18th Biennial Intl. Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter held in conjunction with the 24th Biennial Intl. Conference of the Intl. Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT)
Volume 58, Number 7
Sunday–Friday, July 7–12, 2013;
Seattle, Washington
Session W2: HM High Energy Density Materials II
4:00 PM–6:00 PM,
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Room: Elliott Bay
Chair: Michael Desjarlais, Sandia National Laboratories
Abstract ID: BAPS.2013.SHOCK.W2.3
Abstract: W2.00003 : Isochoric heating using proton beams and shock compression generated by UHI lasers
5:00 PM–5:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Markus Roth
(Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt)
Material conditions in the Warm Dense Matter (WDM) regime are of great
interest for high energy density physics, the development of controlled
thermonuclear fusion and astrophysics. Each experiment involving high energy
deposition will be strongly affected by the sample's changed behavior in the
WDM regime. In particular, carbon is an interesting material for warm dense
matter studies, as it is accessible experimentally since carbon samples can
easily be manufactured and handled in the laboratory. Due to its low number
of electrons, a number of theoretical and numerical techniques, including
ab-initio simulations, allow for the description of its properties within
the computational resources available today. Additionally, the solid-liquid
phase transition of carbon is in the warm dense matter regime and may play a
major role in the physics of ice giants like Neptune and Uranus [1, 2] and
white dwarfs [3].
This transition is poorly understood so far and further investigation is
needed [4]. In fact, the solid-liquid phase transition on the graphite
Hugoniot has never been measured reliably so far. A recent new option is the
use of x-rays which are able to access the processes inside the sample. In
comparison to radiography x-ray scattering cannot only measure the
propagation of a shock but also the microscopic structure inside the sample
[5, 6, 7]. Thus, strong changes in the structure due to the phase
transitions induced by shock or isochoric heating can be measured directly.
The creation of fluid carbon requires a rapid energy input, preferably into
a large volume. Ion beams are a unique tool for that task as they deposit
their energy deep in the target resulting in a uniform heating profile.
Ultra-short proton bursts generated by high-intensity laser beams match both
the high particle number and the short pulse length required to create fluid
carbon without noticeable expansion.
In this talk we present the measurement of the microscopic structure change
of graphite in a heated sample and in a laser driven shock with x-ray
scattering. This method was first applied for the carbon solid-liquid phase
transition at lower pressure in a proof-of-principle experiment where the
isochoric heating was realized by laser-accelerated protons [8]. However, in
this first experiment only the relative increase of the total scattering
signal was measured. It was not possible to distinguish between the elastic
and inelastic features. In the experiment presented in this talk, we have
obtained frequency-resolved scattering spectra, which allow to study the
evolution of both the elastic and the inelastic features separately.
[1] W. B. Hubbard et al., Science 253, 648 (1991)
[2] S. Stanley and J. Bloxham, Nature 428, 151 (2004)
[3] P. Dufour et al. Nature 450, 522 (2007)
[4] A. A. Correa, S. A. Bonev and G. Galli, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103,
1204 (2006)
[5] S. H. Glenzer and R. Redmer, Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 1625 (2009)
[6] E. Garcia Saiz et al., Nature Physics 4, 940 (2008).
[7] K. W\"{u}nsch, J. Vorberger, and D.O. Gericke, Phys. Rev. E 79,
010201(R) (2009).
[8] A. Pelka, G. Gregori, D. O. Gericke et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105,
265701 (2010) .
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