Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, March 31–April 3 2012; Atlanta, Georgia
Invited Speakers
Aceves, Ana University of California, Berkeley |
Session G6.00001 Progress through Predicament: How Collaborating on Tough Problems Cultivates a Successful, Supportive Community Room: Embassy C |
Adare, Andrew Yale University |
Session T12.00001 Recent flow results from Heavy Ions Experiments at the LHC Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Adhikari, Rana California Institute of Technology |
Session B8.00002 Wideband, Third-generation, Gravitational-wave Antenna Room: Embassy B |
Agullo, Ivan Penn State |
Session Q4.00002 Beyond the standard inflationary paradigm Room: International Ballroom North |
Altarelli, Guido Universit\'a di Roma Tre and CERN, Italy |
Session X2.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Lecture: Particle physics after the first LHC results Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Amato, Elena INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri |
Session G3.00003 The origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays: theory confronts observations Room: Hanover CDE |
Aprile, Elena Columbia University |
Session T2.00001 New Results from The Search for Dark Matter with XENON100 Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Atwood, William UCSC |
Session W2.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics Lecture: The making of GLAST: Being creative with experimental particle physics Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Autiero, Dario IPNL Lyon |
Session X4.00002 Measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA detector in the CNGS neutrino beam Room: International Ballroom North |
Baghdasaryan, Hovhannes University of Virginia |
Session B12.00002 Spin Structure Functions of the Proton - SANE experiment Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Bailey, Janelle M. University of Nevada, Las Vegas |
Session D3.00001 Exploring Students' Ideas About Cosmological Concepts Room: Hanover CDE |
Ballmer, Stefan Syracuse University |
Session B8.00001 Prospects and challenges for gravitational-wave astronomy Room: Embassy B |
Barbeau, Phillip Stanford University |
Session R12.00001 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Lecture: New Germanium Detectors for Neutrino Research and Dark Matter Searches Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Barish, Barry California Institute of Technology and APS Past President |
Session M1.00001 Past President's Address Room: Regency V |
Barnes, Michael Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session R2.00002 Turbulent momentum transport and intrinsic rotation in tokamaks Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Bazavov, Alexei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session C12.00003 Recent Finite Temperature Lattice Results Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Benson, Bradford University of Chicago |
Session W3.00002 Cosmological Constraints from the South Pole Telescope Room: Hanover CDE |
Berge, David CERN |
Session L2.00003 Results of searches for physics beyond the standard model at CERN Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Berger, Beverly K. Retired |
Session T6.00001 Perspectives in Gravitational Physics Room: Embassy C |
Berger, Niklaus Heidelberg University |
Session B5.00003 GPUs in experimental particle physics Room: International Ballroom South |
Bianchi, Eugenio Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session Q4.00003 Loop Quantum Gravity, Spin Foams, and gravitons Room: International Ballroom North |
Bilbao y Le\'on, Sama Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session D6.00003 Nuclear Engineering Issues of ADS Room: Embassy C |
Boezio, Mirko Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Sezione di Trieste |
Session G3.00001 Precision Measurements of the Cosmic-Ray Composition Room: Hanover CDE |
Bogner, Scott Michigan State University |
Session L5.00003 Microscopically-based energy density functionals for nuclei Room: International Ballroom South |
Boylan-Kolchin, Michael University of California, Irvine |
Session X3.00003 The Puzzling Darkness of Massive Milky Way Subhalos Room: Hanover CDE |
Broderick, Avery Department of Physics \& Astronomy, University of Waterloo; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session B3.00003 Imaging Black Holes Room: Hanover CDE |
Buckley, James Washington University |
Session Q3.00002 Dark Matter and High-Energy Gamma Rays Room: Hanover CDE |
Calabretta, Luciano INFN-LNS |
Session D6.00002 High Power Cyclotrons for Accelerator Driven System (ADS) Room: Embassy C |
Chen, Liu University of California, Irvine |
Session X6.00001 Alfven waves and their excitations by energetic particles in fusion and space plasmas Room: Embassy C |
Cheng, Michael Boston University |
Session Q12.00003 Physics Beyond the Standard Model, search for non-perturbative models of electroweak symmetry breaking Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Chesler, Paul Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B4.00002 Dynamical Hawking radiation and holographic thermalization Room: International Ballroom North |
Cho, M.H. Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Pohang, S. Korea |
Session H4.00003 Synchrotron Radiation and X-ray FEL Projects in Korea Room: International Ballroom North |
Christian, Wolfgang Davidson College |
Session J6.00001 Building and Using A National Digital Library for Computational Physics Education Room: Embassy C |
Clark, George W. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research |
Session C5.00001 Rossi and high-energy astronomy Room: International Ballroom South |
Coble, Kim Chicago State University |
Session D3.00002 Using The Results From Research on Undergraduate Learning in Cosmology to Create an Immersive Web-Based Curriculum Room: Hanover CDE |
Connolly, Amy The Ohio State University |
Session D2.00003 Antarctic radio Askaryan neutrino telescopes Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Crede, Volker Florida State University |
Session G12.00001 Light Baryon Spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab: What have we learned about excited baryons? Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Cronin, Jim Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Enrico Fermi Institute |
Session C5.00003 Bruno Rossi: Cosmic Ray Research 1929 - 1953 Room: International Ballroom South |
Curry, Judith Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session V1.00003 The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Project Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Dasgupta, Basudeb CCAPP, Ohio State University |
Session W12.00003 Neutrino Self-Refraction in Core-Collapse Supernovae Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Demarteau, Marcel Argonne National Laboratory |
Session C2.00001 Coordinating detector research and development in the U.S. Room: Regency Ballroom V |
deRham, Claudia Case Western Reserve |
Session R3.00002 Theoretical developments in bounding gravity in extra dimensions Room: Hanover CDE |
Drozdetskiy, Alexey University of Florida, Gainesville |
Session J2.00003 Standard Model Higgs Search Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Efremenko, Yuri University of Tennessee |
Session W12.00001 Neutrinos as a probe of Earth's interior Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Engel, Ralph Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Session J3.00003 Hadronic Physics and Air Shower Detectors Room: Hanover CDE |
Ernst, David Vanderbilt University |
Session J4.00003 Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach Lecture: Inceasing Diversity in Physics Room: International Ballroom North |
Faber, Joshua Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session G8.00001 GRMHD Simulations of Astrophysical Phenomena Room: Embassy B |
Fallon, Paul Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D12.00001 Study of neutron rich carbon isotopes Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Farr, Will Northwestern University |
Session R7.00001 Decoding Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescence Events Room: Embassy D |
Feiveson, Harold Princeton University |
Session W5.00003 A mild skeptic's view of nuclear power and a deep skeptic's view of reprocessing Room: International Ballroom South |
Fisher, Robert University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
Session G5.00001 Turbulence in Type Ia Supernovae Simulations Room: International Ballroom South |
Forsyth, Trudy National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session J12.00003 Distributed wind power for developing nations Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Foster, Jr., John Private Consultant |
Session H5.00003 Advisory Experiences wih the DOD, DOE and the Intelligence Community Room: International Ballroom South |
Friedman, John University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Session T6.00003 Perspectives on relativistic astrophysics in the century's first decade Room: Embassy C |
Fryer, Chris Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H14.00003 The Changing Landscape of Type Ia Supernova Progenitors Room: Grand Hall East C |
Funk, Stefan Stanford University |
Session G3.00002 Gamma-ray observations of Cosmic ray accelerators Room: Hanover CDE |
Gaburov, Evghenii Northwestern University |
Session B5.00002 Application of Graphics Processing Units to Newtonian stellar dynamics Room: International Ballroom South |
Gadgil, Ashok UC Berkeley \& Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H6.00001 Fuel efficient stoves for the poorest two billion Room: Embassy C |
Galambos, John Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session D6.00001 High Power Linacs for ADS Room: Embassy C |
Garvey, Gerald Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session R12.00003 Orbital Angular Momentum in the Nucleon Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Garwin, Richard IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 |
Session H5.00001 Experience with the President's Science Advisory Committee, Its Panels, and Other Modes of Advice Room: International Ballroom South |
Gerhardt, Lisa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J3.00001 Cosmic Ray Muons in QCD Room: Hanover CDE |
Giacalone, Joe University of Arizona |
Session L3.00003 Particle Acceleration at Astrophysical Shocks: Are Self-Excited Magnetic Fluctuations Important? Room: Hanover CDE |
Glasmacher, Thomas Michigan State Univ |
Session X5.00001 Challenges of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Room: International Ballroom South |
Gonzalez, Gabriela Louisiana State University, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration |
Session X4.00001 Gravitational wave astronomy with LIGO and Virgo detectors Room: International Ballroom North |
Gorham, Peter University of Hawaii |
Session H3.00003 Future Directions for Extra-galactic Cosmic Ray Physics Room: Hanover CDE |
Granier de Cassagnac, Raphael Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet and Columbia University |
Session C12.00002 Quarkonium production in heavy-ion collisions Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Grant, Darren University of Alberta |
Session D2.00001 Particle Physics with IceCube Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Greene, Jenny Princeton University |
Session C3.00001 The Smallest Supermassive Black Holes Room: Hanover CDE |
Griesshammer, Harald W. Institute for Nuclear Studies, Department of Physics, George Washington University |
Session C6.00003 A New Curriculum for Physics Graduate Students Room: Embassy C |
Group, Craig University of Virginia and Fermilab |
Session J2.00002 Standard model Higgs boson search results with the full Tevatron dataset Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Gurnett, Donald A. University of Iowa |
Session J5.00001 Radio emissions from planetary magnetospheres Room: International Ballroom South |
Haase, David G. North Carolina State University |
Session Q6.00001 How Well Do We Build the Foundation of Physics? - The Report of the National Task Force on Physics Teacher Preparation Room: Embassy C |
Hafemeister, David California Polytechnic State University |
Session D5.00003 Physics and Society: A sub-discipline of Physics Room: International Ballroom South |
Haiman, Zoltan Columbia University |
Session G4.00002 Electromagnetic Emission from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries Resolved by Pulsar Timing Arrays Room: International Ballroom North |
Hallman, Timothy US Department of Energy |
Session T4.00003 Panelist Room: International Ballroom North |
Hankins, Timothy Retired, New Mexico Tech |
Session J5.00003 Pulsar Radio Emission Mechanisms: The Crab Enigmas Room: International Ballroom South |
Hawley, John University of Virginia |
Session R2.00003 Momentum Transport in Accretion Disks Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Hecker, Siegfried Stanford University |
Session B6.00002 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Lecture: North Korea: Reactors, bombs and people Room: Embassy C |
Heidbrink, William UC Irvine |
Session J5.00002 Energetic Particle Transport by Instabilities in Fusion Plasmas Room: International Ballroom South |
Heller, Kenneth School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota |
Session C6.00001 Beyond Physics Courses and Research: Preparing PhDs for Their Future Room: Embassy C |
Higinbotham, Douglas Jefferson Lab |
Session L5.00002 New Insights into the EMC Effect Room: International Ballroom South |
Hoddeson, Lillian University of Illinois |
Session T5.00001 Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics Lecture: Big, Bigger, Too Big? From Los Alamos to Fermilab and the SSC Room: International Ballroom South |
Hoerandel, Joerg Radboud University Nijmegen |
Session H3.00001 On the transition from Galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays Room: Hanover CDE |
Hofman, Diego Harvard University |
Session Q4.00001 Applications of holography to condensed matter physics Room: International Ballroom North |
Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly Vanderbilt University |
Session R4.00003 Building Bridges to Diversity: Strategies and Lessons Learned from The Fisk-Vanderbilt Master's-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program Room: International Ballroom North |
Ivie, Rachel American Institute of Physics |
Session R4.00001 Limited Resources, Limited Opportunities, and the Accumulation of Disadvantage: Evidence from the Global Survey of Physicists Room: International Ballroom North |
Iwamoto, Toshiyuki The University of Tokyo |
Session B2.00001 Latest results from the MEG experiment Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Jafferis, Daniel Harvard University |
Session W2.00002 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics Lecture: Calculating the number of degrees of freedom in supersymmetric quantum field theories in three dimensions Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Jain, Bhuvnesh University of Pennsylvania |
Session R3.00001 Astrophysical Tests of Gravity Room: Hanover CDE |
Joo, Balint Jefferson Lab |
Session B5.00001 Lattice QCD and Graphical Processing Units Room: International Ballroom South |
Kane, Gordon University of Michigan |
Session J4.00002 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize Lecture: The Higgs Boson, String Theory, and the Real World Room: International Ballroom North |
Karagiorgi, Georgia Columbia University |
Session W2.00004 Tanaka Dissertation Award Lecture Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Karimabadi, Homa UCSD |
Session G5.00003 Petascale Kinetic Simulations in Space Sciences: New Simulations and Data Discovery Techniques and Physics Results Room: International Ballroom South |
Kaufman, Lisa Indiana University |
Session Q2.00003 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay: Where We Are and Where We're Going Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Kaye, Stanley Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08543 |
Session R2.00001 Why Magnetically Confined Plasmas Rotate and Why it is Important Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Kehoe, Robert Southern Methodist University |
Session H2.00001 Top Quark Physics and Precision Electroweak Measurements at the Tevatron Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Knox, Lloyd UC Davis |
Session X3.00002 Neutrinos in Cosmology Room: Hanover CDE |
Kolomensky, Yury UC Berkeley/LBNL |
Session G2.00001 Results from BaBar Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Kolpak, Alexie Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J12.00001 Hybrid chromophore/template nanostructures: a customizable platform material for emissions-free solar energy storage and conversion Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Koonin, Steven E. Institute for Defense Analyses |
Session U50.00002 Addressing America's Energy Challenges Room: International Ballroom North |
Kornbluth, Kurt University of California at Davis |
Session H6.00002 Lighting for the unelectrified billion Room: Embassy C |
Kotera, Kumiko Caltech |
Session T3.00002 A quest for sources of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays Room: Hanover CDE |
Kuliasha, Michael Defense Threat Reduction Agency |
Session Q5.00002 Nuclear Threat Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Room: International Ballroom South |
Laguna, Pablo Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session L4.00001 Numerical Relativity and Black Hole Binaries: The historical path to present simulations Room: International Ballroom North |
Lane, Neal Rice University |
Session T4.00001 What is the way forward? Room: International Ballroom North |
Lang, Ryan Washington University in St. Louis |
Session D4.00003 Binary black hole mergers: astrophysics and implications for space-based gravitational-wave detectors Room: International Ballroom North |
Larson, Michael Retired |
Session Q5.00003 Don't Mess with the NEST Room: International Ballroom South |
Lee, Dean North Carolina State University |
Session C4.00002 Three-Nucleon Forces in Lattice Effective Field Theory Room: International Ballroom North |
Lee, Martin University of New Hampshire |
Session X6.00003 Solar Energetic Particles: Wave Generation and Particle Acceleration at Shocks Room: Embassy C |
Lehner, Luis Perimeter Institute/Univ of Guelph |
Session B4.00001 Higher dimensional gravity and black holes Room: International Ballroom North |
Lessa, Andre Universidade de Sao Paolo |
Session W2.00005 J.J. and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award Lecture Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Le Tiec, Alexandre University of Maryland |
Session D4.00002 The overlap of numerical relativity, perturbation theory and post-Newtonian theory in the binary black hole problem Room: International Ballroom North |
Levkova, Ludmila University of Utah |
Session Q12.00002 Deconfined phase of QCD and thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Lister, C.J. (Kim) University of Massachusetts, Lowell and Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D12.00002 What can we learn about 3-body forces from electromagnetic transition rates? Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Lommen, Andrea Franklin and Marshall |
Session G4.00001 Pulsar Timing Arrays: No longer a Blunt Instrument for Gravitational Wave Detection Room: International Ballroom North |
Lopez, Laura MIT |
Session T3.00003 Uncovering the Explosions of Supernova Remnants Room: Hanover CDE |
Lopez, Ramon University of Texas at Arlington |
Session J4.00001 Edward A. Bouchet Award Lecture: Saturation of the cross-polar cap potential Room: International Ballroom North |
Lu, Zheng-Tian Argonne National Laboratory, The University of Chicago |
Session V1.00002 Atom Trap, Krypton-81, and Global Groundwater Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Ma, Jiasen The University of Chicago |
Session B2.00002 The KOTO Experiment at J-PARC Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Machleidt, Ruprecht University of Idaho |
Session C4.00001 Three-Nucleon Forces in Chiral Perturbation Theory Room: International Ballroom North |
Madey, John M.J. University of Hawai'i at Manoa |
Session R5.00001 Robert R. Wilson Prize for Achievement in the Physics of Particle Accelerators Lecture: Frontiers of FEL Physics and Technology Room: International Ballroom South |
Maerkisch, Bastian Physikalisches Institut, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
Session X12.00003 Precision Measurements of the Neutron Decay Asymmetry A Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Mandel, Ilya University of Birmingham |
Session C3.00003 Intermediate-mass black holes: A theoretical perspective Room: Hanover CDE |
Manhart, Michael Rutgers University |
Session Q6.00002 Preparing Physics Ph.D. Students as Instructors Room: Embassy C |
Marriage, Tobias Johns Hopkins University |
Session W3.00001 Latest results from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Room: Hanover CDE |
Marronetti, Pedro National Science Foundation / Florida Atlantic University |
Session L4.00003 Simulation of Core Collapse Supernovae Room: International Ballroom North |
Martin, Joseph University of Minnesota; Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science |
Session T5.00003 A Good Name and Great Riches: Rebranding Solid State Physics for the National Laboratories Room: International Ballroom South |
Maruyama, Reina University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session D2.00002 DM-Ice: A search for dark matter at the South Pole Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Melconian, Dan Cyclotron Institute, Texas A\&M University |
Session X12.00002 Isospin-symmetry-breaking effects in nuclear $\beta$ decay Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Mereghetti, Emanuele Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R12.00002 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Lecture: T violation in nuclear systems. An effective approach Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Merritt, David Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session H14.00001 The Challenge of Modeling Dense Stellar Systems Room: Grand Hall East C |
Meserve, Richard Carnegie Inst of Washington |
Session W5.00001 Nuclear Safety Concerns post-Fukushima and future of Nuclear Power Room: International Ballroom South |
Metz, Andreas Department of Physics, Temple University, Barton Hall, Philadelphia, PA 19122 |
Session B12.00003 Recent theory developments in the spin structure of the nucleon Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Milner, Richard MIT |
Session X5.00002 A new high-energy electron microscope to study QCD Room: International Ballroom South |
Milton, Stephen Colorado State University |
Session R5.00002 Challenges of Seeded Free-Electron Lasers Room: International Ballroom South |
Min, Dong-Pil Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trades, Republic of Korea |
Session H4.00002 Korean Contribution to the Progress of Science and Humanity Room: International Ballroom North |
Monroe, Jocelyn Royal Holloway University of London |
Session T2.00002 Searching for the Dark Matter Wind: Recent Progress in Directional Detection Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Morningstar, Colin Carnegie Mellon University |
Session G5.00002 Excited states in lattice QCD Room: International Ballroom South |
Mostafa, Miguel Colorado State University |
Session H3.00002 The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Room: Hanover CDE |
Mzoughi, Taha Kennesaw State University |
Session J6.00003 The Physic Source, a ComPADRE digital library, focusing on resources for teaching introductory physics Room: Embassy C |
Nakamura, Satoshi Jefferson Lab |
Session G12.00002 Coupled-channels analyses of meson production data and identification of nucleon resonances Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Namkung, Won Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) |
Session H4.00001 Introduction to Korean Accelerator Science and Activities in Industrial Accelerators Room: International Ballroom North |
Narain, Meenakshi Brown University |
Session H2.00002 Results from the LHC on the top quark Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Narayan, Ramesh Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session B3.00002 Accretion Mechanisms Room: Hanover CDE |
Nazarewicz, Witold Department of Physics \& Astronomy, University of Tennessee |
Session L5.00001 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics Lecture: The limits of nuclear landscape Room: International Ballroom South |
Nelson, Ann University of Washington |
Session L2.00001 Beyond the Standard Model? Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Nelson, Jeffrey Sandia National Laboratories |
Session H6.00003 Solar Glitter: Low Cost, Solar Energy Harvesting with Microsystems Enabled Photovoltaics Room: Embassy C |
Orebi Gann, Gabriel University of California, Berkeley / LBNL |
Session W12.00002 Solar Neutrinos in 2012: The End of Days? Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Padmanabhan, Nikhil Yale University |
Session X3.00001 First BAO Results from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Room: Hanover CDE |
Palenzuela, Carlos Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
Session L4.00002 Computing EM signatures from astrophysical compact binary mergers Room: International Ballroom North |
Parameswaran, Ajith California Institute of Technology |
Session D4.00001 Interfacing analytical- and numerical relativity for gravitational-wave astronomy Room: International Ballroom North |
Pedlar, Todd Luther College |
Session G2.00002 Recent Results from Belle Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Peimbert, Manuel Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Session T3.00001 Hans A. Bethe Prize Lecture: The Primordial Helium Abundance Room: Hanover CDE |
Perl, Martin SLAC |
Session T4.00005 Panelist Room: International Ballroom North |
Perl, Martin SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session D5.00001 Creativity and Funding Reality in Physics Room: International Ballroom South |
Perlmutter, Saul Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session P1.00001 TBD Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Peters, Mark Argonne National Laboratory |
Session W5.00002 Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Nuclear Energy Future Room: International Ballroom South |
Petersen, Hannah Duke University |
Session T12.00003 Characteristics of the strongly Interacting Quark Gluon Plasma -- implications of recent flow results Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Plisch, Monica American Physical Society |
Session L12.00003 The PhysTEC project: A perspective on what it takes to recruit and educate more physics teachers Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Prather, Edward University of Arizona - Center for Astronomy Education |
Session D3.00003 A Research Informed Approach to Teaching Cosmology to Our Society's Future Leaders Room: Hanover CDE |
Pregenzer, Arian Retired, Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B6.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Lecture: Managing Nuclear and Biological Risks: Building Resilience through International Cooperation Room: Embassy C |
Profumo, Stefano UnivUniversity of California, Santa Cruz |
Session Q3.00003 Theory, synthesis, and future prospects for indirect detection of dark matter Room: Hanover CDE |
Qian, Xin California Institute of Technology |
Session B12.00001 Measurement of Single/Double Target-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion Electroproduction on a Transversely Polarized $^3$He Target Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Radicevic, Djordje Stanford University |
Session W2.00003 LeRoy Apker Award Lecture: Connecting the Holographic and Wilsonian Renormalization Groups Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Rajagopal, Krishna Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V1.00001 The Hottest, and Most Liquid, Liquid in the Universe Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Reece, Charles Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session X5.00003 CEBAF and Advances in RF Superconductivity Room: International Ballroom South |
Reid, Mark Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session B3.00001 Evidence for a Super-massive Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way Room: Hanover CDE |
Richter, Burton Stanford University |
Session T5.00002 DOE and its Labs -- Evolution of the Relationship from the 1970s to Now Room: International Ballroom South |
Riess, Adam Johns Hopkins Univ |
Session P1.00002 TBD Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Ristori, Luciano Fermilab, INFN-Pisa |
Session B2.00003 Rare b decays and CP violation at the Tevatron Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Robicheaux, Francis Auburn University |
Session H12.00003 Trapped Antihydrogen Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Rosner, Robert University of Chicago |
Session U50.00001 Where do we go from here? Room: International Ballroom North |
Rybka, Gray University of Washington |
Session X4.00003 ADMX: The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment Room: International Ballroom North |
Sarti, Alessio Universita' di Roma -La Sapienza- and INFN - LNF |
Session B2.00004 Rare decays at LHCb Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Sass, Tim Georgia State University |
Session L12.00001 The pathways of high school science teachers and policy efforts to alter the pipeline Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Schenke, Bjoern Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session C12.00001 Interpreting jet results from RHIC and LHC Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Scherr, Rachel Seattle Pacific University |
Session Q6.00003 Preparing Learning Assistants for University Instruction and Beyond Room: Embassy C |
Schmidt, Fabian California Institute of Technology |
Session R3.00003 N-body simulations of modified gravity models Room: Hanover CDE |
Schwartz, Brian Brooklyn College and Graduate Center, City University of New York |
Session D5.00002 Panelists Remarks -- The Start of the Forum on Physics and Society Room: International Ballroom South |
Schwitters, Roy Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin |
Session H5.00002 Experiences Advising our Government from the Point of View of a JASON Room: International Ballroom South |
Servillat, Mathieu CEA-Saclay, France / Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA |
Session C3.00002 Evidence for IMBHs from ultra-luminous X-ray sources and in globular clusters Room: Hanover CDE |
Shepherd, Matthew Indiana University |
Session G2.00003 Electron-Positron Collisions in the Charmonium Region: Results from BESIII and CLEO-c Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Sichtermann, Ernst Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R6.00003 Experiments at an Electron-Ion Collider Room: Embassy C |
Siegal-Gaskins, Jennifer California Institute of Technology |
Session Q3.00001 Latest results from searches for indirect evidence of dark matter from space-based observations Room: Hanover CDE |
Siegrist, Jim US Department of Energy |
Session T4.00002 Panelist Room: International Ballroom North |
Sironi, Lorenzo Harvard University |
Session L3.00001 Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetized Astrophysical Shocks Room: Hanover CDE |
Sivers, Dennis University of Michigan |
Session R6.00002 Border posts: transverse spin and the study of color confinement at the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Room: Embassy C |
Sjostrand, Torbjorn Lund University |
Session X2.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Lecture: Some QCD aspects of physics beyond the standard model Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Smith, Kendrick Princeton University |
Session W3.00003 Non-Gaussianity in the CMB Room: Hanover CDE |
Sorensen, Paul Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session T12.00002 RHIC results on the energy dependence of flow fluctuations at all harmonics Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Sperhake, Ulrich Institute of Space Sciences, CSIC-IEEC Barcelona |
Session B4.00003 High-speed black hole collisions with application to trans-Planckian particle scattering Room: International Ballroom North |
Spong, Donald Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session L3.00002 Alfv\'{e}n instabilities and energetic particle physics in toroidal plasmas Room: Hanover CDE |
Spyrou, Artemisia NSCL/MSU |
Session D12.00003 Recent results from MoNA-LISA Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Stern, Warren U.S. Department of Homeland Security |
Session Q5.00001 Latest developments in radiation detection technology and nuclear security Room: International Ballroom South |
Stewart, Abigail University of Michigan |
Session R4.00002 Advancing Women in Physics Room: International Ballroom North |
Stone, Edward California Institute of Technology |
Session C5.00002 Rossi and Space Physics Room: International Ballroom South |
Sullivan, Zack Illinois Institute of Technology |
Session H2.00003 Theoretical remarks on top quark physics Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Sushkov, Alexander Harvard University |
Session H12.00001 New Experimental Limits on Non-Newtonian Forces in the Micrometer range Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Svoboda, Robert UC Davis |
Session Q2.00001 What's up with neutrinos? ({\ldots}and what can we do about it?) Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Thorne, Kip S. California Institute of Technology |
Session T6.00002 Perspectives on Geometrodynamics: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Curved Spacetime Room: Embassy C |
Thorne, Richard Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA |
Session X6.00002 Understanding the global excitation of whistler-mode chorus and its effects on Earth's radiation belt dynamics Room: Embassy C |
Ting, Samuel MIT |
Session A1.00003 The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Tinto, Massimo Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session G4.00003 Testing alternative theories of gravity using Pulsar Timing Arrays Room: International Ballroom North |
Tobin, Kenneth The Graduate Center of CUNY |
Session G6.00002 Collaborative activities for improving the quality of science teaching and learning and learning to teach science Room: Embassy C |
Tornow, Werner Department of Physics/TUNL, Duke University |
Session C4.00003 Overview of Measurements Related to Three-Nucleon Force Effects Room: International Ballroom North |
Toro, Natalia Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session J11.00001 Theory and Status of New Sub-GeV Forces Room: Embassy F |
Torres-Isea, Ramon The University of Michigan |
Session J6.00002 The Advanced Labs Website: resources for upper-level laboratories Room: Embassy C |
Varner, Gary University of Hawaii |
Session C2.00002 The lartge-area picosecond photo-detector (LAPPD) project Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Venugopalan, Raju Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session R6.00001 The physics of strong color fields in nucleons and nuclei at high energies Room: Embassy C |
Wackeroth, Doreen University at Buffalo, The State University of New York |
Session J2.00001 Higgs Theory and Phenomenology in the Standard Model Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Wallace, Stephen Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Maryland, College Park |
Session G12.00003 Lattice QCD sprectrum of excited states of the nucleon Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Wasem, Joseph Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session X12.00001 Nuclear Matrix Elements from Lattice QCD Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Watson, Alan University of Leeds |
Session A1.00001 100 years of Cosmic Rays - from the ionisation of air to beyond the LHC Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Webber, Bryan University of Cambridge |
Session X2.00003 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Lecture: Improving the precision of high-energy simulation and analysis tools Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Weiner, Neal New York University |
Session T2.00003 Dark Matter Theory Confronts the Data Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Werner, Klaus University of Nantes |
Session J3.00002 Collision modelling in air showers and accelerators Room: Hanover CDE |
White, Susan American Institute of Physics |
Session L12.00002 Physics in US High Schools: Truths and Untruths Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Whyte, Dennis MIT |
Session G16.00001 The Future of Boundary Plasma and Material Science Room: Hanover FG |
Wilczek, Frank Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T4.00004 Panelist Room: International Ballroom North |
Wilczek, Frank MIT |
Session P1.00003 Completing the Standard Model and Looking Beyond Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Willeke, Ferdinand Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session R5.00003 Ultra-bright storage ring light sources Room: International Ballroom South |
Wilson, Graham University of Kansas |
Session L2.00002 Searches for physics beyond the standard model at the Tevatron Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Winslow, Lindley Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q2.00002 Physics with Reactor Neutrinos: The Show has Begun! Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Winslow, Lindley Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session W6.00001 Collaborating across the ocean Room: Embassy C |
Winter, Peter Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle |
Session H12.00002 Muon capture on the proton -- Final results from the MuCap experiment Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Yeh, Minfang Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session C2.00003 A New Water-based Liquid Scintillator for Large Neutrino Physics Room: Regency Ballroom V |
Yunes, Nicolas Montana State University |
Session L6.00001 Probing the Strong-Field with Compact Binaries Room: Embassy C |
Zhou, Ran Indiana University |
Session Q12.00001 Flavor physics and CKM matrix elements Room: Grand Hall East A/B |
Zimmerman, Peter Kings Coll |
Session D5.00004 Panelist Remarks Room: International Ballroom South |
Zimmerman, Peter Kings Coll |
Session B6.00003 Remarks by the outgoing Chair Room: Embassy C |
Zollner, Stefan New Mexico State University |
Session C6.00002 Objectives and Assessment of the NMSU Physics Ph.D. program Room: Embassy C |
Zweibel, Ellen University of Wisconsin - Madison \& Center for Magnetic Self-Organization |
Session A1.00002 The Plasma Physics of Cosmic Rays Room: Regency Ballroom VI-VII |
Zwicker, Andrew Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session D5.00005 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Physics and Society in the new millenium Room: International Ballroom South |
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