Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2016
Volume 61, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2016; Baltimore, Maryland
Invited Speakers
Ackermann, Martin ETH Zurich and Eawag |
Session Y13.00003 Collective Functionality through Bacterial Individuality Room: 309 |
Adam, Shaffique Yale-NUS College, 16 College Avenue West, Singapore 138527, Singapore |
Session Y2.00002 Theory of classical and quantum transport in monolayers of MoS$_{2}$ Room: Ballroom II |
Adami, Chris Michigan State University |
Session R55.00004 Information, Physics, and Cancer Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Aeschlimann, Martin Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany |
Session R32.00004 Plasmonics at the Space-Time Limit Room: 332 |
Agarwal, Praveen The Dow Chemical Company |
Session L12.00004 Swelling and viscoelasticity in photoresist thin films Room: 308 |
Agrawal, Anupriya Research Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis |
Session C4.00003 Role of Ionic Clusters in Dynamics of Ionomer Melts: From Atomistic to Coarse Grained Simulations Room: Ballroom IV |
Aizenberg, Joanna Harvard |
Session E4.00005 \textbf{Moving HAIRS: Towards adaptive, homeostatic materials} Room: Ballroom IV |
Ajayan, Pulickel M. Rice University |
Session A17.00001 Materials Science and Engineering with Two-dimensional Atomic Layers Room: 316 |
Akashi, Ryosuke The University of Tokyo |
Session H22.00002 Superconductivity in compressed sulfur hydride: Dependences on pressure, composition, and crystal structure from first principles Room: 321 |
Akinwande, Deji The University of Texas - Austin |
Session Y16.00005 Room Temperature Silicene Field-Effect Transistors Room: 315 |
Alamo, Rufina G Florida State University, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, FL 32310 USA |
Session V42.00001 Melt structure and self-nucleation of ethylene copolymers Room: 345 |
Albash, Tameem Univ of Southern California |
Session C45.00001 Tunneling and Speedup in Permutation-Invariant Quantum Optimization Problem Room: 348 |
Alicea, Jason Caltech |
Session E1.00005 Milestones toward Majorana-based quantum computing Room: Ballroom I |
Alicea-Munoz, Emily Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session V14.00003 TA Professional Development: A Graduate Student's Perspective Room: 310 |
Alivisatos, A. Paul Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley |
Session L32.00007 Hole transfer dynamics from QDs to tethered ferrocene derivatives Room: 332 |
Altan-Bonnet, Gregoire National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD |
Session Y35.00004 Collective synchronization of self/non-self discrimination in T cell activation, across multiple spatio-temporal scales Room: 338 |
Aluie, Hussein University of Rochester |
Session H51.00004 A Novel Method to Unravelling Energy Pathways in the Ocean Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 2 |
Amaro, Rommie University of California, San Diego |
Session S22.00008 Biophysical Discovery through the Lens of a Computational Microscope Room: 321 |
Amir, Fatima Winthrop University |
Session H53.00003 Graphene Oxide/ Ruthenium Oxide Composites for Supercapacitors Electrodes Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Amitsuka, Hiroshi Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University |
Session H1.00004 Evidence for preservation of crystallographic four-fold rotational symmetry in hidden order of URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ Room: Ballroom I |
Anderson, Brandon James Franck Institute |
Session L13.00004 Quasi-condensation in trapped two-dimensional Fermi gases Room: 309 |
Anderson, Rae University of San Diego |
Session F14.00004 Interdisciplinary biophysics major with a comprehensive research-based capstone Room: 310 |
Andrade, Eric Instituto de Física Teórica/UNESP |
Session L22.00001 Magnetic moments and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in quasicrystals Room: 321 |
Andrei, Natan Rutgers University |
Session A2.00003 \textbf{Non-equilibrium Aspects of Quantum Integrable Systems} Room: Ballroom II |
Antebi, Yaron Caltech |
Session X55.00004 The BMP Pathway is a Programmable Multi-Ligand Signal Processing System Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Appelbaum, Ian Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session F5.00005 Spin relaxation via exchange with donor impurity-bound electrons Room: 301 |
Arakawa, Tomonori Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, 560-0043, Toyonaka, Osaka |
Session K19.00007 Microscopic understanding of spin current probed by shot noise Room: 318 |
Araujo, Nuno Universidade de Lisboa |
Session R40.00001 Kinetic roughening: how directionality changes the game Room: 343 |
Arie, Ady Tel-Aviv University |
Session Y1.00005 Unveiling orbital angular momentum and acceleration of light beams and electron beams Room: Ballroom I |
Artyukhin, Sergey Italian Institute of Technology |
Session S30.00004 Theory of colossal magnetoelectric response near spin-flop transition in Ni3TeO6 Room: 329 |
Aruta, Carmela National Research Council CNR-SPIN Rome, Italy |
Session Y30.00008 Ionic and electrochemical phenomena induced by structural and chemical defects in oxide thin films Room: 329 |
Aschauer, Ulrich University of Bern |
Session L30.00004 Strain induced defects and charge state transitions in oxides Room: 329 |
Aspect, Alain Institut d'Optique Palaiseau |
Session C50.00001 Suppression and Revival of Weak Localization of Ultra-Cold Atoms by Manipulation of Time-Reversal Symmetry Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 1 |
Assaf, Michael Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session F35.00001 The effect of extrinsic noise on the dynamics of simple gene network motifs Room: 338 |
Atwater, Harry California Institute of Technology |
Session C13.00001 David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics: Electrically Tunable Nanoantennas for Control of Absorption, Emission and Scattering Room: 309 |
Audus, Debra Materials Science and Engineering Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session P12.00002 Accelerating materials discovery through the development of polymer databases Room: 308 |
Austin, Robert Princeton University |
Session R55.00002 Evolution, Physics, and Cancer: Disrupting Traditional Approache Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
B\"{o}hmer, Anna Ames Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 |
Session C1.00002 On nematicity, magnetism and superconductivity in FeSe Room: Ballroom I |
Baek, Burm NIST - Boulder |
Session F3.00002 Nanoscale memory elements based on the superconductor-ferromagnet proximity effect and spin-transfer torque magnetization switching Room: Ballroom III |
Baerends, Evert Jan Vrije Universiteit Amstrdam |
Session E31.00001 Orbitals and orbital energies in DFT and TDDFT Room: 331 |
Bahr, Christian Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), G\"{o}ttingen, Germany |
Session V2.00003 Active Mesogenic Droplets: Impact of Liquid Crystallinity and Collective Behavior Room: Ballroom II |
Bai, Lihui Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3T 2N2 |
Session L18.00004 Spin pumping in electrodynamically coupled magnon-photon systems Room: 317 |
Balakirev, Fedor F. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S53.00005 Recent Advances in Ultrasound Instrumentation Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Balatsky, Alexander Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session L15.00001 Dirac Materials Room: 314 |
Balazs, Anna University of Pittsburgh |
Session E4.00001 Polymer Physics Prize: Designing "Materials that Compute": Exploiting the Properties of Self-oscillating Polymer Gels Room: Ballroom IV |
Baldwin, Melinda Harvard University |
Session A14.00003 In Referees We Trust? Controversies over Grant Peer Review in the Late Twentieth Century Room: 310 |
Balents, Leon Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB |
Session H2.00005 Interplay of magnetic and electronic states in pyrochlore iridates Room: Ballroom II |
Ball, Robin Dept of Physics, University of Warwick |
Session R14.00001 Collective Behavior of Hair, and Ponytail Shape and Dynamics. Room: 310 |
Bandurin, Denis School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK |
Session C2.00005 Negative local resistance due to viscous electron backflow in graphene Room: Ballroom II |
Banerjee, Arnab Quantum Condensed Matter Div., Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., Oak Ridge, TN - 37830. |
Session K2.00001 The magnetic ground state and relationship to Kitaev physics in~$\alpha $-RuCl$_{\mathrm{3}}$ Room: Ballroom II |
Bansil, Arun Northeastern University |
Session A28.00001 Predicting, Realizing and Exploiting Exotic Topological Phases of Quantum Matter Room: 327 |
Bao, Wenzhong Fudan University |
Session P13.00001 IUPAP Award: Ion transport in 2D materials Room: 309 |
Bares, Jonathan LMGC Montpellier, France |
Session B43.00001 Global and local avalanches in cohesive and non cohesive granular material: crackling and seismicity Room: 346 |
Barker, Anna D. Director, Transformative Healthcare Networks |
Session R55.00001 Why is Physics Important to Cancer Research? Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Bartolo, Denis ENS Lyon |
Session X3.00004 Emergent Hyperuniformity in Periodically Driven Emulsions Room: Ballroom III |
Bartolo, Denis ENS Lyon |
Session H34.00004 Collective motion in populations of colloidal bots Room: 337 |
Bascones, Elena Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid |
Session E11.00001 The role of Hund's coupling in the correlations and the nematicity of iron superconductors Room: 307 |
Basov, Dmitri UCSD |
Session V31.00008 Nano-photonic phenomena in van der Waals atomic layered materials Room: 331 |
Batchelor, Eric Natl Inst of Health - NIH |
Session C39.00007 Systems-level analysis of the regulation and function of p53 dynamics in cancer. Room: 342 |
Baumann, Susanne IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session C13.00005 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics Talk: Towards single atom magnets Room: 309 |
Beausoleil, Raymond Hewlett Packard Labs, 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94304 |
Session V12.00002 The "Music" of Light: Optical Resonances for Fun and Profit Room: 308 |
Beenakker, Carlo Leiden University |
Session E1.00004 Proximity induced topological superconductivity and Majorana fermions Room: Ballroom I |
Benedek, Nicole Cornell University |
Session R12.00005 Transport Properties of Complex Oxides: New Ideas and Insights from Theory and Simulation Room: 308 |
Ben-Naim, Eli Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S40.00001 First-Passage Statistics of Extreme Values Room: 343 |
Bernevig, Andrei Prinecton U |
Session K3.00005 Two Types of Weyl Semimetals Room: Ballroom III |
Berta, Mario Caltech |
Session V44.00002 Quantum Coding with Finite Resources Room: 347 |
Bertet, Patrice CEA Saclay |
Session E45.00004 Magnetic resonance at the quantum limit Room: 348 |
Bertschinger, Edmund Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session E14.00001 Reversing into Meritocracy: Shifting the Culture of Physics Room: 310 |
Bestwick, Andrew Stanford University |
Session K28.00002 Precise Quantization of Anomalous Hall Effect Room: 327 |
Biagioli, Mario University of California, Davis |
Session A14.00001 Plagiarism and Trust in Peer Review Room: 310 |
Bialek, William Princeton University |
Session S55.00001 Genetic networks and the flow of positional information in embryonic development Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Bibes, Manuel CNRS/Thales, Univ. Paris-Saclay, Palaiseau (FRANCE) |
Session H30.00001 Interfaces between strongly correlated oxides : controlling charge transfer and induced magnetism by hybridization Room: 329 |
Biermann, Silke École Polytechnique |
Session R12.00001 The role of Coulomb correlations in complex oxides Room: 308 |
Bird, Jonathan University at Buffalo |
Session E15.00004 Velocity Saturation of Hot Carriers in Two-Dimensional Transistors Room: 314 |
Biroli, Giulio IPhT CEA Saclay and LPS ENS Paris |
Session R3.00005 Spinodals with Disorder: from Avalanches in Random Magnets to Glassy Dynamics Room: Ballroom III |
Bischofberger, Irmgard Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F1.00001 Fingers, toes and tongues: the anatomy of interfacial instabilities in viscous fluids Room: Ballroom I |
Bistrow, Van University of Chicago |
Session H14.00001 Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction: Advanced Instructional Labs: Why Bother? Room: 310 |
Biteen, Julie Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session A12.00004 Understanding subcellular function on the nanometer scale in real time: Single-molecule imaging in living bacteria Room: 308 |
Bjaalie, Lars University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session R12.00004 Electron-electron interactions and lattice distortions in the perovskite titanates Room: 308 |
Bl\"ugel, Stefan Peter Gr\"unberg Institut and Institut for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum J\"ulich and JARA, 52425 J\"ulich, Germany |
Session P24.00001 Electronic structure from relativistic quasiparticle self-consistent $GW$ calculations Room: 323 |
Blagoev, Krastan B. Physics Div., National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA and Dept., of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
Session R55.00003 Theoretical Physics and Cancer Research Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Blair, Daniel Georgetown University |
Session S2.00003 Linking Microstructural Changes to Bulk Behavior in Shear Disordered Matter Room: Ballroom II |
Blencowe, Miles Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH 03755 |
Session F44.00002 Gravity and Quantum Mechanics Room: 347 |
Bloch, Immanuel Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session X2.00005 Many-body localisation of interacting fermions in a quasi-random optical lattice Room: Ballroom II |
Bluhm, Hendrik RWTH Aachen University |
Session H3.00005 Feedback-tuned, noise resilient gates for encoded spin qubits Room: Ballroom III |
Blum, Volker MEMS Department, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 |
Session B23.00008 Advancing Efficient All-Electron Electronic Structure Methods Based on Numeric Atom-Centered Orbitals for Energy Related Materials Room: 322 |
Blumberg, Girsh Rutgers University |
Session H1.00001 Chirality density wave of the "hidden order" phase in URu2Si2 Room: Ballroom I |
Blume-Kohout, Robin Sandia National Laboratories |
Session A13.00002 Gate-set tomography and beyond Room: 309 |
Blumenfeld, Raphael National University of Defense Technology, Changsha and Imperial College London, UK, Co-Author, Shahar Amitai, Imperial College London, UK |
Session B2.00002 Granular statistical mechanics -- Building on the legacy of Sir Sam Edwards Room: Ballroom II |
Boantza, Victor University of Minnesota |
Session B14.00001 Electrical Enlightenment: Joseph Priestley's Historical and Experimental Studies of Electricity Room: 310 |
Boehme, Christoph Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah |
Session R2.00001 Electrical detection of proton-spin motion in a polymer device at room temperature Room: Ballroom II |
Boggess, Thomas The University of Iowa |
Session E12.00003 Identification of dominant recombination mechanisms in narrow-bandgap InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices and InAsSb alloys Room: 308 |
Boninsegni, Massimo University of Alberta |
Session K13.00001 Coexistence, Interfacial Energy and the Fate of Microemulsions of 2D Dipolar Bosons Room: 309 |
Bonn, Mischa Max Planck Inst |
Session P31.00002 Molecular Views of Water at the Water/Air and Water/Lipid Interface Room: 331 |
Borisenko, Sergey IFW-Dresden, Germany |
Session R1.00005 Time-reversal symmetry breaking type II Weyl state in YbMnBi$_{\mathrm{2}}$ Room: Ballroom I |
Bos, Julia Princeton University |
Session Y13.00002 Unraveling the genetic driving forces enabling antibiotic resistance at the single cell level. Room: 309 |
BOUCHIAT, Vincent NEEL Institute, CNRS-Grenoble |
Session L1.00001 Gate tunability and collapse of superconductivity in hybrid tin-graphene Josephson junction arrays Room: Ballroom I |
Boudouris, Bryan Purdue University |
Session V4.00003 Making Glasses Conduct: Electrochemical Doping of Redox-Active Polymer Thin Films Room: Ballroom IV |
Boyd, Robert W. University of Ottawa |
Session Y1.00004 Creating High-Harmonic Beams with Controlled Orbital Angular Momentum Room: Ballroom I |
Brataas, Arne Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Session R11.00001 Magnonic charge-pumping and spin-orbit torques in conducting ferromagnets Room: 307 |
Bravyi, Sergey IBM Watson Research Center |
Session P44.00004 Doubled Color Codes Room: 347 |
Session V13.00005 Magnetic equivalent of the Seebeck effect. Room: 309 |
Broholm, Collin Johns Hopkins University |
Session S1.00004 Neutron scattering from the Kondo Insulator SmB6 Room: Ballroom I |
Broido, David Boston College |
Session Y23.00007 Understanding phonon transport in thermoelectric materials using \textit{ab initio} approaches Room: 322 |
Brown, Duncan Syracuse University |
Session P1.00005 The Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger Room: Exhibit Hall C |
Brujic, Jasna New York Univ NYU |
Session B2.00005 Thinking Outside the Sandbox Room: Ballroom II |
Bruschweiler, Rafael The Ohio State University |
Session Y55.00004 Kinetic Cooperativity, Loop Dynamics, and Allostery from NMR and MD simulations Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Burch, Kenneth Boston College |
Session E3.00001 Possible Observation of fractionalized excitations in a Relativistic Mott Insulator Room: Ballroom III |
Burkard, Guido University of Konstanz, Germany |
Session H3.00004 Double sweet-spot operation of the resonant exchange qubit in three-electron quantum dots Room: Ballroom III |
Burke, Kieron UC Irvine |
Session A31.00007 Semiclassical origins of density functionals Room: 331 |
Burkov, Anton University of Waterloo |
Session K3.00002 Topological insulator route to Weyl fermions Room: Ballroom III |
Cahill, David G. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session V13.00002 Picosecond Spin Caloritronics Room: 309 |
Calandra, Matteo CNRS |
Session R15.00001 Universal increase in the superconducting critical temperature of two-dimensional semiconductors at low doping by the electron-electron interaction Room: 314 |
Camsari, Kerem Yunus Purdue University |
Session H12.00003 In Search of New Spintronic Devices Using the Modular Approach Room: 308 |
Cao, Yi Nanjing University |
Session V41.00001 Rationally designing the mechanical properties of protein hydrogels Room: 344 |
Carbone, Fabrizio EPFL |
Session X32.00002 Femtosecond Snapshots of quantum mechanics at work in plasmonic nano-structures. Room: 332 |
Card, Gwyneth HHMI Janelia Research Campus |
Session R41.00001 Taking Action: How Small Brains Make Big Choices Room: 344 |
Carlsson, Anders Washington University in St Louis |
Session B35.00007 Feedback Interactions of Polymerized Actin with the Cell Membrane: Waves, Pulses, and Oscillations Room: 338 |
Carpenter, Michael Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge |
Session S53.00002 Strain coupling and dynamic relaxation dynamics associated with ferroic and multiferroic phase transition Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Cassidy, Maja Delft University of Technology |
Session R48.00001 Novel Josephson circuit elements for high magnetic field parity detection Room: 349 |
Castro Díaz-Balart, Fidel Vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba |
Session Y4.00002 Physics & Physicists in Cuba Room: Ballroom IV |
Cava, Robert Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton NJ |
Session S28.00001 Recent results on materials aspects of the investigation of new topological states of matter Room: 327 |
Caviglia, Andrea Kavli Institute of Nanoscience TU Delft |
Session X1.00004 Spatially resolved ultrafast magnetic dynamics initiated at a complex oxide heterointerface. Room: Ballroom I |
chan, Moses Penn State University |
Session L1.00005 Proximity and Anti-proximity effects in nanowires Room: Ballroom I |
Chan, Edwin National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session P42.00004 Understanding transport in model water desalination membranes Room: 345 |
Chan, Maria Argonne National Laboratory |
Session L23.00001 Computational design and optimization of energy materials Room: 322 |
Chandran, Anushya Perimeter Institute |
Session F2.00002 When do Floquet systems fail to heat? Room: Ballroom II |
Charbonneau, Patrick Duke University |
Session R3.00001 The Gardner Transition: A new approach for understanding low-temperature glasses Room: Ballroom III |
Chaves-O'Flynn, Gabriel New York Univ NYU |
Session H6.00007 Thermal Stability of Magnetic States in Circular Thin-Film Nanomagnets with Large Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Room: 302 |
Chen, Bryan UMass Amherst |
Session K14.00003 Mechanisms and nonlinear waves from topological modes Room: 310 |
Chen, Ching-Tzu IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center |
Session V17.00001 Optimizing Spin Generation in 2D Materials: Topological Insulators and Graphene Room: 316 |
Chen, Gang Fudan Univ, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session Y18.00001 Quantum spin ices and magnetic states from dipolar-octupolar doublets on the pyrochlore lattice Room: 317 |
Chen, Gang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S23.00001 Phonon Heat Conduction In Nanostructures: Ballistic, Coherent, Localized, Hydrodynamic, and Divergent Modes Room: 322 |
Chen, Gong Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session V18.00010 Controlling and imaging chiral spin textures Room: 317 |
Chen, Hanghui Columbia Univ |
Session V30.00001 Charge transfer and emergent phenomena of oxide heterostructures Room: 329 |
Chen, Luonan Shanghai Institutes for Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session X35.00001 Detecting early-warning signals of critical transitions for complex systems Room: 338 |
Chen, Xianhui Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui |
Session S5.00001 \textbf{Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in (Li}$_{\mathrm{\mathbf{0.8}}}$\textbf{Fe}$_{\mathrm{\mathbf{0.2}}}$\textbf{)OHFeSe} Room: 301 |
Chen, Yong P. Purdue University |
Session P28.00001 Quantum Transport of Spin-helical Dirac Fermion Topological Surface States in Topological Insulators Room: 327 |
Cheng, Shengfeng Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Session K4.00003 Evaporation-induced Nanoparticle Self-Assembly in a Polymer Matrix Room: Ballroom IV |
Cheng, Stephen Z. D. University of Akron |
Session B4.00005 Giant Surfactants based on Precisely Functionalized POSS Nano-atoms: Tuning from Crystals to Frank-Kasper Phases and Quasicrystals Room: Ballroom IV |
Chernyshev, Alexander University of California, Irvine |
Session A3.00005 Quantum order-by-disorder and excitations in anisotropic kagome-lattice antiferromagnets Room: Ballroom III |
Chopin, Julien ESPCI ParisTech |
Session R14.00004 Wrinkles, loops, and topological defects in twisted ribbons Room: 310 |
Choset, Howie Carnegie Mellon University |
Session V40.00007 Robotics and Biology: Lets get Physical Room: 343 |
Chou, Tom Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session A55.00003 Lineage-tracking of stem cell differentiation: a neutral model of hematopoiesis in rhesus macaque Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Christodoulides, Demetrios CREOL-College of Optics and Photonics, UCF |
Session C12.00005 Intrinsic Localized Modes in Optical Photonic Lattices and Arrays Room: 308 |
Chu, Ying-Hao National Chiao Tung University |
Session P30.00008 Van der Waals Epitaxy of Functional Oxide Heterostructures Room: 329 |
Chun, Miyoung Kavli Foundation |
Session B12.00002 The BRAIN Initiative Room: 308 |
Ciccarelli, Chiara Univ of Cambridge |
Session K18.00010 Spin-orbit torques and charge pumping in crystalline magnets Room: 317 |
Ciezak-Jenkins, Jennifer US Army Research Laboratory |
Session H20.00001 The Promise and Challenge of Extended Solids of Nitrogen Room: 319 |
Clark, Abe Yale University |
Session C43.00005 A phase diagram for fluid-driven sediment trasport Room: 346 |
Clark, Lucy University of St Andrews |
Session K5.00001 From Spin Glass to Spin Liquid Ground States in Pyrochlore Molybdates Room: 301 |
Clarke, Laura North Carolina State University |
Session K4.00002 Photothermal heating at the nano and meso scales within polymer nanocomposites Room: Ballroom IV |
Cobden, David University of Washington, Seattle |
Session R46.00007 Photocurrent spectroscopy of 2D materials Room: 311 |
Cohen Stuart, Martien Physical Chemistry & Soft Matter, Wageningen University, Netherlands |
Session R4.00001 Funny and Functional Physics: PEC Nanoparticles Room: Ballroom IV |
Coldea, Amalia University of Oxford |
Session C1.00005 Tuning the electronic structure of bulk FeSe with chemical pressure using quantum oscillations and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) Room: Ballroom I |
Coleman, Piers Rutgers Univ |
Session A3.00001 Order From disorder in Frustrated Spin Systems Room: Ballroom III |
Colon, Frances US Department of State |
Session Y4.00003 Science and Technology Diplomacy with Cuba Room: Ballroom IV |
Conrad, Jacinta University of Houston |
Session S2.00005 Effects of confinement on nanoparticle flows Room: Ballroom II |
Conroy, Richard National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering |
Session S12.00005 NIH Funding for Biomedical Imaging Room: 308 |
Coppersmith, Susan University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session H3.00003 Optimizing fidelities of quantum dot hybrid qubits Room: Ballroom III |
Corboz, Philippe Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam |
Session Y14.00001 Tensor network studies of the two-dimensional t-J and Hubbard models Room: 310 |
Cornelius, Sean Northeastern University, Center for Complex Network Research |
Session V3.00002 The Life-Changing Magic of Nonlinearity in Network Control Room: Ballroom III |
Crease, Robert State Univ of NY- Stony Brook |
Session B14.00002 Lomonosov's Electrical Experiments Room: 310 |
Cros, Vincent Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session H12.00001 Magnetic skyrmions : new solitons on the track for future memories and logic applications. Room: 308 |
Csiszar, Alex Department of the History of Science, Harvard University |
Session A14.00002 The Curious Origins of the Scientific Referee Room: 310 |
Curtarolo, Stefano Duke University |
Session K23.00001 Entropy descriptors and Entropy Stabilized Oxides Room: 322 |
D'Souza, Raissa University of California, Davis |
Session V3.00003 Novel percolation transitions and coupled catastrophes Room: Ballroom III |
Dai, Xi Institute of Physics, CAS |
Session R1.00001 Weyl Semimetal Phase in Noncentrosymmetric Transition-Metal Monophosphides Room: Ballroom I |
Daley, Andrew Univ of Strathclyde |
Session R13.00004 Transport dynamics and dissipation in polariton ring condensates and cold atoms Room: 309 |
Damascelli, Andrea University of British Columbia, Quantum Matter institute |
Session A1.00004 Charge order in cuprates: from hole to electron doping. Room: Ballroom I |
Daniel, Hexner Technion |
Session X3.00003 Unusual Fluctuations in Absorbing State Models Room: Ballroom III |
Das, Moumita Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session V37.00011 Role of differential physical properties in the collective mechanics and dynamics of tissues Room: 340 |
Davenport, James US Department of Energy |
Session B1.00005 DOE/BES Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Program Room: Ballroom I |
Davey, Victoria Department of Veterans Affairs |
Session C55.00001 Mitigating Infectious Disease Outbreaks Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
de Abajo, Javier Garcia ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Barcelona, Spain |
Session X32.00005 Quantum Plasmonics with Free Electrons Room: 332 |
Dean, Cory Columbia University |
Session C2.00002 Electronic Veselago lensing in graphene PN junctions. Room: Ballroom II |
Dean, Mark P. M. Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session F6.00004 Nature of the magnetic correlations in photo-doped and chemically-doped spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ Room: 302 |
Deforet, Maxime Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center |
Session F39.00004 Evolutionary aspects of collective motility in pathogenic bacteria. Room: 342 |
Del Fatti, Natalia Institut Lumiere Matiere, CNRS - Universite Lyon 1 |
Session X32.00003 Ultrafast Nonlinear Plasmonics of Single Nano-Objects Room: 332 |
DeLongchamp, Dean National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session R33.00005 Morphology-insensitive Performance Facilitates Transition from Spin-Coating to Roll-to-Roll Coating For High-Performance, Solution-Processed Solar Cells Room: 336 |
Delteil, Aymeric Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich |
Session V45.00001 Generation of heralded entanglement between distant quantum dot hole spins Room: 348 |
DeMarco, Brian Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session F13.00002 Quench and Transport Dynamics in Disordered Atomic Hubbard Lattices Room: 309 |
Demler, Eugene Harvard University |
Session R13.00003 Dynamics of quantum impurities in many-body systems of ultracold atoms Room: 309 |
Denoeud, Adrien CEA |
Session V21.00001 Study of the Warm Dense Matter with XANES spectroscopy - Applications to planetary interiors Room: 320 |
Desprat, Nicolas LPS - Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris) |
Session E35.00006 Spatial organization of cooperation. Room: 338 |
De Toro, Jose A. Instituto Regional de Investigación Científica Aplicada (IRICA) and Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha |
Session X6.00001 Using Magnetic Proximity Effects to Stabilize Magnetic Nanoparticles Room: 302 |
De Vlaminck, iwijn Cornell University |
Session E55.00004 Monitoring of organ transplants through genomic analyses of circulating cell-free DNA. Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Devoret, Michel Yale University |
Session L55.00005 Quantum error correction in superconducting circuits Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Dhar, Deepak Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai |
Session F1.00002 Pattern formation with proportionate growth Room: Ballroom I |
Dill, Ken Stony Brook University |
Session Y55.00001 Enhancing MD simulations of proteins using vague and combinatorics information Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Ding, Hong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session K3.00004 Observation of Weyl fermions in condensed matter Room: Ballroom III |
Dionne, Jennifer A. Stanford University |
Session R32.00008 Solar upconversion with plasmonic hot carriers Room: 332 |
DiVincenzo, David Forschungszentrum Juelich and RWTH Aachen |
Session L55.00003 Quantum Error Correction and the Future of Solid State Quantum Computing Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Dobrynin, Andrey Univ of Akron |
Session C4.00005 \textbf{Electrostatic Interactions and Self-Assembly in Polymeric Systems} Room: Ballroom IV |
Doering, Robert Texas Instruments, Inc. |
Session V12.00001 George E. Pake Prize: A Few Challenges in the Evolution of Semiconductor Device/Manufacturing Technology Room: 308 |
Doi, Masao Nagoya University |
Session A4.00001 : Polymer Dynamics from Edwards to Today Room: Ballroom IV |
Donner, Leo Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA |
Session F12.00005 Aerosols, Clouds, and Precipitation as Scale Interactions in the Climate System and Controls on Climate Change Room: 308 |
Dovzhenko, Yuliya Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session A46.00004 Nanometer-scale scanning magnetometry of spin structures and excitations using Nitrogen-vacancy centers Room: 311 |
Dresselhaus, Mildred Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session L4.00005 Nanoscience and Reminiscences of a Woman in Physics Room: Ballroom IV |
Dubson, Michael University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session L14.00005 Apples vs. Oranges: Comparison of Student Performance in a MOOC vs. a Brick-and-Mortar Class Room: 310 |
Dukovic, Gordana University of Colorado |
Session B32.00007 TBA Room: 332 |
Durian, Douglas University of Pennsylvania |
Session X3.00002 Hyperuniformity Disorder Length Spectroscopy - Method and Applications Room: Ballroom III |
Durrani, Matin Editor, Physics World |
Session L34.00004 How Physics World reaches out in a digital age Room: 337 |
Dustin, Michael L. New York University |
Session A55.00002 Physics of building an immunological synapse Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Dzurak, Andrew UNSW - Australia |
Session L45.00001 One- and two-qubit logic using silicon-MOS quantum dots Room: 348 |
Ecke, Robert Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A43.00006 Spatiotemporal stick-slip phenomena in a coupled continuum-granular system Room: 346 |
Eckel, Stephen Joint Quantum Institute (NIST/UMD) |
Session R13.00005 Driving transitions between quantized flow states in an atomtronic circuit Room: 309 |
Ekuma, Chinedu Naval Research Lab, Washington D.C. |
Session F13.00003 The role of weak interactions on the mobility-edge of strongly disordered electron systems Room: 309 |
Elfikky, Niazi Saudi Electricity Company |
Session X53.00001 Generation of Electric Energy and Desalinating Water from Solar Energy and the Oceans Hydropower Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Epps, Thomas Univ of Delaware |
Session H4.00001 John H. Dillon Medal: Tapered Block Copolymers: Tuning Self-Assembly and Properties by Manipulating Monomer Segment Distributions Room: Ballroom IV |
Epstein, Irving Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA |
Session E4.00002 Reaction-Diffusion Patterns in Structured Media Room: Ballroom IV |
Erten, Onur Rutgers University |
Session S1.00005 Kondo Breakdown and Quantum Oscillations in SmB$_6$ Room: Ballroom I |
Eschrig, Matthias Royal Holloway, University of London |
Session F3.00001 The road to superconducting spintronics Room: Ballroom III |
Espey, Michael Graham National Cancer Institute |
Session R55.00005 The National Cancer Institute's Physical Sciences - Oncology Network Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Everaers, Ralf Laboratoire de Physique, ENS de Lyon |
Session F4.00002 From chromosome crumpling to the interacting randomly branched polymers Room: Ballroom IV |
Fairhall, Adirenne University of Washington |
Session H55.00003 Adaptation on multiple time scales Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Fakhri, Nikta Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A35.00001 Self-organization of stress patterns drives state transition in actin cortices Room: 338 |
Falk, Michael Johns Hopkins University |
Session F47.00001 Report of the APS Ad-Hoc Committee on LGBT Issues – Presentation of Findings and Recommendations Room: 312 |
Fan, Hongyou Sandia National Laboratories |
Session L12.00002 Pressure-Directed Assembly: Nanostructures Made Easy Room: 308 |
Feng, Donglai Dept. of Physics, Fudan University |
Session H11.00001 Systematic investigation of the electron Fermi surface dominated FeSe based systems Room: 307 |
Fernandes, Rafael University of Minnesota |
Session C1.00004 What makes the nematic phase of FeSe different than other iron-based superconductors? Room: Ballroom I |
Fernandez-Nieves, Alberto Physics. Georgia Tech |
Session V2.00002 Toroidal Nematics Room: Ballroom II |
Fert, Albert CNRS/THALES and Université Paris Saclay, Palaiseau, France |
Session S11.00004 Interface-induced skyrmions in magnetic films and multilayers Room: 307 |
Feser, Joseph University of Delaware |
Session R23.00004 Mode resolved modeling of phonon-structure interactions in semiconductor nanocomposites Room: 322 |
Fiete, Gregory University of Texas at Austin |
Session C18.00001 Topological and unconventional magnetic states in transition metal oxides Room: 317 |
Fisher, Amy University of Puget Sound |
Session B14.00003 Priestley's Shadow and Lavoisier's Influence: Electricity and Heat in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries Room: 310 |
Flach, Sergej Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea |
Session C12.00001 From Discrete Breathers to Many Body Localization and Flatbands Room: 308 |
Flammia, Steve University of Sydney |
Session A13.00003 Toward a new culture in verified quantum operations Room: 309 |
Flatté, Michael E. University of Iowa |
Session H7.00001 Anomalous organic magnetoresistance from competing carrier-spin-dependent interactions with localized electronic and nuclear spins Room: 303 |
Flatten, Amy American Physical Society, Director of International Affairs |
Session E53.00003 Collaborating Across Borders Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Floudas, George University of Ioannina |
Session F4.00004 Polymer Crystallization under Confinement Room: Ballroom IV |
Folk, Joshua University of British Columbia |
Session X13.00002 Origins of Nonlocality Near the Neutrality Point in Graphene Room: 309 |
Fong, Dillon Argonne Natl Lab |
Session P30.00004 On the Growth of Complex Oxides by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Room: 329 |
Fong, Kin Chung Raytheon BBN Technology |
Session C2.00004 Observation of the hydrodynamic Dirac fluid and the breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in graphene Room: Ballroom II |
Foo, Thomas GE Global Research |
Session S12.00004 Imaging and Analytics: The changing face of Medical Imaging Room: 308 |
Foster, Mark The University of Akron Dept. of Polymer Science |
Session P38.00004 \textbf{Effect of Molecular Architecture on Polymer Melt Surface Dynamics} Room: 341 |
Franchini, Cesare University of Vienna |
Session R12.00003 Hybrid functionals for simulating complex oxides Room: 308 |
Freed, Karl University of Chicago |
Session A4.00003 Recent advances with generalized entropy theory of glass-formation in polymers Room: Ballroom IV |
Frenkel, Daan U. Cambridge |
Session B2.00001 Numerical calculation of granular entropy: counting the uncountable. Room: Ballroom II |
Friedman, Adam Naval Research Laboratory |
Session P5.00001 Homoepitaxial graphene tunnel barriers for spin transport Room: 301 |
Frischknecht, Amalie Sandia National Laboratories |
Session R4.00003 Nonequilibrium Simulations of Ion Dynamics in Ionomer Melts Room: Ballroom IV |
Fu, Liang MIT, Physics Department |
Session H28.00001 Identification of odd-parity nematic superconductivity in doped topological insulators Room: 327 |
Gagliardi, Laura Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota |
Session F53.00003 Multi-Configuration Pair-Density Functional Theory Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Galli, Giulia University of Chicago |
Session H32.00001 Predicting materials for solar energy conversion: ab-initio spectroscopy of heterogeneous interfaces Room: 332 |
Ganguli, Surya Stanford University |
Session H55.00004 A theory of neural dimensionality, dynamics, and measurement. Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Gao, Huajian Brown University |
Session K14.00004 Topological Toughening of graphene and other 2D materials Room: 310 |
Garcia, Hernan Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session V55.00004 How, when, and where in pattern formation: Spying on embryonic development one molecule at a time. Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Garcia, Jeannette M. IBM Almaden, San Jose CA |
Session L42.00003 Understanding network forming reactions and properties through combining computational and experimental methods Room: 345 |
Garde, Shekhar Rensselaer Polytechnic University |
Session X31.00001 TBA Room: 331 |
Gaulin, Bruce D. McMaster University |
Session A3.00004 Order by Disorder in the XY Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Er$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ Room: Ballroom III |
Ge, Ting University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session F4.00003 Self-Similar Conformations and Dynamics of Non-Concatenated Entangled Ring Polymers Room: Ballroom IV |
Gedik, Nuh MIT |
Session X17.00004 Valley-selective optical Stark effect in monolayer WS$_{\mathrm{2}}$ Room: 316 |
Geise, Geoffrey University of Virginia |
Session R42.00004 Structure/property relationships in polymer membranes for water purification and energy applications Room: 345 |
Genzer, Jan North Carolina State Univ |
Session X4.00003 Translating polymer physics from the lab to the field Room: Ballroom IV |
Gershenson, Carlos Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Session V3.00005 Rank Dynamics Room: Ballroom III |
Gerton, Jordan University of Utah |
Session V14.00002 Mobilizing the Forgotten Army: Improving Undergraduate Math and Science Education through Professional Development of Graduate Teaching Assistants Room: 310 |
Ghosh, Arindam Indian Inst of Science |
Session L2.00002 Spontaneous time reversal symmetry breaking in atomically confined two-dimensional impurity bands in silicon and germanium Room: Ballroom II |
Giamarchi, Thierry DQMP, University of Geneva |
Session A2.00001 Out-of-equilibrium phenomena and Transport in Cold Atoms Room: Ballroom II |
Giannetti, Claudio Universit\'a Cattolica del Sacro Cuore |
Session V1.00002 Femtosecond snapshots of the electron-boson coupling in copper oxides and other correlated materials Room: Ballroom I |
Gingras, Michel J P University of Waterloo |
Session A3.00003 The many faces of order-by-disorder in rare-earth pyrochlore magnets Room: Ballroom III |
Gingrich, Eric Northrop Grumman Corporation |
Session F3.00005 Cryogenic Memories based on Spin-Singlet and Spin-Triplet Ferromagnetic Josephson Junctions Room: Ballroom III |
Gingrich, Todd University of California, Berkeley |
Session C31.00001 JCP Editors Choice Award - Theoretical Methods and Algorithms Room: 331 |
Ginzburg, Valeriy The Dow Chemical Company |
Session E4.00003 Modeling Anisotropic Self-Assembly of Isotropic Objects: from Hairy Nanoparticles to Methylcellulose Fibrils Room: Ballroom IV |
Giustino, Feliciano University of Oxford |
Session E24.00007 The Sternheimer-GW method and the spectral signatures of plasmonic polarons Room: 323 |
Gleason, Arianna LANL |
Session R21.00001 Ultrafast X-ray Studies on the Dynamics of Structural Transitions Room: 320 |
Gmitra, Martin University of Regensburg |
Session F5.00001 Spin-orbit fields at semiconductor interfaces Room: 301 |
Goldberger, Joshua The Ohio State University |
Session X14.00009 Synthesis and Properties of Group IV Graphane Analogues Room: 310 |
Goldman, Mark Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis |
Session H55.00001 Neural circuit mechanisms of short-term memory Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Goldman, Nathan Universit\'e Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) |
Session E13.00003 Measuring Chern numbers in Atomic Gases: 2D and 4D Quantum Hall Physics in the Lab Room: 309 |
Gordon, Vernita The University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y36.00010 Mechanics governs single-cell signaling and multi-cell robustness in biofilm infections. Room: 339 |
Gori-Giorgi, Paola VU University Amsterdam |
Session B31.00006 The Lieb-Oxfourd bound and the exchange-correlation kernel from the strictly-correlated electrons functional Room: 331 |
Gottesman, Daniel Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session L55.00002 Fault Tolerance in Small Experiments Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Govoni, Marco Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B23.00001 Materials by design: methodological developments in the calculation of excited-state properties Room: 322 |
Graetzel, Michael Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausann, EPFL |
Session B32.00001 TBA Room: 332 |
Grayson, M. Northwestern University |
Session V11.00005 $p \times n$-Transverse Thermoelectrics: Single leg thermoelectrics with scalable integration and cryogenic promise Room: 307 |
Green, Marty NIST |
Session F54.00001 Materials for sustainable development Room: Hilton Inner Harbor Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Green, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y32.00007 Accurately Predicting Complex Reaction Kinetics from First Principles Room: 332 |
Greenbaum, Steven Hunter College of the City University of New York |
Session B33.00004 NMR Investigations of Structure and Dynamics in Polymers for Energy Storage Applications Room: 336 |
Greer, Julia California Institute of Technology |
Session K40.00007 to be determined by you Room: 343 |
Gregg, Marty Queens University Belfast |
Session C30.00001 Moving Towards Domain Wall Devices in Ferroics Room: 329 |
Grein, Christoph University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session E12.00004 Design of MWIR Type-II Superlattices for Infrared Photon Detectors Room: 308 |
Grest, Gary S. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session C4.00001 Going up in time and length scales in modeling polymers Room: Ballroom IV |
Grobert, Nicole University of Oxford |
Session X20.00001 Growth systematics for the controlled generation of nanostructured materials Room: 319 |
Grosberg, Alexander New York University |
Session V38.00010 Activity induced phase separation in particles and (bio)polymers Room: 341 |
Gross, David Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session Y4.00001 The Role of Science Cooperation in World-Wide Social Progress Room: Ballroom IV |
Gross, E.K.U. Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle, Germany |
Session K31.00001 \textbf{Ultrafast Laser-Induced Demagnetization: Identifying the Mechanism with Real-Time TDDFT} Room: 331 |
Groves, Jay T. Dept. of Chemistry, UC Berkeley |
Session A55.00001 Signaling reactions on membrane surfaces: breaking the law of averages Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
gu, genda Brookhaven national laboratory |
Session L28.00001 Searching for ideal topological crystalline insulators and topological superconductors in the Pb-Sn-In-Te system Room: 327 |
Guchhait, Samaresh Laboratory for Physical Sciences, College Park, MD 20740 and Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 |
Session P19.00001 Observation of Temperature Chaos in Mesoscopic Spin Glasses Room: 318 |
Gullans, Michael NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session S4.00003 Theory of strongly driven cavity coupled quantum dots: from micromasers to BECs of light Room: Ballroom IV |
Guo, Wei Florida State Univ |
Session K1.00005 Flow visualization in superfluid helium-4 using He2 molecular tracers Room: Ballroom I |
Gygi, Francois University of California Davis |
Session P14.00003 The Road to Interoperable Simulation Software: Examples Using the Qbox Code Room: 310 |
Haber, Aleksandar Northwestern University |
Session Y12.00003 Identification of dynamical models of chemical reaction networks Room: 308 |
Hadzibabic, Zoran University of Cambridge |
Session F50.00013 Non-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum gas in a box Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 1 |
Halas, Naomi Rice University |
Session P1.00004 Plasmons, hot electrons and nanoscale heat transfer Room: Exhibit Hall C |
Haldane, F. D. M. Princeton University |
Session L2.00005 A model wavefunction for the composite Fermi liquid: its geometry and entanglement. Room: Ballroom II |
Hall, Lisa The Ohio State University |
Session B34.00004 Connecting Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Fluids Density Functional Theory of Block Copolymers Room: 337 |
Ham, Sihyun Sookmyung Women's University |
Session Y31.00004 Fluctuating Thermodynamics for Biological Processes Room: 331 |
Hammel, P Chris Ohio State University |
Session C3.00004 Spin Transport by Collective Spin Excitations Room: Ballroom III |
Hammer, Daniel University of Pennsylvania |
Session E4.00004 Functional, Responsive Materials Assembled from Recombinant Oleosin. Room: Ballroom IV |
Han, Tianheng University of Chicago |
Session X5.00001 A Dichotomy of the Spin Liquid and the Correlated Impurities in Herbertsmithite Room: 301 |
Han, Wei International Center for Quantum Materials, Peking University |
Session E18.00001 Role of transparency of platinum-ferromagnet interface in determining intrinsic magnitude of spin Hall effect Room: 317 |
Harrison, Neil nharrison@lanl.gov |
Session A1.00001 Towards a complete Fermi surface in underdoped high $T_{\rm c}$ superconductors Room: Ballroom I |
Hart, Yuval Physics department, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session X55.00003 Design principles of paradoxical signaling in the immune system Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Harte, John University of California, Berkeley |
Session S55.00005 Maximum Entropy and the Inference of Pattern and Dynamics in Ecology Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Hasan, M. Zahid Princeton Univ |
Session K3.00003 Discovery of Weyl fermion semimetal and topological Fermi arc quasiparticles in TaAs, NbAs, NbP, TaP and related materials Room: Ballroom III |
Havlin, Shlomo Bar Ilan University |
Session V3.00001 Cascading Failures and Recovery in Networks of Networks Room: Ballroom III |
Hayden, Stephen University of Bristol |
Session K6.00005 Field-controlled spin-density-wave order and quantum critically in Sr3Ru2O7 Room: 302 |
He, Hua Department of Physics & Astronomy, Texas A & M University |
Session S3.00005 In situ measurements of high temperature growth of correlated systems: a materials by design scheme Room: Ballroom III |
He, Ke Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session K28.00001 Searching for better magnetic topological insulator materials for the quantum anomalous Hall effect Room: 327 |
Heidrich-Meisner, Fabian LMU Munich, Germany |
Session A2.00005 Exploring the nonequilibrium dynamics of ultracold quantum gases by using numerical tools Room: Ballroom II |
Heine, David Corning, Incorporated |
Session P12.00003 Complex Suspension Rheology Using High Performance Computing Room: 308 |
Heller, Kenneth School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Minnesota |
Session V14.00001 Using the TA to Prepare Graduate Students for Research and Employment Room: 310 |
Hermanns, Maria University of Cologne |
Session K2.00003 3D Kitaev spin liquids Room: Ballroom II |
Hermes, Michiel University of Edinburgh |
Session S2.00002 A unified description of the rheology of hard particles Room: Ballroom II |
Hermundstad, Ann University of Pennsylvania |
Session P35.00004 Patterns in nature shape human visual perception. Room: 338 |
Hess, Daryl National Science Foundation |
Session B1.00004 The NSF Condensed Matter and Materials Theory Program Room: Ballroom I |
Hexemer, Alexander LBNL |
Session L12.00003 X-ray Studies of Nano Composites Room: 308 |
Heyderman, Laura ETH Zurich - Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session L5.00004 Beller Lecture: Artificial Ferroic Systems Room: 301 |
Hicks, Clifford Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids |
Session B3.00002 Strain-tuning through a possible van Hove singularity in Sr$_{\mathrm{2}}$RuO$_{\mathrm{4}}$ Room: Ballroom III |
Higgins, Julia Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London |
Session A4.00002 Polymer dynamics, the Edwards tube model and neutron scattering. Room: Ballroom IV |
Hinkle, Christopher University of Texas at Dallas |
Session X14.00001 van der Waals Heterostructures Grown by MBE Room: 310 |
Hirn, Matthew Michigan State University |
Session E22.00004 Deep Wavelet Scattering for Quantum Energy Regression Room: 321 |
Hoagland, David Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session R4.00004 Electrostatic Assembly of Polymers and Nanoparticles at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces. Room: Ballroom IV |
Holt, Rush American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Session L4.00001 Is the Choice Bad Science or No Science? Room: Ballroom IV |
Holten-Andersen, Niels Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R38.00010 Bio-Inspired Metal-Coordination Dynamics: A Unique Tool for Engineering Soft Matter Mechanics Room: 341 |
Holzmann, Markus LPMMC, CNRS and UJF, Grenoble |
Session L13.00005 BKT physics in trapped 2D Bose and Fermi gases Room: 309 |
Home, Jonathan ETH Zurich |
Session H45.00001 Parallel transport gates in a mixed-species ion trap processor Room: 348 |
Hone, James Columbia University |
Session Y2.00001 Transport measurements of MoS2 using a van der Waals heterostructure device platform Room: Ballroom II |
Horton, Renee NASA Michoud Assembly Facility |
Session E53.00001 Cross Discipline Training to Reach the Mountain Top of Your Career Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Hoyt, Chad Bethel University |
Session H14.00005 Open-ended projects in undergraduate optics and lasers courses Room: 310 |
Hozoi, Liviu IFW Dresden, Germany |
Session F30.00001 Orbital reconstruction through interlayer cation charge imbalance: insights from wave-function-based quantum chemistry calculations Room: 329 |
Hu, Jiangping purdue univeristy & Institute of physics, cas |
Session Y15.00005 Iron-Based Superconductors as topological matter Room: 314 |
Huang, Jinsong University of Nebraska Lincoln |
Session R8.00001 Understanding the Unique Properties of Organometal Trihalide Perovskite with Single Crystals Room: 304 |
Huang, Sui Institute for Systems Biology |
Session K55.00004 Critical high-dimensional state transitions in cell populations or why cancers follow the principle "What does not kill me makes me stronger" Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Huijben, Mark MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente |
Session E19.00001 Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral coupling Room: 318 |
Hunt, Bruce Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session B14.00005 The Bottom Line: Cable Telegraphy and the Rise of Field Theory in the Victorian British Empire Room: 310 |
Huveneers, François CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine |
Session F2.00005 Localization effects in periodically driven many-body systems Room: Ballroom II |
Idrobo, Juan Carlos Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA |
Session X30.00001 A Fresh Twist on The Electron Microscope: Probing Broken Symmetries at a New Level Room: 329 |
Igoshin, Oleg Rice University |
Session S39.00010 Gene dosage imbalance during DNA replication controls bacterial cell-fate decision Room: 342 |
Ilani, Shahal Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session S24.00005 Attraction by Repulsion: Pairing Electrons using Electrons. Room: 323 |
Im, Mi-Young LBNL |
Session C6.00004 Asymmetric and Stochastic Behavior in Magnetic Vortices Studied by Soft X-ray Microscopy \newline Room: 302 |
Imbrie, John University of Virginia |
Session X2.00001 A rigorous result on many-body localization Room: Ballroom II |
Irvine, William University of Chicago |
Session K14.00001 Topological mechanics of gyroscopic meta-materials Room: 310 |
Isa, Lucio ETH Zurich |
Session K37.00001 Soft particles at fluid interfaces: wetting, structure, and rheology. Room: 340 |
Iwasa, Yoshi The University of Tokyo AND RIKEN CEMS |
Session S15.00001 2D superconductivity by ionic gating Room: 314 |
Jackeli, George University of Stuttgart and Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session P6.00005 Spin-orbit dimers in double perovskites Room: 302 |
Jacobsen, Karsten W. CAMD, Dept. of Physics, Technical University of Denmark |
Session L31.00006 Bayesian Error Estimation Functionals Room: 331 |
Jain, Jainendra Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session L2.00001 Do composite fermions satisfy Luttinger's area rule? Room: Ballroom II |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo MIT |
Session C2.00003 Quantum transport in graphene-based van der Waals heterostructures Room: Ballroom II |
Jarrold, Caroline None |
Session V32.00003 Probing neutral atmospheric collision complexes with anion photoelectron imaging. Room: 332 |
Jayaraman, Rajeswari EPFL - Lausanne |
Session S18.00006 Magnetic dynamics studied by high-resolution electron spectroscopy and time-resolved electron microscopy. Room: 317 |
Jensen, Katharine Yale University |
Session B40.00004 Surface tension and deformation in soft adhesion Room: 343 |
Jeong, Hawoong KAIST, Korea |
Session V3.00004 Interdisciplinary applications of network dynamics: From microscopic to Macroscopic Room: Ballroom III |
Jeraj, Robert University of Wisconsin |
Session S12.00001 Future Directions in Medical Physics Room: 308 |
Jiang, Ning None |
Session E55.00005 Accurate and High-Coverage Immune Repertoire Sequencing Reveals Characteristics of Antibody Repertoire Diversification in Young Children with Malaria Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Jiang, Yi Georgia State University |
Session K55.00005 Cell-ECM Interactions During Cancer Invasion Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Jiang, Ying International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China |
Session P31.00004 High-resolution imaging and spectroscopy of interfacial water at single bond limit. Room: 331 |
Jin, Xiaofeng Fudan University |
Session X13.00005 Spin~Hall~Angle~in~Gold~thin~films:~large~or~small? Room: 309 |
Jochim, Selim Heidelberg University |
Session L13.00001 A strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi gas Room: 309 |
Johnson, Mark W D-Wave Systems Inc |
Session B13.00004 Precision and the approach to optimality in quantum annealing processors Room: 309 |
Johnson, Steven ETH Zurich |
Session R30.00001 Large-amplitude spin dynamics driven by a THz pulse in resonance with an electromagnon Room: 329 |
Johnston-Halperin, Ezekiel Department of Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session R2.00004 New Directions for Organic Spintronics: Novel Materials and Emergent Phenomena Room: Ballroom II |
Ju\'e, Emilie SPINTEC - Grenoble, now: NIST - Boulder |
Session R11.00011 Chiral damping in magnetic domain walls dynamics Room: 307 |
Juel, Anne University of Manchester |
Session F1.00004 Instabilities and pattern formation on the pore scale Room: Ballroom I |
Jungfleisch, Matthias Benjamin Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P18.00001 Electrically driven magnetization dynamics in yttrium iron garnet Room: 317 |
Junghans, Ann Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session F33.00006 Understanding dynamic changes in live cell adhesion with neutron reflectometry Room: 336 |
Jungwirth, Tomas Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and University of Nottingham UK |
Session C3.00001 Electrical switching of an antiferromagnet Room: Ballroom III |
Jurchescu, Oana Wake Forest University, Department of Physics |
Session S8.00001 Charge Transport in Hybrid Halide Perovskite Field-Effect Transistors Room: 304 |
Kabla, Alexandre University of Cambridge |
Session P55.00001 Collective dynamics of cell migration and cell rearrangements Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Kagan, Cherie University of Pennsylvania |
Session C32.00001 Designer Nanocrystal Materials for Photovoltaics Room: 332 |
Kamien, Randall Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session K14.00002 Kirigami! Room: 310 |
Kamiya, Yoshitomo RIKEN - Saitama |
Session K2.00005 Magnetic ``three states of matter'' in two and three dimensions: a quantum Monte Carlo study of the extended toric codes Room: Ballroom II |
Kanai, Yosuke University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session F22.00001 Hot Electron Dynamics at Semiconductor-Molecule Interfaces: Insights from First-Principles Dynamics Simulation Room: 321 |
Kanatzidis, Mercouri G. Northwestern Univ |
Session V11.00001 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: From discovery to design of new materials Room: 307 |
Kandala, Abhinav IBM T J Watson Research Center/Pennsylvania State University |
Session L24.00001 Manipulating edge transport in quantum anomalous Hall insulators Room: 323 |
Kapitulnik, Aharon Stanford University |
Session H1.00002 Magneto-optical measurements as tests for time-reversal symmetry breaking in the hidden order and superconducting phases of URu$_2$Si$_2$ Room: Ballroom I |
Karim, Alamgir University of Akron |
Session K4.00001 Directed Assembly of Nanofilled Polymer Thin Films Room: Ballroom IV |
Kas, Josef Leipzig University |
Session P55.00002 Multicellular Streaming in Solid Tumours Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Katmis, Ferhat Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C28.00001 Achieving High-Temperature Ferromagnetic Topological Insulator Room: 327 |
Kaverzin, Alexey Univ of Groningen |
Session X13.00004 Electron transport nonlocality in monolayer graphene modified with hydrogen silsesquioxane polymerization Room: 309 |
Kay, Bruce Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session S31.00007 Using nanoscale amorphous solid water films to create and study deeply supercooled liquid water at interfaces Room: 331 |
Ke, Xianglin Michigan State University |
Session K6.00001 \textbf{Tuning quantum properties in bilayer ruthenates } Room: 302 |
Kemp, R. Scott |
Session S14.00001 The Technical Makings of the Iran Deal Room: 310 |
Kemper, Alexander North Carolina State University |
Session V1.00003 Signatures of electron-boson coupling in the time domain: beyond the equilibrium interpretation Room: Ballroom I |
Kennedy, Colin MIT |
Session E13.00004 Experimental Realization of the Harper-Hofstadter Model Room: 309 |
Kerr, Benjamin University of Washington |
Session B55.00004 Adaptive landscapes: Top-down and bottom-up perspectives Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Kessler, David Bar Ilan Univ |
Session B55.00003 Forming Stable Complex Communities: Random vs. Evolved Interactions Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Keten, Sinan Northwestern University |
Session P34.00010 Tuning the entropic spring to dictate order and functionality in polymer conjugated peptide biomaterials Room: 337 |
Khatami, Ehsan San Jose State University |
Session F13.00004 Precise finite-temperature properties of disordred strongly-correlated electronic systems Room: 309 |
Khemani, Vedika Princeton University |
Session X2.00003 Dynamical Response of Many-Body Localized Systems Room: Ballroom II |
Khlopkov, Anton V. Director, Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS) |
Session S14.00004 Marshak Lectureship Talk Room: 310 |
Kilfoil, Maria University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session V37.00004 Role of forces and of micromechanics of biopolymers in the cellular process of cell division Room: 340 |
Kim, Bumjoon Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session A26.00004 Switching the d-wave gap in layered perovskite iridates via spin reorientation Room: 325 |
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell Univ |
Session A1.00005 Short ranged orders in numerical data and STM data, their mechanism and roles. Room: Ballroom I |
Kim, Sang Ouk National Creative Research Initiative Center for Multi-Dimensional Directed Nanoscale Assembly, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, KAIST |
Session V33.00004 Directed Nanoscale Assembly of Graphene Based Materials Room: 336 |
Kim, Se Kwon Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session P19.00010 How to move domain walls in an antiferromagnet Room: 318 |
Kim, Yong-Baek Univ of Toronto |
Session L33.00004 Kitaev physics in three dimensional honeycomb iridates Room: 336 |
Kimchi, Itamar Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K2.00002 How to identify and resolve beyond-geometrical frustration Room: Ballroom II |
Kinney, Justin Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Session S55.00003 Fock spaces for modeling macromolecular complexes Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Kioussis, Nicholas Physics Department, Cal State Univ - Northridge |
Session E12.00005 Identification of Defect Candidates and their Effects on Carrier Lifetimes and Dark Currents in InAs/InAsSb Strained-Layer Superlattices for Infrared Detectors Room: 308 |
Kivshar, Yuri Nonlinear Physics Center, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia |
Session C12.00002 Recent advances in the physics of localized states Room: 308 |
Klein, Jacob Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A4.00005 Nanotribology of charged polymer brushes Room: Ballroom IV |
Klippenstein, Stephen Argonne Natl Lab |
Session Y32.00001 Complexities in Pressure Dependent Kinetics Across a Wide-Range of Temperatures and Pressures Room: 332 |
Kociak, Mathieu Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
Session V31.00009 Unveiling nanometric plasmons optical properties with advanced electron spectroscopy in the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope Room: 331 |
Kocs, Elizabeth A. University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session F54.00005 The Next Fifty Years: Electricity, Storage and Sustainability Room: Hilton Inner Harbor Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Koehl, Michael Univesity of Bonn |
Session K45.00004 Connecting trapped ions and quantum dots with photons Room: 348 |
Kolpak, Alexie Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session P23.00001 Computational design of inorganic-organic hybrid materials energy storage and conversion Room: 322 |
Kondev, Jane Brandeis University |
Session V55.00003 Action at a Distance in the Cell's Nucleus Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Kong, Jing Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S26.00001 Two Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide and Their Heterostructures Through Chemical Vapor Deposition Synthesis Room: 325 |
Kono, Junichiro Rice Univ |
Session F27.00001 Terahertz Science and Technology of Macroscopically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films Room: 326 |
Kontos, Takis Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, Ecole Normale Supérieure, CNRS |
Session S4.00004 Cavity quantum electrodynamics with carbon nanotube quantum dots Room: Ballroom IV |
Koopmans, Bert Eindhoven Univ of Tech |
Session V13.00003 Ultrafast spin-transfer torque driven by femtosecond pulsed-laser excitation. Room: 309 |
Kori, Hiroshi Ochanomizu University |
Session R43.00001 Collective Dynamics of Oscillator Networks: Why do we suffer from heavy jet lag? Room: 346 |
Kornfield, Julie Invited Speaker |
Session B4.00003 Mega-supramolecules for safer, cleaner fuel Room: Ballroom IV |
Kortemeyer, Gerd Michigan State University |
Session L14.00004 Lessons from two decades of hybrid and online physics courses at Michigan State University Room: 310 |
Kortemme, Tanja UCSF |
Session Y55.00002 Molecular and cellular constraints on proteins Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Kotliar, Gabriel Rutgers University and Brookhaven National Laboratories |
Session S22.00004 Understanding Strongly Correlated Materials thru Theory Algorithms and High Performance Computers Room: 321 |
Koulakov, Alexei Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory |
Session K35.00001 Neural relativity principle Room: 338 |
Kraus, Peter University of California, Berkeley |
Session F53.00002 Jankunas Doctoral Dissertation Award: Attosecond science with recolliding electrons Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Krauss, Todd University of Rochester |
Session L32.00004 Charge Transfer Dynamics in Semiconductor Quantum Dots Relevant to Solar Hydrogen Production. Room: 332 |
Krenn, Mario Vienna Center for quantum Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna |
Session Y1.00003 Twisted photon entanglement through turbulent air across Vienna Room: Ballroom I |
Kresse, Georg Faculty of Physics, Univ. Vienna |
Session L31.00001 Fast RPA and GW calculations: cubic system size scaling Room: 331 |
Krioukov, Dmitri Northeastern University |
Session Y12.00005 Clustering means geometry in networks Room: 308 |
Krusin-Elbaum, Lia Department of Physics, The City College of New York – CUNY |
Session E28.00001 Emergent surface superconductivity in a 3D topological insulator. Room: 327 |
Kubarych, Kevin University of Michigan |
Session Y31.00002 Hydration Dynamics of Biomolecules from Co-solvents to Crowding Room: 331 |
Kudrolli, Arshad Clark Univ |
Session C43.00001 Onset of erosion and sediment transport by a fluid flow over a granular bed Room: 346 |
Kuemmeth, Ferdinand Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session H3.00002 Symmetric operation and nuclear notch filtering in GaAs double quantum dots Room: Ballroom III |
Kukreja, Roopali UC San Diego |
Session E18.00011 Direct measurement of spin accumulation in the Cu layer due to spin currents from Co Room: 317 |
Kumacheva, Eugenia University of Toronto |
Session B4.00002 Assemblies of Cellulose Nanocrystals. Room: Ballroom IV |
Kumar, Rajeev Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session V34.00004 Effects of dipolar interactions in polymer brushes Room: 337 |
Kuppa, Vikram University of Dayton |
Session K33.00005 Enhancing efficiency in polymer-blend solar cells: Structural insights through scattering Room: 336 |
kurchan, jorge LPS-ENS 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris |
Session R3.00004 Solution of the dynamcs of high-dimensional liquids Room: Ballroom III |
Kurths, J\"urgen Humboldt University |
Session S43.00001 \textbf{Quantifying Stability in Complex Networks: From Linear to Basin Stability } Room: 346 |
Ladoux, Benoit Mechanobiology Institute (Singapore) and Institut Jacques Monod (CNRS, France) |
Session R35.00004 Epithelial gap closure governed by forces and geometry. Room: 338 |
La Mantia, Marco Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic |
Session K1.00004 Turbulent flows of superfluid helium visualized by particle dynamics Room: Ballroom I |
Lambrecht, Walter R. L. Case Western Reserve University |
Session X15.00001 Electrons and phonons in layered and monolayer vanadium pentoxide. Room: 314 |
Landahl, Andrew Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B13.00005 Universal fault-tolerant adiabatic quantum computing with quantum dots or donors Room: 309 |
Lant, Timothy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, BARDA |
Session C55.00003 TBD Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Lathrop, Daniel University of Maryland |
Session K1.00001 Three-dimensional nanoparticle dynamics in superfluid helium Room: Ballroom I |
Law, Matt University of California, Irvine |
Session C32.00007 Matrix engineering, state filling, and charge transport in PbSe quantum dot solids Room: 332 |
Lazarides, Achilleas Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
Session F2.00003 Floquet thermodynamics--nature of ensembles and order under periodic driving Room: Ballroom II |
LeBlanc, James Univ of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session Y14.00002 Solutions of the Two Dimensional Hubbard Model: Benchmarks and Results from a Wide Range of Numerical Algorithms Room: 310 |
Lechman, Jeremy Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P12.00004 Conduction and Narrow Escape in Dense, Disordered, Particulate-based Heterogeneous Materials Room: 308 |
Lederer, Samuel Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session F11.00001 Ising nematic quantum critical point in a metal: a Monte Carlo study Room: 307 |
Lee, Byeongdu Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S42.00007 Understanding of DNA directed nanoparticle superlattices in bulk and thin film Room: 345 |
Lee, Dung-Hai Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session C1.00003 What Makes the T$_{\mathrm{c}} $of FeSe/SrTiO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ so High ? Room: Ballroom I |
Lee, Jieun Penn State University |
Session Y2.00003 Optical imaging of the valley Hall effect in MoS$_2$ transistors Room: Ballroom II |
Lee, Seung-Hun University of Virginia |
Session A3.00002 Love triangles, quantum fluctuations and spin jam Room: Ballroom III |
Lee, Wei-Sheng Stanford Institute of Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Lab. and Stanford University |
Session A1.00002 Three-dimensional charge density wave order in YBCO at high magnetic field Room: Ballroom I |
Leggett, Anthony Department of Physics, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign |
Session B1.00001 Reflections on the past, present and future of condensed matter physics Room: Ballroom I |
Lehe, Remi LLBL |
Session X24.00001 Metropolis Award Talk Room: 323 |
Leheny, Robert Johns Hopkins University |
Session E53.00002 Random walks along the squishy boundary of physics and engineering Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Le Lay, Guy Retired |
Session Y16.00001 Graphene challengers: silicene, germanene and stanene, group IV elemental synthetic electronic materials. Room: 315 |
LeSar, R. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University |
Session F54.00002 Teaching Sustainability in Materials Science and Engineering (and Beyond). Room: Hilton Inner Harbor Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Levine, Alex UCLA |
Session S38.00001 Rheology and nonlinear mechanics of transiently cross linked semiflexible networks: Bundling, ripping, healing, and mechnomemory Room: 341 |
Levine, Herbert Rice University |
Session K55.00003 The Genetics and Biophysics of the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT): Can Theoretical Physics Help Cancer Biology Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Levy, Jeremy University of Pittsburgh |
Session X1.00001 Electron pairing without superconductivity Room: Ballroom I |
Li, Gang University of Michigan |
Session S1.00002 Two-dimensional Fermi surfaces in Kondo insulating SmB6 Room: Ballroom I |
Li, Xiaoqin (Elaine) Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session F16.00007 Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Atomically Thin Semiconductors Room: 315 |
Li, Yan Peking University, Beijing, China |
Session A27.00004 Structure-Controlled Synthesis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Room: 326 |
Lian, Tianquan Emory University |
Session L32.00001 \textbf{Efficient Light-driven Long Distance Charge Separation and H}$_{\mathbf{2}}$\textbf{ Generation in Semiconductor Quantum Rods and Nanoplatelets} Room: 332 |
Lidar, Daniel Univ of Southern California |
Session B13.00003 Error suppression and correction for quantum annealing Room: 309 |
Limmer, David Princeton University |
Session S31.00003 Scratching the surface of ice: Interfacial phase transitions and their kinetic implications. Room: 331 |
Lin, Shizeng Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session Y3.00004 Skyrmions in frustrated magnets Room: Ballroom III |
Lindner, Anke PMMH-ESPCI, Paris, France |
Session R14.00003 Deformation and transport of micro-fibers and helices in viscous flows Room: 310 |
Linke, Heiner Lund University |
Session L35.00001 \textbf{Reversible electron-hole separation in a hot carrier solar cell} Room: 338 |
Liphardt, Jan Stanford University |
Session K55.00002 Mechanical induction of transitions into mesenchymal and amoeboid states Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Litchinitser, Natalia University at Buffalo, The State University of New York |
Session C23.00004 Nonlinear light-matter interactions in engineered optical media Room: 322 |
Liu, Andrea J. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session R3.00002 Scaling theory for the jamming transition Room: Ballroom III |
Liu, Liyu Chongqing University/Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session H35.00004 3-D Technology Approaches for Biological Ecologies Room: 338 |
Liu, Tianyu Optical Science and Technology Center and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, USA |
Session X19.00001 Electric-Field Coupling to Spin Waves in a Centrosymmetric Ferrite Room: 318 |
Liu, Yang Electrical engineering, Princeton University |
Session L2.00004 Experimental Observations of Particle-hole Asymmetry for Composite Fermions Room: Ballroom II |
Liverpool, Tanniemola University of Bristol |
Session B2.00004 Soft active matter : a contemporary example of Edwardsian statistical mechanics Room: Ballroom II |
Lobo, Ricardo ESPCI PSL, CNRS, UPMC |
Session H1.00005 The Optical Phase Diagram of URu$_2$Si$_2$: Effects of Anisotropy, Charge Coherence and Fermi Surface Gapping Room: Ballroom I |
Lodge, Timothy University of Minnesota |
Session B4.00001 \textbf{Dynamics of Chain Exchange in Block Copolymer Micelles} Room: Ballroom IV |
Loerke, Dinah University of Denver |
Session F14.00005 Untypical Undergraduate Research: Player Motion Analysis in Sports Room: 310 |
Lopez Jimenez, Francisco MIT |
Session K14.00005 Control of defect localization in crystalline wrinkling by curvature and topology Room: 310 |
Losick, Richard Harvard University |
Session X55.00002 Using memory to enforce stereotyped behavior in a bacterial community Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Lu, Xin University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Session Y13.00005 Single Cell Oncogenesis. Room: 309 |
Lucarini, Valerio University of Hamburg |
Session H51.00001 Fluctuations and Response in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 2 |
Luna, Lunet Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session H53.00002 Expanding the versatility of silicon carbide thin films and nanowires Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Lunt, Richard Michgan State University |
Session P54.00001 Ovshinsky Sustainable Energy Fellowship: Excitonics for Transparent Photovoltaics Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Luo, Sheng-Nian The Peac Institute of Multiscale Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, 630031, P. R. China |
Session S21.00004 Dynamic materials response at multiscales: Experiments and simulations Room: 320 |
Lupi, Stefano Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome |
Session X32.00004 Dirac single particle and plasmon excitations in topological insulators Room: 332 |
Luscher, Darby Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L21.00001 Modeling the anisotropic shock response of single-crystal RDX Room: 320 |
Luzar, Alenka Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth Univesity |
Session X31.00002 Water in nanoconfined spaces: from superhydrophobicity to Janus interfaces to curved hydrophobes Room: 331 |
Lyons, John L. Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session B22.00001 Hole localization, water dissociation mechanisms, and band alignment at aqueous-titania interfaces Room: 321 |
Ma, Eric Yue Stanford Univ |
Session H2.00002 Mobile metallic domain walls in an all-in-all-out magnetic insulator Room: Ballroom II |
Macal, Charles Director Center for Complex Adaptive Agent Systs, Sim. Decis and Info. Sys. Div. |
Session C55.00002 TBD Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Mackay, Michael Univ of Delaware |
Session V4.00005 Nanoparticle Polymer Hybrids for Solar Cells Room: Ballroom IV |
Macosko, Chris University of Minnesota |
Session V42.00005 \textbf{Porous Polyolefin Films via Polymer Blends} Room: 345 |
Session L40.00001 Hamiltonian formulations in the computation of extremely deformed nano-scale hyper-elastic rods. Room: 343 |
Madhavan, Vidya University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session K46.00007 Measuring electron-phonon coupling with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Room: 311 |
Madsen, Louis Virginia Tech |
Session R4.00002 Quantifying Contributions to Transport in Ionic Polymers Across Multiple Length Scales Room: Ballroom IV |
Magesan, Easwar IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session A13.00004 Applying QCVV protocols to real physical systems. Room: 309 |
Maier, Thomas Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session A11.00001 Glide-Plane Symmetry and Superconducting Gap Structure of Iron-Based Superconductors Room: 307 |
Maiorov, Boris Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S53.00004 Real time studies of Elastic Moduli Pu Aging using Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Maiti, Saurabh University of Florida |
Session B3.00001 Signatures of time reversal symmetry breaking in multiband superconductors Room: Ballroom III |
Man, Weining SFSU |
Session X3.00005 Hyperuniform disordered photonic bandgap materials, from microwave to infrared wavelength regime. Room: Ballroom III |
Marchetti, M Cristina Syracuse University |
Session P55.00003 Active unjamming of confluent cell layers Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Marini, Andrea Istituto di Struttura della Materia of the National Reserach Council |
Session P14.00005 The Yambo code: a comprehensive tool to perform ab-initio simulations of equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties Room: 310 |
Marko, John Northwestern University |
Session V55.00001 Micromechanical study of protein-DNA interactions and chromosomes Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Markovic, Nina Goucher College |
Session L1.00004 Designing Quantum Matter with Superconducting Nanowires Room: Ballroom I |
Martin, Lane University of California, Berkeley |
Session B30.00004 Domain Structure and Properties in Inhomogeneously-Strained Ferroelectric Thin Films Room: 329 |
Martinez, Todd Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session C53.00003 Discovering chemistry with an ab initio nanoreactor Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Masiello, David University of Washington |
Session K32.00008 Quantum Beats from Entangled Localized Surface Plasmons Room: 332 |
Mason, Nadya Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session L1.00002 The Emergence of Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous, Mesoscopic Systems Room: Ballroom I |
Mason, Thomas University of California- Los Angeles |
Session R3.00003 Frustration by Shape-Designed Local Polymorphism: A Near-Equilibrium Colloidal Glass of Hard Kites Room: Ballroom III |
Matsuda, Yuji Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan |
Session H1.00003 Colossal thermomagnetic response in chiral $d$-wave superconductor URu$_2$Si$_2$ Room: Ballroom I |
Matsuno, Jobu RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science |
Session L19.00001 Engineering a spin-orbital magnetic insulator by tailoring iridate-based superlattices Room: 318 |
Matthieu, Wyart Institute of Theoretical Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne |
Session B2.00003 Unifying Suspensions and Inertial Granular flows near Jamming Room: Ballroom II |
McCann, Lowell Univ. of Wisconsin - River Falls |
Session H14.00003 8 Years of ALPhA's Impacts / 45 Years of Developing Experimentalists with Few Resources: A Talk in Two Parts Room: 310 |
McCarthy, Michael Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session S32.00005 Complex Mixture Analysis Using Rotational Spectroscopy Room: 332 |
McEuen, Paul Cornell University |
Session S16.00001 Hard and Soft Physics with 2D Materials. Room: 315 |
McKenna, Gregory Texas Tech Univ |
Session F4.00005 Rheology of Rings: Current Status and Future Challenges Room: Ballroom IV |
McMorrow, Desmond London Center Nanotechnology |
Session C18.00003 Resonant X-ray scattering studies of magnetic order and excitations in pyrochlore iridates. Room: 317 |
Medvedeva, Julia Missouri University of Science and Technology |
Session E2.00001 Structure and Properties of Amorphous Transparent Conducting Oxides Room: Ballroom II |
Mehlig, Bernhard University of Gothenburg |
Session H41.00007 Confined polymers in the extended de Gennes regime Room: 344 |
Meiners, Jens-christian University of Michigan |
Session E55.00002 Dynamics of DNA in vitro and in vivo Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Meltzer, Martin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Session C55.00004 What do public health officials expect from modelers during a response to an epidemic or outbreak? Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Merkel, Seth HRL Laboratories, LLC. |
Session A13.00005 Applying benchmarking protocols to encoded qubits with non-Markovian errors Room: 309 |
Messer, Michael ETH Zurich |
Session F2.00004 Floquet engineering with ultracold fermions: From Haldane's model of topological bands to spin-dependent lattices Room: Ballroom II |
Meunier, Vincent Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session K16.00001 Black phosphorus for future devices Room: 315 |
Mezard, Marc Ecole normale superieure - PSL Research University |
Session L3.00003 Lars Onsager Prize: Phase transitions in massive data acquisition Room: Ballroom III |
Miglio, Anna Université catholique de Louvain |
Session E2.00004 High-throughput search for improved transparent conducting oxides Room: Ballroom II |
Migliori, Albert Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session S53.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science: Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy: An Odyssey in Measurement Science Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Miller, Thomas California Institute of Technology |
Session S22.00009 Multiscale Dynamics in Soft-Matter Systems: Enzyme Catalysis, Sec-Facilitated Protein Translocation, and Ion-Conduction in Polymers. Room: 321 |
Minitti, Michael SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session A12.00002 Advancing the molecular movie: Femtosecond X-ray scattering of an electrocyclic chemical reaction Room: 308 |
Mirny, Leonid MIT |
Session V55.00002 Polymer models of chromosome (re)organization Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Mitra, Aditi New York University |
Session A2.00004 Universal behavior after a quantum quench in interacting field theories Room: Ballroom II |
Molenkamp, Laurens Wuerzburg University |
Session X13.00001 Topological Superconductivity in HgTe-based Devices Room: 309 |
Moll, Philip UC Berkeley |
Session R1.00002 Chirality transfer dynamics in quantum orbits in the Dirac semi-metal Cd$_3$As$_2$ Room: Ballroom I |
Moniz, Ernest United States Department of Energy |
Session A56.00001 Keynote Address Room: Hilton Baltimore Key Ballroom 5-8 |
Montano, Gabriel Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H53.00001 Pushing the lipid envelope: using bio-inspired nanocomposites to understand and exploit lipid membrane limitations Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Moodera, Jagadeesh MIT |
Session Y2.00004 Breaking time reversal symmetry, quantum anomalous Hall state and dissipationless chiral conduction in topological insulators Room: Ballroom II |
Mora, Thierry CNRS and Ecole normale superieure, Paris |
Session H55.00002 Dynamical criticality in the collective activity of a neural population Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Moran, Andrew University of North Carolina |
Session C31.00002 Elucidation of Chemical Reactions by Two-Dimensional Resonance Raman Spectroscopy Room: 331 |
Morosan, Emilia Rice University |
Session S3.00004 \textbf{Itinerant magnetism without magnetic elements} Room: Ballroom III |
Moule, Adam University of California, Davis |
Session V4.00004 Reversible Optical Control of polymer doping: Mechanism and applications Room: Ballroom IV |
Moyer, Elisabeth University of Chicago |
Session F12.00001 Precipitation and atmospheric moisture transport responses to increased infrared opacity Room: 308 |
Mueller, Holger UC Berkeley |
Session F44.00001 Constraining Dark Energy in Table-Top Quantum Experiments Room: 347 |
Müller-Plathe, Florian Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, and Princeton University USA |
Session C4.00002 Multi-scale modelling and dynamics Room: Ballroom IV |
Mundy, Julia UC Berkeley |
Session C19.00001 Epitaxial Engineering of Domain Walls and Distortions in Ferrite Heterostructures. Room: 318 |
Murakami, Shuichi Tokyo Inst of Tech - Tokyo |
Session K3.00001 Weyl semimetals and topological phase transitions Room: Ballroom III |
Murray, Cherry United States Department of Energy |
Session R20.00001 Update from DOE's Office of Science Room: 319 |
Muthukumar, Murugappan University of Massachusetts |
Session A4.00004 The Ordinary-Extraordinary Transition in Dynamics of Solutions of Charged Macromolecules Room: Ballroom IV |
Myles, Dean Neutron Science Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 37831 |
Session Y55.00005 Unraveling protein catalysis through neutron diffraction. Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Nagler, Stephen Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session E3.00002 Inelastic neutron scattering evidence for Kitaev quantum spin liquid physics in $\alpha$-RuCl$_{3}$ Room: Ballroom III |
Nakano, Aiichiro University of Southern California |
Session C53.00004 Multi-petaflop/s quantum and reactive molecular dynamics simulations Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Nakatsuji, Hiroshi Quantum Chemistry Research Institute |
Session V20.00001 Possibilities of the free-complement methodology for solving the Schrödinger equation of atoms and molecules Room: 319 |
Narimanov, Evgenii Purdue University |
Session C23.00001 Photonic hypercrystals Room: 322 |
Nealey, Paul University of Chicago |
Session X4.00005 Directed self-assembly of performance materials Room: Ballroom IV |
Neelin, J David UCLA |
Session F12.00002 Prototypes for the dynamics underlying precipitation and temperature extremes Room: 308 |
Neuneck, Götz Deputy Director IFSH and Chair WG Physics and Disarmament at DPG |
Session S14.00003 Beller Lecture: Dialogue Across Divides - Physicists and the Iran Dossier Room: 310 |
Neupane, Madhab Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida 32816, USA |
Session R1.00004 Experimental realization of new topological phases of matter beyond topological insulators Room: Ballroom I |
Neven, Hartmut |
Session F45.00001 Quantum Annealing at Google: Recent Learnings and Next Steps Room: 348 |
Ni, Ni Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session X11.00001 Interplay of structure, magnetism and superconductivity in the 112 Fe based superconducting family Room: 307 |
Nishimori, Hidetoshi Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session B13.00002 Mean-field analysis of quantum annealing with XX-type terms Room: 309 |
Noheda, Beatriz Zernike Institute for Advanced Materialas, Univ of Groningen |
Session K30.00001 Artificial chemical and magnetic structure at the domain walls of an epitaxial oxide. Room: 329 |
Nourmohammad, Armita Princeton University |
Session A55.00005 Within-host co-evolution of chronic viruses and the adaptive immune system Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Novoselov, Kostya University of Manchester |
Session R17.00001 2D semiconductor optoelectronics Room: 316 |
Nowak, A.P. HRL Laboratories, 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd, Malibu, CA |
Session L42.00001 Antithetical Polymers: Performance Through Structured Incompatible Elements Room: 345 |
Nozik, Art National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session E32.00003 TBA Room: 332 |
O’Carroll, Deirdre Rutgers University |
Session E23.00005 Nanophotonic interactions between organic excitons and plasmonic metasurfaces Room: 322 |
Ocola, Leonidas Argonne Natl Lab |
Session H53.00004 Pushing the limits of nanolithography outside the box Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Odom, Teri Northwestern University |
Session K32.00004 Nanoparticle Lasing Spasers. Room: 332 |
Oezyilmaz, Barbaros National University of Singapore |
Session X13.00003 Spin Hall effect and spin transport in graphene and 2D heterostructures Room: 309 |
Oganov, Artem Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology |
Session F20.00005 Discovering new materials and new phenomena with evolutionary algorithms Room: 319 |
Oh, Seongshik Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Session X29.00001 Hidden landscapes in thin film topological insulators: between order and disorder, 2D and 3D, normal and topological phases Room: 328 |
OHern, Corey Yale University |
Session K41.00001 Random close packing in protein cores Room: 344 |
Oliveira, Micael Universite de Liege |
Session P14.00004 The CECAM Electronic Structure Library: community-driven development of software libraries for electronic structure simulations Room: 310 |
Olivier, Yoann University of Mons, Laboratory for Chemistry of Novel Materials, Place du Parc 20, Mons, Belgium |
Session C24.00006 How Microstructure Defines Function in Organic Conjugated Materials: Insights from Modelling Room: 323 |
Olsen, Bradley MIT |
Session B4.00004 Charge Effects on the Self-Assembly of Protein Block Copolymer Nanostructures Room: Ballroom IV |
Olson, Wilma Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey |
Session R39.00001 New insights into chromatin folding and dynamics from multi-scale modeling Room: 342 |
Ono, Teruo Kyoto University |
Session B6.00007 Soliton-like magnetic domain wall motion induced by the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction Room: 302 |
Oppenheim, Jonathan University College London |
Session R44.00008 The second law of quantum thermodynamics as an equality Room: 347 |
Orbach, Raymond The University of Texas at Austin |
Session L34.00001 How to interact with Congress about Science Room: 337 |
Orend\'{a}\v{c}ov\'{a}, Al\v{z}beta P.J. \v{S}af\'{a}rik University, Ko\v{s}ice |
Session A21.00004 Fingerprints of the field-induced Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in quasi-two-dimensional quantum magnets Room: 320 |
Orenstein, Joseph UC Berkeley/LBNL |
Session V1.00005 Optical probes of symmetry breaking in magnetic and superconducting BaFe$_{2}$(As$_{1-x}$P$_{x})_{2}$ Room: Ballroom I |
Orlovskaya, Nina University of Central Flroida |
Session F54.00003 Room temperature Creep and Elastic Anisotropy of LaCoO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ based perovskites Room: Hilton Inner Harbor Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Orr-Ewing, Andrew University of Bristol |
Session V32.00001 Kinetics, mechanisms and products of reactions of Criegee intermediates. Room: 332 |
Ott, Edward University of Maryland |
Session V43.00004 Statistical Model of Wave Transport in Systems with Coexisting Chaotic and Regular Phase Space Regions. Room: 346 |
Ott, Herwig University of Kaiserslautern |
Session R13.00002 Atomtronics with Ultracold Bose Gases Room: 309 |
Ouellette, Jennifer Gizmodo |
Session C14.00005 to be determined Room: 310 |
Padgett, Miles University of Glasgow |
Session Y1.00001 Ghost imaging with entangled photons and orbital angular momentum Room: Ballroom I |
Paglione, Johnpierre University of Maryland |
Session B28.00001 Surface conductance and one-dimensional edge state transport in topological Kondo insulator SmB$_6$ Room: 327 |
palacci, jeremie UC, San Diego |
Session L34.00005 Physics in a Brewery Room: 337 |
Palmer, Stephanie Univ of Chicago |
Session H55.00005 Understanding vision through the lens of prediction Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Princeton University |
Session C31.00004 Simulations of mean ionic activity coefficients and solubilities in aqueous electrolyte solutions Room: 331 |
Pantea, Cristian Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S53.00003 Ultrasonic techniques for measuring physical properties of fluids in harsh environments Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Parcollet, Olivier Institute of Theoretical Physics, IPhT, CEA-Saclay, France |
Session Y14.00003 Mott physics and spin fluctuations: A unified framework Room: 310 |
Pardo, Victor University of Santiago de Compostela |
Session H13.00001 Designing topologicality using oxides Room: 309 |
Parisi, Giorgio University of Rome, "La Sapienza", Italy |
Session L3.00004 Lars Onsager Prize: The mean field solution for Hard Sphere Jamming and a new scenario for the low temperature landscape of glasses. Room: Ballroom III |
Park, Jewook Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C26.00004 Probing electric properties at the boundary of planar 2D heterostructure Room: 325 |
Parkin, Stuart Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics \& IBM Research - Almaden |
Session H12.00005 Rise of Racetrack Memory! Domain Wall Spin-Orbitronics Room: 308 |
Parthasarathy, Raghuveer The University of Oregon |
Session B55.00002 Visualizing the population dynamics of microbial communities in the larval zebrafish gut Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Pate, Brooks University of Virginia |
Session S32.00001 Reaction Product Identification in Extreme Chemical Environments by Broadband Rotational Spectroscopy Room: 332 |
Paul, William IBM Research - Almaden |
Session E46.00007 Toward single atom qubits on a surface: Pump-probe spectroscopy and electrically-driven spin resonance Room: 311 |
Pauluis, Olivier Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences |
Session F12.00004 Thermodynamic analysis of atmospheric convection Room: 308 |
Pechan, Michael US Department of Energy |
Session B1.00003 DOE/BES Experimental Condensed Matter Physics program Room: Ballroom I |
Pederson, Mark Department of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University |
Session B31.00001 Self-Interaction Corrected Density Functional Approximations with Unitary Invariance: Applications to Molecules Room: 331 |
Peelaers, Hartwin University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session E2.00003 Limits of transparency of transparent conducting oxides Room: Ballroom II |
Peng, Hanchuan Allen Institute for Brain Science |
Session B12.00003 Big neuron Room: 308 |
Peng, Lian-Mao Peking University |
Session K27.00001 Carbon nanotube based field-effect transistors: merits and fundamental limits Room: 326 |
Peng, Xiaogang Zhejiang University |
Session E32.00005 TBA Room: 332 |
Pentcheva, Rossitza University Duisburg-Essen |
Session E30.00001 Design of Mott and topological phases on buckled \textit{3d}-oxide honeycomb lattices Room: 329 |
Pentzer, Emily Case Western Reserve University |
Session K33.00001 Dynamic Covalent Functionalization as a route to Controlling Self Assembly of Organic Molecules Room: 336 |
Penwell, Samuel UC Berkeley |
Session C24.00005 Measuring Exciton Migration in Conjugated Polymer Films with Ultrafast Time Resolved Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy Room: 323 |
Pereira, Rodrigo University of Sao Paulo |
Session V5.00001 Chiral spin liquids in arrays of spin chains Room: 301 |
Perez, Danny Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K36.00001 Long-time atomistic simulations with the Parallel Replica Dynamics method Room: 339 |
Peters, David Sandia National Laboratories |
Session E12.00002 Field confinement using metasurfaces for increased-efficiency III-V infrared detectors Room: 308 |
Petersen, Poul Cornell University |
Session P31.00001 Water at surfaces with tunable surface chemistries and the chiral imprint of water around DNA. Room: 331 |
Petersson, Karl Center for Quantum Devices and Station Q Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Session K48.00001 The gatemon: a transmon with a voltage-variable superconductor-semiconductor junction Room: 349 |
Petrozza, Annamaria Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia |
Session S8.00008 Interface Engineering in Metal Halides Perovskites: from molecules to devices. Room: 304 |
Petta, Jason R. Department of Physics, Princeton University |
Session S4.00001 Probing light-matter interactions at the level of single photons and electrons Room: Ballroom IV |
Pfleiderer, Christian Physik-Department, Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany |
Session Y3.00002 Experimental Studies of Berry Phase Effects and Collective Excitations in Skyrmion Materials Room: Ballroom III |
Phan, Manh-Huong Department of Physics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA |
Session A6.00003 \textbf{Roles of Surface and Interface Spins in Exchange Coupled Nanostructures} Room: 302 |
Piana-Agostinetti, Stefano D.E. Shaw Research |
Session C4.00004 \textbf{Protein free energy landscapes from long equilibrium simulations } Room: Ballroom IV |
Pickett, Warren E. University of California Davis |
Session S3.00001 Spin-Orbit Coupling, Strong Interactions, and Topological Character Room: Ballroom III |
Pienta, Kenneth Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session K55.00001 Why do tumor cells spread? Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Pietryga, Jeffrey Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E32.00001 The engineering of quantum dots for efficient solar energy capture Room: 332 |
Pine, David New York Univ NYU |
Session C38.00007 Self-Assembly of DNA-coated colloids Room: 341 |
Pines, David Physics Dept., U C Davis and UIUC, Santa Fe Institute |
Session L3.00002 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize: Lilienfeld Prize Lecture: Emergent Behavior in Quantum Matter Room: Ballroom III |
Ping, Jinglei Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session A16.00007 Electronic nanobiosensors based on two-dimensional materials Room: 315 |
Plimpton, Steve Sandia National Laboratories |
Session P12.00005 Coarse-graining to the meso and continuum scales with molecular-dynamics-like models Room: 308 |
Pogoda, Katarzyna Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences |
Pollet, Lode Department of Physics, LMU Munich |
Session K13.00005 Diagrammatic Monte Carlo study of mass-imbalanced Fermi-polaron system Room: 309 |
Pollmann, Frank Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session X2.00002 Many-body localization: Entanglement and efficient numerical simulations Room: Ballroom II |
Porter, Mason University of Oxford |
Session C12.00004 Localized Modes in Granular Chains Room: 308 |
Potter, Andrew Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session L46.00001 Quantum oscillation signatures of Fermi arc surface states in Weyl semimetals Room: 311 |
Pourmand, Nader University of California Santa Cruz |
Session Y13.00004 Longitudinal expression of the genome of a single cell Room: 309 |
P. Peixoto, Tiago University of Bremen |
Session Y12.00002 Nonparametric inference of network structure and dynamics Room: 308 |
Prakash, Manu Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, USA |
Session V2.00001 Vapour-mediated sensing and active motion in two-component droplets Room: Ballroom II |
Prakash, Om Boeing Research & Technology – India Centre, Bangalore 560016, India |
Session L42.00002 Predicting the In-Service Lifetime of Polymers: A multi-scale modeling approach. Room: 345 |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session L55.00001 Stability, topology, holography: The many facets of quantum error correction Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Pritchard, David MIT |
Session L14.00002 A Flipped Pedagogy for Expert Problem Solving Room: 310 |
Puggioni, Daniel Northwestern University |
Session R12.00002 Strong correlations in new multiferroics Room: 308 |
Pushin, Dmitry IQC, University of Waterloo |
Session Y1.00002 Twisting Neutron Waves Room: Ballroom I |
Pushp, Aakash IBM Almaden Res Ctr |
Session V13.00001 Giant thermal spin torque assisted magnetic tunnel junction switching Room: 309 |
Qian, Dong Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session B3.00004 Study of the Topological-insulator-based Topological Superconductors Room: Ballroom III |
Quake, Stephen Stanford University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Session E55.00001 Precision Measurement in Biology Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Quilliam, Jeffrey Université de Sherbrooke |
Session R6.00001 Frustrated quantum magnetism in the 6H-perovskites Room: 302 |
Rademaker, Louk Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session F13.00001 New theoretical tools for quantum glasses, with and without quenched disorder Room: 309 |
Radjai, Farhang UMI CNRS-MIT, MIT Energy Initiative, Cambridge, MA / LMGC, University of Montpellier, France |
Session E34.00001 Fabric variables in dense sheared suspensions Room: 337 |
Rafailovich, miriam Stony Brook University |
Session X4.00004 Using Polymer Confinement for Stem Cell Differentiation: 3D Printed vs Molded Scaffolds. Room: Ballroom IV |
Ragep, F. Jamil McGill University |
Session C14.00003 To Explain Copernicus: The Islamic Scientific and Religious Contexts Room: 310 |
Ramesh, R Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session A30.00001 Observation of Polar Vortices in Oxide Superlattices Room: 329 |
Randeria, Mohit The Ohio State University |
Session Y3.00003 Skyrmions in chiral magnets with Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling Room: Ballroom III |
Randles, Amanda Duke University |
Session C53.00005 Massively parallel models of human hemodynamics Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Rao, Madan National Centre for Biological Sciences(TIFR) |
Session V35.00007 To be decided by speaker Room: 338 |
Rao, YuanQiao The Dow Chemical Company |
Session L12.00001 Nanoparticles in Polymers: Assembly, Rheology and Properties Room: 308 |
Rappel, Wouter-Jan Univ of California - San Diego |
Session P55.00004 Modeling collective cell motility Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Ray, Ushnish Princeton University |
Session F13.00005 Properties of dirty bosons in disordered optical lattices Room: 309 |
Reed, Matthew HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session H3.00001 Reduced sensitivity to charge noise in semiconductor spin qubits via symmetric operation Room: Ballroom III |
Refael, Gil Caltech |
Session F2.00001 Floquet States: Anomalous topological phases and steady state engineering Room: Ballroom II |
Rehr, J J Univ of Washington |
Session K24.00007 Cumulant approach for electronic excitations in x-ray and electron spectra Room: 323 |
Reining, Lucia CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique |
Session P14.00001 The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility: an illustration for the power of collective research Room: 310 |
Reining, Lucia CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique |
Session H24.00001 A direct approach to the calculation of many-body Green' s functions: quasi-particles and more Room: 323 |
Reisner, Walter McGill University |
Session C41.00010 Strongly Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Nanochannel Confined DNA Room: 344 |
Reuther, Johannes Freie Universitaet Berlin |
Session C5.00001 Functional renormalization group - a new approach to frustrated quantum magnetism Room: 301 |
Rey, Ana M JILA, NIST and University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session K13.00002 Quantum spin dynamics and entanglement in systems with long-range interactions Room: 309 |
Rey, Ana Maria University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session P1.00001 New perspectives on quantum simulation with ultra-cold atoms Room: Exhibit Hall C |
Richardella, Anthony Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University |
Session F28.00001 Interfacing Topological Insulators with Ferromagnetism Room: 327 |
Richter, Dieter JCNS at Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich Germany |
Session F4.00001 Topology Matters: Structure and dynamics of ring polymers Room: Ballroom IV |
Riggleman, Robert University of Pennsylvania |
Session B38.00006 Predicting the dynamics and thermodynamics of nanoparticles in block copolymers Room: 341 |
Rignanese, Gian-Marco Univ Catholique de Louvain |
Session P14.00002 The ABINIT software project Room: 310 |
Rigol, Marcos The Pennsylvania State University |
Session K13.00003 Universal scaling of density and momentum distributions in Lieb-Liniger gases Room: 309 |
Riordan, John Cindy Zook Associates |
Session E14.00003 Interactive Leadership Training: "Be the Leader You Already Are" Room: 310 |
Robbins, Mark Johns Hopkins University |
Session P12.00001 Spanning From Atoms to Micrometers in Simulations of Contact, Adhesion and Friction Room: 308 |
Robinson, Jason Cambridge University |
Session F3.00003 Spin-polarized superconductivity for spintronics Room: Ballroom III |
Robinson, Joshua The Pennsylvania State University |
Session B17.00001 Synthesis and Properties of 2D Atomic Layers: from Graphene to 2D-GaN Room: 316 |
Rokhinson, Leonid P. Purdue University |
Session E1.00003 Induced superconductivity in high mobility two dimensional electron gas in GaAs heterostructures Room: Ballroom I |
Romps, David University of California, Berkeley |
Session F12.00003 The physics of atmospheric instability, lightning, and global warming Room: 308 |
Rosenberg, Susan Baylor College of MEdicine |
Session Y13.00001 Mutation Hotspots in Single Cells Room: 309 |
Rubio, Angel Max Planck fro the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session H31.00001 Extensions of time density functional theory to QED: QED-Chemistry Room: 331 |
Rumbles, Garry National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session V4.00002 Microwave absorption of free carriers in doped conjugated polymer films Room: Ballroom IV |
Russell, Thomas University of Massachusetts |
Session V4.00001 From Morphology to Interfaces to Tandem Geometries: Enhancing the Performance of Perovskite/Polymer Solar Cells Room: Ballroom IV |
Ryu, Chang Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session Y42.00001 Sustainable epoxy and oxetane thermosets from photo-initiated cationic polymerization. Room: 345 |
S\"ullow, Stefan TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany |
Session V5.00007 Complex field-induced states in Linarite PbCuSO$_4$(OH)$_2$ with a variety of high-order exotic SDW$_p$ states Room: 301 |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard Univ |
Session A1.00003 Fractionalized Fermi liquids and the pseudogap Room: Ballroom I |
Sachs, Karen Stanford University |
Session S55.00004 Causal inference of signaling networks using single cell data Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Saenz, Juan Jose Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) |
Session F24.00001 Theory of light scattering at nanoparticles and optical forces between small particles Room: 323 |
Saleh, Omar Materials Department and BMSE Program, UCSB |
Session S38.00005 Biopolymer mechanics across the force regimes Room: 341 |
Salerno, K. Michael Sandia National Laboratories |
Session K4.00004 Influence of microstructure and environment on nanoparticle membrane and superlattice mechanical properties Room: Ballroom IV |
Samarth, Nitin Dept. of Physics, Penn State University, University Park PA 16802 |
Session B3.00005 Proximity-induced Superconductivity in Topological Insulator/Superconductor Heterostructures Room: Ballroom III |
Sanchez, Alvaro Harvard Univ |
Session K39.00011 The ecology and evolution of microbial behavior in complex communities Room: 342 |
Sanders, Yuval Univ of Waterloo |
Session E44.00001 Bounding quantum gate error rate based on reported average fidelity Room: 347 |
Saul, Andres CINaM/CNRS |
Session B5.00001 Magnetic nanopantograph in the in SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$ Shastry-Sutherland lattice Room: 301 |
Scaffidi, Thomas University of Oxford |
Session B3.00003 Is Sr2RuO4 a chiral p-wave superconductor? Insights from edge currents and uniaxial strain Room: Ballroom III |
Scalettar, Richard University of California, Davis |
Session K13.00004 Cooling Atomic Gases With Disorder Room: 309 |
Schachenmayer, Johannes JILA, NIST & Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session R50.00001 Exploring Quantum Many-Body Spin Dynamics with Truncated Wigner Methods Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 1 |
Schaller, Richard Argonne National Laboratory & Northwestern University |
Session C24.00001 Ultrafast Single and Multiexciton Energy Transfer in Semiconductor Nanoplatelets Room: 323 |
Scharf, Benedikt State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session B18.00007 Spin-Orbit Coupling in Hybrid Semiconductor Structures: From Majorana Fermions to Topological Insulators Room: 317 |
Schatz, Michael School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA |
Session L14.00001 Fully On-line Introductory Physics with a Lab Room: 310 |
Schenkel, Thomas Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab |
Session L7.00001 Tailoring of materials properties under extreme conditions Room: 303 |
Schindler, Philipp University of Innsbruck |
Session L55.00004 Quantum error correction with trapped ions Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Schleier-Smith, Monika Department of Physics, Stanford University |
Session E13.00001 From Berry's Phase to Wilson Lines in a Honeycomb Optical Lattice Room: 309 |
Schleife, Andr\'e University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session E2.00002 Quasiparticle energies, excitonic effects, and dielectric screening in transparent conducting oxides Room: Ballroom II |
Schnell, Melanie Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter |
Session C31.00005 Chirality-sensitive microwave spectroscopy - application to terpene molecules Room: 331 |
Schroter, Michael Technical University Dresden |
Session K27.00005 Carbon nanotube transistor based high-frequency electronics Room: 326 |
Schulman, Marc USA Science and Engineering Festival |
Session L34.00002 How to organize a World Renowned Science Festival Room: 337 |
Schurtenberger, Peter Lund University |
Session C36.00004 Soft particles with anisotropic interactions Room: 339 |
Schuster, David University of Chicago |
Session E48.00001 Increasing error resilience in superconducting qubits based on symmetries and parametric protocols Room: 349 |
Schwarz, J. M. Department of Physics, Syracuse University |
Session F55.00003 Elastic instabilities in a layered cerebral cortex: A revised axonal tension model for cortex folding Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Schwingenschlogl, Udo PSE Division, KAUST, Thuwal 23955, Saudi Arabia |
Session H13.00002 Designing topological states by pressure, strain, and functionalization Room: 309 |
Sears, Jennifer University of Toronto |
Session E3.00003 Magnetic and Crystal Structure of $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ Room: Ballroom III |
Segre', Daniel Boston Univ |
Session K39.00001 Metabolic interactions and dynamics in microbial communities Room: 342 |
Sejnowski, Terry Salk Institute for Biological Studies |
Session B12.00001 Computational Neuroscience Today Room: 308 |
Selen, Mats Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session F14.00001 From Particle Physics to Education: The Role of Tinkering Room: 310 |
Sen, Ayusman Pennsylvania State University |
Session F34.00004 Designing Self-powered Nanomotors and Pumps Room: 337 |
Senthil, T Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L2.00003 The half-filled Landau level and topological insulator surfaces Room: Ballroom II |
Serbyn, Maksym Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session X2.00004 Universal dynamics across many-body localization phase transition Room: Ballroom II |
Sgro, Allyson Department of Physics/Lewis-?Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princet |
Session E39.00001 From single cells to fruiting bodies: Bridging scales in collective behavior Room: 342 |
Shah, Nayana University of Cincinnati |
Session A2.00002 'Consistent bosonization-debosonization': A resolution of the non-equilibrium transport puzzle blazes a new path forward Room: Ballroom II |
Sheldon, Matthew Texas A&M University |
Session A23.00001 Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Optical-to-Electrical Energy Conversion Room: 322 |
Shen, Jian Fudan Univ |
Session R2.00002 \textbf{Active control of magnetoresistance of organic spin valves using ferroelectricity} Room: Ballroom II |
Shen, Zhi-Xun Stanford University |
Session B11.00001 ARPES of single layer iron pnictide on STO. Room: 307 |
Shibauchi, Takasada Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo |
Session P11.00001 BCS-BEC crossover physics in FeSe bulk superconductor Room: 307 |
Shim, Yun-Pil Laboratory for Physical Sciences |
Session K48.00008 Semiconductor-inspired superconducting quantum computing Room: 349 |
Shimano, Ryo Cryogenic Research Center and Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session V1.00004 Time-resolved study of Higgs mode in superconductors Room: Ballroom I |
Shou, Wenying Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
Session B55.00001 Evolution of Metabolic Dependency Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Shpyrko, Oleg University of California, San Diego |
Session F33.00001 Coherent X-ray Scattering from Liquid-Air Interfaces Room: 336 |
Shrivastava, Abhishek Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA |
Session H39.00007 The bacterial gliding machinery Room: 342 |
Shultz, Mary Jane Tufts University |
Session S31.00001 The Many Faces of Ice and Nonlinear Interferometry. Room: 331 |
Shurkin, Joel Editor |
Session L34.00003 How to write a scientist based biography for the public Room: 337 |
Shvets, Gennady The University of Texas at Austin |
Session S52.00001 The Science and Applications of Photonic Topological Insulators: From Robust Delay Lines to Non-Reciprocal Metawaveguides Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 3 |
Si, Qimiao Rice Univ |
Session C1.00001 Frustrated Magnetism and Superconductivity in the Iron Chalcogenides Room: Ballroom I |
Sievers, Albert Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 |
Session C12.00003 Shepherding intrinsic localized modes in micro-mechanical arrays Room: 308 |
Siewerdsen, Jeffrey Johns Hopkins University |
Session S12.00003 Future Directions in Medical Physics: Models, Technology, and Translation to Medicine Room: 308 |
Signorell, Ruth Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich |
Session V32.00006 Aerosol droplets: Nucleation dynamics and photokinetics Room: 332 |
Singh, Gurpreet Intel Corporation |
Session L12.00005 Patterning Multicomponent Polymer Thin Films via Dynamic Thermal Processing Room: 308 |
Siwick, Bradley McGill University, Department of Physics, Center for the Physics of Materials |
Session A12.00003 Structure and Dynamics with Ultrafast Electron Microscopes Room: 308 |
Skinner, James University of Wisconsin |
Session P31.00005 Water at lipid and surfactant interfaces---structure, dynamics, and spectroscopy Room: 331 |
Sklenar, Joseph Physics and Astronomy, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL. |
Session P18.00011 Spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance in arbitrarily magnetized thin films Room: 317 |
Sloutskin, Eli Physics Department and Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, Bar-Ilan University |
Session V2.00005 How faceted liquid droplets grow tails: from surface topology to active motion Room: Ballroom II |
Smalyukh, Ivan University of Colorado Boulder |
Session P36.00004 Three-Dimensional Topological Solitons in Chiral Liquid Crystals and Ferromagnetic Colloids. Room: 339 |
Sokol, Paul Division of Materials Research, National Science Foundation |
Session B1.00002 The NSF Condensed Matter Physics Program Room: Ballroom I |
Sokolov, Alexei University of Tennessee, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session R4.00005 \textbf{Polymerized Ionic Liquids: Promising Class of Polymer Electrolytes } Room: Ballroom IV |
Solomon, Tom Bucknell University |
Session F14.00003 Undergraduate research: A win-win for both students and faculty Room: 310 |
Song, CanLi Tsinghua University |
Session Y20.00001 Unraveling the electron pairing mechanism of FeSe by MBE and STM Room: 319 |
Speck, James UCSB Materials Department |
Session K7.00001 Point and Extended Defects in GaN-based Materials Room: 303 |
Spielman, Ian JQI, NIST and the University of Maryland |
Session E13.00002 Geometric ``charge'' pumping with a Bose-Einstein condensate Room: 309 |
Srinivasan, Venkat Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session C33.00010 Status of Li-polymer batteries for vehicle applications Room: 336 |
Stafford, Charles University of Arizona |
Session P32.00004 Local thermoelectric probes of nonequilibrium quantum systems Room: 332 |
Staii, Cristian Tufts University, Physics and Astronomy |
Session F55.00004 Effects of surface asymmetry on neuronal growth Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session R13.00001 Magnon optics and thermodynamics in a degenerate spinor Bose gas Room: 309 |
Stanley, H. E. Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, & Biomedical Engineering: Boston University |
Session L4.00004 Are There Two Forms of Liquid Water? Room: Ballroom IV |
Stanley, Jacob University of Colorado - Boulder |
Session H14.00002 Investigating Student Ownership of Projects in Upper-Division Physics Laboratory Courses Room: 310 |
Stanton, John Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session Y32.00003 TBA Room: 332 |
Staroverov, Viktor Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7 |
Session E31.00006 Exact Expressions for Exchange-Correlation Potentials Room: 331 |
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt Univ |
Session F14.00002 Excellence and Diversity in Physics, and the Quest for Other Worlds Room: 310 |
Stavrou, Elissaios Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session F20.00001 Extreme thermodynamic conditions: novel stoichiometries, violations of textbook chemistry, and intriguing possibilities for the synthesis of new materials. Room: 319 |
Stelzer, Tim Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session L14.00003 Online activities to optimize in person learning. Room: 310 |
Steppke, Alexander University of St. Andrews |
Session C13.00004 Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics Talk: Ferromagnetic quantum criticality in YbNi4P2 Room: 309 |
Stevanovic, Vladan Colorado School of Mines |
Session K23.00005 Taking Materials Design Into The Space Of Polymorphs: Structure Predictions And Realizability Room: 322 |
Stevens, Mark Sandia Natl Labs |
Session C34.00004 Role of Corners in Fracture of Polymeric Adhesives Room: 337 |
Stockman, Mark Center for Nano-Optics (CeNO) and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302 |
Session V31.00004 Condensed Matter in Ultrafast and Superstrong Fields: Attosecond Phenomena Room: 331 |
Stout, Jane Computing Research Association |
Session E14.00002 New research on women's low participation in science and technology Room: 310 |
Stroscio, Joseph Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 |
Session C2.00001 Creating and Probing Graphene Electron Optics with Local Scanning Probes Room: Ballroom II |
Studart, Andre R ETH Zurich |
Session F36.00007 \textbf{Colloidal-based additive manufacturing of bio-inspired composites} Room: 339 |
Subotnik, Joseph University of Pennsylvania |
Session C31.00003 Photoexcited Nuclear Dynamics with Ab Initio Electronic Structure Theory: Is TD-DFT Ready For the Challenge? Room: 331 |
Sukharev, Maxim Arizona State University |
Session B24.00001 \textbf{Optical functionality of plasmon-exciton nanomaterials in the strong coupling regime} Room: 323 |
Sun, Dali University of Utah |
Session X8.00001 Organometal Trihalide Perovskite Spintronics Room: 304 |
Sun, Jianwei Temple Univ |
Session A31.00001 \textbf{SCAN: An Efficient Density Functional Yielding Accurate Structures and Energies of Diversely-Bonded Materials} Room: 331 |
Sun, Sean Johns Hopkins University |
Session P55.00005 Water Dynamics in Living Cells and Tumor Cell Migration in Confined Microenvironments Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Swager, Timothy Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V2.00004 Dynamically Reconfigurable Complex Emulsions via Tunable Interfacial Tensions Room: Ballroom II |
Szalewicz, Krzysztof University of Delaware |
Session V20.00005 How competitive are expansions in orbital products with explicitly correlated expansions Room: 319 |
Taillefumier, Thibaud Princeton University |
Session X55.00001 Optimal census by quorum sensing Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Takahashi, Yoshiro Kyoto University |
Session E13.00005 Topological Charge Pumping with Cold Atoms Room: 309 |
Takayama, Tomohiro Max Planck Inst |
Session K2.00004 Hyperhoneycomb iridate beta-Li2IrO3 as a platform for Kitaev spin liquid Room: Ballroom II |
Tallinen, Tuomas University of Jyvaskyla |
Session F55.00002 Gyrification from constrained cortical expansion Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Tan, Beng University of Cambridge |
Session S1.00003 Unconventional bulk three-dimensional Fermi surface in Kondo insulating SmB$_{\mathrm{6}}$ Room: Ballroom I |
Tanaka, Hidekazu Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session E3.00004 XY-like frustrated magnetic phase transitions in ${\alpha}$-RuCl$_3$ Room: Ballroom III |
Tank, David Princeton |
Session B12.00004 The Global Brain (Simons Collaboration) Room: 308 |
Tanner, D.B. University of Florida |
Session C13.00003 Frank Isakson Prize Talk: Superfluid and normal-fluid densities in the cuprate superconductors from infrared spectroscopy Room: 309 |
Tarucha, Seigo The University of Tokyo & Riken Center for Emergent Matter Science |
Session B45.00001 Multiple quantum dot spin qubits Room: 348 |
Taylor, Alice Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H19.00001 Influence of interstitial Mn on spin order and dynamics in the room-temperature ferromagnet Mn$_{1+\delta}$Sb Room: 318 |
Terrones, Humberto Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session E51.00001 Beyond Graphene: Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Defective 2-D Materials Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 2 |
Thirumalai, Dave Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session Y55.00003 Response of proteins to mechanical force Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Thomas, John North Carolina State University |
Session L13.00002 Experimental studies of spin-imbalanced Fermi gases in 2D geometries Room: 309 |
Thomas, William History Associates, Inc. |
Session C14.00004 The Diagnosis of Error in Histories of Science Room: 310 |
Tian, Zhaoming huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Session H2.00004 Exotic topological states near a quantum metal-insulator transition in pyrochlore iridates Room: Ballroom II |
Tian, Zhiting Virginia Tech |
Session X23.00001 Thermal and Electronic Transport in Inorganic and Organic Thermoelectric Materials Room: 322 |
Tighe, Brian TU Delft |
Session S2.00004 Nonlinear and nonlocal rheology of jammed matter Room: Ballroom II |
Timme, Marc Network Dynamics, Max Planck Society |
Session Y12.00004 Infering Networks From Collective Dynamics Room: 308 |
Tishby, Naftali Hebrew University |
Session S55.00002 Deep Learning, Group representations, and the Information-Bottleneck phase transitions. Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Tkacik, Gasper IST Austria |
Session P39.00001 Towards a predictive theory for genetic regulatory networks Room: 342 |
Tomamichel, Marco University of Sydney |
Session V44.00001 Second-Order Asymptotics for the Classical Capacity of Image-Additive Quantum Channels Room: 347 |
Toroczkai, Zoltan Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame, USA |
Session Y12.00001 Physics of Inference Room: 308 |
Torquato, Salvatore Princeton University |
Session X3.00001 Ensemble Theory for Stealthy Hyperuniform Disordered Ground States Room: Ballroom III |
Toschi, Alessandro Institute of Solid State Physics, TU Wien, Vienna (Austria) |
Session Y14.00004 Dynamical Vertex Approximation for the Hubbard Model Room: 310 |
Treutlein, Barbara Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany; Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany |
Session E55.00003 Dissecting human cerebral organoids and fetal neocortex using single-cell RNAseq. Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Treutlein, Philipp University of Basel, Department of Physics |
Session H52.00001 Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 3 |
Triscone, Jean-Marc DQMP, University of Geneva |
Session X1.00002 Magnetic coupling through lanthanum nickelate in non-metallic (111) LaMnO$_{\mathrm{3}}$/LaNiO$_{\mathrm{3}}$ superlattices Room: Ballroom I |
Trizac, Emmanuel Univ. Paris-Sud |
Session H37.00007 On shape and charges in colloidal dispersions Room: 340 |
Troyer, Matthias ETH Zurich |
Session B13.00001 Simulated annealing versus quantum annealing Room: 309 |
Troyer, Matthias ETH Zurich |
Session H13.00005 Rahman Prize Talk: Pushing the frontier in the simulation of correlated quantum many body systems Room: 309 |
Truhlar, Donald University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN |
Session F53.00001 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics: Photochemistry of Phenol: A Full-Dimensional Semiclassical Simulation Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Tsen, Adam University of Waterloo and Columbia University |
Session V15.00001 Weakly Bound and Strongly Interacting: NbSe$_{2}$ and 1T-TaS$_{2}$ in the 2D Limit Room: 314 |
Tsirlin, Alexander Experimental Physics VI, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, Germany |
Session E3.00005 Manifestations of Kitaev physics in thermodynamic properties of hexagonal iridates and $\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ Room: Ballroom III |
Tsoi, Maxim The University of Texas at Austin |
Session C3.00002 \textbf{Interconnections between magnetic state and transport currents in antiferromagnetic Sr}$_{\mathbf{2}}$\textbf{IrO}$_{\mathbf{4}}$ Room: Ballroom III |
Tsubota, Makoto Osaka City University |
Session K1.00003 Numerical simulation of quantum turbulence Room: Ballroom I |
Tsui, Ophelia Department of Physics and Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Boston University |
Session K38.00004 Glassy Dynamics Altered by a Free Surface Room: 341 |
Tumbleston, John Carbon3D, Inc. |
Session X4.00001 Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) Room: Ballroom IV |
Tuominen, Mark University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session H14.00004 Student-Driven Engagement: An Interdisciplinary-Team Research-Learning Renewable Energy Laboratory Experience for Undergraduates Room: 310 |
Turlapov, Andrey Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Session L13.00003 Fermi-to-Bose crossover in a trapped quasi-2D gas of fermionic atoms Room: 309 |
Tyagi, Madhu Sudan NIST Center for Neutron Research |
Session K42.00010 \textbf{Insights into the Dynamics of Polymers and Nanocomposites via Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering} Room: 345 |
Tyberkevych, Vasyl Oakland University |
Session C3.00005 Mechanism of spin current transfer through antiferromagnetic dielectrics Room: Ballroom III |
Ucko, Daniel Stony Brook University/American Physical Society APS |
Session A14.00004 Where is the trust in the peer review dynamic? Room: 310 |
Ueda, Kentaro RIKEN CEMS |
Session H2.00001 Metal-insulator transitions of bulk and domain-wall states in pyrochlore iridates. Room: Ballroom II |
Umezawa, Naoto National Institute for Materials Science |
Session H23.00005 Computational design of materials for solar hydrogen generation Room: 322 |
Urbaszek, Bernhard CNRS-Toulouse University |
Session Y17.00001 Engineering excitonic properties and valley polarization in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers Room: 316 |
Vaia, Richard Air Force Research Labortory |
Session X4.00002 Polymer Grafted Nanoparticle Assemblies: From Optical to Mechanical Performance through Clusters, Monolayers and Monoliths Room: Ballroom IV |
Valenti, Roser Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Frankfurt |
Session L11.00001 Origin of superconductivity in KFe$_2$As$_2$ under positive and negative pressures and relation to other Fe-based families Room: 307 |
Valentine, Jason Vanderbilt University |
Session E23.00001 Dielectric metasurfaces Room: 322 |
Valles, James Brown University |
Session L1.00003 Cooper Pair Insulators Room: Ballroom I |
van der Heijden, Gert University College London |
Session R14.00002 Equilibrium theory for braided elastic filaments Room: 310 |
van der Marel, Dirk University of Geneva |
Session C13.00002 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids: Optical spectroscopy and mechanisms of superconductivity. Room: 309 |
Vandersypen, Lieven QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience |
Session A45.00001 Spin qubits in quantum dots -- beyond nearest-neighbour exchange Room: 348 |
Van de Walle, Chris Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session K7.00002 Impact of defects on efficiency of nitride devices Room: 303 |
van Duin, Adri Penn State |
Session C53.00002 The ReaxFF method - new applications and developments Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Van Essen, David Washington University in St Louis |
Session F55.00001 How does the cortex get its folds? The role of tension-based morphogenesis Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Van Harlingen, Dale J Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session E1.00002 S-TI-S Josephson junction networks: a platform for exploring and exploiting topological states and Majorana fermions Room: Ballroom I |
van Slageren, Joris University of Stuttgart |
Session H21.00001 Spectroscopic Investigation of the Origin of Magnetic Bistability in Molecular Nanomagnets Room: 320 |
Van Tol, Johan Florida State University, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL 32310 |
Session B21.00004 Mechanisms of relaxation and spin decoherence in nanomagnets Room: 320 |
Varley, Joel Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session E2.00005 Hybrid functional studies of defects and hole polarons in oxides. Room: Ballroom II |
Vasudevan, Rama Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Y30.00001 Single atom electrochemical and atomic analytics Room: 329 |
Velasco Jr., Jairo University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session S24.00001 Using charged defects in BN to create rewritable graphene quantum dots and visualize quantum interference Room: 323 |
Venkataraman, Dhandapani University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session R54.00001 Azobenzene-based Polymers for Solar Thermal Batteries . Room: Hilton Inner Harbor Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Vergassola, Massimo Univ of California - San Diego |
Session Y35.00001 Collective synchronization of divisions in Drosophila development. Room: 338 |
Verstraete, Matthieu Univ de Liege |
Session A22.00001 Ab initio phonon limited transport Room: 321 |
Vilesov, Andrey University of Southern California |
Session K1.00002 Imaging of quantum vortices in superfluid helium droplets Room: Ballroom I |
Vogel, Eric Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session X14.00005 Large Area Synthesis of 2D Materials Room: 310 |
Von Korff, Joshua Georgia State University |
Session V14.00004 A Joint Pedagogy Course for Learning Assistants and Teaching Assistants Room: 310 |
Voros, Marton Argonne Natl Lab |
Session V24.00001 Ligand engineering of nanoparticle solar cells Room: 323 |
Vouga, Etienne UT Austin |
Session R14.00005 to be determined by you Room: 310 |
Vuckovic, Jelena Stanford University |
Session S4.00002 Strongly Coupled Quantum Dot-Nanocavity Systems Room: Ballroom IV |
Vura-Weis, Josh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A12.00001 Tabletop Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Element-Specific Organometallic Photophysics Room: 308 |
Wagner, Kai 1. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany. ;2. TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany |
Session E6.00010 Magnetic domain walls as reconfigurable spin-wave nano-channels Room: 302 |
Wagner, Lucas Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session S3.00002 Towards prediction of correlated material properties using quantum Monte Carlo methods Room: Ballroom III |
Wakamura, Taro Univ of Paris - Sud 11 CNRS |
Session F3.00004 Quasiparticle-mediated spin Hall effect in a superconductor Room: Ballroom III |
Waks, Edo Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session V45.00005 Quantum nanophotonics: Controlling a photon with a single spin Room: 348 |
Walker, Lakeisha Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session H53.00005 The USER: Utilizing Scientific Environments for Research Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Wallace, Robert Depts. of Materials Science and Engineering and Physics, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX |
Session H17.00001 TMD 2D Materials: Defects, Passivation, Functionalization and Device Impact Room: 316 |
Wallman, Joel Univ of Waterloo |
Session A13.00001 Estimating the coherence of noise Room: 309 |
Wallraff, Andreas ETH - Zurich |
Session S4.00005 Microwave emission from double quantum dots into cavities Room: Ballroom IV |
Wand, Joshua Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania |
Session Y31.00001 Characterization of protein hydration by solution NMR spectroscopy Room: 331 |
Wang, Feng Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session L17.00004 Optical study of low-dimensional materials Room: 316 |
Wang, Jian Peking University |
Session Y15.00001 Superconductivity in monolayer FeSe and quantum Griffiths singularity in 2D superconductors Room: 314 |
Wang, Jian-Ping Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., Univ of Minnesota |
Session H12.00002 Novel spintronics devices for memory and logic: prospects and challenges for room temperature all spin computing, Room: 308 |
Wang, Kang L. Electrical Engineering Dept., Univ of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 |
Session H12.00004 Spin Orbit Interaction Engineering for beyond Spin Transfer Torque memory Room: 308 |
Wang, Quan Stanford University |
Session X39.00013 DBIO Doctoral Thesis Award: Enabling multivariate investigation of single-molecule dynamics in solution by counteracting Brownian motion Room: 342 |
Wang, Xujing NHLBI, NIH |
Session X35.00011 Geometric phase transition in the cellular network of the pancreatic islets may underlie the onset of type 1diabetes. Room: 338 |
Wang, Yong-Lei Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory \& Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame |
Session S13.00005 Three-dimensional Anisotropy and Kohler's Rule Scaling of the Magnetoresistance in WTe$_2$ Room: 309 |
Watkins, James University of Massachusetts |
Session A38.00004 Hierarchical Nanocomposites for Device Applications Room: 341 |
Watts, Duncan Microsoft Research, NYC |
Session L4.00003 Computational Social Science: Exciting Progress and Future Challenges Room: Ballroom IV |
Watts, Iain University of Puget Sound |
Session B14.00004 Broken Circuits? International Scientific Communication on Galvanic Electricity During the Napoleonic Wars Room: 310 |
Wehner, Stephanie Delft Univ of Tech |
Session R44.00001 Quantum thermodynamics for arbitrarily small devices Room: 347 |
Weigt, Martin Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris |
Session F41.00010 Coevolutionary modeling of protein sequences: Predicting structure, function, and mutational landscapes Room: 344 |
Weinberg, Steven Theory Group, Physics Department, University of Texas at Austin |
Session C14.00001 Reflections of a whig physicist . Room: 310 |
Weirich, Kimberly University of Chicago |
Session B35.00001 Liquid-like bundles of crosslinked actin filaments contract without motors Room: 338 |
Weitz, David A. Dept. of Physics and SEAS, Harvard University, Cambridge MA |
Session P1.00003 Making New Particles One By One Room: Exhibit Hall C |
Weitz, Joshua Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B55.00005 Principles of Virus-Microbe Dynamics: From Ecology to Evolution and Back Again Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Wernet, Philippe Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin |
Session A12.00005 Orbital-specific mapping of chemical dynamics with ultrafast x-rays Room: 308 |
Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang Institut Neel, CNRS, Grenoble |
Session F21.00001 Coherent manipulation of quantum spin states in a single molecular nanomagnet Room: 320 |
Widicus Weaver, Susanna Emory University |
Session S32.00003 Rotational Spectroscopic Studies and Observational Searches for HO$_3$ Room: 332 |
Willner, Alan Univ. of Southern California |
Session L4.00002 Physics Behind Optical Fiber Communications: Technologies that Drive the Internet Capacity Growth Room: Ballroom IV |
Winey, Karen University of Pennsylvania |
Session K4.00005 Polymer Melt Diffusion inside Nanoscale Cylindrical Pores. Room: Ballroom IV |
Wohlgenannt, Markus University of Iowa |
Session R2.00003 Organic magnetoelectroluminescence for room temperature transduction between magnetic and optical information Room: Ballroom II |
Wojtowicz, Tomasz Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland |
Session E20.00007 The State of the Art in (Cd,Mn)Te Heterostructures: Fundamentals and Applications Room: 319 |
Wollman, Roy Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego |
Session P39.00010 Reliable Signal Transduction Room: 342 |
Woltersdorf, Georg Martin Luther University Halle |
Session E6.00001 Nonlinear spin-wave excitations at low magnetic bias fields Room: 302 |
Wootton, David Professor of History at the University of York |
Session C14.00002 Beller Lecture: Is Understanding the Past in Its Own Terms Understanding? Room: 310 |
Wu, Stephen Argonne National Laboratory |
Session V19.00001 Paramagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Spin Seebeck Effect Room: 318 |
Xi, Xiaoxiang Pennsylvania State Univiversity |
Session V15.00005 Superconductivity and charge density waves in atomically thin NbSe$_{\mathrm{2}}$ Room: 314 |
Xia, Fengnian Yale University |
Session L16.00001 Black Phosphorus Optoelectronics and Electronics Room: 315 |
Xia, Jing University of California, Irvine |
Session S1.00001 Topologically protected surface states in SmB6 Room: Ballroom I |
Xie, Aihua Oklahoma State University |
Session P41.00001 Infrared Structural Biology: Detect Functionally Important Structural Motions of Proteins Room: 344 |
Xing, Grace Huili Cornell University |
Session S26.00002 2D Crystal heterostructures properties and growth by molecular beam epitaxy Room: 325 |
Xiong, Jun Princeton University |
Session R1.00003 Evidence for the chiral anomaly in the Dirac semimetal Na$_3$Bi Room: Ballroom I |
Yablonovitch, Eli UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Dept. |
Session L3.00001 Photonic Crystals-Inhibited Spontaneous Emission:\\Optical Antennas-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission Room: Ballroom III |
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session E1.00001 Finite Momentum Pairing and Spatially Varying Order Parameter in Proximitized HgTe Quantum Wells Room: Ballroom I |
Yager, Kevin Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X38.00004 Photothermal assembly of block copolymers Room: 341 |
Yamada, Kenneth National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research |
Session B39.00001 Real-time Visualization of Tissue Dynamics during Embryonic Development and Malignant Transformation Room: 342 |
Yamaji, Youhei Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, The University of Tokyo |
Session H2.00003 Topological Domain-Wall Metals in Pyrochlore Iridates Room: Ballroom II |
Yan, Jiaqiang Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee |
Session P6.00001 \textbf{High antiferromagnetic transition temperature for a layered hexagonal compound: SrRu}$_{\mathrm{\mathbf{2}}}$\textbf{O}$_{\mathrm{\mathbf{6}}}$ Room: 302 |
Yan, Qimin Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session H23.00001 First-principles data-driven discovery of transition metal oxides for artificial photosynthesis Room: 322 |
Yang, Judith University of Pittsburgh |
Session F54.00004 Sustainable materials for catalysis Room: Hilton Inner Harbor Holiday Ballroom 5 |
Yang, Kesong Univ of California - San Diego |
Session H13.00003 High-Throughput Computational Design of Advanced Functional Materials: Topological Insulators and Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Systems Room: 309 |
Yang, Lin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA |
Session C53.00001 First-principles temperature-dependent phonons and elastic constants Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 4 |
Yang, Luyi National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos |
Session H18.00004 Long-lived Spin Relaxation and Spin Coherence of Electrons in Monolayer MoS$_{\mathrm{2}}$ Room: 317 |
Yang, See-Hun IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session A18.00004 Novel current driven domain wall dynamics in synthetic antiferromagnets Room: 317 |
Yang, Shuolong Stanford University |
Session V1.00001 Understanding electron-boson coupling in high temperature superconductors using time-resolved photoemission. Room: Ballroom I |
Yeates, Todd UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Session A37.00004 Using Symmetry to Design Self-Assembling Protein Cages and Nanomaterials on the Mid-Nanometer Scale Room: 340 |
Yee, Chuck-Hou Rutgers Univ |
Session S3.00003 Towards the design of novel cuprate-based superconductors Room: Ballroom III |
Yeomans, Julia M University of Oxford |
Session F1.00003 Patterns in Active Nematics Room: Ballroom I |
Yi, Ming Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session K11.00001 Orbital-dependent electron correlation effects in iron-based superconductors Room: 307 |
Yin, Zhiping The Center of Advanced Quantum Studies, Beijing Normal University |
Session H22.00001 Computational search of novel superconductors Room: 321 |
Young, Steve US Naval Research Laboratory |
Session S13.00001 Dirac Semimetals in Two Dimensions Room: 309 |
Yu, Haiming Beihang University |
Session V13.00004 Magnetization dynamics under heat current in metallic spin valves and in insulators Room: 309 |
Yu, Hongyi Department of Physics and Center of Theoretical and Computational Physics, The University of Hong Kong |
Session S17.00001 Novel exciton systems in 2D TMD monolayers and heterobilayers Room: 316 |
Yun, S. H. Andy Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital |
Session S12.00002 Opportunities of using Stimulated Emission from Biological Tissue Room: 308 |
Yunker, Peter Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session H43.00007 Non-equilibrium phenomena in disordered colloidal solids Room: 346 |
Zador, Judit CRF-Sandia National Lab |
Session Y32.00005 TBA Room: 332 |
Zallen, Jennifer Sloan Kettering Institute |
Session X55.00005 A positional code and anisotropic forces control tissue remodeling in Drosophila Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Zecchina, Riccardo Politecnico di Torino |
Session L3.00005 Lars Onsager Prize: Optimization and learning algorithms from the theory of disordered systems Room: Ballroom III |
Zeldov, Eli Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session X1.00003 Emergent nanoscale superparamagnetism at oxide interfaces Room: Ballroom I |
Zeljkovic, Ilija Boston College |
Session L28.00002 Interplay of Dirac Fermions and Structural Deformations in Topological Crystalline Insulators Room: 327 |
Zhang, Bin Rice University |
Session V55.00005 Energy Landscapes of Folding Chromosomes Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Zhang, Wei Argonne National Laboratory |
Session C3.00003 \textbf{Spin-Hall effects in metallic antiferromagnets}. Room: Ballroom III |
Zhang, Yong-Hang Arizona State University |
Session E12.00001 Ga-free InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattice and its applications to IR lasers and photodetectors Room: 308 |
Zheng, Bo-Xiao Princeton University |
Session Y14.00005 Density matrix embedding theory studies of the two-dimensional Hubbard model Room: 310 |
Zhong, Dongping Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session S41.00001 Dynamics and mechanism of ultrafast water-protein interactions Room: 344 |
Zhou, Chongwu University of Southern California |
Session A27.00008 Chirality-controlled synthesis and macro-electronic applications of carbon nanotubes Room: 326 |
Zhu, Wenjuan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session H16.00001 Nano-scale electronic and optoelectronic devices based on 2D crystals Room: 315 |
Zhuang, Xiaowei Harvard Univ |
Session R39.00007 TBA Room: 342 |
Zhuang, Xiaowei Harvard University |
Session P1.00002 Illuminating biology at the nanoscale with single-molecule and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy Room: Exhibit Hall C |
Zia, Roseanna Cornell University |
Session S2.00001 Flow of colloidal suspensions and gels Room: Ballroom II |
Zilman, Anton University of Toronto |
Session A55.00004 Specificity, cross-talk and adaptation in Interferon signaling Room: Hilton Baltimore Holiday Ballroom 6 |
Ziurys, Lucy University of Arizona |
Session S32.00004 \textbf{The Extreme Chemical Environments Associated with Dying Stars} Room: 332 |
Zou, Ke Department of Applied Physics and Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena (CRISP), Yale University, New Haven CT 06520, USA |
Session F17.00007 The role of double TiO$_{2}$ layers at the interface of FeSe/SrTiO$_{3}$ superconductors Room: 316 |
Zvanut, Mary Ellen University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Session P7.00001 Magnetic resonance studies of the Mg acceptor in thick free-standing and thin-film GaN Room: 303 |
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