Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2014
Volume 59, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 3–7, 2014; Denver, Colorado
Invited Speakers
Aarts, Dirk Department of Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford |
Session Q23.00005 Contact-line dynamics of colloidal interfaces Room: 505-507 |
Abrams, Cameron Drexel University |
Session Y26.00004 Computing Rates of Small Molecule Diffusion Through Protein Channels Using Markovian Milestoning Room: 502 |
Acin, Antonio IFCO: The institute of photonic sciences |
Session D33.00004 Local orthogonality as a foundational principle Room: 706 |
Adams, Wendy University of Northern Colorado |
Session S38.00002 Research-based assessment instruments: Design, validation and interpretation Room: 709/711 |
Ade, Harald North Caroline State University |
Session L21.00001 Expanded Morphological Paradigm of Polymeric Solar Cells: Contributions by Soft X-ray Methods Room: 406 |
Agmon, Noam The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session Q14.00002 Proton transfer and water exchange in the green fluorescent protein Room: 301-303 |
Aksyuk, Vladimir National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session G24.00001 Nanoscale cantilevers with integrated optomechanical readout: increasing speed and sensitivity Room: 504 |
Alam, Muhammad Purdue University |
Session B25.00001 Is there any Exciton (bottleneck) in an Excitonic Solar Cell: Revisiting the Prospects of Single-Semiconductor OPV Room: 503 |
Alexander-Katz, Alfredo Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session J19.00002 Simulations of self-assembly in polymeric systems Room: 404 |
Alexandru, Andrei The George Washington University |
Session M12.00003 Using GPUs in Lattice Chromodynamics Room: 205 |
Allam, Jeremy Advanced Technology Institute and Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom |
Session A17.00007 Exciton reactions on carbon nanotubes: an experimental testbed for critical dynamics Room: 402 |
Althammer, Matthias Walther-Meissner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Walther-Meissner-Strasse 8, 85748 Garching, Germany |
Session F40.00002 Spin Hall magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic insulator/normal metal hybrids Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Alvarez, Gonzalo Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session J38.00002 Computing Correlated Electrons: Roadmap and Roadblocks Room: 709/711 |
Amos, John SkyTruth |
Session F38.00002 Bringing the Crowd to Environmental Investigation and Monitoring Room: 709/711 |
Anastasiadis, Spiros H. Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas and Univ. of Crete, Greece |
Session Q22.00008 Polymer Structure and Dynamics in Polymer / Layered-Silicate Nanocomposites Room: 407 |
Anna, Shelley Carnegie Mellon University |
Session D20.00005 Microfluidic Droplet Dehydration for Concentrating Processes in Biomolecules Room: 405 |
Archer, Lynden Cornell University |
Session T21.00007 Nanoscale Organic Hybrid Materials (NOHMs) -- Structure and Dynamics Room: 406 |
Arima, Taka-hisa RIKEN CEMS; RIKEN SPring-8 Center; University of Tokyo |
Session J4.00001 Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking and Consequent Physical Responses Induced by All-In-All-Out Type Magnetic Order on the Pyrochlore Lattice Room: 112/110 |
Armour, Kyle Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session G40.00004 Causes and consequences of time-varying climate sensitivity Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Aronson, Igor Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y12.00002 Modeling crawling cell movement on soft engineered substrates Room: 205 |
Artacho, Emilio Nanogune, DIPC and Ikerbasque, Spain, and University of Cambridge |
Session G39.00004 One-Dimensional Electron Gas at the Steps of a LaAlO3-SrTiO3 Interface Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Asherie, Neer Yeshiva University |
Session J16.00004 An overview of protein phase behavior Room: 401 |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Harvard Univ |
Session A32.00003 Simulating quantum chemistry Room: 708-712 |
Asta, Mark Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session D12.00001 Oxide Materials Room: 205 |
Austin, Robert Princeton University |
Session F14.00001 Delbrueck Prize Talk: ``I Don't Believe a Word of It'': My Struggles With Max Delbruck's Ghost Room: 301-303 |
Ayers, Paul McMaster University |
Session L1.00005 Wavefunctions, Adiabatic Connections, and Universal Functionals for 1-Matrix Functional Theory Room: 103/105 |
Baer, Eric Case Western Reserve University |
Session W20.00008 Crystallization and Phase Transitions in Polymer Nanolayered Systems under Confinement Room: 405 |
Baer, Thomas Stanford University |
Session S12.00003 Lasers and their Economic Impact in the United States Room: 205 |
Bailey, Kathie Director, Board on International Scientific Organizations, National Academy of Sciences |
Session B36.00002 National Academy of Sciences: Helping Scientists Navigate \& Troubleshoot Visa Issues Room: 703 |
Baker, Michael New York University \& City College of New York |
Session M7.00010 Spin dynamics of molecular nanomagnets unravelled at atomic scale by four-dimensional inelastic neutron scattering Room: 106 |
Banerjee, Shiladitya The University of Chicago |
Session W12.00005 Active mechanics and geometry of adherent cells and cell colonies Room: 205 |
Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo Northeastern Univ and Harvard Medical School |
Session J11.00006 Network Medicine: From Cellular Networks to the Human Diseasome Room: 203 |
Bardeen, Chris University of California, Riverside |
Session T20.00005 Exciton dynamics in organic molecular crystals and nanostructures Room: 405 |
Barlas, Yafis University of California at Riverside |
Session B30.00005 Quantum Hall phase diagram of ABC-trilayer graphene Room: 605 |
Barua, Radhika Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 |
Session Z7.00001 Pathways for tailoring the magnetostructural behavior of FeRh-based systems Room: 106 |
Baschnagel, Jorg Institut Charles Sadron, 23 rue du Loess, 67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France |
Session B14.00004 On the Anomalous Diffusion of a Polymer Chain in an Unentangled Melt Room: 301-303 |
Baskaran, Aparna Brandeis University |
Session J14.00003 Dynamics and Emergent Structures in Active Fluids Room: 301-303 |
Basov, Dimitri Univ of California - San Diego |
Session J50.00001 Nano-plasmonic phenomena in graphene Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Bauer, Gerrit Tohoku University and TU Delft |
Session F40.00001 Theory of spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) and related phenomena Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Bauer, Johannes Harvard University |
Session L32.00004 Realizing a Kondo-correlated state with ultracold atoms Room: 708-712 |
Baumberg, Jeremy NanoPhotonics Centre, University of Cambridge |
Session L50.00001 Quantum Plasmonics and Nanoscale Gap Plasmons with graphene, semiconductors and molecules Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Baumgart, Tobias University of Pennsylvania |
Session A40.00003 Membrane shape instabilities induced by BAR domain proteins Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Beard, Matthew National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session G12.00005 Quantum Confined Semiconductors for High Efficiency Photovoltaics Room: 205 |
Becke, Axel Dalhousie University |
Session A1.00001 Strong Correlation in Density-Functional Theory Room: 103/105 |
Beljonne, David University of Mons |
Session S1.00008 Exciton fission, dissociation and transport in organic conjugated materials: Modeling insights Room: 103/105 |
Belonoshko, Anatoly Condensed Matter Theory, Department of Theoretical Physics, AlbaNova University Center, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden |
Session G26.00001 Computation of temperature induced phase transitions at high pressure Room: 502 |
Ben-Amotz, Dor Purdue University |
Session Y1.00001 Weighted Random Mixing and Exact Finite Lattice Descriptions of Molecular Aggregation Equilibria Room: 103/105 |
Bernius, Mark Morgan Advanced Materials |
Session W23.00008 Interactive Panel Discussion Room: 505-507 |
Berry, Dominic Macquarie University |
Session T35.00001 Exponential improvement in precision for Hamiltonian-evolution simulation Room: 702 |
Bertet, P. Quantronics group, CEA-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France |
Session F28.00001 Towards a Spin-Ensemble Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits Room: 601 |
Betterton, Meredith University of Colorado Boulder |
Session W12.00001 Active stresses and hydrodynamics of microtubule/motor-protein assemblies Room: 205 |
Bhat, Vinayak University of Kentucky, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session A7.00001 Controlled Magnetic Reversal and Frustration in Artificial Quasicrystals Room: 106 |
Bibes, Manuel Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session F41.00010 Electric-field control of magnetic order above room temperature Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Blatt, Rainer University of Innsbruck |
Session D32.00001 Quantum simulations with trapped ions Room: 708-712 |
Blume-Kohout, Robin Sandia National Laboratories |
Session M32.00003 Quantum gate-set tomography Room: 708-712 |
Bockstaller, Michael R. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Q22.00001 Role of Polymer-Graft Architecture on the Cohesive Interactions, Assembly and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Particle Brush Materials Room: 407 |
Bocquet, Lyd\'eric Lyon University \& ENS \& MIT |
Session Q23.00001 Fluid transport at the nanoscale: application to osmotic energy harvesting Room: 505-507 |
Bodiguel, Hugues Univ. Bordeaux |
Session S14.00003 Submicron flow of polymer solutions: slippage reduction due to confinement Room: 301-303 |
Bolotin, Kirill Vanderbilt University |
Session T39.00005 Optoelectronics of supported and suspended 2D semiconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Bostwick, Aaron Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F55.00004 Coexisting massive and massless Dirac fermions in symmetry-broken bilayer graphene Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Bottegoni, Federico Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano |
Session T8.00001 Optical inverse spin-Hall effect in semiconductors and metal/semiconductor junctions Room: 104 |
Bourgeois, Olivier Institut Neel, CNRS |
Session Y40.00002 Nanophononics at low temperature: manipulating heat at the nanoscale Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Bowers, John University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L23.00004 Hybrid III-V Silicon Lasers Room: 505-507 |
Bowick, Mark Syracuse University |
Session A40.00001 Faceted structures in liquid crystalline vesicles Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Boxer, Steven Stanford University |
Session Q14.00001 Functional Dynamics and Proton Transfer in Proteins Room: 301-303 |
Branford, Will Department of Physics, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW72AZ, UK and London Centre for Nanotechnology |
Session S39.00003 Collective Properties of Nanomagnet Arrays; Electric and Magnetic Currents in Artificial Spin Ice Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Brangwynne, Cliff Princeton Univ |
Session J15.00010 Finite size effects in subnuclear RNA/protein phase transitions Room: 304 |
Bretheau, Landry Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, Paris |
Session Q28.00001 Observing interferences between past and future quantum states in resonance fluorescence Room: 601 |
Brewe, Eric Florida Intl University |
Session W36.00002 Initial findings from CUWiP Room: 703 |
Brill, Joseph University of Kentucky |
Session W25.00008 Thermal Conductivities of Crystalline Organic Semiconductors Room: 503 |
Bringa, Eduardo CONICET and Instituto de Ciencias Basicas, U.N. Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina |
Session L26.00001 Plasticity induced by pre-existing defects during high strain-rate loading Room: 502 |
Broedersz, Chase Princeton University |
Session A12.00004 Organizing the bacterial chromosome for division Room: 205 |
Brongersma, Mark Stanford University |
Session D55.00005 Nanoscale Photon Management for Solar Energy Harvesting Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Brook, R. Glenn University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session M12.00004 The Beacon Project: Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned Room: 205 |
Broun, David Simon Fraser University |
Session Z40.00004 Nodal quasiparticle dynamics in the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn$_5$ revealed by precision microwave spectroscopy Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Brown, Michael F. University of Arizona |
Session T12.00004 Conformational Fluctuations in G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Room: 205 |
Brun, Pierre-Thomas EPFL, LFMI |
Session G14.00005 The mechanics of trick roping Room: 301-303 |
Brune, Harald IPMC-EPFL |
Session F53.00004 Size-Ladder in Ripening by Cluster Diffusion Starting from Single Atoms Room: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Bucksbaum, Philip Stanford University |
Session D2.00010 Molecular dissociation dynamics driven by strong-field multiple ionization Room: 102 |
Budil, Kim Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session D38.00004 Innovation and National Security Room: 709/711 |
Buhrman, Robert Cornell University |
Session S40.00001 The Spin Hall Effect, Spin Currents and Spin Orbit Torques in Ferromagnetic/Normal Metal Multilayer Nanostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Bulgac, Aurel Univeristy of Washington |
Session M27.00001 Exciting Quantized Vortex Rings in a Superfluid Unitary Fermi Gas Room: 501 |
Burke, Kieron Department of Physics and of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, California 92697 USA |
Session B1.00008 DFT calculations with the exact functional Room: 103/105 |
Burkov, Anton University of Waterloo |
Session A55.00001 Topological response in Weyl semimetals and metallic ferromagnets Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Burnet, Frank Emeritus Professor of Science Communication, University of the West of England |
Session L38.00001 The Establishment of Science Communication for the Public at the Royal Institution Room: 709/711 |
Cabral, Joao Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom |
Session S21.00001 Engineering polymer-fullerene thin films and solar cells with external fields Room: 406 |
Caldarelli, Guido IMT Lucca |
Session Q17.00001 Multilevel Complex Networks and Systems Room: 402 |
Cancellieri, Claudia Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss Light Source, CH5232 Villigen, Switzerland |
Session L49.00001 Photoemission spectroscopy studies of buried complex oxide interfaces Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Canfield, Paul Ames Laboratory and Dept. of Physics, Iowa State University |
Session J55.00003 David Adler Lectureship Award: A Chance to Grow Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Cantoni, Claudia Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session T13.00001 Nanoscale probe of magnetism, orbital occupation, and structural distortions in iron-based superconductors Room: 207 |
Cao, Tian Yu Boston University |
Session W38.00003 Mao and physics research in China in the 1950s-1960s: the H-bomb project and the Straton model Room: 709/711 |
Capasso, Federico School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University |
Session Z39.00003 Vanadium Dioxide: a reconfigurable disordered metamaterial Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Carpick, Robert University of Pennsylvania |
Session Z27.00001 Friction and Adhesion Behavior of Graphene and other Two-Dimensional Materials Room: 501 |
Cava, Robert Department of Chemistry, Princeton University |
Session T25.00001 Correlated Evolution of Colossal Thermoelectric Effect and Kondo Insulating Behavior Room: 503 |
Caves, Carlton Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico |
Session F32.00004 Probabilistic protocols in quantum information science: Use and abuse Room: 708-712 |
Cawkwell, Marc Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q26.00001 Fast Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Shock-induced Chemistry in Organic Liquids Room: 502 |
Ceperley, David University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session B27.00001 Condensed Matter Applications of Quantum Monte Carlo at the Petascale Room: 501 |
Chabinyc, Michael University of California Santa Barbara |
Session W25.00001 The Prospects of Organic Semiconductors for Thermoelectrics Room: 503 |
Chae, Seung Rutgers University |
Session Y32.00004 Direct observation of the proliferation of ferroelectric loop domains and vortex-antivortex pairs Room: 708-712 |
Chalker, John Physics Department, Oxford University, UK |
Session A23.00003 Deconfined Quantum Criticality and Phase Transitions in 3D Classical Loop Models Room: 505-507 |
Chandran, Anushya Perimeter Institute |
Session B32.00004 Equilibration and coarsening in the quantum O(N) model at infinite N Room: 708-712 |
Chang, Johan Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, \'Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session L39.00002 Competition between superconductivity and charge order in YBCO via X-ray diffraction Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Cheatham, Thomas Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Utah |
Session M12.00005 Ensembles of AMBER biomolecular simulations on GPUs for assessment and validation of RNA models Room: 205 |
Checkelsky, Joseph Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D39.00005 Experimental Studies of Ferromagnetism in Topological Insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Chen, Jeff Z.Y. University of Waterloo |
Session A19.00013 Self-consistent field theory of wormlike chains and its applications in polymer physics Room: 404 |
Chen, Xie UC Berkeley |
Session B55.00002 Classification and Edge States of Symmetry Protected Topological Phases Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Chen, Yong P. Purdue University |
Session J37.00007 Physics and applications of novel structures with CVD graphene: edges, grain boundaries, twisted bilayers, and hybrids Room: 705/707 |
Cheng, Cheng coracoracheng@gmail.com |
Session W8.00007 Detection of microwave phase variation in nanometer-scale magnetic heterostructures Room: 104 |
Cheng, Shengfeng Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Session Z27.00004 Friction at Interfaces of Metals and Alloys Room: 501 |
Cheong, Sang-Wook Rutgers University |
Session W39.00004 Z$_{2}$ x Z$_{3}$ Symmetry of Multferroic Vortices Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Chern, Gia-Wei Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T4.00004 Dipolar order by disorder in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice Room: 112/110 |
Cheuk, Lawrence MIT |
Session F39.00005 Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermi Gases and Solitons in Fermionic Superfluids Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Chhowalla, Manish Rutgers University |
Session F51.00001 Disorder in 2D Materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Chiang, Tai University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session G42.00001 Surfaces, interfaces, and ultrathin films of topological insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Chien, Chia-Ling Johns Hopkins University |
Session F40.00003 Hybrid magnetoresistance in the proximity of a ferromagnet Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Chin, Cheng University of Chicago |
Session L32.00001 In situ observation of strongly interacting ferromagnetic domains in a shaken optical lattice Room: 708-712 |
Choi, Sungkyun University of Oxford |
Session W39.00002 Spin dynamics in layered honeycomb iridates: implications for Kitaev physics Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Chou, Chia-Fu Academia Sinica |
Session T10.00004 Entropy-driven DNA tug-of-war and confinement-induced reptation in 2D slitlike channels Room: 201 |
Christianson, A.D. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session W48.00002 Slater and Mott Insulating States in Os- and Ir-Based Transitional Metal Oxides Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Chu, Jhih-Wei UC Berkeley |
Session L15.00001 Path-Integral Statistical Learning of Continuous Stochastic Dynamics from single-molecule FRET data Room: 304 |
Chu, Xiang-Qiang Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201 |
Session T12.00002 Detecting Protein Dynamics in Various Time Scales by Neutron Scattering Room: 205 |
Chun, Sae Hwan Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, South Korea |
Session Q6.00004 Static and Dynamic Magnetoelectric Effects in Multiferroic Hexaferrites Room: 108 |
Cisse, Ibrahim Department of Physics, MIT |
Session T11.00004 Real-time dynamics of RNA Polymerase II clustering in live human cells Room: 203 |
Clark, Lucy McMaster University |
Session G4.00001 Gapless Spin Liquid Behaviour in the S $=$ 1/2 Vanadium Oxyfluoride Kagome Antiferromagnet [NH$_{4}$]$_{2}$[C$_{7}$H$_{14}$N][V$_{7}$O$_{6}$F$_{18}$] Room: 112/110 |
Clarke, John University of California, Berkeley |
Session F23.00002 SQUIDs: Then and Now Room: 505-507 |
Clarke, Laura NC State University, Dept. of Physics, Box 8202, Raleigh, NC 27695-8202 |
Session Y14.00004 Rotational diffusion in polymer nanocomposites as probed by anisotropic particles Room: 301-303 |
Clauset, Aaron University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session D14.00003 Efficient discovery of large-scale patterns in weighted networks Room: 301-303 |
Cleveland, Jason Asylum Research |
Session W23.00007 Entrepreneurial Physics Room: 505-507 |
Cleveland, Jason Asylum Research, an Oxford Instruments Company |
Session M23.00002 Recent Advances in AFM Technology Room: 505-507 |
Cobden, David University of Washington |
Session Z39.00004 The metal-insulator triple point in vanadium dioxide Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Coh, Sinisa UC Berkeley Physics Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D37.00001 Controlling Atomic Movement on the Nanoscale Room: 705/707 |
Cohen, Aron University of Cambridge |
Session M1.00001 The derivative discontinuity of the exchange-correlation functional Room: 103/105 |
Cole, William The Ohio State University |
Session F39.00001 Spin-orbit coupled bosons in optical lattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Coleman, Piers Center for Materials Theory, Rutgers, New Jersey, USA; Department of Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London |
Session M39.00001 Heavy Fermions, Rise of the Topologies Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Collins, Philip G. Univ. of California, Irvine |
Session Y11.00004 Monitoring Single-Molecule Protein Dynamics with a Carbon Nanotube Transistor Room: 203 |
Compton, W. Dale Purdue University |
Session M10.00001 Pake Prize: The Evolving Nature of Industrial Research Room: 201 |
Conrad, Jacinta University of Houston |
Session Y14.00001 Dynamics of nanoparticles in models of soft and hard porous media Room: 301-303 |
Conrad, Pamela NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session J23.00003 Exploring the Habitability Potential of Mars with Mars Science Laboratory Room: 505-507 |
Cornell, Eric JILA |
Session B32.00002 Universal dynamics of a degenerate unitary Bose gas Room: 708-712 |
Creton, Costantino ESPCI ParisTech - UPMC - CNRS |
Session F22.00002 Toughening elastomers with sacrificial bonds and watching them break Room: 407 |
Croll, Andrew North Dakota State University |
Session W14.00002 Exploiting Elasticity with Thin Polymer Films Room: 301-303 |
Crommie, Mike UC Berkeley Physics Dept. and LBL Materials Sciences Division |
Session F37.00004 Local Probe Measurement of Atomically-Engineered Graphene Nanostructures Room: 705/707 |
Crum, Lawrence Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound, University of Washington |
Session M23.00004 Recent advances in medical ultrasound Room: 505-507 |
Cui, Xiaodong University of Hong Kong |
Session J51.00007 Spin-valley coupling in atomically thin tungsten dichalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Curry, Judith Georgia Tech |
Session G40.00005 Causes and implications of the growing divergence between climate model simulations and observations Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Curtarolo, Stefano Materials Science, Electrical Engineering and Physics; Duke University |
Session D12.00002 Using your own computer to search for novel materials (with a little help from the aflowlib.org consortium online library) Room: 205 |
Cziczo, Daniel Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science, MIT |
Session G40.00003 The Role of Clouds in Climate Change Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Dahlberg, E. Dan Physics- U of Minnesota |
Session J55.00005 Dwight Nicholson Medal Lecture: Science and Society Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Dahlberg, E. Dan Physics- U of Minnesota |
Session W50.00001 Low Frequency Noise in Mesoscopic Magnetic Dots Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Dai, Xi Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session M39.00003 Topological phases in mix valence compounds Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Daley, Andrew Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session T32.00004 Entanglement growth and quench dynamics with trapped ions Room: 708-712 |
Dancy, Melissa PER Group, CU Boulder |
Session S38.00005 TBA Room: 709/711 |
Das, Jayajit The Nationwide Childrens Hospital and The Ohio State University |
Session L15.00004 Form-Function Relationship in E. coli Chemotaxis Room: 304 |
Das, Moumita Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session A10.00001 Mechanics of composite cytoskeletal and extracellular networks Room: 201 |
Das, Tanmoy Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y39.00005 Spin orbit density wave: A non-magnetic phase of two-dimensional electron gas Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
da Silva Neto, Eduardo H. Department of Physics, Princeton University |
Session L39.00003 Ubiquitous Interplay between Charge Ordering and High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Datta, Supriyo Purdue Univ |
Session T23.00001 Spin Transistor, Spin Circuits and Spin Logic Room: 505-507 |
Davies, Paul Arizona State Univ |
Session F14.00005 Cancer: The beat of an ancient drum? Room: 301-303 |
Dean, Mark P.M. Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session T40.00003 Doping evolution of the magnetic excitations in the cuprates and its implications for high temperature superconductivity Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Decyk, Viktor University of California, Los Angeles |
Session M12.00002 Particle-in-Cell Simulations on Emerging Architectures Room: 205 |
Dehmer, Joseph National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session M23.00001 Advances in Measurement Technology at NIST's Physical Measurement Laboratory Room: 505-507 |
de la Cruz, Clarina Oak Ridge Nat Lab |
Session J55.00004 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize: Neutron scattering in magnetism Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
del Barco, Enrique University of Central Florida |
Session T48.00004 Three-Leaf Quantum Interference Clovers in a Single-Molecule Magnet Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
de Medici, Luca European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble |
Session F13.00007 Selective Mottness as a key to iron superconductors: weak \textit{and} strong correlations Room: 207 |
Demokritov, Sergej University of Muenster |
Session S40.00002 Enhanced pure spin current emission by spin-lattice coupling Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Derlet, Peter Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session S39.00002 Thermally active two dimensional artificial spin-ice systems: experiment and simulation Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Deutsch, Ivan University of New Mexico |
Session A32.00002 Quantum Control nd Measurement of Spins in Cold Atomic Gases Room: 708-712 |
de Vivie-Riedle, Regina Ludwig-Maximilians Universit\"at M\"unchen |
Session D2.00006 Electron dynamics and its control in molecules Room: 102 |
De Volder, Michael University of Cambridge and KULeuven |
Session L16.00001 Capillary Aggregation of Nanofilaments into Superstructures Room: 401 |
DeWeese, Michael University of California at Berkeley |
Session A15.00007 Using the structure of natural scenes and sounds to predict neural response properties in the brain Room: 304 |
Dhital, Chetan Boston College |
Session A4.00007 Electronic Phase Separation and Magnetic Phase Behavior in the Ru-doped Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ Room: 112/110 |
DiCarlo, Leonardo Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session G32.00003 Two-qubit parity meters in 3D and 2D circuit QED Room: 708-712 |
Dickerson, James Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J38.00003 The Role of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Addressing the World's Energy Challenges Room: 709/711 |
Didier, Nicolas McGill University and Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session Y23.00004 Perfect squeezing by damping modulation in circuit quantum electrodynamics Room: 505-507 |
Diebold, Alain SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering |
Session M23.00003 Metrology Tools for Semiconductor Manufacturing Room: 505-507 |
Diehl, Renee Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session G38.00001 Highlights From the Second Conference on Graduate Education in Physics Room: 709/711 |
Dill, Ken Stony Brook University |
Session J15.00001 Physical limits of cells and proteomes Room: 304 |
Ding, Haifeng National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, China |
Session S39.00005 Two-dimensional artificial skyrmion crystals stabilized by nano-patterning Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Ding, Hong Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics |
Session S48.00003 ARPES studies of the superconducting gap in highly hole-doped (Ba,K)Fe2As2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Ding, Hong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session G36.00004 Introduction of BASIC (Beijing Advanced Sciences and Innovation Centre) Room: 703 |
Discher, Dennis University of Pennsylvania |
Session B10.00001 to be determined by you Room: 201 |
Dmitriev, Vladimir Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems of RAS |
Session A39.00001 Superfluid $^3$He in ``nematically ordered'' aerogel Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Dobrynin, Andrey University of Connecticut |
Session L14.00004 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polyelectrolyte Solutions Room: 301-303 |
Dobson, John Griffith University |
Session D31.00001 Modern theory of van der Waals interactions Room: 607 |
Doering, Robert Texas Instruments |
Session W23.00004 Connecting Physics with Engineering in Industrial R&D Room: 505-507 |
Dogic, Zvonimir Brandeis University |
Session G11.00001 Active nematics of flat and spherical surfaces Room: 203 |
Dong, Zhenchao University of Science and Technology of China |
Session M50.00001 Single-molecule Raman mapping with sub-nm resolution Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Douglas, Jack Material Science and Engineering Division, NIST |
Session F56.00003 Path-Integration Computation of the Transport Properties of Polymers Nanoparticles and Complex Biological Structures Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 4 |
Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri California Polytechnic State University |
Session A38.00001 Developing mindful, collaborative, and resilient physics students through regular reflection and empathetic feedback Room: 709/711 |
Dowling, Jonathan Louisiana State University |
Session S34.00001 Classical Computers Very Likely Can Not Efficiently Simulate Multimode Linear Optical Interferometers with Arbitrary Fock-State Inputs-An Elementary Argument Room: 704 |
Doyle, Patrick MIT |
Session S10.00007 Dynamics of large DNA confined to nanoslits Room: 201 |
Dozier, Jeff University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session F38.00001 40 years of Landsat images: What we learned about science and politics Room: 709/711 |
Drake, Gordon University of Windsor |
Session W26.00004 Asymptotic Expansions, 1/Z Expansions, and the Critical Nuclear Charge Room: 502 |
Drazer, German Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Session J20.00005 Separation in microfluidics using periodic structures Room: 405 |
Dresselhaus, Mildred Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S37.00001 Recent studies on double wall and triple wall carbon nanotubes Room: 705/707 |
Dresselhaus, Mildred Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D38.00005 Scientific Openness from National and International Perspectives Room: 709/711 |
Du, Mao-Hua Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F44.00004 Electronic and Optical Properties of Luminescent Centers in Halides and Oxides Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Duan, Luming University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session T32.00003 Time crystal and non-equilibrium dynamics with trapped ions Room: 708-712 |
Dumas, Randy University of Gothenburg |
Session B8.00004 Spin wave mode coexistence on the nanoscale: A consequence of the Oersted field induced asymmetric energy landscape Room: 104 |
Dyer, Brian Emory University |
Session S11.00011 Allosteric Ligand Binding and Anisotropic Energy Flow in Albumin Room: 203 |
Dyson, George None |
Session D38.00001 Secrecy versus Openness: Historical Perspectives Room: 709/711 |
Ediger, Mark University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session B14.00001 Role of enhanced segmental mobility in the deformation of polymer glasses Room: 301-303 |
Eggert, Jon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B26.00004 Laser Driven, Extreme Compression Science Room: 502 |
Eisenstein, James California Institute of Technology |
Session Q57.00003 Correlated Electrons in Two Dimensions: The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and More Room: Four Seasons Ballroom |
Eisert, Jens Freie Universitaet Berlin |
Session D32.00004 Dynamical Analogue Quantum Simulators Room: 708-712 |
Elber, Ron University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y26.00001 Computer Simulation of Membrane Permeation by Milestoning Room: 502 |
Emerson, Joseph University of Waterloo |
Session B40.00001 The resource theory of stabilizer computation Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Engels, Peter Washington State University |
Session S33.00007 Experimental investigation of spin-orbit coupled BECs Room: 706 |
Engheta, Nader University of Pennsylvania |
Session D50.00001 Meta-Optics Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Ensslin, Klaus ETH Zurich |
Session F30.00001 Graphene quantum dots: localized states, edges and bilayer systems Room: 605 |
Epps, III, Thomas University of Delaware |
Session Q21.00004 Using Tapered Block Copolymers to Create Conducting Nanomaterials Room: 406 |
Eriksson, Mark University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session M32.00002 High Visibility Coherent Oscillations in a Si/SiGe Quantum Dot Hybrid Qubit Room: 708-712 |
Etkina, Eugenia Rutgers University |
Session S38.00001 Foundations for Conceptualizing Assessment in Your Course Room: 709/711 |
Fabry, Ben Department of Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Session Q40.00005 Tumor cell migration is a superstatistical process Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Falk, Abram Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago |
Session B39.00005 Engineered defect spin states in silicon carbide for sensing and computation Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Fallah Tafti, Fazel Univ of Sherbrooke |
Session S48.00004 Pairing symmetry in strongly hole-doped iron-based superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Fang, Zhong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sci (CAS) |
Session A55.00004 Topological Semimetals in Realistic Compounds Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Fayer, Michael Stanford University |
Session Q3.00001 Water in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids Room: 107 |
Feng, Donglai Dept. of Physics, Fudan University |
Session J13.00001 ARPES study on FeSe films Room: 207 |
Fennell, Tom Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session M4.00010 Magnetoelastic spin liquid in Tb2Ti2O7? Room: 112/110 |
Fennie, Craig Cornell University |
Session G39.00002 Controlling structural complexity as a path towards new multifunctional correlated materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Fermi, M.A., Olivia None |
Session B38.00005 Then and Now: Women Respond to the Manhattan Project -- an illustrated talk Room: 709/711 |
Fernandes, Rafael University of Minnesota |
Session S48.00001 Impact of nematicity on the competing superconducting instabilities of the iron pnictides Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Fernandez-Nieves, Alberto Physics. Georgia Tech |
Session D20.00001 Whipping of electrified jets Room: 405 |
Ferrari, Gabriele INO-CNR BEC Center and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita' di Trento, 38123 Povo, Italy |
Session Y32.00002 Spontaneous creation of Kibble-Zurek solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate Room: 708-712 |
Fidkowski, Lukasz Stony Brook University |
Session B55.00005 Stability of Topological Superconductors to Interactions and Surface Topological Order Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Flint, Rebecca Iowa State University |
Session Z40.00005 Charge Aspects of Composite Pair Superconductivity Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Fogler, Michael UCSD |
Session T39.00003 Near-field imaging of plasmons, polaritons, and guided waves in ultrathin crystals Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Foley, Catherine CSIRO |
Session F23.00004 SQUID use for Geophysics: finding billions of dollars Room: 505-507 |
Folk, Joshua University of British Columbia |
Session F6.00007 Defect-Mediated Spin Relaxation and Dephasing in Graphene Room: 108 |
Fradkin, Eduardo Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session M48.00005 High Temperature Superconductivity: Ineluctable Complexity Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Freed, Jack Cornell University |
Session T12.00005 Pulse Dipolar ESR and Protein Superstructures and Function Room: 205 |
Freed, Karl University of Chicago |
Session F56.00001 Polymer Prize: The Many Varied Phenomena of Equilibrium Self-assembly/polymerization Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 4 |
Freeland, John Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G49.00001 Unraveling electronic and magnetic structure at cuprate-manganite interfaces Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Freericks, James Georgetown University |
Session T32.00005 Recent progress in quantum simulation with trapped ions Room: 708-712 |
Frey, Erwin Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen |
Session Q10.00007 Survivial Strategies in Bacterial Range Expansions Room: 201 |
Friedl, Lawrence NASA Applied Sciences |
Session F38.00004 Earth Science Serving Society: Using NASA Earth-observing Satellites for Policy, Management, and Capacity Building Room: 709/711 |
Friedman, Jonathan Amherst College |
Session T48.00003 Geometric-Phase Interference in a Mn$_{12}$ Single-Molecule Magnet with Truly Fourfold Symmetry Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Friend, Cynthia Harvard University |
Session F1.00008 Multiscale Studies of Surface Chemistry of Catalysis: Au-Ag alloys Room: 103/105 |
Frischknecht, Amalie L. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session L14.00003 Atomistic Simulations of Aggregation in Ionomer Melts Room: 301-303 |
Fritz, Tobias Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session B40.00005 Bell's theorem on arbitrary causal structures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Frontczak, Susan Marie Storysmith® |
Session L38.00003 The Role of Living History in the Communication of Science to the Public Room: 709/711 |
Fullerton, Eric University of California, San Diego |
Session G7.00001 Engineered materials for all-optical helicity-dependent magnetic switching Room: 106 |
Gaarde, Mette Louisiana State University |
Session W36.00003 Hosting a CUWiP -- the fun and the challenges Room: 703 |
Gali, Adam Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Session B39.00003 Qubit control in phosphorus doped silicon nanowires Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Galitski, Victor University of Maryland |
Session F39.00003 Many-body physics of spin-orbit-coupled quantum gases Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Gallagher, William IBM Watson Research Center |
Session W23.00006 A Physicist Role in Innovation within IBM Research Room: 505-507 |
Galli, Giulia Institute for Molecular Engineering, The University of Chicago |
Session D23.00001 Photoexcitations in embedded semiconducting nanoparticles Room: 505-507 |
Garanin, Dmitry Lehman College of the CUNY |
Session T48.00002 Magnetic Deflagration and Turbulent Fronts of Quantum Detonation in Molecular Magnets Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Garate, Ion Universit\'e de Sherbrooke |
Session G55.00003 Weak localization and antilocalization in topological insulator thin films with coherent bulk-surface coupling Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Garcia, Guillermo Heliotrope Technologies, Inc. |
Session J38.00005 Plasmonic Smart Windows: A New Invention from Berkeley's Molecular Foundry Room: 709/711 |
Garrity, Kevin Rutgers University |
Session D39.00004 Chern Insulators from Heavy Atoms on Magnetic Substrates Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Gaspard, Pierre Universit\'e Libre de Bruxelles |
Session Q12.00002 Thermodynamics meets information in copolymerization processes Room: 205 |
Gedik, Nuh Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T40.00004 Fluctuating Charge Density Waves in a Cuprate Superconductor Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Gegenwart, Philipp I. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-University of Goettingen |
Session Z13.00004 Electronic nematicity and its relation to magnetism in EuFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ based superconductors Room: 207 |
Gerber, Michele Gerber Group Consulting |
Session B38.00002 Women and the Hanford Site Room: 709/711 |
Germann, Timothy Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session M26.00001 Integrating Simulation and Data for Materials in Extreme Environments Room: 502 |
Giamarchi, Thierry University of Geneva |
Session F7.00001 Quantum magnetism in low dimensions and large magnetic fields Room: 106 |
Giardina, Irene Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome |
Session W10.00001 Wild swarms of midges linger at the edge of an ordering phase transition Room: 201 |
Giessibl, Franz University of Regensburg, Germany |
Session M38.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award: Force microscopy with subatomic spatial resolution Room: 709/711 |
Gilbert, Ian University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session S39.00001 Magnetic Charge Organization and Screening in Thermalized Artificial Spin Ice Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Gildor, Hezi The Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University |
Session Q30.00004 Uncertainties and complexities in small-scale ocean surface mixing processes Room: 605 |
Gillen, Mathew Visa Office, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State |
Session B36.00003 Improvements to the Visa Application System: Serving the S\&T Community, Promoting The American Economy and Keeping Us Safe Room: 703 |
Ginger, David University of Washington |
Session B25.00007 Understanding and Mitigating Recombination Loss in Organic Solar Cells Room: 503 |
Ginsberg, Naomi Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session D25.00001 Uncovering location-specific ultrafast exciton dynamics in organic semiconducting thin films Room: 503 |
Glavin, Shannon Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session W36.00006 Panel Discussion on the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: 703 |
Goedecker, Stefan University Basel |
Session L31.00004 Computational discovery of new structures using the minima hopping method Room: 607 |
Goldberger, Joshua The Ohio State University |
Session Q51.00001 Germananes: Germanium Graphane Analogues Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Golden, Kenneth University of Utah |
Session G40.00001 Sea ice, climate, and multiscale composites Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Goldenfeld, Nigel Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session Q10.00001 Fluctuation-induced patterns and rapid evolution in predator-prey ecosystems Room: 201 |
Good, Catherine Baruch College, CUNY |
Session A38.00002 Building Bridges to Belonging: Mindsets that Reduce Stereotype Threat and Increase Participation, Achievement, and Learning in STEM Room: 709/711 |
Gorbachev, Roman University of Manchester |
Session Q37.00004 Van der Waals heterostructures Room: 705/707 |
Gore, Jeff Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A12.00003 Cooperation, cheating, and collapse in biological populations Room: 205 |
Gorshkov, Alexey Joint Quantum Institute, NIST/University of Maryland |
Session T32.00002 Few-Body and Many-Body Quantum Optics in Rydberg Media Room: 708-712 |
Gottesman, Daniel Perimeter Institute |
Session L35.00004 The overhead of fault-tolerant quantum computing Room: 702 |
Gour, Gilad University of Calgary |
Session B40.00004 Universal Uncertainty Relations Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Gramlich, Michael University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Session L10.00008 Molecular motors are stymied by microtubule lattice defects Room: 201 |
Granick, Steve University of Illinois |
Session B14.00005 New questions in classical polymer physics Room: 301-303 |
Grant, Paul W2AGZ Technologies |
Session M10.00002 From Electrons Paired to Electric Power Delivered-- A Personal Journey in Research and Applications of Superconductivity at IBM, EPRI, and Beyond Room: 201 |
Grason, Gregory University of Massachusetts |
Session F16.00007 Geometrically frustrated filament assemblies: Unravelling the connection between bundle shape and inter-filament order Room: 401 |
Greeley, Jeffrey Purdue University |
Session L2.00008 First principles analysis of metal and oxide-metal interfacial catalysis for hydrogen production Room: 102 |
Green, Peter University of Michigan |
Session W22.00007 Structural Relaxations in Bulk and Thin Film Polymers: Role of Macromolecular Architecture Room: 407 |
Greene, Laura Department of Physics and Materials Research Laboratory, Center for Emergent Superconductivity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q57.00002 Deciphering Electron Matter in Novel Superconductors Room: Four Seasons Ballroom |
Greif, Daniel ETH Zurich |
Session L32.00002 Short-range Quantum Magnetism of Ultracold Fermions in an Optical Lattice Room: 708-712 |
Grinolds, Michael Harvard University |
Session D8.00004 Nanoscale magnetic imaging of individual electron spins under ambient conditions Room: 104 |
Gross, Christian Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session L32.00003 Direct observation of interacting Magnons in optical lattices Room: 708-712 |
Gross, Leo IBM Research - Zurich |
Session M38.00003 Single Molecules Investigated using atomically functionalized qPlus Sensors Room: 709/711 |
Grundler, Dirk Tech Univ Muenchen |
Session A7.00005 Collective spin waves in reconfigurable artificial crystals and magnonic meta-materials Room: 106 |
Grutter, Alexander Stanford University |
Session G49.00005 Emergent Interfacial Ferromagnetism in CaMnO$_{3}$-based Superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Gu, Genda Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National laboratory |
Session Q42.00010 Searching for ideal Bi-system topological insulator, Pb-system topological crystalline insulator and their topological superconductor Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Gunawardena, Shermali The State University of New York at Buffalo |
Session S3.00007 \textit{In vivo} control mechanisms of motor-cargo movement on microtubules Room: 107 |
Gygi, Francois University of California Davis |
Session D27.00001 Accuracy, Speed, Scalability: the Challenges of Large-Scale DFT Simulations Room: 501 |
Haah, Jeongwan MIT |
Session S32.00003 Lattice quantum codes and exotic topological phases of matter Room: 708-712 |
Hackens, Benoit IMCN/NAPS, Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium |
Session B24.00001 Imaging quantum transport using scanning gate microscopy Room: 504 |
Haeffner, Hartmut UC Berkeley |
Session M34.00001 Reducing Motional Decoherence in Ion Traps with Surface Science Methods Room: 704 |
Hagan, Michael Brandeis University |
Session G16.00010 Viral genome structures, charge, and sequences are optimal for capsid assembly Room: 401 |
Halas, Naomi Rice University |
Session D55.00001 Frank Isakson Prize: Coherent Plasmonics Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Hall, Timothy University of Wisconsin |
Session Y38.00002 Quantitative Ultrasound: Transition from the Laboratory to the Clinic Room: 709/711 |
Hallatschek, Oskar University of California, Berkeley |
Session B12.00004 Acceleration of Evolutionary Spread by Long-Range Dispersal Room: 205 |
Han, Charles C. Joint Laboratory of Polymer Science and Materials, ICCAS, Beijing, China |
Session F56.00005 Interactive Phase Separation and Crystallization: from Dynamically Symmetric to Dynamically Asymmetric Blend Systems Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 4 |
Hanson, Joseph PBS Digital Studios |
Session L38.00005 The Future of the New Media in the Communication of Science Room: 709/711 |
Hardwick, Laurence University of Liverpool |
Session F25.00001 Electrochemistry of dioxygen in lithium-air batteries Room: 503 |
Harrison, Neil Los Alamos National Labs. |
Session W40.00003 A universal order underlying the pseudogap regime of the underdoped high $T_{\rm c}$ cuprates Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Hasan, M. Zahid Princeton Univ |
Session M39.00004 Topological Kondo Insulator (TKI) and related candidate materials: High-resolution ARPES studies Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Haule, Kristjan Rutgers The State University of New Jersey |
Session Y13.00007 The iron pnictides and chalcogenides, a DMFT perspective Room: 207 |
Hayden, Patrick Stanford |
Session A33.00001 Quantum computation versus firewalls Room: 706 |
Hayward, Ryan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session J56.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Lecture: Buckling Instabilities of Polymer Multilayers Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 4 |
He, Ke Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session W42.00001 Magnetism in Magnetically Doped Topological Insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Heimbach, Patrick MIT |
Session G40.00002 Ice sheet-ocean interactions and sea level change Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Heinonen, Olle Argonne Natl Lab |
Session S39.00004 Resonant dynamics of topological magnetic structures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Heinz, Tony Columbia |
Session T39.00004 Isakson Prize: Optical properties, many-body interactions, and accessing the valley degree of freedom in transition metal dichalogenides at monolayer thickness Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Henkelman, Graeme University of Texas at Austin |
Session D1.00005 Correlating structure and function for nanoparticle catalysts Room: 103/105 |
Hennig, Richard G. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA |
Session D12.00003 Computational Discovery and Design of Two-Dimensional Materials for Energy Technologies Room: 205 |
Heremans, Joseph P. The Ohio State University |
Session M25.00001 Phonon and magnon heat transport and drag effects Room: 503 |
Higginbotham, Andrew Harvard University, University of Copenhagen |
Session L36.00001 Long spin coherence in a strong spin-orbit qubit Room: 703 |
Hill, Ernie The University of Manchester |
Session D40.00002 Graphene magnetism due to point defects Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Hinkle, Christopher University of Texas at Dallas |
Session Y53.00007 Chemical Synthesis, Computational Modeling, and Surface Reactions of Silicon Nanotube Anodes and Silicate Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries Room: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Hinko, Katie JILA Physics Frontier Cente, Physics Education Research Group at CU Boulder |
Session A38.00004 Supporting the Physics Identity and Practices of Both University and K-12 Students through Outreach Room: 709/711 |
Hobbie, Erik K. NDSU |
Session W14.00005 Nonequilibrium patterns in nanocomposite films and fluids Room: 301-303 |
Holland, Murray JILA, University of Colorado Boulder |
Session Z12.00001 Quantum synchronization and the no-photon laser Room: 205 |
Hollenhorst, James Agilent Technologies |
Session W23.00003 Perspectives on Industrial Innovation from Agilent, HP, and Bell Labs Room: 505-507 |
Hone, James Columbia University |
Session J10.00005 Mechanisms of Cellular De-adhesion Room: 201 |
Hone, Jim Columbia University |
Session L30.00010 Graphene Nanomechanics Room: 605 |
Honerkamp-Smith, Aurelia University of Cambridge |
Session A12.00005 Critical composition fluctuations in artificial and cell-derived lipid membranes Room: 205 |
Hosono, Hideo Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session B13.00001 A Study of Hydrogen Anion Substitution in 1111-type Iron Arsenides Room: 207 |
Houck, Andrew Princeton University |
Session A32.00004 Quantum Simulation with Superconducting Circuits Room: 708-712 |
Howes, Ruth Retired |
Session B38.00003 After the War: Stories of the women who did scientific and technical work on the Manhattan Project Room: 709/711 |
Hoy, Robert S. University of South Florida |
Session F17.00003 Effect of chain topology and angular interactions on the competition between crystallization and glass-formation Room: 402 |
Hsu, Hsiu-Chuan Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session W36.00005 Panel Discussion on the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: 703 |
Htoon, Han Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Materials Physics and Applications Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G50.00001 Metal Nanostructure-Multiexciton Interactions: From Emission Enhancement to Modification of Photon Statistics Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Hu, Liangbing University of Maryland College Park |
Session S23.00002 Nanocellulose as Material Building Block for Energy and Flexible Electronics Room: 505-507 |
Huang, Yonggang Northwestern University |
Session T16.00001 Mechanics analysis and design of fractal interconnects for stretchable batteries Room: 401 |
Hubmayr, Hannes National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session J23.00001 Probing the Last 13.8 Billion Years in the Universe with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Room: 505-507 |
Hughes, Richard Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session F32.00001 Network-Centric Quantum Communications Room: 708-712 |
Huxter, Vanessa Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona |
Session L24.00001 Mapping Energy Flow with Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy Room: 504 |
Hwang, Harold Y. Stanford University |
Session J39.00001 New spectroscopic measurements on localized charges at the interface Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Iglesias, Pablo The Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y12.00004 A modular view of directed cell migration Room: 205 |
Ilani, Shahal Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session J39.00002 Understanding oxide interfaces: From microscopic imaging to electronic phases Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Ilmoniemi, Risto Aalto University |
Session F23.00005 Magnetoencephalography: From first steps to clinical applications Room: 505-507 |
Irwin, Kent Stanford University |
Session F23.00003 SQUID-amplified photon detection: from cosmology to material science Room: 505-507 |
Ishida, Kenji Kyoto University, Department of Physics |
Session L40.00004 Quantum Critical Behavior in Heavy-Fermion Iron Oxypnictide Ce(Ru$_{\mathrm{1-x}}$Fe$_{\mathrm{x}})$PO Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Ishikita, Hiroshi Graduate School of Science, Osaka University |
Session Q14.00004 Proton transfer pathways in Photosystem II Room: 301-303 |
Iwasa, Yoshihiro University of Tokyo and RIKEN |
Session W51.00001 Spin-valley physics and field effect on transition metal dichalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Jacob, Zubin University of Alberta |
Session L48.00002 Engineering vacuum and thermal fluctuations with metamaterials Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Jacobs, Karin Saarland University, Experimental Physics |
Session W14.00004 Pattern formation and control in polymeric systems: From Minkowski measures to in situ AFM imaging Room: 301-303 |
Jaeger, Heinrich University of Chicago |
Session E4.00001 Outreach Talk 1 Room: 207 |
Jaeger, Heinrich Univ of Chicago |
Session A16.00010 Granular Materials by Design Room: 401 |
Jaime, Marcelo NHMFL-LANL, Los Alamos, NM 87544 |
Session Z4.00001 Magnetic Texture {\&} Frustration in Quantum Magnets via Strain Measurements to 100 Tesla Room: 112/110 |
Janotti, Anderson University of California Santa Barbara |
Session G39.00003 Controlling the two-dimensional electron gas at complex oxide interfaces Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo MIT |
Session T39.00002 Quantum transport in graphene/hBN heterostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Javey, Ali UC Berkeley |
Session D51.00004 to be determined by you Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Jessen, Poul College of Optical Sciences and Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC), University of Arizona |
Session S34.00008 Robust and Addressable Control of Atomic Qubits and Qudits Room: 704 |
Jin, Changqing Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session G36.00003 Pressure tuned novel states of new quantum materials Room: 703 |
Jin, Deborah NIST and Univ of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G29.00004 Dipolar interactions of lattice-confined polar molecules Room: 603 |
Jinyan, Liu The Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session W38.00005 A Brief History of the Institute of Theoretical Physics in the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1978 Room: 709/711 |
Jochym-O'Connor, Tomas Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo |
Session L35.00008 Using concatenated quantum codes for universal fault-tolerant quantum gates Room: 702 |
Joglekar, Ajit University of Michigan |
Session L12.00004 An engineer's understanding of kinetochore motility and signaling Room: 205 |
Johnson, Alan Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session M30.00007 to be determined by you Room: 605 |
Johnson, Derek Prieto Battery |
Session G12.00004 An Aqueous Based Route to Fabricating 3-D Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries Room: 205 |
Johnson, Erin University of California, Merced |
Session J1.00001 Towards accurate density-functional treatment of non-covalent interactions in complex systems Room: 103/105 |
Johnson, Nicole Colorado Sch of Mines |
Session W36.00004 Panel Discussion on the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: 703 |
Johnston, Marty University of St. Thomas |
Session T38.00002 Building Scholars One Mistake at a Time Room: 709/711 |
Jones, Aaron University of Washington |
Session B51.00004 Optoelectronic Control of Spin and Pseudospin in Layered WSe$_2$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Jones, Cody Stanford Univ - Ginzton Lab |
Session Q32.00004 Synthesizing Logic in Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers Room: 708-712 |
Jones, Marshall GE Global Research |
Session L23.00005 Laser Material Processing in Manufacturing Room: 505-507 |
Joselevich, Ernesto Weizmann Institute |
Session T50.00001 Guided growth of horizontal nanowires: A new path to self-integrated nanosystems Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Julian, Stephen University of Toronto |
Session A55.00005 Possible Weyl state near the metal-insulator boundary in pyrochlore iridates Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Julien, Marc-Henri Laboratoire National des Champs Magn\'etiques Intenses, Grenoble |
Session L39.00005 Electronic ordering and disorder effects in the pseudogap state of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{y}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Jung, Jeil Graphene Research Centre and Department of Physics, National University of Singapore |
Session F55.00003 Electronic properties of moire superlattice bands in layered two dimensional materials Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Kahn, Antoine Princeton University |
Session A25.00001 Interface Energetics and Chemical Doping of Organic Electronic Materials Room: 503 |
Kalinin, Sergei Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session L41.00001 Probing Local Ionic Dynamics in Functional Oxides: From Nanometer to Atomic Scale Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Kas, Josef A. Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Leipzig, Linn\'estrasse 5, 04103 Leipzig, Germany |
Session F14.00004 Are biomechanical changes necessary for tumor progression? Room: 301-303 |
Kaufman, Laura Columbia University |
Session Y1.00009 Single Molecule Approaches to Studying Heterogeneity in Molecular Supercooled Liquids Room: 103/105 |
Kaul, Ribhu Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky |
Session A23.00002 Deconfined quantum criticality in two-dimensional bipartite SU(N) anti-ferromagnets Room: 505-507 |
Kawakami, Roland The Ohio State University |
Session D40.00004 Defect Induced Magnetic Moments in Graphene Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Kazakia, Galateia University of California San Francisco |
Session Y38.00003 High Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography for Assessment of Bone Quality Room: 709/711 |
Ke, Xianglin Michigan State University |
Session S6.00004 Spin structure in an interfacially-coupled epitaxial ferromagnetic oxide heterostructure Room: 108 |
Kee, Hae-Young University of Toronto |
Session W40.00005 Emergence of superconductivity, valence bond order and Mott insulators in Pd[(dmit)2] based organic salts Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Keenan, Kathryn National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Y38.00001 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Phantom Development Room: 709/711 |
Kehrein, Stefan Goettingen University |
Session B32.00003 Undephasing the generalized Gibbs ensemble Room: 708-712 |
Keimer, Bernhard Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session D49.00001 Characterization and control of orbital, spin and charge order in nickel oxide superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Kelly, Cynthia Atomic Heritage Foundation |
Session B38.00004 Preserving the Manhattan Project Room: 709/711 |
Kent, Andrew D. Department of Physics, New York University |
Session T48.00001 Onset of a Propagating Self-Sustained Spin Reversal Front in a Magnetic System Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Kent, Paul Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 |
Session A24.00008 Li-ion energy storage of two-dimensional ``MXene'' transition metal carbides Room: 504 |
Kerckhoff, Joseph JILA, Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session Y23.00003 Dissipation engineering in a coherent feedback electromechanical network Room: 505-507 |
Khemani, Vedika Princeton University |
Session Y32.00005 Kibble-Zurek Scaling and String-Net Coarsening in Topologically Ordered Systems Room: 708-712 |
Kiernan, Denise Author, Touchstone/Simon & Schuster |
Session B38.00001 The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II Room: 709/711 |
Kim, Changyoung Yonsei University |
Session Y39.00003 Role of local orbital angular momentum in the electronic structure under inversion symmetry breaking Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Kim, Dae-Jeong University of California, Irvine |
Session M39.00002 Topological surface state in the Kondo insulator Samarium Hexaboride Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Kim, Philip Columbia University |
Session J55.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Prize: Graphene and Beyond Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Kim, Young-June Univ of Toronto |
Session W13.00004 Local moments in iron-based superconductors probed with x-ray emission spectroscopy Room: 207 |
Kimmel, Shelby MIT |
Session W35.00010 Robust Characterization of Quantum Processes Room: 702 |
Kimura, Kenta Graduate School of Enginnering Science, Osaka University |
Session W48.00005 Quantum fluctuations in spin-ice-like Pr$_{2}$Zr$_{2}$O$_{7}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Kirchmair, G. Departments of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session T34.00001 Single photon Kerr effect in circuit QED Room: 704 |
Kivelson, Steven Stanford University |
Session Q57.00004 Theoretical Approaches to Correlated Electron Problems Room: Four Seasons Ballroom |
Kleiman, Valeria University of Florida |
Session Y2.00004 Energy and Charge Transfer in Dinuclear Ru-based Complexes Room: 102 |
Klimov, Victor Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session W1.00004 Engineered semiconductor nanocrystals with enhanced carrier multiplication yields Room: 103/105 |
Kline, Joseph National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session T19.00007 Measurement of the Buried Structure of Sub-30 nm Block Copolymer Lithography Patterns Using Resonant X-ray Scattering Room: 404 |
Koehler, Simone UC Berkeley |
Session W12.00004 Dynamics of active actin networks Room: 205 |
Koenderink, Gijsje FOM Institute AMOLF |
Session F11.00002 Cytoskeletal organization by motor and polymerization forces Room: 203 |
Koesterke, Lars TACC |
Session M12.00001 Heterogeneous computing. What is it and do we need it? Room: 205 |
Kolodrubetz, Michael Boston University |
Session Y32.00003 Universality and Dynamic Localization in Kibble-Zurek of the Quantum Ising Model Room: 708-712 |
Koschny, Thomas Ameslab - DOE, Iowa State University |
Session M31.00001 Design of Metamaterials for control of electromagnetic waves Room: 607 |
Kotliar, Gabriel Rutgers University |
Session Z39.00002 Bad Metallic Behavior in Model Hamiltonian Studies and in Transition Metal Oxides Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Krauss, Lawrence Arizona State University |
Session M14.00001 The Universe: Beginnings, Ending and Our Miserable Future Room: 301-303 |
Krischer, Katharina Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen |
Session Z12.00004 Unusual synchronization behaviors during the electropolishing of silicon wafers: experiments and theory Room: 205 |
Krishnamoorti, Ramanan Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston |
Session W20.00004 N/A Room: 405 |
Kronik, Leeor Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Q27.00001 Excitation gaps of finite-sized systems from Optimally-Tuned Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals Room: 501 |
Krummel, Amber Colorado State University |
Session L3.00008 Probing Intermolecular Interactions in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with 2D IR Spectroscopy Room: 107 |
Kruse, Karsten Theoretical Physics, Saarland University, 66041 Saarbruecken, Germany |
Session Y12.00003 Cell Motility Resulting form Spontaneous Polymerization Waves Room: 205 |
Kumagai, Yu Materials Research Center for Element Strategy, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session S41.00004 Structural domain walls in polar hexagonal manganites Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Kumar, Manoj University of Kansas |
Session W32.00004 An Unusual Co(I)--H Interaction: Structural and Mechanistic Ramifications for Methyltransferases Room: 708-712 |
Kwok, Wai-Kwong Argonne Natl Lab |
Session L52.00007 Tailored Large Critical Currents in Iron-based Superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Ladd, Thaddeus HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session J36.00001 Composite Sequences for Triple-dot Qubits that Compensate for Miscalibration and Hyperfine Gradients Room: 703 |
Landee, Christopher Clark University |
Session S7.00004 Molecular-based 2D S $=$ 1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Layers and Ladders Room: 106 |
Landon-Cardinal, Olivier California Institute of Technology |
Session Q32.00005 The quest for self-correcting quantum memory Room: 708-712 |
Lang, Michael Goethe-University Frankfurt(M), Germany |
Session M48.00003 Mott criticality and multiferroicity in organic $\kappa$ -(BEDT-TTF)$_{2}$X salts Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Lang, Thomas C. Boston University |
Session A23.00005 Mott Transitions of Correlated Dirac Fermions from SU(2) to SU($N$) Room: 505-507 |
Lanzara, Alessandra Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley and Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L42.00001 Mapping the Spin texture of topological insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Lassig, Michael University of Cologne |
Session D10.00001 Fitness seascapes and adaptive evolution of the influenza virus Room: 201 |
Laverock, Jude Boston University |
Session J49.00001 Evolution of correlated electron behavior from the surface to the bulk in Sr$_x$Ca$_{1-x}$VO$_3$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Lazicki, Amy Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session M26.00005 Progress on Understanding Structure and Compression of Laser Ramp-Compressed Matter into the Terapascal Pressure Regime Room: 502 |
le boeuf, david LNCMI |
Session L39.00004 Charge order phase transition in an underdoped cuprate: a sound velocity study Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Lee, David European Physical Society |
Session S12.00002 The Effects of Physics R\&D on the European Economy Room: 205 |
Lee, Jeongsu State Univ of NY - Buffalo |
Session J8.00013 Putting Spin into Lasers Room: 104 |
Lee, Tae-Woo Pohang University of Science and Technology |
Session F21.00011 Large-scale electrohydrodynamic organic nanowire printing, lithography, and electronics Room: 406 |
Lee, Wei-Sheng Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session T40.00002 Lattice, spin, and charge excitations in cuprates Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Lee, Yoonseok Department of Physics, University of Florida |
Session A39.00005 Ultrasonic measurements of normal and superfluid He-3 in high porosity aerogel Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Leheny, Robert Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y14.00002 X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy studies of nanoparticle motion in glassy polymer melts and entangled polymer solutions Room: 301-303 |
Leibfried, Dietrich Ion Storage Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder CO |
Session D32.00003 Progress in Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions at NIST Room: 708-712 |
Leifer, Matthew Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session T33.00007 Bounds on Epistemic Interpretations of the Quantum State from Contextuality Room: 706 |
LeRoy, Brian University of Arizona |
Session F55.00005 Imaging and Spectroscopy of Graphene Heterostructures Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Le Tacon, Matthieu Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session L39.00001 CDW in cuprates: insights from inelastic photon scattering Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Levine, Alex UCLA, Department of Physics and Chemistry |
Session J22.00009 Semiflexible networks with labile crosslinkers: Bundling, rheology, ripping, and healing Room: 407 |
Levine, Herbert Rice University |
Session Y12.00001 Coupling actin flow, adhesion, and morphology in a computational cell motility model Room: 205 |
Lewandowski, Heather University of Colorado |
Session S38.00003 Colorado Learning about Science Survey for Experimental Physics (E-CLASS) Room: 709/711 |
Li, Connie H. Naval Research Lab |
Session Y48.00002 Direct electrical detection of spin-momentum locking in the topological insulator Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Li, J.I.A. Northwestern University |
Session A39.00003 Engineering the glass phase of superfluid $^3$He-A with disorder Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Li, Pengke University of Maryland-College Park |
Session S40.00003 \textit{g}-Factor Anisotropy Driven Spin Relaxation in Germanium Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Li, Qi Pennsylvania State University |
Session Y49.00001 Enhancement of Tunneling Electroresistance in tunnel junctions using bilyer barriers with ferroelectric driven phase transition Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Li, Qiang Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session G52.00007 Superconductivity and Critical Current of Iron-Based Superconductors in High Field Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Li, Xiaoqin (Elaine) University of Texas-Austin |
Session T14.00004 A two-dimensional view of electron dynamics and coherent coupling in semiconductors Room: 301-303 |
Li, Zhou McMaster University |
Session L48.00004 Polaron-like nature of massive Dirac fermions in valleytronic materials and topological insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Lian, Tianquan Emory University |
Session Q1.00009 Efficient Plasmon-Induced Hot Electron Transfer and Photochemistry in Semiconductor-Au Nanorod Heterostructures Room: 103/105 |
Licht, Jonathan Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine |
Session G10.00008 The Genetic Origins of Cancer Room: 201 |
Lienau, Christoph University Oldenburg |
Session B2.00001 Real-time observation of ultrafast Rabi oscillations between excitons and plasmons in J-aggregate/metal hybrid nanostructures Room: 102 |
Lim, Carmay Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica |
Session W32.00001 Principles Governing Metal Ion Selectivity in Ion Channel Proteins Room: 708-712 |
Lin, Hsin Natl Univ of Singapore |
Session Y48.00001 Topological Electronic Structures and Spintronics Applications for Silicene and Other Spin-Orbit Thin Films Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Lin, Minn-Tsong Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan |
Session D7.00004 Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Driven by Antiferromagnetic Layers Room: 106 |
Lin, Shi-Zeng Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S52.00001 Fractionalizing the vortex lattice in multiband superconductors in the flux flow region Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Lineweaver, Charles Australian National University |
Session F14.00002 The Atavistic Model of Cancer: Evidence, Objections, Therapeutic Value Room: 301-303 |
Linic, Suljo University of Michigan |
Session Q2.00008 Conversion of solar into chemical energy on plasmonic metal nanostructures Room: 102 |
Liphardt, Jan Bay Area Physical Sciences Oncology Center and Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session G10.00004 Interplay of Genes and Mechanics in the Disorganization of Multicellular Structures Room: 201 |
Little, Angela University of California, Berkeley |
Session A38.00005 Panel Discussion: Common Themes Across ``Bringing Newcomers Into The Physics Community'' Room: 709/711 |
Littlewood, Peter Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S12.00001 Physics for Knowledge and Economic Growth Room: 205 |
Liu, Allen University of Michigan |
Session S3.00004 Membrane tension regulates clathrin-coated pit dynamics Room: 107 |
Liu, Andrea University of Pennsylvania |
Session L12.00003 A minimal model for kinetochore-microtubule dynamics Room: 205 |
Liu, Bing Tsinghua University |
Session W38.00004 Some problems in the competition of high-temperature superconductivity research during the late 1980s Room: 709/711 |
Liu, Feng University of Utah |
Session S42.00007 Predicting Organic Topological Insulators in Organometallic Lattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Liu, Mengkun University of California, San Diego |
Session Z39.00005 Ultrafast and Ultrasmall Spectroscopy of Phase Transition in VO$_{2}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Liu, Tsu-Jae King University of California, Berkeley |
Session T23.00004 Mechanical Computing Redux: Limitations at the Nanoscale Room: 505-507 |
Liu, Yaohua Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session S6.00001 An Emergent Spin-Filter at the interface between Ferromagnetic and Insulating Layered Oxides Room: 108 |
Liu, Zhongkai Stanford University |
Session J40.00002 ARPES Study on the Strongly Correlated Iron Chalcogenides Fe$_{1+y}$Se$_x$Te$_{1-x}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Lloyd, Seth Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R48.00002 Quantum Life: How photosynthetic organisms use quantum coherence to enhance the efficiency of energy transport Room: Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Ballroom ABC |
Lodge, Timothy University of Minnesota |
Session B21.00001 Responsive Hydrogels and Ion Gels by Self-Assembly of ABA and ABC Triblock Polymers Room: 406 |
Lou, Jun Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University |
Session A51.00001 Exploring the Flatlands: Synthesis, Characterization and Engineering of Two-Dimensional Materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Lu, H. Peter Bowling Green State University, Department of Chemistry, Center for Photochemcial Sciences, Bowling Green, Ohio, 43403 |
Session J32.00004 Single-Molecule Ion Channel Conformational Dynamics in Living Cells Room: 708-712 |
Luijten, Erik Northwestern University |
Session L14.00005 Effective interactions and aggregation of rodlike polyelectrolytes Room: 301-303 |
Lukin, Mikhail Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138 |
Session J34.00001 Quantum Hybrid Systems: New Interface between Quantum Optics and Nanoscience Room: 704 |
Lutchyn, Roman Station Q, Microsoft Research, Santa Barbara, CA |
Session S32.00001 The search for Majorana zero-energy modes in solid-state systems Room: 708-712 |
Lutkenhaus, Norbert Univ of Waterloo |
Session F32.00002 Memory-assisted measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution Room: 708-712 |
Luzar, Alenka Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session S2.00008 Wetting of hydrophobic and nanostructured surfaces Room: 102 |
Ma, Yanming State Key Lab of Superhard Materials, Jilin University |
Session A31.00001 Materials Discovery via CALYPSO Methodology Room: 607 |
Maasilta, Ilari Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland |
Session Y40.00003 Engineering thermal conductance using a two-dimensional phononic crystal Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
MacDonald, Allan H. University of Texas at Austin |
Session T23.00005 Many-Body Switches Room: 505-507 |
MacKintosh, Fred Vrij University |
Session B10.00009 Elasticity on the edge of stability: what Maxwell can teach us about biology Room: 201 |
Madsen, Adrian American Association of Physics Teachers |
Session S38.00004 Using research-based assessment to improve teaching in your classroom and department: New resources on the PER User's Guide Room: 709/711 |
Madsen, Georg K.H. ICAMS, Universit\"atsstrasse 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany |
Session L25.00001 High throughput search for thermoelectric materials. Computational stability, transport and doping properties Room: 503 |
Maeno, Yoshiteru Kyoto University |
Session M48.00004 Anisotropy and pair-breaking effects in the putative chiral superconducting state of Sr2RuO4 in the presence of magnetic fields Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Magyari-Kope, Blanka Stanford University |
Session W53.00001 Modeling the Operation of Resistive Switching Memory Devices Room: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Mahapatra, Rupak Texas A\&M University |
Session J23.00004 Cryogenic Semiconductor Detectors in Search of Dark Matter Room: 505-507 |
Maiti, Saurabh University of Florida |
Session S48.00005 Peculiarities under the Superconducting Dome in Iron Based Superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Malen, Jonathan Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Z25.00001 Phonon Mean Free Path Spectra Measured by Broadband Frequency Domain Thermoreflectance Room: 503 |
Mannhart, Jochen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session J39.00004 Magnetism, Superconductivity and Pseudogap at the LaAlO$_{3}$-SrTiO$_{3}$ Interface Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Manson, Jamie Eastern Washington University |
Session W7.00004 Tuning spatial exchange and single-ion anisotropies in low-dimensional Ni(II) quantum magnets Room: 106 |
Marchetti, M. Cristina Syracuse University |
Session W12.00003 Defect Dynamics in Active Nematics Room: 205 |
Marcus, Guy Johns Hopkins University |
Session M40.00004 Using 3D Printing and Stereoscopic Imaging to Measure the Alignment and Rotation of Anisotropic Particles in Turbulence Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Marenduzzo, Davide The School of Physics, The University of Edinburgh |
Session T15.00001 to be determined by you Room: 304 |
Marianetti, Chris Columbia Univ |
Session G39.00005 DFT+DMFT calculations in oxide superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Marko, John F. Northwestern University |
Session F15.00001 Mechanics, Structure and Dynamics of Metaphase Chromosome Folding Room: 304 |
Maroudas, Dimitrios University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session B37.00004 Theoretical studies of structure-property relations in graphene-based carbon nanostructures Room: 705/707 |
Martin, Lane University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q41.00001 Effect of Growth Induced (Non)Stoichiometry on Interfacial Conductance in LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Martinez-Miranda, Luz J. University of Maryland |
Session D55.00003 Edward A. Bouchet Award: Liquid Crystal Nanocomposites: Bulk and Local Structure Due to the Presence of Nanoparticles Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Mathur, Neil University of Cambridge |
Session G41.00001 Electrocaloric energy efficiency and cooling power Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Matsen, Mark Univ of Waterloo |
Session B14.00002 Monte Carlo Field-Theoretic Simulations for Melts of Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Room: 301-303 |
Matsuda, Yuji Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session Z40.00003 Slicing a Kondo lattice: the quest for exotic superconductivity in artificially engineered Ce-based superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Mavrikakis, Manos University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session A2.00008 Fundamental mechanistic studies in formic acid decomposition on transition metal surfaces Room: 102 |
May, Andrew Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session G12.00003 Understanding and Optimizing Bulk Thermoelectric Materials Room: 205 |
May, Steven Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University |
Session G6.00001 Anion-based approaches to tunable functionality in oxide heterostructures Room: 108 |
Mayer, Theresa Departments of Electrical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802 |
Session S23.00003 Directed Self-Assembly of III-V Semiconductor Nanowire and 2D Atomic Crystal Nanosheet Arrays for Advanced Nanoelectronic Devices Room: 505-507 |
McClure, Douglas IBM Research |
Session G32.00001 Steps Toward Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing with 2D and 3D Superconducting Qubits Room: 708-712 |
McEuen, Paul Cornell University |
Session D38.00003 Intellectual Property and Corporate Research: Threats to Scientific Openness Room: 709/711 |
McEuen, Paul Cornell University |
Session G30.00004 Interlayer strain solitons in bilayer graphene Room: 605 |
McGrane, Shawn Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session J26.00001 Shock induced chemistry in liquids on picosecond timescales Room: 502 |
McIntosh, Richard University of Colorado |
Session L12.00001 Microtubule Depolymerization as a Driver for Chromosome Motion Room: 205 |
McKinstrie, C.J. Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, Holmdel, NJ 07726 |
Session F32.00005 Toward Noiseless Amplification and Frequency Conversion Room: 708-712 |
McMichael, Robert Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session W4.00010 Edge mode spectroscopy and imaging for film edge properties in magnetic nanostructures Room: 112/110 |
Mehta, Mayank R. Keck center for Neurophysics, Department of Physics and Department of Neurology, UCLA |
Session A15.00001 Space, Time, Neural Oscillations and Memory Room: 304 |
Mehta, Pankaj Boston Univ |
Session Q12.00003 Talk 4 Room: 205 |
Meier, Dennis ETH Zurich |
Session M6.00001 Anisotropic conductance at improper ferroelectric domain walls Room: 108 |
Mele, Eugene University of Pennsylvania |
Session F55.00002 Stacking textures and singularities in bilayer graphene Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Menon, Narayanan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session S14.00004 The instabilities of a polymer sheet floating at a fluid interface Room: 301-303 |
Menoni, Carmen Colorado State University |
Session L23.00003 Exploring the nano-world with bright soft x-ray laser beams Room: 505-507 |
Messio, Laura LPTMC (UPMC, Paris) |
Session S4.00007 Chiral Spin Liquids Room: 112/110 |
Metlitski, Max Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B55.00003 A symmetry-respecting topologically-ordered surface phase of 3d electron topological insulators Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Miao, Bingfeng Nanjing University |
Session M8.00001 Inverse Spin Hall Effect in a Ferromagnetic Metal Room: 104 |
Middleton, A. Alan Syracuse University |
Session D14.00001 Fast algorithms for glassy materials: methods and explorations Room: 301-303 |
Miller, Casey W. University of South Florida, Department of Physics |
Session A38.00003 Enlightened Searches for Talent are Needed to Bring Newcomers into Physics Room: 709/711 |
Miller, Thomas California Institute of Technology |
Session T12.00003 Multiscale Dynamics of Enzyme Catalysis and Sec-Faciliated Protein Translocation Room: 205 |
Millstone, Jill University of Pittsburgh |
Session Q2.00001 Ligand-Mediated Synthesis of Colloidal Nanoparticle Alloys Room: 102 |
Mineev, Vladimir Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique |
Session M40.00001 Lars Onsager Prize: Topological Defects in Condensed Matter Phases Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Mineev, Vladimir Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique |
Session A39.00002 Half - Quantum Vortices in the polar phase of He-3 in nematic aerogel Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Minnich, Austin Caltech |
Session Y40.00001 Heat under the microscope: towards a microscopic understanding of thermal transport in solids Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Miranda, Rodolfo Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain |
Session S50.00002 Adding magnetic functionalities to epitaxial graphene by self assembly on or below its surface Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Mitra, Subhasish Stanford University |
Session W37.00001 Carbon Nanotube Computer: Transforming Scientific Discoveries into Working Systems Room: 705/707 |
Mochizuki, Masahito Aoyama Gakuin University |
Session G48.00007 Theoretical Studies on Dynamical Phenomena of Magnetic Skyrmions Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Moler, Kathryn Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences |
Session Q49.00001 Local conductivity enhancement due to the tetragonal domain structure in LaAlO$_{3}$- SrTiO$_{3}$ heterointerfaces Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Molle, Alessandro CNR-IMM, Laboratorio MDM |
Session T51.00001 Physical foundations and future perspectives of the epitaxial silicene Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Mong, Roger California Institute of Technology |
Session S32.00002 Universal topological quantum computation from a superconductor/Abelian quantum Hall heterostructure Room: 708-712 |
Moodera, Jagadeesh Physics Department, MIT |
Session G55.00001 Broken lattice-symmetry influence on electronic anisotropy and interface exchange-coupling-induced ferromagnetic state in TI thin films and heterostructures Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Moon, Soonjae Department of Physics, Hanyang University |
Session G52.00001 Infrared probe of the pseudogap in the BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ high-$T_{c}$ superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Moore, Cristopher Santa Fe Institute |
Session D14.00002 The Cavity Method, Belief Propagation, and Phase Transitions in Community Detection Room: 301-303 |
Morales, Miguel A. LLNL |
Session D26.00004 High-Pressure Hydrogen from First-Principles Room: 502 |
Moreo, Adriana Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session S48.00002 Study of the Nematic State of Pnictides using the Spin Fermion model with Spin, Orbital, and Lattice Degrees of Freedom Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Moriarty, Philip University of Nottingham |
Session M38.00002 Mapping the force-field of a hydrogen bonded assembly Room: 709/711 |
Morr, Dirk Univ of Illinois - Chicago |
Session Z40.00002 f-electron mediated Cooper Pairing in CeCoIn$_5$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Mourigal, Martin Johns Hopkins |
Session B4.00001 Molecular Quantum Magnetism in LiZn$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$ Room: 112/110 |
Mueller, Marcus Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany |
Session Q23.00004 Correlation between surface topography and slippage Room: 505-507 |
Mukherjee, Somdutta SSCU, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore |
Session M6.00005 Spin-phonon coupling and ferroelectricity in magnetoelectric gallium ferrite Room: 108 |
Muller, David Cornell University |
Session J31.00004 Watching Silica's Dance: Imaging the Structure and Dynamics of the Atomic (Re-) Arrangements in 2D Glass Room: 607 |
Mun, Eundeok Ames Laboratory/Iowa State University |
Session L40.00002 Magnetic field tuned quantum criticality of heavy fermion system YbPtBi Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Murdin, Ben University of Surrey, Guildford UK |
Session B39.00004 Physics of high field magnetic white dwarf stars -- relevance to silicon quantum information applications? Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Murnane, Margaret University of Colorado Boulder |
Session G2.00009 Quantum Control of Electrons in Atoms, Molecules and Materials - from Femtosecond to Attosecond to Zeptosecond Timescales Room: 102 |
Musfeldt, Janice University of Tennessee |
Session A41.00003 Spectroscopic signatures of domain walls in multiferroic ErMnO$_3$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Muthukumar, Murugappan University of Massachusetts |
Session F56.00002 Polymer dynamics in turbulent flow Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 4 |
Naegerl, Hanns-Christoph University of Innsbruck |
Session L32.00005 Many-body quantum quench in an atomic one-dimensional Ising chain Room: 708-712 |
Nakajima, Masamichi Department of Physics, Osaka University |
Session M13.00001 Strong electronic correlations in iron pnictides: Comparison of the optical spectra for BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$-related compounds Room: 207 |
Nakamura, Yasunobu The University of Tokyo |
Session D28.00001 Driven superconducting quantum circuits Room: 601 |
Nathanson, Gilbert University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session L3.00004 Collisions of Sodium Atoms with Liquid Glycerol: Insights into Na Atom Solvation and Ionization and the Reactions of Near-Interfacial Electrons Room: 107 |
Neal, Brent |
Session A14.00005 Panel Discussion on Industrial Research for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers Room: 301-303 |
Needleman, Daniel Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science |
Session W12.00002 Active Matter and the Spindle Room: 205 |
Neiman, Alexander Ohio University |
Session A15.00004 Sensory Coding in Oscillatory Peripheral Receptors Room: 304 |
Nel, Andre Professor of Medicine, Chief of the Division of NanoMedicine, Director of UC CEIN, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles |
Session S23.00005 How Events at the Nano/Bio Interface Determine Good and Adverse Biological Outcomes Room: 505-507 |
Nelson, Keith MIT |
Session T14.00001 Nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy of every phase of matter Room: 301-303 |
Neuhauser, Daniel Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA |
Session G2.00001 TDDFT and RPA for mesoscopic systems with thousands to millions of electrons: understating the red-shift in silver clusters absorption around 5nm Room: 102 |
Newman, Mark University of Michigan |
Session A12.00001 Epidemics, networks, and percolation Room: 205 |
Nicodemi, Mario Universit\`a di Napoli ``Federico II'' |
Session F15.00007 Models of chromatin spatial organisation in the cell nucleus Room: 304 |
Niemeyer, Irmgard Forschungszentrum J\"ulich, Germany |
Session F38.00003 Nuclear Verification from Space? Satellite Imagery in Support of Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Room: 709/711 |
Nikonov, Dmitri Intel |
Session T23.00003 Benchmarking emerging logic devices Room: 505-507 |
Nogueira, Flavio Theoretische Physik III, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum |
Session G55.00004 Proximity-induced magnetization dynamics, interaction effects, and phase transitions on a topological surface Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Nordlander, Peter Rice University |
Session D55.00002 Frank Isakson Prize: Quantum Plasmonics and Plexcitonics Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Nori, Franco CEMS, RIKEN and U. of Michigan |
Session L48.00001 (1) Majorana fermions in pinned vortices; (2) Manipulating and probing Majorana fermions using superconducting circuits; and (3) Controlling a nanowire spin-orbit qubit via electric-dipole spin resonance Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Noriega, Rodrigo University of California Berkeley |
Session Q20.00010 A general relationship between disorder, aggregation and charge transport in conjugated polymers Room: 405 |
Northup, Tracy University of Innsbruck |
Session A34.00001 Coupling ions and photons via an optical cavity Room: 704 |
Novoselov, Kostya S. University of Manchester |
Session T39.00001 Graphene, other 2D atomic crystals and their heterostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Nunnenkamp, Andreas University of Basel |
Session Q35.00001 Cavity optomechanics - Manipulating mechanical motion at the quantum level Room: 702 |
Oba, Fumiyasu Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University and Materials Research Center for Element Strategy, Tokyo Tech, Japan |
Session A44.00001 Band alignment of zinc-blende and chalcopyrite semiconductors: Effects of misfit dislocations Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Ocola, Leonidas E. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J38.00004 Nanoscience and nanofabrication at Argonne National Laboratory: The art of making small Room: 709/711 |
Odom, Teri Northwestern University |
Session G12.00002 Prospects of Omnidirectional Substrates for Light Trapping Room: 205 |
Oezyilmaz, Barbaros National University of Singapore |
Session D40.00003 Colossal Enhancement of Spin-Orbit Coupling in Hydrogenated Graphene Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Oh, Yoon Seok Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session W48.00003 Novel phase transitions in iridium dichalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Ohno, Hideo Tohoku University |
Session T23.00002 Nanoscale Magnetic Tunnel Junction Room: 505-507 |
Oiwa, Akira Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session D36.00001 Conversion of angular momentum from single photons to single electron spins in electrically controlled quantum dots Room: 703 |
Okada, Yoshinori Boston College |
Session F42.00004 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Investigations of Surface States in Three Dimensional Topological Insulators and Topological Crystalline Insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A |
Okamoto, Yoshihiko Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session D6.00001 Breathing Pyrochlore Lattice Realized in the A-Site Ordered Spinel Oxides LiGaCr$_{4}$O$_{8}$ and LiInCr$_{4}$O$_{8}$ Room: 108 |
Oliver, William MIT Lincoln Laboratory |
Session A28.00001 Noise spectroscopy and decoherence mitigation during free and driven evolution Room: 601 |
Olivucci, Massimo Bowling Green State University |
Session W32.00005 From Computational Photobiology to the Design of Vibrationally Coherent Molecular Devices and Motors Room: 708-712 |
Olsen, Bradley Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A21.00001 Solution Self-Assembly of Globular Protein-Polymer Conjugate Block Copolymers Room: 406 |
Oppenheim, Jonathan University College London |
Session B40.00002 Quantum thermodynamics Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Orenstein, Joseph University of California, Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley Lab |
Session T40.00005 Quasiparticle dynamics and competing order in cuprate superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Orth, Peter P. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Session W39.00003 Emergent Criticality and Ricci Flow in a 2D Frustrated Heisenberg Model Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Ott, Edward University of Maryland, College Park |
Session M40.00002 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize: Chaotic Dynamics in the Physical Sciences: Some Comments and Examples Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Ouellette, Nicholas Yale University |
Session J14.00002 How Many Insects Does It Take to Make a Swarm? Room: 301-303 |
Overbye, Dennis The New York Times |
Session L38.00004 The Historical Role of the New York Times in the Communication of Science to the Public Room: 709/711 |
Pace, Nick Texas A\&M University |
Session Q14.00005 Contribution of Hydrogen Bonds to Protein Stability Room: 301-303 |
Paesani, Francesco University of California, San Diego |
Session S2.00004 Water adsorption and proton conduction in metal-organic frameworks: Insights from molecular simulations Room: 102 |
Paglione, Johnpierre Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session M39.00005 Hybridization Gap, Metallic Surface States and Quantum Transport in SmB$_6$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Paltiel, Yossi School of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew University |
Session F2.00004 Molecular controlled of quantum nano systems Room: 102 |
Pan, Ding Department of Chemistry, University of California Davis, Davis, CA 95616 |
Session D26.00008 Dielectric Properties of Water Under Extreme Conditions Room: 502 |
Parameswaran, Siddharth UC Berkeley and UC Irvine |
Session A55.00002 Probing the chiral anomaly and transport in Weyl semimetals Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Park, Hyowon Columbia University |
Session B49.00011 Total Energy Calculations using DFT+DMFT: Application to the Pressure-composition Phase Diagram of Rare-earth Element Nickelates Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Park, Jiwoong Cornell University |
Session Q1.00001 Optical Excitation and Energy Relaxation in Graphene: Layer by Layer Room: 103/105 |
Parkin, Stuart S IBM Almaden Res Ctr |
Session Z39.00001 Giant reversible structural and electronic changes in liquid gated epitaxial films of VO2 Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Parthasarathy, Raghuveer University of Oregon |
Session A40.00005 Measuring membrane rigidity and viscosity: New methods, and new insights Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Paul, Rituparna H.B. Fuller \& Co. |
Session A14.00002 Thermoplastic Adhesives based on polyolefin and olefinic copolymers Room: 301-303 |
Pauly, Kim Stanford University |
Session Y38.00004 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Thermometry and Its Use with MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Room: 709/711 |
Pavin, Nenad University of Zagreb |
Session L12.00002 Microtubules search for chromosomes by pivoting around the spindle pole Room: 205 |
Payne, Christine Georgia Tech |
Session W2.00001 Imaging and controlling intracellular reactions: Lysosome transport as a function of diameter and the intracellular synthesis of conducting polymers Room: 102 |
Peeters, Francois Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium |
Session L52.00001 Nonlinear dynamics of vortices in nano-structured superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Peng, Lian Mao Peking University |
Session T37.00001 High-Performance Gate Dielectric for Carbon-based Nanoelectronics Room: 705/707 |
Pepin, Catherine IPhT, CEA-Saclay |
Session W40.00002 Quantum critical point underlying the pseudogap state in underdoped cuprate superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Perahia, Dvora Clemson University |
Session L14.00002 Where Scattering and Computations Meet: Structure and Dynamics of Ionic Co-Polymers Room: 301-303 |
Perdew, John P. Department of Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 |
Session A1.00005 Gedanken Densities and Lower Bounds in Density Functional Theory Room: 103/105 |
Perebeinos, Vasili IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session S53.00010 Electrical Contacts in Carbon Nanotube Transistors Room: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Perkins, Natalia B. University of Wisconsin |
Session W39.00001 Critical Properties of the Kitaev-Heisenberg Model Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Peruani, Fernando University of Nice Sophia Antipolis |
Session T1.00004 Bacteria as self-propelled liquid crystals: non-equilibrium clustering, polar order, collective motion, and aggregation Room: 103/105 |
Petrova, Olga Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session L4.00007 Non-abelian anyons on dislocations in Kitaev's honeycomb spin liquid Room: 112/110 |
Petta, Jason Princeton University |
Session M32.00001 Hybrid Circuit QED with Double Quantum Dots Room: 708-712 |
Pfefferkorn, Candace AAAS Fellow |
Session M33.00002 Participation in Panel Discussion Room: 706 |
Pfutzner, Harold Schlumberger |
Session M23.00005 High Sensitivity Gravity Measurements in the Adverse Environment of Oil Wells Room: 505-507 |
Phillips, Patrick University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session A24.00001 Electron microscopy characterization of Li-based cathode materials for battery applications Room: 504 |
Phillips, Rob Caltech |
Session B11.00001 Cultivating the Physical Biology Mindset Room: 203 |
Pickard, Chris University College London |
Session D12.00004 Random search - a tool for exploring dense matter Room: 205 |
Pickett, Warren University of California Davis |
Session G39.00001 Formal Valence, $3d$ Occupation, and Charge Ordering Transitions Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Ping, Yuan Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; California Institute of Technology |
Session G23.00001 Electronic Excitations in Light Absorbers for Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion: First Principles Calculations Based on Many-Body Perturbation Theory Room: 505-507 |
Pitts, Kevin University of Illinois |
Session W36.00001 Overview and History of CUWiP Room: 703 |
Pochan, Darrin University of Delaware |
Session W14.00001 Exotic nanoparticles with block copolymer design and solution construction with kinetic control Room: 301-303 |
Poelsema, Bene MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente |
Session G53.00004 2014 Beller Lectureship: Quantum Size Effects: surface morphology and the stability of low dimensional structures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Pohl, Thomas MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden |
Session T32.00001 Rydberg atoms in optical lattices Room: 708-712 |
Poitzsch, Martin Schlumberger Oilfield Services |
Session W23.00005 Physics-Driven Innovation In the Oil and Gas Industry Room: 505-507 |
Politi, Antonio University of Aberdeen |
Session Z12.00005 Equivalence of phase oscillator models Room: 205 |
Potma, Eric University of California, Irvine |
Session Y1.00005 Femtosecond optical force microscopy Room: 103/105 |
Potvin, Geoff Florida International University |
Session G38.00003 The Landscape of Graduate Admissions: Surveying Physics Programs about Doctoral Admissions Practices Room: 709/711 |
Prentiss, Mara Harvard University |
Session Q12.00001 Roles of Entropic Funnels and Irreversibility in RecA Mediated Homology Recognition Room: 205 |
Preskill, John Cal Inst of Tech (Caltech) |
Session G32.00005 Fault-tolerant quantum computing with superconducting qubits Room: 708-712 |
Presse, Steve Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis |
Session Q12.00005 Maximum entropy, Nonadditive entropies and Biology Room: 205 |
Prezhdo, Oleg University of Rochester |
Session D23.00005 Quantum dots -- artificial atoms, large molecules, or small pieces of bulk? Insights from time-domain ab ignition studies Room: 505-507 |
Proudfoot, James Argonne National Laboratory |
Session M14.00005 Higgs and Beyond Room: 301-303 |
Pu, Yong The Ohio State University |
Session S40.00004 Exchange Coupling with Exponential Decay in Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$/Barrier/Pt Heterostructures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Pudenz, Kristen University of Southern California |
Session J35.00007 Error Corrected Quantum Annealing with Hundreds of Qubits Room: 702 |
Pushp, Aakash IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA 95120 |
Session L7.00005 Domain Wall Trajectory Determined by its Fractional Topological Edge Defects Room: 106 |
Qi, Xiao-Liang Stanford University |
Session S32.00004 Genons and twist defects Room: 708-712 |
Qiu, Xiaohui National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China |
Session M38.00005 Real-space identification of intermolecular bonding with atomic force microscopy Room: 709/711 |
Quint, David University of California Merced |
Session J14.00004 Topological and behavioral disorder in collective motion Room: 301-303 |
Rabani, Eran Tel Aviv University |
Session W1.00008 Multiexciton Generation in Nanocrystals and Nanorods Room: 103/105 |
Rader, Karen Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session L38.00002 Displaying Science: The Exhibits Revolution in Science and Natural History Museums, 1900-1990 Room: 709/711 |
Rafailovitch, Miriam SUNY-Stony Brook |
Session A14.00004 TBD Room: 301-303 |
Ramaswamy, Sriram TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences |
Session J14.00001 Motile Fluids: Granular, Colloidal and Living Room: 301-303 |
Ramos, Maria J. University of Porto |
Session W32.00002 Quantum Mechanical Studies of Asparaginase Reaction Room: 708-712 |
Randeria, Mohit Ohio State University |
Session J39.00003 Chiral magnetism at oxide interfaces Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Raphael, Elie UMR Gulliver 7083 CNRS-ESPCI |
Session B14.00003 A direct quantitative measure of surface mobility in a glassy polymer Room: 301-303 |
Raschke, Markus University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
Session T14.00003 Multimodal and multispectral nano-imaging: accessing structure, function, and dynamics on the molecular scale Room: 301-303 |
Raussendorf, Robert University of British Columbia |
Session Q32.00003 Architectures for measurement-based quantum computation Room: 708-712 |
Reber, Theodore Brookhaven National Lab |
Session T40.00001 Pairing, Pair-Breaking, and the Critical Temperature in the Cuprate Superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Reed, Evan Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session Q26.00008 Atomistic Calculations of Nanosecond Timescale Kinetics of Shock-Compressed SiO2 Room: 502 |
Reid, Jean Philippe Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session G13.00004 Universal Heat Conduction in the Iron-Arsenide Superconductor KFe$_2$As$_2$: Evidence of a $d$-wave State Room: 207 |
Reilly, David Univ of Sydney |
Session S36.00001 Quantum hardware Room: 703 |
Relman, David A. Stanford University |
Session D38.00002 The Growing Tension Between Openness and Risk in the Life Sciences Room: 709/711 |
Remington, Bruce Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session L26.00008 Plastic flow and lattice dynamics experiments on shock and ramp loaded solid-state samples at extreme pressures and strain rates Room: 502 |
Rempe, Susan Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM USA |
Session W32.00003 Free Energy Wells and Barriers to Ion Transport Across Membranes Room: 708-712 |
Repp, Jascha Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg |
Session M38.00004 Dynamic Force Imaging and Spectroscopy of Individual Molecules Room: 709/711 |
Restagno, Frederic CNRS \& Paris-Sud University |
Session S14.00001 Polymer dynamics and stress transmission at polymer interfaces Room: 301-303 |
Rey, Ana Maria JILA and University of Colorado |
Session D32.00005 Quantum simulation with cold molecules Room: 708-712 |
Riggleman, Robert University of Pennsylvania |
Session T22.00004 Molecular simulation of the dynamics in thin polymer films Room: 407 |
Rigol, Marcos Penn State |
Session B32.00005 Fluctuation-dissipation relations in isolated quantum systems after a quench Room: 708-712 |
Robbins, Mark Johns Hopkins University |
Session S14.00002 Welding and healing of polymer interfaces: Connecting structure, dynamics and strength Room: 301-303 |
Robinson, Sean Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session T38.00005 Using instructional laboratories and research experiences in physics to build better people Room: 709/711 |
Rogge, Sven University of New South Wales |
Session B39.00002 A single dopant atom in silicon sees the light Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Roitberg, Adrian University of Florida |
Session T27.00005 Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics in the Age of Heterogeneous Architectures Room: 501 |
Ros, Robert Arizona State University |
Session J12.00001 Mechanical properties of metastatic breast cancer cells invading into collagen I matrices Room: 205 |
Ross, Jennifer University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session J14.00005 Biomimetic Phases of Microtubule-Motor Mixtures Room: 301-303 |
Roth, Sophie FOM Institute Amolf, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Session L12.00005 Positioning of Microtubule organizing centers (MTOC) in 3D confinement Room: 205 |
Rubinstein, Michael University of North Carolina |
Session L14.00001 Complexation of Oppositely Charged Polyelctrolytes and Diblock Polyampholytes Room: 301-303 |
Rubio, Angel Universidad del Pais Vasco |
Session A32.00005 Extensions of density functional theory approaches to treating quantum phenomena and quantum entanglement Room: 708-712 |
Ruina, Andy Cornell University, Mechanical Engineering |
Session G14.00001 Rotation with zero angular momentum: Demonstrations of the falling cat phenomenon go sour Room: 301-303 |
Ruoff, Rodney S. The University of Texas at Austin |
Session S23.00001 Novel Carbons as Electrodes for Electrical Energy Storage Room: 505-507 |
Ruzsinszky, Adrienn Temple University |
Session G1.00001 Insight into Structural Phase Transitions from Density Functional Theory Room: 103/105 |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard University |
Session W40.00001 Angular fluctuations of a multi-component order describe the pseudogap regime of the cuprate superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Sales, Brian Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Q25.00001 Electronic Correlations and Thermoelectric Performance Room: 503 |
Sanchez-Yamagishi, Javier D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F55.00001 Quantum Spin Hall Effects and Interactions in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Santander-Syro, Andr\'es F. CSNSM - Universit\'e Paris Sud |
Session Y39.00001 Novel 2D electron gases at the surface of transition-metal oxides: role of topology and spin-orbit coupling Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Saraiva, Andre UFRJ (Brazil) / Univ. of Wisconsin (USA) |
Session L48.00005 Enhanced Valley Splitting for Quantum Electronics in Silicon Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Savary, Lucile Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W48.00004 Excitations, order, and criticality in quantum pyrochlores Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Savrasov, Sergey University of California Davis |
Session Y39.00002 Topological Insulators, Semi-Metals and Superconductors From First Principles Electronic Structure Calculations Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Scalapino, Douglas UCSB |
Session L13.00007 Similarities, diferences and the pairing interaction of the Fe-based and cuprate superconductors Room: 207 |
Scarlino, Pasquale Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft |
Session T36.00004 Control and coherence of Loss-DiVincenzo qubits in Si/SiGe quantum dots Room: 703 |
Schaller, Richard Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T14.00005 Probing Lattice Dynamics in Quantum-Confined Materials on Ultrafast Timescales Room: 301-303 |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany |
Session G1.00005 Hybrid Density Functionals Tuned towards Fulfillment of Fundamental DFT Conditions Room: 103/105 |
Schemm, Elizabeth Stanford University |
Session M48.00002 Time reversal symmetry breaking in heavy fermion superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Schick, Christoph Univ Rostock |
Session L22.00004 Kinetics of nucleation and crystallization of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) - multiwalled carbon nanotube composites Room: 407 |
Schlichting, Ilme Max Planck Inst Kernphys |
Session L11.00004 Novel insights into protein signaling by high-resolution structural biology Room: 203 |
Schmalian, Joerg Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
Session A13.00007 Magnetically driven nematicity in the iron-pnictide superconductors Room: 207 |
Schmid, Friederike Institut fuer Physik, Staudingerweg 7-9, 55128 Mainz |
Session G20.00007 New perspectives for molecular field simulations of complex fluids Room: 405 |
Schmidt, J.R. UW-Madison |
Session L2.00004 Unraveling the Role of Metal-Support Interactions in Heterogeneous Catalysis Room: 102 |
Schmiedmayer, Joerg Vienna Univ of Technology |
Session B32.00001 How does an isolated quantum system relax? Room: 708-712 |
Schofield, Steven University College London |
Session B39.00001 Building quantum states at the silicon surface using dangling bonds Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Schuck, P. James Molecular Foundry, LBNL |
Session G44.00007 Sub-surface minority carrier lifetime mapping in photovoltaic materials Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Schwartz, Steven University of Arizona |
Session T12.00001 Protein Dynamics and Enzyme Catalysis: New results from Theory and Experiment Room: 205 |
Schwarz, J.M. Department of Physics, Syracuse University |
Session Q40.00004 Modeling cell migration on filamentous tracks in 3D Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Schweizer, Kenneth University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y14.00003 Microscopic Theories of Diffusion, Tube Localization and Slow Relaxation in Polymer Nanocomposites Room: 301-303 |
Seideman, Tamar Northwestern University |
Session G2.00005 Strong Field Coherent Control at the Space-Time Limit Room: 102 |
Seki, Takeshi Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Session Q8.00001 Spin wave dynamics and magnetization switching in exchange-coupled bilayers Room: 104 |
Selloni, Annabella Princeton University |
Session G23.00003 Cobalt, nickel/iron, and titanium oxide electrodes for water oxidation Room: 505-507 |
Selvamanickam, Venkat University of Houston |
Session S12.00004 Applications of Superconductivity and Impact on U.S. Economy Room: 205 |
Seneor, Pierre Unit\'e Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales |
Session D40.00001 Spin transport in epitaxial graphene Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Shaevitz, Joshua Princeton University |
Session D11.00001 Geometric control of bacterial cell shape Room: 203 |
Shakhnovich, Eugene Harvard Univ |
Session T11.00007 Climbing the scales ladder in Biology one mutation at a time Room: 203 |
Shankar, Sadasivan Harvard University \& Intel Corporation |
Session S23.00004 Materials 3.0 - Nanomaterials and The Next Revolution in Materials Room: 505-507 |
Shankar, Shyam Department of Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session Y23.00002 Autonomously stabilized entanglement between two superconducting qubits Room: 505-507 |
Shea, Joan Dept. of Physics, UC Santa Barbara |
Session W2.00008 Effect of surfaces in modulating protein folding mechanisms Room: 102 |
Shen, ZX Stanford University |
Session S51.00007 Photoemission Spectroscopy of 2D Electron Systems Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Sheng, Donna Cal State Univ - Northridge |
Session A23.00004 Quantum phase diagrams and phase transitions in frustrated two-dimensional Heisenberg models Room: 505-507 |
Shi, An-Chang McMaster University |
Session W14.00003 Transition Pathways Connecting Stable and Metastable Ordered Phases Room: 301-303 |
Shi, Hao Cornell University |
Session D55.00004 Spinning Photons and Twisting Oscillators Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Shi, Jing University of California, Riverside |
Session F40.00004 Distinguishing spin Hall MR from anisotropic MR by temperature dependence Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Shi, Li The University of Texas at Austin |
Session L51.00004 Thermal and Thermoelectric Transport in Two-Dimensional Materials and Devices beyond Graphene Room: Mile High Ballroom 1E |
Shim, Yun-Pil Laboratory for Physical Sciences |
Session F36.00004 Bottom-up superconducting and Josephson junction devices and qubits inside a Group-IV semiconductor Room: 703 |
Shiraishi, Masashi Kyoto University |
Session A48.00001 Spin-pumping-induced spin transport in Si and graphene at room temperature Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Shumway, John Department of Physics, Arizona State University |
Session D23.00002 Calculating recombination rates and biexciton binding/antibinding in core-shell dots and nano-rods Room: 505-507 |
Si, Qimiao Rice University |
Session W40.00004 Electron Correlations and Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides and Chalcogenides Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Siddiqi, Irfan QNL, University of California, Berkeley |
Session Y23.00001 Taking Control of Superconducting Qubits Room: 505-507 |
Silva, Carlos Universit\'e de Montr\'eal |
Session S1.00004 Direct observation of ultrafast long-range charge separation at polymer:fullerene heterojunctions Room: 103/105 |
Silver, Arnold Ford Motor Company |
Session F23.00001 First SQUIDs Room: 505-507 |
Silverstein, Harlyn University of Manitoba |
Session G4.00004 A$_{3}$TeX$_{3}$Z$_{2}$O$_{14}$ (A$=$Ba, Pb, K; X$=$Co, Mn, Fe; Z$=$V, P): Understanding symmetry loss in langasites Room: 112/110 |
Simmons, Michelle University of New South Wales |
Session M32.00004 Quantum Computing in Silicon with Donor Electron Spins Room: 708-712 |
Sinclair, Neil Institute of Science and Technology and Department of Physics \& Astronomy, University of Calgary |
Session F32.00003 Spectrally Multiplexed Solid-State Memories for Quantum Repeaters Room: 708-712 |
Singh, David Joseph Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session M16.00001 Finding new thermoelectrics: Parabolic bands are (probably) not enough Room: 401 |
Sinha, Sunil University of California San Diego |
Session Q7.00004 Jamming Behavior of Domain Walls in an Antiferromagnetic Film Room: 106 |
Slavin, Andrei Oakland Univ |
Session Z12.00002 Theory of injection locking and mutual synchronization of non-isochronous auto-oscillators in the presence of noise Room: 205 |
Sluka, Tomas University of Geneva, Switzerland; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session L41.00010 Charged domain walls in ferroelectrics Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Snoeijer, Jacco University of Twente |
Session Q23.00003 Coalescence of drops on a substrate Room: 505-507 |
Sokol, Paul National Science Foundation |
Session M33.00003 Panel Discussion on Postdocs Room: 706 |
Sokolov, Alexei University of Tennessee and ORNL |
Session F56.00004 Temperature Dependence of Structural Relaxation: From ``Super-fragile'' Polymers to ``Super-strong'' Behavior of Water Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 4 |
Soljacic, Marin MIT |
Session L23.00002 Nanophotonic phenomena in systems of macroscopic sizes Room: 505-507 |
Solomon, Tom Bucknell University |
Session M40.00003 Prize to a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate: Chaotic mixing and front propagation Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Song, Yang University of Rochester |
Session Y48.00003 Intrinsic limitations of spin transport in 2D membranes Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Soudackov, Alexander University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session G23.00005 Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Photoinduced Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Processes in Solution Room: 505-507 |
Soumyanarayanan, Anjan Harvard University |
Session Y39.00004 Emergence of a Robust Dirac Cone from Rashba-Split Surface States on a Topological Semimetal Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Spaldin, Nicola ETH Zurich |
Session W39.00005 Hidden Monopolar Order in Magnetoelectrics Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Spalding, Gabriel Illinois Wesleyan University |
Session T38.00001 Jonathan Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award: Updating Lab Curricula via the Tom Sawyer method of painting a fence Room: 709/711 |
Spielman, Ian NIST |
Session F39.00002 The spin Hall effect in a quantum gas Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Spontak, Richard North Carolina State University |
Session A14.00001 (Electro)Mechanical Properties of Olefinic Block Copolymers Room: 301-303 |
Sprik, Michiel Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge |
Session G23.00002 Oxide/Water Interfaces: How the Surface Chemistry Modifies the Electronic Energy Alignment Room: 505-507 |
Stachowiak, Jeanne University of Texas at Austin, Department of Biomedical Engineering |
Session A40.00002 Membrane Bending by Protein Crowding Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Staii, Cristian Tufts University |
Session J12.00004 High-resolution elasticity maps and cytoskeletal dynamics of neurons measured by combined fluorescence and atomic force microscopy Room: 205 |
Stanley, H. Eugene Boston University Center for Polymer Studies |
Session J23.00002 Power blackouts, sudden death, and flash crashes: The physics of interdependent networks Room: 505-507 |
Starace, Anthony F. Univ of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session M14.00002 Attosecond Physics - Probing and Controlling Matter on Its Natural Time Scale Room: 301-303 |
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt University |
Session G38.00002 Increasing Diversity in Physics at the PhD Level and Beyond Room: 709/711 |
Stebe, Kathleen University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q23.00002 Directed Assembly at Interfaces of Isotropic and Anisotropic Fluids Room: 505-507 |
Steglich, Frank Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, 01187 Dresden, Germany |
Session M48.00001 Evidence of f-electron localization at a heavy-fermion quantum critical point Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Stengel, Massimiliano Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain |
Session G41.00005 Flexoelectricity via coordinate transformations Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Stevenson, David Caltech |
Session M14.00004 Journey to the Center of the Earth Room: 301-303 |
Stiles, Noelle California Institute of Technology |
Session W36.00007 Panel Discussion on the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: 703 |
Stoneking, M.R. Department of Physics, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI 54911 |
Session T38.00004 Capitalizing on Community: the Small College Environment and the Development of Researchers Room: 709/711 |
Street, Robert Palo Alto Research Center |
Session G12.00001 Light-induced defect creation and recombination in organic solar cells Room: 205 |
Suraud, Eric Laboratoire Physique Theorique, Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 |
Session J27.00005 Dynamics of irradiation: from molecules to nano-objects and from material science to biology Room: 501 |
Suter, Robert Carnegie Mellon University |
Session S50.00001 Mesoscale Science with High Energy X-ray Diffraction Microscopy at the Advanced Photon Source Room: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Svore, Krysta Microsoft Research |
Session Q32.00001 Quantum Compiling for Topological Quantum Computing Room: 708-712 |
Sweeney, Timothy NRC research associate residing at the Naval Research Laboratory |
Session A36.00004 Cavity-stimulated Raman emission from a single quantum dot spin Room: 703 |
Swendsen, Robert Carnegie Mellon University |
Session A23.00001 Aneesur Rahman Prize: The Inverse Ising Problem Room: 505-507 |
Tagantsev, Alexander K. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland; Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia |
Session B41.00007 Antiferroelectricity in lead zirconate Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Takagi, Hide Univ of Tokyo |
Session W48.00001 Exotic magnetism of Jeff$=$1/2 iso-spins in complex Ir oxides Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Takagi, Hidenori University of Tokyo |
Session W6.00004 Strongly spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators Room: 108 |
Takenaka, Hiroyuki Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session T41.00004 Computational Study of Local Structure and Dynamics in a Relaxor Ferroelectric Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C |
Takeuchi, Kazumasa A. Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session G17.00007 Exploring universal scaling laws far from equilibrium with turbulent liquid crystal Room: 402 |
Takeya, Jun The University of Tokyo |
Session F20.00005 Effect of pressure on electronic charge coherence in organic semiconductor single crystals Room: 405 |
Tang, Chao Peking University |
Session Q12.00004 Reliable cell cycle commitment in budding yeast is ensured by signal integration Room: 205 |
Tans, Sander AMOLF Institute |
Session B12.00005 Experimental evolution and epistasis in variable environments Room: 205 |
Tao, Franklin (Feng) University of Notre Dame |
Session J2.00007 Exploration of surface chemistry and structure of catalysts under reaction condition and during catalysis with surface-sensitive in-situ techniques Room: 102 |
Tauber, Uwe C. Department of Physics, Virginia Tech |
Session F10.00001 Environmental vs. demographic variability in stochastic lattice predator-prey models Room: 201 |
Taufour, Valentin Critical Material Institute, Ames Laboratory, US DOE, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, U.S.A. |
Session L40.00005 Tricritical point and wing structure in the phase diagram of UGe$_2$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Tautz, Stefan Peter Gruenberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Juelich, 52425 Juelich, Germany |
Session G31.00001 Non-additivity of molecule-surface van der Waals potentials from force measurements Room: 607 |
Taylor, Beverley Miami University |
Session G14.00002 Physics of Toys: The Joy of Asking Questions Room: 301-303 |
Session G19.00004 N/A Room: 404 |
Teich, Albert H. Research Professor of Science, Technology and International Affairs, George Washington University |
Session B36.00001 George Washington University Visa Project--Streamlining Our Visa and Immigration Systems for Scientists and Engineers Room: 703 |
Tenne, Reshef Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session J31.00011 Inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles at the crossroad between materials science and nanotechnology Room: 607 |
Thampy, Vivek Brookhaven National Lab |
Session J40.00001 Magnetism and its interplay with Superconductivity in the Doped Iron Chalcogenide Fe$_{\mathrm{1+y}}$Te$_{\mathrm{1-x}}$Se$_{\mathrm{x}}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Thibado, Paul University of Arkansas |
Session A37.00007 STM Properties and Manipulation of Epitaxial Graphene Room: 705/707 |
Thoennessen, Michael Michigan State University |
Session G38.00004 The future of the graduate physics curriculum and exam structure Room: 709/711 |
Thomale, Ronny Julius Maximilians Universit\"at W\"urzburg |
Session M33.00001 Panel Discussion on Postdocs Room: 706 |
Thompson, George None |
Session W23.00002 Industry - Government Collaboration as an Engine of Innovation Room: 505-507 |
Thompson, Ward University of Kansas |
Session Q3.00005 Structure and Dynamics of Nanoconfined Liquids Room: 107 |
Thundat, Thomas Univ of Alberta |
Session Q24.00007 TBD Room: 504 |
Tian, Yongjun Yanshan University |
Session B26.00008 Design principles and high-pressure syntheses of novel superhard materials Room: 502 |
Tkacik, Gasper IST Austria |
Session A12.00002 Critical behavior in networks of real neurons Room: 205 |
Tlsty, Thea University of California, San Francisco |
Session F14.00003 The Role of the Microenvironment in the Origins of Cancer Room: 301-303 |
Tokiwa, Yoshi I. Physical Institute, University of Goettingen |
Session L40.00003 Scaling of the magnetic Gr\"{u}neisen ratio near quantum critical point Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Tokura, Yoshinori RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science |
Session Q57.00001 Magnetism as the emergent phenomena Room: Four Seasons Ballroom |
Torkelson, John Northwestern University |
Session S14.00005 Nanoscale Confinement in Single-Layer and Multilayer Supported Polymer Films: Effects on Glass Transition Temperature and Surface Capillary Wave Dynamics near the Glass Transition Room: 301-303 |
Torrent, Marc CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, France |
Session D27.00008 ABINIT: Plane-Wave-Based Density-Functional Theory on High Performance Computers Room: 501 |
Tretiak, Sergei Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session D23.00003 Exciton Scattering approach for conjugated macromolecules: from electronic spectra to electron-phonon coupling Room: 505-507 |
Troyer, Matthias ETH Zurich |
Session T35.00005 Performance of simulated annealing, simulated quantum annealing and the D-Wave devices on hard spin glass instances Room: 702 |
Truhlar, Donald Univ of Minn - Minneapolis |
Session L1.00001 Recent progress in density functional theory Room: 103/105 |
Truscott, Tadd Brigham Young University |
Session G14.00003 Water Bouncing Balls: how material stiffness affects water entry Room: 301-303 |
Tserkovnyak, Yaroslav UCLA |
Session G55.00005 Thin-Film Magnetization Dynamics on the Surface of a Topological Insulator Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Tsimring, Lev University of California, Davis |
Session Z12.00003 Synchronization of Degrade-and-Fire Oscillations in Synthetic Gene Circuits Room: 205 |
Tsui, Ophelia Department of Physics and Division of Materials Science \& Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215. |
Session L20.00007 Viscosity of Polymer Nanometer Films Room: 405 |
Turpen, Chandra Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B11.00005 Supporting students in building interdisciplinary connections across physics and biology Room: 203 |
Tzalenchuk, Alexander National Physical Laboratory and Royal Holloway, University of London |
Session G37.00001 Quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene - a metrological perspective Room: 705/707 |
Udagawa, Masafumi University of Tokyo |
Session D4.00010 Itinerant spin ice Room: 112/110 |
Ullrich, Carsten University of Missouri |
Session D23.00004 Excitons in time-dependent density-functional theory Room: 505-507 |
Underwood, Jason NIST - Boulder |
Session Y40.00004 Thermal transport in amorphous nanostructures: the (enduring) role of low-energy phonons Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Upadhyaya, Arpita Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session B10.00006 Mechanics of composite actin networks: in vitro and cellular perspectives Room: 201 |
Urbach, Jeffrey Georgetown University |
Session A10.00008 Strain stiffening and stress heterogeneities in sheared collagen networks Room: 201 |
Urbakh, Michael Tel Aviv University |
Session L17.00007 Friction from formation and rupture of molecular contacts Room: 402 |
Utada, Andrew Dept. of Bioengineering, Dept. of Chem and Biochem, CNSI, UCLA |
Session A11.00001 Bacterial surface adaptation Room: 203 |
Valenti, Roser Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt a.M., Germany |
Session S13.00007 Correlations and effects of pressure in Fe-pnictides Room: 207 |
Valentine, Megan University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J22.00005 Predictive relationships between crosslinker unbinding kinetics, gel stiffness, and plasticity in adhesive biopolymers Room: 407 |
van 't Erve, Olaf Naval Research Laboratory |
Session A48.00006 A graphene solution to conductivity mismatch: spin injection from ferromagnetic metal/graphene tunnel contacts into silicon Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
van Aggelen, Helen Ghent University |
Session B1.00004 Exchange-correlation energies from pairing matrix fluctuations and the particle-particle Random Phase Approximation Room: 103/105 |
van der Zande, Arend Columbia University, Energy Frontier Research Center |
Session M2.00001 The optoelectronic properties of in-plane grain boundaries and out-of-plane interfaces in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides Room: 102 |
van der Zant, H. S. J. Delft University of Technology |
Session T48.00005 Direct Observation of Magnetic Anisotropy in an Individual Fe_4 Single-Molecule Magnet Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
VandeVondele, Joost ETH Zurich |
Session G27.00004 Petascale resources and CP2K: enabling sampling, large scale models or correlation beyond DFT Room: 501 |
van Wees, Bart University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Session D40.00005 Graphene Spintronics: The Current State of the Art Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Varga, Kalman Vanderbilt University |
Session W26.00001 Applications of the Stochastic Variational Method Room: 502 |
Vasyukov, Denis National University of Singapore |
Session J7.00007 Scanning SQUID microscopy with single electron spin sensitivity Room: 106 |
Vella, Dominic University of Oxford |
Session G14.00004 Snap, crack and pop: What elastic instabilities in toys can teach us Room: 301-303 |
Vetter, Jeffrey ORNL and Georgia Tech |
Session T27.00001 Exploring Emerging Technologies in the HPC Co-Design Space Room: 501 |
Vicent, Jose L. Universidad Complutense Madrid |
Session S52.00006 Vortex pinning vs. superconducting wire network in nanostructured superconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Vishwanath, Ashvin University of California, Berkeley |
Session S32.00005 Topological Phases and Surface States with Strong Interactions Room: 708-712 |
v.L\"{o}hneysen, Hilbert Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany |
Session L40.00001 Tuning magnetism by Kondo effect and frustration Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Vlastakis, Brian Departments of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University |
Session B28.00001 Controlling Schr\"{o}dinger cat states using qubit-photon entanglement Room: 601 |
Vogt, Bryan University of Akron |
Session S19.00004 Block copolymer alignment by shear induced during solvent vapor annealing with a crosslinked elastomer capping layer Room: 404 |
Vojvodic, Aleksandra SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session G23.00004 From Electronic Structure to Catalytic Activity: Descriptors for water splitting reactions Room: 505-507 |
Vucelja, Marija Rockefeller Univ |
Session D14.00004 Non-equilibrium Monte Carlo: Sampling with Irreversible Markov Chains Room: 301-303 |
Vuckovic, Jelena Stanford University |
Session F2.00008 Quantum and nonlinear optics at the single photon level with quantum dots in optical nanocavities Room: 102 |
Wall, Michael JILA |
Session A32.00001 Nicholas Metropolis Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics: Quantum many-body physics of ultracold molecules in optical lattices: models and simulation methods Room: 708-712 |
Wallraff, Andreas ETH Zurich |
Session G32.00002 Deterministic Quantum Teleportation with Feed-Forward in a Solid State System Room: 708-712 |
Walsworth, Ronald Harvard University |
Session M14.00003 Quantum Matter Meets Living Matter Room: 301-303 |
Wang, Bing Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, PR China |
Session M44.00004 Bandgap narrowing of TiO$_{2}$ via codoping for enhanced photocatalytic reactions Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Wang, Chong Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session B55.00004 Classification of interacting electronic topological insulators in three dimensions Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Wang, Enge School of Physics, Peking University |
Session G36.00002 Surface Studies of Ice Room: 703 |
Wang, Fa International Center for Quantum Materials, Peking University |
Session J40.00005 Effects of electron-phonon coupling on the superconductivity of FeSe/SrTiO3 interface Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Wang, Feng UC Berkeley |
Session M2.00009 Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Crystals and Heterostructures Room: 102 |
Wang, Jigang Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University Ames, IA |
Session F49.00001 Quantum Femtosecond Magnetism: Phase Transition in Step with Light in a Strongly Correlated Manganese Oxide Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Wang, Jin Stony Brook University |
Session B12.00001 Exploring the Dynamics of Evolution and Ecology of Biological Systems Room: 205 |
Wang, Kang UCLA |
Session D39.00003 Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Hetero Magnetic Topological Insulator Structures Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Wang, Lai-Sheng Brown University |
Session D1.00002 Earle K. Plyler Prize: Probing the Structural Evolution and Size-Dependent Reactivity of Gold Clusters by Photoelectron Spectroscopy Room: 103/105 |
Wang, Lili Tsinghua University |
Session J40.00004 High temperature superconductivity in single unit-cell FeSe films on SrTiO$_{3}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Wang, Linwang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B44.00004 First principle prediction of shallow defect level binding energies and deep level nonradiative recombination rates Room: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Wang, Wei National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructure and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, China |
Session S11.00004 Metal ion coupled protein folding and allosteric motions Room: 203 |
Wang, Yayu Tsinghua University |
Session Q13.00001 The electronic phase diagram of NaFe$_{\mathrm{1-x}}$Co$_{\mathrm{x}}$As studied by scanning tunneling microscopy Room: 207 |
Wang, Yingdan RIKEN |
Session Y23.00005 Optomechanical entanglement via reservoir engineering Room: 505-507 |
Wang, Yupeng Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science |
Session G36.00001 History, Present and Future of IoP and Solving the unsolvable integrable models Room: 703 |
Wang, Zhong Lin Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session J55.00002 James C. McGroddy Prize: Piezotronics of ZnO Nanomaterials Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Warburton, Richard J. Department of Physics, University of Basel |
Session Y8.00004 Charge and spin noise from semiconductor quantum dots Room: 104 |
Wasserman, Adam Purdue University |
Session J1.00005 Recent Developments in Fragment-based Density Functional Theory Room: 103/105 |
Waterman, Clare Laboratory of Cell and Tissue Morphodynamics, National Blood, Lung and Heart Ins |
Session Q40.00001 Force Fluctuations within Focal Adhesions Mediate ECM-Rigidity Sensing to Guide Directed Cell Migration Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Weaver, Gabriela Purdue University |
Session T38.00003 Results from a model of course-based undergraduate research in the first- and second-year chemistry curriculum Room: 709/711 |
Weaver, Jason University of Florida |
Session A2.00001 Surface Chemistry of PdO(101) Room: 102 |
Weinacht, Thomas Stony Brook University |
Session D2.00009 Control of Strong Field Molecular Ionization with Shaped Ultrafast Laser Pulses Room: 102 |
Weinhold, Jeffrey The Dow Chemical Company |
Session A14.00003 The versatility in morphology and physical properties offered by chain shuttled olefin block copolymers Room: 301-303 |
Weinreich, Daniel Brown University |
Session B12.00002 Genetic constraints on adaptive evolution in principle and in practice Room: 205 |
Weld, David Univ of California - Santa Barbara |
Session D32.00002 New Frontiers for Quantum Simulation in Optical Lattices Room: 708-712 |
Wen, Hai-Hu Nanjing University |
Session D13.00004 Controlled impurity study and observation of a bosonic mode in iron based superconductors by STM measurements: implications for the pairing symmetry and mechanism Room: 207 |
Wen, Xiao-Gang Perimeter/MIT |
Session B55.00001 Highly entangled quantum states of matter Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
White, Jonathan Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session B6.00005 Using neutron scattering to explore new magnetoelectric phenomena in both thin films and skyrmion lattices Room: 108 |
White, Steven UC Irvine |
Session Q57.00005 Numerical studies of strongly correlated systems: beating the exponential growth in computation time Room: Four Seasons Ballroom |
Wiederrecht, Gary Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B2.00005 Manipulating Energy Flow at the Nanoscale by Coupling Plasmons of Metal Nanostructures to Resonant Molecules Room: 102 |
Wilhelm, Frank Saarland University |
Session G32.00004 Applications of superconducting circuits to quantum computing Room: 708-712 |
Wilke, Claus The University of Texas at Austin |
Session B12.00003 A biophysical perspective on molecular evolution Room: 205 |
Willner, Alan USC |
Session L23.00001 The National Academies' Report on Optics and Photonics: The Road to a National Photonics Initiative Room: 505-507 |
Wilson, Stephen Boston College |
Session B49.00001 Exploring the correlated phase behavior and electronic properties of parent and doped spin-orbit Mott phases Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Winey, Karen University of Pennsylvania |
Session Y14.00005 Polymer Diffusion in the Presence of Nanoparticles Room: 301-303 |
Winter, Laurel Florida State University |
Session W36.00008 Panel Discussion on the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics Room: 703 |
Wirtz, Denis Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q40.00002 Cancer Cell Migration in 3D Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Witzel, Wayne Sandia National Laboratories, NM |
Session F35.00004 Gap protection and dynamical decoupling for reliable multi-qubit gates Room: 702 |
Wojtowicz, Tomasz Institute of Physics PAS |
Session G8.00004 TBD Room: 104 |
Wolf, Martin Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany |
Session Q1.00005 Dynamics of electron transfer and exciton formation at interfaces Room: 103/105 |
Wong, Gerard C.L. UCLA Bioengineering, Chemistry \& Biochemistry, California NanoSystems Institute |
Session A40.00004 Peptides that influence membrane topology Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Woolf, Lawrence General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. |
Session G38.00005 Preparing Graduate Students for Non-Academic Careers Room: 709/711 |
Wootters, William Williams College |
Session B40.00003 The ubit model in real-amplitude quantum theory Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Wu, Mingming Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University |
Session Q40.00003 Single Cell Traction Microscopy within 3D Collagen Matrices Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Wu, Mingzhong Colorado State University |
Session S40.00005 Issues related to YIG spintronics - thin film growth, spin pumping efficiency, and spin current generation Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Wu, Stephen Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B6.00001 Full Electric Field Control of Exchange Bias Room: 108 |
Wu, Xifan Physics Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA |
Session Z49.00001 Interface enhanced functionalities in BaTiO$_3$/CaTiO$_3$ superlattices Room: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Wu, Yizheng Physics department, Fudan University |
Session L7.00001 Chiral Magnetic Domain Wall Structure in Epitaxial Multilayers Room: 106 |
Xiao, Di Carnegie Mellon Univ |
Session L48.00003 Topological valleytronics in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Semiconductors Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Xie, Aihua Oklahoma State University |
Session Q14.00003 Principles and Dynamics of Proton Transfer in Proteins Room: 301-303 |
Xu, Xiaodong Department of Physics, University of Washington |
Session M2.00005 Optoelectronics of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Room: 102 |
Xue, Qi-Kun Tsinghua University |
Session D39.00002 Experimental realization of quantized anomalous Hall effect Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Yabana, Kazuhiro Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba |
Session J27.00001 First-Principles Description of Strong Electromagnetic Fields in Solids Room: 501 |
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session M32.00005 Entanglement between two singlet-triplet qubits Room: 708-712 |
Yang, Jihui University of Washington |
Session S25.00001 On Minority Carrier Scattering for Thermoelectrics Room: 503 |
Yang, Qi Stanford University |
Session G55.00002 Emerging weak localization effects on a topological insulator--insulating ferromagnet (Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$-EuS) interface Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Yarotski, Dmitry Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T14.00002 Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics in the Tunneling Junction Room: 301-303 |
Yazici, Duygu University of California, San Diego |
Session F52.00004 Superconductivity in BiS$_2$-based compounds Room: Mile High Ballroom 1F |
Yildiz, Ahmet University of California Berkeley |
Session L10.00004 Single molecule analysis of cytoplasmic dynein motility Room: 201 |
Yin, Xiaodong Capital Normal University, Beijing, China |
Session W38.00002 2014 Beller Lectureship: Chinese Physicists Educated in the Great Britain during the First Half of the 20th Century Room: 709/711 |
Yin, Yi Zhejiang University |
Session D35.00001 Catch and Release of Microwave Photons Room: 702 |
Yitamben, Esmeralda Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J38.00001 Nanoscale Engineering of Structures and Devices on Surfaces Room: 709/711 |
Young, Kevin Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Q32.00002 Error correction for adiabatic quantum computing Room: 708-712 |
Yu, Lu Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
Session G36.00005 Half-Century of Chinese Condensed Matter Physics--from humble beginnings Room: 703 |
Yuan, Hongtao Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University |
Session Y48.00004 Layered Chalcogenides beyond Graphene: from Electronic Structure Evolution to the Spin Transport Room: Mile High Ballroom 1A-1B |
Zaheer, Saad University of Pennsylvania |
Session A55.00003 Three Dimensional Dirac Semimetals Room: Four Seasons Ballroom 1 |
Zaliznyak, Igor Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J40.00003 Electron delocalization, orbital order, magnetism, and emergent superconductivity in Fe$_{1+y}$Te and Fe$_{1+y}$(Te,S/Se) Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Zebarjadi, Mona Rutgers University |
Session M16.00007 Computational design for low-temperature thermoelectric materials Room: 401 |
Zhai, Hui Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University |
Session F39.00004 Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Gases: New Physics and Challenges Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Zhang, Kai Yale University |
Session T17.00003 The relationship between efficient packing and glass-forming ability in hard-sphere systems Room: 402 |
Zhang, Shoucheng Stanford University |
Session D39.00001 Theory of the quantum anomalous Hall effect in magnetic topological insulators Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Zhang, Tong Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST; Maryland NanoCenter, University of Maryland |
Session T24.00001 Electric Field Control of Topological Insulator Surface States Room: 504 |
Zhang, Xiuwen University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 and Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 |
Session B31.00001 Associating Specific Materials with Topological Insulation Behavior Room: 607 |
Zhelev, Nikolay Cornell University |
Session A39.00004 Signatures of Superfluid Phases in Torsion Pendulum Experiments on He-3 Confined in Uniaxially Compressed Silica Aerogel Room: Mile High Ballroom 2A-3A |
Zhong, Dongping Ohio State University |
Session L11.00011 TBD Room: 203 |
Zhou, Brian Princeton University |
Session Z40.00001 Visualizing nodal superconductivity and heavy fermion formation in CeCoIn$_{5}$ Room: Mile High Ballroom 2B-3B |
Zhou, Haidong Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee |
Session F4.00010 Quantum Spin States, Multiferroicity, Orbital Ordering, and Metal-Insulator Transition in New Layered-Perovskites Room: 112/110 |
Zhou, Xingjiang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Scienes, Beijing 100190 |
Session J13.00005 Electronic Structure and High Temperature Superconductivity of the FeSe /SrTiO3 Films Room: 207 |
Zhou, Yan Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong |
Session A8.00001 Spin transfer torque excited spin-waves in metal--magnetic insulator bilayer Room: 104 |
Zhu, Cheng Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session J10.00001 Mechanotransduction at the Immunological Synapse Room: 201 |
Zhu, Jun Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 |
Session B30.00001 Transport in bilayer and trilayer graphene: band gap engineering and band structure tuning Room: 605 |
Zhu, Lei Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106-7202 |
Session L22.00008 Novel Polymer Ferroelectric Behavior via Crystal Isomorphism and Nanoconfinement Effect Room: 407 |
Zhu, Xiaoyang Columbia University |
Session T20.00001 Exciton fission and solar energy conversion beyond the limit Room: 405 |
Zhu, Yuelin Gutman Library, Harvard University |
Session W38.00001 Chien-Shiung Wu: An Icon of Physicist and Woman Scientist in China Room: 709/711 |
Ziff, Robert University of Michigan |
Session D14.00005 Rare-event simulation methods for equilibrium and non-equilibrium events Room: 301-303 |
Zimanyi, Gergely Physics Department, University of California, Davis |
Session M24.00001 Modeling Charge Mobility in Nanoparticle Solar Cells Room: 504 |
Zimmerman, Brian National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Y38.00005 Development of Traceable Phantoms for Improved Image Quantification in Positron Emission Tomography Room: 709/711 |
Zunger, Alex University of Colorado |
Session E4.00002 Outreach Talk 2 Room: 207 |
Zunger, Alex University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 |
Session D12.00005 The ``Missing Compounds'' affair in functionality-driven material discovery Room: 205 |
Zurek, Wojciech Los Alamos |
Session Y32.00001 Universality of Phase Transition Dynamics: Topological Defects from Symmetry Breaking Room: 708-712 |
Zweibel, Ellen University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session J23.00005 The Physics of Cosmic Rays Room: 505-507 |
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