Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 1
Saturday–Tuesday, February 13–16, 2010; Washington, DC
Invited Speakers
Accardi, Alberto Hampton U. \& Jefferson Lab |
Session A2.00001 Flavor separation at large x Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Adams, Todd Florida State University |
Session B1.00001 Searches for New Physics at the Tevatron Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Adhikari, Rana Caltech |
Session Q4.00001 The LIGO and Virgo Gravitational Wave Detectors Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Aftergood, Steven Federation of American Scientists |
Session B5.00002 Secrecy and Physicists: Intersections of Science and National Security Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Aguirre-Bastos, Carlos The National Academy of Sciences of Bolivia |
Session J6.00001 Policy for Research and Innovation in Latin America Room: Washington 5 |
Ahmed, Mohammad Duke University/TUNL |
Session K7.00001 An overview of the research program at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIGS) to study light nuclei Room: Delaware A |
Akerib, Dan Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University |
Session S1.00002 Searching for WIMPs in the Galactic Halo: Scaling Up with Liquid Xenon Detectors Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Akiba, Yasuyuki RIKEN |
Session P7.00001 Enhanced production of direct photons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 GeV and implications for the initial temperature Room: Delaware A |
Arce, Ayana Duke University |
Session B1.00002 Prospects for New Physics at the LHC Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Arrington, John R. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G2.00002 The EMC Effect: Recent data and future corrections Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Augustine, Norman Retired Chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation |
Session N1.00001 A Space Program Worthy of a Great Nation Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Badenes, Carles Weizmann Institute of Science and Tel-Aviv University |
Session S3.00003 Supernova Remnants as Probes of Type Ia Nucleosynthesis Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Bagayoko, Diola Southern University and A\&M College |
Session D3.00003 Systemic Mentoring for Competitiveness: The Model of the Timbuktu Academy Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Bai, Mei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X6.00002 Status and Outlook for the RHIC Luminosity Upgrade Room: Washington 5 |
Bao, Lei The Ohio State University |
Session Y4.00003 Teaching to Learn and Learning to Teach Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Baring, Matthew Rice University |
Session A3.00002 Implications of Fermi Observations for Gamma-Ray Pulsar Emission Models Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Beier, Eugene University of Pennsylvania |
Session H1.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics Talk: 40 Years of Neutrino Physics--A Personal History Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Bellan, Paul Caltech |
Session H3.00002 Exploring how astrophysical jets work using laboratory plasma jets Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Belz, John University of Utah |
Session X3.00002 Composition Studies of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays with the High Resolution Fly's Eye Observatory Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Benmokhtar, Fatiha Carnegie Mellon |
Session P3.00002 Strange sea contribution to the ground state charge and magnetization of the nucleon Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Bergmann, Uwe Linac Coherent Light Source, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session D6.00003 Light Driven Energy Research at LCLS: Planned Pump-Probe X-ray Spectroscopy Studies on Photosynthetic Water Splitting Room: Washington 5 |
Berrah, Nora Western Michigan University |
Session Q6.00003 Women Physicists in Academia Room: Washington 5 |
Birman, Joseph L. City College and City University of New York |
Session S5.00001 Andrei Sakharov Prize Talk: Supporting Repressed Scientists: Continuing Efforts Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Bonatsos, Dennis Institute of Nuclear Physics, N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Athens, Greece |
Session J5.00002 Discovery of a quasi-dynamical symmetry along the arc of regularity Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Borucki, William J. NASA Ames Research Center |
Session V1.00002 Status of Kepler Mission and Early Discoveries Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Broderick, Avery CITA |
Session D4.00003 Nature of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Brown, David Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session X1.00003 The e+e- perspective on the state of heavy flavor physics Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Brown, Michael Swarthmore College |
Session P4.00001 Experimental/observational overview: what laboratory can offer to astro- and vice-versa Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Brush, Stephen University of Maryland |
Session K5.00001 Theory and Experiment in the Quantum-Relativity Revolution (Pais History of Physics Prize 2009) Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Cachazo, Freddy IAS/Perimeter |
Session J2.00003 Dual Formulation of the S-Matrix of Super-Yang-Mills (and perhaps of Gravity) Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Calder, Alan Stony Brook University |
Session K3.00001 Advances in the Modeling of Type Ia Supernovae Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Campbell, E. Michael Logos Technology |
Session K6.00002 The Sustainable Nuclear Future: Fission and Fusion E.M. Campbell Logos Technologies Room: Washington 5 |
Capasso, Federico School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session X4.00002 Freedom from band-gap slavery: from diode lasers to quantum cascade lasers Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Caprio, M.A. University of Notre Dame |
Session J5.00001 Algebraic methods for the nuclear geometric description Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Carlstrom, John Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics |
Session V1.00001 Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Church, Sarah Stanford University |
Session Y3.00001 Results from the QUaD Experiment Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Collins, Warren Fisk University |
Session Q5.00002 80 Years of Physics at Fisk University Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Crabtree, George Argonne National Laboratory |
Session K6.00001 The Sustainable Energy Challenge Room: Washington 5 |
Crespi, Gustavo Atilio Interamerican Development Bank |
Session J6.00006 The financial support perspective ? Interamerican Development Bank Room: Washington 5 |
Csaki, Csaba Cornell University |
Session J2.00002 Strongly Coupled Theories: Applications of AdS/CFT Correspondence Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Delgado-Aparicio, L. The Johns Hopkins University |
Session A6.00002 Multi-energy SXR imaging for magnetically confined fusion studies Room: Washington 5 |
Diallo, Ahmed SPE, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia presently at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A |
Session A6.00001 Application of Spectro-Polarimetric Techniques for Imaging Plasma Flows and Current Density in Fusion Devices Room: Washington 5 |
Dickerson, James Vanderbilt University, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session D3.00002 Mentoring Masters-to-PhD Students: Reflections of the Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters to PhD Bridge Program Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Doeleman, Sheperd MIT Haystack Observatory |
Session D4.00002 Observing an Event Horizon: (sub)mm Wavelength VLBI of SgrA* Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Dorland, William University of Maryland |
Session P4.00003 Gyrokinetics in astrophysics -- from tokamaks to galaxies Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Duez, Matthew Cornell University |
Session G4.00002 What happens when black holes and neutron stars merge? Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
El Tayeb, Mustafa United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
Session J6.00003 Perspective from UNESCO Room: Washington 5 |
Englert, Francois Universit\'e Libre de Bruxelles, Emeritus |
Session P1.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Eno, Sarah University of Maryland |
Session S1.00003 Missing energy based searches at colliders: gateway to dark matter in the lab? Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Ezin, Jean-Pierre Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Headquarters |
Session J6.00002 Science and Technology Programs with the African Union and the African Development Bank Room: Washington 5 |
Ezin, Jean-Pierre Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union Headquarters |
Session B4.00001 Science and Technology in Africa: The African Union New Initiative and Financial Support Perspectives Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Falcke, Heino Radboud University, Nijmegen \& ASTRON, Dwingeloo |
Session Y1.00002 Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos above 10$^{21}$ eV - the NuMoon experiment with WSRT and LOFAR Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Finkbeiner, Douglas Harvard CfA |
Session Q1.00002 Indirect Detection and Theoretical Models Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Flanagan, Kieran The University of Manchester |
Session G5.00001 Reordering of Nuclear Quantum States in Rare Isotopes Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Frankel, Felice Harvard University |
Session A5.00002 More Than Pretty Pictures: How Translating Science Concepts into Pictures Advances Scientific Thinking Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Freeman, John Fermilab |
Session G1.00003 Electroweak Physics at the Tevatron and LHC Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Friedman, Jerome Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J1.00003 A Student's View of Fermi Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Funk, Stefan Stanford University |
Session S3.00002 Gamma-Ray Emission from Supernova Remnants Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Gagliardi, Carl Texas A\&M University |
Session G5.00003 Final Results on Muon Decay from TWIST Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Galison, Peter Harvard University |
Session B5.00001 Secrecy and Physics Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Garcia-Garcia, Jose Hipolito Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico, 64849 |
Session J6.00005 Perspective from the Graduate Students Room: Washington 5 |
Garwin, Richard L. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session J1.00002 Working with Fermi at Chicago and Los Alamos Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Geha, Marla Astronomy Department Yale University |
Session Q1.00001 Dark Matter Observed in the Universe Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Gerber, Cecilia E. University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session G1.00001 Understanding the Top Quark Fifteen Years After Its Discovery Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Gilman, Ronald Rutgers University |
Session A7.00001 Electromagnetic Reactions Involving Light Nuclei Room: Delaware A |
Giordmaine, J.A. NEC Laboratories America |
Session X4.00001 First light : from the ruby laser to nonlinear optics Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Gollub, Jerry Haverford College |
Session Q5.00003 Research and Education in Physics and Astronomy at Haverford College Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Granot, Jonathan University of Hertfordshire |
Session G3.00001 Highlights from Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Griesshammer, Harald W. George Washington U. |
Session H6.00003 Large Scattering Lengths, Universality, Correlations and Few-Nucleon Systems Room: Washington 5 |
Grosse Perdekamp, Matthias University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session G2.00003 Nuclear Effects in Nucleon Structure and the Initial State in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Gruener, Florian University of Munich LMU |
Session H4.00003 Laser-driven soft x-ray undulator source Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Gubser, Steven Princeton University |
Session B2.00001 The Gauge-String Duality and Quantum Chromodynamics Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Gueye, Paul Hampton University |
Session B4.00002 International Interdisciplinary Research Institute Project in Senegal Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Guillemot, Lucas Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Radioastronomie |
Session A3.00001 Fermi Observations of Gamma-ray Pulsars Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Guralnik, Gerald S. Brown University |
Session P1.00003 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Guth, Alan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D1.00001 Eternal Inflation: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse? Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Hafidi, Kawtar Argonne National Laboratory |
Session A2.00003 Transverse momentum and orbital angular momentum of light quarks in the nucleon Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Hagen, Carl R. University of Rochester |
Session P1.00004 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Hall, John L. JILA/University of Colorado |
Session X4.00003 Developing Stabilized Lasers, Measuring their Frequencies, demoting the Metre, inventing the Comb, and further consequences Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Happer, William Princeton University |
Session B5.00003 How Much Secrecy? Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Hartnoll, Sean Harvard University |
Session A4.00003 Holographic approach to condensed matter physics Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Hayes, Anna Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q2.00003 CP-violating Moments in Few-body Systems Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Heckel, Blayne University of Washington |
Session Q2.00002 Results from a Search for the Permanent Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of $^{199}$Hg Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Hecker, Siegfried Stanford University |
Session D5.00003 In search of plutonium: A nonproliferation journey Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Heeger, Karsten M. University of Wisconsin |
Session P2.00002 Probing Neutrino Mixing with Non-Accelerator Experiments Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Hehn, Jack American Institute of Physics |
Session P6.00003 A Strong Sense of Belonging Room: Washington 5 |
Higgs, Peter W. University of Edinburgh, Emeritus |
Session P1.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Hirvonen, Pekka University of Joensuu |
Session Y4.00002 Physics teacher education in Finland and reasons underlying the top scores of Finnish students on international assessments Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Hodari, Apriel CNA Corporation |
Session X2.00002 Beyond Dialogue and Good Intention: Taking Action on Gender and Race in Physics Departments Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Hoffman, Calem Florida State University |
Session Y5.00001 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Holmes, Stephen Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session K1.00001 Project X: A multi-MW Proton Source at Fermilab Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Holtkamp, Norbert ITER Cadarache Joint Work Site |
Session D6.00002 Plasma Heating and Current Drive for Fusion Reactors Room: Washington 5 |
Hoodbhoy, Pervez |
Session X5.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk: Science and Subversion -- Experiences from Pakistan Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Howes, Ruth Ball State University |
Session P6.00001 SPIN-UP Ten Years Later: What's Still Solid and What's New Room: Washington 5 |
Hughes, John P. Rutgers University |
Session S3.00001 Observational Constraints on Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Supernova Remnants Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Incandela, Joseph University of California Santa Barbara |
Session A1.00003 CMS Status and First Results Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Jansson, Andreas Fermilab |
Session H4.00002 Key R{\&}D challenges for a muon collider Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Jose, Jordi Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya |
Session K3.00003 New Hydrodynamical Models of Type I X-Ray Bursts Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Karplus Hartline, Beverly University of the District of Columbia |
Session Q6.00002 Opportunities and Challenges for Women in Physics in National Laboratories Room: Washington 5 |
Katsanevas, Stavros IN2P3/CNRS |
Session B3.00001 European Strategy for Astroparticle Physics Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Kawall, David University of Massachusetts |
Session G1.00002 The Standard Model : Low Energy Measurements Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Kibble, T.W.B. Imperial College |
Session P1.00005 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Kinney, Will University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Session D1.00002 Inflation Confronts Observations Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Kovac, John M. Department of Astronomy, Harvard University |
Session Y3.00003 Results from the BICEP Experiment and Future Plans Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Kovchegov, Yuri The Ohio State University |
Session B2.00002 The Gauge-String Duality in Nuclear Collisions Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Lai, Yue Shi Columbia University |
Session K2.00003 Direct jet reconstruction in $p + p$ and $\mathrm{Cu} + \mathrm{Cu}$ collisions at PHENIX Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Lankford, Andrew University of California, Irvine |
Session A1.00002 ATLAS Status and First Results Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Larsen, Finn University of Michigan |
Session A4.00001 Astrophysical Black Holes in String Theory? Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Lawrence, William State Department |
Session J6.00004 Perspective from the US Room: Washington 5 |
Laws, Priscilla Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dickinson College |
Session S6.00002 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Curriculum Development for Active Learning using Real Time Graphing and Data Collection Tools Room: Washington 5 |
Lean, Judith Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 |
Session N1.00003 Surface Temperature Responses to Natural and Anthropogenic Influences: Past, Present, and Future Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Lee, Tsung-Dao Columbia University |
Session J1.00001 Fermi at Columbia and Reminiscence of Chicago Days Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Li, Hui Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H3.00001 Global Structures of Radio Galaxies -- Theory and Simulations Meet Observations Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Liebling, Steven Long Island University |
Session S4.00003 Status Report on Black Hole Critical Behavior Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Lousto, Carlos Rochester Institute of Technology-CCRG |
Session G4.00001 Statistical studies of Spinning Black-Hole Binaries Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Loveland, Walter Oregon State University |
Session S2.00003 Hot fusion or cold fusion, best route to the SHEs? Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Lung, Allison Jefferson Lab |
Session X6.00001 Progress on the CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade Room: Washington 5 |
Lyons, Peter consultant |
Session H5.00003 Perspective from Capitol Hill and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
MacLeod, Gordon Department of Science \& Technology |
Session B4.00003 African Astronomy and the Square Kilometre Array Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Makins, Naomi University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session N1.00002 Nucleon Spin Puzzle Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Malcom, Shirley American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Session E1.00002 The Value of Diversity in STEM Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Matos, Milan LSU |
Session Y7.00001 Mass Measurements for Nuclear Astrophysics Room: Delaware A |
McAllister, Liam Cornell University |
Session D1.00003 Inflation as a Probe of Fundamental Physics Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
McGuire, Stephen Southern University and A\&M College |
Session G6.00003 Broadening horizons via the off-campus undergraduate research experience in physics Room: Washington 5 |
McLaughlin, Gail North Carolina State University |
Session Y1.00003 Neutrinos from Supernovae: Flavor Transformation, Detection and Nucleosynthesis Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Meier, Alan University of California, Davis |
Session P5.00001 Teaching the Fundamentals of Energy Efficiency Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Merritt, David Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session D4.00001 Probing strong-field gravity at the galactic center using stellar motions Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Miller, Gerald University of Washington |
Session G2.00001 Hadrons inside and outside the medium Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Miyamoto, Ryoichi University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y5.00002 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Beam Physics Award Talk Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Morgan, Erica A. Department of Physics \& Astronomy, Fisk-Vanderbilt University |
Session D3.00001 ``Crossing the Bridge'' One Student's Journey Through the Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters to Ph.D. Program Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Moses, Robert P. The Algebra Project |
Session E1.00003 The Algebra Project’s Strategy to Accelerate the Nation's Bottom Quartile Students’ Math Education and Get Them Ready for College Math Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Mulvey, Patrick American Institute of Physics |
Session G6.00002 Undergraduate Research: A National Overview for Physics Room: Washington 5 |
Murayama, Hitoshi Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo |
Session B3.00003 Japanese Programs in Astro-Particle Physics Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Murgia, Simona SLAC-KIPAC |
Session Q1.00003 Recent Results on Dark Matter Searches with Fermi Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Murphy, Tom University of California, San Diego |
Session K4.00003 Advancing Tests of Relativity via Lunar Laser Ranging Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Murray, Cherry Harvard University |
Session L1.00001 Past President's Address |
Myers, Steve CERN |
Session Q3.00001 The large hadron collider program Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Myers, Steve Director of Accelerators and Technology, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) |
Session A1.00001 Status of the CERN Large Hadron Collider and first beam operation Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Nadel-Turonski, Pawel Jefferson Lab |
Session H2.00001 Physics for Future Facilities for QCD Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Nagle, James University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Y2.00002 The Highest Temperature Matter on Earth Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Nayyar, Abdul Sustainable Development Policy Institute |
Session X5.00002 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Nazarewicz, Witold University of Tennessee/ORNL |
Session S2.00002 Fission Barriers of Compound Superheavy Nuclei Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Nico, Jeff NIST |
Session Q2.00001 Measuring the Neutron Lifetime Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Noble, Scott C. Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session G4.00003 Seeing Spacetime by Proxy: Binary Black Holes in Gaseous Environments Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Norman, Eric Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Univ. of California at Berkeley |
Session Y2.00001 An Introduction to Nuclear Physics - Teaching from the Nuclear Science Wall Chart Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
O'Hara, Kenneth The Pennsylvania State University |
Session H6.00001 Universal Three-Body Bound States of Ultracold Fermionic Atoms Room: Washington 5 |
Ogawa, Akio Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H2.00003 Forward particle production in d+Au collisions Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Ott, Christian D. TAPIR, California Institute of Technology |
Session S4.00001 Computational Models of Stellar Collapse, Core-Collapse Supernovae, and Black Hole Formation Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Otte, Nepomuk University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session G3.00003 TeV Observation of Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Sources Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Page, Lyman Princeton University |
Session Y3.00002 Measurements of the CMB Polarization with WMAP Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Pascoli, Silvia Durham University |
Session P2.00003 Leptogenesis Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Pawloski, Gregory Stanford University |
Session P2.00001 Accelerator Neutrino Experiments: Current status of the neutrino sector and what we would like to learn from future experiments Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Peoples, Jr, John Fermilab |
Session H1.00002 Robert R. Wilson Prize for Achievement in the Physics of Particle Accelerators Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Petriello, Frank University of Wisconsin |
Session J2.00001 Recent Results in Perturbative QCD Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Pieper, Steven C. Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D2.00003 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics Talk: Finding Real Nuclei in Imaginary Time Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Plapp, Brendan 2000-2001 APS Congressional Science Fellow |
Session H5.00002 A Decade in DC: The Congressional Science Fellowship and Beyond Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Ploskon, Mateusz Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K2.00002 Full Jet Reconstruction at RHIC Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Podvig, Pavel CISAC, Stanford University |
Session D5.00002 U.S.-Russian cooperation in nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Pretorius, Frans Princeton University |
Session S4.00002 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Talk: Black Hole Collisions Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Pripstein, Morris (Moishe) Physics Division, National Science Foundation |
Session S5.00002 Andrei Sakharov Prize Talk: Guerrilla Tactics for Human Rights: the Paradigm of Scientists for Sakharov, Orlov and Sharansky (SOS) Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Punjabi, Vina Norfolk State University |
Session P3.00003 Novel Features of Hadronic Form Factors Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Quinn, Kate American Council on Education |
Session X2.00003 Faculty career flexibility: Why we need it and how best to achieve it Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Rath, Bhakta Naval Research Laboratory |
Session K6.00003 Alternate Energy for National Security. Room: Washington 5 |
Reisetter, Angela University of Minnesota and St. Olaf College |
Session S1.00001 Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Ritchie, Jack University of Texas at Austin |
Session K1.00003 Experiments at the Limits of the Intensity Frontier Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Ritz, Steve SCIPP, University of California - Santa Cruz |
Session B3.00002 Report from the Particle Astrophysics Scientific Assessment Group Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Rolfs, C. Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Emeritus |
Session D2.00001 Hans A. Bethe Prize Talk: LUNA: a Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Roser, Rob Fermilab |
Session V1.00003 The Search for the Higgs Bosons and More at the Tevatron Collider Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Ruan, Lijuan BNL |
Session S11.00001 Heavy Quarkonium Production at RHIC Room: Maryland C |
Salam, Gavin LPTHE, UPMC Paris and CNRS |
Session K2.00001 New Jet Methods for High-Multiplicity Environments Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Saltzberg, David University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Y1.00001 Results from the ANITA search for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays using the Radio detection technique Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Sanborn, Jim |
Session A5.00001 Perspective of an Artist Inspired by Physics Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Scales, Wayne Virginia Tech |
Session A6.00003 Investigations of Dusty Plasmas in the Near Earth Space Environment Room: Washington 5 |
Schlamminger, Stephan University of Washington |
Session K4.00001 Laboratory Tests of the Inverse Square Law of Gravity Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Seidl, Ralf RIKEN BNL Research Center |
Session A2.00002 Flavor decomposition and extraction of quark and gluon polarizations Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Sekaric, Lidija Department of Energy |
Session Q6.00001 Experience of women physicist in industry (Tentative) Room: Washington 5 |
Sessoms, Allen Univ of District of Columbia |
Session H5.00001 Perspective from Academia and Government Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Seto, Richard University of California, Riverside |
Session B2.00003 Testing Gauge-String Duality with Nuclear Collision Data from RHIC Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Shaughnessy, Dawn Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session S2.00001 Status of the search for the heaviest elements Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Shawhan, Peter University of Maryland |
Session Q4.00002 Multi-Messenger Astronomy and Astrophysics with Gravitational-Wave Transients Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Sheffield, Richard L. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D6.00001 Increasing the Acceptance of Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal by the Transmutation of Minor Actinides Using an Accelerator Room: Washington 5 |
Sherrill, Bradley Michigan State University |
Session Y2.00003 Search for the Origins of the Elements and Their Isotopes Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Sickles, Anne Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H2.00002 Baryons and Evidence for Direct Hadron Production in Heavy Ion Collisions Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Siemens, Xavier University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee |
Session Q4.00003 Science of continuous gravitational wave signals: periodic waves and the stochastic background Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Sigl, Guenter University of Hamburg |
Session X3.00003 Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Origin and Model Building in Light of new data Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Slakey, Linda Acting Executive Officer of the Education and Human Resources Directorate, NSF |
Session E1.00001 Catalyzing Widespread Implementation of Good Teaching Practices Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 1-2 |
Sokoloff, David University of Oregon |
Session S6.00003 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Sharing Active Learning Strategies in the Developed and Developing Worlds Room: Washington 5 |
Solvignon, Patricia Jefferson Lab |
Session P3.00001 New measurement of the EMC effect in light nuclei Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Sowwan, Mukhles Al-Quds University-Palestinian Authority |
Session Q3.00003 Marshak Lectureship Talk: SESAME: An International Collaborative Science Project in the Middle East Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Spencer, Cherrill Stanford University |
Session Y4.00001 Session Overview Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Spitkovsky, Anatoly Princeton University |
Session A3.00003 Particle acceleration in pulsar magnetospheres Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Springer, Roxanne Duke University |
Session G5.00002 An Effective-Field-Theory Analysis of Low-energy Parity Violation in the NN System Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Spruill, Mary The National Energy Education Development Project |
Session P5.00003 Educating High School and Middle School Teachers and Students about Energy Systems Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Starkman, Glenn Case Western Reserve University |
Session A4.00002 Realistic (?) Quantum Black Holes at the LHC Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Starrfield, Sumner Arizona State University |
Session K3.00002 Nucleosynthesis in the Classical Nova Outburst Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Stawarz, Lukasz KIPAC, Stanford University |
Session H3.00003 Extended Lobes as Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Stetcu, Ionel University of Washington |
Session H6.00002 Universal interactions in atomic and low-energy few-nucleon systems Room: Washington 5 |
Stewart, John University of Arkansas |
Session B6.00002 Characterizing the Fundamental Intellectual Steps Required in the Solution of Conceptual Problems Room: Washington 5 |
Stone, Sheldon Syracuse University |
Session X1.00002 Status of LHCb Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Strassler, Matthew Rutgers University |
Session B1.00003 Anticipating Discoveries in the LHC Era Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Sullivan, Michael SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session H4.00001 SuperB: Design and Update Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Tang, Xianzhu Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session P4.00002 Large scale dynamics of laboratory and astrophysical plasmas: bridging the lab/astro scale gaps and its limitations Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Taylor, Wendy York University |
Session X1.00001 Heavy Flavor Physics - News from the Tevatron Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Teodorescu, Raluca Department of Physics, The George Washington University |
Session B6.00001 A New Approach to Analyzing the Cognitive Load in Physics Problems Room: Washington 5 |
Thoennessen, Michael Michigan State University |
Session G6.00004 Impact of Undergraduate Research Experiences on Graduate Research programs Room: Washington 5 |
Thoennessen, Michael Michigan State University |
Session J5.00003 Indication of Unusual Structure in Very Neutron Rich Nuclei Near $^{62}$Ti Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Thornton, Ronald Tufts University |
Session S6.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: The Role of Physics Education Research in the Design and Assessment of Active Learning Curricula and Tools Room: Washington 5 |
Ting, Samuel Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q3.00002 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Touboul, Pierre ONERA |
Session K4.00002 ESA's GOCE gravity gradiometer mission Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Turlo, Jozefina Nicolaus Copernicu University, Institute of Physics |
Session Y4.00004 Are the Competencies of Science Teachers and the Scientific Literacy of Society Essential for Success of Physics Students? Room: Thurgood Marshall North |
Ulrich, Ralf Penn State University |
Session X3.00001 Observations of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays by the Pierre Auger Observatory Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Voloshin, Sergei Wayne State University |
Session Q7.00001 Observation of charge-dependent azimuthal correlations and possible local strong parity violation in heavy ion collisions Room: Delaware A |
von Baeyer, Hans College of William \& Mary |
Session Q5.00001 250 Years of Physics at the College of William and Mary: 1760-2010 Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
von Hippel, Frank Princeton University |
Session D5.00001 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Talk: Controlling and eliminating nuclear-weapon materials Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Voss, Gustav-Adolf DESY, Retired |
Session K5.00002 Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics Talk: Nuclear Fusion Power: Are we really serious about our future? Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Walter, Christopher Duke University |
Session K1.00002 Neutrinos at the Intensity Frontier Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Weiss, Christian Jefferson Lab |
Session D8.00001 Nuclear Physics with an Electron-Ion Collider Room: Delaware B |
Wells Bonning, Erin Yale University |
Session G3.00002 Multiwavelength observations of Fermi blazars Room: Thurgood Marshall South |
Whisnant, C. Steven James Madison University |
Session P6.00002 Growing Physics and Astronomy at James Madison University Room: Washington 5 |
White, Herman B. Bouchet Award |
Session H1.00003 Edward A. Bouchet Award Talk Room: Marriott Ballroom Salon 2 |
Whitesides, George Harvard University |
Session A5.00003 Using Art to Teach Science Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Winick, Herman SLAC, Stanford Unvirsity |
Session S5.00003 Andrei Sakharov Prize Talk: Human Rights and International Science -- a Symbiotic Relationship Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Wiringa, Robert Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D2.00002 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics Talk: Nuclear Forces and the Universe Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
Wolfson, Richard Middlebury College |
Session P5.00002 Energy Education: The Quantitative Voice Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Yang, Tingjun Fermilab |
Session Y5.00003 Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award in Experimental Particle Physics Talk Room: Thurgood Marshall West |
Yennello, Sherry Texas A\&M University |
Session G6.00001 Organizing a Successful REU Site Room: Washington 5 |
Yennello, Sherry Texas A\&M University |
Session X2.00001 Improving Climate and Gender Equity in Physics Departments Room: Thurgood Marshall East |
York, Richard Michigan State University |
Session X6.00003 Realization of FRIB at Michigan State University Room: Washington 5 |
Zollman, Dean Kansas State University |
Session B6.00003 Applying physics to solve problems in new contexts and representations: Methods Students Use Room: Washington 5 |
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