APS March Meeting 2016
Volume 61, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2016;
Baltimore, Maryland
Session Y2: Spin and Valley Pseudo-Spin Transport in Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled Systems
11:15 AM–1:39 PM,
Friday, March 18, 2016
Room: Ballroom II
Chair: Kin Fai Mak, Pennsylvania State University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2016.MAR.Y2.2
Abstract: Y2.00002 : Theory of classical and quantum transport in monolayers of MoS$_{2}$*
11:51 AM–12:27 PM
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Shaffique Adam
(Yale-NUS College, 16 College Avenue West, Singapore 138527, Singapore)
From the family of new van der Waals materials, the class of layered
transition metal dichalcogenides has emerged as a particularly interesting
system due to the inherent spin and valley degrees of freedom. In this talk
we focus on the interplay between these degrees of freedom and the different
types of disorder in monolayers of molybdenum disulphide. Within the
semiclassical Drude-Boltzmann formalism, treating the screening of
impurities with the random phase approximation, we demonstrate that
different scattering mechanisms such as charged impurity scattering,
intervalley scattering, and phonons provide different signatures in
electronic transport. This allows us to conclude, for example, that in
CVD-grown monolayers of MoS$_{2}$, intervalley scattering dominates over
other mechanisms at low temperatures [1].~ Interestingly, charged impurities
generate spatial inhomogeneity in the carrier density that results in a
classical disorder-induced magnetoresistance that can be observed at room
temperature [2].~ However, at lower temperatures, in this regime of strong
intervalley scattering, we predict that the quantum phase-coherent
corrections to the conductivity results in a one-parameter crossover from
weak localization to weak anti-localization as a function of magnetic field,
where this crossover is determined only by the spin lifetime.~ ~By comparing
with available experimental data [3], we show that this combined framework
allows for a novel way to measure the spin-relaxation in monolayers of
MoS$_{2}$. We find that the spin scattering arises from the Dyakonov-Perel
spin-orbit scattering mechanism with a conduction band spin-splitting of
about 4 meV, consistent with calculations using density functional theory.
REFERENCES: [1] ``\textit{Transport Properties of Monolayer MoS}$_{2}$\textit{ Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition}'', H. Schmidt, S. Wang, L. Chu, M. Toh, R. Kumar,
W. Zhao, A. H. Castro Neto, J. Martin, S. Adam, B. \"{O}zyilmaz, and G. Eda,
\textit{Nano Lett.} \textbf{14}, 1909 (2014); [2] ``\textit{Disorder induced magnetoresistance in a two dimensional electron system}'', J. Ping, I. Yudhistira, N.
Ramakrishnan, S. Cho, S. Adam, M. S. Fuhrer, \textit{Phys. Rev. Lett.} \textbf{113}, 047206 (2014);
[3] ``\textit{Quantum transport and observation of Dyakonov-Perel spin-orbit scattering in monolayer MoS}$_{2}$'', H. Schmidt, I. Yudhistira, L. Chu, A. H. Castro Neto, B.
\"{O}zyilmaz, S. Adam, G. Eda, arXiv:1503.00428, (2015).
*Work done in collaboration with Indra Yudhistira and the experimental groups of Goki Eda (NUS), Michael Fuhrer (Monash) and Roland Kawakami (Ohio State), and funded by Singapore National Research Foundation and Ministry of Education.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.MAR.Y2.2