emergent electromagnetic responses in frustrated itinerant magnets
Toner, John J Univ of Oregon |
Session J08.00005
Title: Birth, Death, and Flight: the hydrodynamics of Malthusian flocks
Toney, Michael University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session R10.00003
Quantifying capacity losses due to solid-electrolyte interface formation
Topaz, Chad Williams College |
Session R62.00005
Inclusive Teaching: From Theory to Practice
Torchinsky, Darius Temple University |
Session M57.00001
THz Emission Spectroscopy of Surface Photogalvanic Effects in the Chiral Weyl Semimetal RhSi
Torkelson, John Northwestern University |
Session A08.00004
Dynamic covalent polymer networks and network composites: Excellent cross-link density recovery and elevated-temperature creep resistance after multiple recycling steps
Torlai, Giacomo AWS Center for Quantum Computing |
Session J09.00004
Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics (2020)
Trabelsi, Tarek University of Pennsylvania |
Session V26.00009
Deep insight into the photodissociation of OSSO
Tran, Lisa Physics, Utrecht University |
Session M09.00001
Controlling topological defects within achiral and chiral nematics using surface geometry and anchoring
Treado, John Yale University |
Session P16.00006
Gelation of cells during the development of leaf and flower mesophyll tissue
Treps, Nicolas Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne University |
Session S31.00007
Non-Gaussian quantum states of a multimode light field
Trigo, Mariano SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session X62.00001
The order-disorder phase transition in VO2 revealed by an x-ray free electron laser
Trivedi, Nandini Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session L49.00001
New paradigm for a magnetic field driven SIT
Tu, Yuhai IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session J08.00002
The flocking theory: The early developments and a new perspective
Turiansky, Mark University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session P18.00003
Boron Dangling Bonds as Single Photon Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Turner, Joshua SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session B53.00001
Coherent X-ray Scattering at Ultrafast Timescales
Ueda, Masahito Univ of Tokyo |
Session A35.00001
Beyond-Hermitian Quantum Physics
Underwood, Jason National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session P60.00010
Impact of the Josephson Arbitrary Waveform Synthesizer in electrical metrology and physics
Urdampilleta, Matias Institu Néel, CNRS |
Session J29.00013
High Fidelity Spin Readout in a CMOS Device
Ushizima, Daniela University of California, Berkeley |
Session L63.00012
Gaussian Processes and Deep Learning for Experimental Data
Uwatoko, Yoshiya Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session L19.00001
Pressure induced insulator to metal crossover in van der Waals ferromagnet CrGeTe3
Vafek, Oskar Florida State Univ |
Session B49.00002
Correlations and topology in the magic angle twisted bilayer graphene
Vahala, Kerry John Caltech |
Session P09.00003
Kerry John Vahala's Invited Talk
Vaikuntanathan, Suriyanarayanan University of Chicago |
Session P06.00001
Rectification and transport in non-equilibrium parity violating metamaterials and liquids.
Room: 06 |
Valenti, Roser Goethe University Frankfurt |
Session P49.00001
α-RuCl3 on graphene: subtle interplay of spin, charge and strain effects
Valenzuela, Sergio ICREA and Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
Session C35.00002
Spin-orbit proximity phenomena and tunable spin-to-charge interconversion in van der Waals heterostructures
Valles, James Brown University |
Session L49.00002
Quasiparticle screening near a bosonic superconductor-insulator transition revealed by magnetic impurity doping
Vandersypen, Lieven QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session V35.00002
Scaling up semiconductor spin qubits
Van de Walle, Chris University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session V53.00001
Defect-assisted nonradiative recombination in halide perovskites
Van Wees, Bart Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials University of Groningen The Netherlands |
Session C35.00004
Spin caloritronics and magnon transport in (anti) ferromagnetic Van der Waals heterostructures
Vasudevan, Rama Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F60.00003
Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning for
Automated Experimentation and Materials Synthesis
Veldhorst, Menno Delft University of Technology |
Session S29.00001
Quantum computing with hot silicon and fast germanium qubits
Vella, Dominic University of Oxford |
Session M07.00001
Viscous flows with thin, compliant boundaries
Room: 07 |
Venkataramani, Shankar University of Arizona |
Session F16.00001
On leaves, flowers, and sea slugs
Venkatesan, Thirumalai Neocera Magma |
Session V58.00001
Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics (2020): Academia to Entrepreneurship- Why not?
Vergassola, Massimo Physics, CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris |
Session B14.00001
Biomimetic navigation of complex environments
Vermant, Jan ETH Zurich |
Session P03.00010
Thinning and breakup of freestanding polymer films
Vicsek, Tamas Eotvos Lorand University |
Session J08.00001
Lars Onsager Prize (2020): Swarms, flocks and crowds
Vignale, Giovanni University of Missouri |
Session Y58.00002
Disorder-enabled hydrodynamics of charge and heat transport in monolayer graphene
Vignolini, Silvia Cambridge University |
Session B09.00004
Cellulose nanocrystal holograms
Vlcek, Vojtech University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session M22.00001
Stochastic many-body methods for quasiparticle excitations in realistic nanoscale systems
Voiry, Damien University of Montpellier |
Session S10.00005
Electrocatalysis from two-dimensional materials: an ERC project
Volkov, Pavel Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session M50.00004
Electronic phase diagram of the excitonic insulator candidates Ta2Ni(Se1-xSx)5 probed by Raman scattering
Von Bergmann, Kirsten University of Hamburg |
Session R35.00003
Zero-field magnetic skyrmions in model-type systems studied with STM
Vozmediano, Maria Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) |
Session E10.00004
New thermoelectric transport from the scale anomaly in Dirac/Weyl materials
Vriend, Nathalie Univ of Cambridge |
Session J18.00003
Bedform dynamics: interaction, attraction and repulsion of dunes
Vucelja, Marija Univ of Virginia |
Session F18.00003
The anomalous thermal relaxation of Langevin particles
Vuckovic, Jelena Stanford Univ |
Session B31.00005
Scalable quantum systems combining spins in semiconductors, optimized photonics, and Floquet engineering
Vukusic, Pete University of Exeter |
Session J06.00004
Counting the optical cost of disorder in biological photonic systems
Room: 06 |
Walczak, Aleksandra CNRS |
Session R01.00003
Prediction and learning in immune repertoires
Room: 01 |
Walker, Mark History, Union College |
Session C62.00003
Farm Hall: Did Heisenberg Understand How Atomic Bombs Worked?
Wallman, Joel University of Waterloo |
Session S09.00001
Characterizing many-body quantum processes
Wang, Dong Yale University |
Session P16.00003
Vibrational Modes in Packings of Deformable Particles
Wang, JIGANG Iowa State University |
Session X62.00005
Quantum Beats by Lightwave Acceleration of Broken-Symmetry Supercurrents
Wang, Muzhou Northwestern University |
Session R64.00010
Visualizing and controlling polymer nanostructures through in situ optical imaging and synthesis
Wang, Rui University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y19.00009
Salt Activity Coefficients, Chain Statistics, and Scattering Behaviors in Polymer Electrolytes
Wang, Yayu Tsinghua University |
Session L52.00011
Axion insulator and helical Chern insulator phases in MnBi2Te4
Wang, Yiping Boston College |
Session P49.00002
Modulation doping in RuCl3 heterostructures
Wang, Zhentao University of Minnesota |
Session B40.00001
Square skyrmion, meron and vortex crystals in centrosymmetric tetragonal magnets
Warren, Emily National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session R10.00002
Three terminal tandem solar cells: from simulation to cells to strings
Watson, Matthew D Diamond Light Source |
Session M50.00002
Band hybridization at the semimetal-semiconductor transition of Ta2NiSe5 enabled by mirror-symmetry breaking
Watson, Thomas Intel Corporation |
Session P10.00003
High volume manufacturing of silicon spin qubits
Weber, Stephanie C Biology, McGill University |
Session F10.00003
No membrane, no problem: Condensing bacterial organelles
Webster, Preston T. Air Force Research Lab |
Session F58.00005
Minority carrier lifetime of strain-balanced InGaAs/InAsSb superlattices and associated detector performance gains in mid-wave infrared space applications
Weeks, Eric Emory University |
Session A09.00001
In sheared highly polydisperse emulsions, large droplets cause trouble for smaller droplets
Wegener, Martin Institute of Applied Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Session J17.00001
Recent Progress on 3D Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials
Wehner, Stephanie Delft University of Technology |
Session E31.00012
Towards a Blueprint for a Quantum Internet
Weirich, Kimberly Clemson University |
Session J12.00009
Self-organization in composite biopolymer liquid crystals
Weiss, Jeffrey University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session R08.00001
Climate variability: a manifestation of fluctuations in a nonequilibrium steady-state
Weitz, David Harvard University |
Session S62.00002
Science and Cooking: Making Physics Fun (and Tasty!)
Welp, Ulrich Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P60.00009
Recent advances in the fabrication, performance and application of superconducting sources of THz-radiation.
Westmoreland, Michael Denison University |
Session X33.00008
Probability arises from entropy in axiomatic information thermodynamics
Widicus Weaver, Susanna Chemistry and Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session X26.00004
The chemical pathways of O(1D) insertion reactions with methylamine (CH3NH2)
Wietek, Alexander Simons Foundation |
Session M21.00002
Stripes, Antiferromagnetism, and the Pseudogap in the Doped Hubbard Model at Finite Temperature
Williams, James University of Maryland, College Park |
Session E52.00001
Josephson Junctions in Topological Crystalline Insulators
Wilson, Dalziel University of Arizona |
Session E27.00001
Optomechanical sensors as probes for new physics
Winey, Karen University of Pennsylvania |
Session C03.00004
Combining Advanced Experimental Methods to Characterization of Polymer Nanocomposites
Wirth, Steffen Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session E49.00004
Spectroscopic studies of candidate topological Kondo insulators and Weyl semimetals
Wirtz, Ludger Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg |
Session L20.00001
Theoretical Spectroscopy of 2D Materials: Exciton-phonon coupling in resonant Raman and in luminescence spectroscopy
Wiseman, Howard Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University |
Session S09.00004
The Heisenberg Limit to Laser Coherence
Wittmann, Angela Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session E36.00001
Tuning Spin Current Injection at Ferromagnet-Nonmagnet Interfaces by Molecular Design
Woehl, Taylor Department of Chemical and Biomolecular, University of Maryland |
Session S58.00001
Exploring Nanocrystal Nucleation Mechanisms with Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy
Wolpert, David Santa Fe Inst |
Session R13.00001
How stochastic thermodynamics changes in systems with multiple interacting components
Wolverton, Christopher Northwestern University |
Session A60.00001
Network Theory Meets Materials Science
Won, You-Yeon Purdue University |
Session R04.00002
Polymer Lung Surfactant: A Therapeutic Candidate for ARDS Developed via Polymer Physics Research
Wong, Cathy Chemistry, University of Oregon |
Session L04.00003
Understanding organic materials formation using in situ transient absorption spectroscopy
Wong, Dillon Joseph Henry Laboratories & Department of Physics, Princeton University |
Session F62.00002
Electronic Cascades and Chern Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Wood, Mitchell Sandia National Laboratories |
Session V19.00002
A Path to the Exascale for Atomistic Simulations with Improved Accuracy, Length and Time Scales
Wrachtrup, J. University of Stuttgart |
Session X49.00004
Spin dynamics in 3D and 2D
Wray, Lewis New York Univ NYU |
Session F50.00001
Band structure and local electronic correlations in triplet superconductor UTe2
Wu, Pan LinkedIn Corporation |
Session R58.00003
Building a safe and professional community at LinkedIn using Data Science
Wu, Shuang Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session B49.00005
Chern Insulators and Topological Flat-bands in Magic-angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Wu, Tao University of Science and Technology of China |
Session Y50.00005
Spin-Orbital-Intertwined Nematic State in FeSe
Xi, Xiaoxing Temple University |
Session M10.00002
Andrei Sakharov Prize (2020): Scientific Espionage, Open Exchange, and American Competitiveness
Xiao, Di Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session S35.00001
Stacking dependent magnetism in van der Waals magnets
Xie, Aihua Oklahoma State |
Session C12.00009
Time-resolved Infrared Structural Biology of Proteins: Bringing New Light to Protein Structural Dynamics and Function
Xie, Stephen Raymond Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida |
Session E18.00004
Machine learning the functional form of the superconducting critical temperature
Xie, Weiwei Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Session E54.00009
Chemistry Perspectives to Discover Novel Rare-Earth-Free Ferromagnetic Material with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling
Xu, Jing University of California, Merced |
Session E11.00009
Cholesterol in cargo membrane amplifies inhibitory effect of MAP tau on kinesin-1
Xu, Ting University of California, Berkeley |
Session V08.00011
Entropy Driven Assemblies in Dilute Solution
Xu, Yang Cornell University |
Session Y57.00007
Probing correlated insulating states in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session B52.00008
Phase Controlled Topological Superconductivity
Yan, Jing Yale University |
Session B13.00010
Revealing biomechanical feedback during biofilm growth with single-cell resolution imaging and modeling
Yan, Peng University of Electronic Science and Technology of China |
Session J38.00001
Robust edge states in magnetic-texture based metamaterials
Yanase, Youichi Kyoto Univ |
Session A49.00001
A Theory from First-principles on Magnetism and Superconductivity in UTe2
Yang, Bohm-Jung Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University |
Session J10.00001
Quantum distance and anomalous Landau levels of flat bands
Yang, Li Washington University, St. Louis |
Session E22.00001
First-principles studies of light-matter interactions in two-dimensional structures
Yang, Patricia Stanford Univ |
Session C14.00001
Group size effects in jackdaw flocks
Yang, See-Hun IBM Research - Almaden |
Session P40.00003
Anomalous Chiral Exchange Drag in Synthetic Antiferromagnets
Yao, Norman University of California, Berkeley |
Session S27.00013
George E. Valley, Jr. Prize
Yasuda, Kenji Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M52.00001
Nonreciprocal charge transport at magnetic topological insulator interfaces
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session B49.00003
Correlation and Topology in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Ye, Peide (Peter) Purdue University |
Session Y56.00001
Dynamic Studies of Polarization Switch in Ferroelectric HfZrO2
Yi, Ming Rice Univ |
Session S50.00004
Electronic Nematicity in FeSe
Yin, Jiaxin Princeton University |
Session P52.00001
Tunneling into topological magnets: discovery of Chern and many-body phenomena
Yin, Xiaobo University of Colorado Boulder |
Session S55.00009
Large Scale Optical Metamaterials for Energy and Sustainability
Yingling, Yaroslava North Carolina State University |
Session B01.00003
Optimization of organic molecules and macromolecules using machine learning
Yonath, Ada Department of Structural Biology, Weizmann Institute |
Session B62.00005
Beller Lecture (2021): How do intruders take over their hosts?
Yoneda, Jun Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session V35.00004
Quantum non-demolition spin measurement in quantum dots
Young, Andrea University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J35.00004
IUPAP Award Talk
Yu, Peng Department of Physics, New York Univ NYU |
Session X58.00003
Non-Majorana states yield nearly-quantized conductance in proximatized nanowires
Yu, Rong Renmin Univ of China |
Session Y50.00003
Orbital-selective correlation and nematicity in iron-based superconductors
Yunger Halpern, Nicole Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session B60.00001
Learning about learning by many-body systems
Zaccone, Alessio Department of Physics, University of Milan |
Session X20.00001
Understanding the boson peak in glasses and glassy polymers
Zadrozny, Joseph Colorado State University |
Session S39.00003
Molecular Approaches to Magnetic Relaxation in Noisy, Magnetic Environments
Zaitseva, Natalia Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session J60.00011
Advances in organic scintillators for fast and thermal neutron detection
Zanni, Martin T University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session J26.00005
Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics: Hyperspectral Imaging with ultrafast 2D spectroscopies : Principles And Applications To Biological And Materials Systems
Zeiher, Johannes Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session M27.00001
Tracking evaporative cooling of an atomic quantum gas in real time
Zeljkovic, Ilija Boston College |
Session J37.00003
Imaging the impact of atomic-scale disorder and temperature fluctuations on antiferromagnetic ordering in iridates
Zhai, Xiaofang ShanghaiTech University |
Session E35.00003
Symmetry Control of Emergent Magnetism in 2D Oxide Monolayer and Heterostructures
Zhang, Han University of Tennessee |
Session F37.00006
Comprehensive control of the metamagnetism of antiferromagnet Sr2IrO4 via pseudo Jahn-Teller Effect
Zhang, Linfeng Beijing Institute of Big Data Research |
Session F22.00001
Machine learning assisted interatomic and electronic structure models for molecular simulation
Zhang, Rui Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session B05.00013
Design of Defect Dynamics and Flows in Active Liquid Crystal Systems
Room: 05 |
Zhang, Shiwei Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute; William & Mary |
Session R21.00008
Recent progress in computational studies of the two-dimensional Hubbard model
Zhang, Yaojun Princeton University |
Session A12.00001
Decoding the physical principles of biomolecular phase separation
Zhang, Yue Facebook |
Session E58.00002
Experience Sharing: Machine Learning for Recommendation System
Zhang, Zhen Columbia Univ |
Session V20.00009
Thermal Conductivity of CaSiO3 Perovskite at Lower Mantle Conditions
Zhang, Zhenyu International Center for Quantum Design of Functional Materials (ICQD), University of Science and Technology of China |
Session S57.00009
Predictive Discoveries of 2D Materials for Topological Superconductivity and High-Tc Superconductivity
Zhao, Kan Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Augsburg University |
Session E39.00007
Realization of the kagome spin ice state in frustrated intermetallic HoAgGe
Zhao, Liuyan University of Michigan |
Session S35.00002
Rich behaviors of magnetic excitations in a two-dimensional honeycomb Ising magnet CrI3
Zheludev, Andrey ETH Zurich |
Session R39.00010
A zoo of presaturation phases in novel quantum ferro-antiferromagnets.
Zhen, Bo University of Pennsylvania |
Session C27.00012
Topological photonics at the nanoscale
Zheng, Guoji Delft University of Technology |
Session Y32.00009
Rapid gate-based readout of spins in silicon using an on-chip resonator
Zheng, Haimei Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of California |
Session S58.00005
In Situ Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging of Nanocrystal Transformations
Zheng, Huaixiu Google Brain |
Session R58.00005
Applying Deep Learning to Natural Language and Conversational AI
Zhu, Jun Pennsylvania State University |
Session S35.00003
Ferromagnetism in van der Waals compound Mn(Sb, Bi)2Te4
Zhu, Yimei Condensed Matter Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session B53.00002
Exploring photoinduced transitions and lattice dynamics in strongly correlated systems
Ziurys, Lucy M Univ of Arizona |
Session E26.00007
The Fate of Carbon in the Interstellar Medium: Experiment, Theory and Observations
Zong, Alfred University of California, Berkeley |
Session X62.00003
Out-of-equilibrium phase competition mediated by photoinduced fluctuations
Zurek, Eva State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session E18.00003
Towards Room Temperature Superconductivity in Hydride-Based Materials Under Pressure