Bulletin of the American Physical Society
75th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Volume 67, Number 9
Monday–Friday, October 3–7, 2022;
Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan
The session times in this program are intended for Japan Standard Time zone in Tokyo, Japan (GMT+9)
Invited Speakers
Adamovich, Igor V Ohio State University |
Session DW5.00001 Ns Pulse and Hybrid Discharges for Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Catalysis Applications Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Agarwal, Sumit Colorado School of Mines |
Session DT1.00003 Strategies to Enhance Etch Selectivity During Fluorocarbon Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Etching of Silicon-Based Dielectrics Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Akatsuka, Hiroshi Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo |
Session DR5.00003 Optical Emission Spectroscopy Measurement for Plasma Parameter Identification — from Kinetic Modeling to Data Science Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Barrachina, Raul Oscar Bariloche Atomic Centre, National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina |
Session GW5.00002 Transcending the impact parameter approach by means of a full quantum distorted wave description of ion-atom and ion-molecule collisions Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Barrett, Steven MIT |
Session EW1.00003 Electroaerodynamic aircraft propulsion Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Bogaerts, Annemie University of Antwerp |
Session GM2.00005 Modeling of plasma-liquid interactions Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Boswell, Roderick W Australian Natl University |
Session EM2.00009 The Blue Core Paradigm Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Bourdon, Anne Laboratory of Plasma Physics (LPP), France |
Session FF3.00002 Chemistry of low-pressure iodine plasmas Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Camata, Renato P University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Session DT3.00003 Plasma synthesis and processing of nanostructured quantum materials Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Charles, Christine Australian National University |
Session DR4.00003 Radiofrequency plasma thrusters and related studies Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Chiang, Wei-Hung National Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
Session DF1.00001 Microplasma Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Applications Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Cho, Shinatora Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Session EM2.00004 In-Space Electric Propulsion System Enabling JAXA Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2): Challenges and Relevant Physics Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Choe, Wonho Korea Adv Inst of Sci & Tech |
Session IR2.00001 Electric wind and water surface stabilization under impingement of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Colgan, James LANL |
Session FT1.00001 The role of atomic physics in collisional-radiative modeling of tin plasmas for lithography Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Cvelbar, Uros Jozef Stefan Institute |
Session DT3.00001 Nanoplasmonic sensors designed by plasmas Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Fontes, Christopher J Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session GR2.00005 Low-Temperature Lanthanide Spectroscopy Applied to Neutron Star Mergers Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Fruchtman, Amnon H.I.T. - Holon Institute of Technology |
Session EM2.00002 The effects of collisions and oscillating fields on the thrust in electric propulsion Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Gans, Timo Dublin City University |
Session DR2.00001 The interplay of surface processes and negative ions in radio-frequency driven oxygen and hydrogen plasmas Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Gherardi, Matteo University of Bologna |
Session GF3.00001 Deposition of silicon-based thin films with atmospheric-pressure plasmas Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Gibson, Andrew R Research Group for Biomedical Plasma Technology and Institute for Electrical Engineering and Plasma Technology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany |
Session FR4.00001 Control of reactive species formation in atmospheric pressure plasmas using pulsed power deposition Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Hamdan, Ahmad Universite de Montreal |
Session IR5.00001 Production of nanomaterials by pulsed electrical discharges in dielectric liquid Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Hara, Kentaro Stanford University |
Session FR2.00001 Instabilities and turbulent processes in low-temperature magnetized plasmas Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Haruyama, Tetsuya Kyutech Institue of Technology (Kyutech) |
Session IR5.00005 Plasma / liquid (P/L) interfacial reaction for gas reduction reaction Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Helmersson, Ulf Linköping University, IFM, SE-58183 Linköping, Sweden |
Session GT2.00001 High-power pulsed gas-flow sputter synthesis of nanoparticles, core/shell nanoparticles, and extended chain-like complexes Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Hill, Christian International Atomic Energy Agency |
Session GR2.00001 Atomic and Molecular data activities at the IAEA in support of nuclear fusion energy research Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Hori, Masaru Nagoya Univ |
Session DW3.00001 Evolution of reactive plasma processes by radical control Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Hoshino, Masamitsu Sophia University |
Session GT1.00001 Quantitative measurements of electron collision cross sections and their database related to plasma modeling Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Ibano, Kenzo Osaka University |
Session FM2.00004 Fibrous nanostructures formation using helium plasma and their applications as functional materials Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Iqbal, Muzammil Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials |
Session DW1.00004 Plasma assisted green ammonia production from water and nitrogen at atmospheric pressure Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Ishikawa, Kenji Nagoya Univ |
Session EF2.00001 Plasma-based in situ functionalization based on functional nitrogen science Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Kadyrov, Alisher Curtin University |
Session GW5.00003 Ion-induced differential ionisation of helium at intermediate energies Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Kamataki, Kunihiro Kyushu Univ |
Session ET3.00004 Measurements of strength and fluctuation of 2D electric fields in plasmas using a fine particle trapped with laser tweezers Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Kawashima, Rei Shibaura Institute of Technology |
Session EM2.00001 Anatomy of cross-field electron transport by steady and unsteady plasma structures in Hall thrusters Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Kenney, Jason Applied Materials Inc |
Session DM2.00001 Modeling and Simulation of Plasmas for Etch Applications Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Kersten, Holger U Kiel, IEAP, PlasmaTechnology |
Session DF2.00003 Plasma sheath diagnostic using microscpic particle probes manipulated in laser tweezers Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Session DM2.00005 Applications of plasma-enhanced deposition technologies in the semiconductor industry Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Kim, June Young Seoul National University |
Session FM2.00007 Kinetic Simulation of Narrow Gap Discharge Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Komuro, Atsushi The University of Tokyo |
Session FT3.00003 Modeling of chemical reaction processes induced by an atmospheric-pressure streamer discharge in air Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Kurahashi, Mitsunori Chief Researcher, Nano Characterization Field, Solid-State NMR Group, Research Center for Advanced Measurement and Characterization |
Session FM2.00001 Application of hyperthermal spin- and alignment-controlled O2 beam to surface reaction analysis Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Lacoste, Deanna A King Abdullah University of Science and Technology |
Session IF1.00001 Non-equilibrium plasma discharges for combustion applications: experiments and diagnostics Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Laroussi, Mounir Old Dominion University |
Session EF4.00001 Cold Atmospheric Plasmas in Biology and Medicine: The Fundamentals Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Lee, Dae Hoon Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials |
Session DM2.00008 Plasma for a clean and carbon-neutral world Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Levko, Dmitry Esgee Technologies |
Session ER2.00003 Development of validated fluorocarbon plasma chemistry for multi-dimensional modeling of semiconductor plasma etch processes Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Lietz, Amanda M Sandia National Laboratories |
Session FR5.00003 Insights from Modeling Low-Pressure High-Voltage Dual-Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasmas Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Likhanskii, Alexandre Applied Materials Inc |
Session FT1.00003 Bridging the gap between fluid and kinetic plasma simulations for industrial plasma sources Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Lim, Yegeon KAIST |
Session IF3.00004 Power law parametrization of the ion collecting area for a planar Langmuir probe diagnostic Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Little, Justin University of Washington |
Session EM2.00005 Magnetically Expanding Plasmas for Space Propulsion Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Liu, Dingxin Xi'an Jiaotong University |
Session EF1.00001 Air discharge plasma used for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Maguire, Paul Ulster University |
Session IR4.00001 Generating enhanced chemical reactions inside highly charged microscale droplets for remote delivery of reactive radicals and high purity nanomaterials Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Makabe, Toshiaki Keio university |
Session DW2.00001 40 years with studies on radiofrequency plasma and related theory Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Mazouffre, Stephane CNRS, ICARE |
Session EM2.00008 Electron thermodynamics and ion transport in the magnetic nozzle of electrodeless electric thrusters Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Merino, Mario Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Session EM2.00007 Electrodeless plasma thrusters and magnetized plasma expansions for space propulsion Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Mesbah, Ali University of California, Berkeley |
Session FR4.00002 The Promise of Data-Driven Methods for Characterization, Diagnostics and Control of Plasma Processing of Complex Surfaces Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Moriya, Tsuyoshi Tokyo Electron Limited |
Session DM2.00004 New challenges on semiconductor plasma manufacturing processes Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Murakami, Tomoyuki Seikei Univ |
Session GM2.00002 Graph-based approach to catalytic effects in plasma-exposed liquids Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Nagashima, Yasuyuki Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Science |
Session GW1.00002 Progress in research using positronium negative ions Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Nakamura, Hiroaki National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session FM2.00002 Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Plasma-wave-material Interaction for Nuclear Fusion Study Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Namba, Shinichi Hiroshima University |
Session ER1.00003 Generation of stationary high-density cascade arc plasmas and its application to plasma windows Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Nozaki, Tomohiro Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session FM2.00005 Dynamics of plasma and catalyst interfacial reactions: in situ IR spectroscopy of CO2 hydrogenation Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Nunomura, Shota AIST |
Session GF2.00006 Plasma-induced electronic defects: formation and recovery kinetics for advanced processing Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
O'Connor, Robert Dublin City University |
Session FW5.00001 Optimisation and Understanding of Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Processes Using Quasi In-situ X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Oehrlein, Gottlieb University of Maryland, College Park |
Session DW5.00003 Gas Phase and Surface Infrared Studies of Plasma-catalysis Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Ohtake, Hiroto Hitachi High-Tech Corporation |
Session DM2.00002 Thermal cyclic atomic-level etching in 3D ULSI device fabrication Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Okada, Takeru Tohoku University |
Session HR3.00001 Student Networking Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 1 |
Ptasinska, Sylwia University of Notre Dame |
Session GF1.00001 Dissociative Electron Attachment to Amides Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Puac, Nevena Institute of Physics, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia |
Session EF3.00001 Role of atmospheric pressure plasma in triggering of cell mechanisms in plant cells Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Ren, Xueguang Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |
Session GW1.00001 Absolute triple differential cross sections for low-energy electron impact ionization of biochemically relevant systems: Water, tetrahydrofuran, and hydrated tetrahydrofuran Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Scheiner, Brett Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session ET2.00001 Electron Sheaths and Fireballs Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Schücke, Lars Ruhr University Bochum |
Session FT2.00003 The role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species on the conversion of volatile organic compounds in a twin surface dielectric barrier discharge Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Schulze, Julian Ruhr-University Bochum, 2022 GEC Chair |
Session DW4.00001 GEC Business Meeting Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Shigeta, Masaya Tohoku Univ |
Session ET1.00003 Computational Studies of Thermal-Plasma-Induced Turbulence on Nanopowder Generation and Sustained Arc Discharge Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Shimizu, Naohiro NagoyaUniversity |
Session GM2.00004 Novel Hydrogen Generation Study Applying Rebound Tailing Pulse and Wet Electrode Methods Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Shinoda, Kazunori Hitachi |
Session FW5.00004 Plasma-assisted thermal-cyclic atomic-layer etching for selective removal of thin films Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Smolyakov, Andrei Univ of Saskatchewan |
Session DF3.00003 Plasma flow and acceleration in the magnetic nozzle Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Stamate, Eugen Technical University of Denmark |
Session FM2.00008 Advanced functional thin films for energy conversion and storage devices deposited by plasma-based processes Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Sun, Jing-Yu Dalian University of Technology, China |
Session DT2.00001 Resonant sheath heating in weakly magnetized capacitively coupled plasmas due to electron-cyclotron motion Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Suzuki, Haruka Dept. of Electronics, Nagoya Univ., cLPS, Nagoya Univ. |
Session IR5.00004 Continuous liquid treatment by high-density microwave plasma in flowing liquid Room: Sendai International Center Sakura 2 |
Tachikawa, Masanori Yokohama City University |
Session GR2.00002 Positron binding in molecules Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Takashima, Keisuke Tohoku University, Japan |
Session DW1.00001 Nitrogen vibrational excitation in a non-self-sustained discharge plasma toward efficient nitrogen fixation processes Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Tatsumi, Tetsuya Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation |
Session DM2.00007 Quantitative Control of Plasma and Surface Reactions for Dielectric Film Etching Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Trelles, Juan P University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Session DW5.00002 Solar-Plasma Reactors and Processes for Sustainable Chemical Synthesis Room: Sendai International Center Tachibana |
Trieschmann, Jan Kiel University |
Session EW5.00003 Machine learning plasma-surface interactions: from low to high fidelity surrogate models Room: Sendai International Center Hagi |
Uchida, Giichiro Meijo University |
Session GF3.00006 Next-generation Li-ion battery achieved by the low temperature plasma processes Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Zhang, Cheng Beijing International S&T Cooperation Base for Plasma Science and Energy Conversion, Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session GT3.00001 Ionization wave Propagation in Nanosecond Pulsed Discharge and its Application Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
Zheng, Bocong Fraunhofer USA |
Session FR1.00001 Electron power absorption in magnetron sputtering discharges Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 1 |
Zhou, Renwu Xi'an Jiaotong University |
Session GM2.00001 Plasma Bubbles: A Route to Green Chemistry Room: Sendai International Center Shirakashi 2 |
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