Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2011
Volume 56, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 21–25, 2011; Dallas, Texas
Invited Speakers
Aarts, Jan Leiden University |
Session H1.00005 Long-ranged supercurrents through half-metallic ferromagnetic CrO$_2$ Room: Ballroom A1 |
Abergel, David University of Maryland |
Session A2.00004 Compressibility of bilayer graphene: the role of disorder Room: Ballroom A2 |
Acremann, Yves Solid State Physics, Physics Dept., ETH Zurich |
Session X3.00001 Magnetic vortices: From a “hidden parameter” to novel switching modes Room: Ballroom A3 |
Adam, Shaffique Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 |
Session A2.00002 Electronic Structure and Carrier Transport in Graphene Bilayers Room: Ballroom A2 |
Aichorn, Markus TU Graz, Institute of theoretical and computational physics |
Session V1.00005 Differences in the degree of correlations between Pnictides and Chalcogenides: LaFeAsO vs. FeSe Room: Ballroom A1 |
Ala-Nissila, Tapio Aalto University School of Science |
Session Q43.00004 Universal and Non-Universal Translocation Dynamics of Coarse-Grained Biopolymers Room: A306/307 |
Alberi, Kirstin National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session A12.00004 Lattice-mismatched phosphide-based LEDs for color mixing white light applications Room: D223/224 |
Alpichshev, Zhanybek Stanford University |
Session D2.00002 STM and STS studies of electronic states near macroscopic defects in topological insulators Room: Ballroom A2 |
Ambrose, Bradley Grand Valley State University |
Session J8.00001 Using research to enhance student learning in intermediate mechanics Room: Ballroom C4 |
Amm, Kathleen GE Global Research |
Session 1B.00003 Industrial Large Scale Applications of Superconductivity -- Current and Future Trends Room: Ballroom C1 |
Andrei, Eva Y. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway NJ |
Session T2.00003 Graphene under a tip Room: Ballroom A2 |
Ao, Ping Shanghai Jiaotong University |
Session Q7.00004 Towards a Quantitative Endogenous Network Theory of Cancer Genesis and Progression: beyond ``cancer as diseases of genome'' Room: Ballroom C3 |
Appelbaum, Ian University of Maryland, College Park |
Session D8.00001 Spin Currents in Silicon Room: Ballroom C4 |
Aragao de Carvalho, Carlos CNPq and UFRJ |
Session T8.00002 Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil: Advances and Challenges Room: Ballroom C4 |
Arenholz, Elke Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720 |
Session L16.00001 Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Magnetic Nanostructures: New Phenomena and Applications Room: D173 |
Argyriou, Dimitri European Spallation Source ESS AB P.O Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden |
Session V1.00003 From magnetism to superconductivity in FeTe$_{1-x}$Se$_{x}$ Room: Ballroom A1 |
Arneodo, Alain CNRS |
Session X7.00001 Replication domains are self-interacting structural chromatin units of human chromosomes Room: Ballroom C3 |
Aronson, Meigan Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session D23.00004 Towards New and Higher Temperature Superconductors via Theory Assisted Synthesis Room: D165 |
Arovas, Daniel University of California, San Diego |
Session T1.00001 Momentum space entanglement in quantum spin chains Room: Ballroom A1 |
Aspuru-Guzik, Alan Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University |
Session L38.00001 The role of quantum coherence in excitonic energy transfer: quantum process tomography, molecular dynamics and efficiency measures Room: A130/131 |
Atcher, Robert Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B8.00005 Isotopes for Research - Can We Continue to Depend on Them? Room: Ballroom C4 |
Attwood, David University of California, Berkeley |
Session W5.00005 Internet Courses for Career Path Redirections Room: Ballroom C1 |
Auslaender, Ophir Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session J2.00003 Magnetic force microscopy of superconductors: vortex manipulation and measuring the penetration depth Room: Ballroom A2 |
Austin, Robert Princeton University |
Session Q7.00001 Does Tumor Development Follow a Programmed Path? Room: Ballroom C3 |
Awschalom, David D. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session J1.00003 Quantum control and nanoscale placement of single spins in diamond Room: Ballroom A1 |
Aynajian, Pegor Princeton University |
Session P1.00004 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of the Heavy Fermion Compounds URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ and CeCoIn$_{5}$ Room: Ballroom A1 |
Backman, Vadim Northwestern University |
Session D21.00001 Physical principles of genomic regulation through cellular nanoscale structure and implications for initiation of carcinogenesis Room: D161 |
Baddorf, Arthur P. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session J34.00001 Unexpected ordering at the atomic scale interface of SrRuO$_{3}$ and BaTiO$_{3}$ Room: C141 |
Balents, Leon Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Session Q1.00002 Spin liquids, spin-orbit coupling, and band topology Room: Ballroom A1 |
Balibar, Sebastien ENS \& CNRS - Paris (France) |
Session Y3.00003 Quantum plasticity and supersolidity Room: Ballroom A3 |
Bansil, Rama Boston University |
Session X4.00003 Gelation of mucin: Protecting the stomach from autodigestion Room: Ballroom A4 |
Bar-Joseph, Israel Wiezmann Institute |
Session A3.00003 Luminescence experiments measuring spin at 5/2 Room: Ballroom A3 |
Barnett, Brandon Intel Corporation |
Session L6.00005 Foundational Forces {\&} Hidden Variables in Technology Commercialization Room: Ballroom C2 |
Batista, Victor Yale University |
Session Q41.00007 Studies of Interfacial Electronic Processes in Nanoporous TiO2 Thin-Films Room: A115/117 |
Batrouni, George University of Nice, Institut Non-Linaire de Nice |
Session X6.00003 Pair formation in Fermi systems with population imbalance in one- and two-dimensional optical lattices Room: Ballroom C2 |
Battaglia, Giuseppe The Krebs Research Institute, Department of Biomedical Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK |
Session B44.00001 Controlling Cellular Endocytosis at the Nanoscale Room: A309 |
Baughman, Ray The University of Texas at Dallas/ Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute |
Session A28.00004 Biscrolling nanotube sheets and functional guests into yarns Room: C156 |
Baumann, Kristian ETH Zurich |
Session P6.00003 The Dicke quantum phase transition with a superfluid gas in an optical cavity Room: Ballroom C2 |
Be'er, Avraham University of Texas at Austin, CNLD |
Session D7.00005 Deadly competition between sibling bacterial colonies Room: Ballroom C3 |
Beamish, John University of Alberta |
Session Y3.00001 Dynamics, Defects and Deformation in Solid Helium Room: Ballroom A3 |
Beasley, Malcolm Stanford University |
Session 1A.00002 Confirmation of BCS Theory and Its Impact on Applications Past and Future Room: Ballroom C1 |
Beausoleil, Ray HP Laboratories |
Session V3.00004 Coupling single electron spins in diamond to integrated optical structures Room: Ballroom A3 |
Bechhoefer, John Simon Fraser University |
Session X7.00004 Defects and DNA replication: a role for stochasticity Room: Ballroom C3 |
Behin-Aein, Behtash Purdue University |
Session D8.00004 Logic Devices Based on Spin Current Room: Ballroom C4 |
Belashchenko, Kirill University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session L19.00001 Thermal spin fluctuations in itinerant ferromagnets: Aspects of magnetic thermodynamics and transport properties Room: D170 |
Belavin, Alexander A.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session A8.00002 Lars Onsager Prize Talk I Room: Ballroom C4 |
Beljonne, David University of Mons |
Session X41.00004 Exciton transport and dissociation at organic interfaces Room: A115/117 |
Bell, Larry Museum of Science, Boston |
Session P5.00001 Science Museum Resources and Partnerships for Public and K-12 Outreach and Engagement Room: Ballroom C1 |
Bellaiche, Laurent University of Arkansas |
Session X3.00005 Ferroelectric vortices from atomistic simulations Room: Ballroom A3 |
Benckiser, Eva Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstra{\ss}e 1, 70569 Stuttgart |
Session B34.00010 Orbital Reflectometry and the Electronic Structure of Oxide Interfaces Room: C141 |
Bennett, Charles H. IBM Research Division |
Session T5.00001 Theory of entanglement and entanglement-assisted communication Room: Ballroom C1 |
Bennett, Matthew R. Rice University |
Session L40.00001 TBA Room: A122/123 |
Bent, Stacey Stanford University |
Session D3.00003 Engineering Interfaces for Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Room: Ballroom A3 |
Berger, Claire CNRS-Institut Neel, Grenoble and Georgia Tech, School of Physics, Atlanta |
Session W37.00007 Transport on gated C-face epitaxial graphene Room: C146 |
Bergeret, Sebastian Centro de Fisica de Materiales CSIC/UPV and DIPC, San Sebastian |
Session H1.00001 Odd Triplet superconductivity in Superconductor-Ferromagnet hybrid structures Room: Ballroom A1 |
Bernier, Jean-Sebastien College de France and Ecole Polytechnique |
Session D4.00003 Trapping, cooling and probing fermionic atoms into the Mott and Neel states Room: Ballroom A4 |
Bershtein, Shimon Harvard University |
Session Q7.00005 Understanding the distribution of fitness effects of mutations by a biophysical-organismal approach Room: Ballroom C3 |
Bertet, Patrice CEA Saclay |
Session W1.00004 Probing the quantum fluctuations of a nonlinear resonator with a superconducting qubit Room: Ballroom A1 |
Bertschinger, Edmund Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A6.00005 Simulating the First Cosmic Structures Room: Ballroom C2 |
Beyerchen, Alan Ohio State University |
Session X8.00002 Physicists' Forced Migrations under Hitler Room: Ballroom C4 |
Bianconi, Ginestra Northeastern University |
Session J7.00004 Dynamical network approach for social interactions Room: Ballroom C3 |
Binder, Kurt Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz |
Session H4.00003 Bottle-brush polymers versus worm-like chains: Do we understand the stiffness of macromolecules? Room: Ballroom A4 |
Binek, Christian University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session X17.00005 Robust isothermal electric control of exchange bias at room temperature Room: D174 |
Birge, Norman Michigan State University |
Session H1.00003 Observation of spin-triplet supercurrent in Co-based Josephson junctions Room: Ballroom A1 |
Biroli, Giulio IPhT CEA Saclay |
Session W4.00001 Growing length-scales at the glass and jamming transition Room: Ballroom A4 |
Bl\"ugel, Stefan Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Juelich and JARA, 52425 Juelich, Germany |
Session V6.00004 Orbital-dependent functionals in FLAPW: hybrid functionals and optimized effective potentials Room: Ballroom C2 |
Blamire, Mark University of Cambridge |
Session H1.00004 Triplet supercurrents in ferromagnets Room: Ballroom A1 |
Bloembergen, Nicolaas University of Arizona |
Session L8.00003 My interactions with J.H. Van Vleck as a student and colleague at Harvard Room: Ballroom C4 |
Bobbert, Peter Technische Universiteit Eindhoven |
Session Q8.00004 Spin relaxation in organic semiconductors Room: Ballroom C4 |
Bockstaller, Michael Carnegie Mellon University |
Session Y40.00001 Particles Bridge the Gap -- Relevance of Polymer Graft Architecture on the Properties of Particle Brush Assemblies Room: A122/123 |
Boebinger, Gregory National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session V2.00005 Quantum Oscillations and High Magnetic Field Heat Capacity in Underdoped YBCO Room: Ballroom A2 |
Boeglin, Christine CNRS-IPCMS-UMR7504 |
Session L16.00008 Distinguishing the ultrafast dynamics of orbital and spin magnetic moments in solids Room: D173 |
Boehme, Christoph University of Utah, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session Q8.00005 Coherent spin spectroscopy in organic thin film semiconductor devices Room: Ballroom C4 |
Boekelheide, Zoe University of California, Berkeley |
Session D19.00001 GMAG Student Dissertation Award Talk: Effects of Nanoscale Structure on the Magnetism and Transport Properties of Chromium and Chromium-Aluminum Alloys Room: D170 |
Bohn, John Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session H6.00003 Theory of ultracold heteronuclear polar molecules Room: Ballroom C2 |
Bonanni, Alberta Johannes Kepler University, Linz-Austria |
Session W15.00005 Control and properties of magnetic nanostructures in nitride semiconductors Room: D171 |
Bong, Dennis The Ohio State University |
Session J4.00002 Deconstruction of biophysical function in the HIV fusion peptide Room: Ballroom A4 |
Borisenko, Sergey Institute for Solid State Research, IFW-Dresden, Helmholtzstrasse 20, 01069, Dresden, Germany |
Session X2.00003 Superconductivity and magnetism in 111 iron pnictides Room: Ballroom A2 |
Bose, Tulika Boston University |
Session Y8.00004 Perspectives from an International Female Physicist in Academia Room: Ballroom C4 |
Boso, Brian Smiths Detection |
Session Q5.00005 Detecting Chemical Weapons: Threats, Requirements, Solutions, and Future Challenges Room: Ballroom C1 |
Bostedt, Christoph Linac Coherent Light Source, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Session A38.00003 Ultrafast imaging of nanoclusters with intense x-ray laser pulses Room: A130/131 |
Bostwick, Aaron Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P36.00004 Plasmarons in Quasi-freestanding Epitaxial Graphene Room: C142 |
Bouchbinder, Eran Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session X13.00008 Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Driven Disordered Materials Room: D225/226 |
Bouchiat, Helene LPS CNRS Univ. Paris Sud |
Session H37.00001 Probing the nature of impurity scattering in graphene Room: C146 |
Bouchier, Paul Dallas Personal Robotics Group |
Session P8.00002 Recent Advances in Robotics and Career Opportunities for Physicists Room: Ballroom C4 |
Bourges, Philippe LLB-CEA Saclay |
Session Z2.00001 Loop-Current Order in Several Families of Cuprates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Bovensiepen, Uwe University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Physics, Germany |
Session Y6.00004 Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in lanthanide ferromagnets: From bulk to surfaces Room: Ballroom C2 |
Boyd, Robert University of Ottawa |
Session T4.00005 Pulse Propagation through Dispersive Optical Materials Room: Ballroom A4 |
Brar, Victor U.C. Berkeley |
Session P2.00005 Gate-Controlled Ionization and Screening of Cobalt Adatoms on a Graphene Surface Room: Ballroom A2 |
Bratkovsky, Alexander Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA 94304 |
Session T6.00004 Industry: Theory Matters Room: Ballroom C2 |
Braun, Dieter Ludwig Maximilians University |
Session X7.00002 Thermal Replication Trap Room: Ballroom C3 |
Bredas, Jean-Luc Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session A4.00003 Impact of the interfacial nanostructures on the electronic processes in organic solar cells Room: Ballroom A4 |
Brihuega, Ivan Dept. Fisica de la Materia Condensada. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Session L37.00001 Missing atom as a source of carbon magnetism Room: C146 |
Brillson, Leonard The Ohio State University |
Session W3.00003 The Electronic Properties of Native Point Defects at ZnO Surfaces and Interfaces Room: Ballroom A3 |
Brookes, Jennifer Massachussetts Institute of Technology |
Session P38.00005 Quantum processes as a mechanism in olfaction for smell recognition? Room: A130/131 |
Brudvig, Gary Yale University |
Session A39.00001 Energy conversion in photosynthesis Room: A124/127 |
Bruno, Patrick ESRF, Grenoble, France |
Session J1.00004 Exploring the quantum frontier of spin dynamics Room: Ballroom A1 |
Buckley, Bob Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session V3.00002 Observation of spin-light coherence for single spin measurement and control in diamond Room: Ballroom A3 |
Bug, Amy Swarthmore College |
Session H24.00001 Computational Physics' Greatest Hits Room: D167 |
Buie, Cullen Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L5.00004 Alternative Energy: A New Frontier for Microfluidics Room: Ballroom C1 |
Bunkov, Yury Institut Neel, Grenoble |
Session W8.00004 Spin Superfluidity and Magnone BEC in He-3 Room: Ballroom C4 |
Buonassisi, Tonio Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L5.00002 Predictive Defect Science for Cost-Effective Photovoltaics Room: Ballroom C1 |
Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco North Carolina State University |
Session A37.00004 Theory of the electronic and transport properties of epitaxial graphene Room: C146 |
Burdick, Jason University of Pennsylvania |
Session X43.00001 Hydrogels with Spatially and Temporally Controlled Properties to Control Cellular Interactions Room: A306/307 |
Burgdoerfer, Joachim Institute for Theoret\'ical Physics, Vienna University of Technology |
Session A38.00001 Attosecond Physics: Time-dependent electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids Room: A130/131 |
Busch, Kurt Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy, Karlsruhe, Germany |
Session B32.00008 Advanced Material Models for Nano-Plasmonic Systems via Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Room: C144 |
Cai, Jinming Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology |
Session T37.00001 Atomically Precise Bottom-up Fabrication of Graphene Nanoribbons Room: C146 |
Caldarelli, Guido Institute of Complex Systems, CNR, Rome Italy |
Session J7.00002 Interconnected Financial Networks Room: Ballroom C3 |
Callender, Robert Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Session H7.00001 Energy Landscapes Encoding Function in Enzymes Investigated Over Broad Time Scales Room: Ballroom C3 |
Campas, Otger Harvard University |
Session P7.00005 Morphogenesis of walled cells Room: Ballroom C3 |
Campuzano, Juan Carlos Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T3.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Talk I Room: Ballroom A3 |
Canali, C. M. Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden |
Session W15.00001 Chern Number Spins of Mn Acceptor Magnets in GaAs Room: D171 |
Cao, Gang University of Kentucky |
Session V17.00001 Spin-Orbit Interaction Rediscovered in Transition Metal Oxides Room: D174 |
Cao, Guang-Han Department of Physics, Zhejiang Uinversity |
Session V26.00007 Effect of Isoelectronic Doping at the As Site in Iron-based Superconducting Systems Room: D162/164 |
Capasso, Federico Harvard University |
Session A32.00004 Designer plasmonic structures and metamaterials for subwavelength photonics Room: C144 |
Caro, Jose Alfredo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q24.00001 Kinetic Monte Carlo with fields: diffusion in heterogeneous systems Room: D167 |
Carroll, Bradley Weber State University |
Session V8.00004 Tuning Higher Education Room: Ballroom C4 |
Castelnovo, Claudio Royal Holloway University of London |
Session V18.00007 Monopole Dynamics in Spin Ice Room: D172 |
Castin, Yvan LKB - ENS |
Session B6.00003 Four-body Efimov effect Room: Ballroom C2 |
Castro Neto, Antonio Department of Physics, Boston University |
Session D37.00001 Strain Engineering in Graphene Room: C146 |
Ceperley, David University of Illinois |
Session A6.00001 The path integral picture of quantum systems Room: Ballroom C2 |
Chaikin, Paul New York University |
Session V5.00003 M&Ms Packing and Research with Undergrads Room: Ballroom C1 |
Chan, Mun K. University of Minnesota |
Session D8.00002 Spin Hall Effects in Ferromagnet-Semiconductor Heterostructures Room: Ballroom C4 |
Chapman, Henry Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY, and the University of Hamburg |
Session J21.00008 Femtosecond Nanocrystallography with X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Room: D161 |
Chemla, Yann University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Session A7.00005 Ultra-high resolution optical trap with single fluorophore sensitivity Room: Ballroom C3 |
Chen, Gang MIT |
Session D3.00004 Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Phonon Mean Free Path in Thermoelectric Materials Room: Ballroom A3 |
Chen, Ke University of Pennsylvania |
Session W4.00004 Low frequency vibrational modes and particle rearrangements in colloidal glasses Room: Ballroom A4 |
Chen, Long-Qing Penn State University |
Session L28.00001 Computational Design of Microstructures Room: C156 |
Chen, Xi Tsinghua University |
Session V7.00002 Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of topological insulators grown by molecular beam epitaxy Room: Ballroom C3 |
Chen, Yong Purdue University |
Session W2.00003 Structural and electronic properties of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) Room: Ballroom A2 |
Cheng, Hai-Ping University of Florida |
Session B23.00004 First-principles studies for understanding diverse high-T$_{c}$ Room: D165 |
Cheng, J.-G. University of Texas at Austin |
Session Q17.00001 High-pressure Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of 4d and 5d Transition-metal Oxides Room: D174 |
Chernyak, Vladimir Wayne State University |
Session X41.00007 Exciton Scattering in Branched Conjugated Molecules: Towards Photoinduced Dynamics and Energy Transfer Room: A115/117 |
Cheung, Margaret University of Houston |
Session Q4.00003 Protein structure, stability and folding in the cell -- \textit{in silico} biophysical approaches Room: Ballroom A4 |
Chien, Teyu Argonne National Laboratory |
Session T10.00001 Cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of fractured oxide surfaces and heterostructure interfaces Room: D221 |
Chiribella, Giulio Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session H29.00001 Toward a conceptual foundation of Quantum Information Processing Room: C148 |
Chonacky, Norman Yale University |
Session V21.00005 Computational {\ldots} Physics Education: Letting physics learning drive the computational learning Room: D161 |
Chotia, Amodsen JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder and National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session H6.00001 Control of dipolar collisions of polar molecules in the quantum regime Room: Ballroom C2 |
Chu, Paul C. W. Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B3.00005 The arrival of high temperature superconductors Room: Ballroom A3 |
Chubukov, Andrey University of Wisconsin |
Session V1.00001 Symmetry and structure of the pairing gap in Fe-based superconductors Room: Ballroom A1 |
Chudzicki, Christopher MIT |
Session P29.00001 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Parallel State Transfer and Efficient Quantum Routing on Quantum Networks Room: C148 |
Cieplak, Marta Z. Institute of Physics, Polish Acad. Sciences |
Session X1.00004 Vortex pinning in ferromagnet-superconductor bilayer with tunable domain patterns Room: Ballroom A1 |
Cifarelli, Luisa University of Bologna \& European Physical Society |
Session T8.00001 Europe and research: a multi-speed scenario Room: Ballroom C4 |
Cinchetti, Mirko Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern |
Session H16.00001 Spin filtering effect of ferromagnetic metal-organic interfaces Room: D173 |
Clancy, J. Patrick McMaster University |
Session P18.00001 Neutron Scattering Studies of the S=1/2 Triangular Lattice Magnets NaNiO$_2$ and LiNiO$_2$ Room: D172 |
Clarke, John UC Berkeley and LBNL |
Session A5.00004 The Ubiquitous SQUID: From Axions to Cancer Room: Ballroom C1 |
Clays, Koen University of Leuven, Belgium |
Session Y4.00001 Colloidal photonic crystals: Beyond optics, beyond spheres Room: Ballroom A4 |
Cohen, Marvin University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q3.00004 Exploring electron-phonon interactions in superconductors Room: Ballroom A3 |
Coldea, Amalia University of Oxford |
Session Q23.00007 dHvA studies of the Fermi topology of Iron-based Superconductors and Metals Room: D165 |
Coldea, Radu University of Oxford |
Session D1.00004 Quantum criticality and confinement effects in an Ising chain in transverse field Room: Ballroom A1 |
Collier, Joel University of Chicago |
Session B41.00009 Peptide assemblies: from cell scaffolds to immune adjuvants Room: A115/117 |
Conrad, Edward Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B2.00004 The Ordering and Electronic Structure of Multilayer Epitaxial Graphene on SiC Room: Ballroom A2 |
Cooper, Leon Brown University |
Session B3.00003 BCS: 50 Years Room: Ballroom A3 |
Corkum, Paul University of Ottawa |
Session T4.00004 Probing Electron Correlation with Sequential Laser--Induced Tunnel ionization Room: Ballroom A4 |
Coronado, Eugenio Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol). Universidad de Valencia (Spain) |
Session T18.00001 Recent developments in Molecular Magnetism Room: D172 |
C\^ot\'e, Robin University of Connecticut |
Session H6.00005 Meta-stable 1-D gases of polar molecules with attractive dipole forces Room: Ballroom C2 |
Crabtree, George Argonne National Laboratory and University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session 1B.00001 Superconducting Materials, Magnets and Electric Power Applications Room: Ballroom C1 |
Crespi, Vincent Penn State University |
Session G1.00001 Small Wonders: Public Adventures with Nanoscience Room: Ballroom C1 |
Crommie, M.F. U.C. Berkeley Physics Dept. and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session T2.00002 Spatially Resolving Spin-split Edge States of Chiral Graphene Nanoribbons Room: Ballroom A2 |
Crooker, Scott National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos National Lab |
Session A15.00001 ``Listening" to the spin noise of electrons and holes in semiconductor quantum dots Room: D171 |
Crooks, Gavin Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab. |
Session X38.00003 Maximizing efficiency of molecular machines Room: A130/131 |
Curtarolo, Stefano Duke University |
Session J28.00001 Distributed Strategies for Materials Development Room: C156 |
Curtin, William Brown University |
Session J24.00001 Origin of Plasticity Length-Scale Effects in Fracture and Deformation Room: D167 |
Daghofer, Maria IFW Dresden |
Session Y5.00004 Spin-polarized semiconductor induced by magnetic impurities in graphene Room: Ballroom C1 |
Dai, Pengcheng University of Tennessee/ORNL |
Session H26.00004 Anisotropy of the spin dynamics in hole and electron-doped 122 Room: D162/164 |
Danzl, Johann Georg Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck |
Session H6.00002 Ultracold high-density samples of rovibronic ground-state molecules in an optical lattice Room: Ballroom C2 |
Dasgupta, Chandan Indian Institute of Science |
Session T7.00001 Length scale of dynamic heterogeneity and its relation to time scales in a glass-forming liquid Room: Ballroom C3 |
Das Sarma, Sankar Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session Z1.00005 Theory of qubit dephasing in a large nuclear spin bath Room: Ballroom A1 |
Datta, Anuja Department of Physics, University of South Florida |
Session L20.00011 Bottom-Up Strategy for Thermoelectric Nanocomposites Room: D168 |
David, Aurelien Soraa Inc |
Session J12.00007 Efficiency Droop in III-nitride LEDs: a differential carrier lifetime analysis Room: D223/224 |
Davis, Jay The Hertz Foundation |
Session Q5.00004 Physics and National Security: The Spectrum of Opportunities Room: Ballroom C1 |
Davis, J.C. Seamus Brookhaven National Laboratory, Cornell University and St. Andrews University |
Session 1A.00001 Room-Temperature Superconductivity: Prospects but Challenges Room: Ballroom C1 |
Dawson, Kenneth University College Dublin |
Session P4.00002 Uncovering the Biological Identity at the NanoScale; Fundamantal principles governing interactions between nanoparticles and living organisms Room: Ballroom A4 |
Degiorgi, L. ETH-Zurich |
Session Q26.00001 Optical Investigation of the Charge Dynamics in Ba(Co$_x$Fe$_{1-x}$)$_2$As$_2$ Room: D162/164 |
de Heer, Walt Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B37.00007 Development of epitaxial graphene based electronics Room: C146 |
dela Cruz, Clarina Neutron Scattering Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session T26.00007 Lattice distortion and magnetic quantum phase transition in CeFeAs$_{1-x}$P$_{x}$O Room: D162/164 |
DeLongchamp, Dean NIST |
Session Q38.00001 Structural measurements of polymer-fullerene blend films for organic photovoltaics Room: A130/131 |
DeMarco, Brian University of Illinois |
Session P6.00004 Strongly Correlated Quantum Gases Trapped in 3D Spin-Dependent Optical Lattices Room: Ballroom C2 |
Demkowicz, Michael MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering |
Session Q24.00002 On the atomic-scale design of metal-metal heterointerfaces Room: D167 |
Demokritov, Sergey Institute for Applied Physics, University of Münster |
Session W8.00005 Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons at room temperature Room: Ballroom C4 |
Dennler, Gilles Konarka |
Session A4.00002 Achievements, opportunities and challenges for organic solar cells Room: Ballroom A4 |
de Pablo, Juan University of Wisconsin |
Session X4.00002 A Molecular View of Liquid Crystalline Elastomers and Gels Room: Ballroom A4 |
Dery, Hanan University of Rochester |
Session V15.00010 Theory of spin-dependent phonon-assisted optical transitions in Si and quantifying spin polarization in Si Room: D171 |
Desai, Michael Harvard University |
Session V38.00001 Natural Selection in Large Populations Room: A130/131 |
De Teresa, Jose M. CSIC-University of Zaragoza (Spain) |
Session A16.00007 Focused electron beam induced deposition of magnetic nanostructures Room: D173 |
Devoret, Michel Yale University |
Session A5.00001 Prospects of superconducting qubits for quantum computation Room: Ballroom C1 |
Devoret, Michel Yale University |
Session X1.00001 Quantum Coherence of the Fluxonium Superconducting Artificial Atom Room: Ballroom A1 |
Dickerson, James Vanderbilt Univ |
Session X17.00006 Europium Chalcogenide Magnetic Semiconducting Nanocrystals Room: D174 |
Dietl, Tomasz Institute of Physics, PAS; University of Warsaw, Poland |
Session H15.00001 Interplay of confinement and spin-orbit interaction in ferromagnetic semiconductors Room: D171 |
Dijon, Jean CEA/Liten |
Session Q28.00007 Carbon nanotubes for interconnects in integrated circuits Room: C156 |
Ding, Hong Institute of Physics, CAS |
Session L26.00007 ARPES studies on the pairing mechanism of iron-based superconductors Room: D162/164 |
DiPrima, Joe Arc Attack |
Session H8.00003 Singing Tesla Coils Room: Ballroom C4 |
Di Ventra, Massimiliano University of California, San Diego |
Session H34.00001 Memory effects in nanoscale systems Room: C141 |
DiVincenzo, David Forschungszentrum Juelich \& RWTH Aachen |
Session T5.00002 Twenty Years of Quantum Error Correction Room: Ballroom C1 |
Dobrovitski, Viatcheslav Ames Laboratory US DOE and Iowa State University |
Session V3.00005 Quantum control and decoherence of a single spin in diamond Room: Ballroom A3 |
Dobson, John Micro and Nano Technology Centre, Griffith University, Australia |
Session A31.00001 Cohesive Properties of Graphitics and the Random Phase Approximation Room: C145 |
Donadio, Davide Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
Session X20.00001 Atomistic simulations of heat transport in nanostructures Room: D168 |
Dorgan, John Colorado School of Mines |
Session X45.00012 Ecobionanocomposites: a new class of green materials Room: A310 |
Doubrovinski, Konstantin Princeton University |
Session L7.00004 Self-organized cytoskeletal dynamics during fruit fly epithelial morphogenesis Room: Ballroom C3 |
Douglas, Jack Polymers Division, NIST |
Session B4.00005 Nanoparticle Self-Assembly in a Polymer Matrix and Its Impact on Phase Separation Room: Ballroom A4 |
D’Souza, Raissa University of California, Davis |
Session J7.00003 Emergent phenomena in interacting networks Room: Ballroom C3 |
Du, Jiangfeng University of Science and Technology of China |
Session Z1.00004 Preserving electron spin coherence in solids by optimal dynamical decoupling Room: Ballroom A1 |
Du, Mao-Hua Materials Science and Technology Division and Center for Radiation Detection Materials and Systems, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B12.00004 Defects and Carrier Compensation in CdTe Room: D223/224 |
Dumse, Randy University of Northern Iowa |
Session P8.00001 Finding Fun and Fame in Physics with Robots Room: Ballroom C4 |
Durian, Douglas University of Pennsylvania, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session V5.00005 Making a frothy shampoo or beer Room: Ballroom C1 |
Durr, Hermann SLAC |
Session Y6.00001 The x-ray few of femtosecond spin-orbit excitations in ferromagnets Room: Ballroom C2 |
Dutton, P.L. Johnson Research Foundation, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 |
Session D6.00002 Engineering electron tunneling in natural and artificial proteins Room: Ballroom C2 |
Duxbury, Phillip Michigan State Univ |
Session A4.00001 Multiscale simulation of solar cell morphologies guided by SANS and neutron reflectivity data Room: Ballroom A4 |
Dynes, Robert University of California, San Diego |
Session Q3.00001 Superconductivity: A Continuous Surprise or ``How I Learned to Love the Surprises'' Room: Ballroom A3 |
Eaglesham, David First Solar |
Session A36.00002 CdTe Solar Cells Scaling to Grid Parity Room: C142 |
Ebbinghaus, Simon Ruhr-University Bochum |
Session Q4.00004 Phosphoglycerate kinase in crowded and cellular environments Room: Ballroom A4 |
Eckstein, James Depertment of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL |
Session P34.00004 New Optical Absorption Bands in Atomic Layer Superlattices Room: C141 |
Economou, Nicholas PointSpectrum,LLC |
Session P3.00004 Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics Talk: Start-up Company (Ad)Ventures -- the Highs {\&} Lows Room: Ballroom A3 |
Ediger, Mark University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session V4.00001 Direct measurement of molecular motion in freestanding polystyrene thin films Room: Ballroom A4 |
Ehrenfreund, Eitan Physics Dept., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology |
Session Q8.00002 Magnetic Field Effect in Organic Devices: the Role of Hyperfine, Exchange and Spin Orbit Interactions Room: Ballroom C4 |
Eitouni, Hany Seeo, Inc |
Session L43.00008 Block-Copolymer Lithium Battery Electrolytes Room: A306/307 |
Ekert, Artur Oxford University and National University of Singapore |
Session T5.00003 Less Reality, More Security Room: Ballroom C1 |
Ekinci, Kamil Boston University |
Session J2.00001 Nanoscale Mechanical Resonators for Probing Physical Phenomena: Fluid Dynamics of High-frequency Flows Room: Ballroom A2 |
Englert, Berge National University of Singapore |
Session W29.00001 Pairwise complementary observables and their mutually unbiased bases Room: C148 |
Ensslin, Klaus ETH Zurich |
Session X37.00007 Spin states in graphene quantum dots Room: C146 |
Eom, Chang-Beom University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session A33.00004 Giant piezoelectricity on Si for hyper-active MEMS Room: C143/149 |
Epstein, Art Ohio State University |
Session Q8.00001 Spin Injection/detection using organic-based magnetic semiconductor Room: Ballroom C4 |
Eremets, Mikhail Max Planck Institute for Chemistry |
Session H31.00007 Novel phases of simple substances at megabar pressures Room: C145 |
Eremin, Ilya Institue for Theoretical Physics III, Ruhr-University Bochum |
Session X2.00004 Antiferromagnetic phase in iron-based superconductors: selection of magnetic order, spin excitations, competition with superconductivity Room: Ballroom A2 |
Ericsson, {\AA}sa Institute Mittag-Leffler |
Session W29.00002 Quantum States as Probabilities from Symmetric Informationally Complete Measurements Room: C148 |
Eriksson, Olle Uppsala University |
Session Y5.00002 A theoretical study of chemical functionalisation of graphene: graphane and graphXene Room: Ballroom C1 |
Ernst, Arthur Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session W17.00001 Fist-principles design of magnetic oxides Room: D174 |
Ernsting, Nikolaus Humboldt University Berlin |
Session J38.00003 ``Molecular spectrometers'' in the condensed phase: local THz-FIR response from femtosecond fluorescence Room: A130/131 |
Esler, Kenneth Stone Ridge Technology |
Session J6.00001 Fully accelerating quantum Monte Carlo simulations of real materials on GPU clusters Room: Ballroom C2 |
Eversole, Jay D. Naval Research Laboratory |
Session Q5.00002 Discrimination and classification of bio-aerosol particles using optical spectroscopy and scattering Room: Ballroom C1 |
Ezin, Jean-Pierre Commissioner Human Resources, Science \& Technology |
Session T8.00004 Science and Technology in Africa: The African Union new initiatives and financial support perspectives Room: Ballroom C4 |
Fabian, Jaroslav Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg |
Session X16.00004 Spin-orbit coupling in graphene: from single layers to graphite Room: D173 |
Falk, Michael Departments of Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; and Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University |
Session X13.00004 Application of Classical Nucleation Theory to Cavitation in Metallic Glass Room: D225/226 |
Fang, Zhong Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session H2.00003 Quantized Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Topological Insulators Room: Ballroom A2 |
Farhadifar, Reza Harvard University |
Session P7.00003 Emergence and Dynamics of Polar Order in Developing Epithelia Room: Ballroom C3 |
Farmer, Damon IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session V37.00010 Charge Trapping and Transport in Epitaxial Graphene Room: C146 |
Fayer, Michael Stanford University |
Session D38.00005 Ultrafast two dimensional infrared chemical exchange spectroscopy Room: A130/131 |
Fedosov, Dmitry Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH |
Session H24.00002 Nicholas Metropolis Award Talk for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Work in Computational Physics: Computational biophysics and multiscale modeling of blood cells and blood flow in health and disease Room: D167 |
Feibelman, Peter J. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session V41.00004 Water monolayers on metals -- a new framework Room: A115/117 |
Feiguin, Adrian University of Wyoming |
Session D4.00001 Pairing states of a one-dimensional spin imbalanced Fermi gas accross a Feshbach resonance Room: Ballroom A4 |
Felser, Claudia University of Mainz |
Session H2.00002 Tunable multifunctional topological insulators in ternary Heusler and related compounds Room: Ballroom A2 |
Fenter, Paul Argonne National laboratory |
Session Y39.00001 Imaging Interfacial Structure and Reactivity with X-ray Reflectivity and Microscopy Room: A124/127 |
Fernandes, Rafael Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA |
Session X2.00001 Competing phases in the iron pnictides Room: Ballroom A2 |
Ferrari, Andrea University of Cambridge |
Session B2.00005 Raman spectroscopy of pristine, defected and strained graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Ferry, David Arizona State University |
Session L24.00007 Scattering matrix approaches for dissipative quantum transport Room: D167 |
Fidkowski, Lukasz Microsoft Research, Station Q |
Session T1.00004 Interacting Topological Insulators Room: Ballroom A1 |
Fink, Joerg Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin/ IFW Dresden |
Session L3.00001 Electronic structure studies of Ba/EuFe$_2$As$_2$ based superconductors by angle and time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Room: Ballroom A3 |
Fischetti, Massimo University of Texas at Dallas |
Session D24.00004 Empirical Pseudopotential Approach to Semiclassical and Quantum Electronic Transport in Nanometer-scale Structures Room: D167 |
Fisher, Ian Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University |
Session Z26.00001 In-plane electronic anisotropy of underdoped iron arsenide superconductors Room: D162/164 |
Flammia, Steven Caltech |
Session W29.00003 The Lie Algebraic Significance of Symmetric Informationally Complete Measurements Room: C148 |
Flanders, Bret N. Department of Physics, Kansas State University |
Session X39.00001 Simple, Voltage Dependent Statistics Governing Cell-Substrate Contact Times Room: A124/127 |
Flatten, Amy American Physical Society |
Session Y8.00005 Panel Discussion: Issues Facing International Physicists and the Future of Physics Room: Ballroom C4 |
Fleming, Graham University of California Berkeley |
Session D38.00001 Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy or where would we be without Shaul Mukamel? Room: A130/131 |
Flint, Rebecca Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session P1.00002 How spins become pairs: Composite pairing and magnetism in the 115 heavy fermion superconductors Room: Ballroom A1 |
Forrest, James University of Waterloo |
Session V4.00004 Surface Dynamics in Glass forming Materials Room: Ballroom A4 |
Forrest, Rebecca University of Houston |
Session J5.00004 Lateral Modulation in Antimonide Superlattices Room: Ballroom C1 |
Frankel, Richard California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA |
Session V5.00001 Biomagnetism and Magnetotaxis in Bacteria: What Bacteria Know About Magnetic Materials and Permanent Magnet Design Room: Ballroom C1 |
Franz, Marcel University of British Columbia |
Session D2.00005 Theory of surface phenomena in topological insulators Room: Ballroom A2 |
Frauenfelder, Hans Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D6.00001 Protein Dynamics Room: Ballroom C2 |
Freeland, Elizabeth University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session J5.00003 When Nano Isn't Small Enough: Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics and My Quest to Understand Particle Physics Room: Ballroom C1 |
Friedman, Adam US Naval Research Laboratory |
Session Y16.00001 Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance and Extraordinary Magnetoresistance in Graphene Room: D173 |
Frolov, Sergey Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology |
Session B1.00002 Spin-orbit qubit in a semiconductor nanowire Room: Ballroom A1 |
Fu, Liang Harvard Univ |
Session D2.00003 Theory of Topological Insulators and Superconductors: Application to Cux-Bi2Se3 Room: Ballroom A2 |
Fuchs, Gregory Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session P15.00005 Excited-State Spin Manipulation and Intrinsic Nuclear Spin Memory using Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Room: D171 |
Fuhrer, Michael S. University of Maryland, College Park |
Session U55.00003 Graphene: Deep physics from the all-surface material Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Reunion A-D |
Ganduglia-Pirovano, Maria Veronica Humboldt-Universit\"at zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany and Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry-CSIC, Madrid, Spain |
Session V6.00003 Structure of oxygen vacancies and electron localization on CeO$_2$(111) Room: Ballroom C2 |
Ganesh, P. Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN |
Session T33.00001 Origin of diffuse scattering in relaxor ferroelectrics Room: C143/149 |
Gang, Oleg Brookhaven National Laboratory-Center for Functional Nanomaterials |
Session J44.00004 Nanoscale systems assembled with DNA: from principles to rational design Room: A309 |
Garanin, Dmitry CUNY |
Session H3.00003 Deflagration, fronts of tunneling, and dipolar ordering in molecular magnets Room: Ballroom A3 |
Garcia, Vincent Unit\'e Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, Palaiseau, France |
Session L17.00008 Giant tunnel electroresistance and electrical control of spin polarization with ferroelectric tunnel barriers Room: D174 |
Garrahan, Juan P. University of Nottingham |
Session W4.00005 Space-time phase transitions in models of glasses Room: Ballroom A4 |
Gehring, Peter National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session L33.00007 A Neutron Study of the Structure and Lattice Dynamics of Single Crystal PZT Room: C143/149 |
Geissler, Phillip U.C. Berkeley |
Session Y39.00006 Ions at interfaces and their spectroscopic consequences Room: A124/127 |
Gemelke, Nathan Penn State University |
Session B6.00001 Interacting and Rotating Gases of a Few Trapped Atoms Room: Ballroom C2 |
Genovese, Luigi CEA Grenoble |
Session J6.00003 Wavelet-Based DFT calculations on Massively Parallel Hybrid Architectures Room: Ballroom C2 |
Genzer, Jan North Carolina State University |
Session P44.00001 An interplay between self-organization and interfacial modification of diblock copolymers in bi-layered thin film laminates Room: A309 |
Ghosez, Philippe Universite de Liege |
Session Q33.00001 Engineering exotic phenomena at oxide interfaces Room: C143/149 |
Giaever, Ivar Applied BioPhysics, Inc. |
Session J3.00003 Discovery of Superconductive Tunneling Room: Ballroom A3 |
Giamarchi, Thierry University of Geneva |
Session W8.00001 Spin Dimers: from BEC to Luttinger liquids Room: Ballroom C4 |
Giessen, Harald University of Stuttgart |
Session D32.00004 Three-dimensional optical metamaterials and nanoantennas: Chirality, Coupling, and Sensing Room: C144 |
Gilbert, Pupa University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session B5.00003 Involving undergraduates in interdisciplinary research: The physics of biomineralization Room: Ballroom C1 |
Gilchrist, James Lehigh University |
Session Y4.00005 Convective microsphere monolayer deposition Room: Ballroom A4 |
Ginger, David University of Washington |
Session X5.00004 Probing Photovoltaic Performance Room: Ballroom C1 |
Ginossar, Eran Yale University |
Session W1.00002 Novel approaches to high fidelity qubit state measurement in circuit quantum electrodynamics Room: Ballroom A1 |
Ginzburg, Valeriy The Dow Chemical Company |
Session B4.00001 ``Hairy'' Nanoparticles in Block Copolymers and Homopolymers: Modeling using Hybrid Self-Consistent Field Theory Room: Ballroom A4 |
Godbole, Rohini CERN PH/TH Theoretical Physics Department |
Session T8.00003 Mega Physics Projects: National and International Initiatives: the Indian Experience Room: Ballroom C4 |
Goldar, Arach CEA |
Session X7.00005 Universal Temporal Profile of Replication Origin Activation in Eukaryotes Room: Ballroom C3 |
Gordon, Ryan Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA |
Session L3.00003 London penetration depth as a sensitive tool for determining the superconducting gap structure in iron-pnictide superconductors Room: Ballroom A3 |
Gorshkov, Alexey California Institute of Technology |
Session W6.00001 Two-orbital SU(N) magnetism with ultracold alkaline-earth atoms Room: Ballroom C2 |
Gottlieb, Steven Indiana University |
Session J6.00002 The Use of GPUs in Lattice Gauge Theory Room: Ballroom C2 |
Grant, Paul M. IBM Research Staff Member Emeritus, San Jose, CA 95120 USA |
Session 1A.00003 From BCS to Vortices: A 40 Year Personal Journey through Superconductivity from Basic Research to Power Applications Room: Ballroom C1 |
Graser, Siegfried University of Augsburg |
Session L3.00005 Superconductivity in a 3D tight-binding model for Ba-122 Room: Ballroom A3 |
Green, Peter F. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
Session B4.00004 Control of Nanoparticle Organization in Thin Homopolymer Films Room: Ballroom A4 |
Greene, Chris H. University of Colorado |
Session H41.00006 Nonperturbative Rydberg excitations triggered by electrons or photons Room: A115/117 |
Greene, L.H. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session Q3.00002 Research opportunities in new superconducting materials Room: Ballroom A3 |
Greenland, Thornton London Centre for Nanotechnology and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, WC1H 0AH, England |
Session A1.00001 Coherent control of donor states in Si Room: Ballroom A1 |
Greer, Julia Caltech |
Session P14.00004 Size Matters: size-dependent strength and nucleation-governed deformation mechanisms in nano-scale Cu pillars Room: D227 |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session P6.00001 Quantum Gas Microscope - Simulating the Bose-Hubbard model and beyond Room: Ballroom C2 |
Grest, Gary S. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session H4.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Talk: Polymer Brushes: Why do we still care? Room: Ballroom A4 |
Griffin, Davey Texas A & M University |
Session H8.00004 The Science of Barbecue (Texas Style) Room: Ballroom C4 |
Grinspun, Eitan Columbia University |
Session Q14.00001 Geometric Nonlinear Computation of Thin Rods and Shells Room: D227 |
Grossman, Jeffrey C. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X41.00001 Fundamental understanding and computational design of thin-film photovoltaics materials Room: A115/117 |
Guclu, A. Devrim National Research Council of Canada |
Session L2.00005 Optical, magnetic and electronic properties of graphene quantum dots Room: Ballroom A2 |
Guichard, Wiebke Joseph Fourier University |
Session X1.00002 Measurement of Quantum Phase-Slips in Josephson Junction Chains Room: Ballroom A1 |
Guikema, Janice Wynn Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 |
Session J5.00002 Atomically Thin Graphene Hall Cross Devices as Sensitive Magnetic Field Probes Room: Ballroom C1 |
Guinea, Francisco CSIC - Madrid |
Session P37.00001 Beller Lectureship Talk: Gauge fields in graphene Room: C146 |
Guisinger, Nathan Argonne National Laboratory |
Session W2.00005 Graphene synthesis, characterization, and processing: an atomic-scale investigation Room: Ballroom A2 |
Gull, Emanuel Columbia University |
Session Y1.00003 Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Methods and the Momentum-selective Mott transition Room: Ballroom A1 |
Gullans, Michael Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session Q15.00004 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Double Quantum Dots Room: D171 |
Gunawan, Oki IBM T J Watson Research Center |
Session A36.00004 CZTSSe: Materials and Physics Challenges Room: C142 |
Gunner, Marilyn City College of New York |
Session H7.00003 Kinetic vs. Thermodynamic Control of Bacteriorhodopsin Pumping Room: Ballroom C3 |
Guo, Hong McGill University |
Session T24.00001 Recent progress in computational electronics: disorder effects in nonequilibrium quantum transport Room: D167 |
Gupta, Jay Ohio State University |
Session A21.00007 STM manipulation and measurement of charged species in semiconductors Room: D161 |
Haldane, F.D.M. Princeton University |
Session T1.00002 Identifying Topological Order from the Entanglement Spectrum Room: Ballroom A1 |
Hallock, Robert University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003 |
Session Y3.00004 Mass Flow in Solid $^4$He as Observed by Fountain Effect Measurements Room: Ballroom A3 |
Hammel, P. Chris Ohio State University |
Session H21.00004 Nanoscale scanning probe ferromagnetic resonance imaging using localized modes Room: D161 |
Hammer, Philip W. American Institute of Physics |
Session P5.00002 Professional Society Resources and Partnerships for Public and K-12 Outreach and Engagement Room: Ballroom C1 |
Hanaguri, Tetsuo RIKEN |
Session V7.00004 Landau-level spectroscopies of a topological insulator Room: Ballroom C3 |
Hanson, David Hanson Robotics |
Session H8.00001 Robotics in the World of Entertainment Room: Ballroom C4 |
Hanson, Ronald Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands |
Session Z1.00001 Control of single-spin decoherence by dynamical decoupling and spin bath manipulation Room: Ballroom A1 |
Harmans, Kees Kavli Institute, Delft University of Technology |
Session W1.00001 DC-SQUID Quantum Non-Demolition Readout of Superconducting Flux Qubits Room: Ballroom A1 |
Hasan, M. Zahid Princeton University, Department of Physics |
Session H2.00001 Bulk Topological Insulators and Superconductors: Discovery and the new Frontiers Room: Ballroom A2 |
Hatt, Alison Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session P33.00007 Strain-stabilized phases of BiFeO3 and the role of first-principles calculations Room: C143/149 |
Havlin, Shlomo Bar-Ilan University |
Session J7.00001 Robustness of Interdependent Networks Room: Ballroom C3 |
Hayden, Stephen University of Bristol |
Session P26.00004 Spin Correlations in Superconducting Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{2}$As$_{2}$ Room: D162/164 |
He, Ke Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session D2.00004 Investigation and manipulation of the electronic properties of magnetically doped topological insulators Room: Ballroom A2 |
He, Rui Columbia University |
Session V44.00004 Free exciton emission and vibrations in pentacene monolayers Room: A309 |
Heiblum, Moty Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A3.00001 Observation of neutral modes via shot noise measurements Room: Ballroom A3 |
Henderson, Thomas Departments of Chemistry and of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University |
Session V6.00002 The effects of long-range exact exchange in hybrid-functional methods Room: Ballroom C2 |
Henriksen, Erik Caltech |
Session A2.00001 Electronic compressibility of bilayer graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Herbst, Jan GM R{\&}D Center |
Session T6.00001 From Atoms to Autos: Adventures of a Theoretical Physicist in Industry Room: Ballroom C2 |
Heremans, Joseph P. Ohio State University, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, and Dept. of Physics |
Session Y20.00001 Resonant Energy Levels and the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit Room: D168 |
Hermele, Michael Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session W6.00005 Exotic magnetism and new states of matter with alkaline earth atoms Room: Ballroom C2 |
Hermsen, Rutger Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA |
Session Q7.00002 Adaptation Driven by Spatial Heterogeneities Room: Ballroom C3 |
Hersam, Mark Northwestern University |
Session B28.00001 Fundamentals and applications of monodisperse carbon-based nanomaterials Room: C156 |
Hidalgo, Cesar A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J7.00005 The Structure and Dynamics of Economic Complexity Room: Ballroom C3 |
Hill, John Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X21.00001 Inelastic X-ray Scattering at Third Generation Synchrotron Sources: Present Activities and Future Plans Room: D161 |
Hillenbrand, Rainer CIC nanoGUNE Consolider |
Session L32.00007 Infrared and Terahertz Nanoscopy Room: C144 |
Hirsch, J.E. University of California San Diego |
Session L23.00004 Why positive hole carriers and negatively charged planes are conducive to high temperature superconductivity Room: D165 |
Hodgson, Andrew The University of Liverpool |
Session V41.00001 The structure of water/hydroxyl phases at metal interfaces Room: A115/117 |
Hoffmann, Axel Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session H19.00004 Quantifying Spin Hall Effects in Nonmagnetic Metals Room: D170 |
Hong, Byung Hee Sungkyunkwan University |
Session W2.00002 Roll-to-roll production of 30-inch graphene films for transparent electrodes Room: Ballroom A2 |
Hong, Xia The Pennsylvania State University |
Session W36.00001 Properties of Dilute Fluorinated Graphene Room: C142 |
Hosono, Hideo Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session Q3.00003 Iron-based superconductors and relevant materials:progress and opportunity Room: Ballroom A3 |
Howes, Ruth Ball State University |
Session W5.00001 SPIN-UP and Preparing Undergraduate Physics Majors for Careers in Industry Room: Ballroom C1 |
Hsu, Chao-Ping Academia Sinica |
Session W41.00007 Theories and applications for characterizing electronic coupling factors Room: A115/117 |
Hsu, Chia Wei Wesleyan University / Harvard University |
Session D41.00001 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Self-Assembly of DNA-Functionalized Nanoparticles Room: A115/117 |
Hu, Hui Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Swinburne University of Technology |
Session B6.00005 Virial Expansion for a Strongly Correlated Fermi Gas Room: Ballroom C2 |
Hu, Jiangping Purdue University |
Session V1.00004 The nature of electronic nematic states in iron-pnictides Room: Ballroom A1 |
Huang, Jiandong The University of Hong Kong |
Session D7.00003 A tunable sequential and periodic pattern formed by coupling cell motility with density Room: Ballroom C3 |
Huber, David Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session L8.00002 J. H. Van Vleck and Magnetism at the University of Wisconsin: 1928 -1934 Room: Ballroom C4 |
Huff, Brian The University of Texas at Arlington |
Session P8.00003 Physics and Robotic Sensing -- the good, the bad, and approaches to making it work Room: Ballroom C4 |
Hughes, Richard Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T5.00004 Twenty Seven Years of Quantum Cryptography! Room: Ballroom C1 |
Hummelshoej, Jens Technical University of Denmark |
Session Q6.00002 Towards predictor based design of thermodynamic and kinetic properties of complex materials for hydrogen storage Room: Ballroom C2 |
Huse, Nils Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J38.00001 Probing Ultrafast Solution-Phase Chemistry in the X-ray Water Window and beyond via Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Room: A130/131 |
Hutton, Andrew Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session B8.00004 Niobium and its Impact on Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology Room: Ballroom C4 |
Hwa, Terence Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, UC San Diego |
Session D7.00004 Self-organized biological patterns driven by growth and expansion Room: Ballroom C3 |
Igoshin, Oleg Rice University |
Session L40.00004 Interplay of Noisy Gene Expression and Dynamics Explains Patterns of Bacterial Operon Organization Room: A122/123 |
Imada, Masatoshi Dept. Applied Physics, Univ. Tokyo and JST CREST |
Session Y1.00001 Renewed Understanding on Doped Mott Insulators Room: Ballroom A1 |
Iniguez, Jorge ICMAB-CSIC |
Session Q18.00001 Enhanced magnetoelectric effects via strain engineering and structural softness Room: D172 |
Inosov, Dmytro MPI-FKF Stuttgart |
Session L3.00002 Symmetry of spin excitation spectra in 122-ferropnictides Room: Ballroom A3 |
Ishigami, Masa Department of Physics and Nanoscience Technology Center, University of Central Florida |
Session L36.00003 Revealing the dominant scatterer in Graphene on SiO$_{2}$ Room: C142 |
Ishiwata, Shintaro Dept. of Appl. Phys. and Quantum-Phase Electronics Center (QPEC), University of Tokyo |
Session A17.00010 Multiferroic Perovskite Manganites with Symmetric Exchange Striction Room: D174 |
Islam, Mohammad Department of Materials Science \& Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
Session X44.00004 Normal Modes and Density of States of Disordered Colloidal Solids Room: A309 |
Ismer, Lars University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Q6.00004 Point-defect-mediated dehydrogenation of alane Room: Ballroom C2 |
Ivie, Rachel American Institute of Physics |
Session V8.00002 Got Skills? On-the-Job Activities of Physicists Room: Ballroom C4 |
Jacak, Barbara Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University |
Session D5.00004 The Hottest Liquid on the Planet Room: Ballroom C1 |
Jacobs, Clifford National Science Foundation |
Session A6.00004 The need and potential for building a integrated knowledge-base of the Earth-Human system Room: Ballroom C2 |
Jaffe, Robert MIT |
Session B8.00001 Unobtainium? Critical Elements for New Energy Technologies Room: Ballroom C4 |
Janotti, Anderson University of California Santa Barbara |
Session A12.00008 Causes of yellow luminescence in GaN Room: D223/224 |
Janssen, Michel University of Minnesota |
Session L8.00001 Van Vleck from Spectroscopy to Susceptibilities: Kuhn Losses Regained Room: Ballroom C4 |
Jarrell, Mark Louisiana State University |
Session Y1.00002 Quantum criticality in the Hubbard model Room: Ballroom A1 |
Jin, Deborah NIST, JILA, Univ. of Colorado |
Session D5.00005 Ultracold polar molecules Room: Ballroom C1 |
Johnson, David Schlumberger-Doll Research |
Session T6.00003 Theoretical Physics + Experiments in Superfluid He$^4$ = Commercial Oilfield Acoustic Service Room: Ballroom C2 |
Johnson, Mark Naval Research Laboratory |
Session D8.00003 Electrostatically Manipulated Ballistic Spin Currents Room: Ballroom C4 |
Johnson, Peter Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session T3.00002 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Talk: High-resolution Photoemission Studies of the High Tc Superconductors Room: Ballroom A3 |
Jones, Tim University of Warwick |
Session Y44.00007 Understanding the role of interfaces in small molecule organic photovoltaics Room: A309 |
Jung, Suyong CNST, NIST |
Session V7.00005 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of a Gated Single- and Bilayer Graphene Devices in the Quantum Hall Regime Room: Ballroom C3 |
K\"artner, Franz Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T4.00002 High-Energy Sub-Cycle Waveform Synthesis and Characterization Room: Ballroom A4 |
Kamat, Prashant University of Notre Dame |
Session P41.00004 Quantum Dot Solar Cells. Understanding Charge Transfer at Nanostructure Interface Room: A115/117 |
Kane, Suzanne Amador Physics Department, Haverford College, Haverford PA |
Session B5.00002 Flocking and self-defense: experiments and simulations of avian mobbing Room: Ballroom C1 |
Kang, Hyon Chol Chosun University |
Session X21.00008 Hard X-ray Microscopy with Multilayer Laue Lenses Room: D161 |
Kao, Fu-Jen Institute of Biophotonics, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan |
Session V8.00005 Shedding light on molecular dynamics: The role of physicists in the age of biomedical science Room: Ballroom C4 |
Kaschube, Matthias Princeton University |
Session P7.00001 Contractile forces driving embryonic development Room: Ballroom C3 |
Ke, Xianglin Neutron Scattering Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA |
Session Q18.00005 Magnetic Structure of Engineered Multiferroic Thin Films Room: D172 |
Keimer, Bernhard Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session V2.00003 Magnetic phase diagram and magnetic dynamics of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{6+x}$: Implications for the mechanism of high-T$_{c}$ superconductivity Room: Ballroom A2 |
Keivani, Azadeh Louisiana State University |
Session Y8.00001 Impact of Visa Issues on an International Physics Graduate Student in the U.S. Room: Ballroom C4 |
Keller, Mark |
Session P19.00007 Noise in Spin Torque Oscillators Room: D170 |
Ketterle, Wolfgang MIT |
Session J3.00005 Superfluidity in an Atomic Gas of Strongly Interacting Fermions Room: Ballroom A3 |
Khajetoorians, Alexander Institute of Applied Physics, Hamburg University |
Session P21.00004 Realizing Spin Logic Atom by Atom Room: D161 |
Khan, Nisa LED Lighting Technologies |
Session B8.00003 Essentials for Successful and Widespread LED Lighting Adoption Room: Ballroom C4 |
Kiang, Ching-Hwa Rice University |
Session A7.00002 Multiple Pathways of Single-Stranded DNA Stretching Observed Using Single-Molecule Manipulation Room: Ballroom C3 |
Killian, Thomas Rice University |
Session W6.00003 Degenerate Fermi Gas of Strontium-87 Room: Ballroom C2 |
Kim, Eun-Ah Cornell University |
Session Z2.00005 Phenomenology of electronic nematic and smectic states in STM studies of high T$_c$ cuprates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Kim, Eunseong Department of Physics, KAIST |
Session Y3.00002 New evidence of supersolidity in rotating solid helium Room: Ballroom A3 |
Kim, Jin Kon Pohang University of Science and Technology |
Session A43.00007 Functional Nanomaterials based on Nanoporous Block Copolymer Templates Room: A306/307 |
Kim, Philip Department of Physics, Columbia University |
Session T2.00001 Electron Interactions in Graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Kim, Sang-Koog Seoul National University |
Session J19.00001 Vortex-Core Reversal Dynamics: Towards Vortex Random Access Memory Room: D170 |
Kimble, H. Jeff California Institute of Technology |
Session L4.00001 Entanglement of spin waves among four quantum memories Room: Ballroom A4 |
Kimel, Alexey Radboud University Nijmegen |
Session L1.00002 Femtosecond magnetism and spin manipulation on a time-scale of the exchange interaction Room: Ballroom A1 |
Kirilyuk, Andrei Radboud University Nijmegen |
Session Y6.00005 Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in a system with tunable angular momentum Room: Ballroom C2 |
Kirschvink, Joe California Institute of Technology |
Session T38.00001 Biophysics of Magnetic Orientation: Radical Pairs, Biogenic Magnetite, or both? Room: A130/131 |
Kitchin, John Carnegie Mellon University |
Session W32.00001 Modeling the interactions of adsorbates with each other and with metal surfaces Room: C144 |
Kleiner, Reinhold Physics Institute, University of Tuebingen, D72076 Tuebingen, Germany |
Session X1.00003 Coherent Terahertz Emission of Intrinsic Josephson Junction Stacks in the Hot Spot Regime Room: Ballroom A1 |
Klimov, Victor Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D3.00002 Photophysics of Strongly Confined Multiexcitons from the Perspective of Lasing and Solar Energy Conversion Room: Ballroom A3 |
Kojevnikov, Alexei University of British Columbia |
Session X8.00004 Russian, Soviet, and post-Soviet scientific migration: history and patterns Room: Ballroom C4 |
Kondo, Takeshi Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University |
Session Z2.00004 Disentangling Cooper-pair formation above {$T_{c}$} from the pseudogap state in the cuprates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Kong, Lingzhu Princeton University |
Session D31.00001 Rotational and vibrational excitations of van der Waals bonded hydrogen in nanoporous materials: calibrating first-principle calculations with experiments Room: C145 |
Kono, Junichiro Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University |
Session L1.00001 Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes Room: Ballroom A1 |
Koonin, Eugene National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health |
Session T42.00001 Insights into protein evolution landscapes from folding models Room: A302/303 |
Kortemme, Tanja UCSF |
Session V38.00004 TBD Room: A130/131 |
Kosztin, Ioan University of Missouri - Columbia |
Session X39.00002 Multiscale modeling of the dynamics of multicellular systems Room: A124/127 |
Kotliar, Gabriel Rutgers University |
Session D26.00001 Confronting LDA+DMFT results with experiments in the iron pnictide families Room: D162/164 |
Koumoto, Kunihito Nagoya University |
Session W20.00007 Nanostructured Oxides and Sulfides for Thermoelectrics Room: D168 |
Kowalewski, Tomek Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B43.00001 Association of P3HT and PCBM in solution Room: A306/307 |
Kremer, Friedrich Universit\"at Leipzig |
Session V4.00002 Molecular dynamics at nanometric length-scales Room: Ballroom A4 |
Kremer, Kurt Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany |
Session H4.00002 Polymer Physics Prize Talk: Topological Constraints Matter -- or Back to the Origin Room: Ballroom A4 |
Krens, S.F.G. Institute of Science and Technology Austria |
Session L7.00003 Surface cell differentiation controls tissue surface tension and tissue positioning during zebrafish gastrulation Room: Ballroom C3 |
Kresse, Georg University of Vienna |
Session V6.00001 The shortcomings and advantages of hybrid functionals in the description of solids Room: Ballroom C2 |
Krim, Jacqueline North Carolina State University |
Session B31.00001 Physisorbed molecules: How their frictional and diffusive properties impact lubricity Room: C145 |
Krupke, Ralph Karlsruhe Institut f\"ur Technologie |
Session H28.00007 Electroluminescence from a single nanotube-molecule-nanotube junction Room: C156 |
Krycka, Kathryn NIST Center for Neutron Research |
Session B16.00004 Magnetic Core-Shell Morphology of Structurally Uniform Magnetite Nanoparticles Room: D173 |
Kuhr, Stefan MPI Garching |
Session P6.00002 Probing Mott insulators with single atom resolution Room: Ballroom C2 |
Kuklov, Anatoly CSI, CUNY |
Session Y3.00005 Superclimb of Dislocations in Solid $^4$He Room: Ballroom A3 |
Kumar, Sanat Columbia University |
Session T13.00004 Tailoring Polymer Nanocomposite Properties by Nanoparticle Assembly Room: D225/226 |
Kung, Harriet Associate Director of Science for Basic Energy Sciences - DOE |
Session T8.00005 Science for Energy Room: Ballroom C4 |
Kurchan, Jorge PMMH-ESPCI |
Session W4.00003 Order in amorphous solids Room: Ballroom A4 |
Lacasse, Martin-Daniel Corporate Strategic Research Laboratory, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company |
Session T6.00002 Challenging theoretical physics problems in the energy industry Room: Ballroom C2 |
Lai, Keji Stanford University |
Session T17.00005 Mesoscopic orientation-ordered percolating network in a strained manganite thin film Room: D174 |
Lang, Matthew Vanderbilt University |
Session B39.00005 Overview of single-molecule methods including high-force, force-fluorescence, and dual-trap studies for probing molecular and cellular machinery Room: A124/127 |
Lang, Peter R. Research Centre Juelich, Juelich, Germany |
Session Y4.00002 Near Wall Dynamics in Colloidal Suspensions Studied by Evansescent Wave Dynamic Light Scattering Room: Ballroom A4 |
Langevin, Dominique CNRS |
Session B4.00003 Aqueous foams stabilised solely by nanoparticles Room: Ballroom A4 |
Larbalestier, David National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session B7.00002 Superconductors for superconducting magnets Room: Ballroom C3 |
Lee, Jun Hee Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session J33.00004 Ferroelectric polarization in the magnetic world Room: C143/149 |
Lee, Ka Yee C. The University of Chicago |
Session J4.00001 Membrane Disruption Mechanism by Antimicrobial Peptides Room: Ballroom A4 |
Leggett, Anthony University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J3.00001 Theoretical work on superconductivity up to 1956 Room: Ballroom A3 |
Leonard, Francois Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J32.00005 Charge injection and transport in nanowires Room: C144 |
Leone, Stephen University of California Berkeley |
Session H41.00001 Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics Talk: Attosecond Electron Dynamics Room: A115/117 |
Lesher, Charles UC Davis |
Session T13.00001 Thermodiffusion (Ludwig-Soret Effect) in Geological Systems Room: D225/226 |
Levy, Jeremy Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session B5.00005 Mentoring undergraduates for experimental research in physic Room: Ballroom C1 |
Levy, Jeremy U. Pittsburgh |
Session X5.00005 Challenges and opportunities for probe-based information technology Room: Ballroom C1 |
Levy, Niv Department of Physics, University of California \& Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. |
Session V7.00001 Strain-Induced Pseudo--Magnetic Fields in Graphene: MegaGauss in Nanobubbles Room: Ballroom C3 |
Li, Yuan Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany |
Session Z2.00002 Novel magnetic excitations in a model cuprate high-$T_{c}$ superconductor Room: Ballroom A2 |
Lian, Tianquan Emory University |
Session P41.00007 Ultrafast Single and Multiple Exciton Dissociation in CdSe and PbS Quantum Dots Room: A115/117 |
Liddell Watson, Chekesha M. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University |
Session Y4.00003 Assembly of Dimer-Based Photonic Crystals Room: Ballroom A4 |
Lieberman-Aiden, Erez Harvard Society of Fellows |
Session V40.00001 2010 Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics Talk: How the Genome Folds Room: A122/123 |
Liphardt, Jan Physics Dept., UC Berkeley |
Session Y38.00001 Can Simple Biophysical Principles Yield Complicated Biological Functions? Room: A130/131 |
Liu, Chaoxing Physikalisches Institut(EP3), Institut fuer Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik, Universitaet Wuerzburg |
Session H2.00004 Search for Topological Insulators in Ternary Chalcogenides Room: Ballroom A2 |
Liu, Hong MIT |
Session D1.00005 Strange metals and quantum phase transitions from gauge/gravity duality Room: Ballroom A1 |
Liu, Kai University of California - Davis |
Session J16.00010 Chirality control and vortex manipulation in asymmetric Co dots Room: D173 |
Liu, Liyu Princeton University |
Session H39.00005 Microfabricated Tepui: probing into cancer invasion, metastasis and evolution in a 3D environment Room: A124/127 |
Liu, Ren-Bao The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Session Z1.00002 Control of electron spin decoherence in nuclear spin baths Room: Ballroom A1 |
Lodge, Timothy University of Minnesota |
Session P4.00001 Equilibration and metastability in block copolymer micelles Room: Ballroom A4 |
Look, David C. Wright State University |
Session W3.00002 Limits of Conductivity in ZnO Thin Films: Experiment and Theory Room: Ballroom A3 |
Loos, Joachim School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, United Kingdom |
Session A4.00005 Morphology control in printable solar cells Room: Ballroom A4 |
Loparo, Joseph Harvard Medical School |
Session X7.00003 Single-molecule measurements of replisome composition and function reveal the mechanism of polymerase exchange Room: Ballroom C3 |
Lopez, Rene Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel HIll, NC, 27599 |
Session B43.00006 Bio-Inspired electro-photonic structure for organic and dye sensitized solar cells Room: A306/307 |
Lopez, Rene Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, 27599 |
Session L5.00001 Efficient High Surface Area Vertically Aligned Metal Oxide Nanostructures for Dye-Sensitized Photoanodes by Pulsed Laser Deposition Room: Ballroom C1 |
Loss, Daniel University of Basel |
Session U55.00002 Quantum information in solid-state systems Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Reunion A-D |
Loth, Sebastian IBM Research - Almaden |
Session Y39.00003 Nanosecond Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: resolving spin dynamics at the atomic scale Room: A124/127 |
Louca, Despina University of Virginia |
Session D17.00001 Possible link of a structurally driven spin flip transition and the insulator-metal transition in the perovskite La$_{1-x}$Ba$_{x}$CoO$_{3}$ Room: D174 |
Lubensky, David University of Michigan |
Session P7.00002 From Global Stresses to Local Cell Packing During Development Room: Ballroom C3 |
Ludwig, Andreas Dept. of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Y2.00005 Classification of Topological Insulators and Superconductors: the ``Ten-Fold Way'' Room: Ballroom A2 |
Lumsden, Mark Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X26.00004 Spin Excitations in Fe(Se,Te) Room: D162/164 |
Luo, Xigang Department de Physique, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrook, Quebec J1K2R1, Canada |
Session L3.00004 Phase diagram and superconducting gap structure of the iron-pnictide superconductor (Ba,K)Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ Room: Ballroom A3 |
Lutchyn, Roman Microsoft Station Q, UCSB |
Session B1.00003 Prospecting for elusive Majorana particles in nanowires Room: Ballroom A1 |
Lyakhov, Andriy Stony Brook University |
Session Q31.00001 Crystal structure prediction using evolutionary algorithms: how to predict large and complex systems Room: C145 |
Lyding, Joseph University of Illinois |
Session T2.00005 Influence of edge structure, substrate structure and grain boundaries on the electronic properties of graphene quantum dots and transferred graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Lyons, John University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W3.00001 Hybrid functional studies of defects and impurities in ZnO Room: Ballroom A3 |
Lyu, SuPing |
Session Z42.00001 How do polymers degrade? Room: A302/303 |
Lyulin, Alexey Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session V4.00005 Confinement effects on polymer structure and glassy dynamics Room: Ballroom A4 |
M\"uller, Paul Department of Physics, University of Erlangen, Germany |
Session X1.00005 Tuning superconductivity by carrier injection Room: Ballroom A1 |
MacDougall, Gregory Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A18.00011 Neutron Scattering Study of Frustration and Magnetic Order in Spinels Room: D172 |
MacKintosh, Fred Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam |
Session V42.00001 Control of semi-flexible polymer networks by architecture and dynamic cross-linking Room: A302/303 |
Magaud, Laurence Institut Neel, CNRS, FRANCE |
Session T36.00001 Rotated graphene bilayers : from independent layers to electronic localization Room: C142 |
Mailman, Mitch Brandeis University |
Session T7.00002 Point-to-Set as a measure of Correlations during Unjamming in Granular Systems Room: Ballroom C3 |
Makarov, Dmitrii University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y38.00003 Unfolding proteins with mechanical forces: From toy models to atomistic simulations Room: A130/131 |
Mallamace, Francesco Dept of Physics, University of Messina, Italy |
Session V41.00007 The Dynamics of Supercooled Water Room: A115/117 |
Malozemoff, Alexis P. American Superconductor Corp. |
Session 1B.00002 High Temperature Superconductors for the Electric Power Grid Room: Ballroom C1 |
Manning, M. Lisa Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University |
Session T7.00004 Vibrational modes identify soft spots in a sheared model glass Room: Ballroom C3 |
Manoharan, Hari C. Stanford University |
Session P2.00001 Topological Kondo Ground State in Graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Manoharan, Vinothan Harvard University |
Session Y4.00004 Directed self-assembly of small colloidal clusters Room: Ballroom A4 |
Manthiram, Arumugam University of Texas at Austin |
Session A20.00004 Materials Challenges and Opportunities of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electrical Energy Storage Room: D168 |
Mao, Ho-Kwang Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Session J31.00007 Electronic structure and dynamics of elements at high pressures Room: C145 |
Maple, M. Brian Univeristy of California, San Diego |
Session P1.00005 ``Hidden order,'' heavy electron ferromagnetism, and non-Fermi liquid behavior in the pseudoternary system URu$_{2-x}$Re$_x$Si$_2$ Room: Ballroom A1 |
Marcus, Charles Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session B1.00005 Measurement of Spin Relaxation in SiGe nanowire quantum dots Room: Ballroom A1 |
Marder, Michael The University of Texas at Austin |
Session H14.00010 Friction at the nanoscale:theory and experiment Room: D227 |
Marinero, Ernesto E. Hitachi GST San Jose Research Center, 3404 Yerba Buena Road San Jose, CA 95135, USA |
Session L6.00003 Innovation, Novel Solutions and New Devices: The Engines that Drive the Magnetic Storage Industry; Choosing the Right Combination Room: Ballroom C2 |
Marko, John Northwestern University |
Session X4.00001 Micromechanical study of mitotic chromosome structure Room: Ballroom A4 |
Martin, Jens Harvard University |
Session A2.00005 Local Compressibility Measurements of Correlated States in Suspended Bilayer Graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Martinez, Todd Stanford University |
Session J6.00004 Graphical Processing Units for Quantum Chemistry Room: Ballroom C2 |
Martinis, John University of California at Santa Barbara |
Session D27.00001 Scaling Superconducting Qubits with the ResQu Architecture Room: C155 |
Mazur, Eric Harvard University |
Session B5.00001 Using seminar-based instruction to convey contemporary research to undergraduates Room: Ballroom C1 |
McCammon, J. Andrew HHMI/UCSD |
Session A6.00003 Computational Physics and Drug Discovery for Infectious Diseases Room: Ballroom C2 |
McGehee, Michael Stanford University |
Session P42.00004 Organic and hybrid organic-inorganic photovoltaic cells Room: A302/303 |
McNeill, Chris University of Cambridge |
Session J41.00001 Organic devices. New perspectives provided from soft x-ray characterization Room: A115/117 |
Medvedeva, Julia Missouri University of Science and Technology |
Session Q12.00001 Transparent Conductors: Understanding and Optimization Room: D223/224 |
Medwick, Paul PPG Industries, Inc. |
Session W5.00002 From Grad School to the Glass Industry: One Perspective Room: Ballroom C1 |
Meier, Guido University of Hamburg |
Session Y6.00003 Imaging Magnetization Dynamics on the Nanoscale Using X-ray Microscopy Room: Ballroom C2 |
Mele, E.J. University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q36.00004 Interlayer Physics in Few Layer Graphenes Room: C142 |
Meyer, Horst Duke University |
Session L8.00005 Van Vleck and the magnetic susceptibilities of gaseous molecules Room: Ballroom C4 |
Meyerson, Bernard IBM |
Session P3.00001 George E. Pake Prize Talk: Silicon:Germanium's Road to Market; A Sceptic's Guide From Surface Science to WiFi Room: Ballroom A3 |
Mezzenga, Raffaele ETH - Zurich |
Session L42.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Talk: Protein Fibrils, Polymer Physics: Encounter at the Nanoscale Room: A302/303 |
Miller, David Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V7.00003 Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of Magnetic States in Epitaxial Graphene Room: Ballroom C3 |
Miller, R.J. Dwayne Max Planck Research Group for Atomically Resolved Dynamics, University of Hamburg, CFEL/DESY and University of Toronto |
Session J38.00005 ``Making the Molecular Movie'': First Frames Room: A130/131 |
Millis, Andrew Columbia University |
Session H3.00002 Pure and Random--field quantum criticality in dipolar Ising magnets Room: Ballroom A3 |
Min, Hongki Condensed Matter Theory Center, Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session B19.00001 Effects of disorder on magnetic vortex dynamics Room: D170 |
Mochizuki, Masahito Dept. of Applied Physics, Univ. of Tokyo |
Session A17.00011 Dynamical Magnetoelectric Phenomena in the Multiferroic Mn Perovskites Room: D174 |
Moeller, Gunter Arkema Inc. |
Session X5.00001 Accelerated design and quality control of impact modifiers for plastics through atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis Room: Ballroom C1 |
Moerner, W.E. Stanford University |
Session A7.00001 Single Fluorescent Molecules as Nano-Illuminators for Biological Structure and Function Room: Ballroom C3 |
Molenkamp, Laurens W. Physics Institute (EP3), Wuerzburg University |
Session Y2.00002 Dirac Fermions in HgTe Quantum Wells Room: Ballroom A2 |
Molinero, Valeria Department of Chemistry, University of Utah |
Session T41.00004 Quasicrystal and ice phases tiled with pentagons in confined water Room: A115/117 |
Monroe, Christopher JQI and University of Maryland |
Session L4.00002 Quantum Networks with Atoms and Photons Room: Ballroom A4 |
Moore, Joel E. University of California |
Session U55.00001 Topological order, topological insulators, and the search for the Majorana fermion Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Reunion A-D |
Moore, Tom Arizona State University |
Session A39.00002 Engineered and Artificial Photosynthesis Room: A124/127 |
Morais Smith, Cristiane ITP, Utrecht University |
Session T45.00004 Artificial Staggered Magnetic Field for Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices Room: A310 |
Morello, Andrea Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, University of New South Wales |
Session A1.00002 Single-shot readout and microwave control of an electron spin in silicon Room: Ballroom A1 |
Moreo, Adriana University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session A26.00004 Computational studies of models for the magnetism and superconductivity in iron pnictides Room: D162/164 |
Morley, Gavin W. London Centre for Nanotechnology and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, UK |
Session X15.00001 Quantum information in silicon: Initialization, manipulation, storage and readout Room: D171 |
Moses, Poul Georg Stanford University |
Session V6.00005 Hybrid functional studies of InGaN alloys and oxides for photochemical watersplitting Room: Ballroom C2 |
Motter, Adilson Northwestern University |
Session V14.00001 Sensitive Dependence on Network Structure Room: D227 |
Mueller, K.A. Physics Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland |
Session J3.00002 The Exceptional Properties of Superconductivity in Cuprates Room: Ballroom A3 |
Mukamel, Shaul University of California, Irvine |
Session B38.00001 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy Talk: Coherent Ultrafast Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Molecules; From NMR to X-rays Room: A130/131 |
Mukhanov, Oleg HYPRES |
Session A5.00002 Superconductor Digital Electronics: -- Current Status, Future Prospects Room: Ballroom C1 |
Myers, Roberto Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio |
Session J15.00001 Spin-Seebeck effect: Local nature of thermally induced spin currents in GaMnAs Room: D171 |
Nakamura, Masao Cross-Correlated Materials Research Group (CMRG), ASI, RIKEN, Wako, 351-0198, Japan |
Session D34.00001 Band profiles of Mott-insulator/band-insulator heterointerfaces revealed by photocurrent and electromodulation spectroscopies Room: C141 |
Nakatsuji, Satoru Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session Q1.00003 Time-reversal symmetry breaking and spontaneous Hall effect without magnetic dipole order in Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ Room: Ballroom A1 |
Nembach, Hans National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session A19.00007 Perpendicular ferromagnetic resonance measurements of damping and the Land\'{e} g-factor in sputtered (Co$_{2}$Mn)$_{(1-x)}$Ge$_{x}$thin films Room: D170 |
Neuman, Keir National Institutes of Health |
Session L39.00001 High-resolution laser-based detection for magnetic tweezers Room: A124/127 |
Newman, Bonna Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session P12.00007 Sub-bandgap absorptance in chalcogen-hyperdoped silicon Room: D223/224 |
Nishikawa, Takashi Clarkson University |
Session Z14.00007 Visual analytics for discovering node groups in complex networks Room: D227 |
Novosad, Valentyn Argonne National Laboratory |
Session P16.00007 Geometrically Confined Spin Vortices: from Fundamental Physics to Biomedical Applications Room: D173 |
Novoselov, Konstantin University of Manchester, Manchester |
Session U1.00001 Graphene: Materials in the Flatland Room: Ballroom C1 |
Novotny, Lukas |
Session J21.00004 Optical Antennas for Enhanced Light Absorption and Emission Room: D161 |
O'Brien, Jeremy University of Bristol |
Session A1.00003 Integrated Quantum Photonics Room: Ballroom A1 |
Ober, Christopher Cornell University |
Session W42.00005 Polymer brushes: Tools for surface design Room: A302/303 |
Ochoa, J. Pedro Berkeley lab |
Session Y8.00002 Overcoming the Cultural Barrier: An International Physicist's Experience Room: Ballroom C4 |
Ohya, Shinobu Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Information Systems, The Univ. of Tokyo |
Session T15.00001 Valence-band structure of the ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs investigated by resonant tunneling spectroscopy Room: D171 |
Olaya-Castro, Alexandra Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London |
Session H38.00001 Indicators of quantum coherence in light-harvesting dynamics Room: A130/131 |
Olvera de la Cruz, Monica Northwestern University |
Session X4.00004 Responsive gels and membranes Room: Ballroom A4 |
Ong, N. Phuan Princeton University |
Session Y2.00001 Quantum oscillations and Hall anomaly of surface electrons on Topological Insulators Room: Ballroom A2 |
Onose, Yoshinori University of Tokyo |
Session X3.00003 Skyrmion crystal and topological Hall effect in B20-type transition-metal compounds Room: Ballroom A3 |
Orbach, Raymond L. The University of Texas at Austin |
Session H5.00003 Used Nuclear Fuel: From Liability to Benefit Room: Ballroom C1 |
Orso, Giuliano Universit\'e Paris Diderot, Laboratoire Mat\'eriaux et Ph\'enom\`enes Quantiques |
Session X6.00001 Correlated phases in the Fermi Hubbard model with spin and mass imbalance Room: Ballroom C2 |
Ott, Albrecht Universitaet des Saarlandes |
Session L7.00002 Axis Specification in Hydra Room: Ballroom C3 |
Otte, Sander Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands |
Session J1.00002 All-electric control of single atom spin states Room: Ballroom A1 |
Padamsee, Hasan Cornell University |
Session B7.00004 RF Superconductivity: the ultimate limit Room: Ballroom C3 |
Paglione, Johnpierre University of Maryland |
Session W26.00004 Structural tuning of superconductivity and magnetism in intermetallic iron-pnictide materials Room: D162/164 |
Palmer, Arthur Columbia University |
Session H7.00002 NMR investigations of molecular dynamics Room: Ballroom C3 |
Panoff, Robert Shodor Education Foundation |
Session V21.00001 Computational (Physics Education) vs. (Computational Physics) Education: Many Body for Anybody Room: D161 |
Park, Kyungwha Dept. of Physics, Virginia Tech |
Session H3.00005 Electronic Structure and Transport Through Single Molecule Magnets Room: Ballroom A3 |
Park, Robert American Physical Society |
Session V5.00002 Voodoo Science Room: Ballroom C1 |
Park, So-Jung University of Pennsylvania |
Session Y40.00006 Nanoparticle-directed self-assembly of amphiphilic block-copolymers Room: A122/123 |
Pashkin, Alexej University of Konstanz |
Session L1.00004 Ultrafast Optical Excitation in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\delta}$: Tracing the Optical Phonons Room: Ballroom A1 |
Paul, Donald University of Texas at Austin |
Session V4.00003 Gas Permeation in Thin Glassy Polymer Films Room: Ballroom A4 |
Pearton, Stephen University of Florida |
Session P3.00002 David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics Talk: Novel Nitride and Oxide Electronics Room: Ballroom A3 |
Pentcheva, Rossitza University of Munich |
Session Q34.00007 Electronic Reconstruction at oxide interfaces: from an electron-hole bilayer to a spin-polarized 2DEG Room: C141 |
Perahia, Dvora Clemson University |
Session H4.00005 Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticle Hybrids: Structure, Dynamics and Forces Room: Ballroom A4 |
Persson, Kristin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B20.00004 Li-ion Battery Electrode Materials Design from First-Principles Calculations Room: D168 |
Petek, Hrvoje University of Pittsburgh |
Session Q41.00004 Ultrafast proton coupled charge transfer dynamics in photocatalysis Room: A115/117 |
Petekidis, George IESL-FORTH |
Session X44.00009 Yielding mechanisms and particle rearrangements in colloidal glasses and gels under shear Room: A309 |
Petrenko, Oleg University of Warwick, UK |
Session D18.00010 Spin dynamics in the hyperkagome compound Gd$_{3}$Ga$_{5}$O$_{12}$ Room: D172 |
Pfeifer, Thomas Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik |
Session H41.00003 Beyond the Frontiers of Time-Resolved Spectroscopy Room: A115/117 |
Pfleiderer, Christian Physik-Department, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany |
Session X3.00002 Skyrmion Lattices in Chiral Magnets Room: Ballroom A3 |
Phillips, Rob California Institute of Technology |
Session X38.00001 The Statistical Mechanics of Trajectories and Weights: Applications to Gene Expression Room: A130/131 |
Pinczuk, Aron |
Session A3.00005 ``Looking'' at Competing Quantum Phases of the Second Landau Level Room: Ballroom A3 |
Pinkerton, Frederick General Motors R\&D Center |
Session P20.00001 NaAlH$_{4}$ -- Carbon Aerogel: Kinetic Enhancement of a Complex Hydride by Nanoporous Carbon Room: D168 |
Pivrikas, Almantas Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Session Y44.00001 Charge transport studies in organic semiconductors using carrier extraction by linearly increasing voltage (CELIV) technique Room: A309 |
Pochan, Darrin University of Delaware |
Session J44.00007 Multicompartment and multigeometry nanostructures with block copolymers and kinetic control Room: A309 |
Poirier, Michael Ohio State University |
Session J2.00005 Histone Post-Translation Modifications Influence Chromatin Mechanical Stability Room: Ballroom A2 |
Poitzsch, Martin Schlumberger-Doll Research |
Session W5.00004 How a Physicist Can Add Value In the Oil and Gas Industry Room: Ballroom C1 |
Polkovnikov, Anatoli Boston University |
Session J45.00001 Universal Dynamics Near Quantum Critical Points Room: A310 |
Pollet, Lode ETH Zurich |
Session D4.00005 A quantitative analysis of small atomic systems Room: Ballroom A4 |
Pollock, Steven CU Boulder |
Session J8.00002 A Research-Based Approach to Transforming Upper-Division Electricity \& Magnetism Room: Ballroom C4 |
Polyakov, Alexander Princeton University |
Session A8.00003 Lars Onsager Prize Talk II Room: Ballroom C4 |
Pop, Eric University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session V28.00007 Energy Dissipation and Transport in Carbon Nanotube Devices Room: C156 |
Poudeu, Pierre Ferdinand The Advanced Materials Research Institute and Department of Chemistry, University of New Orleans, New Orleans LA, 70148, USA |
Session T20.00007 Strategies to Bulk Half-Heusler Nanocomposites with Simultaneously Enhanced Power Factor and Reduced Thermal Conductivity Room: D168 |
Pravahan, Rishiraj |
Session Y8.00003 Life In a large scientific collaboration Room: Ballroom C4 |
Prezhdo, Oleg University of Rochester |
Session W41.00004 Time-domain ab initio studies of excitation dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots Room: A115/117 |
Prud'homme, Robert Princeton University |
Session P4.00003 Nanoparticle formation by block copolymer directed rapid precipitations---Flash NanoPrecipitaiton Room: Ballroom A4 |
Rainwater, Steve Network Cybernetics Corp. |
Session P8.00004 Robot Competitions Around the World Room: Ballroom C4 |
Ramamoorthy, Ayyalusamy Biophysics and Department of Chemistry, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055 |
Session J4.00004 Structural Studies of Biological Solids Using NMR Room: Ballroom A4 |
Ramirez, Arthur University of California Santa Cruz |
Session T3.00004 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Talk: Geometrically Frustrated Materials Room: Ballroom A3 |
Rao, Madan Raman Research Institute/National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore |
Session J14.00001 Active Currents and Stresses on the cell surface: Clustering, Instabilities and Budding Room: D227 |
Raphael, Elie CNRS ESPCI |
Session Q44.00010 Fingering Instability of Debonding Soft Elastic Adhesives Room: A309 |
Redinbo, Greg Varian Semiconductor |
Session W5.00003 Applying Physics: Opportunities in Semiconductor Technology Companies Room: Ballroom C1 |
Reed, Mark Yale University |
Session L2.00003 Orbital Gating of Single Molecule Transistors Room: Ballroom A2 |
Reis, Victor U.S. Department of Energy |
Session H5.00001 A Strategy for Expanded Nuclear Power: The Role of the U.S. Department of Energy Room: Ballroom C1 |
Richardella, Anthony Department of Physics, Princeton University |
Session T15.00005 Visualizing Critical Correlations Near the Metal-Insulator Transition in Ga$_{1-x}$Mn$_x$As Room: D171 |
Richards, Paul L. Department of Physics, U. C. Berkeley |
Session A5.00003 Superconducting Receivers for Millimeter and Submillimeter Astrophysics Room: Ballroom C1 |
Riedle, Eberhard LMU M\"unchen |
Session T4.00003 Generation, characterization and spectroscopic use of ultrashort pulses fully tunable from the deep UV to the MIR Room: Ballroom A4 |
Riehn, Robert NC State University |
Session H39.00001 Nanotechnology Approaches to Studying Epigenetic Changes in Cancer Room: A124/127 |
Rigol, Marcos Georgetown University |
Session A8.00005 IUPAP C10 2011 Young Scientist Prize in the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter Talk: Breakdown of thermalization in finite one-dimensional systems Room: Ballroom C4 |
Rigol, Marcos Georgetown University |
Session D4.00004 Generalized Thermalization in Integrable Systems Room: Ballroom A4 |
Risbud, Aditi Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P5.00003 National Laboratory Resources and Partnerships for Public and K-12 Outreach and Engagement Room: Ballroom C1 |
Risler, Thomas Institut Curie |
Session J14.00005 Homeostatic pressure, tumor growth and fingering of epithelial tissues: Some generic physics arguments Room: D227 |
Rittner, Ann Sophie Rice University |
Session X6.00004 Spin imbalanced Fermi gases in 1D and the crossover to 3D Room: Ballroom C2 |
Ritz, Thorsten Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine |
Session T38.00002 Magnetic compasses in biological systems: Does quantum physics play a role? Room: A130/131 |
Robbins, Mark Johns Hopkins University |
Session H4.00004 Entanglements and the Mechanical Properties of Glassy Polymers Room: Ballroom A4 |
Robin, Kristelle Institute for Advanced Studies, HKUST |
Session Q7.00003 Experimental Ignition of Evolution on Fitness Landscapes Room: Ballroom C3 |
Robinson, Richard Cornell University |
Session L5.00003 Nanoscale heat transfer and thermoelectrics for alternative energy Room: Ballroom C1 |
Rogge, Sven University of New South Wales |
Session L2.00002 Single-donor transport in silicon: Atomic physics in restricted momentum space Room: Ballroom A2 |
Rokhinson, Leonid Purdue University |
Session L15.00004 Manipulation of ferromagnetic state by means of spin-orbit interactions Room: D171 |
Ronning, Filip Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T23.00001 Understanding anisotropy to develop superconducting design principles Room: D165 |
Ros, Robert Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504 |
Session J2.00002 Consistency and discrepancy between single molecule force spectroscopy experiments and theoretical models Room: Ballroom A2 |
Rosenband, Till NIST |
Session L4.00003 Quantum-logic clocks for fundamental physics and geodesy Room: Ballroom A4 |
Rosenblum, Steven Corning Incorporated |
Session L6.00004 Manufacturing physics: using large(r) data sets and physical insight to develop great products Room: Ballroom C2 |
Rosner, Helge MPI CPfS Dresden |
Session P17.00001 Surprises in low dimensional spin 1/2 magnets - from crystal chemistry to microscopic magnetic models of complex oxides Room: D174 |
Rosner , Robert The University of Chicago |
Session H5.00002 What happened to the US nuclear renaissance? Room: Ballroom C1 |
Ross, Caroline Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H43.00002 Directed self-assembly of Si-containing block copolymer thin films in topographical templates Room: A306/307 |
Ross, Kate Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University |
Session A18.00001 From Two Dimensional Correlations to a Disordered Ground State in the XY Pyrochlore, Yb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ Room: D172 |
Rossi, Enrico Department of Physics, College of William and Mary |
Session Q37.00001 Quantum motion of electrons and holes in the random puddle landscape of graphene Room: C146 |
Rossky, Peter University of Texas at Austin |
Session T41.00007 Exploring hydration at the nanoscale Room: A115/117 |
Rotenberg, Eli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B2.00002 Band structures of expitaxial graphene: the role of many-body interactions Room: Ballroom A2 |
Roushan, Pedram Princeton University |
Session D2.00001 Visualizing surface states of topological insulators using spectroscopic mapping with the scanning tunneling microscope Room: Ballroom A2 |
Rowell, John Arizona State University |
Session B3.00004 Giaever, Nb3Sn, and Josephson Room: Ballroom A3 |
Ruegg, Christian Paul Scherrer Institute |
Session W8.00002 Luttinger--liquid and BEC physics in spin ladders Room: Ballroom C4 |
Rugar, Daniel IBM Research Division |
Session J2.00004 Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging Room: Ballroom A2 |
Ruoff, Rodney The University of Texas at Austin |
Session W2.00001 Chemical Vapor Deposition of Large-size Monolayer Graphene and Properties Room: Ballroom A2 |
Russell, Thomas University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session A4.00004 Interfacial Aspects of Polymer Based Photovoltaic Structures Room: Ballroom A4 |
Sabbi, GianLuca LBNL |
Session B7.00003 State of the art superconducting magnet development Room: Ballroom C3 |
Sachdev, Subir Harvard University |
Session V2.00004 The spin density wave quantum phase transition in two dimensional metals Room: Ballroom A2 |
Sampangiraj, Ashwin S. Department of Mechanical Engineering \& Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven CT |
Session T7.00003 Protocol Dependence in Jammed Particulate Media: Statistics of the Density Landscape Room: Ballroom C3 |
Sandoghdar, Vahid ETH Zurich |
Session L2.00004 A single-molecule optical transistor Room: Ballroom A2 |
Santore, Maria University of Massachusetts |
Session A41.00010 Accidental Interactions and Purposeful Flaws in Polymer Brushes: Variations in Bioadhesive Mechanisms Room: A115/117 |
Santoro, Alberto State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Session X8.00003 Migrations and the Rise of High Energy Physics in Brazil Room: Ballroom C4 |
Sarachik, Myriam P. Physics Department, City College of New York, CUNY, New York, New York 10031 |
Session H3.00001 Experimental realization of random-field Ising ferromagnetism in a molecular magnet Room: Ballroom A3 |
Scalapino, D.J. University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Q3.00005 Electronic Pairing Interactions Room: Ballroom A3 |
Scalettar, Richard University of California, Davis |
Session P24.00006 Quo Vadis Computational Physics? Room: D167 |
Schaeff, Christoph IQOQI |
Session W29.00004 Experimental access to higher-dimensional discrete quantum systems, towards realizing SIC-POVM and MUB measurements, using integrated optics Room: C148 |
Schall, Peter University of Amsterdam |
Session W4.00002 Structural rearrangements that govern flow in colloidal glasses Room: Ballroom A4 |
Scherz, Andreas SIMES, SLAC Nat. Acc. Lab., California |
Session Y6.00002 Possibility of Nanoscale Imaging of Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics Room: Ballroom C2 |
Schlom, Darrell Cornell University |
Session H33.00001 Changing Dielectrics into Multiferroics---Alchemy Enabled by Strain Room: C143/149 |
Schmidt, Andrew University of California, Berkeley |
Session P1.00003 Imaging the ``Hidden Order'' Transition in URu$_{2}$Si$_{2}$ Room: Ballroom A1 |
Schoelkopf, Robert Yale University |
Session L4.00004 Towards Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits Room: Ballroom A4 |
Schonenberger, Christian Department of Physics, University of Basel |
Session B1.00001 Cooper-pair splitter: towards an efficient source of spin-entangled EPR pairs Room: Ballroom A1 |
Schreck, Florian IQOQI, OEAW |
Session W6.00002 Double-degenerate Bose-Fermi mixture of strontium Room: Ballroom C2 |
Schreiber, Gideon Dept Biological Chemistry, the Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Q4.00001 Formation of protein-complexes in crowded environments: from in vitro to in vivo Room: Ballroom A4 |
Schroeder, Lee Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and TechSource |
Session H5.00004 Fuel Cycle R\&D Requirements for Future Nuclear Power Room: Ballroom C1 |
Schumacher, Benjamin Kenyon College |
Session T5.00005 A Brief Prehistory of Qubits Room: Ballroom C1 |
Schwartz, Brian The Graduate Center of CUNY |
Session B3.00002 From the Meissner Effect to the Isotope Effect: Precursors to the Microscopic Theory of Superconductivity Room: Ballroom A3 |
Schwartz, Brian The Graduate Center of CUNY |
Session A14.00004 Why the New York Times Science Tuesday section is only eight pages and what to do about it Room: D227 |
Scott, James F. Cambridge University |
Session V33.00004 Vortex Domains in Ferroelectric Nano-Structures Room: C143/149 |
Scrutton, Nigel University of Manchester |
Session P38.00001 Barrier compression and tunneling in enzyme catalysed reactions Room: A130/131 |
Sebastian, Suchitra University of Cambridge |
Session V2.00002 Quantum oscillation measurements and their reconciliation with ARPES results in underdoped cuprates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Sefrioui, Zouhair Grupo de F\'isica de Materiales Complejos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid (Spain) |
Session L17.00001 All-Manganite Tunnel Junctions with Interface-Induced Barrier Magnetism Room: D174 |
Selloni, Annabella Princeton University |
Session Q41.00001 First principles simulations of materials and processes in photo- and electro-catalysis Room: A115/117 |
Sen, Arnab Boston University |
Session Q1.00004 Fractional spin textures in the frustrated magnet SCGO Room: Ballroom A1 |
Seneor, Pierre Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/thales |
Session Q8.00003 Molcular spntronics: tailoring spin polarization with molecules Room: Ballroom C4 |
Sengupta, Durba University of Groningen |
Session J4.00005 How antimicrobial peptides disrupt lipid bilayers? Room: Ballroom A4 |
Sengupta, Krishnendu Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science |
Session P2.00003 Kondo effect and STM spectroscopy of Dirac electrons in graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Sept, David University of Michigan |
Session A41.00001 Connecting Atomic Structures with Continuum Mechanics in Cytoskeletal Polymers Room: A115/117 |
Seyller, Thomas University of Erlangen-Nuremberg |
Session J36.00007 Epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) Room: C142 |
Shakhnovich, Eugene Harvard University |
Session V38.00002 Understanding Biological Fitness From First Principles Room: A130/131 |
Shakouri, Ali Baskin School of Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session D3.00001 Material tradeoffs in direct thermal to electric energy conversion systems Room: Ballroom A3 |
Shan, Jie Case Western Reserve University |
Session B2.00001 Optical properties of single- and few-layer graphene: the role of interlayer and many-body interactions Room: Ballroom A2 |
Shattuck, Mark D. Levich Institute and Physics department, The City College of New York |
Session J13.00001 Jammed particulate systems are inherently nonharmonic Room: D225/226 |
Sheehy, Daniel E. Louisiana State University |
Session X6.00002 The phase diagram of imbalanced Fermi gases Room: Ballroom C2 |
Shen, Zhi-Xun Department of Physics and Applied Physics, Stanford University; Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC, Stanford University |
Session T3.00003 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Talk: Energy Gaps and Their Implications on the Phase Diagram of Cuprate Superconductors Room: Ballroom A3 |
Shepherd, Ronnie Lawrence LIvermore National Lab |
Session L5.00005 Fusion related physics: Understanding the basic physics of High Energy Density Plasmas (HEDP) using ultra-short pulse laser-matter interactions Room: Ballroom C1 |
Shirinifard, Abbas Biocomplexity Institute, Indiana University |
Session P7.00004 Simple Physics in Diseases and Embryonic Development of the Eye Room: Ballroom C3 |
Shishido, Hiroaki Research Center for Low Temperature and Materials Sciences, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan |
Session D1.00002 Two-dimensional Confinement of Heavy Fermions in Artificial Superlattices Room: Ballroom A1 |
Shokef, Yair Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session T7.00005 Jamming Mechanisms and Density Dependence of Dynamic Heterogeneities in a Kinetically-Constrained Model Room: Ballroom C3 |
Sholl, David Georgia Tech |
Session Q6.00005 Kinetics of hydrogen transport in metal hydrides, crystalline alloys, and amorphous metals Room: Ballroom C2 |
Shuman, Edward Yale University |
Session H6.00004 Laser Cooling of a Diatomic Molecule Room: Ballroom C2 |
Si, Qimiao Rice University |
Session D1.00001 Quantum critical points and novel phases in heavy fermion metals Room: Ballroom A1 |
Siggia, Eric Rockefeller University |
Session V38.00003 Geometry Genetics and Evolution Room: A130/131 |
Silbert, Leonardo Southern Illinois University |
Session H13.00001 Jamming in Disordered and Ordered States: From RLP to FCC Room: D225/226 |
Simmons, Elizabeth H. Michigan State University |
Session V8.00003 Communication and Critical Thinking Skills Room: Ballroom C4 |
Simmons, Michelle University of New South Wales |
Session L2.00001 Spectroscopy and read-out of STM-patterned donor based qubits Room: Ballroom A2 |
Singh, Chandralekha University of Pittsburgh |
Session J8.00005 Improving students' understanding of quantum mechanics Room: Ballroom C4 |
Singh, Rajiv University of California, Davis |
Session Y26.00007 Orbital Order and Spontaneous Orthorombicity in Iron Pnictides Room: D162/164 |
Skolnick, Jeffrey Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Q4.00005 Crowding and hydrodynamic interactions likely dominate in vivo macromolecular motion Room: Ballroom A4 |
Skourtis, Spiros Department of Physics, University of Cyprus |
Session P38.00002 The control of electron transfer pathways in biomolecular systems: the role of fluctuations Room: A130/131 |
Slichter, Charles P. Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana, IL61801 |
Session L8.00004 Remembering Van: Three Madison families, and other tales Room: Ballroom C4 |
Slusher, Richart Georgia Tech Research Institute |
Session B29.00001 Trapped ion arrays for quantum simulation Room: C148 |
Snieder, Roel |
Session V8.00001 Teaching graduate students The Art of Being a Scientist Room: Ballroom C4 |
Snurr, Randall Northwestern University |
Session H20.00001 Strategies for Hydrogen Storage in Nanoporous Metal-Organic Framework Materials Room: D168 |
Socolar, Joshua E.S. Physics Department and Center for Systems Biology, Duke University |
Session X38.00004 Autonomous Boolean models for logic, timing, and stability in regulatory networks Room: A130/131 |
Sofo, Jorge Penn State |
Session Y5.00001 Magnetic Moment and Electronic Correlations in Chemically Functionalized Graphene Room: Ballroom C1 |
Sordi, Giovanni Departement de physique and RQMP, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada J1K 2R1 |
Session Y1.00004 Finite doping signatures of the Mott transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model Room: Ballroom A1 |
Soulliere, Mark Corning Incorporated |
Session L6.00002 Value analysis for advanced technology products Room: Ballroom C2 |
Spohn, Herbert TU Munchen |
Session A8.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics Talk: Shape fluctuations of growing droplets and random matrix theory Room: Ballroom C4 |
Sreenivasan, Katepalli R. New York University |
Session X8.00001 Migration of scientists and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics -- a Personal and Professional Perspective Room: Ballroom C4 |
St\"ohr, Joachim SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session T3.00005 Davisson-Germer Prize in Atomic or Surface Physics Talk: Soft X-Ray Studies of Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films: From Spectroscopy to Ultrafast Nanoscale Movies Room: Ballroom A3 |
Stach, Eric A. Purdue University |
Session B28.00004 Utilizing real time transmission electron microscopy to understand the mechanisms of nanotube nucleation, growth and growth termination Room: C156 |
Stafford, Christopher M. Polymers Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Y42.00004 Deviations in mechanical properties of ultrathin polymer films via surface wrinkling Room: A302/303 |
Stanbery, B.J. HelioVolt |
Session A36.00003 Challenges to Scaling CIGS Photovoltaics Room: C142 |
Starke, Ulrich Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Stuttgart, Germany |
Session J37.00004 Structural and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001): Growth, transfer doping and atomic intercalation Room: C146 |
Staudte, Andr\'e National Research Council of Canada |
Session A38.00005 Probing electron correlations by laser-induced tunnel ionization Room: A130/131 |
Stetzer, MacKenzie R. University of Washington |
Session J8.00003 Investigating student understanding in an upper-division analog electronics course Room: Ballroom C4 |
Stevanovic, Vladan NREL, Golden CO |
Session J28.00005 Computational design of new A2BX4 materials Room: C156 |
Stradins, Paul National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session A36.00001 Film Si photovoltaics from high quality c-Si layers on inexpensive substrates Room: C142 |
Stroscio, Joseph Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 |
Session T2.00004 High Resolution Tunneling Spectroscopy of Graphene in Strong and Weak Disorder Potentials Room: Ballroom A2 |
Stroscio, Joseph NIST |
Session D5.00002 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Dirac Fermions at mK Temperatures Room: Ballroom C1 |
Sun, Zhe University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session B17.00001 Dynamics of bi-stripes and a colossal metal-insulator transition in the bi-layer manganite La$_{2-2x}$Sr$_{1+2x}$Mn$_2$O$_7$ $(x\sim0.59)$ Room: D174 |
Sung, Wokyung POSTECH |
Session V43.00007 Novel effects of chain flexibility, external force, and background stochasticity on polymer translocation Room: A306/307 |
Swendsen, Robert H. Carnegie Mellon University |
Session A6.00002 Advances in Monte Carlo computer simulation Room: Ballroom C2 |
Szleifer, Igal Northwestern University |
Session W42.00001 Responsive Grafted Polymer Layers: the role of pH, temperature and surface geometry Room: A302/303 |
Taillefer, Louis University of Sherbrooke and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
Session V2.00001 Broken rotational and translational symmetries in the pseudogap phase of cuprates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Tailleur, Julien University of Edinburgh |
Session D7.00002 Arrested phase separation in reproducing bacteria: a generic route to pattern formation? Room: Ballroom C3 |
Takahashi, Yoshiro Kyoto University |
Session W6.00004 Realization of an SU(6) invariant Fermi system Room: Ballroom C2 |
Talin, Alec NIST |
Session J32.00001 Finite Size Effects in Electrical Transport in Nanowires and Nanowire-like Devices. Room: C144 |
Tanenbaum, David Pomona College |
Session B5.00004 Processing and Characterization of New Materials at Pomona College with External Collaborations Room: Ballroom C1 |
Taskin, Alexey Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
Session H2.00005 Magnetotransport studies of new topological insulators: Bi$_2$Te$_2$Se and others Room: Ballroom A2 |
Taylor, Antoinette Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D32.00007 Active Terahertz Metamaterials Room: C144 |
Tejada, Javier University Barcelona |
Session H3.00004 Experiments on Magnetic Deflagration Room: Ballroom A3 |
Tennant, Alan Helmholtz Center Berlin |
Session X18.00001 Quantum criticality, kink confinement, and emergent symmetries in coupled Ising chains and ladders Room: D172 |
Tersoff, J. IBM T. J. Watson Center |
Session T6.00005 Technologically relevant, in theory Room: Ballroom C2 |
Th\"{u}rmer, Konrad Sandia National Laboratories, CA |
Session T41.00001 Deciphering the morphology of ice films on metal surfaces Room: A115/117 |
Thewalt, Michael L.W. Simon Fraser University |
Session H12.00001 Isotopic Fingerprints in the Luminescence of Deep Defects in Silicon Room: D223/224 |
Thomale, Ronny Princeton University |
Session X23.00001 Nodal and nodeless Superconductivity in Iron-Based Superconductors Room: D165 |
Thompson, J. D. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session P1.00001 Ce115's and beyond Room: Ballroom A1 |
Thompson, John University of Maine |
Session J8.00004 Research on Student Learning of Upper-Level Thermal and Statistical Physics Room: Ballroom C4 |
Tiesinga, Eite Joint Quantum Institute |
Session B6.00004 Interferometry with ultra-cold few-atom states Room: Ballroom C2 |
Toevs, James James W. Toevs Consulting |
Session Q5.00001 Physics in the Confrontation of Nuclear Weapons Room: Ballroom C1 |
Togan, Emre Harvard University |
Session V3.00003 Quantum entanglement between an optical photon and a solid-state spin qubit Room: Ballroom A3 |
Trivedi, Nandini The Ohio State University |
Session A45.00004 Fermions in Optical Lattices: Cooling Protocol to Observe Anti-ferromagnetism Room: A310 |
Trotzky, Stefan Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen |
Session D4.00002 Quantum Simulations with Ultracold Bosons in Optical Lattices and Superlattices Room: Ballroom A4 |
Tselev, Alexander Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session L21.00007 Mesoscopic metal-insulator transitions at twin domain walls in improper ferroelastic VO$_2$ Room: D161 |
Tu, Yuhai IBM T J Watson Res Ctr |
Session Q39.00001 TBD Room: A124/127 |
Turner, Ari UC Berkeley |
Session T1.00003 Multiplets in the Entanglement Spectrum Room: Ballroom A1 |
Turner, Daniel University of Toronto |
Session L38.00002 Multidimensional electronic spectroscopy of phycobiliproteins from cryptophyte algae Room: A130/131 |
Vaia, Richard Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session A42.00004 Directed Assembly of Nano-Colloids: Toward Discrete and Defined Polymer-Inorganic Architectures Room: A302/303 |
van Delft, Dirk Director Museum Boerhaave |
Session B3.00001 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and the Road to Superconductivity Room: Ballroom A3 |
van Driel, Henry University of Toronto |
Session B2.00003 Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Graphene and Few Layer Graphite Room: Ballroom A2 |
van Grondelle, Rienk VU University Amsterdam |
Session H7.00004 Beller Lectureship Talk: Ultrafast Excitation Energy Transfer and the Mechanism of Non-Photochemical Quenching in Plant Photosynthesis Room: Ballroom C3 |
van Hulst, Niek ICFO - the Institute of Photonics Sciences (Barcelona) |
Session B32.00004 Optical nanoantennas: controlled emission of single photon sources Room: C144 |
van Tol, Johan National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Florida State University, Tallahasse |
Session A1.00004 The initialization and manipulation of quantum information stored in silicon by bismuth dopants Room: Ballroom A1 |
Varley, Joel Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session P15.00001 Quantum computing with defects Room: D171 |
Varma, Chandra University of California, Riverside, CA. |
Session Z2.00003 Collective Modes in Cuprates and their coupling to Fermions Room: Ballroom A2 |
Vaz, Carlos A.F. Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland |
Session X17.00001 Electric field control of magnetism in multiferroic heterostructures Room: D174 |
Velankar, Sachin University of Pittsburgh |
Session A42.00008 Adsorption of particles at fluid interfaces: Jamming, structure control, and rheology Room: A302/303 |
Vella, Dominic OCCAM, University of Oxford |
Session T14.00001 Elasto-capillarity: The role of stretching Room: D227 |
Venkatachalam, Vivek Harvard University |
Session A3.00004 Electrostatic Measurements of Fractional Charge in the Second Landau Level Room: Ballroom A3 |
Venkatesan, T. National University of Singapore and Neocera |
Session A5.00005 Semiconductor Circuit Diagnostics By Magnetic Field Imaging Room: Ballroom C1 |
Vergassola, Massimo CNRS/Institut Pasteur |
Session D7.00001 Bacterial strategies for chemotaxis response Room: Ballroom C3 |
Vijay, R. Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720 |
Session W1.00003 Observation of quantum jumps in a superconducting quantum bit Room: Ballroom A1 |
Virwani, Kumar IBM |
Session X5.00002 Scanning Probe Evaluation of Electronic, Mechanical and Structural Material Properties Room: Ballroom C1 |
Vishwanath, Ashvin UC Berkeley |
Session Y2.00003 Band Topology, Electron Correlations and 3D Dirac Metal in Pyrochlore Iridates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Vojta, Matthias Technische Universitaet Dresden |
Session P2.00004 Quantum critical Kondo screening in graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Vorontsov, Anton Montana State University |
Session X2.00002 Superconductivity and Magnetism in iron-pnictides: co-existence or not? Room: Ballroom A2 |
Voter, Arthur Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B24.00001 Recent Advances in Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Methods Room: D167 |
Wadia, Cyrus Co-Director, Cleantech to Market - Directorate - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B8.00002 Using Earth Abundant Minerals for New Research Pathways in Solar PV and Battery Storage Room: Ballroom C4 |
Wallraff, Andreas ETH Zurich |
Session J27.00001 Tomography and Correlation Function Measurements of Itinerant Microwave Photons Room: C155 |
Walmsley, Ian University of Oxford |
Session T4.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Talk: Beyond the Fringe: measuring ultrafast optical pulses using spectral interferometry Room: Ballroom A4 |
Wang, Jian The Pennsylvania State University |
Session H1.00002 Proximity effect-induced superconductivity in crystalline metallic and ferromagnetic nanowires Room: Ballroom A1 |
Wang, Jing Department of Physics, Tsinghua University |
Session B15.00001 Optical effects of spin currents in semiconductors Room: D171 |
Wang, Yan Mei University of Washington |
Session B39.00001 Single-image molecular analysis for accelerated fluorescence imaging Room: A124/127 |
Wang, Zhen-Gang California Institute of Technology |
Session H42.00005 Ion solvation thermodynamics in polymer blends and block copolymers Room: A302/303 |
Wang, Zhong Lin Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session W3.00005 Nanogenerators and Piezotronics Room: Ballroom A3 |
Wang, Zuoyue Cal State Polytechnic Univ., Pomona |
Session X8.00005 Chinese/American Physicists: A Transnational History Room: Ballroom C4 |
Warburton, Richard Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland |
Session Z1.00003 Single spin qubits in self-assembled quantum dots Room: Ballroom A1 |
Ward, Bill |
Session P3.00003 Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics Talk: Low energy spread Ion source for focused ion beam systems-Search for the holy grail Room: Ballroom A3 |
Ward, T. Zac Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session T17.00001 Tunable Percolative Transport in Manganite Thin Films using Strain and Exchange Fields Room: D174 |
Weber, Cedric Rutgers University |
Session Y1.00005 Computational Studies of Realistic Multiband Models of the Copper Oxides Room: Ballroom A1 |
Weber, Eicke Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE |
Session D3.00005 Progress in Materials for Solar Energy Conversion Room: Ballroom A3 |
Wehling, Tim University of Hamburg |
Session P2.00002 Orbitally controlled Kondo effect in graphene Room: Ballroom A2 |
Weickert, Franziska Los Alamos National Laboratory, MPA-CMMS, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, USA |
Session D1.00003 Universal Signatures of Metamagnetic Quantum Criticality Room: Ballroom A1 |
Weijer, Cornelis College of Life Sciences University of Dundee |
Session L7.00005 Collective Chemotactic Cell Movement; a Key Mechanism of Development and Morphogenesis Room: Ballroom C3 |
Weisend, John NSCL Michigan State University |
Session B7.00005 Cryogenic Systems: Recent Trends and New Directions Room: Ballroom C3 |
Weitz, David Harvard University |
Session V5.00004 Science and Cooking: Motivating the Study of Freshman Physics Room: Ballroom C1 |
Wen, Hai-Hu Institute of Physics, CAS |
Session V1.00002 Anisotropic Superconducting Gap Revealed by Angle Resolved Specific Heat, Point Contact Tunneling and Scanning Tunneling Microscope in Iron Pnictide Superconductors Room: Ballroom A1 |
Wentzcovitch, Renata Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, University of Minnesota |
Session P31.00004 Spin crossover systems in the deep mantle Room: C145 |
Wharton, Stephen Skycam Inc. |
Session H8.00002 XPower plus the Physics of Rodeo Room: Ballroom C4 |
Whitelam, Stephen Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session P4.00005 Soft matter self-assembly driven by specific and nonspecific attractions: dynamic pathways and the Ostwald rule of stages Room: Ballroom A4 |
Whitten, Barbara Physics Department, Colorado College |
Session J5.00001 M. Hildred Blewett and the Blewett Scholarship Room: Ballroom C1 |
Widom, Michael Carnegie Mellon University |
Session X32.00001 Low temperature phase transition predicted in the compound B13C2/B4C Room: C144 |
Wiebe, Jens Institute of Applied Physics, Hamburg University |
Session X15.00005 Detecting excitation and magnetization of individual dopants in a semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas Room: D171 |
Wiesendanger, Roland University of Hamburg |
Session J1.00001 Imaging and Manipulating Single and Interacting Spins on Surfaces: Towards Atomic-Scale Spin Devices Room: Ballroom A1 |
Wikswo, John Vanderbilt University |
Session X38.00002 Challenges in Characterizing and Controlling Complex Cellular Systems Room: A130/131 |
Wilczek, Frank MIT |
Session J3.00004 Superconductivity and particle physics Room: Ballroom A3 |
Wilke, Claus The University of Texas at Austin |
Session T42.00004 The relationship between relative solvent accessibility and evolutionary rate in protein evolution Room: A302/303 |
Wilson, Perry SLAC, Stanford |
Session B7.00001 Superconducting Accelerator Structures: An Historical Overview Room: Ballroom C3 |
Wintterlin, Joost University of Munich |
Session D28.00004 Graphene on metals - structure and properties Room: C156 |
Wolverton, Chris Northwestern University |
Session Q6.00001 First-Principles Prediction of Crystal Structures, Reaction Pathways, and Intermediate Products in Hydrogen Storage Reactions Room: Ballroom C2 |
Wolynes, Peter University of California, San Diego |
Session D6.00004 Frustration and the Functional and Folding Landscape of Proteins Room: Ballroom C2 |
Wong, Gerard University of California Los Angeles |
Session J4.00003 Relation between amino acid sequence and peptide-induced membrane curvature Room: Ballroom A4 |
Woodward, Christopher Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session J24.00002 Chemistry and Deformation: First Principles Studies of Local Plasticity Room: D167 |
Wootters, William Williams College |
Session W29.00005 Isotropic States in Discrete Phase Space Room: C148 |
Wrachtrup, Joerg University of Stuttgart |
Session V3.00001 Spin quantum measurements on diamond defects Room: Ballroom A3 |
Wu, Dan Physikalisches Institut, Unversitat Stuttgart, Germany |
Session X2.00005 Optical Investigations of the Superconducting State in 122 Iron-Pnictides Room: Ballroom A2 |
Wu, Weida Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session X3.00004 Multiferroic vortices in hexagonal manganites Room: Ballroom A3 |
Wyatt, Philip Wyatt Technology Corporation |
Session Q5.00003 Minimizing the bioterrorist threat: Fear, fancy, folly, and physics Room: Ballroom C1 |
Wynne, James IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Session P5.00004 Marshalling Corporate Resources for Public and K-12 Technical Education Outreach and Engagement Room: Ballroom C1 |
Xavier , Joao Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center |
Session L7.00001 Robustness in multicellular systems Room: Ballroom C3 |
Xia, Jing California Institute of Technology |
Session A3.00002 Competing Phases of 2D Electrons at $\nu$ = 5/2 and 7/3 Room: Ballroom A3 |
Xie, Aihua Department of Physics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078 |
Session D6.00003 The Physical Mechanism of Proton Transfer in Proteins Room: Ballroom C2 |
Xie, Sunney Harvard University |
Session B38.00006 Nonlinear Coherent Optical Imaging for Biomedicine: The Quest for Ultimate Sensitivity Room: A130/131 |
Xu, Hongqi Lund University |
Session B1.00004 Spin States, Spin Correlations, Supercurrent, and Multiple Andreev Reflections in InSb Nanowire Quantum Devices Room: Ballroom A1 |
Xu, Ming Technology Research Association for Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes (TASC); AIST, Japan |
Session B28.00007 Carbon Nanotubes with Temperature Invariant Viscoelasticity from -196$^{\circ}$C to 1000$^{\circ}$C Room: C156 |
Xu, Ting Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session B4.00002 Direct hierarchical assemblies of nanoparticles in thin films Room: Ballroom A4 |
Yablon, Dalia Exxonmobil Research and Engineering |
Session X5.00003 Nanomechanical characterization of polypropylene-based materials with multifrequency atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based methods Room: Ballroom C1 |
Yacoby, Amir Harvard University |
Session Q27.00001 Control and Manipulation of Two-Electron Spin Qubits in GaAs Quantum Dots Room: C155 |
Yakobson, Boris I. Rice University |
Session Y5.00003 Gap control via graphene solid-state reactions Room: Ballroom C1 |
Yamashita, Minoru Department of Physics, Kyoto University |
Session Q1.00001 Thermal-transport Studies of Quantum Spin Liquids Room: Ballroom A1 |
Yan, Jie National University of Singapore |
Session A7.00004 DNA overstretching transition and the biophysical properties of S-DNA Room: Ballroom C3 |
Yang, Haw Princeton Uninversity |
Session Y38.00002 Single-Molecule Analysis of Protein Large-Amplitude Conformational Transitions Room: A130/131 |
Yang, Judith University of Pittsburgh |
Session T10.00007 Dynamics of early stage nano-oxidation by \textit{ in situ} UHV-TEM Room: D221 |
Yang, Shenyuan Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W41.00001 Tuning the electronic structure of II-VI semiconductors and nanostructures for energy applications Room: A115/117 |
Ye, Feng Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H17.00001 Inelastic neutron scattering measurements on the triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFe1-xGaxO2 in the paraelectric and multiferroic phases Room: D174 |
Yennello, Sherry Texas A\&M University |
Session J5.00005 Panel discussion on the Blewett Scholarship, and how it helps young women achieve career/family balance. Room: Ballroom C1 |
Yethiraj, Arun University of Wisconsin--Madison |
Session Q4.00002 Crowding effects on protein association Room: Ballroom A4 |
Young, Andrea Columbia University |
Session A2.00003 Probing layer imbalance in bilayer graphene with electrostatic capacitance measurements Room: Ballroom A2 |
Young, Linda Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D5.00001 Controlling how atoms respond to ultra-intense x-ray radiation Room: Ballroom C1 |
Yu, Pu Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley |
Session L34.00007 Emergent phenomena at the heterointerface of multiferroic BiFeO$_{3}$ and ferromagnetic La$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$MnO$_{3}$ Room: C141 |
Yu, S.F. Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Session W3.00004 Realization of high performance random laser diodes Room: Ballroom A3 |
Zapf, Vivien National High Magnetic Field Lab, Los Alamos National Lab |
Session W8.00003 Bose-Einstein Condensation and Asymmetry induced by Quantum Fluctuations in NiCl$_{2}$-4SC(NH$_{2})_{2}$ Room: Ballroom C4 |
Zeilinger, Anton Faculty oft Physics, University oft Vienna, and Institute oft Quantum Optics and Quantum Information |
Session L4.00005 Quantum Information and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: a story of mutual benefit Room: Ballroom A4 |
Zenner Petersen, Greta M. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session P5.00005 University Research Center Resources and Partnerships for Public and K-12 Outreach and Engagement Room: Ballroom C1 |
Zhang, Hepeng University of Texas at Austin and Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session X9.00001 Collective motion and density fluctuations in swimming bacteria Room: D220 |
Zhang, Shengbai Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session Q6.00003 Theory of molecular hydrogen sorption for hydrogen storage Room: Ballroom C2 |
Zhang, Shoucheng |
Session D5.00003 Topological materials and their potential applications Room: Ballroom C1 |
Zhang, Shoucheng Stanford University |
Session Y2.00004 General Theory of interacting Topological insulators Room: Ballroom A2 |
Zhang, Zhenyu Oak Ridge National Laboratory / U of Tennessee |
Session W2.00004 Atomistic view in the initial stages of growth of epitaxial graphene on metal substrates Room: Ballroom A2 |
Zhao, Hui Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas |
Session D8.00005 Optical detection of spin currents Room: Ballroom C4 |
Zhao, Xuanhe Duke University |
Session X14.00001 Harnessing Instabilities in Polymers under Electric Fields Room: D227 |
Zhigilei, Leonid University of Virginia |
Session B24.00002 Multiscale (atomistic to mesoscopic) modeling of carbon nanotube materials Room: D167 |
Zhong, Dongping The Ohio State University |
Session D6.00005 Dynamics and mechanism of water-protein interactions Room: Ballroom C2 |
Zhou, Huan-Xiang Florida State University |
Session H7.00005 Protein Dynamics, Ligand Binding, and Biological Function Room: Ballroom C3 |
Zhu, Jian-Xin Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 |
Session L1.00003 Theory of ultrafast pump-probe phenomena in high-temperature superconductors Room: Ballroom A1 |
Zhu, Jun Penn State University |
Session Y5.00005 Graphene monofluoride: a wide bandgap material derived from graphene Room: Ballroom C1 |
Zhu, Wenguang University of Tennessee \& Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session P10.00004 Electronic origin of kinetic and dynamic processes at atomic steps on vicinal metal substrates Room: D221 |
Zhu, Xiaoyang University of Texas at Austin |
Session P41.00001 Excitons at Interfaces Room: A115/117 |
Zhuang, Xiaowei Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard University |
Session A7.00003 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics Talk: Zoom into life at the nanoscale with STORM Room: Ballroom C3 |
Zoubi, Hashem Institute for Theoretical Physics, Innsbruck University, Technikerstrasse 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria |
Session P6.00005 Excitons and Polaritons for Optical Lattice Ultracold Atoms in Cavity QED Room: Ballroom C2 |
Zuern, Gerhard Heidelberg University |
Session B6.00002 Deterministic preparation and control of a tunable few-fermion system Room: Ballroom C2 |
Zwierlein, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X6.00005 Universal Spin Transport in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases Room: Ballroom C2 |
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