Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018; Los Angeles, California
Invited Speakers
Aarts, Dirk Chemistry Department, University of Oxford |
Session C16.00002 Pattern formation in confined colloidal liquid crystals Room: LACC 305 |
Abbott, Nicholas Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session S57.00001 Topological defects in liquid crystals as templates for molecular self-assembly Room: LACC 518 |
Abel, Stefan IBM Research – Zurich |
Session L15.00004 Non-von Neumann computing architectures using integrated optical reservoirs Room: LACC 304C |
Abo-Shaeer, Amir Dos Pueblos Engineering Academy |
Session P61.00005 When a Weed is a Flower: Reimagining Our Classification System Room: LACC West Hall B |
Abrams, Daniel Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University |
Session V47.00001 Unexpected Patterns: Chimera States on Networks Room: LACC 507 |
Acar, Murat Yale University |
Session S49.00005 Negative feedback as a facilitator of gene network evolution Room: LACC 511A |
Ackland, Graeme University of Edinburgh |
Session X38.00001 Relating DFT MD simulations of high-pressure hydrogen to experiment. Room: LACC 501A |
Agterberg, Daniel Physics, Univ of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
Session E04.00003 The odd case of superconductivity in strontium ruthenate Room: LACC 151 |
Aharonov, Yakir Chapman University |
Session E58.00002 Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Ahn, Jong-Hyun Yonsei University |
Session S37.00007 2D Materials in 3D Architectures with Photodetector Applications Room: LACC 411 |
Akin, Minta Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session K38.00008 The Temperature of Fe at 3 Mbar Room: LACC 501A |
Akinwande, Deji Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session P37.00004 Universal Non-volatile Resistance Switching Phenomenon in Atomic Monolayers Room: LACC 411 |
Alberi, Kirstin National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session S25.00005 Novel Semiconductors for High Efficiency Photovoltaics Room: LACC 403B |
Albert, Reka Pennsylvania State University |
Session L42.00001 Using networks to model cell behaviors Room: LACC 502B |
Albert, Victor Caltech |
Session V33.00001 Filling cavities to prevent decay: bosonic quantum error correction Room: LACC 408B |
Aldridge, Bree Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Tufts University |
Session F58.00002 Adding it up: mycobacteria growth heterogeneity and antibiotic susceptibility Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Alexander-Katz, Alfredo MIT |
Session V55.00001 Lessons from In-Silico Experiments Room: LACC 515A |
Amassian, Aram KAUST Solar Center and Physical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) |
Session K56.00004 Nanoscale Energetic Mapping of Interfaces in Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Room: LACC 515B |
Anahory, Yonathan The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session Y04.00001 Imaging super-fast vortex dynamics and mapping pinning potential of individual vortices Room: LACC 151 |
Anderson, Scott Chemistry, Univ of Utah |
Session B03.00006 Size, Structure, Support, and Alloying Effects on Cluster Chemistry Room: LACC 150C |
Andrei, Eva Physics, Rutgers University |
Session V04.00001 Quantum Critical Transition and Kondo Screening of Magnetic Moments in Graphene Room: LACC 151 |
Andrich, Paolo Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session C04.00002 Long-range spin wave control of spin qubits in nanodiamonds1 Room: LACC 151 |
Anzelc, Meghan AXIS Capital |
Session E43.00004 What to do when you realize you may want to change careers: a practical guide to career planning for physicists Room: LACC 503 |
Appenzeller, Joerg ECE, Purdue University |
Session L37.00007 Lateral and Vertical Electronic Transport in 2D Layered Materials Room: LACC 411 |
Archer, Andrew Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University |
Session C02.00006 Liquid drops on surfaces: using density functional theory to calculate the binding potential and drop profiles and comparing with results from mesoscopic modelling Room: LACC 150B |
Arias, Ana UC Berkeley |
Session F56.00001 The impact of organic phototransistors on large area image sensors Room: LACC 515B |
Arias, Tomas Cornell Univ |
Session E02.00006 Joint Density-Functional Theory Room: LACC 150B |
Arion, Douglas Carthage College |
Session R32.00002 Creating a Cultural Shift in Undergraduate Physics Education for 21st Century Outcomes Room: LACC 408A |
Arita, Ryotaro Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN |
Session E05.00004 Cluster multipole theory for anomalous Hall effect in antiferromagnets Room: LACC 152 |
Armani, Andrea Chem Eng and Materials Science, University of Southern California |
Session B12.00001 Nonlinear behavior in hybrid optical resonators Room: LACC 303B |
Armbrust, Dan Silicon Catalyst |
Session F32.00003 Sustaining Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry Room: LACC 408A |
Aronson, Igor Biomedical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University |
Session H42.00001 Confinement and substrate topography control 3D cell migration Room: LACC 502B |
Arzt, Eduard INM - Leibniz Institute for New Materials |
Session X58.00002 Bioinspired micropatterned adhesives – from micromechanics to robotic function Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Asaba, Tomoya Physics, Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session P13.00001 Rotational symmetry breaking in the superconducting state of doped bismuth selenides Room: LACC 304A |
Aschauer, Ulrich Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern |
Session F11.00001 Theoretical studies of defects in oxide thin films Room: LACC 303A |
Ashoori, Raymond Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session C07.00004 Sharp Tunneling Resonance from Vibrations of a 2D Wigner Crystal Room: LACC 153B |
Assaf, Michael Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem |
Session Y42.00001 Noise-Induced Rare Events in Population Dynamics: The Effect of Spatial Heterogeneity Room: LACC 502B |
Atwater, Harry Applied Physics and Materials Science, California Institute of Technology |
Session X02.00001 Hot Carrier Dynamics in Photoexcited Metal Nanostructures: Carrier Transport and Approaches to Photocatalysis Room: LACC 150B |
Avci, Can Onur Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y22.00001 Switching, Torques, and Spin Transport in Magnetic Insulators with Perpendicular Anisotropy Room: LACC 402A |
Averin, Dmitri Dep-t of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, SUNY |
Session B28.00001 Reversing the Landauer's erasure: information and entropy in mesoscopic thermodynamics Room: LACC 405 |
Babbush, Ryan Google Inc. |
Session L58.00002 OpenFermion: the Electronic Structure Package for Quantum Computers Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Badino, Massimiliano Philosophy, University of Verona |
Session E25.00002 An Unintentional Consequence: The Quantum in the Framework of the 19th Century Physics Room: LACC 403B |
Bai, Lu Penn State |
Session X49.00001 Identification and functional study of nucleosome-depleting factors Room: LACC 511A |
Bailey, Crystal American Physical Society APS |
Session E43.00001 Beyond the Rose-Colored Binoculars: How to Launch a Successful Physics Career in the 21st Century Room: LACC 503 |
Bakr, Waseem Department of Physics, Princeton Univ |
Session L34.00001 Site-resolved microscopy of ultracold Fermi-Hubbard systems in new regimes Room: LACC 409A |
Balandin, Alexander Electrical and Computer Engineering , University of California |
Session X36.00004 Van der Waals Bonded Materials: From Quasi-2D to Quasi-1D Room: LACC 410 |
Balatsky, Alexander Nordita |
Session V05.00003 Superconductivity and quantum paraelectric fluctuations in STO Room: LACC 152 |
Balazs, Anna Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session V41.00001 Patterning with Loops to Dynamically Reconfigure Polymer Gels Room: LACC 502A |
Balents, Leon Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session E05.00005 Interplay of transport and domain walls in nodal semimetals Room: LACC 152 |
Baltz, Vincent Univ. Grenoble Alpes - CNRS - INAC/CEA, SPINTEC |
Session F25.00005 Electronic and magnonic spin current injection in fluctuating antiferromagnets Room: LACC 403B |
Banerjee, Kaustav Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session Y37.00001 2D Materials for Smart Life Room: LACC 411 |
Banerjee, Mitali Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A04.00002 Quantization of Heat Flow in Fractional Quantum Hall States Room: LACC 151 |
Banerjee, Sanjay Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session K37.00007 Electronics in Flatland Room: LACC 411 |
Bang, Joona Korea Univ |
Session F52.00004 Architectural effect of polymer nanoparticles on block copolymer ordering Room: LACC 512 |
Bansil, Arun Physics Department, Northeastern Univ |
Session P14.00001 Where are we in the jungle of topological materials? Room: LACC 304B |
Bañuls, Mari Theory, Max Planck Inst |
Session P42.00002 Using Tensor Network States for Lattice Gauge Theories Room: LACC 502B |
Barish, Barry Caltech - LIGO |
Session P61.00001 Einstein, Gravitational Waves and a New Science Room: LACC West Hall B |
Barja, Sara Centro de Física de Materiales (UPV/EHU) |
Session K36.00004 Electronic properties of defects in single-layer MoSe2 Room: LACC 410 |
Barnes, Cris Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y38.00001 MaRIE: Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes Capability and Fulfilling the Requirements of Future Multi-Scale Materials Modeling Room: LACC 501A |
Barthel, Thomas Duke University |
Session S34.00001 Typical 1d quantum systems at finite temperatures can be simulated efficiently on classical computers Room: LACC 409A |
Bartok-Partay, Livia University of Reading United Kingdom |
Session B38.00001 Nested sampling for computational thermodynamics Room: LACC 501A |
Bassett, Danielle University of Pennsylvania |
Session L42.00002 The physics of brain network architecture, function, and control Room: LACC 502B |
Bates, Frank Univ of Minn - Minneapolis |
Session E59.00005 Polymeric Bicontinuous Microemulsions Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Batista, Cristian Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session Y10.00001 Comprehensive Study of the Dynamics of a Classical Kitaev Spin Liquid Room: LACC 301B |
Beach, Geoffrey Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A25.00001 Skyrmion dynamics, nucleation, and stability in ferromagnetic thin film multilayers Room: LACC 403B |
Beck, Matthew University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session L39.00001 Measurement and Control of Superconducting Qubits Using Single Flux Quantum Digital Logic Room: LACC 501B |
Beggs, John Physics, Indiana University - Bloomington |
Session C42.00004 Does the cortex truly operate at criticality? Room: LACC 502B |
Bekele, Mulugeta Department of Physics, Addis Ababa University |
Session H16.00004 Teaching Introductory Physics Courses to Freshmen and Sophomores at Addis Ababa University Room: LACC 305 |
Belitz, Dietrich Univ. of Oregon |
Session X41.00001 Metallic Quantum Ferromagnets Room: LACC 502A |
Bellec, Amandine Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, CNRS / Université Paris Diderot |
Session F19.00008 Molecular scale dynamics of light-induced spin crossover in a two-dimensional layer Room: LACC 308A |
Belof, Jonathan L. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session H38.00010 Quantitative insights into the mechanisms of nucleation during crystallization Room: LACC 501A |
Benicewicz, Brian Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of South Carolina |
Session S56.00010 Polymer grafted nanoparticles for designed interfaces and controlled assembly in polymer nanocomposites Room: LACC 515B |
Bergmann, Kristin Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session C49.00011 Biomaterials and their isotopes through geologic time Room: LACC 511A |
Berkelbach, Timothy University of Chicago |
Session X03.00007 Linear and nonlinear spectroscopy in the condensed phase Room: LACC 150C |
Bermel, Peter Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University |
Session E12.00001 Modeling non-equilibrium thermal radiation phenomena using a direct simulation method Room: LACC 303B |
Bernardi, Marco Caltech |
Session H58.00005 Advances in Computing Charge Transport and Hot Carrier Dynamics from First Principles Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Bernien, Hannes Harvard University |
Session S42.00005 Exploring many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator Room: LACC 502B |
Bertet, Patrice Quantronics group, Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé, CEA-Saclay |
Session K28.00011 Circuit qed enhanced magnetic resonance Room: LACC 405 |
Bi, Dapeng Physics, Northeastern University |
Session P48.00001 The influence of cellular rosettes on epithelial tissue mechanics and the jamming transition. Room: LACC 510 |
Bialek, William Princeton University and The Graduate Center, CUNY |
Session K58.00005 Max Delbrück Prize in Biological Physics Talk: Precision and emergence in the physics of biological function Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Bibes, Manuel CNRS/Thales |
Session L23.00011 Imaging, controlling and harnessing non-collinear magnetism in perovskite oxides Room: LACC 402B |
Biedermann, Grant Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S42.00003 Entangling Atomic Spins with a Strong Rydberg-Dressed Interaction Room: LACC 502B |
Bienenstock, Arthur Stanford University |
Session L16.00002 Physics and the Clinton White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Room: LACC 305 |
Biercuk, Michael University of Sydney |
Session B05.00002 The advantages of trapped-ion quantum computation Room: LACC 152 |
Bilenky, Samoli Dubna, JINR |
Session A16.00002 Dubna: From a secret Research Laboratory to the International Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Room: LACC 305 |
Birkedal, Henrik Dept. Chemistry & iNANO, Aarhus University |
Session C49.00004 Bone hierarchical structure and mechanics through 3D X-ray imaging techniques Room: LACC 511A |
Birx, Donald Plymouth State University |
Session R32.00003 Building an Integrative Undergraduate Education: from Exploration and Discovery to Innovation and Entrepreneurship Room: LACC 408A |
Blackwell, Robert Physics, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Session P58.00003 A biophysical model for the formation of mitotic spindle bipolarity Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Blase, Xavier CNRS/Neel Inst |
Session K29.00001 Embedded many-body perturbation theory for organic and hybrid disordered systems Room: LACC 406A |
Bloch, Immanuel Physics, Ludwig Maximilians University |
Session R25.00003 Probing Quantum Many-Body Dynamics - From Many-Body Localization to Rydberg Gases Room: LACC 403B |
Bluhm, Hendrik University of California at Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K25.00003 Reversed interfacial fractionation of carbonate and bicarbonate evidenced by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy Room: LACC 403B |
Blum, Volker Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Chemistry, Duke University |
Session A29.00001 Advancing accurate and scalable electronic structure formalisms for light-harvesting materials Room: LACC 406A |
Blumberg, Girsh Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers Univiversity |
Session S04.00003 Chiral Spin Mode on the Surface of a Topological Insulator Room: LACC 151 |
Blumenfeld, Raphael Imperial College London |
Session R59.00005 Granular Statistical Mechanics: Bridging Between Statics and Dynamics Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Bocquet, Lyderic Physics Department, Ecole Normale Superieure and CNRS |
Session B58.00004 Interfacial slip and flows in nanotubes Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Boehmer, Anna Institut fuer Festkoerperphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session K04.00003 Electronic nematicity in iron-based superconductors Room: LACC 151 |
Bonilla, Luis G. Millan Institute and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Univ Carlos III de Madrid |
Session X47.00001 Stochastic modeling and analysis of tumor-induced blood vessel formation Room: LACC 507 |
Borgis, Daniel Maison de la Simulation, CEA/CNRS/Université Paris Saclay |
Session P02.00001 Efficient molecular density functional theory using generalized spherical harmonics expansions Room: LACC 150B |
Borisevich, Albina Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session X09.00004 Engineering complex oxide properties via interface control Room: LACC 301A |
Boromand, Arman Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences, Yale University |
Session P48.00006 Dense packing of cell monolayers: Jamming of deformable polygons Room: LACC 510 |
Borselli, Matthew HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session H28.00001 Charge Noise Characterization in SiGe Triple-Dot Qubits Room: LACC 405 |
Boudreault, Richard Chairman, Polar Knowledge Canada |
Session V32.00005 George E. Pake Prize Talk: An Ecosystem Approach to Industrial Physics: Atmospheric Moisture Harvesting Through High Temperature Plasma Surface Modification, A Case Study Room: LACC 408A |
Boukany, Pouyan Chemical Engineering, Delft Univ of Tech |
Session F59.00003 Microscopic origin of the elastic instabilities during flow of polymer solutions Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Boulatov, Roman Chemistry, University of Liverpool |
Session A52.00004 Challenges and Opportunities of Polymer Mechanochemistry Room: LACC 512 |
Bracco, Annalisa School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech |
Session H46.00001 Multi-Scale Flows and Pathways in the Gulf of Mexico and South China Sea: implications of ocean submesoscale turbulence for oil dispersion, coral evolution and carbon uptake Room: LACC 506 |
Bracha, Dan Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University |
Session H51.00001 Using light to study localized phase separation in living cells Room: LACC 511C |
Bradforth, Stephen Chemistry, Univ of Southern California |
Session B25.00004 Photoelectron processes in liquid water: new methods for probing elementary reactivity Room: LACC 403B |
Bradley, Kenneth PixelEXX Systems |
Session S32.00003 Exciting Opportunities for Physicists: Bridging the Chaos Between Science and Markets Room: LACC 408A |
Brady, John Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Session F03.00001 Inertial effects on the stress generation in active matter Room: LACC 150C |
Bran, Cristina Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, CSIC |
Session P19.00001 Tailoring magnetic domain walls in cylindrical nanowires Room: LACC 308A |
Brandao, Fernando Caltech |
Session H39.00002 Quantum speed-ups for semidefinite programming Room: LACC 501B |
Brataas, Arne Center for Quantum Spintronics, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Session X25.00005 Spin Superfluidity in Uniaxial and Biaxial Antiferromagnetic Insulators Room: LACC 403B |
Brenner, Naama Technion |
Session S49.00001 Exploratory adaptation in gene regulatory networks Room: LACC 511A |
Briggs, Richard Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session F38.00006 Phase transitions, including melting, during static and shock compression conditions Room: LACC 501A |
Brinkmann, Martin Chemistry, Université de Strasbourg - CNRS |
Session B52.00001 Anisotropy of charge transport and thermoelectric properties in oriented conducting polymer films prepared by high temperature rubbing Room: LACC 512 |
Brock, Joel Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), Cornell University |
Session L05.00001 Changing model of CHESS operation: The Changing Landscape of X-ray Facilities Room: LACC 152 |
Brown, Stuart Physics and Astronomy, UCLA |
Session E04.00004 Superconductivity in Molecular Solids Room: LACC 151 |
Brunton, Bing Biology, University of Washington |
Session S06.00001 The brain outside the lab: Exploring the neural basis of long-term, naturalistic human behaviors Room: LACC 153A |
Brydon, Philip Department of Physics, University of Otago |
Session X04.00002 The fourth superconducting gap: intrinsic Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces Room: LACC 151 |
Bryk, Taras Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of NASU |
Session P38.00001 Dynamics of supercritical fluids: Theory and simulations Room: LACC 501A |
Budil, Kimberly UC National Laboratories, Univ of California Office of the President |
Session H05.00004 Millie Dresselhaus and the Climate for Women in Physics Site Visit Program Room: LACC 152 |
Buehler-Paschen, Silke Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology |
Session K41.00001 Experimental Evidence for Weyl Semimetal Behavior in Kondo Systems Room: LACC 502A |
Buettner, Felix Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session K22.00001 Structure, Energetics, and Deterministic Writing of Skyrmions in Thin Film Ferromagnets Room: LACC 402A |
Bundschuh, Ralf Departments of Physics, Chemistry&Biochemistry, and Division of Hematology, Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session K49.00001 Nucleosome unwrapping may be easier than you think Room: LACC 511A |
Burghardt, Irene Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Goethe University Frankfurt |
Session X03.00003 High-Dimensional Quantum Dynamics of Functional Organic Polymer Materials: Coherence, Confinement, and Disorder Room: LACC 150C |
Butch, Nicholas NIST -Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session A41.00004 The persistence of the intermediate valence in SmB6 under pressure Room: LACC 502A |
Cahill, David Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session F15.00001 Lower and upper limits to the vibrational thermal conductivity of amorphous polymers and polymer salts Room: LACC 304C |
Camley, Brian Physics and Astronomy; Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University |
Session H42.00002 Cell-to-cell variability, tissue rheology, and collective measurements Room: LACC 502B |
Campagne-Ibarcq, Phillipe Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session F39.00001 Microwave activated two-photon transition for remote entanglement of superconducting circuits Room: LACC 501B |
Campas, Otger Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session H53.00001 Revealing the mechanical nature of active embryonic tissues with magnetic droplets Room: LACC 513 |
Cangialosi, Daniele Centro de Fisica de Materiales, CSIC |
Session A55.00007 Glass transition and molecular mobility in polymers under nanoscale confinement Room: LACC 515A |
Cano, Jennifer Princeton Center for Theoretical Science |
Session V10.00001 From local symmetry to band structure topology Room: LACC 301B |
Cao, Huibo Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session R23.00013 Complex spin orbital orders in vanadates Room: LACC 402B |
Carey, Megan Neuroscience, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown |
Session S06.00011 Cerebellar circuit mechanisms for coordinated locomotion in mice Room: LACC 153A |
Carleo, Giuseppe ITP, ETH Zurich |
Session A32.00002 Neural-network Quantum States Room: LACC 408A |
Carlsmith, Duncan Physics Department, Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session C43.00004 Garage Physics: Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset in a physics lab Room: LACC 503 |
Carpick, Robert U. Pennsylvania |
Session B58.00002 Rate-and-State Effects in Nanoscale Contacts: How Chemical Bonding Induces Frictional Instabilities Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Carson, Cathryn Dept of History and Division of Data Sciences, Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session B16.00003 Physics and History, Data and Time Room: LACC 305 |
Carusotto, Iacopo BEC Center, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica-CNR |
Session E27.00001 Topological physics with atoms and with photons Room: LACC 404B |
Cavalleri, Andrea Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Department of Physics, University of Oxford |
Session F04.00004 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids talk: Nonlinear light matter interaction at TeraHerz Frequencies: from observation to control. Room: LACC 151 |
Cepellotti, Andrea University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L04.00005 Nicholas Metropolis Award Talk: Hydrodynamics of Heat Transport in Crystals Room: LACC 151 |
Ceriotti, Michele EPFL - Lausanne |
Session C32.00004 Symmetry Matters: Machine-learning of Scalar and Tensorial Atomic-Scale Properties Room: LACC 408A |
Chabinyc, Michael Materials, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session F56.00005 Thermoelectric Properties of Semiconducting Polymers Room: LACC 515B |
Chaikin, Paul Physics, New York Univ NYU |
Session F04.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Talk: Aspects of Geometry, Topology and Order in Soft Matter Physics Room: LACC 151 |
Chakraborty, Bulbul Brandeis University |
Session K48.00005 Fragile Matter: Stress Networks and Stability of Athermal Solids Room: LACC 510 |
Cham, Jorge |
Session E32.00004 TBD Room: LACC 408A |
Chan, Garnet CCE, California Institute of Technology |
Session R02.00001 Finite temperature, classical DFT, and functionals from embedding Room: LACC 150B |
Chandran, Anushya Physics, Boston University |
Session H04.00002 Dynamics in topological phases with constrained Hilbert spaces Room: LACC 151 |
Chang, Po-Yao Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session K41.00004 New aspects in topological heavy fermion systems Room: LACC 502A |
Chapman, Benjamin JILA |
Session B33.00002 Scalable broadband circulators Room: LACC 408B |
Checkelsky, Joseph Physics, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session K10.00001 Transport and Magnetism in Topological Semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Chen, George Bryan Cave |
Session S32.00002 Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs: Master or Disaster? Room: LACC 408A |
Chen, Jeff Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo |
Session R28.00004 Where is the Odijk back-folding regime when a self-excluding wormlike polymer is confined by a cylindrical tube? Room: LACC 405 |
Chen, Peng Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University |
Session H03.00004 Visualizing bimetallic effect and plasmonic catalytic hotspots on single nanocatalysts via correlated super-resolution and electron microscopy Room: LACC 150C |
Chen, Ray Univ of Texas - Austin |
Session L15.00008 TBD Room: LACC 304C |
Chen, Yulin Physics department, University of Oxford |
Session V14.00001 Topological electronic structures in metallic phases Room: LACC 304B |
Chen, Yun Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session V51.00001 Developing microtissue-building toolbox to study biophysical effects at multiple scales Room: LACC 511C |
Cheng, Jinguang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session S11.00001 High pressure route to high-Tc superconductivity in the FeSe-based materials Room: LACC 303A |
Cheng, Stephen College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering , Univ of Akron |
Session A43.00001 Polymer Crystals and Crystallization: A Rediscovered and Challenging Research Field Room: LACC 503 |
Chernyshev, Alexander Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ of California - Irvine |
Session R24.00004 Topography and Mimicry of a Spin Liquid on a Triangular Lattice Room: LACC 403A |
Chia, Ee Min Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Tech Univ |
Session B04.00004 Spin-charge conversion in topological materials via THz emission spectroscopy Room: LACC 151 |
Chiang, Yet-Ming Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A20.00001 Meeting the Growing Need for Long-Duration Energy Storage Room: LACC 308B |
Chien, Chia-Ling Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session F25.00001 Thermal magnonic spin current in antiferromagnetic insulator/YIG1 Room: LACC 403B |
Chikkaraddy, Rohit Cavendish Laboratory, Univ of Cambridge |
Session L03.00004 Strong coupling of single molecules in plasmonic nano- and pico-cavities Room: LACC 150C |
Cho, Suyeon Ewha womans university |
Session P10.00001 Te vacancy driven superconductivity in type II Weyl semimetal MoTe2 Room: LACC 301B |
Choi, Gyung-Min Sungkyunkwan Univ |
Session K19.00004 Optical-helicity-driven optomagnetic field and photo-spin current in metallic systems Room: LACC 308A |
Chong, Frederic Computer Science, University of Chicago |
Session C39.00004 Closing the Gap Between Quantum Algorithms and Hardware through Software-Enabled Vertical Integration and Co-Design Room: LACC 501B |
Chopin, Julien ESPCI |
Session C16.00004 Geometry and Mechanics of Thin Elastic Ribbons Room: LACC 305 |
Chou, Kevin Dept. of Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session K33.00002 Deterministic teleportation of a quantum gate between two logical qubits Room: LACC 408B |
Christensen, Dennis Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark |
Session C23.00008 GMAG Student Dissertation Award: When conductivity and magnetism emerge at a spinel/perovskite heterointerface Room: LACC 402B |
Christopher, Phillip Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A03.00005 Structure, stability and reactivity of oxide supported sub-nm Pt-group metal species Room: LACC 150C |
Chu, Yiwen Yale University |
Session C33.00010 Hybrid systems with bulk acoustic wave resonators Room: LACC 408B |
Cieplak, Marek Laboratory of Biological Physics, Institute of Physics, PAS |
Session Y51.00005 Structural Changes in Proteins at Air-Water Interfaces Room: LACC 511C |
Cipelletti, Luca L2C, Universite Montpellier |
Session C59.00004 Dynamic precursors of failure in the creep of a colloidal gel Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Cisse, Ibrahim Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session P50.00007 Mediator and Pol II clusters co-associate in transcription-dependent dynamic condensates in living stem cells Room: LACC 511B |
Claassen, Martin Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Simons Foundation Flatiron Institute |
Session K05.00004 Nonequilibrium Materials Design of Frustrated Mott Insulators Room: LACC 152 |
Clarke, John University of California, Berkeley |
Session L32.00002 The Ubiquitous SQUID: History and Applications Room: LACC 408A |
Clarson, Stephen University of Cincinnati |
Session E56.00006 On Cyclization in Advanced Polymeric Materials Room: LACC 515B |
Cluzel, Philippe Harvard Univ |
Session R58.00001 Taking the pulse of flagellum synthesis in a single bacterium Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Cobden, David Department of Physics, University of Washington |
Session L36.00004 Two-dimensional topological insulator behavior in monolayer WTe2 Room: LACC 410 |
Coe, James Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University |
Session X02.00004 Cavity-Vibration Mixed States Room: LACC 150B |
Cole, Jacqueline University of Cambridge, UK, Argonne National Laboratory, USA & STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK |
Session B34.00001 Data-driven Molecular Engineering of Solar-Powered Windows using Materials Database Auto-Generation Tools with Large-Scale Data-Mining Room: LACC 409A |
Combes, Joshua University of Queensland |
Session E28.00002 How to model almost any quantum experiement: a tutorial on the SLH formalism Room: LACC 405 |
Cooper, Ken Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session E43.00002 A Physicist’s Engineering Career in a Federal Research Laboratory Room: LACC 503 |
Corcoles, Antonio IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session E33.00002 Training a classifier with a superconducting quantum processor Room: LACC 408B |
Corkum, Paul University of Ottawa |
Session A05.00005 Atoms and solids in strong laser fields. Room: LACC 152 |
Craig, David Physics, Oregon State University |
Session R32.00004 APS Guide to Effective Practices in Undergraduate Physics Programs: What It Is and Why You Should Care Room: LACC 408A |
Craig, Stephen Chemistry, Duke University |
Session A52.00008 Quantitative Studies of Polymer Mechanochemistry Room: LACC 512 |
Cremer, Jonas Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session E42.00001 Theory of chemotactic ring propagation and the fitness advantage of cue-driven range expansion Room: LACC 502B |
Cress, Cory Electronics Science and Technology Division, US Naval Research Laboratory |
Session E11.00001 Ion Beam Modification of 2-Dimensional Nanomaterials Room: LACC 303A |
Cronin, Steve University of Southern California |
Session C36.00001 2D Materials and Heterostructures for Electronic, Optoelectronic, and Thermoelectric Device Applications Room: LACC 410 |
Cross, Andrew IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session L58.00003 The IBM Q experience and QISKit open-source quantum computing software Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Crosson, Elizabeth Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology |
Session S28.00001 Universal quantum computation in thermal equilibrium Room: LACC 405 |
Cubuk, Ekin Google Brain |
Session F54.00001 A unified perspective on disorder in atomic systems: machine learning material properties and design Room: LACC 514 |
Cvitanovic, Predrag Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session C58.00001 Is space time? A spatiotemporal theory of transitional turbulence Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Dahlsten, Oscar Physics, SUSTech |
Session B28.00002 Information thermodynamics meets technology Room: LACC 405 |
Dahmen, Karin Department of Physics, Univ of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session R59.00004 Universal avalanche dynamics: From nano-crystals, to bulk metallic glasses, to earthquakes and stars? Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Daley, Andrew Department of Physics and SUPA, Univ of Strathclyde |
Session V42.00001 Controlled open system dynamics in AMO quantum simulators Room: LACC 502B |
Dally, Rebecca University of California Santa Barbara |
Session V24.00008 GMAG Student Dissertation Award: Amplitude mode in a spatially anisotropic 2D lattice: α-NaMnO2 Room: LACC 403A |
Daniels, Karen North Carolina State Univ |
Session R59.00001 Force-based ensembles in granular materials Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Danziger, Michael Network Science Institute, Northeastern University |
Session Y42.00003 Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading failures in complex networks Room: LACC 502B |
Daraio, Chiara California Institute of Technology |
Session E48.00001 Programmable metamaterials Room: LACC 510 |
Das, Moumita Physics, Rochester Inst of Tech |
Session X42.00001 Structure function properties of cytoskeletal and extracellular networks: Mechanics and crack propagation Room: LACC 502B |
Das, Sundeep Netflix |
Session K32.00005 A hitchhiker’s guide to Data Science Room: LACC 408A |
da Silva, Marcus Rigetti Computing |
Session Y41.00002 Characterization of Pauli Error Models Room: LACC 502A |
Das Sarma, Sankar University of Maryland |
Session B05.00001 Progress and challenges for topological qubits Room: LACC 152 |
DAVIS, J.C. Physics, Cornell University: LASSP |
Session B14.00001 Visualizing Orbital Selective Mottness/Hundness and Cooper Pairing in FeSe Room: LACC 304B |
DEAC, Alina Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session A22.00004 Beller Lectureship: Ultrahigh anisotropy Heusler alloys for THz spin-torque oscillators Room: LACC 402A |
Dean, Mark Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session V25.00002 Magnetism in artificial Ruddlesden-Popper iridates leveraged by structural distortions, interlayer coupling and ultra-fast optical excitation Room: LACC 403B |
De Arcangelis, Lucilla Dept. Industrial & Information Engineering, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" |
Session C42.00002 Correlations in the brain Room: LACC 502B |
Deem, Michael Physics, Rice University |
Session V58.00003 Estimation of Vaccine Effectiveness and Early Recognition of Emerging Flu Strain Clusters Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Degen, Christian ETH Zurich |
Session A26.00001 Diamond-based quantum sensing Room: LACC 404A |
Degroot, Jon Dow Performance Silicones, Dow Chemical Company |
Session B59.00003 Practical challenges for the implementation of polymers into highly engineered systems - an industrial perspective Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
De Leon, Nathalie Electrical Engineering, Princeton University |
Session R11.00001 New color centers in diamond for long distance quantum networks Room: LACC 303A |
DeMarco, Brian Physics, University of Illinois |
Session X27.00001 Measuring Localization from Disorder and Strong Interactions: Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices Room: LACC 404B |
De Nardis, Jacopo LabEx, École normale supérieure |
Session R25.00004 Generalized Gibbs Ensembles and Generalized Hydrodynamics in quantum many-body systems. Room: LACC 403B |
Deng, Dong-Ling Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session P34.00001 Machine learning quantum states and many-body entanglement Room: LACC 409A |
Denlinger, Jonathan Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K41.00005 ARPES investigations of proposed topological low carrier density Ce and Yb compounds Room: LACC 502A |
de Pablo, Juan University of Chicago |
Session E59.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Talk: The interplay between elasticity, defect structure, and motion in active nematic polymers Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
DePrince, Eugene Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University |
Session C12.00001 Time-dependent electronic structure methods for plasmon-molecule interactions Room: LACC 303B |
deRuyter van Steveninck, Robert Physics, Indiana University - Bloomington |
Session K58.00002 Field Potentials in the Fly’s Photoreceptor-LMC Synapse: A Possible Mechanism for Regularizing Vesicle Release Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
de Vega, Ines Arnold Sommerfeld Center, Ludwig Maximilian University |
Session V42.00002 Dynamics of single and many-body open quantum systems beyond the Markov approximation Room: LACC 502B |
Devereaux, Thomas SLAC National Lab and Stanford University |
Session B04.00002 Light controlled topological phase transitions in multi-orbital and frustrated magnetic systems Room: LACC 151 |
De Yoreo, James Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session C13.00005 The Impact of Molecular Sequence on Hierarchical Assembly of Biomimetic Polymers Room: LACC 304A |
DiBerardino, Diana DiBerardino McGovern IP Group LLC |
Session C05.00004 Pieces of the Patent Puzzle: A Primer Room: LACC 152 |
Dichtel, William Chemistry, Northwestern University |
Session H02.00001 Controlling Nucleation and Growth of 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks Room: LACC 150B |
Dijkstra, Marjolein Soft Condensed Matter group, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University |
Session E57.00001 The effect of particle shape in self-assembly and self-organisation of soft materials Room: LACC 518 |
Ding, Hong Chinese Academy of Scienes (CAS) |
Session X13.00001 Majorana bound state in iron-based superconductor Fe(Te,Se) Room: LACC 304A |
Disa, Ankit Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session A13.00007 Phase control and hidden order in oxide superlattices: dimensional and interfacial effects Room: LACC 304A |
Dobrynin, Andrey Department of Polymer Science, University of Akron |
Session A59.00002 Computationally Driven Design of Soft Materials Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Dobson, John Queensland Micro and Nano Technology Centre, Griffith University |
Session Y36.00004 van der Waals interactions in low-dimensional nanostructures (2D, 1D, 0D) and layered solids Room: LACC 410 |
Dogic, Zvonimir Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K59.00005 Conformational switching in chiral self assembly Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Donnelly, Claire ETH Zurich - Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session L04.00003 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Talk: Resonant Ptychographic Tomography of Three Dimensional Magnetic Structures Room: LACC 151 |
Dougherty, Daniel North Carolina State Univ |
Session F17.00001 Spin Dependent Chemisorption Interactions at Metal-Organic Semiconductor Interfaces Room: LACC 306A |
Doyle, Patrick Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session H55.00005 DNA knots in confinement Room: LACC 515A |
Driscoll, Michelle Physics & Astronomy, Northwestern University |
Session C16.00003 Critters: stable clusters born from an unstable front Room: LACC 305 |
D'Souza, Raissa Univ of California - Davis |
Session V47.00006 Patterns of synchronization, broken symmetries, and attractor switching in a ring of nanoelectromechanical oscillators Room: LACC 507 |
Du, Chunhui Physics, Harvard University |
Session H22.00001 Control and Local Measurement of the Spin Chemical Potential in a Magnetic Insulator Room: LACC 402A |
Dubi, Yonatan Chemistry, Ben Gurion University of the Negev |
Session A15.00001 Diodes and switches from single molecules Room: LACC 304C |
Durakiewicz, Tomasz NSF/DMR |
Session D04.00001 Enabling Quantum Leap: Opportunities at NSF Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Durand, Marc Laboratoire MSC, Université Paris Diderot |
Session X42.00002 Elastic networks with optimal mechanical properties Room: LACC 502B |
Dykema, John Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session F16.00004 Radiative Transfer and Aerosol Scattering Room: LACC 305 |
Dzakpasu, Rhonda Physics, Georgetown Univ |
Session C42.00001 How manipulating the excitatory-inhibitory balance within in vitro neuronal networks with dopamine impacts network dynamics Room: LACC 502B |
Dzurak, Andrew University of New South Wales |
Session B05.00003 Progress and Challenges for Semiconductor Spin Qubits Room: LACC 152 |
Ebbesen, Thomas USIAS, University of Strasbourg |
Session L03.00001 The Alchemy of Vacuum - Hybridizing Light and Matter Room: LACC 150C |
Eckstein, Martin University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Session K05.00005 Non-equilibrium steady states and and transient dynamics of correlated electron systems Room: LACC 152 |
Ediger, Mark Chemistry, Univ of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session E59.00003 Using Physical Vapor Deposition to Produce Structured Glasses - from Isotropic to Liquid-Crystalline Order Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Efrati, Efi Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A58.00005 Cumulative geometric frustration: From bent-core liquid crystals to spherulites of twisted molecular crystals Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Eisert, Q. Jens Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems, FU Berlin |
Session R42.00003 Strong coupling quantum thermodynamics and beyond Room: LACC 502B |
Else, Jon University of California, Berkeley |
Session B16.00005 Science Films in America Room: LACC 305 |
Elting, Mary North Carolina State University |
Session P58.00004 Mapping k-fiber load-bearing in the mammalian spindle reveals local anchorage that provides mechanical isolation and redundancy Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Emerson, Joseph University of Waterloo |
Session Y41.00004 Cycle Benchmarking for Scalable Verification of Quantum Circuit Performance Room: LACC 502A |
Emonet, Thierry Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology & Physics, Yale University |
Session F58.00004 How diversity modulates collective migration and vice versa Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Englund, Dirk EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V37.00004 2D Quantum Materials for Quantum Information Processing and Sensing Room: LACC 411 |
Ensslin, Klaus Physics, ETH Zurich |
Session L55.00005 Strong coupling of a microwave photon to spin and charge qubits in GaAs quantum dots Room: LACC 515A |
Epstein, Ryan Northrop Grumman Corporation |
Session K39.00001 Protecting quantum information from noise – a passive approach Room: LACC 501B |
Eremets, Mikhail Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemie |
Session B41.00001 Molecular semimetallic hydrogen Room: LACC 502A |
Errea, Ion University of the Basque Country |
Session B41.00005 Quantum Motion and Anharmonicity in Superconducting Hydrides Room: LACC 502A |
Ertekin, Elif Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session B32.00001 Towards a Design Framework for Magnetocaloric Shape Memory Alloys Room: LACC 408A |
Erukhimova, Tatiana Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University |
Session E32.00002 Physics as a street art Room: LACC 408A |
Esposito, Massimiliano University of Luxembourg Limpertsberg |
Session R42.00005 Quantum and Information Thermodynamics: A Unifying Framework Based on Repeated Interactions Room: LACC 502B |
Estroff, Lara Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University |
Session B42.00004 Correlative imaging techniques reveal organic-inorganic compositions of pathological mineral deposits Room: LACC 502B |
Evenbly, Glen Physics, University of Sherbrooke |
Session P42.00001 Hyperinvariant tensor networks and holography Room: LACC 502B |
Fabian, Jaroslav Physics, University of Regensburg |
Session A35.00001 Proximity physics in graphene: spin-orbit coupling, exchange, field effects, and pseudohelical states Room: LACC 409B |
Fainberg, Tony Institute for Defense Analyses |
Session S58.00003 TBD Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Fakhri, Nikta Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H51.00005 TBD Room: LACC 511C |
Fallani, Leonardo LENS |
Session F42.00002 TBD Room: LACC 502B |
Fechner, Michael Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session K42.00003 Magnetophononics: ultrafast spin control through the lattice Room: LACC 502B |
Feist, Johannes Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid |
Session S03.00004 Exploiting polaritonic chemistry to manipulate molecular structure and dynamics Room: LACC 150C |
Feng, Milton Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois |
Session L32.00001 Oxide-Confined VCSELs Room: LACC 408A |
Fernandes, Rafael University of Minnesota |
Session C41.00002 Magnetic degeneracy and intertwined orders in iron-based superconductors Room: LACC 502A |
Fert, Albert UMP CNRS-Thales, Paris-Saclay University |
Session H25.00001 Conversion between spin and charge currents by Rashba or Topological Insulator interfaces and perspective for low power spintronic devices Room: LACC 403B |
Feser, Michael Lyncean Technologies |
Session L05.00003 The Lyncean Compact Light Source: The Cornerstone of a Local, Multi-discipline X-ray Facility Room: LACC 152 |
Fichthorn, Kristen Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session C03.00006 Growth of Nanoscale Materials: Insights from Multiscale Theory and Simulations Room: LACC 150C |
Fink, Johannes Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Session E39.00002 Observation of the Photon-Blockade Breakdown Phase Transition Room: LACC 501B |
Finkelstein, Gleb Physics, Duke University |
Session L13.00001 Supercurrent in the quantum Hall regime Room: LACC 304A |
Flammia, Steven University of Sydney |
Session Y41.00003 Comparing experiments to the fault tolerance threshold Room: LACC 502A |
Flatté, Michael Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa |
Session C04.00004 Designing magnonic crystals for quantum control Room: LACC 151 |
Flatten, Amy American Physical Society |
Session L16.00003 APS Long-range Planning for International Physics Room: LACC 305 |
Foreman, Louis Enventys Partners |
Session C05.00002 The Independent Inventor’s Handbook Room: LACC 152 |
Forrest, Stephen Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session L32.00003 How Organic Light Emitting Diodes Revolutionized Displays (and maybe lighting) Room: LACC 408A |
Fourkas, John Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Maryland |
Session S59.00004 Multicolor superresolved lithography Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Francois, Paul McGill University |
Session Y49.00005 Untangling the biological hairball: Network evolution and fitness based reduction Room: LACC 511A |
Frenkel, Anatoly Stony Brook University |
Session K25.00005 Advances in nanoparticle structure characterization by X-ray absorption spectroscopy Room: LACC 403B |
Frey, Erwin Physics Department, Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München |
Session P49.00001 Ecological feedback in quorum-sensing microbial populations Room: LACC 511A |
Frigi Rodrigues, Debora University of Houston |
Session A49.00001 Structure-property relations in biomaterials Room: LACC 511A |
Frischknecht, Amalie Sandia National Labs |
Session X56.00007 Structure and Dynamics in Ion-Conducting Polymers from MD Simulations Room: LACC 515B |
Frost, Jarvist Materials, Imperial College London |
Session B32.00004 Semiconductor physics of halide perovskite solar cells Room: LACC 408A |
Fuhrer, Michael ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (fleet.org.au), Monash University |
Session E10.00001 Towards topological electronics: Epitaxial thin films of topological Dirac semimetal Na3Bi Room: LACC 301B |
Furche, Filipp Chemistry, University of California, Irvine |
Session R03.00005 Optimized Ensemble Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Room: LACC 150C |
Furst, Eric Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware |
Session Y32.00002 Overcoming Kinetic Bottlenecks of Colloidal Self-Assembly Room: LACC 408A |
Furukawa, Yuji Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University |
Session C41.00001 NMR studies of magnetism and superconducting properties of CaK(Fe1-xNix)4As4 Room: LACC 502A |
Gaarde, Mette Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session A05.00001 Theory of HHG in solids: band structure, orientation dependence, and time profiles Room: LACC 152 |
Gadway, Bryce University of Illinois |
Session F42.00001 Exploring the interplay of topology, disorder, kinetic frustration, and interactions in synthetic momentum-space lattices Room: LACC 502B |
Gagliardi, Laura Univ of Minn - Minneapolis |
Session F29.00001 Multiconfiguration Pair-Density Functional Theory for Excited-States in Molecules and Materials Room: LACC 406A |
Gaines, Jennifer Yale University |
Session A50.00001 Computational assessment of mutations of protein cores Room: LACC 511B |
Galison, Peter Harvard University |
Session B16.00001 Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics Talk: Filming and Writing Physics: Concrete Abstractions Room: LACC 305 |
Galvez, Enrique Physics and Astronomy, Colgate University |
Session C43.00003 Designing Advanced Labs: From Summer or Capstone Research Project(s) to Curricular Offering Room: LACC 503 |
Gamble, Sara US Army Research Office |
Session D04.00005 ARO Opportunities in Quantum Information and Quantum Materials Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Gang, Oleg Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, and Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University |
Session C13.00001 Prescribed Self-Assembly of Nanoscale Architectures Room: LACC 304A |
Gao, H.-J. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session H35.00001 Intrinsically Patterned Two-dimensional Materials for Selective Adsorption of Molecules and Nanoclusters Room: LACC 409B |
Garcia, Hernan Physics and Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California Berkeley |
Session L42.00005 Physical Biology of Living Embryos Room: LACC 502B |
Gaudet, Jonathan McMaster Univ |
Session C24.00007 Ground State Selection in the XY Pyrochlore Magnet Er2Ti2O7 and its Stability to Chemical Pressure and Quenched Impurities Room: LACC 403A |
Gedik, Nuh Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A37.00004 Large, valley-exclusive Bloch-Siegert shift in monolayer WS2 Room: LACC 411 |
Genkina, Dina Joint Quantum Institute |
Session F42.00005 Using ultracold atoms to study microscopic behavior of topologically non-trivial systems. Room: LACC 502B |
Genzer, Jan North Carolina State Univ |
Session K43.00004 Does co-monomer sequence in random copolymers matter? Room: LACC 503 |
George, Elizabeth Physics Department, Wittenberg Univ |
Session C43.00002 Revitalizing Upper-Level Laboratory Instruction: Opportunities and Initiatives Room: LACC 503 |
Georges, Antoine Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute - Simons Foundation |
Session R04.00005 Closing the gaps in our understanding of the pseudogap Room: LACC 151 |
Gerardot, Brian Institute of Photonics and Quantum Science, Heriot-Watt University |
Session A36.00010 Deterministic strain-induced arrays of quantum emitters in a two-dimensional semiconductor Room: LACC 410 |
Ghimire, Shambhu Stanford PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session A05.00004 First Experiments on Solid-state HHG Room: LACC 152 |
Ghoniem, Nasr Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session H48.00001 Strain Bursts and Dislocation Avalanches in Obstacle-Hardened Materials Room: LACC 510 |
Giardina, Irene Univ of Rome La Sapienza |
Session K58.00001 Dynamic scaling in natural swarms Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Gilbert, Matthew Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session L10.00001 Induced Superconductivity in Weyl Semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Gillespie, Dirk Rush University Medical Center |
Session A02.00007 Classical DFT of Ions in the Electrical Double Layer and Nanofluidics Room: LACC 150B |
Giustino, Feliciano University of Oxford |
Session H58.00003 Predictive ab initio calculations of phonon-limited carrier mobilities in semiconductors Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Gliga, Sebastian University of Glasgow |
Session Y24.00003 Emergent dynamic chirality in a thermally driven artificial spin ratchet Room: LACC 403A |
Goddard, Joe Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Univ of California - San Diego |
Session B57.00001 A Van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard regularization of granular instability via dissipation potentials Room: LACC 518 |
Goldenfeld, Nigel Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C42.00003 The statistical mechanics of hallucinations and the evolution of the visual cortex Room: LACC 502B |
Goldenfeld, Nigel Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L42.00003 Is there universality in biology? Room: LACC 502B |
Goldhaber-Gordon, David Physics, Stanford University |
Session S14.00001 Chiral 1D transport in magnetic topological insulators: precise quantization and manipulation Room: LACC 304B |
Goncharov, Alexander Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Session B41.00002 Synthesis of superhydrides and metallization of hydrogen at high pressures Room: LACC 502A |
Gonzalez, Leticia Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Vienna |
Session R03.00001 Challenges for excited states and dynamics in the presence of environment Room: LACC 150C |
Gonzalez, Rodrigo Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto |
Session R50.00001 Dynamic force patterns promote coordinated cell movements during embryonic wound repair Room: LACC 511B |
Gooth, Johannes Science and Technology, IBM Research - Zurich |
Session X05.00004 Hydrodynamic flow of electrons in topological semimetals Room: LACC 152 |
Gopinathan, Ajay University of California - Merced |
Session E51.00006 Design principles for intracellular road networks Room: LACC 511C |
Gordon, Vernita Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session A42.00002 Bacteria Sense Mechanical Stress to Know When to Start Forming a Biofilm Room: LACC 502B |
Goree, John University of Iowa |
Session Y32.00004 Dusty Plasma Research under Microgravity Conditions on the ISS Room: LACC 408A |
Gour, Gilad Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary |
Session S26.00002 Mathematical structures and features of quantum resource theories Room: LACC 404A |
Gov, Nir Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session B47.00007 Modeling Collective Cell Migration: Clusters and Monolayers Room: LACC 507 |
Govia, Luke Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session P33.00001 Enhancing cavity QED via anti-squeezing: synthetic ultra-strong coupling Room: LACC 408B |
Govoni, Marco Insitute for Molecular Engineering and Materials Science Division, Argonne National Lab |
Session C34.00001 Large-scale first principles calculations with leadership class HPC using many-body perturbation theory Room: LACC 409A |
Gracias, David Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session E41.00001 Programmable folding triggered by temperature and DNA Room: LACC 502A |
Granick, Steve Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Center for Soft and Living Matter |
Session F59.00001 Surprises Upon Watching Single Macromolecules in Real Time Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Grant, Martin Physics Department, McGill University |
Session H42.00004 Multiple scale model for cell migration in monolayers: Elastic mismatch between cells enhances motility Room: LACC 502B |
Grason, Gregory Polymer Science and Engineering, Univ of Mass - Amherst |
Session A58.00003 Competing morphologies and escaping to infinite size in geometrically frustrated assemblies Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Graves, Amy Physics and Astronomy, Swarthmore College |
Session H05.00005 The Status of Women in Physics in the "Post-Millie" Era" Room: LACC 152 |
Green, Daniel S. Office of Naval Research |
Session S32.00004 Entrepreneurial Physics: Finding Support for Research and Commercialization Room: LACC 408A |
Greven, Martin University of Minnesota |
Session R04.00004 New insight into the cuprate phase diagram from measurements of HgBa2CuO4+δ Room: LACC 151 |
Grigera, Santiago Instituto de Fisica de Liquidos y Sistemas Biologicos, UNLP, CONICET, La Plata |
Session E24.00004 Beller Lectureship: Magnetic field tuning of order by disorder in frustrated Ising pyrochlores Room: LACC 403A |
Gross, David University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B16.00002 Einstein’s Quest for a Unified Theory Room: LACC 305 |
Gross, Eberhard K Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session S02.00001 Non-adiabatic dynamics on a single time-dependent potential energy surface Room: LACC 150B |
Grushin, Adolfo CNRS, Neel Institute |
Session R10.00001 Quantization and enhancement of non-linear responses in topological matter Room: LACC 301B |
Gu, Xiaokun Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ |
Session X29.00001 Phononic thermal properties of two-dimensional materials Room: LACC 406A |
Gu, Yuwei Chemistry, MIT |
Session C59.00003 Externally regulated switching of topology in polymer metal-organic cage gels Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Guha, Supratik Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne Natl Lab |
Session K15.00006 Materials challenges for non-silicon matrix multipliers and neuromorphic computing Room: LACC 304C |
Guillamon, Isabel Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas, Unidad Asociada UAM CSIC, Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Instituto Nicolás Cabrera and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IF |
Session C41.00004 Quasiparticle interference imaging in pure and Ni-doped CaKFe4As4 and in related systems Room: LACC 502A |
Gull, Emanuel Physics, Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session X32.00003 Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for real-time propagation Room: LACC 408A |
Guo, Er-Jia Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session V09.00001 Interface magnetism in complex oxides heterostructures and manufactured magnetoelectric coupling Room: LACC 301A |
Guo, Hangwen Louisiana State University |
Session P09.00004 Tailoring interface-induced emergent phases in magnetic complex oxides with atomic precision Room: LACC 301A |
Gurevich, Alexander Physics, Old Dominion University |
Session Y04.00005 Nonlinear surface resistance and reduction of dissipation in superconductors in the Meissner state under strong RF fields Room: LACC 151 |
Gustavsson, Anna-Karin Department of Physics, University of Gothenburg |
Session R58.00002 Induction and Entrainment of Glycolytic Oscillations in Single Yeast Cells Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Haas, Pierre University of Cambridge |
Session A51.00011 Mechanics and Variability of a Volvox Embryo Turning Itself Inside Out Room: LACC 511C |
Habersberger, Brian Dow Chemical Co |
Session V59.00002 Deuterium-labeled polyolefins: Exchange, characterization, and applications Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Hadzibabic, Zoran University of Cambridge |
Session K34.00001 Two- and three-body contacts in the unitary Bose gas Room: LACC 409A |
Haegeman, Jutho Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University |
Session P42.00003 Post Matrix Product State Methods: from low-energy dynamics to thermalization Room: LACC 502B |
Hafner, Jason Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University |
Session H16.00003 International Student Experiences in Introductory Physics MOOCs Room: LACC 305 |
Hagan, Michael Physics, Brandeis University |
Session K53.00001 Simulations of bulk and topologically constrained active matter Room: LACC 513 |
Haile, Sossina Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University |
Session S25.00004 Reversible Electrochemical Cells for Fuel to and from Electricity Room: LACC 403B |
Halas, N Rice Univ |
Session F04.00002 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Talk: Plasmonics: Photonic Nanoscience with Societal Impact Room: LACC 151 |
Hall, Lisa Ohio State University |
Session S43.00007 Effect of Ion-Polymer Solvation Strength on Ion Diffusion in Model Diblock Copolymers Room: LACC 503 |
Hallatschek, Oskar Physics, Integrative Biology, Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session H49.00006 Emergent evolutionary dynamics in dense cellular populations Room: LACC 511A |
Halsey, Thomas Exxon Mobil Upstream Research Co |
Session H57.00001 How Sand Gets to the Bottom of the Sea: Turbidity Currents and Deep Water Oil and Gas Reservoirs Room: LACC 518 |
Hamidian, Mohammad Physics, Harvard University |
Session A41.00005 Imaging Topologically Emergent Dirac States of a Kondo Insulator Room: LACC 502A |
Han, Kyu Young CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics, Univ of Central Florida |
Session S59.00005 Counting biomolecules using single-molecule imaging technique Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Han, Wei Peking Univ |
Session H25.00004 Spin and charge conversion in topological surface states and oxide interface states Room: LACC 403B |
Hanage, William Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Session S49.00009 Bacteria are different – the dynamics of genome content Room: LACC 511A |
Haney, Paul NIST -Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session P20.00001 An analytical model for polycrystalline photovoltaics Room: LACC 308B |
Hanna, Mina Synopsis, Inc. |
Session S58.00004 TBD Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Haravifard, Sara Duke University |
Session A24.00001 Mapping the Phase Diagram of Frustrated Quantum Magnets Using Magnetic Field, Pressure and Chemical Doping Room: LACC 403A |
Harper, Angela Physics, University of Cambridge |
Session L04.00002 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Laser Printed Flexible Electronics Room: LACC 151 |
Harrison, Neil Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session R04.00003 Strong Magnetic Fields at the Crossroads of Superconductivity, Quantum Criticality and Fermi Surface Reconstruction in the Cuprates Room: LACC 151 |
Harrow, Aram Physics, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session A28.00005 Rolf Landauer and Charles H. Bennett Award talk on the mathematics of quantum information, and the development of new algorithmic primitives for quantum computers Room: LACC 405 |
Hart, Gus Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University |
Session R12.00004 Machine Learning and Materials Discovery Room: LACC 303B |
Harter, John UC Santa Barbara |
Session K23.00004 Odd-parity electronic order in the strongly correlated and spin-orbit coupled metal Cd2Re2O7 Room: LACC 402B |
Hartland, Greg Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ of Notre Dame |
Session F12.00001 Strong coupling between Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Excitons for Silver Nanowires Room: LACC 303B |
Hartnoll, Sean Stanford Univ |
Session X05.00002 Electron hydrodynamics beyond momentum and viscosity Room: LACC 152 |
Hassinger, Elena Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session B10.00001 Fermi Surface Topology and Transport in Weyl Semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Haule, Kristjan Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers Univ |
Session Y25.00005 Chiral density wave with local hexadecapole order parameter as the hidden order in URu2Si2 Room: LACC 403B |
Hazzard, Kaden Rice Univ |
Session F42.00004 Synthetic dimensions in ultracold molecules: quantum strings, membranes, and dissipation-induced topology Room: LACC 502B |
Heilshorn, Sarah Stanford University |
Session C59.00001 Adaptable hydrogels with secondary reinforcement for regenerative medicine Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Heinrich, Andreas Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science |
Session V32.00003 From Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy to Electron Spin Resonance of single atom spins on a surface Room: LACC 408A |
Heiz, Ueli Chemistry Department and Catalysis Research Center, Technische Universität München |
Session B03.00002 Clusters in Action Room: LACC 150C |
Helfand, David Astronomy, Columbia University |
Session H16.00001 Deriving Kepler's Laws as Kepler Did -- From (simulated) Noisy Data Room: LACC 305 |
Hellmann, Frank Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
Session Y42.00002 Probabilistic stability measures and the dynamics of power grids. Room: LACC 502B |
Hemberger, Joachim University of Cologne |
Session V05.00001 A ferroelectric quantum phase transition inside a superconducting dome Room: LACC 152 |
Hen, Itay Information Sciences Institute, Univ of Southern California |
Session L25.00005 Can Analog Quantum Computers Solve Spin Glasses? Room: LACC 403B |
Hennig, Richard Univ of Florida - Gainesville |
Session P12.00001 Materials Informatics for the Discovery of Novel 2D Materials Room: LACC 303B |
Henry, Asegun George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering School of Materials Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session S29.00001 Rethinking Phonons Room: LACC 406A |
Herbut, Igor Simon Fraser Univ |
Session X04.00005 Theory of complex tensor superconducting order in quadratic-band-touching Luttinger semimetals Room: LACC 151 |
Heron, Paula Physics, Univ of Washington |
Session R32.00001 Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers: Recommendations from the PHYS21 Report Room: LACC 408A |
Herrmann, Hans ETH Zurich |
Session F04.00005 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Talk: Fluids and Deforming Surfaces Room: LACC 151 |
Herrmann, Hans ETH Zürich |
Session K48.00001 Percolation on correlated landscapes Room: LACC 510 |
Hertz, Hans Applied Physics, KTH Royal Inst of Tech |
Session L05.00002 Liquid-metal-jet x-ray sources and high-resolution biomedical imaging Room: LACC 152 |
Hickel, Tilmann Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung |
Session C41.00005 Electronic properties, low-energy Hamiltonian, and superconducting instabilities in CaKFe4As4. Room: LACC 502A |
Hillebrands, Burkard Department of Physics and Forschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Univ Kaiserslautern |
Session X25.00001 Observation of room-temperature magnon supercurrents Room: LACC 403B |
Hindes, Jason U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Session Y42.00004 Making rare events happen: prediction and control of network extinction, switching, and other extreme processes Room: LACC 502B |
Ho, Wilson Physics and Astronomy, Univ of California - Irvine |
Session V32.00002 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Talk: STM Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy and Microscopy Room: LACC 408A |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session K61.00001 APS Bridge Program: Changing the Face of Physics Graduate Education Room: LACC West Hall B |
Holmes, Douglas Mechanical Engineering, Boston University |
Session C57.00001 Soft Adhesion & Friction: Compliance, Hysteresis, and Swelling Room: LACC 518 |
Holmes, N Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University |
Session C43.00005 Hands-on or minds-on? Teaching and measuring critical thinking in labs Room: LACC 503 |
Hong, Tao Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session R19.00001 Exotic spin excitations in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet near the quantum critical point Room: LACC 308A |
Horowitz, Jim DOE |
Session D04.00002 Condensed Matter Physics Research in the DOE-BES Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Hosoi, Anette Mechanical Engineering, MIT |
Session B50.00001 From Razor Clams to Robots: Drawing Engineering Inspiration from Natural Systems Room: LACC 511B |
Hosono, Hideo Tokyo Inst of Tech |
Session K04.00001 Materials discovery for iron-based superconductivity Room: LACC 151 |
Hossain, Syed Physics, IIEST, Shibpur |
Session H16.00005 Physics teaching in the entry level: Prospects and challenges in the context of rural India Room: LACC 305 |
Houck, Andrew Princeton University |
Session H33.00001 Many-body quantum optics with superconducting circuits Room: LACC 408B |
Hsu, Yi-Ting Physics, University of Maryland |
Session E13.00001 Topological superconductivity in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides Room: LACC 304A |
Hu, David Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session X57.00001 The amazing elephant trunk Room: LACC 518 |
Huang, Jinsong Applied Physical Science, Univ of NC - Chapel Hill |
Session B11.00001 Unveiling the Operation Mechanism of “Two-dimensional” Perovskite Solar Cells Room: LACC 303A |
Huang, Sui Institute for Systems Biology |
Session Y49.00001 Bifurcations and critical transitions in cell population dynamics: Why it is so hard to control cancer? Room: LACC 511A |
Huck, Christian Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University |
Session V02.00004 Strong Coupling between Surface Phonon-Polaritons and Surface Plasmon-Polaritons Room: LACC 150B |
Hunt, Benjamin Carnegie Mellon University |
Session L35.00001 Ising superconductivity and quantum metal in the two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides TaS$_2$ and NbSe$_2$ Room: LACC 409B |
Hurley, Jennifer Biological Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session S50.00001 The Importance of Disorder in the Highly Ordered Circadian Clock Room: LACC 511B |
Hynynen, Kullervo Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto and Sunnybrook Research Institute |
Session H32.00004 MRI–guided focused ultrasound — revolution in patient care Room: LACC 408A |
Iadecola, Thomas University of Maryland |
Session V34.00001 Floquet Supersymmetry Room: LACC 409A |
Ielmini, Daniele Politecnico di Milano Univ |
Session S41.00005 Spiking neural networks with resistive-switching synapses for STDP-based unsupervised learning Room: LACC 502A |
Ihlefeld, Jon Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia |
Session B09.00001 Backscattered Scanning Electron Microscopy Domain Imaging of Ferroelectric Films: in operando Ferroelectric Domain Structure Characterization Room: LACC 301A |
Ilan, Roni Physics, Tel-Aviv University |
Session A10.00001 Inhomogeneous Weyl Semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Inosov, Dmytro TU Dresden |
Session S05.00004 Magnetic excitations in the quadrupolar ordered CeB6. Room: LACC 152 |
Ippoliti, Matteo Physics, Princeton Univ |
Session A04.00001 Effect of band anisotropy on the Fermi contour of composite fermions at half filling Room: LACC 151 |
Ishikado, Motoyuki Neutron Science and Technology Center, Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS) |
Session C41.00003 Inelastic neutron scattering study on spin resonance in CaKFe4As4 Room: LACC 502A |
Jackeli, George MPI-FKF and Univ Stuttgart |
Session X10.00007 Spin-orbital interplay in Jeff=3/2 Mott insulators Room: LACC 301B |
Jacobs, Kurt US Army Research Laboratory |
Session A39.00001 Fast, high-fidelity, QND measurements of superconducting qubits using a transverse interaction? Room: LACC 501B |
Jain, Jainendra Physics, Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session E07.00001 Quantitative comparisons between theory and experiment in fractional quantum Hall effect Room: LACC 153B |
Jamadagni, Sumanth Modeling and Simulation, Procter & Gamble Co |
Session B59.00004 Insight vs. Accuracy for Models and Experiments in industry: How to strive for simplicity, and the importance of top-down, multi-physics modeling Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Jamali, Vida Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University |
Session R41.00001 Morphology of Carbon Nanotube Liquid Crystalline Phases: Insights into Tactoids and Columnar Phase Room: LACC 502A |
Janmey, Paul Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session R41.00004 Why aren't tissues like biopolymer networks? Packing colloidal particles in a fibrous matrix. Room: LACC 502A |
Janssen, Lukas TU Dresden |
Session F05.00005 Heisenberg-Kitaev physics in magnetic fields Room: LACC 152 |
Janssen, Michel University of Minnesota - Minneapolis |
Session E25.00003 Wave mechanics versus matrix mechanics Room: LACC 403B |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Physics, MIT |
Session K35.00007 Topology, correlations, and superconductivity in 2D Room: LACC 409B |
Jeraj, Robert University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session V46.00001 Advances in Modeling, Imaging, and Treatment of Cancer Room: LACC 506 |
Jerger, Paul Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session X21.00001 Single-spin holonomic quantum gates with coherent optical control in diamond Room: LACC 309 |
Johnson, Anthony M. University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Session L06.00002 A Career Encompassing Optical Physics, Diversity and Mentoring Room: LACC 153A |
Johnson, Barry Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships, National Science Foundation |
Session F32.00002 Advancing Technology at NSF Room: LACC 408A |
Johnson, Blake Rigetti Quantum Computing |
Session K33.00001 Scaling up a superconducting qubit lattice with parametric gates Room: LACC 408B |
Johnson, Neil Physics, University of Miami |
Session S58.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk: New Terrorism Reveals New Physics Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Johnson, Neil Physics, University of Miami |
Session K32.00001 How Big Data Unlocks the New Many-body Physics of Online Threats Room: LACC 408A |
Johnston-Halperin, Ezekiel Physics, Ohio State Univ |
Session C04.00005 High-Q spin wave excitations in the organic-based ferrimagnet vanadium tetracyanoethylene Room: LACC 151 |
Johrendt, Dirk Chemistry, LMU München |
Session V11.00001 Progress and perspectives in materials chemistry of iron-based superconductors Room: LACC 303A |
Jonas, David Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session B25.00003 Nonadiabatic Dynamics and Nested Funnels in Energy Transfer and Photosynthesis Room: LACC 403B |
Jonas, David Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session F41.00001 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics Talk: Two-Dimensional Femtosecond Spectroscopy Room: LACC 502A |
Jordan, Stephen NIST |
Session H39.00001 Quantum information tools for simulating quantum field theories Room: LACC 501B |
Jung, Sunghwan Virginia Tech |
Session X58.00005 Diving birds and wettability-tunable leaves Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Juzeliunas, Gediminas Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius University |
Session F42.00003 Omnidirectional spin Hall effect in a Weyl spin-orbit coupled atomic gas Room: LACC 502B |
Kaasbjerg, Kristen Technical University of Denmark |
Session E37.00004 A unified description of quasiparticle interference in two-dimensional materials Room: LACC 411 |
Kagawa, Fumitaka RIKEN CEMS/Univ. Tokyo |
Session A09.00007 Athermal domain-wall creep near a ferroelectric quantum critical point Room: LACC 301A |
Kaiser, Stefan U Stuttgart and Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session L41.00003 Ultrafast Optical Control of Complex Quantum Materials Room: LACC 502A |
Kardar, Mehran Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) |
Session V07.00001 Casimir and van der Waals forces near gently curved surfaces Room: LACC 153B |
Karim, Alamgir Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston |
Session S55.00004 Directed Self-Assembly (DSA) of Block Copolymer Films with Direct Immersion Annealing Room: LACC 515A |
Karniadakis, George Brown University |
Session Y29.00005 TBD Room: LACC 406A |
Kassebaum, Paul Global Team Lead, Physics, MathWorks |
Session P32.00005 Making Big Data Work for Physicists Room: LACC 408A |
Kauffman, Stuart Institute for Systems Biology |
Session E50.00001 Ensembles, Dynamics and Cell Types Room: LACC 511B |
Kawakami, Roland Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session A35.00005 Optospintronics and Magnetism with 2D Materials and Heterostructures Room: LACC 409B |
Kaxiras, Efthimios Harvard University |
Session B29.00001 Recent advances in time-dependent density functional theory for applications to electronic excitations and non-adiabatic dynamics Room: LACC 406A |
Kelley, Paula Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee |
Session F05.00001 Excitations in the field-induced quantum spin liquid state of α-RuCl3 Room: LACC 152 |
Kelly, Julian |
Session A33.00001 Engineering superconducting qubit arrays for Quantum Supremacy Room: LACC 408B |
Kennes, Dante Columbia University |
Session K05.00002 Electronic Squeezing of Pumped Phonons: Negative U and Transient Superconductivity Room: LACC 152 |
Kerckhoff, Joseph HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session E28.00001 Experimental approaches to quantum input-output networks Room: LACC 405 |
Kerman, Andrew MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Session C26.00001 Design and simulation of complex superconducting circuits for advanced quantum annealing hardware Room: LACC 404A |
Kestner, Jason Physics, UMBC |
Session K28.00001 Dynamically corrected entangling gates for spin qubits Room: LACC 405 |
Khamis, Ibrahim International Atomic Energy Agency |
Session S25.00002 Nuclear Hydrogen Production: Enhancing the Climate Change - Nuclear Energy Nexus Room: LACC 403B |
Khatami, Ehsan Physics and Astronomy, San Jose State University |
Session A32.00003 Machine learning and the magnetic phases of correlated fermions Room: LACC 408A |
Kim, Bom Physics, Loyola University Maryland |
Session A25.00003 Skyrmions and Hall Transport Room: LACC 403B |
Kim, Kab-Jin Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Session L22.00004 Fast domain wall motion induced by antiferromagnetic spin dynamics at the angular momentum compensation temperature of ferrimagnets Room: LACC 402A |
Kim, Matt QuantTera |
Session E43.00005 The Journey of an Entrepreneurial Physicist Room: LACC 503 |
Kim, Minsu Emory University |
Session H49.00001 Stochastic population dynamics induced by antibiotic treatment Room: LACC 511A |
Kim, Yong-Baek Univ of Toronto |
Session S05.00001 Novel phases in critical metallic systems with multipolar local moments Room: LACC 152 |
Kimura, Tsuyoshi Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo |
Session S23.00001 Multiferroic oxides with multiple magnetic order parameters and domain structures Room: LACC 402B |
King, John Center for Soft and Living Matter, Institute for Basic Science |
Session S59.00003 Studying Nanoscale Dynamics with Super-Resolved Microscopy Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Kira, Mackillo Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session A05.00003 Many-body theory of quasiparticles in strong laser fields Room: LACC 152 |
Kivelson, Steven Stanford University |
Session H41.00005 Enhacement of Superconductivity by Nematic Fluctuations Room: LACC 502A |
Kleinberg, Robert Schlumberger |
Session V32.00004 Distinguished Lectureship on the Applications of Physics Talk: mK to km: How Millikelvin Physics is Reused to Explore the Earth Kilometers Below the Surface Room: LACC 408A |
Kob, Walter University of Montpellier |
Session P57.00001 On the structure of liquids and glasses: More order than expected Room: LACC 518 |
Koelle, Katia Biology, Emory University |
Session V58.00001 Predicting the evolution of influenza virus’s defective interfering genomes Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Kojevnikov, Alexei University of British Columbia |
Session A16.00001 “More is Different,” or the “Transition from Quantity to Quality” Room: LACC 305 |
Komsa, Hannu-Pekka Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University |
Session H11.00001 Engineering point and extended defects in transition metal dichalcogenides Room: LACC 303A |
Konik, Robert CMPMSD, Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session X32.00004 Studies of the Loschmidt Echo and Entanglement Spreading in Two Dimensional Anisotropic Spin Systems Room: LACC 408A |
Koppens, Frank ICFO |
Session R37.00007 Nano-optoelectronics with 2d material heterostructures: fundamentals and applications Room: LACC 411 |
Korley, LaShanda Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware |
Session X58.00001 Hierarchy and architecture - tailoring physical associations toward functional networks and gels Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Kornfield, Julie Caltech |
Session B59.00001 Microstructral Basis for the Unexpected Radial Strength of Poly L-lactide (PLLA) Bioresorbable Vascular Scafflolds During Hydrolysis Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Korolev, Kirill Physics, Boston University |
Session E49.00001 Neither pulled nor pushed: Genetic drift and front wandering uncover a new class of reaction-diffusion waves Room: LACC 511A |
Koser Patteson, Alison Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session A48.00001 Dissertation Award in Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Talk: Life in Suspense: Particle dynamics in suspensions of swimming bacteria Room: LACC 510 |
Kotov, Nicholas Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan |
Session F49.00001 Bioinspired Nanomaterials: from Clay and Graphene Composites to Chiral Nanostructures. Room: LACC 511A |
Kourtis, Stefanos Boston University |
Session P42.00004 Iterative Compression-Decimation Scheme for Tensor Network Optimization Room: LACC 502B |
Kraus, Barbara Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria |
Session V26.00004 Local manipulation of multipartite entanglement Room: LACC 404A |
Kraus, Dominik Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session V38.00001 Formation of diamonds in laser-compressed hydrocarbons at planetary interior conditions Room: LACC 501A |
Krauth, Werner LPS - Physics Department, Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session C38.00001 Fast irreversible Markov chains in statistical mechanics Room: LACC 501A |
Kremer, Kurt Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Session R52.00010 The Puzzle of Smart Polymers in Miscible Solvent Mixtures Room: LACC 512 |
Kresse, Georg Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna |
Session C29.00001 BSE and time dependent DFT beyond the Tamm-Dancoff approximation: diagonalization versus time evolution Room: LACC 406A |
Krishna, Roshan Univ of Manchester |
Session X05.00005 Viscous electron flow in graphene Room: LACC 152 |
Kronik, Leeor Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session B42.00001 Biogenic Scatterers, Mirrors, Multilayer Reflectors and Photonic Crystals. Futuristic Ancient Technologies Room: LACC 502B |
Krueger, Dan Ramey & Schwaller, LLP |
Session C05.00003 Patent Sense: knowing when to pursue patent protection Room: LACC 152 |
Kruglyak, Leonid University of California, Los Angeles |
Session K58.00003 Quantitative genetics and the missing heritability problem Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Krylov, Anna Univ of Southern California |
Session V03.00001 Non-adiabatic couplings in the EOM-CC framework Room: LACC 150C |
Kuehn, Seppe Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session E42.00002 Evolution at the front Room: LACC 502B |
Kumar, Aishwarya Physics, The Pennsylvania State University |
Session S42.00004 Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms: Quantum Gates and Maxwell’s Demons Room: LACC 502B |
Kung, Harriet Office of Science, Department of Energy |
Session H05.00003 The Legacy of Millie Dresselhaus: Women, Carbon, and Society Room: LACC 152 |
Kung, Hsiang-Hsi Quantum Matter Institute, Univ of British Columbia |
Session Y25.00002 Hidden Orders: The Chirality Density Wave and Orbital Antiferromagnetism in URu2Si2 Room: LACC 403B |
Kussell, Edo New York University |
Session F58.00005 Lineages, Growth, and Selection in Heterogeneous Populations Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Ladieu, François SPEC, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA Saclay Bat 772 |
Session L25.00004 Fifth-order susceptibility unveils growth of thermodynamic amorphous order in glass-formers. Room: LACC 403B |
LaHaye, Matthew Syracuse University |
Session C33.00009 Investigations and Potential Applications of Qubit-Nanoresonator-Cavity Interactions in a Superconducting Quantum Electromechanical System Room: LACC 408B |
Lai, Hsin-Hua Rice Univ |
Session K41.00002 Weyl-Kondo Semimetal in Heavy Fermion Systems Room: LACC 502A |
Laliberte, Francis Institut Quantique, Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session A41.00003 Heat transport in the Kondo insulator SmB6 Room: LACC 502A |
Lambert, Guillaume Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University |
Session V49.00007 Quantitative single cell biophysics: Unraveling bacterial adaptation dynamics under fluctuating environments Room: LACC 511A |
Landini, Manuele ETH - Hoenggerberg |
Session V42.00005 Bose-Einstein Condensate in a cavity, phase transitions in an open quantum system Room: LACC 502B |
Landman, Uzi School of Physics, Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session B03.00001 Old Questions, New Paradigms: Tuning Nanocatalytic Reactivity and Selectivity Room: LACC 150C |
Lane, J. Matthew Sandia National Laboratories |
Session L38.00003 Integrated Modeling and Experiments for Strength in Tantalum: A Tri-lab Effort Room: LACC 501A |
Lannert, Courtney Physics, Smith College |
Session R32.00005 APS Guide to Effective Practices in Undergraduate Physics Programs: How will this help my Department? Room: LACC 408A |
Lanzara, Alessandra Physics Department - University California, Berkeley, Materials Sciences Division - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H04.00004 Driving Topology with Light Room: LACC 151 |
Law, Kam Tuen Physics, Hong Kong Univ of Sci & Tech |
Session H13.00001 Novel Superconducting Phases in Monolayer Transition Metal Dichacolgenides Room: LACC 304A |
Lawler, Michael Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Binghamton University |
Session E41.00002 How to fold a magnet: distorted kagome antiferromagnets as topologically frustrated origami sheets Room: LACC 502A |
Lee, Ho Nyung Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session V25.00005 Spin orbit coupled 3d–5d quantum oxide heterostructures Room: LACC 403B |
Lee, Minhyea Physics, Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session B24.00001 Anomalous Thermal Conductivity and Magnetic Torque Response in the Honeycomb Magnet α−RuCl3 Room: LACC 403A |
Lee, Seung-Wuk Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley |
Session X58.00003 Biomimetic Self-Templating Materials and Applications Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Lee, Sungyon Mechanical Engineering , University of Minnesota |
Session C16.00001 Pattern formation in suspensions Room: LACC 305 |
Leheny, Robert Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y51.00001 Particle-Tracking Studies of Protein Layer Formation at Fluid Interfaces Room: LACC 511C |
Lenz, Martin LPTMS, Univ of Paris - Sud 11 CNRS |
Session A58.00004 Slimming down through frustration Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Leslie, Sabrina Physics and Quant. Life. Sciences, McGill University |
Session F59.00004 How molecules behave in a squeeze Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Levine, Herbert Rice Univ |
Session A51.00001 Reciprocal coupling between cells and their mechanical environment Room: LACC 511C |
Li, Jun-Ru Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session L59.00003 A stripe phase with supersolid properties in spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Li, Lain-Jong Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) |
Session R36.00004 Janus monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides Room: LACC 410 |
Li, Shiliang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session X11.00001 Interplay between Nematicity, Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Iron-Based Superconductors Room: LACC 303A |
Li, Xiaokang Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center and School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Session E05.00003 Anomalous Nernst and Righi-Leduc Effects in Mn3Sn:Berry Curvature and Entropy Flow Room: LACC 152 |
Li, Yan Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah |
Session R21.00001 Spin-polarized exciton quantum beating in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites Room: LACC 309 |
Liddle, James Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST -Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session S59.00001 Nanoscale structure and deformation in soft materials revealed by single-molecule localization and orientation Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Lin, Jie School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University |
Session F58.00001 The effects of stochasticity at the single-cell level and cell size control on the population growth Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Lindeboom, Jelmer Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Plant Biology |
Session X51.00001 The role of microtubule organization in directional plant cell growth Room: LACC 511C |
Lindh, Roland Chemistry - Ångström, Uppsala University |
Session R03.00009 Non-Adabatic Chemiluminescent Dynamics of the Methyl-Substituted 1,2-Dioxetanes Room: LACC 150C |
Lipson, Jane E Chemistry, Dartmouth Coll |
Session B55.00004 Think globally, act locally: How interfaces can alter mobility and glassiness Room: LACC 515A |
Liu, Amy Department of Physics, Georgetown University |
Session H58.00002 Electron-Phonon Interaction in 2D Charge-Density-Wave Materials Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Liu, Chenli Institute of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session E42.00003 Evolutionary stability of bacterial motility to spatially dependent selection Room: LACC 502B |
Liu, Guoliang Virginia Tech |
Session A59.00005 The design of block copolymers and the control over their structures for energy storage Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Liu, Luqiao Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session E21.00006 Magnetic Switching with Topological Insulator and Compensated Ferrimagnet Room: LACC 309 |
Lodge, Timothy Chemistry and Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota |
Session B43.00007 Micelleplexes: Complexation of Polyanions with Cationic AB Diblock and ABC Triblock Micelles Room: LACC 503 |
Loewen, Hartmut Physics, Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf |
Session E02.00001 Dynamical density functional theory for the collective behavior of active particles Room: LACC 150B |
Long, Timothy Virginia Tech |
Session R43.00001 Ionic Liquids Inspiring the Design of Charged Polymers: The Allure of Phosphorus Room: LACC 503 |
Look, David Semiconductor Research Center, Wright State Univ |
Session P11.00001 Doping and Compensation in Wide-Band-Gap Oxides Room: LACC 303A |
Lott, Aaron D-Wave |
Session P32.00002 Quantum Computing at D-Wave Room: LACC 408A |
Lounis, Samir Peter Grünberg Institut and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich and JARA |
Session K42.00005 Magnetization dynamics from an ab-intio perspective: from single atoms to skyrmions Room: LACC 502B |
lukin, mikhail Physics Department, Harvard University |
Session P39.00001 Probing many-body dynamics on a large-scale quantum simulator Room: LACC 501B |
Luksza, Marta Simons Center for Systems Biology, Institute for Advanced Study |
Session V58.00002 A minimal fitness model for evolutionary predictions Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Luo, Sheng-Nian The Peac Institute of Multiscale Sciences |
Session K38.00004 Resolving nanoscale dynamics with ultrafast small-angle x-ray scattering Room: LACC 501A |
Luscombe, Christine University of Washington |
Session P56.00001 Sequence-specific placement of defects in pi-conjugated semiconducting polymers Room: LACC 515B |
Luthi, Florian QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session F33.00001 Evolution of Nanowire Transmons and Their Quantum Coherence in Magnetic Field Room: LACC 408B |
Lutkenhaus, Jodie Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University |
Session V56.00004 Charge Transfer and Mass Transport in Organic Radical Polymers Room: LACC 515B |
Ma, Ruichao James Franck Institute and Department of Physics, University of Chicago |
Session H33.00002 Synthetic quantum matter in superconducting circuits Room: LACC 408B |
MacDougall, Greg University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A23.00001 Identification and control of domain wall order in spinel ferrimagnets Room: LACC 402B |
Macia, Ferran Barcelona Institute of Material Sciences , CSIC - Univ Auto Barcelona |
Session V19.00004 Direct imaging of delayed magneto dynamic modes induced by surface acoustic waves Room: LACC 308A |
Maciejko, Joseph Physics, University of Alberta |
Session S04.00004 Helical Fermi liquids and their breakdown Room: LACC 151 |
Mack, Gregory American Physical Society |
Session S58.00002 TBD Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Mack, Gregory American Physical Society |
Session E43.00006 Alternate Careers for Physicists: Science Policy and Government Relations Room: LACC 503 |
Mackenzie, Andrew Max Planck Institute Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session X05.00001 Experiments on electron hydrodynamics with and without applied magnetic fields Room: LACC 152 |
Mackie, Thomas University of Wisconsin |
Session H32.00003 Emerging Cancer Therapeutics Room: LACC 408A |
MacLennan, Joseph Physics Department, Univ of Colorado Boulder |
Session Y32.00001 Smectic Liquid Crystal Bubbles in Microgravity: Fluid Physics in Two Dimensions Room: LACC 408A |
Madhavan, Vidya Physics, Univ of Illinois |
Session X14.00001 Interplay of orbital effects and nanoscale strain in topological crystalline insulators Room: LACC 304B |
Mahanthappa, Mahesh Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Minnesota |
Session A58.00002 Molecular Frustration and Formation of Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Frank-Kasper Phases Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Maitra, Neepa Hunter College CUNY and the Graduate Center CUNY |
Session R02.00007 DFT beyond the ground-state: memory-dependent functionals and coupling to ions Room: LACC 150B |
Malinowski, Filip Univ of Copenhagen |
Session F28.00001 Long-range exchange coupling for spin qubits Room: LACC 405 |
Maloney, Craig Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University |
Session R59.00003 Plastic flow in amorphous solids: from particle-scale to meso-scale. Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Malvankar, Nikhil Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Microbial Sciences Institute, Yale Univ |
Session C51.00010 Metallic Conductivity in Proteins: A New Paradigm for Biological Electron Transfer Room: LACC 511C |
Manfra, Michael Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue Univ |
Session A04.00005 Possible Nematic to Smectic Phase Transition in a Two-Dimensional Electron System at Half-Filling Room: LACC 151 |
Mangin, Stephane Institut Jean Lamour, Université de Lorraine |
Session E19.00001 Ultrafast Magnetization Manipulation Using Single Femtosecond Light and Hot-Electron Pulse Room: LACC 308A |
Maniscalco, Sabrina Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku |
Session V42.00003 Saving the Quantum: How to make friends with the Environment Room: LACC 502B |
Manning, M Lisa Syracuse University |
Session B54.00013 2018 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award Talk: Surface tension is weird in confluent biological tissues Room: LACC 514 |
Manoharan, Vinothan Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session L02.00001 How does a simple virus self-assemble? Room: LACC 150B |
Mao, Xiaoming Physics, Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session X54.00001 Topological modes in disordered fiber networks under active driving Room: LACC 514 |
Maple, M Brian Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego |
Session Y25.00001 Novel Electronic Phases and Competing Interactions in the Correlated f-Electron Compound URu2Si2 Room: LACC 403B |
Marchetti, M Cristina Syracuse University |
Session C16.00005 Topological patterns in active liquid crystals Room: LACC 305 |
Marinero, Ernesto Schools of Materials and Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University |
Session F32.00001 Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Purdue University: from the Laboratory to the Market Room: LACC 408A |
Markelz, Andrea Physics, State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session H50.00001 Measuring Protein Intramolecular Dynamics with Terahertz Light: Functional Changes and Relevance to Biology Room: LACC 511B |
Markson, Joseph S. Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology |
Session R58.00005 Morphogen Gradient Reconstitution Reveals Hedgehog Pathway Design Principles Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Marone, Chris Pennsylvania State Univ. |
Session B58.00003 Quasi-dynamic Stick-Slip Frictional Sliding and The Mechanics of Slow Earthquakes Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Marshall, Wallace Biochemistry & Biophysics, UCSF |
Session B49.00001 How cells measure length: clocks, rulers, and diffusion Room: LACC 511A |
Marston, John Physics, Brown University |
Session C58.00002 Large Deviation Theory of Planetary Jets Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Martin, David Materials Science and Engineering, Univ of Delaware |
Session H56.00002 In-Situ Imaging of Polymer and Organic Molecular Materials by Transmission Electron Microscopy Room: LACC 515B |
Martinez-Miranda, Luz J. University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L06.00003 Never Give Up: Ferroelectrics and Liquid Crystals to Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Room: LACC 153A |
Martin-Mayor, Victor Fisica, Universidad Complutense |
Session L25.00003 Time and length for spin glasses Room: LACC 403B |
Marvian, Iman Duke University |
Session S26.00001 Quantum Resource Theories Room: LACC 404A |
Marvian Mashhad, Milad Univ of Southern California |
Session X28.00001 Error suppression for Hamiltonian-based quantum computation Room: LACC 405 |
Maslov, Dmitrii Physics, Univ of Florida |
Session S04.00001 A Fermi liquid with spin-orbit coupling Room: LACC 151 |
Matsuda, Yuji Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session H41.00003 Thermodynamic evidence for nematic phase transition at the onset of pseudogap in cuprates Room: LACC 502A |
May, Steven Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University |
Session F23.00006 Magnetism and electronic phase transitions in isovalent manganite and ferrate superlattices Room: LACC 402B |
Mazin, I.I. Center for Computational Materials Science Naval Research Laboratory |
Session E04.00005 Current challenges in Fe-based superconductors Room: LACC 151 |
McCollam, Alix High Field Magnet Laboratory , Radboud University |
Session S05.00002 The influence of nuclear-electronic order on quantum criticality in antiferroquadrupolar PrOs4Sb12 Room: LACC 152 |
McCormick, Elizabeth Ohio State University |
Session F37.00004 Imaging Spin Dynamics in Monolayer WS2 by Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation Microscopy Room: LACC 411 |
McGavern, Dorian National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, National Institutes of Health |
Session V50.00001 Visualizing traumatic brain injury in vivo Room: LACC 511B |
McGehee, Michael Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford Univiversity |
Session A11.00001 Developing metal-halide perovskites with optimal band gaps, slow recombination and high stability for tandem solar cells Room: LACC 303A |
McGuire, Michael Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session V35.00006 Magnetism in Cleavable Transition Metal Halides Room: LACC 409B |
McLeish, Thomas Durham University |
Session A56.00001 Molecular theory for Polymer Rheology: When the Mist Clears – and When it Swirls Back Again Room: LACC 515B |
Mehta, Mayank R. Keck center for Neurophysics, Departments of: Physics & Astronomy; Neurology, Neurobiology, UCLA |
Session C42.00005 How neural emergent dynamics creates the perception of abstract space-time Room: LACC 502B |
Melko, Roger University of Waterloo |
Session A32.00001 Modeling Many-Body Physics with Restricted Boltzmann Machines Room: LACC 408A |
Meng, Y. Shirley University of California San Diego |
Session S25.00001 Quantifying the unusual anion redox activity in lithium intercalation compounds Room: LACC 403B |
Menon, Vinod Physics, City College & Graduate Center of CUNY |
Session C37.00010 Valley Exciton Polaritons Room: LACC 411 |
Meredig, Bryce Citrine Informatics |
Session K32.00002 Solving industrial materials problems by using machine learning across diverse computational and experimental data Room: LACC 408A |
Mergelsberg, Sebastian Geosciences, Virginia Tech |
Session B42.00005 The solubility and structure(s) of amorphous calcium carbonate(s) (ACC) under controlled conditions Room: LACC 502B |
Metelmann, Anja Princeton University |
Session B33.00001 Nonreciprocal and reciprocal information processing at the quantum level Room: LACC 408B |
Meyer, Tara Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh |
Session A59.00003 Structure, Properties, and Function in Periodically Sequenced Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)s Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Mezzenga, Raffaele ETH - Zurich |
Session K59.00004 Materials Science & Nanotechnology with Protein Nanofibrils Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Mi, Xiao Physics, Princeton University |
Session V21.00001 Strong-coupling Cavity QED with Single Electron Charge and Spin Qubits in Silicon1 Room: LACC 309 |
Mihailovic, Dragan Complex Matter, Jozef Stefan Inst |
Session Y05.00005 Unexpected emergent states of matter created out of equilibrium in tantalum disulphide. Room: LACC 152 |
Miller, Casey Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session K61.00002 Traditional admissions requirements fail to predict PhD completion in Physics Room: LACC West Hall B |
Miller, Ron NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies |
Session F16.00005 Climate Response to Radiative Forcing By (Dust) Aerosols: Energy and Moisture Constraints Room: LACC 305 |
Miller, Thomas California Institute of Technology |
Session P02.00007 DFT-based embedding theories: Wavefunction-embedding, dynamics, excited states, and applications Room: LACC 150B |
Millis, Andrew Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session H34.00001 Precision many-body theory for the Hubbard model and beyond: the knowns, the known unknowns, and the unknown unknownns Room: LACC 409A |
Milner, Scott Penn State University |
Session A56.00008 Chi parameters from simulations Room: LACC 515B |
Minnich, Austin Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech |
Session C21.00001 Thermal phonon coherence in superlattices and the role of phonon scattering phase space Room: LACC 309 |
Mirrahimi, Mazyar Inria and Yale Quantum Institute |
Session V33.00002 Dissipation as a resource for stabilizing quantum states with superconducting qubits Room: LACC 408B |
Miskin, Marc Cornell University |
Session E41.00003 From Atomic Origami, Towards Cell-Sized Machines Room: LACC 502A |
Mitra, Aditi Physics, New York University |
Session K05.00001 Properties of transient superfluids Room: LACC 152 |
Mlynczak, Martin NASA Langley |
Session F16.00001 The Spectroscopic Foundation of Radiative Forcing by Carbon Dioxide Room: LACC 305 |
Moehring, David IonQ |
Session L58.00005 Reconfigurable and Programmable Ion Trap Quantum Computer Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Mogilner, Alex New York University |
Session H42.00003 Collective cell migration in electric fields Room: LACC 502B |
Moin, Parviz Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University |
Session Y29.00001 Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flows Room: LACC 406A |
Molinero, Valeria Chemistry, The University of Utah |
Session H02.00006 Self-assembly of mesophases and zeolitic crystals from nanoparticles Room: LACC 150B |
Moll, Philip Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session R05.00002 Electronic in-plane symmetry breaking at field-tuned quantum criticality in CeRhIn5 Room: LACC 152 |
Monaldi, Daniela Science and Technology Studies, York University |
Session E25.00004 When did particles become “indistinguishable”? Einstein, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, and the interpretive flexibility of mathematical-theoretical apparatus in the emergence of quantum statistics Room: LACC 403B |
Monti, Oliver Univ of Arizona |
Session P17.00001 Electronic Structure and Spin Texture at Organic Semiconductor Interfaces Room: LACC 306A |
Morales, Andrea Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH - Zurich |
Session L59.00001 Supersolidity and intertwined order parameters in a quantum gas Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Moreo, Adriana Univ of Tennessee and ORNL. |
Session L14.00001 New Directions in Theoretical Studies of Iron-based Superconductors Room: LACC 304B |
Morgenstern, Markus II. Institute of Physics B, RWTH Aachen University |
Session V04.00005 Tunable giant valley splitting in edge-free graphene quantum dots on boron nitride Room: LACC 151 |
Morimoto, Takahiro Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session Y05.00004 Topological aspects of nonlinear optical effects Room: LACC 152 |
Morosan, Emilia Rice University |
Session X41.00004 Crystal field anisotropy in a new Ytterbium heavy fermion ferromagnet Room: LACC 502A |
Moskowitz, Clara Scientific American |
Session E32.00005 Connecting With the Public Room: LACC 408A |
Motome, Yukitoshi Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session K24.00007 Thermal Fractionalization in Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquids Room: LACC 403A |
Mtingwa, Sekazi TriSEED Consultants, LLC |
Session L16.00001 Lightsources for Africa, the Americas & Middle East Project (LAAMP): An IUPAP and IUCr ICSU-Funded Project Room: LACC 305 |
Mueed, M A Princeton Univ |
Session L04.00004 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Talk: Probing Exotic Phases of Interacting Two-dimensional Carriers Using One-dimensional Potential Modulation Room: LACC 151 |
Mueller, Marcus Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Goettingen |
Session S20.00001 Computing free-energy landscapes of co-operative structure changes in soft, biological matter Room: LACC 308B |
Mueller, Marcus Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Goettingen |
Session E59.00004 Defect motion and annihilation in block copolymers Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Mukamel, Shaul University of California - Irvine |
Session V02.00006 Nonlinear optical molecular spectroscopy with quantum light and in microcavities Room: LACC 150B |
Mundy, Christopher Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session B02.00001 Building models for the initial stages of nucleation: CaCO3 revisited Room: LACC 150B |
Mundy, Julia Department of Physics, Harvard Univ |
Session L23.00001 Atomic-resolution Imaging of Functional Electronic Inversion Layers at Ferroelectric Domain Walls Room: LACC 402B |
Murakami, Yuta Physics, Fribourg University |
Session L41.00004 Nonequilibrium steady states and transient dynamics of conventional superconductors under phonon driving Room: LACC 502A |
Murray, Cherry Harvard University |
Session H05.00001 Millie as Mentor, Role Model and Inspiration Room: LACC 152 |
Murrell, Michael Yale Univ |
Session P58.00002 Mechanisms of Dynamic Stability in the Actomyosin Cytoskeleton Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Murugan, Arvind University of Chicago |
Session F57.00001 Towards a theory of self-folding Room: LACC 518 |
Myers, Corinne University of New Mexico |
Session B42.00002 Exceptional Preservation of Organic Matrix and Shell Ultrastructure in a Cretaceous Pinna Fossil Room: LACC 502B |
Nagel, Sidney Physics, Univ of Chicago |
Session A57.00004 Designing allostery-inspired response in mechanical networks Room: LACC 518 |
Nair, Hari Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University |
Session K13.00001 Demystifying the growth of superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films Room: LACC 304A |
Nakatsuji, Satoru Institute for Solid State Physics, Univ of Tokyo |
Session E05.00001 Large Transverse Responses at Room Temperature in the Weyl Antiferromagnets Mn3X Room: LACC 152 |
Nealey, Paul University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory |
Session E59.00002 Directed self-assembly in two and three dimensions Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Needleman, Daniel Harvard University |
Session R41.00005 Instabilities, Phase Transitions, and Thermodynamics of Active Matter Room: LACC 502A |
Nelson, David R. Harvard Unviersity |
Session E41.00004 Perforations, disclination quadrapoles and crumpling of free-standing graphene Room: LACC 502A |
Nelson, Keith Chemistry, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session F04.00003 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids Talk: Light Interactions With Matter, The Gift That Keeps On Giving Room: LACC 151 |
Neupane, Madhab Department of Physics , Univ of Central Florida |
Session B04.00003 Photoemission Studies of Topological Superconducting Materials Room: LACC 151 |
Neuscamman, Eric Chemistry, UC Berkeley |
Session X03.00005 Excited State Variational Principles for Real Solids Room: LACC 150C |
Newman, Dianne BBE/GPS, Caltech |
Session A42.00004 The importance of changing color: roles for redox-active pigments in sustaining biofilm metabolism Room: LACC 502B |
Niemala, Joseph J. |
Session E32.00001 TBD Room: LACC 408A |
Noheda, Beatriz Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials and Groningen Center for Cognitive Systems and Materials (CogniGron), U. Groningen |
Session L09.00001 Domain dynamics in low strain BaTiO3 thin films Room: LACC 301A |
Nordine, Paul Physical Property Measurements, Inc. |
Session S32.00001 Containerless Research, Inc., a Niche Science Enterprise Room: LACC 408A |
Norman, Michael Materials Science Division, Argonne Natl Lab |
Session E04.00001 What’s Up with the Cuprates? Room: LACC 151 |
Nozaki, Yukio Keio Univ |
Session K19.00008 Spin Current Generation by a Surface Acoustic Wave Injection Room: LACC 308A |
O'Brien, Jeremy University of Bristol |
Session B05.00005 Silicon Photonic Quantum Computing Room: LACC 152 |
Ogut, Serdar Physics, Univ of Illinois - Chicago |
Session E29.00001 Electronic and Optical Excitations in Confined Nanostructures Room: LACC 406A |
O'Hern, Corey Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Yale Univ |
Session R59.00002 Stress anisotropy in quasistatically sheared granular packings Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Okamoto, Satoshi Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session V25.00003 Investigating Interfacial Spin Orbit Physics with Density Functional Theory Room: LACC 403B |
Oliver, William Lincoln Laboratory, Research Laboratory of Electronics, and Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B05.00004 Progress and Challenges for Engineering Superconducting Qubits Room: LACC 152 |
Olsen, Bradley Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session P52.00004 Relating Monomer Sequence, Self-Assembly and Mechanical Response in Dual Associative Protein Hydrogels Room: LACC 512 |
Olsen, Bradley Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session H59.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Talk: Skipping Polymer Physics Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Omenetto, Fiorenzo Tufts Univ |
Session X58.00004 Dynamic optical materials - Painting opals with water and light Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Ong, Nai-Phuan Physics, Princeton University |
Session H10.00010 The chiral anomaly in the Dirac semimetal Na3Bi and the half-Heusler GdPtBi* Room: LACC 301B |
Ong, Shyue Ping Department of NanoEngineering, University of California, San Diego |
Session S12.00004 Mining Unexplored Chemistries for Phosphors for High-Color-Quality White-Light-Emitting Diodes Room: LACC 303B |
Oppeneer, Peter Uppsala University |
Session K42.00001 Ab initio theory and multiscale modeling of ultrafast laser-induced magnetic processes Room: LACC 502B |
Orbach, Raymond Univ of Texas |
Session L25.00001 Glassy Dynamics: Spin Glasses at the Mesoscale Room: LACC 403B |
Orenstein, Joseph Physics, Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session Y05.00001 Giant nonlinear optical response in transition metal monopnictide Weyl semimetals Room: LACC 152 |
Osborn, Raymond Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session R05.00004 Coherent Band Excitations in CePd3 Room: LACC 152 |
Otani, Yoshichika Univ of Tokyo-Kashiwanoha |
Session H25.00003 Spin charge interconversion at surfaces of the topological insulator Bi-Sb-Te and the weyl antiferromagnet Mn3Sn Room: LACC 403B |
Ott, Edward IREAP, University of Maryland |
Session C58.00003 Model-free Machine Learning Analysis of Chaotic Dynamics Including that of Large Spatiotemporally Chaotic Systems Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Pacchioni, Gianfranco Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Univ of Milano-Bicocca |
Session A03.00001 Tuning metal clusters properties: the important role of the support Room: LACC 150C |
Paglione, Johnpierre Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials , University of Maryland |
Session X04.00001 High-spin superconductivity in topological half-Heusler semimetals Room: LACC 151 |
Palacios, Tomas Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session K15.00002 Gallium Nitride: Extreme Properties (and Opportunities) for Post-Moore Computing Room: LACC 304C |
Palasantzas, George Department of Physics, Univ of Groningen |
Session V07.00008 Casimir interactions of complex surfaces and materials Room: LACC 153B |
Palmstrom, Christopher Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session C32.00002 Dissimilar Materials Epitaxy: Metallic Compound/III-V Semiconductor Heterostructures Room: LACC 408A |
Palmstrom, Johanna Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University |
Session H41.00004 Finite Frequency and Nonlinear Elastoresistance Measurements in the Fe-based superconductors Room: LACC 502A |
Panagopoulos, Christos Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University |
Session A25.00004 Evolution of chiral magnetic textures and their topological Hall signature in Ir/Fe/Co/Pt multilayer films Room: LACC 403B |
Pappas, David NIST |
Session R33.00001 Implementations of Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Computing Room: LACC 408B |
Parigi, Valentina Univ Pierre et Marie Curie |
Session V42.00004 Multimode resources based on optical frequency combs and implementation of quantum complex networks. Room: LACC 502B |
Park, Byong-Guk Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST |
Session S22.00007 Transverse spin Nernst magnetoresistance induced by thermal spin current in ferromagnet/non-magnet bilayers Room: LACC 402A |
Park, Hyowon Physics, Univ of Illinois - Chicago |
Session R05.00005 DFT+DMFT study of the dynamic magnetic susceptibility in heavy fermion materials Room: LACC 152 |
Parkin, Stuart S Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session E05.00002 Magnetic anti-skyrmions and triangular antiferromagnetism in Mn3X and Mn2XY compounds Room: LACC 152 |
Pasquini, Gabriela Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires and IFIBA, CONICET |
Session Y04.00004 Dynamic reorganization and thermal history effects in vortex matter Room: LACC 151 |
Patel, Nipam Molecular and Cell Biology, UC Berkeley |
Session R48.00011 The Cellular and Genetic Basis for Structural Color in Butterflies Room: LACC 510 |
Payne, Michael University of Cambridge |
Session C02.00001 Finite Temperature Phase Diagrams by Nested Sampling Room: LACC 150B |
Pejakovic, Dusan A. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation |
Session D04.00004 Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Initiative at Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Pekola, Jukka School of Science, Aalto University |
Session R42.00001 Progress in Thermodynamics of Superconducting and Hybrid Circuits Room: LACC 502B |
Pellegrino, Sergio California Institute of Technology |
Session H47.00001 Kirigami-inspired Coiling of Plate-like Structures Room: LACC 507 |
Pelz, Jonathan Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session K61.00003 Fostering a more diverse graduate program in physics: MS-to-PhD Bridge Program, holistic admissions, APS support, and institutional commitment Room: LACC West Hall B |
Pepin, Catherine IPhT, CEA-Saclay |
Session R04.00002 Topological skyrmion pseudogap in the cuprate superconductors Room: LACC 151 |
Pereg-Barnea, Tami Department of Physics, McGill University |
Session H04.00003 Disentangling signatures of Floquet topological systems Room: LACC 151 |
Perez, Florent Institut des NanoSciences de Paris/CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie |
Session S04.00002 Spin-orbit twisted spin waves in magnetic quantum wells Room: LACC 151 |
Perriot, Romain Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session R38.00007 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Shock Induced Chemistry in Organic Materials Room: LACC 501A |
Pesin, Dmytro Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ of Utah |
Session Y05.00003 Theory of nonlocal transport in metals with nontrivial band geometry Room: LACC 152 |
Peterson, Michael Physics & Astronomy, California State University Long Beach |
Session E43.00003 Balance in research, teaching, service and life at a primarily undergraduate institution Room: LACC 503 |
Petta, Jason Princeton University |
Session P28.00001 Quantum Dot Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Room: LACC 405 |
Piazza, Francesco Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session L59.00002 Supersolid phases of ultracold neutral atoms with light-mediated interactions Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Pickett, Warren Physics, University of California Davis |
Session B41.00004 van Hove Singularities and Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling: Superconductivity and H3S Room: LACC 502A |
Picozzi, Silvia CNR-SPIN, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
Session K23.00011 Electrical control of spin-texture in non-magnetic ferroelectric oxide-based systems Room: LACC 402B |
Pilizota, Teuta Center for Synthetic and Systems Biology, University of Edinburgh |
Session E42.00004 Revealing bacterial free energy dynamics during loss of viability Room: LACC 502B |
Pitera, Jed IBM Research - Almaden |
Session P32.00003 Polymer Discovery Using Big Data and Analytics Room: LACC 408A |
Policht, Veronica R. Department of Physics, University of Michigan |
Session C51.00001 Coherence in the Bacterial Reaction Center Room: LACC 511C |
Polkovnikov, Anatoli Boston University |
Session R25.00005 Fast forward and counter-diabatic protocols in many-particle systems Room: LACC 403B |
Pollmann, Frank Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich |
Session X32.00005 Efficient Simulation of Quantum Thermalization Dynamics Room: LACC 408A |
Ponomareva, Inna Univ of South Florida |
Session K09.00001 Caloric effects in ferroics with antiferroelectric-ferroelectric phase competition and other materials Room: LACC 301A |
Porter, Ted Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session B16.00004 Physics and the Ideals of Human Reason Room: LACC 305 |
Posselt, Julie Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California |
Session K61.00004 Faculty Support and Student Wellbeing in High-Diversity STEM Graduate Programs Room: LACC West Hall B |
Poudel, Lekhanath NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session X41.00005 Multiple fluctuations near an unconventional quantum critical point Room: LACC 502A |
Pourquie, Olivier Genetics, Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital |
Session F50.00001 Excitable dynamics of the segmentation clock Room: LACC 511B |
Pradas, Marc School of Mathematics and Statistics, The Open University |
Session C58.00004 Convergent Chaos Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Prakash, Manu Stanford University |
Session P61.00004 Frugal science: A physicist view on tackling global health and education challenges Room: LACC West Hall B |
Prakash, Om Deaprtment of Condensed Matter Physiics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Session V05.00005 Discovery of superconductivity in a low carrier density system: Bismuth Room: LACC 152 |
Prasankumar, Rohit Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B04.00001 Using Ultrashort Light Pulses to Probe and Control Quasiparticle Dynamics in Topological Materials Room: LACC 151 |
Purdy, David Uber Technologies |
Session K32.00003 What physics does and doesn't teach you about data science Room: LACC 408A |
Purkey, Sarah Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego |
Session F16.00002 Abyssal Ocean Warming: How the climate system is transferring excess anthropogenic energy into the isolated deep ocean Room: LACC 305 |
Qi, H. Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V41.00003 Direct 4D printing by using multimaterial additive manufacturing Room: LACC 502A |
Qi, Yang Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A32.00005 Self-Learning Monte Carlo Methods Room: LACC 408A |
Quevedo, Fernando International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
Session L16.00004 International Scientific Cooperation: The ICTP Experience Room: LACC 305 |
Rabe, Karin Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session L11.00001 Doping and interfaces in complex oxide heterostructures and superlattices from first principles Room: LACC 303A |
Rahman, Talat Department of Physics, University of Central Florida |
Session H03.00001 Supported Au nanoparticles: good for methanol decomposition or formation? Room: LACC 150C |
Ramanathan, Shriram Purdue Univ |
Session S41.00002 Quantum matter for artificial intelligence and brain sciences Room: LACC 502A |
Ramirez, Jorge Chemical Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Session C59.00005 Stress relaxation and anomalous diffusion in unentangled supramolecular networks Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Ransom, Timothy Chemistry, Naval Research Lab |
Session K52.00001 High Strain Rate, High Pressure Behavior of Polyurea Room: LACC 512 |
Raschke, Markus Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session A12.00001 Ultrafast and Nonlinear Nanoscopy Room: LACC 303B |
Rastogi, Sanjay Aachen Maastricht Institute for Bio-based Materials, Maastricht University |
Session V59.00001 Linking synthesis with entanglement state in Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene; a route for solvent free processing Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Ratner, Mark Northwestern University |
Session C56.00001 Time-dependent Behavior of Molecular Transport Room: LACC 515B |
Redner, Sidney Santa Fe Inst |
Session Y42.00005 Densification, Emergent Modularity, and Related Mysteries of Complex Networks Room: LACC 502B |
Refael, Gil Physics, Caltech |
Session B04.00005 Topological frequency conversion in strongly driven quantum systems Room: LACC 151 |
Refaely-Abramson, Sivan Department of Physics, UC Berkeley; Molecular Foundry, LBNL |
Session H29.00001 New Insights into Single- and Multi-Exciton Phenomena in Complex Materials from Ab Initio Many-Body Perturbation Theory Room: LACC 406A |
Regal, Cindy JILA, University of Colorado |
Session S42.00002 Interfering and entangling neutral atoms in optical tweezers Room: LACC 502B |
Reid Jacobson, David JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session R49.00001 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics Talk: Single-stranded nucleic acid elasticity arises from internal electrostatic tension Room: LACC 511A |
Ren, Zhifeng Physics, Univ of Houston |
Session A21.00001 High Performance Thermoelectric Half-Heusler and Zintl Materials Room: LACC 309 |
Rezayi, Edward Physics and Astronomy, Californa State University Los Angeles |
Session A04.00003 Landau Level Mixing and the Ground State of the ν=5/2 Quantum Hall Effect Room: LACC 151 |
Rezende, Sergio Física, Univ Federal de Pernambuco |
Session F25.00003 Spin current transport in an insulating antiferromagnet makes possible the observation of the spin Seebeck effect in permalloy separated from the anomalous Nernst effect Room: LACC 403B |
Ribeiro, Andre Laboratory of Biosystem Dynamics, BioMediTech Institute and Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, PO Box 553, 33101 Tampere, Finlan |
Session P51.00001 Regulatory mechanisms of the multi-scale effects of intrinsic and extrinsic noise in gene expression on single cells and cell populations Room: LACC 511C |
Ricke, Katharine Univ of California - San Diego |
Session F16.00003 Climate Model-Based Assessments of Regional Responses to Solar Geoengineering Room: LACC 305 |
Riggleman, Robert Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania |
Session F43.00010 Exploring Nanoparticle Structure and Thermodynamics Using Field-Theoretic Simulations Room: LACC 503 |
Rigol, Marcos Physics, Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session X32.00001 Numerical Linked Cluster Expansions for Quantum Quenches in the Thermodynamic Limit Room: LACC 408A |
Rimer, Jeffrey Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston |
Session H02.00003 Controlled Assembly of Nanoporous Materials: Addressing the Voids in our Understanding of Zeolite Crystallization Room: LACC 150B |
Robbins, Mark Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session B58.00001 Scale Dependence of Friction: How Elasticity Destroys Superlubricity Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Robertson, Megan Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston |
Session B56.00001 Effect of Partial Saturation on Thermodynamic Interactions in Polydiene/Polyolefin Blends Room: LACC 515B |
Robinson, Ellen Air Force Office of Scientific Research |
Session D04.00003 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) and the AFOSR Physical Sciences Team Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Robinson, Jason Deparment of Materials Science, University of Cambridge |
Session F13.00001 Unconventional superconductivity in graphene on an electron-doped oxide superconductor Room: LACC 304A |
Rockward, Willie S. Morehouse College |
Session L06.00001 Hidden Figures: From Football to Physics – An Unusual Path Room: LACC 153A |
Roditchev, Dimitri Laboratoire de Physique et d’Etude des Matériaux (LPEM), PSL-University, CNRS &ESPCI |
Session Y04.00002 STM spectroscopy of vortices in atomic monolayers of lead on Si(111) Room: LACC 151 |
Rodriguez-Lopez, Joaquin Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session V20.00012 Elucidating the Impact of Polyelectrolyte Dynamics on the Reactivity of Novel Redox-Active Polymers for a New type of Size-Exclusion Flow Battery Room: LACC 308B |
Rodriguez Nieva, Joaquin Harvard University |
Session V04.00002 Berry phase jumps and giant nonreciprocity in Dirac quantum dots Room: LACC 151 |
Roetteler, Martin Microsoft Corp |
Session L58.00001 Software libraries and applications for near-term quantum computers Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Rojas, Enrique Department of Biology, New York University |
Session X51.00005 For Whom the Cell Tolls: Regulation of Bacterial Growth and Division by Turgor Pressure Room: LACC 511C |
Roldan Cuenya, Beatriz Interface Science, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Session E03.00004 Operando Nanocatalysis: Size, Shape, Composition and Chemical State Effects Room: LACC 150C |
Roll-Mecak, Antonina National Institutes of Health |
Session F51.00006 Microtubule cryptography: the effects of tubulin diversity on polymer structure, dynamics and readout by cellular effectors Room: LACC 511C |
Ronceray, Pierre Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University |
Session X42.00003 Cell contraction induces long-ranged stress stiffening in the extracellular matrix Room: LACC 502B |
Ronning, Filip Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session S05.00005 Emergent magnetic anisotropy in the Ce-115 compounds Room: LACC 152 |
Rowlands, Graham Raytheon BBN Technologies |
Session F22.00010 How nanosecond magnetization dynamics during spin-Hall switching of in-plane MTJs enables a cryogenic memory cell with superconducting line drivers Room: LACC 402A |
Roy, Bitan Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session X04.00003 Pairing of spin-3/2 carriers in three-dimensional a doped Luttinger semimetal: Confluence of topology, interaction and disorder Room: LACC 151 |
Roy, Kaushik Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University |
Session K15.00001 Stochastic Switching of Nanomagnets for Post-CMOS Computing Room: LACC 304C |
Roy, Sujoy Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L19.00001 Fluctuation and dynamics of magnetic skyrmions Room: LACC 308A |
Rudner, Mark Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University |
Session H04.00005 Topology and stability of anomalous Floquet insulators Room: LACC 151 |
Ruello, Pascal Université Le Mans |
Session H09.00004 Ultrafast photostriction in ferroic compounds. Room: LACC 301A |
Ruhman, Jonathan Condensed matter theory , Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session V05.00004 Superconductivity at ultra low-densities Room: LACC 152 |
Ruiz, Ricardo Western Digital Corp |
Session B59.00002 Polymer Physics in Self-Assembled Nanopatterns: From Block Copolymers to Polymer Grafted Nanocrystals Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Ruoff, Rodney S. IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials and the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology |
Session C32.00001 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: Fundamental discoveries about graphene and their implications to date Room: LACC 408A |
Russell, Damon Rigetti Quantum Computing |
Session A33.00002 Microwave Engineering Challenges in Scaling Superconducting Qubits Room: LACC 408B |
Rutledge, Gregory Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session V59.00004 Molecular simulation of polyolefin crystallization: Nucleation Phenomena Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Ryan, Dominic Physics, McGill University |
Session S25.00003 MnxGa: Understanding a magnet in the hope of designing better magnets Room: LACC 403B |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard Univ |
Session L04.00001 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: Quantum phase transitions in quantum matter Room: LACC 151 |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard Univ |
Session X05.00003 Transport without quasiparticles in graphene and Weyl semi-metals Room: LACC 152 |
Safavi-Naeini, Amir Stanford University |
Session A27.00001 "High-Q photonic resonators and electro-optic coupling using silicon-on-lithium-niobate" Room: LACC 404B |
Saffman, Mark Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session S42.00001 Quantum gates and interfaces with atomic Rydberg interactions Room: LACC 502B |
Sagawa, Takahiro Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session R42.00002 Fluctuation Theorem for Many-Body Pure Quantum States Room: LACC 502B |
Sageman-Furnas, Andrew Technical University of Berlin |
Session X42.00005 Topology counts: Force distributions in random spring networks Room: LACC 502B |
Sainz, Ana Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Science |
Session V39.00001 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering in Quantum Theory and Beyond Room: LACC 501B |
Saleh, Omar Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session F59.00002 Low-force single-molecule elasticity of complex polymers Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Sales, Brian Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X41.00003 Quantum Critical Behavior in the Asymptotic Limit of High Disorder Room: LACC 502A |
Salman, Hanna Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh |
Session P51.00005 Protein fluctuations in single cells and cell-to-cell variability Room: LACC 511C |
Samarakoon, Anjana Physics, University of Virginia |
Session S24.00001 A further classification of glassy magnets: spin jam and spin glass Room: LACC 403A |
Samarth, Nitin Dept. of Physics, Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session H25.00005 Topological Spintronics Room: LACC 403B |
Samkharadze, Nodar QuTech, Delft University of Technology |
Session L55.00009 Strong Spin-Photon Coupling in Silicon Room: LACC 515A |
Sampere, Samuel Syracuse University |
Session E32.00003 TBD Room: LACC 408A |
Santamaria, Jacobo GFMC Departamento de Física de Materiales, Universidad Complutense |
Session S09.00001 Resonant transport assisted by a charged domain wall in a ferroelectric tunnel junction Room: LACC 301A |
Santini, Paolo University of Parma |
Session C19.00010 Fingerprinting molecular nanomagnets by four-dimensional inelastic neutron scattering. Room: LACC 308A |
Sargent, Ted ECE, University of Toronto |
Session L51.00001 Assembling colloidal quantum dots for materials properties and device performance Room: LACC 511C |
Sato, Takafumi Department of Physics, Tohoku Univ |
Session V14.00002 Novel electronic states of topological nodal semimetals studied by ARPES Room: LACC 304B |
Saunders, John Physics, Royal Holloway University of London |
Session R05.00001 The resistive transition to superconductivity in YbRh2Si2. Room: LACC 152 |
Sautet, Philippe Chemical and Biomolecular Department, University of California Los Angeles |
Session E03.00001 Crucial role of metastable structures and restructuring of Pt clusters in catalysis Room: LACC 150C |
Savary, Lucile Laboratoire de physique, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
Session X04.00004 Superconductivity in Three-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupled Semimetals Room: LACC 151 |
Saven, Jeffery University of Pennsylvania |
Session K59.00001 Computational design of peptidic materials Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Schapiro, Igor Hebrew University |
Session X03.00001 A QM/MM study of photoisomerization in artificial molecular switches Room: LACC 150C |
Schenter, Gregory Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session K25.00001 Mass Density Fluctuations in Quantum and Classical Descriptions of Liquid Water Room: LACC 403B |
Schieber, Jay Center for molecular study of condensed soft matter, Illinois Inst of Tech |
Session V59.00003 Can the failure of tube models in blends of branched polymers be salvaged by slip-link models? Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Schmidt, Christoph Faculty for Physics, University of Goettingen |
Session R51.00005 Non-equilibrium dynamics in the actin cortex Room: LACC 511C |
Schmiedmayer, Joerg Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Atominstitut, TU Wien |
Session P27.00001 Recurrences in an isolated quantum many-body system Room: LACC 404B |
Schnack, Juergen Physics, Univ Bielefeld |
Session F19.00004 High Spin Cycles: Topping the Spin Record for a Single Molecule verging on Quantum Criticality Room: LACC 308A |
Schneider, Tapio California Institute of Technology |
Session H46.00006 Multiscale processes and instabilities in Earth's clouds: Why we must and how we can make progress in modeling them Room: LACC 506 |
Schneider, Tobias EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne |
Session C48.00001 From turbulence transition to the buckling of a soda can Room: LACC 510 |
Schreppler, Sydney Physics, Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session K39.00002 Quantum Information Processing with Stroboscopic Qubit Interactions Room: LACC 501B |
Schuller, Ivan University of California, San Diego |
Session P61.00003 Neuromorphic Computing Room: LACC West Hall B |
Schurtenberger, Peter Physical Chemistry, Lund University |
Session K59.00003 Thermoresponsive Colloidal Molecules with Tunable Directional Interactions Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Schwartz, Benjamin J. University of California, Los Angeles |
Session B25.00002 What do Ultrafast Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Temperature-Dependent Transient Absorption Experiments Tell Us About the Structure of the Hydrated Electron? Room: LACC 403B |
Schwegler, Eric Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session B32.00005 Accelerated materials development for solar-to-fuel conversion technologies Room: LACC 408A |
Sears, Jennifer Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron |
Session F05.00003 Phase Diagram of α-RuCl3 in an in-plane Magnetic Field Room: LACC 152 |
Segall, Jeffrey Anatomy and Structural Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Session B51.00001 Tumor cell invasion and metastasis in vivo Room: LACC 511C |
Segre, Carlo Department of Physics & CSRRI, Illinois Institute of Technology |
Session E20.00001 In Situ Characterization of Battery Materials using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Room: LACC 308B |
Selloni, Annabella Chemistry, Princeton University |
Session K25.00002 Photocatalysis on metal oxides: insights from simulations Room: LACC 403B |
Sension, Roseanne Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session B25.00001 Light, Molecules, Action: Using Ultrafast Optical and X-ray Spectroscopy to Probe Excited State Dynamics in Photoactive Molecules. Room: LACC 403B |
Sentef, Michael Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, CFEL |
Session K05.00003 Theory of pump-probe spectroscopy: Ultrafast laser engineering of ordered phases and microscopic couplings Room: LACC 152 |
Seoane, Beatriz Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session L25.00002 Matching Microscopic and Macroscopic Responses in Glasses Room: LACC 403B |
Severing, Andrea Institute of Physics II, University of Cologne |
Session S05.00003 X-ray probes of orbital configurations in f-electron systems Room: LACC 152 |
Seyler, Kyle University of Washington |
Session L07.00004 Ligand-field Helical Luminescence in a 2D Magnetic Insulator Room: LACC 153B |
Sfeir, Matthew Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session C15.00002 Dissociation of triplet pair states in intramolecular singlet fission materials Room: LACC 304C |
Sgouralis, Ioannis Center for Biological Physics, Arizona State University |
Session A47.00001 Quantifying the invisible: Bayesian approaches in fluorescence microscopy Room: LACC 507 |
Shaevitz, Joshua Princeton University |
Session S51.00006 Self-driven phase transitions in living matter Room: LACC 511C |
Shakhnovich, Eugene Harvard University |
Session V58.00005 Biophysical Walks on Fitness Landscapes Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Sharma, Sangeeta Theory, Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session K42.00002 Ab-initio description of all optical switching Room: LACC 502B |
Shegai, Timur Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology |
Session L03.00007 Modified excited states dynamics in the localized plasmon - molecular exciton hybrids Room: LACC 150C |
Shekhter, Arkady DC Facility, Nationall High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session C14.00001 Scale-Invariant transport near quantum critical point in high-temperature superconductors. Room: LACC 304B |
Sheldon, Sarah IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session Y41.00001 How do we verify and validate a quantum computer? Room: LACC 502A |
Shell, M. Scott Chemical Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara |
Session R20.00001 Using the relative entropy to sample free energy landscapes with transferable coarse-grained models Room: LACC 308B |
Shen, Zhi-Xun Stanford University |
Session L36.00005 Quantum spin Hall state in monolayer 1T’ TMDcs Room: LACC 410 |
Sher, Gerson S. National Science Foundation, Retired |
Session A16.00004 The Great Experiment: Scientific Cooperation Between the United States and the Former Soviet Union Room: LACC 305 |
Sherwin, Mark Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session A05.00002 High-order sideband generation in semiconductors: colliding quasiparticles and probing Berry curvature. Room: LACC 152 |
Shi, Anchang Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University |
Session A58.00001 Frustration in block copolymer assemblies Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Shi, Jinwei Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University |
Session L07.00008 Plasmonic modulation and control of optical properties in monolayer TMDCs Room: LACC 153B |
Shibauchi, Takasada Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo |
Session F14.00001 Unusual electronic structure and superconducting fluctuations in FeSe1-xSx Room: LACC 304B |
Shigekawa, Hidemi Faculty of pure and applied sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba |
Session E01.00006 Ultrafast optical pump-probe scanning tunneling microscopy Room: LACC 150A |
Shiomi, Yuki Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo |
Session H25.00002 Spin-charge conversion induced by spin pumping into topological materials Room: LACC 403B |
Shraiman, Boris (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and Dept of Physics, UCSB |
Session V58.00004 Forecasting evolution from the shape of genealogical trees Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Si, Qimiao Department of Physics and Astronomy and Rice Center for Quantum Materials, Rice University |
Session K04.00002 Electron Correlations and Iron-based Superconductivity Room: LACC 151 |
Siddiqi, Asif Fordham University |
Session A16.00003 Secrets in Public: Soviet Physics and Cold War Knowledge Cultures Room: LACC 305 |
Siddiqi, Irfan Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session K26.00001 Superconducting Circuits: Controlling the Bath Room: LACC 404A |
Siegal, Michael Sandia Natl Labs |
Session C20.00001 Nanoporous-Carbon Based Anode Materials for Increased Li-Ion Energy Specific Capacity Room: LACC 308B |
Siegel, Daniel The Mindsight Institute |
Session H16.00002 Physics and the Essence of Adolescence Room: LACC 305 |
Silva, Carlos School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session C15.00001 Coherent exciton dynamics in lead halide perovskites probed via two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy Room: LACC 304C |
Silva, Jerson National Institute of Science and Technology for Structural Biology and Bioimaging, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro |
Session S50.00006 Targeting the Prion-like Aggregation of α-synuclein in Parkinson's Disease and Mutant p53 in Cancer Room: LACC 511B |
Simon, Barry Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, Caltech |
Session A28.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics Talk: Twelve Tales in Mathematical Physics Room: LACC 405 |
Sing, Charles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session F59.00005 Conformational Averaging as a Route To Understanding Out-of-Equilibrium Polymer Solutions in Flow Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Singh, David Physics and Astronomy, Univ of Missouri - Columbia |
Session H58.00001 Boltzmann Transport Theory for Thermoelectric Compounds Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Sinha, Urbasi Raman Research Institute |
Session E58.00004 Measuring a deviation from the Superposition Principle in slit based interference experiments: towards a non-zero Sorkin parameter Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Sinova, Jairo Institute of Physics, Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz |
Session C22.00004 Topological Antiferromagnetic Spintronics Room: LACC 402A |
Sita, Lawrence R. University of Maryland, College Park |
Session A59.00004 Dynamic Order-Order Transitions and Kinetic Surface Trapping of Unique Morphologies for Sub-10 nm Nanostructured Ultrathin Films of Sugar-Polyolefin Conjugates Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Smith, Leonard Centre for the Analysis of Time Series, The London School of Economics and Political Science |
Session C58.00005 Diffusion, Deviation and Divergence: Limits to Predictability in Nonlinear Systems Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Sonier, Jeff Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University |
Session A41.00001 Evidence of weakened 4f-5d Kondo hybridization and diminished valence fluctuations concurrent with the formation of the metallic surface state in SmB6 Room: LACC 502A |
Sonin, Edouard Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem |
Session X25.00002 Spin superfluidity: superfluid 3He, solids, spinor BEC Room: LACC 403B |
Soulages, Johannes ExxonMobil |
Session V59.00005 Polymer Modeling At ExxonMobil: Reaction Kinetics And Computational Rheology Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Souza, Ivo Centro de Física de Materiales, Univ. del País Vasco |
Session Y05.00002 Optical gyrotropy as a probe of the Berry curvature and intrinsic orbital moment on the Fermi surface Room: LACC 152 |
Spano, Frank Chemistry, Temple Univ |
Session S03.00001 Theory of Vibronic Polaritons in Optical Microcavities Room: LACC 150C |
Spekkens, Robert Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session E58.00001 Cause and Effect in a Quantum World Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Spiropulu, Maria Caltech |
Session S58.00005 TBD Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Splettstoesser, Janine MC2, Chalmers University of Technology |
Session R42.00004 Thermoelectrics of interacting nanosystems - Exploiting fermion-parity superselection instead of time-reversal symmetry Room: LACC 502B |
Sponberg, Simon Physics, Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session L42.00004 Insights from Insects: Emergent Dynamics in the Physics of Animal Locomotion. Room: LACC 502B |
Srikanth, Hariharan Physics Department, University of South Florida |
Session B19.00003 Anisotropic hybrid nanostructures for advanced hyperthermia Room: LACC 308A |
Stach, Eric Department of Materials Science and Engineeering, Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session P32.00001 Improving Electron Microscopy with Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Room: LACC 408A |
Steinberg, Aephraim University of Toronto |
Session E58.00005 Measuring the past of quantum systems: from counting quantum pigeons to watching atoms as they tunnel Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Stellacci, Francesco Insitute of Materials, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Session R55.00007 Wetting on patchy, protein-like surfaces Room: LACC 515A |
Stemmer, Susanne Materials Department, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session C23.00004 Carrier Density Control of Magnetism and Hall Effects in EuTiO3 Films Room: LACC 402B |
Stengel, Massimiliano ICMAB-CSIC and ICREA |
Session C09.00001 New functionalities from gradient couplings: Flexoelectricity and more Room: LACC 301A |
Stiehl, Gregory Cornell University |
Session V36.00001 Control of spin-orbit torques through crystal symmetry Room: LACC 410 |
Stiles, Mark CNST -Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST -Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session S41.00001 Spintronic devices for neuromorphic computing Room: LACC 502A |
Stipe, Barry Western Digital |
Session L32.00004 The Magnetic Hard Disk Drive - How Information is Stored in the Cloud Room: LACC 408A |
Stith, James H. American Institute of Physics |
Session L06.00004 Diversity and Inclusion – Uncovering the Hidden Figures Room: LACC 153A |
Stone, A. Douglas Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session E25.00001 Einstein and Quantum Mechanics: It’s Not What You Think Room: LACC 403B |
Stoudenmire, Edwin Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session R34.00001 Tensor Network Machine Learning Models Room: LACC 409A |
Strauch, Frederick Physics, Williams College |
Session E39.00001 From Superconducting Qubits to Microwave Photonics Room: LACC 501B |
Stroscio, Joseph Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST -Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session V32.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Talk: Development of Scanning Probe Instruments and Application to the Graphene 2D Electron System Room: LACC 408A |
Strukov, Dmitri ECE Department, UC Santa Barbara |
Session S41.00003 Analog Neurocomputing with Emerging Memory Devices Room: LACC 502A |
Studart, Andre ETH Zürich |
Session V41.00004 4D Printing of Morphing Soft Materials Inspired by Nature Room: LACC 502A |
Su, Frances Materials Science and Engineering, UC San Diego |
Session B42.00003 Investigation of the mineral and collagen arrangement in bone Room: LACC 502B |
Subotnik, Joseph Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session V03.00005 Open challenges in nonadiabatic dynamics: photons and electron-hole pairs Room: LACC 150C |
Subramanian, Radhika Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital |
Session P58.00001 Geometry of antiparallel microtubule bundles regulates relative sliding and stalling by PRC1 and Kif4A Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Suel, Gurol Univ of California - San Diego |
Session A42.00005 Electrical cell-to-cell signaling in bacterial communities Room: LACC 502B |
Sun, Liling Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Scienes |
Session R05.00003 Superconductivity and anomalous connection between antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in pressurized CeRhGe3 and related non-centrosymmetric compounds Room: LACC 152 |
Sun, Yujie Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session H14.00001 Superconductivity and topology of monolayer Fe(Se,Te) Room: LACC 304B |
Sun, Zhipei Aalto University |
Session H37.00004 Nonlinear optics for characterization of 2D materials Room: LACC 411 |
Svetlizky, Ilya The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session B58.00005 Classical shear cracks drive the onset of frictional motion Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Swartz, Adrian Stanford University |
Session V05.00002 Insights on dilute superconductivity in SrTiO3 from electron tunneling spectroscopy Room: LACC 152 |
Swift, Michael University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session H58.00004 Conditions for T2 resistivity from electron-electron scattering Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Tabuchi, Yutaka Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo |
Session C04.00001 Sensing magnetization oscillation in quantum regime Room: LACC 151 |
Tacchi, Silvia Istituto Officina dei materiali del CNR, IOM-CNR |
Session V22.00010 Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Pt/CoFeB Films: Effect of the Heavy-Metal Thickness Room: LACC 402A |
Tahan, Charles Laboratory for Physical Sci |
Session L55.00001 Quantum-limited measurement of spin qubits via curvature coupling to a cavity (and more) Room: LACC 515A |
Taheri-Araghi, Sattar Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University, Northridge |
Session F58.00003 Population Dynamics of Antimicrobial Peptides are Driven by Single-cell Heterogeneities and Retention of Peptides in Dead Cells Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Taillefer, Louis University of Sherbrooke |
Session R04.00001 The quantum critical point of cuprate superconductors Room: LACC 151 |
Takayama, Tomohiro Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session Y10.00009 Exotic honeycomb magnets with strong spin-orbit coupling Room: LACC 301B |
Taketsugu, Tetsuya Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Univ |
Session E03.00005 Theoretical study of reactivity of gold clusters: Structural effects and support effects Room: LACC 150C |
Takeuchi, Ichiro Materials Science and Engineering, Univ of Maryland |
Session P32.00004 Combinatorial Experimentation and Machine Learning for Materials Discovery Room: LACC 408A |
Talapin, Dmitri University of Chicago |
Session C03.00001 Self-Assembly of Nanocrystal Superlattices: puzzles and opportunities Room: LACC 150C |
Tanaka, Hajime Institute of Industrial Science, Univ of Tokyo |
Session K57.00007 The microscopic structural origin of water's anomalies Room: LACC 518 |
Tang, Chao Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University |
Session R58.00004 Reverse engineer spatial patterns in biology Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Tang, Hong Electrical Engineering, Yale Univ |
Session C04.00003 Cavity Elecctrodynamics of Magnons Room: LACC 151 |
Tang, Lei-Han Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist Univ |
Session R58.00003 Adapt to oscillate: a nonequilibrium thermodynamic view of dynamic quorum sensing Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Taniguchi, Hiroki Department of Physics, Nagoya University |
Session F09.00001 Improper Ferroelectricity in Stuffed Aluminate Sodalites for Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting Room: LACC 301A |
Tarucha, Seigo Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session C28.00001 Charge Noise Limited Gate Fidelity > 99.9% of Spin Qubits with Si/SiGe Quantum Dots Room: LACC 405 |
Taufour, Valentin Univ of California - Davis |
Session X41.00002 The T-p-H phase diagram of metallic quantum ferromagnets Room: LACC 502A |
Taylor, Antoinette Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L41.00001 Probing and Controlling Low Energy Excitations in Complex Materials with Using Terahertz Pulses Room: LACC 502A |
Taylor, Nick Author |
Session C05.00001 Laser: The Inventor, the Nobel Laureate, and the 30-year Patent War Room: LACC 152 |
Terrones, Mauricio Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session H05.00002 Millie Dresselhaus: An Inspiration of Young Generations, a Great Carbon Scientist, a Role Model and Colleague Room: LACC 152 |
Teufel, John NIST |
Session S33.00001 TBD Room: LACC 408B |
Thomas, Edwin Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University |
Session P43.00001 Extreme Plastic Deformation of Glassy Polymer Thin Films at Ballistic Strain Rates Room: LACC 503 |
Thompson, Matthew C. TAE Technologies, Inc. |
Session F32.00005 Innovating Towards a New Energy Future at TAE Technologies, Inc. Room: LACC 408A |
Thompson, Robert Cold Atom Lab Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA |
Session Y32.00005 Coolest Spot in the Universe: Facility for Ultracold Atom Experiments Aboard the ISS Room: LACC 408A |
Thonke, Klaus Institute of Quantum Matter / Semiconductor Physics Group, Ulm University |
Session K11.00001 Identifying the source of deep defect luminescence bands in AlN and GaN: Slowly decaying DX center related emissions Room: LACC 303A |
Timusk, Thomas McMaster University |
Session B41.00003 Spectroscopic Evidence of a new Energy Scale in H3S. Room: LACC 502A |
Tishby, Naftali Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |
Session K58.00004 The Information Bottleneck Theory of Deep Neural Networks Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Tjeng, Liu Max Planck Institute f. Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden |
Session A41.00002 4f crystal field ground state of the strongly correlated topological insulator SmB6 Room: LACC 502A |
Toberer, Eric Colorado School of Mines |
Session B21.00001 Force multipliers for the discovery of advanced thermoelectric materials Room: LACC 309 |
Tomanek, David Physics and Astronomy Department, Michigan State University |
Session S35.00001 Low-Dimensional Semiconductors beyond Graphene: An Insight from Theory Room: LACC 409B |
Toney, Michael SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session B20.00001 Interfaces in Electrochemical Energy Storage Room: LACC 308B |
Tongay, Sefaattin Materials Science and Engineering, Arizona State University |
Session P35.00004 Fundamental Insights and Perspectives into Novel 2D Anisotropic Materials Room: LACC 409B |
Toprak, Erdal Green Center for Systems Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center |
Session V49.00001 Protein Evolution Under Multiple Opposing Selection Factors Room: LACC 511A |
Trebst, Simon Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne |
Session A32.00004 Machine learning of quantum many-fermion systems Room: LACC 408A |
Trimarchi, Giancarlo Northwestern University |
Session F21.00001 Towards a comprehensive DFT theory of the anti-ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases of the classic Mott insulators MnO, FeO, CoO, and NiO Room: LACC 309 |
Triscone, Jean-Marc University of Geneva |
Session B23.00010 Electronic properties of nickelate based films and heterostructures Room: LACC 402B |
Trivedi, Nandini Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session S10.00001 Fermi arc mediated entropy transport in topological semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Troian, Sandra Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology |
Session E54.00006 MicroAngelo Technique: 3D Sculpting of Nanofilms by Spatiotemporal Modulation of Thermocapillary Forces Room: LACC 514 |
Tromberg, Bruce Univ of California - Irvine |
Session H32.00002 Development of Wearable and Bedside Biophotonics Technologies for Personalized Health Room: LACC 408A |
Truhlar, Donald Chemistry, University of Minnesota |
Session V03.00006 Quantum Mechanical Photochemistry Room: LACC 150C |
Tse, John Physics and Engineering Physics, Univ of Saskatchewan |
Session R29.00007 Structure, structural evolution and Superconductivity of high pressure hydrogen-rich alloys Room: LACC 406A |
Tseng, Hsian-Rong Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA |
Session H32.00001 Nanostructure Embedded Substrates for Detection and Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells Room: LACC 408A |
Tserkovnyak, Yaroslav Department of Physics and Astronomy, Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session X25.00004 Magnon condensation and hydrodynamics Room: LACC 403B |
Tu, Yuhai IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session E42.00005 Physics of bacterial chemotaxis: From molecular mechansims to cellular behaviors Room: LACC 502B |
Ulbricht, Hendrik Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton |
Session E58.00003 Testing quantum mechanics and gravity with levitated optomechanics Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Upadhyaya, Arpita University of Maryland |
Session P58.00005 Arcs, flows and waves: how the cytoskeleton shapes forces in immune cells Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Urayama, Kenji Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Session C59.00002 Nonlinear Elasticity and Diffusio-Mechanical Coupling of Elastomeric Polymer Networks Reveald by Multiaxial Stretching Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Urban, Jeff The Molecular Foundry, LBL |
Session E15.00001 Dimensionally-controlled studies of heat and charge transport in 1D, 2D, and 3D nanoscale materials Room: LACC 304C |
Vaia, Richard Materials & Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Lab - WPAFB |
Session R56.00007 Processing and Performance of Large-Area Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies Room: LACC 515B |
Valenti, Roser Institute of Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt |
Session K04.00004 Fe-based superconductors from an ab initio prespective Room: LACC 151 |
Vanderbilt, David Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session R09.00004 Theory of topologically induced properties of surfaces and interfaces Room: LACC 301A |
Van der Schoot, Paul Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session R41.00003 Geometric percolation in chiral nematic liquid crystals of hard particles Room: LACC 502A |
van Driessche, Alexander ISTerre, CNRS - Univ. Grenoble-Alpes |
Session B02.00005 Nanoparticle driven nucleation of inorganic and macromolecular crystals Room: LACC 150B |
Van Nieuwenburg, Evert Physics, California Institute of Technology |
Session F34.00001 Machine learning a dynamical phase diagram for many-body localization Room: LACC 409A |
Varley, Joel Materials Science Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, |
Session K12.00004 Disorder, Frustration, and Correlation in Polyborane Solid Electrolytes from First-principles Computations Room: LACC 303B |
Vekhter, Ilya Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session E04.00002 Heavy fermion superconductors: immediate family and other relatives Room: LACC 151 |
Velasco Jr., Jairo Physics, Univ of California-Santa Cruz |
Session V04.00003 Characterization and Control of Dirac Fermions Within Nanoscale p-n Junctions Room: LACC 151 |
Venturelli, Davide NASA/Ames Res Ctr |
Session C39.00001 Optimization and Planning Approaches for Low-level Hardware Compilation of Quantum Circuits Room: LACC 501B |
Verghese, Nikhil Composites Technology and Innovations |
Session B59.00005 Thermoplastic Composite Solutions for Mass Markets: Opportunities and Challenges Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Verresen, Ruben Technical University of Munich and MPI-PKS |
Session F05.00004 Dynamics of Kitaev spin liquids and other two-dimensional quantum spin models Room: LACC 152 |
Vidmar, Lev Department of Theoretical Physics, J. Stefan Insitute |
Session R25.00002 Emergent eigenstate solution to quantum dynamics Room: LACC 403B |
Vijayaraghavan, Rajamani Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
Session R39.00001 Broadband Parametric Amplification Using Impedance Engineering Room: LACC 501B |
Villahermosa, Randy The Aerospace Corporation |
Session F32.00004 Space Innovation: The Aerospace iLab Initiative Room: LACC 408A |
Vishveshwara, Smitha Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session H04.00001 Quantum quench dynamics in topological systems Room: LACC 151 |
Viswanathan, Venkat Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B32.00002 Towards computational discovery of next-generation batteries for electrification of transportation and aviation Room: LACC 408A |
Vitelli, Vincenzo Department of Physics and James Franck Institute, University of Chicago |
Session X42.00004 Odd viscosity in chiral active materials Room: LACC 502B |
Vladimir, Manucharyan U Maryland |
Session L33.00001 TBA Room: LACC 408B |
Von Bergmann, Kirsten Department of Physics, Univ Hamburg |
Session A22.00008 Tailoring metallic ferromagnet heterostructures for non-collinear spin states and skyrmions Room: LACC 402A |
von Klitzing, Regine Department of Physics, TU Darmstadt |
Session E55.00004 Correlation between swelling/shrinking behaviour and nanorheology of microgel particles Room: LACC 515A |
Voss, Ruediger European Physical Society |
Session L16.00005 EPS: Promoting Scientific Cooperation in Europe in a Global Context Room: LACC 305 |
Voth, Gregory Department of Chemistry, Univ of Chicago |
Session K25.00004 IR spectral assignments for the hydrated excess proton in liquid waterIR spectral assignments for the hydrated excess proton in liquid water Room: LACC 403B |
Walkup, Daniel Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST -Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session V04.00004 Quantized States, Berry Phases, and Wedding Cakes in Graphene Quantum Dots Room: LACC 151 |
Wallman, Joel J. University of Waterloo |
Session Y41.00005 Characterizing multi-qubit gates on an ion traps quantum computer Room: LACC 502A |
Wallraff, Andreas ETH Zurich |
Session F39.00002 Deterministic Quantum State Transfer and Generation of Remote Entanglement using Microwave Photons Room: LACC 501B |
Wan, Yuan Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford |
Session P24.00004 Non-equilibrium control of the effective free energy landscape in a frustrated magnet Room: LACC 403A |
Wang, Cheng Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C46.00004 Multimodal resonant x-ray scattering for polymer materials Room: LACC 506 |
Wang, Feng UC Berkeley and LBNL |
Session E36.00001 Probing Valley Dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures Room: LACC 410 |
Wang, Jigang Ames Lab of US DOE,, Iowa State Univ |
Session L41.00002 Terahertz Light-Quantum-Tuning of a Metastable Correlated Phase Hidden by Superconductivity Room: LACC 502A |
Wang, Kang Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session V13.00001 Quantized Signature of Majorana Fermion: Particle being its own Anti-particle Room: LACC 304A |
Wang, Kefeng CNAM, Physics Department, University of Maryland |
Session F10.00001 Dirac dispersion and non-trivial Berry's phase in new 3D semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Wang, Lei Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session E34.00001 From Boltzmann machines to Born machines Room: LACC 409A |
Wang, Wennie Materials, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session B32.00003 Tuning the Optical Properties of Complex Oxides for Energy Applications Room: LACC 408A |
Wang, Xiaojia University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
Session K42.00004 Investigations of Spin Precession in Perpendicular Magnetic Materials Enabled by Time-Resolved Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Room: LACC 502B |
Wang, Zhen-Gang California Institute of Technology |
Session C55.00004 Coacervation of Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes: Effects of Composition Asymmetry Room: LACC 515A |
Warner, Jamie Materials, University of Oxford |
Session X37.00007 Large scale ultrathin opto-electronics using 2D materials grown by chemical vapour deposition Room: LACC 411 |
Watanabe, Yoshihide Quantum Controlled Catalysis Program, Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc. |
Session A03.00002 Morphology and catalysis of size-selected Pt clusters tuned by interfacial interaction with metal oxide support Room: LACC 150C |
Watson, Thomas Delft University of Technology |
Session V28.00001 A programmable two-qubit quantum processor in silicon Room: LACC 405 |
Weaver, Valerie University of California, San Francisco |
Session B47.00001 A physical sciences approach to understanding tumor dormancy Room: LACC 507 |
Wei, Suhuai Beijing Computational Science Research Center |
Session H12.00004 Inhomogeneous Strain-induced Spin-splitting in Bent Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons Room: LACC 303B |
Weichman, Marissa University of Colorado Boulder |
Session F41.00002 Justin Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award in Chemical Physics Talk: Slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging (SEVI) spectroscopy of cryo-cooled anions Room: LACC 502A |
Weirich, Kimberly James Franck Institute, University of Chicago |
Session R41.00002 Self-organization in active, anisotropic biopolymer droplets Room: LACC 502A |
Weiss, David Physics, Pennsylvania State University |
Session R25.00001 Observation of Dynamical Fermionization in 1D Bose gases Room: LACC 403B |
Weitz, David Physics and SEAS, Harvard Univ |
Session Y32.00003 Colloid Physics Experiments on the ISS Room: LACC 408A |
Weng, Hongming Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session C10.00001 Triply Degenerate Nodal Point Semimetals Room: LACC 301B |
Wenzel, Matthias 5. Physikalisches Institut and IQST, Universität Stuttgart |
Session L59.00004 Dipolar quantum droplets and striped states Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Werner, Philipp University of Fribourg |
Session X32.00002 Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean Field Theory Room: LACC 408A |
White, Timothy Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session V41.00002 Shape Programmable Materials via the Directed Self Assembly of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers Room: LACC 502A |
Whitelam, Stephen Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P03.00001 Intentional self-assembly of nonequilibrium structures: when can kinetic trapping be useful? Room: LACC 150C |
Whittaker-Brooks, Luisa Univ of Utah |
Session K20.00001 Stanford R. Ovshinsky Sustainable Energy Fellowship Talk: Materials for applications in solar energy conversion, thermoelectrics, batteries, and electronics Room: LACC 308B |
Wick, Kurt School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota |
Session C43.00001 Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction Talk: A Project-based Lab Course Experience at the University of Minnesota Room: LACC 503 |
Wiesendanger, Roland Dept. of Physics, Univ Hamburg |
Session A25.00005 Electric-Field-Driven Switching of Individual Magnetic Skyrmions Room: LACC 403B |
Wiesner, Ulrich Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell Univ |
Session P03.00002 Block Copolymer Self Assembly Directed Nanomaterials Room: LACC 150C |
Wilhelm, Frank Physics, Univ des Saarlandes |
Session E33.00001 Applications of restricted near-term superconducting qubit architectures: Using quantum control to reach quantum advantage Room: LACC 408B |
Willa, Roland Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y04.00003 Strong-pinning regimes by spherical inclusions in anisotropic type-II superconductors Room: LACC 151 |
Williams, Christopher Virginia Tech |
Session C52.00007 Molecules to Manufacturing: Advancing the Polymeric Materials Toolbox for Additive Manufacturing Room: LACC 512 |
Williams, Stanley Hewlett Packard Labs |
Session S41.00004 Nonlinear dynamics and imaging of current density and electric field bifurcations caused by electronic instabilities Room: LACC 502A |
Williams, Travis Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Y25.00004 Hidden order signatures in the antiferromagnetic phases of URu2Si2 under chemical and hydrostatic pressure Room: LACC 403B |
Wilson, Richard Materials Science and Engineering, University of California Riverside |
Session E19.00005 Picosecond electrical excitation of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in ferro- and ferrimagnetic metals Room: LACC 308A |
Winey, Karen Materials Science & Engineering, Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session A59.00001 Precise Associating Polymers Exhibit New Morphologies and Promising Properties. Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Winter, Stephen Institute of Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt |
Session F24.00004 Breakdown of Magnons in α-RuCl3 Room: LACC 403A |
Woell, Dominik Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University |
Session S59.00002 Superresolved fluorescence microscopy of soft matter: from the development of novel photoswitches to the visualization of compartmentalized microgels Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Wolter, Anja Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, IFW Dresden |
Session F05.00002 Magnetic field and pressure induced magnetism of the Kitaev system α-RuCl3 Room: LACC 152 |
Wong, Gerard Bioengineering, Chemistry, CNSI, UCLA |
Session A42.00003 Surface sensing, motility appendages, and hydrodynamics in bacterial interactions with surfaces Room: LACC 502B |
Wootton, James Department of Physics, University of Basel |
Session L58.00004 Quantum programming tutorials and benchmarking of near-term devices using games Room: LACC Petree Hall C |
Wu, Jie Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session H41.00002 Electronic nematicity in cuprates and ruthenates. Room: LACC 502A |
Wu, Junqiao Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session V29.00004 Electronic and Phononic Thermal Conduction in Materials with Metal-Insulator Phase Transitions Room: LACC 406A |
Wu, Liang Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session S04.00005 Quantized Electro-dynamical Responses In Topological Materials Room: LACC 151 |
Wu, Sanfeng Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B37.00004 Observation of Topological Insulating and Superconducting Ground States of Monolayer WTe2 Room: LACC 411 |
Xia, Jing Physics and Astronomy, Univ of California - Irvine |
Session S13.00001 Chiral Majorana Modes Room: LACC 304A |
Xie, Xincheng International Center for Quantum Materials and School of Physics, Peking University |
Session X25.00003 Spin superconductor and electric dipole superconductor Room: LACC 403B |
Xing, Huili (Grace) Cornell Univ |
Session R40.00001 Vertical Tunneling in Layered Materials and Its Applications Room: LACC 501C |
Yablonovitch, Eli University of California, Berkeley |
Session L32.00005 The Double-Heterostructure Concept in Lasers, LED's, and Solar Cells Room: LACC 408A |
Yacaman, Miguel Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Texas at San Antonio |
Session C32.00003 Edward A. Bouchet Award Talk: Nanoparticles with Five-fold Symmetry Room: LACC 408A |
Yakovlev, Dmitri Experimental Physics 2, TU Dortmund University |
Session R21.00007 Spin dynamics of carriers interacting with dangling bond spins in colloidal semiconductor nanostructures Room: LACC 309 |
Yamaji, Youhei Univ of Tokyo |
Session V25.00004 Metallicity and Topology in Iridate Domain Walls Room: LACC 403B |
Yan, Jing Princeton Univ |
Session A42.00001 Mechanical Principles of Biofilm Formation Room: LACC 502B |
Yang, Fengyuan Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session A25.00002 Robust Zero-Field Skyrmion Formation in FeGe Epitaxial Thin Films Room: LACC 403B |
Yang, Hyunsoo National University of Singapore |
Session X22.00004 Anomalous Current-Induced Spin-Orbit Torques in Ferrimagnets Room: LACC 402A |
Yang, Jiong Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University |
Session L29.00001 The High-throughput First-principles Materials Informatics Platform and the Applications on Thermoelectric Materials Room: LACC 406A |
Yang, Shuolong Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science, Cornell University |
Session K04.00005 Understanding the cooperative optimization of FeSe/SrTiO3 thin films Room: LACC 151 |
Yang, Weitao Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics, Duke Univ |
Session A02.00001 Localized Orbital Scaling Correction for Systematic Elimination of Delocalization Error in Density Functional Approximations Room: LACC 150B |
Yao, Wang Department of Physics and Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics, University of Hong Kong |
Session B36.00001 Valley-spin phenomena in the moire pattern of van der Waals heterostructures Room: LACC 410 |
Yasuda, Kenji Univ of Tokyo |
Session R14.00001 Quantized chiral edge conduction on reconfigurable domain walls of a magnetic topological insulator Room: LACC 304B |
Yeates, Todd Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session K59.00002 Designed Protein Cages: Theory and New Applications to Cryo-Electron Microscopy Scaffolding Room: LACC Petree Hall D |
Yi, Di Applied Physics, Stanford University |
Session V25.00001 Emergent Magnetic Phenomena in Iridate-Based Superlattices Room: LACC 403B |
Yi, Ming Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session K14.00001 Emergent Electronic Orders in Hole-doped BaFe2As2 Room: LACC 304B |
Yildiz, Ahmet Physics Department, and the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session E51.00001 Dynamics of the intraflagellar transport machinery at the ciliary tip Room: LACC 511C |
Yin, Peng Harvard University |
Session E41.00005 Nanoscale Construction with DNA Room: LACC 502A |
Yokoyama, Hideaki Advance Materials Science, Univ of Tokyo |
Session P55.00004 Dynamic Polymer Brush by Segregation of Amphiphilic Copolymers Room: LACC 515A |
Young, Andrea Physics, Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session A04.00004 Even denominator fractional quantum Hall effects in high quality bilayer graphene Room: LACC 151 |
Young, Ian Intel Corp. |
Session P21.00001 Material Targets and Challenges in Realizing Spintronics for Computing Room: LACC 309 |
Yu, Dong Department of Physics, Univ of California - Davis |
Session C11.00001 Photocurrent Mapping in Single-Crystal Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Nanostructures Room: LACC 303A |
Yu, Hyuk Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session E56.00002 Odyssey of Ryong-joon Roe: Through Polymer Physics over 1/2 Century. Room: LACC 515B |
Yu, Pu Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session V23.00001 Magnetoelectric coupling through the electric-field controlled ionic evolution Room: LACC 402B |
Yu, Rong Department of Physics, Renmin University of China |
Session E14.00001 Theory of electron correlation and orbital selectivity in Fe-based superconductors Room: LACC 304B |
Yuan, Huiqiu Center for Correlated Matter and Department of Physics, Zhejiang University |
Session K41.00003 Evidence for topological Kondo semimetals Room: LACC 502A |
Yuen-Zhou, Joel Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ of California - San Diego |
Session S03.00007 Molecules in cavities: topological phases and polariton chemistry Room: LACC 150C |
Yun, Wenbing Sigray Inc |
Session L05.00004 Innovations in Laboratory X-ray Technology Brings Synchrotron Capabilities to Your Lab. Room: LACC 152 |
Yunger Halpern, Nicole Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology |
Session V26.00001 Resource-theory models for thermodynamics Room: LACC 404A |
Yurgenson, Sergey DataRobot |
Session K32.00004 Machine Learning Models vs Physics Models: The Battle for acceptance Room: LACC 408A |
Zaanen, Jan Instituut Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Univ of Leiden |
Session H41.00001 Observing many body entanglement in strange metals. Room: LACC 502A |
Zajac, David Physics, Princeton University |
Session V28.00002 Quantum CNOT Gate for Spins in Silicon [1] Room: LACC 405 |
Zaretsky, Eugene Mechanical Engineering, Ben Gurion University |
Session L38.00007 Experimental studies of shock-induced plasticity and shock-wave structure in FCC and BCC metals Room: LACC 501A |
Zbijewski, Wojciech Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session H32.00005 High-Resolution Imaging of Bone Health Room: LACC 408A |
Zeldov, Eli Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A01.00005 Nanoscale thermal imaging of dissipation from individual atomic defects in graphene Room: LACC 150A |
Zgid, Dominika Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session Y34.00001 Self-energy embedding theory (SEET) Room: LACC 409A |
Zhang, Pengpeng Michigan State Univ |
Session B17.00008 Tailoring the growth and electronic structures of organic molecular thin films Room: LACC 306A |
Zhang, Shiwei Department of Physics, William & Mary |
Session A34.00001 Accurate, scalable computations in many-electron systems Room: LACC 409A |
Zhang, Shoucheng Stanford University |
Session P61.00002 Discovery of the chiral Majorana fermion and its application to topological quantum computing Room: LACC West Hall B |
Zhang, Shufeng Univ of Arizona |
Session F25.00002 Temperature dependence of magnon transport Room: LACC 403B |
Zhang, Xiang Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session X35.00001 Discovery of intrinsic ferromagnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals crystals Room: LACC 409B |
Zhao, Jianhua Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session K21.00001 Control of Magnetic Properties of (Ga,Mn)As and GaAs-Compatible Ferromagnetic Heterostructures Room: LACC 309 |
Zheng, Changxi Monash Center for Atomically Thin Materials, Monash University |
Session C36.00008 Direct Observation of 2D Electrostatics and Ohmic Contacts in 2D Heterojunctions Room: LACC 410 |
Zhong, Dongping Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session K50.00001 Dynamics and Mechanism of UVR8 Photoreceptor Room: LACC 511B |
Zhou, Jiawei Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session P29.00001 Why do half-Heusler materials often have large thermoelectric power factor? Room: LACC 406A |
Zhu, Jun Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session B36.00008 Quantum valley Hall effect and valleytronics in bilayer graphene Room: LACC 410 |
Zhu, Wenguang University of Science and Technology of China |
Session L43.00010 Theoretical Design of 2D Ferroelectric and Multiferroic Materials Room: LACC 503 |
Zia, Roseanna Chemical Eng, Stanford Univ |
Session P52.00008 Strong, tough, or fragile: Brownian motion and the osmotic pressure of colloidal gels Room: LACC 512 |
Zink, Barry Physics & Astronomy, Univ of Denver |
Session F25.00004 Spin transport in disordered materials via antiferromagnetic correlations Room: LACC 403B |
Zumbuhl, Dominik Department of Physics, University of Basel |
Session S21.00004 Stretching and Breaking the Persistent Spin Helix Room: LACC 309 |
Zunger, Alex 2630 julliard st, Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session Y12.00003 Discovery of Halide Perovskites and superlattices as a Design Problem Room: LACC 303B |
Zurek, Wojciech Theory Division, Los Alamos National Laboratories |
Session L26.00001 Quantum Theory of the Classical Room: LACC 404A |
Zutic, Igor University at Buffalo |
Session L21.00007 Magnetic Proximity Effects in Two-Dimensional Materials Room: LACC 309 |
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