Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS March Meeting
Volume 68, Number 3
Las Vegas, Nevada (March 5-10)
Virtual (March 20-22); Time Zone: Pacific Time
Session Z69: Recent advances in bosonic quantum error correction
11:30 AM–2:30 PM,
Friday, March 10, 2023
Room: Room 421
Chair: Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Google LLC
Abstract: Z69.00001 : Introducing the Kapitzonium - Quantum control and noise protection of a Floquet $0-pi$ qubit*
11:30 AM–12:06 PM
Amir H Safavi-Naeini
(Stanford Univ)
Amir H Safavi-Naeini
(Stanford Univ)
Zhaoyou Wang
(Stanford University)
In this work, we propose the emph{Kapitzonium}: a Floquet qubit that is the superconducting circuit analog of a mechanical Kapitza pendulum.
Under periodic driving, the emerging qubit states are exponentially protected against bit and phase flips caused by dissipation, which is the primary source of decoherence of current qubits. However, we find that dissipation causes leakage out of the Floquet qubit subspace.
We engineer a passive cooling scheme to stabilize the qubit subspace, which is crucial for high fidelity quantum control under dissipation.
Furthermore, we introduce a hardware-efficient fluorescence-based method for qubit measurement and discuss the experimental implementation of the Floquet qubit. The proposed {Kapitzonium} is one of the simplest Floquet qubits that can be realized with current technology -- and it already has many intriguing features and capabilities. Our work provides the first steps to develop more complex Floquet quantum systems that can be engineered from the ground up to realize large-scale protected engineered dynamics.
*This work was supported by U.S. government through the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under grant No. N00014-20-1-2422 and the National Science Foundation CAREER award No. ECCS-1941826.
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