APS March Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 1
Monday–Friday, February 27–March 2 2012;
Boston, Massachusetts
Session D19: Invited Session: Novel Phases in Strongly Correlated Iridates
2:30 PM–4:54 PM,
Monday, February 27, 2012
Room: 253AB
Chair: Gang Cao, University of Kentucky
Abstract ID: BAPS.2012.MAR.D19.4
Abstract: D19.00004 : Honeycomb lattice spin-orbit Mott insulators*
4:18 PM–4:54 PM
Preview Abstract
Philipp Gegenwart
(I. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August University Goettingen)
Iridates displaying a Mott insulating state caused by the interplay of
electronic correlations and strong spin-orbit coupling have recently
attracted considerable attention. We focus on the honeycomb material
A$_{2}$IrO$_{3}$ (A=Na, Li), in which the topology of the underlying lattice
leads to interesting magnetic properties [1]. The strong spin-orbit coupling
in this 5d transition metal system is expected to result in
orbital-dependent highly anisotropic magnetic in-plane exchange [2]. The
combination of J$_{eff}$ = 1/2 and the underlying honeycomb lattice makes
A$_{2}$IrO$_{3}$ a promising candidate for the Kitaev model, which is
exactly solvable and has a spin-liquid ground state.
Our experimental data on Na$_{2}$IrO$_{3}$ prove a Mott insulating state of
effective J=1/2 moments with predominant antiferromagnetic coupling,
indicated by a Weiss temperature of $\theta =-$120 K. A bulk
antiferromagnetic transition occurs at a much reduced temperature of T$_{N}$
= 15 K and the reduced magnetic entropy suggests strong magnetic frustration
and/or low-dimensional magnetic interactions. The nature of the ordered
phase has also been studied by resonant x-ray spectroscopy near the Ir-L3
edge, providing evidence for an unconventional, most-likely zig-zag-type
spin ordering [3]. The latter may be related to next-nearest neighbour
exchange and/or a substantial Kitaev contribution in the Heisenberg-Kitaev
model [2]. Upon replacing Na with the smaller Li, one may enhance the
relative importance of the Kitaev contribution. For Mott insulating
Li$_{2}$IrO$_{3}$ we observe a similar ordering temperature of 15 K, while
the negative Weiss temperature is drastically reduced. These observations
are compatible with an enhancement of the Kitaev contribution compared to
the Na-system, suggesting that Li$_{2}$IrO$_{3}$ could be located close to
the Kitaev limit [5].
[1] Yogesh Singh and P. Gegenwart, Phys. Rev. B. 82, 064412 (2010).
[2] G. Jackeli and G. Khaliullin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 017205, (2009).
[3] X. Liu et al., Phys. Rev. B 83, 220403(R) (2011).
[4] Yogesh Singh, S. Manni, P. Gegenwart, arXiv:1106.0429v1.
[5] J. Reuther, R. Thomale, S. Trebst, Phys. Rev. B 84, 100406 (2011).
*Work in collaboration with Yogesh Singh and Soham Manni.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2012.MAR.D19.4