Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session G68: Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics
11:30 AM–2:30 PM,
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Room: Room 420
Chair: Olle Eriksson, Uppsala University
Abstract: G68.00005 : Role of polarized phonons during ultrafast demagnetization*
1:54 PM–2:30 PM
Ulrich Nowak
(University of Konstanz)
Ulrich Nowak
(University of Konstanz)
Markus Weißenhofer
(University of Konstanz)
Hannah Lange
(LMU Munich)
Sergiy Mankovsky
(LMU Munich)
Svitlana Polesya
(LMU Munich)
Hubert Ebert
(LMU Munich)
Akashdeep Kamra
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Sonja Tauchert
(University of Konstanz)
Mikhail Volkov
(University of Konstanz)
Peter Baum
(University of Konstanz)
We use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the role of phonons during ultrafast demagnetization in nickel. For this purpose, we transfer angular momentum corresponding to the observed amount of demagnetization into the lattice and calculate the resulting changes in the diffraction pattern. Our results are in line with ultrafast electron diffraction measurements which show an almost instantaneous, long-lasting, non-equilibrium population of anisotropic high-frequency phonons that appear as quickly as the magnetic order is lost. Theory and experiment indicate a rotational lattice motion on atomic dimensions after the excitation with the laser pulse that takes up the missing angular momentum [1] before the onset of a macroscopic Einstein-de Haas rotation [2].
In the second part of the talk we report on a new framework for spin-molecular dynamics that connects, on the one hand, to ab initio calculations of spin-lattice coupling parameters [3] and, on the other hand, to the magneto-elastic continuum theory. The derived Hamiltonian describes a closed system of spin and lattice degrees of freedom and explicitly conserves the total momentum, angular momentum and energy. This framework will enable the use of multi-scale modeling for investigating a broad range of spin-lattice dynamics phenomena from slow to ultrafast.
[1] S. R. Tauchert et al. Nature 602, 73 (2022).
[2] C. Dornes et al. Nature 565, 209 (2019).
[3] S. Mankovsky et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 067202 (2022)
*The research in Konstanz was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) via SFB 1432.
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