APS March Meeting 2016
Volume 61, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2016;
Baltimore, Maryland
Session Y55: Physics of Proteins: Pushing the Envelope on Understanding and Designing Function
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Friday, March 18, 2016
Hilton Baltimore
Room: Holiday Ballroom 6
Chair: Wouter Hoff, Oklahoma State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2016.MAR.Y55.2
Abstract: Y55.00002 : Molecular and cellular constraints on proteins
11:51 AM–12:27 PM
Preview Abstract
Tanja Kortemme
Engineering proteins with new sequences, structures and functions has many
exciting practical applications, and provides new ways to dissect design
principles for function. Recent successes in computational protein design
provide a cause for optimism. Yet many functions are currently too complex
to engineer predictively, and successful design of new biological activities
also requires an understanding of the functional pressures acting on
proteins in the context of cells and organisms. I will present two vignettes
describing our progress with dissecting both molecular and cellular
constraints on protein function. In the first, we characterized the cost and
benefit of protein production upon sequence perturbations in a classic
system for gene regulation, the \textit{lac} operon. Our results were unexpected in
light of the common assumption that the dominant fitness costs are due to
protein \textit{expression}. Instead, we discovered a direct linear relationship between cost
and \textit{lac }permease \textit{activity}, not protein or mRNA production. The magnitude of the cost of
permease activity, relative to protein production, has consequences for
regulation. Our model predicts an advantage of direct regulation of protein
\textit{activity} (not just expression), providing a new explanation for the long-known
mechanism of ``inducer exclusion'' that inhibits transport through the
permease. Similar pressures and cost/benefit tradeoffs may be key to
engineering synthetic systems with improved fitness. In the second vignette,
I will describe our recent efforts to develop computational approaches that
predict protein sequences consistent with multiple functional conformations.
We expect such ``multi-constraint'' models to improve predictions of
functional sequences determined by deep mutational scanning in bacteria, to
provide insights into how the balance between functional conformations
shapes sequence space, and to highlight molecular and cellular constraints
that cannot be captured by the model.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.MAR.Y55.2