APS March Meeting 2016
Volume 61, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 14–18, 2016;
Baltimore, Maryland
Session X32: Plasmonics and Beyond IV: Single particle dynamics
8:00 AM–10:48 AM,
Friday, March 18, 2016
Room: 332
Chair: Hrvje Petek, University of Pittsburgh
Abstract ID: BAPS.2016.MAR.X32.3
Abstract: X32.00003 : Ultrafast Nonlinear Plasmonics of Single Nano-Objects
8:48 AM–9:24 AM
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Natalia Del Fatti
(Institut Lumiere Matiere, CNRS - Universite Lyon 1)
Investigating, understanding and modeling the physical properties of
nano-objects are intense fields of research. Of particular interest are
metal-based nano-objects, where their morphology and environment dependent
surface plasmon resonances (SPR) have been extensively exploited to design
new optical systems. As a SPR is associated to electromagnetic local field
enhancement in the nano-object, it also leads to enhancement of its optical
nonlinearity, opening many possibilities for investigating fundamental
processes at nanoscale [1].
Most of these studies were performed on large ensembles of nano-objects,
providing mean information which impedes detailed comparison between
experimental data and theoretical models. With the advance of single
nanoparticle spectroscopy methods, the linear and nonlinear responses of a
single nano-object can now be addressed, which, associated to determination
of its morphology by electron microscopy, opens the way to their
quantitative modeling [2].
In this context we discuss experimental and theoretical investigations of
the ultrafast response of individual model nano-objects, either formed by a
single particle (gold nanorod) or by two particles at a nanometric distance
(gold-silver nano-dimer). Results obtained in gold nanorods are in excellent
quantitative agreement with a model computing the change of the metal
dielectric function due to ultrafast electron heating and relaxation. This
shows that the nonlinear response of a metal nano-object can be fully
described as that of the bulk metal enhanced by plasmonic effects. Extension
of these studies to more complex nano-objects, as nano-dimers formed by two
different materials, permits analysis of the impact of their interaction. We
demonstrate here the existence of Fano effect in the absorption of a single
Ag-Au dimer, experimentally proving previous theoretical predictions [3].
Furthermore, we show that ultrafast pump-probe nonlinear spectroscopy
permits to selectively address at nanoscale only one of the components of a
dimer, paving the way toward quantitative investigations of energy and
charge exchanges in multi-material nano-objects.
[1] F. Vall\'{e}e and N. Del Fatti, in ``Plasmonics: theory and
applications'', eds. T.Shahbazyan {\&} M.Stockman, Springer, p. 167 (2013)
[2] A. Crut, P. Maioli, N. Del Fatti and F. Vall\'{e}e, Chem. Soc. Rev.
\underline {43}, 3921 (2014)
[3] G. Bachelier, I. Russier-Antoine, E. Benichou, C. Jonin, N. Del Fatti,
F. Vall\'{e}e, P.F. Brevet, Phys. Rev. Lett. \underline {101}, 197401
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2016.MAR.X32.3