Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 1
Monday–Friday, February 27–March 2 2012; Boston, Massachusetts
Invited Speakers
\"Ozyilmaz, Barbaros Department of Physics, National University of Singapore |
Session D14.00001 Spin transport in graphene Room: 212 |
Aaronson, Scott MIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Session V10.00005 Entangled states as resources in quantum complexity theory Room: 210A |
Abbamonte, Peter University of Illinois |
Session A27.00001 Dynamic screening and the effective fine structure constant of graphene Room: 258AB |
Abild-Pedersen, Frank SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis Photon Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session A10.00003 Solar energy into fuels - the importance of interface catalysis Room: 210A |
Affleck, Ian University of British Columbia |
Session L53.00001 Lars Onsager Prize Lecture: A Random Walk Through Theoretical Physics Room: 153B |
Ahn, Charles Yale University |
Session T9.00005 Electronic, magnetic, and structural coupling across oxide interfaces Room: 209 |
Akhmerov, Anton Leiden University |
Session D44.00004 Manipulation of Majorana fermions using superconducting qubits Room: 157C |
Aksimentiev, Aleksei University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B44.00001 Sequence-dependent ion current modulations in biological and synthetic nanopores Room: 157C |
Alber, Mark Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, University of Notre Dame |
Session W43.00004 Formation and propagation of high density waves during swarming of \textit{P. aeruginosa} Room: 157AB |
Alicea, Jason UC Irvine |
Session D44.00001 Non-abelian anyons and topological quantum information processing in 1D wire networks Room: 157C |
Alivisatos, Paul University of California, Berkeley |
Session P34.00001 Direct imaging of colloidal nanoparticle growth, structure, and assembly in a transmission electron microscope Room: 107A |
Alizadeh, Azar GE Global Research |
Session B46.00002 Development of nanostructured surfaces for ice protection applications Room: 160AB |
Allen, Heather The Ohio State University |
Session D36.00003 Organization at the Air-Aqueous Interface by Heterodyne-detected Phase-Sensitive Sum Frequency Spectroscopy Room: 107C |
Altman, Ehud Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session P10.00005 Mixed Bose-Fermi Mott Phases and Phase Transitions Room: 210A |
Altug, Hatice Boston University |
Session B42.00001 On-chip Metamaterials for Ultra-sensitive Spectroscopy and Identification of Biomolecules Room: 156C |
Alvarado-Gil, Juan Jose Applied Physics Department, Cinvestav-Unidad Merida, Carretera antigua a Progreso Km. 6, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 97217 |
Session T46.00002 Photoacoustics and Photothermal instrumentation in the study of thermal properties of liquids and semisolids Room: 160AB |
Amasha, Sami Stanford University |
Session W19.00004 Pseudo-spin Resolved Transport Spectroscopy of the Double Dot Kondo Effect Room: 253AB |
Ambrosch-Draxl, Claudia University Leoben |
Session X10.00002 Phonon Raman scattering from first principles Room: 210A |
Analytis, James Stanford Institute for Material and Energy Science |
Session Q3.00003 Nematic susceptibility and quantum criticality in Fe-pnictide superconductors Room: 205AB |
Anderson, Philip Princeton Univ |
Session L3.00001 Hidden Fermi Liquid: Self-Consistent Theory for the Normal State of High-Tc Superconductors Room: 205AB |
Anderson, Scott University of Utah |
Session Q34.00001 Cluster size effects on chemical and physical properties of model catalysts Room: 107A |
Ando, Yoichi Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
Session P27.00003 Transport Studies of Topological Insulators and Superconductors Room: 258AB |
Ariando, - NUSNNI-Nanocore \& Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Session V18.00007 Electronic phase separation at the LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface Room: 252B |
Arion, Douglas Carthage College |
Session Q37.00001 Physicists and Economic Growth: Preparing the Next Generation Room: 108 |
Armstrong, Andrew Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B28.00001 Optical signatures of defects in nitride semiconductors Room: 258C |
Armstrong, Michael Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session D25.00004 Deformation and material dynamics under ultrafast compression Room: 257A |
Aronson, Igor Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Av, Argonne, IL60439 |
Session W43.00002 The effects of self-induced noise on the onset of collective behavior in suspensions of swimming bacteria Room: 157AB |
Arratia, Paulo University of Pennsylvania |
Session H20.00001 Swimming {\&} Propulsion in Viscoelastic Media Room: 253C |
Arsenault, Andre Opalux Inc. |
Session X20.00003 Opalux Photonic Ink: Full-color, bistable, reflective displays Room: 253C |
Asai, Yoshihiro Nanosystem Research Institute (NRI) ``RICS,'' National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) |
Session Z3.00003 Electron correlation effects on the diode properties and the local heating Room: 205AB |
Asta, Mark Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley |
Session J28.00006 Thermodynamic Stability of Actinide-Dioxide Solid Solutions and Surface Interactions with Water Room: 258C |
Atature, Mete University of Cambridge |
Session L10.00004 Quantum Dot Spins and Photons Room: 210A |
Atulasimha, Jayasimha Virginia Commonwealth University |
Session H15.00004 Ultra low-energy hybrid spintronics and straintronics: multiferroic nanomagnets for memory, logic and ultrafast image processing Room: 213 |
Atwell, William The Boeing Company |
Session Y10.00001 Mitigation of Space Radiation Effects Room: 210A |
Audoly, Basile Institut Jean le Rond d Alembert, University Paris 6 and CNRS |
Session H52.00001 Dynamic curling of a naturally curved Elastica Room: 153C |
Averin, Dmitri Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook Unuiversity, SUNY |
Session X3.00005 Noise and fluctuation statistics in mesoscopic heat transport Room: 205AB |
Avouris, Phaedon IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 |
Session A20.00001 Graphene-based Electronics and Optoelectronics Room: 253C |
Azevedo, Antonio Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50670-901, Recife, PE, Brazil |
Session Q2.00004 Interaction between spin-wave excitations and pure spin currents in magnetic structures Room: 204AB |
Balazsi, Gabor The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |
Session V42.00001 Mapping the environmental fitness landscape: Lessons from a noisy synthetic gene circuit Room: 156C |
Balicas, Luis National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Session P8.00004 High pressure sequence of Ba$_{3}$NiSb$_{2}$O$_{9}$ structural phases: new $S $= 1 quantum spin-liquids based on Ni$^{2+}$ Room: 208 |
Bao, Wei Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China |
Session P3.00001 Neutron Scattering Study on the New 245 Iron Selenide Superconductors Room: 205AB |
Barish, Barry C. California Inst of Technology, LIGO 18-34 |
Session A43.00002 The APS and the Impact on Physics and Society Room: 157AB |
Bari\v{s}i\'{c}, Neven School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA |
Session A3.00002 Pseudogap phase and superconducting fluctuation regime of the cuprate superconductors Room: 205AB |
Barrat, Alain CPT Marseille, CNRS, France \& ISI Foundation, Torino, Italy |
Session J54.00007 Mining networks of human contact with wearable sensors Room: 152 |
Bartelt, Norman Sandia National Laboratories |
Session D17.00001 Factors that control the morphology of ice films on metal surfaces Room: 252A |
Bartolome, Juan Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas |
Session W13.00007 Highly Unquenched Orbital Moment In Fe Phthalocyanine Room: 211 |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session D10.00001 Benchmark Calculations of Atomic Collision Processes Room: 210A |
Bascones, Elena Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC) |
Session V22.00004 Towards an understanding of magnetic interactions and anisotropies in iron superconductors Room: 254B |
Basov, Dmitri UCSD |
Session Q27.00004 Frank Isakson Prize for Optical Effects in Solids Lecture: Infrared nano-spectroscopy and nano-imaging of Dirac plasmons in graphene Room: 258AB |
Bassett, Lee C. Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 |
Session Q46.00005 Electrical tuning of single-photon emission in diamond devices Room: 160AB |
Batzill, Matthias University of South Florida |
Session L12.00005 Fundamental growth mechanisms of graphene on nickel surfaces Room: 210C |
Bauer, Gerrit E.W. IMR, Tohoku University and Kavli Institute, TU Delft |
Session U60.00001 Spin Caloritronics: spin-dependent thermoelectrics and beyond Room: Westin Boston Waterfront Grand Ballroom A/B |
Bekele, Mulugeta Department of Physics, Addis Ababa University |
Session B2.00005 Andrei Sakharov Prize Lecture: Physics and Freedom in Ethiopia Room: 204AB |
Belcher, Angela MIT Dept of Materials Science and Engineering |
Session T19.00003 Self Assembly on the Mesoscale Room: Ballroom East |
Beletic, James Teledyne Imaging Sensors |
Session B20.00001 The basic physics of astronomical detectors, our eyes on the Universe Room: 253C |
Bell, Christopher Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session X19.00003 Gate control of the mobility, carrier density and superconductivity at the LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface Room: 253AB |
Bellotti, Enrico Boston University |
Session Z20.00005 Numerical Simulation of III-Nitrides Materials and Light Emitting Devices Room: 253C |
Benedek, Nicole School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University |
Session L32.00007 Competition and cooperation between octahedral rotations and ferroelectricity in simple and layered ABX$_3$ perovskites Room: 261 |
Berg, Howard Departments of Molecular \& Cellular Biology and of Physics, Harvard University |
Session Q19.00003 On small things in water moving around: Purcell's contributions to biology Room: 253AB |
Berger, Robert The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W32.00001 Band Gap and Edge Engineering of SrTiO$_{3}$ and Related Compounds via Ferroic Distortion and Anisotropic Strain Room: 261 |
Bernevig, B. Andrei Princeton University |
Session X22.00001 Strong Versus Weak Coupling Pairing in Iron-Based Superconductors Room: 254B |
Bernien, Hannes Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft |
Session Q46.00004 Preparation, single-shot readout and long-distance coupling of solid-state quantum registers Room: 160AB |
Bernstein, Herbert Hampshire College |
Session A2.00004 Is Theoretical Physics Locus-dependent? Quantum Information at Liberal Arts Colleges Room: 204AB |
Bersuker, Gennadi SEMATECH |
Session T20.00005 Electrical characterization of interfacial defects Room: 253C |
Bert, Julie A. Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science, Stanford University |
Session H1.00004 Scanning SQUID microscopy: A powerful tool for probing magnetism and superconductivity in complex oxides Room: 203 |
Berzins, Martin SCI Institute University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah |
Session D10.00003 Scalable DAG-Based PDE Frameworks for Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Problems Room: 210A |
Bevan, Kirk McGill University |
Session Z3.00004 Electron-ion correlations in electromigration: Coulomb's law and Landauer transport at the nanoscale Room: 205AB |
Bhatt, Ravindra Department of Electrical Engineering and Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 |
Session Q10.00001 Rare Fluctuation Effects in the Anderson Model of Localization Room: 210A |
Bhattacharya, Aniket University of Central Florida |
Session J50.00007 Some aspects of polymer translocation dynamics through nanopore: comparison of recent the theories with simulation results Room: 162B |
Bialek, William Princeton |
Session T19.00004 The mesoscale interface between physics and biology Room: Ballroom East |
Biermann, Silke Ecole Polytechnique |
Session X10.00001 Competition between electron-?phonon coupling and spin fluctuations in superconductors Room: 210A |
Bilbro, Lucas The Institute for Quantum Matter, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University |
Session A3.00003 Fluctuations of Superconductivity in La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$: A Terahertz Conductivity Study Room: 205AB |
Blagoev, Krastan B. National Science Foundation |
Session D42.00001 Drug Resistance and the Kinetics of Metastatic Cancer Room: 156C |
Blatt, Rainer Innsbruck University |
Session P10.00002 Quantum simulations with trapped Ca+ ions Room: 210A |
Bliss, Dan Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D20.00004 Multiple-input Multiple-output Ground Moving Target Indicator Radar: Theory and Practice Room: 253C |
Bloembergen, Nicolaas College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona |
Session Q19.00001 Purcell and NMR Room: 253AB |
Bock, Lawrence USA Science \& Engineering Festival |
Session V43.00001 Start-ups for Dummies Room: 157AB |
Bogani, Lapo 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universit\"at Stuttgart |
Session L13.00007 Light induced kickoff of magnetic domain walls in Ising chains Room: 211 |
Boltasseva, Alexandra Purdue University |
Session Q17.00001 Metamaterials and Plasmonics: Improved Material Building Blocks Room: 252A |
Bonderson, Parsa Microsoft Station Q |
Session Z19.00004 Plasma Analogy and non-Abelian Braiding Statistics in Ising-type Quantum Hall States Room: 253AB |
Boudreaux, Andrew Western Washington University |
Session P20.00005 Student reasoning about ratio and proportion in introductory physics Room: 253C |
Brahmia, Suzanne Rutgers University |
Session P20.00004 Using mathematics to make sense in undergraduate physics Room: 253C |
Briels, Wim University of Twente |
Session B49.00004 Memory and transient forces in coarse grain simulations of complex polymers Room: 162A |
Brinkmann, Martin Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS- University of Strasbourg, France |
Session J49.00001 Orientation of conjugated polymers: epitaxy versus mechanical rubbing Room: 162A |
Bristol, Terry President, Institute for Science, Engineering and Public Policy |
Session H2.00005 Celebrating 24 years of Public Outreach of Science and Engineering in Portland Oregon Room: 204AB |
Broedersz, Chase Princeton University |
Session X48.00010 Interplay between motor contractility and mechanical stability of active biopolymer networks Room: 161 |
Brookes, David Florida International University |
Session P20.00003 Assessing high-level scientific reasoning in a physics exam: Pipe-dream or reality? Room: 253C |
Brouwer, Piet Freie Universitaet Berlin |
Session D44.00005 Disorder effects in topological quantum wires, and alternative platforms for Majorana Fermion realization Room: 157C |
Brown, Eric University of California, Merced |
Session L33.00005 Strain-stiffening in random packings of entangled granular chains Room: 106 |
Brown, Robert Case Western Reserve University |
Session V43.00005 An entrepreneurial physics method and its experimental test Room: 157AB |
Browning, Nigel Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session L1.00001 In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy with Nanosecond Temporal Resolution Room: 203 |
Bruinsma, Robijn Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Z46.00003 Elasticity Theory of Viral Capsids Room: 160AB |
Buchwald, Jed Caltech |
Session B19.00003 Using Maxwell's Equations in the late 1800s Room: 253AB |
Buhmann, Hartmut Physikalisches Institut, Universit\"at W\"urzburg |
Session P27.00001 Towards the quantum anomalous Hall effect in HgMnTe Room: 258AB |
Bulgac, Aurel University of Washington |
Session J19.00004 Onset of a Pseudogap Regime in Ultracold Fermi Gases Room: 253AB |
Bulovic, Vladimir Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L27.00003 Quantum Dot Solar Cells Room: 258AB |
Bundschuh, Ralf Ohio State University |
Session P42.00001 Statistical Physics Approaches to RNA Editing Room: 156C |
Burch, Kenneth Department of Physics and Institute of Optical Sciences, U. of Toronto |
Session B27.00003 Scotch Tape and Spectroscopy, Probing and Manipulating the surface of a Topological Insulator Room: 258AB |
Burke, Kieron Departments of physics and chemistry, University of California, Irvine |
Session Z3.00001 DFT treatment of transport through Anderson junction: exact results and approximations Room: 205AB |
Burnell, F.J. Oxford University |
Session W3.00001 Fractional Topological Insulators in 2 and 3 dimensions Room: 205AB |
Butch, Nicholas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session T31.00007 Superconductivity in the topological semimetal YPtBi Room: 260 |
Cahn, Robert Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L2.00002 CP Violation and the Matter Anti-Matter Asymmetry of the Universe Room: 204AB |
Campbell, Charles T. University of Washington |
Session J36.00006 Interfacial binding in catalytic and photovoltaic materials, and the energetics of elementary surface processes during catalytic fuels production and utilization Room: 107C |
Canfield, Paul Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics, Iowa State University |
Session H27.00001 Assembling, understanding, auguring phase diagrams for Fe-based superconductivity Room: 258AB |
Cao, Jianshu Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V40.00005 Conformational-Modulated Enzyme Catalysis: Generalized Michaelis-Menten Equation and Single Molecule Measurements Room: 156A |
Carrillo, Jan-Michael Institute of Materials Science and Department of Physics, University of Connecticut |
Session J46.00005 Effect of electrostatic interactions on lubrication in polymeric and biological systems Room: 160ABC |
Carter, Emily Princeton University |
Session A36.00005 Transport in and chemistry on transition metal oxides for energy conversion Room: 107C |
Castleman, A. Welford Penn State University |
Session D34.00001 Cluster Structure and Reactions: Gaining Insights into Catalytic Processes Room: 107A |
Catalan, Gustau ICREA and CIN2, Barcelona |
Session X32.00001 Flexoelectricity in Nanoscale Ferroelectrics Room: 261 |
Cava, Robert Department of Chemistry, Princeton University |
Session H27.00002 James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials Lecture: New Superconductors and other Research in New Materials Room: 258AB |
Cavalleri, Andrea Max Planck Department for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg; Department of Physics - University of Oxford |
Session P19.00001 Controlling Quantum Condensed Matter With Light Room: 253AB |
Ceder, Gerbrand Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session J10.00005 Materials by design Room: 210A |
Chaikin, Paul New York University |
Session P46.00001 Self-Replication of Nanoscale tiles and patterns Room: 160AB |
Chakraborty, Arup K. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H43.00003 Specificity and Self Recognition in Immunity Room: 157AB |
Chambers, Scott Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session D28.00001 Interdiffusion, Unintentional Doping and Electronic Reconstruction at Polar/nonpolar Oxide Interfaces Room: 258C |
Chamon, Claudio Boston University |
Session W3.00003 Fractional Topological Insulators Room: 205AB |
Chan, Candace Arizona State University |
Session Q20.00001 Silicon Nanowire Anodes: Materials and Composites Room: 253C |
Chandler, David University of California, Berkeley |
Session W25.00001 Pathways to forming glass Room: 257A |
Chang, Cui-Zu Dept. of Physics, Tsinghua University, China |
Session L31.00001 Thin films of magnetically doped topological insulators Room: 260 |
Chang, Fred Columbia University |
Session B43.00003 Mechanics of cell division in fission yeast Room: 157AB |
Chang, Johan EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session A3.00001 Decrease of pairing strength with underdoping in cuprate superconductors Room: 205AB |
Chang, Kai SKLSM, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijng, China |
Session Q31.00001 Electrical control of spin in topological insulators Room: 260 |
Chapon, Laurent Institut Laue-Langevin, France |
Session W9.00004 Spin-driven ferroelectricity in ferroaxial crystals Room: 209 |
Chate, Hugues CEA - Saclay |
Session W43.00005 Alignment vs noise in self-propelled particles: minimal models for collective motion and their continuous descriptions Room: 157AB |
Chaudhury, Manoj Lehigh University |
Session P2.00002 Drift, diffusion and barrier crossing of small objects on a surface assisted by an external noise: roles of non-linear friction Room: 204AB |
Chen, Cheng-Chien Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session Z22.00001 Orbital Order and Orthorhombic Anisotropy in Iron Pnictides Room: 254B |
Chen, Yu Department of Physics, University of California-Santa Barbara |
Session B3.00003 Magnetic-field-induced superconductivity and damping of phase slips in Zn nanowires Room: 205AB |
Cheng, Guanglei University of Pittsburgh |
Session W18.00004 Quantum spin hall effect in LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ nanostructures Room: 252B |
Cheng, Stephen Z.D. Department of Polymer Science, College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, The University of Akron |
Session P48.00007 Crystallization and Ordering of Giant Molecules based on Nano-atoms Room: 161 |
Cheong, Sang-Wook Rutgers Center for Emergent Materials |
Session Y19.00004 Multiferroic vortices: arrested Kosterlitz-Thouless order Room: 253AB |
Chiari, Marcella National Research Council of Italy |
Session Q39.00001 Integration of Materials and Functions in Microfluidic Devices Room: 109B |
Chien, C.L. Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins University |
Session A15.00004 Intrinsic spin-dependent thermal transport Room: 213 |
Christianson, A.D. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session V3.00005 2012 IUPAP C10 Young Scientist Prize on the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter Lecture: Spin Fluctuations and Pairing in Fe-based Superconductors Room: 205AB |
Coe-Sullivan, Seth QD Vision, Inc. |
Session T10.00004 Organic-inorganic hybrid materials for energy efficiency Room: 210A |
Colbert, Daniel Rockport Capital Partners |
Session V43.00003 How a Venture Capitalist Approaches an Investment Decision Room: 157AB |
Coleman, Piers Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session W19.00003 STEM in Kondo Lattices: a new window on correlated electron materials Room: 253AB |
Colombo, Luigi Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Session T12.00007 Graphene Crystal Growth and Device Integration Room: 210C |
Cooper, Valentino R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H35.00005 Understanding the role of London dispersion forces in molecular surface processes Room: 107B |
Copel, Matthew IBM |
Session T20.00001 Directions in High-k Gate Stacks: From Silicon Chips to Carbon Nanomaterials Room: 253C |
Coppi, Bruno MIT |
Session L2.00001 A. Sakharov and Fusion Research Room: 204AB |
Coropceanu, Veaceslav Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics and School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0400, USA |
Session A10.00004 Key electronic processes in organic solar cells: a theoretical perspective Room: 210A |
Cox, Daniel Dept. of Physics, UC Davis |
Session H40.00001 The Physics of Amyloid Aggregation and Templating in Prions Room: 156A |
Craig, Stephen Department of Chemistry, Duke University |
Session X46.00004 Self-healing polymers and mechanochemistry Room: 160AB |
Crease, Robert Stony Brook University |
Session X2.00001 Dreams of a Final System: Origins of the Quest for an Absolute Standard Room: 204AB |
Creton, Costantino ESPCI ParisTech - UPMC - CNRS |
Session X46.00003 Adhesion of hydrogels under water by hydrogen bonding: from molecular interactions to macroscopic adhesion Room: 160AB |
Crocker, John University of Pennsylvania |
Session P46.00005 Real-space crystallography and transformations of DNA-directed particle superlattices Room: 160AB |
Csathy, Gabor Purdue University |
Session Z19.00005 Insights into the Nature of the Exotic Fractional Quantum Hall States from Ultra-low Temperature Transport Room: 253AB |
Cui, Yi Stanford University |
Session A26.00001 Nanostructured Materials for Portable and Stationary Energy Storage Room: 257B |
Dagotto, Elbio Department of Physics, University of Tennessee and Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Q3.00001 Study of the Multiorbital Hubbard Model for the Fe-Superconductors Beyond Weak Coupling Room: 205AB |
Dahn, Jeff Dalhousie University |
Session B26.00001 How can one tell if a lithium-ion battery will last for 10 years in experiments that only take a few weeks? Room: 257B |
Dai, Xi Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session P27.00004 Quantum anomalous Hall effect in the shin film of magnetic topological insulators and semimetals Room: 258AB |
Daley, Andrew University of Pittsburgh |
Session L4.00011 Non-equilibrium dynamics, heating, and thermalization of cold atoms in optical lattices Room: 205C |
Daniel, Claus Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Tennessee |
Session Q20.00003 Understanding the Degradation of Silicon Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Acoustic Emission and Fracture Mechanics Room: 253C |
Daniels, Karen Dept. of Physics, North Carolina State University |
Session D43.00003 Shapes formed by interacting cracks Room: 157AB |
Darve, Christine European Spallation Source |
Session B2.00001 ASP2012: Fundamental Physics and Accelerator Sciences in Africa Room: 204AB |
DeBoer, George AAAS Project 2061 |
Session J2.00002 The Globalization of Science Education Room: 204AB |
De Greve, Kristiaan E.L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University |
Session X29.00001 Ultrafast optical coherent control of individual electron and hole spins in a semiconductor quantum dot Room: 259A |
Dekker, Cees Delft University of Technology |
Session Q43.00005 Single-molecule conductance measurements of biomolecule translocation across biomimetic nuclear pores Room: 157AB |
Demaine, Erik Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L52.00001 Extreme Folding Room: 153C |
Demaree, Dedra Oregon State University |
Session P20.00001 Empowering the crowd: faculty discourse strategies for facilitating student reasoning in large lecture Room: 253C |
Demkov, Alex The University of Texas at Austin |
Session A9.00004 Stress and magnetism in LaCoO$_{3}$ films Room: 209 |
Demokritov, Sergej Institute for Applied Physics, University of Münster, Germany |
Session W10.00003 BEC of magnons at room temperature and spatio-temporal properties of magnon condensate Room: 210A |
Deveaud-Pl\'edran, Benoit EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session L10.00005 Dynamics of vortices in polariton quantum fluids : From full vortices, to half vortices and vortex pairs Room: 210A |
De Yoreo, Jim Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab |
Session L43.00004 The impact of conformational transformations on the pathways and kinetics of protein self-assembly into extended matrices Room: 157AB |
Dhinojwala, Ali The University of Akron |
Session X46.00002 Direct probes of molecular interactions at buried interfaces Room: 160AB |
Diamond, Dermot Dublin City University |
Session H36.00009 Microfluidics and Stimulus-Responsive Materials -- The Key to Next Generation Chemical Sensors for Widely Distributed Environmental Monitoring Room: 107C |
Diebold, Gerald Brown University |
Session T46.00003 Photoacoustic and Photothermal Effects in Periodic Structures and Acoustic Resonators Room: 160AB |
Difiglio, Carmine US Department of Energy |
Session J27.00002 Economics of energy Alternatives Room: 258AB |
Discher, Dennis Univ. Pennsylvania |
Session A46.00003 Cell Forces and Cytoskeletal Order Parameters Room: 160AB |
Di Ventra, Massimiliano University of California, San Diego |
Session Z3.00005 Probing DNA in nanopores via tunneling: from sequencing to ``quantum'' analogies Room: 205AB |
Dobrosavljevic, Vladimir Director, Condensed Matter Science - Theory, NHMFL Florida State University |
Session Q10.00002 Electronic Griffiths Phases and Quantum Criticality at Disordered Mott Transitions Room: 210A |
Dobrowolska, Margaret University of Notre Dame |
Session A14.00007 Controlling Curie Temperature of (GaMn)As Through Location of the Fermi Level Within the Impurity Band Room: 212 |
Dogic, Zvonimir Department of Physics, Brandeis University, Waltham MA, USA |
Session V46.00001 From filamentous bundles to active random flows Room: 160AB |
Doiron-Leyraud, Nicolas Universite de Sherbrooke |
Session V3.00001 Linear-T scattering and pairing from spin fluctuations in organic superconductors Room: 205AB |
Dong, Zhenchao University of Science and Technology of China |
Session L27.00004 Shaping anomalous molecular electroluminescence by resonant nanocavity plasmons Room: 258AB |
Dorr, Kathrin Institute for Physics, MLU Halle-Wittenberg |
Session D2.00005 Directly probing the effect of strain on magnetic exchange interactions Room: 204AB |
Dressel, Martin 1. Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Stuttgart |
Session Y3.00002 Tuning Correlations in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems: Fermi liquid versus non-Fermi-liquid behavior in organic conductors Room: 205AB |
Drew, Dennis CNAM, Physics Department, Universtity of Maryland |
Session B27.00001 Magneto-Optical Properties of Electrically Gated Topological Insulators Room: 258AB |
Driscoll, Michelle University of Chicago |
Session X45.00001 Ultrafast interference of splashing dynamics: where is the air? Room: 159 |
Dumais, Jacques Harvard University |
Session B43.00005 Mechanics and Dynamics of Plant Cell Division Room: 157AB |
Dunning, Thom National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session W26.00001 The Future of Scientific Computing Room: 257B |
Durant, John Director of MIT Museum and the Cambridge Science Festival |
Session H2.00004 The New Wave of Science Festivals and their Establishment Room: 204AB |
Durbin, Steven M. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York |
Session Z20.00001 Electronic Properties of ZnO: Reconciling Multiple Techniques Room: 253C |
Dutton, Sian Princeton University |
Session L19.00004 Hole doping in frustrated spinels, ZnCr$_{2}$O$_{4}$ and MgCr$_{2}$O$_{4}$, and their two dimensional analogue SCGO, SrCr$_{8}$Ga$_{4}$O$_{19}$ Room: 253AB |
E, Weinan Peking University, Princeton University |
Session Y25.00001 The heterogeneous multiscale method: A ten-year review Room: 257A |
Eaton, William Laboratory of Chemical Physics, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD |
Session Q43.00001 Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics Lecture: Single-molecule protein folding and transition paths Room: 157AB |
Eckstein, Martin Max Planck Research Department for Structural Dynamics, University of Hamburg, Centre for Free Electron Laser Science, Hamburg, Germany |
Session P19.00004 Theoretical description of photo-doping in Mott and charge-transfer insulators Room: 253AB |
Ehrlicher, Allen Harvard University |
Session Z2.00004 Molecular Mechanotransduction: how forces trigger cytoskeletal dynamics Room: 204AB |
Eisenkraft, Arthur University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session J2.00003 Physics For All -- yes, it's real physics Room: 204AB |
Eldar, Avigdor Tel-Aviv University, Department of molecular microbiology and biotechnology |
Session T42.00001 Bacterial tower of Babel --How cheating and lying diversify bacterial communication Room: 156C |
Elsaesser, Thomas Max-Born-Institute, 2 a Max-Born-St., Berlin, 12489 |
Session A34.00005 Ultrafast molecular processes mapped by femtosecond x-ray diffraction Room: 107A |
Engel, Greg University of Chicago |
Session B34.00004 Two dimensional electronic spectroscopy of coherent energy transfer processes. Room: 107A |
Engel, Michael University of Michigan |
Session V47.00004 Towards Structural Complexity with Colloids Room: 160C |
Engheta, Nader University of Pennsylvania |
Session D18.00001 Manipulating Plasmons Using Graphene for One-Atom-Thick Optical Signal Processing Room: 252B |
Engler, Adam UC San Diego |
Session W39.00005 Diblock Copolymer Foams with Adhesive Nano-domains Promote Stem Cell Differentiation Room: 109B |
Everaers, Ralf Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
Session W42.00006 Simulation of Interphase DNA Room: 156C |
Everitt, Francis Stanford University |
Session B19.00001 The discovery of Maxwell's equations Room: 253AB |
Ewen, Doc Special Projects Team, LLC |
Session Q19.00002 Purcell and the Development of Radioastronomy Room: 253AB |
Falkovich, Gregory Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session J43.00001 Stochastic geometry of turbulence Room: 157AB |
Faller, James JILA (CU and NIST), University of Colorado, and University of Glasgow |
Session X2.00003 Measurement of the gravitational quantities g and G: How ideas for precision measurement experiments come about Room: 204AB |
Fan, Rong Department of Biomedical Engineering, Yale University |
Session A1.00004 Single cell microfluidics for systems oncology Room: 203 |
Fang, Nicholas MIT |
Session V52.00001 Micro-actuation through swelling and tissue engineering Room: 153C |
Farago, Oded Ben Gurion Univ Beer Sheva |
Session W45.00008 Entropy driven aggregation of adhesion sites of supported membranes Room: 159 |
Feist, Johannes ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session D10.00005 Accessing correlated electron motion on the attosecond timescale Room: 210A |
Feng, Donglai State Key Laboratory of Surface Physic and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China |
Session Q3.00005 Unusual electronic structure and pairing in the K$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_{2}$ and BaFe$_{2}$(As$_{1-x}$P$_{x})_{2}$ superconductors Room: 205AB |
Fennie, Craig Cornell University, School of Applied \& Eng. Physics |
Session D2.00002 New material design strategies to realize strong coupling in multiferroics and beyond Room: 204AB |
Ferguson, Charles Federation of American Scientists |
Session A43.00003 Why Physicists Have a Responsibility to Society Room: 157AB |
Fernandez-Serra, Marivi Stony Brook University |
Session H6.00001 van der Waals interactions in water and ice from density functional theory simulations: improvements and challenges Room: 206B |
Fichthorn, Kristen Penn State University |
Session X25.00001 Accelerated Molecular Dynamics of Rare Events with the Bond-Boost Method Room: 257A |
Fiebig, Manfred Department of Materials, ETH Zurich |
Session Y19.00005 Interplay between trimerization, ferroelectric, and magnetic order in the hexagonal manganites Room: 253AB |
Fineberg, Jay The Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Session D43.00002 Fast fracture in slow motion: Dynamic fracture and the effect of near-tip elastic nonlinearities in brittle gels Room: 157AB |
First, Phillip School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session J12.00001 Growth-induced electronic properties of epitaxial graphene Room: 210C |
Fitzsimmons, Michael Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T9.00001 Upper limit to magnetism in LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ heterostructures Room: 209 |
Fleischhauer, Michael Dept. of Physics, University of Kaiserslautern |
Session H10.00004 Slow-light polaritons in Rydberg gases Room: 210A |
Fleishman, Sarel Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Z41.00002 Computational design of protein interactions: designing proteins that neutralize influenza by inhibiting its hemagglutinin surface protein Room: 156B |
Fletcher, Daniel University of California at Berkeley |
Session Z2.00001 Cellular Mechanics and Mechanotransduction Room: 204AB |
Fletcher, Daniel University of California, Berkeley |
Session H46.00004 Cellular Reconstitution: Building Biomolecular Systems from the Bottom Up Room: 160ABC |
Flindt, Christian University of Geneva |
Session X3.00003 High-order counting statistics and interactions Room: 205AB |
Florin, Ernst-Ludwig University of Texas at Austin |
Session T48.00007 Brownian motion goes ballistic Room: 161 |
Fraden, Seth Brandeis University |
Session Z50.00001 Active Emulsions: Synchronization of Chemical Oscillators Room: 162B |
Francescangeli, Oriano Polytechnic University of Marche, SIMAU Department, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy |
Session L44.00002 Nano to Meso-scale Structure in Liquid Crystals: the Cybotactic Nematic Phase of Bent-core Mesogens Room: 157C |
Franklin, Scott Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session L33.00004 Geometrically Cohesive Granular Materials Room: 106 |
Frey, Erwin Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen |
Session Q42.00001 Bacterial Games Room: 156C |
Frischknecht, Amalie L. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session W47.00013 Simulation of Ionic Aggregation and Ion Dynamics in Model Ionomers Room: 160C |
Fu, Kai-Mei University of Washington |
Session Q46.00002 Towards large-scale quantum computing using spins and photons on a chip Room: 160AB |
Fukuma, Yasuhiro RIKEN |
Session P15.00004 Giant spin accumulation and long-distance spin precession in metallic lateral spin valves Room: 213 |
Fullerton, Eric University of California, San Diego |
Session J15.00007 AIP Prize for Industrial Applications of Physics Lecture: Controlled exchange in recording media and spintronic devices Room: 213 |
Gaffney, Kelly SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University |
Session A34.00001 Ultrafast X-ray Laser Studies of Chemical Dynamics Room: 107A |
Gai, Feng University of Pennsylvania |
Session X41.00005 Protein Folding and Functional Dynamics Room: 156B |
Galli, Giulia University of California, Davis |
Session A10.00005 Harvesting the energy from the sun: insights from ab initio materials modeling Room: 210A |
Gally, Brian Qualcomm |
Session X20.00005 Mirasol displays: the revolution in display technology Room: 253C |
Galvez, Enrique Colgate University |
Session A2.00005 Fundamental Physics with Table-Top Optics Room: 204AB |
Garcia, Angel Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session X41.00001 Simulations of the folding/unfolding of biomolecules under solvent, and pressure perturbations Room: 156B |
Garcia-Meca, Carlos Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. Nanophotonics Technology Center. |
Session X17.00001 Low-loss multilayered metamaterial exhibiting a negative index of refraction at visible wavelengths Room: 252A |
Gardel, Margaret U. Chicago |
Session Z2.00002 Force Transmission in the Actin Cytoskeleton Room: 204AB |
Garner, Ethan Harvard |
Session B43.00001 Processive motions of MreB micro-filaments coordinate cell wall growth Room: 157AB |
Garwin, Richard IBM Fellow Emeritus at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 |
Session Q19.00004 Purcell's Work Helping the Government Room: 253AB |
Gedik, Nuh MIT |
Session B27.00005 Ultrafast Probing of Dynamical Spin-Charge Coupling in Topological Insulators Room: 258AB |
Gegenwart, Philipp I. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August University Goettingen |
Session D19.00004 Honeycomb lattice spin-orbit Mott insulators Room: 253AB |
Geim, Andre University of Manchester |
Session A27.00004 Graphene Update Room: 258AB |
Genack, Azriel Queens College of the City University of New York |
Session T53.00004 New perspectives on waves in random media: Speckle, modes, transmission eigenchannels, and focusing Room: 153B |
Georges, Antoine College de France |
Session H3.00005 Nodal-antinodal dichotomy in underdoped cuprates: a cluster-dynamical mean-field theory perspective. Room: 205AB |
Gerbode, Sharon Harvey Mudd College |
Session Y20.00005 Glassy dislocation dynamics in colloidal dimer crystals Room: 253C |
Gershenfeld, Neil The Center for Bits and Atoms |
Session N1.00002 Making Computers Like Watson Faster, Smaller and Smarter – Bits and Atoms Room: 253 ABC |
Gibson, Gary Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Hewlett-Packard |
Session X20.00002 Hewlett-Packard's Approaches to Full Color Reflective Displays Room: 253C |
Gillis, Keith National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session T46.00005 Understanding climate: the role of photoacoustic spectroscopy at NIST Room: 160AB |
Girvan, Michelle University of Maryland |
Session L33.00002 Network Analysis of Granular Flows Room: 106 |
Girvin, Steven Yale University |
Session P10.00003 Circuit QED Simulation of Interacting Bosons with Microwave Polaritons Room: 210A |
Giustino, Feliciano Department of Materials, University of Oxford |
Session X10.00003 Pushing the limits of first-principles electron-phonon calculations: from photoemission kinks to band gaps Room: 210A |
Glauber, Roy Harvard Univ |
Session B19.00004 Maxwell and quantum optics Room: 253AB |
Glotzer, Sharon Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI |
Session Y20.00001 Entropically patchy particles: Shape-driven self assembly of hard colloids Room: 253C |
Goldhaber-Gordon, David Stanford University |
Session B11.00001 Tunneling spectroscopy of graphene boron nitride heterostructures Room: 210B |
Goldman, Daniel School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session L33.00003 Swimming in a granular frictional fluid Room: 106 |
Goldman, Jason University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign |
Session Q20.00002 Strain-tolerant High Capacity Silicon Anodes via Directed Lithium Ion Transport for High Energy Density Lithium-ion Batteries Room: 253C |
Goldman, Nir Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B25.00001 Extending DFT to Long Time-Scales: Using the Density Functional Tight Binding Approach for Materials Under Extreme Temperatures and Pressures Room: 257A |
Goldner, Lori Physics Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session X40.00001 From force-fields to photons: MD simulations of dye-labeled nucleic acids and Monte Carlo modeling of FRET Room: 156A |
Goldsby, David L. Brown University |
Session H26.00001 Rock Friction from the Nanoscale to the San Andreas Fault Room: 257B |
Goldsmith, Randall University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session V40.00009 Watching Single Enzymes and Fluorescent Proteins in Action in Solution Using a Microfluidic Trap Room: 156A |
Goldstein, Raymond University of Cambridbge |
Session U60.00002 Animalcules Redux: The fantastic world of microswimmers Room: Westin Boston Waterfront Grand Ballroom A/B |
Goldstein, Raymond E. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge |
Session V46.00003 Synchronization of eukaryotic flagella {\it in vivo}: from two to thousands Room: 160AB |
Gore, Jeff Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q42.00005 Cooperation, cheating, and collapse in microbial populations Room: 156C |
Goswami, Pallab National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Florida State University |
Session P3.00003 Pairing strength and symmetries of 122 iron selenides in comparison with iron pnictides Room: 205AB |
Granick, Steve University of Illinois |
Session T47.00001 Janus and Multiblock Colloids Room: 160C |
Grassian, Vicki University of Iowa |
Session D36.00007 Heterogeneous Photochemistry and Optical Properties of Mineral Dust Aerosol Room: 107C |
Greene, Eric Columbia University and HHMI |
Session W40.00001 Single-molecule Imaging Reveals Molecular Mechanisms of A DNA Stripase Room: 156A |
Gregg, Marty Queens University Belfast |
Session J32.00001 Superdomains and Flux Closure Patterns in Ferroelectrics Room: 261 |
Greven, Martin University of Minnesota |
Session L3.00004 Novel Magnetism in the Pseudogap Phase of the Cuprates Room: 205AB |
Griffin, Sinead ETH Zurich |
Session Y27.00005 Cosmic Strings Meet Multerroics: Understanding topological defects in spontaneous symmetry breaking phase transitions Room: 258AB |
Grinberg, Ilya University of Pennsylvania |
Session B32.00004 Molecular Dynamics Studies of Structure, Dynamics and Dielectric Response in a Relaxor Ferroelectric Room: 261 |
Grosberg, Alexander New York University, Center for Soft Matter Research and Department of Physics |
Session W42.00003 Territorial Polymers and Large Scale Genome Organization Room: 156C |
Gross, E.K.U. Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics |
Session V35.00001 Towards the ab-initio description of photo-induced processes Room: 107B |
Gruverman, Alexei University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session H5.00007 Memristive behavior of ferroelectric tunnel junctions Room: 206A |
Gruzberg, Ilya The University of Chicago |
Session J43.00002 Stochastic geometry in disordered systems, applications to quantum Hall transitions Room: 157AB |
Gschneidner, Jr., Karl Iowa State University |
Session T10.00001 An Overview of Rare Earth Science and Technology Room: 210A |
Gubser, Steven Princeton University |
Session V19.00005 Embedding Fermi liquids in string theory Room: 253AB |
Guha, Supratik IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center |
Session T10.00005 Photovoltaic devices using inexpensive, abundant inorganic materials: experiences with copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) Room: 210A |
Guo, Chin-Lin California Institute of Technology |
Session V40.00001 From single molecule to single tubules Room: 156A |
Gutfleisch, Oliver Material Science, Technical University of Darmstadt Germany |
Session Y2.00001 Magnetic Materials in sustainable energy Room: 204AB |
Gweon, Gey-Hong UC Santa Cruz |
Session H3.00002 The new extremely correlated electron perspective of the normal state of high temperature superconductors Room: 205AB |
Gygi, Francois Department of Computer Science, University of California Davis, Davis CA 95616 |
Session J10.00002 New Tools for the Verification and Validation of Electronic Structure Calculations Room: 210A |
Gyure, Mark HRL Laboratories, LLC |
Session W46.00002 Coherent manipulation of a Si/SiGe-based singlet-triplet qubit Room: 160AB |
Ha, Taekjip Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q43.00003 Unraveling the motion of single-stranded DNA binding proteins on DNA using force and fluorescence spectroscopy Room: 157AB |
Hadjipanayis, George Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, U.S.A. |
Session Y2.00004 High-Performance Permanent Magnets for Energy-Efficient Devices Room: 204AB |
Hafezi, Mohammad Joint Quantum Institute |
Session P10.00004 Quantum Hall physics with photons and its application Room: 210A |
Ham, Donhee Harvard University |
Session A20.00005 GHz - THz plasmonic circuits using low dimensional electronic systems Room: 253C |
Hamilton, Alex University of New South Wales |
Session J14.00001 Spin-dependent transport of spin-orbit coupled holes in GaAs nanostructures Room: 212 |
Han, Wei University of California, Riverside |
Session D14.00008 GMAG Dissertation Award Talk: Spin Injection and Relaxation in Graphene Room: 212 |
Han, Yilong Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Session Y20.00003 Glass transitions in quasi-two-dimensional suspensions of colloidal ellipsoids Room: 253C |
Hannon, James IBM Research Division |
Session Q12.00001 From above or from below? Determining how graphene layers form on SiC(0001) Room: 210C |
Harris, J.G.E. Departments of Physics and Applied Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA |
Session Q46.00003 Probing the motion of a mechanical resonator via coherent coupling to a single spin qubit Room: 160AB |
Harrison, Neil Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L3.00002 Quantum oscillations and nodal pockets from Fermi surface reconstruction in the underdoped cuprates Room: 205AB |
Hart, A. John University of Michigan |
Session W6.00006 Mechanocapillary forming of carbon nanotube microstructures Room: 206B |
Hartnoll, Sean Stanford University |
Session V19.00001 Why black holes may be useful for condensed matter physics Room: 253AB |
Haule, Kristjan Rutgers The State University of New Yersey |
Session H9.00007 The Physics of Hunds metals and its relevance for ruthenades, iron pnictides and chalchogenides Room: 209 |
Hawkins, Taviare University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
Session A42.00004 Leading at the Front: How EB Proteins Regulate Microtubule Dynamics Room: 156C |
Haxton, Thomas Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Z43.00003 Controlling the jamming transition of sheared hard spheres Room: 157AB |
Hayre, Robert UC-Davis |
Session A40.00001 TBD Room: 156A |
Hayward, Ryan University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session X44.00004 Kinetic pathways to organized polymer/nanoparticle assemblies Room: 157C |
Heikenfeld, Jason University of Cincinnati |
Session X20.00001 Bio-Inspired Adaptive Coloration -- Knowledge Gained by Comparison of Nature and Man-Made Technologies Room: 253C |
Heinz, Tony Columbia University |
Session A27.00002 Observation of strong excitonic effects in the optical spectrum of graphene Room: 258AB |
Hemley, Russell J. Director, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Session B36.00007 Energy Materials in Extreme Environments Room: 107C |
Hemmer, Philip Texas A\&M University |
Session D29.00001 Quantum information and quantum sensing with NV diamond Room: 259A |
Henkes, Silke Syracuse University |
Session Z43.00005 Active Jamming: Self-propelled particles at high density Room: 157AB |
Hennig, Richard Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University |
Session D10.00002 Prediction and Design of Materials from Crystal Structures to Nanocrystal Morphology and Assembly Room: 210A |
Hess, Ortwin Imperial College London |
Session B18.00001 Metamaterials with Gain Room: 252B |
Hess, Peter University of Heidelberg |
Session T46.00004 Linear and Nonlinear Laser-Based Guided Acoustic Waves Propagating at Surfaces (2D) and Edges (1D) Room: 160AB |
Hewitt, Kevin Dalhousie University |
Session L20.00002 STEM Outreach to the African Canadian Community - The Imhotep Legacy Academy Room: 253C |
Heyns, Marc imec |
Session V20.00004 Exploring Ge and III-V devices to scale CMOS beyond the Si roadmap Room: 253C |
Hicks, Janice National Science Foundation |
Session J20.00003 Why Awareness of LGBT issues in the Physics Community Makes Sense Room: 253C |
Hillmyer, Marc A. University of Minnesota |
Session P44.00004 Nanostructured assemblies from amphiphilic ABC multiblock polymers Room: 157C |
Hirjibehedin, Cyrus F. London Centre for Nanotechnology, Dept. of Physics \& Astronomy, Dept. of Chemistry, UCL, London, UK |
Session W19.00001 The Impact of the Local Environment on the Kondo Screening of a High-Spin Atom Room: 253AB |
Hirschfeld, Peter University of Florida |
Session P3.00004 Pairing state in AFe2Se2 from spin fluctuation theory Room: 205AB |
Hlinka, Jiri Institute of Physics ASCR, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8 |
Session D32.00002 A-site ion vibrational modes in ABO3 polar perovskites Room: 261 |
Ho, Kai Ming Department of Physics and Astronomy and Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University |
Session J26.00001 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Lecture: Photonic Crystals and Genetic Algorithms: Adventures of a Computational Physicist Room: 257B |
Ho, Rong-Ming Department of Chemical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
Session J49.00008 Crystallization and Microphase Separation in Chiral Block Copolymers Room: 162A |
Ho, Tin-Lun Physics Department, The Ohio State University |
Session J19.00005 Strongly Repulsive Quantum Gases Room: 253AB |
Ho, Wilson University of California, Irvine |
Session A19.00002 Correlated Spin Phenomena in Molecular Systems Room: 253AB |
Hochella, Michael Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Session P36.00001 Nanominerals, Mineral Nanoparticles, and Earth Processes: Details on How Nanoparticles Work in the Environment Room: 107C |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society APS |
Session J20.00005 TBA Room: 253C |
Hoff, Wouter D. Oklahoma State University |
Session Z41.00001 Novel Aspects of Hydrogen Bonding in Protein Function: Active Site Ionic Hydrogen Bonds Room: 156B |
Hofstetter, Walter Goethe-University Frankfurt |
Session B10.00002 Pomeranchuk effect and spin-gradient cooling of Bose-Bose mixtures in an optical lattice Room: 210A |
Holmes, Russell University of Minnesota |
Session V49.00007 Relating charge transport and performance in single-layer graded-composition organic light-emitting devices Room: 162A |
Hone, James Columbia University |
Session W7.00001 Nanomechanical Field-Effect Magnetometry in Graphene Room: 207 |
Hong, Minghwei Department of Physics and Graduate Institute of Applied Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10617 |
Session V20.00002 Pushing the material limit and physics novelty in high $\kappa$'s/high carrier mobility semiconductors for post Si CMOS Room: 253C |
hongkun, park Harvard University |
Session H10.00003 Strongly nonlinear optics with plasmonics Room: 210A |
Hu, Xuedong University at Buffalo, The State University of New York |
Session W46.00005 Two-Spin Decoherence and Disentanglement in Semiconductor Nanostructures Room: 160AB |
Huang, Jianyu Sandia National Lab. |
Session W2.00005 In-Situ TEM Electrochemistry of Individual Nanowire and Nanoparticle Electrodes in a Li-Ion Cell Room: 204AB |
Huber, Greg University of Connecticut Health Center, and University of Connecticut Storrs |
Session X43.00003 Periplasmal Physics: The Rotational Dynamics of Spirochetal Flagella Room: 157AB |
Huijse, Liza Harvard University |
Session V19.00003 Charge fractionalization and gauge-gravityduality Room: 253AB |
Hulet, Randall Rice University |
Session J19.00002 Spin-Imbalance in One and Three-Dimensional Fermi Gases Room: 253AB |
Humphreys, Colin University of Cambridge |
Session Z20.00003 Carrier localisation mechanisms and efficiency droop in nitride quantum wells Room: 253C |
Hunt, Bruce University of Texas |
Session B19.00002 Maxwellians and the Remaking of Maxwell's Equations Room: 253AB |
Hutchison, James University of Oregon |
Session H36.00005 Investigation of nanoparticle transformations to guide the design of greener products and processes Room: 107C |
Hwang, Euyheon CMTC, University of Maryland at College Park |
Session Q11.00008 Quasiparticle properties in graphene Room: 210B |
Hwang, Harold Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session D2.00001 Interface engineering in manganites: from diodes to transistors Room: 204AB |
Ihn, Thomas ETH Zurich |
Session X3.00002 Charge sensing and real-time electron counting in quantum dots Room: 205AB |
Imai, Takashi McMaster University and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research |
Session P3.00005 NMR investigation of iron-selenide and iron-arsenide high $T_{c}$ superconductors Room: 205AB |
Ingber, Donald Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Harvard Med Sch |
Session X42.00001 Tensegrity Room: 156C |
Ismail-Beigi, Sohrab Yale University |
Session Q18.00001 First principles insights into electronic, magnetic, and dynamic effects at and across oxide interfaces Room: 252B |
J\"ulicher, Frank Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Noethnitzer Strasse 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany |
Session V46.00004 Dynamic Patterns in Active Fluids Room: 160AB |
Jaeger, Heinrich Univ of Chicago |
Session Z43.00001 Robotics using sand Room: 157AB |
Jaime, Marcelo Marcelo Jaime, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA |
Session D1.00001 Novel magnetic textures in SrCu$_{2}$(BO$_{3})_{2}$ from magnetostriction up to 97.4 tesla Room: 203 |
Janmey, Paul University of Pennsylvania |
Session Z2.00003 Environmental properties set cell mechanics and morphology Room: 204AB |
Jaramillo, Rafael Harvard University |
Session Y3.00005 Chromium at High Pressure Room: 205AB |
Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo MIT |
Session A20.00004 Quantum Transport in Dirac Materials Room: 253C |
Jarvi, Tom Sun Catalytix Corporation |
Session X27.00002 Water Splitting with Materials and Sunlight Room: 258AB |
Jelezko, Fedor Institute of Quantm Optics, Ulm University |
Session Q46.00001 Single spins in diamond: scalable quantum registers and nanoscale sensors Room: 160AB |
Jernigan, Glenn US Naval Research Laboratory |
Session W12.00001 Graphene Carrier Control and Band Gap Formation through Stacked Graphene Sheets Room: 210C |
Jia, Jinfeng Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Session B3.00005 Superconductivity in one-atomic-layer films and ultrasmall island of Pb and In grown on Si(111) by molecular beam epitaxy Room: 205AB |
Jiang, HongWen UCLA |
Session W46.00003 Measurement and control of single electron spins in silicon MOS-based quantum dots Room: 160AB |
Jin, Kui Center for Nanophysics \& Advanced Materials, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session V3.00002 Link between spin fluctuations and Cooper pairing in copper oxide superconductors Room: 205AB |
Johnson, Erin University of California, Merced |
Session A35.00001 Real-Space DFT Models for Strong Correlation Room: 107B |
Johnston-Halperin, Ezekiel Department of Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session V14.00010 Electrical spin injection from an organic-based ferrimagnet in a hybrid organic/inorganic heterostructure Room: 212 |
Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit\`a di Roma ``La Sapienza'' and INFN, Roma, Italy |
Session L53.00002 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics Lecture: Understanding Nonequilibrium via Rare Fluctuations Room: 153B |
Jonas, David University of Colorado |
Session T35.00003 Two-dimensional Fourier transform electronic spectroscopy Room: 107B |
Jorn, Ryan Argonne National Laboratory |
Session L36.00008 Multiscale Simulation of Electrochemical{\_} Phenomena: Fuel Cells and Batteries Room: 107C |
Julien, Marc-Henri Laboratoire National des Champs Magn\'etiques Intenses - Grenoble |
Session D3.00002 Competition between charge and superconducting orders in underdoped YBCO Room: 205AB |
Jung, Sunghwan Virginia Tech |
Session H20.00004 Swimming of Paramecium in confined channels Room: 253C |
Jungwirth, Tomas Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague and University of Nottingham |
Session L14.00010 Magnetoresistance in antiferromagnet-based spin tunnel junctions Room: 212 |
Kagan, Cherie University of Pennsylvania |
Session L18.00001 The Role of Surface Ligands in Electronic Charge Transport in Semiconductor Nanocrystal Arrays Room: 252B |
Kamenev, Alex University of Minnesota |
Session P2.00003 Noise induced stabilization in population dynamics Room: 204AB |
Kanatzidis, Mercouri Northwestern University |
Session A17.00004 Nanostructured Thermoelectrics and the New Paradigm Room: 252A |
Kanazawa, Naoya Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session Y27.00001 Formation and dynamics of Skyrmions in B20-type chiral magnets Room: 258AB |
Kane, Charles University of Pennsylvania |
Session Q27.00001 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Lecture: Topological Insulators Room: 258AB |
Kang, Woowon University of Chicago |
Session Z19.00002 Observation of Braiding Statistics in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect Room: 253AB |
Kantor, Yacov Tel Aviv University |
Session L49.00005 Influence of probe shape on polymer configurations and entropic forces Room: 162A |
Karayiannis, Nikos Institute of Optoelectronics and Microsystems (ISOM) and ETSII, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) |
Session W53.00007 Understanding entangled polymers: What we can learn from athermal chain packings Room: 153B |
Karim, Alamgir University of Akron |
Session A45.00001 Directed Ordering of Block Copolymer Thin Films with Flexible Interfaces for Functional Materials Room: 159 |
Karmakar, Biswajit NEST-CNR Isstituto Nanoscienze and Scuola Normale Superiore. Pisa. Italy |
Session T14.00001 Controlled coupling of spin-resolved quantum Hall edge states Room: 212 |
Katifori, Eleni Rockefeller University |
Session B43.00004 Decoding the topology of vascular organization Room: 157AB |
Katzgraber, Helmut G. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A\&M University and ETH Zurich |
Session Y52.00007 Spin glasses: Still frustrating after all these years? Room: 153C |
Kaul, Ribhu University of Kentucky |
Session T26.00004 Unconventional versus conventional destruction of square lattice SU(N) magnetism Room: 257B |
Kegel, Willem Utrecht University, Utrecht |
Session V47.00008 Self-assembly of colloidal surfactants Room: 160C |
Kennedy, Tom Departments of Mathematics and Physics, University of Arizona |
Session J43.00003 Efficient SLE algorithms and numerical pitfalls of the method Room: 157AB |
Kern, Klaus Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstr. 1, D-70569 Stuttgart + Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne |
Session J17.00001 Current at Metal-Organic Interfaces Room: 252A |
Keten, Sinan Northwestern University |
Session D43.00001 Failure of molecules, bones, and the Earth itself Room: 157AB |
Key, Baris Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q20.00005 Pair Distribution Function Analysis and Solid State NMR Studies of Silicon Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries: Understanding the (De)lithiation Mechanisms Room: 253C |
Khan, Asad Kent Displays, Inc. |
Session X20.00004 Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Based Reflex Color Reflective Displays Room: 253C |
Khasin, Michael University of Michigan |
Session P2.00004 Speeding up spontaneous disease extinction Room: 204AB |
Khomskii, Daniel Koeln University |
Session B9.00001 Dipoles on monopoles in spin ice Room: 209 |
Kim, Yong Baek University of Toronto |
Session D19.00002 Topological and spin-liquid phases in strongly correlated iridates Room: 253AB |
Kimmel, Greg Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session B36.00006 Photochemistry of chemisorbed and physisorbed O$_{2}$ on reduced rutile TiO$_{2}$(110) Room: 107C |
Kimura, Tsuyoshi Division of Materials Physics, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University |
Session W9.00008 Magnetoelectric Effects and Related Phenomena in Spin-spiral Hexaferrites Room: 209 |
Kindermann, Markus Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session P11.00004 Effective theory of rotationally faulted multilayer graphene Room: 210B |
Kioupakis, Emmanouil University of Michigan |
Session X10.00004 Phonon-assisted Auger recombination and optical absorption in semiconductors Room: 210A |
Kira, Mackillo Department of Physics, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany |
Session L10.00002 Quantum spectroscopy of semiconductors with Schr\"odinger's cat states Room: 210A |
Kirchner, Stefan Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems |
Session Y3.00003 Superconducting condensation energy of CeCu2Si2 and theoretical implications Room: 205AB |
Kirschner, Marc Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, USA |
Session H43.00001 Robustness of Biological Circuits Room: 157AB |
Kiryukhin, Valery Rutgers University |
Session Y9.00007 Controlling Magnetism in Multiferroic BiFeO$_3$ Room: 209 |
Kivelson, Steve Stanford University |
Session D3.00005 Fermi-surface reconstruction by charge-stripe order in a cuprate superconductor Room: 205AB |
Kluber, Alexander UC-Davis |
Session Y43.00004 Predicting Amyloid Structure Without Bioinformatic Support: Threading the Left Handed Beta Helix Room: 157AB |
Knez, Ivan Rice University |
Session P27.00002 Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Made of InAs/GaSb Room: 258AB |
Koch, Norbert HU-Berlin \& HZB |
Session P49.00001 Charge transfer and polarization at interfaces with conjugated molecules Room: 162A |
Koehl, Michael University of Cambridge |
Session B10.00004 Two-dimensional Fermi gases Room: 210A |
Koehl, William Center for Spintronics and Quantum Computation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA |
Session A20.00003 Quantum information processing with defect spins in diamond and silicon carbide Room: 253C |
Kohanoff, Jorge Atomistic Simulation Centre, Queens University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom |
Session X26.00001 First-principles calculation of electronic stopping power in metals and insulators via time-dependent DFT simulations Room: 257B |
Kono, Junichiro Rice University |
Session T2.00001 Terahertz Dynamics in Carbon Nanomaterials Room: 204AB |
Korley, LaShanda Case Western Reserve University |
Session W44.00001 Bio-inspired Fillers for Mechanical Enhancement Room: 157C |
Korniss, G. RPI |
Session H54.00004 The Impact of Time Delays in Network Synchronization in a Noisy Environment Room: 152 |
Kouwenhoven, Leo Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft, The Netherlands |
Session D44.00003 The Search for Majorana Fermions in Semiconductor Nanowires Room: 157C |
Kovac, John Harvard University, Departments of Astronomy and of Physics |
Session B20.00005 Detecting the Cosmic Microwave Background at the Frontier of Cosmology and in the Classroom Room: 253C |
Kovalev, Alexey A. University of California at Riverside |
Session V2.00005 Thermomagnonic spin transfer and Peltier effects in insulating magnets Room: 204AB |
Kragh, Thomas BAE Systems |
Session D20.00003 Advanced methods in synthetic aperture radar imaging Room: 253C |
Kramer, Edward J. Departments of Materials and Chemical Engineering, UCSB |
Session B46.00003 Tough Block Copolymer Organogels and Elastomers as Short Fiber Composites Room: 160AB |
Kreisel, Jens CNRS - Grenoble Institute of Technology |
Session P32.00004 Multiple Phase Transitions in the model multiferroic BiFeO3 Room: 261 |
Ku, Wei CMPMSD, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L9.00004 First-principles Wannier function based methods for disordered materials and applications to studies of oxides and Fe-superconductors Room: 209 |
Kuczynski, Stephen Southerrn Nuclear Operating Co. |
Session W20.00002 The U.S. nuclear industry following the Fukushima event Room: 253C |
Kuhn, Peter The Scripps Research Institute |
Session P43.00005 The Fluid Phase of Solid Tumors: Real-time Access to Cancer in Individual Patients Room: 157AB |
Kulkarni, Rahul Department of Physics, Virginia Tech |
Session V42.00005 Applications of queueing theory to stochastic models of gene expression Room: 156C |
Kumacheva, Eugenia University of Toronto |
Session A46.00005 New strategies in adaptive polymer gels Room: 160AB |
Kussell, Edo New York University |
Session B51.00001 Optimal lineage principle for age-structured populations Room: 154 |
Kuzmenko, Alexey University of Geneva |
Session B27.00004 Giant terahertz Faraday rotation in graphene Room: 258AB |
Lagally, Max G. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI 53706 |
Session V27.00001 Making Novel Materials Using Strain in Nanomembranes Room: 258AB |
Lalibert\'e, Francis University of Sherbrooke |
Session D3.00001 Fermi-surface reconstruction by stripe order in cuprate superconductors Room: 205AB |
Lambert, Guillaume New York University |
Session Y48.00010 Emergent Collective Behavior of Microscopic Swimmers Room: 161 |
Landau, David Center for Simulational Physics, University of Georgia |
Session J28.00001 The role of Wang-Landau sampling in materials development Room: 258C |
Lang, David Materials Physics Consultant |
Session W2.00001 Using Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) to characterize defects in semiconductor devices Room: 204AB |
Langer, James University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session H53.00004 Shear-Transformation-Zone Theory of Glassy Diffusion, Stretched Exponentials, and the Stokes-Einstein Relation Room: 153B |
Lanzara, Alessandra University California, Berkeley and Material Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P19.00002 Light induced meltdown of quasiparticles in high temperature superconductors Room: 253AB |
Lau, Chun Ning University of California, Riverside |
Session Z27.00004 Interaction-Driven Insulating States in Bilayer Graphene Room: 258AB |
Laughlin, R.B. Stanford University |
Session T19.00001 Mesoscopic Lawlessness Room: Ballroom East |
Lavely, Eugene BAE Systems |
Session D20.00001 Advanced EM Modeling in Support of Buried Target Detection and Identification Room: 253C |
Layer, Howard National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session X2.00004 The Odyssey of the Frequency Measurements of Visible Light at NBS/NIST Room: 204AB |
Lee, Kyuho Rutgers University |
Session A6.00001 Application of vdW-DF Methods to Hydrogen Adsorptions and an Organic Ferroelectric Room: 206B |
Lee, Minhyea University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session Y27.00004 Unusual Hall effect Anomaly in MnSi under pressure Room: 258AB |
Lee, Patrick A. MIT |
Session L3.00005 From Spin Liquid to High T$_{c}$ Superconductors Room: 205AB |
Lee, Sung-Sik McMaster University / Perimeter Institute |
Session V19.00004 Emergent dimensions and quantum critical points Room: 253AB |
Lee, Young Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H8.00005 Experimental signatures of spin liquid physics on the S=1/2 kagom\'{e} lattice Room: 208 |
Lehnert, Konrad JILA |
Session A29.00011 Quantum control of mechanical oscillators Room: 259A |
Le Hur, Karyn CNRS and Center For Theoretical Physics, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau France; Yale University, Physics Department, New Haven CT 06520 USA |
Session X3.00001 Towards Measuring the Many-Body Entanglement from Fluctuations Room: 205AB |
Leibfried, Dietrich National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session V10.00003 Entangled States of Trapped Ions Room: 210A |
Leighton, Chris University of Minnesota |
Session D2.00004 Strain-induced oxygen defect formation and interfacial magnetic phase separation in SrTiO$_{3}$(001)/La$_{1-x}$Sr$_{x}$CoO$_{3}$ Room: 204AB |
LeRoy, Brian University of Arizona |
Session B11.00005 STM of graphene on boron nitride Room: 210B |
Leshner, Alan AAAS |
Session A43.00001 Science, the Scientists and Values Room: 157AB |
Lester, Richard Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J27.00003 Future Trends ad Issues in Nuclear Power Room: 258AB |
Le Tacon, Mathieu Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session V3.00003 Intense paramagnon excitations in a large family of high-temperature superconductors Room: 205AB |
Levin, Yan Instituto de F\'isica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
Session J46.00001 Ion Specific Effects at Interfaces Room: 160ABC |
Levine, Dov Technion - IIT |
Session P2.00001 Characterizing Order in Glassy Systems Room: 204AB |
Levine, Herbert University of California, San Diego |
Session W43.00001 Chiral patterning in Paenibacillus colonies under stress Room: 157AB |
Levine, Mark Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J27.00001 Energy production and use in China Room: 258AB |
Li, Connie H. Naval Research Lab |
Session H14.00007 Electrical injection and detection of spin accumulation in Si at 500 K with magnetic metal/SiO$_{2}$ contacts Room: 212 |
Li, Ju MIT |
Session Y25.00002 Progress Towards Atomistic Simulations that Reach Anthropological Timescale and Beyond Room: 257A |
Li, Pengke University of Rochester |
Session X14.00004 Spin-orbit interaction and spin relaxation of conduction band electrons in Si and Ge Room: 212 |
Li, Xiuling University of Illinois |
Session V27.00004 Rolled-up Tube Based Nanophotonics Room: 258AB |
Lieber, Charles Harvard University, Dept. of Chemistry and Chemical Biology |
Session H34.00001 Nanoelectronics Meets Biology Room: 107A |
Lieberman Aiden, Erez Harvard Society of Fellows |
Session W42.00001 How the genome folds Room: 156C |
Lim, Shuang Fang North Carolina State University |
Session X39.00005 Engineering upconverting nanophosphors as biosensors and biotherapeutic agents Room: 109B |
Lindquist, Susan Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Biology, MIT |
Session Y43.00001 Prions, From Structure to Epigenetics and Neuronal Functions Room: 157AB |
Lipman, Everett A. Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session W40.00005 Single-Molecule Encoders for Tracking Motor Proteins on DNA Room: 156A |
Liu, Bin School of Engineering, Brown University |
Session H20.00005 Helical swimming in viscoelastic and porous media Room: 253C |
Liu, Feng University of Utah |
Session V27.00002 Strain Superlattice: A Combination of Strain Induced Self-Assembly and Strain Engineered Band Structure Room: 258AB |
Liu, J. Ping University of Texas at Arlington |
Session X13.00007 Towards high strength nanocomposite magnets --- Approaches from the bottom Room: 211 |
Liu, Luqiao Cornell University |
Session X15.00004 Spin torque phenomena originating from the spin Hall effect: resonance, magnetic switching, and magnetic dynamics Room: 213 |
Loesche, Mathias Carnegie Mellon University |
Session A41.00005 High-resolution Structures of Protein-Membrane Complexes by Neutron Reflection and MD Simulation: Membrane Association of the PTEN Tumor Suppressor Room: 156B |
Loh, Yen Lee University of North Dakota |
Session B3.00004 Quantum liquid crystals: spontaneously modulated Fermi superfluids Room: 205AB |
Long, Elena Kent State University |
Session J20.00004 Physics Climate as Experienced by LGBT+ Physicists Room: 253C |
Lonzarich, Gil University of Cambridge |
Session D3.00003 The electronic state of underdoped YBCO at high magnetic fields and low temperatures: evidence from quantum oscillatory phenomena Room: 205AB |
Lopes dos Santos, Jo\~{a}o CFP and DFA, Faculdade de Ci\^{e}ncias, Universidade do Porto |
Session T11.00001 Continuum Model of the twisted graphene bilayer Room: 210B |
Louie, Steven G. University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session A27.00003 Electron-electron interaction and excitonic effects in graphene systems Room: 258AB |
Louis, Ard A. Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford, UK |
Session Z46.00005 Self-assembly and Evolution from protein complexes to DNA nanostructures Room: 160AB |
Lu, Ting |
Session Q40.00001 TBD Room: 156A |
Lubchenko, Vassiliy University of Houston |
Session L43.00002 Mesoscopic Aggregation in Protein Solutions Room: 157AB |
Lukin, Mikhail Harvard Univ |
Session L10.00003 Quantum optics with solid-state atom-like systems Room: 210A |
Lutsko, James Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Session Z46.00002 Theoretical approach to crystallization: foundations and application to proteins Room: 160AB |
Lyman, Edwin Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session W20.00003 Lessons from Fukushima for Improving the Safety of Nuclear Reactors Room: 253C |
Lynn, Jeffrey National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session Q33.00005 Facility Overview and Double-Focusing Thermal Triple-Axis Spectrometer at the NCNR Room: 106 |
MacDonald, Allan University of Texas at Austin |
Session T11.00002 Moire Bloch Bands in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Room: 210B |
Madami, Marco CNISM, Unit\`a di Perugia and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit\`a di Perugia |
Session L15.00001 Spin-torque excited spin waves revealed by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering Room: 213 |
Maekawa, Sadamichi Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Session Q2.00001 Magnons, Spin Current and Spin Seebeck Effect Room: 204AB |
Maginn, Edward University of Notre Dame |
Session H36.00001 Using Molecular Simulation to Develop New Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications Room: 107C |
Majidi, Carmel Carnegie Mellon University |
Session P52.00004 Extreme Mechanics in Soft Pneumatic Robots and Soft Microfluidic Electronics and Sensors Room: 153C |
Majumdar, Arun Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy |
Session X27.00001 Materials research needs for energy Room: 258AB |
Makdisi, Yousef Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L2.00005 Scientists and Human Rights Room: 204AB |
Malozemoff, Alexis AMSC, 64 Jackson Rd, Devens MA 01434 |
Session J27.00004 Science for Sustainable Energy: Recommendations of the 2010 BESAC Report Room: 258AB |
Mandelis, Andreas Center for Advanced Diffusion-Wave Technologies, MIE, Univ. of Toronto |
Session T46.00001 Joseph F. Keithley Award For Advances in Measurement Science Lecture: Thermophotonic and Photoacoustic Radar Imaging Methods for Biomedical and Dental Imaging Room: 160AB |
Mannhart, Jochen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session X19.00002 Fundamental Properties of the 2-D Electron Liquid Generated by LaAlO$_{3}$-SrTiO$_{3}$ Interfaces Room: 253AB |
Manousakis, Efstratios Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32306 |
Session L27.00002 Photovoltaic effect for narrow-gap Mott insulators Room: 258AB |
Marchetti, M. Cristina Physics Department \& Syracuse Biomaterials Institute, Syracuse University |
Session H20.00003 Polar patterns in active fluids Room: 253C |
Mariantoni, Matteo Department of Physics and California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA |
Session J3.00004 The Photon Shell Game and the Quantum von Neumann Architecture with Superconducting Circuits Room: 205AB |
Marie, Xavier Universite de Toulouse |
Session B14.00001 3D Electron Spin Relaxation Control by Electric Field in Quantum Wells Room: 212 |
Markovic, Nenad Argonne National Laboratory |
Session A36.00007 Energy conversion and fuel production from electrochemical interfaces Room: 107C |
Marques, Miguel LPMCN, Universit\'e Lyon I and CNRS |
Session Q35.00001 Some thoughs about old and new density functionals Room: 107B |
Mason, Nadya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q27.00005 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award Lecture: Spectroscopy of Hybrid Superconductor-Carbon Nanostructure Systems Room: 258AB |
Mather, Patrick Syracuse University |
Session A46.00002 Surface shape memory in polymers Room: 160AB |
Matsuda, Iwao the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo |
Session W27.00004 Regulating spin and Fermi surface topology of a quantum metal film by the surface (interface) monatomic layer Room: 258AB |
Matsuda, Yuji Kyoto University |
Session J22.00004 Nodal structure and quantum critical point beneath the superconducting dome of BaFe$_2$(As$_{1-x}$P$_x$)$_2$ Room: 254B |
Mazur, Eric Department of Physics, Harvard University |
Session V43.00002 Pushing a physics discovery towards commercial impact Room: 157AB |
McCallum, R. William Ames Laboratory USDOE / Iowa State University |
Session T10.00002 Replacing critical rare earth materials in high energy density magnets Room: 210A |
McCann, Edward Lancaster University |
Session Z27.00005 Electronic structure of multilayer graphene Room: 258AB |
McCarty, Kevin Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA USA |
Session L12.00001 Graphene growth on coinage-metal substrates Room: 210C |
McCluskey, M.D. Washington State University |
Session A28.00003 Acceptors in bulk and nanoscale ZnO Room: 258C |
McGuire, Stephen Southern University and A\&M College |
Session L20.00001 LIGO: Impacting science education through gravity-wave research in the local community and beyond Room: 253C |
McIntyre, Paul Stanford University |
Session T20.00004 Charge Traps at and near High-K Oxide/III-V Interfaces Room: 253C |
McMichael, Robert Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD |
Session Q2.00003 Using magnons to probe spintronic materials properties Room: 204AB |
McQueen, Tyrel Johns Hopkins University |
Session L19.00002 Structure, disorder, and magnetism in Herbertsmithite, a kagom\'{e} Heisenberg antiferromagnet Room: 253AB |
McQueeney, David IBM Research |
Session N1.00001 How Watson was Developed? What’s Inside and Watson’s Future in Medical Diagnosis Room: 253 ABC |
Medina-Noyola, Magdaleno Instituto de F\'isica, Universidad Aut\'onoma de San Luis Potos\'i |
Session Z43.00004 Density-Temperature-Softness Scaling of the Dynamics of Glass-forming Soft-sphere Liquids Room: 157AB |
Melko, Roger University of Waterloo |
Session Q26.00001 Computing Entanglement Entropy in Quantum Monte Carlo Room: 257B |
Melnikov, Alexey Physical Chemistry Department, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany |
Session D15.00005 Ultrafast Transport of Laser-Excited Spin-Polarized Carriers in Metallic Multilayers Room: 213 |
Melosh, Nicholas Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University |
Session D27.00005 Combined conversion of heat and light with Photon Enhanced Thermionic Emission for solar energy harvesting Room: 258AB |
Menzel, Andreas Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session L1.00006 Coherent X-ray microscopy of real materials at 10nm resolution Room: 203 |
Meth, Jeffrey E.I. Dupont de Nemours \& Co., Inc. |
Session V44.00013 The Development of Filler Structure in Colloidal Silica -- Polymer Nanocomposites Room: 157C |
Metiu, Horia University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J36.00003 Alkane and CO$_{2}$ Activation by Modified Oxide Catalysts Room: 107C |
Meyer, Robert Physics Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454 |
Session H44.00002 Chiral Self-Assembly Room: 157C |
Miller, Eric Tufts University |
Session D20.00005 Image Formation in Bio-optical Sensing Room: 253C |
Miller, Thomas California Insitute of Technology |
Session P35.00001 Exactly Embedded Density Functional Theory for Modeling Chemical Reactions Room: 107B |
Milner, Scott Penn State University |
Session P50.00001 Theoretical prospects for understanding the glass transition in polymer thin films Room: 162B |
Mirkin, Chad Northwestern University |
Session P46.00004 Nanoparticle Superlattice Engineering with DNA Room: 160AB |
Mirkin, Chad Northwestern University |
Session V43.00004 Having your cake and eating it too; effective engagement in start-ups from an academic seat Room: 157AB |
Miron, Ioan Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology (ICN-CSIC) |
Session H19.00003 Current-induced domain wall motion stabilized by Rashba spin-orbit coupling Room: 253AB |
Moessner, Roderich MPI-PKS Dresden |
Session L19.00003 Disorder in a quantum spin liquid: the Kitaev honeycomb model with vacancies Room: 253AB |
Molenkamp, Laurens W. Physics Institute(EP3), Wuerzburg University |
Session Q27.00002 HgTe as a Topological Insulator Room: 258AB |
Morello, Andrea University of New South Wales |
Session V30.00001 Single-donor spin qubits in silicon Room: 259B |
Moreno, Juana Louisiana State University |
Session D10.00004 Simulations of Strongly Correlated Systems Room: 210A |
Morozov, Alexandre Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University |
Session X42.00009 Statistical physics of nucleosome positioning and chromatin structure Room: 156C |
Morr, Dirk University of Illinois at Chicago |
Session A19.00004 Defects in Heavy-Fermion Materials: Unveiling Strong Correlations in Real Space Room: 253AB |
Mostovoy, Maxim Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen |
Session Y19.00003 Dynamic magnetoelectric interaction in multi-orbital Mott insulators Room: 253AB |
Mou, Daixiang National Lab for Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session B22.00001 Distinct Fermi Surface Topology in A$_x$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_2$ Revealed by ARPES Room: 254B |
Mousseau, Nomand Universit\'e de Montr\'eal |
Session W25.00002 The kinetic activation-relaxation technique: an off-lattice, self-learning kinetic Monte Carlo algorithm with on-the-fly event search Room: 257A |
Mrksich, Milan Northwestern University |
Session W39.00001 Controlling Cell Function with Geometry Room: 109B |
Mtingwa, Sekazi Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B2.00002 The African Laser Centre: Transforming the Laser Community in Africa Room: 204AB |
Muenzenberg, Markus I. Phys. Institute, Georg-August-University Goettingen |
Session V2.00004 Magneto-Seebeck effect and thermal torques in magnetic tunnel junctions Room: 204AB |
Mukamel, Shaul University of California, Irvine |
Session J34.00001 Probing Electronic Excitations in Molecules by Coherent Multidimensional UV and X Ray Spectroscopy Room: 107A |
Muller, David Cornell University |
Session V11.00004 Imaging the Structure of Grains, Grain Boundaries, and Stacking Sequences in Single and Multi-Layer Graphene Room: 210B |
Mullin, Amy University of Maryland |
Session L34.00004 Transient IR Probes of Spinning Molecules in an Optical Centrifuge Room: 107A |
Mundy, Christopher Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session J46.00002 Solvation of ions in bulk and at interfaces: What can density functional theory teach us? Room: 160ABC |
Murnane, Margaret JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session A34.00003 Capturing the Coupled Dynamics of Electrons, Atoms and Spins in Molecules and Materials using Ultrafast X-Rays Room: 107A |
Murray, Andrew Harvard University |
Session H43.00005 Experimental evolution in budding yeast Room: 157AB |
Musfeldt, Janice University of Tennessee |
Session X9.00009 Optical properties of iron oxides Room: 209 |
Musgrave, Charles University of Colorado |
Session Q49.00013 Singlet Fission and Multi-Exciton Generation in Organic Systems Room: 162A |
Muthukumar, Murugappan University of Massachusetts |
Session J46.00004 Charge-regularization effects on polyelectrolytes Room: 160ABC |
Naegerl, Hans-Christoph University of Innsbruck |
Session W10.00004 An ultracold high-density sample of rovibronic ground-state molecules in an optical lattice Room: 210A |
Natu, Stefan Cornell Universtiy |
Session B10.00001 Timescales for equilibration and adiabaticity in optical lattices Room: 210A |
Needleman, Daniel Applied Physics \& Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University |
Session V46.00002 Spindle Assembly and Architecture: From Laser Ablation to Microtubule Room: 160AB |
Nelson, Keith A. Department of Chemistry, MIT |
Session B34.00001 Control over coherent light fields enables multidimensional coherent spectroscopy and multispectral coherent control Room: 107A |
Netz, Roland Free University Berlin, Germany |
Session A44.00011 Friction and Hydration Repulsion Between Hydrogen-Bonding Surfaces Room: 157C |
Nevidomskyy, Andriy Rice University, Houston, TX |
Session Y3.00004 Quantum critical scaling in beta-YbAlB4 and theoretical implications Room: 205AB |
Nichol, John University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J1.00004 Nanomechanical detection of nuclear magnetic resonance using a silicon nanowire oscillator Room: 203 |
Nieh, Mu-Ping Institute of Materials Science, Department of Chemical, Materials and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 |
Session P44.00005 The Morphology of Lipid Aggregates based on the Interplay among Molecular Architectures, Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic and Coulombic Interactions and their Kinetics Room: 157C |
Nielson, Gregory N. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session H33.00001 Solar Glitter -- Microsystems Enabled Photovoltaics Room: 106 |
Ninkov, Zoran Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session B20.00004 Coupling physics to understanding the performance of detector arrays Room: 253C |
Nocera, Daniel G. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T10.00003 Solar to Fuel Conversion with Earth Abundant Materials Room: 210A |
Nomura, Kentaro Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univdfsity |
Session B27.00002 Magneto-Electric Effect in Three-Dimensional Topological Insulators from Surface Magnetic Disorder and Ferromagnetic Thin Film Room: 258AB |
Nori, Franco RIKEN and the University of Michigan |
Session A29.00001 Atomic physics and quantum optics using superconducting circuits: from the Dynamical Casimir effect to Majorana fermions Room: 259A |
Norman, Michael Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session J21.00001 The Challenge of Unconventional Superconductivity Room: 254A |
Norskov, Jens Stanford University |
Session J36.00001 Tailoring Surface Chemical Properties Using Electronic Structure Theory Room: 107C |
Novoselov, Kostya University of Manchester |
Session Z27.00002 Interaction-Driven Spectrum Reconstruction in Bilayer Graphene Room: 258AB |
Nussinov, Ruth NCI-Frederick, SAIC-Frederick, Inc. |
Session Y43.00003 Toxic $\beta $-Amyloid (A$\beta )$ Alzheimer's Ion Channels: From Structure to Function and Design Room: 157AB |
Nykypanchuk, Dmytro Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session P46.00003 Structural flexibility of DNA-Nanoparticle Assemblies Room: 160AB |
Obrovac, Mark Dalhousie University |
Session Q20.00004 Reversible Cycling of Silicon and Silicon Alloys Room: 253C |
Ogilvie, Jennifer University of Michigan |
Session J34.00004 Probing photosynthetic structure and function using multidimensional spectroscopy Room: 107A |
Ohno, Hideo CSIS/RIEC, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan |
Session Y2.00002 Spintronics Device for Stand-by Power Free Nonvolatile CMOS VLSI Room: 204AB |
Olsen, B.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X46.00001 Responsive Gel-Gel Phase Transitions in Artificially Engineered Protein Hydrogels Room: 160AB |
Olshanii, Maxim University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session X4.00001 Integrability versus Thermalizability in Isolated Quantum Systems Room: 205C |
Omoto, Akira The University of Tokyo |
Session W20.00001 The Accident at TEPCO's Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: Technical Description of What Happened and Lessons Learned for the Future Room: 253C |
Opila, Robert University of Delaware |
Session W2.00002 Role of Defects and Their Analysis in Photovoltaics Room: 204AB |
Orlita, Milan Laboratoire National des Champs Magn\'etiques Intenses, CNRS, Grenoble |
Session Q11.00004 Infrared magneto-spectroscopy of graphene-based systems Room: 210B |
Osgood, Richard Columbia University, Laboratory for Light-Surface Interactions, Center for Integrated Science and Engineering |
Session B36.00004 Probing Nanointerfaces of Nanoparticle-Based Solar Energy Conversion: Molecular Dynamics on the Angstrom Scale Room: 107C |
Oszwaldowski, Rafal University at Buffalo |
Session P14.00001 Magnetic Polarons and Bipolarons in Quantum Dots Room: 212 |
Ozolins, Vidvuds Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A10.00002 Computational approaches to finding earth-abundant thermoelectric materials Room: 210A |
Paik, Hanhee Yale University |
Session L39.00001 How coherent are Josephson junctions? Room: 109B |
Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. Princeton University |
Session Y44.00001 Simulations of nanoparticle ionic and organic hybrid materials Room: 157C |
Panagopoulos, Christos Nanyang Technological University |
Session Y18.00001 Tunable ferroelectricity and magnetoelectricity at the interfaces of superlattices of antiferromagnets Room: 252B |
Pantelides, Sokrates T. Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN |
Session H28.00001 Reliability of III-V electronic devices -- the defects that cause the trouble Room: 258C |
Papoian, Garegin The University of Maryland |
Session L43.00001 Postranslational modifications significantly alter the binding-folding pathways of proteins associating with DNA Room: 157AB |
Park, Jiwoong Cornell University |
Session V6.00001 High Throughput Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy of Individual Carbon Nanotubes Room: 206B |
Parkin, Stuart IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California |
Session H27.00003 David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics: Racetrack Memory - a high-performance, storage class memory using magnetic domain-walls manipulated by current Room: 258AB |
Pasupathy, Abhay Columbia University |
Session X12.00001 Atomic Scale Properties of Chemically Doped Graphene Room: 210C |
Pecharsky, Vitalij Ames Laboratory US DOE and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3020 |
Session Y2.00003 Optimized Magnetocaloric Materials Room: 204AB |
Pecora, Louis Naval Research Laboratory |
Session A52.00001 Regularization of tunneling rates in quantum chaotic systems Room: 153C |
Pederson, Mark Chemical Sciences, Biosciences, and Geosciences Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Department of Energy |
Session W34.00002 DFT-based Modeling of Field-Dependent Control and Response of Nanomagnetic Molecules Room: 107A |
Pekker, David Caltech |
Session B10.00003 The amplitude mode at the superfluid-mott insulator transition Room: 210A |
Pelz, Jon The Ohio State University, Dept. of Physics, Columbus, OH 43210 |
Session T20.00002 Nanometer-scale properties of metal/oxide interfaces and ``end-on'' metal contacts to Si nanowires studied by ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) Room: 253C |
Pendry, John Imperial College London |
Session U60.00003 Metamaterials, Transformation Optics, and the Science of Invisibility Room: Westin Boston Waterfront Grand Ballroom A/B |
Perdew, John P. Tulane University |
Session L35.00005 Toward Improved Semilocal and Nonlocal Density Functionals for Atoms, Molecules, and Solids Room: 107B |
Petrovic, Cedomir Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session D22.00001 Superconductivity in K$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_{2-z}$S$_{z}$ Room: 254B |
Petta, Jason Princeton University |
Session T29.00001 Electrical control of single spin dynamics Room: 259A |
Phillips, Philip Dept. of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 |
Session V19.00002 Holography and Mottness: A Discrete Marriage Room: 253AB |
Phillips, William D. Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland and National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8424, Gaithersburg MD 20899 |
Session T19.00002 Ultracold, trapped atomic gases as material systems Room: Ballroom East |
Pine, David New York University |
Session Y20.00002 Lock-and-Key Colloids Room: 253C |
Poelsema, Bene Physics of Interfaces and Nanomaterials, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente |
Session W27.00003 Ultrafast mass transport during decay of gigantic Pb mesas on Ni(111) Room: 258AB |
Pogorelov, Nikolai Physics Department, University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Session Y10.00005 Multi-Scale Modeling of the Plasma Flow and Magnetic Fields in the Entire Heliosphere Room: 210A |
Pokroy, Boaz Department of Materials Engineering and the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel |
Session L43.00005 The role of proteins and peptides in shaping the structure and microstructure of biogenic and biomimetic crystals Room: 157AB |
Polini, Marco NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR |
Session A27.00005 Electron-electron interactions in doped graphene sheets Room: 258AB |
Polzik, Eugene Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University |
Session V10.00001 Entanglement, teleportation and memory in atomic spin ensembles Room: 210A |
Popescu, Gabriel University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session P43.00001 Tissue Refractive Index Fluctuations Report on Cancer Development Room: 157AB |
Powers, Thomas R. Brown University |
Session W43.00003 Synchronization of flagella Room: 157AB |
Prokofiev, Nikolay University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session Q4.00004 Quantum simulations with ultracold atoms Room: 205C |
Prosnitz, Don None |
Session A43.00004 The Broader Impact Criteria- What's the solution? A panel discussion Room: 157AB |
Proust, Cyril Laboratoire National des Champs Magn\'etiques Intenses (CNRS) |
Session D3.00004 Evidence for competing orders in underdoped YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{y}$ Room: 205AB |
Prozorov, Ruslan The Ames Laboratory |
Session Q3.00002 Doping - dependent anisotropy of the superconducting gap in underdoped pnictide superconductors Room: 205AB |
Pruschke, Thomas Georg-August-Universit\"at G\"ottingen |
Session T2.00002 Petascale Many Body Methods for Complex Correlated Systems Room: 204AB |
Punk, Matthias Harvard University |
Session H8.00001 Confinement transitions of Z2 spin liquids on the kagome lattice Room: 208 |
Qi, Xiao-Liang Stanford University |
Session W3.00004 Generic Wavefunction Description of Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall States and Fractional Topological Insulators Room: 205AB |
Qiu, Z.Q. University of California at Berkeley |
Session T15.00001 Investigation of CoO/Fe/Ag(001) and NiO/Fe/Ag(001) epitaxial thin films X-ray magnetic dichroism Room: 213 |
Quinn, Helen Stanford University |
Session J2.00001 A Framework for K-12 Science Education Room: 204AB |
Quinn, Terry Retired |
Session X2.00002 Beller Lectureship: From Artefacts to Atoms: The Origins and Early Years of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) Room: 204AB |
Raab, Michael Agrivida, Inc. |
Session X27.00004 Genetically Engineered Materials for Biofuels Production Room: 258AB |
Radu, Ilie Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, BESSY II, Germany |
Session D15.00001 Ultrafast Magnetism of Multi-component Ferromagnets and Ferrimagnets on the Time Scale of the Exchange Interaction Room: 213 |
Rajan, Krishna Iowa State University |
Session A7.00004 Mapping the Materials Genome through Combinatorial Informatics Room: 207 |
Ralph, Daniel Cornell University |
Session W19.00002 Mechanical Control of Spin States in Spin-1 Molecules and the Underscreened Kondo Effect Room: 253AB |
Ramana, M.V. Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University |
Session W20.00005 Nuclear Power in India Room: 253C |
Ramesh, Ramamoorthy US DOE / UC Berkeley |
Session D27.00001 The DOE SunShot Initiative: Science and Technology to enable Solar Electricity at Grid Parity Room: 258AB |
Ramsey-Musolf, Michael University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session J20.00002 Shattering the Lavender Ceiling: Sexual Minorities in Physics Room: 253C |
Randeria, Mohit Ohio State University |
Session Q10.00004 Gaps and Pseudogaps across the inhomogeneous superconductor to paired insulator transition Room: 210A |
Rankin, Susan The Pennsylvania State University |
Session J20.00001 The State of Higher Education for STEM LGBTQQ Faculty/Staff Room: 253C |
Ratner, Mark Northwestern University |
Session L36.00001 Molecular photovoltaics: Tricks from theory, from fission to gaps to traps Room: 107C |
Ravelo, Ramon University of Texas-El Paso |
Session H25.00007 High Strain Rate and Shock-Induced Deformation in Metals Room: 257A |
Reddy, Pramod University of Michigan |
Session H17.00007 Charge and Energy Transport in Molecular Junctions Room: 252A |
Redner, Sidney Boston University |
Session P2.00005 Cooperativity-Driven Singularities in Cooperative Asymmetric Exclusion Room: 204AB |
Reed, Matthew Yale University |
Session J3.00005 Realization of Three-Qubit Quantum Error Correction with Superconducting Circuits Room: 205AB |
Refael, Gil California Institute of Technology |
Session Q10.00003 Bosons in disordered one-dimensional traps: a new paradigm for the superfluid-insulator transition Room: 210A |
Regan, Lynne Yale University |
Session Z41.00003 The power of simple hard-sphere models in protein structure prediction Room: 156B |
Reid, Jean-Philippe University of Sherbrooke |
Session A22.00004 Gap structure of iron-based superconductors via directional thermal conductivity Room: 254B |
Repp, Jascha University Regensburg |
Session V1.00007 Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Molecules on Thin Insulating Films Room: 203 |
Reshchikov, Michael Physis Department, Virginia Commonwealh University |
Session Z20.00004 Photoluminescence as a tool for characterizing point defects in semiconductors Room: 253C |
Reulet, Bertrand Universit\'e de Sherbrooke |
Session X3.00004 Hidden correlations in the zero-point motion of electrons revealed by non-Gaussian quantum noise Room: 205AB |
Reznik, Dmitry University of Colorado-Boulder |
Session Y27.00002 Magnetic Blue Phase in the Chiral Itinerant Magnet MnSi Room: 258AB |
Rice, T. Maurice Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, CH 8093 Zurich Switzerland |
Session H3.00003 A Phenomenological Theory of the Anomalous Pseudogap Phase in Underdoped Cuprates Room: 205AB |
Ricker, George Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B20.00003 Gamma-ray Bursts, Black Holes, and Exoplanets: How CCD Detectors have Revolutionized Astronomy Room: 253C |
Riek, Roland ETH Zurich |
Session Y43.00002 Exploring the Amylome: Predicting Amyloidogenic proteins & mapping their roles, functional or not Room: 157AB |
Rigden, John Washington University in St. Louis |
Session Q19.00005 Purcell the Teacher: In and Out of the Classroom Room: 253AB |
Rigetti, Chad IBM T. J. Watson Research Center |
Session P29.00001 Prospects for a prototype quantum processor based on three-dimensional superconducting cavities and qubits Room: 259A |
Ritz, Robert Technical University Munich, Physics Department E21 |
Session H19.00002 Experimental studies of skyrmion textures and spin torque effects in chiral magnets Room: 253AB |
Robertson, John Cambridge University |
Session V20.00003 Bonding principles of the Passivation Mechanism at III-V -- oxide Interfaces Room: 253C |
Rodriguez, Efrain NIST Center for Neutron Research |
Session L22.00001 Interstitial Iron Effects on Magnetic Excitations in Parent Phases Fe$_{1+x}$Te from Polarized and Inelastic Neutron Scattering Room: 254B |
Rogers, John University of Illinois |
Session J18.00001 Large Area 3D Negative Index Metamaterials Formed by Printing Room: 252B |
Rohlfing, Eric US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences |
Session A36.00001 Facing our Energy Challenges in a New Era of Science Room: 107C |
Rolison, Debra U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Session D27.00002 Integrating the multifunction necessary for electrochemical energy storage into energy- and size-scalable ultraporous nanoarchitectures Room: 258AB |
Romero, Manuel National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session W2.00003 The Integration of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Scanning Probe Microscopy, and Luminescence Spectroscopy in one Platform: New Opportunities and Applications in Photovoltaics Room: 204AB |
Rosch, Achim University of Cologne |
Session H19.00005 Emergent electrodynamics from moving magnetic whirls in chiral magnets Room: 253AB |
Rosenberg, Flash Artist in Residence for LIVE from the New York Public Library |
Session H2.00003 Drawing at the Speed of Talk: doodling complex discussions in real-time to create animated ``Conversation Portraits'' Room: 204AB |
Roshchin, Igor V. Department of Physics and Astronomy and Materials Science and Engineering Program, Texas A\&M University |
Session D13.00004 Uncompensated Magnetization in Antiferromagnets, and New Classification of Exchange Bias Systems Room: 211 |
Ross, Jennifer University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session H46.00003 Enhancing Biopolymer Dynamics through Destruction Room: 160ABC |
Rossnagel, Kai University of Kiel |
Session P19.00003 Shooting the electronic structure movie: Femtosecond time-resolved photoemission of layered charge-density-wave systems Room: 253AB |
Rosso, Kevin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session L36.00004 Coupled polaronic and ion transport in nanocrystalline metal oxide electrodes Room: 107C |
Roth, Connie Dept. of Physics, Emory University |
Session P50.00011 Glass Transition and Physical Aging in Thin Polymer Films: A Unified Picture of Confinement Room: 162B |
Rousseau, Denis Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
Session V41.00001 Two tyrosyl radicals stabilize high oxidation states in cytochrome c oxidase for efficient energy conservation and proton translocation Room: 156B |
Rowat, Amy University of California, Los Angeles |
Session W50.00007 Probing cell mechanical properties with microfluidic devices Room: 162B |
Rubinstein, Michael University of North Carolina |
Session A46.00004 Tension in Highly Branched Polymers Room: 160AB |
Rubinstein, Shmuel Dept. of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Y45.00004 Falling drops skating on a film of air Room: 159 |
Rubio, Angel NanoBio Spectroscopy Group and ETSF Scientific Development Centre, Faculty of Chemistry University of the Basque Count |
Session V35.00006 TDDFT for nonlinear phenomena of light-matter interactions Room: 107B |
Rullier-Albenque, Florence Service de Physique de l Etat Condense, IRAMIS, CEA Saclay, France |
Session A3.00004 Distinct Ranges of Superconducting Fluctuations and Pseudogap in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+x}$ Room: 205AB |
Rumbles, Garry NREL |
Session T49.00004 Correlating Free-Carrier production in P3HT with Solid-State Microstructure using Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity Room: 162A |
Russo, Christopher Harvard University Department of Physics |
Session Q12.00005 Creation and sculpting of graphene with ion and electron beams Room: 210C |
Ruzmetov, Dmitry Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA |
Session W2.00004 Li ion nanowire batteries and their \textit{in situ} characterization in the TEM Room: 204AB |
Ryan, Anthony University of Sheffield |
Session H46.00005 Making Polymers Swim Room: 160ABC |
Ryan, Philip Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D2.00003 Reversal of Magnetic Interactions by Electric field Room: 204AB |
Ryu, Chang Yeol Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session T2.00003 Polymers at Interfaces: US-Korea International Research and Education Partnership Room: 204AB |
Ryzhkin, Ivan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS |
Session B8.00007 Similarities and differences between spin and water ice models Room: 208 |
Rzchowski, M.S. Physics Dept., University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session X19.00004 Electronic and structural correlations at 2DEG oxide heterointerfaces Room: 253AB |
Sabelli, Nora SRI International |
Session J26.00002 Computational Science as a Data and Compute Intensive Environment: How do we Prepare the Future for it? Room: 257B |
Sacanna, Stefano New York University |
Session T47.00008 Self Assembly of Colloids Room: 160C |
Sadler, Philip Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session J2.00005 The Role of Pre-College Preparation in College Physics Success Room: 204AB |
Saitoh, Eiji Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University |
Session V2.00002 Spin pumping and spin Seebeck effect Room: 204AB |
Salleo, Alberto Stanford University |
Session W49.00004 Quantitative assessments of the effect of microstructure on transport in organic semiconductors Room: 162A |
Salomon, Christophe LKB, Ecole Normale superieure |
Session J19.00001 From ultracold Fermi Gases to Neutron Stars Room: 253AB |
Samarth, Nitin Dept. of Physics, Penn State University, University Park PA 16802 |
Session V13.00005 Probing and manipulating magnetization at the nanoscale Room: 211 |
Sanchez, Tim Brandeis University, Physics Department |
Session H20.00002 Assembly and dynamics of synthetic cilia Room: 253C |
Santander-Syro, Andres Felipe CSNSM, Universite Paris-Sud, Bat. 108, 91405 Orsay, France |
Session X19.00005 Electronic structure and two-dimensional electron gas at the surface of SrTiO$_{3}$ Room: 253AB |
Santavicca, Daniel Department of Applied Physics, Yale University |
Session P19.00005 High frequency properties of individual metallic carbon nanotubes Room: 253AB |
Sanvito, Stefano School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin |
Session Z3.00002 Inelastic single-spin transport theory Room: 205AB |
Sasai, Masaki Nagoya University |
Session H43.00002 Epigenetic switches and network transitions Room: 157AB |
Sau, Jay Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 |
Session D44.00002 Realization and detection of Majorana modes at generic spin-orbit coupled semiconductor/s-wave superconductor interfaces Room: 157C |
Savary, Lucile University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L19.00005 Impurity Effects in Highly Frustrated Diamond-Lattice Antiferromagnets Room: 253AB |
Savic, Ivana Department of Chemistry, University of California at Davis, Davis, California, USA |
Session X10.00005 Large scale atomistic approaches to thermal transport and phonon scattering in nanostructured materials Room: 210A |
Scarani, Valerio Centre for Quantum Technologies and Department of Physics, National University of Singapore |
Session J29.00001 Information Causality as a physical principle Room: 259A |
Schatz, George Northwestern University |
Session B36.00001 Theories of plasmon enhanced optical processes important in solar energy Room: 107C |
Scheffler, Matthias Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG |
Session J10.00003 Single-electron excitations of molecules and solids -- reliability and robustness of density-functional theory and \textit{GW} calculations Room: 210A |
Schindler, Kevin Lowell Observatory |
Session L20.00004 Outreach to the Native American community through the Navajo-Hopi program Room: 253C |
Schmidt, Oliver Institute for Integrative Nanosciences |
Session V27.00003 Rolled-up multifunctional materials Room: 258AB |
Schmiedmayer, J\"{o}rg Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Atominstitut, TU-Wien |
Session B10.00005 Relaxation Dynamics and Pre-thermalization in an isolated Quantum System Room: 210A |
Schneider, Joel National Cancer Institute |
Session Y43.00005 Functional Hydrogel Materials Inspired by Amyloid Room: 157AB |
Schneider, William F. University of Notre Dame |
Session P36.00003 Environmental Catalysis at the Boundary between Metals and Metal Oxides Room: 107C |
Scholes, Gregory University of Toronto |
Session J34.00007 Quantum mechanical light harvesting mechanisms in photosynthesis Room: 107A |
Schreck, Carl Yale University |
Session D53.00004 Nonharmonicity in vibrated granular solids Room: 153B |
Schuller, Ivan Center for Advanced Nanoscience, UCSD |
Session B21.00001 An Enlightened Combinatorial Search for New Superconductors Room: 254A |
Schultheiss, Helmut Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, and Department of Physics and Research Center OPTIMAS, University of Kaiserslautern |
Session Q2.00002 Spin Wave Transport in Microscopic Magnetic Structures Room: 204AB |
Schumacher, Benjamin Kenyon College |
Session A2.00001 Doing quantum theory at a liberal arts college Room: 204AB |
Schuster, David University of Chicago |
Session A4.00007 Hybrid Quantum Systems with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Room: 205C |
Schweizer, Ken University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q44.00001 Multiscale structure, interfacial cohesion, adsorbed layers, miscibility and properties in dense polymer-particle mixtures Room: 157C |
Scully, Marlan Texas A\&M and Princeton Universities |
Session L27.00005 Quantum Photocell: Using Quantum Coherence to Reduce Radiative Recombination and Increase Efficiency Room: 258AB |
Sefat, Athena Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Y22.00003 Exploration of Superconductivity in Layered Structures Room: 254B |
Segalman, Rachel University of California, Berkeley |
Session L46.00001 John H. Dillon Medal Lecture: Self-assembly of rod-coil block polymers Room: 160ABC |
Segawa, Kouji Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University |
Session H31.00004 Synthesis and Characterization of New Topological Insulators Room: 260 |
Sessoli, Roberta Department of Chemistry \& INSTM, University of Florence |
Session H13.00004 Beller Lectureship: Single Molecular Magnets on Conductive Surfaces Room: 211 |
Sewell, Thomas D. Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 |
Session A25.00007 Atomic-Scale Theoretical Studies of Energy Transfer, Inelastic Deformation, and Void Collapse in Molecular Crystals and Polymers Room: 257A |
Shankar, R. Yale Physics |
Session W3.00002 Composite fermions for fractionally filled Chern bands Room: 205AB |
Shankar, Sadasivan Intel Corporation Santa Clara, California, USA |
Session J10.00004 Role of Validation and Predictions in Modeling: Specific Examples from Semiconductor Industry Applications Room: 210A |
Shao-Horn, Yang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session D26.00001 Design Principles for Oxygen Reduction and Evolution on Oxide Catalysts Room: 257B |
Shastry, Sriram University of California Santa Cruz |
Session H3.00001 Extremely Correlated Fermi Liquids Room: 205AB |
Shekhawat, Ashivni Cornell University |
Session D43.00004 Fracture Statistics: Universality vs. Nucleation Room: 157AB |
Shekoyan, Vazgen Queensborough Community College, CUNY |
Session P20.00002 Designing and using multiple-possibility physics problems in physics courses Room: 253C |
Shen, Jian Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China and Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee |
Session H27.00005 A New Avenue towards Colossal Magnetoresistance in Organic Tunneling Junctions Room: 258AB |
Shen, Kyle Cornell University |
Session J5.00001 Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy of the electronic structure of complex oxide interfaces Room: 206A |
Shi, An-Chang McMaster University |
Session T50.00010 Discovering Complex Ordered Phases of Block Copolymers Room: 162B |
Shi, Li The University of Texas at Austin |
Session B17.00001 Thermoelectric Transport in Bismuth Telluride Nanoplates, Semiconductor Nanowires, and Silicide Nanocomposites: Effects of Low Dimensionality, Surface States, Interface Structures, and Crystal Complexity Room: 252A |
Shih, Chih-Kang The University of Texas at Austin |
Session W27.00005 Quantum Oscillations of Surface Electronic Structure: Inter-relation Between Quantum Well States, Work Functions and Surface Energies Room: 258AB |
Shirley, Eric NIST |
Session J10.00001 Validation of Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Calculations Room: 210A |
Shroff, Hari National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering |
Session Q43.00004 Beholding the subcellular world in your PALM: nanometer resolution optical measurements of protein assemblies in cells Room: 157AB |
Shu, Lei University of California, San Diego |
Session Y3.00001 Correlated Electron State in Ce$_{1-x}$Yb$_{x}$CoIn$_{5}$ Stabilized by Cooperative Valence Fluctuations Room: 205AB |
Shuh, David Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 |
Session P36.00005 Assessing Actinide-Oxygen Covalency by K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Room: 107C |
Siddiqi, I. QNL, University of California, Berkeley |
Session J3.00001 Continuous High-Fidelity Monitoring of a Superconducting Qubit: From Quantum Jumps to Feedback Room: 205AB |
Simmons, Christie University of Wisconsin - Madison / Currently: Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session W46.00001 Single-shot readout of spin qubits in Si/SiGe quantum dots Room: 160AB |
Simon, Sindee Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University |
Session A49.00004 Long-Time Dynamics in Polymers: Experimental Results Room: 162A |
Singh, David Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session L17.00013 Transport in Old and New Thermoelectric Materials Room: 252A |
Skinner, James University of Wisconsin |
Session T35.00002 Vibrational spectroscopy of interacting water molecules Room: 107B |
Slonczewski, John formerly with IBM Research Division |
Session V2.00001 Thermal creation of stronger spin-transfer torque in oscillators and memories Room: 204AB |
Smet, Jurgen Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research |
Session D11.00004 Conductance fluctuations in graphene as a probe of broken-symmetry and fractional quantum Hall states Room: 210B |
Smith, Arthur R. Ohio University Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute |
Session T2.00004 SPIRE, the ``Spin Triangle'': Athens, Hamburg, Buenos Aires: Advancing Nanospintronics and Nanomagnetism Room: 204AB |
Snoke, David University of Pittsburgh |
Session W10.00002 Superfluid Phase Transition of Long-Lifetime Polaritons Room: 210A |
Soles, Christopher NIST Polymers Division |
Session B46.00004 Interfacial, Thin Film, and Structural Measurements to Facilitate Polymer Nanomanufacturing Room: 160AB |
Solomon, Glenn Joint Quantum Institute, NIST & Univ. Maryland |
Session L10.00001 Two-photon interference from quantum dot and parametric-down conversion single photons Room: 210A |
Spielman, Ian NIST |
Session P10.00001 Quantum simulations and artificial gauge fields with ultracold atoms Room: 210A |
Srinivasan, Srikant School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University |
Session H15.00008 GMAG Dissertation Award Talk: All Spin Logic -- Multimagnet Networks interacting via Spin currents Room: 213 |
Stafford, Charles University of Arizona |
Session D35.00001 On the derivative discontinuity in molecular junctions Room: 107B |
Staley, Neal The Pennsylvania State University |
Session B3.00002 Manipulating superconducting fluctuations in ultrasmall loops and quasi one-dimensional wires of Al Room: 205AB |
Stamp, Philip University of British Columbia |
Session P13.00004 Decoherence: Intrinsic, Extrinsic, and Environmental Room: 211 |
Stanescu, Tudor West Virginia University |
Session A31.00004 Majorana fermions in semiconductor nanowires with realistic physical parameters Room: 260 |
Starr, Francis W. Physics Dept., Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT |
Session Q47.00004 Structural Diversity of DNA-Coated Particle Assemblies Room: 160C |
Stechel, Ellen Sandia National laboratory |
Session J27.00005 Fuel from Sunlight: Prospects and Approaches Room: 258AB |
Stefanus, - University of Pittsburgh |
Session J43.00004 Search for Conformal Invariance in Two-dimensional Compressible Turbulence Room: 157AB |
Steffen, Matthias IBM |
Session J3.00003 Towards a scalable superconducting qubit architecture Room: 205AB |
Steiner, Richard National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session X2.00005 Evolving Planck Constant Measurements into the SI Kilogram Standard Room: 204AB |
Stengel, Massimiliano ICREA - Instituci\'o Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avan\c{c}ats, 08010 Barcelona |
Session W32.00005 Macroscopic electrostatics at the nanoscale: From ferroelectric capacitors to confined electron gases Room: 261 |
Stephenson, G. Brian Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q33.00001 Science Enabled by the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Room: 106 |
Stern, Ady Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session Z19.00003 Quantum Hall interferometry in abelian and non-abelian states Room: 253AB |
Stevens, Mark Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J46.00003 Simulation of single molecule stretching experiments on denatured ssDNA Room: 160ABC |
Stewart, Gay University of Arkansas, Fayetteville |
Session J2.00004 An Introduction to the new AP Physics algebra-based program: A new focus on best practices Room: 204AB |
Stocker, Roman MIT |
Session X43.00005 Directional swimming in bacteria: active and passive gradient responses Room: 157AB |
Stockert, Oliver Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden |
Session V3.00004 Magnetically driven superconductivity in CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ Room: 205AB |
Stoudenmire, E. Miles Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine |
Session A35.00005 Exact DFT with the density matrix renormalization group Room: 107B |
Strand, Joel Syracuse University |
Session Q30.00001 Coupling superconducting qubits and resonators Room: 259B |
Strano, Michael MIT |
Session H7.00011 New concepts in molecular and energy transport within carbon nanotubes: thermopower waves and stochastically resonant ion channels Room: 207 |
Suel, Gurol UT Southwestern |
Session P42.00005 Uncovering principles of cellular decision-making Room: 156C |
Sun, Yiyang Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session A10.00001 Computational Design of Solar Energy Harvesting Materials Made of Earth-Abundant Elements Room: 210A |
Suntharalingam, Vyshnavi Advanced Imaging Technology, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 244 Wood Street Lexington, MA 02420-9108 |
Session B20.00002 Advanced CCD and CMOS image sensor technology at MIT Lincoln Laboratory Room: 253C |
Suo, Zhigang Harvard University |
Session X46.00005 Soft active materials---when mechanics meets chemistry Room: 160AB |
Sutter, Peter Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X12.00005 Growth and Characterization of Graphene-Boron Nitride Heterostructures Room: 210C |
Swingle, Brian Harvard University |
Session W3.00005 Correlated topological insulators and the fractional magnetoelectric effect Room: 205AB |
Szlufarska, Izabela University of Wisconsin |
Session L26.00001 How dislocations and grain boundaries control wear at the nanoscale Room: 257B |
Takagi, Hidenori Department of Physics, University of Tokyo and RIKEN ASI |
Session D19.00001 Spin orbit coupling, electron correlations and exotic magnetism in 5d complex Ir oxides Room: 253AB |
Takagi, Noriaki The University of Tokyo |
Session W19.00005 Evolution of Kondo Resonance from a Single Impurity Molecule to the Two-Dimensional Kondo Lattice Room: 253AB |
Takamura, Yayoi Dept. Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of California, Davis |
Session P9.00007 Domain Structures in Perovskite Oxide Superlattices Room: 209 |
Tanatar, M.A. Ames Laboratory USDOE, Ames, Iowa |
Session H22.00001 Temperature-dependent anisotropic resistivity in electron, hole and isoelectron - doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$ superconductors Room: 254B |
Tang, Jay Physics Department, Brown University |
Session X43.00001 Bacterial Swimming and Accumulation at the Fluid Boundaries Room: 157AB |
Tao, Nongjian |
Session P43.00002 TBA Room: 157AB |
Tassin, Philippe Vrije Univ. Brussel and Ames Lab/Iowa State Univ. |
Session D18.00002 Graphene, superconductors, and metals: What is a good conductor for metamaterials and plasmonics? Room: 252B |
Tavernelli, Ivano \'Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Session X26.00002 Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics with Trajectories Room: 257B |
Tewari, Sumanta Physics and Astronomy, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634 |
Session Q29.00001 Topological superconducting states and protected qubit manipulations Room: 259A |
Thalabard, Simon SPEC/IRAMI/CEA Saclay |
Session J43.00005 Schramm-Loewner (SLE) analysis of quasi two-dimensional turbulent flows Room: 157AB |
Thirumalai, Dave University of Maryland |
Session L43.00003 Protein misfolding and aggregation Room: 157AB |
Thurn-Albrecht, Thomas Martin-Luther-Universit\"at Halle-Wittenberg |
Session X47.00007 Ions in block copolymers: Effects on thermodynamics, structural changes and electric field induced alignment. Room: 160C |
Tirrell, David California Institute of Technology |
Session H46.00002 Physical and Biological Properties of Engineered Protein Hydrogels Room: 160ABC |
Tirrell, Matthew University of Chicago |
Session H46.00001 Polymer Physics Prize Lecture: Polyelectrolyte complexes: New routes to useful soft materials Room: 160ABC |
Tkachenko, Alexei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session P46.00002 Inverse Problem in Self-assembly Room: 160AB |
Todd, Odd Odd Todd Studios |
Session H2.00002 Using Cartoons to Communicate Science Room: 204AB |
Tokmakoff, Andrei MIT Department of Chemistry |
Session T35.00001 Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics Lecture: 2D IR Spectroscopy of Peptide Conformation Room: 107B |
Tokura, Yasuhiro NTT Basic Research Laboratories |
Session L29.00001 Coherent control and detection of spin qubits in semiconductor with magnetic field engineering Room: 259A |
Tomalia, Donald NanoSynthons LLC |
Session W34.00001 In Quest of a Systematic Framework for Unifying and Defining Nanoscience Room: 107A |
Torquato, Salvatore Depatrments of Chemistry and Physics, and Princeton Center for Theoretical Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 |
Session L33.00001 Packing Nonspherical Particles: All Shapes Are Not Created Equal Room: 106 |
Torres, Cristina LIGO Livingston Observatory |
Session L20.00003 Knowing your Hispanic community to improve outreach effectiveness Room: 253C |
Tournilhac, Francois Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielles (Paris) |
Session B46.00005 Self-Healing Polymer Networks Room: 160AB |
Trassin, Morgan Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 |
Session J9.00001 Electric-field induced magnetization reversal using multiferroics Room: 209 |
Trebst, Simon University of Cologne |
Session D19.00003 Possible proximity of the Iridates (Na,Li)$_2$IrO$_3$ to a topologically ordered Mott insulator: Phase diagram of the Heisenberg-Kitaev model Room: 253AB |
Trefonas, Peter The Dow Chemical Company |
Session B46.00001 Polymer and Material Design for Lithography From 50 nm Node to the sub-16 nm Node Room: 160AB |
Tretiakov, Oleg Texas A\&M University |
Session V13.00001 Domain-wall dynamics in ferromagnetic nanowires Room: 211 |
Triscone, Jean-Marc DPMC, University of Geneva |
Session X19.00001 Electronic structure of the interfacial LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ 2D electron gas Room: 253AB |
Tromp, Rudolf IBM T.J. Watson Research Center |
Session D17.00008 Aberration corrected Low Energy Electron Microscopy for Surface and Interface Studies Room: 252A |
Truhlar, Donald University of Minnesota |
Session Q35.00005 New Density Functionals with Broad Applicability in Chemistry (SOGGA11, SOGGA11-X, M11, M11-L) and Approaches to Open-Shell DFT Room: 107B |
Tsimring, Lev University of California, San Diego |
Session V46.00005 Order and instabilities in dense bacterial colonies Room: 160AB |
Uemura, Yasutomo Department of Physics, Columbia University |
Session T2.00005 Super-PIRE: International Consortium for Proving Novel Superconducors Room: 204AB |
Ullrich, Carsten University of Missouri |
Session W35.00001 Watching excitons move: the time-dependent transition density matrix Room: 107B |
Upadhyaya, Arpita Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session T40.00004 Forcing it on: Cytoskeletal dynamics during lymphocyte activation Room: 156A |
Urayama, Kenji Department of Materials Chemistry, Kyoto University |
Session A46.00001 Switching Shape of Nematic Elastomers Room: 160AB |
Urazhdin, Sergei Emory University |
Session L15.00005 Autonomous and driven dynamics of spin torque nano-oscillators Room: 213 |
Ursell, Tristan Stanford University |
Session B43.00002 Spatial Patterning of Newly-Inserted Material during Bacterial Cell Growth Room: 157AB |
Vafek, Oskar National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Florida State University |
Session Z27.00001 Theoretical Approach to Many-body Instabilities in Bilayer Graphene Room: 258AB |
Valentine, Megan Department of Mechanical Engineering; University of California Santa Barbara |
Session B40.00001 Seeing is believing: New insight into structure-mechanics relationships in entangled and crosslinked microtubule networks Room: 156A |
van den Brink, Jeroen IFW Dresden |
Session Y19.00001 Multiferroicity due to Charge Ordering Room: 253AB |
Vanden-Eijnden, Eric Courant Institute, NYU |
Session X25.00002 Generalizations of the string method Room: 257A |
Vandersypen, Lieven Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft |
Session P14.00008 Single-shot correlations and two-qubit gate of solid-state spins Room: 212 |
Van de Walle, Chris Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session Z20.00002 Loss mechanisms in nitrides Room: 253C |
Van Duyne, Richard Chemistry Department Northwestern University |
Session P34.00004 New Directions in Plasmonics: Pushing the Space-Time Limit Room: 107A |
van Mierlo, Frank 1366 Technologies Inc. |
Session X27.00003 Advanced materials manufacturing for solar energy Room: 258AB |
van Oudenaarden, Alexander MIT |
Session Y41.00002 Optimality in the Development of Intestinal Crypts Room: 156B |
Van Voorhis, Troy MIT Department of Chemistry |
Session H35.00001 Weakly Interacting Subsystems in DFT Room: 107B |
Varlamov, Andrey Institute of Superconductivity and Innovative Materials SPIN- CNR |
Session A3.00005 Fluctuoscopy of Superconductors Room: 205AB |
Vehkamaki, Hanna University of Helsinki |
Session D36.00001 Uncovering the formation mechanism of atmospheric nanoparticles Room: 107C |
Venkatesan, T. NUSNNI-NanoCore, National University of Singapore |
Session H27.00004 George E. Pake Prize Lecture: Pulsed Laser Deposition and the Oxide Electronics Revolution Room: 258AB |
Verstraete, Frank University of Vienna |
Session V10.00002 Entanglement and real-space renormalization group methods for quantum field theories Room: 210A |
Vetsigian, Kalin University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session L40.00001 Microbial interaction networks in soil and in silico Room: 156A |
Vignale, Giovanni Department of Physics, University of Missouri-Columbia |
Session H19.00004 Current-driven spin dynamics in spin-orbit coupled superconductors Room: 253AB |
Vishik, Inna Stanford University |
Session L3.00003 Phase competition in trisected superconducting dome Room: 205AB |
Vitelli, Vincenzo Instituut Lorentz for Theoretical Physics |
Session Z43.00002 Shocks in fragile matter Room: 157AB |
Vojta, Thomas Missouri University of Science and Technology |
Session Q10.00005 Infinite-randomness criticality in disordered metals and superconductors Room: 210A |
Vrtilek, Saeqa Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session L20.00005 Intersections of Gender and Power: Improving the Status of Women in Physics Room: 253C |
Vuckovic, Jelena Stanford University |
Session H10.00001 Strong photon-photon interaction in a coupled quantum dot- photonic crystal nanocavity Room: 210A |
Vuletic, Vladan MIT |
Session H10.00002 Single-photon nonlinearity Room: 210A |
Wachsman, Eric D. University of Maryland |
Session X27.00005 Innovative oxide materials for electrochemical energy conversion Room: 258AB |
Waks, Edo University of Maryland |
Session H10.00005 Fast optical control of atom-light interactions using quantum dots coupled to photonic crystal cavities Room: 210A |
Wang, Dawei Xi`an Jiaotong University |
Session D32.00001 Dynamical couplings in ferroelectrics and multiferroics Room: 261 |
Wang, Feng UC Berkeley |
Session D6.00004 Tunable optical properties of graphene Room: 206B |
Wang, Jin Stony Brook University |
Session H43.00004 Landscape and Flux Framework for Non-Equilibrium Networks: Kinetic Paths and Rate Dynamics Room: 157AB |
Wang, Michelle D. Cornell University |
Session Q43.00002 ATP-induced helicase slippage reveals highly coordinated subunits Room: 157AB |
Wang, Siyuan Harvard University |
Session Y40.00007 DBIO Best Thesis Award: Mechanics, Dynamics, and Organization of the Bacterial Cytoskeleton and Cell Wall Room: 156A |
Wang, Xin Condensed Matter Theory Center, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L9.00008 Covalency, Excitons, Double Counting and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Transition Metal Oxides Room: 209 |
Wang, Yong Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Session Y15.00004 A Unified Quantum Theory of Spin Transfer Torque and Electron Transport in Magnetic Nanostructures Room: 213 |
Wasielewski, Michael Department of Chemistry and ANSER Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3113 |
Session D27.00003 Bio-inspired Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion Room: 258AB |
Wasserman, Adam Purdue University |
Session P35.00005 Partition Density Functional Theory Room: 107B |
Weare, John University of California, San Diego |
Session D36.00005 1st principle simulations of ions in water solutions: Bond structure and chemistry in the hydration shells of highly charged ions Room: 107C |
Weber, Justin R. Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR |
Session T20.00003 Metropolis Prize Talk: Defects in Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ and their impact on III-V/Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ MOS-based devices Room: 253C |
Weeks, John D. Institute for Physical Science and Technology and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Maryland, College Park, MD |
Session A44.00007 Deconstructing Classical Water Models at Interfaces and in Bulk: Hydrophobic Interactions and Hydrogen Bonding Room: 157C |
Wei, Tzu-Chieh CN Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University |
Session B3.00001 Emergence of h/e-period oscillations in the critical temperature of small superconducting rings and critical velocity in one-dimensional superconductors Room: 205AB |
Weichman, Peter BAE Systems |
Session D20.00002 Through-wall microwave imaging: some applications of physics to urban reconnaissance Room: 253C |
Weidemueller, Matthias Univ. Heidelberg |
Session W10.00005 BEC of Rydberg atoms Room: 210A |
Weitering, Hanno Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee |
Session W27.00001 Plasmons under extreme dimensional confinement Room: 258AB |
Weitz, Martin University of Bonn |
Session W10.00001 Bose-Einstein condensation of photons Room: 210A |
Weller, Robert A. Vanderbilt University |
Session Y10.00003 Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Effects in Microelectronics Room: 210A |
Welp, Ulrich Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q3.00004 Controlling vortex pinning and vortex phase diagrams of FeAs-based superconductors through particle irradiation and substitution Room: 205AB |
Wen, Xiao-Gang Dept. of Physics, MIT |
Session V10.00004 Topological order and long range quantum entanglements Room: 210A |
Wenderoth, Martin 4. Physikalisches Institut, University of G\"ottingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 G\"ottingen, Germany |
Session A19.00003 Long-range Kondo signature of a single magnetic impurity Room: 253AB |
Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang Institut Neel, CNRS, Grenoble |
Session Z6.00006 Carbon based devices for molecular quantum spintronics Room: 206B |
Westmoreland, Michael Denison University |
Session A2.00002 Quantum Information in Non-physics Departments at Liberal Arts Colleges Room: 204AB |
Whaley, Birgitta University of California, Berkeley |
Session W41.00001 Quantum Coherence in Biology Room: 156B |
Whitacre, Jay Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B26.00007 Physics of Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries Room: 257B |
White, Stephen University of California at Irvine, Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics |
Session A41.00001 A Neutron View of Proteins in Lipid Bilayers Room: 156B |
White, Steven UC Irvine |
Session L19.00001 The spin liquid ground state of the $S=1/2$ Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice Room: 253AB |
Whitesides, George Harvard |
Session T19.00005 Biological physics on the mesoscale Room: Ballroom East |
Wiggins, Chris Columbia University |
Session D40.00001 Optimal Information Processing in Biochemical Networks Room: 156A |
Wilczek, Frank Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B19.00005 Taking Off From Maxwell's Equations Room: 253AB |
Wilkins, Stuart Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Y19.00002 Soft X-ray Observation of electronic contribution to ferroelectric polarization Room: 253AB |
Willard, Matthew U. S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Session Y2.00005 Soft Magnetic Materials for Improved Energy Performance Room: 204AB |
Willett, Robert Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent |
Session Z19.00001 Interferometric evidence for non-Abelian quasiparticles at filling factor 5/2 Room: 253AB |
Williams, James Stanford University |
Session A19.00005 Tunable Kondo Effect in SrTiO$_3$ Room: 253AB |
Wilson, Christopher Chalmers University |
Session J3.00002 Observation of the dynamical Casimir effect in a superconducting circuit Room: 205AB |
Wilson, Richard Harvard University |
Session L2.00004 Sakharov Prize Lecture Room: 204AB |
Winey, Karen University of Pennsylvania |
Session P48.00008 Morphologies in Semi-Crystalline Precise Acid- and Ion-Containing Polymers Room: 161 |
Winick, Herman SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session B2.00003 SESAME -- A light source for the Middle East Room: 204AB |
Winter, Stephen University of Waterloo |
Session T13.00010 Strong Exchange Anisotropy in Heavy Atom Radical Ferromagnets Room: 211 |
Wirth, Steffen Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids Dresden |
Session A19.00001 Local Kondo screening and spatial coherence in YbRh$_2$Si$_2$ Room: 253AB |
Wirtz, Denis Johns Hopkins |
Session Z2.00005 The physics of 3D cell migration Room: 204AB |
Wise, Debra Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT |
Session H2.00001 Creating Catalytic Collaborations between Theater Artists, Scientists, and Research Institutions Room: 204AB |
Witzel, Wayne Sandia National Laboratories, NM |
Session W46.00004 Simulating a solid state spin qubit in a spin bath Room: 160AB |
Wohlgenannt, Markus University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session Y14.00001 A new twist on organic spintronics: Controlling transport in organic sandwich devices using fringe fields from ferromagnetic films Room: 212 |
Wong, Stephen The Methodist Hospital Research Institute |
Session P43.00004 High Content Bio-Chemo-Mechanical Screening and Modeling to Study Heterogeneity and Metastasis of Cancer for Drug Target Discovery Room: 157AB |
Wootters, William Williams College |
Session A2.00003 Theoretical Research Fostered by an Undergraduate Environment Room: 204AB |
Wu, Mingming Biological and Environmental Engineering Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 |
Session X43.00004 Microfluidics for bacterial chemotaxis Room: 157AB |
Wu, Mingzhong Department of Physics, Colorado State University |
Session Q2.00005 Manipulation of Spin Waves in Yttrium Iron Garnet Thin Films through Interfacial Spin Scattering Room: 204AB |
Wu, M.W. Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China |
Session T6.00001 Spin Relaxation and Spin Transport in Graphene Room: 206B |
Wu, Shi The University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Session Y10.00004 Data-driven Three-Dimensional (3D) Global Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Model with Radiation to Study the Solar Atmospheric Dynamics Room: 210A |
Wu, Xiaolun University of Pittsburgh |
Session X43.00002 Bacterial Motility Patterns and Their Chemotaxis Behaviors Room: 157AB |
Wunderlich, Joerg Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK; Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., Cukrovarnick\'a 10, 162 53 Praha 6, Czech Republic |
Session Q14.00004 Spin Hall effect for detection of spin-currents -- Realization of a Spin transistor Room: 212 |
Wyart, Matthieu New York University |
Session B47.00001 Geometrical analysis of suspension flows near jamming Room: 160C |
Xia, Ke Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University |
Session V2.00003 Computational spin caloritronics Room: 204AB |
Xue, Qikun Tsinghua University |
Session P27.00005 Crossover between weak localization and weak antilocalization in magnetically doped topological insulator Room: 258AB |
Yamamoto, Tetsuya Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session W45.00001 Hybrid Lipids as Line Active Molecules Room: 159 |
Yang, Hongbo Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H3.00004 Fermi pockets and the pseudogap in underdoped $Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8$ Room: 205AB |
Yang, Luyi UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session H19.00001 Doppler velocimetry of a current driven spin helix Room: 253AB |
Yang, Peidong UC, Berkeley |
Session A36.00002 Semiconductor nanostructures for artificial photosynthesis Room: 107C |
Yang, Weitao Duke University |
Session L35.00001 Progress in fractional perspectives of density functional theory Room: 107B |
Yankelevich, Tatiana Harvard |
Session L2.00003 Sakharov and his Times Room: 204AB |
Yavas, Omer Accelerator Technologies Institute, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey |
Session B2.00004 Marshak Lectureship: The Turkish Accelerator Center, TAC Room: 204AB |
Yazdani, Ali Princeton University |
Session A20.00002 Visualizing Helical Metals on Topological Insulators Room: 253C |
Ye, Jun University of Colorado at Boulder and NIST |
Session J19.00003 Many-body physics with ultracold alkali-earth fermions in optical lattices Room: 253AB |
Ye, Peide Purdue University |
Session V20.00001 Materials and Device Aspects of III-V 3D Transistors Room: 253C |
Yeom, Han Woong Department of Physics, POSTECH |
Session W27.00002 Radial band structure of a ultrathin liquid metal film Room: 258AB |
Yildirim, Taner NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 and UPENN/Philadelphia, PA 19104 |
Session L6.00004 Graphene Oxide Derived Carbons (GODC); High-Surface Area NanoPorous Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Carbon Capture Room: 206B |
Yodh, Arjun University of Pennsylvania |
Session J48.00004 Phonons and Rearrangements in Disordered Colloidal Glasses Room: 161 |
You, Lingchong Duke University |
Session T42.00005 Coping with stress in a synthetic world Room: 156C |
Yu, Clare University of California, Irvine |
Session L42.00001 A Condensed Matter Physicist Looks at Cancer and the Tumor Microenvironment Room: 156C |
Yu, Edward The University of Texas at Austin |
Session D27.00004 Quantum-well and quantum-dot structures for high-efficiency photovoltaics Room: 258AB |
Yu, Weiqiang Department of Physics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China |
Session W22.00001 NMR Study of Superconductivity and Spin Fluctuations in Intercalated Iron Selenides A$_y$Fe$_{2-x}$Se$_2$ Room: 254B |
Yun, Seok-Hyun (Andy) Harvard Medical School |
Session P43.00003 Time-lapse Microscopy of Colorectal Tumorigenesis In Vivo Room: 157AB |
Yunker, Peter Univ of Pennsylvania |
Session Y20.00004 Suppression of the coffee-ring effect by shape-dependent capillary interactions Room: 253C |
Zaera, Francisco University of California |
Session Q34.00006 Design of nanocatalysts for improved selectivity and stability Room: 107A |
Zandi, Roya University of California, Riverside |
Session H49.00005 Fluctuation-induced forces in a fluid membrane under tension Room: 162A |
Zank, Gary Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) and Physics Department, University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Session Y10.00002 The Space Radiation Environment in Energetic Particles at the Earth Room: 210A |
Zanni, Martin University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session L34.00001 Adding a dimension to the infrared spectra of interfaces: 2D SFG spectroscopy via mid-IR pulse shaping Room: 107A |
Zapperi, Stefano National Research Council of Italy CNR |
Session D43.00005 Avalanches in crack front propagation Room: 157AB |
Zeng, Chen Department of Physics, The George Washington University, Washington , DC 20052 |
Session D40.00005 Process-driven inference of biological network structure: feasibility, minimality, and multiplicity Room: 156A |
Zhang, Fajun Institut f\"ur Angewandte Physik, Universit\"at T\"ubingen, Germany |
Session Z46.00004 The Role of Multivalent Counterions in Protein Crystallization Room: 160AB |
Zhang, Fan (1) UT-Austin (2) UPenn |
Session Z27.00003 Spontaneous Quantum Hall Liquids Room: 258AB |
Zhang, Shoucheng Stanford University |
Session Q27.00003 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize Lecture: Topological insulators and superconductors Room: 258AB |
Zhitomirsky, Mike SPSMS, CEA-Grenoble |
Session L8.00001 Magnon pairing in Quantum Spin Nematic Room: 208 |
Zhou, Weidong University of Texas at Arlington |
Session V27.00005 Nanomembrane photonics for Si photonic integration and flexible optoelectronics Room: 258AB |
Zhou, Xingjiang Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 |
Session P3.00002 Distinct Fermi Surface Topology and nearly Isotropic Superconducting Gap in A$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$ Se$_{2}$ (A=K, Tl, Rb) Superconductors Room: 205AB |
Zhou, Yun Harvard University |
Session W20.00004 Nuclear Power in China Room: 253C |
Zia, R.K.P. Physics Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 |
Session J42.00001 Cyclic competition of four or more species: Results from mean field theory and stochastic simulations Room: 156C |
Zlotnick, Adam Indiana University |
Session Z46.00001 Experimental and theoretical studies of capsid self-assembly Room: 160AB |
Zong, Chenghang |
Session Y41.00001 Cancer Imaging Room: 156B |
Zuelicke, Ulrich Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Session J14.00002 Quantum-confined holes: More spin for your buck! Room: 212 |
Zumer, Slobodan University of Ljubljana and Jozef Stefan Institute |
Session Y27.00003 Quasi-two-dimensional Skyrmion lattices and other exotic structures in confined chiral nematic liquid crystals Room: 258AB |
Zunger, Alex University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 |
Session L27.00001 Use of First-Principles Theory to Identify materials and nano structures for next-generation solar cells Room: 258AB |
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