APS April Meeting 2010
Volume 55, Number 1
Saturday–Tuesday, February 13–16, 2010;
Washington, DC
Session A2: Flavor Decomposition of the Parton Distribution Functions
8:30 AM–10:18 AM,
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Room: Thurgood Marshall East
Chair: Rolf Ent, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.APR.A2.2
Abstract: A2.00002 : Flavor decomposition and extraction of quark and gluon polarizations
9:06 AM–9:42 AM
Preview Abstract
Ralf Seidl
(RIKEN BNL Research Center)
Initially experiments accessed the polarized nucleon structure
mostly via inclusive deep inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering
(DIS) from SLAC to CERN, DESY and JLAB. While carried out with
great success, the extracted flavor information is limited to
applying iso-spin symmetry to different nucleons and evolution.
In semi-inclusive DIS (SIDIS), where one detects an additional
hadron in the final state, one becomes sensitive to the flavor of
the struck parton via fragmentation functions. At first this
became possible for unidentified hadrons in SMC, before HERMES
and COMPASS measured the helicity quark distribution functions in
great detail. The necessary fragmentation functions were
predominantly obtained from LEP experiments, while nowadays also
SIDIS data and soon B-factory data will be used.
Two aspects cannot be accessed as easily in present-day SIDIS,
however. The gluon helicity distribution is not directly
accessible in the dominant processes. This function is therefore
being measured at RHIC by PHENIX and STAR where high energetic
interactions are dominated by gluons. Also here, one makes use of
fragmentation functions or measures jet observables.
The other aspect still poorly determined is the sea quark
helicity distribution, which, apart from ongoing and future SIDIS
measurements, is being accessed in a new way in real W boson
production. The charge of the W nearly fixes the flavor of the
participating partons while the parity violation of the weak
interaction fixes their helicity. One can therefore obtain
information on the light sea and valence quark distributions at
high scale.
Initially each experiment extracted polarized, flavor separated
quark distribution functions for their own data. Nowadays global
analysis frameworks such as most recently DSSV and DSS extract
the different parton flavor helicity distribution functions and
unpolarized fragmentation functions of the world data.
In order to access the transverse spin structure of the nucleon,
unpolarized and polarized fragmentation functions are essential.
Also here the fragmentation functions allow to extract flavor
dependent information. However, so far the data is still limited
and several theoretical aspects not completely settled between
different processes, such that only early attempts at a global
analysis have been made using SIDIS and Belle results.
An overview of the different aspects of extracting flavor
dependent information of the nucleon structure, its status and
future measurements will be presented.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.APR.A2.2