APS March Meeting 2011
Volume 56, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 21–25, 2011;
Dallas, Texas
Session H3: Collective Effects in Molecular Magnets
8:00 AM–11:00 AM,
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Room: Ballroom A3
Chair: Yosi Yeshurun, Ber-Ilan University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2011.MAR.H3.3
Abstract: H3.00003 : Deflagration, fronts of tunneling, and dipolar ordering in molecular magnets
9:12 AM–9:48 AM
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Dmitry Garanin
Although there is no exchange interaction in crystals of molecular magnets
characterized by a giant effective spin $S$ ($S$ =10 for Mn$_{12}$, and Fe$_{8})$,
magnetic field $B^{(D)}$ generated by magnetic moments \textit{g$\mu $}$_{B}S$ of magnetic
molecules creates energy bias $W^{(D) }$=2\textit{Sg$\mu $}$_{B} B^{(D)}$ on a molecule that
largely exceeds the tunnelling splitting $\Delta $ of matching quantum
states on different sides of the anisotropy barrier. Thus the dipolar field
has a profound influence on the processes of tunnelling and relaxation in
molecular magnets. Both theoretical and experimental works showed a slow
non-exponential relaxation of the magnetization in both initially ordered
and completely disordered states since most of the spins are off tunneling
resonance at any time. Recently a new mode of relaxation via tunneling has
been found, the so-called fronts of tunneling, in which (within a 1$d$
theoretical model) dipolar field adjusts so that spins are on resonance
within the broad front core. In this ``laminar'' regime fronts of tunnelling
are moving fast at speeds that can exceed that of the temperature-driven
magnetic deflagration, if a sufficiently strong transverse field is applied.
However, a ``non-laminar'' regime has also been found in which instability
causes spins to go off resonance and the front speed drops. In a combination
with magnetic deflagration, the laminar regime becomes more stable and
exists in the whole dipolar window 0$\le W \quad \le W^{(D)}$ on the external
bias $W$, where the deflagration speed strongly increases. Another dipolar
effect in molecular magnets is dipolar ordering below 1 K that has recently
been shown to be non-uniform because of formation of magnetic domains. An
object of current research is possible non-uniformity of magnetic
deflagration and tunneling fronts via domain instability that could
influence their speed.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2011.MAR.H3.3