APS March Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 5–9, 2018;
Los Angeles, California
Session F42: Synthetic Physics: Synthetic Dimensions, Gauge Fields, and Spin-Orbit Coupling
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Room: 502B
Chair: Dominik Schneble, Stony Brook University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2018.MAR.F42.5
Abstract: F42.00005 : Using ultracold atoms to study microscopic behavior of topologically non-trivial systems.
1:39 PM–2:15 PM
Dina Genkina
(Joint Quantum Institute)
Topologically non-trivial materials are of great interest for their robustness, with
existing applications in metrology and potential applications in quantum computing. Quantum
Hall systems provide one of the simplest examples of topologically non-trivial materials,
exhibiting transverse conductance, quantized to a very precise degree in accordance with their
topology. More generally, the topology of 2D lattices can be characterized in terms of a Chern
number, that also defines the number of conducting edge channels at the boundary of finite
systems. We experimentally explore how small a finite size system can be while still exhibiting
bulk topological properties. We use the control and precise measurement ability afforded by
cold atoms to observe the microscopic motion in the bulk without relying on collective
conduction measurements, and extract a Chern number for our system. Our experiments were
performed in a synthetic-dimension lattice with of Bose-condensed 87 Rb [1,2,3] with about 1/3
flux quanta per unit cell, in thin strips only 3 and 5 sites wide. We applied a force along lattice's
long dimension to sample the entire Brillouin zone, and demonstrated that for both a 3-site
wide strip and a 5-site wide strip the bands still manifested non-trivial bulk topology [4,5].\\
[1] A. Celi, P. Massignan, J. Ruseckas, N. Goldman, I.B. Spielman, G. Juzeliūnas, M. Lewenstein
,Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043001 (2014)
[2] B. K. Stuhl, H.-I Lu, L. M. Aycock, D. Genkina, I. B. Spielman, Visualizing edge states with an
atomic Bose gas in the quantum Hall regime. Science 349, 1514–1518 (2015).
[3] M. Mancini 1 , G. Pagano, G. Cappellini, L. Livi, M. Rider, J. Catani, C. Sias, P. Zoller, M.
Inguscio, M. Dalmonte, L. Fallani. Observation of chiral edge states with neutral fermions in
synthetic hall ribbons. Science 349, 1510– (2015).
[4] Wang C, Gao C, Jian C M and Zhai H, Direct measurement of topological invariants in optical
lattices. 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 160403
[5] S. Mugel, A. Dauphin, P Massignan, L. Tarruell, M. Lewenstein, C Lobo, A. Celi, Measuring
Chern numbers in Hofstadter strips. Scipost Physics. 3. 10.21468/SciPostPhys.3.2.012.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2018.MAR.F42.5