Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Invited Speakers
Abbott, Nicholas Cornell University |
Session D13.00001 Molecular Self-Assembly in Topological Defects of Liquid Crystals Room: Room 238 |
Abo-Shaeer, Jamil Vector Atomics |
Session K51.00003 Taking Physics from the Laboratory to the Real World Room: Room 321 |
Adamala, Kate University of Minnesota |
Session N13.00003 TBD Room: Room 238 |
Aharonov, Dorit Hebrew University |
Session T69.00002 From error suppression to error mitigation in quantum algorithms Room: Room 421 |
Ahmed, Wylie W California State University, Fullerton |
Session Z10.00002 Nonequilibrium force fluctuations of micro swimmers Room: Room 202 |
Ahn, Charles H Yale University |
Session D38.00001 Control of Antiferromagnetic Dynamics in Nickelate Heterostructures Room: Room 230 |
Ahn, Jaewook Korea Adv Inst of Sci & Tech |
Session S64.00004 Rydberg-atom quantum computing of NP-complete problems Room: Room 415 |
Ahn, Youngjun University of Michigan |
Session B43.00001 Nonlinear optical detection of dual ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism in a magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2 Room: Room 317 |
Aidelsburger, Monika Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich) |
Session 10E.00002 Quantum simulation - Engineering and understanding quantum systems atom- by-atom Room: Room 235 |
Aishwarya, Anuva University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session F24.00001 The curious case of the magnetic field-sensitive charge density waves in UTe2 Room: Room 237 |
Alamo, Rufina G Florida State University |
Session Y12.00002 Crystallization of Sustainable Polyethylene-Like Materials Room: Room 235 |
Alem, Nasim Pennsylvania State University |
Session A40.00001 Nasim Alem Room: Room 232 |
Alhambra, Alvaro Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Session W02.00001 Classical simulation of thermal equilibrium and quantum dynamics Room: Room 125 |
Ali, Mazhar Max Planck Inst Microstructure |
Session Y37.00003 Non-reciprocal superconductivity and the field free Josephson Diode Room: Room 233 |
Alim, Karen TU Munich |
Session K13.00001 Lesson from smart slime: How adaptive flow networks process information for complex behaviour Room: Room 238 |
Allan, Milan P Leiden University |
Session A37.00002 Puddle formation, persistent gaps, and non-mean-field breakdown of superconductivity in overdoped (Pb,Bi)2Sr2CuO6+δ Room: Room 233 |
Altamimi, Reema University of Paris |
Session Q50.00003 Engaging young non-scientists in the world of particle accelerators through interdisciplinary youth programs Room: Room 320 |
Altan-Bonnet, Gregoire Center for Cancer Research, NIH |
Session K68.00003 Building models of T cells' self/non-self discrimination from automatized/dynamic high-dimensional experimental profiling Room: Room 420 |
Alvarado, José R University of Texas at Austin |
Session W13.00003 Plugging active "hardware" into biological "software" Room: Room 238 |
Amin, Mohammad D-Wave Systems Inc |
Session W70.00012 Quantum critical dynamics in a 5000-qubit programmable spin glass Room: Room 409 |
Analytis, James UC Berkeley |
Session M24.00005 Searching for exotic superconductivity on the border of itinerant magnetism Room: Room 237 |
Andrei, Eva Y Rutgers University |
Session Q37.00004 Mildred Dresselhaus Prize in Nanoscience or Nanomaterials Winner: Eva AndreiAtomically thin crystals: a myriad electronic incarnations viewed through STM Room: Room 233 |
Andujo, Jorge A University of Texas, El Paso |
Session K50.00004 TBD Room: Room 320 |
Anlage, Steven M University of Maryland, College Park |
Session F24.00005 Probing penetration depth and residual loss anisotropy of high-Tc superconducting UTe2 Room: Room 237 |
Aoki, Dai IMR, Tohoku University, Japan |
Session F24.00004 de Haas-van Alphen effect and Fermi surfaces in spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 Room: Room 237 |
Appel, Eric A Stanford University |
Session S12.00003 Entropy-Driven Supramolecular Biomaterials Enabling Innovations in Drug and Cell Delivery Room: Room 235 |
Ardekani, Arezoo M Purdue University |
Session M13.00001 Determining stress topology from conventional experimental flow measurements of viscoelastic fluids Room: Room 238 |
Arenz, Christian Arizona State University |
Session N71.00007 Opportunities and challenges in learning how to control high dimensional quantum systems Room: Room 407/408 |
Arita, Ryotaro Univ of Tokyo |
Session M44.00001 Ab initio magnetic structure prediction for topological magnets Room: Room 316 |
Artyukhin, Sergey Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Session A41.00001 Topologically protected unidirectional magntoelectric switching in multiferroic GdMn2O5 Room: Room 319 |
Atherton, Tim Tufts University |
Session F51.00004 Queering computation and modeling in an agency-based computational physics course Room: Room 321 |
Attane, Jean-Phillippe CEA Grenoble |
Session N41.00001 Ferroelectric spintronics Room: Room 319 |
Atzberger, Paul J University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K02.00001 Surface Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Methods for the Drift-Diffusion Dynamics of Proteins and Microstructures within Curved Lipid Bilayer Membranes Room: Room 125 |
Auffret, J.P. George Mason University |
Session T51.00002 Current Challenges for Data Science and Trustworthy AI in Industry and Government Room: Room 321 |
Aumentado, Jose National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session Z71.00007 Filter synthesis for wideband parametric amplifier and converter design Room: Room 407/408 |
Bagheri, Neda University of Washington |
Session Z13.00003 An agent-based model of the tumor microenvironment predicts hallmarks of cancer and sets the stage for model-driven experimental design of CAR T cell therapy. Room: Room 238 |
Bahri, Yasaman Google LLC |
Session D02.00001 Scaling Laws in Deep Neural Networks: Insights from Statistical Mechanics and Exactly Solvable Models Room: Room 125 |
Bakr, Waseem S Princeton University |
Session K69.00002 Measuring quantum correlations in many-body systems of polar molecules Room: Room 421 |
Balasubramanian, Vijay University of Pennsylvania |
Session K68.00001 Adaptation of CRISPR repertoires to the virome Room: Room 420 |
Baljon, Arlette R San Diego State University |
Session N02.00001 Simulations of Non-equilibrium Processes in Polymer-based Materials Room: Room 125 |
Balsara, Nitash P University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y15.00001 Hope for Higher Ion Velocities in Polymer Electrolytes Room: Room 207 |
Banerjee, Amartya S University of California, Los Angeles |
Session N28.00001 Machine Learning Based Electronic Structure Prediction: From Nanostructures to Complex Alloys Room: Room 220 |
Banerjee, Priya R State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session M06.00001 Probing the material properties of multi-component and multi-phasic condensates Room: Room 129 |
Banerjee, Soma Austin Peay State University |
Session B51.00005 How Early Career Indian Physicists Shaped a Scientific Modernity While Working in a British Colony? Room: Room 321 |
Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo Northeastern University |
Session T36.00005 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Winner: Albert-László BarabásiNetwork Science: From Abstract to Physical Networks Room: Room 236 |
Baranes, Gefen Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q66.00001 Shaping and Controlling Quantum Photonic States Using Free Electrons Room: Room 413 |
Barghathi, Hatem N University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session Y24.00001 Symmetry Resolved Entanglement in Interacting Models Room: Room 237 |
Barnes, Taylor A The Molecular Sciences Software Institute |
Session F03.00001 Standardizing Code Interoperability Through the MolSSI Driver Interface Project Room: Room 126 |
Barnes, Teresa National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session A36.00002 Sustainability at the Terawatt Scale Room: Room 236 |
Bartolucci, Sara PSI Quantum |
Session M51.00004 What is it like to work at a startup? Room: Room 321 |
basir, shamsulhaq University of Pittsburgh |
Session W53.00008 Physics-informed and Equality-constrained Artificial Neural Networks with Applications to Partial Differential Equations and Multi-fidelity Data Assimilation Room: Room 307 |
Baskaran, Aparna Brandeis University |
Session B01.00001 Active fluids under deformable confinement: lessons from particle-based models Room: Room 124 |
Bassett, Dani S University of Pennsylvania |
Session K12.00003 On Being Curious Room: Room 235 |
Bates, Christopher M University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W12.00002 Unraveling the Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer Materials Room: Room 235 |
Batzill, Matthias M Univ of South Florida |
Session D39.00001 Modifications of 2D-Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Metal Incorporation Room: Room 231 |
Bechtel, Hans Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S45.00001 Ultrabroadband Infrared Nanospectroscopy Room: Room 315 |
Becker, Jill 02139 Inc |
Session K51.00005 TBD Room: Room 321 |
Belvin, Carina California Institute of Technology |
Session K38.00001 Distinct mechanisms for coherent magnon generation in a correlated van der Waals antiferromagnet Room: Room 230 |
Benali, Anouar Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G60.00007 Towards Diffusion Monte Carlo accuracy across chemical space with scalable Δ-QML Room: Room 419 |
Benedek, Nicole A Cornell University |
Session S38.00001 Ultrafast control of electrons by opitcally controlling the lattice Room: Room 230 |
Ben Shalom, Moshe Tel Aviv University |
Session D40.00001 Ladder Ferroelectrics Room: Room 232 |
Benton, Owen M Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session Y68.00005 Cerium pyrochlores as multipolar spin liquid candidates Room: Room 420 |
Bernardi, Marco Caltech |
Session G50.00003 Interactions of Electron Spin with Phonons: Spin Relaxation and Decoherence in Condensed Matter from First Principles Room: Room 320 |
Bernevig, Andrei B Princeton University |
Session K37.00004 Enter New Abstract Title HereInteractions in Flat Bands with and without Touching points: Topological Heavy Fermions Beyond Twisted Bilayer Graphene Room: Room 233 |
Bernien, Hannes UChicago |
Session M68.00004 Mid-circuit readout and error mitigation on a dual-species atom array processor Room: Room 420 |
Bertelsen, Mads European Spallation Source |
Session Q50.00004 Expanding the capabilities of neutron scattering simulation software to support the design of the European Spallation Source and its instruments Room: Room 320 |
Bhamla, Saad Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session F14.00001 Secrets of insect excretion: how and why sharpshooters use droplet superpropulsion Room: Room 206 |
Bhattacharjee, Subhro International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore |
Session S68.00003 TBD Room: Room 420 |
Bhowal, Sayantika ETH Zurich |
Session M41.00001 Magnetoelectric multipoles and spin textures in real-space and reciprocal space Room: Room 319 |
Bialek, William S Princeton University |
Session G02.00001 Recent progress in the statistical physics of real neural networks Room: Room 125 |
Bienfait, Audrey ENS, Lyon |
Session N67.00009 Itinerant phonons as carriers of quantum information Room: Room 412 |
Bingham, Nicholas S University of Maine |
Session A68.00004 Collective behavior of artificial spin ice in the presence of a magnetic field Room: Room 420 |
Bionta, Mina R Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y51.00001 Integrated optical-field sampling with petahertz electronics Room: Room 321 |
Biro, Maté EMBL Australia |
Session Z13.00005 Killer immune cell swarming and solid tumor interactions Room: Room 238 |
Bitbol, Anne-Florence EPFL |
Session T13.00003 Optimization and historical contingency in protein sequences Room: Room 238 |
blonder, arielle Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University HUJI, Jerusalem, Israel |
Session N12.00001 Constructive Frustration : From a flower to auto-morphing architecture Room: Room 235 |
Bloom, Benjamin Atom Computing |
Session K51.00004 From Scientist to Entrepreneur and back again Room: Room 321 |
Bocarsly, Matan Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session D37.00005 Imaging de Haas–van Alphen quantum oscillations in moiré graphene Room: Room 233 |
Bohr, Tomas Technical University of Denmark |
Session Y14.00001 Sap flow and sugar transport in a pine needle: how to deal with an adverse environement Room: Room 206 |
Bokor, Jeffrey University of California, Berkeley |
Session G68.00003 Ultrafast magnetic switching induced by picosecond electric current pulses Room: Room 420 |
Bonato, Cristian Bonato |
Session S62.00006 Invited Talk: Cristian BonatoBayesian inference for quantum sensing and model learning Room: Room 417 |
Bondar, Denys I Tulane University |
Session Q71.00007 A globally convergent approach for quantum control and system identification Room: Room 407/408 |
Booth, George Kings College London |
Session F62.00001 A Bayesian machine-learning approach to the quantum many-body problemInvited Talk: George Booth, King's College London Room: Room 417 |
Borodin, Oleg Army Research Lab |
Session T12.00001 TBD Room: Room 235 |
Bosco, Stefano University of Basel |
Session S74.00001 Quantum computation with hole spin qubits in Si and Ge quantum dots. Room: Room 403/404 |
Bossini, Davide University of Konstanz |
Session G68.00004 Ultrafast coherent nonlinear magnonics in antiferromagnets Room: Room 420 |
Bosworth, Bryan NIST |
Session N34.00001 High temperature mmWave switches based on insulator-to-metal transition of Lanthanum Cobalt Oxide Room: Room 226/227 |
Bougie, Jonathan Loyola University Chicago |
Session D51.00001 A Research Experience for First-Year Undergraduates Room: Room 321 |
Bouhrara, Mustapha Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Institute on Aging, NIH |
Session M52.00005 Harnessing the Power of Magnetic Resonance Physics to Study Cerebral Aging and Dementias Room: Room 308 |
Boulebnane, Sami Phasecraft |
Session K64.00004 Peptide conformational sampling using the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Room: Room 415 |
Brahmachari, Sumitabha Rice University |
Session N13.00004 Physical Modeling of the Three-Dimensional Architecture of the Human Genome Room: Room 238 |
Braun, Christoph LMU Munich |
Session D24.00005 Observing edge dynamics in topological Floquet systems Room: Room 237 |
Brener, Igal Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G40.00001 Nonlinear and Quantum Semiconductor Metasurface Room: Room 232 |
Brink, Markus IBM |
Session W50.00002 Quantum in the Future Computing Environment Room: Room 320 |
Brown, Craig M NIST |
Session A36.00003 Neutron Scattering to Characterize Adsorbents and Their Hosts Room: Room 236 |
Browne, Christopher A Princeton University |
Session M13.00004 Viscoelastic flow instabilities in porous media Room: Room 238 |
Brun, Pierre-Thomas Princeton University |
Session F16.00001 Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research Winner: Pierre-Thomas BrunBuilding with fluids: a lazy approach to fabricating programable soft matter Room: Room 208 |
Brunton, Steven L University of Washington |
Session S13.00001 Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery Room: Room 238 |
Buehler-Paschen, Silke Vienna Univ of Technology |
Session M24.00003 Weyl-Kondo semimetals: Phenomena and stabilization mechanisms Room: Room 237 |
Burch, Kenneth S Boston College |
Session Q43.00001 Axial Higgs Mode from Quantum Geometry and a Charge Density Wave Room: Room 317 |
Burioni, Raffaella University of Parma Italy |
Session A02.00001 Collective dynamical regimes and synchronization transitions in brain networks Room: Room 125 |
Burke, Kieron University of California, Irvine |
Session B17.00001 New results from semiclassics: chemical accuracy in orbital-free DFT Room: Room 209 |
Burns, Lori A Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session F03.00003 Composing and decomposing quantum chemistry software: Adventures with Psi4 and QCArchive Room: Room 126 |
Burton, Justin C Emory University |
Session D51.00004 Integrating First-year Research Rotations into Physics Graduate Programs Room: Room 321 |
Butch, Nicholas P National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session F24.00003 Symmetry of magnetic correlations in spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 Room: Room 237 |
Cacciatore, Michael University of Georgia |
Session Q12.00002 Depictions of Science in Media and Resulting Opinion Formation Room: Room 235 |
Camley, Brian A Johns Hopkins University |
Session K11.00006 Cell polarity, motility, and shape Room: Room 203 |
Cano, Jennifer Stonybrook University |
Session G37.00002 Materials search algorithms for square net Dirac materials Room: Room 233 |
Cao, Gang University of Colorado Boulder |
Session F54.00001 Current-controlled chiral orbital currents in a colossal magnetoresistance material Room: Room 306 |
Cao, Lianghao The University of Texas at Austin |
Session Z59.00009 Bayesian model calibration for block copolymer self-assembly: Likelihood-free inference and expected information gain computation via measure transport Room: Room 301 |
Cao, Yudong Zapata Computing |
Session A51.00001 Building a business at the cutting edge of science Room: Room 321 |
Caravelli, Francesco LANL |
Session W62.00001 Numerical and analytical methods for self-organizing disordered nanowires Room: Room 417 |
Carleo, Giuseppe EPFL |
Session A70.00013 Neural-network-enabled hybrid classical-quantum computing Room: Room 409 |
Carpenter, Matthew H Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session K36.00005 Low-Temperature Detectors for High Precision Nuclear Material Analysis Room: Room 236 |
Carr, Alan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q68.00001 Introduction to Nuclear Weapons Testing, 1945 to 1992 Room: Room 420 |
Carrasquilla, Juan Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence |
Session D62.00001 Recurrent neural networks for many-body physics Room: Room 417 |
Casparis, Lucas Microsoft |
Session G42.00001 Phase Diagram of InAs-Al Heterostructures Room: Room 318 |
Castro-Alvaredo, Olalla City University of London |
Session Y24.00004 Symmetry Resolved Entanglement in Integrable Quantum Field Theory Room: Room 237 |
Cerezo, Marco Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S69.00001 Geometric Quantum Machine Learning Room: Room 421 |
Cha, Judy J Cornell University |
Session B39.00001 Formation Pathways in Intercalated 2D Materials and Heterostructures Room: Room 231 |
Chae, Sieun University of Michigan |
Session A38.00001 Prediction and synthesis of novel ultra-wide-band-gap semiconducting oxides Room: Room 230 |
Chakraborty, Arup K MIT |
Session Q13.00001 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics: Viruses, Immunity and Vaccines Room: Room 238 |
Chandni, U Indian Institute of Science |
Session W38.00001 Broken-symmetry states and valley ordering in twisted bilayer graphene/WSe2 heterostructures Room: Room 230 |
Chang, Cui-Zu Pennsylvania State University |
Session K43.00004 Electrical Switching of the Edge Current Chirality in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators Room: Room 317 |
Chang, Darrick ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session G66.00001 Quantum nonlinear optics based on two-dimensional Rydberg atom arrays Room: Room 413 |
Changlani, Hitesh J Florida State University |
Session Y68.00002 Sleuthing out exotic quantum spin liquidity in the spin-orbit coupled pyrochlore magnet Ce2Zr2O7 Room: Room 420 |
Chatterjee, Anasua Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session M68.00002 Spin qubits: Control, calibration and readout in multi-qubit arrays Room: Room 420 |
Chaudhari, Pratik University of Pennsylvania |
Session B12.00003 A Picture of the Prediction Space of Deep Networks Room: Room 235 |
Chavez, Agnes TBA |
Session N15.00004 Communicating Science through Immersive Mixed Reality (IMR) experiences Room: Room 207 |
Cheema, Suraj S University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y36.00004 Greene Dissertation Award Winner: Negative Capacitance Electronics: Manipulating Ferroelectricity in Atomically Thin Simple Materials Room: Room 236 |
Chen, Bin Northwestern University |
Session F50.00004 Tuning the interface of perovskites for efficient solar cells Room: Room 320 |
Chen, Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session B61.00001 Phonon second sound over 200 K and cubic boron arsenide as a superior semiconductor Room: Room 418 |
Chen, Gong Georgetown University |
Session N68.00004 Pulling Magnetic Skyrmions out of Thin Air Room: Room 420 |
Chen, Kuan-Wen University of Michigan |
Session M24.00001 Quantum Oscillations in Topological Materials Room: Room 237 |
Chen, Lebing Rice University |
Session T68.00002 Magnetic excitations in 2D van der Waals honeycomb ferromagnets Room: Room 420 |
Chen, Peng Cornell University |
Session T17.00001 Super-resolution imaging of molecular adsorption on single metal nanoparticles Room: Room 209 |
Chen, Qiang McMaster Univ |
Session D55.00002 New Paradigms in Heavy Transition Metal Molecular Magnetism Room: Room 305 |
Chen, Senrui University of Chicago |
Session T69.00004 The learnability of Pauli noise Room: Room 421 |
Chen, Sudi UC Berkeley |
Session A37.00001 Unconventional spectral signature of Tc in a pure d-wave superconductor Room: Room 233 |
Chen, Yong P Purdue University |
Session B36.00005 Emerging magnetism in stacked vdW heterostructures between layered antiferromagnets Room: Room 236 |
Cheon, Gowoon Google Research |
Session T50.00003 Learning materials properties and dynamics with graph neural network models Room: Room 320 |
Cheong, Sang-Wook Rutgers University |
Session S55.00001 Magnetic Chirality Room: Room 305 |
Chernyshev, Alexander L University of California, Irvine |
Session B54.00001 Roller-Coaster in a Flatland: Magnetoresistivity in Eu-intercalated Graphite Room: Room 306 |
Cheuk, Lawrence W Princeton University |
Session D69.00004 Spin-Exchange Interactions and On-Demand Entanglement of Laser-cooled Molecules in an Optical Tweezer Array Room: Room 421 |
Chmaissem, Omar Argonne National Laboratory |
Session F28.00001 Sequential magnetic anisotropies in LaFeAs1-xPxO uncover the hidden universality of iron-pnictide superconductors Room: Room 220 |
Choudhary, Kamal National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session K53.00001 Unified Graph Neural Network Force-field for the Periodic Table Room: Room 307 |
Christen, Ian Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A69.00002 An integrated photonic engine for programmable atomic control Room: Room 421 |
Christianson, Andy Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B44.00001 Gaps in Topological Magnon Spectra: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Effects Room: Room 316 |
Christopher, Phillip University of California Santa Barbara |
Session Q17.00001 Using Photons to Influence Catalysis on Supported Metal Catalysts Room: Room 209 |
Ciorga, Mariusz University of Regensburg, Germany |
Session A56.00001 Gate-controlled spin precession in narrow diffusive 2DEG channels Room: Room 304 |
Claes, Jahan Yale University |
Session Y69.00003 Tailored quantum error correction for large-scale quantum computing under structured noise Room: Room 421 |
Clancy, Paulette Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q53.00001 Self-assembly of electronic materials and the power of machine learning Room: Room 307 |
Clarke, Laura North Carolina State University |
Session S34.00001 Wolff-Reichert Award: Sustainable laboratory experiences spanning the physics curriculum to addressdiverse students and career preparation Room: Room 226/227 |
Clauser, John F Nobel Winner |
Session X01.00002 Proof that nonlocal quantum entanglement is real Room: Room 420 |
Clemmer, Joel T Sandia National Labs |
Session Q36.00002 Breaking down brittle fragmentation: gaining theoretical insight through simulation Room: Room 236 |
Coe-Sullivan, Seth NS Nanotech |
Session K51.00001 Commercializing Deep-Tech: Case Studies from a Scientific Founder Room: Room 321 |
Colby, Ralph H Pennsylvania State University |
Session B05.00007 Flow-induced Nematic Alignment and Nucleation Acceleration in Polymer Melts Room: Room 128 |
Coldea, Amalia I University of Oxford |
Session G37.00001 Electronic signatures of quasiparticles in high-Tc iron-chalcogenide superconductors under pressure Room: Room 233 |
Comin, Riccardo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session K41.00001 A type-II multiferroic in two dimensions Room: Room 319 |
Conrad, Jacinta C University of Houston |
Session D17.00004 Transport in fluctuating supercooled and glassy nanoparticle matrices Room: Room 209 |
Cotler, Jordan Harvard University |
Session D73.00006 The Complexity of NISQ Room: Room 405 |
Coulais, Corentin University of Amsterdam |
Session Y10.00001 Limit cycles turn odd active matter into robots Room: Room 202 |
Cremer, Jonas Stanford University |
Session B13.00002 The collective movement of chemotactic bacterial cells along self-generated gradients Room: Room 238 |
Creton, Costantino ESPCI Paris |
Session F12.00002 A molecular picture of elastomer fracture Room: Room 235 |
Crosby, Alfred J University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session G12.00002 Cavitating Gels: Macroscale Failure to Molecular Structure Room: Room 235 |
Curtarolo, Stefano Duke University |
Session A50.00003 Plasmonic high-entropy carbides Room: Room 320 |
Cvijovic, Ivana Stanford |
Session Z08.00001 Ivana Cvijovic Room: Room 131 |
Czajka, Peter A Princeton University |
Session N56.00001 A topological bosonic thermal Hall effect in Kitaev magnet α-RuCl3 Room: Room 304 |
Czap, Gregory IBM |
Session G71.00007 Electron spin resonance and sub-molecular resolution magnetic resonance imaging of single organic radicals with the scanning tunneling microscope. Room: Room 407/408 |
Czischek, Stefanie U of Ottawa |
Session S62.00001 Enhancing Variational Monte Carlo with Neural Network Quantum States Room: Room 417 |
Dagotto, Elbio R University of Tennessee |
Session Q37.00001 David Adler Award in the Field of Materials Physics: Complexity in Correlated Electrons Room: Room 233 |
Dai, Pengcheng Rice University |
Session M56.00001 Spinon Fermi Surface Spin Liquid in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NaYbSe2 Room: Room 304 |
Daido, Akito Kyoto Univ |
Session Y37.00002 Intrinsic superconducting diode effect Room: Room 233 |
Dal Bello, Martina MIT |
Session K08.00009 Nutrients' control over microbial communities Room: Room 131 |
Daley, Andrew J University of Strathclyde |
Session M65.00001 Propagation of errors and quantum advantage in analogue quantum simulation Room: Room 414 |
Das, Anindya Indian Institute of Science Bangalore |
Session N37.00003 Quantized heat flow probing thermal equilibration and edge structures of quantum Hall phases in graphene Room: Room 233 |
Datar, Avdhoot Southern Methodist University |
Session N03.00001 Reduced Scaling Electronic Structure Methods in CFOUR: Theory, Implementation, and Open-Source Software Components Room: Room 126 |
Datta, Sujit S Princeton University |
Session W11.00001 Early Career Award for Biological Physics Research: Life in a tight spot: How bacteria navigate crowded spaces Room: Room 203 |
Dauchot, Olivier Laboratoire de Physique Statistique |
Session W13.00001 When active matter turns solid : from collective motion to collective actuation. Room: Room 238 |
Davies, Ian Deepmind Technologies |
Session G51.00003 Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning Room: Room 321 |
Davis, JC S University of Oxford |
Session Q37.00005 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize: Scanned Josephson and Andreev Tunneling Microscopy: Visualizing Electron-Pair Fluids and Density Waves Room: Room 233 |
Dawes, Adriana Ohio State University |
Session N06.00001 Theoretical and experimental investigation of dynein-mediated transport and positioning of the nucleus prior to first division in the early C. elegans embryo Room: Room 129 |
Dean, Mark P Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session F39.00001 Antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator state in Sr3Ir2O7 Room: Room 231 |
de Beaudrap, Niel University of Sussex |
Session AAA06.00001 Quantum linear network coding for entanglement distribution in restricted architecturesNiel de Beaudrap Room: Virtual Room 6 |
Debenedetti, Pablo G Princeton University |
Session T36.00003 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Winner: Pablo G. DebenedettiA Computational Perspective on the Physics of Supercooled Water Room: Room 236 |
Decolvenaere, Elizabeth R D. E. Shaw & Co |
Session M51.00001 My Path to D. E. Shaw Research or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Small Molecules Room: Room 321 |
Deike, Luc Princeton |
Session D65.00003 The multi-scale physics of ocean spray aerosols generation by breaking waves and bursting bubbles Room: Room 414 |
de la Barrera, Sergio Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D37.00003 Electric-field driven isospin order in Bernal bilayer graphene Room: Room 233 |
De La Cruz, Enrique Yale University |
Session K11.00001 Twist Response of Actin Filaments Room: Room 203 |
Delaney, Robert D JILA |
Session A69.00001 Superconducting-qubit readout via low-backaction electro-optic transduction Room: Room 421 |
de Leon, Nathalie P Princeton University |
Session K69.00003 New platforms for quantum sensing and quantum computing Room: Room 421 |
Delfosse, Nicolas G Microsoft |
Session N64.00003 Constant-Overhead Quantum Error Correction with Thin Planar Connectivity Room: Room 415 |
Del Gado, Emanuela Georgetown University |
Session Y36.00002 Reducing cement and concrete environmental impact: a physicist's perspective Room: Room 236 |
del Valle, Javier University of Oviedo, Spain |
Session T24.00004 The electrically driven Insulator-to-Metal transition Room: Room 237 |
de Mulatier, Clelia University of Amsterdam |
Session D11.00001 Detecting assemblies of coordinated neurons with a novel family of maximum entropy models Room: Room 203 |
Deng, Chunqing Alibaba |
Session F75.00001 Toward a scalable and high-fidelity quantum computing system with fluxonium qubits Room: Room 401/402 |
Dery, Hanan University of Rochester |
Session G53.00001 Many-body Hexcitons and Oxcitons in Monolayer Semiconductors Room: Room 307 |
Deutsch, Miriam National Science Foundation |
Session M69.00003 Panel Speaker: Miriam Deutsch Room: Room 232 |
Dev, Pratibha Howard University |
Session Q60.00001 Predicting phase preferences of transition metal dichalcogenides using machine learning techniques Room: Room 419 |
De Yoreo, James J Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session D17.00001 Understanding regulation of CaCO3 crystallization by de novo designed proteins through in situ imaging and spectroscopy Room: Room 209 |
Diao, Ying University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Z12.00002 Dynamic 3D Printing of Bottlebrush Block Copolymer Photonics Room: Room 235 |
Diaz-Maurin, Francois The Bulletin |
Session B50.00004 The new risks posed by nuclear facilities in war zones, and how to reduce them Room: Room 320 |
Diddams, Scott A National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session B03.00001 Frequency comb spectroscopy with coherent and incoherent light Room: Room 126 |
Didier, Nicolas Rigetti Computing |
Session D75.00001 Flux-pulse optimization for entangling gates on a tunable-coupler architecture Room: Room 401/402 |
Dijksman, Joshua A University of Amsterdam / Wageningen University |
Session S01.00004 Creep and slow flow in athermal soft hydrogel suspensions Room: Room 124 |
Di Matteo, Olivia University of British Columbia |
Session F69.00004 Quantum computing with differentiable quantum transforms Room: Room 421 |
Ding, Yufei UCSB |
Session F69.00001 A Compiler Framework for Enabling Collective Communication in Distributed Quantum Programs Room: Room 421 |
Dionne, Adam Williams College |
Session N18.00001 Leroy Apker Award Winner: Adam Dionne Room: Room 210 |
Dionne, Jennifer Stanford University |
Session Q17.00005 The Light Stuff: Enabling Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing with Atomically-Optimized Photocatalysts Room: Room 209 |
Di Pierro, Michele Northeastern University |
Session G11.00004 Landscapes of Genomic Architecture Across Evolution Room: Room 203 |
Dobrynin, Andrey V University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
Session G12.00001 Forensics of Polymer Networks Room: Room 235 |
Doherty, Tiarnan University of Cambridge |
Session Y36.00003 Greene Dissertation Award Winner: Characterising nanostructure and understanding its influence on phase stability in halide perovskites Room: Room 236 |
Dongare, Avinash University of Connecticut |
Session N20.00007 Variant Selections under Shock-induced Phase Transformation and deformation Twinning in BCC Metal Microstructures. Room: Room 212 |
Doolittle, Alan FIAP |
Session S51.00004 New Surface Chemistry and Adatom Kinetics Results in Novel Extreme Bandgap Semiconductor Device Opportunities Room: Room 321 |
Dorfman, Kevin D University of Minnesota |
Session W12.00003 Ordered states in diblock copolymer blends Room: Room 235 |
Draghi, Jeremy Virginia Tech |
Session Y08.00001 Ecological feedbacks in evolutionary rescue Room: Room 131 |
Draxl, Claudia Humboldt University of Berlin |
Session B59.00001 Towards a unified ab initio description of excitations and their dynamics Room: Room 301 |
Drescher, Knut University of Basel |
Session T14.00001 TBD Room: Room 206 |
Driscoll, Laura Stanford University |
Session D11.00007 Flexible multitask computation in recurrent networks utilizes shared dynamical motifs Room: Room 203 |
Du, Chrisy Xiyu Harvard |
Session W01.00001 Programming Soft Materials by Inverse Design Room: Room 124 |
Du, Chunhui R University of California, San Diego |
Session F57.00001 Quantum Sensing and Imaging of Spin Transport and Dynamics in Quantum Materials Room: Room 303 |
Du, Rui-Rui Peking University |
Session N61.00002 Excitonic topological order in correlated electron-hole bilayers Room: Room 418 |
Dudchenko, Olga Baylor College of Medicine |
Session N13.00005 TBD Room: Room 238 |
Dudko, Olga University of California, San Diego |
Session N14.00001 Universality vs. Specificity in Synaptic Transmission Room: Room 206 |
Dufresne, Eric R ETH Zurich |
Session G14.00001 Biologically-Inspired Active Droplets: from Reaction Crucibles to Robots(?) Room: Room 206 |
Dunkel, Jorn Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session S13.00003 Symmetry-informed model inference for living matter Room: Room 238 |
Dunn, Jennifer Northwestern University |
Session Y36.00001 Sustainable manufacturing supply chains for vehicle electrification Room: Room 236 |
Dutcher, Daniel Princeton University |
Session K36.00003 Transition-Edge Sensors at the Forefront of Cosmology Room: Room 236 |
Dyer, Ethan Google Research |
Session B12.00004 Lessons from scale in large language models and quantitative reasoning Room: Room 235 |
Dzurak, Andrew S University of New South Wales |
Session M68.00005 Quantum information processing based on silicon-CMOS technology Room: Room 420 |
Economou, Sophia Virginia Tech |
Session K34.00001 Hello Quantum World! A rigorous but accessible first-year university course in quantum information science Room: Room 226/227 |
Ederer, Claude ETH Zurich |
Session F37.00004 Oxygen vacancies in strontium titanate: a DFT+DMFT perspective Room: Room 233 |
Edwards, Brian J University of Tennessee Knoxville |
Session D12.00005 Atomistic simulation of microphase separation and flow-induced crystallization above the melting point of entangled polymers under elongational flow Room: Room 235 |
Efetov, Dmitri K ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session Z37.00001 TBD Room: Room 233 |
Eichler, Christopher ETH |
Session M68.00001 Building Superconducting Quantum Hardware towards Error-Corrected Quantum Computing Room: Room 420 |
Eickbusch, Alec W Yale University |
Session F71.00007 Control, gates, and error correction of GKP codes in bosonic cQED Room: Room 407/408 |
Eisenman, Ian UCSD |
Session B65.00001 Heat released from the depths of the Arctic Ocean: amplified warming and tipping points Room: Room 414 |
Ellen Zvanut, Mary University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Session G41.00001 Optical Absorption of point defects in AlN crystals as measured by photo-induced electron paramagnetic resonance Room: Room 319 |
Else, Dominic Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session G24.00001 Gifts from anomalies: optical conductivity of metallic quantum critical points and other exact results Room: Room 237 |
Ensslin, Klaus ETH Zurich |
Session D37.00004 Spin and valley T_1 times in graphene quantum dots Room: Room 233 |
Ercan, Ekmel University of California - Los Angeles |
Session M74.00001 The role of Coulomb interactions in few-electron quantum dots in silicon Room: Room 403/404 |
Eriksson, Olle Uppsala University |
Session N50.00001 From electronic structure to magnetisation dynamics Room: Room 320 |
Errea, Ion University of the Basque Country UPV/EH |
Session G61.00001 Theory of non-linear electron-phonon coupling and its first-principles implementation Room: Room 418 |
Ertekin, Elif U Illinois |
Session W68.00003 Computation-Guided Design And Discovery Of Dopable Thermoelectric Materials: How Well We Can Do And What Is Missing Room: Room 420 |
Erten, Onur Arizona State University |
Session B36.00001 Moiré skyrmions and chiral magnetic phases in twisted van der Waals magnets Room: Room 236 |
Esposito, Massimiliano University of Luxembourg |
Session F13.00004 Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of chemical reaction networks Room: Room 238 |
Evans, Paul G University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session M50.00005 Order from disorder: guiding nanoscale crystallization of amorphous solids Room: Room 320 |
Facheris, Leonardo Department of Physics, ETH Zurich |
Session F55.00005 Spin-density waves and fractional magnetization plateau in triangular Cs2CoBr4 Room: Room 305 |
Fairfield, Jessamyn TBA |
Session N15.00002 Comedy as a Tool for Democratization of Knowledge Room: Room 207 |
Falk, Michael L. L Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q36.00001 Local Yield Surfaces in Model Amorphous Solids Room: Room 236 |
Fan, Linran Arizona |
Session A69.00003 Towards efficient quantum transduction between microwave and optical photons with hybrid hardware and hybrid protocols Room: Room 421 |
Fang, Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session AAA09.00001 The classification and diagnosis of magnetic topological states Room: Virtual Room 9 |
Fang, Di UC Berkeley |
Session A64.00004 Quantum dynamics simulation and its application to Hamiltonian learning Room: Room 415 |
Farrell, Steven Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Y53.00001 Enabling AI for Open Science on Supercomputers at NERSC Room: Room 307 |
Fauque, Benoit CNRS |
Session F37.00002 Mesoscopic fluctuating domains in strontium titanate Room: Room 233 |
Fausti, Daniele Universita degli Studi di Trieste |
Session N38.00001 Quantum spectroscopies for quantum materials Room: Room 230 |
Feldman, Ben Stanford Univ |
Session W37.00004 Single-electron transistor microscopy of correlated states in semiconductor moiré lattices Room: Room 233 |
Fernandez-Serra, Marivi Stony Brook University (SUNY) |
Session G36.00005 Extracting the energy (and the physics) out of water. Room: Room 236 |
Ferracin, Samuele Keysight Technologies |
Session Q73.00006 Improving the performance of noisy quantum computers supporting qubit and qutrit operations Room: Room 405 |
Ferrini, Giulia Chalmers University of Technology |
Session AA08.00001 Quantum error correction, quantum advantage and magic measures with the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code Room: Virtual Room 8 |
Fiete, Gregory A Northeastern University |
Session D24.00001 Direct and indirect Floquet engineering of band topology and magnetism in two-dimensional materials Room: Room 237 |
Figgatt, Caroline M Honeywell Intl |
Session W50.00005 Dancing with Ions: Inside the Quantinuum Quantum Computer Room: Room 320 |
Figueroa-Feliciano, Enectali Northwestern University |
Session K36.00004 Extremely Cool Detectors On a Fireball: Launching the Micro-X Sounding Rocket Room: Room 236 |
Filip, Marina R University of Oxford |
Session D50.00002 Impact of Phonons on Electron-Hole Interactions in Semiconductors and Insulators. Room: Room 320 |
Filip, Radim Palacky University |
Session T67.00010 Quantum non-Gaussian light and motion Room: Room 412 |
Filipp, Stefan TU Munich & Walther-Meissner-Institute |
Session M71.00007 Optimized control of superconducting qubits Room: Room 407/408 |
Fink, Johannes M Institute of Science and Technology |
Session D67.00009 Observation of Einstein-Podolski-Rosen correlations between microwave and optical photons Room: Room 412 |
Fischer, Mark H Univ of Zurich |
Session Z24.00002 Nematic and spin-charge orders driven by hole-doping a charge-transfer insulator Room: Room 237 |
Fisher, Matthew A University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K24.00002 Cross Entropy Benchmark for Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions Room: Room 237 |
Flatten, Amy American Physical Society |
Session A51.00003 Beyond the Laboratory: Working at the Interface of Science, Politics, and International Affairs Room: Room 321 |
Flurin, Emmanuel CEA-Saclay |
Session K75.00001 Single electron spin resonance by microwave photon counting Room: Room 401/402 |
Folk, Joshua University of British Columbia |
Session Q24.00003 Direct entropy measurement of coupled quantum systems Room: Room 237 |
Francois, Paul McGill University |
Session T13.00005 Understanding cellular decisions in latent space Room: Room 238 |
Frank, Michelle CUNY |
Session B51.00003 Concentration and Crisis: Early Career Experiences of Chien-Shiung Wu Room: Room 321 |
Frano, Alex University of California, San Diego |
Session B51.00002 An unconventional journey through unconventional superconductivity: how adversity became my biggest asset Room: Room 321 |
Frattini, Nicholas E Yale University |
Session Y69.00004 The Kerr cat: spectral kissing and phase-flip robustness Room: Room 421 |
Frederickson, Megan University of Toronto, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology |
Session M12.00001 Using a tiny symbiosis to answer big questions about how host-microbe interactions evolve Room: Room 235 |
Freedberg, Jennifer University of Minnesota |
Session W24.00003 What rejuvenation and memory tell us about non-equilibrium spin glass dynamics Room: Room 237 |
Freeman, Benny University of Texas at Austin |
Session A12.00001 Lithium Extraction from Brine Using Membrane-based Bipolar Electrodialysis Room: Room 235 |
Freysoldt, Christoph Max Planck Institute, Dusseldorf |
Session W68.00002 Ab initio calculations of defects at surfaces Room: Room 420 |
Fridman, Moti Bar Ilan University |
Session S14.00011 Synchronization of complex human networks Room: Room 206 |
Friedrich, Leanne National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session Z12.00003 Guidelines for controlling defects in embedded 3D printing Room: Room 235 |
Fromager, Emmanuel CNRS/Université de Strasbourg |
Session G17.00006 Ensemble density-functional theory of charged and neutral electronic excitations: Exact construction of energy levels and beyond Room: Room 209 |
Frontiera, Renee University of Minnesota |
Session W17.00001 Spectroscopic probes of plasmon-driven chemical reactions Room: Room 209 |
Fu, Bo University of Hong Kong |
Session Y44.00001 Resistivity anomaly and negative longitudinal magnetoresistance in ZrTe5 Room: Room 316 |
Fu, Jinglin Rutgers University-Camden |
Session G07.00001 Explore DNA Nanostructures for Controlling Multienzyme Assembly and Modulating Catalysis Room: Room 130 |
Fu, Kai-Mei C University of Washington |
Session K69.00001 Optically accessible donor qubits in ZnO Room: Room 421 |
Fuchs, Dirk Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session D68.00001 Proximity induced ferromagnetism in the spin-orbit semimetal SrIrO3 Room: Room 420 |
Fygenson, Deborah K UC Santa Barbara |
Session K07.00001 Deborah Fygenson Room: Room 130 |
Galla, Tobias U Manchester |
Session PP08.00001 Non-Gaussian random matrices predict the stability of feasible Lotka-Volterra communities Room: Virtual Room 8 |
Gallais, Yann Univ de Paris |
Session S37.00005 Nematic fluctuations mediated superconductivity revealed by anisotropic strain in Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As)$_2$ Room: Room 233 |
Galloway, Kate E Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F06.00001 Engineering high-precision, dynamic genetic control systems via supercoiling-guided design Room: Room 129 |
Ganesh, Panchapakesan Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session D40.00011 Title: "Explaining stabilization and switching of polarization in 2D Cu-thiophosphate ferroelectrics" Room: Room 232 |
Ganguly, Sujoy Unity |
Session M53.00007 Sujoy Ganguly Room: Room 307 |
Gao, Hongjun Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Physics |
Session CCC05.00002 Ordered and tunable Majorana-zero-mode lattice in naturally strained LiFeAs Room: Virtual Room 5 |
García, Edwin Purdue University |
Session K28.00001 Machine Learning of Phase Diagrams Room: Room 220 |
García-Álvarez, Laura Chalmers University of Technology |
Session Z69.00003 Exploring connections between continuous and discrete variable theorems via the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code Room: Room 421 |
Garmon, Savannah Osaka Metropolitan Univ |
Session B51.00001 A trans perspective on building supportive and inclusive physics communities Room: Room 321 |
Gartner, Zev J University of California, San Francisco |
Session M11.00001 Configurational entropy as a driver of tissue structural heterogeneityVasudha Srivastava, Jennifer L. Hu, Sundus F. Shalabi, James C. Garbe, Boris Veytsman, Martha R.Stampfer, Matt Thomson, Greg Huber, Mark A. LaBarge, ZevJ. Gartner Room: Room 203 |
Gartside, Jack C Imperial College London |
Session A68.00002 Spin-Wave Enabled Computing & Reconfigurable Magnonics in Artificial Spin Ice Room: Room 420 |
Gasteiger, Johannes Technical University Munich |
Session T50.00002 Graph Neural Networks for Molecules and Materials Room: Room 320 |
Gaulin, Bruce D McMaster University |
Session Y68.00001 Ground State Selection in the Dipole-Octupole Pyrochlores Ce2Zr2O7 and Ce2Sn2O7 Room: Room 420 |
Gavrin, Andy D IUPUI |
Session F51.00003 Full integration of computation and broad-scale assessment approaches at IUPUI Room: Room 321 |
Gazzola, Mattia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q10.00001 A hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation framework for heterogeneous soft structures operating in fluids Room: Room 202 |
Ge, Ting University of South Carolina |
Session G12.00003 Mechanics of Non-Concatenated Ring Polymers – Effects of Topology Revealed by Molecular Simulations Room: Room 235 |
Geiger, Mario Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL ) |
Session K53.00004 Mario Geiger Room: Room 307 |
Geohegan, David B Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B39.00008 Real-Time Adaptive Control of 2D Crystal Synthesis and Transformations via in situ Diagnostics: Janus Monolayers Room: Room 231 |
Georges, Antoine College de France |
Session G24.00005 Strange metals, from phenomenology to models: reconciling spectroscopy, thermodynamics and transport Room: Room 237 |
Georgescu, Alexandru Bogdan Northwestern University |
Session T24.00001 The Transition Mechanism and Its Heterogeneity in Metal-Insulator Transition Compounds, and Machine-Learning Assisted Discovery of Novel Materials Room: Room 237 |
Gharbi, Mohamed Amine University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session D13.00002 Reconfigurable assembly of topological defects in smectic liquid crystals confined at 3D-printed curved surfaces Room: Room 238 |
Ghazisaeidi, Maryam The Ohio State University |
Session A50.00004 Phase prediction in high entropy alloys Room: Room 320 |
Ghimire, Nirmal J George Mason University |
Session Q55.00001 Competing Magnetic Interactions and fluctuation driven anomalous and topological Hall effects in the RMn6Sn6 class of centrosymmetric structures Room: Room 305 |
Gili, Kaitlin M University of Oxford |
Session N73.00007 Generative Learning with Quantum Models Room: Room 405 |
Gimenez-Pinto, Vianney K Lincoln University (Missouri) |
Session D13.00005 Shape-morphing of topological liquid crystal elastomer kirigami Room: Room 238 |
Gingras, Olivier Center for Computational Quantum Physics, Flatiron Institute |
Session K39.00001 The mysterious oddness of strontium ruthenate's superconducting state: Strong electronic correlations and spin-orbit coupling in multi-orbital systems Room: Room 231 |
Giovannini, Francesca Harvard University |
Session B50.00002 Eternally Entwined? Russia, Ukraine and the war that cannot be lost Room: Room 320 |
Giustina, Marissa Google LLC |
Session G36.00001 Quantum Hardware: for Foundational Physics and Engineering Prototyping Room: Room 236 |
Glass, John I J Craig Venter Institute |
Session N13.00002 Design, Construction, and Analysis of a Synthetic Minimal Bacterial Cell Room: Room 238 |
Glotzer, Sharon C University of Michigan |
Session K16.00001 Assembly Engineering and the Promise of Patchy Particles Room: Room 208 |
Goddard, Paul A Univ of Warwick |
Session M24.00004 Magnetotransport of pyrochlore iridate Sm2Ir2O7 across a pressure-induced quantum-critical phase boundary Room: Room 237 |
Gokhale, Pranav Super.tech, a division of ColdQuanta |
Session G70.00010 Compilation of Quantum Applications to Hardware Primitives Room: Room 409 |
Goldhaber-Gordon, David Stanford Univ |
Session W36.00002 When we drive a current through a quantum anomalous Hall insulator, where does it flow? A view informed by measuring a spatial variation of potential in the presence of weak dissipation Room: Room 236 |
Goldman, Hart MIT |
Session N37.00005 Exploring the quantum Hall landscape with duality Room: Room 233 |
Goldman, Nir Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session Q20.00001 Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in Atomistic Simulations of Materials Under Reactive Conditions Room: Room 212 |
Goldsmith, Zachary Princeton |
Session S60.00001 Voltage-Dependent Dynamics and Surface-Specific IR Spectra of Water at Gold Electrodes from Deep Neural Network-Assisted Ab Initio Calculations Room: Room 419 |
Gompper, Gerhard Institute of Biological Information Processing and Institute for Advanced Simulations |
Session RR06.00001 Particles at Membranes – Shape, Deformability, and Activity Room: Virtual Room 6 |
Gong, Cheng University of Maryland, College Park |
Session T68.00001 Efficient Control of 2D Magnets Room: Room 420 |
Gong, Jian Ping Hokkaido University |
Session F12.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Winner: Toughening hydrogels with sacrificial bonds Room: Room 235 |
Gonzalez, Gabriela Louisiana State University |
Session 10E.00005 Gravitational Waves Astronomy Room: Room 235 |
Gottemoeller, Rose Stanford University |
Session B50.00001 The effect of the invasion on the risk of nuclear war between Russia and the US/NATO, both now and in the near future. How can this risk be reduced? Room: Room 320 |
Gowen, Savannah D University of Chicago |
Session N12.00002 Behind the Interface and Beyond Room: Room 235 |
Goyal, Sidhartha University of Toronto |
Session T13.00002 Dynamics of immune memory and learning in bacterial communities Room: Room 238 |
Grader, Gideon Technion |
Session D16.00010 Structural Design of Electrospun Ceramic Nanofibers Room: Room 208 |
Greene, Laura H National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session N36.00001 Large International Facilities and their Role in Science Diplomacy Room: Room 236 |
Greene, Laura H NHMFL |
Session K52.00003 IUPAP and the Changing Landscape of Science Diplomacy Room: Room 308 |
Gregoire, John M Caltech |
Session T12.00004 The Materials Experiment Knowledge Graph Room: Room 235 |
Grest, Gary S Sandia National Laboratories |
Session M02.00001 Entanglement Topology of Ring-Linear Polymer Blends Room: Room 125 |
Griffin, Sinead M Materials Science Division and Molecular Foundry, Berkeley Lab |
Session Q28.00001 Intercalated moiré systems as a new class of quantum materials and using computation to accelerate phase space searches Room: Room 220 |
Grissonnanche, Gael Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA |
Session B24.00005 Electrons with Planckian scattering obey standard orbital motion in a magnetic field Room: Room 237 |
Gross, E.K.U. Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session M37.00002 Ab-initio theory of phonon-driven superconductivity Room: Room 233 |
Groves, Jay T University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q13.00005 TBD Room: Room 238 |
Guasto, Jeffrey S Tufts University |
Session M13.00002 Disorder, dispersion, and stretching in viscoelastic flows through porous media Room: Room 238 |
Gubernatis, James E Los Alamos National Laboratory (retired) |
Session K52.00005 John Wheatley Award Winner: James E. GubernatisA portrait of physics in Africa as painted by the African Physics Newsletter Room: Room 308 |
Guidry, Melissa A Stanford University |
Session N39.00001 Quantum and nonlinear photonics in silicon carbide Room: Room 231 |
Gullans, Michael J Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science |
Session K24.00001 Quantum Dynamics in Noisy and Monitored Random Circuits Room: Room 237 |
Guo, Ming MIT |
Session F11.00004 Probing cell-matrix interactions in 3D at the local scale Room: Room 203 |
Gupta, Subhadeep University of Washington |
Session A66.00001 Many-body Dynamical Delocalization and Many-body Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition with Kicked Ultracold Quantum Gases Room: Room 413 |
Gupta, Vishakha Cornell University |
Session Y56.00002 Gate-tunable anomalous Hall effect in a 3D topological insulator/2D magnet van der Waals heterostructure Room: Room 304 |
Guttenfelder, Walter Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session M51.00003 The emerging role of public-private partnerships in fusion energy R&D Room: Room 321 |
Guymon, Allan University of Iowa |
Session Z12.00001 Controlled Micro- and Nanostructure in Light Driven 3D Printing Room: Room 235 |
Guzman-Verri, Gian G Univ de Costa Rica |
Session F37.00005 Lamellar fluctuations melt ferroelectricity Room: Room 233 |
Ha, Taekjip Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q06.00001 Light, CRISPR and DNA repair Room: Room 129 |
Hadimani, Ravi L Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session Z51.00005 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A non-invasive neuromodulation technique for altering neuronal networks in the brain Room: Room 321 |
Haegel, Nancy M National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session A36.00001 Photovoltaics at Multi-Terawatt Scale: Trajectories and Challenges on the Path to 2050 Room: Room 236 |
Hafezi, Mohammad University of Maryland, College Park |
Session D66.00001 Recent advanced in topological photonics Room: Room 413 |
Hagan, Michael F Brandeis Univ |
Session T53.00002 Data-driven approaches to predict and understand the dynamics of active nematics Room: Room 307 |
Haller, George ETH Zurich |
Session S13.00004 Data-Driven Reduction of Intrisically Nonlinear Dynamics to Spectral Submanifolds: Theory and Applications Room: Room 238 |
Hammel, P Chris The Ohio State University |
Session N50.00005 Probing Local Magnetization Dynamics and Static Interactions at Interfaces Room: Room 320 |
Hamoudi, Yassine UC Berkeley |
Session D64.00004 Quantum Speedups for Computing Expectation Values and Partition Functions Room: Room 415 |
Han, Xu Argonne National Laboratory |
Session F67.00009 Cavity Piezomechanics for Microwave-Optical Quantum Transduction and Network Room: Room 412 |
Hao, Ning Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session JJ02.00005 Phase manipulation and Majorana zero modes in iron-based superconductor Room: Virtual Room 2 |
Harris, Daniel M Brown University |
Session S10.00001 Active and driven wave-propelled interfacial particles Room: Room 202 |
Harris, Jack G Yale University |
Session Q67.00010 Characterization of magnetically levitated drops of liquid 3He and 4He Room: Room 412 |
Harvey-Collard, Patrick IBM Research - Zurich |
Session Q74.00001 The emergence of the strong dispersive regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics with spins Room: Room 403/404 |
Hassan, Mohammed T University of Arizona |
Session Y51.00003 Imaging the graphene electron motion in real time and space Room: Room 321 |
Hatridge, Michael J University of Pittsburgh |
Session Y71.00007 Parametric amplifiers for high fidelity, QND qubit measurement Room: Room 407/408 |
Haule, Kristjan Rutgers University, USA |
Session A24.00001 Band-Mott mixing in transition metal compounds with embedded-DMFT method and beyond Room: Room 237 |
Hautier, Geoffroy Dartmouth College |
Session D50.00005 High-throughput computations of phonon-limited electronic transport Room: Room 320 |
Hawthorn, David G University of Waterloo |
Session Z24.00001 Resonant x-ray scattering investigations of orbital/nematic and charge density wave orders in cuprate superconductors Room: Room 237 |
Hayami, Satoru Hokkaido University |
Session K54.00001 Chiral magnetic textures in itinerant magnets Room: Room 306 |
Hazra, Tamaghna Rutgers University |
Session M37.00005 Triplet pairing mechanisms from Hund's-Kondo models - applications to heavy fermion superconductors Room: Room 233 |
He, Jiaming University of Texas at Austin |
Session T57.00001 Vector Spin Seebeck Effect in antiferromagnet LuFeO3 with canted spins Room: Room 303 |
He, Mengfei Syracuse University |
Session Y13.00001 Interplay of gross and fine morphologies of unstretchable balloons Room: Room 238 |
Heilshorn, Sarah Stanford University |
Session Z12.00004 Dynamic hydrogel bioinks for 3D bioprinting Room: Room 235 |
Held, Karsten TU Wien |
Session A24.00005 Dynamical Vertex Approximation Approach in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Room: Room 237 |
Hendrickx, Nico IBM Research |
Session Y74.00001 Optimizing coherence of germanium spin qubits. Room: Room 403/404 |
Henkes, Silke E Leiden University |
Session W13.00004 Tissue models with active feecback Room: Room 238 |
Hepting, Matthias Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics, FRG |
Session A24.00002 Unveiling charge, spin, and orbital excitations in correlated d-electron materials by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering Room: Room 237 |
Hernandez, Rigoberto Johns Hopkins University |
Session N04.00004 Middle Scales of Complex Materials Room: Room 127 |
Hernandez, Rigoberto Johns Hopkins University |
Session W28.00002 OXIDE and Discipline-Based Diversity Research Room: Room 220 |
Higginbottom, Daniel B Simon Fraser University |
Session F74.00001 Silicon T centre devices for quantum networks Room: Room 403/404 |
Hill, Stephen Florida State University |
Session Z68.00004 Molecular Clock Qubits Room: Room 420 |
Hines, Jordan University of California, Berkeley |
Session F72.00009 Randomized benchmarking into the quantum advantage regime Room: Room 406 |
Hirschfeld, Peter University of Florida |
Session A37.00005 Understanding anomalous properties of overdoped cuprates within the Landau-BCS paradigm Room: Room 233 |
Ho, Rong-Ming Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University |
Session W12.00005 Topological Effect on Self-Assembly of High Interaction Parameter Block Copolymers Room: Room 235 |
Hoffman, Silas Laboratory for Physical Sciences |
Session Z68.00003 Emulation of Majorana zero modes in molecular magnets Room: Room 420 |
Hofhuis, Kevin Yale University |
Session A68.00003 Tuning magnetic order in artificial kagome spin ice Room: Room 420 |
Holdsworth, Peter ENS Lyon |
Session S24.00001 Magnetic Fragmentation in Spin Ice Systems Room: Room 237 |
Holm, Elizabeth Carnegie Mellon University |
Session G28.00001 Elizabeth A. Holm Room: Room 220 |
Holmes, Danielle University of New South Wales |
Session D74.00001 Silicon spin qubits with implanted single donor ions Room: Room 403/404 |
Hone, James C Columbia University |
Session D36.00001 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Winner: James Hone Room: Room 236 |
Honerkamp-Smith, Aurelia R Lehigh University |
Session D10.00003 Sensing a little friction: how interleaflet friction depends on membrane composition and controls membrane bending dynamics Room: Room 202 |
Hong, Tao Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session F55.00001 Pressure Induced Unconventional Quantum Criticality in the Coupled Spin 1/2 Ladder Antiferromagnet with Frustrating Interactions Room: Room 305 |
Horton, Linda Office of Science for Basic Energy Sciences, Department of Energy |
Session A36.00004 George Crabtree -- Renaissance Scientist for Energy Decarbonization Room: Room 236 |
Horvatic, Mladen LNCMI-CNRS (Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory) |
Session G55.00005 Critical Low-Energy Spin Dynamics in the BEC-Type Antiferromagnets Room: Room 305 |
House, Matthew PsiQuantum Corp. |
Session W50.00004 Quantum computing with silicon photonics Room: Room 320 |
Hsieh, David Caltech |
Session D24.00002 Floquet band engineering in van der Waals magnets Room: Room 237 |
Hu, Haoyu Donostia International Physics Center |
Session B37.00001 Weyl-Kondo semimetals: From symmetry-based design to non-Fermi liquid topology Room: Room 233 |
Huang, Chunli University of Texas Austin and Los Alamos National Lab |
Session Q38.00001 Theory of magnetism and superconductivity in ABC trilayer graphene Room: Room 230 |
Huang, Kerwyn C Stanford University |
Session M12.00005 Resource competition predicts assembly of in vitro gut bacterial communities Room: Room 235 |
Huang, Ruby National Taiwan University |
Session N10.00001 3D genome organization in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition spectrum Room: Room 202 |
Huang, Xuhui University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session Q08.00001 Millisecond Functional Dynamics of RNA Polymerases Elucidated by Markov State Models Room: Room 131 |
Hulet, Randall G Rice University |
Session F66.00001 Spin-charge separation in an atomic Luttinger liquid Room: Room 413 |
Hung, Linda Toyota Research Institute |
Session T12.00005 Accelerating energy materials discovery in practice Room: Room 235 |
Hwang, Chanyong Korea Research Inst of Standards and Sci |
Session N68.00003 Skyrmionics: Second Transformation of Spin Era Room: Room 420 |
Hwang, Harold Stanford Univ |
Session G36.00002 Superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates Room: Room 236 |
Iacocca, Ezio University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G68.00002 Nanoscale ultrafast magnetization behavior: from solitons to domain-wall displacement Room: Room 420 |
Iadecola, Thomas Iowa State University |
Session K24.00005 Measurement and feedback driven entanglement transition in the probabilistic control of chaos Room: Room 237 |
Ikeda, Atsutoshi University of Maryland, College Park |
Session W42.00002 Quasi-2D Fermi surface of superconducting line-nodal metal CaSb2 Room: Room 318 |
ilani, shahal Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Q24.00002 The Pomeranchuk Effect in Magic Angle Graphene Revealed by Electronic Entropy Measurements Room: Room 237 |
Ilker, Efe Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session A06.00001 Metabolic constraints in the evolution of biochemical networks Room: Room 129 |
Im, Mi-Young Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W54.00001 Controlling Creation, Annihilation, and Movement of Magnetic Skyrmions Studied by Soft X-ray Microscopy Room: Room 306 |
Inoue, Isao AIST |
Session F37.00003 Superconductivity enhancement in polar metals Nb:(Sr,Ba)TiO3 and Nb:(Sr,Ca)TiO3. Room: Room 233 |
Irwin, Kent D Stanford Univ |
Session D71.00007 Quantum measurement of RF resonators to search for axion dark matter below 300 MHz Room: Room 407/408 |
Isayev, Olexandr Carnegie Mellon University |
Session T03.00001 Olexandr Isayev Room: Room 126 |
Ivady, Viktor Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Nöthnitzer Straße 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany |
Session G50.00001 Decoherence of qubits in spinless and spinful semiconductors Room: Room 320 |
Iwasawa, Elizabeth Leidos |
Session M51.00005 Herding QATS – How your research turns into Quantum-Augmented Technology Solutions Room: Room 321 |
Iyer-Biswas, Srividya Purdue University |
Session M12.00003 Emergent song: the polyphonies of living timekeepers Room: Room 235 |
Izmaylov, Artur F University of Toronto |
Session B69.00003 Algebraic techniques for quantum chemistry on a quantum computer Room: Room 421 |
Jaeger, Heinrich M University of Chicago |
Session G36.00003 Acoustically Levitated Granular Matter: From Meso-Scale Particle Assembly to Tabletop Asteroids Room: Room 236 |
James, Mary B Reed College |
Session W28.00004 The TEAM_UP TOGETHER Project: Supporting African-American Students' Successful Completion of Bachelor's Degrees in Physics and Astronomy. Room: Room 220 |
Jana, Sadhan C University of Akron |
Session G13.00005 Novel multifunctional aerogel materials from synergy of additive manufacturing and sol-gel processing Room: Room 238 |
Janotti, Anderson University of Delaware |
Session W68.00001 Effects of spin-orbit coupling and very large supercells on the description of acceptors in CdTe Room: Room 420 |
Jansen, Kenneth E University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session K60.00001 Invited Talk: Kenneth Jansen Room: Room 419 |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session 10E.00003 The Magic of Moiré Quantum Matter Room: Room 235 |
Jarrahi, Mona University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Q51.00003 Plasmonic Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy Systems Room: Room 321 |
Javadi-Abhari, Ali IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session F69.00002 Improving quantum circuits with heterogenous gatesets Room: Room 421 |
Jia, Di Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) |
Session S12.00004 Self-assembly of the dipole-driven physical polyzwitterions in solutions Room: Room 235 |
Jiang, Jun Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B03.00007 Invited Speaker: Jun JiangTitle: Two-color cavity ringdown spectroscopy Room: Room 126 |
Johnson, Duane D Iowa State Univ |
Session A50.00001 Theory-guided design of high-strength, ductile multi-principal-element alloys within physics-based metrics for machine-learning Room: Room 320 |
Johnson, Kawana W National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session D51.00005 Research Mentoring in the Scientific Community Room: Room 321 |
Jones, Eric Simon Fraser University |
Session N01.00001 Lower bounding variability in microbiome acquisition and exponential growth Room: Room 124 |
Jones, Trevor J Princeton University |
Session N12.00003 Morphomechanical Rods: From Fabrication to Function Room: Room 235 |
Jouanlanne, Manon Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Institut Charles Sadron UPR22, Strasbourg, France |
Session N12.00004 Bending Plateau's laws: Equilibrium shape of an elastic ribbon in a 2D bubble column Room: Room 235 |
Jovanovic, Milena Princeton University |
Session M43.00001 Simple Chemical Rules for Predicting Band Structures of Kagome Materials Room: Room 317 |
Jungwirth, Nicholas R National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session S51.00001 Characterizing interconnects to 325 GHz Room: Room 321 |
Kakalios, James University of Minnesota |
Session N15.00001 The Art and Science of Superheroes Room: Room 207 |
Kanai, Yosuke University of North Carolina at Chapel H |
Session K17.00001 Real-time TDDFT for complex systems and dynamics Room: Room 209 |
Kapteyn, Henry C University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session A45.00001 Coherent Imaging and Nanoscale Materials Characterization using Ultrafast Laser-Generated X-rays Room: Room 315 |
Karaulanov, Todor CaliberMRI, Inc. |
Session Z51.00001 MRI Standardization for Quantitative Disease Biomarkers: implementation to clinical studies and trials Room: Room 321 |
Kardar, Mehran Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Q13.00003 Affinity maturation of antibodies targeting HIV spikes Room: Room 238 |
Katifori, Eleni University of Pennsylvania |
Session M10.00001 The role of dynamics is self-organizing biological flow systems Room: Room 202 |
Kawakami, Roland K Ohio State University |
Session T68.00003 Epitaxial growth of 2D van der Waals magnets and heterostructures with topological insulators Room: Room 420 |
Ke, Xianglin Michigan State University |
Session T68.00005 Anomalous thermal Hall effect in insulating van der Waals magnets Room: Room 420 |
Kelly, Julian Google AI Quantum |
Session Y69.00001 Suppressing quantum errors by scaling a surface code logical qubit Room: Room 421 |
Kelly, Paul University of Twente |
Session N50.00004 Calculating spatially resolved (charge, spin and orbital) currents and what we can do with them Room: Room 320 |
Kemper, Alexander F North Carolina State University |
Session B25.00005 Insignts into non-equilibrium spectroscopy from the theoretical perspective Room: Room 217/218 |
Kempinger, Susan North Central College |
Session A68.00001 Modifying Perpendicular Artificial Spin Ice Room: Room 420 |
Kendon, Viv University of Strathclyde |
Session Z70.00012 Leveraging quantum walks and spin frustration for computation and error mitigation Room: Room 409 |
Kerfeld, Cheryl Michigan State Univ |
Session T08.00007 Evolution of the Structure and Function of the Cyanobacterial Orange Carotenoid Protein and its Quenching of the Cyanobacterial Light Harvesting Antenna Room: Room 131 |
Khabaz, Fardin University of Akron |
Session G12.00004 Correlation between dynamics and macroscopic rheology of vitrimers Room: Room 235 |
Khalaf, Eslam University of Texas at Austin |
Session Z37.00003 Charge excitations in graphene-based Moire materials Room: Room 233 |
Kim, Bumjoon J KAIST |
Session Q33.00001 Active Material Design for Mechanically-Robust, Efficient Polymer Solar Cells Room: Room 225 |
Kim, Doseok Sogang Univ |
Session Y16.00007 Recovery of Fatty Acid Monolayers by Divalent Salts Investigated by Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy Room: Room 208 |
Kim, Kihwan Tsinghua University |
Session W67.00001 Scalable and Programmable Phononic Network Using Vibrational Modes of Trapped Ions Room: Room 412 |
Kim, Soo |
Session T12.00002 Data-driven Subcomponent Design and Engineering Room: Room 235 |
Kim, So Youn Seoul National University |
Session D12.00004 Initial Solvent Induced Non-Equilibrium Effect of Polymer Nanocomposites Room: Room 235 |
Kim, Yong-Baek Univ of Toronto |
Session Y68.00004 Unveiling dynamical signatures of dipolar-octupolar quantum spin ice Room: Room 420 |
Kim, Youngseok IBM |
Session G73.00007 Recent progress and challenges in error mitigation with fixed-frequency superconducting quantum processors Room: Room 405 |
Kim, Zee Hwan Seoul National University |
Session M50.00004 Non-thermal Vibrational Activation of Reactants in Plasmon Assisted Chemical Reactions Room: Room 320 |
Kimball, Daryl Arms Control Association |
Session B50.00003 The Growing Nuclear Danger and Options for Stepping Back from the Brink Room: Room 320 |
King, Ethan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session F13.00003 Predicting Cellular Regulation by Combining Statistical Thermodynamics, Control Theory, and Optimization Room: Room 238 |
Kioupakis, Emmanouil University of Michigan |
Session D59.00001 Phonon-mediated quantum processes in semiconductors from first principles Room: Room 301 |
Kirchmaier, Gerhard University of Innsbruck |
Session W69.00002 Coherent control of a symmetry-engineered multi-qubit dark state in waveguide quantum electrodynamics Room: Room 421 |
Kirshner, Robert Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory |
Session N36.00002 The Thirty Meter Telescope: an international adventure at the frontier of physics Room: Room 236 |
Klotsa, Daphne UNC Chapel Hill |
Session W13.00002 Active colloids that mix and mingle Room: Room 238 |
Knolle, Johannes TU Munich, Germany |
Session S68.00005 Probing Spin Dynamics in Kitaev Magnets Room: Room 420 |
Kocherzhenko, Aleksey Launchpad AI |
Session T51.00003 Data Science in Retail: Pricing Optimization and Customer Engagement Room: Room 321 |
Koczor, Balint Oxford University |
Session F73.00007 Exponential Error Suppression Techniques for Near-Term Quantum Devices Room: Room 405 |
Kodio, Ousmane Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT |
Session F09.00004 active elastica Room: Room 132 |
Koerner, Hilmar Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session S05.00001 Spatially and temporally resolved crystallization and orientation of high performance polymers during additive manufacturing Room: Room 128 |
Kogar, Anshul University of California Los Angeles |
Session N42.00001 Interaction of Light with Density Waves and Other Superlattices Room: Room 318 |
Kolinski, John M Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session G09.00001 Toughening of brittle materials through crack tip complexity Room: Room 132 |
Kolkowitz, Shimon Wisconsin |
Session K69.00005 Testing relativity in the laboratory with optical lattice atomic clocks Room: Room 421 |
Kontos, Takis CNRS |
Session N44.00001 Superconducting proximity effect in the presence of a magnetic texture Room: Room 316 |
Koppens, Frank H ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Session T37.00001 Cryogenic near-field photocurrent studies of gapped and twisted bilayer graphene systems Room: Room 233 |
Kornfield, Julie A Cal Tech |
Session F04.00002 Concentration-superposition meets the challenge of validating very large rings Room: Room 127 |
Kosik, Kenneth University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A13.00004 Functional neuronal circuitry and oscillatory dynamics in human brain organoids Room: Room 238 |
Kosmrlj, Andrej Princeton University |
Session A13.00001 Linear viscoelastic properties of the vertex model for biological tissues Room: Room 238 |
Krakauer, David Santa Fe Institute |
Session K12.00004 Technologies as Ideas and Ideas as Technologies Room: Room 235 |
Krishnamoorti, Ramanan University of Houston |
Session G15.00001 Upcycling of Polyolefins Room: Room 207 |
Krotov, Dmitry IBM Research |
Session B12.00002 Modern Hopfield Networks in AI and Neurobiology Room: Room 235 |
Kuehn, Seppe University of Chicago |
Session K08.00001 The structure-function problem in microbial communities Room: Room 131 |
Kuemmeth, Ferdinand Niels Bohr Inst |
Session A74.00001 Adaptive real-time operations in small spin qubit arrays Room: Room 403/404 |
Kukreja, Roopali University of California, Davis |
Session G68.00001 Imaging ultrafast and ultrasmall: Capturing ultrafast magnetization using fs x-rays Room: Room 420 |
Kulik, Piotr Metamagnetics Inc. |
Session S51.00002 mmWave Magnetostatic Devices Room: Room 321 |
Kumar, Aishwarya University of Chicago |
Session Y67.00010 Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Rydberg atoms in superconducting resonators Room: Room 412 |
Kumigashira, Hiroshi Tohoku University |
Session S39.00001 Resonant tunneling driven metal-insulator transition in double quantum-well structures of strongly correlated oxide Room: Room 231 |
Kuno, Masaru Notre Dame |
Session F17.00006 Widefield infrared photothermal imaging and spectroscopy Room: Room 209 |
Kurchin, Rachel Carnegie Mellon University |
Session T12.00003 It's all about that Bayes: data-driven insights into energy devices without the black box Room: Room 235 |
Kurilovich, Pavel Yale University |
Session W75.00001 Circuit quantum electrodynamics measurement of Andreev levels in a semiconducting nanowire weak link Room: Room 401/402 |
Kusne, Aaron National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session G51.00004 Autonomous Materials Science Room: Room 321 |
Laaser, Jennifer E University of Pittsburgh |
Session Q15.00003 Impacts of Network Heterogeneity on the Macroscopic and Molecular-Scale Force Responses of Polymer Network Room: Room 207 |
Laassiri, Mounia University of Helsinki, Finland |
Session Q50.00005 The Perspectives of the Young Physicists Forum of the African Strategy for Fundamental and Applied Physics (ASFAP) Room: Room 320 |
Lahini, Yoav Tel Aviv University |
Session M16.00001 Memory and aging via coupled elastic instabilities in thin crumpled sheets Room: Room 208 |
Laino, Teodoro IBM |
Session G51.00001 A Cloud-based AI-driven Autonomous Lab Room: Room 321 |
Lakadamyali, Melike University of Pennsylvania, Dept of Physiology |
Session Q11.00001 Super-resolution imaging of intracellular transport Room: Room 203 |
Lake, Bella A Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin for Materialien und Energie |
Session F56.00001 Quantum spin liquid behavior and ferroelectricity in PbCuTe2O6 Room: Room 304 |
Landes, Christy Rice University |
Session T17.00006 Charge vs. energy transfer in plasmonic nanoparticles Room: Room 209 |
Lanes, Olivia IBM |
Session M51.00002 The Time Evolution of Olivia and Joining the Quantum Workforce Room: Room 321 |
Lang, Kristine M Colorado College |
Session D51.00002 Benefits and Logistics of Mentoring Programs for Physics Students and Faculty Room: Room 321 |
Lany, Stephan National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session F50.00003 Perspective on solar energy materials, design and discovery, defects, disorder, and interfaces Room: Room 320 |
Lanzara, Alessandra University of California, Berkeley |
Session B25.00004 From Excitons to topological excitonic states and their fingerprints on the electronic bandstructure Room: Room 217/218 |
Lapidus, Lisa J Michigan State University |
Session F51.00005 Using Computing in Physics at the Molecular and Cellular Level (P@MCL) Room: Room 321 |
LaRacuente, Nicholas University of Chicago |
Session K67.00009 Modeling Short-range Quantum Networks for Scaling Superconducting Quantum Computation Room: Room 412 |
Larson, Benjamin UCSF |
Session S13.00005 Principles of cellular behavior: integrating cellular structure, dynamics, and decision making in a unicellular walker Room: Room 238 |
Larson, Ronald G University of Michigan |
Session D12.00001 New Computational Tools to Address a Hard Non-equilibrium Problem: Crystallization of Polyethylene Room: Room 235 |
Lau, June W National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Y53.00007 NexusLIMS: A Laboratory Information Management System for Shared-Use Electron Microscopy Facilities Room: Room 307 |
Laumann, Christopher R Boston University |
Session S24.00005 Dynamical Axions in U(1) Quantum Spin Liquids Room: Room 237 |
Lavoine, Nathalie NC State University |
Session G13.00002 Design & engineering of wood-inspired super-insulating foams Room: Room 238 |
Layden, David IBM Quantum |
Session T64.00004 Quantum-enhanced Markov chain Monte Carlo Room: Room 415 |
Le, Duy Univeristy of Central Florida |
Session D60.00007 DFT aided machine learning interatomic potentials for realistic simulations of low dimensional system Room: Room 419 |
Leal, Cecilia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session S12.00002 Biophysical cues regulating structural organization of fat in adipocytes upon caloric excess Room: Room 235 |
Lecuit, Thomas CNRS |
Session W14.00012 TBD Room: Room 206 |
Lee, Dung-Hai University of California |
Session A37.00003 Title: Superconductor-to-metal transition in overdoped cuprates Room: Room 233 |
Lee, Ki-Suk Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) |
Session K54.00008 Role of the topological singularity in the dynamics of chiral spin textures Room: Room 306 |
Lee, Sang-Jun SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session K36.00002 TES spectrometers for advanced x-ray spectroscopy at synchrotrons Room: Room 236 |
Lee, Sangwoo Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session W12.00001 Continuous Transition of Close-packed Structures of Block Copolymer Micellar Colloid Room: Room 235 |
Lee, Seng Huat Pennsylvania State University |
Session S43.00004 Magnetic-Field induced Weyl State in Intrinsic Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2nTe3n+1 Room: Room 317 |
Lee, Wei-Sheng SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session A24.00004 Resonant X-ray spectroscopy studies on infinite-layer nickelates Room: Room 237 |
Lehman, Julia H University of Birmingham |
Session B03.00004 Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Spectroscopy for Chemical Reaction Kinetics Room: Room 126 |
Lei, Shiming Rice University |
Session A43.00001 Magnetic Weyl nodal ring states and Landau quantization in square-net magnets Room: Room 317 |
Leifer, Andrew M Princeton University |
Session T13.00004 Structure, function and dynamics of the C. elegans nervous system Room: Room 238 |
Leitner, David M University of Nevada, Reno |
Session N14.00002 Dynamics of water around intrinsically disordered proteins Room: Room 206 |
Lele, Sanjiva K Stanford University |
Session F60.00001 Towards adaptive high-order simulations of multiphase compressible turbulent flows at exa-scale Room: Room 419 |
Lele, Tanmay Texas A&M University |
Session B11.00001 Mechanics of nuclear deformation in cells Room: Room 203 |
Levental, Ilya University of Virginia |
Session A10.00010 Lipid number asymmetry: The hidden dimension of mammalian plasma membranes Room: Room 202 |
Levine, Herbert Northeastern University |
Session Z13.00004 Infiltration of Immune Cells into Tumors; a necessary part of immunotherapy Room: Room 238 |
Lewis, Nicholas Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q68.00002 Total Immersion in Computing Room: Room 420 |
Li, Christopher Y Drexel University |
Session Y12.00001 Tuning crystallization pathway via confinement Room: Room 235 |
Li, Chuan University of Twente |
Session W42.00001 Superconducting proximity effect in topological Dirac materials Room: Room 318 |
Li, He Brown University |
Session S13.00002 Multiphysics and multiscale modeling of erythrophagocytosis Room: Room 238 |
Li, Hong Boston College |
Session F44.00001 Manipulation of Dirac band curvature and momentum-dependent g factor in a kagome magnet YMn6Sn6 Room: Room 316 |
Li, Jinyang California Institute of Technolgy |
Session W06.00001 Electron Flow in Biofilm Matrix: Impact of Chemical Composition and Context Room: Room 129 |
Li, Jiun-Yun National Taiwan University (NTU) |
Session N74.00001 Module development of Si quantum technology for a practical quantum computer Room: Room 403/404 |
Li, Qiang Stony Brook University (SUNY) |
Session A42.00001 Switching the topological phases in ZrTe5 by phonons Room: Room 318 |
Li, Qiuzi ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company |
Session Q51.00001 Distinguished Lectureship Award on the Applications of Physics: Induced polarization for subsurface characterization and energy industry experience Room: Room 321 |
Li, Weihua Fudan University |
Session RR05.00001 Weihua Li Room: Virtual Room 5 |
Li, Xiaoqin Elaine University of Texas at Austin |
Session W40.00001 Exciton localization and transport in van der Waals heterostructuresXiaoqin Li Room: Room 232 |
Li, Yangmu Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session JJ02.00002 Quantum and topological phases in iron chalcogenides Room: Virtual Room 2 |
Li, Yi Argonne National Laboratory |
Session N50.00003 Giant Anisotropy of Gilbert Damping in Epitaxial CoFe Films Room: Room 320 |
Li, Yuhang University of California, Riverside |
Session W43.00001 Quantized Magnetoelectric Effect in antiferromagnetic MnBi2Te4 Tunnel Junctions Room: Room 317 |
Li, Yun Y Hoffmann - La Roche |
Session T51.00001 Quantum neural networks for medical image analysis Room: Room 321 |
Liao, Chen-Ting JILA |
Session S54.00001 3D vector nanoimaging of spin textures in nanostructured magnetic materials Room: Room 306 |
Lim, Chwee Teck T National University of Singapore |
Session D06.00001 Mechanobiology of Collective Cell Migration under Physical Confinements Room: Room 129 |
Lin, Dong Kansas State University |
Session G13.00003 3D Printing of Aerogels Room: Room 238 |
Lin, Jiang-Xiazi Brown University |
Session Y37.00001 Zero-field superconducting diode effect in twisted trilayer graphene Room: Room 233 |
Lin, Joshua Yao-Yu Y University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session M53.00001 Machine Learning application for astrophysics: A case study for black hole images and strong gravitational lensing Room: Room 307 |
Lin, Lin UC Berkeley |
Session F64.00004 Ground-state energy estimation on early fault-tolerant quantum computers Room: Room 415 |
Lin, Weiwei Southeast University, China |
Session LL04.00001 Observation of Spin Swapping in an Antiferromagnet Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Lindh, Roland Uppsala University |
Session F03.00005 Regularized CASPT2: an intruder-state-free approach Room: Room 126 |
Lindner, Netanel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session D24.00004 Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Optically Driven Two-Dimensional Materials Room: Room 237 |
Lindsay, Lucas Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F61.00001 Vibrational dynamics driven by structural symmetries and complexities Room: Room 418 |
Lis, Joanna W JILA / University of Colorado Boulder |
Session G69.00004 Towards mid-circuit measurements with nuclear spin qubits in an optical tweezer array Room: Room 421 |
Liu, Andrea J University of Pennsylvania |
Session K13.00002 Physics for local learning Room: Room 238 |
Liu, Andrea J University of Pennsylvania |
Session B51.00004 How I have channeled my early career struggles into productive action Room: Room 321 |
Liu, Changjiang University at Buffalo |
Session G57.00001 Spin Seebeck effect in the uniaxial antiferromagnet and magnetoelectric Cr2O3 Room: Room 303 |
Liu, Chaoxing Pennsylvania State University |
Session W36.00001 Exchange-bias-driven and Interaction-driven Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Topological Insulator Heterostructures Room: Room 236 |
Liu, Chuan-Hong University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session Y75.00001 Quasiparticle Poisoning of Superconducting Qubits from Resonant Absorption of Millimeter Wave Photons Room: Room 401/402 |
Liu, David R Harvard |
Session N08.00010 David R. Liu (Harvard University) Room: Room 131 |
Liu, Fang Stanford Univ |
Session Q40.00001 Top-down Production of 2D Materials in Macroscopic Sizes Room: Room 232 |
Liu, Feng University of Utah |
Session Q37.00002 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics: Strain Induced Nanoscale Self-assembly and Epitaxy Promoted Topological State on Surface Room: Room 233 |
Liu, Guoliang Virginia Tech |
Session B04.00001 Exceptionally Fast Ion Diffusion in Porous Carbon Fibers Derived from Block Copolymers Room: Room 127 |
Liu, Jian University of Tennessee |
Session G54.00001 Authors: Jian Liu, University of TennesseeCorrelation-topology Interplay in pseudospin-half square-lattice in artificial iridate superlattice. Room: Room 306 |
Liu, Junjie University of Oxford |
Session Z68.00005 Coherent spin-electric control in a molecular nanomagnet at clock transitions Room: Room 420 |
Liu, Xiaoran Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session D68.00004 Emergent magnetic and topological phenomena in (111) pyrochlore iridate thin films Room: Room 420 |
Liu, Yizhou RIKEN |
Session M55.00001 Three-dimensional topological spin textures and their emergent electromagnetic dynamics Room: Room 305 |
Liu, Yongtao Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F53.00001 Machine Learning Driven Automated Scanning Probe Microscopy for Material Discovery: Applications in Ferroelectric and Optoelectronic Materials Room: Room 307 |
Liu, Yu Harvard University |
Session B37.00004 Spin-polarized imaging of strongly interacting fermions in the magnetic phases of Weyl candidate CeBi Room: Room 233 |
Liu, Zi-Kui PSU |
Session A50.00002 Zentropy Room: Room 320 |
Lively, Ryan Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session A12.00004 Membrane-based fractionation of complex mixtures Room: Room 235 |
Locatelli, Emanuele Università di Padova |
Session Q09.00001 Interplay between topology and confinement in active polymers Room: Room 132 |
Loerting, Thomas University of Innsbruck |
Session A03.00005 Disorder and order in condensed water Room: Room 126 |
Lopez del Puerto, Marie University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) |
Session M69.00002 Panel Speaker: Marie Lopez del Puerto Room: Room 232 |
Lopez del Puerto, Marie University of St. Thomas, Minnesota |
Session F51.00001 PICUP and the national scene for integrating computing in physics education Room: Room 321 |
Lu, Chengliang School of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430072, China |
Session JJ03.00001 Magnetotransport of the Jeff = 1/2 antiferromagnetic Sr2IrO4Cheng Liang Lu, School of Physics, Huazhong University of Sceince and Technology, Wuhan 430072, China Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Lu, Ruochen University of Texas |
Session S51.00003 Frequency Scaling Acoustic Resonators into Millimeter Wave Using Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Room: Room 321 |
Lu, Xingye Beijing Normal University |
Session S37.00004 Spin-excitation anisotropy in the nematic state of detwinned FeSe Room: Room 233 |
Lu, Zhixin Allen Institute for Brain Science |
Session M01.00001 How recurrent neural networks infer dynamical models from data for prediction, inference, and source separation Room: Room 124 |
Luan, Bingquan IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session Q36.00003 Ubiquitous Stick-Slip Motions: from Tribology, Biosensing to Carbon Capture Room: Room 236 |
Lukin, Mikhail D Harvard University |
Session G69.00002 Quantum processors based on atom arrays Room: Room 421 |
Lupascu, Adrian University of Waterloo |
Session S70.00013 Landau-Zener tunneling: from weak to strong environment coupling Room: Room 409 |
Lutchyn, Roman M Microsoft Corp |
Session W50.00003 Topological Quantum Computation with Majorana zero-energy modes Room: Room 320 |
Luthey-Schulten, Zaida University of Illinois |
Session F13.00002 Energy costs of coupled metabolic and genetic information processes in a living minimal bacterial cell: Life at the edge Room: Room 238 |
Luthi, Florian Intel Corporation |
Session W50.00001 High-level control of spin qubits on an array with 12 quantum dots Room: Room 320 |
Ma, Qiong Boston College |
Session T37.00004 Quantum geometric induction of material phases Room: Room 233 |
MacDonald, Allan H University of Texas at Austin |
Session W37.00005 Semiconductor Homobilayer Moiré Materials: The Difference Between K and Gamma Room: Room 233 |
Maciejko, Joseph Univ of Alberta |
Session Q61.00001 Flat bands and band touching in hyperbolic lattices Room: Room 418 |
Mackenzie, Andrew Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session B24.00003 Electron-electron and electron-phonon contributions to scattering in strange metals Room: Room 237 |
Mahanthappa, Mahesh University of Minnesota |
Session A04.00001 Periodic and Aperiodic Sphere Packings: A Window into Scale-Invariant Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Materials Room: Room 127 |
Mahmood, Fahad University of Illinois |
Session A37.00004 Low energy electrodynamics of the “missing superconducting electrons” in the overdoped cuprates La2-xSrxCuO4 Room: Room 233 |
Mak, Kin Fai Cornell University |
Session D42.00001 Quantum spin Hall and quantum anomalous Hall effects in AB-stacked MoTe2/WSe2 Room: Room 318 |
Manhart, Michael Rutgers University |
Session Y08.00005 Evolution of microbial growth dynamics Room: Room 131 |
Manning, M Lisa L Syracuse University |
Session Q36.00004 Lengthscales in avalanche dynamics in sheared granular systems Room: Room 236 |
Mao, Dan Cornell University |
Session K37.00005 Fractionalization in Fractional Correlated Insulating States at $npm 1/3$ filled moir'e graphene systems Room: Room 233 |
Mao, Zhiqiang Pennsylvania State University |
Session W44.00001 Spin-valley locking, bulk quantum Hall effect and nonlinear Hall effect in a noncentrosymmetric Dirac material Room: Room 316 |
Marchetti, M Cristina University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session A07.00001 Dynamical patterns of nonreciprocally coupled conserved fields: a unifying model Room: Room 130 |
Marcus, Charles M University of Copenhagen |
Session Z36.00002 Semiconductor Josephson Networks Room: Room 236 |
Marrows, Christopher H University of Leeds |
Session N68.00002 Spin textures in synthetic antiferromagnets Room: Room 420 |
Marshall, Madalynn Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session W60.00001 Field-Induced Partial Disorder in a Shastry-Sutherland Lattice Room: Room 419 |
Marston, Brad Brown Univeristy |
Session 10E.00004 Waves of Topological Origin in the Fluid Earth System and Beyond Room: Room 235 |
Marthelot, Joel Aix-Marseille Univ, CNRS |
Session D14.00004 Morphing with flexible fibres Room: Room 206 |
Martiniani, Stefano New York University |
Session K01.00001 The Other Side of Entropy Room: Room 124 |
Matsukevich, Dzmitry Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session Z69.00004 Hybrid quantum information processing with spin and motional states of trapped ions Room: Room 421 |
Maurand, Romain CEA Grenoble |
Session T74.00001 Hole spin qubit in silicon: enhanced coherence and coherent coupling to microwave photons Room: Room 403/404 |
Maurer, Peter C University of Chicago |
Session B71.00006 Interfacing Biomolecules with Coherent Quantum Sensors Room: Room 407/408 |
Mayumi, Koichi The University of Tokyo |
Session F12.00004 Tough and Rapidly Recoverable Polymer Gels: Self-Reinforcement by Strain-Induced Crystallization Room: Room 235 |
McClean, Jarrod Google LLC |
Session S69.00005 Understanding the role of data and quantum memory in a quantum learning landscape Room: Room 421 |
McCourt, Joseph Northwestern University |
Session W01.00004 A Zoo of Chiral Structures: Electrostatic Directed Assembly of Charged, Chiral Amphiphiles Room: Room 124 |
McDonald, Alexander Université de Sherbrooke |
Session A75.00001 Exact Solutions of Interacting Dissipative Systems via Weak Symmetries Room: Room 401/402 |
McGuire, Brett Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D03.00003 Unbiased Molecular Discovery: Laboratory and Machine Learning Approaches to Expanding Our View of Interstellar Chemistry Room: Room 126 |
McIntyre, Lee Author |
McKenna, Gregory B North Carolina State University |
Session G04.00004 Dynamics of Circular Macromolecules: Evidence of Rubber-like Behavior at High Z-numbers Room: Room 127 |
McLellan, Russell Princeton University |
Session Q75.00001 Understanding Material Systems for Superconducting Qubits Room: Room 401/402 |
McMahon, Malcolm I The University of Edinburgh |
Session F20.00003 Recent Advances in Static Compression Science at XFELs and Synchrotrons Room: Room 212 |
McMullen, Angus New York University (NYU) |
Session Y13.00005 A bioinspired folding approach to assemble complex colloidal matter Room: Room 238 |
Meeussen, Anne S Harvard University |
Session N07.00001 Anne Meeussen, Snap-shaping sheets Room: Room 130 |
Mehta, Pankaj Boston University |
Session F02.00001 Statistical Physics and Geometry of Overparameterization Room: Room 125 |
Meidan, Dganit Ben Gurion University, Israel |
Session K24.00003 Topological transitions in weakly monitored free fermions Room: Room 237 |
Meier, William R University of Tennessee Knoxville |
Session N24.00003 A tunable charge density wave in the kagome metal ScV6Sn6 Room: Room 237 |
Meir, Yigal Ben Gurion University |
Session Q24.00001 Measuring Entropy of Strongly Correlated Systems Room: Room 237 |
Mendez Harper, Joshua University of Oregon |
Session A16.00001 Electrifying granular flows: probing the interior dynamics of volcanic plumes and pyrocumulonimbus clouds using electrostatics Room: Room 208 |
MENON, NARAYANAN University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session S09.00001 Interplay between ordering and mobility in a system of self-propelled grainsNarayanan Menon Room: Room 132 |
Meroz, Yasmine Tel Aviv University |
Session M10.00007 On the mechanical origins of waving, coiling and skewing patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana roots Room: Room 202 |
Mhatre, Natasha Western University |
Session S14.00001 A tool to sing louder and an amplifier to hear better Room: Room 206 |
Mi, Zetian University of Michigan |
Session F40.00001 Ferroelectric III-nitride heterostructures and nanostructures Room: Room 232 |
Miao, Yinglong U Kansas |
Session A08.00005 Dynamic Allosteric Modulation of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Room: Room 131 |
Mihailovic, Dragan Jozef Stefan Inst |
Session Y40.00001 Manipulation and topological entanglement of fractionalized injected charge in the metastable state of 1T-TaS2 Room: Room 232 |
Mila, Frederic Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session Q58.00001 Thermal properties of frustrated quantum magnets Room: Room 302 |
Miller, R J Dwayne University of Toronto |
Session B25.00002 Mapping Atomic Motions with Ultrabright Electrons: Fundamental Space-Time Limits to Imaging Molecular Dynamics Room: Room 217/218 |
Millis, Andrew Columbia University |
Session A60.00003 Moire Materials as laboratories for quantum embedding theories Room: Room 419 |
Mills, Maria University of Missouri - Columbia |
Session F08.00001 Maria Mills Room: Room 131 |
Miroshnikova, Yekaterina NIH |
Session Z06.00001 Nuclear mechanotransduction & stem cell fate regulation Room: Room 129 |
mishra, ankit Univ of Southern California |
Session K62.00001 Reinforcement Learning Agent for autonomous predictive material synthesis and transport pathways Room: Room 417 |
Mishra, Rohan Washington University, St. Louis |
Session F42.00009 Stabilizing polar phases in binary metal oxides by hole doping Room: Room 318 |
Mitarai, Kosuke Osaka University |
Session B70.00012 Virtual two-qubit gates realized by quasi-probability sampling of single-qubit operations Room: Room 409 |
Mitchell, Noah P University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Y11.00005 From genes to geometry: how a visceral organ takes form Room: Room 203 |
Mitrano, Matteo Harvard University |
Session M38.00001 "Ultrafast control of electronic interactions in low-dimensional cuprate superconductors" Room: Room 230 |
Miyoshi, Toshikazu University of Akron |
Session Y12.00005 Polymer Chains Fold Prior to Crystallization Room: Room 235 |
Mocsy, Agnes Michigan State University |
Session N15.00005 TBD Room: Room 207 |
Moessner, Roderich Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session S24.00003 Strong-coupling QED in quantum spin ice Room: Room 237 |
Mohite, Aditya Rice University |
Session F50.00002 Light-induced structural dynamics in 2D halide perovskites Room: Room 320 |
Mol, Jan Queen Mary University of London |
Session Q24.00004 Controlling the Entropy of a Single-Molecule Junction Room: Room 237 |
Molinero, Valeria University of Utah |
Session N04.00001 Elucidating the mechanisms of synthesis of zeolites using data science and molecular simulation Room: Room 127 |
Molinero, Valeria University of Utah |
Session K06.00003 Irving Langmuir Award in Chemical Physics Winner: Valeria Molinero Room: Room 129 |
Moll, Philip J Max Planck Institute for the Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session F43.00001 Quasi-symmetry protected topology in semi-metal Room: Room 317 |
Moll, Philip J Max Planck Institute for the Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session N24.00002 Field-tuned chiral transport in charge-ordered Kagome metal CsV3Sb5 Room: Room 237 |
Montangero, Simone Padua University |
Session Z75.00001 Quantum optimal control of superconducting circuits Room: Room 401/402 |
Mook, Alexander Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Session B44.00002 Interacting Topological Magnons in Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets Room: Room 316 |
Moore, Richard King's College London |
Session Q68.00004 ‘So sophisticated and so barbarous’: Britain’s resumption of nuclear testing, 1961-62 Room: Room 420 |
Moreo, Adriana University of Tennessee |
Session S37.00003 Orbital-selective Mott physics in iron-based ladder systems Room: Room 233 |
Morimoto, Takahiro The University of Tokyo |
Session T37.00005 Geometrical nonlinear optical effects of correlated electron systems Room: Room 233 |
Morris, Vernon Arizona State University |
Session W28.00003 Systemic racial disparities in funding rates at the National Science Foundation, Implications to Science Equity, and Possible Countermeasures Room: Room 220 |
Mravlje, Jernej Jozef Stefan Institute |
Session A60.00001 Invited Talk: Jernej MravljeSpectroscopies of Hund's metals within (DFT+)DMFT: electronic Raman response in Sr2RuO4 Room: Room 419 |
Mtingwa, Sekazi K Triangle Science, Education & Economic D |
Session N36.00005 African Light Source and LAAAMP,Two Bold Projects for Promoting Scientific Development and International Collaborations in Developing Countries Room: Room 236 |
Murakami, Shuichi Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo |
Session Z42.00001 Topological semimetals, topological phase transitions, and candidate materials Room: Room 318 |
Murciano, Sara Caltech |
Session Y24.00003 A probe of symmetry breaking from entanglement Room: Room 237 |
Murrell, Michael P Yale University |
Session M09.00001 Cell-Matrix Elastocapillary Interactions Drive Pressure-based Wetting of Cell Aggregates Room: Room 132 |
Murthy, Chaitanya Stanford University |
Session B24.00002 A stability bound on the T-linear resistivity of conventional metals Room: Room 237 |
Musaelian, Albert Harvard University |
Session T50.00001 Large-scale equivariant deep learning of atomistic force fields Room: Room 320 |
Muschik, Christine A University of Waterloo |
Session B69.00005 Simulating one-dimensional quantum chromodynamics on a quantum computer:Real-time evolutions of tetraquarks Room: Room 421 |
Muser, Martin Universitat des Saarlanded |
Session Q36.00005 Dissipation mechanisms and the crossover from Stokes to Coulomb friction: From toy models to disordered water Room: Room 236 |
Myatt, Christopher J LightDeck Diagnostics |
Session K51.00002 From BEC to CEO Room: Room 321 |
Nagel, Sidney R University of Chicago |
Session K13.00006 APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research Winner: Sidney NagelNature does not favor order; biology does not favor equilibrium Room: Room 238 |
Naik, Mit H University of California, Berkeley |
Session T39.00007 Diverse nature of excitonic states in transition metal dichalcogenide moiré superlattices Room: Room 231 |
Naik, Ravi K Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A72.00010 Characterizing errors on multi-qubit superconducting qubit processors for improved circuit compilation and gate decomposition Room: Room 406 |
Nakano, Aiichiro University of Southern California |
Session D60.00001 Exascale Simulations of Quantum Materials Guided by AI and Quantum Computing Room: Room 419 |
Nandi, Saroj K TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad |
Session Y06.00001 Nontrivial effects of activity on the glassy dynamics of active self-propelled particles Room: Room 129 |
Narang, Prineha UCLA |
Session F21.00012 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award Winner: Ab initio approaches to nonequilibrium dynamics in quantum matter Room: Room 213 |
Natelson, Douglas Rice University |
Session G24.00002 Shot noise indicates the lack of quasiparticles in a strange metal Room: Room 237 |
Nebgen, Ben T Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session S50.00004 Training Machine learned Interatomic Potentials to EXAFS Data for Simulations Under Extreme Conditions Room: Room 320 |
Nekrasov, Nikita Stonybrook University |
Session F65.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics: Nikita Nekrasov Room: Room 414 |
Nelson, Keith A MIT |
Session B25.00001 Nonequilibrium quantum phenomena: A gilded age of driving fields and monitoring capabilities Room: Room 217/218 |
Neufeld, Ofer Max Planck Institute for the Structure & Dynamics of Matter |
Session Y51.00004 The mechanism of high harmonic generation in liquids and its application to electron scattering spectroscopy Room: Room 321 |
Nevidomskyy, Andriy H Rice Univ |
Session S24.00004 Sleuthing out Quantum Spin Liquidity in Cerium Based Pyrochlore Magnets Room: Room 237 |
Newhall, Katherine A University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
Session Q01.00001 Effective thermal equilibrium induced by cross-linking proteins in polymer chromosome models Room: Room 124 |
Neyenhuis, Brian Quantinuum |
Session N51.00003 Quantinuum's H-series Quantum Computers Room: Room 321 |
Nguyen, Chantal University of Colorado Boulder |
Session F01.00001 Noise-mediated emergent phenomena in worms and plants Room: Room 124 |
Ni, Zhuoliang University of Pennsylvania |
Session N55.00001 Investigate 2D antiferromagnetism in van der Waals materials by nonlinear optics Room: Room 305 |
Niemela, Joseph J The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) |
Session A51.00002 Physics and diplomacy through international cooperation and collaboration Room: Room 321 |
Nilsson Hallén, Jonathan University of Cambridge |
Session F58.00006 Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in a clean magnetic crystal Room: Room 302 |
Nissen, Erin J Sandia National Laboratories |
Session G20.00001 Real-time latent heat emission during dynamic-compression freezing of water Room: Room 212 |
Noiri, Akito RIKEN |
Session B74.00001 A high-fidelity universal quantum control for electron spin qubits in silicon Room: Room 403/404 |
Nordstrom, Kerstin Mt Holyoke College |
Session B02.00001 The Clogging Transition in a 2D Granular Silo Room: Room 125 |
Notbohm, Jacob University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session F11.00001 Mechanical heterogeneity and directional cues in the fibrous extracellular matrix Room: Room 203 |
Nowack, Katja C Cornell University |
Session W36.00005 Direct visualization of electronic transport in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator Room: Room 236 |
Nowak, Ulrich University of Konstanz |
Session G68.00005 Role of polarized phonons during ultrafast demagnetization Room: Room 420 |
Oberdick, Samuel D University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session N52.00005 Unambiguous MRI Contrast with Magnetic Nanoparticles: "Color" Contrast at High Field and Positive Contrast at Low Field Room: Room 308 |
O'Brien, Kevin P Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session N75.00001 Gradiometric quarton for nonlinear coupling of superconducting qubits and resonators Room: Room 401/402 |
O'Connor, Thomas Carnegie Melon University, Materials Science and Engineering |
Session M02.00005 Flow-Driven Dynamic Heterogeneity in Elongating Associative Polymer Networks Room: Room 125 |
Oka, Takashi University of Tokyo |
Session F38.00001 Nonperturbative Geometric Effects in Laser irradiated 3D Dirac Semimetals Room: Room 230 |
Oliver, William D Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session K69.00004 Giant Artificial Atoms and Waveguide QED Room: Room 421 |
Ong, Shyue Ping University of California, San Diego |
Session S50.00001 A Universal Interatomic Potential for the Periodic Table Room: Room 320 |
Onizhuk, Mykyta University of Chicago |
Session G50.00004 Understanding the Magnetic Environment of Spin Defects from First Principles Room: Room 320 |
Ordejon, Pablo ICN2 Barcelona |
Session S60.00002 Invited Talk: Pablo OrdejonDFT and QM/MM simulations of electrified interfaces using Non-Equillibrium Green's Functions Room: Room 419 |
Oreg, Yuval Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session T42.00001 Topological superconductivity by phase tuning Room: Room 318 |
Orenstein, Joseph W University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D25.00001 Tracking magnon propagation with space/time resolved polarimetry Room: Room 217/218 |
Ortner, Christoph University of British Columbia |
Session S50.00005 Towards Automated and Robust Atomic Cluster Expansion Models Room: Room 320 |
Orzel, Chad R Union College |
Session W51.00003 Seventy-Five Years of QED Room: Room 321 |
Osuji, Chinedum University of Pennsylvania |
Session A12.00003 Precise Separations and Ion Transport in Self-Assembled Membranes with 1-nm Scale Pores Room: Room 235 |
Othy, Shivashankar School of Medicine, University of California Irvine |
Session K68.00002 Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Immune Cells in the Spinal Cord During CNS Autoimmunity Room: Room 420 |
Ou, Yongxi Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q54.00001 Generation and manipulation of spin current in topological semimetal heterostructures Room: Room 306 |
Ouellette, David Weill Cornell Medicine |
Session Z51.00003 Advantages and Challenges of Magnetic Resonance Image Guidance for Radiation Therapy Room: Room 321 |
Padilla Espinosa, Ingrid University of California Merced |
Session Q50.00001 Overcoming the cultural shock: expectations vs. reality for international scholars in the US Room: Room 320 |
Padmanabhan, Hari Harvard University |
Session S42.00001 Interrogating and manipulating exchange pathways in the magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 Room: Room 318 |
Padmanabhan, Prashant Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session N40.00001 Coherent Spin-Lattice Coupling in van der Waals Magnetic Crystals Room: Room 232 |
Paga, Ilaria CNR-Nanotec Rome |
Session W24.00002 Memory and rejuvenation in spin glasses: numerical simulations meet experiments. Room: Room 237 |
Pagano, Guido Rice University |
Session Y66.00001 Analog Quantum Simulations in Trapped-Ion Spin Chains Room: Room 413 |
Panciera, Federico Paris-Saclay University |
Session F36.00004 Real-time TEM observations of III-V nanowire growth by molecular beam epitaxy Room: Room 236 |
Pando, Jesus DePaul University |
Session W28.00005 Addressing EDI issues in the Classroom Room: Room 220 |
Papac, Meagan NIST |
Session S51.00005 Measuring out-of-plane permittivity of dielectric thin films at millimeter-wave frequencies Room: Room 321 |
Paramekanti, Arun Univ of Toronto |
Session Z24.00003 Interplay of nematicity and orbital order with non-Fermi liquid physics Room: Room 237 |
Parish, Meera Monash University |
Session T61.00001 Dynamics of driven impurities in a quantum gas Room: Room 418 |
Park, Jiwoong University of Chicago |
Session Q40.00004 2D heat, light, and mass transport in engineered 2D systems Room: Room 232 |
Park, Suji Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session K04.00002 Revisiting 2D materials fabrication with a fully mechanized platform Room: Room 127 |
Pasupathy, Abhay N Columbia University |
Session W37.00002 Tunable Correlations in Twisted WSe2 Bilayers Room: Room 233 |
Patane, Amalia University of Nottingham |
Session G36.00004 Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for Quantum Science and Technologies Room: Room 236 |
Pate, Brooks H Univ of Virginia |
Session D03.00001 Exploiting the Intensity Stability of Broadband Rotational Spectroscopy to Analyze Chemical Mixtures Room: Room 126 |
Patel, Aavishkar A Flatiron Institute |
Session G24.00003 Universal theory of strange metals from spatially random interactions Room: Room 237 |
Patel, Amish University of Pennsylvania |
Session S12.00005 Characterizing Protein Hydration to Inform its Interactions Room: Room 235 |
Patil, Yogesh Yale University |
Session M67.00009 Quantum Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium Room: Room 412 |
Patteson, Alison E Syracuse University |
Session Z13.00001 Vimentin intermediate filaments increases collective cell migration through extracellular matrix networks Room: Room 238 |
Patti, Taylor L Harvard University |
Session K73.00007 Efficient and Large-Scale Semidefinite Programming with Quantum Neural Networks Room: Room 405 |
Pavosevic, Fabijan Flatiron Institute |
Session M50.00003 Wavefunction Embedding for Molecular Polaritons Room: Room 320 |
Pehlevan, Cengiz Harvard University |
Session B12.00005 Deep Learning Theory Beyond the Kernel Limit Room: Room 235 |
Peleg, Orit University of Colorado Boulder |
Session Z10.00001 Emergent Spatiotemporal Communication Patterns in Insect Swarms Room: Room 202 |
Pentcheva, Rossitza University of Duisburg-Essen |
Session G43.00004 Competition between Chern and Mott insulating phases in oxide superlattices Room: Room 317 |
Pepe-Altarelli, Monica CERN |
Session K52.00001 100 Years of Existence of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP Room: Room 308 |
Perdomo-Ortiz, Alejandro Zapata Computing |
Session N51.00002 Closing in On Practical Quantum Advantage Room: Room 321 |
Perez Ipiña, Emiliano Johns Hopkins University |
Session B13.00003 Secreted footprints organize complex cell migration patterns Room: Room 238 |
Perkins, Natalia University of Minnesota |
Session S68.00002 Phonon dynamics in two- and three-dimensional Kitaev spin liquids Room: Room 420 |
Pernal, Katarzyna Politechnika Łódzka |
Session G17.00001 Density Matrix Renormalization Group embedding in Kohn-Sham orbital environment Room: Room 209 |
Pesquera Herrero, David Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
Session B38.00001 Manipulating polar structures in freestanding antiferroelectric and ferroelectric membranes Room: Room 230 |
Petrescu, Alexandru Ecole des Mines de Paris |
Session G75.00001 Dynamics of Transmon Ionization Room: Room 401/402 |
Petrov, Mikhail Tufts University |
Session M36.00004 Identification of geometrical features of cell surface responsible for cancer aggressiveness: Machine learning analysis of atomic force microscopy images. Room: Room 236 |
Phillips, Philip W University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session Z24.00004 Beyond BCS: An Exact Model for Superconductivity and Mottness Room: Room 237 |
Phillips, Rob Caltech |
Session K12.00002 More Is Still Different Room: Room 235 |
Pichler, Hannes University of Innsbruck |
Session YY03.00001 Quantum Optimization with Rydberg Atom Arrays Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Ping, Yuan University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session G50.00002 Spin Relaxation and Dephasing in Solids from Ab Initio Density-matrix Dynamics Room: Room 320 |
Pinheiro, Diana IMP (Vienna) |
Session W08.00005 A morphogen gradient orchestrates pattern-preserving tissue morphogenesis via motility-driven (un) jamming Room: Room 131 |
Pistoia, Marco JP Morgan Chase |
Session N51.00001 Quantum Computing and Quantum Communications in the Financial Industry Room: Room 321 |
Plummer, Abigail Princeton University |
Session Y13.00004 Obstructed swelling and fracture of hydrogels Room: Room 238 |
Poling-Skutvik, Ryan University of Rhode Island |
Session W09.00001 The Yield Transition in Gels: Accounting for Structural Breakdown Room: Room 132 |
Polley, Debanjan University of California, Berkeley |
Session B55.00001 Ultrafast Magnetization Switching in Ferro and Ferri-magnets Room: Room 305 |
Pomjakushina, Ekaterina Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session G37.00003 TBD Room: Room 233 |
Pop, Eric Stanford Univ |
Session Q51.00005 What Are 2D Materials Good For? Room: Room 321 |
Porto, Trey UMD |
Session N61.00001 Interacting bosons in periodically modulated optical lattices: realization of a moat band and pre-thermal relaxation in effective Hamiltonians Room: Room 418 |
Poulami, Das Georgia Tech |
Session F69.00003 Architecture and System-Level Solutions for Real-Time Decoding in Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers Room: Room 421 |
Pozzo, Lilo University of Washington |
Session S03.00001 Cold, warm, warmer, hot! Impact of distance metrics on autonomous experimentation. Room: Room 126 |
Pradeep, Shravan University of Pennsylvania |
Session Y13.00003 Material constraints dictate flow mechanics in dense suspension rheology Room: Room 238 |
Prager, Stewart C Princeton |
Session K52.00004 Increasing Peril from Nuclear Arms: And How Physicists Can Help Reduce the Threat Room: Room 308 |
Prakash, Manu Stanford University |
Session K13.00003 Mechanical Intelligence: Lessons from biotic and abiotic systems Room: Room 238 |
Preskill, John P Caltech |
Session B69.00001 Making Predictions in a Quantum World Room: Room 421 |
Pritchard, Benjamin Molecular Sciences Software Institute, Virginia Tech |
Session G03.00001 MolSSI QCArchive - An Open-Source Platform for High-Throughput Generation, Analysis, and Sharing of Quantum Chemistry Data Room: Room 126 |
Procaccia, Itamar Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session T36.00001 Leo P. Kadanoff Prize Winner: Itamar Procaccia Room: Room 236 |
Proctor, Timothy J Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B72.00010 Measuring progress towards useful quantum computation using precision benchmarks Room: Room 406 |
Psaroudaki, Christina University of Cologne |
Session N68.00005 Magnetic Skyrmions for Quantum Computing Room: Room 420 |
Puri, Shruti Yale University |
Session A67.00010 Scalable Quantum Computing with Bosonic Qubits Room: Room 412 |
Puttock, Robb National Physical Laboratory, UK |
Session A68.00005 Local modifications for tuneable artificial spin ice Room: Room 420 |
Pyne, Alice University of Sheffield, UK |
Session M36.00001 TopoStats, a tool to discover the hidden structures and states of biomolecule Room: Room 236 |
Quader, Khandker F Kent State University |
Session A24.00003 Self-consistent DFT + DMFT Study of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems: Infinite Layer Rare-earth Nickelates Room: Room 237 |
Rabinovici, Eliezer Z Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session N36.00004 A Tale of Two Accelerators II: Sesame- A source of Light in the Middle East Room: Room 236 |
Rabinovici, Eliezer Z Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session N36.00003 A Tale of Two Accelerators I: CERN- A view from the CERN Council Room: Room 236 |
Radicchi, Filippo Indiana University |
Session Q02.00001 Influence maximization in Boolean networks Room: Room 125 |
Raghu, Surya Advanced Fluidics |
Session A51.00004 Upskilling for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Careers Room: Room 321 |
Ralph, Daniel C Cornell University |
Session T68.00004 Spin Manipulation in van der Waals Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets Room: Room 420 |
Ramachandran, Siddharth Boston University |
Session Q51.00004 The physics and applications of topologically complex light Room: Room 321 |
Ramanathan, Chandrasekhar Dartmouth College |
Session M58.00001 Suppressing spectral diffusion of phosphorus donor electron spins in natural silicon using optical excitation Room: Room 302 |
Ramanathan, Shriram Purdue University |
Session T24.00005 Metal-insulator transitions for brain-inspired computing and haptic intelligence Room: Room 237 |
Ramirez, Arthur P University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session W24.00004 The Eminuscent Phase in Geometrically Frustrated Magnets - a challenge to quantum spin liquids Room: Room 237 |
Ramshaw, Brad J Department of Physics, Cornell University |
Session B24.00004 Evidence of good quasiparticles with Plankian scattering Room: Room 237 |
Randi, Francesco Princeton University |
Session A11.00004 A functional connectivity atlas of C. elegans measured by neural activation Room: Room 203 |
Rankine, Conor University of York |
Session D53.00001 Teaching Core-Hole Spectroscopy to a Deep Neural Network Room: Room 307 |
Rappel, Wouter-Jan University of California, San Diego |
Session B13.00005 How amoeboid cells can modify their environment and can coordinate their motion Room: Room 238 |
Rau, Jeffrey G University of Windsor |
Session S24.00002 Thermal conductivity of square ice Room: Room 237 |
Ravichandran, Jayakanth University of Southern California |
Session AA01.00001 Emergent Atomistic Polarization Textures in Quasi-1D Hexagonal Chalcogenides Room: Virtual Room 1 |
Reagor, Matthew J Rigetti Quantum Computing |
Session Y64.00004 Quantum Computing Systems and Results for Hybrid Quantum Classical Algorithms Room: Room 415 |
Regnault, Nicolas Princeton |
Session Y24.00005 Equipartition of Entanglement in Quantum Hall States Room: Room 237 |
Reichhardt, Cynthia Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q37.00003 Brief remarks from Onsager Prize Winner Peter Hanggi': Presented by: Cynthia Reichhardt Room: Room 233 |
Reichman, David Columbia Univ |
Session K59.00001 The interaction of electrons and excitons with phonons in solids: Results from model problems and ab initio calculations. Room: Room 301 |
Reiner, Orly Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A13.00003 Brain Folds and the Extracellular Matrix: Lessons from Brain Organoids Room: Room 238 |
Reis, David A Stanford Univ |
Session B25.00003 Nonequilibrium lattice dynamics measurements with ultrafast x-ray pulses Room: Room 217/218 |
Rey, Ana Maria UC Boulder/JILA |
Session W69.00004 Entangled Dark States from Superradiant Dynamics in Multilevel Atoms in a Cavity Room: Room 421 |
Rhodes, Daniel University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session K44.00001 Superconductivity and Ferroelectricity Few-Layer Td-MoTe2 Room: Room 316 |
Richard, Ryan M Ames National Laboratory and Iowa State University |
Session G03.00003 NWChemEx: Designing a computational chemistry app store for the exascale era (and beyond) Room: Room 126 |
Rieger, Dennis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session M75.00001 Gralmonium: Granular Aluminum Nano-Junction Fluxonium Qubit Room: Room 401/402 |
Rigol, Marcos Pennsylvania State University |
Session N66.00001 Generalized hydrodynamics in strongly interacting 1D Bose gases Room: Room 413 |
Ringel, Steve Ohio State University |
Session D41.00001 Deep Acceptor Characterization in β-Ga2O3 Using Deep Level Optical Spectroscopy Methods Room: Room 319 |
Rini, Matteo American Physical Society |
Session A51.00005 TBD Room: Room 321 |
Robel, Alexander A Georgia Tech |
Session B65.00004 Bifurcations in Ice Sheet Behavior and the Implications for Projections of Future Sea Level Rise Room: Room 414 |
ROBERT, Cedric Institut National des Sciences Appliquee CNRS-LPCNO-INSA |
Session M58.00002 Spin-Valley pumping and long electron spin transport in a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer Room: Room 302 |
Robertson-Anderson, Rae M University San Diego |
Session G34.00001 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution Winner: Rae Robertson-AndersonThe Whole is More than the Sum of its Parts Room: Room 226/227 |
Robertson-Anderson, Rae M University San Diego |
Session W13.00005 Multiscale rheology and dynamics of topologically-active DNA solutions and composites Room: Room 238 |
Roccapriore, Kevin M Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session M36.00003 AI-driven atomic manipulation and characterization in the STEM Room: Room 236 |
Roch, Nicolas Institut Neel |
Session B66.00001 Josephson meta-metarials: a new platform for quantum optics Room: Room 413 |
Rodriguez, Javier Universidad Autónoma de barcelona |
Session Q05.00007 Relaxation dynamics of stable glassesJavier Rodriguez-Viejo Room: Room 128 |
Rodriguez Verdugo, Alejandra UC Irvine |
Session F10.00001 Microbial diversification in experimentally evolved communities Room: Room 202 |
Rohlfing, Michael University of Osnabruck |
Session G59.00001 Intra- and inter-layer excitons of two-dimensional semiconductors on substrates and in magnetic fields Room: Room 301 |
Rojas, Orlando The University of British Columbia |
Session G13.00001 Foams and aerogels based on nanopolysaccharides Room: Room 238 |
Ronen, Yuval Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session K42.00001 Topological superconductivity realizations in 2D material system Room: Room 318 |
Rosales, Adrianne M University of Texas at Austin |
Session G12.00005 Tuning the rheological properties of dynamic covalent hydrogels through crosslinking bond exchange kinetics for biomedical applications Room: Room 235 |
Ross, Frances M Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session F36.00003 Imaging and controlling epitaxial nucleation and growth using ultra high vacuum transmission electron microscopy Room: Room 236 |
Roy, Abhishek National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session A12.00002 Membranes For Clean Energy and Sustainable Environment Room: Room 235 |
Royer, Baptiste Yale University |
Session Z69.00002 Encoding qubits in multiple oscillators Room: Room 421 |
Ruan, Wei University of California, Berkeley |
Session GG10.00001 Visualizing fractional excitations in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid Room: Virtual Room 10 |
Rubinstein, Michael Duke University |
Session F12.00003 Three Faces of Polymer Entanglements Room: Room 235 |
Rubio, Angel Max Planck Institute for the Structure & |
Session M60.00001 A first principles QEDFT perspective on light-driven non-equilibrium phenomena in quantum materials Room: Room 419 |
Rueda Sanchez, Alfredo R Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Session Z67.00010 Alfredo Rueda Room: Room 412 |
Ruhman, Jonathan Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session K24.00004 An entanglement transition on a quantum tree and its relation to the measurement transition in all-to-all circuits Room: Room 237 |
Ruth, Julia NASA |
Session N15.00003 Finding Center: A Balancing Act Between Circus and Science Room: Room 207 |
Rutledge, Gregory C Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session Y12.00003 Recent Progress in Molecular Simulation of Flow Induced Crystallization: Biaxial Flows Room: Room 235 |
Ruzsinszky, Adrienn Temple University |
Session A17.00001 Meta-generalized gradient approximations for quantum materials Room: Room 209 |
Ryan-Anderson, Ciaran Quantinuum |
Session Y69.00005 Experimental Quantum Error Correction on Quantinuum Ion Trap Room: Room 421 |
Sabass, Benedikt Princeton University |
Session S17.00001 Sparse, active learning of stochastic differential equations from data Room: Room 209 |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard University |
Session B24.00001 Role of spatial disorder in strange metals Room: Room 237 |
Safavi-Naeini, Amir H Stanford Univ |
Session Z69.00001 Introducing the Kapitzonium - Quantum control and noise protection of a Floquet $0-pi$ qubit Room: Room 421 |
Saidi, Wissam A National Energy Technology Laboratory |
Session F36.00001 Uncovering atomic arrangements in epitaxial systems using synergistic computational and experimental approaches Room: Room 236 |
Salaita, Khalid Emory University |
Session Q08.00007 Speedy synthetic DNA motors are on a roll Room: Room 131 |
Sandick, Pearl University of Utah |
Session M69.00004 Panel Speaker: Pearl Sandick Room: Room 232 |
Sandick, Pearl University of Utah |
Session D51.00003 Mentoring graduate students - advising days and other approaches Room: Room 321 |
Santos, Luiz H Emory University |
Session K37.00002 Unconventional Superconductivity in Hofstadter Electronic Bands Room: Room 233 |
Saraiva, Andre UNSW |
Session G74.00001 Quantum links for large-scale spin qubit architecturesAndre Saraiva Room: Room 403/404 |
Savage, Martin J UW-Seattle |
Session B69.00004 Quantum Simulations of the Standard Model Room: Room 421 |
Sawyer, Brian C Georgia Tech Research Institute |
Session B67.00010 High-Field Qubits in Compact Penning Ion Traps Room: Room 412 |
Saxe, Paul MolSSI at Virginia Tech |
Session N03.00003 SEAMM, an open-source simulation environment for molecular and atomistic modeling Room: Room 126 |
Scammell, Harley D University of New South Wales |
Session Y37.00004 Theory of zero-field superconducting diode effect in twisted trilayer graphene Room: Room 233 |
Scellier, Benjamin ETH Zurich |
Session D07.00001 Equilibrium Propagation: A Physics-Grounded Theory of Computation and Learning Room: Room 130 |
Schaller, Richard D Argonne National Laboratory |
Session F50.00001 Transient Lattice Dynamics of Metal Halide Perovskites Room: Room 320 |
Schehr, Gregory Sorbonne U |
Session G62.00001 Generating constrained stochastic processes Room: Room 417 |
Schindewolf, Andreas Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Session D69.00002 From Microwave Shielding to Field-Linked Resonances Room: Room 421 |
Schindler, Frank Princeton University |
Session Y42.00001 Higher-order topological insulators Room: Room 318 |
Schlick, Tamar New York University |
Session M08.00006 Multiscale modeling of chromatin: from fibers to genes to chromosomes Room: Room 131 |
Schmalian, Joerg Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session M37.00003 Superconductivity without quasiparticles: Quantum critical Eliashberg theory and its holographic dual Room: Room 233 |
Schmitt, Markus FZ Jülich |
Session M62.00001 Simulating non-equilibrium quantum matter with neural quantum states Room: Room 417 |
Schneider, David Stanford University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology |
Session M12.00002 Explaining the trajectories sick animals take through disease space Room: Room 235 |
Scholl, Pascal Caltech |
Session G69.00003 TBD Room: Room 421 |
Schoute, Eddie LANL |
Session F69.00005 Surface code compilation via edge-disjoint paths Room: Room 421 |
Schrade, Constantin Univ of Copenhagen |
Session Z36.00001 Parity-protected superconducting qubits in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor devices Room: Room 236 |
Schroeder, Charles M University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session D12.00002 Single Polymer Dynamics of Ring-Linear Blends and Entangled Solutions Room: Room 235 |
Schwartzman, Julia University of Southern California |
Session S06.00005 One to many and many to one: how phenotypic heterogeneity scaffolds communal carbon-harvesting by marine bacteria Room: Room 129 |
Schwarz, J. M Syracuse University |
Session A13.00005 Towards building brains using in vitro biology across scales Room: Room 238 |
Schweizer, Ken S University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session M15.00007 Theory of structural relaxation and vitrification in permanent and associating polymer networks Room: Room 207 |
Seetharaman, Shailaja University of Chicago |
Session Z10.00005 Mechanical Information Processing by the Actin Cytoskeleton Room: Room 202 |
Sela, Eran Tel Aviv University |
Session Q24.00005 Identifying dissipative phase transitions from entropy measurements Room: Room 237 |
Selinger, Robin L Kent State |
Session B14.00001 Modeling shape transformations in liquid crystal elastomers: a machine learning approach to inverse design Room: Room 206 |
Sentef, Michael A Max Planck Institute for the Structure & |
Session D24.00003 Light-matter control of quantum materials: from Floquet to cavity Room: Room 237 |
Seo, Hosung Ajou Univ |
Session G50.00005 First-principles investigation of optically active quantum defects in hexagonal boron nitride Room: Room 320 |
Serra-Garcia, Marc AMOLF Amsterdam |
Session M16.00002 Mechanical cognition across scales Room: Room 208 |
Sessoli, Roberta University Degli Studi di Firenze |
Session Z68.00001 Exploring chirality for spin control in quantum information Room: Room 420 |
Sgro, Allyson HHMI Janelia Research Campus |
Session B13.00004 Understanding the emergence of microbial collective behaviors in the wild Room: Room 238 |
Shabani, Javad New York University |
Session D43.00001 Towards Topological Superconductivity in Epitaxial Superconductor-Semiconductor Systems Room: Room 317 |
Shah, Sahil Janne E. Nolan Center on Strategic Weapons |
Session B50.00005 Global Implications of Russia's Re-Invasion of Ukraine for Nuclear Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament Efforts Room: Room 320 |
Shan, Jie Cornell University |
Session W37.00001 Strongly correlated excitons in atomic double layers Room: Room 233 |
Shankar, Suraj Harvard University |
Session K12.00005 Geometry, topology and emergent simplicity Room: Room 235 |
Shao, Yinming Columbia University |
Session G37.00005 Electrodynamics of hidden quasiparticle and plasmons in nodal-squares Room: Room 233 |
Shapiro, David A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W45.00001 Quantifying Nanoscale Chemical Heterogeneity with Coherent X-ray Microscopy Room: Room 315 |
Sharif, Becker University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session K50.00002 TBD Room: Room 320 |
Sharifzadeh, Sahar Boston University |
Session D50.00004 The Impact of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Monolayer Materials from First-Principles Room: Room 320 |
Sharma, Sangeeta Max Born Institute, Berlin |
Session GG05.00001 Femto- phono- magnetism Room: Virtual Room 5 |
Sharma, Vivek University of Illinois Chicago |
Session K05.00001 John H. Dillon Medal (2022): Stretched Polymer Physics and Rheology Room: Room 128 |
Shayegan, Mansour Princeton University |
Session N37.00001 Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect in the lowest Landau level Room: Room 233 |
Sheldon, Sarah IBM Quantum |
Session N51.00004 The path to quantum advantage with error mitigation Room: Room 321 |
Shelley, Michael J Flat Iron Institute |
Session G11.00001 Active transport and self-organization in living cells Room: Room 203 |
Shen, Chenghao State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session M57.00004 Enhanced Magnetoresistance in Nanostructures with a Single Ferromagnet Room: Room 303 |
Shen, Kyle M Cornell University |
Session D68.00002 Interfacial charge transfer in atomically thin SrIrO3 / SrRuO3 heterostructures Room: Room 420 |
Shi, Li-kun ITP University of Leipzig |
Session T37.00003 Photocurrent generation within the optical gap Room: Room 233 |
Shibauchi, Takasada Univ of Tokyo-Kashiwanoha |
Session S37.00001 Nematic quantum critical points and unconventional superconducting states in Fe(Se/S/Te) Room: Room 233 |
Shim, Soho University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session S56.00001 Unidirectional Magnetoresistance in Antiferromagnet/Heavy-Metal Bilayers Room: Room 304 |
Shimamura, Kohei Kumamoto University |
Session N60.00001 Refinement of Training Schemes for Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials and Its Applications Room: Room 419 |
Shinbrough, Kai B University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session K50.00005 TBD Room: Room 320 |
Shirley, Eric L National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session B60.00001 Invited Talk: Eric ShirleyOn electron spectroscopy using theory, x-ray absorption and resonant Auger techniques Room: Room 419 |
Shoemaker, Daniel P University of Illinois |
Session G55.00001 Uncovering new low-dimensional magnets: A computational toolbox and experimental results Room: Room 305 |
Shou, Wenying University College London |
Session GG09.00008 Wenying Shou, UCL, wenying.shou@gmail.com Room: Virtual Room 9 |
Si, Qimiao Rice University |
Session M37.00004 Quantum Critical Metals: From Loss of Quasiparticles to High-Tc Superconductivity Room: Room 233 |
Sibille, Romain Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session Y68.00003 Octupolar correlations and spinon spectrum in Ce2Sn2O7 quantum spin ice Room: Room 420 |
Signoles, Adrien Pasqal |
Session Z64.00004 Experiments on programmable arrays of Rydberg atoms Room: Room 415 |
Silvia, Devin Michigan State University |
Session F51.00002 Teaching computational modeling and data analysis to facilitate the integration of computing in physics and beyond Room: Room 321 |
Sim, Sukin Harvard University |
Session S69.00003 TBD Room: Room 421 |
Simonet, Virginie Institut Neel, Univ. Grenoble |
Session RR03.00001 Magnetic fragmentation in pyrochlores Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Singh, Chandralekha University of Pittsburgh |
Session K52.00002 Nicholson Award Winner: Challenges and Opportunities in Physics Education for the 21st Century Room: Room 308 |
Singh, Deepak K University of Missouri |
Session M57.00001 Quantum mechanical characteristic of magnetic charges in artificial magnetic honeycomb lattice Room: Room 303 |
Singh, Kevin University of Chicago |
Session G69.00001 Dual-species Rydberg array of rubidium and cesium atoms Room: Room 421 |
Singleton, John NHMFL/ LANL |
Session B37.00002 Kondo Insulator YbB12: Neutral Quasiparticles and Unconventional Charge Transport in Magnetic Fields of up to 75 T Room: Room 233 |
Sirker, Jesko University of Manitoba |
Session Y24.00002 Symmetry-resolved Entanglement in Topological Insulators and Many-body Localized Phases Room: Room 237 |
Sisniega, Alejandro Johns Hopkins University, Biomedical Engineering |
Session Q52.00001 Deep Learning Image Formation in Medical Imaging Room: Room 308 |
Sivak, Volodymyr Yale University |
Session Z69.00005 Real-time quantum error correction beyond break-even Room: Room 421 |
Skylaris, Chris-Kriton University of Southampton |
Session G03.00005 Large-scale quantum atomistic electrochemistry simulations Room: Room 126 |
Slager, Robert-Jan Univ of Cambridge |
Session S61.00001 Multi-gap topological physics: geometrical notions, physical phases and novel responses. Room: Room 418 |
Smith, Zachary P Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session A12.00005 The role of competitive sorption and plasticization in microporous polymers Room: Room 235 |
Snyder, Chad R National Institute of Standards and Tech |
Session Z04.00001 Exploring the Effect of Chain Stiffness on the Amorphous Topology of Semicrystalline Polymers Room: Room 127 |
Sodt, Alexander J NIH |
Session A10.00001 The dynamic softening and intrinsic stiffening effect of cholesterol on membranes Room: Room 202 |
Soh, Y Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session B37.00005 Anomalous quasi particles in a kagome Weyl ferromagnet Room: Room 233 |
So-Jung, Park Ewha Womans University |
Session W05.00007 Self-Assembly of Conjugated Block-Copolymers and Nanoparticles Room: Room 128 |
Song, Zhida International Center for Quantum Materials, Peking University |
Session Z37.00002 Kondo Resonance, Pomeranchuk Effect, and Heavy Fermi Liquid in Twisted Bilayer Graphene - A Numerical Renormalization Group Study Room: Room 233 |
Sonier, Jeff E Simon Fraser Univ |
Session F24.00002 Investigations of magnetism in pure and Th-doped UTe2 by μSR Room: Room 237 |
Sorn, Sopheak Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session A55.00001 Quantum dynamics and response functions of skyrmions Room: Room 305 |
Sous, John Stanford University |
Session Z36.00004 Light, small bipolarons: A new route to high transition temperature superconductivity Room: Room 236 |
Srikanth, Hariharan University of South Florida |
Session M54.00001 Spin-Heat Coupling and Thermal Spin Transport in Rare-Earth Iron Garnet Heterostructures Room: Room 306 |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan M University of California, Berkeley |
Session S66.00001 Constructing open many-body quantum systems with atoms, cavities and light Room: Room 413 |
Stan, George N University of Cincinnati |
Session D08.00005 Protein remodeling and translocation mediated by AAA+ nanomachines in the degradation and disaggregation pathways: computational studies Room: Room 131 |
Stanisic, Stasja Phasecraft |
Session PP06.00001 Error mitigation for fermionic simulation Room: Virtual Room 6 |
Stechmann, Samuel N University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session D65.00007 Conservation laws for atmospheric dynamics with clouds Room: Room 414 |
Sterbentz, Randy M University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
Session M36.00005 Universal image segmentation for optical identification of 2D materials Room: Room 236 |
Stevanovic, Vladan Colorado School of Mines |
Session S28.00001 Predicting defects and doping of semiconductors - progress toward high-throughput calculations and relevance to materials discovery Room: Room 220 |
Stickler, Benjamin University of Duisburg-Essen |
Session A69.00004 Non-reciprocal interactions and entanglement between optically levitated nanoparticles Room: Room 421 |
Stokes, Charlezetta E Howard University |
Session M69.00005 Panel Speaker: Charlezetta Stokes Room: Room 232 |
Stopkowicz, Stella Saarland University |
Session G03.00007 Describing the electronic structure of molecules in strong magnetic fields Room: Room 126 |
Strubbe, David A University of California, Merced |
Session A17.00007 Simulating Raman spectroscopy of doped 2D materials Room: Room 209 |
Stuart, Hannah S University of California at Berkeley |
Session W10.00001 Fish-inspired robot manipulation Room: Room 202 |
Su, Yuan Microsoft Quantum |
Session B69.00002 On the complexity of implementing Trotter steps Room: Room 421 |
Subotnik, Joseph E University of Pennsylvania |
Session W17.00006 Strong Coupling, Disordered Environments, and Chemistry Under Illumination Room: Room 209 |
Sugny, Dominique Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, CNRS UMR 6303, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté |
Session S71.00007 Dominique SugnyProfessor of physicsLaboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Université de Bourgogne9 Av. A. Savaray 21000 Dijon, FranceQuantum optimal control in Quantum Technologies Room: Room 407/408 |
Sun, Wenhao University of Michigan |
Session M28.00001 Predicting solid-state synthesis recipes for computationally-designed materials Room: Room 220 |
Sun, Young Chongqing University |
Session JJ01.00001 Multiferroics beyond inorganics Room: Virtual Room 1 |
Sun, Zeliang University of Michigan |
Session G44.00009 Impact of strong quantum spin fluctuations on the magnetism, the excitons, and the spin waves in a two-dimensional XY-type magnetic system Room: Room 316 |
Sundaresan, Neereja IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session Q64.00004 Recent experimental demonstrations: logical memory and an error-suppressed magic state with superconducting qubits Room: Room 415 |
Suo, Zhigang Harvard |
Session F12.00005 Tanglemer: a polymer network in which entanglements greatly outnumber crosslinks Room: Room 235 |
Sussman, Daniel M Emory University |
Session A61.00001 Non-metric interaction rules in soft and living matter Room: Room 418 |
Suzuki, Yuri Stanford University |
Session M69.00001 Panel Speaker: Yuri Suzuki Room: Room 232 |
Sweke, Ryan IBM Quantum |
Session S69.00004 Potential and limitations of probabilistic modelling with quantum circuits Room: Room 421 |
Swint-Kruse, Liskin Univ. Kansas Medical Center |
Session G51.00005 Rheostats and toggles switches for modulating protein function: A Cautionary Tale Room: Room 321 |
Switzer, Eric D Univerity of Central Florida |
Session K50.00001 TBD Room: Room 320 |
Taddei, Keith M Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session W57.00001 Eu2Cd2As2 as a candidate Weyl Hydrogen Atom Room: Room 303 |
Tafti, Fazel Boston College |
Session N54.00001 Emergent spin-orbital states and magnetic regimes in the second-generation Kitaev magnets Room: Room 306 |
Tajima, Hiroyasu University of Electro-Communications |
Session Y02.00001 Universal trade-off structure between symmetry, irreversibility, and quantum coherence in quantum processes Room: Room 125 |
Takagi, Ryuji Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Session T69.00003 Characterizing the ultimate potential and limitations of quantum error mitigation Room: Room 421 |
Takayama, Tomohiro Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session G39.00001 Competing spin-orbital singlet states in d4 honeycomb system Room: Room 231 |
Talley, Lynne University of California San Diego |
Session D65.00001 The ocean’s global overturning circulation and climate: from observations to process understanding Room: Room 414 |
Taminiau, Tim Hugo Delft University of Technology |
Session Y69.00002 Distributed quantum computation with spins in diamond Room: Room 421 |
Taniguchi, Takashi Kyoto University |
Session D36.00002 Synthesis of boron nitride single crystals under high pressure and impurity/isotope control for their functionalization Room: Room 236 |
Tao, Yuankai Vanderbilt University |
Session T44.00004 State-of-the-Art Technologies for Optical Imaging of Biological Tissues: Contrast, Resolution, and Throughput Room: Room 316 |
Tarruell, Leticia ICFO |
Session M61.00001 Engineering a topological gauge theory in an optically coupled Bose-Einstein condensate Room: Room 418 |
Tayag, Yasmin Science Journalist |
Session Q12.00004 TBD Room: Room 235 |
Tayar, Alexandra Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session N11.00001 Cytoskeletal dynamics generate active liquid-liquid phase separation.Alexandra Tayar, Weizmann Institute of Science Room: Room 203 |
Tchakerian, Catarina Northeastern University |
Session Q68.00005 Knowing Better: Experts, the Public, and Above-Ground Nuclear Testing in Nevada Room: Room 420 |
Thirumalai, Devarajan University of Texas at Austin |
Session S08.00001 Structural changes in chromosomes driven by multiple condensin motors during mitosis Room: Room 131 |
Thompson, Aidan P Sandia National Laboratories |
Session T62.00005 The LAMMPS particle simulation package: Bringing together innovative physics models, machine-learning interatomic potentials, and extreme-scale computing resources Room: Room 417 |
Thompson, Jeff D Princeton University |
Session G69.00005 Neutral atom quantum computing with Ytterbium-171 Room: Room 421 |
Thompson, Richard J Boeing |
Session N51.00005 Promising Quantum Computing Applications in Aerospace Room: Room 321 |
Thonig, Danny Orebro University |
Session N50.00002 Non-local Gilbert damping and its influence on magnetisation dynamics Room: Room 320 |
Tikhanovskaya, Maria Harvard University |
Session G24.00004 Critical metallic phase in the overdoped random t-J model Room: Room 237 |
Tomasello, Riccardo Politecnico di Bari (Italy) |
Session N68.00001 Skyrmion-hosting systems: from novel multilayers to magnetic tunnel junctions Room: Room 420 |
Torkelson, John M Northwestern University |
Session Y05.00007 Recyclable Polymer Network Nanocomposites and Composites via Dynamic Covalent Bonds: Achieving Full Cross-link Density and Other Property Recovery after Reprocessing Room: Room 128 |
Torma, Paivi E Aalto University |
Session M37.00001 Quantum Geometry and superconductivity in flat bands Room: Room 233 |
Tracy, Sally June J Carnegie Inst of Washington |
Session M20.00001 Crystal structure and melting of dynamically compressed planetary materials Room: Room 212 |
Trahey, Lynn ANL |
Session A36.00005 Energy Storage for Decarbonation and the Legacies of the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research Room: Room 236 |
Trigo, Mariano SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session G37.00004 Ultrafast dynamics of vortex strings in a charge density wave Room: Room 233 |
Trimble, Virginia University of California, Irvine |
Session W51.00002 Harvard, Howard, and Gradual Incorporation: 1923 Room: Room 321 |
Trinkle, Dallas R University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session D44.00001 Designing magnesium alloys from density-functional theory and atomistic models Room: Room 316 |
Tripathi, Vinay University of Southern California |
Session T75.00001 Suppression of crosstalk in superconducting qubits using dynamical decoupling Room: Room 401/402 |
Trivedi, Nandini Ohio State University |
Session S68.00001 Primordial fractionalized phase in the anisotropic Kitaev model in a field and testable predictions for fractionalized excitations Room: Room 420 |
Tschirhart, Charles L UC Santa Barbara |
Session W36.00003 Electrical control of magnetism in magnetic Chern insulators Room: Room 236 |
Tsen, Adam Wei University of Waterloo |
Session Q42.00001 Tunneling Probe of Magnons in 2D Alpha-RuCl3 Room: Room 318 |
Tuna, Floriana University of Manchester |
Session Z68.00002 Using EPR to Guide the Engineering of Organometalic Molecular Qubits Room: Room 420 |
Turiansky, Mark E University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session T36.00004 Metropolis Dissertation Award Winner: Nonradiative Transitions at Defects in Solids Room: Room 236 |
Turkowski, Volodymyr Department of Physics, University of Central Florida |
Session Q59.00001 Effects of strong electron-electron correlations and memory in materials and time-dependent density-functional theory: recent progress and challenges Room: Room 301 |
Tutuc, Emanuel University of Texas at Austin |
Session D36.00004 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Winner: Twist-Controlled van der Waals Heterostructures Room: Room 236 |
Tycko, Robert National Institutes of Health |
Session N52.00001 Micron-scale magnetic resonance imaging with dynamic nuclear polarization at 5 K Room: Room 308 |
Udvarhelyi, Péter Wigner Research Centre for Physics |
Session W68.00005 First-principles calculations on quantum defects in silicon Room: Room 420 |
Ullal, Chaitanya Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session S04.00004 Super Resolution Imaging Studies of Spatially Heterogeneous Thermosensitive Gels Room: Room 127 |
Ullom, Joel N National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session K36.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Winner: Joel UllomPrecision Measurements with Superconducting Sensors Room: Room 236 |
Ullrich, Rebecca Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Q68.00003 Higher & Higher: Rockets for High-Altitude Nuclear Testing Room: Room 420 |
Uri, Aviram MIT |
Session W36.00004 Nanoscale imaging of equilibrium quantum Hall edge currents in graphene Room: Room 236 |
Vaikuntanathan, Suriyanarayanan University of Chicago |
Session A03.00001 A non-equilibrium thermodynamic route for control: From activity patterns in cytoskeletal networks to memory Room: Room 126 |
Vaitiekenas, Saulius University of Copenhagen |
Session Q39.00001 Spin-split superconductivity in triple-hybrid materials Room: Room 231 |
Vajdi Hokmabad, Babak Princeton University |
Session B13.00001 Emergent behavior driven by self-generated gradients: from active droplets to bacterial suspension Room: Room 238 |
Valenti, Roser Goethe University Frankfurt |
Session S68.00004 Designing Ru-based quantum spin liquid candidates: microscopic modelling and experimental signatures Room: Room 420 |
van den Berg, Ewout IBM Quantum |
Session T69.00001 Probabilistic error cancellation with sparse Pauli-Lindblad models on noisy quantum processors Room: Room 421 |
Van Der Marel, Dirk Univ of Geneva |
Session F37.00001 Isotope tuning and the pairing mechanism of superconducting strontium titanate Room: Room 233 |
van der Zande, Arend University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session G44.00001 Multiscale imaging of interfacial slip, heterostrain, and phase changes in deformed 2D heterostructures Room: Room 316 |
Van de Walle, Chris G University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B41.00001 Controlling doping in Ga2O3 and AlGaO3 alloys Room: Room 319 |
van de Wiel, Wilfred University of Twente |
Session T02.00001 Materializing Cognition: Information processing with cognitive matter Room: Room 125 |
Van Duin, Adri C Pennsylvania State University |
Session G60.00001 Atomistic-scale simulations of realistic, complex, reactive materials: the ReaxFF method, its applications and recent developments Room: Room 419 |
van Hecke, Martin AMOLF |
Session M07.00001 Computations with flexible metamaterials Room: Room 130 |
Van Horn, Ryan M Lafayette College |
Session Y12.00004 Revisiting Crystallization Pathways in PEO-b-PCL Copolymers Room: Room 235 |
van Kan, Adrian UC Berkeley |
Session T36.00002 GSNP Dissertation Award: Critical Transitions in Turbulence Room: Room 236 |
Varga, Kalman Vanderbilt Univ |
Session K17.00007 Description of the interaction of light and matter using the time-dependent density functional theory Room: Room 209 |
Varma, Chandra M University of California, Riverside |
Session M24.00002 From exact solution of Mixed-Valence Impurity to Mixed-Valence Insulators Room: Room 237 |
Vasmer, Michael Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session K71.00007 Three-dimensional subsystem codes from two-dimensional topological codes Room: Room 407/408 |
Vega, Nic Emory University |
Session M12.00004 Modeling transmission chain heterogeneity from experimental data Room: Room 235 |
Velankar, Sachin S University of Pittsburgh |
Session M13.00003 Elastic buckling with viscous dissipation: Compression-induced buckling of an elastic film on a viscous foundation Room: Room 238 |
Verdi, Carla University of Sydney |
Session D61.00001 Phonon anharmonicity in quantum paraelectrics beyond density-functional theory Room: Room 418 |
Vergassola, Massimo UCSD/ENS Paris |
Session G51.00002 Autonomous learning of behavioral policies Room: Room 321 |
Victora, Gabriel Rockefeller University |
Session Q13.00004 Clonal and cellular dynamics of the antibody response Room: Room 238 |
Vignale, Giovanni National University of Singapore |
Session B57.00001 Giovanni Vignale - Atomically sharp domain walls as antiferromagnetic spin wave polarizers Room: Room 303 |
Vila, Laurent Spintec |
Session PP03.00001 Ferroelectric control of the conversion between spin and charge currents Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Vittorini, Grahame Quantinuum |
Session M68.00003 Recent advances toward a more capable trapped ion quantum computer Room: Room 420 |
Vivod, Stephanie NASA Glenn Research Center |
Session G13.00004 Polymer Aerogels: Advanced Porous Materials for Extreme Environments Room: Room 238 |
von Oppen, Felix FU Berlin |
Session G65.00004 Elements of Majorana-based quantum computing Room: Room 414 |
Voth, Greg A Wesleyan University |
Session T01.00001 Steering particles in turbulent flows Room: Room 124 |
Vrajitoarea, Andrei University of Chicago |
Session B75.00001 Strongly correlated fluids of light in a Bose-Hubbard circuit Room: Room 401/402 |
Vriend, Nathalie M University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G01.00004 Stress and velocity fluctuations to probe the rheology of photoelastic granular avalanches Room: Room 124 |
Walczak, Aleksandra M Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session Q13.00002 Maturation, selection and response in immune repertoires Room: Room 238 |
Walker, Lynn M Carnegie Mellon University |
Session M04.00001 Engineering fluid-fluid interfaces through processing and multicomponent adsorption Room: Room 127 |
Wall, Simon E Aarhus University, Denmark |
Session T24.00002 Tracking the dynamics of the light-induced insulator-metal phase transition in VO2 on atomic and nanoscopic length scales Room: Room 237 |
Walton, Donnell Corning Technology Center, Silicon Valley |
Session W51.00004 Willie Hobbs Moore: the First African-American Woman Physics Ph.D. Room: Room 321 |
Wan, Kirsty Y University of Exeter |
Session K12.00001 Matter in motion Room: Room 235 |
Wang, Baigeng Nanjing Univ |
Session AA07.00001 Invited Talk: Baigeng Wang Room: Virtual Room 7 |
Wang, Lai-Sheng Brown University |
Session K06.00002 Herbert P. Broida Award Winner: Lai-Sheng WangProbing Dipole-Bound States Using High-Resolution Resonant Photoelectron Imaging of Cryogenically-Cooled Anions Room: Room 129 |
Wang, Lihong Caltech |
Session Z51.00002 Photoacoustic tomography beyond the optical diffusion limit and compressed ultrafast photography at light speed Room: Room 321 |
Wang, Mengen State University of New York at Binghamton |
Session W68.00004 First-principles study of surface kinetics in β-Ga2O3 Room: Room 420 |
Wang, Michelle D Cornell University |
Session M08.00001 Torsional Mechanics of Fundamental Processes Room: Room 131 |
Wang, Shenshen University of California, Los Angeles |
Session T13.00001 How an immune cell repertoire physically computes Room: Room 238 |
Wang, Shi-Qing University of Akron |
Session D12.00003 Developing a qualitative chain-level description of polymer mechanical properties Room: Room 235 |
Wang, Shuqiu University of Oxford |
Session Z24.00005 Visualization of Intra-Unit-Cell Orbital Ordering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ Room: Room 237 |
Wang, Xiaojia University of Minnesota |
Session T40.00001 Tuning Thermal Transport and Magnetization Dynamics in Functional Materials Room: Room 232 |
Wang, Xubo University of Colorado Boulder |
Session N03.00005 Relativistic Quantum Chemistry workflow in PySCF and Dice Room: Room 126 |
Wang, Yuxin University of Chicago |
Session T71.00006 Unbounded deterministic entanglement generation by autonomous quantum measurement and feedforward Room: Room 407/408 |
Ward, Zac Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session D68.00003 Breaking Spin and Exchange Symmetries in Compositionally Complex Oxide Heterostructures Room: Room 420 |
Wasserman, Adam Purdue University |
Session B17.00006 Density Functional Theory of molecular fragments: Strongly-correlated electrons in weakly-interacting fragments Room: Room 209 |
Watanabe, Hiroshi Kyoto Univ |
Session G23.00007 Nonlinear Rheology of Unentangled Polymer Melts Room: Room 215 |
Watanabe, Kenji National Institute for Materials Science |
Session D36.00003 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Winner: Optical properties of Far-UV luminous hexagonal boron nitride and its applications Room: Room 236 |
Watanabe, Momoko University of California, Irvine |
Session A13.00002 Brain organoids: New models to study neural development and disease Room: Room 238 |
Webb, Lauren University of Texas at Austin |
Session M50.00002 Characterizing protein-surface and protein-nanoparticle conjugates: Activity, binding, and structure Room: Room 320 |
Weinberger, Leor University of California, San Francisco |
Session F06.00006 Discovery of an endogenous cellular pathway that regulates transcriptional noise to promote cell-fate specificationLeor WeinbergerUniv. of California San Francisco (UCSF); Gladstone Institutes Room: Room 129 |
Weinstein, Aaron HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session Z74.00001 Implementing universal control in encoded exchange-only Si/SiGe spin qubits Room: Room 403/404 |
Weitz, R. Thomas R University of Gottingen |
Session D37.00002 Nontrivial quantum phases in natural bilayer graphene accessed by control of bandstructure and screening Room: Room 233 |
Wen, Hai-Hu Nanjing Univ |
Session CCC05.00001 Discrete Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon vortex bound states induced by the incipient and shallow bands in iron based superconductors Room: Virtual Room 5 |
Wen, Jinsheng Nanjing University |
Session AAA02.00001 Dual nature of the magnetic excitations and Kondo effect in a van der Waals Metallic Ferromagnet Fe3-xGeTe2 Room: Virtual Room 2 |
Werner, Philipp Fribourg University |
Session N62.00001 Invited Talk: Philipp WernerAb-initio GW+DMFT simulation of correlated materials Room: Room 417 |
West, Jevin Director of the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public |
Session Q12.00001 Mitigating misinformation in and about science Room: Room 235 |
Whaley-Mayda, Lukas University of Chicago |
Session M50.00001 Single-molecule vibrational investigation in solution with fluorescence-encoded infrared spectroscopy Room: Room 320 |
White, Gregory A University of Melbourne |
Session D72.00010 Self-consistent learning and control of arbitrary quantum correlated noise, and beyond Room: Room 406 |
White, Timothy University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Q03.00007 Towards Subcritical Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers Room: Room 126 |
Widicus Weaver, Susanna U-Wisc |
Session D03.00004 SubLIME: Sublimation Laboratory Ice Millimeter/submillimeter Experiment Room: Room 126 |
Wiebe, Nathan University of Toronto |
Session M64.00004 New Approaches to Hamiltonian Simulation Room: Room 415 |
Wilke, Claus University of Texas at Austin |
Session T08.00001 Exploring protein biophysics with deep learning Room: Room 131 |
Will, Sebastian Columbia |
Session D69.00003 Molecular Quantum Matter Room: Room 421 |
Williams, LaNell Harvard University |
Session W28.00001 The importance of career development resources for Black, Native/Indigenous, Women+ of Color in STEM Room: Room 220 |
Williams, LaNell Harvard University |
Session K50.00003 TBD Room: Room 320 |
Witman, Matthew Sandia National Laboratories |
Session A50.00005 Data driven discovery and optimization of high entropy alloys and their hydrides Room: Room 320 |
Wolpert, David Santa Fe Institute |
Session S02.00001 Extending computational complexity theory to include thermodynamic resource costs Room: Room 125 |
Wood, Mitchell A Sandia National Laboratories |
Session S50.00003 Modular and Scalable Solutions for Machine Learned Models for Material Science and Beyond Room: Room 320 |
Worledge, Daniel C IBM Research - Almaden |
Session Q51.00002 Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM: the Next Revolution in Memory Room: Room 321 |
Wortman, Juliana UCI and Neogenomics |
Session K68.00004 Beyond density: Spatial distribution of lymphocytes in triple-negative breast cancer tumors Room: Room 420 |
Wu, Junqiao University of California, Berkeley |
Session T24.00003 New ways to drive and utilize the metal insulator transition of VO2 Room: Room 237 |
Wu, Menghao Huazhong University of Science & Technol |
Session EE10.00001 Sliding Ferroelectricity in 2D Materials: Related Physics and Extensions Room: Virtual Room 10 |
Wustholz, Kristin William & Mary |
Session F17.00004 Blinking-Based Multiplexing (BBM): Harnessing Molecular Photophysics for Single-Emitter Classification Room: Room 209 |
Xia, Qing Berkeley National Lab |
Session Q50.00002 Challenges Facing Chinese International Scholars Room: Room 320 |
Xiao, Di University of Washington |
Session B36.00003 Designer Spin Textures in Van der Waals Magnets Room: Room 236 |
Xiao, Gang Brown University |
Session M44.00002 Single skyrmion true random number generator using local dynamics and interaction between skyrmions Room: Room 316 |
Xiao, Zhihao University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Session S75.00001 Parametric cQED: a new approach to realizing strong light-matter interactions Room: Room 401/402 |
Xu, Mingrui Yale University |
Session A69.00005 Microwave-to-optics conversion in the quantum ground state Room: Room 421 |
Xu, Peng Ames National Laboratory |
Session F03.00007 Effective Fragment Molecular Orbital (EFMO) Method: Ab Initio-Based Fragmentation Approach for Large Systems Room: Room 126 |
Xu, Ting University of California, Berkeley |
Session M03.00005 Rational Heteropolymer Design Based on Protein Sequence Space Room: Room 126 |
Xu, Xianghan Princeton University |
Session A41.00006 Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity and Tunable Ionic States in Bilayer Perovskites Room: Room 319 |
Xu, Xiaodong University of Washington |
Session B36.00002 Interaction induced magnetism in 2D semiconductor moire superlattices Room: Room 236 |
Xue, Ziling (Ben) University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session B58.00001 Probing Molecular Magnetism and a Haldane MOF by Advanced Spectroscopies Room: Room 302 |
Yablon, Dalia SurfaceChar |
Session M36.00002 Machine Learning to classify, predict structure-property relationships, and detect artifacts in AFM images Room: Room 236 |
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session K37.00001 Fractional Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene Room: Room 233 |
Yager, Kevin G Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session W12.00004 Non-native block copolymer morphologies via blending and layering Room: Room 235 |
Yamashiro, Sawako Kyoto University |
Session B11.00006 Force transmission via dynamic stretching of Talin as revealed by live-cell single-molecule imagingSawako Yamashiro (Kyoto University) Room: Room 203 |
Yan, Zhenjie University of California, Berkeley |
Session G67.00009 Atom arrays in an optical cavity Room: Room 412 |
Yang, Haw Princeton University |
Session F17.00001 Invited Speaker: Haw YangTime-Resolved and Time-Dependent Spectroscopy of Single Nano Objects Moving in Solution Room: Room 209 |
Yang, Judith C University of Pittsburgh |
Session F36.00002 Dynamic Atomic-Scale Fundamental Mechanisms of the Initial Stages of Cu Oxidation Revealed by Environmental TEM Room: Room 236 |
Yang, Lan Washington University, St. Louis |
Session K40.00001 Prof. Lan Yang (yang@seas.wustl.edu; Washington University in St. Louis), Room: Room 232 |
Yang, Shu University of Pennsylvania |
Session S12.00001 Assembly of Reduced Graphene Oxide-Conducting Polymer Fibers in the Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Phase as Synthetic Muscle Actuators Room: Room 235 |
Yang, Weitao Duke University |
Session N17.00001 Overcoming delocalization and static correlation errors and describing photoemission and optical excitation with ground state DFT calculations Room: Room 209 |
Yang, Ying-Jen Stonybrook University |
Session F13.00001 Statistical Thermodynamics and Data ad Infinitum Room: Room 238 |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session Q37.00006 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Physics Prize Winner: Ali Yazdani Room: Room 233 |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session K37.00003 Visualizing Many Body Quantum States in Magical Flat Bands Room: Room 233 |
Yelin, Susanne F Harvard University |
Session W69.00003 Superradiant arrays: a novel quantum tool Room: Room 421 |
Yi, Ming Rice University |
Session N24.00005 Intertwined magnetism and charge density wave order in kagome FeGe Room: Room 237 |
Yin, Jiaxin Princeton University |
Session N24.00004 Topological kagome charge order Room: Room 237 |
Yin, Jie North Carolina State University |
Session K13.00004 Embodying physical intelligence in soft robots for autonomy and intelligence Room: Room 238 |
You, Wei University of North Carolina Chapel Hill |
Session S15.00001 Tackling stability of polymer solar cells with thermocleavable side chains: materials and devices Room: Room 207 |
Yu, Jin UC Irvine |
Session A08.00001 Modeling Protein Dynamics from Brownian Motions to Transcription Regulation Room: Room 131 |
Yu, Lifeng Mayo Clinic |
Session Z51.00004 Photon-counting-detector CT: Technology and clinical applications Room: Room 321 |
Yu, Miao JGU, IMB Mainz |
Session Q25.00001 Visualizing the conformations and dynamics of FG-nucleoporins in situ Room: Room 217/218 |
Yu, Rong Renmin Univ of China |
Session S37.00002 Orbital-selective Mott physics in iron chalcogenides and iron pnictides Room: Room 233 |
Yu, Wei Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session TT05.00001 Mechanical reinforcement of nanoparticles: from dispersion to agglomeration Room: Virtual Room 5 |
Yue, Haicen Emory University |
Session Y13.00002 Coalescing Clusters Unveil New Regimes of Frictional Fluid Mechanics Room: Room 238 |
Yue, Lun Louisiana State University |
Session Y51.00002 High-harmonic generation in solids: imperfect recollisions, multiband effects and anomalous currents Room: Room 321 |
Yuly, Jonathon L Princeton University |
Session Q08.00004 DBIO Thesis Prize Winner: Jonathon L. YulyElectron bifurcation and correlations in biological energy transduction Room: Room 131 |
Zaburdaev, Vasily Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Session S11.00001 Bacterial biofilms as model tissues Room: Room 203 |
Zacharias, Marios FOTON Institute, INSA Rennes, France |
Session D50.00003 The special displacement method as a unified treatment of anharmonicity and electron-phonon coupling in solids Room: Room 320 |
Zanna, Laure New York University (NYU) |
Session W53.00001 Leveraging Interpretable Machine Learning for Climate Physics Room: Room 307 |
Zardo, Ilaria University of Basel |
Session K61.00001 Engineering thermal transport in low dimensional systems Room: Room 418 |
Zdeborová, Lenka Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session T62.00001 Overview of message passing algorithms and their use in statistical physics Room: Room 417 |
Zdeborová, Lenka EPFL Switzerland |
Session B12.00001 Understanding machine learning via solvable models Room: Room 235 |
Zeiher, Johannes Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session W69.00001 A subwavelength atomic array switched by a single Rydberg atom Room: Room 421 |
Zeilinger, Anton Univ of Vienna |
Session X01.00003 A Voyage through Quantum Wonderland Room: Room 420 |
Zeljkovic, Ilija Boston College |
Session N24.00001 Cascade of symmetry-broken electronic phases in kagome superconductors AV3Sb5 Room: Room 237 |
Zgid, Dominika University of Michigan |
Session A59.00001 GW in Gaussian Bloch Orbitals for Solids - relativistic effects, pseudopotentials, and impacts of different self-consistency cycles Room: Room 301 |
Zhai, Qiang Xi'an Jiaotong University |
Session W24.00001 Temperature Chaos in Spin Glasses Room: Room 237 |
Zhandry, Mark NTT Research |
Session RR08.00001 Verifiable Quantum Advantage without Structure Room: Virtual Room 8 |
Zhang, Chao Uppsala University |
Session T59.00001 Finite-field DFTMD modelling of protonic double layers and beyond Room: Room 301 |
Zhang, Fan UT Dallas |
Session T37.00002 Moiré quantum geometry: from fundamentals to intelligent sensing Room: Room 233 |
Zhang, Jiandi Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of |
Session D68.00005 Emergent electronic and magnetic properties of spatially confined ruthenates Room: Room 420 |
Zhang, Qiang Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session F44.00008 Interplay between local symmetry breaking, magnetic order and Weyl states in Co3Sn2S2 Room: Room 316 |
Zhang, Qing Stanford University |
Session N12.00005 Keeping an eye on flowing liquid crystals Room: Room 235 |
Zhang, Qingming Lanzhou University/Institute of Physics |
Session AA03.00001 Exploring rare-earth based spin frustrated systems Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Zhang, Rui Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session D13.00003 Portraits of Topological Defects in Static, Driven, and Active Nematic Liquid Crystals Room: Room 238 |
Zhang, Tao Shanghai Jiaotong University |
Session Z13.00002 Modeling collective interactions between embedded spheroids and collagen fibers Room: Room 238 |
Zhang, Xiao University of Michigan |
Session D50.00001 Phonon-assisted linear and non-linear optical processes from first principles Room: Room 320 |
Zhang, Yi UC Berkeley |
Session B65.00007 A New Theory for Heat Extremes in a Changing Climate Room: Room 414 |
Zhang, Yingkai NYU |
Session F08.00007 Integrating Machine Learning and Molecular Modelling for Predicting Protein-Ligand Interactions Room: Room 131 |
Zhang, Y. Shrike Harvard Medical School |
Session Z12.00005 Additive Biomanufacturing towards Tissue Fabrication Room: Room 235 |
Zhang, Zhendong University of Chicago |
Session D69.00001 Many-body Chemical Reactions in a Quantum Degenerate Gas Room: Room 421 |
Zhao, Liuyan University of Michigan |
Session B36.00004 Exploring moiré magnetism in twisted two-dimensional magnets Room: Room 236 |
Zheng, Rayne University of California, Berkeley |
Session K13.00005 Design and Additive Manufacturing of Robotic Metamaterials Room: Room 238 |
Zhou, Benjamin T University of British Columbia |
Session Z37.00004 Non-Abelian topological superconductivity in maximally twisted double-layer spin-triplet valley-singlet superconductors Room: Room 233 |
Zhou, Haoxin Department of Applied Physics and Material Science, California Institute of Technology; Department of Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara |
Session D37.00001 Observation of magnetism and superconductivity in crystalline graphene multilayers Room: Room 233 |
Zhou, Shuang University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session D13.00004 Fine structure of the defect cores in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals Room: Room 238 |
Zhou, Yiqing Cornell University |
Session W37.00003 Quantum phases of transition metal dichalcogenide moire systems Room: Room 233 |
Zhou, You University of Maryland, College Park |
Session D36.00005 IUPAP Award Talk: Wigner crystals in a van der Waals heterostructure Room: Room 236 |
Zhu, Jun Penn State |
Session N37.00002 Updates on the fractional quantum Hall effect in bilayer graphene Room: Room 233 |
Zhu, Qiang University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
Session S50.00002 Atomistic simulation of solid-solid phase transition from machine learning force fields Room: Room 320 |
Zhu, Tiancong UC Berkeley |
Session D42.00002 Electrical manipulation and STM visualization of 1D chiral edge states in a moiré quantum anomalous Hall insulator Room: Room 318 |
Zhu, Tianyu Yale University |
Session N62.00003 Condensed Phase Chemical Physics from Full Cell Quantum Embedding Room: Room 417 |
Zhu, Xiaoyang Columbia University |
Session K06.00001 Vibrations of Correlated Electrons and Spins Room: Room 129 |
Zhu, Ziyan Stanford University |
Session K62.00007 HubbardNet: efficient predictions of the Bose-Hubbard model spectrum with deep neural networks Room: Room 417 |
Zhuang, Quntao University of Southern California |
Session A71.00007 Distributed quantum sensing with continous-variable entanglement: from fundamentals to dark matter search Room: Room 407/408 |
Zia, Roseanna N Stanford University |
Ziatdinov, Maxim Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session B53.00008 Automating microscopy with machine learning: from object identification to hypothesis learning Room: Room 307 |
Zilman, Anton Univ of Toronto |
Session K68.00005 Models of ligand discrimination in cross-wired signaling pathways Room: Room 420 |
Zocco, Diego A Vienna University of Technology |
Session B37.00003 Controlling electronic topology in Weyl-Kondo semimetals Room: Room 233 |
Zorko, Andrej Jozef Stefan Institute |
Session M56.00002 Quantum spin liquid with the Ising character in the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet neodymium heptatantalate Room: Room 304 |
Zoufal, Christa IBM Research - Zurich |
Session S69.00002 Scaling (generative) quantum machine learning models Room: Room 421 |
Zuchowski, Lena University of Bristol |
Session W51.00001 Maxwell & Gibbs: 150 Years since the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics Room: Room 321 |
Zudov, Michael A University of Minnesota |
Session N37.00004 Emergent phases in nearly degenerate Landau levels of the state-of-the-art GaAs quantum wells Room: Room 233 |
Zumbuhl, Dominik M University of Basel |
Session W74.00001 Building small, fast and hot hole spin qubits in Si and Ge Room: Room 403/404 |
Zurek, Eva D State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session N03.00007 The XtalOpt Evolutionary Algorithm for Crystal Structure Prediction Room: Room 126 |
Zwicker, David Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session AA09.00008 Principles of cellular control of condensates Room: Virtual Room 9 |
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