Bulletin of the American Physical Society
18th Biennial Intl. Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held in conjunction with the 24th Biennial Intl. Conference of the Intl. Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT)
Volume 58, Number 7
Sunday–Friday, July 7–12, 2013; Seattle, Washington
Invited Speakers
Abramson, Evan Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington |
Session U7.00005 Measurement and interpretation of shear viscosities at high pressures Room: Grand Crescent |
Alexander, C.S. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Y6.00003 Improved understanding of the dynamic response in anisotropic directional composite materials through the combination of experiments and modeling Room: Cascade II |
Alfe, Dario University College London |
Session H5.00005 Transport properties of the Earth's core Room: Cascade I |
Baross, John University of Washington |
Session B4.00003 The Limits of Life in the Deep Subsurface - Implications for the Origin of Life Room: Vashon |
Bo, Chiara Institute of Shock Physics, Imperial College London |
Session E4.00001 Integrated Experimental Platforms to Study Blast Injuries: a Bottom-Up Approach Room: Vashon |
Boates, Brian Dalhousie University, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session J2.00005 Theoretical Predictions of Phase Transitions at Ultra-high Pressures Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Boettger, Jonathan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B6.00003 Theoretical Equations of State for Porous/Granular Materials Room: Cascade II |
Bolme, Cynthia Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session O3.00003 X-ray diffraction of shock driven phase transitions at the Linac Coherent Light Source Room: Fifth Avenue |
Bourasseau, Emeric CEA |
Session U3.00003 Computations of fluid mixtures including solid carbon at chemical equilibrium Room: Fifth Avenue |
Brown, Justin Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B1.00001 Extracting Strength from Ramp-Release Experiments on Z Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Brygoo, Stephanie CEA |
Session V5.00005 Observation of H/He Demixing Under Deep Jovian Planetary Conditions Room: Cascade I |
Buttler, William Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K7.00002 Explosively driven two-shockwave tools with application to ejecta formation at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Proton Radiography Facility Room: Grand Crescent |
Celliers, Peter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session E3.00003 Shock wave viscosity measurements Room: Fifth Avenue |
Ceperley, David |
Session X1.00001 What simulation can tell us about dense hydrogen Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Chen, Jing-Yin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session R3.00006 Kinetics of Phase Transitions in Simple Materials using \textit{dynamic}-DAC Room: Fifth Avenue |
Citroni, Margherita LENS - European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy, University of Florence |
Session V7.00001 Non-linear optical techniques and optical properties of condensed molecular systems Room: Grand Crescent |
Crowhurst, Jonathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session C1.00001 Shock structures at ultrahigh strain rates: what can they tell us about material behavior on very fast time scales? Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Cui, Tian State Key Lab of Superhard Materials, College of Physics, Jilin University |
Session L4.00004 High-Pressure Induced New Phases and Properties in Typical Molecular Systems Room: Vashon |
Dalladay-Simpson, Philip CSEC and School of Physics and Astronomy, U. of Edinburgh |
Session Z2.00004 Multi-MBar studies of Oxygen and Hydrogen Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Dang, Nhan Los Almos National Laboratory |
Session E7.00001 Probing Physical and Chemical Properties of Laser Shocked Materials using Ultrafast Dynamic Ellipsometry and Spectroscopies Room: Grand Crescent |
Daniel, Isabelle Universite Lyon1 - Laboratoire de Geologie de Lyon |
Session B5.00002 Solubility and speciation of carbonate in aqueous fluids at HP-HT Room: Cascade I |
Dewaele, Agnes CEA |
Session E2.00001 Melting curve of metals evidenced by X-ray diffraction Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Dias, Ranga Institute for Shock Physics and Department of Physics, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164 |
Session Q2.00003 Insulator-metal transitions and superconductivity in solids at high pressures Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Dreger, Zbigniew Washington State University |
Session Q1.00003 Polymorphism and Decomposition of HE Single Crystals: Insights from Static and Shock Compression Experiments Room: Grande Ballroom I |
Dubrovinskaia, Natalia University of Bayreuth |
Session W2.00002 Static experiments above 5 Mbar Room: Elliott Bay |
Eggert, Jon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session S1.00001 Laser Driven, Extreme Compression Science Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Eremets, Mikhail Max Planck Institute for Chemistry: Mainz |
Session Z2.00003 Cold hydrogen EOS / phase diagram from DAC experiments to 300 GPa Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Fei, Yingwei Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Session C5.00004 On the Composition and Temperature of the Terrestrial Planetary Core Room: Cascade I |
Fortov, Vladimir Joint Institute for High Temperature, Russian Academy of Sciences |
Session L2.00002 Strongly Coupled Plasma Shock Compression Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Fried, Laurence Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session D7.00001 Simulations of the chemistry of shocked energetic materials on the nanosecond timescale Room: Grand Crescent |
Goncharov, Alexander Geophysical Lanboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Session H7.00004 High-pressure synthesis of new materials via formation of new bonding patterns and unusual stoichiometries Room: Grand Crescent |
Grady, Dennis Applied Research Associates |
Session R6.00001 Equation of State for Shock Compression of High Distension Solids Room: Cascade II |
Gump, Jared Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division |
Session T3.00001 High-pressure and temperature investigations of energetic materials Room: Fifth Avenue |
Gupta, Satish Applied Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 |
Session U1.00005 Deformation Behaviour of Coarse Grain Alumina under Shock Loading Room: Grand Ballroom III |
Guymon, Clint Safety Management Services, Inc. |
Session C4.00001 Statistical Evaluation of Small-scale Explosives Testing Room: Vashon |
Gwanmesia, Gabriel Delaware State University |
Session R7.00006 Characterization of Earth Mantle Materials Room: Grand Crescent |
Haill, Thomas A. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session C6.00005 Shock Propagation Modeling in Heterogeneous Materials Room: Cascade II |
Harmand, Marion LULI, ecole polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France |
Session T2.00003 Non equilibrium studies on FEL facilities Room: Elliott Bay |
Hawreliak, James LLNL |
Session R2.00004 In-situ probing of Low Density Porous Materials Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Higginbotham, Andrew University of Oxford |
Session P3.00004 \textit{In-situ} diffraction diagnostics in laser driven compression experiments Room: Fifth Avenue |
Higgins, Andrew McGill University |
Session D5.00001 Discrete effects in energetic materials Room: Cascade I |
Hobbs, Michael Engineering Sciences Center, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87111 |
Session O6.00005 Modeling the Effects of Confinement during Cookoff of Explosives Room: Cascade II |
Jackson, Jennifer M. California Institute of Technology |
Session O5.00005 Melting and vibrational properties of planetary materials under deep Earth conditions Room: Cascade I |
Jensen, Brian Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session R2.00001 Dynamic Experiments using IMPULSE at the Advanced Photon Source Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Jin, Changqing Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session U4.00001 Pressure Induced Superconductivity in Topological Compounds Room: Vashon |
Kanel, Gennady I. Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Session N1.00001 George Duval Award Talk: Unusual behavior of usual materials in shock waves Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Kaner, Richard Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and California NanoSystems Institute, UCLA |
Session Q4.00001 Synthesis and Characterization of Low-Cost Superhard Transition-Metal Borides Room: Vashon |
Kim, DuckYoung Carnegie Institute Washington |
Session A1.00002 Jamieson Award Talk - Novel Materials Prediction and Experimental Synthesis under Pressure Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Kim, Duck Young Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington D. C. |
Session L6.00002 Phase Transition of Rare-earth Metal Hydrides under High Pressure Room: Cascade II |
Kim, Minseob Washington State University |
Session Z7.00001 Novel Molecular Alloys under Extreme Conditions Room: Grand Crescent |
Knudson, Marcus Sandia National Laboratories |
Session W5.00001 Probing planetary interiors: Shock compression of water to 700 GPa and 3.8 g/cc, and recent high precision Hugoniot measurements of deuterium Room: Cascade I |
Komabayashi, Tetsuya Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session C5.00001 Phase relations of Earth's core materials Room: Cascade I |
Kraus, Richard Harvard University |
Session A1.00001 Thermodynamic Paths in Planetary Collisions: Shock Vaporization of SiO$_{2}$, MgO, and Fe Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Kress, Joel D. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H4.00001 Merging Kohn-Sham and Orbital-Free DFT Calculations to Extend the LiH Hugoniot to Very High Pressures Room: Vashon |
Lazicki, Amy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session Y2.00001 LiH equation of state by static and shock compression Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Lee, Hae Ja LCLS, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA |
Session E5.00003 Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) Instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source Room: Cascade I |
Lee, Hae Ja SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session R2.00003 Observation of ultrafast dynamic compression at the lattice-level; experimental capabilities and early science at the Linac Coherent Light Source Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Lee, Sung Keun Seoul National University |
Session L5.00005 Structure of multi-component oxide glasses under static and shock compression Room: Cascade I |
Levashov, Pavel JIHT RAS |
Session O2.00003 International Shock-Wave Database: Current Status Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Lookman, Turab Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T1.00005 Phase transformations coupled to deformation processes Room: Grand Ballroom III |
Ma, Tammy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session L2.00003 Structure Measurements of Highly Compressed Aluminum using X-Ray Thomson Scattering Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Magyar, Rudolph Computational Shock and Multiphysics Department, Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J4.00001 Equations of State for Mixtures: Results from DFT Simulations of Xenon/Ethane Mixtures Compared to High Accuracy Validation Experiments on Z Room: Vashon |
Maienschein, Jon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session J5.00001 Recent energetic materials research and capabilities at the centers Room: Cascade I |
Maines, Warren AFRL |
Session D6.00005 Shock and Release of Duocel$^{\mbox{textregistered}}$ Aluminum Foam {\&} Polyvinylidene Fluoride Composite Up to 20 GPa Room: Cascade II |
Marques, Miguel A.L. University of Lyon |
Session B5.00001 Carbon allotropes Room: Cascade I |
Marto\v{n}\'ak, Roman Department of Experimental Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava |
Session C3.00001 \textit{Ab initio} molecular dynamics study of pressure-induced amorphization in sulfur Room: Fifth Avenue |
Matignon, Christophe CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon |
Session R5.00003 Converging shocks for DSD modelling Room: Cascade I |
Matsuoka, Takahiro Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions |
Session R4.00001 Recent Studies in Electrical Transport Properties at Extreme Pressures Room: Vashon |
Mattsson, Thomas R. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Z5.00001 DFT modeling of chemistry on the Z machine Room: Cascasde I |
Moro, Erik Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H3.00003 New developments in PDV Room: Fifth Avenue |
Moses, E. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session W2.00001 Inertial Confinement Fusion as an Extreme Example of Dynamic Compression Room: Elliott Bay |
Olney, Karl University of California, San Diego |
Session H1.00003 An Overview of Mesoscale Material Modeling with Eulerian Hydrocodes Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Olson, Russell Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K7.00001 The effect of microstructure on Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth in solids Room: Grand Crescent |
Ortiz, Michael California Institute of Technology |
Session Z6.00004 Dynamic fragmentation in ductile materials / new theoretical meshfree method / multiscale modeling Room: Cascade II |
Park, Hye-Sook LLNL |
Session W1.00005 Plastic flow, inferred strength, and incipient failure in BCC metals at high pressures, strains, and strain rates Room: Grand Ballroom III |
Pascarelli, Sakura ESRF |
Session E5.00004 Time resolved and Extreme conditions X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (TEXAS) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Room: Cascade I |
Pauzauskie, Peter University of Washington |
Session V4.00005 Extreme synthesis and characterization of an ultrananocrystalline diamond aerogel in a diamond anvil cell Room: Vashon |
Perrillat, Jean-Philippe Laboratoire de G\'eologie de Lyon, UMR5276, Universit\'e Claude Bernard Lyon1, CNRS and ENS Lyon, France |
Session R3.00003 X-ray imaging in the large volume Paris-Edinburgh press Room: Fifth Avenue |
Quirk, James Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q5.00005 On the verification and validation of detonation models Room: Cascade I |
Raevsky, Victor VNIEFF |
Session E1.00006 Dynamic strength and instabilities of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmayer-Meshkov Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Ramesh, K.T. Johns Hopkins University |
Session O1.00001 High rate deformation mechanisms and dynamic failure, experiment and theory overview Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Ramos, Kyle Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session U2.00003 \textit{In Situ} Investigation of the Dynamic Response of Energetic Materials using IMPULSE at the Advanced Photon Source Room: Elliott Bay |
Ripley, Robert Martec Limited |
Session R6.00004 Jetting Instability Mechanisms of Particles from Explosive Dispersal Room: Cascade II |
Roth, Markus Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt |
Session W2.00003 Isochoric heating using proton beams and shock compression generated by UHI lasers Room: Elliott Bay |
Rudd, Robert Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session U6.00001 Multiscale strength (MS) models: their foundation, their successes, and their challenges Room: Cascade II |
Rygg, J. Ryan LLNL |
Session V2.00003 Powder diffraction from solids in the terapascal regime Room: Elliott Bay |
Santoro, Mario Istituto di Fisica Applicata N. Carrara, IFAC-CNR |
Session H7.00001 High pressure synthesis of novel, zeolite based nano-composite materials Room: Grand Crescent |
Saxena, Siddharth Cambridge University |
Session D2.00001 Quantum Criticality and Superconductivity in Spin and Charge Systems Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Scharff, Robert Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H2.00003 Rarefaction wave propagation and longitudinal sound velocities in shock compressed tantalum Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Schropp, Andreas SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA |
Session E3.00006 Imaging the propagation of shock waves with both high temporal and high spatial resolution using XFELs Room: Fifth Avenue |
Sekine, Toshimori Hiroshima University |
Session K4.00003 Shock Syntheses of Novel Nitrides and Biomolecules Room: Vashon |
Sewell, Thomas D. Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Columbia |
Session O4.00001 Atomic-Scale Theoretical Studies of Fundamental Properties and Processes in CHNO Plastic-Bonded Explosive Constituent Materials under Static and Dynamic Compression Room: Vashon |
Sharma, Surinder M. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India |
Session L4.00001 Phase stability and Transitions' mechanisms in MPO$_4$ compounds under high pressures Room: Vashon |
Shulenburger, Luke Sandia National Laboratories |
Session C2.00003 The phase diagram and transport properties of MgO from theory and experiment Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Singh, Anil Retired |
Session R4.00004 Polycrystalline solids under nonhydrostatic compression: Determination of strength from x-ray diffraction data Room: Vashon |
Smith, Raymond Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session L2.00001 Ramp Compression of materials to high-pressure low-temperature states Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Stevens, Gerald National Security Technologies, LLC |
Session L3.00003 Flash lamp integrating sphere technique for measuring the dynamic reflectance of shocked materials Room: Fifth Avenue |
Stolken, James Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session J1.00003 Fragmentation Under Extreme Conditions: Applications to Risk Assessment and Diagnostic Development at Mega-Joule Class Laser Facilities Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Syassen, Karl |
Session G1.00001 Percy Bridgman Award Talk - Stressed solids probed by diffraction and spectroscopy Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Teweldeberhan, Amanuel Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session K3.00001 Nitrogen-rich mixtures for high-energy density applications Room: Fifth Avenue |
Thadhani, Naresh Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Y1.00005 Coupling Instrumented Experiments with Microstructure-based Simulations of Reactant Configuration Effects on Shock-Initiation of Reactions in Intermetallic-Forming Powder Mixtures Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Thompson, Aidan Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J6.00004 Large-Scale Reactive Atomistic Simulation of Shock-induced Initiation Processes in Energetic Materials Room: Cascade II |
Tse, John University of Saskatchewan |
Session Z7.00002 Band Gap of Materials from Refractive Indices at High Pressure Room: Grand Crescent |
Turneaure, Stefan Wash. State Univ. |
Session R2.00002 X-ray Diffraction on Shocked Solids: Past Results and Future Prospects at the Dynamic Compression Sector Room: Grand Ballroom II |
Udd, Eric Columbia Gorge Research, LLC |
Session W3.00005 Fiber Grating Sensor System to Measure Velocity, Position, Pressure, and Temperature during Burn, Deflagration and Detonation of Highly Energetic Events Room: Fifth Avenue |
Vohra, Yogesh Deaprtment of Physics, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) |
Session V3.00006 Designer Diamonds: Applications in Iron-based Superconductors and Lanthanides Room: Fifith Avenue |
Weck, Gunnar CEA, DAM, DIF, Bruy\`eres-le-Ch\^atel, 91297 Arpajon Cedex, France |
Session V3.00003 Measuring the structure factor of simple fluids under extreme conditions Room: Fifith Avenue |
Welle, Eric Air Force Research Laboratory/Munitions Directorate |
Session H6.00005 Microstructural Effects on the Ignition Behavior of Various HMX Materials Room: Cascade II |
Wickert, Matthias Fraunhofer EMI |
Session W6.00003 Applied Impact Physics Research Room: Cascade II |
Yoh, Jack J. Seoul National University |
Session E4.00002 Microjet Penetrator - medical use of laser induced shock waves and bubbles Room: Vashon |
Zbib, Hussein Washington State University |
Session K1.00004 On the homogenous nucleation and propagation of dislocations under shock compression Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Zellner, Michael Army Research Laboratory |
Session Z1.00001 Compression, Release, and Fracture in Glass During Ballistic Impact Room: Grand Ballroom I |
Zhang, Duan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E6.00005 Time Scales in Particulate Systems Room: Cascade II |
Zurek, Eva University at Buffalo, SUNY |
Session L6.00001 Building a Chemical Intuition Under Pressure: Prediction of Alkali Metal Polyhydrides and Subhydrides Room: Cascade II |
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