Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2008 APS March Meeting
Volume 53, Number 2
Monday–Friday, March 10–14, 2008; New Orleans, Louisiana
Invited Speakers
\'O Maoil\'eidigh, D\'aibhid Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany |
Session B7.00003 Towards a Quantitative Understanding of Single-Gene Transcription Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Abernathy, Douglas Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session P36.00001 Advances in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Adagideli, Inanc Universitaat Regensburg |
Session Q33.00001 Boundaries Between Current Carrying Semiconductors and Metallic Contacts Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Ahn, Charles Yale University |
Session U5.00001 Structural and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Complex Oxide-Silicon Interfaces Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Akimitsu, Jun Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University |
Session J1.00005 The p-and d-electron superconductors -Struggle to find higher-$T_{c}$ superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Akundi, Murty Xavier University of Louisiana |
Session V5.00001 Lessons Learnt From Hurricane Katrina. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Akundi, Murty Xavier University of Louisiana |
Session U7.00002 Preparing minority undergraduate students for successful science careers. Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Alben, Silas Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session P6.00005 Optimal flexibility in flapping appendages Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Allen, Emily San Jose State University |
Session Q7.00001 The Role of Engineering Design in Materials Science and Engineering Curricula Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Allen, J.W. University of Michigan |
Session H5.00001 Angle-resolved Photoemission of CeCoIn$_5$: Detailed Comparison to LDA and LDA+DMFT Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Alloul, Henri Physique des Solides, CNRS UMR 8502, univ. Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY |
Session Y31.00001 Charge order and anomalous magnetism in the Na cobaltates Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Almaas, Eivind Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session W40.00001 Metabolism and evolution: A comparative study of reconstructed genome-level metabolic networks Room: Morial Convention Center 232 |
Alsing, Paul M. University of New Mexico |
Session P5.00004 Spin-induced non-geodesic motion, Wigner rotation and EPR correlations of massive spin-1/2 particles in a gravitational field Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Altman, Ehud Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session A14.00007 Probing non local order parameters in highly correlated Bose insulators Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Amador Kane, Suzanne Physics Department, Haverford College |
Session J5.00002 Faculty Work-Family Issues: Finding the Balance at a Liberal Arts College Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Ambrosch-Draxl, Claudia University of Leoben |
Session S13.00004 Beller Lectureship Talk: Exploring Exact Exchange for collinear and non-collinear magnetism Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Anderson, Philip Princeton University |
Session A5.00005 Vortex liquid Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Ando, Toshio Kanazawa University |
Session P14.00005 High-speed AFM for Studying Dynamic Biomolecular Processes Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Ando, Yoichi Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
Session U2.00001 Transport anisotropy as a signature of electron nematicity Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Anthamatten, Mitchell University of Rochester |
Session A21.00004 Unique Properties of Reversibly Associating Polymer Networks Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Antonoyiannakis, Manolis (1) Physical Review Letters (2) Columbia University |
Session S7.00002 A Road Less Traveled: An Editorial Career Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Aoki, Yuki Rutgers University |
Session A5.00003 Frequency dependence and Hysteretic behavior in Non-Classical Rotational Inertia of Solid $^{4}$He Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Appelbaum, Ian University of Delaware |
Session P33.00005 Spin Transport in Silicon Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Appenzeller, Joerg School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906 |
Session S2.00005 One-dimensional semiconductors for low-power electronic applications Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Archer, Lynden School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering |
Session W4.00005 Nanoparticle Ionic Fluids Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Armitage, N. Peter The Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q4.00001 Survival of superconducting correlations across the two-dimensional superconductor-insulator transition: A finite-frequency study Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Asghari, Mehdi Kotura |
Session B3.00004 Silicon Detectors, Sensors and Ultrafast Interconnect. Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Ashbaugh, Henry S. Tulane University |
Session Q17.00002 Contrasting Nonaqueous against Aqueous Solvation on the Basis of Scaled-Particle Theory Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Aspelmeyer, Markus Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Session X4.00005 Towards experimental optomechanical entanglement between a movable mirror and a cavity field. Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Astumian, Dean University of Maine |
Session L16.00005 Trajectories of a Brownian Motor Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Atwater, Harry Applied Physics, Caltech |
Session V28.00001 Plasmonic Metamaterials and Devices Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Aubry, Serge Laboratoire L\'eon Brillouin, CEA Saclay |
Session D6.00005 A nonadiabatic and nonlinear theory for electron transfer Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Auslaender, Ophir Stanford University |
Session B1.00002 Observation of spin-charge separation and localization in one-dimensional quantum wires Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Austin, Robert Princeton University |
Session P25.00001 Learning from the Jersey Turnpike: Cell Lysis, Labeling and Washing with Microfluidic Metamaterials Room: Morial Convention Center 217 |
Avouris, Phaedon IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session A28.00007 Carbon nanotube excited states: the role of the environment Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Bacon, Dave University of Washington |
Session P5.00001 Quantum Computational Complexity in the Presence of Closed Timelike Curves Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Bagayoko, Diola Southern University and A\&M College |
Session L6.00004 A Mathematical Solution to the Theoretical Band Gap Underestimation: Predictive Calculations of Properties of Semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Baldo, Marc MIT, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Session S2.00004 Nanoelectromechanical switches Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Balsara, Nitash UC Berkeley |
Session V18.00001 Thermodynamics, Structure and Transport in Model Fuel Cell Membranes Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Bao, Zhenan |
Session B22.00004 Organic Field Effect Transistors Based on Micro and Nano-sized Single Crystalline Semiconductors. Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Barab\'asi, Albert-L\'aszl\'o Center for Complex Network Research and Dept. of Physics, Northeastern University; Center for Cancer Systems Biology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute. |
Session U39.00001 From network dynamics to human activity and mobility patters Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Baranov, Mikhail Universiteit van Amsterdam |
Session X9.00007 Ultracold dipolar gases -- challenge for Experiments and Theory Room: Morial Convention Center RO7 |
Barbara, Bernard CNRS, Institut N\'eel, Grenoble |
Session L5.00003 Activated quantum criticality of complex systems Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Barrett, Jonathan University of Cambridge |
Session L14.00001 General probabilistic theories for quantum foundations and quantum information Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Baruah, Tunna University of Texas at El Paso |
Session D21.00005 DFT study of a carotenoid-porphyrin-C$_{60}$ light-harvesting molecular triad Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Bausch, Andreas Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen |
Session H7.00003 Cytoskeletal mechanics: Structure and Dynamics Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Baym, Gordon University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L1.00004 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: Stepping through forty years of quantum fluids Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Beck, Matthew J. Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University |
Session D19.00001 Stability and Dynamics of Frenkel Pairs in Silicon Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Beggs, John Indiana University, Bloomington |
Session W7.00003 A continuous phase transition in neocortical slice networks Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Behnia, Kamran LPEM (CNRS - ESPCI) , Paris |
Session Q4.00003 Observation of the Nernst signal generated by fluctuating Cooper pairs Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Beratan, David Duke University |
Session D6.00001 Theory of Electron Transfer and Transport Pathways in Biomolecules Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Berezovsky, Jesse Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session D4.00003 Nondestructive optical probe of coherent single spin dynamics in a quantum dot Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Bernevig, B. Andrei Princeton University |
Session P2.00001 An Exact SU(2) Symmetry and Persistent Spin Helix in a Spin-Orbit Coupled System Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Berry, Michael Princeton University |
Session W7.00001 Representing Information with Correlated Neural Populations Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Bett, Andreas W. Fraunhofer-Institut fur Solare Energie Systeme |
Session P35.00001 Multijunction solar cells for concentrator systems: prospects and challenges Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Bienenstock, Arthur Stanford University |
Session V34.00002 The APS 2007 Meeting on Gender Equity in Physics Room: Morial Convention Center 226 |
Binder, K. Institut f\"ur Physik, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universit\"at Mainz, 55099 Mainz, Germany |
Session H3.00005 The Theta Point Of Long Flexible Polymer Chains: When Does It Exist? Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Birge, Robert University of Connecticut |
Session Y7.00002 Protein-Based Three-Dimensional Memories and Associative Processors Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Bishop, David Bell Labs, LGS, Alcatel-Lucent |
Session V3.00004 The History of Science and Technology at Bell Labs Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Bjork, Mikael IBM Research Zurich |
Session S2.00003 Nanowire Impact Ionization FETs Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Blais, Alexandre Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session D5.00001 Superconducting qubits coupled to resonant cavities Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Bloch, Immanuel Johannes Gutenberg Universit\"at Mainz |
Session P7.00003 Towards Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Block, Steven Stanford University |
Session B7.00001 Max Delbruck Biological Physics Prize Talk: The Biophysics of Gene Regulation, Studied One Molecule at a Time Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Blugel, Stefan Institut fur Festkorperforschung, Forschungszentrum Julich, D-52425 Julich, Germany |
Session Y32.00001 Homochiral magnetic structures at surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Blumberg, Girsh Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent |
Session A11.00004 MgB$_{2}$: Novel properties due to multibands Room: Morial Convention Center RO9 |
Boninsegni, Massimo University of Alberta |
Session D26.00005 Quantum melting and superfluidity of molecular hydrogen clusters Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Boudaoud, Arezki LPS, CNRS/Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session A39.00004 On the statistical physics of folding and crumpling Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Bourianoff, George I. Intel |
Session B35.00001 The Nanoelectronics Research Initiative and Beyond CMOS Research Activities in the US Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Boxer, Steven Stanford University |
Session Y7.00001 Earle K. Plyler Prize Talk: Stark Realities Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Bracco, Annalisa Georgia Tech |
Session L3.00003 Geostrophic Turbulence and the stability of Ocean models Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Brangwynne, Clifford Max Planck Institute |
Session H7.00005 Force fluctuations and polymerization dynamics of intracellular microtubules Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Bratkovsky, A.M. Hewlett-Packard Laboratories |
Session A35.00004 Tunable plasmonic nanostructures and nanolenses in optical domain Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Breedveld, Victor Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Y5.00004 Microrheological studies of solvent-response dynamics of polyelectrolytes Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Bringa, Eduardo M. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session P31.00001 Materials under Extreme Conditions: Ultrahigh Strength under Shock Loading Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Brinkman, Alexander Faculty of Science and Technology and MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, The Netherlands |
Session X3.00002 Magnetic effects at the interface between nonmagnetic oxides Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Britten, Richard Eastern Virginia Medical School |
Session W16.00002 New techniques required to understand the by-stander effect in situ. Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Brochard-Wyart, Francoise Institut Curie |
Session U3.00005 Polymers in Confined Geometry Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Brodholt, John Dept. of Earth Sciences, UCL |
Session J40.00001 The melting curve of MgSiO3 perovskite from ab initio molecular dynamics using the coexistience method Room: Morial Convention Center 232 |
Broholm, Collin Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 |
Session A27.00011 Neutron Scattering from Magnetically Frustrated Ruthenium Pyrochlores Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Brooks, Harold National Severe Storms Laboratory |
Session H6.00002 Tornadoes and Severe Thunderstorms: Physical Understanding and Climate Questions Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Broun, David Simon Fraser University |
Session S6.00002 Superfluid density in the underdoped cuprates Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Brown, Craig NIST Center for Neutron Research |
Session S36.00001 Enhancing the interaction strength and capacities of hydrogen storage via surface adsorption Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Brown, Hugh University of Wollongong |
Session U3.00003 Adhesion Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Bruinsma, Robijn University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Q2.00004 Self-Assembly of the HIV Virus Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Bryant, Zev Stanford University Schools of Medicine and Engineering |
Session V19.00001 Mechanochemistry of Molecular Motors Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Bucher, Jean-Pierre Universit\'e Louis Pasteur, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Mat\'eriaux de Strasbourg |
Session H21.00001 Probing electronic and magnetic properties of atomic and molecular clusters with sharp tips Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Bulaevskii, Lev Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session X5.00003 Radiation Due to Josephson Oscillations in Layered Superconductors. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Burch, Kenneth Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B2.00001 Optical Properties of III-Mn-V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Burkard, Guido RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Session D4.00002 Universal Quantum Gates for Two- and Three-Spin Qubits in Coupled Quantum Dots Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Buyers, Bill National Research Council, Chalk River |
Session U2.00005 Spins in cuprates near the edge of the superconducting phase - incoherent pairing, fluctuations on all timescales and observation of pseudogap energies. Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Callaghan, Paul Victoria University of Wellington |
Session X8.00001 Rheo-NMR of shear banded flow in wormlike micelles Room: Morial Convention Center RO6 |
Campas, Otger Harvard University |
Session A7.00005 Chromosome oscillations in mitosis Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Campuzano, J. C. U. Illinois |
Session S4.00002 Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Carlsson, Anders Washington University in St. Louis |
Session P16.00001 Actin Disassembly Mediated by Severing, Debranching, and Hydrolysis Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Castleman, Jr., A. Welford Penn State University |
Session D21.00001 From Superatoms to Cluster Assembled Materials Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Ceder, Gerbrand Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H4.00005 Materials Informatics: Using machine learning techniques with large amounts of ab-initio computed or experimental data Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Ceperley, David University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session A13.00001 Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Warm Dense Hydrogen Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Ceresoli, Davide SISSA, Trieste |
Session S5.00004 Non-perturbative ab-initio calculation of the g-tensor in periodic boundary conditions Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Chaikin, Paul New York University |
Session W3.00002 Pattern Coarsening in a Two Dimensional Hexagonal System Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Chan, H.B. University of Florida |
Session P4.00003 Activation barrier scaling and switching path distribution in a micromechanical parametric oscillator Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Chang, Robert Northwestern University |
Session J7.00001 NCLT Contributions to Nanoscience Education at the Undergraduate Level Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Cheatham, Thomas University of Utah |
Session J6.00001 Artifact or reality? Force field issues in the simulation proteins and nucleic acids Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Chen, Sow-Hsin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V1.00004 Observation of a Fragile-to-Strong Dynamic Crossover Phenomenon in Confined Water and Its Relation to the Existence of a Liquid-Liquid Critical Point in Supercooled Water Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Cheong, Sang-Wook Rutgers University |
Session Y4.00002 Symmetry in Multiferroics Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Chu, Jhih-Wei Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley |
Session L7.00002 Bridging time-scale gaps via reaction path optimization Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Cicoira, Fabio Cornell University |
Session W22.00009 Organic Semiconductors: devices, growth and ordered assembly Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Civale, Leonardo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L10.00004 Exploring the limits to vortex pinning in superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center RO8 |
Civelli, Marcello Institut Laue Langevin |
Session X7.00003 Nodal/Antinodal Dichotomy and the Two Gaps of a Superconducting Doped Mott Insulator Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Cohen, Marvin University of California, Berkeley |
Session J2.00003 Condensed Matter Theory: From Models to First Principles Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Cohen, Morrel H. Rutgers University; Princeton University |
Session D1.00004 The Partition Problem; Insights from Density Functional Theory Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Colby, Ralph H. Materials Science and Engineering, Penn State University |
Session P3.00002 Polyelectrolyte Solutions Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Coldea, Radu University of Bristol, UK |
Session D23.00007 Charge order and frustrated magnetism in the orbitally-degenerate triangular metallic antiferromagnet AgNiO2 Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Collett, Jeffrey Department of Physics, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI |
Session J7.00003 Integrating Condensed Matter Physics into a Liberal Arts Physics Curriculum Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Collins, Stephen Academy of the Sacred Heart |
Session U7.00003 ``Wow'' is good, but ``I see'' is better - techniques for more effective Physics demonstrations Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Compton, Robert University of Minnesota |
Session B32.00006 Dynamics of a pinned magnetic vortex Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Cooper, Valentino Rutgers University |
Session U13.00001 Self-consistent van der Waals density functional: Development and Applications Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Corbitt, Thomas Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X4.00004 Laser Cooling of Gram Scale Objects Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Cox, Susan NHMFL, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A23.00001 Sliding charge density wave in manganites Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Crone, Wendy Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session U7.00001 Bringing Nano to the Public through Informal Science Education Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Cronin, Stephen University of Southern of California |
Session S29.00001 \textit{In situ} Raman Spectroscopy of Suspended Carbon Nanotubes under High Voltage Bias Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Crooker, Scott National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos National Lab |
Session P2.00003 Imaging the Drift and Diffusion of Optically- and Electrically-Injected Spins in Semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Crosby, Alfred University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session A4.00005 Wrinkling, Crumpling and Snapping for Surface Property Control Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Crowell, Paul University of Minnesota |
Session B2.00002 Spin Transport in Ferromagnet-Semiconductor Heterostructures Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Crowhurst, Jonathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session H40.00001 Elasticity of (Mg,Fe)O through the spin transition of iron in the lower mantle Room: Morial Convention Center 232 |
Cumings, John Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland |
Session Q6.00002 Artificial Kagome Spin Ice Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Curro, John G. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 |
Session H3.00002 Application of Integral Equation Theory to Polymers in the Condensed State Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Cywinski, Lukasz Condensed Matter Theory Center, University of Maryland |
Session D33.00011 Ultrafast Photoinduced Demagnetization in (III,Mn)V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
D'Agosta, Roberto University of California - San Diego |
Session U13.00002 Stochastic Time-Dependent Current-Density Functional Theory Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Dabiri, John California Institute of Technology |
Session A9.00004 Lagrangian studies of animal swimming and aquatic predator-prey interactions Room: Morial Convention Center RO7 |
Dailly, Anne General Motors, R\&D center, CES Laboratory |
Session Y6.00002 Hydrogen storage by physisorption on Metal Organic Frameworks Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Dalnoki-Veress, Kari McMaster University |
Session L18.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Talk: Polymer Droplets Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Daniels, Karen North Carolina State University |
Session S3.00005 Faults \& Earthquakes as Granular Phenomena: Controls on Stick-Slip Dynamics Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Daniels-Race, Theda Louisiana State University |
Session L6.00002 Characterization of Hybrid Electronic Materials for Molecular Based Device Electronics Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Daoud, Mohamed CEA Saclay |
Session P3.00004 Percolation and Gelation Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Davis, J. C. Cornell University |
Session J23.00001 Unidirectional charge modulations in underdoped cuprates observed with STM Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Dean, Robert G. University of Florida |
Session H6.00004 Wetland Loss and Restoration Options in Southern Louisiana Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
De Feyter, Steven K.U.Leuven |
Session L20.00001 Self-assembly at the liquid/solid interface: from patterns to function Room: Morial Convention Center 212 |
Degertekin, Levent Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session P14.00004 AFM probes with integrated electrostatic actuators for fast, quantitative imaging and force spectroscopy Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Delsing, Per Chalmers University of Technology |
Session H4.00003 Nanodevice sensors measured with rf- and microwave reflectometry Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
DeMille, David Yale University |
Session B26.00005 Production and Trapping of Ultracold Polar RbCs Molecules Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Derosa, Pedro Louisiana Tech University/Grambling State University |
Session L6.00001 Multi-Scale Modeling of Conductive Polymers Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
de Ruyter van Steveninck, Rob Indiana University Bloomington |
Session W7.00005 Optimal processing and the statistics of visual input signals Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Deshpande, Vikram Applied Physics, Caltech |
Session B1.00003 The One-Dimensional Wigner Crystal in Carbon Nanotubes Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Dessau, Dan Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session S4.00003 High Resolution Angle-Resolved Photoemission Studies of Correlated Electron Systems Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Detorie, Nicholas Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC |
Session S16.00001 The Evolution of External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT) from a Technological Perspective. Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Deutsch, Ivan University of New Mexico |
Session B6.00003 Quantum Control with Ultracold Atoms Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Devreese, Jozef T. Theoretical Physics of the Solid State (TFVS), Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium |
Session H4.00001 Integrated Functionality: Nanosensors Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Dhinojwala, Ali The University of Akron |
Session A4.00002 Carbon Nanotube-Based Synthetic Gecko Tapes Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Dial, Oliver Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session A1.00003 High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Quantum Hall Liquid Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Diebold, Ulrike Department of Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 |
Session Q21.00002 Tailoring Surface Reactivity of Metal Oxides Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Disko, Mark ExxonMobil Research \& Engineering Company |
Session W5.00003 Chemical and Physical Sensing in the Petroleum Industry Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Dlott, Dana University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session H23.00001 Vibrational energy on surfaces: Ultrafast flash-thermal conductance of molecular monolayers Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Dobbins, Tabbetha Grambling State University and Louisiana Tech University |
Session L6.00005 New Possibilities for Understanding Complex Metal Hydrides via Synchrotron X-ray Studies Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Doering, Robert Texas Instruments |
Session V3.00005 50 Years of ``Scaling'' Jack Kilby's Invention Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Donahue, Neil Carnegie Mellon University |
Session S26.00002 The Dynamic Interaction of Chemistry and Phase Partitioning in Atmospheric Organic Aerosols Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Doty, Matthew Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware |
Session D4.00001 Spin tunneling in optically excited quantum dot molecules: Controlling g-factors with electric field Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Douglas, Jack NIST |
Session V4.00005 Fluctuation Effects on Propagating Waves of Self-Assembly in Organosilane Monolayers. Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Dresselhaus, Mildred MIT |
Session J1.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Prize Talk: Why are we so excited about carbon nanostructures? Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Drndic, Marija University of Pennsylvania |
Session W35.00001 TEBAL: Nanosculpting devices with electrons in a transmission electron microscope Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Dubey, Archana UCF |
Session J5.00001 Career Planning in Harmony with Family Values and Needs Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Dubon, Oscar U.C. Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B2.00004 Ferromagnetism and localization in Ga$_{1-x}$Mn$_{x}$As, Ga$_{1-x}$Mn$_{x}$P, and in between Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Dubson, Michael University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session Q7.00004 Use of clickers and sustainable reform in upper-division physics courses Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Duine, Rembert Utrecht University |
Session A15.00004 Current-induced torques in magnetic textures and in antiferromagnets Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Duxbury, Phillip Michigan State University |
Session L39.00004 Role of microstructural heterogeneities on rupture of polycrystalline materials Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Earhart, Chris Stanford University |
Session X15.00004 Magnetic sifters and biochips for early diagnosis and therapy monitoring of cancer Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Eaves, Laurence School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham |
Session A1.00004 Magnetotunneling spectroscopy: Imaging electron wavefunctions and measuring electron dispersion curves in GaMnAs- and GaAsN-based heterostructures Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Ebert, Ute CWI Amsterdam and Eindhoven Univ. Techn. |
Session V4.00004 Particle versus density models in spark formation: X-rays from pulled fronts? Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Edwards, Donald Georgia State University |
Session Y36.00001 Understanding the dynamical control of animal movement Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Efros, Alexander Naval Research Laboratory |
Session H33.00004 Theory of Optical Manipulation of Electron Spins in Semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Eigler, Donald IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session G1.00001 Classical Computation in Quantum Nanostructures: A Long Road to an Uncertain Future Room: New Orleans Marriott Carondelet (3rd floor) |
Emberly, Eldon Physics, Simon Fraser University |
Session A7.00002 Monomer exchange and the hourglass model of protein-based oscillators Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Enders, Axel University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session B27.00001 Self-Assembled Growth and Magnetism of Ordered Cluster Arrays Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Endo, Morinobu Shinshu University |
Session B30.00001 Novel Functions in Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes Room: Morial Convention Center 222 |
Engel, Don APS |
Session S7.00001 Scientific Careers in Public Policy Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Eom, Chang-Beom University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session P23.00001 Strain tunability and domain structures of epitaxial (001) BiFeO$_{3}$ thin films Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Eriksson, Olle Uppsala University |
Session H21.00002 First Principles Theory of Supported Clusters with Complex Magnetic Order. Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Erzan, Ayse Department of Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak, Istanbul |
Session J4.00001 Scientists in an alternative vision of a globalized world Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Evans, Evan Boston University |
Session V19.00002 Rare returns on lost effort! Dynamic refolding (after unfolding) of protein domains. Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Fabry, Ben Department of Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany |
Session Q16.00001 Cell migration through connective tissue in 3-D Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Falco, Charles M. University of Arizona |
Session D3.00001 The Art and Materials Physics of the Motorcycle Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Falk, Michael University of Michigan |
Session S3.00002 Simulations of shear banding in metallic glasses Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Falko, Vladimir Lancaster University |
Session P29.00001 Veselago lens and p-n junctions in graphene. Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Farge, Emmanuel MGDET, UMR168 CNRS, Institut Curie11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, F-75005, Paris, France |
Session J17.00005 Forces driven by morphogenesis modulate Twist Expression to determine Anterior Mid-gut Differentiation in \textit{ Drosophila} embryos Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Fasolka, Michael NIST Combinatorial Methods Center, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD 20899 |
Session Q22.00001 Combinatorial Methods for Polymer Physics: Tools for discovery that enable knowledge generation Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Fauci, Lisa Tulane University |
Session D7.00003 Undulatory swimming in a viscoelastic fluid Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Feigenbaum, Mitchell Rockefeller University |
Session U1.00001 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Fennie, Craig Argonne National Lab |
Session V38.00001 In pursuit of strongly coupled multiferroic oxides Room: Morial Convention Center 230 |
Fernandez, Julio M. Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA |
Session P14.00002 Studying Chemical Reactions, One Bond at a Time, with Single Molecule AFM Techniques Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Fert, A. UMR CNRS/Thales, 91767 Palaiseau and Universit\'e Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France |
Session L1.00001 Recent developments and perspective in spintronics Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Fiebig, Manfred HISKP, University of Bonn, Nussallee 14-16, 53115 Bonn, Germany |
Session Y4.00001 Observation of ferrotoroidic order in LiCoPO$_4$ Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Fiete, Gregory A. University of Texas at Austin |
Session B1.00004 Fermi-Edge Singularity in a Spin-Incoherent Luttinger Liquid Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Fineberg, Jay The Hebrew University |
Session J39.00007 Beller Lectureship Talk: Crack-like processes govern the onset of frictional motion Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Finkelstein, Gleb Duke University |
Session B24.00001 Symmetries and interaction effects in carbon nanotube quantum dots Room: Morial Convention Center 216 |
Fischetti, Massimo (Max) University of Massachusetts |
Session A6.00005 Monte Carlo simulations of carrier flow in novel gate materials Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Flavell, Wendy The University of Manchester |
Session V2.00003 The Science Motivating the UK's Fourth Generation Light Source Project Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Fompeyrine, Jean IBM Research GmbH |
Session U5.00002 From GaAs MOSFETs to epitaxial oxides on silicon : old and new MBE stories. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Fontcuberta, J. Institut de Ci\`encia de Materials de Barcelona-CSIC, Campus UAB, Bellaterra 08193, Catalonia, Spain |
Session W37.00010 Exchange biasing with multiferroic: electric field effects on magnetic and magnetotransport properties Room: Morial Convention Center 229 |
Forg\'{a}cs, G\'{a}bor Department of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 65211 |
Session J17.00001 Relating biophysical properties across scales: implications for early development and applications for tissue engineering Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Fratini, Simone Institut Neel - CNRS |
Session V4.00003 Polarons and Coulomb interactions in organic transistors Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Freed, Karl University of Chicago |
Session Y5.00002 Using Folding Pathways to Predict Protein Structure Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Freund, Hajo Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Session P21.00003 Gold atoms, chains and islands on oxide films: looking at orbitals and counting electrons. Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Frosch, Robert John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University |
Session V3.00003 Application Oriented R{\&}D: Aphorisms {\&} Anecdotes (The John Bardeen Lecture) Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Fu, Henry Brown University |
Session D7.00002 Theory of swimming filaments in viscoelastic media Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Fuentes-Schuller, Ivette University of Potsdam, Germany |
Session P5.00003 Entanglement in non-inertial frames and curved spacetime Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Fuhrer, Michael S. Department of Physics and Center for Nanophysics and Advanced Materials, University of Maryland |
Session B29.00001 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Limits of Mobility in Graphene Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Gadway, Bryce SUNY Stony Brook / Colgate University |
Session D15.00001 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Testing Hidden-Variable Theorems with Single-Photon Entangled States Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Gallais, Yann Universite Paris 7 |
Session A1.00002 Soft spin waves and magnetic instability in Skyrmion systems Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Galli, Giulia University of California Davis |
Session J31.00001 Atomistic design of semiconductor nanostructures with optimal thermoelectric properties Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Gallicchio, Emilio BioMaPS Institute, Rutgers University |
Session J6.00003 The AGBNP implicit solvent model: recent advances and applications to biological macromolecules Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Galvin, Mary |
Session D22.00001 The role of symmetry and charge delocalization in two-dimensional molecules conjugated molecules for optoelectronic applications Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Gamelin, Dan University of Washington |
Session Y33.00001 Room-Temperature Electron Spin Dynamics in Free-Standing ZnO Quantum Dots Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Ganesan, Venkat The University of Texas at Austin |
Session W4.00003 Dynamics of Polymer-Nanoparticle Mixtures Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Ganz, Matthew W. President and CEO, HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session Q5.00001 Leveraging R\&D Resources via the Joint LLC Model Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Garde, Shekhar Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session Q17.00004 Effects of lengthscales and attractions on the collapse of hydrophobic polymers in water Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Geim, Andre University of Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom |
Session U29.00004 Electron Transport in Graphene and its Nanostructures Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Genzer, Jan Department of Chemical \& Biomolecular Engineering, North Carolina State University |
Session A4.00001 Interfacial engineering using heteropolymers with adjustable monomer sequences (HAMS) Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
George, Jean-Marie Unit\'e Micte de Physique CNRS-Thales |
Session X6.00004 TMR-related effects in structures involving semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Georges, Antoine CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique |
Session S6.00003 Two energy scales and the nodal-antinodal dichotomy in underdoped superconducting cuprates Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Gerber, Gustav Univ. of Wuerzburg, Institute of Physics |
Session J26.00001 Quantum Control of Femtochemistry in the Gas Phase, Liquid Phase and on Surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Ghil, Michael Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure, Paris, France, and University of California, Los Angeles, USA |
Session U6.00004 Predicting climate change: Uncertainties and prospects for surmounting them Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Ghosh, Ruby Michigan State University |
Session W5.00005 SiC Sensors in Extreme Environments: Real-time Hydrogen Monitoring for Energy Plant Applications Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Giamarchi, Thierry University of Geneva |
Session A2.00003 Orbital-Current phases in one- and two-dimensional strongly correlated systems Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Gilmore, Keith National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session J32.00001 Spin-orbit damping in transition metals Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Giustino, Feliciano Department of Physics, University of California at Berkeley, and Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session V13.00007 Electron-phonon interaction using Wannier functions: from single-layer graphene to cuprate superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Glusker, Jenny Fox Chase Cancer Center, 333 Cottman Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-2497 |
Session V1.00003 Complex Protein Structures by Neutron Scattering Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Goldman, Daniel Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session D7.00005 Biological and robotic movement through granular media Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Goldman, Vladimir J. Stony Brook University |
Session U4.00001 Measuring Fractional Statistics with Fabry-Perot Quantum Hall Interferometers Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Goodchild, Fiona University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J7.00004 Engaging undergradate students in interdisciplinary courses in nanotechnology Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Goodman, David Texas A\&M University |
Session P21.00002 CO oxidation over noble metals: The continuum from ultrahigh vaccuum to atmospheric pressures Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Gould, Robert University of California San Francisco |
Session V16.00006 Advances in Medical X-Ray Imaging Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Gr\"atzel, Michael Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne |
Session L2.00004 Dye-Sensitized Approaches to Photovoltaics Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Graessley, William Princeton University |
Session Q3.00003 Dynamics of Polymer Solutions Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Greene, Chris H. Department of Physics and JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0440 |
Session W6.00004 Few-body physics of trapped unequal mass fermions Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Greene, Laura H. Department of Physics and Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 USA |
Session V34.00004 She's a Physicist!? Room: Morial Convention Center 226 |
Grest, Gary S. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM |
Session A18.00001 Aneesur Rahman Prize Talk: Dynamics of Entangled Polymer Melts: Perceptive from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Griffies, Stephen NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab |
Session L3.00005 Physical Problems in Modeling the Global Ocean Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Gronemeyer, Suzanne |
Session S7.00006 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Gross, E.K.U. Freie Universitat Berlin |
Session D1.00002 Density-functional theory of superconductivity Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Gross, E.K.U. Institut f\"ur Theoretische Physik, Freie Universit\"at Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195, Germany |
Session S5.00005 First-principles approach to Non-Collinear Magnetism: towards Spin Dynamics Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Gruenberg, Peter Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung Forschungszentrum Juelich |
Session L1.00002 From spinwaves to Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) and beyond Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Gueye, Paul Hampton University |
Session W16.00005 Microdosimetry of ondividual cells with microbeam facilities Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Gueye, Paul Hampton University |
Session U16.00006 Panel Discussion on Medical Physics and Radiation Biology and pathways to these fields Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Gunaratne, Gemunu University of Houston |
Session V7.00003 Spatial Patterns of Recurved Sensory Organs in Drosophila Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Gunaratne, Preethi University of Houston |
Session V7.00005 Dynamic Changes in microRNAs may Regulate Robustness of Wnt/Notch Signaling Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Gundlach, David NIST |
Session P22.00001 High Performance Solution Processable TFTs Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Gurevich, Alex National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL 32310 |
Session L10.00001 Exploring the limits of critical currents in superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center RO8 |
Haab, Brian Van Andel Institute |
Session H16.00004 Detection limits and scalability of miniaturized antibody assays in real-world applications Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Haddon, Robert University of California at Riverside |
Session J1.00004 James C. McGroddy Prize Talk: What Was New About C60 Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Hadzibabic, Zoran University of Cambridge |
Session J14.00004 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Crossover in a Trapped Atomic Gas Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Haes, Amanda J. Department of Chemistry, University of Iowa |
Session H16.00008 Nanoscale Building Blocks for Biosensor Development Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Hagan, Michael Physics Department, Brandeis University |
Session Q2.00003 Dynamic Models for Templated Viral Capsid Assembly Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Haldar, Pradeep University at Albany, SUNY |
Session J7.00005 Educating the workforce for the nantoechnoogy industry at CNSE Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Hall, Eric Columbia University |
Session U16.00005 The Dose Response Relationship for Radiation Carcinogenesis Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Hammond, Paula Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y5.00001 Manipulating Assembly, Disassembly and Exchange in Responsive Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Hansma, Paul University of California at Santa Barbara |
Session P14.00003 Imaging and Beyond with High Speed AFM. Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Hanson, Ronald Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft |
Session S1.00001 Coherent control of single spins in diamond Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Harris, Jack Departments of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT |
Session X4.00002 Strong dispersive coupling between a micromechanical oscillator and a high finesse optical cavity. Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Harrison, Neil Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D2.00004 Fermi orbits versus Fermi arcs Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Hastings, Jerome Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
Session V2.00002 Science Driven the Parameters of 4th Generation Light Sources Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Haule, Kristjan Rutgers University |
Session H5.00002 Modeling the Localized to Itinerant Electronic Transition in the Heavy Fermion System CeIrIn5 Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Hawrylak, Pawel Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council of Canada |
Session A1.00001 Fractionally Charged Excitations in Optical Emission Spectroscopy Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Haxton, Tom Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania |
Session S3.00001 Jamming: Relating Shear and Effective Temperature Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Hayden, Brian University of Southampton |
Session S21.00002 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Hebard, Arthur University of Florida |
Session J1.00003 James C. McGroddy Prize Talk: Superconductivity in alkali-metal doped Carbon-60 Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Hebboul, Saad E. The American Physical Society |
Session J2.00001 PRL at 50: A history of moving physics forward Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Hecker, Michael AMD Saxony LLC \& Co. KG |
Session Y6.00001 Local strain analysis for CMOS technology by Raman and Nano-Raman spectroscopy Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Hecker Denschlag, Johannes Experimentalphysik, Universitaet Innsbruck |
Session P7.00001 Repulsively bound atom pairs in an optical lattice. Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Hegmann, Frank University of Alberta |
Session V4.00002 Bandlike transport in organic molecular crystals revealed by subpicosecond transient photoconductivity Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Heiliger, Christian CNST, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD / NanoCenter, UMD, College Park, MD |
Session S32.00004 Transport and spin transfer torques in Fe/MgO/Fe tunnel barriers. Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Heinrich, Andreas IBM Research |
Session J3.00001 How does a Kondo impurity respond to its local environment? Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Heinz, Tony Columbia University |
Session A28.00001 Optical Spectroscopy of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Hendee, William Medical College of Wisconsin |
Session V16.00001 Overview of Medical Imaging Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Henderson, Michael Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session J36.00007 Generation of Organic Radicals During Photocatalysis on TiO$_{2}$ Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Higgins, Julia Imperial College, London |
Session Q3.00001 Quasielastic scattering -- theory and experiment hand in hand Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Hilgenkamp, Hans University of Twente |
Session A31.00001 Electronic and magnetic effects at complex oxide interfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Hirjibehedin, Cyrus F. London Centre for Nanotechnology, Depts. of Physics \& Astronomy and Chemistry, University College London |
Session S27.00001 Probing Magnetic Nanostructures on the Atomic Scale Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Ho, Tin-Lun (Jason) The Ohio State University |
Session L1.00005 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: A New Challenge for Cold Atom Physics: Achieving the Strongly Correlated Regimes for Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices. Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Hoagland, David Polymer Sci. and Eng. Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session V5.00006 Hosting a Katrina Evacuee. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Holland, Greg J. National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Session H6.00001 Understanding Severe Hurricanes Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Holland, Murray University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session B6.00005 Atomtronics Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Hollenhorst, James Agilent Technologies |
Session V3.00002 Reflections on Three Corporate Research Labs: Bell Labs, HP Labs, Agilent Labs Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Hone, James Columbia University |
Session D30.00001 Electrical, Mechanical, and Optical Studies of Carbon Nanotubes of Known Chiral Index. Room: Morial Convention Center 222 |
Hong, George Millipore Corporation |
Session J16.00005 Rapid Detection of Microorganisms--State of Art and Future Directions Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Horkay, Ference Laboratory of Integrative and Medical Biophysics, National Institutes of Health |
Session Y5.00005 Ion- and pH-dependent volume transitions in biopolymer gels Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Horn, Paul IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session V3.00001 Industrial Research at IBM Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Horn, Paul M. Distinguised Scientist in Residence, NYU and Senior VP and Dir. of Research (retired), IBM |
Session Q5.00002 The Value of Long Range R\&D in the Information Technology Industry Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Horton, K. Renee University of Alabama |
Session J5.00003 The eye of the storm: Balancing my storm of family, career and self Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Hosoi, Anette MIT |
Session P6.00002 Optimizing Low Reynolds Number Locomotion Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Houssameddine, Dimitri Spintec - CEA/CNRS |
Session L32.00004 Large angle out of plane steady precession induced by spin-transfer with perpendicular to plane polarizer Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Hu, David Courant Institute |
Session D7.00004 Large and limbless: the locomotion of snakes Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Huang, Kerwyn Princeton University |
Session V19.00004 Getting into shape: the physics of bacterial morphology Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Hug, Hans J. Empa, Materials Science and Technology, CH-8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland and Institute of Physics, University of Basel, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland |
Session H36.00001 Multi-dimensional Scanning Probe Microscopy Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Hughes, Chris James Madison University |
Session Q7.00003 An Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science at James Madison University. Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Hürlimann, Martin Dominik Schlumberger - Doll Research |
Session Y6.00003 Characterization of the pore geometry of porous media and the saturating fluids using 2-dimensional diffusion - NMR relaxation measurements Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Hussey, Nigel University of Bristol |
Session D2.00005 Fermi surface and anisotropic scattering in overdoped cuprates Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Idrobo, Juan Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B31.00001 Optical Properties of Free and Embedded Small Nanoparticles Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Ieda, Jun'ichi Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Session D33.00001 Theory of Current-Induced Domain Wall Creep in (Ga,Mn)As. Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Imada, Masatoshi University of Tokyo |
Session P1.00005 Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model and High-Tc Superconductivity Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Imai, Takashi McMaster University |
Session W2.00003 NMR studies of Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Iyengar, Andrew |
Session Y3.00005 Excitations from Filled Landau Levels in Graphene Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
J\"{A}ger, Wolfgang University of Alberta |
Session H26.00009 Microwave spectroscopy of doped helium clusters and doped helium droplets Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Jamet, Matthieu CEA-Grenoble, France |
Session A33.00011 Self-organized magnetic GeMn nanocolumns in germanium Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Jarrell, Mark University of Cincinnati |
Session X7.00004 DCA study of magnetic mediated superconductivity in the Hubbard model Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Jeanioz, Raymond University of California, Berkeley |
Session T16.00002 Toward Gigabar Pressures and Kilovolt Chemistry Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Jensen, Mogens Niels Bohr Institute |
Session V7.00002 Modelling Ultradian Oscillations and Segmentation Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Jhe, Wonho Seoul National University |
Session P4.00002 Switching and phase transitions in a parametrically-excited cold atom trap. Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Joanny, Jean-Francois Institut Curie Paris France |
Session U3.00001 Polymer adsorption Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Johnson, Grant Pennsylvania State University |
Session H21.00006 Investigating the Molecular Level Details of Catalytic Oxidation Reactions Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Jonker, Berend Naval Research Laboratory |
Session P33.00001 Generation, Modulation and Electrical Detection of Spin Currents in Silicon in a Lateral Transport Geometry Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Jordan, Andrew University of Rochester |
Session D15.00002 Weak values and the Leggett-Garg inequality in solid-state qubits Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Jung, Ranu Arizona State University, Center for Adaptive Neural Systems, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering |
Session Y36.00007 Adaptive Neurotechnology for Making Neural Circuits Functional . Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Juodkazis, Saulius RIES, Hokkaido Univ. |
Session L23.00001 Femtosecond laser structuring in dielectrics Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Kahn, Antoine Princeton University |
Session S22.00001 Energetics of organic semiconductor interfaces: enhancing injection via chemical doping Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Kakalios, James University of Minnesota |
Session D3.00005 The Materials Science of Superheroes Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Kamenev, Alex University of Minnesota |
Session P4.00001 Rare events and phase transitions in reaction diffusion systems Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Kang, Woowon University of Chicago |
Session U4.00003 Quantum Oscillations and the $\nu = 5/2$ Fractional Quantum Hall State in Mesoscopic Quantum Hall Interferometers Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Karim, Alamgir Polymers Division, NIST |
Session B4.00002 Templated Self Assembly of Block Copolymer Thin Films Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Kee, Hae-Young |
Session U2.00004 Electronic Nematic Liquid in Correlated Systems Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Kim, Eun-Ah Stanford University |
Session U2.00002 Theory of the nematic quantum critical point in a nodal superconductor Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Kim, Philip Columbia University |
Session H29.00004 Electron Transport in Graphitic Nanostructures Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Kitchen, Dale Princeton University |
Session V32.00004 Atom-byatom substitution of Mn in GaAs and visualization of their hole-mediated interactions Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Kivelson, Steven Stanford Univ |
Session H2.00001 The role of charge order in the mechanism of high Tc Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Klein, Jacob Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Q3.00005 Interdiffusion and disentanglement of polymer brushes Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Klein, Michael L. University of Pennsylvania |
Session L7.00001 Self assembly of natural and synthetic membranes using coarse grain models Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Knobler, Charles UCLA, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Session Q2.00001 Packaging of Polyelectrolytes in Viral Capsids: The Interplay Between Polymer Length and Capsid Size Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Kohn, Walter University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D1.00001 Nearsightedness in Density Functional Theory Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Kollmann, Markus Humbolt Universit\"at zu Berlin, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin |
Session A7.00003 Perfect Robust Network Architecture of a Bacterial Circadian Clock Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Komori, Fumio Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session A24.00004 An atomic switch of electron propagation on Ge (001) by tunneling carrier injection Room: Morial Convention Center 216 |
Kopelman, Raoul University of Michigan |
Session X15.00002 Targeted Multifunctional Nanoparticles cure and image Brain Tumors: Selective MRI Contrast Enhancement and Photodynamic Therapy Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Koralek, Jake D. LBNL and UC Berkeley |
Session P2.00002 Evidence for a persistent spin helix in a 2-dimensional electron gas Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Kornfield, Julia California Institute of Technology, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Session X18.00001 Elastomeric Photopolymers: Shaping Polymer Gels with Light Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Koster, Gertjan GLAM, Stanford University |
Session X3.00003 Transport properties observed at hetero-interfaces of LaAlO$_{3}$ on SrTiO$_{3}$; intrinsic or extrinsic interface effect? Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Kotliar, Gabriel Rutgers University |
Session P1.00002 Strongly Correlated d-wave Superconductivity: a CDMFT Perspective Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Krasheninnikov, Arkady Accelerator Laboratory, University of Helsinki, and Laboratory of Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland |
Session V29.00004 Irradiation-induced phenomena in carbon nanomaterials Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Krause, Stefan Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany |
Session H32.00004 Current-induced magnetization switching with a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Krishna, Sandeep Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen |
Session V7.00004 Similarities and differences in the p53-mdm2 and NF-kB feedback loops Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Krutz, Sarah National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session L2.00003 Using Multijunction Solar Cell Designs to Achieve High Efficiency Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Kubin, L.P. LEM, CNRS-ONERA, 29 Av. de la Division Leclerc, BP72, 92322 Ch\^atillon Cedex, France |
Session W3.00004 Dislocation Avalanches, Mean Free Path and Patterning Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Kumacheva, Eugenia University of Toronto |
Session A4.00004 Patterning inorganic nanoparticles in Polymer Films Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Kummel, Andrew UCSD |
Session A6.00004 Scanning-tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of oxide deposition on III-V semiconductor surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Kunes, Jan University of Augsburg |
Session Y23.00001 Magnetic Moment Collapse-Driven Mott Transition in MnO Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Kussell, Edo Department of Biology, New York University |
Session V19.00005 Sensing and Selection in Bacteria Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Kwiat, Paul University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L15.00002 Progress toward scalable optical quantum computing Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
L\'eger, Liliane Universit\'e Paris Sud-XI |
Session U3.00004 Slippage Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Lagally, Max G. University of Wisconsins-Madison |
Session D20.00001 Silicon Nanomembranes Room: Morial Convention Center 212 |
Laird, Darin Plextronics |
Session W36.00001 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Landau, David The University of Georgia |
Session U1.00005 Nicholson Medal Talk: Simulational Physics in a Shrinking World Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Landes, Christy University of Houston |
Session W18.00001 Single-Molecule Dynamics of a DNA Aptamer Targeting VEGF Protein Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Landman, Uzi School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B21.00001 Physical and chemical properties of supported, suspended and trapped clusters Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Laska, Shirley University of New Orleans |
Session V5.00002 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Laskin, Alexander PNNL |
Session U26.00001 Chemistry of Individual Atmospheric Particles Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Lau, Chun Ning Physics Department, University of California, Riverside |
Session Q1.00003 Phase Coherent Charge Transport in Graphene Quantum Billiards Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Lauga, Eric University of California, San Diego |
Session D7.00001 Propulsion in viscoelastic fluids: waving, flapping Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Lavoie, Christian IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session Y6.00005 Development of Silicide Contacts for CMOS devices: Advantages of using Synchrotron Radiation Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Lee, Patrick A. MIT |
Session H2.00002 From high T$_c$ superconductivity to quantum spin liquids Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Leibler, Ludwik Mati\`ere Molle et Chimie, UMR 7167 CNRS/ESPCI, ESPCI, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 PARIS, France |
Session P3.00003 Block Copolymers Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Leifer, Matthew University of Waterloo |
Session L14.00005 An Approach to Quantum State Pooling from Quantum Conditional Independence Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Lemberger, Thomas The Ohio State University |
Session S6.00001 Quantum critical behavior in the superfluid density of strongly underdoped ultrathin copper oxide films Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
LeSar, Richard Iowa State University |
Session W3.00001 Scale-Free Intermittent Flow in Crystal Plasticity Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra University of Nebraska |
Session D3.00002 Materials at 200 mph: Making NASCAR Faster and Safer Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Levine, Alex UCLA, Department of Chemistry \& Biochemistry |
Session H7.00004 Microrheology in Active Cytoskeletal Networks Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Levis, Robert J. Temple University |
Session L26.00003 Controlling and Understanding Laser Filamentation in the Solution and Gas Phase Molecular Systems Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Levitov, Leonid MIT |
Session B1.00001 Narrow-gap Luttinger liquid in carbon nanotubes Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Lewenstein, Maciej ICFO - Institut for Photonic Sciences |
Session Q6.00005 Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter and beyond Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Li, Zhiqiang University of California, San Diego |
Session S22.00005 Infrared study of charge injection in organic field-effect transistors Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Lichte, Hannes Technische Universitaet Dresden |
Session Q38.00001 Imaging ferroelectric polarization by electron holography Room: Morial Convention Center 230 |
Lin, Xi Penn State University |
Session A5.00001 Probable heat capacity signature of the supersolid transition Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Lipson, Jane Dartmouth College |
Session V25.00001 A model for glass transitions in polymer thin films. Room: Morial Convention Center 217 |
Lipson, Michal Cornell University |
Session B3.00002 Ultrafast Silicon Photonics Modulators Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Liu, Ying Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802 |
Session Y3.00004 Experimental studies of conductance fluctuation and tunneling spectroscopy of weakly disordered graphene devices Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Lloyd, Seth MIT |
Session Y15.00001 Quantum Enhanced Sensing, Measurement, and Control Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Lois, Gregg Yale University |
Session V39.00004 Jamming in systems with attraction Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Louie, Steven G. University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A28.00002 Photophysics of Nanostructures: Tubes, Sheets, and Ribbons Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Lubensky, David K. University of Michigan |
Session A7.00001 Molecular synchronization, the Kai system, and biological oscillators Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Lukin, Mikhail Harvard University |
Session S1.00002 Controlling individual electron and nuclear spins in diamond: from quantum registers to applications Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Lupascu, Adrian Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands |
Session P15.00001 Quantum non-demolition measurement of a superconducting two-level system Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Luque, Antonio Universidad Politecnica de Madrid |
Session L2.00002 Novel ultra high efficiency concepts in solar cells Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Lyu, SuPing Medtronic Inc |
Session A38.00002 Biocompatibility of implantable biomedical devices Room: Morial Convention Center 230 |
Ma, Jianpeng Baylor College of Medicine |
Session L7.00003 A Novel Empirical Potential Function and A Monte Carlo Sampling Technique Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Mackenzie, Andrew University of St Andrews |
Session U2.00003 Metamagnetic Nematic Phase of Sr$_{3}$Ru$_{2}$O$_{7}$ Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
MacKerell, Alexander Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland |
Session J6.00002 Development of a polarizable force field based on the classical Drude oscillator Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
MacKintosh, Fred Vrije Universiteit |
Session H7.00002 Non-equilibrium mechanics and dynamics of active gels and living cells Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Madhavan, Vidya Boston College |
Session L4.00001 STM Observation of a Bosonic Mode in the Electron-Doped Superconductor Pr$_{0.88}$LaCe$_{0.12}$CuO$_{4-\delta}$ Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Maekawa, Sadamichi Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Session X6.00001 Tunnel Magnetoresistance, Spin Accumulation, and Spin Hall Effect Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Mahadevan, L. Harvard University |
Session B5.00003 The shape, stability and dynamics of elastic surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Majer, Johannes Yale University, Applied Physics |
Session D5.00003 Circuit QED: Coupling Superconducting Qubits via a Cavity Bus on a Chip Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Majewski, Stan Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session V16.00002 PET Imaging - from Physics to Clinical Molecular Imaging Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Makarov, Dmitrii UT Austin |
Session U22.00001 Driving proteins and DNA with mechanical forces: Pushing, pulling, and squeezing molecules using computer simulations. Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Maksymovych, Petro Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session U24.00001 Imaging hot-electron transport using chemical reactions on metal surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 216 |
Manalis, Scott MIT |
Session X15.00005 Microdevices for biomolecular detection and single cell analysis Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Manias, Evangelos Penn State University |
Session Y5.00003 Temporal and Spatial Distributions of Water in Ion-Containing Perfluorosulfonic Polymers Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Manoharan, Hari C. Department of Physics, Stanford University |
Session J3.00002 Geometric Manipulation of Quantum Phase and Correlations in Nanoassembled Spin Systems Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Marchetti, M. Cristina Syracuse University |
Session B39.00001 Polar and apolar active matter Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Marcus, Charles Harvard University |
Session Q29.00001 Quantized transport in graphene p-n junctions Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Marianetti, Chris Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session X7.00005 DMFT calculations of materials properties using the continuous time QMC method Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Markopoulou, Fotini Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session P5.00005 Quantum Graphity: a model of emergent locality Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Markovic, Nina Johns Hopkins University |
Session J5.00004 Balancing academic career and children: a personal perspective Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Marquardt, Florian Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, Center for NanoScience, and Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany |
Session X4.00003 Cavity Assisted Sideband Cooling of Mechanical Motion Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Marston, Brad Brown University |
Session L3.00002 The Quantum and Fluid Mechanics of Global Warming Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Martin, Richard |
Session T16.00004 Physics of matter at extreme densities, theoretical prespectives Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Maruyama, Shigeo The University of Tokyo |
Session A28.00006 Cross-polarized optical absorption of single-walled carbon nanotubes probed by photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy, UV-Vis-IR and polarized Raman Scatterings Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Mason, Thomas Depts. of Physics and Chemistry, University of California-Los Angeles |
Session B5.00005 Folding and swirling instabilities of viscous fluid threads in microchannels Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Matsuda, Yuji Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan |
Session Q12.00001 Exotic Superconducting State Embedded in the Hidden Order Phase of URu$_2$Si$_2$ Room: Morial Convention Center 203 |
Mattsson, Johan Chalmers University of Technology |
Session H8.00001 Are colloidal and molecular glass formation related? Room: Morial Convention Center RO6 |
Matveev, Konstantin Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B1.00005 Transition from a one-dimensional to a quasi-one-dimensional state in interacting quantum wires Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Mazin, Igor Center for Computational Materials Science, Naval Research Laboratory |
Session W2.00001 What we do and do not understand about electronic structure and superconductivity in sodium cobaltate? Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
McCann, Edward Lancaster University |
Session Y3.00001 Theoretical studies of quantum interference effects in graphene Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
McDonough, James University of Pennsylvania |
Session S16.00003 Technological Advances in Proton Therapy Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
McGuire, Jim Tulane University |
Session V5.00003 Hurricane Katrina at Tulane. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
McGuire, Robert Sci-Port Discovery Center |
Session U7.00005 Sparks Fly With Physics Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
McGuire, Stephen C. Southern University and A\&M College |
Session L6.00003 Use of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the search for the best LIGO mirror coatings Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
McIntyre, Paul Stanford University |
Session A6.00002 Stability of Metal Oxide/Ge and Metal Oxide/III-V Interfaces and Implications for Low Defect Density MOS Devices Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
McKinley, Gareth MIT |
Session X8.00002 Modeling the Inhomogeneous Response of Steady and Transient Flows of Entangled Micellar Solutions Room: Morial Convention Center RO6 |
McQueeney, Robert Iowa State University/Ames Laboratory |
Session V23.00004 Stabilization of Charge Ordering by Magnetic Exchange Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Meerson, Baruch Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session P4.00004 Spectral theory of extreme statistics in birth-death systems Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Mehregany , Mehran Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 |
Session W5.00004 Silicon Carbide Micro/Nano Systems for Demanding and Harsh Environment Applications Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Mehta, Anita S D Bose National Centre |
Session J4.00004 The Invisible Scientist in India -- a case study for emergent countries Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Meier, Guido University of Hamburg, Germany |
Session W32.00004 Stochastic Current-Driven Domain-Wall Motion Observed by X-Ray Microscopy Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Meijer, Gerard Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin, Germany |
Session B26.00001 Molecular collision studies with Stark-decelerated beams Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Mekis, Attila Luxtera |
Session B3.00005 Monolithic Integration of Photonic and Electronic Circuits in a CMOS Process Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Mesot, Joel ETH Zurich and PSI |
Session D2.00002 Doping Dependent Anisotropic Electronic Scattering rate in LSCO Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Messersmith, Phillip Northwestern University |
Session A4.00003 Polymer adhesion at surfaces: biological adhesive proteins and their synthetic mimics Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Mihalcescu, Irina Universit\'e Joseph Fourier - Grenoble |
Session A7.00004 Stability and Noise in the Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Miller, Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session P7.00002 Critical velocity for superfluid flow across the BEC-BCS crossover Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Millis, Andrew Department of Physics, Columbia University |
Session H2.00003 On the pseudogap in high temperature superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Millo, Oded The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session Q11.00001 Proximity Effects and crossed Andreev reflections in Perovskite Superconductor-Ferromagnet Bilayers Room: Morial Convention Center RO9 |
Mirebeau, Isabelle Laboratoire L\'eon Brillouin CEA/CNRS, CE-Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette France |
Session A27.00001 Low temperature spin dynamics and high pressure effects in frustrated pyrochlores Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Mitri\'c, Roland Department of Chemistry, Humboldt-University Berlin, Brook-Taylor-Str. 2, 12489 Berlin, Germany |
Session J26.00003 Strategies for optimal control in complex systems Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Mizaikoff, Boris Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session W5.00001 Next-Generation Mid-Infrared Chemical Sensors – Challenges and Opportunities Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Moeller, Martin Institute of Macromolecular and Technical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University |
Session B4.00003 Single Molecules and Surface Induced Nanopattern in Ultrathin Blockcopolymer Films - Scanning Force Microscopy Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Moessner, Roderich Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session V27.00004 Magnetic monopoles in spin ices and spin excitations in other pyrochlores Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Moller, Gunnar University of Cambridge |
Session Q6.00003 Thermodynamics and dynamics of artificial square ice and related dipolar nanoarrays Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Molmer, Klaus Lundbeck Foundation Theoretical Center for Quantum Systems Research, University of Aarhus |
Session L15.00001 Ensemble encoding of quantum registers: it's easy if you can count to one Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Momose, Takamasa The University of British Columbia |
Session D26.00001 Spectroscopy of large hydrogen clusters in He droplets and H$_{2}$ droplets. Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Moodera, Jagadeesh MIT |
Session X6.00005 Influence of spin polarized current on superconductivity and spin transport in organic semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Mook, Herb Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A2.00005 Observation of a Sharp Magnetic Transition at the Pseudogap Temperature in YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{6.6}$ Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Moore, Lindsay Stanford University |
Session L24.00004 Novel measurement techniques for probing quantum point contacts Room: Morial Convention Center 216 |
Moore, Michael University of Manchester |
Session L5.00004 Glass Phenomenology from the Connection to Spin Glasses Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Morozov, Alexandre Rutgers University |
Session B7.00002 Using DNA mechanics to predict intrinsic and extrinsic nucleosome positioning signals Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Morpurgo, Alberto Delft University |
Session Q1.00002 Phase coherent transport in graphene Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Morr, Dirk University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session J3.00003 Kondo Physics at the Nanoscale Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Motzkus, Marcus Philipps-Universit\"at Marburg |
Session J26.00002 Quantum control spectroscopy with multipulses Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Mueller, Erich Cornell University |
Session W6.00002 Theory of RF Spectroscopy in Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Mueller, Markus Harvard University |
Session Q4.00002 Theory of the Nernst effect near quantum phase transitions in condensed matter, and in dyonic black holes Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Muller, Susan Univ. of California, Berkeley |
Session Q9.00001 Using hydrodynamics to control DNA conformation for genotyping, sorting, and analysis Room: Morial Convention Center RO7 |
Muthukumar, M. UMASS, Amherst |
Session Q2.00005 Menagerie of Viruses: Diverse Chemical Sequences or Simple Electrostatics? Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Myers, Roberto C. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session H1.00003 Zero-field optical manipulation of magnetic ions in semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Naegerl, Hanns-Christoph University of Innsbruck |
Session B26.00009 Collisions of ultracold molecules Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Nagaosa, Naoto Dept. Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo |
Session Y4.00004 Role of Spin current in multiferroic behavior Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Nakajima, Atsushi Keio University \& JST-CREST |
Session B21.00006 Cooperative effect between electronic and geometric structures in binary clusters of superatoms Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Nakamura, Yasunobu NEC Nano Electronics Research Laboratories |
Session D5.00004 Single artificial-atom maser Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Nakatsuji, Satoru Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session X31.00001 Metallic Spin Liquid Behavior and Unconventional Anomalous Hall Transport of the Geometrically Frustrated Kondo Lattice Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Narayanamurti, Venkatesh Harvard University |
Session J4.00002 Globalizing Science and Engineering Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Nealey, Paul University of Wisconsin |
Session B4.00005 Integration of block copolymers into lithographic processes Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Neaton, J. B. Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A3.00003 First-principles studies of electrical transport in nanoscale molecular junctions Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Neeley, Matthew University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session D5.00005 Process Tomography of Quantum Memory in a Josephson Phase Qubit Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Neil, George Jefferson Lab |
Session V2.00001 A Green Field Fourth Generation Light Source Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Nemenman, Ilya LANL |
Session L16.00001 Stochastic path integrals and geometric theory of mesoscopic stochastic pumps and reversible ratchets. Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Nenes, Athanasios Schools of Earth \& Atmospheric Sciences and Chemical \& Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session W26.00006 Understanding aerosol-cloud interactions Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Neurock, Matthew University of Virginia |
Session P21.00004 Theoretical Insights into C1 Surface Chemistry Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Newman, Timothy Arizona State University |
Session P4.00005 Strong Fluctuations and Cycling in Biological Systems Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Newns, Dennis IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session P1.00003 The Fluctuating Bond Model, a Glue for Cuprate Superconductivity? Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Newton, Marshall Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session D6.00004 Theoretical/Computational Probes of Homogeneous and Interfacial Electron Transfer: Electronic Structure and Energetics Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Nieva, Patricia University of Waterloo |
Session W5.00002 Laser Interferometry for Harsh Environment MEMS Sensors Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Nori, Franco Frontier Research System, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan; and Physics Dept., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. |
Session H15.00001 Designing quantum-information-processing superconducting qubit circuits that exhibit lasing and other atomic-physics-like phenomena on a chip Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Novoselov, Kostya University of Manchester |
Session A29.00004 Electronic properties of graphene Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Ober, Christopher Cornell University |
Session B4.00004 Using block copolymer assembly to tailor surface properties. Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Ohta, Taisuke Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/Fritz Haber Institute |
Session L29.00001 Electronic Structure and Morphology of Graphene Layers on SiC Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Olson Reichhardt, Cynthia Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q6.00004 Realizing Colloidal Artificial Ice on Arrays of Optical Traps Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Olvera de la Cruz, Monica Northwestern University |
Session J4.00003 The Mutual Benefit of International Research Interactions Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Orenstein, Joseph UC Berkeley and LBNL |
Session U1.00002 Frank Isakson Prize Talk: Using ultrafast to probe the slow Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Ospelkaus, Christian National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, USA and Institut fuer Laser-Physik, Universitaet Hamburg. Germany |
Session P7.00005 Heteronuclear Molecules in a 3D Optical Lattice Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Overbury, Steven H. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session S21.00001 Transient FTIR spectroscopy for probing reaction pathways on Au catalysts Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Ozolins, Vidvuds Department of Materials Science \& Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A3.00004 First-Principles Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Advanced Hydrogen Storage Materials Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Palta, Jatinder University of Florida |
Session S16.00002 State-of-the-Art External Beam Radiation Therapy: Challenges and Opportunities Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Paniccia, Mario Director Photonics Technology Lab, Intel Corporation |
Session B3.00001 Silicon lasers, integration, interconnect, etc. at Intel Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Park, Wan Kyu Department of Physics and the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session H5.00003 Andreev reflection in heavy fermions and the superconducting order parameter in CeCoIn$_{5}$ Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Parkin, Stuart IBM Almaden Research Center |
Session X6.00002 Spin-Dependent Tunnelling Phenomena in Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with MgO Tunnel Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Parr, Robert University of North Carolina |
Session D1.00003 Remarks on Molecular Density Functional Theory Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Partridge, Guthrie Rice University |
Session W6.00003 Phase separation in a spin polarized Fermi gas at the BEC-BCS crossover Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Passlack, Matthias Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Session A6.00001 III-V MOSFETs: From Materials {\&} Physics to Devices Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Pasupathy, Abhay Princeton University Physics Dept. |
Session L4.00003 Visualizing pair formation in $Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x}$ Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Pedersen, N.F. Oersted-DTU, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark |
Session X5.00001 THz generation using Fluxon dynamics in high temperature superconductor Josephson junctions Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Pepin, Catherine SPhT, CEA-Saclay |
Session J3.00005 Quantum Criticality in 3He bi-layers Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Perdew, John P. Department. of Physics and Quantum Theory Group, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 |
Session D1.00005 Restoring the Density-Gradient Expansion for Exchange in a GGA for Solid and Surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Perebeinos, Vasili IBM - Watson |
Session W29.00001 Electron-phonon interaction and excited states relaxation in carbon nanotubes Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Peres, Nuno University of Minho |
Session J29.00001 Biased bilayer graphene: Hall effect and zero-energy Edge States Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Pethick, Christopher Nordita and University of Copenhagen |
Session L1.00003 Lars Onsager Prize Talk: Quantum fluids: from liquid helium to cold atoms Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Pettitt, B. Montgomery University of Houston |
Session Q17.00003 Protein folding, stability, and solvation structure in osmolyte solutions hydrophobicity Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Phillips, Julia Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J1.00002 George E. Pake Prize Talk: Science and the Energy Security Challenge: The Example of Solid State Lighting Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Pincus, Philip Physics Department, UCSB |
Session P3.00001 How Polymer Physics Was Born Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Pinto, Mark R. CTO and Senior VP \& General Manager, Energy and Environmental Solutions, Applied Materials, Inc. |
Session Q5.00004 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Plotkin, Steven University of British Columbia |
Session V19.00003 Generalization of distance to higher dimensional objects, and its application to protein folding Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Pocivavsek, Luka University of Chicago |
Session V1.00002 Beyond Wrinkles: Stress and Fold Localization in Thin Elastic Membranes Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Polkovnikov, Anatoli Boston University |
Session B6.00002 Probing Phase Transitions in Cold Atoms Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Ponomareva, Inna Physics Department, University of Arkansas |
Session H31.00001 Properties of Ferroelectric Nanostructures Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Pourqui\'e, Olivier Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Stowers Institute for Medical Research |
Session V7.00001 Building the Vertebrate Spine Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Prawer, Steven Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computer Technology and Quantum Communications Victoria, School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Australia |
Session S1.00003 Fabrication Strategies for Practical Diamond Based Quantum Information Processing Devices Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session P5.00002 Black holes as mirrors: quantum information in random subsystems Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Prezhdo, Oleg University of Washington |
Session P35.00007 Time-domain ab initio studies of photoexcited electron's dynamics at chromophore-semiconductor interfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Prokof'ev, Nikolay University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA |
Session A5.00004 Superfluid defects in solid Helium-4: grain boundaries, dislocations, superglass Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Proust, Cyril Laboratoire National des Champs Magn\'etiques Puls\'es (CNRS) |
Session D2.00003 Fermi surface of underdoped cuprate revealed by quantum oscillations and Hall effect Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Provenzale, Antonello ISAC-CNR, Torino, Italy |
Session L3.00004 Heat waves, climate change and eggplant harvests - simple models of climate systems Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Quek, Su Ying Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D28.00001 Understanding the Conductance of Single-Molecule Junctions from First Principles Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Rabe, Karin M. Rutgers University |
Session U1.00004 David Adler Lectureship Award Talk: Lattice instabilities and ferroelectricity in complex oxides Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Rabitz, Herschel Princeton University |
Session L26.00001 Hiking Over Quantum Control Landscapes Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Ramaswamy, Venkatachalam NOAA/ GFDL, Princeton University |
Session U6.00001 Radiative Transfer in Climate Models Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Ramdas, A.K. Purdue University |
Session S19.00001 Stoichiometry driven impurity configurations in compound semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Randeria, Mohit The Ohio State University |
Session P1.00004 The Normal State Pseudogap in Underdoped Cuprates: Precursor Pairing vs. Competing Order? Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Ratner, Buddy University of Washington |
Session A38.00001 The quantification of biocompatibility: toward a new definition Room: Morial Convention Center 230 |
Ravelo, Ramon University of Texas at El Paso; Applied Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H13.00004 Interatomic Potentials for Large-Scale Simulations of High-Pressure, High-Temperature Phenomena Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Raychaudhuri, Arup Kumar S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700098, India |
Session S23.00001 Synthesis, structure and properties of nanostructured manganites Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Reber, Arthur Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session D21.00006 Spin Accommodation and Reactivity of Superatoms. Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Regal, Cindy JILA: NIST and the University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session X4.00001 Sensing nanomechanical motion with a microwave cavity interferometer Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Register, Richard Princeton University |
Session W4.00004 Shear Alignment and Realignment of Block Copolymer Microdomains in Thin Films Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Resio, Donald T. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center |
Session H6.00003 Factors Influencing Hurricane Surges along the Louisiana-Mississippi Coast Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Rey, Ana Maria ITAMP |
Session P7.00004 Probing and controlling quantum magnetism with ultra-cold atoms Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Reyren, Nicolas University of Geneva |
Session X3.00001 2D Superconductivity at the LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ interface Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Reznik, Dmitry IFP, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe |
Session D2.00001 Anomalous Electron-Phonon Coupling in Cuprates and its Doping Dependence Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Rittner, Ann Sophie C. Cornell University |
Session A5.00002 Probing the upper limit of the nonclassical rotational inertia Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Rodrigo, Jose G. Dept. F\'isica de la Materia Condensada. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid |
Session W10.00001 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Reentrant Superconductivity in the Ferromagnetic Superconductor ErRh$_{4}$B$_{4}$ Room: Morial Convention Center RO8 |
Roitberg, Adrian Department of Chemistry. University of Florida |
Session J6.00005 Beyond force fields. QM/MM conformational searches in biomolecules using Replica Exchange molecular dynamics. Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Roman, Benoit PMMH - Paris |
Session B5.00004 Elasticity and capillarity: wet hairs and origami Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Rosenow, Bernd Harvard University |
Session U4.00002 Interactions and Disorder in Quantum Hall Interferometers Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Rothman, Daniel Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, MIT |
Session L3.00001 The Disordered Kinetics of Earth's Carbon Cycle Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Rottler, Joerg University of British Columbia |
Session S3.00004 Aging dynamics and the mechanical behavior of glassy solids Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Rousseau, Denis Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Session D17.00001 Folding dynamics of a family of beta-sheet proteins Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Roux, Benoit University of Chicago School of Medicine |
Session L7.00005 Finding Transition Pathways Using the String Method with Swarms of Trajectories Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Roy, Sukhdev Dayalbagh Educational Institute |
Session Y7.00006 All-Optical Switching in Bacteriorhodopsin Based on Excited-State Absorption Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Rubinstein, Michael University of North Carolina |
Session Q3.00004 Dynamics of Entangled Polymers Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Ruchti, Randy University of Notre Dame |
Session J19.00001 How to develop an education component for an NSF proposal Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Rudich, Yinon Weizmann Institute |
Session U26.00005 Optical and microphysical properties of organic multicomponent aerosol particles Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Rühle, Manfred Max Planck Institut für Metallforschung |
Session S20.00007 Experiment and theory on metal/ceramic interfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 212 |
Russell, Thomas Polymer Science and Engineering Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 Amherst |
Session V1.00001 Neutron and X-ray Characterization of Nanostructured Polymeric Materials Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Sacuto, Alain University Denis Diderot- Paris 7 |
Session L4.00004 Evolution of the gaps through the cuprate phase-diagram Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Sai, Na University of Texas at Austin |
Session U5.00003 First-principles modeling of functional oxides-semiconductor interfaces Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Saintillan, David Courant Institute, New York University |
Session P6.00003 Instabilities and pattern formation in active particle suspensions Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Sakamoto, Kazuyuki Chiba University |
Session V4.00001 Photoemission study on the charge transport mechanism in pentacene thin film Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Salahuddin, Sayeef Purdue University |
Session S2.00002 Use of negative capacitance to provide voltage amplification for ultra low power nanoscale devices Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Salamo, Gregory University of Arkansas, Physics Department, Center for the Semiconductor Physics in Nanosctructures, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 |
Session Q7.00002 What Quantum Dots Can Do for You Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Salvador, Paul Carnegie Mellon University |
Session U5.00004 Thin Film Synthesis of New Complex Titanates. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Salzberg, Brian M. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine |
Session P14.00001 High-Bandwidth Atomic Force Microscopy Reveals A Mechanical spike Accompanying the Action Potential in mammalian Nerve Terminals Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Sandow, Barbara |
Session V34.00003 Promoting Positive Images of Women in Physics Room: Morial Convention Center 226 |
Sandweiss, Jack Yale University |
Session J2.00005 The Future of Scientific Publishing Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Santer, Benjamin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session U6.00003 Objective methods for detecting climate change and attribution of causes Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Santori, Charles Hewlett-Packard Laboratories |
Session S7.00005 TBD Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Santori, Charles Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA |
Session S1.00004 Coherent Population Trapping of Single Spins in Diamond under Optical Excitation Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Satkovskiene, Dalia Vilnius University |
Session V34.00006 Marshak Lectureship Talk: Women in Physics in the Baltic States Region: Problems and Solutions Room: Morial Convention Center 226 |
Sato, Kazunori ISIR, Osaka University |
Session V33.00001 Design of dilute magnetic semiconductors with room temperature ferromagnetism by controlling spinodal decompostion Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Saunders, John Royal Holloway University of London |
Session J3.00004 Bi-layer $^{3}$He: a simple two dimensional heavy fermion system with quantum criticality Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Savchenko, Alexander School of Physics, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QL, Uk |
Session Y3.00003 Quantum Interference in Single and Bilayer Graphene Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Savin, Daniel University of Vermont |
Session B4.00001 Stimuli Responsive Vesicles, Micelles and Rods from Polypeptide-based Block Copolymers Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Savrasov, Sergey University of California Davis |
Session A3.00002 Computational Approaches for Strongly Correlated Materials: an Electronic Structure Theory Perspective. Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Scalapino, Douglas UCSB |
Session P1.00001 The Question of Pairing Glue in the Cuprate Superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Schatz, George Northwestern University |
Session J21.00001 Quantum Mechanics and Electrodynamics Studies of the Optical Properties of Metal Clusters/Nanoparticles Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Schechter, Moshe University of British Columbia |
Session L5.00001 Dilute anisotropic dipolar systems as random field Ising ferromagnets Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany and UC Santa Barbara, USA |
Session A3.00001 Multi-Scale Modeling from First-Principles Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Schemm, Elizabeth Department of Physics, Stanford University |
Session A2.00002 Dichroism in the pseudogap phase observed through high precision Sagnac interferometry Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Scherer, Axel California Institute of Technology |
Session J35.00001 Silicon Photonics: An Affordable Solution for Communications at Terabit Data Rates Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Schiffer, Peter Dept. of Physics and Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University |
Session Q6.00001 Frustration in a patterned array of nanoscale ferromagnetic islands: Artificial Spin Ice Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Schmalian, Joerg Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University |
Session H2.00004 Superconductivity, quasi-particle dynamics and strong-coupling physics Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Schmidt, Christoph Georg-August-Universit\"at, Fakult\"at f\"ur Physik, III. Physikalisches Institut |
Session H7.00001 Non-equilibrium mechanics of motor-driven cytoskeletal polymer networks Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Schneider, Joel University of Delaware |
Session W25.00001 Design of Responsive Peptide-based Hydrogels as Therapeutics Room: Morial Convention Center 217 |
Schollwoeck, Ulrich RWTH Aachen |
Session B6.00001 Cold atoms in 1D Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Schreck, Florian Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften |
Session W6.00005 Exploring an ultracold Fermi-Fermi mixture: interspecies Feshbach resonances of $^6$Li-$^{40}$K Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Schunck, Christian Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session W6.00001 Experiments in spin-polarized Fermi gases-- pairing without superfluidity? Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Schwarz, Udo D. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University |
Session Q36.00001 Three-Dimensional Force Imaging and Quantification with Atomic Resolution Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Schweizer, Kenneth University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign |
Session H3.00001 Polymer Prize Talk: Segmental Dynamics in Polymers : From Cold Melts to Aging and Stressed Glasses Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Seab, C. Greg University of New Orleans |
Session V5.00004 Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Segalman, Rachel UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories |
Session V22.00001 Molecular Thermoelectrics Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Seideman, Tamar Northwestern University |
Session P26.00002 Spinning Tops in External Fields. From High Harmonic Generation to Control of Transport in the Nanoscale Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Seidman, David Northwestern University |
Session P20.00001 Segregation Effects at Internal Interfaces in Alloys: Atom-Probe Tomographic Experiments and Simulations Room: Morial Convention Center 212 |
Sela, Eran University of British Colombia |
Session B24.00005 Two-particle processes in quantum dots Room: Morial Convention Center 216 |
Sham, Lu J. University of California San Diego |
Session D4.00004 Spin Decoherence and Maxwell Angels Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Shaqfeh, Eric Stanford University |
Session Q3.00002 The Coil-Stretch Transition after more than 30 years Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Shastry, Sriram University of California Santa Cruz |
Session Q28.00001 Thermoelectric Transport Coefficients in Correlated Condensed Matter Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Shattuck, Mark City College of New York |
Session D8.00004 ``Free Energy" in Vibrated Granular Non-Equilibrium Steady-States. Room: Morial Convention Center RO6 |
Sheiko, Sergei University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session G1.00003 Understanding Polymer Properties through Imaging of Molecules. Room: New Orleans Marriott Carondelet (3rd floor) |
Shell, M. Scott Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara |
Session U18.00001 Folding peptides and proteins with all-atom physics: methods and applications Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Shen, Zhi-xun Stanford University |
Session S4.00004 Angle-Resolved Photoemission Study of High Temperature Superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Shepson, Paul Purdue Climate Change Research Center |
Session S26.00006 A connection between arctic haze and halogen chemistry? Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Shi, Junren Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Session S5.00001 Theory of Orbital Magnetization and its Generalization to Interacting Systems Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Shlens, Jonathon Salk Institute for Biological Studies |
Session W7.00002 Exploring the network structure of concerted activity in the primate retina using maximum entropy methods Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Shtengel, Kirill University of California, Riverside |
Session U4.00004 Non-Abelian Interferometry Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Shull, Kenneth Northwestern University |
Session B18.00001 High Strain Deformation and Fracture of Self-Assembled Polymer Gels Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Sidorovskaia, Natalia Department of Physics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
Session V5.00005 Academic environment and dynamics in response to extreme events: Theory and Practice (Katrina Lessons) Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Signorell, Ruth University of British Columbia, Chemistry Department |
Session W26.00002 The Molecular Picture Behind Resonance Phenomena in Aerosol Spectra Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Silevitch, D.M. James Franck Institute/University of Chicago |
Session L5.00002 A ferromagnet in a continuously tuneable random field Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Sillanpaa, Mika National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session D5.00002 Coherent manipulation of quantum information using two Josephson phase qubits coupled to a resonant cavity Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Simmerling, Carlos L. Stony Brook University |
Session J6.00004 Atomic-level simulations of biomolecular systems with a modified Amber force field Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Simmons, Christie University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session Q15.00001 Spin Dependent Transport in Si/SiGe Few-Electron Quantum Dots Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Singleton, John National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session V2.00004 The proposed BigLight fourth-generation light source at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Slavin, Andrei Oakland University |
Session D32.00004 Coherence of spin-torque microwave oscillators Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Slichter, Charles P. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J2.00004 NMR and the BCS Theory Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Smith, Jim National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Session V26.00001 Measurements of the Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Nanoparticles Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Snijders, Paul Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H20.00004 Self-organization of atom wires on vicinal surfaces Room: Morial Convention Center 212 |
Snyder, G. Jeffrey California Institute of Technology |
Session V35.00001 Thermoelectric Properties of Complex Zintl Phases Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Soden, Brian University of Miami |
Session U6.00002 Climate Feedbacks and Their Simulation in Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Models Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Solla, Sara A. Northwestern University |
Session W7.00004 Patterns of Neural Activity in Networks with Complex Connectivity Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Soloman, Darlene J. S. CTO and Vice President, Aglient Technologies |
Session Q5.00003 Creating Value with Long Term R\&D: The life science industry Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Somorjai, Gabor A. Department of Chemistry, University of California Berkeley |
Session P21.00001 The role of hot electrons in catalysis science Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Sonier, Jeff Simon Fraser University |
Session A2.00004 Inhomogeneous Superconductivity in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_y$ and La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ Above $T_c$ Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Sonnleitner, Max BIOIDENT Technologies Inc. |
Session J16.00001 Direct-Print Organic Photonics for Biodetection Chips Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Sorensen, Christopher Kansas State University |
Session W26.00001 "The optics of atmospheric aerosol particles" Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Souza, Ivo Dept. of Physics, University of California Berkeley |
Session S5.00002 Optical sum rules for the orbital magnetization and anomalous Hall conductivity Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Spaldin, Nicola Materials Department, UC Santa Barbara |
Session Y4.00003 Towards a microscopic theory of toroidal moments in periodic crystals Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Srikanth, Hariharan University of South Florida |
Session U23.00004 Interface magnetism in complex oxide heterostructures Room: Morial Convention Center 215 |
Srolovitz, David Yeshiva University |
Session A3.00005 Liquid Metal Embrittlement: new understanding for an old problem Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Stanley, H. Eugene Boston University |
Session J2.00002 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Stanley, H. Eugene Boston University |
Session D39.00007 Economic Fluctuations and Statistical Physics: Quantifying Extremely Rare and Much Less Rare Events Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Stevenson, David J. California Institute of Technology |
Session T16.00003 Frontiers in the Interiors of Massive Planets Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Stienkemeier, Frank University of Freiburg |
Session A26.00001 Isolation of Molecules in Helium Nanodroplets: Spectroscopy and Dynamics at Ultra-cold Temperatures Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Stocker, Roman Civil and Environmental Engineering - MIT |
Session P6.00004 Life in a drop of Ocean: microfluidic insights into microbial ecology Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Stolow, Albert National Research Council |
Session L26.00002 Non-resonant, non-perturbative Dynamic Stark Control of Quantum Dynamics. Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Stuchebrukhov, Alexei University of California at Davis |
Session D6.00003 Correlated electron and proton transport in cytochrome c oxidase: Coulomb proton pump with kinetic gating Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Suel, Gurol UT Southwestern |
Session W40.00005 Noisy out of necessity: Probabilistic behavior during cellular differentiation Room: Morial Convention Center 232 |
Suess, D. Vienna University of Technology |
Session P32.00008 Fast Reversal in Multilayer Exchange Spring Media Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Sushkov, Andrei Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session Y4.00005 Electromagnons in multiferroics Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Tachiki, Masashi The University of Tokyo |
Session X5.00005 Mechanism of the terahertz wave emission from intrinsic Josephson junctions of Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8}$ Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Taguchi, Yasujiro RIKEN |
Session J11.00003 Controlling physical parameters of layer-structured nitride-halide superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center RO9 |
Tanaka, Yukio Nagoya University |
Session D10.00001 Odd-frequency pairing state in superconducting junctions Room: Morial Convention Center RO8 |
Tang, Jian-Ming University of New Hampshire |
Session H1.00001 Single-ion magnetic moments in semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Tannor, David J. Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session L26.00004 New Developments in Quantum Control: Phase Space Learning Algorithms and Uncontrollable Quantum Systems Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Tate, Janet Oregon State University |
Session Q7.00005 Thinking like a physicist: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics in the \textit{Paradigms in Physics} Curriculum at Oregon State University Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Taylor, P. Craig Colorado School of Mines |
Session L2.00001 Nano-Structured Silicon Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Terasaki, Ichiro Waseda University |
Session W31.00004 Unconventional magneto-transport in novel layered cobalt oxides Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Tersoff, Jerry IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session A20.00004 Modeling the complex evolution of self-assembled quantum dots Room: Morial Convention Center 212 |
Thacker, John California Institute of Technology |
Session U7.00004 Gravity - The Engine of the Universe Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Thewalt, Mike Simon Fraser University |
Session L19.00001 Highly Enriched $^{28}$Si -- a New Testbed for Impurity and Defect Structure Room: Morial Convention Center 211 |
Thiyagarajan, Pappannan Argonne National Laboratory |
Session V1.00005 Phase Behavior of Block Copolymer/Inorganic Nanoparticle Composites Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Thonhauser, Timo Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S5.00003 A converse approach to the calculation of NMR shielding tensors Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Thoules, Michael University of Michigan |
Session B18.00005 Brittle-tough transitions during crack growth in toughened adhesives Room: Morial Convention Center 210 |
Thundat, Thomas Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X15.00003 Microcantilever Biosensors Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Timusk, Thomas McMaster University |
Session L4.00002 Bosonic self energy spectrum of high temperature superconductors from optical spectroscopy Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Titov, Mikhail Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh |
Session Q1.00004 Ballistic Transport in Graphene. Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Tkacik, Gasper Princeton University |
Session B7.00004 Information flow and optimization in transcriptional regulation Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Tobin, Roger Tufts University |
Session D3.00003 Sox and Drugs: Baseball, Steroids and Physics Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Todadri, Senthil MIT |
Session S6.00004 Algebraic charge liquids and the underdoped cuprates Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Tremblay, A.-M.S. Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session X7.00001 Mott Transition, Antiferromagnetism, and d-wave Superconductivity in Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors and in Cuprates Using Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Theory Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Tretiak, Sergei Columbia University |
Session X29.00004 First-principles calculation of carrier dynamics in CNTs Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Triscone, Jean-Marc University of Geneva, Switzerland |
Session V31.00001 Field effect tuning of superconductivity at the LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ interface Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Trogler, William Department of Chemistry, University of California at San Diego |
Session H4.00004 Detection of Explosive Materials Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Truskett, Thomas The University of Texas at Austin |
Session Q17.00001 Water, Hydrophobic Interactions, and Polymer Collapse Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Tseng, Yilder University of Florida |
Session X15.00001 Intracellular Mechanics-Based Drug Screening for Cancer Metastasis Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Tsymbal, Evgeny University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session B32.00001 Theory of magnetic interactions and transport in tunnel junctions and point contacts Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Turner, Michael University of Chicago |
Session T1.00001 Quarks to Cosmos: Breaking News at the Interface of Particle, Nuclear and Astrophysics Room: New Orleans Marriott Carondelet (3rd floor) |
Tysoe, Wilfred University Wisconsin Milwaukee |
Session Q21.00003 "Understanding Reaction Pathways on Model Catalyst Surfaces" Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Tze, John S. Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada |
Session H11.00007 Superconductivity in high-pressure solids Room: Morial Convention Center RO9 |
Ucko, Daniel Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society |
Session S7.00003 Scientific publication: An alternative career in physics Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Ujfalussy, Balazs Research Institute for Solid State Physics |
Session Y32.00005 Magnetic ground state of small nanoparticles: Cr trimers on Au(111) Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Umstadter, Donald University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Session W16.00001 Novel Radiation Sources Based on Ultra-High-Power Lasers: New Capabilities for Radiology and Radiotherapy Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Vajo, John HRL Laboratories, Malibu, California, USA |
Session D36.00001 Nanoscale Hydrides in Porous Carbon Scaffolds Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Van den Broeck, Christian Hasselt University |
Session V17.00001 Beyond the second law. Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Vandersypen, Lieven Kavli Institute NanoScience TU Delft |
Session U15.00001 Coherence and control of single electron spins in quantum dots Room: Morial Convention Center 207 |
Van de Walle, Chris G. Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L36.00001 Effects of point defects and impurities on kinetics in hydrogen storage materials Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Van Wees, Bart University of Groningen |
Session Q1.00001 Electronic spin transport and spin precession in single graphene layers at room temperature. Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
van Wijland, Fr\'ed\'eric Laboratoire Mati\`ere et Syst\`emes Complexes, Universit\'e Denis Diderot - Paris VII |
Session Q39.00013 Dynamic phase transitions in model glass formers Room: Morial Convention Center 231 |
Vardeny, Z. Valy University of Utah |
Session U1.00003 Frank Isakson Prize Talk: Optical Probes of $\pi $-Conjugated Polymers Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Varma, Chandra University of California, Riverside |
Session A2.00001 Microscopic Theory of the Phenomena in Cuprates Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Vishwanath, Ashvin UC Berkeley |
Session Q4.00004 Nernst effect and diamagnetism in phase fluctuating superconductors Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Vitelli, Vincenzo University of Pennsylvanya |
Session B5.00002 Columnar and crystalline monolayers on curved substrates Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Vlasov, Yurii IBM |
Session B3.00003 Silicon integrated nanophotonics for on-chip interconnects Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Vollmer, Frank Rowland Institute at Harvard, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02142 |
Session Y7.00004 Light manipulation with Bacteriorhodopsin membrane self-assembled on high-Q photonic structures Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Voyles, Paul University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session P11.00004 Inhomogeneous Nanoscale Disorder in Doped Magnesium Diboride Room: Morial Convention Center RO9 |
Wang, Huabing National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 3050047, Japan |
Session X5.00004 THz emission from a slice of high-\textit{Tc} superconducting single crystal Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Wang, Jigang Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B2.00003 Ultrafast Photoinduced Non-thermal Phenomena in (III, Mn)V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Wang, Jin State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Session L7.00004 Energy Landscape of Cellular Networks Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Wang, Lai-Sheng Washington State University |
Session B21.00005 Cage Clusters of Gold and Tin: Golden Buckyballs and Stannaspherene Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Wang, Shi-Qing Department of Polymer Science, University of Akron |
Session W4.00002 How does cohesive breakdown occur in entangled polymeric liquids? Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Wang, Ziqiang Department of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 |
Session W2.00004 Novel electronic states in Na$_x$CoO$_2$: Role of strong correlation and Na dopant order Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Wannberg, Bjorn VG Scienta AB |
Session S4.00001 Keithly Award Talk: Pushing the limits in ARPES Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Warner, Mark University of Cambridge |
Session P3.00005 Liquid Crystalline Polymers and Networks -- orientation, molecular shape change, mechanics Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Wasserman, Adam Harvard University |
Session U13.00003 Investigating interaction-induced chaos using time-dependent density functional theory Room: Morial Convention Center 204 |
Watanabe, Hiroshi Kyoto University |
Session W4.00001 Dielectric and Viscoelastic Investigation of Entanglement Relaxation Room: Morial Convention Center 206 |
Watkins, James University of Massachusetts |
Session A22.00007 Ordered Inorganic/Organic Composites via Novel Templates and Techniques Room: Morial Convention Center 214 |
Weber, Justin R. Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106-9530, USA |
Session A6.00003 Dangling-bond defects and hydrogen passivation in germanium Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Weeks, Eric R. Emory University |
Session S3.00003 Single particle dynamics of aging in colloidal systems Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Weiss, David Penn State |
Session B6.00004 Imaging single atoms in a three dimensional array Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Welp, Ulrich Argonne National Laboratory |
Session X5.00002 Emission of Coherent THz-Radiation from Superconductors. Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Wen, Hai-Hu Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session U11.00007 Novel properties in the normal state and the mixed state due to multiband effect in MgB$_{2}$ Room: Morial Convention Center RO9 |
Werner, Philipp Columbia University |
Session X7.00002 Continuous time quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC): a fast algorithm to solve the DMFT equations Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Wester, Roland Physikalisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, Hermann-Herder-Str. 3, 79104 Freiburg, Germany |
Session H26.00001 Reactions of cold trapped anions Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Whaley, K. Birgitta University of California, Berkeley |
Session A26.00008 Coherent boson dynamics in strongly localized potentials - helium excitations at planar aromatic molecules and trapped cold atoms Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Wiatr, Maciej AMD Dresden |
Session Q35.00001 Advanced SOI CMOS transistor technology for high performance microprocessors Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Widom, Jonathan Dept. of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology, and Dept. of Chemistry, Northwestern University |
Session B7.00005 The Genomic Code for Nucleosome Positioning Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Wiebe, Jens Institute of Applied Physics, University of Hamburg |
Session B36.00001 Subkelvin spin polarized STM: measuring magnetization curves of individual adatoms Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Wieckowski, Andrzej University of Illinois, Champaigne |
Session Q21.00001 "Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis" Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Wiesendanger, Roland University of Hamburg, Institute of Applied Physics |
Session G1.00002 Scanning Probe Microscopy for Spin Mapping and Spin Manipulation on the Atomic Scale Room: New Orleans Marriott Carondelet (3rd floor) |
Williamson, Jeffrey Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session U16.00001 Image-Guided Radiation Therapy: the potential for imaging science research to improve cancer treatment outcomes Room: Morial Convention Center 208 |
Winkler, Jay California Institute of Technology |
Session D6.00002 Long-Range Electron Transfer through Proteins and Solvents Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Witten, Thomas University of Chicago |
Session B5.00001 Generalized Crumpling: induced singularities in gently deformed elastic sheets Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Witzel, Wayne University of Maryland, College Park |
Session U28.00004 Cluster Techniques to Study Spin Decoherence in a Spin Bath Room: Morial Convention Center 220 |
Wolf, Jean-Pierre University of Geneva |
Session P26.00001 Use of Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics and Optimal Control for Identifying Biomolecules Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Wolgemuth, Charles UCONN Health Center |
Session P6.00001 Depolymerization-driven flow and the crawling of nematode sperm Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Wood, John NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session D3.00004 Zero CTE Glass in the Hubble Space Telescope Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Wood-Black, Frankie Trihydro |
Session S7.00004 Adventures of the Industrial Researcher Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Worsnop, Douglas Aerodyne Research, University of Helsinki |
Session S26.00001 Tropopsheric Aerosol Chemistry via Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Wrachtrup, Joerg Stuttgart University |
Session S1.00005 Controlling single defects: Electric and magnetic fields Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Wu, Ling-An Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
Session V34.00005 Women in Physics in a Rapidly Changing China Room: Morial Convention Center 226 |
Wu, Ruqian University of California, Irvine |
Session P27.00005 First-principles calculation of low-dimensional magnetic structures Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Wu, Xiaosong School of Physics, Georgia Tech |
Session Y3.00002 Quantum interference in Epitaxial Graphene: Evidence for Chiral Electrons Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Wu, Xifan Princeton University |
Session U38.00007 Predicting polarization and nonlinear dielectric response of arbitrary perovskite superlattice sequences Room: Morial Convention Center 230 |
Wu, Y.Z. Surface Physics Laboratory (National Key Laboratory) and Advanced Material Laboratory, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China |
Session P27.00001 Magnetic Stripe Phase at the Spin Reorientation Transition of an Ultrathin Magnetic Film Room: Morial Convention Center 219 |
Wu, Zhigang BNNI, University of California at Berkeley and Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session D31.00001 First Principles Studies of Tapered Silicon Nanowires: Fundamental Insights and Practical Applications Room: Morial Convention Center 223 |
Xu, Haitao Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization |
Session D9.00004 Particle Dynamics in Turbulence Room: Morial Convention Center RO7 |
Xu, Jian Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Penn State University |
Session Y7.00005 The Integration of Bacteriorhodopsin Proteins with Semiconductor Heterostructure Devices Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Xu, Ting University of California, Berkeley |
Session J25.00007 De novo designed peptide and peptide-polymer conjugate for biomolecular materials Room: Morial Convention Center 217 |
Yablonovitch, Eli EECS Dept., University of California, Berkeley |
Session S2.00001 Will a New Milli-Volt Switch Replace the Transistor for Digital Applications? Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Yakovlev, Dmitri Technical University Dortmund |
Session Y33.00005 Spin coherence of electrons in singly-charged quantum dots Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
Yakunin, Andrei Technical University of Eindhoven |
Session H1.00004 The wave function of a single-ion magnetic moment in GaAs Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Yang, Yi-feng University of California, Davis |
Session H5.00004 Universal behavior in heavy electron materials Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton Univ |
Session H1.00002 Atom-by-Atom Substitution of Mn in GaAs and Visualization of their Hole-Mediated Interactions Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane AB |
Ye, Jun JILA, NIST and Univ. of Colorado |
Session H26.00005 Cold and ultracold polar molecules Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Yeganeh, Mohsen ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Co., Corporate Strategic Research |
Session Y6.00004 Non- linear Optical Spectroscopy of Interfaces Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Yelleswarapu, Chandra University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session Y7.00003 Optical Fourier and Holographic Techniques for Medical Image Processing with Bacteriorhodopsin Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Yethiraj, Arun University of Wisconsin |
Session H3.00004 Dynamics of fluids in complex environments Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Yip, Sungkit Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Session U14.00001 FFLO states in resonant Fermi gases Room: Morial Convention Center 205 |
Young, A.P. University of California Santa Cruz |
Session L5.00005 Is there an Almeida Thouless line in spin glasses? Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Yun, Wenbing XRadia Corp. |
Session A36.00001 Room: Morial Convention Center 228 |
Zaera, Francisco University of California |
Session S21.00003 Molecular Factors Determining Selectivity in Catalysis. Room: Morial Convention Center 213 |
Zanni, Martin University of Wisconsin |
Session P26.00003 Enhancing vibrational selectivity and 2D IR spectroscopies with mid-IR pulse shaping Room: Morial Convention Center 218 |
Zaslavsky, Alexander Brown University |
Session U5.00005 Semiconductor-on-epitaxial insulator: towards ultrathin and nonclassical semiconductor devices Room: Morial Convention Center RO1 |
Zayats, Anatoly The Queen's University of Belfast |
Session H35.00001 Plasmonic metamaterials with tuneable optical properties Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Zeng, Hao University at Buffalo-SUNY |
Session P32.00001 Magnetism of FePt nanoparticles and nanodot arrays. Room: Morial Convention Center 225 |
Zenner, Greta M. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session J7.00002 A Cutting-Edge Education: Incorporating Nano into the Undergraduate Curricula. Room: Morial Convention Center RO5 |
Zhang, Xiang Chancellor's Professor and Director |
Session D35.00004 Optical Super Lens: from near-field to far field Room: Morial Convention Center 227 |
Zhang, Xiaoguang Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session X6.00003 Electron tunneling in epitaxial magnetic tunnel junctions Room: Morial Convention Center RO4 |
Zheng, Guo-qing Okayama University |
Session W2.00002 Pairing symmetry of the hydrated cobaltate superconductor Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Zhong, Dongping Dept. of Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session D17.00002 Ultrafast studies of flavins and flavoproteins Room: Morial Convention Center 209 |
Zhou, Shuyun UC Berkeley \& LBNL |
Session D29.00001 Electronic properties of Dirac fermions in epitaxial graphene Room: Morial Convention Center 221 |
Zhulina, Ekaterina Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russia |
Session U3.00002 Polymer brushes Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Zimanyi, Gergely Physics Department, UC Davis |
Session W3.00003 Domain Coarsening and Aging in Dislocation Glasses Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Zlotnick, Adam Biochemistry \& Molecular Biology, OUHSC |
Session Q2.00002 Diversity in virus assembly: biology makes things complicated Room: Morial Convention Center LaLouisiane C |
Zukoski, Charles University of Illinois |
Session H3.00003 Complex Fluid Microstructure, Rheology and Glass Transitions:~ Effect of Continuous Phase Molecular Weight Room: Morial Convention Center RO2 - RO3 |
Zutic, Igor State University of New York at Buffalo |
Session U33.00001 Tailoring Magnetism in Bulk Semiconductors and Quantum Dots Room: Morial Convention Center 224 |
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