Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session G36: Physical Review Invited Session: Forefront Research Across Disciplines
11:30 AM–2:30 PM,
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Room: Room 236
Chair: Samindranath Mitra, American Physical Society
Abstract: G36.00004 : Two-Dimensional Semiconductors for Quantum Science and Technologies
1:18 PM–1:54 PM
Amalia Patane
(University of Nottingham)
Amalia Patane
(University of Nottingham)
Two-dimensional (2d) materials based on van der Waals (vdW) crystals provide an exciting platform for development of next generation 2d semiconductors (2SEM). Today, the family of vdW crystals comprises a “zoo” of over 1000 materials. However, only a few dozen of these have emerged as promising 2SEM. These materials can exist in a variety of stoichiometries, crystal structures and layer stacking sequences with physical properties of great interest for quantum science. The strong electron correlations, topological phases predicted in some of these systems do not have counterparts in traditional semiconductors. Although several concepts in solid-state physics still apply to these materials, standard theories have been revisited to describe these emerging quantum materials.
Here, I will review my research on 2SEM and present a unique-in-the world facility (EPI2SEM, https://bit.ly/3zN00dx) for EPItaxial growth and in situ analysis of 2SEM in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). EPI2SEM consists of a custom-designed reactor for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) whose UHV operation matches the UHV requirements for in situ analytical techniques, such as RHEED (reflection high energy electron diffraction), SPM (scanning probe microscopy) and nanoESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis). By integration of growth, advanced microscopy and spectroscopy in UHV, we device methods to create atomically thin semiconductors with engineered physical properties beyond the current state-of-the-art. This approach will open new research directions and address many fundamental physics questions, advancing the science and applications of 2SEM.
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