APS March Meeting 2011
Volume 56, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 21–25, 2011;
Dallas, Texas
Session D1: New Developments in Quantum Criticality
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Monday, March 21, 2011
Room: Ballroom A1
Chair: Meigan Aronson, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2011.MAR.D1.1
Abstract: D1.00001 : Quantum critical points and novel phases in heavy fermion metals*
2:30 PM–3:06 PM
Preview Abstract
Qimiao Si
(Rice University)
Quantum criticality arises from competing interactions of
correlated systems that favor rivaling ground states. It not only
influences physical properties over a wide temperature and
parameter ranges, but also gives rise to a plethora of new
quantum phases. Magnetic heavy fermion metals represent a
prototype system in this context, and have
in particular provided the setting to study local quantum
criticality that involves not only order-parameter fluctuations
but also a Kondo breakdown [1]. Surprisingly, recent theoretical
and experimental developments have revealed some unusual phases
proximate to the heavy-fermion quantum critical points, thereby
opening up an entirely new frontier on the relationship between
quantum criticality and
novel phases [1]. I will summarize the relevant recent
experiments [2] and discuss them within the framework of a global
phase diagram that was put forward several years ago [3] and has
recently been discussed more extensively [4,5]. Our theoretical
emphasize the interplay between two effects. One is the Kondo
screening and its breakdown, and the other is the fluctuations in
the quantum magnetism of local moments alone. The insights gained
from these studies of the well-defined quantum criticality in
heavy fermions may have broader relevance. Such implications will
be discussed, in particular on the interplay between metallic
antiferromagnetism, electronic localization and unconventional
[1] Q. Si and F. Steglich, Science 329, 1161 (2010).\\[0pt]
[2] S. Friedemann et al., Nature Phys. 5, 465 (2009);[0pt]
J. Custers et al., PRL 104, 186402 (2010).\\[0pt]
[3] Q. Si, Physica B 378, 23 (2006); S. J. Yamamoto and Q. Si,
PRL 99, 016401 (2007).\\[0pt]
[4] Q. Si, Phys. Status Solidi B247, 631 (2010);
S. J. Yamamoto and Q. Si, J. Low Temp. Phys. 161, 233 (2010).\\[0pt]
[5] P. Coleman and A. H. Nevidomskyy, J. Low Temp. Phys. 161, 182
*Supported by NSF and the Robert A. Welch Foundation.
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